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Originis Originis

"Keep it simple, there's nothing more complicated" Originis is a communications consultancy firm founded in October 2005. It specializes in outsourcing communications, advertising and training activities for businesses and communities. What is outsourcing? "Outsourcing consists of entrusting an entire function or service to a specialized external service provider for a multi-year period. The latter then provides the service in accordance with the specified level of service, performance and responsibility." In an economic situation of profound changes, rationalization needs and searches for efficiency, the subject of outsourcing is at the heart of the concerns of many businesses and communities. Originis has …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: Decarbonization

5 0 4 4
Le Mouvement Associatif Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Le Mouvement Associatif Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

CHOOSE THE GENERAL INTEREST. The Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Associative Movement constitutes at the regional level the organized associative life, through its member coordinators representing the various areas of associative activity: culture, sport, families, youth and popular education, student life, citizenship and international solidarity... It is the spokesperson for the associative world, and as such, the privileged and recognized interlocutor of the political and administrative leaders of the region. The Associative Movement works to give better visibility to associative life by acting for its development and consolidation, also ensuring to go beyond the observations to advance in proposals.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

3 2 2 3
Metapolis Metapolis

Consulting firm in support of communities in their appropriation of innovative technologies Imagine together innovative, responsible, ethical and sustainable, useful and usable daily strategies and projects on the daily users and that improve public services. Metapolis is a consulting and services company specializing in supporting organizations and the transformation of public policies, in the service of the general interest. Advice, smart city, open source, digital transformation, data, data, open innovation, digital services, responsible numerical, sobriety, public sector, communities, modernization, and ecological transition

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

47 17 18 47
Apidae Tourisme Apidae Tourisme

1st tourist information network at the service of the local economy Apidae facilitates the connection between all the actors of the tourist ecosystem to increase the local economy. From an operational point of view, we develop a platform and animate a network that makes this diversity of actors visible and all this wealth of talents within the territories. Data is at the heart of the digital economy and tourist data at the heart of the Apidae ecosystem. Network members are the main creators and the first users. Key figures: - 900 customers including 3 regions, 31 departments, overseas territories - …

Type: SMB Activities: traveltech martech smart city Technologies: Data Analytics

26 5 22 26
GROUPE PARERA GROUPE PARERA The Parera group is a major player in Géo Data Intelligence. At the crossroads of digital services, decision -making and geoinformation, we collect, qualify, reliable and enrich the geospatial and business data of our customers (communities and territories, administrations, network managers, real estate heritage, transport infrastructure, etc.) to optimize their operating processes, to know well to better exploit. Earth's cartography, air mapping, rural cadastre, urban cadastre, topography, detection of buried networks, digital twins, BIM (Building Information Modeling), Geographic Information Systems, Lidar, Drone, Mass Data, Training, Advice ... Compose the service of the Parera group, based on advanced digital technologies, …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: SaaS

43 0 43 349

Ingénieriste de la transition énergétique, environnementale et numérique des bâtiments et des territoires - Groupe ALTYN As an all trade and energy engineering company, ALTEREA operates through a reasoned approach in all your renovation projects, construction and energy optimization projects in the areas of social and condominiums, public works, tertiary buildings, commercial, industrial and medical for over 10 years. ALTEREA ensures effective, sustainable and measurable results. ALTEREA is a company which recruits permanently. You can find all job offers on our web site: - Coordonnées / Contacts : - Siège et Agence Ouest / Headquarters 26 bd Vincent Gâche …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Decarbonization

57 15 42 395
HESAM  Université HESAM Université

Professionalize academics and academize professionals Hesam University is an interdisciplinary community of 15 French higher education, training, research and business networks. Our ambition is to build a new type of university, based on interdisciplinarity and the meeting of knowledge and know-how present with our members. Together, we access new calls for research projects, of international level, and we offer a more complete and more attractive training of excellence. Our member establishments: - National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (CNAM) - National School of Architecture Paris-La Villette (ENSAPLV) - National School of Arts and Crafts (Arts and Crafts) - National School …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

28 3 22 27
Ville d'Anglet Ville d'Anglet

Anglet, Basque Coast is little California: the city where project-business, students flourish there Anglet, Basque side, is "little California". A nickname that the city owes to its art of living, its culture slides and the affirmation of a natural, sporty and dynamic city. A territory of 27 km2, 700 hectares of green spaces and pine forests, and 4.5 km of beaches to combine leisure, work and relaxation. Anglet is the green lung of the Basque coast, where innovative projects, craft and industrial companies, students flourish there.

Type: Public

42 9 32 78
Communauté d'Agglomération du Niortais Communauté d'Agglomération du Niortais

Offer the conditions favorable to the development of businesses in its territory and strengthen its economic fabric. The Niortais agglomeration community brings together 40 municipalities over 821 km2. Located in the southwest of Deux-Sèvres, within the New Aquitaine, the territory of the CAN is part of the urban area of ​​Niort, chief town of the department and has 120,733 inhabitants

Type: Public

29 18 5 23
POPSU - Plateforme d'observation des projets et stratégies urbaines POPSU - Plateforme d'observation des projets et stratégies urbaines

Information and exchanges space on research-action programs #popsu #popsuerritis #popsutransitions Place of convergence of research environments and those who make and govern cities, the Urban Projects and Strategies Observation platform - Popsu - crosses scientific knowledge and operational expertise to better understand the challenges and developments associated with cities and territories. It capitalizes, for action, the knowledge established on metropolises and ensures its dissemination with various audiences: professionals, academic, general public ... POPSU programs are operated by Europe of architectural and urban projects (Epau), a public interest group, under the supervision of the ministry in charge of architecture, the ministry …

Type: Public Activities: constructiontech smart city

93 16 66 10
Agence nouvelle des solidarités actives (Ansa) Agence nouvelle des solidarités actives (Ansa)

Ansa is an association whose mission is to fight poverty and exclusion. The New Agency for Active Solidarity is an association created in January 2006 to design, experiment and implement projects of social innovation in order to combat poverty and social exclusion. Co -founded by Martin Hirsch, then president of Emmaüs, and Benoît Genuini, former president of Accenture, the association has been chaired, since March 2009, by François Énaud, president of the Steria group. The NEW Agency for Active Solidarity Is a non-Profit Making Organization CREATED IN 2006 To Conceive, Experiment and SET UP Socially Innovative Projects to Fight Against …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

21 3 17 26
Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye

A campus of excellence in the heart of Ile-de-France. Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye is the new French political studies institute. Founded in 2013, Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye welcomes its students on an attractive campus ideally placed in the heart of the Ile-de-France West, just 40 minutes from the center of Paris. Like the 7 Sciences Po in the SCPO network, the establishment is carrying out an ambitious training project in five years marked by excellence and multidisciplinarity. In the 3rd year, students live an international experience of one year thanks to the 70 partner universities spread over the four continents. Bringing together …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

11 0 5 145
Le Tremplin Le Tremplin

To be elected local.e, it can be learned. The springboard aims to resolve the difficulties encountered by local elected officials in the organization of tailor-made, quality and adapted to their territories. By allowing them to get in touch with experts close to their territories, we offer them the opportunity to request tailor-made training, which will best answer their specific questions. Our trainers put themselves at the service of local elected officials to offer them suitable, educational and operational training content. Because we have a certainty: by allowing local elected officials to train better, whatever their territory or their political opinion, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

18 0 18 53
Empreintes Citoyennes Empreintes Citoyennes

We work for active citizenship within the territories. For unifying and reaffirmed citizenship! The association "Citizen imprints" © is a system for valuing and promoting active citizenship within the municipalities. Its objectives are to support and encourage communities to identify the active citizens of the territory and to distinguish them by allowing them to leave an indelible and permanent footprint. "Citizen imprints" © is committed to transmitting a real citizen exemplarity by making citizens proud of their commitment. "Citizen imprints" © is a process of labeling municipalities in "citizen city" © "Citizen imprints" © is a national system which makes …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

19 2 16 12
Fondation pour la Nature et l'Homme Fondation pour la Nature et l'Homme

Since its creation in 1990, the Nicolas Hulot Foundation for Nature and Man has been responsible for modifying individual and collective behavior to preserve our planet. Recognized of public utility, the Foundation implements all the means at its disposal to initiate a new form of society based on the awareness of the interdependence of humans and all living

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture SMB Activities: consulting

88 33 35 66
Dulala (D'Une Langue A L'Autre) Dulala (D'Une Langue A L'Autre)

Everyone's languages, a chance for everyone! Created in 2009, the association works to make multilingualism of our society a lever in order to promote equal opportunities and to fight against discrimination. Approved by the Ministry of National Education and by the Youth and Sport Ministry, the association supports professional. The education and education in the establishment of a multilingual, inclusive and fair education within their educational structures (crèches, schools, libraries ...) through the production and dissemination of educational resources. In 15 years of existence, we have trained more than 25,000 professional. The education nationwide and affected more than 550,000 children. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

36 2 32 17
DesignGouv DesignGouv

Dinum digital designer team. For accessible, inclusive and humans public services for all Digital public services are too often designed without taking their users into account. We support administrations to improve the user experience of their services. Designgouv is a service offered by the Interdepartmental Directorate of Digital (Dinum).

Type: Public Activities: it services

25 2 25 5
CSA (Institut d'Etudes) CSA (Institut d'Etudes)

CSA, which has 40 years of experience in the field of market research and opinion polling and 130 employees, provides companies and institutions with a detailed understanding of consumer behaviours in order to learn their needs, analyse their environments, anticipate changes in their behaviours, and identify the pathways for engagement using a clear decision-making process. A multi-sector institute resolutely focused on the crossing of data in all forms, CSA specialises in knowledge of the user experience, forecasting and the evaluation of communication actions. CSA Consumer Science & Analytics has been part of the Havas Group since October 2015. Etudes de …

Type: Media

56 20 14 472
CRESS Bretagne CRESS Bretagne

The Regional Chamber of the Social and Solidarity Economy of Brittany brings together 110 networks and local ESS organizations. It is the shared tool between these actors to develop the SSE in the regions. Its missions are recognized as public utility by the law of July 31, 2014, relating to the SSE. The Cress Board of Directors is made up of around thirty members from associations, cooperatives, mutuals, social enterprises, employers and local ESS poles. Cress has 22 employees. Social innovation, social and solidarity economy, and Education à l'ESS

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

45 9 34 27
CREPS de Poitiers CREPS de Poitiers

The Center for Resource, Expertise and Sports Performance (CREPS) in Poitiers is a local public training establishment in the fields of sport, youth and popular education. Sports and animation professions, high performance, support for associations, prequalification, CFA of sports and animation professions, support for training players, and qualiopi

Type: Public Activities: edtech

28 6 13 68
Syndicat Mixte La Fibre64 Syndicat Mixte La Fibre64

My daily life in digital in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques! Mixed union Fiber64 ⏩ Emanation of the DEPARTEMENTAL COUNCIL AND THE EPCI of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, La Fiber64: ▪️ Development of fixed and mobile solutions for very high speed, ▪️Inte the modernization of local authorities by encouraging dematerialization, ▪️nime digital inclusion devices for people far from these technological progress. 📍 Pyrénées-Atlantiques Fiber, THD, Treshautdebit, inclusion, modernization, demand, territory, pyreneesatlantiques, ftth, and ftte

Type: Public Activities: it services

19 5 16 14
Département de la Côte-d'Or Département de la Côte-d'Or

The Côte-d'Or department, closest to you The department of Côte-d'Or works on a daily basis for the well-being of its 540,000 inhabitants. 2,600 agents spread over the departmental territory ensure the missions of human and territorial solidarity decided by the Departmental Council. To join the department services is to put your skills at the service of the population of Côte-d'Or. Dynamic, united and innovative department, join a community ideally located at 1:30 am from Paris and 2 hours from Lyon, the first nature and heritage destination between Paris and Lyon where life is good. Solidarity, social action, youth, seniors, territory, …

Type: Public

29 14 12 527
Communauté d'Agglomération la Riviera du Levant Communauté d'Agglomération la Riviera du Levant

The La Riviera du Levant agglomeration community is a territory of intelligence, dynamic, sustainable and united. The Agglomeration Community La Riviera du Levant or Carl has existed since January 1, 2015 and has 4 member municipalities that are the grove, Sainte-Anne, Saint-François and La Désirade. The Riviera du Levant takes you to the discovery of a preserved and strong identity territory, a renewed tourist destination and a territory of diversified activities, a dynamic living area and a solidarity community, a territory of intelligences, finally, reinforced local governance thanks to the consolidation of the communal block. Economic development, sustainable development, digital …

Type: Public

8 2 6 70
Communauté d'agglomération de l'Ouest Rhodanien Communauté d'agglomération de l'Ouest Rhodanien

The Agglomeration Community of Western Rhone, chaired by Patrice Verchère, brings together 31 municipalities in the Rhône. The Agglomeration Community of the West Rhodanian radiates on a large territory of 577 km2 in the northwest of Lyon, located in the heart of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region. The more than 50,000 inhabitants it lists are divided between 31 municipalities. Chaired by Mr. Patrice Verchère, the CRO has many skills, including economic development, environmental protection, development of community space, waste management or the promotion of tourism. Created in January 2014, it has since been involved in innovative policies and turned towards the …

Type: Public

20 6 13 88
PREDICT Services PREDICT Services

Risk under close surveillance Subsidiary of Météo France, Airbus defense & amp; Space and BRL, PREDICT SERVICES has supported communities, insurers, businesses and individuals to make the right decisions for hydrometeorological risks since 2006. Expert in risk management, offering organizational and alert tools and services, PREDICT SERVICES also informs its users in anticipation and in real time for their 24 -hour security. Objective : Work on global resilience to hydrometeorological risks by offering innovative solutions for anticipation and management of phenomena in France and internationally. Solutions suitable for different users: - communities, to help them in their decision -making and …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

31 7 23 36
La Maison du Passif La Maison du Passif

The liabilities: only building price shield guaranteeing energy sobriety, comfort and interior air quality The Maison du Passive is an association law 1901 which was created in 2007. Ecologist and proactive, it is a pioneer in the field of energy sobriety of the building through a design method - Construction/renovation of passive buildings. Its main objective is to disseminate information as well as federate and coordinate professional actors who wish to engage in this process in order to make passive buildings essential and allow energy sobriety. Its 4 main missions: & gt; Federate the passive community: network professionals to exchange …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech deeptech greentech

19 6 13 13
réseau Cler réseau Cler

Carry the energy of the transition The CLER network is a national association which brings together nearly 300 structures engaged in the implementation of an energy transition that is both fair and ambitious. Its objective: to accelerate the energy transition to the local, national and European level. The association brings together associations, communities and businesses to defend a territorial transition model, promoting energy efficiency, sobriety, renewable energies, the fight against energy precariousness and sustainable and inclusive mobility. Its ambition: to carry the energy of the transition. The CLER network defends and implements an energy transition model that is based on …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

75 23 59 42
Cité des Métiers des Côtes d'Armor Cité des Métiers des Côtes d'Armor

Info space on trades, training, employment, activity creation and professional retraining The City of Trades is a space for consulting and information on trades, training, employment, business creation and professional retraining. It is a place open to everyone (people in schooling, job search, active), free, anonymous, and free access. #CITEDESMETERS22

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

29 3 28 18
CidB - Centre d'information sur le bruit CidB - Centre d'information sur le bruit

Imagine the sound environments of tomorrow Association law 1901 non -profit, recognized as a public utility, the Information and Documentation Center on Noise (CIDB) has the main missions of informing, raising awareness, documenting and training on the theme of sound environment. Created in 1978 at the initiative of the Ministry responsible for the Environment, the CIDB is the privileged interlocutor, both for the general public and public or private organizations involved in the management of the sound environment. The CIDB is a place of resources and dissemination of information dedicated to promoting the quality of our sound environment. The CIDB …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

38 9 29 52

An exceptional place for an elsewhere close to you An exceptional place for all your exchanges where innovation and inspiration are the ingredients of success. When heritage meets digital is a page of history that is telling. Come work, search, find, discover, innovate, cooperate, together in this third place like no other. Numeric, heritage, industrial revolution, Second Empire, Sciences & amp; Techniques, Chateau, Napoleon III, Coworking, Innovation, Inspiration, History, Digital, Women, Businesses, Wedding, Seminars, Reunion, and Third Place

Type: Event

57 5 52 2
CMA Haute-Garonne CMA Haute-Garonne

Support artisans today and tomorrow The Chamber of Trades and Crafts of Haute-Garonne is the privileged interlocutor of 44,000 VSEs/SMEs in the 4 sectors of craft activity (food, building, production, services) of the department. It serves the professional interests of craftsmen with institutional partners, contributes to the development of their businesses and employment (45,000 employees in the craft sector). It develops learning to companies and young people (2,200 apprentices in Haute-Garonne) Address: 18 bis boulevard Lascrosses, 31000 Toulouse Tel: Opening hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday The business formalities center and the trades directory receive the …

Type: Public

22 3 19 65
Uzaje Uzaje

Industrial Solutions for Packaging Reuse Uzaje develops logistic and industrial solutions for packaging reuse in restaurants & amp; supermarkets Reuse, washing, bottle, pot, container, advice, food, catering, IAA, circular economy, and re -use loop

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0

32 11 22 34
1km à pied 1km à pied

We help multi sites company to identify internal mobility to reduce the commuting distance of their employees. Our optimum dispatch algo finds the best location for each employee to minimize the CO2 impact of each commute. It also finds batch of swaps between employees with the same qualifications in different sites. HRtech, Mobility, Transition, Résilience, Plan de Mobilité, Mobilité interne, Echange de poste, Diagnostic Mobilité, RH, Ressources humaines, Mobilité géographique, multi-sites, Absenteisme, turn over, climat, certificat d'économie d'énergie, Mobilité, recrutement, talent pool, GEPP, workforce management, souhaits de mobilité, voeux de mobilité, and mobilité inter-sites

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

85 17 74 14
TANu, There is no digital transformation without digital culture within the teams. With the TANu ass TANu, There is no digital transformation without digital culture within the teams. With the TANu ass

We help companies to develop the general digital culture of their teams. There is no digital transformation without digital culture within the teams. With the TANu assessments, companies are able to assess the digital skills of their employees, to measure the digital culture of candidates during recruitment. RH, Transformation numérique, Digital, Recrutement, Formation, Culture numérique, Acculturation, Inclusion numérique, and Assesment

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech Technologies: SaaS

18 8 13 7
CTM - Collectivité de Martinique CTM - Collectivité de Martinique

Nou ka fèy ép zot! CTM - Martinique local authority

Type: Large company Activities: deeptech

31 16 13 371
CFDT Cadres CFDT Cadres

The CFDT with and for the executives - to commit to everyone, to act for all A community of engineers, experts and managers The CFDT is the first union organization for executives: managers, engineers, technical executives, salespeople, executives of public functions, experts, project managers, scientific professions, etc. Public expertise on management Research groups, field surveys, executives observatory, international commitments ...: the CFDT executives anticipates work changes and innovates to better meet the expectations of executives. For examples: the invention of the day package responds to the concerns of executives to balance their investment. The promotion of negotiated telework requires companies …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

87 4 85 31

Tests and assessments of concrete products and materials, R & AMP; D, standardization, certification, technical support and training CERIB is an industrial technical center, Center for Research and Innovation. Its expertise for construction fields and in particular for the concrete industry (material and prefabricated products) allows it to support manufacturers and market prescribers by providing them with technical and information. Our missions: • Innovate in all components • Strengthen support for SMEs • Diversify and maintain partnerships Located in Epernon (1 hour from Paris, 45min from Versailles, 30min from Chartres) on 13 hectares, CERIB brings together 170 employees of a …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: New Materials

44 13 34 202

University learning, IUT and engineering schools The CFA Union has been a recognized training organization in France for the development of superior learning for over 30 years for over 30 years. It offers nearly 70 work -study training courses from bac to bac +5 in multidisciplinary fields of industry, services and tertiary sectors. The CFA Union trains its apprentices in the professions of tomorrow: our training courses are distributed on the sites of our educational partners (universities, IUT, engineering schools) distributed throughout the Ile de France region. Learning, guidance, and professional training

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

11 0 11 11
Déclic Déclic

The national IT and digital pooling network Déclic is the national network of computer and digital pooling for local authorities and citizens. Organized in associative form, it brings together public operators of digital services distributed throughout France. The crossing of these experiences makes it possible to build a panel of operational solutions. It offers adherent structures the possibility of finding the most suitable model for its local environment.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

50 11 23 18

It is because we give priority to the person that we can optimize human organizations Domplelus Group is 5 companies for global support for people, including 1,500 situations treated each day with 15 million beneficiaries. An innovation group of services and an organization adapted to strategic orientations: - dhomplus == & gt; Services in social/health prevention, engineering-intermediation & amp; coaching - Care Experience == & GT; Management by Care: customer experience / employee experience - dhata === & gt; Data value at the service of the person - it house === & gt; Management of weakened people as part of …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics

25 2 23 76
Carif-Oref Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Carif-Oref Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

Regional Center for Orientation, Training and Employment in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. The Regional Center for Orientation, Employment, Training in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region.

Type: Public

25 4 11 24

Network for sharing experiences between Breton communities in all fields of sustainable development. BruDed is an association, born in 2005, under the leadership of a handful of small Breton rural municipalities strongly engaged in sustainable town planning projects. These pioneers have decided to pool their reflections and their means within a solidarity network of exchange of experiences and sustainable development achievements. These are "elected officials who speak to elected officials". Today, Bruded has more than 140 communities on the 5 Breton departments. Sustainable development, sustainable town planning, biodiversity, sustainable purchases, collective catering, green spaces, social actions, local economy, Energy, public …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

14 1 13 12
Aléa Contrôles Aléa Contrôles

Without a doubt! Alea Controls perform missions in the field of professional health and safety: advice (AMO, MOE asbestos removal and deplics, ...), training (sub-sections 3 and 4 asbestos, lead, HAP, ...) and laboratory (asbestos and lead). Alea Controls has a multidisciplinary team made up of engineers, experts and trainers. With our experts in construction pollutants and public works (asbestos, lead, COV, Chrome, ...), building companies (construction) and public works, SMEs, VSEs, public organizations, you have with Alea Controls and its network of approved partners of a company based in Toulouse, worker in France and in its neighboring countries. With …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech

28 0 27 42

By your side, on a daily basis! In each department, the law has created a specialized public establishment, the departmental fire and rescue service, comprising a departmental body of firefighters (professionals and volunteers), and administrative and technical personnel. The SDIS missions are as follows: - Evaluation and prevention of all civil security risks (accidents, claims, technological and natural risks) - Preparation of safeguarding measures and organization of rescue means - Fighting fires of all kinds - Emergency rescue in general - Protection of people, property and the environment These missions revolve around 3 major functions: the operation of course, but …

Type: Public

11 2 4 310
Atmo Hauts-de-France Atmo Hauts-de-France

Atmo Hauts-de-France, the air observatory, monitors, informs, accompanies on air quality in Hauts-de-France Atmo Hauts-de-France, the air observatory, monitors, informs, supports air quality in Hauts-de-France. ATMO Hauts-de-France, approved by the Ministry in charge of the Environment, is a member of the ATMO France Federation, bringing together 18 approved air quality monitoring associations (AASQA-1 per administrative region of metropolitan and overseas) and 1 air quality monitoring association (ASQA) located in New Caledonia. The missions of ATMO Hauts-de-France: - Monitor the air we breathe - Inform daily and alert in case of air pollution phenomena - Support our partners in their air …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

27 7 21 62
Syrona Syrona

Support the transformation of professions and skills of public organizations. Syrona is a French digital platform published by Socrategroup and specializing in collaborative career management solutions, which is aimed at communities, local administrations and health establishments. It makes it possible to enhance and develop the skills of agents in order to better understand the potential of each and to optimize the performance of HR teams. Syrona centralizes data and facilitates decision -making to better initiate talent. It offers a range of features allowing each agent to be an actor in their career within its organization: → Better information, understand and …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech Technologies: SaaS

6 4 3 71
CNCD - Coordination nationale des Conseils de développement CNCD - Coordination nationale des Conseils de développement

The network of inter -municipal participatory and contributory bodies #Codev #Citizenship #Democracyparticipative A space for exchanging practices, debates and reflection for development councils, the National Coordination of Development Councils (CNCD) works to develop active citizenship and advance inter -municipal democracy. As of January 1, 2025, the association had 125 members - president and representative of the development council of any type of territories, rural and urban, in mainland France and overseas and 4 employees including 1 apprentice.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

23 3 17 10
C2L Solutions C2L Solutions

Qualification, training, AMO Public Markets C2L Solutions is a multidisciplinary team at your service. We support you in all your research and response to public procurement. Highlight calls for tenders, writing response public procurement, public procurement, and sourcing public buyers

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

9 0 10 9
Rouge Vif Prod Rouge Vif Prod

Video communication agency, live capture and broadcasting, and motion design. Digital video advertising and TV pub, screenwriter, storyboard, script, voice-over, everything is supported. Video production at the service of institutional, corporate, educational, industrial, public communication ... Our 36 m2 shooting set in the heart of Versailles welcomes you for any type of project: talk show, green background, interview, live ... More info on our website below Motion Design / Animated Explanation Video, Brand Content Video, Business Film, Event Capture, Fiction, Advertising, Brand film, Live Production, Filming Plateau, Interviews, and Reportages

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: VR

37 0 33 17
Nancy Nancy


Type: Public

77 40 9 316
B Happy B Happy

Deploy the benefits of #neurosciences and #psychologypositive for more #bonheurautravail! The benefits of #NeneSciences and #SychologiePositive for more #travail by B Happy! To find out: our #conferences #seminars #Ateliers de #Cohesion et de Intelligence To go further in your organization: our #Formations An intervention "B Happy" is the commitment to experiment scientifically validated discoveries on happiness at work, thanks to a simple, positive discourse and a ludo-pedagogical approach. It is above all the commitment to leave with concrete tools from positive psychology and neuroscience that participants will be able to apply in their daily lives and share with their colleagues. …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

7 0 7 4

Created in 2012, following the Ministerial Conference of the Union for the Mediterranean of Strasbourg on sustainable urban development, the agency of sustainable Mediterranean cities and territories (AVITEM) is a group of public interest (GIP) which associates the State (General Commission for the Equality of Territories, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development, Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research) Local authorities (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region, Métropole Nice-Côte d'Azur, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, the Aix-Marseille-Provence metropolis and the Corsican community, the city of Marseille as well as the Euro-Mediterranean public establishment. The mission of AVITEM is to conduct an experience in …

Type: Public

39 16 28 19
Association négaWatt Association négaWatt

Successful energy transition! For an energy policy based on sobriety, energy efficiency and a more assertive appeal to renewable energies. Energy sobriety, energy efficiency, and renewable energy

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

32 13 17 23
Saooti Saooti

✨Saooti Play & Saooti Creative, une expérience audio digitale à 360° Saooti, ​​a digital audio specialist, supports the media, large companies, communities and education and provides white label live radio solutions and podcasts. The Saooti solution maximizes podcast and live audiences, provides advanced tools to extend the editorial field (native podcasts, transcription of articles written in audio, editorial partnerships, etc.). For the media, it also makes it easy to monetize production. Producing, hosting, broadcasting and distributing to the global audio ecosystem and social networks, all functions to reach your audience in a cross channel logic. The plus of Saooti: its …

Type: Startup Activities: martech media

53 8 45 28
Oyena Oyena

Let us dare to think, engage and act today to accompany the emergence of desirable work future! Oyena advises actors and actresses of the general interest in their human impact reflections. We help organizations and people who compose them to imagine new perspectives, to draw them for themselves and to set them up. Our team is made up of consultants and service designers: the first bring a base of organizational, cultural and managerial knowledge, and the latter their approach centered on users. Oyena accompanies the emergence of desirable work future by helping: - Project yourself in the future: conference, co-construction …

Type: Startup Activities: consulting

17 1 16 6
Ambition 2.24 Nouvelle-Aquitaine Ambition 2.24 Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Projects in New Aquitaine on the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games (Education, Heritage, Excellence) Founded in 2018 by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, the CROS Nouvelle-Aquitaine and the Cercle des Medalius Olympic and Paralympic de Nouvelle-Aquitaine, the Ambition 2.24 Nouvelle-Aquitaine association work to promote the opportunities of the 2024 games on the territory. Paris 2024, Olympic Games, Paralympic Games, Education, Heritage, Excellence, New Aquitaine, Terre de Games 2024, Center for Preparation for Games, CPJ, Heritage, and Attractiveness

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: games

16 2 15 2
La Maison du Zéro Déchet La Maison du Zéro Déchet

Association which initiates and supports individuals and professionals towards zero waste, zero waste. The Maison du zero waste is the first place dedicated to zero citizen, entrepreneurial and territorial procedures. Since July 1, 2017, it has been welcoming a program of workshops, conferences, projections and meetings, as well as a shop offering the essentials of zero waste lifestyle, a selection of works on zero waste, and products, prepared dishes and drinks in recorded packaging. Zero waste, circular economy, responsible consumption

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

12 8 5 22
Agence régionale de la biodiversité en Île-de-France (ARB îdF) Agence régionale de la biodiversité en Île-de-France (ARB îdF)

Biodiversity department of the Paris Region Institute The Regional Biodiversity Agency in Île-de-France (ARB ÎDF) is a department of the Paris Region Institute. Fruit of a strong partnership between the Île-de-France Region and the French Biodiversity Office (OFB), with the Paris Région Institute as a operator and the support of the State and the Seine-Normandie Water Agency (AESN), the ARB isdf constitutes a cooperation platform reinforcing the public service missions of these organizations. The mission of ARB is missing to assess the state of biodiversity, to follow its evolution, to identify the priorities of regional actions, to disseminate good practices …

Type: SMB Activities: it services

40 12 29 18
AFI (Agence Française Informatique) AFI (Agence Française Informatique)

Our software facilitates the daily lives of public services and citizens The French Agency Informatique develops management software that supports local communities and libraries in their public service mission. Our software is designed in close collaboration with the agents who use them on a daily basis. We guarantee the sustainability of our solutions designed as close as possible to business needs to improve the service rendered to citizens. Library, Management, Habitat, Open Source, M14, SIGB, GRH, BOKEH, NANOK, KAILA, SEDNA, E-GENERUS, Manufortis, Pelehas, and COLLTERR

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

24 1 11 65
Le Monde Le Monde

Reference news everywhere, all the time, by writing the world. has been present on the Internet since December 19, 1995, 51 years to the day after the creation of the paper newspaper. The site and its mobile applications are among the most consulted in France to follow the news in real time (international, economy, politics, society, ...) Leading News Website in French. Journalism, media, online press, written press, internet, video, and ethics

Type: Media

612 490 145 180
Radios Chrétiennes Francophones (RCF) Radios Chrétiennes Francophones (RCF)

Joy is shared More than a radio it is a network of 63 local radios that bring you the best of local, national and international information. Radio Christian, RCF offers cultural and spiritual programs to recharge your batteries on a daily basis and give meaning to life. radio, podcast, media, and meeting

Type: Media

195 89 112 17

For a Europe of territories close to its citizens Europe, Territorial cohesion, women's equality men, European exchanges and partnerships, citizen participation, sustainable development, employment and social inclusion, development cooperation, and service

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

44 11 17 10
Adico - Association pour le développement et l'innovation numérique des collectivités Adico - Association pour le développement et l'innovation numérique des collectivités

Support - Advisor - Innovate The Adico, an association for the development and innovation of communities, is a digital pooling structure for local authorities. The Adico was born out of a simple will: supporting local communities in the computerization of their structures. To do this, we offer software, business and office automation training. But also IT equipment for the communities and schools of tomorrow. Our objectives: support communities in dematerialization and daily management of a community. Digital, communities, training, dematerialization, IT equipment, and digital school

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

27 4 9 58
L'A. Agence culturelle Nouvelle-Aquitaine L'A. Agence culturelle Nouvelle-Aquitaine

THERE. New Aquitaine cultural agency, serving the artistic and cultural ecosystem of Nouvelle-Aquitaine Created in 1986, A. New Aquitaine Cultural Agency is an association commissioned by the Ministry of Culture (DRAC) and the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region to support artistic and cultural actors in their development. His forces and ambitions: THERE. has always been able to integrate social, political, economic and cultural developments into its missions and skills. A look over the last 30 years reveals its ability to adapt to the expectations of its funders and the needs of the territory. His vocations: As a resource place, support structure and cooperation …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

11 0 11 14
ABES - Agence bibliographique de l'enseignement supérieur ABES - Agence bibliographique de l'enseignement supérieur

Together with networks to build the public service of IST data ABES - Bibliographic Agency for Higher Education was created in 1994 to implement Sudoc, a collective catalog of higher education libraries. Today, Sudoc gives access to 15 million notices located in - at least - one of the 1560 university or research libraries members of the Southoc network. There are also the notices of series publications of the 1600 libraries of the Sudoc PS network as well as the coordinates of member libraries. Several bibliographic tools complete the offer: - Calames: catalog of manuscripts and higher education archives - …

Type: Public

9 2 4 63
EVE Transport et Logistique  EVE Transport et Logistique

Transport and logistics engage in the environment The "Voluntary Environment - Transport and Logistics" (Eve) program offers 3 devices, FRET21, CO2 objective and EVCOM and 1 Transport environmental data exchange platform. This program supports companies in reducing the energy and environmental impact of their transport and logistics activities. Its objective is to avoid the issue of more than 3 million tonnes of additional CO2 per year by supporting chargers, transport commission agents, carriers of goods and travelers. The program is carried out by ADEME, ECO CO2 and professional organizations (AUTF, CGF, FNTR, FNTV, OTRE, Union TLF) and benefits from the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech transporttech

47 4 28 4

Time well spent Oxycar is a carpooling service dedicated to businesses. We offer a new vision of recurring business travel. Industrial carpooling, software, Car-pooling, Corporate carpooling, Carpooling, and CSR

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech traveltech Technologies: SaaS

5 4 0 2
Coding & Bricks®️ Coding & Bricks®️

Think with your hands ! Coding & Bricks uses the famous little bricks and new technologies to facilitate workshops about teamwork, collaboration, disruption and creativity. The LEGO® bricks and our robotics kits, Arduino, 3D, Micro:Bit, Ergo Poppy.. are used as a means to foster creativity, collective intelligence and accelerate your digital transformation. The workshops can take place within your company, during seminars or in our offices in Le Touquet. Our corporate offer includes workshops for creativity, innovation, vision and team missions. Our method stimulates reflection, communication and collective intelligence. Our animators are trained in Design Thinking and are certified LEGO® …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech kidtech Technologies: Robotics

18 2 16 1
Talents Tube Talents Tube

A platform to recruit differently: the candidate applies in motivation video to a video job offer. Talent Tube is the first 100% video recruitment platform: • Companies present their employer brand and their job offers in video, • The territories present their attractiveness in video, • Applicants respond in video CVs or spontaneously apply by video. Video, HR, Employment, employer brand, recruitment, territory, CV video, and job offer

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech Technologies: SaaS

27 6 21 1
Explorama Explorama

Value local heritage and biodiversity by play on Eco-Convised mobile application. Explorama is a mobile game, a digital treasure hunt to discover the local heritage around us. For ecotourism actors, Explorama is a great heritage marketing tool. Cities, communities, tourist sites, campsites, areas ... can integrate their own content in the game to offer an innovative and fun experience to their visitors while promoting their heritage. Tourism, Digital, Nature, Biodiversity, Ecotourism, Gamification, Innovation, Heritage, Education, Mobile Application, Ecoconption, Ecotourisme, Sustainable Tourism, Agrotourism, Tourism, Slowtourisme, Digital, Greenit, Sobritumenique, Local Tourism, Environment, Mobile Game, and Ludique

Type: Startup Activities: games

13 2 11 11
NOTUS energy NOTUS energy

Partner of the territories Notus Energy develops, plans, builds and operates wind and photovoltaic parks. As a producer of independent energy and initiator of projects, we generate green electricity. The company continues to grow. In 2016 Notus Energy opened its office in Cologne to prepare for entry into the French market in the same year. Today, Notus Energy coordinates from its offices in Paris, Nantes and Montpellier, a team of 50 people. With branches everywhere in France, we guarantee a permanent presence with town halls, residents of our projects and all those who are interested in renewable energies in France. …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech greentech cleantech Technologies: Solar Technologies

13 1 5 57

Innovation at the service of all Our group is the French leader in digital development council (very high speed and mobile networks, Smart City base infrastructure) and digital transformation of the territories. He has experienced sustained and continuous growth (uninterrupted growth for 15 years), with a 2022 forecast turnover of more than € 10 million in assistance with project management and engineering in France and internationally. Our current teams of 70 engineers and consultants support public and private actors in the strategy and implementation of their planning project and digital transformation of territories. Tactis is also experiencing strong international development, …

Type: SMB Activities: smart city telecommunications spacetech Technologies: 5G IoT Wireless

71 6 54 74
Réseau vélo et marche Réseau vélo et marche

Communities committed for active mobility By merging, the club of cycle and merchant cities and territories and bicycle & amp; Territories write a new page in their history. It is 450 communities, from the municipality to the region, which regroup to form the single network of communities committed for active mobility. Development of cycle routes, bicycle mobility, bicycle tourism, cycle infrastructure, engineering, bicycle services, local authorities, and walking

Type: SMB Activities: traveltech smart city

60 11 53 33
MEDIAS-CITE - Coopérative d'intérêt collectif MEDIAS-CITE - Coopérative d'intérêt collectif

Understand, invent and support, for a digital open to all Media-cite & gt; Designs programs, projects, actions that allow digital technology to be appropriated. & gt; supports managers of public policies, educational, cultural, social, tourist organizations, & gt; Anime of professionals of professionals: net walkers, digital inclusion, digital mediation & gt; conducted by actions, social and digital innovation programs, & gt; develops and deploys websites, ethical and sober free digital services, Understanding the Media-Cité project: Discover our offer of digital services: Discover our achievements: Discover our resources: digital project engineering, social and digital innovation, training, and …

Type: SMB Activities: it services

19 7 10 4
Seban Avocats Seban Avocats

The Cabinet of Public Action and the Social and Solidarity Economy Created 40 years ago, Seban Avocats is today the 1st law firm dedicated to public actors and the social and solidarity economy. Bringing together more than 100 lawyers, including 24 partners, we are present in Paris, Lyon, Grenoble, Toulouse, Nantes, Besançon, Bordeaux, Lille, Rennes and Valence. Thanks to our multidisciplinary approach, we respond to the concerns of the public sphere in all areas of law (public, private, criminal) both in advice and in litigation. Our distinctions: Seban Avocats is distinguished by several legal guides: The Legal 500 2024: 2 …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech edtech legaltech proptech smart city transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

27 2 26 134
Le Lierre Le Lierre

Ecologist network of public action professionals The ivy brings together civil servants, high-functionaries, experts, consultant, actors and actresses of public policies, convinced that the profound transformation of public action is essential to respond to ecological and social emergencies.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

19 2 17 6
Caf du Puy-de-Dôme Caf du Puy-de-Dôme

Official account of the Puy-de-Dôme CAF, Family Branch of Social Security. Twitter: @caf63_actus We are part of the Social Security family branch, made up of the National Family Allowance Fund (CNAF) and 101 CAF spread across the territory. We are a private law organization, responsible of a public service mission, CAF is administered by advice administration that defines local social action policy. Our missions: • Help families reconcile family, professional life and social life • Facilitate parental relationship, promote the development of children and support young people via our social action • Create conditions favorable to autonomy, social and professional …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consumer services

5 0 5 68

Normandy health promotion aims to contribute to improving the global state of health of the population. About Us Promotion Health Normandie is an association which aims to contribute to the improvement of the global health state of the population. Members of the National Federation of Health Education and Promotion (FNES), we belong to the main education and health promotion network in France. Our missions - Contribute to the development and implementation of public health policies: in particular by participating in the bodies of participatory democracy in terms of health - Train, support and raise awareness by implementing training programs aimed …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

7 1 7 34
ORS-CREAI Normandie ORS-CREAI Normandie

Animation, observation, diagnosis, technical advice, assistance in public health planning, social & amp; medico-social ORS-CREAI Normandy, the Health, Vulnerabilities and City Policy Resource Center in Normandy. The ORS-CREAI Normandie association finds its roots in the will of health and social actors to have a common tool for observation, reflection and support for the benefit of actors, territories and the Norman population. It deploys its activities with particular and constant attention to audiences in a vulnerability situation, and inscribes its action close to associations, institutional actors and populations on the whole of Normandy. The ORS-CREAI Normandie pursues a goal of general …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

10 1 9 17
EPSM du Loiret Georges Daumézon EPSM du Loiret Georges Daumézon

The departmental reference establishment of the Loiret in mental health The EPSM of the Loiret Georges Daumézon is the departmental reference establishment of the Loiret in mental health. He takes care of people with mental disorders within the population of 662,300 inhabitants of the Loiret. He manages on the site in Fleury les Aubrais 225 full time hospitalization beds and 246 places. Resolutely turned towards the ambulatory, the EPSM G. Daumezon manages 40 extra-hospital structures including 14 CMP adults and 8 CMP children and adolescents, distributed throughout the territory of the Loiret. Consisting of a clinical pole of adult psychiatry, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

5 1 5 191
Adapei de la Gironde Adapei de la Gironde

Together, let's build tomorrow 🤝 #handicapintellectual #Handendappsy #Anclusion The Gironde Adapei is an association of parents who welcomes and defends the interests of people with intellectual, psychic or with autism, at all ages and in all areas of their lives mental handicap, autism, mental handicap, intellectual handicap, self -determination, inclusion, humanism, handicap, and polyhandicap

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

13 2 13 224
Ville de Gannat Ville de Gannat

The city in the countryside! Gannat, a dynamic center of an important living area, has more than 6,000 inhabitants and benefits from the best assets of a city in the countryside. Ancient ancient city, the city has retained many vestiges of its medieval past, notably its old fort of the Sires de Bourbons, today Museum of France. Located at the crossroads of the Limagne plain and the Puys chain, Gannat is a real gateway to Auvergne. Thanks to its geographical positioning and infrastructure, it is an economic development site for many companies. Gannat also enjoys a rich associative life and …

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

6 1 4 29
Ville d'Orvault Ville d'Orvault

Orvault, the city in the countryside in the heart of the 8th French metropolis. 200 associations and more than 1,000 companies. In the immediate vicinity of Nantes, the City of Orvault has a remarkable living environment. A true "green lung" of the metropolis, it takes particularly care of its "plant heritage", in particular the Cens valley, which travels the town from east to west. Orvault received the highest European level of labeling at the end of 2023 as a “committed territory” for the ecological transition. Territory of contrasts, Orvault has a fair balance between rural and urban areas, agricultural spaces …

Type: Public Activities: greentech

10 4 7 91
Office eurométropolitain de tourisme, des loisirs et des congrès de Strasbourg Office eurométropolitain de tourisme, des loisirs et des congrès de Strasbourg

A team of professionals at the service of the reception and tourism promotion of Strasbourg and its region. The Eurometropoltain of Tourism, Recreation and Strasbourg Congress Office is an association with the objective of ensuring the reception of visitors (leisure and business) as well as the tourism promotion of Strasbourg and its region. For this, the tourist office employs a team of tourism professionals, fulfilling 5 priority missions on a daily basis: - Welcome and encourage tourists to discover the capital of Alsace and its surroundings, - offer reliable, complete and attractive information on the tourist offer, - Design, carry …

Type: Public Activities: traveltech

15 5 7 26
Norsys Norsys

Put innovation at the service of efficient and ethical digital uses The vision of the Norsys group: Develop a global performance of the company. Norsys Consulting Created in early 2007, Norsysconsseil is differentiated by his approach which consists in making consultants, real facilitators for its customers: - associate a strong business knowledge with the advisory methods used, - Do not offer preconceived models but integrate the organizational, technical and human complexities of the company, - Be trained in specific methods of the brand "Norsys Easymakers". Contracting authority: recipe, change management, iOS mobile engineering, Android, J2EE software engineering, PHP, .NET, Package …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

32 15 18 575
Inddigo Inddigo

Innovative solutions for the sustainable development of territories and organizations Sustainable development engineering

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech civictech smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

66 12 55 413
Majikan Majikan

"Facilitate the work of field agents to intervene effectively and better serve customers" Management and optimization of intervention tours, audit of intervention systems, and mobility management

Type: Startup Activities: it services

14 2 10 132
Manty Manty

Intelligent solutions for modern administrations. Improve the efficiency and transparency of the public service. Manty is a company that improves the efficiency of public administrations thanks to its software suite specifically for the public sector. Manty gives public decision -makers the ability to control their environment and act on it. In high growth, the company now has around forty employees and works with more than 200 communities of all sizes: municipalities, communities of municipalities, agglomerations, metropolises and departments. Manty is developing a platform that connects to all community data sources: financial data, HR, childhood, technical services, etc. On this platform, …

Type: Startup Activities: govtech Technologies: A.I.

26 4 21 50
JUJU'S Animations JUJU'S Animations

Business and commercial events, multi -site caterer. Everywhere in France, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Monaco. 🌿 Business entertainment 🚀 Brand activation 🍢 Multisite event caterer 📍 Everywhere in France, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Monaco, Spain Since 2008, jujjs has been carrying out business events, commercial events, brand and products activation, but also the delivery of catering buffets! Our goal is always the same: - Offer our customers and participants a moment of conviviality and make their events a success! - deliver quality products and high -performance professional equipment, managed by our animators - Install formats of aesthetic stands, adapted to any type …

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech martech Technologies: New Materials

18 4 10 61
Digital Satellite Digital Satellite

Let us take off your business by pulling your digital leadership 🚀Whade: Strengthen leadership and innovation capacities in management for TPE and Solopreneurs managers. Digital transformations (including AI, Automation, No-Code) and collective intelligence are growth levers. Sharing insights and practical advice for TPE and Solopreneurs leaders, highlighting successful case studies & amp; Inspiring, change management techniques, for a successful digital transition, and reflections on the continuous improvement of entrepreneurial posture. 💜 This is what animates us at Digital Satellite Digital HR - Digital Learning Migration Council, Transformation Advice with a Business added value in MOOC, MOOC piloting, MOOC communication, training, …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I.

15 0 13 4
Effy Effy

Effy, specialist in energy efficiency. 🏠 Effy, specialist in energy efficiency. For more than 16 years, we have been transforming the houses of France into effycient houses: economical, comfortable and durable cocoons. Thanks to our expertise and our network of + 4,000 partner artisans, we offer tailor-made energy renovation projects adapted to each customer. Because each house is unique. We work every day to give a smile to the owners of France by advancing energy progress, house after house. Energy, energy economy, energy efficiency, environment, CEE, renovation, work, energy transition, insulation, solar, heat pump, heating, comfort, and housing

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

49 10 30 314

Management and maintenance of road infrastructure Logiroad is developing advanced decision -making software for urban traffic management and road infrastructure management. With its range of solutions, which range from user -friendly mobile applications to record data in the field, to advanced multi -year analysis software, Logiroad allows you to obtain the most precise results. Traffic flow, vehicle classification, network state, work programs, management tables and reports: our information systems provide specific data. Thanks to our decision -making software you have the information necessary to make judicious decisions concerning urban traffic and infrastructure management, by distributing taxpayer money more efficiently and …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning A.I. - Image Processing SaaS

20 7 6 49
Direction générale des outre-mer (DGOM) Direction générale des outre-mer (DGOM)

Type: Public

56 22 33 117
Médiathèque du patrimoine et de la photographie (MPP) Médiathèque du patrimoine et de la photographie (MPP)

Archives of Historic Monuments and Archeology State photographic heritage The Heritage and Photography Media Library (MPP) is responsible for collecting and constituting, classifying and preserving, studying, communicating and enhancing: - The archives and documentation of the administration of historic monuments (monumental, furniture and archaeological heritage), - The photographic heritage of the State, rich in twenty million phototypes (negatives and prints) dating back to the origins of photography. Historical monuments, photography, and archives

Type: Media

16 1 0 23
Ville de Caen Ville de Caen

Type: Public

56 38 17 168
Mairie de Sevran Mairie de Sevran

Mairie de Sevran is a government administration company based out of France.

Type: Public Activities: healthtech

20 12 7 271
Crous Lorraine Crous Lorraine

The Regional Center for University and School Works (Crous): in the heart of your student life in Lorraine! The Crous de Lorraine is an establishment responsible mainly for social assistance, the reception of international students, housing for students, university catering and student cultural life. The Crous Lorraine is: 86,500 students in Lorraine 16 university restaurants Almost 3 million meals served each year 20 university residences 7,142 rooms or apartments Our mission: to give you, students from here and elsewhere, the means of your success, by helping you in your daily life, improving your living and working conditions and accompanying you …

Type: Public Activities: edtech healthtech hrtech

20 5 12 135
Construire au Futur Habiter le Futur Construire au Futur Habiter le Futur

The association "Building in the future, living in the future" has been created to implement the program of the same name. The association "Building in the future, living in the future" has been created to implement the program of the same name. Supported by the Region and 120 partners, it is the winner of the national call for projects "Innovation Territories", launched in 2019 as part of the Investment Program for the future.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

31 3 24 6
l'Institut national du patrimoine l'Institut national du patrimoine

Formation au métier de conservateur et restaurateur du patrimoine - Instagram inp.patrimoine - Twitter @Inp_patrimoine L’Institut national du patrimoine is an institute of higher education under the auspices of the French Ministry of Culture and Communication. The mission of the Institute is to recruit candidates through competitive entrance examinations and provide initial training to heritage curators for State civil service, local government civil service authorities and City of Paris. Another mission of the institute is to select candidates again through a competitive entry examination and train conservators-restorers authorized to work on public collections. Training for these two closely related and …

Type: Public

14 0 11 402
Agence Nationale de Lutte Contre l'Illettrisme (ANLCI) Agence Nationale de Lutte Contre l'Illettrisme (ANLCI)

Gather to act better - prevent and fight against illiteracy. Public interest group born in 2000. 💡en France, 2,500,000 people are faced with illiteracy after being educated. ☝️RAPEL: We are talking about illiteracy for people who, after having been educated in France, have not acquired sufficient mastery of reading, writing, calculation, basic skills, to be autonomous in simple situations of everyday life. 👉 To prevent and act in the face of illiteracy, it is necessary to act on all fronts, at all ages of life, as close as possible to people and territories and in a coordinated and sustainable manner. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

31 8 16 41