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LogoName Σ Employees
Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole

An exceptional territory. Since January 1, 2016, the inter -municipal group of Perpignan and the 35 neighboring municipalities has been strengthened. Now urban community (the only one in the major Occitanie-Pyrénées-Méditerranée region), the new structure bears the name of Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole. His skills are very extensive, while its operation is based on the strengthening of local services, for the sake of efficiency. The urban community is a pooling of human, financial and technical resources. Its staff comes mainly from the services of the member municipalities. It has very extensive compulsory skills, the municipalities can also decide the transfer of …

Type: Public Startup Activities: cleantech

34 6
Communauté d'agglomération Cap excellence Communauté d'agglomération Cap excellence

Guadeloupe at the heart of the action Our community of Agglomeration CAP Excellence born in 2009 brings together the cities of the Abymes, Baie-Mahault and Pointe-à-Pitre. Prospective, Europe and strategies, resources and means, territories and solidarity, economy and tourism, technical services, urban renewal and housing, urban services and living environment, and sustainable development and regional planning

Type: Public Activities: greentech

10 65
Industria, Trantsizio Energetikoa eta Jasangarritasuna [EJ-GV] Industria, Trantsizio Energetikoa eta Jasangarritasuna [EJ-GV]

⚙️⚡️🌿 Ministry of Industry, Energy Transition and Sustainability 🏛 Basque Government ⚙️⚡️🌿 Ministry of Industry, Energy Transition and Sustainability 🏛 Basque Government Desarrollo Económico, Industria, Medio Ambiente, Sostenibilidad, Tecnologia, Innovación, Competitividad, Energía, Transición Energética, Descarbonización, and Empresa

Type: Public

4 7
Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart

Stuttgart by profession Stuttgart from a profession is 16,000 employees - they all shape public life in Stuttgart and ensure that everything runs smoothly in the state capital in the boiler. We have attractive and varied jobs, training positions, dual courses and volunteers. You too will be at a profession - we look forward to your application at! You can also subscribe to our job to get our new job advertisements by email every week and guarantee nothing to miss: Imprint: Data protection: data protection

Type: Public

10 1,113
Boldbrain Startup Challenge Boldbrain Startup Challenge

Your idea into reality 🚀 Boldbrain Startup Challenge is an accelerator addressing early-stage startups and entrepreneurs with innovative ideas who want to start and grow their businesses from the Canton of Ticino. We take your idea to heart, offering ongoing and personalized support, coaching, workshops and a final competition with cash prizes totalling CHF 120,000 and over CHF 80,000 in in-kind prizes to help you develop it. If you want to grow your idea, Boldbrain is the right choice for you! Startup, Coaching, Business, Ideas, Accelerator, Innovation, and Support

Type: Public

4 15
Innosuisse Innosuisse

Swiss Innovation Agency Innosuisse is the Swiss Innovation Agency. We fund science-based innovation in the interests of industry and society with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Switzerland. Innovationsförderung, wissenschaftsbasierte Innovation, Innovationsprojekte, Start-up Training Kurse, Start-up Coaching, Vernetzung, and Wissens- und Technologietransfer

Type: Public

32 538
Climate Change Committee Climate Change Committee

The UK’s independent adviser on tackling climate change. The Climate Change Committee (CCC) is an independent, statutory body established under the Climate Change Act 2008. Our purpose is to advise the UK Government and Devolved Administrations on emissions targets and report to Parliament on progress made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change.

Type: Public

34 81
Provincie Gelderland Provincie Gelderland

Gelderland is the largest province in the Netherlands in terms of surface area and has around 2 million inhabitants. Gelderland is the largest province in the Netherlands in terms of surface area and has around 2 million inhabitants. The beautiful province has 54 municipalities and is very popular touristy. The capital of the province is Arnhem and the largest city is Nijmegen. The provincial organization consists of a political part and an official part. Provincial States and Provincial Executive form the political administration led by the King's Commissioner. Provincial roads, culture and heritage, spatial planning, building, swimming water quality, nature, …

Type: Public

3 1,839
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

Our role is to investigate complaints that individuals have been treated unfairly or have received poor service from government departments and other public organisations and the NHS in England. We work to put things right where we can and to share lessons learned to improve public services. Our service is free and open to everyone. complaint handling, NHS complaint handling, and Ombudsman

Type: Public

4 383
Greater Cambridge Partnership Greater Cambridge Partnership

The Greater Cambridge Partnership is the local delivery body for a City Deal with central Government, bringing powers and investment, worth up to £1 billion over 15 years, to vital improvements in infrastructure, supporting and accelerating the creation of 44,000 new jobs, 33,500 new homes and 420 additional apprenticeships. transport, housing, skills, and smart

Type: Public

8 37
Peterborough City Council Peterborough City Council

A unitary authority providing local government services to Peterborough and the surrounding villages. Everyone at Peterborough City Council has a unique opportunity to make Peterborough a better place to live, work and visit. Whether it's protecting people from harm, improving our road network, providing school places for our children or attracting investment in the city. Peterborough is the fourth fastest growing city in the country with a population of 194,000 residents. As a unitary authority we provide all the council services for our residents, so there's never a dull day. Peterborough is a thriving city and rapidly expanding to meet …

Type: Public

5 1,275
Essex County Council Essex County Council

Everyone's Essex Essex County Council forms one level of local government within the county of Essex. We work with other local authorities, as well as regional, national and international authorities, to deliver services and represent the best interests of the people of the county. For information about services please visit

Type: Public

7 6,558
South Cambridgeshire District Council South Cambridgeshire District Council

Building truly affordable homes, supporting local businesses, being green to our core and putting our customers first South Cambridgeshire District Council is an ambitious council with an exciting agenda for the future. We want to improve the quality of life for our residents whilst developing new sustainable communities and driving economic growth and prosperity. We may be facing tough times ahead, in common with the rest of the public sector, but we are proud of what we have achieved, passionate about what we do and committed to doing even better in the future. If you thrive on change and you …

Type: Public

4 366
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT) Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT)

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT) is a health and social care organisation providing integrated community care including mental health and specialist learning disability services across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, and children’s community services in Peterborough. For more information please visit

Type: Public

4 1,747
Cámara de Comercio Santa Cruz de Tenerife Cámara de Comercio Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Training Department Support for SMEs and freelancers. Internationalization, creation of companies, training courses, arbitration, etc. It is an institution of representation, promotion and defense of the general interests of commerce, services, industry, navigation and consolidation of the economic fabric of the province. Its nature as a public law corporation and integrating all companies reinforce the representative nature of the general interests of companies. Training

Type: Public

10 95
Gemeente Leiden Gemeente Leiden

Leiden is a great place to work, study, do business, to live and be. Leiden is the city of discoveries, with a beautiful historic city center and a rich tradition of knowledge and culture. The city houses no fewer than 12 museums, with often unique collections. Historical culture, knowledge and science come together here. Leiden is centrally located in the Randstad, between water and greenery, close to the coast and close to Schiphol. That makes the Leiden region an attractive base for residents and companies, with the Randstad or the world as a work site. Leiden also has a long …

Type: Public

6 1,878
Ministerio del Medio Ambiente Ministerio del Medio Ambiente

Working to develop the first ecological government of Chile. The Ministry of Environment of Chile is the body of the State responsible for collaborating with the President of the Republic in the design and application of policies, plans and programs in environmental matters, as well as in the protection and conservation of biological diversity and renewable and water resources, promoting sustainable development, the integrity of environmental policy and its normative regulation.

Type: Public

15 486
Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales

Official Account of the Ministry of National Assets, Minister Francisco Figueroa Cerda. The Ministry is to consolidate itself in front of citizenship and other State agencies as a strategic service for the development of the country, participating and being proactive in the decision -making instances at the territorial level and being recognized by our commitment to provide effective, agile and time public policies of the country. Domino titles, patrimonial routes, indigenous lands, large territories, that you do not miss beach, no more irregular lots, owner chili, territorial management plan, SDGs, patrimonial rescue, that vuelvaelmoai, coastal edge, national parks, heritage, and …

Type: Public

1 667
KB nationale bibliotheek KB nationale bibliotheek

Built with words. Shaped by people. The KB is the national library of the Netherlands. Driven by the power of the written word we further intellectual development, proficiency and creativity in the Netherlands. To this end, we seek collaboration with partners in the domains of public libraries, cultural heritage and academics. The KB promotes the visibility, usibility and longevity of the Dutch Library Collection, defined as the collective holdings of all publicly funded libraries in the Netherlands. Unhindered access to these collections furthers the development of new ideas and allows researchers to build upon the ideas of their predecessors. national …

Type: Public

1 556
Nederlandse Taalunie Nederlandse Taalunie

De kennis- en beleidsorganisatie voor het Nederlands. The Nederlandse Taalunie: three countries united by one language. The Dutch language is spoken in the Netherlands, Flanders (Belgium) and Suriname. The three partners work together on linguistic issues, language policy, language teaching and literature. Nederlandse taal, Taalbeleid, Onderwijs(beleid), Literatuur, Taal- en spraaktechnologie, Taalhulp, Nederlands internationaal, Letteren en lezen, and Nederlands op school

Type: Public

0 99
Visit Estonia Visit Estonia

Visit Estonia. It's about time. We are the official international LinkedIn page for Visit Estonia / Estonian Tourist Board. brings you travel ideas, offers, attractions & events, competitions, fun facts and more from Estonia! Facebook: /visitestonia Twitter: @visitestonia Instagram: @visitestonia #visitestonia Pinterest: visitestonia #visitestonia The administration of this page is supported by European Union Regional Development Fund through the programme "Promoting Estonia as a Tourism Destination". Tourism, Destination Marketing, Destination marketing organization, Travel, Conferences, seminars, Hospitality , and Support Local Produce

Type: Public

3 32
Ville de Morges Ville de Morges

The administration of the city of Morges, with more than 300 employees, is made up of seven municipal departments: - Administration, mobility and human resources - Finance, economy, IT and population - Childhood, culture and sustainability - Buildings, Sports and Domains - Urban infrastructure and management - Social cohesion, housing and security - Town planning, constructions and public space

Type: Public

1 208
IT BT Department, Karnataka IT BT Department, Karnataka

Official LinkedIn page of ITBT Department, Government of Karnataka. The ITBT Department houses the sectors of IT (Informational Technology), BT (Biotechnology), AVGC (Animation, Visual Effects, Gaming and Comics) and ESDM (Electronic System Design and Manufacturing)

Type: Public

19 130
Axencia Galega de Innovación Axencia Galega de Innovación

Smart specialization to transform Galicia together Official profile of the Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN) of @galiciaccece | @Xunta Innovation, R & D & I, Promotion of the research and scientific and technological development, internationalization, and promotion of the capture and management of talent

Type: Public

12 50
Innovate UK London Innovate UK London

Bespoke, specialist-led growth support for ambitious, innovative businesses from the UK’s innovation agency. Innovate UK is the UK’s innovation agency. We help companies to start, grow and scale through the development and commercialisation of new products, processes and services. We operate in all regions and devolved nations across the UK. Follow this account to learn more about our Innovate UK Business Growth activity in London driving innovation and business growth in the region. You can learn more about the Innovate UK Business Growth service here: Business Support, Funding, Finance, Innovation, Access to markets, EU regulations, IP, Business Strategy, Brokerage …

Type: Public

16 18
Southampton City Council Southampton City Council

Southampton is a successful city; it is the city of opportunity and the powerhouse for the wider South Hampshire economy. In 2013 Southampton benefitted from the greatest increase in economic output (gross value added) in England. Over the next 20 years, Southampton will: - Attract more economic investment, including continued growth of the Port, the broader marine economy, a new city centre business district centred on the Royal Pier Waterfront and Station Quarter, and investment in industrial areas, for example in the Itchen Riverside Quarter; - Plan for further growth and enhancement of the city centre as a major retail, …

Type: Public

7 2,359
City of London Corporation City of London Corporation

Dedicated to a vibrant and thriving City, supporting a diverse and sustainable London within a globally-successful UK. The City of London Corporation is the governing body of the Square Mile dedicated to a vibrant and thriving City, supporting a diverse and sustainable London within a globally successful UK. You are welcome to leave reply or message us a comment via LinkedIn, but if you'd like a reply please contact us direclty via email or telephone. >>> We're working hard to... - contribute to a flourishing society - Shape outstanding environments - Support a thriving economy By strengthening the character, capacity …

Type: Public

53 2,904
Buenos Aires City Government Buenos Aires City Government

Cuenta oficial del Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. The Buenos Aires City Government offers a wide variety of services to its citizens and visitors. Its central work focuses on human development (education, health, social development). It also pays great deal of attention to environmental issues and cultural affairs. Gobierno

Type: Public

15 24,530

This is not the official page on Linkedin of the Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere, I.P. (IPMA). To find out more about IPMA's activity on this social network or to follow, go to the official page: This page in not being updated and will soon be deleted.

Type: Public

1 253
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Liverpool City Region Combined Authority

Liverpool City Region: the best place to grow up, grow a family, and grow a business - where no-one is left behind. Bringing together Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens and Wirral to provide strategic governance and support economic growth. Working With Us We’re looking for people with the passion to deliver on our vision and help us to create a truly global and competitive city region which works for everyone. Devolution brings real powers to make policy and investment decisions that suit our own needs. We have a historic opportunity right now, with our city region growing faster than …

Type: Public

13 477

Protecting the public’s health by ensuring the safety of meat, poultry, and egg products. The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is the public health agency in the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) responsible for protecting the public’s health by ensuring the safety of the Nation’s commercial supply of meat, poultry, and egg products. FSIS ensures food safety through the authorities of the Federal Meat Inspection Act, the Poultry Products Inspection Act, and the Egg Products Inspection Act; and humane animal handling through the authority of Humane Methods of Slaughter Act. FSIS employs about 9,000 personnel, the majority of whom …

Type: Public

7 3,042
Portugal Digital Portugal Digital

Moving Forward Moving With a Purpose Portugal Digital is the country's transformation engine. Its purpose is to accelerate Portugal, without leaving anyone behind, and to highlight this mission in the world. How? Through the digital empowerment of people, the digital transformation of businesses and the digitalization of the Public Administration.

Type: Public

13 1
National Institute of Informatics [Japan] 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics [Japan] 国立情報学研究所

A unique inter-university research institute corporation and a research organization of information and systems As Japan's only general academic research institution seeking to create future value in the new discipline of informatics, the National Institute of Informatics (NII) seeks to advance integrated research and development activities in information-related fields, including networking, software, and content. These activities range from theoretical and methodological work through applications. As an inter-university research institute, NII promotes the creation of a state-of-the-art academic-information infrastructure (the Cyber Science Infrastructure, or CSI) that is essential to research and education within the broader academic community, with a focus on …

Type: Public

3 102
Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)

The Naval Sea Systems Command is comprised of command staff, headquarters directorates, affiliated Program Executive Offices (PEOs) and numerous field activities. Together, we engineer, build, buy and maintain ships, submarines and combat systems that meet the Fleet's current and future operational requirements. The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the United States Navy or NAVSEA of the linked websites, or the information, products or services contained therein. Other than for authorized activities, such as military exchanges and Morale, Welfare and Recreation sites, the United States Department of Defense does not exercise any editorial control over the information …

Type: Public Activities: deeptech military

4 5,723
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Big Science. Big Impact. Oak Ridge National Laboratory is managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy. Scientists and engineers at ORNL conduct basic and applied research and development to create scientific knowledge and technological solutions that strengthen the nation's leadership in key areas of science; increase the availability of clean, abundant energy; restore and protect the environment; and contribute to national security. ORNL also performs other work for the Department of Energy, including isotope production, information management, and technical program management, and provides research and technical assistance to other organizations. computing, biosciences, reactors, science, nuclear energy, neutron science, chemistry, …

Type: Public

39 5,909
City of Detroit City of Detroit

Detroit is a dynamic, diverse city with an intriguing history. It's a place of people and places, trends and events, world-changing inventions and groundbreaking music. Long known as the automobile capital of the world, Detroit is also famous for its distinctive Motown music sound from the 1960s.

Type: Public

14 6,350
Ambassade de France au Japon Ambassade de France au Japon

Ambassade de France au Japon

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

36 76
Wijzer in geldzaken Wijzer in geldzaken

Signpost to reliable information about your money matters. Wijzer in Geldzaken is an initiative of the Ministry of Finance, in which partners from the financial sector, science, the government and education, information and consumer organizations join forces to promote responsible financial behavior in the Netherlands. Her Majesty Queen Máxima is honorary chairman of the Wijzer Platform in Geldzaken. In this position, Queen Máxima draws attention to the importance of financial education and the wisely dealing with money. Learning to deal with money, money matters in order, arrange your pension, money matters, financial education, and money worries

Type: Public

9 18
City of Pittsburgh City of Pittsburgh

City of Pittsburgh Careers: Your Bridge to Endless Opportunities! Pittsburgh was founded on November 27, 1758. The city was named by General John Forbes, in honor of British statesman William Pitt, the 1st Earl of Chatham. Early on, Pittsburgh played an important role in our country’s history. In the early 1800s, the city became known as the “Gateway to the West.” This nickname referenced the huge advantage Pittsburgh had by having the intersection of three major waterways. The Allegheny River and Monongahela River join together at what is known as the “point” to form the Ohio River. This intersection opened …

Type: Public

5 1,875
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas

BSP’s official LinkedIn account The BSP is the central bank and monetary authority of the Republic of the Philippines. It was established on 3 July 1993 pursuant to the provisions of the 1987 Philippine Constitution and the New Central Bank Act of 1993, which granted the Bank fiscal and administrative autonomy from the National Government. Our Vision The BSP aims to be recognized globally as the monetary authority and primary financial system supervisor that supports a strong economy and promotes a high quality of life for all Filipinos. Our Mission To promote and maintain price stability, a strong financial system, …

Type: Public

7 3,733
Royal Australian Air Force Royal Australian Air Force

Air Force provides air and space power for Australia's security. #AusAirForce The Royal Australian Air Force is a world-class military force operating some of the most advanced aircraft and defence technology in use anywhere today. We may be the second oldest Air Force in the world, but we sure look young for our age! Since our formation in 1921 we have set a proud record protecting Australia alongside the Royal Australian Navy and Australian Army. This tradition continues today. Each day, our personnel deliver Australian air power, whenever and wherever, it is needed. Built on the proud history and traditions …

Type: Public

5 4,798
Scottish Ambulance Service Scottish Ambulance Service

Taking Care to the Patient As the frontline of the NHS in Scotland and with over 4500 members of staff, we provide an emergency ambulance service to a population of over 5 million people serving all of the nation’s mainland and island communities. The Scottish Ambulance Service responds to around 1.8 million calls for emergency and non-emergency assistance each year. We attend nearly 700,000 emergency and unscheduled incidents. We transfer around 90,000 patients between hospitals each year and respond to over 150,000 urgent requests for admission, transfer and discharge from GPs and hospitals Our air ambulance service undertakes around 3,500 …

Type: Public

10 1,835
Federal Aviation Administration Federal Aviation Administration

Our continuing mission is to provide the safest, most efficient aerospace system in the world. The FAA is on the leading edge of a new frontier in commercial space transportation, building the next generation (NextGen) of satellite-based navigation systems, and fostering the safe integration of unmanned aerial systems into our airspace. We can only dream of what the next 50 years of American ingenuity will look like, but FAA employees will be working to ensure that the United States continues to lead the world in aerospace safety, innovation and advancements that continue to push the limits of science and technology. …

Type: Public

38 32,630
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

St Mary’s, Hammersmith, Charing Cross, Queen Charlotte’s & Chelsea and the Western Eye hospitals in London We are Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, one of the largest NHS trusts in England. Our more than 15,000 staff provide acute and specialist care for over 1.3 million patients a year from our five hospitals in west London – St Mary’s, Hammersmith, Charing Cross, Queen Charlotte’s & Chelsea and Western Eye. We also offer private healthcare in dedicated facilities on all our sites. With our academic partner Imperial College London, we run the NHS’s biggest biomedical research centre, translating research breakthroughs into new …

Type: Public

12 6,636
U.S. Coast Guard U.S. Coast Guard

The official LinkedIn for the U.S. Coast Guard The mission of the U.S. Coast Guard is to protect the public, the environment, and U.S. economic interests — along the coast and our coastal borders, in the nation's ports and waterways, in international waters, or in any maritime region as required to support national security. As one of the six branches of the Armed Forces, the U.S. Coast Guard is vital to our nation's safety and security. U.S. Coast Guard personnel are the backbone of America’s maritime security. The U.S. Coast Guard employs a topnotch civilian workforce, with more than 7,000 …

Type: Public

18 30,655
Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

Join us in our commitment to a more secure travel experience. We are #TeamTSA. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is a component agency of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), committed to securing the nation’s transportation systems to ensure safe and efficient travel for all. Our mission is to protect the American people by preventing threats and disruptions in the transportation sector, while enhancing the overall passenger experience. 🔹 Mission: Safeguard transportation systems and prevent security threats 🔹 Vision: Achieve a secure and resilient transportation network 🔹 Values: Integrity, Excellence, Accountability, and Innovation More than 60,000 people around the …

Type: Public

31 15,977

Type: Public

2 9
Conseil national de l'information géolocalisée - CNIG Conseil national de l'information géolocalisée - CNIG

The National Geolocated Information Council is an advisory body placed with the Minister responsible for sustainable development. In his field of competence, he's mission: 1 °. To inform and advise the government in the development, conduct and evaluation of public policies and action to which geolocated information contributes; 2 °. To organize the regular consultation of actors, to promote their membership in common approaches and to facilitate the coordination of their contribution to geolocated information, at European, national and territorial levels, with public authorities, economic, associative and academic sectors, civil society and users; 3 °. To ensure the good articulation …

Type: Public

40 5
British Geological Survey British Geological Survey

Our vision is for a safer, more sustainable & prosperous planet and a future based on sound geoscientific solutions. The British Geological Survey is a part of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and is its principal supplier of national capability in geoscience. It advances understanding of the structure, properties and processes of the solid Earth system through interdisciplinary surveys, monitoring and research for the benefit of society. It is the UK's premier provider of objective and authoritative geoscientific data, information and knowledge for wealth creation, sustainable use of natural resources, reducing risk and living with the impacts of environmental …

Type: Public Activities: deeptech

17 646
Brandweer Hollands Midden Brandweer Hollands Midden

The fire brigade is always looking for reinforcement, professional and voluntary. The working area of ​​the Hollands Midden fire brigade extends from the northern edge of South Holland, the Bollenstreek, via the Groene Hart to the Krimpenerwaard in the south. On January 1, 2015, the area has more than 771,000 inhabitants. With 47 barracks, 1,354 employees (professional and office staff and volunteers), spread over the risk management sectors, operational preparation, incident control, resources and group staff, the Hollands Midden fire brigade is active daily to increase the safety of these residents.

Type: Public Activities: transporttech

0 291
Fermilab Fermilab

Fermilab is America's particle physics and accelerator laboratory. Fermilab is America's premier particle physics and accelerator laboratory. Collaborating with scientists from around the world, we perform pioneering research, operate world-leading particle accelerators and experiments, and develop technologies for science in support of U.S. industry. Fermilab works on the world's most advanced particle accelerators and digs down to the smallest building blocks of matter. We also probe the farthest reaches of the universe, seeking out the nature of dark matter and dark energy. Fermilab's 1,750 employees include scientists and engineers from all around the world, and we collaborate with more than …

Type: Public

10 2,295
Circular Flanders Circular Flanders

Circular Flanders is the hub and source of inspiration for Flanders’ circular economy. Circular Flanders is the hub, the inspirator and matchmaker for circular economy in Flanders. We are a partnership of government agencies, businesses, non profit organisations and knowledge institutions, making commitments to action. Several partners pool resources within the Circular Flanders team, while The Flanders Public Waste, Materials & Soil Agency (OVAM) acts as principal host and enabler. The Flemish government appointed the new partnership to push the circular economy forward as a regionwide transition priority.

Type: Public

10 18
Mission locale de Paris Mission locale de Paris

For 16-25 year olds 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♀️ Looking for a job, training ...? 👉 Meet on The Local Mission of Paris is an organization responsible for reception, information, professional orientation and support for young people to build a specific professional project. It is intended for all young people aged 16 to 25 who encounter difficulties in terms of access to employment, training or difficulties in accessing their autonomy. With its 250 employees and its 6 reception sites spread over Parisian territory, the Local Mission of Paris supports nearly 20,000 young people. In 2023: More than 20,250 young people were in contact …

Type: Public

37 281
IFP Energies nouvelles IFP Energies nouvelles

Research and training in the fields of energy, transport and the environment IFP Energies Nouvelles (IFPEN) is a major player in research and training in the fields of energy, transport and the environment. From research to industry, technological innovation is at the heart of its action, articulated around four strategic priorities: climate, environment and circular economy - renewable energies - sustainable mobility and responsible hydrocarbons. ------------------------------ IFP Energies Nouvelles (Ifpen) is a major research and training player in the fields of energy, transport and the environment. From Research to Industry, Technological Innovation is Central to All ITS Activities, Structured Around …

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

71 2,963
DefInSpace DefInSpace

Definspace, hackathon organized by space command Note the DEFINSPACE challenges and release your sense of innovation! Definspace is part of the approach of a classic hackathon: 24 hours to imagine solutions for the space defense of tomorrow! This event created by the command of space and operated by the competitiveness cluster Aerospace Valley will take place on the 17th & amp; November 18, 2023. It is for participants of an opportunity to discover the little -known universe of defense space and its future issues as well as the new professions that will result from it. Passionate about the spatial sector …

Type: Public

16 1
Institut Pierre-Gilles de Gennes Institut Pierre-Gilles de Gennes

for microfluidics Speaking of the Industry world and Research, Pierre-Gilles de Gennes used to say that « both have everything to gain by working together ». Regarding the frontiers between scientific domains, he stressed that we should be able to overcome them in order to make each scientific domain more successful and fully exploit their potentials. Pierre-Gilles de Gennes Institute – IPGG – has been created along these lines of thought: its goal is to bring together, in a cross-disciplinary domain (microfluidics), experts from various disciplines (physics, biology, chemistry, technology), and develop both fundamental and applied research. Industrial domains interested …

Type: Public Activities: deeptech

5 16
French Healthcare French Healthcare

Official English account of #FrenchHealthcare, an innovative public-private initiative promoting the healthcare 🇫🇷🩺 French Healthcare is a public-private initiative aimed at bringing together French companies, researchers, and healthcare professionals to jointly promote their activities internationally. This initiative is supported by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Business France and the French Healthcare Association. The collective brand French Healthcare has the ambition to build momentum through a collective approach so as to boost the influence of French expertise, know-how and technologies in the Healthcare industry.

Type: Public Activities: healthtech

45 2
Seine Grands Lacs Seine Grands Lacs

Seine Grandes Lakes works to maintain the quantity and quality of the water from the Seine and its tributaries. The Syndicat mixes Seine Grandes Lakes works in the service of the general interest of the upstream basin of the Seine. Alongside the water players, acting in the basin, its 136 agents ensure every day at the level and quality of the water in compliance with the environment for the benefit of its entire operational territory. The EPTB Seine Grandes Lacs is governed by a union committee of 31 elected officials from the Departments of Hauts-de-Seine, Seine-Saint-Denis, Val-de-Marne, the City of …

Type: Public

38 81
EPSM de l'agglomération lilloise - GHT Psy NPdC EPSM de l'agglomération lilloise - GHT Psy NPdC

1,500 agents for the care of +22,000 people, 90% of which are on an outpatient, in the Lille metropolis and surroundings The public mental health establishment of the Lille agglomeration takes care of people with mental disorders within the population of 540,000 inhabitants of Lille, Roubaix, Villeneuve d'Ascq and surroundings. It is part of the GHT (hospital group of territory) of Nord Pas-de-Calais psychiatry, with the EPSM Lille-Métropole, Flanders and Val-de-Lys Artois. The EPSM of the Lille agglomeration thus manages 403 beds, 40 specialized reception center places, 132 part-time hospitalization places, 27 medico-psychological centers (CMP) / part-time therapeutic reception centers …

Type: Public Activities: healthtech

5 300
FSCA South Africa FSCA South Africa

Ensuring an efficient financial sector where customers are informed and treated fairly. The FSCA's mandate is to enhance the efficiency and integrity of financial markets; promote fair customer treatment by financial institutions; provide financial education and promote financial literacy; and assist in maintaining financial stability in South Africa. This is in line with the Twin Peaks model of financial sector regulations, as envisioned in the Financial Sector Act 2017 (FSRA). Regulatory framework, Treating Customers Fairly regulation, Informed and educated financial customers, FinTech, Inclusive and transformed financial sector, Financial market conduct, Licensing, Financial products, Banking sector regulation, Twin Peaks, and Prudential …

Type: Public Activities: fintech

3 475
EPFL de la Savoie EPFL de la Savoie

Land, our job! The EPFL of Savoy is a public establishment, specialized in land. It intervenes for member communities (267 municipalities and 15 EPCI to date) from negotiating a property to its retrocession through the acquisition, portage, management of the property, depollution, deconstruction or upgrading to standards. He also supports communities in the implementation of their land strategies, in the short term by identifying the best means to act during an in progress; In the medium or long term, by establishing their land action plan, by identifying the deposits or priorities of actions. Land, portage, strategy, acquisition, and negotiation

Type: Public Activities: proptech

5 9
EPF Ile-de-France EPF Ile-de-France

Major actor in territories EPF Ile-de-France is the land partner of 350 Ile-de-France communities. By mobilizing land, it contributes to the development of the housing supply, to support economic development and to the requalification of degraded condominiums of national interest. The establishment also pilots the requalification operations of degraded condominiums of national interest (Orcod-in). Key figures 2023: * Acquisitions: 591.3 M € * Land transfers: € 364 million (+26%) # 7,160 dwellings # 270,000 m2 of economic activities Real estate, Grand Paris, Foncière, Housing, Planning, Economic Development, Requalification of degraded condominiums, Orcod-in, and Foncier

Type: Public

50 219
EpaMarne EpaFrance EpaMarne EpaFrance

The soul in the development Epamarne is the reference developer of the East Parisian, originally committed to a set of municipalities in the Paris-Vallée de la Marne and Marne-et-Gondoire agglomerations. EPAFRANCE is the developer of Val d'Europe, a territory notably known for Disneyland Paris park, but which contains other wealth and potential (offices, activity premises, nature village ...) Historically linked to the growth of the new city of Marne-la-Vallée, Epamarne and Epafrance evolve in 2016 to accommodate 17 new communities, bringing their intervention territory to a total of 44 municipalities out of the 77, 93 and 94. Precursors and now …

Type: Public

55 128
Enterprise Europe Network Hauts-de-France - EEN HDF Enterprise Europe Network Hauts-de-France - EEN HDF

Enterprise Europe Network is the largest European network dedicated to innovation and internationalization of SMEs. Enterprise Europe Network Hauts-de-France is the largest European network dedicated to innovation and internationalization of SMEs. We support businesses in their digital and ecological transition, the helps to identify business and technological partners, and advise on European legislation and intellectual property. Thanks to our network of 3000 experts in 60 countries, we offer European opportunities unique for international development and technological innovation of SMEs. Contact us to benefit from our expertise and our network, and propel your business on international markets with effective internationalization strategies.

Type: Public

26 3
Enterprise Europe Network France Méditerranée Enterprise Europe Network France Méditerranée

Tool of support for the European Union dedicated to innovation and internationalization of SMEs in the south of France. The France Mediterranean team is your interlocutor in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur and Corsica region. Our team brings together the skills of 3 regional organizations to support companies in their development in European markets: - Risingsud - Agency for Attractiveness and Economic Development of the South - Provence -Alpes -Côte d'Azur region -Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region - Inizia - Innovative Corsican Business Innovative Our team is present in Marseille, Toulon, Nice, Ajaccio and Bastia. Innovation, Business …

Type: Public

47 20
California Department of Food and Agriculture California Department of Food and Agriculture

California Department of Food and Agriculture

Type: Public

0 321
USDA Economic Research Service USDA Economic Research Service

The Economics of Food, Farming, Natural Resources & Rural America from USDA's Economic Research Service (ERS). The mission of USDA's Economic Research Service is to anticipate trends and emerging issues in agriculture, food, the environment, and rural America and to conduct high-quality, objective economic research to inform and enhance public and private decision making. ERS shapes its research program and products to serve those who routinely make or influence public policy and program decisions. Key clientele include White House and USDA policy officials; the U.S. Congress; program administrators/managers; other Federal agencies; State and local government officials; and organizations, including farm …

Type: Public

4 210
Ville de Draveil Ville de Draveil

Between Seine and Forest Draveil is a town located twenty kilometers south-east of Paris in the Essonne department in the Île-de-France region. A pleasant town of 29,000 inhabitants located between Seine and Forest, Draveil has many green spaces such as the Sénart forest or the leisure center at the Cherry Port, as well as an attractive city center with quality merchants.

Type: Public Activities: traveltech

14 42
Côte-d'Or Attractivité Côte-d'Or Attractivité

Côte-d'Or attractiveness agency in Burgundy Created at the initiative of the Côte-d'Or Departmental Council within the framework of the law of December 23, 1992 on the distribution of skills in the field of tourism, Côte-d'Or attractiveness prepares and implements tourism policy as well as the desire to attract new inhabitants of the department. Côte-d'Or Attractivity has permanent work from: Development and advice: - Côte-d'Or Attractivity intervenes as advice during the phase of project to create tourism equipment, - supports the structuring of territories, - Promotes networking and partnerships between tourist operators. Promotion, communication and reception: -Côte-d´Or Attractivity values ​​the tourist …

Type: Public Activities: traveltech

15 29
California Public Utilities Commission California Public Utilities Commission

We empower California through access to safe, clean, and affordable utility services and infrastructure. We empower California through access to safe, clean, and affordable utility services and infrastructure. government, energy, telecommunications, water, rail, transit, utilities, renewable energy, public policy, transportation, natural gas, regulatory, and safety

Type: Public

9 1,373
Belfast Health and Social Care Trust Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust delivers integrated health and social care to 340,000 people in Belfast and also provides a range of specialist services to all of Northern Ireland. With an annual budget of approximately £1bn (spending about £3m each day) and a staff of over 20,000, it is one of the largest Trusts in the United Kingdom. In our hospitals, we treat approximately 210,000 inpatient and day patients a year, see 680,000 outpatients and more than 200,000 people at our Emergency departments. In the community we are corporate parent to 600 children in care – the majority in …

Type: Public

4 4,423
NHS Horizons NHS Horizons

We support and inspire health and care change activists to learn, share and mobilise for improvement We support and inspire health and care change activists to learn, share and mobilise for improvement #NHSHorizons Visit our website to find out more about us and our work:

Type: Public

11 18
Plymouth City Council Plymouth City Council

Plymouth City Council is undergoing an exciting transformation programme which will radically change the way services are delivered across the city. Plymouth is a spectacular waterfront city which has seen many exciting changes over the last few years. These include the growth of Plymouth University, the redevelopment of sites such as the Royal William Yard, the opening of Plymouth Life Centre - one of the best sports and leisure facilities in the country- a growing events programme and a burgeoning reputation as a foodie heaven. Plymouth is an ambitious city and there are many exciting major changes ahead. Our reputation …

Type: Public

1 1,839
Birmingham City Council Birmingham City Council

The official LinkedIn for Birmingham City Council in the United Kingdom Local Government for Birmingham, England. Birmingham City Council, based in The Council House, Victoria Square, Birmingham B1 1BB, is the largest local authority in the UK. Serving a population of over a million citizens. Corporate Plan Birmingham and its citizens face significant opportunities and challenges and the council must be bold, ambitious, and confident: Bold in its aspiration, ambitious in setting its priorities, and confident in its ability to delivering them. The Corporate Plan 2022 to 2026 provides a common basis for our strategic planning and a focus on …

Type: Public

20 8,035
Syndicat mixte du bassin de Thau Syndicat mixte du bassin de Thau

The Mixed Syndicate of the Thau Basin acts to protect the territory of Thau, its water resources, its natural spaces and preserve its traditional fishing and sea cultures activities regional planning, water resource management, Natura 2000, protection of natural spaces, flood risk, and fishing and marine cultures

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

12 27
Homes for Good Homes for Good

Homes.People.Partnerships.Good The Housing and Community Services Agency of Lane County (HACSA) has helped connect people with “no and low” incomes to homes for nearly 70 years, since 1949. As our community has grown, so has the need for the services HACSA provides. Today, demand for services is higher than ever, and financial support for our work is severely challenged by changes in state and federal governmental funding. The move from HACSA to Homes for Good is about more than a transition – it is intended to represent a transformation. Homes for Good is Lane County’s housing agency. We connect residents …

Type: Public

9 77
Mid and East Antrim Borough Council Mid and East Antrim Borough Council

Putting People First Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is a local government body in Northern Ireland focused on the delivery of quality services to those who live, work, visit and invest in the area.

Type: Public

1 248
The National Lottery Heritage Fund The National Lottery Heritage Fund

We are The National Lottery Heritage Fund. Using National Lottery funding we inspire, lead & resource the UK’s heritage. We are the largest funder for the UK's heritage, awarding National Lottery and Government support. Our vision is for heritage to be valued, cared for and sustained for everyone, now and in the future. We believe that understanding, valuing and sharing our heritage brings people together, inspires pride in communities and boosts investment in local economies.

Type: Public

6 377
Ville de Versailles Ville de Versailles

Welcome to the official page of the town hall of Versailles. Created in the 17th century by the will of King Louis XIV and conceived from scratch by André Le Nôtre, Versailles is world known for its castle and its park. A true garden city, the royal city has a unique setting, a harmonious mixture of preserved historical districts and "green" breaths. 17 kilometers from Paris, it is served by 5 stations and 3 highways and is thus very quickly accessible from the whole of Ile -de -France. Every day, the city attracts nearly 70,000 workers. With more than 1,300 …

Type: Public Activities: smart city

65 700
Ville de Clamart Ville de Clamart

Official page of the city of Clamart City of 54,000 inhabitants, located south of Paris: - South Grand Paris valley territory -Hauts-de-Seine department - Ile de France region City twinned in Lüneburg (Germany); SCUTHORPE (Great Britain), Majadahonda (Spain), Artachat (Armenia) Penamacor (Portugal).

Type: Public Activities: smart city

31 233
Préfecture des Pyrénées-Orientales Préfecture des Pyrénées-Orientales

Welcome to the state services account in the Pyrénées-Orientales department Charter:

Type: Public Activities: consumer services

31 59
Historic England Historic England

We protect, champion and save places that define who we are. We are the public body that helps people care for, enjoy and celebrate England's spectacular historic environment. We protect, champion and save the places that define who we are and where we've come from as a nation. We care passionately about the stories they tell, the ideas they represent and the people who live, work and play among them. Working with communities and specialists we share our passion, knowledge and skills to inspire interest, care and conservation, so everyone can keep enjoying and looking after the history that surrounds …

Type: Public

9 1,246
European Institute of the Mediterranean European Institute of the Mediterranean

The leading think-and-do tank for the Mediterranean. We lead Euromed networks that promote Euro-Mediterranean engagement The European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), founded in 1989, is a consortium comprising the Catalan Government, the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and Barcelona City Council. The aim of the IEMed is to foster actions and projects which contribute to mutual understanding, exchange and cooperation between the different Mediterranean countries, societies and cultures as well as to promote the progressive construction of a space of peace and stability, shared prosperity and dialogue between cultures and civilisations in the Mediterranean. Adopting a clear …

Type: Public

6 34
Kurdistan Regional Government Representation in the United States Kurdistan Regional Government Representation in the United States

Official Linkedln account of the Kurdistan Regional Government Representation in the United States. The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Representation in the United States promotes the interests of the people of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. In its short existence, the KRG US mission has been responsible for raising awareness of myriad issues related to security, governance, economy, and culture in Kurdistan, including lobbying for recognition of the atrocities committed by Saddam Hussein and later by ISIS, rallying supporting for Kurdistan's Peshmerga soldiers in the war against ISIS, and promoting dialogue between Kurdistan and US lawmakers, policymakers, experts, business leaders, and …

Type: Public

2 25

Solar energy Solar Energy Research Laboratory

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

8 49
U.S. Department of State U.S. Department of State

The U.S. Department of State is focused on accomplishing America's mission of diplomacy at home and around the world. The U.S. Department of State manages America’s relationships with foreign governments, international organizations, and the people of other countries. U.S. diplomats and Civil Service professionals carry out the President’s foreign policy and help build a more free, prosperous, and secure world. U.S. Department of State employees, with their skills, character and commitment to public service, are the backbone of America's diplomacy. They represent the people and advocate the interests of the U.S. to the rest of the world. The Foreign Service …

Type: Public

79 36,617
Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik

Cross-departmental training | Networking | Debate The Federal Academy for Security Policy (BAKS) is the Federal Government's central, cross-departmental training center for security policy. Through training, consultation and communication, it promotes a comprehensive understanding of the Federal Republic's security policy goals and the practice of integrated security in accordance with Germany's National Security Strategy. Security policy

Type: Public

9 34
Banco Central do Brasil Banco Central do Brasil

SIGN UP FOR THE NEWSLETTER: The Central Bank of Brazil is the Brazilian monetary authority, responsible for guaranteeing the purchasing power of the national currency. Its main activities include: - ensuring adequate liquidity in the economy; - promoting stability and improvement of the financial system. Issuing paper money and coins, performing currency services, supervising financial institutions, and carrying out purchase and sale operations of federal government securities.

Type: Public

5 3,419
Danish Ministry of Defence Danish Ministry of Defence

The Ministry of Defence's department has two main tasks: Firstly, we serve the Minister of Defence and provide the Minister with a basis for creating visionary Danish defence, security and emergency preparedness policy. The department's tasks are therefore largely of a political nature. Secondly, we are responsible for the overall management and control of the ministerial area. We ensure that the Minister of Defence's policy is implemented. We supervise that the financial and activity management in the authorities is organised in a reassuring manner and within the politically determined framework. Ministry area, Defence, Emergency Preparedness, Home Guard, and Defence Intelligence …

Type: Public

1 933
Competition and Consumer Protection Commission Competition and Consumer Protection Commission

The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) is the statutory body responsible for enforcing consumer protection and competition law in Ireland. Our mission is to make markets work better for consumers and businesses.

Type: Public

7 212
National Institutes of Health Pakistan (NIH) National Institutes of Health Pakistan (NIH)

NIH Pakistan is one of the most known institutions, involved in Public Health related activities for over 40 years. National Institute of Health is one of the most prestigious institutions of the country involved in multi disciplinary public health related activities like diagnostic services, research and production of biologicals for the last more than 40 years. The idea of establishing a National Health Center (NHC) was conceived in early 1960's, which started functioning in 1965 at Islamabad, near Rawal Lake, 10 kilometers from zero point. Various independently working organizations like Bureau of Laboratories, Directorate of Nutrition Survey and some other …

Type: Public

2 286
Mairie du Blanc-Mesnil Mairie du Blanc-Mesnil

For better and for the future French commune of more than 57,300 inhabitants located in the department of Seine-Saint-Denis in the Île-de-France region. Mayor: Jean-Philippe Ranquet Find off the news on the city's website:

Type: Public

3 305
Mairie des 6ème et 8ème arrondissements de Marseille Mairie des 6ème et 8ème arrondissements de Marseille

Town Hall of the 6th and 8th arrondissements of Marseille

Type: Public

1 56
Mairie de Bourg Saint Maurice - Les Arcs Mairie de Bourg Saint Maurice - Les Arcs

Always more dynamic - participative - committed - Inspiring Bourg Saint Maurice - Les Arcs, it is an urban center connected to an international station and to the funicular that takes you directly to its world famous ski resort, also made up of more than 30 villages where life is good. It is a territory at the heart of the transition and high quality of life! Bourg Saint Maurice - The ever more dynamic - participative - committed - committed - inspiring!

Type: Public

12 56
Government of Jersey Government of Jersey

Official LinkedIn page for the Government of Jersey, online between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. Proud to be serving Jersey, Channel Islands 🇯🇪 Government and Public sector

Type: Public

2 2,562
Ville de Lorient Ville de Lorient

Six ports, movement, the ocean ... We are in Lorient! Six ports, movement, the ocean ... We are in Lorient!

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

41 241
British Property Federation British Property Federation

We represent businesses owning, managing and investing in UK real estate – an industry with a market value of £1,662bn. The British Property Federation is one of the country’s most influential and high profile lobby groups. Representing the property industry – including commercial and residential property owners, investors, developers and their advisers – the BPF works to influence legislation and raise the industry’s profile across all areas of business, politics and the media. We aim to create the conditions in which the property industry can grow and thrive, for the benefit of our members and of the economy as a …

Type: Public

13 55
Consulat général de France à Toronto/ Consulate General of France in Toronto Consulat général de France à Toronto/ Consulate General of France in Toronto

Consular representation of the French Republic in Ontario and Manitoba. Consular representation of the French Republic in Ontario and Manitoba.

Type: Public

47 10
COOK Alliance COOK Alliance

The COOK Alliance is the nonprofit helping to legitimize the existing informal home cooking industry and legalize the country’s first permitted sales of home cooked meals (now known as “Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operations - MEHKOs”). We led the charge to ratify the country’s first home cooking business law, AB 626, which passed in California in 2018 and are now continuing this work across the country. We envision a world in which home-based culinary entrepreneurs, particularly from historically underserved communities, have meaningful, low-barrier opportunities to earn dignified, livable incomes through their small businesses and expand access to fresh meals and deeper, …

Type: Public

0 7
Securities Commission Malaysia Securities Commission Malaysia

Official LinkedIn account of Securities Commission Malaysia. Malaysia's securities and derivatives markets regulator.

Type: Public Activities: fintech Technologies: Cybersecurity

9 755