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LogoName Σ Employees
Pandobac Pandobac

Reusable bins for the food industry Today in France, 3,000,000 food packaging is thrown every day. These packaging cost dearly and clutter up warehouses, shops and garbage cans. Replacing the boxes, wooden cagettes and polystyrene with reusable transport bins allows you to save, gain storage space and respond to increasing demand from restaurateurs and individuals for more ecological logistics circuits. Expert in re -employment, Pandobac supports you on all your disposable projects from the disposable to the reusable. Whether you are a company or a community, whether your project is planned for a long time or only its beginnings, Pandobac …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

41 17

Vegetalization 🌿 - Renaturation 🌳 - Urban agriculture 🥕 - Vegetated roofs 🌱 Since 2015, cultures in the city has been distinguished by its renaturation expertise, ranging from urban agriculture to complex green spaces. Our global rebirth approach allows us to design productive and aesthetic oases, integrating the principles of permaculture and the circular economy. Member of UNP and Qualified Qualipaysage, Cultures in City has recognized expertise in the management of technical and forced sites. Space optimization, CSR policy, responsible food, living environment, short circuits, urban agriculture, green roof, vegetable garden, and urban farms

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech agritech smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

14 10
Cueillette Urbaine Cueillette Urbaine

Improve well-being by vegetating the city and producing healthy fruits and vegetables in short circuit Urban picking is a company that works for the development of agriculture and its benefits in urban areas. Both innovative and ecological, our aquaponic and ecosystem farms make it possible to produce fruits, vegetables, ancient and original aromatic plants and fish, while reducing the carbon footprint of the building. Our company is therefore part of an "ultra short" circuit for "ultra-fresh" products. We also develop service offers on the themes of social ties and team cohesion, turned both to the business world and institutions using …

Type: Startup Activities: smart city greentech agritech cleantech foodtech Technologies: Decarbonization

29 18
Clem' Clem'

Opérateur de services de mobilité partagée et décarbonée ! Specialized in EV (electric vehicle) carsharing and combined smart charging, we are the privileged partner of local authorities, shared housing blocks and companies wishing to offer clean-energy carsharing services within peri-urban and rural communities. Our interoperable platform open to local mobility players, is the only one to combine a wide range of services: EV carsharing, charging, carpooling and eShuttle. Our mission is to share our clients’ EVs and manage their charging stations, in order to meet energy transition requirements and to offer sustainable local mobility complementary to public transport. Clem, is …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Batteries Decarbonization

30 37
Keynergie Keynergie

Give meaning to your action With you, from the energy strategy to the management of a controlled carbon footprint Keynergie is a company specializing in design, management and expertise of innovation projects in the energy sector. Keynergie is positioned as a catalyst and accelerator of innovation in energy, at the interfaces between the academic world, the industry, the public sphere. Jean-François Le Romancer, its founder brings its customers 20 years of experience in energy and technological innovation. Keynergie acts as a Directorate of Research and Innovation in Contracting Assistance (AMOA) by proposing an ability to design and develop, to put …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Data Analytics

5 3
Backacia Backacia

Expert re -use & amp; Circular economy, connector and marketplace dedicated to the reuse of building materials. Since 2017, Backacia has been trying to integrate re -use in the construction sector, an essential lever for more sustainable construction. Thanks to our expertise in PEMD diagnostics, we support the project owners, project owners and building professionals in the identification and enhancement of re -employed deposits on their sites. Our objective: to reduce waste, to decrease the carbon footprint and offer sustainable economic solutions through our dedicated marketplace. Do you want to optimize your sites and integrate a circular economy approach? Find …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech civictech constructiontech greentech manufacturing e-commerce Technologies: Decarbonization

26 8
Zei Zei

The ESG platform that rhymes conformity and impact! Discover the only solution that combines technology and CSR expertise to divide by 5 the time spent on your ESG management. Our mission: Simplify CSR management to allow you to focus on what really matters: to improve your impact! Take advantage of a unique and collaborative platform that harmonizes all indicators on +70 ESG standards on the market, to meet your CSR issues. Whether you want to get into CSR, advance an existing approach, put you into regulatory compliance (CSRD) or follow and improve the impact of your ecosystem: a dedicated module …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

77 63
Deepki Deepki

Enhancing the value of your real estate assets #ImpactForward Founded in 2014, Deepki supports real estate players in their transition to net zero and sustainability. To achieve this transition towards sustainability, Deepki helps realign stakeholders’ interests to build efficient strategies and transform real estate into a positive force for the planet. Deepki is the only company offering a fully populated ESG data intelligence platform combined with expert advisory services. The company’s end-to-end solutions leverage data to improve ESG performance and enhance the value of real estate assets. The figures speak for themselves: 400M+ square meters monitored 60+ countries where we …

Tags: FrenchTech120 Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech proptech Technologies: Data Analytics A.I.

91 405
Economie d'Energie SAS Economie d'Energie SAS

In energy, the largest innovation is to do without it. Economy of Energy is intended to support all actors in the energy sector to design energy savings strategies to meet the new expectations of their customers, partners and employees. Economy of Energy has chosen to combine creativity and solid expertise in the energy market to develop an original work approach based on the principle of co-creation. The objective is to develop innovative solutions and programs with our customers to: - Value energy savings and Energy Economy Certificates (CEE) - significantly improve the relationship with end customers: customer oriented organization - …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

25 247
Terradona Terradona

Cliiink by Terradona, connected solution for recycling & amp; cleanliness. Terradona is a "Tech Transition", a digital and ecological transition start-up, which aims to transform behavior thanks to its digital sorting gesture development solution: Cliiink®. Founded in 2013, Terradona is a French company based in the Aix-Marseille Provence metropolis. At the crossroads of the Internet of Objects and the Circular Economy, Terradona developed Cliiink®, the first reward program for sorting gesture in France (3 patents) which also energizes local trade to boost the sorting of household packaging. After 3 years of R & AMP; D and one year of experimentation …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech civictech deeptech greentech smart city Technologies: IoT

31 27
Citygo - Covoiturage urbain Citygo - Covoiturage urbain

We have it in common! With Citygo, we have it in common! With a community of more than 2 million members, Citygo is a positive impact startup offering a short distance carpooling application, known as urban carpooling. Determined to develop a more sustainable mobility for tomorrow, Citygo is committed to the urban and peri -urban community thanks to the societal profits that its urban carpooling solution brought: a social impact by offering a rapid, comfortable and accessible solution to everyone to better move in the outskirts of large cities, generally un served by public transport; An economic impact by allowing …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech cleantech entertainment greentech smart city Technologies: Geolocation A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

37 64
Reforest'Action Reforest'Action

Ecosystem regeneration 🌱 Our mission: to regenerate terrestrial ecosystems on a large scale to tackle global challenges using field experience, local communities, science and technology. Since its inception in 2010, Reforest'Action has implemented more than 1,500 projects in 45 countries, mainly through funding from over 3,500 companies. As a fast-growing company, Reforest'Action aims to restore and regenerate 1 million hectares of (agro)forestry ecosystems by 2030, thereby contributing to the global forestry goals. By providing nature-based solutions that meet the objectives of corporate model transformation, consistent with their carbon strategies, Reforest'Action aims to contribute to the transition to a regenerative economy. …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

58 105

Our programs and solutions reduce waste and waste by 20 to 60% according to the pro sectors. #Antigaspi #RSE Biodechets, packaging, banal industrial waste, food and non -food surplus of professional and public actors ... EQOSPER programs and solutions reduce waste and waste by 20 to 60% according to the professional activity sectors. The offer of services and the support of Eqosphere as well as your commitment has a positive and environmental impact: waste decreases, waste is reduced and transformed into resources.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

37 5

Terrao® revolutionary interchange which acts against air pollution linked to industrial and human activities StarkLab is an expert company in innovation and operational realization of R & AMP projects. Its mission is to assist its customers in their efforts to create and develop new products and processes in all industrial sectors.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing

27 17

Liger®, renewable energy center in a principle of circular economy in Morbihan (56). Created in 2011 in the heart of Morbihan in Brittany, Liger (Locminé Innovation and management of renewable energies) was born from a local initiative for a global ecological transition. Our goal? Reduce the carbon footprint. Our job? Bioenergies producer. With the help of a concept of unique valuation in Europe, Liger Couple the exploitation of a wooden boiler and a methanization unit to produce biomethane, biofuel, bi -fertilizer, biocombustible while generating thermal and electricity. Real breeding ground for technological innovations, our renewable energy center is based on …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

13 20
Démarche responsable Démarche responsable

Next to your side for your QSE and Energy projects: support, internal audit, ISO training 9001/14001/45001/50001 We are a consulting firm specializing in: ISO 50001 energy management, ISO 9001 Quality Management, ISO 14001 Environmental Management, and ISO 45001 SST management. We are at your disposal to discuss any support, internal audit or training mission that would make it possible to set up or improve your systems. Consult us, we are listening to you to exchange, meet you and approach these questions together in order to define the best answers to your needs. Sustainable development, energy management, environment, energy, quality, security, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 1

Innovative wave filtering technology Bluerium is an innovative company based in Aix-en-Provence which has developed in partnership with the CNRS of wave filtering technologies. Break the swell, and/or redirect the waves, with a minimal environmental imprint, protects the coast against erosion, allows you to create modular and removable marinas, etc. Dikes, coastal protection, environment, innovation, marina, marinas, and science and environment

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 1
Watinyoo SAS Watinyoo SAS

Energy is in you Watinyoo offers production, storage and energy distribution solutions breaking with existing codes, exclusively based on renewable energies. Smart grid thermal, geothermal, heat recovery, renewable energy, heat management, and geothermal pac

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Sensors

4 1
Plantez Respirez / Plant &ampamp; Breath Plantez Respirez / Plant & Breath

Nature does us good, let's do good to nature. We work for the green spaces to do as much good to the planet as to users. Vegetation, pollution, biophilia, landscaper, air quality, green plants, carbon compensation, urban forest, urban canopy, green islands, heat island, green connection, biodiversity, biomimetism, and happytech

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

7 1
SmartGreenCharge SmartGreenCharge

Faites le plein d'électricité renouvelable locale et économique avec SmartGreenCharge ! SmartGreenCharge est une start-up basée à Colmar. Nous proposons une station de recharge pour véhicules électriques inédite. Se basant sur des bâtiments existants (station-service, commerce, restaurant...), elle allie photovoltaïque, éolien et batterie de stockage pour fournir une électricité produite sur place avec une capacité de charge simultanée de 200 kW pour une batterie de 200kWh (~6 points de charge DC). Ne nécessitant ni nouveau raccordement au réseau ni permis de construire préalable, son installation est plus rapide : 12 à 18 semaines, du début de projet à sa mise …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Batteries

0 1
Les Alcyonides Swimwear Les Alcyonides Swimwear

The Green swimsuit not Boring! French brand of eco-responsible swimwear, our mission? Reconcile ethics & amp; aesthetic ! We have beautiful jerseys. We do them well. And we do them (really) not far. All our jerseys are made from old fishing nets lost at sea, we clean the oceans one 👙 at a time! #MARQUEFRANCAISE #MADEINITALY #MODEDUBLE #MODEECOSTABLES #MAILLOTRECYCLE #FROMWASTETOWEAR #SUSSTAINABLE #ecoswimwear

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing greentech

3 1
Wetri Wetri

The application that rewards sorting gestures! Wetri connects individuals and their waste to companies engaged in the circular economy. By digitizing recycling and rewarding consumer sorting, WWTRI improves the valuation of household waste, gives recyclers access to new material deposits and provides customer traffic to collector merchants. Wetri aims to become the reference digital platform to link individuals to companies in the circular economy.

Type: Startup Activities: civictech cleantech greentech Technologies: SaaS

29 2
Relampix Relampix

We plug in to the best release experts throughout France. We connect to the best Relamping technicians everywhere in France! Today, renovating your LED lighting is a safe bet to save energy ⚡, lower its carbon impact 🌍 and reduce maintenance costs💰. All companies and all communities are affected but it is often difficult to understand the major stages of a site, to find a business or even to choose one. Relampix helps you clarify your need, compare prices from different companies and choose the one that is most suitable for your project. This service is free and without obligation. …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 2
Wespran Wespran

Shaping the future of green biotech Wespran is a French climate deeptech startup specializing in synthetic biology and proteins. It is developing a turnkey biomimetic technology to upcycle industrial CO2 emissions into valuable products, starting with green methanol. At the forefront of biochemistry, physics, and bioinformatics, Wespran's clean biotechnology, FREED (Free Reactions using Enzymatic Electrocatalysis for Decarbonization), harnesses engineered enzymes. This innovative solution offers decarbonization as a service. By leveraging nature's power, Wespran helps industries reduce their carbon footprint while generating substantial profit. Target sectors include refineries, steel plants, chemical manufacturers, incinerators, cement factories, and thermal power plants. With a …

Type: Startup Activities: biotech deeptech greentech cleantech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

1 2
Collaborative Energy SAS Collaborative Energy SAS

Wind power ... differently Wind power differently, now

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

8 2
Gaz-Mobilité Gaz-Mobilité

The GNV and Biognv site GAZZZ is an information site dedicated to gas vehicles: GNV, LNG ... without forgetting the issue of the development of biogas. Objective: to inform the general public, professionals and communities about the initiatives and innovations of the gas sector in the transport sector through a monitoring of French and international news and the interviews carried out with the various actors committed. In the field of GNV and LNG stations, Gaz-Mobility also publishes a map of the infrastructure present and to come on French soil GNV, LNG, GNC, BIOGAZ, AND BIOGNV

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech cleantech energytech greentech

13 2

Air treatment for polluted sites and soils Aircovery intervenes in the treatment of polluted air of the VOC (volatile organic compounds) and soil and groundwater depollution companies (SSP polluted sites and soils)

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

2 2
Eizhy Eizhy

Valuation of plants in innovative products that smell good Brittany without causing nature to nature Having the chance to live in Brittany, Eizhy was born with the desire to do her part and protect nature. Paths doing it, the idea has evolved over the field meetings, tests, opportunities ... Today, Eizhy is the valuation of moors, meadows, rapeseed straws in energy granules to heat with renewable green energy and vegetable litter to take care of our cats and small animals. But not only ... we also manufacture agro-pellets, substrates, building materials .... Our job: to enhance local "neglected" local plants …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

11 2
Citoyens &ampamp; Compagnie | Le pouvoir d'agir à plusieurs Citoyens & Compagnie | Le pouvoir d'agir à plusieurs

Facilitate dialogue citizens and stakeholders linked to the ESG issues Original French structure born from the urgency of the transition, Citizens & Amp; Company has set itself the mission of creating dialogue and confidence between the actors of the food chain, the territories and the citizens, an essential condition for successful the sustainable transformation of our economic models. For this, by combining digital tools and spaces for dialogue with their communities, we help companies to pilot their CSR progress throughout the chain, to better share them in all transparency with their audiences. From the farmer to the exit of the …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

3 3
WineProtect WineProtect

Solar system that fights against frost Founded in 2020, the Wine Protect company, located in Ludon-Médoc above Bordeaux, offers innovative solutions to deal with the climate evolution that rages on wine land. In order to counter the ravages of the frost and hail that the winegrowers fear, Wine Protect presents a system of antifreeze bell which protects the vineyards of spring gel up to -6 °. ❄️ Designed with recycled and recyclable materials again, the antifreeze bell is easy to use, sustainable, economical, does not consume energy, is manufactured in France and its patented system offers it a lifespan of …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Solar Technologies

4 2

We help you deal with plant protection products. VENTO-SOL produces ECOBANG, which is a line of innovative devices that can help you deal with water remnants left in spray equipment. Our objective is to help you comply with the legislation and reduce what it will cost you as much as possible. Our devices are sold ready to use or in kit form and can be adapted to any water storage tank. Here is a video showing how ECOBANG works : Show more Show less gestion des effluents phytosanitaires, ecobang, machine agricole, équipements agricoles, déshydrateur solaire, traitement des effluents, bonnes …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

5 2
PIM Mobility PIM Mobility

Building the mobility services of tomorrow Building the mobility services of tomorrow Mobility, transport, carpooling, expert, innovative, specialized, diagnosis, territory study, planning, social ties, smartcity, and digital service

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech smart city transporttech

19 3
e-Néo e-Néo

What if your future decarbon vehicle already existed? E-NEO is a start-up specializing in the decarbonation of heavy mobility by means of the electrical conversion (retrofit) of thermal vehicles or for intensive use. Its solutions aim to prolong the life of vehicles by setting up an electrical engine powered by batteries (BEV) or a battery coupling and hydrogen fuel cell (FCEV). After the study and experimentation phase, the company delivered its first operational solutions and began its industrial development in 2023. E-Néo aims to produce 250 vehicles per year in 2025. Very attached to sustainable development and the circular economy, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing transporttech Technologies: Batteries Decarbonization Hydrogen

7 2
Ptipot' Ptipot'

Services inspired by permaculture for a more ethical, ecological and sustainable world! PTIPOT 'offers services inspired by permaculture to individuals, associations, businesses and communities. We intervene to replace the traditional lawns in nourished spaces (trees, shrubs, fruit trees, small fruit trees, vegetable spaces, wild zones for biodiversity, water recovery, compost, etc.). Our profession is a balance between landscaper, market gardener and psychologist. We support each project from A to Z, from co-design to the arrangements in the seasons, acting simultaneously on more than 14 environmental themes: - Food resilience - Fighting food price inflation - Ultra short circuits - Optimization …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

4 3
Agricyclage Agricyclage

Together let's cultivate tomorrow. Agriculture is a waste processing company, an industrial model, managed by farmers for farmers. Therefore, we guarantee you a quality, virtuous and local recycling sector. Our ambition: to bring to our territory a turnkey solution "from collection to return to the ground". The waste treatment site is backed by our methanizer, in our fields, near the A34 and Rethel.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

2 3

Green organic biomass valuation by extraction of keratin. #Humankeratin #animalkeratin What is HKVOR? ✅ The extraction of bio-intriguings with high added value from bio-waste ✅ A biotechnology project of #organic waste harvest ✅ Hundreds of thousands of tonnes of waste collected per year in France: hair, care waste for podiatrists, sheep wool, poultry feathers. ✅ An extraction of keratin: - 🧬 capillary & amp; animal ✅ An extraction protocol #innovant and #unique: - 🧪100% chemically clean - ♻️ Without harmful impact on our environment #greentech ✅ A deployment in different markets: -🧴cosmetic -🌱 agricultural market -🪴 Biostimulants - 🏥 Medical …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

16 4

Created in 2010, ENNESYS develops and commercializes energetically self-sufficient micro-algae-based water and organic waste recycling equipment. The microalgae used throughout the process feed on organic waste material contained in used waters, contributing to totally eliminate all forms of pollutant, so as to deliver physiologically drinkable water. When the microalgae reach maturity, they are automatically harvested, separated from clean water, turned into biomass and burned to produce enough energy to supply the system. The patent-protected Ennesys technology leverages on microalgae, iteratively bred and carefully selected for their resistance as well as their filtering and depolluting properties. waste-to-algae-to-energy systems and oil & …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Bio sourced materials

1 3
J'aime Mes Bouteilles J'aime Mes Bouteilles

The return of the instruction for reuse of containers in Burgundy/Franche-Comté! I like my bottles is the re -use sector of glass bottles in Burgundy Franche Comté. Choosing a product I like my bottles is choosing to buy in re -employable / re -used packaging and to make a big gesture for the environment. Producers and stores collection points integrated into the sector I like my bottles wish to push their approach in environmental protection to the packaging they put on the market. Because re -employed packaging, it is up to 51% in less of water use, 76% in less …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

5 3
coat-ing coat-ing

Adaptable L Light L low carbon L Economic Coat-Ing is developing an outside thermal insulation solution combining innovation and low-tech approach. Our process uses a microperforated and printable prestressing canvas, associated with an aluminum profile, both acting as a framework and carpentry, with expanded loose in bulk as insulating. This solution, ecological and light, aims to provide sustainable insulation and low carbon impact. Supported by ESTP and other technical partners, we transform energy renovation with an economic and aesthetic approach. More show Show less

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

11 3
ExtraJool ExtraJool

A breakthrough innovation to recycle industrial waste heat into decarbonized electricity. Une innovation de rupture pour recycler la chaleur fatale des industriels en électricité décarbonée. ExtraJool conçoit un système innovant transformant la chaleur perdue en électricité, permettant aux industries de recycler la chaleur fatale pour améliorer leur efficience énergétique et décarbonner leur procédés industriels. Cette solution est particulièrement adaptée pour les entreprises avec des processus industriels consommateurs de chaleur et cherchant à réduire leur facture d'électricité tout en diminuant leur empreinte carbone. Merci à nos partenaires et incubateurs : BPI France, Bordeaux Technowest, Université de Pau et des Pays de …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

28 3

Wasterial revalues ​​any solid used materials as everyday object! Quickly discover the Tina basin! 🏠 beautiful, useful and responsible products ♻️ New innovative materials, Wasterials®️, composed of used raw materials 🇫🇷 Made in France Wasterial revalues ​​any solid used material to transform it into everyday object. Our two missions: revalue local materials and re-locate employment. Recycling, wasterial, design, everyday objects, industry, materials, zero dechet, eco responsible, ethics, and sustainable development

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

8 3
Reus'eat Reus'eat

The 100% natural cutlery, made from draff beer and manufactured in France Reus'eat is the first brand of innovative, virtuous and compostable tableware! Our 3 goals : - Revalue the spent grain from the beer brewing process - Be part of a true circular economy dynamic - Save the jobs and tooling of plastic injectors in France and especially in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region 🇫🇷 Contact us for more informations foodtech, réutilisable, vaisselle, vaisselle réutilisable, and made in France

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Bio sourced materials

22 4

Integrate transportation in the heart of CSR How to structure your CO2 emission reduction action plan related to goods transport? And how can we get recognition from the public authorities for your CSR policy? These questions are important for companies because: ➕ Transport represents 1/3 of CO2 emissions in France ➕ 70% of global carbon emissions emanate from only 100 companies, according to the NGO Carbon Disclosure Project ➕ Indirect emissions very often represent almost 75% of the emissions of an activity for companies To support companies with the aim of reducing their GHG emissions, the AUTF initiated the FRET21 …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

32 4

Optimize your port with Opti'Sea! Opti'Sea provides Portement Managers with strategic information allowing them to optimize the management of the body of water and their port infrastructure. We are committed to providing a solution suitable for each port, each need and each configuration for small, medium and large ports.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

8 4

Smart Factory for optimized recycling of composite PVC Observation: Today, most composite PVCs are not regenerated. At best, they are energetically valued, at worst they are simply dumped. Why? Current processes require a lot of "raw material", and most companies do not have enough waste to process simultaneously. The material recycled from these processes is of poor quality due to the lack of mastery of the input materials. Polyloop proposes a solution to solve these two problems, with a high performance and environmentally respectful equipment recyclage, pvc, composite, smart factory, compound, recycling, greentehc, innovation, plastic, plastique, valorisation, polymères, polymers, landfill, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

9 4
Oleovia Oleovia

Oleovia, a new life for oil! Oleovia specializes in the collection of used food oils. 5,000 tonnes/ year are collected from catering professionals, local communities, agro-food industries ... and recycled via the Nord Ester biofuel production process. This allows the latter to draw the raw material and guarantee the origin of the produced biofuel.

Type: Startup Activities: energytech greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 4

The partner of your nuclear projects Risae Energies is engineering specializing in nuclear fields. Risae Energies evolves mainly around 3 axes: - Project management; - product quality; - ESPN/DESP regulations/Machine directive. Risae Energies intervenes particularly on supplies and maintenance activities of major components constituting nuclear power plants: - Equipment under nuclear pressure (exchangers, GV, pumps); - handling equipment/lifting; - Electro-mecanic equipment.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

1 4

SMART DIAMOND SENSORS Sensors for in-situ control of water quality, based on diamond nanocrystals, a material that pushes the limits of durability without maintenance, while maintaining an affordable price. Under the combined effect of global warming and demographic pressure, it is necessary to continuously monitor water quality at many points, before and after use. The large majority of sensors used for this task are electrochemical sensors, yet their large-scale deployment is limited by their purchase price, not to mention the maintenance costs (cleaning and recalibration), which can double the purchase price. DIAMSENS relies on the unique properties of diamond to …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech water management greentech Technologies: Sensors

10 4
Renée Renée

Another life for small electronic and electric devices. Renée is an association and an adapted company that act in full way to reduce the impact of small electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) by developing re -use and repair. To limit the environmental impact of EEEs, we act throughout the re -use chain: from collection to the sale of used products, including repair and repair. And we intervene with all the players in the territory: communities, waste unions, social landlords, businesses or institutions. By mixing circular and united, we aim to develop the most virtuous model and to have as much …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech civictech

5 4
Ops clean Ops clean

Clean detergent by nature OPS Clean, innovation at the service of ecology 🌱 Welcome to the LinkedIn page of Ops Clean, French leader in environmentally friendly laundry. 👉 Our mission: to offer a sustainable alternative with our flagship product, the OPS Clean sachet, revolutionizing detergent thanks to its magnesium -based formula. Guided by our ecological, innovation, French quality, and positive social impact, we transform water into a sweet alkaline solution, thus preserving the environment and promoting employment through collaborations with integration structures. Join our quest for a cleaner world and follow us for exciting updates and ecological advice 😉 More …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

7 4
Wastreet Wastreet

Wastreet, digital at the service of waste! ♻️ Wastreet is a data collection operator around waste deposits that develops digital tools and solutions in order to transform the waste from communities and territories into a response to their daily challenges. It is a sole intermediary /interlocutor who links producers, collectors and (re-employer) (re-employer) of waste. Wastreet, digital at the service of waste! Environment, waste, city, digital, eco-mobility, ecological, recycling center, and dechetterie

Type: Startup Activities: civictech cleantech greentech Technologies: Data Analytics

15 4

A new approach to fluorine chemistry Specialized in fluorine chemistry and innovation, SUDFLUOR tames the tiger of chemistry for you. Founded in 2013, we address high-tech markets such as Aerospace & aeronautics, semiconductors, energy, pharmaceutic and agrochemical chemistry. Because fluorine has become essential to modern life, we have a duty to develop ways of using it without impacting our living environment. At SUDFLUOR, we are committed to developing more sustainable technologies through environmentally-friendly innovations. Show more Show less fluoration directe, traitement de surface, synthèse de fluorures inorganiques, analyse et caractérisation de matériaux, Fluorures de métaux réfractaires, fluoride, direct fluorination, surface …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Semiconductors Solar Technologies

0 4
MICROTERRA - membre du Réseau National Compost In Situ MICROTERRA - membre du Réseau National Compost In Situ

Lastingly create living soil for organic and local farming Created in 2009 under the leadership of Nicola Rapetti and Catherine Bouniol, Microterra is the precursor of composting on the farm in Occitania by creating the missing link in the valuation of green waste between local communities and agroindustrial plant organic waste and farmers. Sharing values ​​of engagement and respect for men and nature, we have the ambition to create a living soil with organic and local farming with our partners. Our innovative and structured composting sector on the farm responds in the long term both: • to the problems of …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech agritech civictech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

3 4
Djouman Djouman

Catalyzing sustainable development in Africa DJOUMAN is one of the leading platform catalyzing sustainable development in Africa thanks to entrepreneurship, innovation and collaboration. We support organizations with consulting services in design and implementation of projects with strong and measurable economic, social and environmental impacts. But also, because we strongly believe in Africa and its potential to achieve sustainability with her own models, we initiate projects with local and international trustworthy partners. With always the same objective: creating share value in a sustainable and responsible way. Feel free to get in touch! Open innovation, Crowdsourcing, Problem solving, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Africa, impact, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: cleantech entrepreneurship greentech consulting civictech Technologies: Decarbonization

3 4
ENKEL Sensors ENKEL Sensors

Wireless autonomous energy sensors. Mobile or fixed system of energy sub-contracting. Energy Sub-Metering System. Enkel designs and manufactures autonomous (Energy Harvesting, patented) and connected, wireless, non -intrusive energy consumption meters. The data is transmitted to our tracking platform and downloadable. They can also be sent to a local or cloud server. Our mobile or fixed sub-count system is ideal for carrying out an energy counting plan, within the framework of a regulatory or voluntary audit, an environmental certification (eg ISO 50001), or permanent energy monitoring. Enkel allows you to map the consumption of a site, in particular to identify positions …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: Sensors

0 6
OlaTaNea 🎒Kits de Survie pour SDF OlaTaNea 🎒Kits de Survie pour SDF

Help an homeless for Christmas 🎄 The first objective of survival kits for homeless 🎒 oatanea is to have a real impact in terms of comfort. Each kit represents a substantial investment because they all make a real material difference. The goal is that the street on the street receives it as a gift that will really improve their daily life. SDF survival kits are financed directly on the store of the site by citizens who want to act! Over 1,000 survival kits for homeless people have already been made! We are keen to create a real link between …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

17 5

Mixed economy company dedicated to the development of renewable energies in Pyrénées-Atlantiques Local mixed economy company dedicated to the development of renewable energies in Pyrénées-Atlantiques.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

8 5
Synops Conseil Synops Conseil

Reduce its impact, strengthen its resilience Ecological transitional design office Energy, ENR, Ecology, and Hydrogen

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Hydrogen

5 6

Une nouvelle vision pour les territoires de demain HETWA, new vision for environment The start-up HETWA offers applications dedicated to the specific themes of each client in line with their needs. The objective is to provide a personalized response to the actors of the territory according to their problems. The start-up is specialized in applications oriented towards the evaluation of water quality regulation services and the evaluation of ecosystem services from the point of view of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). The start-up is currently developing an innovative interactive web platform associated with a GIS (Geographic Information System) to …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: SaaS

10 6
Cleanfox App Cleanfox App

Clean your inbox in a few clicks on our app or website 📨 Cleanfox is the easiest way for you to clean out your inbox and reduce your carbon footprint in a matter of clicks! Try out our app for free 🦊 Our T&Cs 👉 - Cleanfox est la manière la plus facile de nettoyer sa boîte mail et de réduire son empreinte carbone en quelques clics ! Essayez notre app gratuite 🦊 Notre politique de confidentialité 👉

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

7 5
Ecovamed Ecovamed

Carbon footprint and life cycle analysis of health and chemistry products/biotechnologies Ecovamed offers an innovative solution for life cycle analysis and the evaluation of the carbon footprint of drugs, medical devices, care paths, pharmaceutical and cosmetic active ingredients, and more generally the carbon footprint of chemistry, biotechnology and polymers. Ecovamed helps manufacturers of health products and their suppliers to better understand the environmental impact of their products and to find solutions to reduce their impacts. Original label, carbon footprint, drugs, cosmetics, fine chemistry, specialties chemistry, sustainable supply, and carbon footprint

Type: Startup Activities: greentech healthtech deeptech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

4 5
STARFISH Bioscience STARFISH Bioscience

Regenerating Soil Microbiomes for Sustainable Agriculture The depletion of soil microbial biodiversity has a massive impact on soil, plant, and environmental health. This degradation leads to loss of yield, crop vulnerability and increased green house gas emission. STARFISH Bioscience's mission is to rebuild soil ecosystems to restore their fertility and enable a sustainable agri-food system. Microbiome, Biotechnology, Agriculture, and AgTech

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech agritech deeptech Technologies: Decarbonization

13 5
SSO ACTIVE Open Swim Stars SSO ACTIVE Open Swim Stars

open water swimming as you like it! The Open Swim Stars is the first open water swimming French circuit for the general public. Its objective is to revive the discipline in the heart of France's major cities. 12 events are scheduled for the 2022 edition. événementiel outdoor, natation, baignade urbaine, application natation, and Stages découvertes et de perfectionnement natation eau libre

Type: Startup Activities: greentech

3 5
#biotyfood #biotyfood

The new generation subvid Biotyfood® is the startup that intends to revolutionize the food subvid. In 2023, we launched our first innovation: a machine allowing to undervide 100% storage boxes in borosilicate glass (boxes and cover included). It helps keep food integrity over long periods, that is to say their taste, nutrients, vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants. This new generation under-video device has requested more than 2 years of R & AMP; D. He is patented in France and internationally. Biotyfood® is a company in #impact. We want to fight all the food chain against waste and plastic contamination. Our …

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech greentech cleantech

2 5
Efficience et Optimisation Efficience et Optimisation

Humans and the environment at the heart of business concerns Efficiency and optimization is a quality specialized design office, health, safety, environment and security. Born from the restructuring in 2022 of Enorka (2014) and Epsilon Consulting (2005), we have been working in HSE for over 17 years. We put our skills at your service: industrialists, communities, water caterers ... We help you improve the prevention of your professional risks, your industrial risks, your fire safety as well as reduce your environmental impact. This in a continuous improvement approach aimed at optimizing your processes while checking the effectiveness of the actions …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Cybersecurity

1 5

Energy performance accelerator Smart mountain, design and advice office -& gt; Advice, Study and Regulatory Energy Audit (NF in 16247-1 and -3) -& gt; Scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon footprint -& gt; Feasibility study and photovoltaic project management -& gt; Project management and contracting authority -& gt; Support for tertiary decree -& gt; Support for the implementation of a low carbon strategy (advice and GHG reduction roadmap) -& gt; Energy / carbon challenge awareness workshop (2 -ton workshop, waste hunting, ISO 50 001) Our values: Commitment - Collaboration - Adaptation - Rigor Based in Adrets, Auvergne Rhône Alpes, France. …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech it services Technologies: Decarbonization

1 5
Neayi - Triple Performance 🌱 Neayi - Triple Performance 🌱

The knowledge and social platform to share agro-ecological practices Neayi designs and operates the first common of the agroecological transition: - we gather and capitalize agronomic and economic knowledge so that farmers can make the best choices in favor of an ever more ecological agriculture. With more than 5000 articles (concepts, feedback, videos, etc.) the platform makes it possible to capitalize on knowledge and know-how, in a collaborative way. The platform is in the process of being available in 10 languages. On Triple Performance, users can get in touch and start discussions with other farmers, experts, advisers or agro-suppliers …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: SaaS

5 5
Proesis Proesis

Green energy is the one that we no longer consume We are a team of engineers specializing in energy efficiency. We offer our customers solutions to 4 challenges: 1) Optimization of utility production. 2) Reduction of energy consumption with the creation of advanced audits (ISO50001) 3) Energy monitoring to make energy monitoring more reliable and consolidate energy monitoring. 4) Planning of energy production and consumption to provide driving aid. Optimal production of utilities, energy efficiency, intelligent counting, advanced energy audit, pinch, energy planning, and SME

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: IoT

5 5
CAP 2020 CAP 2020

Evaluate and master the risks linked to climate and organic CAP 2020 contributes to the practice of precision agriculture by providing its customers with the tools necessary for the assessment and mastery of agroclimatic risks as well as those related to organicians. ✔️ For the mastery of agroclimatic risks, CAP 2020 provides its customers with all the weather and climatic data necessary for decision -making tools (OAD) used by farmers. CAP 2020 also develops tailor -made solutions for the valuation of the data provided such as the OAD PRECO’SEM and Agrotempo® to enhance the Mas Seeds seed. ✔️ For the …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Data Analytics

22 5

ICTYOS invente les cuirs précieux de demain. ICTYOS - Cuir marin de France est une startup française qui développe des cuirs marins dans une logique d’économie circulaire et durable. Nous valorisons des peaux de poissons issues de l’industrie agro-alimentaire et de la restauration. Les peaux de poissons sont transformées en un matériau d’exception, le cuir marin. - ICTYOS - Cuir Marin de France is a young startup developping fish leathers and focused on circular and sustainable economy. We provide a value-creation of fish's skins coming from agro-alimentary industry and restauration. The fish's skins are transformed into an exceptional material, the …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

13 6
Innoverda Innoverda

L'électrosynthèse à votre service Innoverda allow to companies in the biobased, cosmetics and pharma sector to reduce their manufacturing cost and their waste. To do so, we evaluate the feasibility of the production of chemicals with electrosynthesis. Instead of using reagents to induce a chemical reaction, electrosynthesis allow to induce reaction with the power of electricity.

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

2 5
Expliceat Expliceat

There is no more bread to lose! Start up specializing in reducing food waste We act on a daily basis to reconnect the city on the plate. By supporting communities, shops, and businesses, we offer intelligent and innovative solutions for the fight against food waste. Our goal: Contribute, by concrete actions, to reduce the total of 30% of global food production thrown each year. Our actions: - Evaded recipes: Invendus revaluation project with an innovative concept of transformation into cookies and other delicious recipes, and supply of crumbler, tool allowing professionals to transform their excess bread into flour. - Eco-responsible …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech foodtech greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

15 3

Improve your HPC – AI Energy Efficiency DENERGIUM responds to the need to make the use of IT infrastructures more efficient. To do this, we take the energy angle and provide optimization software solutions for managers and users. HPC, Energy, Software, and AI

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: A.I.

16 5
Redonner Redonner

The solution of fashion brands to collect, revalue and reward the textile deposits of their customers. Created following the promulgation of the law relating to the fight against waste and the circular economy (February 2020), Restonne offers a digital textile collection solution allowing partner brands to promote textile collection and recycling by rewarding their customers' clothing deposits. Beyond allowing its partner marks to actively participate in the success of the sorting and textile recycling sector, our digital solution makes it possible to strengthen notoriety and commitment to the brand while energizing traffic and sales. Restoring is positioned as a textile …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech cleantech fashtech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

9 6
Gaspajoe Gaspajoe

STAINLESS STEEL IS ENOUGH. Since 2010, stainless steel containers for life. Lunchbox, bottles, tumblers, straws, ice cubes. 100% stainless steel. No cover paint that comes off ! Only raw material with laser engraving designs. Go for REAL sustainable items !

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

14 5
Blue - Le Grand Ménage! Blue - Le Grand Ménage!

The big cleaning! A practical, ecological and economical solution to finally make the big cleaning of its interior and its cupboards thanks to a technological innovation. More show Show less

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

2 6
HoliMaker HoliMaker

Holimaker, (re) we have the material. Holimaker develops a set of solutions around the transformation of plastics. The company is responsible for popularizing micro-industrial tools. Holimaker designs and markets Holipress, the first innovative manual plastic press on the market. Our offer is intended for innovation services and R & AMP laboratories of large groups, SMEs and VSEs, Fablabs and Cleanlabs as well as in the education and training sector. Holipress makes it possible to produce by using any type of thermoplastic parts intended for prototyping, small series or plastics formation. Holimaker also offers a set of services, including awareness -raising …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech greentech industry 4.0 manufacturing cleantech Technologies: New Materials

24 7
BREEN - Stand et mobilier en carton ! BREEN - Stand et mobilier en carton !

The real innovation is societal: we offer much more than cardboard! From design to installation, Breen has been supporting his customers for 9 years in the creation of cardboard stands and scenographies: 100% French production / 100% recyclable solution Thanks to our network of local partners (France and foreigner), Breen offers a CSR approach for your events: - The materials used are 100% recyclable - Thanks to our local partners, Breen organizes the productions as close as possible to events to support the local economy and limit the carbon impact linked to transport. Breen solutions are a strong CSR engagement …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

24 5
S-One S-One

Master your durability to minimize your impacts. S-ONE is an innovative SaaS platform that helps companies transform their challenges of sustainability (ESG) into strategic levers, improving their financial performance while guaranteeing their compliance with the standards in force. Thanks to its modular and agile approach. S-One centralizes ESG data and adapts to maturity and specific needs of each organization. S-ONE allows you to generate tailor-made relationships, whether carbon, BDESE, CSRD analysis, or ACV reports. By harmonizing the practices of different services (HR, CSR, QHSE, DAF), the platform reduces redundancies and simplifies reporting. Energy, Hygiene Safety Environment, Environment, ISO 14001, ISO …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech water management Technologies: Decarbonization

2 5
Lowatt Lowatt

A tailor -made tool and support for the implementation of your energy policy. Lowatt is an Occitan TPE, which supports you to understand and reduce your energy consumption. We were going to expertise in thermal engineering, data processing expertise, and self -confidence to help our partners reduce their environmental impact and improve their competitiveness. We are present in the food industry, very cold logistics, as well as cosmetic and pharmaceutical production. Since 2020, we have been supported in our development by the Inddigo group. We are also members of the Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation and Vinseo networks.

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: Data Analytics

2 6

Major player in the circular economy. Terenvie was born from a partnership between Serpol, the Serfim group depollution branch and the Vicat cement group. This innovative circular economy project has been selected from the winners of "the 30 call! Launched by the Metropolis of Lyon, in 2014. This platform is dedicated to the promotion of excavated lands in short circuit by non -impactful processes for the environment. Located in Feyzin (69) on a field of 3ha, this project is perfectly part of the energy transition law for green growth, which sets 70 % the targeting target recycling of construction and …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: New Materials

6 7
AlphaGreen AlphaGreen

AlphaGreen, the first offensive against CO2 emissions from combustion engines. Let's decarbonize the existing fleet ! AlphaGreen: Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Combustion Engines Today 🌍 As a specialist in engine decarbonization, AlphaGreen offers an innovative, eco-friendly, and connected solution to decarbonize the existing fleet of combustion engines. Thanks to our hydrogen-based depollution technology, we reduce pollutant emissions, lower fuel consumption, and extend engine lifespan. An immediate solution to address today’s environmental and economic challenges. Why Choose AlphaGreen? The current fleet of combustion engines remains dominant. Taking action now is crucial to: ✅ Reduce CO2 emissions and fine particles ✅ …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization Hydrogen

41 8
Énerg'Y Citoyennes Énerg'Y Citoyennes

Producing and consuming local, it also works for energy! Energ’y Citizennes is a collective citizen (SAS and association) created by residents of the Grenoble metropolis in order to raise awareness of the energy transition, to produce energy from renewable sources and to promote control of energy. Citizen Energy, ESS, Energy control, Ethics Finance, and Local Production

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

11 7
NJNOOS Energies NJNOOS Energies

Buy your fuel at the best price, every day! Do you want to save time and benefit from the best fuel prices on the market? Read the following 👇 🔴 GMS service station: optimize your competitiveness ▪️ Store attractivity: You are independent in large distribution and are looking to make your service station attractive while optimizing your cash. ▪️ Competitive prix: frustrated by the sometimes unsatisfactory prices of your purchase power station, you aspire to more competitiveness. ▪️ Easy access: NJNOOS Energies allows you to easily consult supplier prices in your geographic area, thus sparing your precious time. 🔴 Transport …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: SaaS

6 7
OgoXe OgoXe

At Ogox we Inform, Forecast and alert ... To protect! Solar Impulse Labelled, Futurapolis Winner, Innovation Prize You want to better understand your local environment? 💧 Ogoxe evolves and innovates to meet your needs. We offer innovative, secure and 100% French technologies for professionals and individuals. Our goal is to facilitate understanding of your local environment. We offer solutions for professionals and individuals: We have developed an alert and prevention system for natural disasters. Global warming exposes us to extreme weather phenomena and climatic disturbances. 🌱 A connected tool that allows you to understand your local environment and better manage …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Sensors IoT

10 7

A NEW VISION O ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING Created in 2012, TENEVIA is a company that specialises in the development of digital solutions that can generate environmental data. The company has won a number of prizes for innovation, including one from the UN Secretary General in charge of the prevention of natural risks (2015) and places digital development at the heart of its technological and scientific approach. By exploiting two fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI), computer vision (image analysis) and numerical modelling, TENEVIA’s solutions offer access to new environmental measures. Divided into four groups of products to meet the different requirements of …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech it services Technologies: Sensors A.I. A.I. - Image Processing

18 7
Iris Lab Iris Lab

Powering Mobility Iris Lab is revolutionizing the supply of energy where it is restrictive and costly, in particular for systems requiring electrical autonomy. Thanks to the development of an innovative wireless energy transmission technology, we aim to democratize the remote power supply for electrical mobile systems, thus removing the limits of autonomy and performance imposed by on-board batteries. power, wireless, laser, photovoltaics, energy, drones, robotics, industry, and batteries

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Batteries

14 7

Specialist in fuel treatment, Ecogas is the energy transition solution for green mobility. Specialist in Fuel Processing, Ecogas is the Energy Transition Solution for Green Mobility. Ecology, economy, profitability, fuel, storage, consumption, energy transition, maintenance, transport, agricultural work, public work, green mobility, treatment, biocide, rail, environment, and maritime

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

8 8
Releaf Carbon Releaf Carbon

Lead your company towards a more sustainable future At Releaf Carbon, we help companies of all sizes work towards a low-carbon transition for a sustainable future. Measuring, reducing and contributing are the 3 pillars of our approach to help companies achieve their decarbonization objectives. Contact us to discuss your strategy. Carbone, Stratégie de décarbonation, Contribution carbone, Diag Décarbon'Action, Bilan carbone, and ACV

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 8
Green Score Capital Green Score Capital

Biodiversity & carbon footprint assessment and decision-making tool for businesses. Because impacts are one. We provide a GLOBAL and realistic vision of human impacts on our planet, considering the 5 causes of biodiversity loss: - Natural habitats’ degradation - Overexploitation of species - Climate change - Pollution - Invasive species Footprint target, our SaaS mode software, combines your data and environmental data with scientific algorithms to create your own operational environmental action plan. - Assess and understand ALL your environmental impacts - Choose appropriate solutions - Lead your activities considering your profitability and sustainability Environmental impact assessment, Biodiversity, and Climate …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Data Analytics SaaS

26 7
CompaRecycle CompaRecycle

CompaRecycle est le N°1 des comparateurs écoresponsable de rachat de produits High tech d'occasion. CompaRecycle est le seul Comparateur écoresponsable de rachat et de vente de produits reconditionnés High Tech intégré en magasin pour garantir les meilleurs prix de reprise aux consommateurs. CompaRecycle est aujourd'hui le leader Européen des comparateurs de recyclage avec un volume de transactions qui se chiffre en millions de reprises faite via son interface et en centaines de millions d'euros de bons d'achat depuis sa création en 2012. CompaRecycle agit sur le Web, Opérateur et retailers ainsi que sur les Flottes entreprises. CompaRecycle is the only …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

5 7
Hydroclimat Hydroclimat

OUR Mission: Resolving from related to water and climate change Hydroclimate is an innovative young company specializing in the study of climate change impacts, more particularly in the field of hydroclimatology. Labeled Greentech innovation and approved for research and innovation tax credits (CIR & AMP; CII), Hydroclimate supports businesses and communities in climate analysis and management. Our expertise covers several sectors: infrastructure, buildings, agriculture, energy and insurance. We offer solutions to better understand the risks and vulnerabilities related to climate and help our customers adapt to future changes. Hydroclimate is also a winner of the national recovery plan of the …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech water management Technologies: Decarbonization

9 8

Textile revaluation for design and architecture Fabbrick recycles our old clothing in building material. These structural and insulating bricks make it possible to create partitions and furniture. Its self-blocan shape promotes the assembly and disassembly of the material. Architecture, design, circular economy, recycling, re -use, and material

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech constructiontech greentech smart city Technologies: New Materials

13 9
Sacred Sun Europe Sacred Sun Europe

Your Reliable Partner For Power Solutions Sacred Sun Europe SARL is a subsidiary of Shandong Sacred Sun Power Sources Co, Ltd, an international high-tech company founded in 1991, registered on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in May 2011 and one of the market leaders. Sacred Sun develops energy storage solutions for industrial applications. We specialize in the design, manufacture and distribution of stationary and traction batteries. Backup batteries are used in the telecommunications, utilities, uninterruptible power supplies and many applications requiring stored energy solutions, including renewable energies. Traction batteries are used in electric forklifts and other commercial electric vehicles. Sacred Sun …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Batteries

2 9
Vinea Énergie Vinea Énergie

Revaluate the vine for more environmentally friendly energy. Transform your vines into a new renewable energy source thanks to Vinea Energy! We offer a key collection in collection, offering an eco -responsible alternative to burning in the open air. By opting for our innovative solution, reduce your CO2 and fine particles emissions while contributing to the preservation of our environment. We are present in Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Occitanie regions.

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

8 9
Good Steps Good Steps

The platform & community to enable positive social & environmental impact for your organisation Good Steps is the platform & community that enables positive change within your organisation. SaaS, B2B, RSE, Sustainability, and Impact

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: SaaS

8 6
Kléon Kléon

Actor of your energy transition, we offer complete support. Kléon is a local player in energy renovation, capable of advising and supporting his customers in their energy transition. Expert in energy renovation with a project management mission, we are the sole contact for the client, from the identification of energy saving deposits to the implementation of the work, including the financing of the works. To engage in energy renovation works is not only to reduce your energy footprint on the planet but it is also to generate major induced effects: improvement in comfort, drop in energy bill, valuation of heritage. …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

2 7
Sens pressé Sens pressé

(Eg ugly and good) Pressed sense (ex me ugly and good), responsible fruit and vegetable juices! 🍎 Our mission is to deal with food waste in a responsible, useful and fair way, by valuing fruits and vegetables thanks to their transformation into juice. Since 2017 we have been working live with French producers and let's buy their sorting deviations, these fruits deemed too "ugly" to be sold. We work exclusively with French producers and our juices are pressed in Alsace according to an artisanal method. We attach particular importance to the right remuneration of producers when we buy their fruit. …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech foodtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

8 9

The CO2 engine of decarbonation! Startup Deeptech & amp; Greentech, Cixsen develops a modular thermal machine recycling fatal heat from 60 ° C. From lost heat sources, our technology allows the production of electricity or useful heat by thermal enhancement. // Innovate to provide new solutions Our internal technology, protected by several patents, is based on the advantageous use of the exceptional thermophysical properties of supercritical CO2. Innovation is based in particular on an architecture and a specific cellular structure ensuring very effective heat transfers with low thermal amplitudes. Useful energy is generated via a controlled thermodynamic cycle exploiting CO2 …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

20 10
Twiice Twiice

The future eco-organism, 100% dedicated to professional packaging! 🌍 Twiice: transform the circular economy of professional packaging Founded by Valorplast, Twiice is a non -profit company that rethinks the management of professional packaging. Our mission? Create efficient reuse and recycling sectors, essential for building a more sustainable economy. 🎯 Our ambition for 2025: Becoming an eco-organization approved for the producer's extended liability sector (REP). 🚀 Since 2019, a concrete commitment We are carrying out innovative pilot projects in partnership with key players from the whole value chain, for: - Improve the circularity of professional packaging. - Better understand this complex …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: New Materials

7 9