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L'Est Républicain L'Est Républicain

A selection of our best articles in Lorraine and Franche-Comté 🔴 Economy 🔵 Entrepreneurship 🟡 Innovation L'Est Républicain is a regional daily newspaper, founded on May 5, 1889 in Nancy. It is distributed in Lorraine and Franche-Comté through ten local editions. Since its creation, the newspaper of the Lorrains and Franche-Comtois has kept the same values: freedom of expression, reliability of information, proximity to its readers and the defense of a territory and its inhabitants. Since 2006, L'Est Républicain has belonged to the EBRA press group created by the Crédit Mutuel bank. EBRA is the largest press group in France …

Type: Media

122 50 78 504
Public Sénat Public Sénat

"Looking at the difference" Public interest television, Public Sénat provides information and training for citizens in public life, in complete independence and respect for pluralism, the news and parliamentary channel, Public Sénat is a 100% citizen channel. Our core business: monitoring and deciphering parliamentary and political news Our missions: showing, explaining and sharing politics and its issues with as many people as possible. PARLIAMENTARY AND POLITICAL NEWS - MAGAZINES - DOCUMENTARIES Public Sénat WHERE I want, WHEN I want, HOW I want: The political news channel is available on: TNT n°13, cable, satellite; 24/7 and simultaneously on; 3G mobile …

Type: Media

97 47 52 197
Institut des Risques Majeurs Institut des Risques Majeurs

Informing yourself to better prevent On the joint initiative of the French Ministry of the Environment and the General Council of Isère (Rhône-Alpes region - France), the Institute of Major Risks (IRMa) was created more than 30 years ago. This independent association based in Grenoble, has the mission of developing actions particularly in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes but also at the national level: - technical assistance to territories in order to contribute to the development and implementation of innovative projects with a social focus promoting the integration of natural and technological risks into local prevention policies; - support for applied research activities …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

45 7 33 14

Training, Research and Innovations for the protection of people against natural and technological risks. Training of Civil Security specialties; Scientific research; Innovations and New technologies; Prevention and Information on Natural and Technological Risks. Civil Security, Major Risks, Training, ICT & Geomatics, Prevention & Awareness, Scientific research, Rescue & Rescue, Forest Fire, Nautical, National Diving Center, Rescue-clearing, Mountain & hazardous environments, NRBCE, and MSGU

Type: Public

35 10 20 68
Université d'Orléans Université d'Orléans

Source de talents depuis 1306 The University of Orléans (French: Université d'Orléans) is a renowned French university, in the Academy of Orléans and Tours.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

56 16 37 1,728
Citizen Press Citizen Press

Agence de communication spécialisée dans les stratégies éditoriales et la production de contenus print/web/vidéo. Citizen Press is an editorial communications agency based in Paris and London. Initially created as a news agency, Citizen Press strives to retain its journalistic culture: investigation, fact-checking, and quality reader-centric writing form our core expertise. With the creativity and responsiveness of a communications agency, Citizen Press delivers the highest standard of editorial communication. Our team excels in producing tailored, animated or scripted content and proposing multi-media editorial strategies to its clients in order to create a lasting bond with their audiences. Editorial, Information plurimédia, Content …

Type: Media

70 3 69 32
Conseil Français de l'Énergie - World Energy Council France Conseil Français de l'Énergie - World Energy Council France

French Committee of the World Energy Council - World Energy Council - since 1923 President: Jean-Bernard Lévy Secretary General / Executive Director: Marie-Line Vaiani The French Energy Council is the national committee representing France to the World Energy Council, a body recognized by the United Nations, which brings together more than 3,000 public and private organizations from more than 90 countries. A recognized public utility association, founded in 1923, the French Energy Council brings together the main French players in the energy sector (companies, administrations, professional organizations or universities) involved in discussions that prioritize the dimensions of accessibility, availability and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

30 0 25 10
University of Pau and Adour Countries University of Pau and Adour Countries

L'UPPA fait partie des 17 universités françaises d'excellence labellisées I-SITE pour son projet E2S UPPA. The Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour is located at the foot of the Pyrenees, in the southwest of France. It has five campuses with degrees in all non-medical disciplines: Arts and Sciences, Humanities and Engineering.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

50 13 38 1,739
A3M - Alliance for Minerals, Metals ores and Metals A3M - Alliance for Minerals, Metals ores and Metals

Solution facilitator, action partner: the innovative metal forerunners of the industrial sector A3M, the Alliance for Minerals, Metal ores and Metals brings together companies involved in the extraction, production, processing and recycling of metals and industrial minerals to increase their representativeness, efficiency and synergy in order to achieve their sustainable development and competitiveness objectives. A3M brings together around 350 companies (38% of which are SMEs, 54% are ISEs and 8% are large groups). These industries, which create value for all, represent 62,500 direct jobs and 41 billion euros in turnover (37% of which is exported). With world leaders and companies …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech industry 4.0

24 9 20 8
2000 emplois, 2000 sourires 2000 emplois, 2000 sourires

Bringing a smile: this is the primary objective of the association 2,000 jobs, 2,000 smiles, which organizes a job forum every year to support job seekers in their efforts.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

18 8 8 8
Conseil départemental du Finistère Conseil départemental du Finistère

Finistère, the department where everything can (re)start! Discover our job offers at the tip of Brittany. Finistère is waiting for you You have a professional project and are looking for a living environment that is favorable to your personal and family development. Department of 900,000 inhabitants, with preserved nature, a diversified economy, a rich culture and one of the schools of excellence, Finistère is the department where everything can (re)start for you! First of all, the quality of life The omnipresent sea, a culture in phase between tradition and modernity, a marked identity and authenticity, inhabitants open to the world …

Type: Public

51 30 18 833

IRSN – Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety – is the French national public expert in nuclear and radiological risks. Its activities cover all the related scientific and technical issues. Its areas of specialization include the environment and radiological emergency response, human radiation protection in both a medical and professional capacity, and in both normal and post-accident situations, the prevention of major accidents, nuclear reactor safety, as well as safety in plants and laboratories, transport and waste treatment, and nuclear defense expertise. IRSN interacts with all parties concerned by these risks (public authorities, in particular nuclear safety and security …

Type: Public

52 18 38 1,134

EMERGENCY TRANSPORTED Courier - Urgent/Express Transport - Sensitive Transport From parcels to full trucks - 7 days a week ENVOYE SPECIAL is a company specializing in courier services, urgent transport and regular shuttles, offering the most comprehensive range of vehicles and services on the market. We carry out missions ranging from single items to semi-complete items. The employees who lead the Envoyé spécial team all have experience in our professions. Our interventions are carried out during the day, at night, on weekends and on public holidays. 90% of our activity is carried out with our own staff and equipment. ENVOYE …

Type: Media

290 193 99 112
Zéro Wattheure Zéro Wattheure

Energy savings provider 💚 | Sustainable, fast and work-free savings ⚡ Zéro Wattheure is the leading energy savings provider with fast results in both kWh not consumed and avoided expenses for all its customers. Located on the Saclay plateau in Palaiseau, in the EDF Lab premises, Zéro Wattheure has been supporting businesses and local authorities since 2017 through innovative and personalized solutions to achieve sustainable energy and water savings without work. Zéro Wattheure has one goal: Zero unnecessary energy consumption! In a few figures: 8,000 users 98% satisfied customers A growth of 25% each year Contact us: 0800.300.337 (Free Service …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech consulting greentech Technologies: IoT

30 2 29 7
Azur Drones Azur Drones

Leader in drone-in-a-box solutions for surveillance, inspection and operation support Azur Drones is one of the world leaders in drone-in-a-box solutions. The company’s SKEYETECH E2 solution is the most advanced multi-application platform to protect people, assets, and the environment. Operational 24/7, operated remotely Beyond Visual Line of Sight, Skeyetech E2 is the most deployed drone-in-a-box solution in the world. Made in France and adopted by the most demanding industrials or government entities, it is a perfect tool to handle your surveillance, inspection, and operational support. Azur Drones provides all the necessary support to deploy and maintain Skeyetech E2 in operational …

Type: Startup Activities: drones Technologies: Drones

41 16 27 66
ACWA Robotics ACWA Robotics

Robotic innovation for water supply networks Acwa Robotics develops robotic and digital solutions to help water utilities around the world map and assess the condition of their network. Our revolutionary autonomous robots move through pipes over long distances without disrupting water distribution and collect key data (visual defects, corrosion, leaks, residual thickness) to help water utilities decide when and where to renew or rehabilitate at-risk sections of the network. clean water, robotic, AI, eaupotable, robotique, deeptech, canalisation, reseaudeau, cleantech, aixmarseille, bastia, and engineering

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech water management Technologies: Robotics A.I.

66 23 53 23
Minerve Technology Minerve Technology

Design, production, installation and monitoring of water disinfection facilities Minerve Technology is a young innovative company that designs, manufactures, installs and monitors water disinfection facilities using the most environmentally friendly technologies, without compromising on technical and economic performance. Depending on the applications, these facilities treat from a few cubic meters of water per day to several hundred cubic meters of water per hour. Our equipment provides solutions adapted to all types of sectors in compliance with their constraints and quality objectives: drinking water, agri-food industry, cardboard/paper industry, etc. Water disinfection, Solutions for healthcare facilities, Solutions for agri-food, Solutions for industrial …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech industry 4.0 manufacturing water management

49 8 46 15
Hytech-imaging Hytech-imaging

From light to Earth information Democratising the use of spectral imaging for environmental mapping and monitoring in civil and defence applications : - design and operation of multi-sensor spectral image acquisition systems - development of data processing methods for airborne and satellite images - deployment of software solutions for integrating spectral information into your business solutions Acquisition of hyperspectral data, Hyperspectral Data Processing and Analysis, Expertise and R&D in hyperspectral, hyperspectral, remote sensing, SDB, AHB, and User Uptake

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

27 2 19 13
AquaTech Innovation AquaTech Innovation

Collect, purify, recycle, regenerate to save our water resources. AquaTech Innovation is a GreenTech company, based in Montpellier and labeled Greentech Innovation by the Ministry of Ecological Transition. We design innovative solutions to limit the impact of economic and tourist activities on water resources. Our solutions save water and protect the environment from pollution from domestic wastewater, and adapt to any type of location (cities, sensitive environments, isolated areas, campsites, ports, etc.). A complete range for: - Conducting a consumption study to understand needs, - Monitoring, controlling and analyzing consumption using our digital solutions, - Collecting and treating black and …

Type: Startup Activities: water management cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

96 21 87 18
Vertigo Lab Vertigo Lab

Notre ambition : contribuer à basculer notre modèle économique vers un futur souhaitable. Vertigo is a consultancy specialized in environmental management. It works from local to international scale to develop innovative tool to reconnect environmental management with public policy and the economy. Recently, Vertigo has worked with national institutions to value the benefits of biodiversity conservation, undertake cost-benefit analyses, and develop conservation financial planning or payments for ecosystem services. Vertigo currently aims to extend these economic tools to the management of broader issues such as water management, agroecology, natural resource efficiency, new types of economy (such as functional or community-based …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech fintech greentech

47 6 41 23
Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA) Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA)

Fundació Institut Català de Recerca de l'Aigua (ICRA) Som Sistema CERCA. We welcome you to the Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA-CERCA). This research institute was created on 26 October 2006 by the Government of Catalonia within the framework of the Research Centres Programme of Catalonia (CERCA), and was inaugurated on 7 October 2009. The trustees supporting it are the Catalonia Government’s Department of Economy and Knowledge (DECO), the Catalan Water Agency (ACA) and the University of Girona (UdG). The Catalan Regional Government has pledged its backing to the ICRA-CERCA as a multidisciplinary water research centre. It is an international …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: water management

7 1 3 85
ORDIF (Observatoire régional des déchets en Île-de-France) ORDIF (Observatoire régional des déchets en Île-de-France)

Regional Waste Observatory in Île-de-France Regional Waste Observatory of Île-de-France ORDIF is an association created in 1992 by the State and the Île-de-France Region which today brings together 80 stakeholders or groups of stakeholders from the Île-de-France waste sector representing the State and its decentralized organizations, the Île-de-France Region and its associated organizations, the General Councils, inter-municipal groups with expertise in waste management, professionals and stakeholders in waste management, consular chambers and associations. ORDIF's missions are to develop knowledge, centralize and disseminate information and network stakeholders in waste management in Île-de-France.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

39 6 23 10

Urban development and real estate development subsidiary of SNCF, within SNCF Immobilier Within SNCF Immobilier, Espaces Ferroviaires is the project owner, developer and real estate developer of the SNCF Group. The company breathes new life into railway sites that are no longer used for operation, throughout France. Its teams enhance the value of these exceptional land assets, in order to create the city of tomorrow in partnership with local authorities, developers, social landlords, investors and users. Real estate, Real estate development, Urban development, Railway land, Land valuation, Industrial heritage, Urban planning, City of tomorrow, Low-carbon districts, eco-districts, ISO 14001:2015, Transitional …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

40 13 32 67
TBI - Toulouse Biotechnology Institute, Bio & Chemical Engineering TBI - Toulouse Biotechnology Institute, Bio & Chemical Engineering

UMR INRAE ​​792 and UMR CNRS / INSA Toulouse 5504. At the interface between life sciences and process sciences. Toulouse Biotechnology Institute (TBI ex LISBP), Bio&Chemical Engineering, located on the campus of the National Institute of Applied Sciences of Toulouse (INSA) combines fundamental and applied research in biotechnologies and processes. Multi-supervision (INSA, CNRS, INRAE), combining scientific excellence with economic and societal relevance, the laboratory with a staff of more than 320 people synergizes multi and interdisciplinary skills in Life Sciences and Engineering Sciences. Through the scientific fronts that the unit addresses and its excellent level of results, TBI is a …

Type: Public

21 9 9 122

ENVIROBAT CENTRE, resource center on the environmental quality of buildings in the Centre-Val de Loire region. Resource Center of the Centre Val de Loire region dedicated to the Environmental Quality of the Built Environment. Our association supports professionals in the region in the transfer of knowledge, networking and the development of projects in favor of sustainable buildings for today and tomorrow.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

22 5 4 7

Departmental Syndicate for Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation of Lot & Garonne The Departmental Syndicate EAU47, a Local Public Establishment, has three skills: Drinking Water, Collective and Non-Collective Sanitation. Two operating modes: Public Service Delegation (DSP) and Direct Management. The scope of EAU47 includes 260 municipalities out of the 320 municipalities in the Lot & Garonne Department. EAU47 is a key player in the management of Drinking Water and Collective and Non-Collective Sanitation. Key Figures: - 102,000 DRINKING WATER subscribers - 41,800 COLLECTIVE SANITATION subscribers - 47,800 NON-COLLECTIVE SANITATION subscribers

Type: Public Activities: water management

15 3 13 36
Up2green Reforestation Up2green Reforestation

Become a player of community-based Reforestation and Agroforestry programs with us! We need you! Up2green Reforestation is a non-profit French organization whose mission is to create, develop and coordinate communitary reforestation or agroforestry programs. Our partners are private companies or local authorities involved in a CSR approach, and individuals. Our programs respond in particular to the Sustainable Development Objectives: 13 (fight against climate change), 15 (terrestrial life) and 1 (eradicate poverty). The beneficiaries of the programs are local communities, owners of the trees planted. Founded in 2009, Up2green Reforestation has planted more than 6 million trees in 12 countries, involving …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

15 3 12 9

International Center for Research on Environment and Development. CIRED is a Joint Research Unit (UMR 8568) under the main supervision of the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the National School of Bridges and Roads, with the Center for International Cooperation in Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD), AgroParisTech and the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS). At the CNRS, CIRED is attached to CNRS Human and Social Sciences. Director: Franck Lecocq Environment, Development, Climate, Environmental economics, Development economics, Public economics, Prospective modeling, Energy transition, Climate change, Climate negotiation, Agriculture, Game theory, Biodiversity, Low carbon transition, Land …

Type: Public

52 11 39 88
LE STUDIUM Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies LE STUDIUM Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies

Established in 1996 and inspired by the historical, geographical and human cultures of the Loire Valley, LE STUDIUM Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies covers all research domains in one global initiative aiming at boosting international scientific exchanges in the Centre-Val de Loire region and creating a dynamic scientific community that supports research and innovation. Headquartered in the city centre of Orleans, right next to the Orléans’ cathedral, in the former episcopal palace built between 1635 and 1641, locally known as the Hôtel Dupanloup and which served of residence to the bishops of Orléans until 1905, the institute displays exceptional …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

17 5 14 20
Parc national des Cévennes Parc national des Cévennes

Compte officiel du Parc national des Cévennes #Parcnational #Cévennes #Biodiversité #Environnement #Ecologie Parc national des Cévennes is a government administration company based out of 6 bis place du Palais, Florac, France. environment and biodiversity

Type: Public

16 6 7 59
Institut de Chimie Organique et Analytique - ICOA UMR7311 Institut de Chimie Organique et Analytique - ICOA UMR7311

ICOA is a public research laboratory under the supervision of the University of Orléans and the CNRS (UMR 7311). ICOA is a research laboratory under the supervision of the University of Orléans and the CNRS (UMR 7311), located on the University campus and housed in a building of approximately 4,000 m2. The Laboratory's mission is to identify new bioactive molecules that can find applications in therapeutics and cosmetics. The scientific approach extends from the design of new structures by molecular modeling, to the synthesis of new organic molecules (heterocyclic compounds, sugar derivatives and nucleoside analogues), to extraction from the natural …

Type: Public

14 2 4 62
Lyon Vallée de la Chimie Lyon Vallée de la Chimie

Bringing the Transition to Life Together 🏭 Lyon Vallée de la Chimie is a major industrial and economic platform integrated into the leading industrial agglomeration in France (outside Île-de-France). 🔎A strategic area at the southern entrance to Lyon: 2,000 ha, 14,000 direct jobs in the chemistry-energy-environment sectors, 2,500 researchers. ✅It is above all a regional project supported by the Métropole de Lyon to accelerate and support the #ecological transition of the industrial platform!

Type: Public

37 8 25 1

Let's decarbonize ! FEDENE is the federation of renewable heat. FEDENE has 500 member companies of all sizes which generate 11 billion euros in annual turnover in France with more than 60,000 employees. Their common objective: to decarbonize heat by promoting sobriety and efficiency.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

76 13 62 34
Chambre d'agriculture d'Eure-et-Loir Chambre d'agriculture d'Eure-et-Loir

Job offers in the Chamber (Centre Val de Loire): Chamber of Agriculture of Eure-et-Loir (28): news, practical and technical information, help for employment and training and rural tourism.

Type: Media

28 7 9 62
Faculté d'Economie - Université de Montpellier Faculté d'Economie - Université de Montpellier

An excellent training for highly qualified professions The Faculty of Economics is one of the many components of the University of Montpellier such as Medicine, Pharmacy, Law, STAPS etc... The Faculty of Economics acquired its autonomy in 1971, rue Cardinal de Cabrières, in the heart of Montpellier. In 1995, it moved to the Richter campus on avenue Raymond Dugrand, which has become a strategic place in Montpellier. Located between the new town hall, the regional hotel and the beach road (Carnon, Palavas les Flots, La Grande Motte...), the Faculty of Economics offers an ideal setting to all its students. The …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

56 5 52 31
MEDEF Centre Val de Loire MEDEF Centre Val de Loire

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture

33 7 28 8
Syntec Ingenierie Syntec Ingenierie

Impulsons ensemble les grandes transitions ! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ingénierie, Bâtiment, Infrastructures, Environnement, Industries, Conseil en technologie, and Géotechniciens

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

97 26 76 48

Météo-France is a public administration placed under the authority of the Ministry of Sustainable Development, with the main mission to observe and to forecast the evolution of the atmosphere, the snow cover and the surface of the ocean and thus to ensure the security of life and property. Météo-France has many centres in France (mainland), in all the overseas departments and in all parts of the world where France is present, including Terre Adélie in French Antarctica. Nearly 80% of Météo-France personnel are either engineers or technicians whose level of education is between that of university graduate and doctorate level.

Type: Public

154 98 55 1,573
Formation Professionnelle Continue Sorbonne Université Formation Professionnelle Continue Sorbonne Université

💡 A universe of knowledge to transform into performance. Continuing education in Sciences, Humanities and Health 👀Sorbonne University's continuing professional education offers training for professionals and businesses, drawing on the university's wealth of research and training, the expertise of its teacher-researchers in sciences, literature, health and medicine, and over 50 years of activity in the field of continuing professional education. The training offer provides an adapted and personalized response to the needs of professionals, businesses, communities and administrations. The training is for all audiences regardless of age or level of education. We offer short-term qualifying training courses designed to meet …

Type: Public

116 56 45 11
Générations Futures Générations Futures

Protecting future generations from pesticides and other chemicals. Générations Futures is an association specializing in the fight against chemical pollution and particularly synthetic pesticides. It aims to protect the most vulnerable groups and campaigns for a future that respects future generations, resulting in the definitive elimination of these pollutants. As part of these campaigns, the association conducts surveys and regularly publishes studies for the general public and political decision-makers. The aim of this work is to denounce the health and environmental impact of pesticides on citizens and consumers on the one hand and to change regulations in the direction of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

50 13 38 10
Urban Act | Architecture artisane et urbanisme de terrain Urban Act | Architecture artisane et urbanisme de terrain

Architecture and territorial ecology agency Architecture and urban planning agency based in Paris created in 2006 by Alexandre BOUTON, winner of the Young Urbanists Awards. Our skills: 🌿 Assistance to project management: Urban and architectural feasibility Urban programming Territorial ecology Monitoring and foresight Consultation and co-construction 🗺️ Urban project management: Territorial projects Urban and landscape projects Project management of public spaces Integration of mobility infrastructures Ecosystem and environmental engineering Project management 🏗️ Architectural project management: Equipment, housing, offices and shops Functional diversity Bioclimatic architecture and energy transition Wood construction

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech smart city

13 3 11 11
Mission Risques Naturels (MRN) Mission Risques Naturels (MRN)

Mission of insurance companies, for the knowledge and prevention of natural risks The Natural Risk Mission (MRN), is an association created by the insurance profession in 2000. Its purpose is to enable the insurance profession to contribute to a better knowledge, prevention and adaptation to current and future natural risks. As part of its mission, the MRN carries out institutional and technical, scientific, educational and documentary activities. It constitutes a space conducive to reflection, analysis and exchanges between its members. It develops innovative services and tools allowing a better knowledge and reduction of the vulnerability of issues exposed to natural …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

25 2 14 14
Cité des sciences et de l'industrie Cité des sciences et de l'industrie

Science is still important! A place for sharing and meeting, the Cité des sciences et de l’industrie strives to help everyone, regardless of their background, discover, understand and love science and technology, industrial know-how and their challenges. To this end, the Cité offers a rich and varied cultural offering aimed at audiences of all ages: fun and interactive temporary and permanent exhibitions, shows, a Science and Industry Library, a Children's City, a Health City, a Careers City, conferences, symposiums and debates, spaces dedicated to new technologies and collaborative experiments with a Fab Lab and a Living Lab, and finally, publications, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

182 119 73 348
UniLaSalle UniLaSalle

Grande École at the heart of the energy, agronomic, food and digital transitions. Tomorrow starts here! UniLaSalle is a post-baccalaureate engineering school that offers its students 3 engineering programs recognized by the CTI: Agronomy and Agroindustries, Food & Health and Earth Sciences and Environment. Its areas of expertise thus cover agroresources, agronomic and animal sciences, technical and agro-industrial sciences, agrifood and nutrition, industrial geosciences and the environment. UniLaSalle is part of the global network of La Salle universities. The school is the result of the merger between LaSalle Beauvais and Esitpa Higher Education and Research

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

81 25 54 846

Sustainably regenerate soils YpHen is a deeptech whose ambition is to create ecological solutions for soil remediation. Convinced that biotechnologies and cutting-edge industrial capacities will enable the sustainable restoration of our environment, we design decontamination and recovery products for industry, agriculture and the environment. Biotechnology, Mycology, Encapsulation of ingredients and microorganisms, R&D and production of microspheres and biopolymers for the environment, and Production of soil biomedicines

Type: Startup Activities: agritech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

11 0 9 4
MATERRUP Ciments bas carbone MATERRUP Ciments bas carbone

Local cement and low carbon uncalcined clay | EIC accelerator | Frenchtech2030 | GreenTech | Deeptech | Climatetech Materrup, a young industrial company with an impact, produces a low carbon structural cement type 42.5, based on uncalcined clay from the territories. This local cement reduces CO2 emissions by half, without compromising the performance or quality of the concrete. This uncalcined clay cement is an immediate response to the challenges of the cement/concrete sector in search of less energy-intensive, less carbon-intensive and economical solutions on a global scale. For more information: architecture, sustainable construction, earth, concrete, low carbon solutions, material, …

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: cleantech constructiontech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

77 22 64 15
iNex Circular iNex Circular

Make some companies waste, the ressources of the others iNex-Circular, the first European platform for implementing synergies in the circular economy to optimise your waste and raw material management. 30,000 companies registered in France, Belgium and Spain. More than 100 customers in Europe. économie circulaire, plateforme btob, waste, déchets, Ressources, circular economy, plateforme, industriels, and valorisation

Type: Startup Activities: civictech cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

27 12 16 16
Orus Energy Orus Energy

Powering the energy transition with demand-side flexibility The flexibility of the electricity grid is what will make or break the energy transition to a decarbonized and renewable electricity mix. ‍ We are leveraging the power of AI to unlock a tremendous potential of electrical flexibility in your commercial buildings.

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: A.I. Decarbonization

30 10 16 17

Democratizing Molecular Simulation Software development and associated services in the field of molecular simulation for Renewable Energies, Environment & Innovative Materials. SaaS, Cloud, Molecular Simulation, Software editor, and Numerical Simulation

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

13 6 5 4
Betterway Betterway

Betterway is the solution dedicated to employee mobility in companies 🚀☀️ Betterway is the first universal pass dedicated to employee mobility. 🍃 The solution provides access to all sustainable means of transport for the daily journeys of employees and more broadly citizens. Thanks to a universally accepted physical and virtual Mastercard pass, employees can freely choose their mode of transport for their home-work journey or their professional appointments, without changing their habits. The company benefits from a web-app to manage its employees' mobility accounts (budget, accepted mobility, parameters) and has the documents allowing it to simplify its internal processes. Now …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech it services Technologies: Decarbonization

43 6 40 68

Environmental intelligence for smart decisions. Mitigate environmental risks & positively contribute to health/wellbeing Meersens - certified #GreenTech & #DeepTech - is a positively impactful company in the field of environmental health (☁️ air, 💧water, 📣 noise, 🌻 pollen, 🔥 fire, 🌦️ weather, ☀️UV...). Our mission: to build a sustainable future by mitigating environmental risks and promoting the well-being of all stakeholders - by offering personalized environmental monitoring and prevention. Thanks to our cutting-edge tools (SaaS, API, IoT, App), you benefit from 360°, real-time, historical, and predictive information on a multitude of pollutants, for any location. This high precision data enables …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech deeptech greentech healthtech biotech Technologies: A.I. IoT Sensors A.I. - Machine Learning

79 16 74 9
Altaroad Altaroad

Tracer vos matériaux et déchets n'a jamais été aussi simple ! 🎯 Altaroad est une start-up innovante française fondée en 2017 par trois profils complémentaires (Télécom ParisTech/HEC, X/ Ponts et chaussées, UC Riverside), spin off de l'École Polytechnique, de l’université Gustave Eiffel (ex Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées) et du CNRS. ALTAROAD fournit une plateforme de suivi des flux poids lourds sur chantiers et sites industriels, afin de : - réduire les coûts de transport, - améliorer la sécurité et tracer l’impact carbone, - assurer la conformité réglementaire, - permettre la traçabilité de bout en bout des matériaux et …

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech greentech smart city Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Decarbonization IoT Sensors

82 23 51 34
International Weather Forum【Media Workshop】 International Weather Forum【Media Workshop】

An unmissable event for education and mobilization in climatic issues. Created in 2004, the International Météo and Climate Forum is an annual event dedicated to awareness of climatic issues which remains a major challenge for humanity. Even if the citizens are + conscious, concerns and misunderstandings remain. The International Weather and Climate Forum promotes synergy between the general public, civil society actors, scientists and weather presenters. Sustainable development, CSR, innovation, education, conference, awareness of the general public, weather, climate, exchanges, and debates

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

128 13 127 5
Agence Bretonne de la Biodiversité Agence Bretonne de la Biodiversité

Contribute to taking up the challenge of the reconquest of biodiversity in Brittany, for and with the actors of the territory. In direct contact with the territories, the Breton biodiversity agency and its partners support, collectively or individually, project leaders favorable to biodiversity in access to skills, resources and funding. The agency brings together players in the #Biodiversitybzh community for better sharing of knowledge and stronger mobilization around this major issue. More info 👉 Find on this page: 📅 Professional events #BiodiversityBzh 🗞 The latest news #biodiversitybzh 📢 calls for Breton actors in #BiodiversityBzh biodiversity, environment, support, and projects

Type: Public

37 7 36 18
Bio-Énergies Diffusion Bio-Énergies Diffusion

Our values: quality, ecology, customer relations Bio-energy diffusion is the n ° 1 of geothermal energy throughout the southwest of France. Since 2005, we have installed more than 1000 heat pumps with our customers: individual houses, businesses and communities. We also offer solar installations coupled with batteries to reach 95% of energy independence.

Type: SMB Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

14 2 12 16
Observatoire de Paris | PSL Observatoire de Paris | PSL

The Paris Observatory is a PSL university component Public higher education and research establishment. The Paris Observatory | PSL fulfills three main missions: - research, by contributing to the progress of knowledge of the universe, - initial and continuous training, - The dissemination of knowledge. Research carried out at the Paris Observatory cover all the fields of astronomy and contemporary astrophysics. The Paris Observatory is a component of PSL University astronomy, astrophysics, spatial, teaching, history of science, and metrology

Type: Public

24 7 7 372
ecosystem ecosystem

We work to develop eco-design, repair, re-use, depollution and recycling of electrical equipment We are an eco-organism, that is to say a company of general non-profit interest, approved by the public authorities. We are working to extend the lifespan of household and electronic equipment by supporting repair and re -use. We ensure their depollution and recycling when it has become waste, as well as that of professional electrical and electronic equipment, bulbs and used small extinguishers. There are many players in the sector, and our interlocutors various. Producers, distributors, holders, communities, waste managers, solidarity networks, logistics and treatment providers, but …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

66 26 51 269
Adapei 45 Adapei 45

Adapei 45, act together to build our future Management of establishments & amp; Services: This support is done thanks to 32 establishments and services throughout the Loiret, which represents 1180 places for people with disabilities, young and adults. 600 professionals put their skills at the service of these people. This brings together: Educational and social jobs: educators, monitors, medico-psychological assistance, social workers ... Medical and paramedical jobs: pediatricians, psychiatrists, nurses, psychologists, speech therapists, psychomotricians, physiotherapists Supervision jobs: Directors, Heads of Service, Administrative, and General Services. Actions to families: The association allows support for young people, adults, retirees, but it also …

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech consumer services

17 0 17 210
World Impact Summit World Impact Summit

🇫🇷Sommet International des Solutions à Impact Positif 🇬🇧Global Gathering for Actionable Climate Solution - Bordeaux 🇫🇷 Le World Impact Summit revient pour une 6ème édition les 7 et 8 mars 2024 à Bordeaux. Rejoignez-nous au Palais de l'Atlantique pour interagir avec les 10,000 participants, 200 intervenants et 300 innovateurs et porteurs de solutions à impact positif. REJOIGNEZ DÈS À PRÉSENT L’ÉCOSYSTÈME DES ACTEURS DE LA TRANSITION DURABLE ! 🌍🌊 Plus d'information sur : et en utilisant le hashtag de l'évènement #WISolutions ---------------------------------------- 🇫🇷 The World Impact Summit returns for a 6th edition on March 7 and 8, 2024 in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

67 22 55 10
CFA TP Bretagne CFA TP Bretagne

Since 2002 the CFA TP Bretagne has trained high -performance professionals at the service of public works. The CFA welcomes 250 apprentices each year and offers the following training courses: - CAP builder of roads, - CAP manufacturer of pipes, - CAP driver of gear, - Bac pro public works, - BTS Public Works. For more information: Facebook: Instagram: Cfatpbtre Twitter: @cfa_tp CFA, Public Works, CAP, BAC PRO, BTS, Learning, Training, Road Manufacturer, manufacturer of pipes of pipes, vehicle driver, team leader, and site manager

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

88 11 82 3

A Family of Passionate People At Monin, we are a family full of flavor enthusiasts that takes pride in the work we do, and the liquid we fill each bottle with. Founded in 1912, by Frenchman and small-town manufacturer, Georges Monin, the company is still family owned, three generations of Monin later. How did it all start? Well back in the early 1900's, in Bourges, France, Georges Monin was hosting his family for dinner when his brother-in-law asked for an after-dinner drink. As a self - proclaimed flavor enthusiast and avid cook, Georges loved to entertain. He reveled in family …

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech

24 8 20 58
IIBSN (Institution Interdépartementale du Bassin de la Sèvre Niortaise) IIBSN (Institution Interdépartementale du Bassin de la Sèvre Niortaise)

The IIBSN (Interdepartmental Institution of the Sèvre Niortaise Basin) is a territorial public establishment created and funded by the Departmental Councils of Charente-Maritime, Deux-Sèvres and Vendée. The IIBSN is the owner and manager of the public river domain of Sèvre Niortaise, the Autize (s) and the Mignon.

Type: Public

3 1 1 15

National Laboratory of Metrology and Tests For more than a century and constantly turned to the future, the LNE is responsible for supporting and arouse innovation. The LNE professions are oriented around two objectives: technological sovereignty and the security of citizens. His research work constitutes the base on which 5 trades are based: metrology, tests, expertise, certification and training. The LNE supports manufacturers and supports public authorities to promote the emergence of new technologies. LNE Nanotech, Leia, Melodi, Matis ... The LNE is endowed with several multi -plan multi -level platforms at the national and international level. Bringing together human …

Type: Public

41 15 28 664

French association of geothermal professionals AFPG, a French association of geothermal professionals, was created on June 15, 2010 in Paris. AFPG has in 2024, more than 130 members, representative of the various geothermal energy professions in mainland France and in DROMs: Foreurs, manufacturers and installers of heat pumps, heat network managers, design offices in Geosciences and thermal, universities and research organizations, associations and unions, energy, investors, etc ... It is organized in 2 main sectors: - surface geothermal energy - Deep geothermal energy AFPG is the organization that federates and represents French professionals in geothermal energy. It also contributes to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

27 10 23 20
nékoé, asso d'utilité inspirante nékoé, asso d'utilité inspirante

Association of active economic development since 2009 in the Center-Val de Loire region, we create and share methods and tools for a sustainable development of companies and their ecosystem to work together to enrich the territory. Our actions: • Make known, show that it is possible, offer a side step (discovery webinaries, workshops, fresco of the economic transition ...) • Transform reality, act concretely (training course, indidual support) • Federate, develop synergies and cooperation (meet the actors of the territory, animate and form an ecosystem to work together and instill the dynamics of new economic models on the territory) Design …

Type: Incubators & VCs

16 6 11 9
Revue L'Eau l'Industrie les Nuisances Revue L'Eau l'Industrie les Nuisances

The journal L'Eau, Industrie, Nuisances, specialized in the field of water offers high -level information each month (for over 40 years).

Type: Media

24 5 20 6
Université de Poitiers Université de Poitiers

A university committed to a more sustainable world The University of Poitiers is a French university located in Poitiers, in Aquitaine-Limousin-Poitou-Charentes. It is multidisciplinary and helps to make Poitiers the city having the highest student/resident report in France by welcoming nearly 24,000 students (in 2008). She is currently chaired by Professor Yves Jean. The University is a member of the Confederal University Léonardo da Vinci. (Source: Wikipedia) Research, training, innovation, culture, and international

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

57 24 27 3,359
Union Nationale des Aménageurs Union Nationale des Aménageurs

Solutions aggregators and the partner of communities for the development of their territory. UNAM is the employers' organization of development professionals. It brings together private and public owners throughout the territory, including overseas, which carry out all types of projects: • The realization of habitat districts • the establishment of new local shops • Funding for public services or equipment • The creation of logistics or activity zones • The retraining of military, industrial or commercial wasteland • or the preservation of architectural and landscape heritage Our mission: we strengthen synergies between all the players in the sector to deploy …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

43 6 28 17

Climate energy department of the Paris Region Institute The Arec Île-de-France-Energy-Climate Department of the Paris Institute Region The Energy Climate Department was created within the Institute in 2017 following the integration of activities and employees of the Arene Île-de-France. The Île-de-France region wished to rely on the department's expertise and engineering capacity to create the AREC ÎDF, Regional Energy Climate Agency in Ile-de-France. Indeed, the Île-de-France region adopted on July 3, 2018 a regional energy strategy-climate which sets ambitious objectives in terms of sobriety, renewable energy production and reduction in energy dependence, with two horizons: ● By 2030, half reducing …

Type: Public

44 5 28 6
AUE - Agence d’Urbanisme et d’Energie de la Corse AUE - Agence d’Urbanisme et d’Energie de la Corse

AUE beside you for the apulugic transition! Nos Etopes Mettent Leur Expertise a Service of Vos Eurogement du Territoire Et de Maiteris D '# Energy en Corse AUE beside you for the apulugic transition!

Type: Public

25 4 12 58
C-VaLo C-VaLo

C-Valo, the new tool to innovate in the Val de Loire Center region. C-Valo aims to cover all the subjects of protection of intellectual property, technological maturation and technology transfer to socio-economic spheres. Valuation and technology transfer

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

61 7 60 9
Solscope Solscope

International exhibition of geotechnics, drilling and foundations - Revue Solscope Mag'​ - Géoportail Solscope, brand dedicated to geotechnics, drilling, and foundations. 🟠The Show: Next meeting, SOLSCOPE show on June 14 & 15, 2023 in Lyon EUREXPO Le Mag' 🟠Solscope Mag' is a magazine that appears 2 to 3 times a year. The journal has nearly 10,000 readers for each issue. The content is established by an editorial committee bringing together the sponsors of Solscope: the USG, the CFMS, the SOFFONS, the CINOV, SYNTEC Ingénierie, the CFGI, the SFEG, the UFCMF, the AITF, the CFMR and the UPDS 🟠Géoportail: news, current …

Type: Event

11 2 9 4
Sival Angers Sival Angers

The future of plant productions begins here! Connect to Tomorrow's Plant Production Angers 13-15/01/2026 ► Next appointment from January 13 to 15, 2026 in Angers #Sival26 Last edition took place from January 14 to 16, 2025 in Angers Sival is the reference trade fair for specialized vegetable productions, equipment fair, techniques and services: efficient and lasting solutions for plant productions: maraicing, arboriculture, viticulture, horticulture, nurseries, cider culture, seeds and plants, perfume plants, Aromatics and medicinal, new sectors. Each year, Sival is the essential appointment of plant actors at the Expo d'Angers park. ► He welcomed in 2025, nearly 25,000 visitors …

Type: Event

47 23 36 13
Siéml - Syndicat intercommunal d'énergies de Maine-et-Loire Siéml - Syndicat intercommunal d'énergies de Maine-et-Loire

The Inter-municipal Energy Union of Maine-et-Loire (Siéml) is a leading player in the public energy service in the department. Organizing authority for the public electricity distribution in permanent dialogue with the Enedis network manager, the union provides alongside the latter part of the work on the network and operates a public lighting network as well as recharge infrastructure for vehicles electric. It also contributes to the development of gas networks, heat networks and pilot the largest public group of gas and electricity purchasing in the department. Aggregator of public funding and developer of projects, he acts very concretely for the …

Type: Public

25 6 11 74
Sète Agglopôle Méditerranée Sète Agglopôle Méditerranée

Sète Aglopôle provides residents of the territory many public services and leads development projects The agglomeration community of the Thau Basin, born on January 1, 2017 of the merger between Thau Agglo and the CCNBT (Community of Communes of the North Thau Basin) has been renamed "Sète Agglopôle Mediterranean" since September 2017. 2nd agglomeration of Hérault after that of Montpellier, it brings together 14 municipalities and nearly 125,000 inhabitants. This cooperation finds its foundations in a remarkable environment, maritime and lagoon activities, very dense economic and cultural exchanges, as well as a history that has long been shared. The purposes …

Type: Public

26 21 4 199
🌱🌍 🎙Carbone Zéro, la radio 🎧 🌱🌍 🎙Carbone Zéro, la radio 🎧

Edition, production and dissemination of podcasts dedicated to our transformations and our low carbon trajectory 🌍 🌱️ Our reason for being? • highlight the solutions, innovations, projects and initiatives that help reduce our carbon footprint or support our environmental, social and societal transformations. • Give the floor to all those who act on a daily basis: territorial actors, companies, start-ups, institutional, experts, collectives, associations and citizens. • Promote our ecological and energy transition as an opportunity for growth but also as a lever for innovation, differentiation and performance. All our podcasts are available on the zero carbon site, radio and …

Type: Media

51 7 42 1
Da Vinci Labs Da Vinci Labs

AI | Quantum | Synthetic Biology - For the Planet Da Vinci Labs is an innovation hub dedicated to pioneering breakthroughs at the intersection of deep tech, sustainability, and human potential. Inspired by the visionary spirit of Leonardo da Vinci, we foster cutting-edge research, bold entrepreneurship, and transformative solutions for global challenges. What we do 1. Research and development – we invest and incubate emerging innovations using quantum AI, and synthetic biology, driving sustainability and impact. 2. Venture building – we nurture startups and provide strategic guidance, fundraising support, and an ecosystem to scale visionary ideas into market-ready solutions. 3. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

38 8 23 17
Protection Civile française Protection Civile française

Official account - 32,000 volunteers ready to rescue, train and help populations in France as well as abroad Civil protection is a 1901 law association, recognized as a public utility, approved by civil security which aims to implement all the means at its sight to ensure the protection of civilian populations in peacetime as in time of crisis or war. 32,000 volunteers, 500 local locations and no less than 98 associations make up the face of civil protection. These men and women devoted to the service of the population are involved on three major missions: helping, rescuing and training. First …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

40 14 21 556
Préfecture du Bas-Rhin Préfecture du Bas-Rhin

Official account of state services in the Grand Est region and in the Bas-Rhin department. The prefecture services provide the following missions: & gt; the representation and permanence of the State; & gt; the exercise of sovereign functions, especially in respect for laws; & gt; internal security and civil security; & gt; interdepartmental management and coordination, facilitated by reducing the number of decentralized services (DDI and UT); & gt; interdepartmental communication; & gt; the general regulation of public freedoms; & gt; immigration management; & gt; the functioning of local democracy; & gt; The exercise of prerogatives of public power. Interior …

Type: Public

169 100 113 203
Plante & Cité Plante & Cité

National technical center on green spaces and landscape Plant & amp; Cited: from research to operational Specialized in green spaces and the landscape, plant & amp; Cité is a national organization for studies and experiments. This technical center ensures the transfer of scientific knowledge to professionals in green spaces, businesses and local authorities. Plant & amp; City produces resources that meet the priority expectations of professionals: reduce phytosanitary products, save water, choose plants adapted to urban constraints, preserve biodiversity, understand the benefits of plants on health and well-being ... Plant & amp; Cité is a 1901 law association created in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

48 14 35 26
Pint of Science France Pint of Science France

The scientific popularization festival in bars and cafes. Next edition: May 19-21 2025 #pint25 Pint of Science is to provoke a meeting between sciences and the "real world" around a drink, provoke the meeting between scientists and general public, And lift the veil on discoveries, scientific and technological advances. From May 19 to 21, 2025 The Pint of Science festival is back throughout France, for a bars tour! This year, more decent fifty scientists leave their lab for a beer and a conversation, to reveal The secrets of their sciences, their projects, and their experiences to the general public …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

29 14 8 14
Parc national des Calanques Parc national des Calanques

A natural and cultural gem in the Mediterranean Created in 2012, the Calanques National Park is part of the 11 National Parks in France. It is the expression of a permanent interaction between man and nature. In the heart of the Aix-Marseille Provence metropolis, as a city-natural interface, it also has the particularity of expanding on a land and sailor territory. The richness and diversity of its fauna and flora are exceptional. Inhabited in his heart, and welcoming many professional and leisure activities, it is a living territory, a space for meetings, exchanges, commitment and creation.

Type: Public

27 12 15 81
Observ'ER (Observatoire des Énergies Renouvelables) Observ'ER (Observatoire des Énergies Renouvelables)

Observe informing and promotes the development of energies of Created in 1979, the observatory of renewable energies, better known as observing, has become a reference in the field of renewable energies and the energy transition in France and Europe. Observ'er publishes three Reference quarterly magazines: The Journal of Renewable Energies, the Photovoltaic Journal and the Aeolian Journal. Observ'ER also publishes a European barometer for renewable energies every two months. Renewable energies include: photovoltaic solar energy, low temperature thermal solar, high temperature solar energy, wind energy, hydraulic or hydroelectricity, geothermal energy, biomass itself composed by wood- energy, biogas and biofuels. Observ’er …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

43 5 40 17
La Réunion Développement La Réunion Développement

Regional Development Agency #Economic Réunion Développement is the agency dedicated to the development and economic promotion of the Reunion territory. Our mission is to support companies, communities and partners in their growth and internationalization projects. In connection with the regional strategy and in support of the ecological transition, we offer expertise in economic intelligence, in the development of structuring projects, in support of the conquest of external markets, while valuing the attractiveness of the meeting through the brand territorial. Territorial statistical information, territorial diagnostics and strategic watch, expertise and support for innovative or not projects, regional intelligent specialization strategy (S3), …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Public Activities: consulting

24 6 19 18
News Tank Cities News Tank Cities

In full knowledge News Tank Cities is a media from News Tank Network dedicated to housing, development and real estate players. 100 % digital, neutral, targeted and concise, News tank cities guarantees you exhaustive coverage of sector news through articles, associated sheets, selections, indicators, interviews, agendas, opinion stands and sectoral analyzes (in written formats, Podcast and videos), as well as a directory of people and organizations. All our content is made by a team of journalists, experts and professional contributors. Our services are accessible on subscription. Our model without advertising guarantees the readability and independence of the information produced. Do …

Type: Media

94 16 86 14
Musée du Louvre Musée du Louvre

Open to all since 1793! The Louvre museum is in particular to keep, protect, restore and present to the public the works of the collections registered on its inventories included those of the National Museum Eugène-Delacroix and works deposited in the Tuileries Garden; to ensure in these spaces the host of the widest public, to develop their attendance, to promote knowledge of the collections, to implement education and dissemination actions aimed at ensuring the equal access of all to culture; to ensure the scientific study of its collections; to contribute to education, training and research in the field of art …

Type: Media

88 63 21 1,480
Réseau Euclide Réseau Euclide

The Euclide network-Europe Center-Val de Loire Innovation, Development, Research Created in 2016, the Euclide network-Europe Center-Val de Loire Innovation, Development, Research-brings together the following partners: the Center Val de Loire region ,, BRGM, CRCI, CNRS, Dev'up Center-Val de Loire , INRA, the studium, the universities of Tours et Orléans, Cosmétic Valley, the Dream pole, Polymeris, the S2E2 pole, Vegepolys, PolePharma and the Drari. The Euclid network aims to provide better support to actors in the Center-Val de Loire territory to set up European projects by uniting the skills of all partners. This regional network is carried by the will of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech it services

18 2 15 N/A
Le Train du Climat Le Train du Climat

The climate train is a scientific climate exhibition, open to solutions and territories. Its particularity: the presence, aboard a specially fitted TER, scientists from the collective Les Messengers du Climate to guide visitors throughout the exhibition. After a visit to the East station in December 2017, the climate train will be exposed in the regions of France in 2018 and 2019. The climate train is a production of the climate train association, created by climate, weather and climate messengers and SNCF.

Type: Event

3 2 1 1
Lyon Entreprises [LE] Lyon Entreprises [LE]

The economic media of local Lyon news since 2003. Thanks to Lyon Entreprises [Le], Rhône Alpes companies are even more visible on the web and social networks! Since 2003, Lyon Entreprises has been an internet directory of more than 40,000 companies in Lyon and Rhône-Alpes. Economic web media, it offers economic news on the daily business in the region. Registration is completely free. Each company has a mini site of 6 pages or + which it animates and modifies without limitations: activity, products, contacts, contact details, legal information, references, strong points, type of customers, radius of action, certifications, form contact …

Type: Media

40 15 27 18
Le  Grand Large Palais des Congrès de Saint Malo Le Grand Large Palais des Congrès de Saint Malo

The most beautiful way to succeed in your event! In the city center, facing the sea and the feet of the ramparts of the Corsaire City, Le Grand Large welcomes and organizes, in its spaces with panoramic views of the open sea, meetings, seminars, exhibitions, conventions, general assemblies, congresses and events international, from 50 to 1000 participants. Thanks to this exceptional location at the same time in the heart of the city and at the edge of the beach, the Large Large guarantees you a unit of place for your events. Listening to the needs of event organizers, the Saint …

Type: Event

34 7 27 19
Le Département des Côtes d'Armor Le Département des Côtes d'Armor

#IrreductiblesTalents #cotesdarmor #irresistiblescotesdarmor The departmental council is the community of solidarity: construction and maintenance of colleges, road developments, support for people in difficulty or disabled of all ages, social action, childhood and family, elderly, people with disabilities, infrastructure, culture, citizenship European or even public reading. With 54 elected officials and 3,200 agents, the department invests more than 650 million euros per year in the service of nearly 600,000 Costarmoricans. A community close to its territories, the services are divided between the hotel in the department in Saint-Brieuc and five houses in the department. The president of the department is Christian …

Type: Public

56 29 32 595
Régie de l'Eau Bordeaux Métropole Régie de l'Eau Bordeaux Métropole

The Water Régie, the Public Water and Sanitation Service brand of the Bordeaux metropolis. Water is a public, common and vital good for everyone. Water issues are essential and major for the future and development of the metropolis. Bordeaux Métropole therefore hopes that public water services are managed with a general interest objective by a management with financial autonomy and legal personality. This public water management allows full control of service, from investment to investment, in the short and long term.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech water management

19 9 6 239
IREX (Institut) - Institut pour la recherche appliquée et l'expérimentation en génie civil IREX (Institut) - Institut pour la recherche appliquée et l'expérimentation en génie civil

From research to practice The IREX, an institute for applied research and experimentation in civil engineering, intervenes in applied research programs, including national projects (PN), of which it ensures administrative and financial management. Federating and operational organization, IREX is a meeting place open to all professionals and researchers. Our goal? Bring out new collaborative projects and define the needs in terms of collective research. National projects are grouped into 4 main themes: - Operation & amp; Infrastructure maintenance - Reduction of environmental impacts & amp; sanitary - optimization of design, processes & amp; performance - Materials & amp; Innovative processes …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

45 3 37 11
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)

Making Location Count. The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is a collective problem-solving community of experts from more than 400 businesses, government agencies, research organizations, and universities driven to make #geospatial / #location information and services #FAIR - Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. The global OGC Member-Community engages in a mix of activities related to location-based technologies: developing consensus-based #OpenStandards and best-practice; collaborating on agile #Innovation Initiatives; engaging in community meetings, events, and workshops; and more. OGC's unique standards development process moves at the pace of innovation, with constant input from technology forecasting, practical prototyping, real-world testing, and community engagement. OGC …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

21 7 10 95
Raspberry Shake Raspberry Shake

Join the largest earthquake monitoring community in the world with your very own personal seismograph. The Future of Earth Monitoring is in Your Hands 🌍🌋🌊 The world is always moving, and now, you can watch it in real-time! Raspberry Shake has built the largest online, live-streaming seismic network, empowering citizen scientists, researchers, educators, and enthusiasts worldwide to detect and analyze the hidden movements of our planet. 🔹 Turn Your Home Into a Seismic Observatory – Our easy-to-use IoT seismographs, powered by Raspberry Pi, capture everything from distant earthquakes to local vibrations like passing trains and even rocket launches. 🔹 A …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech Technologies: IoT

5 2 2 12
Institut National de l'Économie Circulaire (INEC) Institut National de l'Économie Circulaire (INEC)

Follow us to know the challenges and challenges around the circular economy and the ecological transition 🌿 🌎 The National Institute of the Circular Economy is the referral and influence think tank around the resource economy. Cradle to Cradle, Economy Circular, Ecological Transition, and Circular Economy

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

102 33 76 43
Institut de l'Entreprise Institut de l'Entreprise

Bring the French closer to the company Created in 1975, the Institute of the Company is a think tank independent of any union or political mandate. Deeply anchored in economic reality, he concentrates his reflection on the relationship between the company and its environment and puts a large network of experts to carry out his studies. Also a meeting place and training center, the Institute develops a vision of the company open to the world and on society. Institute of Advanced Studies of the Company (IHEE), Melchior, and the Agora

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

105 18 100 36

Health science Created in 1964, the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) is a public and technological public establishment, placed under the double guardianship of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the Ministry of the Health. Its researchers are intended to study all diseases, from the most frequent to the rarest, through their organic, medical and health work of populations. Inserm, healthy researcher since 1964 With a 2013 bud budget of € 927 million, Inserm supports nearly 300 laboratories spread over French territory. All of its 1,200 teams brings together nearly 15,000 researchers, engineers, technicians, managers, …

Type: Public

182 130 41 39
Institut des Hautes Etudes de l'Entreprise ( IHEE ) Institut des Hautes Etudes de l'Entreprise ( IHEE )

#Weareihee Created in 2000, the Institute of Advanced Studies of the Company (IHEE) works to open the company to the company, and the company to the company in order to create synergies capable of considering answers to the challenges of tomorrow. Through a pedagogy based on experience and experimentation, participants from different routes and horizons share, exchange and confront other ways of seeing, thinking, doing, in France and in the world. The IHEE allows them to set out again for ideas, testimonies and methods to deal with complexity, better anticipate and approach the challenges they will meet tomorrow. Intended for …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

41 0 40 10
INES - Institut National de l'Energie Solaire INES - Institut National de l'Energie Solaire

Research & amp; Education for Solar Energy The Ines is a world leader in R & AMP, expertise and training for advanced solar technologies, their integration into systems and intelligent energy management. Initiated by the Savoy Departmental Council and the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region, it brings together the CEA teams, the Savoie Mont Blanc University and benefits from the support of the CNRS and the CSTB. The Ines now has 500 employees on a 22,000 m2 site with the best equipment. Our employees and partners redesign the future for the energy transition. Photovoltaic solar, Energetic Building, Solar Thermal, Storage and Mobility, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

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