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The biggest startup campus in the world. STATION F is the world's biggest startup campus based in Paris, gathering a whole entrepreneurial ecosystem under one roof. Startups

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Paris&Co Paris&Co

Générer ensemble des solutions durables Paris&Co is the economic development and innovation agency of Paris. It covers five areas: # Incubation # International attractiveness # Experimentation # Open Innovation # Event organisation or planning As such, Paris&Co prospects and welcomes foreign startups while contributing to the economic promotion of the city abroad. It fosters the dynamism of the Paris innovation ecosystem through the incubation of innovative young companies, experimenting with innovative solutions, organising major innovation events and linking startups with key accounts. Web: Twitter: @Paris_and_Co Facebook: parisandcoagency incubation, open innovation, experimentation, international attractiveness, event organisation, start up, scale up, …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC


Always insurer, more than ever militant! MAIF is a major player in persons and property insurance in France. It defends another idea of ​​the economy, offers an innovative range of products and services, and places humans at the heart of its organization. The quality of its customer relations has been recognized consecutively for 12 years. Working in Maif is understanding and sharing the values ​​it carries. It is to evolve in an environment where you can undertake, offer and dare for your personal success, the satisfaction of our members, as well as the performance of the company. Join us. MAIF …

Sectors: Health Insurance Mutual insurance

ANCT - Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires ANCT - Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires

Help communities to implement their projects. The National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (ANCT) supports communities in the development of their territorial projects. Created on January 1, 2020, it brings together the general equality of territories, the digital agency and Epareca. Support for communities, communities advice, project facilitator, financial engineering, technical engineering, assistance to public contracting authority, project engineering, and piloting national support programs

Ministères Aménagement du territoire Transition écologique Ministères Aménagement du territoire Transition écologique

The Minister of State, Minister of Ecological and Solidarity Transition, prepares and implements government policy in the fields of sustainable development, the environment, in particular the protection and valuation of nature and biodiversity, green technologies, energy transition and energy, in particular in tariff, climate, prevention of natural and technological risks, industrial security, transport and their transport and their transport Infrastructure, equipment and sea. It develops and implements the policy of combating global warming and air pollution. It promotes sustainable management of rare resources. He is responsible for international climate relations. As such, he conducts European and international climate negotiations and …


Better policies for better lives The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation that works to build better policies for better lives. We draw on more than 60 years of experience and insights to shape policies that foster prosperity and opportunity, underpinned by equality and well-being. We work closely with policy makers, stakeholders and citizens to establish evidence-based international standards and to find solutions to social, economic and environmental challenges. From improving economic performance and strengthening policies to fight climate change to bolstering education and fighting international tax evasion, the OECD is a unique forum and …

Sectors: International development

Eurostat Eurostat

High quality statistics and data on Europe. Lawful good. EUROSTAT is the statistical office of the European Union. Our mission is to provide high quality statistics and data on Europe. Our values: Show respect for our staff, partners and users Strive for excellence in everything we do Drive innovation in official statistics Promote service orientation Uphold professional independence ESS partnership Eurostat produces European statistics in partnership with National Statistical Institutes and other national authorities in the EU Member States. This partnership is known as the European Statistical System (ESS). It also includes the statistical authorities of the European Economic Area …

Sectors: European Union

UN Africa Renewal UN Africa Renewal

Stories and actions advancing hope on the continent. Africa Renewal is a United Nations digital magazine that covers Africa’s economic, social and political developments. We cover the challenges the continent faces and the solutions to these by Africans themselves, including with the support of the United Nations and international community. Through the Africa Renewal digital magazine and social media platforms, webinars with youth groups, media relations, and other outreach and partnership efforts, we present a new narrative about Africa that showcases positive action and hope, while countering mostly negative stereotypical portrayals of Africa. We promote Africa’s achievement of the Sustainable …

Sectors: International development

IGN - French Mapping Agency (Institut Géographique National) IGN - French Mapping Agency (Institut Géographique National)

Ign, change scale The IGN is the State operator in terms of geographic information and reference forest, neutral and interoperable certified. The Institute permanently develops new standards, products and geoservices, meeting growing and scalable needs in cartographic data and geolocated information. Powerful public actor of digital for the multi-themes description of the territory, the Institute intervenes in support of the evaluation and implementation of public policies for risk prevention, regional planning, sustainable development, defense and national security. Thanks to its five research laboratories, the IGN has a high -level innovation potential in the fields of geodesy, vector topography, optics and …

Sectors: GIS

ANRU - Agence Nationale pour la Rénovation Urbaine ANRU - Agence Nationale pour la Rénovation Urbaine

Official page of the #anru - The National Agency for Urban Renovation acts for priority districts 🚧🚦🏗️ The ANRU acts in favor of districts in difficulty within the framework of city policy. The ANRU intervenes in the city, housing, development and town planning, in order to reduce inequalities in the suburbs or degraded centers and to strengthen social mix. The ANRU also implements future investment programs for youth, sustainable development, innovation and private real estate investment in priority areas of city policy. The urban renewal today is: 500 districts, 70 billion investment, 5 million inhabitants and 300,000 jobs created on …

Sectors: Social Housing

Action Logement Action Logement

Housing action, facilitates access to housing of employees to promote employment, everywhere in France. #VouloireTlefaire The Union of Companies and Employees for Housing (UESL) is an anonymous company with variable capital with supervisory board and board, which is main purpose of representing the common interests of its partners and implementing national employment policies of housing action funds. Its associates are, for compulsory, each collecting body (CIL) and each chamber of commerce and industry (CCI) approved for collecting and using PEEC funds, at the request, any interprofessional and representative organization at the national plan of employees or companies subject to the …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

Habitat for Humanity International Habitat for Humanity International

Through shelter, we empower. Driven by the vision that everyone needs a decent place to live, Habitat for Humanity began in 1976 as a grassroots effort on a community farm in southern Georgia. The Christian housing organization has since grown to become a leading global nonprofit working in local communities across all 50 states in the U.S. and in more than 70 countries. Families and individuals in need of a hand up partner with Habitat for Humanity to build or improve a place they can call home. Habitat homeowners help build their own homes alongside volunteers and pay an affordable …

Sectors: Social Housing

CNIL - Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés CNIL - Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés

French Data Protection Authority In the digital world, the National Commission for Data Protection (CNIL) is the regulator of personal data. Created in 1978 by the Data Protection Act, the CNIL is an independent administrative authority that supports professionals in their compliance and helps individuals to control their personal data and exercise their rights. It analyzes the impact of technological innovations and emerging uses on privacy and freedoms. Finally, she works in close collaboration with her European and international counterparts to develop harmonized regulation. To know its missions in more detail 👉 Find out more about the management of …


French Geological Survey - The geosciences at the core of tomorrow’s challenges BRGM, the French geological survey, is France’s reference public institution for Earth Science applications in the management of surface and subsurface resources and risks. Its programmes focus on scientific research, supporting public policies and international cooperation. BRGM aims to meet key challenges for our society, particularly those related to climate change, energy transition and the development of the circular economy. Around geosciences, BRGM is developing expertise to contribute to a harmonised management and controlled use of the soil and subsoil of cities and territories. BRGM's activity is organised …

ONF (Office National des Forêts) ONF (Office National des Forêts)

Official ONF account, a major player in the forest-wood sector. #FOND #Forestonf #Officenationaldesforêts The ONF, a major player in the forest-wood sector, brings together more than 8,200 professionals working at the management of 11 million hectares of public forests, in mainland France and overseas. On a daily basis, the foresters ensure the maintenance, development and renewal of these spaces. Their management makes it possible to reconcile three inseparable objectives: meet the needs of men thanks to the production and wood harvest, preserve the environment and welcome the public. The Office also performs public service missions on behalf of the State …

France Digitale France Digitale

1st Association of Startups in Europe, with +2,000 startups and French digital investors Founded in 2012, France Digital is the largest association of startups in Europe, with more than 2,000 startups and French digital investors. Our missions? - bring out digital champions in Europe. - Put the voice and federate those who innovate to change the face of the world. - Create bridges and business opportunities between all actors in innovation, whether they are large groups, public decision-makers, investors, entrepreneurs or employees of startups and scale-ups. How ? 1. By connecting the actors of the ecosystem during quality meetings, business …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Viva Technology Viva Technology

#VivaTech is Europe's biggest startup and tech event. 📍Paris | June 11-14, 2025 Viva Technology is Europe's biggest startup and tech event. We accelerate innovation by connecting startups, tech leaders, major corporations and investors responding to our world’s biggest challenges. VivaTech is where business meets innovation.

Sectors: Trade show

Association AMORCE Association AMORCE

1st Network of Local Authorities and Local Actors for Waste, Energy and Water Management Bringing together more than 1,100 members for 60 million inhabitants represented, AMORCE constitutes the first French network of information, sharing of experiences and support for communities (municipalities, inter-municipalities, departmental councils, regional councils) and other local actors (companies, associations, professional federations) in terms of energy transition, territorial waste management and sustainable water management. An independent proposal force and privileged interlocutor of public authorities (ministries, state agencies and Parliament), AMORCE is today the main representative of the territories engaged in the ecological transition. A privileged partner of other …

Sectors: Environment


The Ecological Transition Agency! Ademe in short The Ecological Transition Agency participates in the implementation of public policies in the fields of the environment, energy and sustainable development. It puts its expertise and advice capacities available to businesses, local authorities, public authorities and the general public, in order to allow them to progress in their environmental approach. The agency also helps to finance projects, from research to implementation, in the following areas: waste management, soil preservation, energy efficiency and renewable energies, savings in raw materials, air quality, fight against noise, transition to circular economy and the fight against food waste. …

Sectors: National and local authorities

Office français de la biodiversité Office français de la biodiversité

A public institution dedicated to the recovery of #biodiversity The French Office for Biodiversity (OFB), created in 2020, is a public institution under the dual supervision of the ministries responsible for the environment and agriculture. Its mission is to protect and restore biodiversity in France, in mainland France and overseas. With more than 3,000 agents, including 1,700 environmental inspectors, the OFB operates through five complementary missions: • Environmental policing: Preventing and repressing environmental damage related to water, natural spaces, flora and wildlife; • Knowledge and expertise: Better understanding the species, environments, services provided by biodiversity and the threats it faces; …

Cerema Cerema

Cerema, Climate & Territories of tomorrow: development, mobility, infrastructure, risks, environment, sea, coastline Cerema provides expertise, research and innovation to the State and local authorities, as well as economic players: > Expertise and territorial engineering > Mobility > Buildings > Transport infrastructure > Environment and natural risks > Sea and coastline As a public administrative institution (EPA), under the supervision of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, Cerema develops close relationships with local authorities that are present in its governance bodies. It promotes innovation in the territories, and develops partnerships with local authorities and businesses. This is the purpose of its …

Sectors: National and local authorities

Inria Inria

The French national research institute for digital science and technology World-leading research and technological innovation are an integral part of its DNA. Inria's 3,500 researchers and engineers put their passion for digital technology to work in nearly 200 project teams, most of which are joint teams with our academic partners, including major research universities and the CNRS. They explore new fields, often in collaboration with different disciplines and industrial partners, with the aim of meeting ambitious challenges. As a technology institute, Inria supports the development of numerous software products, sometimes making a global impact via the opensource model. Because technology …

Sectors: Research


The French National Centre for Scientific Research is among the world's leading research institutions. Its scientists explore the living world, matter, the Universe, and the functioning of human societies in order to meet the major challenges of today and tomorrow. Internationally recognised for the excellence of its scientific research, the CNRS is a reference in the world of research and development, as well as for the general public. Recherche scientifique, Biologie, Chimie, Ecologie et environnement, Ingénierie et systèmes, Mathématiques, Physique, Sciences de l'information, Homme et société, Nucléaire et particules, Terre et Univers, and Science

Sectors: Research

Agence de l'eau Seine-Normandie Agence de l'eau Seine-Normandie

Public state establishment, project financier to preserve the #EAU quality on the #Seine basin. The Seine-Normandie Water Agency implements the pool's water policy by funding the projects of local actors: local, industrial communities, artisans farmers or associations, thanks to fees collected from all users. These projects help improve the quality of water resources, rivers and aquatic environments. They preserve and promote the life cycles of a wide variety of species and therefore of biodiversity. Adaptation to climate change is the common thread of the 2019-2024 "Water and Climate" program, developed and adopted by the Committee basin. The program aims to …

Sectors: Environment


Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations The Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) is an independent think tank that facilitates the transition towards sustainable development. It was founded in 2001. To achieve this, IDDRI identifies the conditions and proposes the tools for integrating sustainable development into policies. It takes action at different levels, from international cooperation to that of national and sub-national governments and private companies, with each level informing the other. As a research institute and a dialogue platform, IDDRI creates the conditions for a shared analyses and expertise between stakeholders. It connects them in a …

Sectors: Research

Gouvernement Gouvernement

The official account of the French Government Follow Government news on this page in real time, including practical information, measures, numbers, results, and the profiles of economic players !

Ministère des Sports, de la Jeunesse et de la Vie associative Ministère des Sports, de la Jeunesse et de la Vie associative

The Ministry of Sports, Youth and Associative Life prepares and implements the government's policy relating to actions in favor of youth, the promotion and organization of physical and sporting activities, the development of associative life and the development of popular education. It also coordinates the actions carried out in these areas when they fall under several ministerial departments. The Ministry of Sports, Youth and Associative Life is responsible for defining the major objectives of the national sport policy, to set the legal framework, in particular through the Sports Code, and to ensure compliance with the general interest. To implement public …

Ministère de la Culture Ministère de la Culture

Follow the news of the Ministry of Culture The Ministry of Culture and Communication's mission is to make the capital works of humanity accessible to the greatest number, and first of all France. As such, he conducts the policy of safeguarding, protecting and developing cultural heritage in all of its components, it promotes the creation of works of art and mind and the development of artistic practices and lessons. It contributes, jointly with the other interested ministers, to the development of artistic and cultural education of children and young adults throughout their training cycles. He encourages local cultural initiatives, develops …

Ministère chargé de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche Ministère chargé de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche

The priorities of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research are: - to improve students' success and promote equal opportunities; - to coordinate the training of French higher education training; - to fix the priority axes of progress of knowledge and technologies; - as well as the public research and innovation strategy. In this context, the so-called "ESR" law of July 22, 2013 also advocates transformation and openness to all forms of teaching and research, to the socio-economic environment, internationally. Among the key devices implemented: - the definition of a national higher education strategy (Stranes) for the next …

Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Souveraineté alimentaire Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Souveraineté alimentaire

The ministry is organized in four technical directions (food, teaching and research, economic and environmental performance of companies, fishing and aquaculture) whose action is coordinated by a general secretariat which ensures the management of human resources, financial affairs, the organization of services, information and communication, agricultural statistics and prospective, legal affairs and pilot the modernization policy of the ministry The decentralized services relay the action of the central administration in the regions and the departments. The ministry has nearly 36,000 agents, half of which exercise in the agricultural education and training sector. Food, agriculture, forestry, food, and fishing

Groupe Caisse des Dépôts Groupe Caisse des Dépôts

The Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations is a long -term investor and contributes, in compliance with its heritage interests, to the development of businesses. Article L. 518-2 of the monetary and financial code (modified by the law of modernization of the 2008 economy) Support of public policies, investment, pensions and funds of Savings, and development of the territories

Sectors: Finance

Bpifrance Bpifrance

Bpifrance account, the public investment bank. Bpifrance, public investment bank, supports businesses, from priming to stock market quotes, from credit to equity. A privileged interlocutor, Bpifrance offers in each region financing or investment solutions adapted to each stage of business life. Bank partner of entrepreneurs, Bpifrance supports them sustainably to support their growth and competitiveness. The teams are at the heart of the regions, throughout the territory, through more than 50 regional locations. Financing of SMEs, business creation, international development, investment, creation/transmission, innovation, support, acceleration, and export guarantee

Sectors: Bank

Agefiph Agefiph

Open employment to disabled people In the service of disabled and private companies, the Agefiph mission is to promote the integration, maintenance and professional development of disabled people in private sector companies. AGEFIPH is the privileged interlocutor of all private companies, whatever their size, who wish to develop an opening policy for disability. We support their actions intended to recruit, maintain and develop people with disabilities. & gt; Agefiph informs, advises and supports companies & gt; Agefiph facilitates the development of cooperation & GT; Agefiph provides financial aid and services & gt; Agefiph sensitizes, fight against prejudices and discrimination Access …

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

Institut Curie Institut Curie

Together, let's take speed cancer A recognized foundation of public utility, the Curie Institute associates one of the largest European research centers in cancerology and two cutting -edge hospitals. Founded in 1909 on a model designed by Marie Curie and still avant-garde, "from basic research to innovative care", the Institut Curie brings together 3,000 researchers, doctors, caregivers, technicians and administratives. Care The hospital ensemble of the Curie Institute is a reference center for breast cancers, eye tumors and pediatric cancers in particular. Research To advance the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancers, biologists, chemists, physicists, bio-informatians and doctors are mobilizing, …

Sectors: Health

Ville de Paris Ville de Paris

The town hall of Paris or City of Paris employs 50,858 holders. It designates both administration and elected officials. Each month, elected officials sit on the Paris Council, where they deliberate to decide the future of the city: construction of crèches, college, name of streets, housing, subsidies to associations. This body is both a general council and a municipal council, since Paris has the distinction of being a city and a department.

Sectors: National and local authorities


Center for media and information education. #Pedagogy #Education #Resources #formations #Educméinfo The Clemi, a Canopé network service, bears a national impetus for impetus, coordination, training and educational support for media and information education. Since its creation in 1983, its teams have been training teachers and trainers, to allow students to build a citizen citizen practice, to better understand the world around them and to develop their critical mind. The Clemi who organizes the press and the media week every year in the School has extended his mission to families, to support and educate them in a world in full digital …


EY is building a better working world by creating new value for clients, people, society, the planet, while building trust in the capital markets. Enabled by data, AI and advanced technology, EY teams help clients shape the future with confidence and develop answers for the most pressing issues of today and tomorrow. EY teams in more than 150 countries work across a full spectrum of services in assurance, consulting, tax, strategy and transactions, strengthened by sector experience and diverse ecosystem partners. Find out more about the EY global network: Advisory, Assurance, Tax, Transactions, Audit, Mergers, M&A, Financial Services, Accounting, …

Sectors: Consulting, audit

Airbus Airbus

Airbus pioneers sustainable aerospace for a safe and united world. The Company constantly innovates to provide the most efficient and technologically-advanced solutions in aerospace, defence, and connected services. In commercial aircraft, Airbus offers the most modern and fuel-efficient airliners. Airbus is also a European leader in defence and security and one of the world's leading space businesses. In helicopters, Airbus provides the most efficient civil and military rotorcraft solutions worldwide. Airbus approaches sustainability by respecting the planet, valuing people and enabling prosperity. These guiding principles are embedded in our operations and activities. In 2022, the Company generated revenues of €58.8 …

Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Defence and Aerospace

European Space Agency - ESA European Space Agency - ESA

The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world. ESA is an international organisation with 22 Member States. By coordinating the financial and intellectual resources of its members, it can undertake programmes and activities far beyond the scope of any single European country. ESA's 22 Member States are Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, …

Sectors: Defence and Aerospace

Ouest Medialab Ouest Medialab

Le labo des médias de proximité Invent tomorrow's digital & local media Ouest Médialab is a European Living Lab that regroups most of the private, public and associative media, territorial authorities, and ICT research laboratories of the French western regions (Brittany and the Pays de la Loire). The objective is to represent, mutualize and cooperate in order to build and lead ambitious projects and to invent tomorrow’s digital & local media. Médias, Communication, Contenus numériques, and Information locale

Nubbo, Incubateur à mission Nubbo, Incubateur à mission

Incubator and accelerator of startups in Occitania 🚀 incubator and accelerator of B2B startups since 2001 whose mission is to transform the largest number of innovative and promising projects into perennial companies. 💡NUBBO offers a unique support offer for startup creators in Occitanie. • 2 months of free pre-incubation to experience the idea: identify a market problem and define the added value of innovation. • 12 months of incubation and € 50K help to validate business model and receive first customers. • 6 months of acceleration and € 50k of aid to develop commercial activity and materialize fundraising. 🆕nubbo becomes …

Métropole du Grand Paris Métropole du Grand Paris

Official account of the Metropolis of #GrandParis. The Metropolis of Grand Paris is an intermunicipal, dense and urban, which brings together 12 territories and 130 municipalities. Created by the law of January 27, 2014 of modernization of territorial public action and affirmation of metropolises, and reinforced by the law of August 7, 2015 of new territorial organization of the Republic, it was born on January 1, 2016. The Metropolis of Greater Paris exercises the following skills: - Economic, social and cultural development and development - Protection and development of the environment and policy of the living environment - Planning of …

Sectors: French metropolis

Rennes Ville et Métropole Rennes Ville et Métropole

Live in intelligence Capital of one of the most dynamic regions of France, Rennes assumes its role as leader in economic development 📈 ▶ In 10th national row, its urban area covers nearly 700,000 inhabitants with an economic pool which concentrates 300,000 jobs ▶ 1st city "Business Friendly" of cities of less than 500,000 inhabitants, it attracts many talents in several key sectors of the economy (research, digital technology, health, food, environment or productic) ▶ Open to the international, Rennes is the first teaching center in the Great West with 68,000 students and feeds a high -level research and innovation …

Sectors: French metropolis

Brest Métropole Brest Métropole

Ready to give meaning to your career at the Breton tip? At the heart of a living area of ​​90 municipalities and 300,000 inhabitants, Brest Métropole Océane is the anchor point in Western Brittany. Created on a voluntary basis in 1973, the urban community of Brest, today Brest Métropole Océane brings together the eight founding municipalities, or 210,000 inhabitants.

Sectors: French metropolis

Nantes Métropole Nantes Métropole

Nantes Métropole, territory of inspirations! Nantes and its metropolis have the ambition to invent a new development model to respond to democratic, ecological, digital ... of our time. They rely on the advantages of a united, collaborative, daring, creative and "completely west" territory! Nantes Métropole's social networks are spaces open to everyone and aim to keep you informed of the news of the Nantes metropolis. Nantes Métropole reserves the possibility of deleting all abusive publications, contrary to public order or good manners, violent, racist, revisionists, praising war crimes, insulting or coarse, contrary to copyrights or neighboring rights, the law applicable …

Sectors: French metropolis

Région Pays de la Loire Région Pays de la Loire

The region of the Pays de la Loire brings together 5 departments: La Loire-Atlantique, Maine-et-Loire, Mayenne, Sarthe and Vendée. It has 3.7 million inhabitants distributed in 1,357 municipalities. It is a balanced territory between rural areas and urban areas, organized around 7 large agglomerations (Nantes, Saint-Nazaire, Angers, Cholet, Le Mans, Laval and La-Roche-sur-Yon) and 1,108 municipalities of less than 1,000 inhabitants. Bordered by 450 km of coastline and crisscrossed by the Loire, the region has the first port of the Atlantic facade. Its economic dynamism is a real force which allows it to have the lowest unemployment rate in France …

Sectors: National and local authorities

Région Grand Est Région Grand Est

Dynamic, competitive and innovative, the Grand Est region is by your side and at your service. Priorities → #emploi #digital #jeunesse #territoires #mobility #europe Find us on Also follow news on our social networks: - Bluesky: - Facebook: @Regiongrandest - Instagram: @laregiongrandest local community

Sectors: National and local authorities

Région Bretagne Région Bretagne

The official page of the Brittany region on LinkedIn Assembly elected by the Bretons, the Regional Council intervenes in most areas concerning daily life and the future of Brittany: training, transport, economic development, regional planning, culture, sport, environment ...

Sectors: National and local authorities

Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

#Auvergnerhonealpes Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is a large region that has many advantages: - With more than 8 million inhabitants, it is more populated than 13 of the 28 countries of the European Union and ranks 10th region most populated in Europe - covering nearly 70,000 km2, or 13 % of the metropolitan territory, its area is equivalent to that of Ireland. - In France, it is the first industrial and gastronomic region, it ranks first for agricultural productions under label (AOP, IGP, etc.) and the number of organic farms. - In Europe: it is the 8th richest region in Europe with a …

Sectors: National and local authorities

Région Ile de France Région Ile de France

The Paris Region is a major business and techno hub in Europe. Standing at the crossroads of European and worldwide trade, the Paris Region is France's leading economic region. It represents 31% of French GDP. Consisting of 8 départements and 1,280 municipalities, the Paris Region hosts the largest population of french Regions : 12.5 million inhabitants, that is younger than the national average. As Europe’s leading employment area, it boasts a highly qualified workforce : 33% of French executives. The Paris Region hosts 22% of France’s universities, 25% of its engineering schooland 20% of its business schools. Invest in Paris …

Sectors: National and local authorities

Cap Digital Cap Digital

Pôle européen de la transition numérique & écologique 💡🚀🌳 Established as a non-profit organization, Cap Digital is the French business cluster for digital transformation. We are trusted by over 800 valued members: 670 innovative SMEs, 50 major corporations, 70 institutions of higher education and 10 capital investors. Cap Digital aims at promoting the Paris Region as one of the world leaders in digital contents, creative industries and services, from an industrial as well as a strategic point of view. Fostering R&D, helping companies to expand, networking our members and showcasing them throughout the world, are some of the activities we …

Sectors: French Cluster Public business cluster

Insee Insee

INSEE collects, produces, analyzes and disseminates information on the French economy and society The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) collects information, produces statistics on the economy, the population and French society. He performs the population census every year and provides all his data for the public. INSEE publishes studies and carries out investigations to households and businesses. He is also responsible for managing large directories: Sirene (used for the identification of companies), the national directory for identifying natural persons and the general file of voters. Economic and social statistics, population census, and national accounting

Sectors: Polling institute

Greater Paris University Hospitals - AP-HP Greater Paris University Hospitals - AP-HP

Nous soignons et innovons 365 jours par an. AP-HP (Greater Paris University Hospitals) is a European world-renowned university hospital. Its 39 hospitals treat 8 million people every year: in consultation, emergency, during scheduled or home hospitalizations. The AP-HP provides a public health service for everyone, 24 hours a day. This mission is a duty as well as a great source of pride. AP-HP is the leading employer in the Greater Paris area: 100.000 staff members – doctors, researchers, paramedical staff, administrative personnel and workers – work there. Toutes les spécialités médicales de la néonatologie à la gériatrie en passant par …

Sectors: Health

Safran Safran

Powered by trust Safran is an international high-technology group, operating in the aviation (propulsion, equipment and interiors), defense and space markets. Its core purpose is to contribute to a safer, more sustainable world, where air transport is more environmentally friendly, comfortable and accessible. Safran has a global presence, with 79,000 employees and holds, alone or in partnership, world or European leadership positions in its core markets. Aerospace, Defence, engineering, Optronics, Jet Engines, Helicopter engines, Rocket engines, Safety-critical softwares, Inertial guidance, Propulsion systems, and Aerosystems

Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Defence and Aerospace

L'Oréal L'Oréal

Leading in beauty and pioneering the world of beauty tech, present in 150 countries Leading the world in beauty and pioneering the world of beauty tech; we are 86K employees across 150 countries on five continents. Our 36 international brands are divided into four unique Divisions: Luxe, Consumer Products, Dermatological Beauty, and Professional Products. Our 36 international brands include Kiehl’s, Lancôme, Giorgio Armani Beauty, Yves Saint Laurent Beauté, Ralph Lauren, Clarisonic, Maybelline New York, Essie, Kérastase, IT Cosmetics, Prada Beauty, Biotherm, Shu Uemura, Viktor&Rolf, Maison Martin Margiela, Urban Decay, Redken, Vichy, La Roche-Posay, Diesel, Garnier, L’Oréal Paris, and more. For …

Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Cosmetics

Groupement Mousquetaires Groupement Mousquetaires

With nearly 4000 points of sale in Europe and a turnover of 53.39 billion euros in 2022, the Groupement Les Mousquetaires is a major player in large distribution. Created in France in 1969, the group, based on private initiative, today brings together more than 3,000 independent business leaders, 150,000 collaborators and 7 brands: Intermarché, Clean, Bricomarché, Bricorama, Bricorama, Roady, Rapid Board. Musketeers are also present in Portugal, Belgium and Poland.

Sectors: Retail and Distribution

Centre National d'Études Spatiales Centre National d'Études Spatiales

Le CNES est l’agence spatiale française. Elle propose et met en œuvre la politique spatiale de la France. Founded in 1961, the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) is the government agency responsible for shaping and implementing France’s space policy in Europe. Its task is to invent the space systems of the future, bring space technologies to maturity and guarantee France’s independent access to space. CNES is a pivotal player in Europe’s space programme, and a major source of initiatives and proposals that aim to maintain France and Europe’s competitive edge. Espace, Science, Télécommunications, Défense, Observation, Ingénierie, Gestion de projets internationaux, …

Secrétariat général pour la modernisation de l'action publique (SGMAP) Secrétariat général pour la modernisation de l'action publique (SGMAP)

The General Secretariat for the Modernization of Public Action (SGMAP) is a mission administration, which aims to be the ankle of the state reform, alongside ministries and other public institutions. Attached to the Prime Minister, he aims to be, within the State, the place of expertise and excellence in the transformation of public policies and administrations. The SGMAP has a double role: • An advisory role to the government in the development, conduct and monitoring of the global reform program. As such, the SGMAP is both "assembly" of the modernization of public action (MAP), guaranteeing its consistency, respect for the …

Sectors: National and local authorities

Capgemini Capgemini

Get the future you want Capgemini is a global business and technology transformation partner, helping organizations to accelerate their dual transition to a digital and sustainable world, while creating tangible impact for enterprises and society. It is a responsible and diverse group of 340,000 team members in more than 50 countries. With its strong over 55-year heritage, Capgemini is trusted by its clients to unlock the value of technology to address the entire breadth of their business needs. It delivers end-to-end services and solutions leveraging strengths from strategy and design to engineering, all fueled by its market leading capabilities in …

Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Consulting

Veolia Water Technologies Veolia Water Technologies

THE BEST TECHNOLOGY TO PRESERVE YOUR WATER RESOURCES We are a subsidiary of the Veolia group and the leading specialist in water treatment. Our teams design and deliver drinking water or wastewater treatment plants as well as smaller standardized water treatment equipment for industrial or municipal customers. We also offer a range of services (audit, maintenance, digital, etc.) to cover all water treatment plant management needs. wastewater treatment, reuse, drinking water, process water, Design and Build, Treatment Chemicals, Mobile Water, Maintenance, Desalination, Biogas, Biosolids, Oil & Gas, Power, Cooling water, Food & Beverage, Mining, Sludge, Boiler feed, Condensate polishing, and …

Sectors: Environment

Fnac Fnac

Fancy challenge? Integrate an innovative company: join the Fnac group, leader in its markets with 3.9 billion CA, 187 stores present in 8 countries and, second retail site in France with 12 million visitors per month and elected best mobile site by FEVAD. By deploying its omnichannel strategy, the development of new store formats, and its recognized expertise, Fnac creates a unique customer experience and strengthens its leading position. Whether at headquarters, in stores, in France or abroad, find the job that suits you! Multicanal distribution of cultural products, multi -channel distribution of technological products, multi -channel distribution of …

Sectors: Retail and Distribution


Sport, the most beautiful meeting. Intersport is a French cooperative made up of independent entrepreneurs engaged on a daily basis to make sport more accessible, more united and more sustainable. In France, 938 stores and 20,000 employees have worked for 100 years to always live better together. In the world, Intersport is present in 57 countries with 6000 stores. At Intersport, we believe in the power of sport. Sport binds us, brings us together. He simply makes people meet. Putting more sport in your life is going to meet new habits, another daily life, from another self. And perhaps meeting …

Santé publique France Santé publique France

Act for the health of all Anticipate, understand, act Public Health France is the center of reference and expertise in public health of the Ministry of Health. His skills in epidemiology, prevention, and in intervention with audiences, allow the agency to cover a wide field of activities, from knowledge to action. The agency's mission is to effectively protect the health of populations. Through epidemiological monitoring and monitoring, the agency anticipates and alerts. By mastering prevention and preparation for health emergency prevention, it supports the actors committed to public health. Anchored in the territories, it measures the state of health and …

Ministère de la Santé Ministère de la Santé

Official account of the ministry responsible for health and access to care. The Ministry of Health and Access to Care prepares and implements government policy in the fields of public health, prevention and access to care. health, solidarity, public administration, poverty, care, and solidarity


The CEA is the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission ("Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives"​). It is a public body established in October 1945 by General de Gaulle. A leader in research, development and innovation, the CEA mission statement has two main objectives: To become the leading technological research organization in Europe and to ensure that the nuclear deterrent remains effective in the future. The CEA is active in four main areas: low-carbon energies, defense and security, information technologies and health technologies. In each of these fields, the CEA maintains a cross-disciplinary culture of engineers and …

Sectors: Research


INRAE, National Institute for Research for Agriculture, Food and the Environment Inrae, the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, is a major player in research and innovation created on January 1, 2020. Finalized research institute resulting from the merger between the Inra and Irstea, Inrae brings together a community of 12,000 people, with just over 200 research units and around forty experimental units located in 18 centers throughout France. The Institute is positioned among the very first world leaders in agricultural and food sciences, in plants of plants and animals, and ranks 11th in ecology-environment. Inrae aims …

Sectors: Research

La Poste Groupe La Poste Groupe

The leading local sales network in France, the La Poste group is organized in 4 branches of activity: services-loud, bank and insurance, physical and digital distributor, Geopost/DPDGroup for international. Present in more than 63 countries, on 5 continents, he achieved a turnover of € 34.1 billion in 2023. In 2021, the La Poste group became the first public company to adopt the quality of a mission company. 4 societal commitments are now registered in its statutes: • Contribute to the development and territorial cohesion • Promote social inclusion • Promote an ethical, inclusive and frugal digital • Work for the …

Sectors: Postal services

NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Explore the universe and discover our home planet with the official NASA page on LinkedIn. For more than 60 years, NASA has been breaking barriers to achieve the seemingly impossible—from walking on the Moon to pushing the boundaries of human spaceflight farther than ever before. We work in space and around the world in laboratories and wind tunnels, on airfields and in control rooms to explore some of life’s fundamental mysteries: What’s out there in space? How do we get there? And what can we learn that will make life better here on Earth? We are passionate professionals united by …

Sectors: Research

Roche Roche

Roche is a global pioneer in pharmaceuticals and diagnostics focused on advancing science to improve people’s lives. The combined strengths of pharmaceuticals and diagnostics under one roof have made Roche the leader in personalised healthcare – a strategy that aims to fit the right treatment to each patient in the best way possible. Roche is the world’s largest biotech company, with truly differentiated medicines in oncology, immunology, infectious diseases, ophthalmology and diseases of the central nervous system. Roche is also the world leader in in vitro diagnostics and tissue-based cancer diagnostics, and a frontrunner in diabetes management. Founded in 1896, …

Sectors: Biotechnology Pharmaceutical

Roland Berger Roland Berger

A global leader in strategy consulting, delivering tailored solutions across all key industries and business functions. Roland Berger is a global leader in strategy consulting, renowned for its focus on transformation, innovation, and sustainability. Founded in 1967 and headquartered in Munich, we shape the future of businesses and industries globally. Whether it’s digitalization, globalization, or sustainability, we see challenges as opportunities to drive impact. With innovative solutions, deep industry expertise, and agile international teams, we deliver measurable results and lasting change. Our goal is clear: accelerate transformation, build resilient business models, and contribute to a CO2-neutral future – bold, collaborative, …

Sectors: Consulting

Capgemini Engineering Capgemini Engineering

Sectors: Consulting