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ESA, L'Ecole supérieure des agricultures ESA, L'Ecole supérieure des agricultures

[Automatic translation follows] Higher education & research in #agronomy #environment #food Located in Angers since 1898 and now in Paris, ESA is the school of transitions: agronomic, food, environmental and digital. ESA is an international higher education and research institution. It trains 3,200 students each year: Engineer, BTS, Bachelor, Licence, Master and Doctorate. #A varied range of training courses: Around the engineering school, ESA has developed a range of around fifty training courses for young people and adults, from Bac to Bac+ 5 level, spread across 7 areas: • Plant production • Animal production • Agri-food • Viticulture & oenology …

96 0 97

[Automatic translation follows] The Agency for Ecological Transition! ADEME in brief The Agency for Ecological Transition participates in the implementation of public policies in the areas of the environment, energy and sustainable development. It provides its expertise and consulting capabilities to businesses, local authorities, public authorities and the general public, in order to enable them to progress in their environmental approach. The Agency also helps to finance projects, from research to implementation, in the following areas: waste management, soil preservation, energy efficiency and renewable energies, savings on raw materials, air quality, noise control, the transition to the circular economy and …

Sectors: National and local authorities

4673 4112 187

[Automatic translation follows] INRAE, French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment INRAE, the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, is a major player in research and innovation created on January 1, 2020. A finalized research institute resulting from the merger between Inra and Irstea, INRAE ​​brings together a community of 12,000 people, with just over 200 research units and around forty experimental units located in 18 centers throughout France. The institute is positioned among the very first world leaders in agricultural and food sciences, plant and animal sciences, and ranks 11th worldwide in …

Sectors: Research

1362 1144 89
Agence de l'eau Loire-Bretagne Agence de l'eau Loire-Bretagne

[Automatic translation follows] Together, let's take care of water! The water agency is a public institution of the State, under the supervision of the Ministry of Sustainable Development. Our workforce is 284 full-time equivalents. We are engineers and senior environmental technicians, lawyers, business managers, budget managers, IT specialists, cartographers, etc. with equal numbers of men and women. 70% of our positions are at a high level of qualification, category A of the civil service, or 1bis, 1 and 2 of the status of water agencies. Our mission: to contribute to preserving water resources and aquatic environments by providing technical and …

Sectors: Environment

294 191 39

Union nationale des coopératives agricoles françaises 🇫🇷👨‍🌾 With nearly 80% of its 9,200 employees working outside France and sites in 31 countries, InVivo is without doubt one of the most international groups in the agricultural and agri-food sector. Brazil and Mexico in Latin America, Vietnam and Indonesia in Asia, are among the group’s strongholds on these two continents. agriculture, jardineries, semences, distribution alimentaire, nutrition et santé animales, animal nutrition & health, international grain trading, seeds, Vin, agroécologie, agriculture de précision, food, innovation, intrapreneuriat, Digital, Transformation Numérique, agroalimentaire, digital, agtech, agriloving, cooperative, and ferme france

263 182 104

Bien vivre ensemble, partager le progrès ! « Make new technologies a key to sustainable progress » An international player of agricultural progress We do have an optimistic vision of farming for the future. The world will soon face a new challenge: feed twice more people with less farmland. Farming is also exploring new ways: organic foods, bio-energies, etc. The revolution is on its way and agriculture will definitely need technologies to progress and reach these goals. Leader of customer satisfaction The world is full of opportunities, and we are willing to take them. There are still plenty of unexplored …

Sectors: IT services

110 60 47
Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Souveraineté alimentaire Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Souveraineté alimentaire

[Automatic translation follows] The ministry is organized into four technical departments (food, education and research, economic and environmental performance of companies, fisheries and aquaculture) whose action is coordinated by a general secretariat that ensures human resources management, financial affairs, service organization, information and communication, agricultural statistics and forecasting, legal affairs and pilots the ministry's modernization policy The decentralized services relay the action of the central administration in the regions and departments. The ministry has nearly 36,000 agents, half of whom work in the agricultural education and training sector. Food, Agriculture, Forestry, Agri-food, and Fisheries

899 785 11
Angers Technopole Angers Technopole

[Automatic translation follows] Supporting you in a world of innovations! Expert in innovation in Maine-et-Loire, Angers Technopole has over 30 years of experience in supporting innovative projects. Whether you want to develop your network, collaborate, create your company or develop a project at the heart of an existing structure, Angers Technopole is your preferred contact. The diversity of the support programs offered allows each innovative project leader to find the format adapted to their needs! Angers Technopole, both in terms of support for the creation and development of innovative companies and the innovation dynamics of the sectors, is supported by …

160 54 117
Crédit Mutuel Crédit Mutuel

[Automatic translation follows] A mutualist model serving customers and employees. A mutualist banking network made up of 2,124 local banks, Crédit Mutuel is made up of 18 regional federations, covering the entire French territory. A partnership and not a capital company, Crédit Mutuel is not listed on the stock exchange. Its strategy is thus freed from the search for short-term profitability alone, in favor of long-term development. Its central objective: to provide a quality service at the fairest cost to all its members. Its decentralized organization thus promotes quality of service to customers and responsiveness, through short decision-making circuits. Recognized …

Sectors: Bank

1028 744 272
L'Institut Agro Rennes-Angers L'Institut Agro Rennes-Angers

L'Institut Agro Rennes-Angers. Grande école publique d'ingénieurs en agronomie, agroalimentaire, horticulture et paysage AGROCAMPUS OUEST is a higher education and research public Institute of the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Through a distinctive tradition of core-discipline excellence, interdisciplinary collaborations and productive partnerships, AGROCAMPUS OUEST • teaches students to think critically, objectively and creatively and to be lifelong learners, engaged leaders and productive worldwide citizens; • pursues research to advance knowledge and address regional, national and global challenges; • serves the society improvements through the generation, broad dissemination and application of knowledge. AGROCAMPUS OUEST achieves a high level of intellectual …

Sectors: Research

155 26 75
ENSFEA Toulouse ENSFEA Toulouse

[Automatic translation follows] The National Higher School of Agricultural Education, a player in the service of agricultural education. The National Higher School of Agricultural Education (ENSFEA) has a national mission: to train teachers and senior education advisors in agricultural education. It also trains future professionals in the agronomy, spatial and territorial planning sectors. It responds to the challenges of agriculture and education: teaching to produce differently, educational digital technology, changing teaching practices, inclusive schools, etc. and supports innovations within this education system. As such, it offers continuing education activities (short courses in the national/regional training program), develops research, technology transfer …

Sectors: Research

59 35 23
Technopole Agrinove Technopole Agrinove

[Automatic translation follows] The reference for tomorrow's agriculture Find the latest news from the Agrinove technology park and the companies that revolve around it: - Business incubator - Annual Agrinovembre Forum - "Innovations for Agriculture" competition - Machinery cluster

33 13 27
Pôle DREAM Eau & Milieux Pôle DREAM Eau & Milieux

[Automatic translation follows] Founding member of France Water Team: the competitiveness cluster for the water sector Based in Orléans in the Centre-Val de Loire region, the DREAM Water & Environments Cluster promotes the development of particularly innovative collaborative research and development (R&D) projects in the field of ecotechnologies relating to water and its environments. Its ambition is to master the entire value chain: from environmental metrology to ecological engineering to alternative water and soil treatments. Since 2019, the DREAM Water & Environments Cluster has been a founding member of the competitiveness cluster for the water sector: France Water Team, alongside …

Sectors: Environment

141 52 99
Région Pays de la Loire Région Pays de la Loire

[Automatic translation follows] The Pays de la Loire region includes 5 departments: Loire-Atlantique, Maine-et-Loire, Mayenne, Sarthe and Vendée. It has 3.7 million inhabitants spread across 1,357 municipalities. It is a territory balanced between rural and urban areas, organized around 7 large urban areas (Nantes, Saint-Nazaire, Angers, Cholet, Le Mans, Laval and La-Roche-sur-Yon) and 1,108 municipalities with fewer than 1,000 inhabitants. Bordered by 450 km of coastline and crisscrossed by the Loire, the region has the leading port on the Atlantic coast. Its economic dynamism is a real strength that allows it to have the lowest unemployment rate in France (8.5%). …

Sectors: National and local authorities

2346 1632 313
La Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée La Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée

[Automatic translation follows] Official page of the Occitanie Region. Here you will find economic news, aid and calls for projects. The Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée Region brings you the right information to succeed in your business or training projects: agenda, news, testimonials, files... Also find the Region on

Sectors: National and local authorities

2657 2057 437
Région Bretagne Région Bretagne

[Automatic translation follows] The official page of the Brittany Region on LinkedIn Assembly elected by the Bretons, the Regional Council intervenes in most areas that concern daily life and the future of Brittany: training, transport, economic development, regional planning, culture, sport, environment...

Sectors: National and local authorities

2471 1793 182
Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine

[Automatic translation follows] Official page of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region. The Regional Council, together with the Regional Economic, Social and Environmental Council, makes up the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region. Its regional assembly has 183 regional councillors, a standing committee and sectoral committees. Business, Vocational training, Youth, Transport, Ecological transition, Europe, and Regional planning

Sectors: National and local authorities

2367 1793 496
AgrOnov AgrOnov

[Automatic translation follows] AgrOnov is the first agricultural innovation accelerator in France, which gives companies linked to agriculture the opportunity to develop the network they need to amplify their growth in the service of progressive agriculture that combines profitability and responsibility. AgrOnov also provides its users with an incubator with offices, meeting and social spaces, as well as greenhouses, laboratories and experimental fields. Agroecology, Biology, Agriculture, Agtech, Experimentation, Innovation, and Business incubator

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

272 70 234
FoodTech Dijon Bourgogne-Franche-Comté FoodTech Dijon Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

[Automatic translation follows] Promote and support the emergence and development of innovative solutions from farm to fork. Food is a major challenge today. How to help people eat better is a real problem, as is knowing how to feed the population in 2050. Thus, the FoodTech network aims to promote a diet based on the triptych of pleasure, responsibility and accessibility. For us, digital technology, new technologies and more broadly innovation are remarkable ways to move towards this vision by contributing to agricultural and food transitions, and to the evolution of practices. Our mission: to promote and support the emergence …

Sectors: French Tech Media

685 150 453

[Automatic translation follows] Let's cultivate plant audacity! The VEGEPOLYS VALLEY competitiveness cluster, born from the merger of VEGEPOLYS and Céréales Vallée-Nutravita, brings together on the theme of plants, small and large companies, research laboratories and training establishments. FROM GENETICS TO USES The members of the cluster are present throughout the plant value chain. They innovate for plants, on plants and by plants. This public-private, multi-sector, multi-trade network brings together all the expertise from upstream to downstream through production. Faced with the challenges, VEGEPOLYS VALLEY aims to be the global plant cluster for more competitive, more qualitative, environmentally and health-friendly agriculture. …

Sectors: French Cluster Public business cluster

394 201 91
Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation

[Automatic translation follows] The competitiveness cluster to feed the value of agrichains We are the Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation competitiveness cluster. Our association brings together more than 420 private and public organizations operating in the agriculture, agri-food and agro-resources sectors. We run a large network crossing the scientific and economic worlds, anchored in Occitanie and Nouvelle-Aquitaine, the driving force of the national and European ecosystem. We work to develop our members and the vitality of our territories by stimulating innovation as a response to major contemporary challenges. Together – companies, investors, research organizations, engineering schools and universities, local authorities and institutions …

Sectors: French Cluster Public business cluster

392 184 276

[Automatic translation follows] Innovation at the service of the wine industry. INNO'VIN is the cluster of the wine industry. Its three missions are the animation of a business network, project engineering and personalized services to its members. It supports companies in their R&D projects. More information on Innovation, Vine and Wine, Cluster, R&D, networking, and projects

147 68 106
Ouest-France Ouest-France

[Automatic translation follows] 🗞Ouest-France, the leading French daily newspaper! Every day, over 600,000 copies in Normandy, Brittany & Pays de la Loire OUEST-FRANCE Company Founder of the Editorial Committee François Régis Hutin Chairman of the Board Louis Échelard - Director of Publication The associative status: Since the extraordinary general meeting of April 9, 1990, S.A. Ouest-France has been part of a non-profit association under the 1901 law, the "Association for the support of the principles of humanist democracy", chaired by Jacques Duquesne. Location: 58 editorial offices in the 14 departments in Brittany, Lower Normandy and Pays de la Loire, as …

Sectors: Media

2605 2004 330
Campus Les Champs du Possible Xavier Beulin - Village by CA Campus Les Champs du Possible Xavier Beulin - Village by CA

[Automatic translation follows] Rural innovation booster 📍 The Campus des Champs du Possible - Village by CA in Châteaudun (28) is dedicated to rural innovation in response to the challenges of our territories. 🎯 Agritech, mobility, attractiveness, tourism, transitions, health, housing are all areas in which rurality has many challenges to overcome. 🚀 The villages by CA are innovation acceleration mechanisms for startups and businesses in the territory. The Campus des Champs du Possible has various missions: - Animate the agriculture sector of the future - Encourage the emergence, experimentation and success of projects in the territory through innovation - …

179 52 112
Groupe Safer Groupe Safer

[Automatic translation follows] Land development and rural settlement companies The Safer (Land development and rural settlement companies) are public limited companies, not for profit (without distribution of profits), with missions of general interest, under the supervision of the Ministries of Agriculture and Finance. They cover the French mainland and 3 DOM. Originating from the agricultural orientation laws of 1960 and 1962, they now have more than 60 years of experience in the field. Their actions are the responsibility of the judicial courts (high courts, courts of appeal and Court of Cassation). In France, we have 64,400,000 hectares of possibilities under …

88 36 61
Atlanpole Atlanpole

[Automatic translation follows] At your side to innovate! Technopole of the economic and university basin of Nantes Atlantique, equipped with a European Center of Enterprises and Innovation, carrier of the regional Incubator of Pays de la Loire, pilot and/or partner of several competitiveness clusters. Atlanpole is at the service of: • Innovative project leaders (industrialists, researchers, academics, students, private individuals, etc.) • Innovative companies and laboratories • Actors in economic, scientific and technological development Atlanpole's scope of action is broad and concerns many sectors of activity: • Biotechnologies / Health • ICT / Electronics / IT • Environment / New …

357 187 190
Lidl France Lidl France

[Automatic translation follows] Much more than a job! Lidl established itself in France in 1989. We have experienced very rapid expansion which has allowed us to become a key player in mass distribution. Lidl France now has 45,000 employees, more than 1,570 stores, 25 Regional Directorates and a head office on 2 sites: in Strasbourg which brings together all the administrative support functions (HR Administration and Training, Finance, IT) and in Rungis where we have grouped together all the operational support functions (Central Purchasing, Logistics and Supply Chain, Real Estate, Technical, Business Development, Investments, HR, Legal and General Expenses). In …

Sectors: Retail and Distribution

1656 1174 227
La French Tech Angers La French Tech Angers

Nous animons, fédérons et faisons rayonner l'écosystème Tech angevin, à tous niveaux : local, national, international ! La French Tech Angers, c'est avant tout une dynamique de territoire en faveur de startup et des entreprises innovantes pour leur croissance et leur rayonnement à l'international. C'est aussi tout un écosystème capable de se coordonner pour donner aux entrepreneurs les clefs nécessaires à la création, au développement et à l'internationalisation de leur projet/entreprise. --- La French Tech Angers is a local initiative whose goal is to support IT startups and innovative SMEs This initiative is supported by the wholde community of economic …

Sectors: French Tech

169 59 117
SIAL Paris SIAL Paris

Inspire Food Business & Own The Change! 🍋 Next edition: October 19-23, 2024 The International Food Exhibition in Paris is the largest professional meeting of the world's food sector. 285,000 professionals from 205 countries will join the 2024 fair. 7,500 exposants from 130 countries will present their products. Celebrating 60 years of innovation, SIAL Paris is a source of inspiration for its ability to reveal the trends of tomorrow. SIAL Paris will take place from 19th to 23th October 2024 at Paris Nord Nord Villepinte. To learn more about SIAL network tradeshows in the world:

135 1 132

French Geological Survey - The geosciences at the core of tomorrow’s challenges BRGM, the French geological survey, is France’s reference public institution for Earth Science applications in the management of surface and subsurface resources and risks. Its programmes focus on scientific research, supporting public policies and international cooperation. BRGM aims to meet key challenges for our society, particularly those related to climate change, energy transition and the development of the circular economy. Around geosciences, BRGM is developing expertise to contribute to a harmonised management and controlled use of the soil and subsoil of cities and territories. BRGM's activity is organised …

413 314 55
Demeter Demeter

Accompagner les champions de la croissance écologique Demeter is a major European player in venture capital, private equity and infrastructure for the energy and ecological transition. Its funds invest from €1m to €30m to support companies in the sector at all stages of their development : innovative startups, small and mid-cap companies, as well as infrastructure projects. The Demeter team counts 38 people based in Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Madrid, and Düsseldorf, manages €1.3bn and has completed 230 investments over 17 years. Cleantech, Venture Capital, Growth Capital, Infrastructure, Agtech, Transition écologique, Private equity, Impact investing, Economie circulaire, Industrie 4.0, Winetech, and …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

298 181 153
Business France Business France

Business France is the national agency for the internationalization of the French economy. It is responsible for the international development of companies and their exports, as well as prospecting for and welcoming international investments in France. It promotes the attractiveness and business image of France, its companies and its territories. It manages and develops the V.I.E (Volontariat International en Entreprise). Created on January 1, 2015, Business France is a merger of UBIFRANCE and the AFII (French Agency for International Investments). Business France has 1,500 employees located in France and in 70 countries. It relies on a network of public and …

Sectors: National and local authorities

3541 1958 1725