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Société de Livraison des Ouvrages Olympiques - SOLIDEO Société de Livraison des Ouvrages Olympiques - SOLIDEO

Deliver the Olympic and Paralympic works; Imagine and build the European city of tomorrow Our mission: Build and deliver the works and infrastructure for the Olympic and Paralympic Games of #Paris2024 We ensure: The contracting authority of the Olympic and Paralympic village and the media village; In connection with the 29 contractors, the supervision of all the sites The financing of works and Olympic development operations. Public Establishment of an industrial and commercial nature (EPIC), the delivery company of Olympic works, Solido, was specifically created to ensure that all of the works are delivered in the 1st quarter of 2024. …

Type: Public Activities: constructiontech

78 42 48 169

Training - Support - Conversion - Alternating AFPA, the first adult vocational training organization With more than 140,000 people trained each year in more than 200 locations throughout France, AFPA, which has become a national agency for vocational training of adults in January 2017, has been the first asset training organization, for over 65 years, has been, the first asset training organization, employees and job seekers. Its national dimension makes it one of the main players in employment and vocational training policy. Useful and efficient training, at the service of companies AFPA offers a wide range of qualifying and certifying …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

147 44 108 18,466

Booster la transformation des Systèmes d'Information En octobre 2018, SkillX a vu le jour au cœur des Hauts-de-France. Notre objectif est clair : assurer la sécurité et accélérer la transition des systèmes d'information de nos clients vers le Cloud. Guidée par une approche dite libérée, fondée sur la confiance et la responsabilité de nos SkillXmates, notre équipe d'experts passionnés met son savoir-faire au service de nos clients. Nos compétences s'étendent notamment dans les domaines suivants : - 🔒 Cybersécurité - ☁️ Cloud Chez SkillX, les opportunités abondent ! Que vous souhaitiez rejoindre nos rangs ou collaborer avec nos experts, n'hésitez …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

7 2 5 14
L'Optimist - Gestion de Projet Innovant L'Optimist - Gestion de Projet Innovant

Innovative 360 ​​° innovative project management: transformation, development, new economic models: innovate with positive impact Optimist: Innovative project management outsourced Our mission: Give you human resources to the realization of your development or innovation projects. Reduce the risk of failures, bring you the insurance of strategic choice, ensure the market and profitability of your projects Our offers: 🧐 Innovative idea crash 🧭 Project management outsourced with the Optimist method, to secure your innovation 🔝 Support for strategic decision -making (college of tailor -made suitable experts) 🔭 Prospective: Test the sustainability and robustness of your business and its economic model. 📅 …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Decarbonization

20 3 16 5

Un outil interactif afin d'évaluer l'atmosphère managériale de votre organisation en incluant digital et télétravail Plusieurs dizaines d'experts et dirigeants ont participé à la mise au point de ce nouveau diagnostic interactif. Il vous permet d'évaluer l'atmosphère managériale de votre organisation, en incluant les aspects digital et télétravail. En mode participatif, il vous permet d'identifier vos points forts et vos axes de progrès. Vous pouvez aussi l'utiliser pour valoriser votre Marque Employeur grâce au nouveau label #QV2T Le réseau de partenaires BtoB est ouvert aux professionnels qui souhaitent utiliser cet outil chez leurs propres clients. La base de données de …

Type: Startup Activities: it services

13 0 13 11

Distributor, creator and designer of electronic applications and Lithium batteries in the professional field. We are distributors, creators and designers of electronic applications in the professional field.

Type: SMB Activities: it services

13 7 6 16

Dématérialisez & fluidifiez votre gouvernance #legaltech #Frenchtech La poste FrenchIoT ConnectHers by BNP-Paribas SISTA Manage your shareholders in a few clicks ! legaltech, frenchtech, assembléesgénérales, Regtech, Fintech, Actionnaire, and Actionnariat

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech fintech regtech Technologies: SaaS

70 8 60 5
FEEF (Fédération des Entreprises et Entrepreneurs de France) FEEF (Fédération des Entreprises et Entrepreneurs de France)

More than 1,000 SME-ETI suppliers (food and non-food) connected to distribution (GD, RHD, E commerce, etc.) The Fédération des Entreprises et Entrepreneurs de France, created in 1995, brings together more than 1,000 independent companies, manufacturing everyday consumer products. Its mission is to better equip its members in commercial negotiations, to diversify their business (GD, RHD), to strengthen their CSR singularity via the PME+ label. The FEEF stands out for its collaborative approach with large-scale distribution brands in order to build a commercial framework adapted to SMEs-ETIs. On the institutional level, it also defends the interests of SMEs-ETIs suppliers to distribution …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

61 17 27 53
La Gazette du Midi La Gazette du Midi

Follow all the economic news from Toulouse and Haute-Garonne in an instant. La Gazette du Midi is a weekly economic and legal news newspaper headquartered in Toulouse. Created in 1881, the newspaper is authorized to publish judicial and legal announcements in Haute-Garonne. It is part of the ForumEco group.

Type: Media

114 7 111 13
Folder [Groupe plenITude] Folder [Groupe plenITude]

A team of experts, dedicated to managing and securing your Information System | Certified Cyber ​​Expert. For over 15 years, our teams have been working towards a single goal: To support you in your IT projects, from analyses and audits to the day-to-day operation of your IS, including the integration of technical solutions. Our technical experts are not only committed to providing high value-added services, but also to fully understanding your objectives, constraints and environment in order to better support you and ultimately represent the extension of your IT service Consulting & Audit, IT Solutions, SSII, Managed Services, IT Maintenance, …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

5 0 5 30
Etablissement public Rebâtir Notre-Dame de Paris Etablissement public Rebâtir Notre-Dame de Paris

Follow the different stages of the construction site of the century step by step and meet today's builders. The public institution responsible for the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, provided for by the law of July 29, 2019, was created on December 1, 2019. Its mission is to ensure the management, coordination and execution of studies and operations contributing to the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. Placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture, the public institution ensures the project management of the operations. It is also responsible for showcasing the construction site, …

Type: Public

23 10 12 72
PIE (France Active Paris | Réseau Initiative Paris) PIE (France Active Paris | Réseau Initiative Paris)

Committed entrepreneurs | Our project, supporting yours! Paris Initiative Entreprise (PIE) is the leading financier of committed entrepreneurs in Paris. Its mission is to enable projects with a strong social, territorial or environmental impact to launch and prosper. It helps them to see more clearly in the mysteries of financing, supports them through loans and guarantees that facilitate access to bank co-financing and accompanies them during their first years of launch or during crises. PIE supports the entrepreneur in their request for financing: a consultant analyzes their project, advises them and helps them calibrate their financing plan. It also prepares …

Type: Incubators & VCs

52 8 45 60
SNPI - Syndicat National des Professionnels Immobiliers SNPI - Syndicat National des Professionnels Immobiliers

First French Real Estate Union - Follow all the legal real estate and social news here First French Real Estate Union since 1963, the SNPI, resolutely oriented towards professionalism, aims to be an organization totally dedicated to defending the interests of its members: - Real estate agents, - Property managers, - Condominium trustees, - Real estate valuation experts. Dialogue, dynamism, meetings and representation with public authorities are the key words of our action which supports more than 9,600 members on a daily basis. Becoming a member of the SNPI is a guarantee of seriousness and allows you to benefit from …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

18 6 10 43
Rocket School Rocket School

High Tech Business School. Recruit salespeople, Growths and CSMs trained in digital technology, in work-study programs. Rocket School was born from a vision: it is possible to better mobilize education to make the link between companies that are recruiting and talents that are unaware of it. Rocket trains tomorrow's talents for free in lead acquisition jobs and places them in work-study programs in startups. No prerequisite diploma. Digital Business Development, Education, Growth Hacking, SDR, and Acquisition

Type: Research & Education Activities: edtech

54 16 28 32
Avant de Cliquer Avant de Cliquer

Human at the heart of cybersecurity, for a drastic reduction in the risk of cyberattack. 80% of cyberattacks originate from an email that a sensitized user would not have clicked. Antivirus, firewalls and other security software cannot prevent a user from performing a dangerous action. Raising user awareness is a laborious, costly and time-consuming task. Avant de Cliquer reinvents cybersecurity awareness by setting up a complete and automatic awareness program, created to measure for each user and by running it over time without the intervention of the information system professional (RSI, RSSI, DSI, DPO, etc.). Our action takes place in …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

43 4 36 56
Matawan Matawan

The digital platform making travel easier Matawan simplifies everyday travel by connecting public transport to all modes of mobility, for a unified, freer and more sustainable mobility. Our SaaS platform improves the user service, facilitating travel with a single ticket and reducing the carbon footprint of trips. We fight for mobility in the public's interest.

Tags: FrenchTech120 Type: Startup Activities: it services transporttech Technologies: Data Analytics

81 22 74 182
OREKA Ingénierie OREKA Ingénierie

Technical design office specializing in 3D digital tools. OREKA is the synergy of engineering, architecture and 3D professions To find out more, visit the website 3D, Virtual Reality, Project Management, Design, Augmented Reality, Flow Management, Engineering, and Architecture

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 smart city Technologies: VR

4 0 0 6
Place aux Possibles Place aux Possibles

Creating the success that suits you is possible! 🗣 Young people are the ones who will make the society and the world of tomorrow. It's up to us to give them the tools 🧰 so that they can create the life that suits them. 🤩 We facilitate the success of all by involving all the adults who gravitate around 15-25 year olds: - Parents who need to be reassured about the future of their young people to change their beliefs - Teachers who need to reconnect with the pleasure of transmitting and changing paradigms - The business world which, in …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech

11 3 11 8

Bringing the unified voice of professionals in the transport/logistics sector to public authorities. Created in 2020 and chaired by Anne-Marie Idrac, the France Logistique association carries the voice of the private players in the French logistics sector that make it up: professional organizations and associations (AFILOG, AUTF, CGF, OTRE, TLF/TLF Overseas) as well as companies in the sector. The French logistics sector represents 10% of GDP and 1.8 million jobs.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

54 10 47 12
Contact-Entreprises Contact-Entreprises

Promote the image of companies and entrepreneurs in Martinique to the public. Promote exchanges between the company and other civil society stakeholders Meetings, seminars, conferences, forums Partnership actions (Rectorate, Fedom, RSMA, Local Missions, Insee/Iedom, etc.) Connect entrepreneurs Major Forums Sporting events Lunch debates Participate in economic thinking Thematic workshops Reflection collections (Blue, orange, gray, yellow books, etc.) Meetings with political leaders Tribunes and interventions in the media Promote employment Job interview simulations Participation in fairs and forums (Paris Pour l’Emploi, Local Mission events, etc.) Receiving and sending CVs Interventions in schools Contribute to civic actions Environmental preservation (Operation Pays Propre, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

27 2 25 11
L'Est Républicain L'Est Républicain

A selection of our best articles in Lorraine and Franche-Comté 🔴 Economy 🔵 Entrepreneurship 🟡 Innovation L'Est Républicain is a regional daily newspaper, founded on May 5, 1889 in Nancy. It is distributed in Lorraine and Franche-Comté through ten local editions. Since its creation, the newspaper of the Lorrains and Franche-Comtois has kept the same values: freedom of expression, reliability of information, proximity to its readers and the defense of a territory and its inhabitants. Since 2006, L'Est Républicain has belonged to the EBRA press group created by the Crédit Mutuel bank. EBRA is the largest press group in France …

Type: Media

122 50 78 504
Carif-Oref Occitanie Carif-Oref Occitanie

Observe • Inform • Animate/Professionalize Carif-Oref Occitanie (Center for Animation, Resources and Information on Training - Regional Employment Training Observatory) is an association (law 1901) financed by the State and the Region with the support of the ESF. It provides observation, information and animation/professionalization missions in the field of orientation, training, employment and integration in the Occitanie region. Carif-Oref Occitanie is a member of the Carif-Oref Network.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

86 23 68 35
Cercle K2 Cercle K2

"Because the world requires a multidisciplinary approach" "Because the world requires an international, interdisciplinary and intergenerational approach"

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

52 0 51 118

Agence pour l'informatique financière de l’État The AIFE is an State Agency for Financial Information Technology and a part of the Ministry of Finance. Its main missions are: - To drive the software Architecture of the State Financial Information System (SIFE) - To maintain in operational condition the "Chorus"​ Information System (non-tax income, expense management and accounting of the State) - To drive and implement new ministerial or cross-ministerial projects into the Chorus Information System - To help the change management in ministries and to users accounting, budget, government, and e-invoicing

Type: Public

40 8 28 209
Cité des Métiers Cité des Métiers

Orientation? Employment? Training? Business creation? Come to the Cité des Métiers and follow the guide! The Cité des Métiers of Marseille and Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur is a member of the international network "Cités des Métiers". It is an Association created in 2002 under the impetus of the City of Marseille and supported by the European Union, the PACA Regional Council, the General Council 13 and the Public Establishment Euroméditerranée. The Cité opened to the public on March 22, 2005. As an information platform in the fields of Orientation, retraining, Training, Employment and Business Creation, its mission is to provide all the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

75 13 60 27
EDF Renouvelables EDF Renouvelables

Let's become the energy that changes everything EDF Renewables is an international leader in renewable electricity production in France and around the world. Mainly present in Europe and North America, EDF Renewables continues its development by taking a position in promising emerging markets such as: Brazil, China, India, South Africa and the Middle East. Historically active in onshore wind and photovoltaic power, the Company is now strongly positioned in offshore wind and new technologies such as energy storage. EDF Renewables ensures the development and construction of renewable energy projects as well as their operation and maintenance. EDF Renewables is a …

Type: Large company

88 40 43 2,606
Entreprise et Cancer Entreprise et Cancer

The association works to promote the retention and return to work of employees affected by cancer Created in 2013, the association Entreprise et Cancer brings together professionals from various backgrounds: consultants and human resources managers, occupational physicians, oncologists, psychologists, managers, etc. Its mission: to support companies in promoting the retention and return to work of employees affected by cancer. Each year in France, 120,000 people in employment learn that they have cancer. 80% of them return to work within two years of diagnosis. (source Inca, Vican 2) This figure will double in the next thirty years. Thanks to advances in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

12 3 10 4
FFB Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes FFB Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

#LaPassionDeConstruire The FFB AURA represents the region's construction companies & defends the interests of the profession 👷🏗️

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

21 4 17 10
ABF Décisions ABF Décisions

PUBLIC AID REFLEX ABF DÉCISIONS IS A RECOGNIZED PLAYER IN PUBLIC FINANCING CONSULTING. Since 2004, we have been providing our clients with all the public aid (European, national, territorial) to which they are entitled as part of their development projects. A pioneer in operational consulting in territorial aid, our global vision of the public financing environment allows us to provide a complete, tailor-made response that is perfectly adapted to the needs of our clients. Benefiting from multi-sector expertise, we intervene in 4 areas of their development: Ecological Transition, R&D / Innovation, Productive Investment and Export. Our mission is to offer …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

65 28 43 154
Unapei Unapei

For a united and inclusive society Commit to living together Created in 1960, Unapei is a French associative movement representing the interests of people with disabilities and their families. Unapei and its affiliated associations work together for the real effectiveness of the rights of people with disabilities and their families. They take their needs into consideration and build appropriate responses with them. Unapei campaigns for an inclusive and united society. Unapei and its associations represent all people who have a global delay in acquisitions and a limitation of adaptive capacities and who have lasting difficulties in representing themselves, whether it …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

58 23 35 364
CPME Normandie CPME Normandie

Defend, represent and support Norman business leaders At CPME Normandie, we are at the heart of the challenges facing regional VSEs and SMEs. As a militant employers' union, we are committed every day to defending your interests, ensuring the sustainability of your activities and supporting you in the face of entrepreneurial challenges. Our priorities: → Represent your voices with regional institutions and partners. → Promote sustainable growth through CSR and innovation. → Facilitate exchanges and synergies between Norman entrepreneurs. Bringing together the energies of the departmental CPMEs, our role is to offer you concrete solutions and a solid network. Together, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

16 5 7 22
H4H Humans4Help H4H Humans4Help

Le partenaire de votre transformation digitale Humans4Help offers strong value-added advices focus on two strategic areas: IT Service Management et Robotic Process Automation (RPA). We are based in Paris and present internationally: Montreal, Dakar, London... We support you in all stages of the digitalization of your services through the implementation of data solution that make processes frictionless. From workflow automation thru ITSM ServiceNow/Easyvista, to creation of AI chatbot and data science ,we bring new ways of digital transformation to our clients . In this way, you will efficiently optimize all your IT and business processes. Our priority is the satisfaction …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. RPA A.I. - Natural Language Processing Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

10 1 10 63
Vertigo Lab Vertigo Lab

Notre ambition : contribuer à basculer notre modèle économique vers un futur souhaitable. Vertigo is a consultancy specialized in environmental management. It works from local to international scale to develop innovative tool to reconnect environmental management with public policy and the economy. Recently, Vertigo has worked with national institutions to value the benefits of biodiversity conservation, undertake cost-benefit analyses, and develop conservation financial planning or payments for ecosystem services. Vertigo currently aims to extend these economic tools to the management of broader issues such as water management, agroecology, natural resource efficiency, new types of economy (such as functional or community-based …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech fintech greentech

47 6 41 23
Trophées PME RMC Trophées PME RMC

The first SME competition in France! 1st SME competition in France

Type: Event Activities: entertainment

15 10 1 N/A

Communication, Marketing and Digital Agency Works on IMAGE AND PERFORMANCE with HUMANS at the heart of the system Digital Communication and Marketing Agency. CONSULTING l DESIGN l DIGITAL l CONTENT l INFLUENCE l Eléments Groupe is a Marketing and Digital Communication agency that works on image and performance through cross-functional expertise in CONSULTING, DESIGN, BRANDING, DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION, CONTENT, TRAINING. We offer comprehensive support across the entire Marketing, Communication and Digital value chain in order to offer our clients systems that combine creativity and results. The agency's values ​​are based on HUMANS and transmission to enable our clients to sustainably capitalize …

Type: SMB Activities: martech

10 0 10 5
Editions Débats Publics Editions Débats Publics

First publisher of 21st century leaders Débats Publics is a publishing house whose vocation is to give voice to leaders who, in light of their experience and personal convictions, wish to deliver their thoughts on contemporary social issues. Thanks to their professions, their experiences and their expertise, they have acquired knowledge, an analytical capacity and convictions that they want to share today. The objective for Débats Publics editions is to offer a platform to these women and men, to promote their dialogue with public opinion, to nourish and create a public debate around the subject addressed by each of these …

Type: Media

14 3 15 5
UPE 30 - MEDEF Gard UPE 30 - MEDEF Gard

Join the 1st network of Gard entrepreneurs. UPE 30, your local partner! Official page of UPE 30 - MEDEF Gard. The Union for Gard Enterprises is the interprofessional organization that brings together all companies from all sectors of activity, regardless of their size, structure, or profession. UPE 30 is a force of 5,200 companies that employ nearly 60,000 employees in the Gard region. There are also some 250 business leaders who are involved in economic and social organizations to represent the interests of companies in these bodies. Find here the news of UPE 30, network meetings, entrepreneur profiles, local economic …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

21 2 19 14

Business and consumer information on sports & leisure decoded Business and consumer information on sports & leisure

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

26 1 23 4
CPME Ardèche CPME Ardèche

🔹 Our added value is Human 🔹 Alongside all entrepreneurs 🤝🏻 CPME Ardèche is an interprofessional employers' organization that represents and defends the interests of Small and Medium Enterprises in industry, commerce, services and crafts. CPME Ardèche supports you, defends you and brings you together.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

14 5 4 4
Adeo Conseil Adeo Conseil

Enriching ourselves with difference to reinvent our performance 👋🏻 Expert in diversity management for 30 years, our consulting firm supports private and public organizations in becoming aware of the inestimable wealth that vulnerability represents 👉🏻 visit! 📣 Adeo Conseil is a committed collective united around a common vision: we are convinced that the sustainable performance of organizations requires logics of cooperation, agility and welcoming of difference, emphasizing individual and collective well-being. 🎯 Our ambition: to support the world of work in taking a step back to adapt behaviors to current issues. 👉🏻 How? By providing keys to understanding and …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: Decarbonization

12 0 12 9
France Bleu France Bleu

Listen, we're good together

Type: Media

264 189 81 9
Entreprendre Pour Apprendre / JA France Entreprendre Pour Apprendre / JA France

Dare to be an entrepreneur of your life Entreprendre pour Apprendre France is a federation of 16 regional associations that develop the entrepreneurial spirit in young people aged 9 to 25 in order to make them actors in their social and professional futures. Our approach is centered on the collective project. Our programs are based on an educational alliance between supervisors and mentors where each brings their knowledge, interpersonal skills and know-how to develop the skills of young people, in a mode of animation, governance and organization of a collaborative, cooperative and participatory type. Our courses are based on a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

126 22 105 8
Faculté d'Economie - Université de Montpellier Faculté d'Economie - Université de Montpellier

An excellent training for highly qualified professions The Faculty of Economics is one of the many components of the University of Montpellier such as Medicine, Pharmacy, Law, STAPS etc... The Faculty of Economics acquired its autonomy in 1971, rue Cardinal de Cabrières, in the heart of Montpellier. In 1995, it moved to the Richter campus on avenue Raymond Dugrand, which has become a strategic place in Montpellier. Located between the new town hall, the regional hotel and the beach road (Carnon, Palavas les Flots, La Grande Motte...), the Faculty of Economics offers an ideal setting to all its students. The …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

56 5 52 31
MEDEF Lille Métropole MEDEF Lille Métropole

A network to make the voice of businesses heard and which supports you in the development of your activity MEDEF Grand Lille: - 2,000 member companies, 80% of which are SMEs - 3 MEDEF Territorials: * MEDEF Douaisis * MEDEF Flandre Audomarois * MEDEF Lille Métropole - 1 magazine published 4 times a year - + 100 meetings each year MEDEF Grand Lille represents: - 1,600 mandates led by 1,200 representatives in a multitude of organizations that, on a daily basis, make decisions or recommendations that influence the life of businesses. Business support, Legal advice to businesses, and Territorial animation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

48 9 48 25
MEDEF Île-de-France MEDEF Île-de-France

📣"Serving businesses for a Capital Region" 📌#MedefIDF #Medef #Entreprise #PME The region's leading professional network, MEDEF Ile-de-France represents and defends the interests of Ile-de-France businesses and regional professional unions. As the spokesperson for entrepreneurs, MEDEF Ile-de-France manages more than 3,000 employer mandates (CCI, TC, Conseil de Prud'hommes, Écoles, Universities, CESER, CPAM) and represents Ile-de-France businesses in all economic, social, training and integration institutions. It is the contact for regional authorities, local authorities and social partners. A place for coordinating specific requests linked to the Ile-de-France economy, MEDEF Ile-de-France coordinates the collective expectations of companies in their territory, requests expressed by …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

78 13 68 19
CPME Paris CPME Paris

CPME is the only french employers'​ organisation dedicated to VSEs and SMEs. The CPME Paris Ile-de-France is the inter-professional employers'​ organisation representing the interests of Paris Region VSEs and SMEs. Our organisation is present across the region : - CPME Paris Ile-de-France in Paris - - CPME 77 in Dammarie-les-Lys - CPME 78 in Rambouillet - CPME 91 in Evry - CPME 92 in Antony - CPME 93 in Neuilly-sur-Marne - CPME 94 in Créteil - CPME 95 in Cergy-Pontoise CPME Paris Ile-de-France 01 56 89 09 30 19 rue de l'Amiral d'Estaing 75116 Paris

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

36 13 30 32
Mission RGPD Mission RGPD

The GDPR platform to accelerate your compliance: Software, DPO coach, outsourced DPO, e-learning. The GDPR platform that simplifies and accelerates compliance for French and European companies. Created in 2019, we now support more than 1,000 clients in 22 countries thanks to our platform combining legal and digital expertise. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a legal obligation for all companies, but its compliance represents a major challenge, particularly for SMEs and mid-caps. Without dedicated internal resources, between legal complexity and high costs of external advice, many give up, exposing themselves to major risks: fines of up to 4% of …

Type: Startup Activities: it services privacytech Technologies: Cybersecurity SaaS

23 1 19 10
Digitalberry Digitalberry

Simple, fuss-free digital certificate and security key management designed with cyber teams in mind. 🔒 Digitalberry is making large-scale digital certificate and security key management easier than ever. With Digitalberry, wave goodbye to the stress, risk of error, and outages that come with managing certificates manually, and say hello to hassle-free management. 🚀 Our BerryCert and BerryTMS solutions let you view, manage, and automate every certificate and security key via a single remote interface. Our innovative approach simplifies PKI and automates lifecycle, giving you complete control over your infrastructure and the breathing space needed to focus on high-value tasks, strengthen …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency SaaS

7 0 7 27
Myfuture Myfuture

Our mission 🔗 to help young people "without a network" aged 14 to 24 in their orientation and professional integration. 🕵🏽‍♀️ - OBSERVATION The problem of orientation is today a complex stage for young people as well as their parents, for whom it is often a source of anxiety. Thus 60% of high school students feel lost in their orientation, and 1/3 of students would have made another choice of orientation if they had been able. In addition to this, depending on their place of residence, their social background, their gender, their possible disability situation, each young person does not …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

84 12 56 36
L'Hémicycle L'Hémicycle

The review that loves politics The hemicycle is an independent quarterly review. 100 pages of analysis, interviews, history and stories. His ambitions: deciphering a world that has become more and more complex, exploring the new senses of politics, telling the fights of women and men who engage, bring a historical perspective on our time. Information, journalism, and media

Type: Media

65 11 59 13
Untec - Union nationale des économistes de la construction Untec - Union nationale des économistes de la construction

Join the community of construction economists. The National Union of Construction Economists is the only professional organization of construction economists. The fundamental values ​​of the UNTEC are confratern assistance, the training and improvement of its members and their collaborators, research and development as a way of the excellence of the profession on all its missions. Beyond its members, the Untec works in the idea of ​​federating all construction economists, whatever their professional status, and to serve mastery of quality, costs and deadlines within act of building. Construction economists, construction, building, BIM, Building Information Modeling, BTP, Businesses, VSEs, and PMEs

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

44 9 34 31

Combine knowledge with professional experience Formasup Paris IDF, CFA of superior education About Formasup Paris IDF Training organization, Formasup Paris IDF has specialized for over 25 years in monitoring the work -study students of its 23 higher education establishments partner (that is more than 300 training): University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, the IAE of Paris, Paris Panthéon Assas, Sorbonne Nouvelle, Sorbonne University, Sorbonne Paris Nord, Paris Cité University, Paris Dauphine-Psl, Paris Saclay, Paris 8, Cergy Paris University, Inalco, EDHEC, EEIE, EECS, EESS, IEP in Paris, the Institute of Early Childhood in Suresnes, the Catholic Institute of Paris and Holberton. Innovative …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

15 1 7 29
Grenoble IAE Grenoble IAE

Graduate School of Management by Grenoble INP - Grenoble Alpes University. #Connecting Talents The University School of Management, Grenoble IAE's mission is to train and develop specialized and "double competence" managers, which the company needs, from the territory internationally. For this, the IAE is based as much on professional practices as on the production and dissemination of management research. Grenoble IAE develops talents: Bac+2 to Bac+5 in initial training, continuing education and work -study training On all business management professions, through professional and general licenses and masters in the second year (M1) and third year (M2) in marketing, management, finance, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

37 4 33 241
WorldSkills France WorldSkills France

Trades competition - 68 trades, 1 French team, 1 objective ➡️ Promote professions through excellence We are a movement at the service of youth and trades 🤩 We organize trade competitions to show the excellence and passion of our youth. We bring together all those who get involved to make the beauty of technical and technological professions shine ✨ We are committed to people with disabilities: because talent is limitless, because it is urgent to fight against all stereotypes, we integrate disabled people with no age at competitions that we organize 💪 🌟 We organize competitions in more than 60 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

67 45 40 196
CPME Hauts-de-France CPME Hauts-de-France

Confederation of Hauts-de-France SMEs The CPME Hauts-de-France brings together five departments: Aisne, North, Oise, Pas-de-Calais and Somme. We have the mission of: - Represent the CPME with regional institutions and actors, - ensure the follow -up of public actions and policies undertaken in the regions, - Manage regional mandates, - Develop the projects based on the political priorities of the national CPME, the ANIs and on public policies. As a purpose we make aware, inform and/or support the leaders of VSEs/SMEs in the evolution of their business and their practices.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

5 4 3 2
UPV - Union Patronale du Var UPV - Union Patronale du Var

At the service of the company with 4 main missions: act, support, train, develop The UPV - Var’s employers' union, a member of MEDEF and the CPME, is committed to companies with 4 missions: act, support, train, develop. Advice and assistance, Networking, Union representation and action, CE - Odyssey card online store, continuing education, initial training and learning, HR solutions, Funding research, and digital and international support support

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

39 9 32 86
Union Nationale des Géomètres-Experts - UNGE Union Nationale des Géomètres-Experts - UNGE

Let's express the spaces of tomorrow The National Union of Spews-Experts is the employers' organization of this ordinal profession created in 1946. It is the union representative of the profession with a network of 14 regional chambers and 85 departmental chambers. Its role is to organize the actions relating to the promotion and defense of economic and social interests of the exprets. Speramership, real estate, land, town planning, topography, rural development, condominium, BIM, diagnosticsimmobiliers, subdivision, development Durable, trustee, organizationalle, paritarism, construction, professional organization, training, and permit

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

46 5 42 28
MEDEF 35 | Mouvement des entreprises de France Ille-et-Vilaine MEDEF 35 | Mouvement des entreprises de France Ille-et-Vilaine

Commit for businesses and thus, to take up together with audacity, economic, social, environmental challenges The Ille-et-Vilaine Business Movement is the first network of entrepreneurs in Ille-et-Vilaine. With 18 professional federations and bringing together more than 6,000 member companies representing more than 100,000 jobs, it defends and promotes businesses of all sizes and all sectors of activity. A privileged interlocutor of decision -makers and public authorities In all transparency, the Mouvement des Entreprises de France Ille-et-Vilaine carries out permanent lobbying action with all decision-makers at local, regional, national and European levels, in order to assert the point of view of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

54 10 44 27
Tribune Côte d'Azur Tribune Côte d'Azur

All the Riviera News with Tribune Côte d'Azur, 1st economic and legal weekly from the Alpes-Maritimes Weekly economic and legal information of the Alpes-Maritimes Closer to the news of our department, with a team of journalists, led by editor-in-chief Isabelle Auzias, find a panorama of the economic and cultural activity of the Alpes-Maritimes every week. Briefs, indiscretions, files, presentation of our businesses, shows, gastronomic or literary chronicles, videos and interviews (digital version) & gt; Legal announcements Habies by the prefecture to publish legal announcements in the Alpes Maritimes, we strictly apply the legal rate. Ads can be transmitted by fax, …

Type: Media

67 21 51 22
Tout Lyon Tout Lyon

Journal of legal announcements and economic information for the Rhône department. All of Lyon is an information media in Lyon and its region: companies, legal life, communities, lifestyle ... The weekly every Saturday morning for subscribers, the site and social networks to follow the news on a daily basis. All of Lyon is empowered to publish judicial and legal announcements for the Rhône department. Legal announcements, public procurement, call for tenders, media, economic information, legal information, communities, and news in Lyon

Type: Media

56 12 52 32
SIDO Lyon - IoT, IA, Robotique & XR SIDO Lyon - IoT, IA, Robotique & XR

The reference event #IOT #IA #Robotique #XR | 11th edition | 17 & GT; September 18, 2025 - Lyon, France ➡️ #Sido2025 Sido Lyon: 11 innovation and collaboration editions Since its beginnings, Sido has asserted himself as the emblematic event of the convergence of IoT, IA, XR and robotics technologies. More than just an appointment, Sido is the catalyst for technological and industrial transformations, a space where innovations, collaborations and future prospects come to life. Together, let's concretize the projects and solutions that will shape our uses tomorrow! IoT, robotics, AI, Salon, Innovation, Internet of Things, Start-up, Supply Chain, Energy, …

Type: Event Technologies: Robotics

167 77 119 6
CPME Hauts-de-Seine CPME Hauts-de-Seine

CPME 92 is the inter-professional employers' organization representative of SMEs and VSEs in Hauts-de-Seine The CPME 92, as a departmental center of the National CPME is a union representative of the managers of small and medium-sized enterprises located in Hauts-de-Seine. VSEs, SMEs and heritage SMIs represent the essential and majority component of the Alto-Sequanis economic fabric. In French territory, these companies represent more than 1.85 million companies and 85% of employees in the private sector. The CPME defends the economic and social interests of business leaders to public authorities, administrations, local authorities and community and international organizations. It is a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

9 2 9 3
Saveurs Commerce Saveurs Commerce

Proximity food specialists The UNFD - National Union of Unions of Retailers in Fruits, Vegetables and Primeurs, is a place of exchanges and reflections for a national network of federated merchants within 10 regional and departmental unions and a strong national union: L 'UMAP (Union of local food trades). The UNFD covers all the fruits and vegetable offer in local shops. It ensures the representation and defense of political, tax and social interests of merchants in fruits and vegetables and general food. It thus represents 14,600 primers (including 10,164 on a market), or nearly 35,000 assets and 16,000 employees. Retail …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

13 2 10 12
Saint-Étienne Tourisme & Congrès Saint-Étienne Tourisme & Congrès

We promote a collective tourism dynamic and strengthen our creative state of mind with] Saint-Etienne out of framework True laboratory, incubator of new ideas, resolutely turned to the future, Saint-Étienne Tourisme & amp; Congress (or the Saint-Étienne Métropole tourist office is the same thing), makes the destination shine, without ever ceasing to create, test, measure, optimize, share. Here you are at the heart of the Saint-Etienne dynamic outside the frame. Quarters that are transformed, cultural curiosities, design almost everywhere ... Outside the framework these are all the initiatives of Saint-Etienne and its surroundings to reinvent themselves. Saint-Etienne out of frame …

Type: Public

25 3 20 43

#Gopb Born in 2004 the Poitiers Basket 86 has grown well, going from the 3rd French division to the Play-Offs de Pro A in 6 years. After 4 seasons of Pro A, the club went back to Pro B at the end of the 2012/2013 season and rebuilds in Pro B in order to reconnect with local dynamics and sports ambition. After very large consultations and an in -depth analysis of its situation and its environment, the club of the PB86 has been tracing its route since January 2016 around the CAP 2K20 project. Thus, the club wishes to federate …

Type: Event

11 4 6 32
Pacte PME Pacte PME

Promote connection and synergies between large groups and SMEs. For 10 years, Pact PME has been a professional organization which aims to stimulate cooperation of all kinds between large companies and French SMEs. SME Pact was created under the leadership of Henri Lachmann (Schneider Electric), its first president. Fabrice Brégier (Airbus) and Christophe de Maistre (Siemens France) succeeded him respectively in 2011 and 2014, before Philippe Luscan (Sanofi) took the presidency in early 2018. Development assistance, cooperation, advice, open innovation, training, commercial development, major accounts SMEs, international development, increase in turnover, and accelerator

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

72 28 49 20
Free Pro Free Pro

Free Pro, the best of free for businesses! Find us on! Free Pro, the best of free for businesses! Welcome to Free Pro, the B2B subsidiary of the Iliad group. Innovation, price, freedom, customer service, infrastructure, Free Pro meets telecom, cybersecurity, IT and Cloud needs of all businesses, from VSE to large groups, from SMEs to public organizations. By offering simple and ultra -forming pro -fixed and mobile offers and specific XPR solutions, which meet the more complex challenges of companies and organizations with more than 100 employees, Free Pro is thus aimed at the entire business market. Expert …

Type: Corporate subsidiary Activities: it services transporttech Technologies: SaaS

37 10 24 612
Nexem Nexem

Employers, differently Nexem is the main professional organization of associative employers in the social, medico-social and health sector. It represents 11,000 establishments and services employing more than 330,000 professionals in five fields of activity: disability, child protection, autonomy of the elderly, social integration and legal protection of adults. Nexem intends to develop the employer function to better meet the expectations of people welcomed and supported in establishments and services. Its ambition: promote the associative model as an efficient response to the support of the most fragile, in the service of an inclusive company. Professional organization, associative, social, medico-social, sanitary, non-profit, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

52 13 32 193
MEDEF Paris | Mouvement des Entreprises de France > Paris MEDEF Paris | Mouvement des Entreprises de France > Paris

MEDEF Paris, a capital ally. #Laref24 & gt; August 26 and 27, 2024 the 1st economic event of the start of the school year MEDEF Paris is MEDEF in Paris! Nearly 10,000 Parisian companies (direct memberships and by federations) trust Medef Paris, representing more than 500,000 employees. MEDEF Paris represents and defends the interests of Paris companies. He informs, supports and connects his members to help them face the difficulties and develop their business.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

46 7 40 27
Maison laGrange - Infusions Thés Cafés Maison laGrange - Infusions Thés Cafés

Infusions - teas - cafes Maison Lagrange expert in infusions, teas and cafes. Infusions, teas, cafes, and hot drinks

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech

8 1 7 12

💡💻 Advice, managed services, data, AI, automation, training 🎓🧠 Imagine a digital service company (ESN) which is not content to follow technological trends, but which shapes them with an ecological conscience and a strong territorial commitment. Our approach is to go beyond the simple adoption of new technologies: we support you to integrate innovative strategies by reconciling performance and sustainability. In Midrange Group, we believe that real digital transformation goes beyond the simple adoption of technologies 🌍 A concrete ecological and territorial commitment Midrange Group provides you with digital solutions while actively engaging in environmental protection and sustainable development. Thanks …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

29 2 27 47
METI - Mouvement des Entreprises de Taille Intermédiaire METI - Mouvement des Entreprises de Taille Intermédiaire

Created in 1995, the METI represents and federates the 6800 ETIs of France. Founded in 1995, the Movement of Intermediate Size Companies (METI) represents and federates the 6800 ETIs of France. He is co-chaired by Frédéric Coirier, CEO of Poujoulat, and Philippe d'Ornano, president of Sisley. Its action is structured according to four main axes: - Document and highlight the major contribution of ETIs to the economic and social development of their location territories - plead for the restoration of the conditions of "working, producing and engaging" in France - Promote the ETI transformation and commitment dynamics - Call on …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

53 19 34 16
MEDEF Pays de la Loire MEDEF Pays de la Loire

MEDEF Pays de la Loire represents, promotes and defends the interests of businesses, on a regional scale. MEDEF Pays de la Loire ensures the representation, promotion and defense of business interests, on the region. It consists of 6 territorial MEDEFs and 13 adherent professional branches which represents around 639,291 employees and 18,500 companies.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

60 14 26 12

The association of finance professionals at the service of companies in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Lyon Place Financière aims to be a breeding ground for high -level skills and thus enhance the diversity and expertise of finance professionals, services and training with entrepreneurs and investors. Lyon Place Financière occupies a special place in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, as a crossroads of exchanges between representatives of finance and the tertiary sector: institutional, communities, representatives of organizations, academics find here a privileged field of reflections crossed with private actors . It is based for this on a strong representativeness of professionals, a desire for ecumenism and an ethics …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

71 15 56 11
Les scop et Les scop et

Since 1937, the General Confederation of SCOP has federated and has animated all cooperative and participatory companies in France. Thanks to our network, any member company benefits from reception and support at each stage of its project by creative professionals and transmission of business within each of the 9 regional SCOP unions. We also offer original and adapted funding solutions to structures and financial partners. You also have a specific support for federations in four trades: construction, CAE, communication and industry. Finally, we offer training modules with employees and managerial executives to support them in the creation and development of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

91 18 66 58
L'Automobile & L'Entreprise L'Automobile & L'Entreprise

The leading media of car parking and mobility management of professionals. The automobile & amp; The company, a media published by the Infopro Digital group, affects the whole world of managing car parks and employee mobility. It is the support of all those who buy or praise vehicles on behalf of companies, associations, local authorities, administrations, but also of all providers who have products and mobility services to provide them. The automobile & amp; The company is: - A monthly magazine with monitoring market figures, trials and comparisons of business vehicles (technical and financial aspects), testimonies of park managers, companies, …

Type: Media

44 2 44 49
Jeune Chambre Économique Francaise Jeune Chambre Économique Francaise

Citizen leaders incubator The Junior Economic Chamber is a recognized association of public utility. It is an incubator of citizen leaders which allows its young volunteers to carry out projects of general interest according to a methodology close to entrepreneurship. The objective: to positively impact the territories, bring the voice of youth and develop their leadership. Bringing together 2,000 volunteers in France, she trained young people aged 18 to 40 so that they are collectively undertaking at the service of the general interest, by creating projects in the field, in various fields: young people, the circular economy, the environment, regional …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

74 17 54 98
Jeune Chambre Economique de Lyon Métropole Jeune Chambre Economique de Lyon Métropole

Act. Form. Create positive and lasting changes! In a world with multiple challenges and multiple opportunities, the Lyon Métropole Junior Chamber of Lyon is an incubator of projects where young people aged 18 to 40 can train by action and give free rein to their desires to bring positive changes to our city. The history of the JCE of Lyon Métropole is rich in actions that deeply marked the face of our city. With nearly 40 members and as many observers, the young Economic Chamber of Lyon Métropole has been carrying out actions on the Lyon territory for over 60 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

31 5 28 8
Jeune Chambre Economique de Bordeaux Jeune Chambre Economique de Bordeaux

Born in 312.5 ppm - Let us take up the social and environmental challenges of today and tomorrow! ​ Present for more than 70 years in Bordeaux, the vocation of the Junior Economic Chamber of Bordeaux (JCEB) is to initiate innovative actions that can create positive changes on the life of the city. These actions are particularly focused on the fields linked to the development of the economy and employment, the protection of the environment, the development of its territory as well as to solidarity. At the heart of local issues, the JCEB continues to innovate.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

15 2 11 1
Cerfrance Seine Normandie Cerfrance Seine Normandie

You support you in the long term to succeed in your projects and manage the overall performance of your business. With its 29 agencies located in Normandy and part of the Île-de-France, Cerfrance Seine Normandie supports you in the long term to succeed in your projects and pilot the overall performance of your business! Discover all the job offers of the moment Business Advice, Accounting, Legal, Fiscal, Social, Patrimoine, Economic, Marketing, Commercial, Communication, Strategy, Human Resources Management, Quality, Hygiene, Safety, Environment, Insurance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Tax, Pay accounting, management, digital, and advice

Type: SMB Activities: fintech martech

27 6 22 473
Groupe Alptis Groupe Alptis

Useful and innovative solutions in prevention, insurance and financing Created in Lyon in 1976, Alptis is an independent, associative and entrepreneurial protection group. It offers solutions that combine responsibility and solidarity in three major areas: prevention, insurance and financing. The Alptis group is now made up of a set of companies: Alptis Provident & Amp; Health, Ensurema, Belend, Capvita, Cmonassurance, Gea Assurances,, Pro, Signature Insurance, Solaé, UNP. He intervenes with individuals, self -employed workers and businesses. It has a distribution network of 7,700 partners, brokers and independent wealth management advisers. The Alptis group today protects nearly 500,000 people and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

22 0 21 87

Together, let's create and live the unforgettable. Business events, travel, stays around major sporting and cultural events, have a unique travel experience with MyCOMM around the world! ✈️🌍 Travel and event agency specializing in sporting and cultural events, MyComm has since 2009 have been a trusted partner for thousands of companies, individuals, agencies and CSE. 🤝 Our specialty? Vibrate our travelers on the biggest sporting and cultural, national and international meetings: 6 nations tournament, Euro football, Champions League, Formula 1, US sports, Venice Carnival, Oktuberfest and many others! 🏉⚽🏎️🏀🎭🍺 Mycomm opened the Roland-Garros Official Travel Site in 2022 ( on …

Type: SMB Activities: traveltech

3 1 3 93
Ugict - Les Ingés Cadres Techs CGT Ugict - Les Ingés Cadres Techs CGT

Ugict-CGT, the union reference of engineers, executives, technicians, master's degrees The Ugict-CGT organizes the union activity of engineers, executives and technician professions within the CGT. We represent 80,000 affiliates of all professional branches and all the territory, and are to be to our aspirations and our experience at work translate into majority demands. Our unionism integrates this specific relationship to work because of our functions, our level of responsibility, our expertise and our role in the organization of work. The UGICT is a member of Eurocadres, an organization associated with the European Union Confederation (CES). Professionally committed and socially responsible …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

50 6 43 27
GPO Magazine GPO Magazine

All information for managing your business #Pme #pmi #eti GPO Magazine is a 100% effective print and digital media to manage, plan and optimize the resources of the company through its publications: GPO Magazine, Digital Editions of GPO Magazine, and Thus, we support our readers in their strategic reflections and in their operational decisions, so that they can rethink their organization in a moving world. Our major favorite themes are leaders, finance, management, mobility, management and HR, technologies, marketing, communication and customer relations, digital transformation and digital enterprise. GPO Magazine, 360 ° communication with business managers and executives: …

Type: Media

53 8 45 7
Fondation AIA Fondation AIA

Architecture - Health - Environment The AIA Life Designers business foundation is working on urban prospective on the architecture, health and environment relationship to live the city well. Architecture and health, well -being and health in the city, quality of urban life, environment and health, prospective and urban innovations, climate change and ecological transition, urban life expectancy, sustainable city, urban ecology, actions and public policies in matters of Spatial planning, cities resilience, smartcity in connection with architecture and health, living the city, positive health, and active design

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech healthtech smart city

29 3 26 2

Federation of electrical, electronic and communication industries The federation of electrical, electronic and communication industries brings together 27 professional organizations from the electro technological industries. Federation of electrical, electronic and communication industries

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

60 9 56 25
La Fédération des Entrepreneurs de Boulangerie La Fédération des Entrepreneurs de Boulangerie

The FEB brings together, represents and defends, for over 80 years, bakery/pastry companies. 🥖🍞🍰 The Federation of Bakery/ Pastry Businesses (FEB) represents, defends and values ​​entrepreneurs in the sector. It brings together 150 production sites of all sizes and nearly 1,600 stores in the Boulangerie-Viennoiserie-Pâtisserie (BVP) sector integrated or franchised. Our sector represents more than 50,000 employees on the national territory near 9 billion turnover, including 2 billion in export. She is chaired by Didier Boudy (Mademoiselle Desserts), Paul Boivin is the general delegate. E-learning security, allerg'info (allergenic application), haccp in bvpi, social-fiscal, federates bakery-pastry entrepreneurs, food regulations, and crisis …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

19 3 17 79
FECP - Fédération de l'Épicerie et du Commerce de Proximité FECP - Fédération de l'Épicerie et du Commerce de Proximité

The FECP defends, on a daily basis, the interests of local merchants! Created to support the boom in local food trade, the FECP - was born in 2015 to the merger of the SEFAG (Syndicate of grocery store and general food trade) and the FCP (Federation of local trade). Today, the FECP is very largely in the majority within the new collective agreement of non -specialized food retail trade. Since February 2022, the Federation of Epicerie and Proximity Trade has been chaired by Benoit Soury, director of the organic market and proximity executive director within the Carrefour group.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

4 0 3 4
Entreprise et Progrès Entreprise et Progrès

The think tank of managers who place humans at the heart of businesses "Put humans at the heart of businesses" Company and Progress is an apolitical think tank of entrepreneurs and managers wishing to develop reports within the company. Place of reflection and sharing, founded in 1970 by François Dalle (L’Oréal) and Antoine Riboud (Danone) we now bring together more than 60 companies around the same conviction: economic progress is inseparable from social progress. Marion Darrieutort, CEO of The Arcane is the business president and progress. Company, progress, social, impact, entrepreneurship, manager, reason for being, management, CSR, economics, ecology, and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

86 4 64 17
En Marche En Marche

For a French and European renaissance, join us on Parti- For those who refuse that the country remains blocked, have a taste for work, progress and risk, and as values ​​freedom, justice and Europe.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

126 47 59 556
Eaux de Marseille 💧 Eaux de Marseille 💧

Our territory is so precious A player committed to the service of such a precious territory, the Marseille waters group works on a daily basis for more than 2 million people in Provençal territory. Each day, 1,200 employees are mobilized to meet the challenges of the cities of tomorrow: optimizing the water cycle, producing and distributing drinking water and treating wastewater to restore environmentally friendly water to the natural environment. Being an actor in ecological transformation and responding to societal issues are part of its raison d'être. We act on a daily basis: - Management of the water and sanitation …

Type: SMB Activities: water management

49 11 36 361
PKF Arsilon PKF Arsilon

Together, let's change the situation ... Together, let's change the situation ... PKF Arsilon is a national player in accounting, audit and strategic and financial advice. We are committed alongside managers to bring them a creation of sustainable value, based on enlightened piloting, in direct contact with the realities and changes in their environments and markets. For more information, go to:

Type: SMB Activities: fintech Technologies: Cybersecurity

33 6 11 722
Département des alpes maritimes Département des alpes maritimes

The distribution of skills between local authorities is defined by decentralization laws successive since 1982. The large areas of the departmental executive: - Social action: child protection, integration of people in difficulty, RSA, assistance to people disabled and elderly, health prevention; - Infrastructure: management of departmental roads; - Transport: Transport of travelers on interurban networks, school transport; - Education: material management of colleges; - Culture: departmental archives, departmental loan library, museums; - Local development: aid to associations, in municipalities, tourism, agriculture. The law of August 13, 2004 relating to local freedoms and responsibilities (Act II of decentralization) committed A new …

Type: Public

67 41 27 1,100
Délégation interministérielle à l'accueil et à l'intégration des réfugiés (Diair) Délégation interministérielle à l'accueil et à l'intégration des réfugiés (Diair)

We participate in the implementation of the policy of reception and integration of refugees in the territory Announced in the summer of 2017 in the action plan to guarantee the right of asylum and better control migration flows, an inter -ministerial delegate responsible for the reception and integration of refugees was instituted with the Minister of the Interior. Its mission is to participate in the definition and animation of the policy of reception and integration of refugees. For this, in addition to the various state services, he works with local authorities, the associative sector and representatives of civil society. Its …

Type: Public

54 8 50 30
CroissancePlus CroissancePlus

1st French network of growth entrepreneurs, bringing together companies of all sizes and all sectors. A network of nearly 500 entrepreneurs! Our 500 entrepreneurs are committed to building an entrepreneurial company that combines meaning and growth. A company in which each actor-society, associations, entrepreneurs- can create solutions to the problems encountered and meet the challenges that our society is confronted. Entrepreneurship, lobbying, entrepreneur, networking, and responsible growth

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

64 18 45 95
Crieur Public Crieur Public

Digital and media strategy consulting agency. Specialist for 20 years: construction, urban, housing, DIY and garden The crier public is a digital and media strategy consulting agency. Our agency is at the service of visibility, image and business challenges of construction, urban development, housing, DIY and garden. The analogy with the public crier evokes the challenges of our professions: choosing the words, transmitting a message, positioning yourself in the right place, obtaining an optimal audience! From the so -called "traditional" press, we have passionate about the emergence of digital. Information consumption has changed. Omnipresent, multiple, immediate, it takes all forms …

Type: Media

11 0 10 26
CPME Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur CPME Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

Defend, support, support The CPME Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur is actively working on the defense of the entrepreneurial values ​​of SMEs and VSEs in the region and is mobilizing on major economic, social or ethical subjects that concern entrepreneurs. The CPME Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur provides its support and know-how to coordinate and animate the CPME of the region's departments.

Type: Public

42 8 37 12
CPME Loire CPME Loire

A la CPME notre Valeur Ajoutée c'est l'Humain ! La CPME Loire est une organisation patronale interprofessionnelle qui représente et défend les intérêts des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises ligériennes de l'industrie, du commerce, des services et de l'artisanat. La CPME Loire c'est : - plus de 60 ans d'histoire et d'engagement - le partage des valeurs de solidarité, d'ouverture, de convivialité et de proximité - l'anti-solitude du chef d'entreprise : un réseau de rencontres et d'échanges essentiel en temps de crise - la seule organisation patronale représentative des TPE-PME-PMI, commerçants et artisans

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

30 4 26 12

Confederation of small and medium-sized enterprises in Haute-Garonne 🚀 The confederation of small and medium -sized enterprises is the only interprofessional employers' organization (trade, industry, services, crafts) representative of VSEs and heritage SMEs, those whose business leaders take personal risks on a daily basis and who have the will to give meaning to their business. Proximity network, with more than 1,500 members on Haute-Garonne, it revolves around 3 objectives: 👊 Defend and represent To make the voice of VSEs/SMEs heard, the CPME 31 is mobilized with local, regional and national policies and actors. 👋 Support and support Through practical tools, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

39 9 28 18
CPME Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes CPME Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Aux côtés de tous les entrepreneurs La CPME - Confédération des PME - Organisation patronale interprofessionnelle représentant les TPE/PME et assurant la représentation et la défense des TPE/PME tous secteurs confondus. La CPME Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes : 12 structures départementales 12 000 PME adhérentes et de nombreuses branches professionnelles adhérentes. La CPME vous accompagne dans l'évolution de votre TPE/PME. Aide aux entreprises, Transmission, International, Finances, Handicap, Gestion, Environnement, and Relation Ecoles / Entreprises

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

70 30 35 33