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LogoName Σ Employees

Your partner in geodectection and imaging of soil and structures. IDS Georadar solutions, ... Astellog specializes in the field of geodetection and soil imagery. Based near Rennes, we work throughout France. Astellog is an official distributor of radar solutions with soil penetration and interferometry of the Ids Georadar brand on French territory. In order to share our expertise, and help you use your equipment as much as possible, we offer training modules adapted to the need of each. (Awareness, handling of equipment, post-processing of data). Astellog is recognized for his great experience and technical expertise, in particular on Georadar and …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

3 0 3 1
imaGeau imaGeau

imaGeau's innovative technology is the answer to better manage our groundwater resources in order to meet in the best possible way the environmental, industrial and regulatory demands of today. Our state of the art and unique“real-time” monitoring observatory fulfills four major roles: - actively manage our water resources (exploitation and protection) - manage a state of alert during aquifer pollutions - make informed decision on the best remedial course of action against a pollution or spill - monitor the integrity of underground CO2 storage. Today our technology is applicable to three main areas: - Groundwater - Polluted sites and soil …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech water management Technologies: Data Analytics

14 7 5 24
Adionics Adionics

A UNIQUE SOLUTION FOR DIRECT LITHIUM EXTRACTION Adionics is a privated company created in 2012 after five years of research with the ambition of becoming a leading technology provider in saline water valorization. Adionics has succeeded in developing a highly selective extractant composition (Flionex) for the extraction of lithium salts. The technology developed by Adionics is based on the implementation of a patented process of selective extraction of salts. It uses liquid-liquid extraction technologies (absorption / desorption process of ionic species from brine) to produce a purified lithium chloride concentrated brine. Our Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) is a great lever …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

20 4 15 59
Scalingo Scalingo

Scalingo empowers developers with a cloud hosting platform where they can host their app without handling servers. Scalingo is a Platform as a Service that lets you magically host your application in 2 minutes. No server to manage, cloud hosting becomes instant and easy! Our mission is to empower developers by removing the pain of handling servers, application stacks, software dependencies and databases. Scalingo is about empowering software teams to manage entire application lifecycles without direct involvement of ops/admins. Platform as a Service, Cloud Computing, Hosting, and Scalability

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

46 17 32 34
Lovaltech Lovaltech

For a pandemic-free world For a pandemic-free world

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment

23 7 14 6

Etude & conseil / opérations par systèmes téléopérés / vente et location de matériel. i-TECHGroup is divided into 3 poles : - i-Techproject : our experts support you in various missions related to the integration of systems in the core of your business. (regulatory studies, management project, equipment testing, etc.) - i-Techdrone : our teams respond to your needs on the field, by mastering the entire operational chain. Our intervention sectors are topography, inspection, hydrology and safety - i-Techshop : thanks to a large stock of equipment and numerous partnerships, we are able to offer all the equipment used by …

Type: Startup Activities: drones Technologies: Drones

13 3 13 8
Berkeley Lab Berkeley Lab

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), a U.S. Department of Energy national lab. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) is committed to groundbreaking research focused on discovery science and solutions for abundant and reliable energy supplies. The lab’s expertise spans materials, chemistry, physics, biology, earth and environmental science, mathematics, and computing. Researchers from around the world rely on the lab’s world-class scientific facilities for their own pioneering research. Founded in 1931 on the belief that the biggest problems are best addressed by teams, Berkeley Lab and its scientists have been recognized with 16 Nobel Prizes. Berkeley Lab is a multiprogram national …

Type: Public

44 10 20 5,194
EGEC Geothermal EGEC Geothermal

Renewable power & heat under your feet Founded in 1998, EGEC, the European Geothermal Energy Council is an international non-profit association located in Renewable Energy House in Brussels, in the heart of the European quarter. EGEC has 180 members from 30 European countries, including private companies, national associations, consultants, research centres, geological surveys, and public authorities. Our aim is to promote the use of geothermal energy. We do this by: • Working with European institutions. Developing a sound policy framework and beneficial financial instruments allows geothermal energy to complete with traditional sources and ensures that the environmental benefits are reflected …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

16 2 15 12
Vizzuality Vizzuality

We are a change agency. We believe in a sustainable and fair future. We are impact driven. We work with organisations and companies towards a sustainable and fair future. visualisation, biodiversity, geoweb, ui, ux, environment, design, js, maps, human development, data, web development, data science, user research, climate change, and supply chains

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech it services Technologies: Data Analytics

25 2 19 44
Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) Interreg North-West Europe (NWE)

Investing in Opportunities Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) is a European Territorial Cooperation programme aiming to support a balanced development across the area, making all regions more resilient, and contributing to a better quality of life and well-being of all NWE citizens. It invests EUR 310 million of European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in activities based on the cooperation of organisations from seven countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, The Netherlands and Switzerland. Innovation, Low Carbon, Resource and materials efficiency, Renewable energy, Sustainable tourism, Access to employment, Energy transition, Circular economy, Advanced technologies, Access to health care, Social innovation, Social inclusion, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

49 22 22 1
Service départemental d'incendie et de secours du Loiret (SDIS45) Service départemental d'incendie et de secours du Loiret (SDIS45)

Citizens, united to save Loiret departmental fire and rescue service

Type: Public Activities: it services

11 4 9 261
Nouveaux Systèmes Energétiques, Comité Stratégique de Filière Nouveaux Systèmes Energétiques, Comité Stratégique de Filière

Renewable energies, storage, networks and energy efficiency The new energy systems, a strategic sector committee, works to give greater industrial dimension to the energy transition in France. Organized around structuring projects to give a greater industrial dimension to the energy transition, it brings together State, manufacturers of the energy transition, union organizations, communities and associations around shared priorities for which specific actions are defined and implemented jointly. These structuring projects are acted in the sector contract, common roadmap of all players in the sector over the next 2 years. Launched under the impetus of the State and the large groups …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

76 20 66 22
SICA St Pol de Léon SICA St Pol de Léon

Agricultural cooperative which brings together 800 producers of fresh vegetables and ornamental plants in Finistère The sica of Saint Pol de Léon (company of agricultural initiatives and cooperation) brings together family operations for the production of fresh vegetables (Prince de Bretagne brand) and ornamental horticulture (Kerisnel brand) on the north coast of Finistère. Diversified agriculture, in the open field or under shelters, conventional or biological, united within the same cooperative. Men sharing a history and values ​​of cooperation, equity and solidarity. Producers engaged in an eco -responsible and resolutely turned to the future approach, listening to markets and societal expectations. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

8 4 1 80
Observatoire de l'environnement en Bretagne Observatoire de l'environnement en Bretagne

Produce and capitalize knowledge at the service of the action of citizens and territories. The Environmental Observatory in Brittany (OEB) is a public interest group, administered by the State, the Brittany region and member communities. Its mission is to support the implementation of public environmental policies in Brittany in two areas: access to environmental knowledge and observation. Our experts collect, check, structure and value data on the state of the environment in Brittany. They offer technical support to the territories in order to enlighten and help decision -making. The OEB then popularizes scientific productions to transmit this knowledge to all, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech water management

12 4 10 17
Fédération des Conservatoires d'espaces naturels Fédération des Conservatoires d'espaces naturels

Act for nature in the territories Created in 1988, the Federation of Conservatories of Natural Spaces, brings together the conservatories of natural spaces in France. Today, 23 conservatories adhere to the National Federation. Its main mission is to represent the network of conservatories and to promote exchanges between its members in order to strengthen their actions on the ground.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

56 17 39 49
idealCO idealCO

The collaborative platform for the French civil service At idealCO, we are on the side of the ones who create. We are the biggest collaborative platform for the French civil service. Through digital innovations, professional training and events, we connect the local government universe and make the construction of its projects easier. Each and everyone's skills are used in order to build into existence the ideas they want to see realised. We help construct a new public world, where everyone has a rightful place and can grow, in a workplace where performance, pleasure and well-being are in harmony. We have …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech it services Technologies: SaaS

140 48 114 128
Direction régionale de l'environnement, de l'aménagement et du logement des Pays de la Loire Direction régionale de l'environnement, de l'aménagement et du logement des Pays de la Loire

Regional Directorate of the Environment, Planning and Housing in Pays de la Loire

Type: Public

10 9 0 143
Source Urbaine Source Urbaine

Rainwater to irrigate the green city ... With innovative urban source equipment, install autonomous and connected rain gardens in your residences or along your streets. By storing and reusing rainwater (roofs or roads), urban source improves the environment of city dwellers and promotes biodiversity! Urban source built its first urban rain (JPU) rain in April 2019 and our solution demonstrates its resilience in all the episodes of drought. Since then, Bouygues Construction and Eiffage Construction groups have referenced urban source for their upcoming projects.

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech water management

35 5 34 5

...Et la pluie façonne la ville ! Éditeur de solutions urbaines de revalorisation des eaux pluviales Accompagner les constructeurs et propriétaires de la ville dans l'élaboration d’une stratégie vertueuse de gestion des eaux pluviales et la mise en œuvre de réponses innovantes, modulables et adaptées. Accompany city builders and urban developers in creating a virtuous strategy for rainwater management and implementing it through innovative, modular and personalized solutions.

Type: Startup Activities: water management consulting

41 15 9 23
Watura Water Academy Watura Water Academy

WATURA is a company specializing in technical training for water and wastewater professionals. As the creator of the first digital training platform for water industry careers, WATURA enables technical teams to access unlimited training from anywhere through online courses designed and delivered by industry experts.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech edtech greentech water management Technologies: SaaS

46 5 27 38
Commown Commown

The cooperative for sustainable electronics Commown is a Cooperative that supports fair and sustainable electronics by leasing devices designed to be easily repaired. The electronics industry generates a huge amount of negative externalities, from the mines to the products' end-of-life. Many studies showed that the first priority is to reduce the number of electronic devices made and sold. However, this is not viable for companies that rely solely on the sale of these devices. There is therefore a need for another business model: Hardware as as Service (HaaS). The service includes providing smartphones (e.g. Fairphone), computers, headphones and managing repairs …

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech Technologies: IoT

53 18 34 29

Informing is acting! Informing is acting! Effinews: press reviews to learn otherwise 👷♻️🌍⚡🚲 | | Although essential, staying on standby on the developments in your sector is tedious and very time -consuming 😩 This is where the Effinews come in: on one and the same newsletter, you will find all the news in your sector under the prism of the ecological transition. To do this, we follow more than 700 media, and analyze nearly 10,000 articles each week. On this quantity of information, we select 50 to 60 articles most relevant to you that we put in shape in …

Type: Startup Activities: media constructiontech greentech cleantech smart city civictech transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

209 5 204 3
Ecofilae Ecofilae

360 ° support for water fingerprints reduction projects Specialist in the reuse of waters (Reuse), Ecofilae, a pioneer and independent company of advice and engineering, has been offering 360 ° support since 2009 to communities, industrialists, managers of leisure and golf courses or still farmers and territories developers. Its role is that of a real pivot, bringing together the skills of communities, water managers and users to make water reuse projects possible. Through the observation of the conditions conducive to the creation of a water loop and an expert support on regulatory issues, Ecofilae draws up optimized, safe and lasting …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech water management Technologies: Decarbonization

149 21 138 26
mbpack réemploi mbpack réemploi

Re -use, more than a habit Mbpack re -employment guides the preparation and builds the coordination of your re -use project 🔎 What reuse of packaging for my activity? Our teams adapt to your organization to guide you as well as possible. Regulations, technical solutions, impact on my processes ... Reuse will no longer have a secret for you! Studies, sourcing, consumer/environmental impact ... We work according to your needs on your pilot launch. Ready to take off? ⚙ Reuse coordination We can manage your re -use suppliers and have a network of trust partners. We also have a container …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech foodtech

14 5 11 2
i-Sea i-Sea

Spatial for the coast and biodiversity At the service of territories for ecological transition and resilience I-SEA is a leading company in the development of spatial solutions at the service of public policies in favor of the coast and biodiversity. With more than 15 years of expertise, our multidisciplinary team supports you in improving the knowledge and management of your territory thanks to state -of -the -art spell and spatial analysis tools. Whether you are a public player, design or industrial office, we provide you with our recognized skills (+80 projects) in terms of: - Cartography of marine and terrestrial …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech water management Technologies: Decarbonization

27 7 25 20
Agence ComCorp Agence ComCorp

Reputation consulting agency for companies and brands Comcorp is a European Communication Agency specializing in the development of the image, confidence capital and the reputation of businesses and brands. With a extended range of expertise, know-how and solutions, the Comcorp's offer relates to the entire communication chain of communication, from strategic advice to performance assessment: stakeholder relations, support Directory communication, content strategy, commitments & amp; territories, advertising communication. At Comcorp our recommendations are always guided by the will of: ➡️ you support, advise you, Challenger, in a word to be your partner to meet together the challenges that arise for …

Type: Startup Activities: consulting martech

17 1 16 18
Investing in African Mining Indaba Investing in African Mining Indaba

Investing in African Mining Indaba, also known as Mining Indaba, is the premier event dedicated to fostering successful capitalization and development of mining interests in Africa. With a legacy of over 30 years, Mining Indaba offers a unique and comprehensive perspective on the African mining industry, convening visionaries and innovators from diverse backgrounds. We are deeply committed to supporting education, career growth, sustainable development, and other critical initiatives across Africa. Drawing an increasing number of junior, mid-tier, and major mining companies and a growing investor base, Mining Indaba continues to gather an assembly of Heads of State, mining Ministers and …

Type: Event

26 16 9 27
JPI Urban Europe JPI Urban Europe

Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe is an intergovernmental research- and innovation program. JPI Urban Europe was created in 2010 to address the global urban challenges of today with the ambition to develop a European research and innovation hub on urban matters and create European solutions by means of coordinated research. Follow us to engage in our extensive knowledge hub of multiple stakeholders and, and keep an eye open for open calls for project proposals! JPI Urban Europe welcomes anyone with a drive and concern to improve 21st century urban life. Our task is to connect public authorities, civil society, scientists, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

11 6 6 3
Mercator Ocean International Mercator Ocean International

Mercator Ocean International describes, analyses and forecasts the state of the ocean. In routine or in real time, on a global or regional scale, both on the surface and beneath it, Mercator Ocean describes, analyses and forecasts the state of the ocean by developing the "Mercator System" for ocean analysis and forecasting and maintaining it in an operational condition. Mercator Ocean International is a non-profit organisation providing ocean science-based services of general interest focused on the conservation and the sustainable use of the ocean and marine resources. It is owned by ten major players in the field of operational oceanography: …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

29 9 20 105
DERICHEBOURG Environnement DERICHEBOURG Environnement

A force at the service of man and the environment Leader at European level and occupying 4th in the world, Derichebourg Environnement offers industry, communities and individuals a complete and integrated offer of services covering the collection, management, recycling and valuation of goods of goods and end -of -life consumption (D3E, out of use vehicles, ...), recovery materials and industrial waste. To these services is added an offer to collect household waste, urban cleaning and management of sorting centers for communities. A complete offer to the determining environmental impact for companies With a powerful industrial and logistical tool, Derichebourg Environnement …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

79 13 39 1,304
Jumeaux Numériques du Fleuve Jumeaux Numériques du Fleuve

Digital commons to accelerate territorial resilience to climate change. Rivers are now threatened by climate change and intensive human exploitation of water resources. The current emergency imposed by the challenges of climate change involves even stronger mobilization around rivers in order to assess the trajectories of current and future territorial strategies. Two challenges appear to us priority, the preservation of water resources, and the prevention of the risks of submersion and erosion of the coast. Only an overall vision of resources, uses, threats and perspectives will identify the fragility of current and future balances between resources and needs. Collaborative tools …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech

33 1 33 N/A
Geosophy Geosophy

Reveal the full value of your land! Do you want to enhance your real estate assets, master its energy consumption by ensuring it a local supply for its thermal comfort? Do you want to support your customers in this process? Whether you are a project developer or a building owner, a public or private player, take advantage of the decarbonized energy of your basement: geo-energy. To boost your project and identify the most promising sites, we offer our simulation tools. From a simple address, we determine for each site the underground resources available, we link them to the needs of …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech proptech Technologies: Decarbonization

75 18 67 20
Pixstart Pixstart

From space data to strategic decisions Pixstart is born to bring space data to decision maker. Thanks to our earth vision from space, we help to make geo-strategic decision with a global overview. Our main expertise is based on • classification of urban elements to manage and support local politics or to help retail sector to reduce the time-to-market with direct marketing services. • reading the Air or Water composition in order to link human activities and environment. • monitoring wide area infrastructures to control vegetation expansion, structures modification, non-legal activities as wild constructions. Thanks to satellite observation we are …

Type: Startup Activities: spacetech greentech it services proptech cleantech Technologies: Data Analytics A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning A.I. - Deep Learning

31 9 22 10

The best digital innovation to control your ecological impact Ægir develops its own software hydraulic modeling in 3D, Kræken, to support managers of the Grand Cycle of Water to Understanding, View and Reduce Environmental Pollution of their complex hydraulic installations. With 7 years of expertise in study, instrumentation and compliance of polluting works, ægir innovates to provide lasting solutions to urban hydraulic problems. Save the whales: our mission. We support cities and industrialists in mastery and reduction of their environmental impacts on aquatic circles. #Sanification #Assament #HydraulicModelization #3D #Logiel #metrologie Modeling, instrumentation, 3D, fluid mechanics, advice, urban hydraulics, and software

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

7 6 2 5
Neo-Eco Neo-Eco

A World Without Waste We make Waste Valuable. Circular economy engineering, full waste treatment lines, waste valuation, and elaboration of ecoproducts

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech constructiontech greentech

61 21 18 63
namR namR

AI to decide the future of the habitat 🏠🌏🍀 🏠 AI to decide the future of housing 🔨 Energy rebuilding ☀️ Solar energy 🌏 Climatic adaptation With the NAMR AI, master the potential for ecological transformation and the vulnerability of 100% of housing (France and Europe) to accelerate your action and that of your customers 🎯 Our mission Reveal the potential for decarbonation and climate adaptation of French real estate heritage at the service of action! 📍nos solutions ➡️ Simulators simplified by the AI An unprecedented customer experience that facilitates the adoption of advisers and individuals with sustainable housing offers. …

Type: Startup Activities: proptech energytech it services Technologies: Data Analytics Decarbonization Solar Technologies

135 27 106 63
Dawex - Data Exchange Technology Dawex - Data Exchange Technology

Dawex is the leader in Data Exchange solutions to distribute or share data products, with trust, meeting security, traceability and in compliance with data regulations requirements. With Dawex Data Exchange technology, organizations create data ecosystems and data spaces such as Corporate Data Hubs, Industry Data Exchanges and Data Marketplaces that support any business case, and address economic, environmental and AI challenges. At the invitation of the United Nations, Dawex joins the Data Expert group of the United Nations Environment Program. Awarded Technology Pioneer by the World Economic Forum, Dawex is also the initiator of an international standardization program on Trusted …

Type: Startup Activities: it services privacytech Technologies: Data Analytics

96 19 85 56
Extracthive Extracthive

Producteur de matières premières secondaires pour l'industrie At Extracthive, we strive to innovate for a more sustainable industry. Our activities are dedicated to circular economy, to make sure that once primary raw materials are extracted from the ground and enter the anthroposphere, they stay in the loop for as long as possible. To this end, Extracthive has developped the PHYre® technology, a solvent-based process to reclaim high-quality, green, and affordable carbon fibre from composite waste. Raw material consulting, Process developpment, Recycling, Secondary raw material provider, Carbon fiber, Refractory materials, Industrial waste recovery, Recyclage , Réfractaires, Fibre de carbone, Secondary raw …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: New Materials

45 8 24 2
Openium Openium

The partner of your mobile projects, from the simplest to the most unusual! Expert in the development of applications for smartphones and tablets (iOS and Android), openium capitalizes more than 16 years of experience: - Advice & amp; strategy - User experience & amp; design, - Development & amp; industrialization - Maintenance & amp; follow up Approved “Innovation Tax Credit”, Openium develops efficient solutions to meet your needs: - IoT (connected objects): collect, use your users' data and offer them the possibility of configuring, piloting and updating your objects. - Profession: Improve your processes, the quality of your services and …

Type: Startup Activities: uxtech Technologies: IoT

16 4 13 46
buildingSMART International buildingSMART International

Transforming the built asset industry. buildingSMART is the worldwide authority driving transformation of the built environment through creation & adoption of open, international BIM standards. With Chapters in 18 regions worldwide and a membership consisting of the finest companies representing; clients & operators, architects, engineers, construction, software, academia & training. Creating open workflows to enable excellent asset management for the entire lifecycle of assets in the built environment. See to review our goals, achievements and methods. BIM, Open Standards, openBIM, IFC, and Data Dictionary

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

12 3 2 71
British Geological Survey British Geological Survey

Our vision is for a safer, more sustainable & prosperous planet and a future based on sound geoscientific solutions. The British Geological Survey is a part of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and is its principal supplier of national capability in geoscience. It advances understanding of the structure, properties and processes of the solid Earth system through interdisciplinary surveys, monitoring and research for the benefit of society. It is the UK's premier provider of objective and authoritative geoscientific data, information and knowledge for wealth creation, sustainable use of natural resources, reducing risk and living with the impacts of environmental …

Type: Public Activities: deeptech

17 5 11 646

Design, advice and training office, Ad fine is engaged in the transition for a sober and cooperative world. With recognized expertise, ISO 9001 certified and Qualiopi, AD Fine is an independent design, advisory and training office that has supported the territories and organizations for 10 years to integrate the energy and environmental transition. For companies, Ad Fine offers a strategic approach that considers the activities of sites (energy management, waste, water ...) and the environmental performance of products throughout their life cycle (eco -design). For the territories, Ad fine deploys a methodology anchored in the field to bring all of …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech consulting greentech civictech

44 0 46 20

The association of energy professionals ... for sustainable energy, controlled and environmentally friendly ATEE Association Technique Energie Environnement including several activities: Energy Plus, magazine specializing in energies 4 professional clubs: BIOGAZ club Cogeneration club Energy Economies Certificates Certificates Energy Storage Club Biogaz, energy efficiency, cogeneration, energy storage, energy control, Power to Gas, Pyrogaseification, Pro-Smen, Prorefei, Energy Economies, EEC, Energy, Environment, and Industry Certificates

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

112 24 101 91
Hosmoz Hosmoz

The Economic Network of ESATs and Adapted Companies The GESAT network supports companies in their indirect employment policies in favor of people with disabilities. Advisory interface between companies and public authorities and the 2000 ESAT and EA of the national territory: - Analysis of potential for optimization of the AGEFIPH or FIPHFP tax - Definition of purchasing strategies - Awareness of teams - Buyer training - Implementation of grouped contracts - Definition of expenditure monitoring tools - Monitoring of deductible expenses Handicap, responsible purchases, ESS, ESAT, adapted company, CSR, indirect employment, EA, market place, and inclusion

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

76 10 70 41
IMRA Europe S.A.S. IMRA Europe S.A.S.

challenge toward the future IMRA Europe is an independent research and development firm dedicated to the alliance of technology and sustainable development. We belong to the network of AISIN Group, the world’s 3rd largest supplier of automotive components. IMRA Europe is a world leader in Research & Development of new technologies mainly but non only for the automotive industry. We conduct research to overcome today’s technological challenges and develop breakthrough technologies which turn innovative ideas into the solutions our future generations will rely on. Our 2 research centers are located in France and in United Kingdom. Activity: IMRA is a …

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech manufacturing transporttech Technologies: New Materials

30 19 9 26
Gaz d'aujourd'hui Gaz d'aujourd'hui

📰quotidid specialized-rate Energy news Focus on the gas, renewable and hydrogen sector Gaz today is a written and web press title specializing in energy. He issues news daily on the energy sector and the public policies associated with him in France, Europe and the world. The sectors of natural gas, renewable gases and hydrogen are more specifically treated there as well as many transverse themes linked to the energy transition. He endeavors to decipher national and international public policies and uses in terms of energy, climate. And more specifically those around natural gas, biogas, biomethane and hydrogen. He also endeavors …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Hydrogen

111 4 112 5
Look Sharp PR Look Sharp PR

Tailor -made press and public relations for actors of transitions Look Sharp is rich in the meeting between different personalities. From skills and associated experiences emerges a common vision of communication professions: proactive, relevant and committed. Look Sharp is a start-up with the experience of major agencies. Our approach is motivated by a desire to serve the interests of our customers through campaigns intended to bring them closer to their audiences. The agency is distinguished by its global approach starting from the business objectives of its customers. From there, we bring our advice, and can go from content production, to …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech consulting greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

62 9 51 39

Nous construisons aujourd’hui l’eau de demain At CHEMDOC our specialty is to design and manufacture high-tech equipment for the filtration, purification and demineralization of industrial water and for the treatment of drinking water. Our recognized expertise in membrane technologies and water chemistry enables us to meet all the needs of the industrial water cycle and drinking water for communities as well as desalination on seawater and brackish water This know-how in design and manufacturing is completed by a strong expertise in services and solutions for industrial cooling systems and heat networks. Our project engineering department allows us to respond to …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing water management

65 17 24 34
Alkante Alkante

🚀 Passionately engaged in the digital service ⚫⚪🟠 📍 Rennes, Saint-Malo, Brest The Alkante company specializes in the implementation of information systems and geographic information systems. It offers consultancy, engineering, training on information and communication technologies. It provides its customers tailor-made solutions for web projects (mobile, iPhone, Android), information systems (GED, ECM ...) and geographic information systems (GIS applications, geoportails, geolocation. .). An exploitation center is in charge of the accommodation of systems and all the associated services (messaging ...). Software, IT, management software, tailor -made solution, applications development, open source, digital, geomatic solutions, web accommodation, assistance and maintenance, support, …

Type: SMB Activities: e-commerce it services Technologies: Geolocation IoT

42 7 14 46
VALGO Groupe - Sites et sols pollués VALGO Groupe - Sites et sols pollués

Revitalize polluted sites and soils 🌍 ETI International, the VALGO group's mission is to decontaminate and depollute industrial sites and wasteland. Since its creation in 2004 by François Bouché, Valgo has developed its offers by offering a 360 solution: audits, industry services and revitalization of sites degraded by pollution. The goal? Give them a new life in a long -term ecosystem: this is #Revitalization ✅ The DNA of the Valgo group? Doole Valgo has developed its expertise both in places in activities such as hospitals, and in a protected natural area or even to displease historic monuments. Mastering the whole …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

37 8 25 321
La Jaune et la Rouge La Jaune et la Rouge

Polytechnicians on the world Yellow and red is the review of the association of former students and graduates of the École Polytechnique. 10 numbers per year.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

66 2 64 4

Facilitate the transition to the action of local authorities on water management projects In order to accelerate and massify water management projects in the territories, the ANEB, the Territorial Bank, the BRGM, the French Water Circle, France Water Team and the UIE (Union of Industries and Companies water) create the Aquagir collective, of which they are the founding members. Our ambition - Support local authorities on all of the water related projects in a sober and shared management of the resource in order to preserve the environment while guaranteeing all the uses essential to the good development of each territory, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: water management cleantech greentech

57 13 52 1
Jet Systems Helicopteres Services Jet Systems Helicopteres Services

Helicopter transport expert since 1987 Helicopter works and transport company. Helicopter transport experts since 1987 we have a goal: to share our passion with you. Whether it is to discover the helicopter, for your pleasure, with a view to a pilot training or for your professional needs, Jet Systems is there to provide a solution to all your expectations. Transport of passengers, Arians, Evenementiel, Advice, Training, Maintenance, and Baptism of the Air

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech

5 2 3 56

Follow -up and automation of agricultural storage ventilation Temperature monitoring services and temperature automation and agricultural storage Storage, cereals, silo, agriculture, thermometry, digital, agtech, startup, jei, remarkable initiative label, temperature probe, grain probe, cereal temperature probe, and cereal thermometer

Type: Startup Activities: agritech

12 5 9 1
Hatch Hatch

Your own service marketplace. Development free. Hatch provides you with enterprise grade service marketplaces. No CTO or tech teams needed to make your project real in a few minutes.

Type: Startup Activities: it services

11 0 11 2

The CNRT: Knowledge at the service of a more "green" nickel and more competitive The raison d'être in the group is the strengthening of the competitiveness of the mining sector & amp; Metallurgical of New Caledonia from a sustainable development perspective.

Type: Public Activities: greentech

11 1 0 6
Parc naturel régional du Massif des Bauges Parc naturel régional du Massif des Bauges

Discover the Bauges massif, its landscapes, products from its terroir or its craftsmen ... and raise the veil on all the actions that the Bauges Massif of the Massif of the Bauges carries out on many fields. ..

Type: Public Activities: foodtech

7 6 0 27
Cerdd Cerdd

Sustainable development resource center Since 2001, the Resource Center for Sustainable Development (CERDD) has been outstanding and has supported actors in the region towards new social models and encourages them to contribute to economic, social and ecological transitions. Its action, focused as a priority to local decision -makers and relay actors, is available in different fields: & gt; Sustainable development and transitions management & gt; New economic models and Rev3 & gt; Climate change and energy & gt; Sustainable food and environmental health Modes of action & gt; Approach the DD and the climate issues in a global way & …

Type: Public

45 14 36 23
Station Biologique de Paimpont Station Biologique de Paimpont

"The world will not be inherited by the strongest, it will be inherited by those who are the most able to change "Darwin For more than 50 years, the SBP has been a field station at the University of Rennes 1 dedicated to teaching, research, reception of groups and scientific mediation. The station is located in Ille-et-Vilaine in the country of Brocéliande, in Paimpont. Our missions are: -& gt; Research: The structure hosts two research laboratories: - UMR 6552 ethos, studies on animal and human behavior, ethology - UMR 6553 ECOBIO, Studies on biodiversity, ecology, evolution and climate change. -& …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

8 0 6 4
Cactile, le bâtiment cactus Cactile, le bâtiment cactus

Rainwater management integrated into buildings Cactile allows buildings, new or renovating, collecting and storing rainwater on sloping roofs, facades, fences ... solutions without land imprint and energy consumption to reuse water rain. Each building thus becomes a tool to accelerate our collective capacity to adapt to the effects of global warming. Building blanket, rainwater, parking shades, stricient and facades

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

58 10 26 4
Bechu & Associés Bechu & Associés

« Our approach is responsible & forward-looking, we uphold trends, creative & technical innovations » The agency Bechu & Associés is the successor to an earlier iteration of the firm, Agence d’Architecture Anthony Bechu. The agency is managed by Anthony Bechu. Alongside his daughters, Clemence and Aliénor, and supported by his associates, Anthony focuses on developing urban planning, architecture and design projects. Family-run and almost 100 years old, our firm naturally has deep roots and a forward-looking perspective. We work to foster a sustainable approach, and our internal R&D department is currently carrying out various research projects on sustainable development, …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

29 7 24 29
TAUW France TAUW France

It's not just at Daily Job, it's ... a living ambition Tauw France is an independent design office that assists you and advises you in all your environmental and sustainable development procedures, especially on the legal, technical and economic levels. Subsidiary of the Dutch group Tauw, a leading environmental advice in the Netherlands, we benefit from a solid global network to support you in your international development procedures, in accordance with the territorial legislation in force. Located since 1994 in France, our design office has 5 agencies: Dijon, Paris, Lyon, Douai and Bordeaux. Today, more than 140 people are at …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting cleantech greentech water management Technologies: Decarbonization

7 1 6 120

40 years of experience for our future to be built on sustainable land. Depollution being its core business, Colas Environnement has developed many techniques and solutions for the treatment of soil, water tables and air. depollution, deconstruction, excavation, depollution of water, soil depollution, and reduction of pollutants

Type: SMB Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

10 4 9 102
Institut de la Transition Foncière Institut de la Transition Foncière

From land to living soils The Institute of Land Transition is an association law 1901, founded on the initiative of public, scientific and private actors, aimed at bringing together a sector around the land transition. It is a question of replacing the preservation of living soils at the center of public policies, operational practices, as well as in civil society. The Institute is a gathering and development place on these questions at the local and national level. The purpose of the Institute is to: 1/ Foster the research applied on living soils and allow a real transfer of knowledge to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city cleantech greentech

30 4 27 10

The Basin Digitization Company BWI - which stands for Blue Water Intelligence, was established in June 2022 in Toulouse, France. BWI clients like to see us as their basin digitization company. BWI specializes in the monitoring of inland surface water reserves around the globe. BWI brings together in-situ data, spaceborne observations and machine learning to feed and empower hydrological and hydrodynamical models, and provide clients with data and insights on their points of interest. A provider of online subscription-based services, BWI aims to make scalable - across space and time - hydrological forecasts to address climate change induced water stress. …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech water management Technologies: Data Analytics

48 9 31 21
Sylvamap Sylvamap

Live your forest! Sylvamap is a digital tool company for owners and forest managers. Based on the web and GIS tools, our offers are independent and complementary: - monitoring of sustainable management documents thanks to the digitalization of management documents in cartographic format on a website allowing to share it and make it evolve - GIS and forest mapping accessible to all, thanks to our Sylvalibre tool, adapted to the forest world - Forest mapping, intended for management documents, helping forest management, monitoring of properties or hunting territories - The development of a web writing tool for forest management documents …

Type: Startup Activities: it services cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

6 1 5 6
Eliis Eliis

Unlock Next-Gen Earth Understanding with PaleoScanTM Eliis is an international software provider in seismic interpretation. Founded in June 2007, our headquarters is located in Montpellier (France), with offices in Houston, Perth, Kuala Lumpur, Rio de Janeiro and Dubaï. PaleoScanTM is a next generation of seismic interpretation software which combines innovative technology and intuitive design to drastically reduce the interpretation time cycle and rapidly enhance geological understanding. PaleoScanTM has been used successfully in numerous basins and within a variety of geological settings worldwide. From basin-scale reconnaissance to prospect delineation and production, PaleoScanTM is proven to be a powerful tool in the …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

14 2 4 82
optim.aize | Ai, data, science & SIG optim.aize | Ai, data, science & SIG

AI & APP applications; ML for the modern management of your production sites and tools. The world is changing. We help you adapt your production means by simplifying access to data analysis technologies, artificial intelligence and visual intelligence. We help you modernize your continuous improvement actions and process. We make sure you can think of something else and focus on what you do best.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. IoT A.I. - Machine Learning

29 6 6 6
R2M Solution R2M Solution

Connecting Ideas to Opportunities R2M Solution is an integrated and multi-disciplinary innovation and consulting company that aggressively targets filling the gap between research activities and market implementation. We excel at helping companies grow and acting as an accelerator for bringing technologies and services to the market across the fields of Innovation, Engineering, Energy, Sustainability, ICT and Innovative Products. We invest in opportunities, conduct research, and offer pure engineering, energy services, and ICT consulting services. We actively seek spinoff creation opportunities, showcase promising technologies and build clusters for their uptake. Energy Services and Sustainable Solutions, Engineering, ICT and Automation, EU Projects, …

Type: Incubators & VCs

46 6 37 98
Connaissance du Territoire Connaissance du Territoire

The Portal of Knowledge at the service of territories Since October 2022, the knowledge platform of the territory of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur has brought together in a partnership frames the four founding members that are the State, the Region, the INSEE and the IGN. It constitutes an inter-actor coordination body, a place for project sharing and animation, as well as a pole of production and dissemination of digital studies, data and services. Its primary objective is the implementation of a public service around studies and data in support of territorial engineering and strategic planning. The platform thus tends to constitute an …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

26 1 26 N/A
European Plate Observing System European Plate Observing System

EPOS,a multidisciplinary, distributed research infrastructure; Integrates data, data products, and facilities EPOS, the European Plate Observing System, is a multidisciplinary, distributed research infrastructure that facilitates the integrated use of data, data products, and facilities from the solid Earth science community in Europe. EPOS brings together Earth scientists, national research infrastructures, ICT (Information & Communication Technology) experts, decision makers, and public to develop new concepts and tools for accurate, durable, and sustainable answers to societal questions concerning geo-hazards and those geodynamic phenomena (including geo-resources) relevant to the environment and human welfare.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech it services

1 1 0 15
Nantes-Saint Nazaire Port Nantes-Saint Nazaire Port

Nantes − Saint Nazaire Port is a public enterprise corporation. The Port Authority works in partnership with the Region’s public-sector and private-sector stakeholders to deliver economic and environmental improvements on the Loire Estuary, on which the Port is located. As an industrial facility, Nantes – Saint Nazaire Port provides the interface between land and sea, serving an entire Region and its economy. An international industrial and logistical platform, the Port is connected to several modes of transport, including sea, inland waterway, rail, road and air. Every year it receives close to 3 000 calls by merchant vessels, 1 200 goods …

Type: Public

39 11 31 143

Public operator of digital services in Center-Val de Loire Created in 2003, the Public Interest Group (GIP) Recia associates the State, the Center Val de Loire region, the departments of Cher, Eure-et-Loir, Indre, Indre- and-Loire, Loir-et-Cher and Loiret, the universities of Tours and Orleans, the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) Val de Loire, several hundred municipalities and communities of municipalities as well as different structures bearing public service missions. 3 main missions should be noted: contribute to regional strategies, animate the networks of digital actors and develop operational services. Thus, he participated in the implementation, animation and development of …

Type: Public

45 13 37 70
Hydraulique Sans Frontières Hydraulique Sans Frontières

Association of development, we work for just and equitable access to drinking water and sanitation. Hydraulics Sans Frontières is an association of international solidarity, specialized in the field of drinking water and sanitation. At the request of local partners, it works in developing countries and works closely with local populations. Water and sanitation, drinking and agricultural water, Wash (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene), and training and awareness

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: water management

21 2 20 29
ENSEGID - Bordeaux INP ENSEGID - Bordeaux INP

The engineer committed to the sustainable management of natural resources The National School in Environment, Geressources and Sustainable Development Engineering (ENSEGID) is one of the engineering schools in Bordeaux INP. Created in 1969 under the name of the EGID Institute within the Bordeaux 3 University, it changed its name in 2011 and became the together following its certification by the Engineering Titles Commission (CTI). The ENSEGID then joined the other engineering schools in the region to be part of the Polytechnic Institute in Bordeaux (IPB) which in 2014 became Bordeaux INP. The ENSEGID trains versatile engineers in the fields of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

19 0 19 36
Inrap Inrap

National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research With more than 2,000 employees and researchers, INRAP is the largest French archaeological research structure and one of the very first in Europe. National Research Institute, each year he produced some 1,800 archaeological diagnostics and 250 excavations in partnership with private and public developers, in mainland and overseas. Its missions extend to the scientific exploitation of the results and the dissemination of archaeological knowledge to the public. Created by the 2001 law on preventive archeology, INRAP is an original public establishment. Placed under the supervision of the ministries responsible for research, and of culture, …

Type: Public

73 18 55 1,342
Rockease Rockease

Rockease helps Quarries sell more, Construction Managers find and manage thier needs, while finding the best logistics options for all. Our Marketplace is open to all, while helping small, medium and Large organizations optimize thier construction supply needs. Construction Technology, Quarry , Construction, Aggregates, Logistics, Green Construction, and Efficiency

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech

14 5 13 4

Development and integration of connected object solutions and data platforms EGM is a technical and scientific engineering company offering its services to public authorities and Business entering the complex world of the data exploitation. Our expertise in this domain build over constant participation in the European research area with a focus on Innovative, Open and Standardized Technologies for different application domains such as smart territories and cities, water management, agriculture and aquaculture, industry. EGM supports you in the collection and intelligent processing of data for decision support. Our services include: • IoT engineering : EGM ensures the design of your …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: IoT Sensors

9 2 6 57
FEBUS Optics FEBUS Optics

The Reference in Distributed Sensing FEBUS Optics is an innovative company based in Pau (France) bringing a new generation of optical fiber-based sensor system to the market. FEBUS Optics is the only manufacturer that produces all the distributed optical fiber sensing systems: DTS (temperature), DSS (strain) and DAS (acoustic). FEBUS brings robustness, performance, flexibility and cost effectiveness in all its monitoring solutions for a real-time surveillance system of your infrastructures. FEBUS Optics provides several solutions adapted to its clients and to cover several markets: • PIMS: Pipeline integrity monitoring (Integrated pipeline integrity monitoring solution for leak, landslides and intrusion detection) …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech manufacturing Technologies: Sensors

26 7 8 43
Datagora Datagora

Retour aux sources. Datagora est une application mobile gratuite qui vise à agréger des données clés fiables, récentes et utiles au débat public (par exemple : taux de chômage, résultats PISA, sondages élections...). À travers une plateforme simple d’utilisation nous facilitons l'accès à ces points de données, présentées sous la forme d’une courte dépêche - environ la taille d'un tweet - que nous appelons datapoints. Ces datapoints proviennent en effet exclusivement de rapports de sources officielles (ex: Insee, Eurostat, Cour des comptes...) que nous rendons accessibles directement depuis la plateforme. Au-delà de rapprocher le citoyen des données qui font l’actualité, …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

53 14 49 8

International Reference School of Sustainable Construction 📍 Campus: Cachan, Dijon, Troyes, Paris, Orleans ESTP is a major engineering school based in Cachan, Troyes, Dijon et Orléans for initial training and Paris for continuing education. Our school trains in France the greatest number of executives in the field of construction and development of the living environment. ESTP is a powerful alumni network (+45,000 graduates), +80 partner universities on 5 continents, many partner companies, and more +50 student associations. ESTP is a member of the Paris East Research and Higher Education Pole University. ESTP engineering diplomas, under student and apprentice statutes, are …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

91 55 50 436

European leader, Hesus offers sustainable solutions for land as close as possible to your construction sites ♻️ The group is positioned on all strategic, operational and logistical expertise with proven mastery of polluted sites and soils. It supports all construction industry players during the design, construction and demolition of infrastructures and buildings. HESUS is present in 6 countries, manages each year nearly 2 million tons of earth in France and Europe and recovers on average 82% of the debris on its construction sites. Hesus has been developing for 13 years: its regular and sustained growth is based on constant anticipation …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

68 11 57 58

Publisher of a digital pedagogy platform, THEIA meets your most complex online exam needs Created 16 years ago on the initiative of a professor of medicine wishing to reduce the level gaps between his students, Theia was a pioneer in the implementation of e-learning solutions and then digital exams. This bold project made it possible to dematerialize the medical competition by developing a technology capable of hosting synchronous sessions for tens of thousands of students. With around a hundred partners including Telecom Paris, the UFR of medicine Paris-Saclay, HEC, ESBanque and Junia, Theia now covers many disciplines at university, in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech Technologies: SaaS

17 1 17 18
UPDS - sites et sols pollués UPDS - sites et sols pollués

Promoting good management of polluted sites and soils! With 57 active members, representing nearly 2,500 employees and €515 million in turnover in 2022, the UPDS's primary mission is to contribute to the structuring of the profession and the development of its market. The UPDS brings together several colleges, which represent the profession's trades, the Engineering college, the Works college and the Microstructures college. It has two employees: a General Delegate and a project manager. The Engineering college, whose 32 members represent approximately 70% of the SSP Engineering market, brings together companies that operate in the field of study and consultancy …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

11 3 11 9
Little Citizens for Climate Little Citizens for Climate

Young people are committed to the climate and the environment. We accompany them. They become the citizens of tomorrow. Young people are the heirs of an alarming ecological situation. We are committed to providing them with the necessary tools to understand it and to promote awareness and the necessary individual and collective changes. Our three main principles of intervention: Act, Exchange, Learn. ACT: We value young people's initiatives through videos they send us. We broadcast them on our social networks, on our website and on our channel. We write articles, produce reports, translate them into several languages. We encourage mutual …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

22 1 21 1
En Transition En Transition

Promote, encourage and support local commitments and initiatives for social and ecological transition. Faced with the challenges facing humanity, such as climate change, social and ecological transformation is already underway with solutions imagined and implemented by hundreds of thousands of people, citizens, associations, businesses, local authorities, etc. in the modes of production, consumption, social organization, etc. En Transition wishes to amplify this movement, change scale and be an accelerator of the transition by seeking in particular to: • promote • encourage • support ... local initiatives and commitments for a more united and more ecological world. En Transition articulates 3 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

7 1 6 37
ACTeon environment ACTeon environment

ACTeon is a French consulting and research company specialised in environmental strategies, policies and communication. ACTeon is a French consulting and research company specialised in environmental strategies and policies. The main objective of the team is to foster emerging solutions and innovations aiming at ensuring an effective integration of environmental dimensions in decisions and behaviors. ACTeon advises a wide range of stakeholders (public institutions, companies, associations, NGOs...). In order to provide adapted answers to specific contexts and stakeholders, the team mobilizes skills in environmental sciences, economics, sociology, political sciences, environmental law and spatial planning. The team of around twenty consultants …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech

20 2 18 26
Société Géologique de France Société Géologique de France

Organizes scientific, technical, and general public meetings - Publishes the journals Géologues, Géochronique, and the BSGF The Société géologique de France (SGF), recognized as being of public utility, aims to contribute to the development of Earth Sciences. The SGF is a learned society founded on March 17, 1830. Earth Sciences, Geology, Paleontology, Energy, Geotechnics, Hydrogeology, and Geophysics

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

15 1 2 13
SIM - Congrès Exposition de l'industrie minérale SIM - Congrès Exposition de l'industrie minérale

The leading trade show for the extractive industries! The SIM exhibition (Exposition du Congrès de la société de l’industrie minière) is the leading trade show for the extractive industries sector in France! It showcases the equipment and expertise of suppliers of products and services in the sector. SIM is: · - Combining business and conviviality! - Being at the heart of innovation in the extractive industry! - Benefiting every year from a 360° vision of the transformation of the sector

Type: Event

2 2 0 1
Agence Régionale de la Biodiversité Occitanie (ARB Occitanie) Agence Régionale de la Biodiversité Occitanie (ARB Occitanie)

All mobilized for biodiversity! Our mission: to promote the implementation of actions aimed at raising awareness of the environment and preserving biodiversity. The ARB Occitanie and its partners have a dual objective: to better coordinate the initiatives of public actors in favor of biodiversity and to strengthen concrete actions to protect and promote biodiversity in Occitanie. Our main missions are to promote knowledge on the biodiversity of the regional territory, citizen mobilization, networking biodiversity actors across Occitanie and supporting biodiversity project leaders. In 2019, the Occitanie Region is acquiring a Regional Biodiversity Agency under the status of Public Environmental Cooperation …

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

27 5 26 16
FSC France FSC France

Forests for all, forever. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international non-profit organization founded in 1993 in Toronto, which is committed to the responsible exploitation of forests. The FSC is independent and does not pursue financial interests. Its founding mission is to provide a truly independent and credible certification scheme guaranteeing that forests are managed in an ecologically sustainable manner in order to meet the social, economic and ecological needs of current and future generations. The FSC brings together organizations with economic interests in the forest sector, organizations with a purely environmental approach, and others developing a social approach. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

45 3 40 16
INGETEC Ingénierie INGETEC Ingénierie

Independent and multidisciplinary engineering company, acting for a sustainable world Because the sustainable development of the territories in which we operate is our reason for being, Ingetec's experts invest every day in the environment, hydraulics, renaturation, ecological continuity, wetlands, sustainable development and mobility. engineering, environment, hydraulics, transport, mobility, urban agriculture, sustainable development, rivers, renaturation, ecological continuity, and wetlands

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech transporttech

31 1 30 94
Conservatoire du littoral Conservatoire du littoral

The public institution in charge of preserving the French coastline since 1975. The public institution in charge of preserving the French coastline since 1975. #ProtectTheCoastline

Type: Public

32 18 19 209

Partner in your digital transformation: let's develop your custom software together! 🤝 🏭 Yaakadev is a custom software development company. 📲 Experts in electronic document management, we carry out your projects according to your vision and help you develop them in the direction you want. 🔨 We work mainly for the construction sector, whose processes we know well. 📣 We also work with other trades, including insurers and lawyers. 📣 We support you in your digital transformation with these tailor-made software: ✔ Construction Site Monitoring Software ✔ Electronic Document Management (EDM) ✔ Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) ✔ Customer Relationship Management …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

25 3 3 9
MAPPEM Geophysics MAPPEM Geophysics

Marine electromagnetic and resistivity imaging systems delivering enriched subsurface and environmental knowledge MAPPEM Geophysics (established in 2015) is an innovative French company specialising in marine electromagnetics. We develop state-of-the-art electromagnetic instruments and methods and conduct electromagnetic site investigations and surveys for nearshore and offshore projects. We pride ourselves on providing our clients with new insight into the characteristics of the marine subsurface, the location of potential buried hazards and objects, and the measurement of ambient electromagnetic fields in the marine environment. Our highly sensitive marine electromagnetic systems can be used for several challenges: ● Geophysical resistivity imaging of the subsurface …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

13 6 4 8

Waste is displaced resource. We render PV industry truly circular! ROSI is a company offering innovative solutions for recycling and revalorization of raw materials in the PV industry. The technologies allow to recover highly pure silicon and other metals currently lost during the production of photovoltaic cells and at the end-of-life of solar panels. Silicon recycling, PV module recycling, Circular economy, Waste management, and Raw materials

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Solar Technologies

38 12 26 38
InovaYa InovaYa

At InovaYa, we fight to preserve water resources and improve universal access to drinking water. As both a Young Innovative Company and a Solidarity Company of Social Utility (the only one in France in the water sector!), the search for an ever greater impact is what drives us to continuously innovate. We develop our own freshwater filtration and treatment technologies that are accessible, sustainable and eco-designed (pollution and environmental impacts are limited as much as possible over their entire life cycle). They are designed to make the user perfectly autonomous and independent for more than 10 years. The unYo, our …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech water management smart city Technologies: IoT

23 13 9 42
C-Ways C-Ways

C-Ways, la data à valeur ajoutée. C-Ways is a consulting company specialised in data sciences. Thanks to innovative methods of data capture and modelling, C-Ways helps administrations and leading companies in the sectors of mobility, fashion, luxury goods, financial services, sport, consumer goods, etc. to make informed decisions. For C-Ways, data is above all a means and not an end. A means to understand, detect and anticipate. We use data science to better understand possible futures and help our clients build a sustainable, equitable and resilient world. market research, predictive marketing, data modeling, data science, client surveys, prospective, web analytics, …

Type: Startup Activities: it services martech Technologies: Data Analytics

50 3 28 33
ILLUIN Technology ILLUIN Technology

Bright solutions to strategic challenges. With a specific focus on AI for all businesses. With their scientific and technological expertise, and their knowledge of Design Thinking and UX, Illuin Technology's makers occupy a unique place at the heart of innovation and the digital transformation of companies. Our mission is to support companies in meeting the challenges of artificial intelligence and new modes of human-machine interaction. We innovate with our clients by placing the end user at the heart of the process thanks to our mastery of Design Thinking and UX Design. But being a Maker also means creating new systems …

Type: Startup Activities: uxtech it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Image Processing A.I. - Natural Language Processing Data Analytics Generative A.I.

31 8 21 108
OHWOOD (groupe Imagreen) OHWOOD (groupe Imagreen)

Network creator Ohwood has been part of the Imagreen group since February 2021. Ohwood: strategic consulting in corporate communication and public affairs. A strategic communications consulting firm, Ohwood supports private and public organizations in the regions in their corporate communication and influence challenges, in the service of their growth and influence. Ohwood supports its clients in the environmental, social and economic transition with a long-term strategic perspective. We advise managers and support them in building their communication strategies, while working hand in hand with operational teams to deploy the communication plan. In February 2021, Ohwood joined the Imagreen group.

Type: Media

38 7 31 1