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Strasbourg Evénements Strasbourg Evénements

We organize and welcome events from different size in one of the most beautiful cities in Europe : #Strasbourg Managing company of Strasbourg Convention & Exhibition centre A magnificent flexible venue, spread around two auditoriums - Erasme 2,000 seats, Schweitzer 900 seats - the Convention centre is designed to suit your event. A glass structure, rooms exposed to natural daylight, overlooking the park... a stone’s throw from the Exhibition park at the heart of the European district: the perfect venue for your tailor made event! Convention centre and exhibition park managment, Congress, Exhibition, Event engineering, Seminaire, Exposition, Congrès, and Colloque

Type: Event

28 7 17 92
SDIS 86 - Sapeurs-pompiers de la Vienne SDIS 86 - Sapeurs-pompiers de la Vienne

Official account of the Vienne firefighters - SDIS 86 In each department, the firefighters depend on a public institution: the Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (SDIS). With legal personality and financial autonomy, it is responsible for the prevention, protection and fight against fires. With the other services and professionals concerned, the SDIS of Vienne contributes to: • the protection and fight against other accidents, disasters and catastrophes; • the assessment and prevention of technological or natural risks; • emergency relief. Within the scope of its skills, it carries out the following missions: • the prevention and assessment of civil security …

Type: Public

10 1 5 152

Welcome to the institutional page of the Northern Firefighters, more than 7,000 agents at the service of the northerners. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Departmental Fire and Rescue Service of the North Northern Firefighters - SDIS 59 Publication Director: Jacques Houssin 18, rue de Pas 59800 Lille -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Type: SMB Activities: it services

23 6 15 978
Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière (MOT) Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière (MOT)

The MOT, at the service of cross-border territories: assistance, networking and reporting of needs. WHAT IS THE MOT? The Cross-border Operational Mission (MOT) is an association created in 1997 by the French government. It is supported at the national level by: - the General Commission for Territorial Equality (CGET), - the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and International Development, the Interior and Overseas Territories, - the Caisse des Dépôts. The MOT network also brings together stakeholders from border territories: - 13 Cross-border Inter-communities - 4 Municipalities - 13 Groups of municipalities and communities - 5 Departments - 11 Regions, Counties, etc. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture SMB Activities: telecommunications

30 8 29 9
Pau, Capitale Humaine Pau, Capitale Humaine

The official Linkedin account of the City of Pau and its agglomeration. #CityofPau The City of Pau and the Urban Community of Pau Béarn Pyrénées form one of the main agglomerations of New Aquitaine. Capital of Béarn, Pau is distinguished by many natural, economic and historical attractions. Birthplace of Henri IV whose castle it houses, Pau faces the Pyrenees whose main resorts are less than an hour away. The Atlantic Ocean is also 1 hour away by motorway. The agglomeration and the surrounding area are home to very large companies including the Total Exploration Production Research Center (6th French R&D …

Type: Public

55 28 24 304
LIGHT Consultants LIGHT Consultants

Recruitment and Human Resources Consulting Firm for Public and Parapublic Sectors LIGHT Consultants, a leading recruitment firm in the public and parapublic sectors, has been offering its expertise to managers and executives in the sector for over 25 years. The company supports decision-makers in managing their human resources and candidates in their professional development. LIGHT Consultants' services include: - Recruitment assistance, - Candidate audit, - Skills assessment and coaching. With a recruitment process focused on skills, a dedicated and expert team, and rigorous monitoring, LIGHT Consultants guarantees quality support for recruiters and candidates. The firm is also committed to quality …

Type: Media

39 2 40 24
Institut National de la Jeunesse et de l'Education Populaire - INJEP Institut National de la Jeunesse et de l'Education Populaire - INJEP

Observatory of Youth, Sport, Community Life and Popular Education The National Institute of Youth and Popular Education (INJEP) is a national authority department of the Ministry of National Education and Youth, created by Decree No. 2015-1771 of December 24, 2015. The INJEP is both an observatory producing knowledge and a resource and expertise center on youth issues and policies dedicated to them, on popular education, community life and sport. It is also a ministerial statistical department on the fields of youth, sport and community life.

Type: Public

31 13 16 34
InnovENT-E InnovENT-E

Open training institute for the development of innovative SMEs/SMIs & ETIs for export training, innovation, and export

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

5 4 0 2
L'Assurance retraite L'Assurance retraite

Public service committed to your future The Retirement Insurance network is made up of the National Fund, the 15 retirement and occupational health insurance funds (Carsat), the four general social security funds (CGSS) in the overseas departments and the social security fund (CSS) of Mayotte. Retirement Insurance is responsible for organizing and managing the retirement of the general social security scheme. It is the basic scheme for private sector employees, self-employed workers, public law contract workers and artist-authors. Since September 1, 2023, Retirement Insurance has also been responsible for the retirement of new hires at RATP, in the electricity and …

Type: Public

90 38 40 7,240
Département de la Gironde Département de la Gironde

Our areas of expertise are vast but have the same objective: to be at the heart of the concerns of the people of Gironde. Colleges, solidarity, integration, mobility and assistance for the elderly: the areas of expertise of the Department are vast but they all respect the same objective: to be at the heart of the concerns of the people of Gironde.

Type: Public

86 49 32 1,680
Service d'incendie et de secours - Bas-Rhin Service d'incendie et de secours - Bas-Rhin

Official page of the Bas-Rhin fire and rescue service - SIS 67 #Bas-Rhin Firefighters #sis67 #sdis67 SIS 67 is an autonomous public institution. It manages firefighters and their resources. It is made up of professional and volunteer firefighters and administrative and technical staff. More information on and on the #Pompiers67 social networks Its missions: to prevent, protect and rescue people, property and the environment. - Prevention, protection and firefighting - Protection and fight against other accidents, disasters and catastrophes - Emergency relief - Assessment and prevention of technological or natural risks More information on Civil security, Fire, Firefighters, …

Type: Public

15 3 12 349
GAB IdF - Groupement des Agriculteurs Biologiques d'Ile-de-France GAB IdF - Groupement des Agriculteurs Biologiques d'Ile-de-France

Created in 1988, the GAB IdF brings together organic and conversion producers from the Paris region. It is a member of the network of Regional Organic Farmers Groups coordinated at the national level by the FNAB (National Federation of Organic Agriculture of the Regions of France). The GAB IdF represents and supports farmers and associations engaged in organic production. It also deals with the development of organic farming at the regional level. In its role as a referent on actions relating to organic farming, the GAB IdF is the Regional Technical Center of the ITAB (Technical Institute on AB), ORAB …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: agritech

27 3 25 23
Grand-Orly Seine Bièvre Grand-Orly Seine Bièvre

Productive and innovative territory The Grand-Orly Seine Bièvre Territorial Public Establishment is one of the 12 Territories of the Greater Paris Metropolis, created on January 1, 2016. It provides public service missions and employs approximately 1,700 agents. Its administrative headquarters has been located since December 1, 2018 in Coeur d'Orly, in the immediate vicinity of the airport. Spread over the two departments of Val-de-Marne and Essonne, it brings together 24 municipalities in the form of a "city cooperative": Ablon-sur-Seine, Arcueil, Athis-Mons, Cachan, Chevilly-Larue, Choisy-le-Roi, Fresnes, Gentilly, Ivry-sur-Seine, Juvisy-sur-Orge, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, L'Haÿ-les-Roses, Morangis, Orly, Paray-Vieille-Poste, Rungis, Savigny-sur-Orge, Thiais, Valenton, Villejuif, Villeneuve-le-Roi, …

Type: Public

88 30 74 458
GeoRezo GeoRezo, the geomatics portal, is a French association under the 1901 law of general interest known in the French-speaking world of geographic information for its completely free community site on geomatics. If the discussion forums are a meeting place for the profession, the association also works to gain recognition for geographic information professions. GeoRezo invites you to share, enrich and offer knowledge and skills in the many technical, organizational, legal and human fields of geographic information systems. --------------------- French Geomatic Portal (forum, blogs, directory, jobs, planet, bibliography) --------------------- Non profit French Geomatic Portal (forum, blogs, directory, jobs, planet, bibliography) GIS …

Type: Media

4 2 0 3
Centre de Recherche de la Gendarmerie Nationale (CRGN) Centre de Recherche de la Gendarmerie Nationale (CRGN)

The purpose of the research center of the National Gendarmerie Officers' School (CREOGN) is to guide and lead research in areas corresponding to the needs of the gendarmerie, in particular by ensuring the coherence of the work carried out within the institution with that of the various existing research centers in the areas of internal security and defense. Research, Events, Documentation, External Relations, and Gendarmerie

Type: Public

232 128 88 20
Le Courrier des maires et des élus locaux Le Courrier des maires et des élus locaux

The reference media for local elected officials: mandate, public policies, decentralization and regional planning Le Courrier des maires is the reference media for local elected officials. On its website as in its magazine, find all the news of interest to the local public sector and elected officials of municipalities, inter-municipalities, departments and regions. Decentralization, regional planning, life of local authorities and status of elected officials are at the heart of our editorial line. Our website will allow you not to miss any news of interest to local authorities and their elected officials; our bi-monthly magazine explores in depth a local …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: govtech

19 6 14 7
Collectivité européenne d'Alsace Collectivité européenne d'Alsace

Alsace unites us. The European Collectivity of Alsace unites us. Welcome to the LinkedIn account of the European Collectivity of Alsace. Born from the merger of the departmental councils of Haut-Rhin and Bas-Rhin, the European Collectivity of Alsace officially came into force on January 1, 2021. Find on our account, the latest news from the community but also the latest job offers. Find us also on and on: - Facebook: - Twitter: - Instagram:

Type: Media

53 30 20 1,252
Comité Régional Olympique et Sportif Nouvelle-Aquitaine CROSNAq Comité Régional Olympique et Sportif Nouvelle-Aquitaine CROSNAq

Let's build the legacy of the Games in New Aquitaine together The CROS belongs to the French Olympic and sports movement, it is the official representative of the sports movement in Aquitaine with a public service mission and relay of the actions of the CNOSF. It is a de facto member of a national commission of the CNOSF which is the National Council of CROS and CDOS. Its role and missions are multiple: •Represent the sports movement to public authorities, •Conduct information, communication, training, and support actions for community life, •Participate in official bodies for consultation, consultation, and decision-making: Regional …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

14 7 8 14
Réseau français Villes-Santé Réseau français Villes-Santé

#health #globalhealth #onehealth #publichealth #socialinequalities #healthnetwork #WHO #europe #healthycity #network RfVS The French Healthy Cities Network (accredited by the WHO European office) has the mission of supporting cooperation between Cities and/or Intercommunalities that wish to implement policies that are favorable to health and to integrate them into all local policies such as housing, transport, social cohesion, early childhood or urban planning. To this end, the Network and Healthy Cities rely on three fundamental values: intersectorality (ensuring that all local policies are positive for health), equity (strengthening social justice by reducing social inequalities in health), and sustainability (creating pleasant cities for …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

22 2 20 11

Maison commune des hospitaliers de Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur President: Senator A Milon Regional Delegate: F Arnoux Maison commune des hospitaliers The Fédération Hospitalière de France region PACA (association law 1901) brings together 122 public health and medico-social establishments: university hospitals, general and specialized mental health hospitals, local hospitals, EHPADs and establishments providing care for the disabled. Its board of directors is composed of establishment managers, medical managers, elected officials, user representatives. Its missions: - Defend the autonomy of hospital and medico-social establishments and help implement territorial cooperation. - Ensure the defense of the rights and interests of the establishments. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

13 3 6 12
Cap Emploi Cap Emploi

Handicap, recrutement & maintien.

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech

49 47 0 639
YouTube YouTube

Like and Subscribe YouTube is a team-oriented, creative workplace where every single employee has a voice in the choices we make and the features we implement. We work together in small teams to design, develop, and roll out key features and products in very short time frames. Which means something you write today could be seen by millions of viewers tomorrow. And even though we’re a part of Google and enjoy all of the corporate perks, it still feels like you’re working at a startup. YouTube is headquartered in San Bruno, California, 12 miles south of San Francisco. We also …

Type: Large company Activities: it services

579 371 187 2
Ville de Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray Ville de Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray

With its 30,000 inhabitants and 650 public service agents, Saint-Étienne du-Rouvray, the third city in the Rouen Normandy Metropolis by population, claims its status as a leading player. Thanks to its privileged positioning, the city has assets: a popular history linked to the world of work, a preserved living environment, significant economic activity, a technological and university center, a notable cultural presence, an engaged civic life. In order to best prepare the territory for today's challenges, Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray has embarked on an ambitious city project based on strong axes: education, urban planning, citizenship, sustainable and social development...

Type: Public Activities: smart city

9 4 0 84
Mission interministérielle numérique écoresponsable Mission interministérielle numérique écoresponsable

Reducing the environmental footprint of public digital technology The Interministerial Mission for Eco-Responsible Digital Technology aims to reduce the environmental footprint of public digital technology. It is co-managed by the Interministerial Directorate for Digital Technology (DINUM) and the Ministry of Ecological Transition. Responsible Digital Technology, Ecodesign, Public Service, and Digital Accessibility

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

34 6 30 1
CDG 35 (Centre de Gestion de la Fonction Publique Territoriale d'Ille et Vilaine) CDG 35 (Centre de Gestion de la Fonction Publique Territoriale d'Ille et Vilaine)

The CDG 35 recruits and trains job seekers, students, employees and civil servants on the move all year round to meet the temporary needs of local authorities. More than 400 new employees benefit each year from this springboard to permanent employment. The permanence and continuity of public service, the need for proximity, the satisfaction of the general interest, the integration of new missions and skills require local authorities to have trained, motivated and operational professionals. This is why the CDG 35 is looking for candidates, new talents in very different fields: Finance-public markets, Technical services, HR, Collective catering, Childhood-youth... in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

9 4 6 165
Fédération des SCoT Fédération des SCoT

The Fédération des SCoT is the national association of elected officials and technicians of structures supporting SCoT The Fédération Nationale des SCoT, created in June 2010, aims to bring together all the structures supporting Territorial Coherence Schemes (SCoT) with a dual objective: to network, capitalize on each other's experiences, and actively participate in national land use planning policies. Since April 22, 2011, it has been chaired by Michel Heinrich, president of the mixed union of the Vosges Centrales SCoT, president of the Urban Community and former mayor of Épinal. The National Federation of SCoTs aims to be that of "all …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

29 7 16 13
Tiers-Lieux en Grand Est Tiers-Lieux en Grand Est

Network open to all. To share and discuss the theme of third places within the region. Tiers Lieux en Grand Est is a network open to all those who wish to share and discuss the theme of third places within the Grand Est region. The Tiers-Lieux en Grand Est network is a collegiate association officially created on September 30, 2021, during a regional meeting at the Shed in Reims. Its objectives are: - to facilitate cooperation between members - to improve the skills of places and individuals - to support emergence and development - to represent the interests and promote …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

33 6 11 4
Tiers-Lieux BFC Tiers-Lieux BFC

The network of Third Places in Burgundy-Franche-Comté The association for the prefiguration of the network of third places in Burgundy-Franche-Comté (Tiers-Lieux BFC) has as its main missions the animation, the structuring and the development, by the pooling of actions and means, of third places in Burgundy-Franche-Comté.

Type: SMB Activities: it services

25 3 6 3
CAP Tiers-Lieux CAP Tiers-Lieux

Collective for the promotion and development of third places in Pays de la Loire. CAP Tiers-Lieux accompanies, trains, networks and produces resources to support third places in Pays de la Loire. #thirdplaces #sharedgovernance #socialutility Third Places

Type: SMB Activities: it services

15 3 3 N/A
DJEPVA - Direction de la jeunesse, de l'éducation populaire et de la vie associative DJEPVA - Direction de la jeunesse, de l'éducation populaire et de la vie associative

Ministry of Sports, Youth and Community Life The DJEPVA (Directorate of Youth, Popular Education and Community Life) coordinates and evaluates policies in favor of youth, popular education and community life. ➡️A department alongside youth and community life: The DJEPVA contributes to the development and implementation of the policy for the development of community life by ensuring that the legal framework in which associations develop their action is simplified and secured. It supports associations in their economic development. ➡️A department that acts for the commitment of young people: The DJEPVA supports the general interest actions of youth associations and ensures the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

32 9 29 41
Parquet national financier Parquet national financier

Official account of the National Financial Prosecutor's Office (PNF) Created by the law of December 6, 2013, the National Financial Prosecutor's Office (PNF) specializes in the treatment of complex economic and financial crime. Its area of ​​​​competence covers four categories of offenses: attacks on probity, aggravated tax fraud, attacks on financial markets and attacks on competition. The PNF is composed of 19 prosecutors, 7 specialized assistants and a registry team.

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

17 9 9 47

Regular University Interviews for Administration in Europe Webinar Registration 2020 EUROPA is an International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) with participatory status with the COUNCIL of EUROPE whose action – which benefits from the support of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region and numerous institutional and scientific partners – is structured around the following themes: - Administrative and territorial reorganization of States in Europe - Strengthening local democracy through the development of processes for citizen participation in public life - Recognition and reestablishment of public services in Europe - Role of public services in social and territorial cohesion - Modernization of public administrations and public …

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

14 6 13 1
Emploi-Environnement Emploi-Environnement

Specialized job search site Since 2002, Emploi-Environnement has been the leading site for job searches and career development in the environmental sectors: air, water, waste, energy, risk management, etc.

Type: Media

43 2 41 N/A
Design Friction Design Friction

A design fiction studio producing speculative scenarios and critical experiences for the upcoming presents. We are an applied design fiction studio producing speculative scenarios and critical experience for the upcoming presents. As designers, we are naturally interested in all the eccentric and almost invisible everyday things happening around us. This transcribes in our way of working where we explore those grey areas through the prototyping of ideas to foster social discussions. We create concrete visions envisaging preferable world, kindly differing from the expected one and acting as a reflection of our current reality. By embedding ethical and social questions in …

Type: SMB Activities: uxtech

14 5 6 3
CyberCercle CyberCercle

A force of proposals and actions for digital trust and security Created in 2011, the CyberCercle is a circle of reflection, expertise and exchanges dedicated to the issues of digital trust and security. Our mission is twofold: to spread a culture of digital security beyond the circle of experts and its technical vision, and to support public policies by promoting close collaboration between all stakeholders. We work with public and political authorities, national and territorial, to support their thinking and actions in our field. Bringing together elected officials, parliamentarians and local stakeholders, the CyberCercle positions itself as a framework of …

Type: Media

97 17 82 8
CoopaWatt CoopaWatt

Accelerating the energy transition How can we involve the greatest number of inhabitants and a diversity of stakeholders in a territory around renewable energy production projects? How can we give the keys to the territories so that they can take ownership of this vital economic activity? To answer these questions and build the energy model of tomorrow in the territories, CoopaWatt offers local engineering, specializing in helping to develop and support participatory and citizen renewable energy projects. Its team encourages the emergence of multi-stakeholder groups (citizens, businesses, associations, communities) and supports them in setting up local energy production companies. Awareness-raising …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

15 2 11 11
Université de Rennes I Université de Rennes I

Progress I Innovate I Initiate Université de Rennes 1 is amongst the twelve main universities in France. It is a multidisciplinary university, famous for its excellence and dynamic research. Implementation research is a key priority at the Université de Rennes 1; a distinctive mark which brings the five-century-old University international and business renown. As a pioneer in knowledge, the Université de Rennes 1 is a leader in lifelong learning. This innovative role involves major responsibilities towards the general public and makes the Université de Rennes 1 a key player in the region’s socio-economic and cultural development. The University’s ethos of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

74 7 60 3,514
Cercle Promodul / INEF4 Cercle Promodul / INEF4

Succeeding in energy, environmental and digital transitions for healthy and efficient buildings The Cercle Promodul/INEF4 Endowment Fund, thanks to its patrons and through its operational structure, invests in today's issues and explores tomorrow's challenges to contribute to the development of the building sector. We work in the general interest to promote the place of humans at the heart of the energy, environmental and digital transitions of the building. Innovation is at the heart of our collaborative work to help the building industry face its transitions by highlighting needs, removing obstacles and promoting the emergence of innovative solutions adapted to current …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

49 2 47 5
ANPP - Territoires de projet ANPP - Territoires de projet

ANPP - Territoires de projet, created in 1997, is an association under the 1901 law, whose purpose is to support the expression and good practice of Pays/PETR, GALs and their Development Councils. As such, the association has a triple mission of representation with public authorities and private actors, network animation and support for its members by offering proactive monitoring of territorial news, in the form of daily information. In 2023, the 268 Territoires de projet cover 62% of the territory, for 49% of the French population, in mainland France and overseas. ANPP is also on Facebook: and on Twitter …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

54 9 11 13
Grand Autunois Morvan Grand Autunois Morvan

City or Countryside? Both are better! City or Countryside? Both are better! The Grand Autunois Morvan is 55 municipalities, 40,000 inhabitants, a breathtaking heritage, an ideal living environment and a diversified range of services.

Type: Public

21 1 17 35
Euclyde Datacenters nLighten French division Euclyde Datacenters nLighten French division

French division of nLighten Edge data center pan-European platform we are as close as possible to our customers' needs Euclyde Data Centers fait désormais partie de nLighten Cette page n'est plus active, mais rassurez-vous, notre aventure continue sur notre nouvelle page officielle @nLighten Merci de nous suivre pour découvrir chaque étape de notre parcours vers la création de la première plateforme de données edge pan-européenne. // At the heart of our DNA: is the desire to provide more sustainable digital services. Euclyde Datacenters, now the French division of nLighten, develops and operates an Edge data center platform in France and …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

19 6 7 27
Direction générale des douanes et droits indirects (DGDDI) Direction générale des douanes et droits indirects (DGDDI)

Border and merchandise administration French Customs is the border and merchandise administration. ◼ Border administration: it is responsible for maintaining borders whether they are land, sea, physical or digital. ◼ Merchandise administration: it regulates economic activity through its action of controlling trade flows but also by supporting businesses and regulating certain sectors of activity (e.g.: wine-growing sector) More than 16,000 agents across the territory work collectively to carry out this broad spectrum of missions. French Customs is a department of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, a ministry committed to serving a strong and sustainable economy.

Type: Public

90 58 36 2,334
Département de la Vienne Département de la Vienne

100% public service information. Welcome to the official page of the Vienne Department. Discover all the latest news on

Type: Public

55 21 26 253
Département de l'Ardèche Département de l'Ardèche

#FiersdEtreArdechois From solidarity to roads, through the construction of colleges, environmental protection, assistance to municipalities or support for cultural events, the Departmental Council is present at every moment. Alone or in partnership, it intervenes to improve the daily lives of those who live on its territory. By implementing the missions entrusted to it by the decentralization laws and by choosing proactive actions, the Departmental Council is the main actor in the development of the department.

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

25 14 10 347
Communauté d'Agglomération du Grand Cahors Communauté d'Agglomération du Grand Cahors

The Communauté d'Agglomération du Grand Cahors is a public institution in the Lot department that includes 36 municipalities and 42,202 inhabitants. The main municipality in this urban community is Cahors, which has more than 20,000 inhabitants. A region of gastronomy with many local products (Quercy lamb, truffles, foie gras, etc.), Cahors and its urban area also have an exceptional built and natural heritage. Cahors is also renowned for its wine, with the famous Malbec grape variety. A city in the southwest of France, rich in festivals and a wide variety of cultural and sporting activities, Cahors is a real welcoming …

Type: Public

29 12 17 35
SDIS49 Sapeurs-pompiers de Maine-et-Loire SDIS49 Sapeurs-pompiers de Maine-et-Loire

Firefighters of Maine-et-Loire. By your side, for life. The Maine-et-Loire departmental fire and rescue service (SDIS 49) is a public administrative establishment that carries out numerous missions including: - the protection of people, property and the environment; - emergency assistance to victims of accidents, disasters or catastrophes as well as their evacuation; - prevention and assessment of civil security risks as well as the implementation of safeguard measures. With 76 fire and rescue centers in the 117 municipalities of the department, the SDIS49 can count on more than 3,250 women and men to provide an operational response adapted to the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

4 3 1 294
Le Quartz, Centre de congrès et Scène Nationale de Brest Le Quartz, Centre de congrès et Scène Nationale de Brest

Le Quartz, the convention center and the first national stage in France, is located in the city center. Le Quartz, the convention center, with its volumes and the versatility of its spaces allows the most varied and original configurations and stagings. Thanks to its two activities, it welcomes a very wide audience, and harmoniously combines the world of business and that of culture. The first national stage in France for its public attendance, Le Quartz in Brest, located in the heart of the city, is a place of production and artistic diffusion of contemporary performing arts. A major theater in …

Type: SMB Activities: smart city

6 5 2 49
Institut national de la recherche scientifique Institut national de la recherche scientifique

The Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) is dedicated to research and graduate training. The Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) is the only institution in Quebec dedicated exclusively to research and graduate training. Our professors, students and interns shine throughout the world. In partnership with the community and industry, we are proud to contribute to the development of society through our discoveries and the training of a new generation capable of scientific, social and technological innovation. The INRS offers master's and doctoral programs, short programs, a specialized graduate diploma (DESS), several dual-degree programs and joint thesis supervision …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

20 1 12 880
ResearchGate ResearchGate

We connect the world of science and make research open to all. ResearchGate is the professional network for researchers. Over 25 million researchers use to share and discover research, build their networks, and advance their careers. Based in Berlin, ResearchGate was founded in 2008. Its mission is to connect the world of science and make research open to all. If you'd like to join us on this journey please get in touch: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech edtech

197 47 172 306

Providing trust since 1926 AFNOR is an international group organised around four areas of expertise: standardisation, certification, publishing and training. Our standardisation mission serves the general interest; our three other activities are carried out in the competitive field. Nearly 77,000 customers in 100 countries trust us. Quality, safety, environment, CSR, energy... Your topics are our standards ! Follow our news on this page! normalisation, certification, formation, and éditions

Type: Large company

254 138 78 632
FP21 - Fonction Publique du 21e Siècle FP21 - Fonction Publique du 21e Siècle

The Association of Young Civil Service Agents The FP21 network is a space for exchanges, meetings and reflections between young civil servants led by members of the association "21st Century Civil Service - FP21". Our network has 3 objectives: HELP EACH OTHER between civil servants by establishing a community of "godfathers/godmothers" to respond to requests from new entrants in the civil service who lack reference points. SHINE LIGHT on contemporary issues of public action through our various times of inspiration and exchanges, in particular the "FP21 Breakfast". PROPOSE new ways of conceiving public action through our various workshop formats such …

Type: Public

37 5 26 7
Hinaura Hinaura

Hinaura: Hub for #Digital Inclusion in Auvergne Rhone Alpes @BanqueDesTerritoires Hinaura is a response to the call for projects Hub France Connectée from Banque des Territoires. The consortium is made up of four associations from the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region: Agate, Fréquence écoles, La Ligue de l’Enseignement and Zoomacom. The publication of the 2018 digital barometer confirms it: the digital transformation of society requires an increase in the skills of the public and professionals. Not to mention that the fragmentation of digital mediation stakeholders and their compartmentalization is an obstacle to a massive increase in the skills of citizens and professionals. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

28 8 9 2
Conseil départemental de l'Allier Conseil départemental de l'Allier

Located in the Auvergne region, the Allier department offers a unique living environment, both dynamic and preserved. Just 3.5 hours from Paris and 2.5 hours from Lyon, Allier is distinguished by the brilliance of its natural spaces, the richness of its cultural heritage, the magnificence of its tourist sites and the multitude of outdoor activities and leisure activities

Type: Public

47 25 11 1,280
Aix-Marseille University Aix-Marseille University

EXPLORE TO CREATE SOCIETY The largest multidisciplinary French-speaking university, Aix Marseille University welcomes 80,000 students and 8,000 staff on 5 large campuses with international standards. Owner of 90% of the assets, it is present in 8 cities, in 4 departments of the South Region. All disciplinary fields are taught there via 17 faculties and schools. Betting on interdisciplinarity to promote scientific innovation and societal progress, the university has created 18 "institutional institutes" linking training-research and partnerships. A socially engaged university, amU places student success at the heart of its strategy by adapting training courses as closely as possible to needs …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

113 43 74 1
Aides-territoires Aides-territoires

In just a few clicks, find aid to finance and support your local projects! Aides-territoires is a digital public service that facilitates the search for financial and engineering aid from local authorities and their local partners by grouping together the systems to which they are entitled on a single portal.

Type: Public

42 4 40 6

The ADGCF, the Circle of Today's Territorial Leaders The ADGCF, the Circle of Today's Territorial Leaders. The ADGCF is historically the national association of general directors and communities of municipalities, agglomerations, urban areas and metropolises. It is now open to all Directors of project territories: PETR, SCOT, Metropolitan Poles, urban planning agencies, new municipalities, PNR. The ADGCF is a center of expertise dedicated to the management of territorial policies. The ADGCF is a network of experts who organize reflection on the intercommunal fact and a new territorial grammar. Communities, Territories, Public Policies, and Intercommunality

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

56 9 39 12
Modaal Modaal

Since October 10, 2024, MODAAL has joined SYSTRA France, a leader in engineering and consulting for public transport. A specialist in "land and what we do with it", MODAAL is able to offer a range of solutions and expertise dedicated to land valuation and territorial development. A link between companies and local authorities, MODAAL is fully aware of the respective challenges of public (urban planning, development) and private (search for efficiency) stakeholders. Since October 10, 2024, MODAAL has joined SYSTRA France, a leader in engineering and consulting for public transport and mobility solutions, and a major player in urban development …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech smart city

11 0 11 4
INSP - Institut national du service public INSP - Institut national du service public

Public operator of reference for the recruitment, initial and continuing training of senior executives of the State The National Institute of Public Service (INSP), created on January 1, 2022, is the new French public operator of reference for the recruitment, initial training and continuing training of senior executives and managers of the State.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: govtech

30 2 25 539

Promoting educational innovation to foster learning. AINOA is an association of digital training professionals who work together to promote excellence in this field by sharing their knowledge, practices and experiences. Our missions: - Promotion of good practices: AINOA is committed to promoting good practices in the field of digital training, by highlighting innovative and effective approaches to online learning. - Knowledge exchange: The association offers a space for exchange and sharing between members, thus promoting professional development and mutual enrichment. Regular events such as webinars, conferences and workshops allow professionals to keep up to date with the latest trends and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

22 3 23 100
France Université Numérique France Université Numérique

Training in freedom France Université Numérique (FUN) is a public institution that brings together a network of universities, schools, research institutes, government agencies, edtech companies and contributors dedicated to building sovereign digital services for education. France Université Numérique develops free and open learning tools as well as tailor-made learning platforms and services, the best known of which is This aims to be a reference platform in France, in the French-speaking world and more broadly internationally. Dissemination of online training, Development of free and open learning tools, Construction of sovereign digital services for education, Ethical approach, respectful of regulations and …

Type: Public Activities: edtech

14 0 14 5
The French Digital Agency - Agence du Numérique (French Minister for the Economy and Finance) The French Digital Agency - Agence du Numérique (French Minister for the Economy and Finance)

Géré par les programmes France Très Haut Débit, France Mobile et Société Numérique de l'ANCTerritoires. Part of the Directorate General for Enterprise (DGE), which itselfreports to the Ministry for the Economy and Finance, The French Digital Agency is a “department with national scope”, an administrative category that, due to its specific tasks and unique organisation, differs from traditional, centralised departments. Created in 2015, the Agency’s initiatives are based on three main, complementary lines, including some that are already part of well-established public policies : • The French Very High-Speed Broadband Plan seeks to ensure that the entire country is covered …

Type: Public

55 16 37 24
Mulhouse Alsace Agglomération Mulhouse Alsace Agglomération

39 municipalities in the heart of Europe, 3rd agglomeration of the Grand Est. A territory of #solidarity, #attractiveness and #excellence Mulhouse Alsace Agglomeration (m2A) brings together 120 professions in various fields of expertise. m2A operates in the following areas: economic development, sustainable development, higher education, transport, waste collection and cleanliness, housing, early childhood, after-school care, sports and leisure facilities, zoological and botanical park... Located at the heart of the European market, the Mulhouse agglomeration belongs to a trinational innovation hub and has multiple skills. It has the only binational airport in France, the 3rd river port in France and is …

Type: Public

87 34 63 371
Masters Droit des collectivités UGA - DCAP (apprentissage) et GOT (double-diplôme Fac de droit/ IEP) Masters Droit des collectivités UGA - DCAP (apprentissage) et GOT (double-diplôme Fac de droit/ IEP)

An innovative Master's degree in law and political science to train executives and public law lawyers of tomorrow! The Masters in Local Government Law - Public Action Management and Advice (Université Grenoble-Alpes) and Territorial Governance (UGA / IEP de Grenoble) are innovative masters aimed at training administrative and political executives and advisors (public law lawyers, audit firms) for the public action of tomorrow. Taking place over two years, with a selection in M1, the Master's in Public Action Management and Advice takes place exclusively at the Faculty of Law and provides high-level legal skills to its students. The Master's in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture SMB Activities: edtech legaltech

2 0 2 4
Techni.Cités Techni.Cités

Engineering news in communities in one click A subsidiary of Infopro digital, Techni.Cités is THE magazine for technical executives in the local government sector. It allows you to deepen your knowledge and keep you informed about technical and innovative, legal, statutory and regulatory news. It offers feedback and exchanges of best practices to help you make the right decisions in your missions. urban planning, environment, building, energy, mobility, smart city, career, legal, regulation, technical, status, career, transport, roads, accessibility, lighting, water, sanitation, DT-DICT, biodiversity, green spaces, GIS, security, and engineering

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech constructiontech greentech smart city cleantech Technologies: Cybersecurity

73 4 72 12
La Gazette des communes La Gazette des communes

The leading media on local public policies, the territorial civil service, and decentralization La Gazette des communes is the professional media of reference for decision-makers in local authorities, agents and elected officials. On its digital and paper media, it deciphers the latest news on public policies and the status of the civil service. It is also the media for the debate on the local public sector: decentralization, status of the FPT, management, local finances, security and prevention, digital transformation, public procurement, etc. La Gazette also provides a watch on official texts, case law and ministerial responses. It is also the …

Type: Media

203 125 112 69
Vivons en forme ▶️ Au service des Collectivités 🤩 Vivons en forme ▶️ Au service des Collectivités 🤩

Vivons en Forme is a program promoting health and fitness, in the heart of cities "Vivons en Forme" is a unique program in France promoting health and fitness, focused on diet, physical activity and well-being. VIF aims to support families in changing behaviors that promote fitness and health on a daily basis. Created in 2004, the VIF method mobilizes communities and local stakeholders for a global approach and sustainable results. More than 270 municipalities in France are currently involved in the program. To find out about city news, visit

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

44 3 37 21

The ANNESCI QUARTET brings its concept of management through music to the corporate world through original and interactive teaching. It addresses the fundamentals of management – ​​leadership, team-building – change management, through an offbeat humanist approach, based on metaphor and analogy between its string quartet experience and the corporate world. For over 25 years, more than 1,000 companies have been won over by this powerful concept. Without any knowledge of music, discover the musical metaphor as a communication tool. From rehearsal work to the final concert, enter a world of strong emotions, reflection, and travel. Contact us: 04 50 45 …

Type: SMB Activities: arttech

2 1 0 4
La Compagnie des Aidants La Compagnie des Aidants

Christine has a father with Alzheimer's disease, Sophie's husband had a stroke, Stéphane and Nathalie have a son Paul, who is disabled, they are caregivers. La Compagnie des Aidants is a network of mutual aid and exchange, practical and economical solutions to facilitate your daily life as a caregiver and participate in the well-being of your loved one. The means put in place for you: - A telephone hotline to answer your questions - A directory of caregivers to exchange - A directory of volunteers for a little helping hand - A second-hand equipment exchange - A selection of services …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

27 9 14 7
BougeTonCoQ BougeTonCoQ

The future is written in the village! We find and activate solutions to live better in our countryside Everywhere in our countryside, many actors are shaking up their villages to improve the daily lives of all. These initiatives need to be disseminated on a large scale, so that everyone can benefit! So we crisscross France, looking for the best solutions, those that change daily life, and we do everything we can to activate them throughout the territory. Let's get moving, all together! Funding, Local, Movement, Members, and Community

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

43 15 25 16
Groupe CMP Groupe CMP

The agency for all communications specializing in #Advertising #Event #Graphics #Digital and #Goodies! Specializing in the field of public communication in the Ile de France region, the agency occupies a central position in this very specific market and has expanded its scope of intervention to graphic design and the organization of trade fairs. - Design - Edition / Printing - Advertising agency - Organization of trade fairs - Creation of visual identities Advertising agency, Graphic design, Organization of trade fairs, Communication through objects, Advice to local authorities, marketing, website creation, Recording studio, Advertising agency, Augmented Reality, Benchmarking, Community managers, Event …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: VR

43 7 40 25

Building peace in the minds of women and men UNESCO - the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was founded on 16 November 1945. For this specialized United Nations agency, it is not enough to build classrooms in devastated countries or to publish scientific breakthroughs. Education, Social and Natural Science, Culture and Communication are the means to a far more ambitious goal : to build peace in the minds of women and men. Education, Science, Culture, United Nations, Communication, Social Sciences, Humanities, Sustainable Development, and Peace building

Type: Large company Activities: entertainment

142 134 13 9,016
AURH - Agence d'urbanisme Le Havre - Estuaire de la Seine AURH - Agence d'urbanisme Le Havre - Estuaire de la Seine

Alongside elected officials and partners to support territorial strategies AURH, the Le Havre - Seine Estuary urban planning agency, is an association under the 1901 law created in 1965. The agency is a player in projects, development, attractiveness and the influence of the territory. It combines expertise: - observation, - urban planning - territorial and economic foresight. It supports territorial projects and strategies over time, from emergence to implementation. It helps territories position themselves in their local, regional and national environment in the face of future challenges. It is in permanent interaction with its members and partners: the communities in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech greentech smart city traveltech

42 4 40 27
DEXTERA Association DEXTERA Association

Close to citizens and their daily concerns, local authorities are becoming increasingly important in national life. To assist local decision-makers, mayors, as well as the presidents of public inter-municipal cooperation establishments (EPCI), departmental councils and regional councils in recruiting Cabinet Collaborators. Over the years, Cabinet Collaborators have become more professional. The role has now become a real job. It therefore requires them to be able to meet to share their experiences, train and facilitate career development. In 2015, on the threshold of an unprecedented territorial reform, the two associations of Collaborators of elected officials of the Republican right and the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

33 2 27 31

National system for assistance to victims of cyber-malveillance and awareness of digital risks. Official page of the national system for assistance to victims of cyber-malveillance, awareness of digital risks and observation of the threat in France - is a government program in public-private partnership led by the GIP ACYMA (Public interest group "action against cyber-malveillance"). Its mission is to prevent and help the French population in matters of digital security. Its audiences are individuals, VSEs / SMEs and local authorities. Also follow us on Twitter and Facebook: @cybervictimes Cybercrime, Cybermalveillance, Cybersecurity, Information, Assistance, Cybervictim, Awareness, Prevention, Digital risk, …

Type: Public

92 48 49 41
Département de l'Isère Département de l'Isère

Dare Isère! Your skills and talents at the service of the people of Isère Welcome to the official page of the Isère Department Serving 1.3 million inhabitants and 512 municipalities, with 4,700 agents and a budget of 1.6 billion euros, the Department is a major player in the revitalization of the territory and the well-being of Isère. Its missions are multiple and varied, from social action to solidarity (help for the elderly and disabled, child protection), to regional planning, to the construction and maintenance of colleges... It is also very invested in culture with a network of 11 museums that …

Type: Public

42 36 9 1,032
University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne

A multidisciplinary university, the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne is made up of 8 UFRs, 1 University Center, 2 IUTs, 1 Engineering School, 1 Institute of Higher Technical Training and an IUFM. It welcomes 21,898 students (including IUFM) and is structured into 5 poles: - "Life Sciences, Health" - "Mathematics, STIC, Nanotechnologies" - "Agro-Sciences, Sciences of the Universe and Environment" - "Chemistry, Engineering Sciences" - "Human and Social Sciences"

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

75 21 55 1

Studies, Actions and Information, in favor of people in vulnerable situations The federation of Regional Centers for Studies, Actions and Information, in favor of people in vulnerable situations

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

23 2 17 10
Réseau des Écoles de Service Public (RESP) Réseau des Écoles de Service Public (RESP)

Develop and promote cooperation between the leading public service schools. The RESP, a non-profit association, aims to develop and support cooperation actions between French schools responsible for training A-level executives in the State civil service (civil and military), the territorial civil service, the hospital civil service, as well as senior executives and managers of social protection organizations. HIGHER EDUCATION, PUBLIC SERVICE, COOPERATION, SHARING, PROMOTION, and ATTRACTIVENESS

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

13 5 6 2
INSPE de l'académie de Versailles INSPE de l'académie de Versailles

The INSPE of the Versailles academy is dedicated to the initial training of all teachers and education staff from kindergarten to higher education. It participates in their continuing education and their professional training throughout life. The INSPE of the Versailles academy is a component of CY Cergy Paris University. It carries out a partnership project that brings together the 5 universities of the academy. 36 MEEF Master's courses (professions in teaching, education and training) provided on 9 sites.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

14 4 8 148
Ligue de l'enseignement - centre confédéral Ligue de l'enseignement - centre confédéral

Joining forces Secular and independent, the Ligue de l'enseignement offers educational, cultural, sports and leisure activities. The League has 1 million members and brings together 20,000 local associations through 102 departmental federations. Joining the League means choosing a livable planet, open, generous and responsible societies. Joining the League means learning by and with others, bringing conviviality and fraternity to life. Joining the League means building solidarity and acting against inequalities. Joining the League means taking part in a democracy that involves all its citizens. Joining the League means creating a link between actions that are tailored to each individual and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

23 10 11 468
IFPRA Normandie IFPRA Normandie

IFPRA, a reference for vocational training in Normandy, offers numerous training courses, from CAP to Bac +5! IFPRA brings, on a Normandy scale, the values ​​and quality of service of vocational training in the National Education system, with strong academic management as well as essential territorial anchoring in terms of proximity to the needs and stakeholders in the field, via its 18 territorial agencies for vocational training in the National Education system (ATFPEN), its 60 schools including 34 apprenticeship training units (UFA) welcoming apprentices in integration and its 11 VAE advisors spread across Normandy. All of the services offered by …

Type: Public

17 2 16 69
Centre de gestion de la Fonction publique territoriale d'Eure-et-Loir (CDG 28) Centre de gestion de la Fonction publique territoriale d'Eure-et-Loir (CDG 28)

Promotion of public employment in the Eure-et-Loir region & HR support for local authorities and territorial establishments The Management Centres are local public establishments of an administrative nature, managed by local employers (Mayors, Presidents of public establishments, etc.) whose purpose is to participate in the management of local personnel and the development of human resources in affiliated local authorities. In addition to its mandatory missions, the Eure-et-Loir Management Centre has expanded its area of ​​intervention by developing numerous optional missions: prevention of occupational risks, work psychology advice, recruitment assistance, mobility advice, preparation of retirement and unemployment benefit files, archiving, etc. …

Type: Public

4 1 3 25
Emploi Public Emploi Public

Find a job that makes sense with Emploi Public! Emploi Public is the number 1 job board to help you find a job in the civil service. Our goal? Simplify your job search by grouping offers from the three sides of the civil service. Our little extra? - Candidate advice - Pay scales - Articles to help you discover the civil service - Career immersions And much more!

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech

20 3 17 45
Bretagne Tiers-Lieux Bretagne Tiers-Lieux

Federating the third places of Brittany This network brings together the Third Places of Brittany to: - Meet between Third Places - Promote the sharing of knowledge, reflections and needs - Train project leaders

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

14 4 5 10
neede. neede.

neede.: an unprecedented project to make the Mediterranean an innovative laboratory for ecological transition. neede. aims to contribute to the protection of the environment and biodiversity of the Mediterranean basin by implementing awareness-raising, research, training and project support actions for all stakeholders and audiences in the territories around the Mediterranean. It thus lays the foundations for education and training in environmental protection. In this sense, it works to create an emblematic place open to all, an international research center and an initial and continuing training organization, allowing the emergence of individual, collective and institutional awareness. It is about developing the …

Type: Public

11 0 11 13
SIGERLy - Syndicat de gestion des énergies de la région lyonnaise SIGERLy - Syndicat de gestion des énergies de la région lyonnaise

For sustainable energy management in the Lyon region! Founded in 1935, SIGERly, the Lyon region's energy management union, brings together the Lyon metropolitan area and 65 municipalities, including 8 municipalities in the Rhône department. Organized as an open mixed union, SIGERLy provides a public service mission focused on the rational management of energy (municipal buildings, public lighting), the quality of energy distribution (electricity and gas), the sustainable, coherent and safe development of the territory (network erasure) as well as the development of renewable energies (solar, wood). Serving the member municipalities and users of its territory, SIGERLy works daily for sustainable, …

Type: Public

38 3 15 54
Yogurt In Nutrition Initiative Yogurt In Nutrition Initiative

We aim to spread science-based facts about yogurt’s place in a sustainable healthy diet. By Danone Institute & ASN. The Yogurt in Nutrition Initiative for Sustainable and Balanced Diets is funded by the Danone Institute International and conducted in collaboration with the American Society for Nutrition. It is the go-to place for dietitians and nutritionists, healthcare professionals, and the general public to find current evidence, lifestyle and nutritional information about the place of yogurt in sustainable healthy diets. The mission of the initiative is: to uncover scientific data, stimulate new research and identify gaps in our understanding of the place …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

12 2 9 N/A
Val de Garonne Agglomération Val de Garonne Agglomération

Val de Garonne Agglomeration is made up of 43 municipalities and a population of nearly 62,000 inhabitants. Welcome to the LinkedIn page of Val de Garonne Agglomeration! Val de Garonne Agglomeration is made up of 43 municipalities and a population of nearly 62,000 inhabitants.

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

31 9 25 114
UNSS | Union Nationale du Sport Scolaire UNSS | Union Nationale du Sport Scolaire

For students, by students! Official page The UNSS is the 1st school sports federation chaired by the Ministry of National Education. And the 2nd sports federation in France with more than a million licensees. It brings together all the Sports Associations (AS) and organizes meetings from local to national and international levels. The mission of the UNSS is to organize and develop the practice of sports and artistic activities and the learning of associative life for and by students. More than ever focused on young people, the UNSS promotes an educational project in accordance with the values ​​of the Republic, …

Type: Public

62 23 25 234
UNADEL - Union nationale des acteurs du développement local UNADEL - Union nationale des acteurs du développement local

Unadel is the national network which, since 1992, has brought together elected officials, community activists and territorial engineering professionals mobilized around a common project: the promotion and recognition of project territories as a melting pot of local development.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

13 2 3 12
Travailler Heureux Travailler Heureux

Work efficiently & fulfillingly! ⭐ Communication ⭐ Management ⭐ Time management ⭐ Meeting and more Travailler Heureux helps professionals work together efficiently and happily. Blog, training, workshop, individual and group coaching, CoDev, seminar, improv theater. The Travailler Heureux blog offers concrete ideas to be happier and more efficient in your work. Videos, interviews, real-life experiences, techniques and tools and best practices. Come and find inspiration and contribute by sharing your experience! The training, coaching and seminars concern in particular - interpersonal communication: how to get your message across, manage disagreements, and ultimately work together - public speaking and meeting facilitation …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting edtech

6 0 6 9
Framasoft Framasoft

Changing the world, one byte at a time. The road is long but the path is clear. Framasoft is an association for popular education on digital issues and cultural commons that leads, continues and participates in many actions aimed at facilitating emancipation through digital technology. The projects led by the association are driven by a desire to promote digital freedoms. Indeed, respecting the fundamental freedoms of users, guaranteed by legal contracts (free licenses), ensures that everyone remains in control of their digital tools. In this sense, the association leads many projects: - hosting free online services for all Internet users: …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

37 14 17 13
Chaire de Philosophie à l'Hôpital Chaire de Philosophie à l'Hôpital

Since 2016, the Chair of Philosophy at the Hospital has been a place of teaching, research and exchanges within the hospital Since January 2016, the Chair of Philosophy at the Hospital has been deployed, after having been created at the Hôtel-Dieu de Paris, in different hospital and care locations, and today within the GHU-Paris, Psychiatry and Neurosciences (Sainte-Anne, Maison Blanche, Perray-Vaucluse). It is part of an even broader research, teaching and experimentation program, since it brings together the University of Patients (founded and directed by Professor Catherine Tourette-Turgis, Sorbonne University, La Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital), the various partnerships (see ecosystem) and the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

69 31 11 26

Innovating in training with digital technology STRATICE supports trainers and training organizations in their digital transformation digital learning

Type: SMB Activities: consulting edtech

6 2 4 5
SDIS44 - Sapeurs-pompiers de Loire-Atlantique SDIS44 - Sapeurs-pompiers de Loire-Atlantique

Loire-Atlantique Departmental Fire and Rescue Service Loire-Atlantique Departmental Fire and Rescue Service.

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

10 4 9 684
Saint-Brieuc Armor Agglomération Saint-Brieuc Armor Agglomération

Official page of Saint-Brieuc Armor Agglomération, an intercommunality grouping together 32 municipalities in Northern Brittany (France). In the center of Northern Brittany, Saint-Brieuc Armor Agglomération benefits from a recognized innovation and research ecosystem. The territory's driving forces are focused on creativity. 🚉🌊🌳 Easy to access thanks to its efficient road network, connected to Paris in 2h13 by the LGV, the territory offers an ideal living environment between land and sea, and benefits from a great cultural and sporting dynamic as well as exceptional natural spaces. Come and work where you dream of living! A Breton decision-making center, easily accessible, the …

Type: Public

54 30 32 407
RTES - Réseau des collectivités Territoriales pour une Économie Solidaire RTES - Réseau des collectivités Territoriales pour une Économie Solidaire

Developing the transition economy with local authorities The Network of Local Authorities for a Solidarity Economy (RTES) is a national network of local authorities committed to supporting the social and solidarity economy. In 2021, the network brings together more than 160 local authorities: regional councils, departmental councils, metropolitan areas, inter-municipalities and municipalities, which have expressed the need for a space for exchanges and national coordination. An association under the 1901 law, the RTES acts to: • Promote local initiatives, through its publications (Newsletter, quarterly letter, etc.), its website, the organization of meetings, etc. • Promote the wealth of actions carried …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

91 24 60 12
Quadrant Conseil Quadrant Conseil

Co-operative company specialised in designing and evaluating public policies. Quadrant Conseil is a co-operative company specialised in programme evaluation and policy design. We specialise in impact evaluation and especially theory-based approaches. We use innovative methods to evaluate programmes and projects worldwide. We also teach evaluation and coach public officers in their evaluation and policy design efforts. Quadrant Conseil is a member of the European Evaluation Society and French Evaluation Society, and complies with its guiding principles. évaluation de l'action publique, formation à l'évaluation et à la conception de politiques publiques, conception de politique publique, and évaluation d'impact

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

15 0 5 18
Présidence de la République Présidence de la République

The President of the French Republic embodies the authority of the State. He is the Head of State in France, the head of the armed forces and the guarantor of the Constitution of the Fifth Republic. Since May 14, 2017, the President of the French Republic is Emmanuel Macron. The President has been elected by direct universal suffrage since 1965 for a 5-year term. His role is to ensure the normal functioning of public authorities and the continuity of the State. He is also the guarantor of national independence, territorial integrity and respect for treaties.

Type: Public

389 288 41 1,571
France Design Week France Design Week

The unmissable event for those who make French design shine is back from September 12 to 30, 2025! France Design Week is an event label that aims to give visibility to the diversity and vitality of French design practices, in a common and shared time sequence. France Design Week brings together the world of French design during an international, annual and global event. Its objective is to promote design and the expertise of its designers to professionals and to raise awareness among the general public about its practice, by highlighting all fields of design. Professionals, the general public and design …

Type: Event

44 23 23 2