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LogoName Σ Employees

In the service of its citizens. An administration close to its inhabitants The department intervenes daily on many concrete aspects to improve the daily life of its inhabitants. Social action constitutes the essentials of departmental skills; The community devotes almost half of its annual budget to it. In particular, it deals with the elderly or disabled, childhood, the integration of people in difficulty, energy precariousness. Other areas are in the priorities of the department, such as departmental roads, assistance to municipalities, education, culture, heritage, economic and social development, the environment and tourism. Work in the department The Seine-Maritime Department is …

Type: Public

44 32 6 1,226
Département de la Moselle Département de la Moselle

Proximity community par excellence, the department of Moselle is an essential local player, guaranteeing the solidarity of people and territories. Between the missions which are devolved to him by the law and the voluntary policies put in place to promote the well-being of the Mosellans and the influence of the Moselle, he influences the daily life of hundreds of thousands of people, men, women, children, infants, elderly, disabled, college students, students, associative actors ... local authority, social, route, college, culture, sport, and youth

Type: Public

33 20 13 651
Département de la Mayenne Département de la Mayenne

All about the department 👉 Do you want, alongside the 1,570 agents, be at the service of the Mayennais? Apply now for our job or internship offers. Mayenne 📍 On the map: 45 minutes from Rennes, 90 from Paris, Mayenne is in the heart of the Great West. Departmental council side: A strong credo: solidarity. Very varied missions. 170 trades in total, carried by 1,570 agents. A human resources policy built around five strong ideas: The quality of life at work. Equality between women and men. The balance between personal life and professional life. The development of skills and …

Type: Public

56 29 29 441
Département de la Drôme Département de la Drôme

Welcome to the official page of the Drôme department. Official page of the Drôme Department

Type: Public

47 25 21 465
Délégation interministérielle à l'accueil et à l'intégration des réfugiés (Diair) Délégation interministérielle à l'accueil et à l'intégration des réfugiés (Diair)

We participate in the implementation of the policy of reception and integration of refugees in the territory Announced in the summer of 2017 in the action plan to guarantee the right of asylum and better control migration flows, an inter -ministerial delegate responsible for the reception and integration of refugees was instituted with the Minister of the Interior. Its mission is to participate in the definition and animation of the policy of reception and integration of refugees. For this, in addition to the various state services, he works with local authorities, the associative sector and representatives of civil society. Its …

Type: Public

54 8 50 30
Décider ensemble Décider ensemble

Think Tank of the shared decision Deciding together is a think tank specializing in governance issues: participation, consultation and dialogue between stakeholders. For more than 15 years, it has brought together actors from French society wishing to disseminate a culture of shared decision: NGOs, companies, associations of local elected officials, state administrations, experts and academics. Transpartisan, the Think Tank is chaired by a deputy. His work is organized in four axes: - a laboratory pole of ideas which notably provides a advocacy function - a resource center - a promotion/dissemination of participation issues - A network center for its partners …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

72 17 52 9
CRESS Pays de la Loire CRESS Pays de la Loire

Promote and develop the social and solidarity economy in Pays de la Loire The Regional Chamber of the Social and Solidarity Economy of the Pays de la Loire was born from the will of ESS actors to acquire a regional organization capable of gathering them, representing them and coordinating their action. It thus federates the companies of the ESS whether: associations, cooperatives, mutuals, social utility commercial companies, groups of ESS employers' unions, networks and platforms of local actors ... around 'A common political and strategic project. Social and solidarity economy

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

46 17 20 22
CRESS Nouvelle-Aquitaine CRESS Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Regional Chamber of the Social Economy and Solidarity New Aquitaine The Regional Chamber of the Social and Solidarity Economy is an association law 1901 whose missions consist of: - Federate and represent the actors of the Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS): associations, cooperatives, mutuals, foundations, ESS commercial companies; - Network ESS companies and encourage cooperation; - Support ESS companies and communities; - Promote social and solidarity economy and social innovation; - Awareness of young people about ESS and collective entrepreneurship. Cress has 200 members in New Aquitaine. It relies on a board of directors made up of 43 administrators and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

55 16 46 20
Agence française anticorruption Agence française anticorruption

The French Agency Anticorruption (AFA) is a service with national jurisdiction created by law no 2016-1691 of December 9, 2016 or law relating to transparency, the fight against corruption and the modernization of economic life (known as " Sapin law 2 "), placed with the Minister of Justice and the Minister responsible for the Budget, whose mission is to help the competent authorities and the persons who are confronted with preventing and detecting the facts of corruption, trafficking in Influence, concussion, illegal taking of interest, embezzlement of public funds and favoritism. AFA fulfills this mission by activating two additional and …

Type: Public

27 8 16 45
La Gazette Nord-Pas-de-Calais La Gazette Nord-Pas-de-Calais

The NPDC Gazette is mediamorphosis! Your newspaper reinvents itself and becomes a regional monthly economic magazine 🗞️💡 New format, new graphics, new sections with exclusive content: business news at the heart of territories, thematic file, speech of figures of figures and law, Start Me Up, behind the scenes of a business, art of living ... 👉 Judicial and legal announcements as well as all the judgments of the commercial courts are now 100% digitalized. 🔗Retrive them on our site:, site authorized to publish in the departments of North and Pas-de-Calais. 💡For do not miss anything, register for our "weekly …

Type: Media

75 15 68 37
COSTIC – Comité Scientifique et Technique des Industries Climatiques COSTIC – Comité Scientifique et Technique des Industries Climatiques

Center for independent studies and research, the costic (Scientific and Technical Committee of Climatic Industries) has contributed for more than 100 years to the innovation effort for climate engineering markets and the technical equipment of the building. Through activities of technical and energy audit, studies and feasibility advice, assistance to contracting authority and expertise, the costic ensures the symbiosis between the world of research and the needs of professionals. It is also at the origin of the main theoretical bases and technological advances in the fields of heating, ventilation and air conditioning; And widely disseminates this knowledge through more than …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

4 0 4 43
Conseil départemental de la Seine-Saint-Denis Conseil départemental de la Seine-Saint-Denis

For employment, the Department mobilizes the actors and creates the conditions for implementing new initiatives and actions for the economic development of the territory to benefit the inhabitants.

Type: Public

90 60 20 2,902
Conseil départemental de la Haute-Marne Conseil départemental de la Haute-Marne

With you, every day. Located in the Grand Est region, Haute-Marne is a human-sized department of 174,000 inhabitants with 3 main medium-sized cities with all infrastructure: Saint-Dizier, capital of the cast iron; Chaumont, city of graphics and Langres, the most beautiful fortified city in France. It is located at the crossroads of Europe, at the crossroads of the A5 and the A31, 1 hour from Dijon and Troyes, 2:10 am from Paris and Lyon. With its 1,200 agents, the Haute-Marne department deploys a global and ambitious strategy, with a CAP’2030 action plan, a real investment shock of more than half …

Type: Public

27 8 13 256
Commissariat général à l’égalité des territoires Commissariat général à l’égalité des territoires

Support and make territories succeed The General Commission for Territories Equality is placed with the Minister responsible for regional planning and the city, responsible for designing and implementing the national territorial cohesion policy and ensuring its follow -up and the interdepartmental coordination. It comes from the regrouping of the delegation to regional planning and regional attractiveness (DATAR), the General Secretariat of the Interministerial Cities Committee (SGCIV) and the National Agency for Social Cohesion and Equality of the Equality chances (acsé). Closer to the field and in close relation with local authorities and regional and department prefects, it aims to reconnect …

Type: Public

136 64 83 57
Commerce Équitable France Commerce Équitable France

Actors of fair trade 🇫🇷 to develop economic, social and climatic justice 🌍 Who are we ? Fair trade France brings together French fair trade players to develop and defend the sector: committed companies, labels, distribution networks, consumer and education associations for global citizenship, international solidarity organizations and research players and 'education. The collective promotes and defends fair trade in France and internationally to support the ecological and social transitions of production and consumption methods. Changing trade in favor of economic justice and environmental protection is the bet of the global citizen movement of fair trade. Fair trade? Innovative and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

55 8 46 25
Comité 21 Comité 21

1st multi-actor network of sustainable development Committee 21 is the first network of actors involved in the operational implementation of sustainable development in France. Its mission is to create the conditions of exchange and partnership between its members from all sectors so that they appropriate and implement, together, the objectives of sustainable development (SDG) on the scale of a territory. Composed of four colleges, it brings together the stakeholders concerned in France: companies, communities, associations, institutions, higher education and media establishments. This network of nearly 500 members bases its action on the multi-actor partnership and on concrete action. UNEP and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

126 31 89 35
Collectif National des Jeunes Urbanistes Collectif National des Jeunes Urbanistes

The Association of Young Urbanists in France By bringing together 700 urban planners, the National Collective of Young Urbanists (CNJU) has become the first association of a Profession En Marche. Created in the summer of 2009, it was structured in association at the start of 2010. It brings together 19 associations of students and graduates in town planning and development. Urban planning, space planning, professional association, space planning, urbanism, and professional network

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

17 0 16 4
CNAPE, la fédération des associations de protection de l'enfant CNAPE, la fédération des associations de protection de l'enfant

The Federation of Child Protection: 169 associations, 13 movements, experts and 1 user association Created in 1948, the CNAPE is a national federation of associations that accompany and welcome children, adolescents and young adults in difficulty. Its action is part of the CIDE and in the context of public policies relating to childhood and youth. The CNAPE fields of intervention concern prevention, child protection, criminal justice for minors, childhood and youth with disabilities and vulnerability, youth faced with integration difficulties. They also relate to the environment of children and young people who can influence their development and well-being, such as …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

30 8 21 40
Citéa Consultants Citéa Consultants

The firm specializes in advice and headhunters in the public and political environment Citéa Consultants is a firm specializing in the public sphere which offers its customers a varied, personalized and complementary advice and services offer: ◾ Recruitment by direct approach and hunting heads of executive executives and high potential experts ◾ Organizational council with management teams ◾ The assessment of candidates and internal detection of potentials with high added value Recruitment and hunting of heads, political council and support for elected officials, organizational council, and decision aid

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech

4 0 4 10
Cità di Bastia Cità di Bastia

Una leia Numerica trà i bastiacci è a so cità. Bastia Citizen City Offering a quality public service is to be close and attentive to the inhabitants. To improve the daily life of Bastiaises and Bastiais by meeting their needs, the municipality has redesigned its local public service. Bastia, a city in the service of its fellow citizens Ci steals ch’ella sia a nostra amminisTrazione simulates at una casa di crystallu indicated ognu puderà vede ciò chì if pass. Ogni Scurezza Misteriosa favurisce the referees di u putere è intrattene a diffidentza di u populu. Pasquale Paoli The municipality has …

Type: Public

15 10 2 56
Euroregion NAEN Euroregion NAEN

Cross-border cooperation / Cooperación Transfronteriza / Mugazgandiko Kooperazioa / Cross-Border Cooperation Akitania-Berria Euskadi Nafarroa Euroeskualdea Lurralde-Lankidetzarako Europar Taldeak Ekonomia, Gizarte Eta Kultura Garapena Sustatzea of ​​Helburu, Lankidetza-Ekintzen Bidez. Lurralde-Lankidetza aktoreen Sareak dinamizatzen etaikitzen ditu. The Agrupación Europea de Coopéración Territorial, Euroregión Nueva-Aquitania Euskadi Navarra Tiene Como objectivo principal Llevar a Cabo Actividades de Cooperación that Compriyan al Desarrollo Económico, social y cultural de su territorio. Participated in the coordinación y creación dedes between the different actores of the territorial cooperación. The European group of territorial cooperation Eurorégion Nouvelle-Aquitaine Euskadi Navarre aims to conduct cooperation actions which contribute to the economic, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

17 2 15 10
Châteauroux Métropole Châteauroux Métropole

À 2h de Paris, innovante, surprenante, découvrez l'une des capitales du Berry Val de Loire lors d’un city break inattendu. Au cœur de la champagne berrichonne, entre la Brenne, pays des mille étangs et le Boischaut sud romantique, Châteauroux dévoile ses 1 000 ans d'histoire. D’abord surpris par son architecture contemporaine, vous vous laisserez guider dans la vieille ville aux allures médiévales jusqu’au château Raoul. Riche d’un patrimoine insoupçonné, Châteauroux surprend jusqu’aux rives de l’Indre où parcs et jardins invitent à la flânerie.

Type: Public

59 28 34 235
Council of Europe Council of Europe

The Council of Europe, based in Strasbourg (France), now covers virtually the entire European continent, with its 46 member countries. Founded on 5 May 1949 by 10 countries, the Council of Europe seeks to develop throughout Europe common and democratic principles based on the European Convention on Human Rights and other reference texts on the protection of individuals. Disclaimer We provide social media channels and job alerts to better disseminate information on our organisation and job opportunities. While we endeavour to keep the information up to date and accurate, we cannot guarantee the infallibility of these services. The Council of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Public Activities: it services

61 34 20 2
Centre de gestion du Morbihan (CDG 56) Centre de gestion du Morbihan (CDG 56)

Expertise and human resources consultancy with local authorities and public establishments The Center for the Management of the Territorial Public Service of Morbihan (CDG 56) supports local authorities in the management of their human resources. He offers support and advice missions in various fields of skills: career management, HR support, legal advice, improvement of working conditions ... Human resources, organization, local authorities, recruitment, prevention of professional risks, professional and preventive medicine, professional development, archiving, temporary, CNCRACL retreats, advice and HR support, protection of personal data, payroll of communities, elected officials, elected officials, elected officials Professional assessment, RGPD compliance, professional competitions …

Type: Public

11 2 7 47
Centre de gestion de l'Oise (Cdg60) Centre de gestion de l'Oise (Cdg60)

Skills at the service of the local employer Since its creation in 1986, the Oise Management Center has positioned itself as the partner of the elected employer. Since then, the Management Center has continued to develop year after year in line with regulatory developments but above all in order to be constantly in line with the needs of the communities and establishments of the Oise, in other words with your needs. . The Management Center thus works to consolidate its links with you, communities and establishments in the Oise department, and to remain your preferred contact in the field of …

Type: Public

9 1 6 39
Centre de gestion de la fonction publique territoriale de la Mayenne (CDG 53) Centre de gestion de la fonction publique territoriale de la Mayenne (CDG 53)

In the service of Mayenne communities! CDG 53 is a public administrative establishment created by law n ° 84-53 of January 26, 1984. Local communities and public establishments of less than 350 public officials are necessarily affiliated. In Mayenne, all communities are, except the Departmental Council, Laval Agglomeration (from January 1, 2019) and the Departmental Fire and Rescue Service. It is financed by a contribution from affiliated communities and is directed by a board of directors made up of elected representatives of local authorities. The CDG 53 provides a service on a daily basis with the public and communities: - …

Type: Public

2 0 1 26
Les Célestins, Théâtre de Lyon Les Célestins, Théâtre de Lyon

Theater and creation house Theater open to the world. 200 years of dramatic art in the heart of Lyon. Theater, creation, international, and lyon

Type: Public

17 5 12 47
Cédille Cédille

The Drôme / Third Party Network / Shares and collective projects of Drôme collaborative actors. The Drôme third-Lieux network With Cédille, the Drôme actors share their experiences, help each other and develop common projects. Come work differently in the Drôme! #Coworking #Teletravail #collaborative #Community #usagers #participe #hentreprendre #Horizontality #Collectifs #Welcome Work differently, coworking, third-lieu, solidarity, sharing, collaborative, mutual aid, alternative, fablab, workshops, culture, creativity, employment, territory, drôme, attractiveness, commons, third-lieux, rurality, and proximity

Type: Media

59 2 57 15

Protestant social action center · Together, fight the unacceptable For almost 120 years, the CASP has supported weakened people in the Ile -de -France territory. Employment, access to law, culture, (re) learning parenting or discovery of new physical activities, nearly 700 employees fight the unacceptable every day. CASP is a social player offering the most complete support possible, allowing people benefiting from its actions to (re) integrate the company as calmly as possible. Founded on August 5, 1905 by the Consistory of Paris, the CASP is a secular association recognized as a public utility, authorized to receive donations and legacies.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

31 3 26 609
Département de l'Ain Département de l'Ain

Ain, recruiter of talents! #iquetlain The Ain department is at the service of more than 650,000 inhabitants and supports the Aindinois throughout their lives. Solidarity, social action, mobility, regional planning, road infrastructure, youth, colleges, culture, sport, constitute its different missions. With a budget of 650 million euros, the department brings ambitious projects for the Aindinois. The deliberative assembly of the Ain department is made up of 46 departmental advisers spread over 23 cantons and 2,300 agents. Gastronomy, sport, well -being, culture and heritage, Ain offers a rich and dynamic quality of life. Its different reliefs offer the possibility of practicing …

Type: Public

50 23 28 474
CASDEN Banque Populaire CASDEN Banque Populaire

The Cooperative Bank of the Public Service Originally created by and for teachers, the Casden Banque Populaire has gradually widened its perimeter: it is today the cooperative bank throughout the public service. She shares with her members the sense of general interest and public service and endeavors to meet their needs to the best conditions. She offers her members a global savings, credits and deposit offer. By establishing a partnership with popular banks in 1974, it allows its members to benefit from a complete and local banking service. Company of the social economy, the Casden defends strong values ​​such as …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

66 22 25 575
Carsat Midi-Pyrénées Carsat Midi-Pyrénées

Ensure retirement, protect health. Private company exercising a public service mission, the Caisse d'Assurance Retropes and de la Santé at work Midi-Pyrénées (Carsat) is part of the network of social security organizations. Thanks to its 796 employees spread over the territory, it exercises three missions for employees, retirees and businesses. - Prepare and pay retirement: career monitoring and updates, calculation of retirement amount and payments monitoring. - Help and support weakened policyholders: fight against professional disinsertion, access to facilitated care, actions in favor of well-old and benefits for fragile retirees. - Prevent and priced professional risks within companies: advice, prevention …

Type: Public

53 5 50 346
Cadre Territorial - Le Réseau Cadre Territorial - Le Réseau

We offer to share information, good practices, models ... so that everyone can enrich their practices! Territorial framework aims to share ideas, give birth to debates, disseminate the news of the sector ... All this around a triple will: sharing of experience, knowledge sharing and mutual aid If it first targets agents of the territorial public service, our initiative is of course open to everyone's intelligence. Public administration, local authorities, executive, network, public service, public service, public service, public, town hall, departmental council, regional council, metropolitan area, agglomeration, city, municipality, region, department, civil servant, executive, attaché, editor Territorial, public service …

Type: Public

17 1 14 7
Auxilia conseil Auxilia conseil

For an ecological, social, supportive and fair bifurcation. A social enterprise of the SOS Group. Auxilia: TRANSITION CONSULTING A pioneer in sustainable development, an association of the SOS Group, Auxilia has been supporting the systemic transition of territories for over 20 years, that is to say an ecological transition but also an economic, social and democratic one. This transition requires different ways of doing things and a particular kind of innovation. A local innovation, creating value in the territories, social, which meets the real needs of residents, businesses and farmers. An innovation that draws on the expertise of local stakeholders, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

87 14 76 88
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Énergie Environnement (AURA-EE) Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Énergie Environnement (AURA-EE)

Our mission: to accelerate the energy transition of the territories Regional Agency for Energy and the Environment in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, AURA-EE is a resource center serving territories in transition. Its areas of intervention are climate change, renewable energies, energy efficiency strategies in buildings, sustainable mobility, waste and the circular economy, sustainable public procurement, new economic models and societal innovation. The agency carries out three types of actions: - it provides data, analyses and transition scenarios; - it offers technical, financial and regulatory expertise on the various subjects; - it drives, develops and supports projects and sectors. As a technical operator of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

61 12 52 50
Mobilité Club France Mobilité Club France

Mobilité Club France, acting for safe and sustainable mobility for all. In 2023, the Automobile Club Association becomes Mobilité Club France. For over a century, the Automobile Club Association has brought together, represented and defended the interests of motorists and road users. We act to ensure mobility and road safety for all, including the provision of services. The Automobile Club Association is an apolitical structure, which intervenes on all subjects relating to mobility, whether at the local, national or international level. At the international level, the Automobile Clubs are grouped under the aegis of the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA), …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

33 4 23 51
Association Communication publique Association Communication publique

Meeting of communication managers of public institutions Communication publique is a meeting and dialogue space for communication managers of institutions, communities and public companies. Recognized for its expertise, the association explores the strategic and operational issues of communication. It works with decision-makers to make communication a condition for the success of public policies. Publisher of the magazine "PAROLE PUBLIQUE", it regularly offers meetings and events where the main players in public communication meet. For more information: Communication des institutions publiques and association

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

67 4 67 9
Droit et changement social (DCS) Droit et changement social (DCS)

A laboratory that analyzes the role of the legal phenomenon in the transformations of contemporary society. Our laboratory understands law as a social phenomenon through and through: it is both the product of society (its values, its conflicts) and a determining vector of societal transformations. DCS seeks to articulate an internal perspective (legal research) and an external perspective (research on law). The legal phenomenon is now part of multiple spatial scales ranging from local to global. Also, the DCS laboratory has developed studies relating to the local scale and studies relating to the European and international space. The approach supported …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

13 0 12 15
Ardennes Développement Ardennes Développement

support and facilitate business projects in the Ardennes... Ardennes Economic Development Agency. Within the Grand Est region, the mission is to spearhead the economy and business development in the Ardennes, to contribute to the reputation of the territory, and to support companies and investors setting up in the Ardennes, or already present, in their projects. Economic development, Investment attraction services, economic development, corporate real estate, industry of the future, bio-economy, logistics, renewable energies, business services, innovation, digital, Industry, engineering, territorial marketing, attractiveness, and agri-food

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

40 8 31 14
ANRT - Association Nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie ANRT - Association Nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie

For a France strong in its research The ANRT is the intersectoral public-private network of French research. It offers its members the best conditions for exchange, debate, and confrontation, to build a common strategic vision and equip itself with a force for action. A trusted third party, its members entrust it with their unvarnished point of view, allowing for objective analyses, well-founded proposals, and the guarantee of being listened to. Public decision-makers are attentive to our work and we regularly report to ministers and parliamentarians. We clearly display our ambition for impact. Our work is intended to contribute to the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

100 35 62 40
Angers Loire Métropole Angers Loire Métropole

Angers Loire Métropole. Urban community bringing together 31 municipalities of Maine-et-Loire and 310,000 inhabitants.

Type: Public

66 38 10 383
ANFE (Association Nationale Française des Ergothérapeutes) ANFE (Association Nationale Française des Ergothérapeutes)

Join ANFE to support us in the defense & promotion of occupational therapy and the profession of occupational therapist! ANFE is an association under the 1901 law created in 1961 by Jacqueline Roux to promote occupational therapy in France. It is an independent community of exchanges and meetings that brings together occupational therapists, regardless of their field of professional practice. For more than 50 years, ANFE has been the main representative body of the occupational therapist profession in France. It acts on major societal projects through its participation in ministerial plans, agency work, observatories and high authorities of the State. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

19 2 11 62
Logistic Low Carbon Logistic Low Carbon

LLC supports economic players in the deployment of sustainable urban logistics adapted to their territory. A subsidiary of the CGF, Logistic Low Carbon is the leader of the InTerLUD+ program (Territorial Innovations and Sustainable Urban Logistics), a CEE program. Its vocation is to create spaces for dialogue between public and economic players in order to enable them to develop, together, action plans in favor of decarbonized and more energy-efficient freight transport.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech cleantech greentech

18 1 18 12
Ville du Gosier Ville du Gosier

Official Facebook account of the City of Gosier, Guadeloupe. Gosier close to everything, especially to you!

Type: Public

12 1 10 89
Chaire Unesco Alimentations du monde Chaire Unesco Alimentations du monde

"Sustainable Food - Breaking Down the Silos of Knowledge" The UNESCO Chair in World Food Systems at Montpellier SupAgro and CIRAD breaks down the silos of knowledge about food in the world. It focuses in particular on urban food systems, local food policies, the diversity of food models and initiatives for sustainable food. It carries out training activities, research coordination and the organization of dialogues between science and society. It is led by a small team that relies on an international collective of researchers and on partnerships with stakeholders in food systems. science-society dialogues, research coordination, training, sustainable food, urban …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

13 4 10 7
Ville de Sarcelles Ville de Sarcelles

Sarcelles, bigger together! Sarcelles is a sub-prefecture city in the Val d'Oise department, with a population of 80,000 to 150,000, and a member of the Roissy Pays de France urban community, close to Paris. Currently undergoing a major transformation, it is carrying out an ambitious project focusing on urban planning, educational excellence and living together. Sarcelles in figures: - €105 million operating budget in 2023; - €275 million estimated to run the new urban renovation programme; - €600,000 dedicated each year to the educational city; - 13 citizen participation bodies. Sarcelles, a city of excellence: - UNESCO learning city, only …

Type: Public Activities: smart city

13 3 12 122
ANDEV #tou.tesressources ANDEV #tou.tesressources

National Association of Directors and Executives of Education of Cities and Territorial Communities (Cm: GF) The National Association of Directors and Executives of Education of Cities and Territorial Communities (ANDEV) shapes the future of education through a holistic vision that embraces early childhood, childhood, youth, prevention and parenting. 🌐 Who are we? We are a dynamic community of committed professionals, bringing together more than 700 members who lead Education within municipalities, departments, regions and intercommunalities. Our mission is to support these leaders in their crucial role and to strengthen the impact of education on the territories. 🔍 Our structure: The …

Type: Public

15 6 2 13
Anah Anah

A territorial response to the challenges of private housing The National Housing Agency (Anah) is tasked with improving the existing private housing stock. It is a public institution under the supervision of the ministries responsible for Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Authorities, Action and Public Accounts and the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Anah grants financial aid for work under conditions to owner-occupiers, lessors and co-ownerships in difficulty. It is a partner of local authorities for programmed operations (Opah). And a State operator in the implementation of national plans. Fight against substandard and very degraded housing, Treatment of co-ownerships …

Type: Public

111 45 75 345
Anacej Anacej

The national network for child and youth participation Anacej is the national network for the participation of children and young people Founded in 1991, Anacej is committed to promoting and supporting local authorities in implementing approaches to the participation of children and young people in public policies. It also works to build a trusting dialogue between young people and elected officials.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

39 6 32 19
AMIF (Association des Maires d'Ile-de-France) AMIF (Association des Maires d'Ile-de-France)

Created in 1990, totally pluralist and meeting the expectations of the municipalities of the Paris region, a structure for consultation and information at the regional level, the Association of Mayors of Ile-de-France (AMIF) ensures a role of representation of local elected officials and participates in regional dynamism. In 2021, 80% of the municipalities of Ile-de-France are members of AMIF. Municipalities can join AMIF by responding to the call for contributions sent before the beginning of each year by AMIF. With its representativeness and its interdepartmental structure, which gives it a role as spokesperson for the Mayors of Ile-de-France in the …

Type: Public

96 44 64 21
Agence Qualité Construction Agence Qualité Construction

Preventing disorders, improving the quality of construction. The Construction Quality Agency (AQC)? We are a recognized association of general interest that brings together all professional construction organizations. Our mission? Preventing disorders in construction and improving the quality of construction. What actions do we take to achieve this? All our resources and free tools are intended to help construction professionals in the field in their daily practices! How are our tools and resources developed? -> we observe construction disorders in the field, -> thanks to this data and their lessons, we prioritize the subjects that require prevention, -> we then develop …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

50 14 35 55
Agence ORE Agence ORE

Facilitating the energy transition through digital technology Agence ORE (Energy Network Operators), an association under the 1901 law that brings together all electricity and gas distributors in France. A free, one-stop shop with a public service mission that provides gas and electricity data to support the energy transition of all stakeholders in French territories. energy, electricity, gas, renewable energies, renewable electricity, wind, solar, hydraulic, bioenergies, renewable gases, biomethane, biogas, digital, data, data energy, open data, datavisualisation, mapping, datavalorisation, energy mix, energy transition, energy planning, territories, and networks

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

34 3 15 8
Agence du Service Civique Agence du Service Civique

#EnModeServiceCivique The Civic Service Agency ensures both the implementation of the Civic Service, a voluntary and compensated commitment of 6 to 12 months open to all young people aged 16 to 25, and up to 30 years for young people with disabilities, and, since 2016, the French version of the Youth & Sports components of the European Erasmus+ program and the European Solidarity Corps. commitment, solidarity, environment, culture, citizenship, education, health, sport, humanitarian, youth, volunteering, europe, international development, and civic service

Type: Public

110 44 65 828
AFOCAL Education Animation Formation AFOCAL Education Animation Formation

Serving children, young people and the adults who accompany them A network of educational stakeholders, AFOCAL was founded in 1979 on the initiative of holiday organizers, family associations and parents of students and social sector organizations. Secular, open to all, AFOCAL is part of a family of thought for which education contributes to building the whole person, so that he or she can achieve personal fulfillment and commit to serving society. AFOCAL is independent of any political or religious affiliation. Today, it brings together many associations and communities that recognize themselves in the values ​​and practices of Popular Education carried …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

8 0 8 166
AFIGESE - Association des financiers, gestionnaires, évaluateurs des collectivités territoriales AFIGESE - Association des financiers, gestionnaires, évaluateurs des collectivités territoriales

Network of financiers, managers, evaluators, managers of local authorities AFIGESE, the network of financiers, managers, evaluators and managers of local authorities, was formed in February 2000. Its activities are based on exchanges of knowledge and know-how and aim to disseminate professional skills through information, debate and training. Currently composed of nearly 800 members, AFIGESE is a laboratory of ideas to promote the sharing of experiences on good practices, to transmit the expertise of the members of its network through working groups, publications, training, interventions. Also, every year at the end of September, do not miss the annual congress "Les Assises …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

32 2 30 12
Afigéo Afigéo

French Geographic Information Think Tank Created in 1986, the French Association for Geographic Information is a neutral and independent association that reflects the diversity and plurality of stakeholders and networks in the French geographic information sector. A think tank bringing together 200 members, a space for discussion and reflection open to the outside world, Afigéo promotes French expertise in the field in France and internationally. In 2024, Afigéo will continue its three main missions: - Lead the French community of stakeholders and networks in geographic information - Promote the geographic information sector in France and internationally - Represent the sector …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

69 7 56 13
AFAUP - Association Française d'Agriculture Urbaine Professionnelle AFAUP - Association Française d'Agriculture Urbaine Professionnelle

The head of the professional urban agriculture network AFAUP is a national association whose vocation is to unite professionals in urban agriculture and facilitate links with other city stakeholders, the agricultural world and the general public. AFAUP was created in 2016 at the initiative of historical French stakeholders in Urban Agriculture. urban agriculture, association, professionals, lobbying, public relations, promotion, and agriculture

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech smart city

45 4 35 17
MedVallée Montpellier MedVallée Montpellier

Montpellier, a global center of excellence in global health 🌎 #Health – #Food – #Environment The exceptional wealth of Montpellier's gray matter has long shaped the identity of the Montpellier Metropolis and contributed significantly to its #attractiveness and #economic development. 🌎 The Montpellier Metropolis has thus naturally given itself the #ambition of uniting the players from the different ecosystems of #research 🔬, #higher education 🎓 and #businesses to create an #innovative, collective and shared dynamic in order to make the #metropolitan territory a global center of excellence in Global Health [health, environment, food and well-being]. 🚀 Since the end of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

31 5 3 2
Bouclier bleu France Bouclier bleu France

Protecting Heritage in Times of Crisis-Association agréée sécurité civile Bouclier bleu France is a civic & social organization company based out of C/O INHA, 2 rue Vivienne, 75001 PARIS, France . Heritage Safeguarding, Risk Prevention, Heritage Protection, Cultural Heritage, Museum, Archives Service, Library, Historic Monument, Emergency Plan, Training, fire, flood, natural disaster, cultural property, Heritage, Preventive Conservation, Restoration, Conservation, Communal Safeguarding Plan, and World Cultural Heritage

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

11 2 4 21
Préfecture du Calvados Préfecture du Calvados

Official page of the State services in Calvados Find all the news of the State services in Calvados in many areas such as: security, culture, economy, employment, training, relations with local authorities, agriculture and many others! The prefect is the only representative of the State in Calvados, the sub-prefects (Bayeux, Lisieux and Vire) being responsible for assisting him. Delegate of the government, he directly represents the Prime Minister and each of the ministers. He is responsible for national interests, and ensures the management of the State services in Calvados.

Type: Public

41 17 22 96
Association française pour la prévention des catastrophes naturelles et technologiques (AFPCNT) Association française pour la prévention des catastrophes naturelles et technologiques (AFPCNT)

Acting together for a more resilient future in the face of major risks The French Association for the Prevention of Natural and Technological Disasters is an association governed by the law of July 1, 1901. It was created at the end of 2000 to continue the action of the French Committee of the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (DIPCN), as a national center for collective cross-cutting and multi-risk reflection on the issue of natural risks and a recognized player in international cooperation in this field. Supported by the Ministry of Ecological and Inclusive Transition (MTES), it brings together scientists, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

38 12 21 32
CY école de design CY école de design

From matter to decision, the school of global design CY school of design is a public school of CY Cergy Paris University. In 5 years, it trains global designers, capable of embracing the complexity of the world, and contributing to creating conditions for successful and sustainable life experiences for each and everyone. Innovation, Decision making, Problem solving, Management, design, formation, enseignement, and école

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

17 3 14 88
evelyne. evelyne.

The Agency governed by ideas. An idea of ​​accessibility written in our DNA, a hybrid model avant-garde in our sector, and a creative audacity that could well change everything for you. evelyne, the agency governed by ideas Everywhere, for everyone, and one step ahead. Communication, Advertising, Media, Digital, Communication strategy, Performance, Video, Graphic design, Press relations, Events, Website creation, Programmatic advertising, Webmarketing, Communication agency, Communication consulting, Creativity, Media agency, Social media, Direct marketing, and Storytelling

Type: SMB Activities: martech

20 3 17 236
Ville de Valence Ville de Valence

With a population of nearly 65,000 inhabitants, the city of Valence is among the top three most attractive municipalities in France according to the Arthur Loyd barometer. A trend confirmed by the regular establishment of large companies, but not only. Valence is also a city known for its pleasant living environment, its significant cultural and sports offerings, and its remarkable architectural heritage. Soon, the municipality will reach a new milestone with the opening of a center dedicated to gastronomy in the lower town. The City of Valence, the dynamic heart of the Drôme, also relies on a thousand permanent positions …

Type: Public

49 15 32 229

Training for the jobs of tomorrow. With the IFA, you decide, we act. Discover the IFA Campus Marcel Sauvage - Your Passport to the Professional Future At the IFA Campus Marcel Sauvage, we embody the vision of the Rouen CCI: effectively respond to the needs of local businesses, employment and training prescribers (France Travail, CIO, local missions), and young people and adults seeking training. Our Strengths: - Customized Training: Individualized courses adapted to your experiences and skills. - Accessibility for All: Whether you are young or adult, our apprenticeship, professionalization programs and our internships are made for you. - Professional …

Type: Public Activities: edtech

13 2 12 138
ABG - Association Bernard Gregory ABG - Association Bernard Gregory

Where PhDs and companies meet Attachée à la promotion du doctorat depuis sa création en 1980, l'Association Bernard Gregory (ABG) aide les docteurs à concevoir leur projet professionnel et se présenter aux recruteurs. Elle aide également les entreprises à recruter des docteurs. Research in France, Europe & International, Human Resources, Training, Recruiting, Career coaching, Ressources Humaines, Formation, Recrutement, Conseil carrière, Recherche, PhD, and Doctorat

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

81 6 80 32
ESS France (La Chambre française de l'économie sociale et solidaire) ESS France (La Chambre française de l'économie sociale et solidaire)

The French Chamber of the Social and Solidarity Economy is constituted as an association enjoying the legal capacity of associations recognized as being of public utility. This association is constituted by national organizations representing the different statutory forms of the social and solidarity economy, including commercial companies mentioned in 2° of II of Article 1, and by representatives of the regional chambers of the social and solidarity economy. (ESS Law 2014) RELATIONS PUBLIC AUTHORITIES and PROMOTION OF THE ESS

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

108 50 31 11
DILA (Direction de l'information légale et administrative) DILA (Direction de l'information légale et administrative)

L'accès au droit, les droits et démarches administratives des usagers, l'information citoyenne. #JORF #Droits The direction de l'information légale et administrative (DILA) is a central administration department of the Prime Minister's Office, placed under the authority of the Secretary General of the Government. Its missions : - LEGAL DISSEMINATION DILA is responsible for publishing laws and decrees in the Journal Officiel de la République française (#JORF). It publishes and disseminates French legislative and regulatory texts on the Lé legal access website. It publishes all legal, economic and financial information relating to public contracts, business life and associations (BODACC//BOAMP/BALO). - ADMINISTRATIVE …

Type: Public

66 17 53 454

RUE DE L'AVENIR is a financial services company based out of 9 RUE URVOY DE SAINT BEDAN, NANTES, France.

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

10 3 2 N/A
Ville de Dunkerque Ville de Dunkerque

Type: Public

48 38 3 278
ANR, the French National Research Agency ANR, the French National Research Agency

ANR provides funding for project-based research in all fields of science - for both basic and applied research - to public research organisations and universities, as well as to private companies (including SMEs). Employing a method based on competitive peer reviews compliant with international standards, ANR provides the scientific community with instruments and programmes promoting creativity and openness, and stimulate new ideas and partnerships, particularly between academia and industry. Its activity also contributes to enhancing the competitiveness and the influence of French research in Europe and across the world. Since 2010, ANR has also been the lead manager of the …

Type: Public

159 112 43 566

ECOLE NATIONALE DE PROTECTION JUDICIAIRE DE LA JEUNESSE is a higher education company based out of 16 RUE DU CUROIR, Roubaix, Hautsdefrance, France.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

5 3 0 144

Office franco-allemand pour la Jeunesse / Deutsch-französisches Jugendwerk The Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO) is an organisation which serves to foster Franco-German cooperation. The FGYO is a centre of expertise for both countries’ governments. It acts as an adviser and intermediary for local and regional authorities, as well as in civil society in France and Germany. The FGYO addresses all young people from the age of three to thirty: kindergartners, apprentices, young unemployed persons, employees, students or pupils. Furthermore, it takes up current issues which concern young people in both countries, and adapts its offers to the everyday life and needs …

Type: Public

53 15 36 268
Calaméo Calaméo

Publish. Discover. Share. Calaméo is the first multilingual digital publishing platform and has a community of 7 million users worldwide. Calaméo provides private and professional users with a dynamic and innovative medium to instantly publish and share interactive and multi-media magazines, brochures, reports, newsletters, presentations and catalogues on any device. Publish. Discover. Share. Digital Publishing, Interactive Publications, Magazines, Catalogues, Brochures, Edition Numérique, Edition, Marketing, Marketing Numérique, Digital, Content Marketing, Contenu, Marketing de contenu, Lecture, and Online reading

Type: Media

21 11 12 25
Telecom Saint-Etienne Telecom Saint-Etienne

Télécom Saint-Etienne is one of the french high school of engineering, and is a part of the Jean Monnet University. The school is associated with the "Institut Telecom" that gathers the best engineering schools in telecoms in France. The main programs are master programs but doctoral studies are also proposed. telecoms, computer science, photonics, and imaging

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

29 6 20 84
Eduform'Action Eduform'Action

Future training for employability in 💙​ territories The observation is obvious: on the one hand, many sectors of activity (health, housing, digital, services, etc.) are under pressure due to a lack of qualified resources on the job market and on the other, 85% of the jobs of 2030 do not yet exist according to a study published by Dell and the Institute for the Future. Eduform'Action, a group created in early 2022, is an entrepreneurial group that intends to take part in the redeployment of education and training in a highly dynamic market context. At Eduform'Action, our ambitious vision of …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech Technologies: Cybersecurity

12 0 12 6
CFA Métiers des arts de la scène CFA Métiers des arts de la scène

Acting in the world of performing arts professions The Apprentice Training Center (CFA) Performing Arts Professions develops the professional training activity of the Opéra national de Lorraine. It is a public organization that offers work-study training in higher education, in the professions of opera and orchestra and performing arts in general. In partnership with the University of Lorraine, the CFA offers the professional license "Communication and promotion of artistic creation" under an apprenticeship or professionalization contract. The CFA complements the training received in the company. Depending on their professional project, the apprentice follows one of the two courses of the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

9 0 9 7
The Shift Project The Shift Project

Think tank qui œuvre en faveur d’une économie libérée de la contrainte carbone The Shift Project is an innovative entity, an interface between businesses, the academic world, civil society, and public and institutional authorities. Comprising a multidisciplinary team and a network of experts, this independent structure assembles and debates proposals accompanied by initiatives or measures that focus on managing the transition to a post-carbon world. In practice, these proposals stem from economic and scientific research or summary reports on the issues surrounding the climate and energy, using a concrete and pragmatic approach that puts the laws of physics above human …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

85 55 32 143
Geres Geres

French NGO | Our mission is to fight against poverty and climate change. Our lever for action is the energy transition. GERES -- Group for the Environment, Renewable Energy and Solidarity - is a French non-profit NGO created in 1976. We work on innovative and sustainable development projects across four main regions: Europe-Mediterranean, West Africa, South-East Asia and Central Asia. GERES has chosen to commit to preserving the environment and reducing social inequalities. To this end, it works to limit the impact of global warming and protect natural resources for the common good and especially for future generations. To reduce …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

27 4 24 289
CCI Grand Lille CCI Grand Lille

CCI Grand Lille is a management consulting company based out of PLACE DU THÉÂTRE - CS 60 359, Lille, France.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

81 23 53 1
Francophone Network of Age-Friendly Cities Francophone Network of Age-Friendly Cities

The Francophone Network of Age-Friendly Cities is an association affiliated to the World Health Organisation (WHO) Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities (GNAFCC). Our network seeks to promote the Age-Friendly Cities Approach at a francophone level and to encourage a cross-disciplinary way of work, the civic rights of older people and the fight against ageism.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

53 8 45 9
Réseau national Agricultures et Ruralités Réseau national Agricultures et Ruralités

A Network at the crossroads of territories Follow us on: web: Facebook: Twitter: Youtube: The National Agriculture and Rurality Network contributes to reflections, exchanges and debates on rural territories and policies useful for their development. It facilitates dialogue between stakeholders and promotes good local practices. In support of the Regional Rural Networks, it is responsible for pooling activities adapted to the needs of the territories, ensuring the articulation and coordination of local initiatives as well as the dissemination of achievements. Finally, it ensures relations with the European Network alongside the other Member States. The RNAR is …

Type: Public

38 4 32 1
Sénat Sénat

The Senate votes on the law and monitors the Government's action. It represents local authorities. The upper house of Parliament represents local authorities and sits in the Palais du Luxembourg. The Senate votes on the law, monitors the Government's action and evaluates public policies. It can amend the Constitution jointly with the National Assembly. The 348 senators are elected by indirect universal suffrage for a 6-year term. Nearly 1,300 civil servants and contract workers assist senators on a daily basis in carrying out their mandate. Find legislative information for all professionals on this page.

Type: Public

215 124 95 2,657
IRA de Bastia IRA de Bastia

Official page of the Regional Institute of Administration of Bastia. The Regional Institute of Administration of Bastia is a public administrative institution. Founded in 1979, it participates in the training of executives of the State civil service. Training and Civil Service

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

20 3 0 225
Mutualité Française Centre-Val de Loire Mutualité Française Centre-Val de Loire

Mutualité Française Centre-Val de Loire represents the Fédération Nationale de la Mutualité Française (FNMF) at the regional level. The leading social movement in France, with more than one in two people being a mutualist, the FNMF brings together almost all health mutuals. Its role is to represent mutuals and defend their collective interests. It is a driving force in major health system issues. Chaired by Rose-Marie Minayo, Mutualité Française Centre-Val de Loire represents 162 mutuals, more than 679,168 members, or nearly 1.3 million people protected. This player in the social and solidarity economy participates in the development and implementation of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

16 1 11 33
Urssaf Caisse nationale Urssaf Caisse nationale

Serving our social protection Urssaf is a key player in national solidarity. Today, we are 16,000 women and men spread across the country, committed to bringing the French social model to life. Our missions? Urssaf collects contributions from employers, self-employed workers and employees. It then transfers them directly to organizations (particularly Social Security), which provide social benefits to millions of people 🌍: reimbursement of medical care, financing of hospitals 🏥, public transport 🚇, and much more. We are also strategic partners for companies and employers 🤝: we support them as closely as possible to their needs (in their procedures, or …

Type: Public

153 75 86 1,233

Collective Interest Cooperative - Solutions for Inclusion #APTIC is a cooperative society of collective interest (SCIC) approved by ESUS (social utility solidarity enterprise) and labeled Numérique Inclusif by the State. Our mission: to implement all social and digital innovations that can contribute directly and indirectly to: - Revealing the opportunities of digital technology - Facilitating the digital transition of citizens, organizations and territories, - And acting so that, as a priority, the most remote audiences can also benefit from it, or even be able to rely on digital technology as a lever for inclusion, integration and power to act. The …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

50 12 42 5

Métropolitiques is an electronic journal created to promote debates and compare knowledge and know-how on the city, architecture and territories. Métropolitiques is a journal run by teacher-researchers and practitioners from most urban disciplines: it promotes the cross-fertilization of knowledge and the confrontation between academic work and field experiences linked to the professional, political or associative world. Métropolitiques is an international journal: relying on a network of correspondents in France and abroad, it welcomes texts written in their original language and translates a significant selection of contributions into English. journal, debates, research, and science

Type: Media

9 6 0 6
Agropolis International Agropolis International

Mediation science-society agriculture - food - biodiversity - environment Montpellier - Occitanie - France The Agropolis International Association, created in 1986, is an original space for multi-actor consultation and construction. Today, it brings together more than 40 institutional members: academic organizations, public authorities and civil society organizations. Its strength is based on a scientific base in the Occitanie region that is particularly rich and internationally recognized in the fields of agriculture, food, biodiversity and the environment, widely open to the issues of countries in the South. The Association has three ambitions: Facilitate exchanges within scientific communities; Stimulate science-society dialogue; Support …

Type: Media NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture SMB Activities: agritech greentech cleantech

29 10 13 30
Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l'autonomie Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l'autonomie

National Solidarity Fund for the Autonomy (CNSA) of the elderly, disabled people and their caregivers The CNSA is a fund, an agency and a public space for exchanges for the autonomy of the elderly and disabled people. The CNSA manages the Autonomy branch of Social Security. The Autonomy branch's mission is to secure the financing of autonomy aids and guarantee territorial equity to meet the needs of the elderly, people with disabilities and their caregivers.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: silvertech it services

48 23 29 270
Département du Nord Département du Nord

For all Northerners, the Department is there! Doctor, engineer, guardian of sensitive natural areas, road operations agent, secretary, reception agent, architect, management controller, social worker, cultural mediator... More than 200 professions are practiced in the Nord Department, with one priority: proximity. The development of skills and support for the career paths of agents have led to a sharp increase in internal mobility with a better knowledge of professions and territories: 73% of agents carry out their activity in decentralized services.

Type: Public

70 35 39 2,768
Ile de La Réunion Tourisme Ile de La Réunion Tourisme

Reunion, the intense island Official page of the Regional Tourism Committee of Reunion Island. The main missions of Ile de La Réunion Tourisme (IRT) are: • the coordination and management of tourism communication and promotion actions on local, national and international markets • the implementation of actions in particular in the areas of studies, planning, development and equipment, technical assistance for marketing, structuring of sectors, structuring of the offer, as well as professional training • monitoring of tourist observation • management of an e-tourism platform • participation in the economic development of the island • implementation of operations to develop …

Type: SMB Activities: martech traveltech Technologies: SaaS

22 7 11 69
Assemblée nationale Assemblée nationale

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity The National Assembly is the heart of French democracy. 577 deputies are elected every five years to represent the French people, legislate and monitor the actions of the Government. Three main categories of staff work in their service: civil servants, parliamentary collaborators and those of political groups. The civil servants of the National Assembly, numbering around 1,300, are recruited by competitive examination and exercise very diverse professions. In accordance with the principle of separation of powers, their autonomous status is set by the Bureau of the Assembly. Civil servants are assigned either to the legislative services, where …

Type: Public

298 219 81 5,294
Acteurs publics Acteurs publics

Acteurs publics is a media specialized in information and services dedicated to public actors. Acteurs publics: At the heart of the State, in the territories, alongside all those who act in the public sphere, the editorial staff of Acteurs publics deciphers, analyzes, and comments on public policies. Acteurs publics publishes the daily Acteurs publics Newsletter (200,000 recipients) and the monthly Acteurs publics (print run 15,000 copies). Acteurs publics also organizes the Rencontres des Acteurs publics Written press, Online press, Web TV, Events, and Studies

Type: Media

136 62 103 117
Wimoov Wimoov

We support vulnerable groups towards sustainable and independent mobility. Association of the SOS Group Born from the carpooling organized at the University of Nanterre during the major transport strikes of 1995, the association, initially named Voiture & co, has gradually extended its scope of action. Wimoov's mission goes beyond the initial sphere of the car and is expressed through a wide range of systems. The association is now made up of a team of 250 mobility professionals present in nearly 100 platforms throughout France, who are united by the same philosophy of action: supporting all vulnerable groups (people with disabilities, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

84 25 64 213
Communauté d'Agglomération de Haguenau Communauté d'Agglomération de Haguenau

A territory to express your potential. 🔎 Since 2017, the Haguenau Urban Community has been encouraging ambitious projects on its territory in a dynamic and innovative Alsatian space. 📊 With nearly 100,000 inhabitants spread across 36 medium-sized towns and rural municipalities, the CAH is the 2nd largest inter-municipal authority in Bas-Rhin and the 4th largest in Alsace. 💼 Join the Haguenau Urban Community, a young, dynamic and innovative community, offering its employees a great opportunity to get involved in ambitious inter-municipal projects, as well as interesting career prospects. Visit to find out more. Services, Public, Municipality, Agglomeration, Employment, Recruitment, …

Type: Public

22 16 5 144

Training for ecological and societal transformations The UVED Foundation supports higher education and research institutions in integrating the challenges of ecological and social transition into their training offerings. UVED provides an educational complement to the training of higher education institutions: it provides teachers and teacher-researchers with scientifically validated educational content and tools to use as supports or as supplements to their teaching and offers students course supplements. UVED also ensures a function of inventorying and referencing existing resources in the field in order to offer national and international visibility to the institutions' productions. UVED thus contributes to the promotion of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

26 8 20 7
Terres en villes Terres en villes

The network of local agricultural and food policies. Created in 2000, Terres en villes is the network of local actors of agricultural and food policies of agglomerations. By relying on collective intelligence, the network supports its members to face the challenges of the agricultural and food transition. The numerous meetings organized between members allow an exchange of experiences and practices and mutual learning, while the projects and action research in which the network is involved allow for experimentation in the territories and the exploration of new areas of action. By relying on its achievements, Terres en villes contributes to the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: agritech

46 7 42 9
Synopter Synopter

At a time of change, business parks deserve better than this!

Type: Media

26 2 7 2
Syndicat des Eaux et de l’Assainissement Alsace-Moselle Syndicat des Eaux et de l’Assainissement Alsace-Moselle

Water, your public service. The Water and Sanitation Syndicate builds, maintains, renovates and optimizes drinking water and sanitation facilities serving more than 740,000 residents in more than 450 municipalities in Bas-Rhin. A player in local identity, the Bas-Rhin Water and Sanitation Syndicate is an inter-municipal cooperation tool specializing in the areas of drinking water and sanitation-purification. With a dual culture of public service and business serving 740,000 residents and more than 450 municipalities in Bas-Rhin, the SDEA conveys values ​​of proximity, performance and sustainable development that are recognized through satisfaction surveys and external evaluations, with which its 550 employees identify. …

Type: Public

27 14 19 267