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LogoName Σ Employees
Diversidays Diversidays

Digital, diversity accelerator In 2017, Mounira Hamdi and Anthony Babkine, specialists in advice and digital communication, make an important observation: France is full of job seekers having an appetite for digital technology and talented entrepreneurs in the field of tech & amp; Digital, however, they note the lack of diversity in the digital and tech professions in France and internationally. Despite their determination, these talents or entrepreneurs of diversity tech face many obstacles (lack of information, support or guidance councils ...) Convinced that the diversity of profiles is an important performance lever for companies and the country, Mounira and Anthony …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

123 35
DGAFP - Direction générale de l’administration et de la fonction publique DGAFP - Direction générale de l’administration et de la fonction publique

State HRD Official page of the General Directorate of Administration and the Public Service - HRD of the State. Find us on and on Twitter: public service account @dgafp ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ................ The Directorate General of Administration and the Public Service's mission is to design and set up an overall policy of the public service in the field of human resources.

Type: Public

53 11,076
DesCodeuses DesCodeuses

Transforming the social trajectories of women in disadvantaged neighborhoods by forming the new faces of tech! Descoders transforms the social trajectories of women in working -class neighborhoods to become the new faces of tech! Our vision: All women, regardless of their social origins, must access the professions of the future, income generators. Descodeuses is a social enterprise which, on the one hand, offers professional support courses to the programming, cybersecurity and cloud professions for women from working -class neighborhoods in order to get out of precariousness and on the other hand Part offers inclusive recruitment services to companies in order …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech edtech

33 24
Département de la Drôme Département de la Drôme

Welcome to the official page of the Drôme department. Official page of the Drôme Department

Type: Public

47 465
Délégation interministérielle à l'accueil et à l'intégration des réfugiés (Diair) Délégation interministérielle à l'accueil et à l'intégration des réfugiés (Diair)

We participate in the implementation of the policy of reception and integration of refugees in the territory Announced in the summer of 2017 in the action plan to guarantee the right of asylum and better control migration flows, an inter -ministerial delegate responsible for the reception and integration of refugees was instituted with the Minister of the Interior. Its mission is to participate in the definition and animation of the policy of reception and integration of refugees. For this, in addition to the various state services, he works with local authorities, the associative sector and representatives of civil society. Its …

Type: Public

55 30
Décider ensemble Décider ensemble

Think Tank of the shared decision Deciding together is a think tank specializing in governance issues: participation, consultation and dialogue between stakeholders. For more than 15 years, it has brought together actors from French society wishing to disseminate a culture of shared decision: NGOs, companies, associations of local elected officials, state administrations, experts and academics. Transpartisan, the Think Tank is chaired by a deputy. His work is organized in four axes: - a laboratory pole of ideas which notably provides a advocacy function - a resource center - a promotion/dissemination of participation issues - A network center for its partners …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

72 9
DRANE Site de Versailles DRANE Site de Versailles

Versailles, digital academy Official account of the delegation of the academic region to educational digital (drane) - site of the Academy of Versailles. digital, e-education, e-training, robotics, programming, media education, EMI, ENT, and digital resources

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech Technologies: Robotics

33 58
Culture Prioritaire Culture Prioritaire

Equal opportunities and fight against social determinism The Priority Culture Association intervenes in favor of equal opportunities and educational success. It is an association of general interest which offers support in general culture and culture of trades to young people from 3rd to final year in order to facilitate access to higher education and the professional world. Education, academic success, professional orientation, priority district, and association

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

24 12
CRESS Île-de-France CRESS Île-de-France

Another idea of ​​the economy The Regional Chamber of the Social and Solidarity Economy of Île-de-France is an association which brings together the actors of the Ile-de-France ESS. It aims to promote and develop ESS initiatives throughout its territory. Place of exchange and pooling, it brings together associations, cooperatives, social enterprises, foundations and mutuals and promotes the emergence of reflections in its field. At the confluence of many public and private actors, CRESS IDF represents the organization of the SSE in front of the public authorities and works to maintain an environment favorable to the dissemination of its entrepreneurship modes.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

65 25
Journée contre la précarité énergétique Journée contre la précarité énergétique

On November 10, 2021, 19 organizations organized the first day against energy precariousness in France. At the crossroads of social and ecological issues, energy precariousness is a form of poor housing that affects more than 12 million people in France. The Abbé Pierre Foundation and 23 organizations involved in the prevention of energy precariousness, the fight against exclusion and global warming are at the origin of this national day of awareness of energy precariousness. Present throughout the territory through an awareness campaign and events open to the general public, this day will make this phenomenon visible to national decision -makers …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech

24 1
ALL4PACK Emballage Paris ALL4PACK Emballage Paris

The marketplace for success for Packaging, Processing, Printing and Intralogistics Le salon ALLFORPACK EMBALLAGE PARIS réunit les acteurs de la filière emballage et intralogistique issus des secteurs de l’alimentaire, des liquides, de la cosmétique, de la beauté, du luxe, de la santé, de la pharmacie, de la distribution, du e-commerce et des biens de consommation et industriels pour 4 jours d’échanges, de démonstrations, d’innovation et de présentation. De la matière première jusqu’à l’intralogistique et l’expédition, l’univers du packaging et de l’emballage est devenu une chaîne globale de production, innovante et totalement connectée. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous du 23 au …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech Technologies: New Materials

24 6
CPCU - La Compagnie Parisienne de Chauffage Urbain CPCU - La Compagnie Parisienne de Chauffage Urbain

Le plus grand réseau de chaleur de France Depuis 1927, nous produisons et acheminons de la chaleur pour le chauffage et l’eau chaude en métropole parisienne. Au fil du temps, notre réseau s’est étendu et modernisé, devenant de plus en plus performant et respectueux de l’environnement afin de répondre aux enjeux énergétiques et durables de la ville. La CPCU fournit à ses clients et habitants de la métropole parisienne de la chaleur issue notamment des énergies renouvelables pour les besoins de chauffage et d’eau chaude de l’habitat et du tertiaire public ou privé. Entreprise Publique Locale, filiale d'ENGIE et concessionnaire …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

35 330
Conviviance Conviviance

Expert de la mise en relation des clients / patients / citoyens – SVI évoluée 3.0 #SVI #VoiceBot #TextToSpeech French company specialized in softwares with vocal recognition and vocal functions applied to improve call processing, customer satisfaction, CRM applications and brand image. The company offers a wide range of voice solutions to suit all types of sectors and companies according to their needs. Established 12 years ago, the company is now an expert in vocal synthesis and speech recognition. Conviviance, créée en 2006, est un éditeur français de logiciels pour le traitement automatique des appels. Basée dans le sur de …

Type: SMB Activities: telecommunications Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Natural Language Processing

24 9
ENGIE Rassembleurs d'Energies ENGIE Rassembleurs d'Energies

Promote access to sustainable energy for all ENGIE Rassembleurs d’Energies is the corporate impact investment fund of ENGIE Group. Its mission is to tackle the challenge of decarbonization by investing in socially and environmentally impactful companies, thereby improving the lives of individuals and communities More than 20,000 ENGIE employees supported these companies through the FCPE Solidaire R.E. Flexible.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech

14 10
Conseil national du numérique Conseil national du numérique

Independent public commission responsible for conducting an open reflection on the relationship of humans to digital The National Digital Council, an independent advisory committee, is responsible for conducting an open reflection on the relationship of humans to digital. Its mission is to give citizens and decision -makers, on a national and European scale, keys to reflect and to act. The work he produces and sharing are from collective thought emanating from the debates organized within it and the meeting with people from all the components of society. Members and General Secretariat: we Tech, Digital, Government, and Public Policy

Type: Public

152 24
Conseil National des Villes et Villages Fleuris (CNVVF) Conseil National des Villes et Villages Fleuris (CNVVF)

Fleuris cities and villages, the national quality of life label The National Council of Fleuris Cities and Villages is an association law 1901 which ensures organization and respect for the quality charter of "flower towns and villages", the National Label of Quality of Life. It ensures its development and promotion at the national level, in connection with regions and departments, and supports the municipalities in the enhancement of their landscape identity. The label rewards communities engagement in favor of improving the living environment. It takes into account the place granted to plants in the development of public spaces, environmental protection, …

Type: Public

33 9
Conseil Départemental du Val de Marne Conseil Départemental du Val de Marne

Planning · Associations · Culture · Participatory democracy · Sustainable development · Economy · Education · Equality men/Women · Employment - Training Social action, autonomy, handicap, elderly, integration/employment, early childhood, child protection, colleges, roads, transport, water/sanitation, green and natural spaces, sustainable development, ecological transition, citizenship, culture, archives, and associative life

Type: Public

75 2,621
Conseil départemental de la Seine-Saint-Denis Conseil départemental de la Seine-Saint-Denis

For employment, the Department mobilizes the actors and creates the conditions for implementing new initiatives and actions for the economic development of the territory to benefit the inhabitants.

Type: Public

91 2,902
Compagnie de Phalsbourg Compagnie de Phalsbourg

To build the France of tomorrow Created in 1989 by Philippe Journo, the company of Phalsbourg is the first French private property. Since 2002, it has applied to "change city entrances", bringing exceptional architecture and environmental quality with Angers in 2012, Waves-Actisud in Metz in 2014, The Village in Villefontaine in 2018, My beautiful Buchelay in 2019 or more recently still my great pleasure in August 2020. The company of Phalsbourg continues to diversify by proposing projects within major agglomerations, in France, Spain, Portugal and the United States. Originally specialized in the renovation of the periphery commercial areas, the company …

Type: Incubators & VCs

33 148
Commerce Équitable France Commerce Équitable France

Actors of fair trade 🇫🇷 to develop economic, social and climatic justice 🌍 Who are we ? Fair trade France brings together French fair trade players to develop and defend the sector: committed companies, labels, distribution networks, consumer and education associations for global citizenship, international solidarity organizations and research players and 'education. The collective promotes and defends fair trade in France and internationally to support the ecological and social transitions of production and consumption methods. Changing trade in favor of economic justice and environmental protection is the bet of the global citizen movement of fair trade. Fair trade? Innovative and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

55 25
CCAH - Comité national Coordination Action Handicap CCAH - Comité national Coordination Action Handicap

I have its members, the CCAH is the first private financier of the handicap in France. Place for all - CCAH and its members support project leaders in the disability sector with the aim of improving the daily life of disabled people and promoting living together. Place for all - CCAH relies on its expertise in the sector, support and financing of more than 3,000 projects to offer a training and consulting offer to companies engaged in a handicap approach

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech edtech

48 20
Comité français de l'UICN Comité français de l'UICN

For a just world that values ​​and retains nature Created in 1992, the French Committee of the IUCN is the network of organizations and experts of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature in France. It brings together within an original partnership 2 ministries, 7 public organizations, 6 local authorities, 61 non -governmental organizations (NGOs) and more than 250 experts. By this mixed composition, the French Committee of the IUCN is a unique platform for dialogue, expertise and action on the challenges of biodiversity. The French Committee of the IUCN aims to contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

74 94
Comité Champs-Elysées Comité Champs-Elysées

Official account of the Champs-Elysées Committee, non-profit association, created in 1916. For almost a century, the Committee has been acting in favor of promotion, development and international notoriety of the avenue and the Champs-Elysées district in Paris. In 1980, he created the event by launching the first Christmas illuminations. Since then, the Committee has given itself a mission to animate the avenue by the organization or sponsorship of many events. These are image vectors and traffic creators on the Champs-Elysées.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

26 8
Collège de France Collège de France

Research & amp; Teaching | PSL associate member The Collège de France is a public establishment for higher education and research unique in the world. Since its creation in 1530, it has responded to a double vocation: to be the most daring research and that of its teaching. We teach all interested audiences there, free of charge and without any registration or diploma condition, "knowledge being constituted in all areas of letters, sciences or arts", and we are carrying out a search for points in partnership with large French and international scientific institutions. One of the essential missions of the …

Type: Public Activities: edtech

56 751
Collectif National des Jeunes Urbanistes Collectif National des Jeunes Urbanistes

The Association of Young Urbanists in France By bringing together 700 urban planners, the National Collective of Young Urbanists (CNJU) has become the first association of a Profession En Marche. Created in the summer of 2009, it was structured in association at the start of 2010. It brings together 19 associations of students and graduates in town planning and development. Urban planning, space planning, professional association, space planning, urbanism, and professional network

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

17 4
Collectif Fetart Collectif Fetart

Creator of the circulation (s) festival Artistic director of photographic meetings of the 10th Encourage, support, reveal. Fetart is the creator and artistic director of traffic (s), the young European photography festival. It is made up of 6 independent commissioners specialists in emerging photography. All are led by common convictions and vision: a commitment and support for young photographers, the interest of exploring the new European artistic scene, and a desire to renew the forms of monitoring. Fetart is also based on a permanent team and brings together a community of passionate volunteers with extensive fields of expertise. The commitment …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

6 18
Coénove Coénove

Association mobilized for the energy mix and the place of gas, eventually renewable, in the building Created in 2014, Coénove is an association law 1901 formed around key players in energy efficiency in the building. All actively committed to the success of the energy transition, the members of the association support a vision based on the complementarity of energies and the essential contribution of gas, in the long term, to achieve the ambitious objectives of the French strategy on energy and the climate.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

63 4

The French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF) is a French association of public utility which represents the sports movement on French territory and brings together in particular sports federations. He is notably responsible for collaborating in the preparation, the selection of athletes and ensuring their participation in the Olympic Games. His statutes give him, moreover, competence to lead, on behalf of the federations, or in collaboration with them, any action in the general interest of the sports movement. The CNOSF promotes the fundamental principles and the values ​​of Olympism, sport for all, sports activity with the general public and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

102 241
CNAPE, la fédération des associations de protection de l'enfant CNAPE, la fédération des associations de protection de l'enfant

The Federation of Child Protection: 169 associations, 13 movements, experts and 1 user association Created in 1948, the CNAPE is a national federation of associations that accompany and welcome children, adolescents and young adults in difficulty. Its action is part of the CIDE and in the context of public policies relating to childhood and youth. The CNAPE fields of intervention concern prevention, child protection, criminal justice for minors, childhood and youth with disabilities and vulnerability, youth faced with integration difficulties. They also relate to the environment of children and young people who can influence their development and well-being, such as …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

30 40
CLUBHOUSE France • santé mentale CLUBHOUSE France • santé mentale

CLUBHOUSE : un lieu qui accompagne des personnes concernées par un trouble psy vers une réinsertion sociale et pro Peu de solutions existent pour passer de l’état de stabilisation d’un trouble psychique à un retour à une vie sociale et professionnelle stable, durable et épanouissante. Inspiré d’un modèle nord-américain crée en 1948, les CLUBHOUSE sont des lieux qui accompagnent des personnes concernées par un trouble psychique (bipolarité, schizophrénie, dépression, etc.) vers une réinsertion sociale et professionnelle. La méthode CLUBHOUSE, unique, innovante et efficace, s’articule autour d’une approche collective basée sur le « faire ensemble » et la pair-aidance, mais aussi …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

45 77
Climate Chance Climate Chance

Mobilising and bringing together local actors to strengthen action Since its creation in 2015, Climate Chance brings together all of the actors involved in the implementation of the objectives of the international Agendas on Climate, Biodiversity and Desertification, in keeping with the Sustainable Development Goals. It is the only international association seeking to connect all non-state actors from Europe and Africa, working on the acceleration of local action: local governments, businesses, civil society organisations, but also the media, researchers and citizens. climat, objectifs de développement durable, sustainable development goals, ODD, SDG's, collectivités locales, ONG, entreprises, syndicats, agriculture, femmes et genre, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

56 15
Sport Excellence Reconversion Sport Excellence Reconversion

The school of high -level sportsmen Successful retraining in excellence

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

40 6
Cité internationale universitaire de Paris Cité internationale universitaire de Paris

The International City welcomes 12,000 students and researchers from around the world around 45 houses. The Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris is a site unique in the world dedicated to the reception and meetings of students, researchers, artists and high -level sportsmen representing more than 150 nationalities. This campus is the most important in Île-de-France with a capacity of 6,800 dwellings. Accommodation, events, and patronage

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

79 191
Cinéma du réel - International Documentary Film Festival Cinéma du réel - International Documentary Film Festival

Festival international du film documentaire International Documentary Film Festival International

Type: Media

4 23
Centre International des Arts en Mouvement (CIAM) Centre International des Arts en Mouvement (CIAM)

Let the circus surprise you Reference of the circus arts in Aix country, the CIAM works to share the diversity of these arts with the greatest number, inhabitants or artists, children or adults, initiated or novices. Installed on an area of ​​5 hectares on the edge of the city, it wants to be a place of meeting between the arts, of dialogue and discovery, where projects and vocations are born, without artistic or social border. It is organized around four major axes: discovery, transmission, creation, diffusion, which feed each other. Each year, at the end of September, he organized the …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

49 26
Fabrique de la Logistique Fabrique de la Logistique

Open Innovation at the service of logistics Initiated by ADEME, the logistics factory is an open and structured community around an ecosystem of users that co -construct innovative supply chain solutions by providing their skills and resources. A base of knowledge and logistical practices develops within the factory around commons and is enriched for the benefit of each. The factory is organized around communities of interest which constitute the future challenges of the Supply Chain. The objective of the factory is to stimulate / facilitate innovation in the field of logistics by building open resources (common) to allow actors to …

Type: Public Activities: transporttech

15 14

Providing field based, standardized traffic regulations data for a smoother traffic flow and optimized journeys DiaLog is a digital service designed and operated by the french government, that aims at making it possible for road authorities to digitize their traffic and parking regulations. We design a series of tool : forms, APIs, maps, etc. with local and state level road managers in order for them to easily input their informations, which is then available on an open data (Open licence 2.0) access point. More info at (english or french) Mobilités, Innovation, Data, Réglementation, Logistique, Routes, and Circulation

Type: Public Activities: transporttech it services Technologies: Data Analytics

18 3

Certifier committed to sustainable living environment in France and internationally. 🔵 Certifa is a leader in France for the certification and labeling of tertiary buildings (non -residential), infrastructure and territorial planning. Certivea has been the first certifier body to become a mission company since December 2022 with the desire to act as a certifier committed for sustainable lifestyles and make buildings, cities and territories more sustainable in the face of the urgency of change climate and other major environmental, societal and digital transitions. Subsidiary of the CSTB, a scientific and technical center of the building, Certifaa is the only certification …

Type: Corporate subsidiary NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

93 67
Century 21 France Century 21 France

Let's talk about you, let's talk about property. 960 agencies exercise the professions of the transaction in residential real estate and/or business and business real estate, rental management and the condominium trustee. They are distributed as follows: . 557 agencies specialize in rental management and manage 131,000 lots . 129 exercise the profession of trustee and manage 121,000 co -ownership lots . 30 agencies specialize in commercial and business real estate . 26 Fine Homes & amp agencies; Luxury are dedicated to luxury real estate 7,620 employees (57% women and 43% men) 35 different training courses | 11 ESG Executive …

Type: Incubators & VCs

61 1,284
Centre national du livre Centre national du livre

The CNL, 1st support for book and reading in France. Our mission? Have all books read and give the taste of books to everyone. The National Center for Book, the first support for book and reading in France. Our missions? Encourage the creation and dissemination of quality works, through numerous support devices for the players in the book chain (authors, publishers, booksellers, libraries, organizers of literary events). The CNL is also a place of meetings, exchanges and actions between professionals in the sector. Professionals or book enthusiasts, let's share the taste for reading! Books, publishing, bookstores, libraries, translation, literature, cultural …

Type: Public

62 89
Centre Hospitalier de Plaisir Centre Hospitalier de Plaisir

Care at the heart of our professions The Center Hospitalier de Plais is a public establishment on a human scale, the 2nd of the Territory Hospital Group (GHT) from the South Yvelines. It was born from the 2018 merger of two recognized public establishments: the gerontological and medico-social hospital known as "HGMS", and the Jean-Martin Charcot hospital center, specializing in the field of care of mental illness. Our hospital center offers a diversified and specialized 1/2 hour care range from Paris-Montparnasse station. The supply of care is divided between a hospital care for pleasure, and extrahospitable in the southern Yvelines …

Type: Public

4 314
Cédille Cédille

The Drôme / Third Party Network / Shares and collective projects of Drôme collaborative actors. The Drôme third-Lieux network With Cédille, the Drôme actors share their experiences, help each other and develop common projects. Come work differently in the Drôme! #Coworking #Teletravail #collaborative #Community #usagers #participe #hentreprendre #Horizontality #Collectifs #Welcome Work differently, coworking, third-lieu, solidarity, sharing, collaborative, mutual aid, alternative, fablab, workshops, culture, creativity, employment, territory, drôme, attractiveness, commons, third-lieux, rurality, and proximity

Type: Media

59 15
CDEFI - Conférence des directeurs des écoles françaises d'ingénieurs CDEFI - Conférence des directeurs des écoles françaises d'ingénieurs

Institutional conference constituted in association Association of 1901, the Conference of Directors of French Engineering Schools (CDEFI) represents all the directors of establishments, or components of establishments, public and private, accredited by the commission of engineering securities (CTI) to issue the title of graduate engineer. Created in 1976, the CDEFI's mission is to represent French higher education and research establishments with the State, the European Union and international organizations. Thus, on behalf of engineering schools, the CDEFI formulates wishes, builds projects and makes motivated opinions on questions relating to higher education and research. Its primary vocation being to promote the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

55 24

Protestant social action center · Together, fight the unacceptable For almost 120 years, the CASP has supported weakened people in the Ile -de -France territory. Employment, access to law, culture, (re) learning parenting or discovery of new physical activities, nearly 700 employees fight the unacceptable every day. CASP is a social player offering the most complete support possible, allowing people benefiting from its actions to (re) integrate the company as calmly as possible. Founded on August 5, 1905 by the Consistory of Paris, the CASP is a secular association recognized as a public utility, authorized to receive donations and legacies.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

31 609
Département de l'Ain Département de l'Ain

Ain, recruiter of talents! #iquetlain The Ain department is at the service of more than 650,000 inhabitants and supports the Aindinois throughout their lives. Solidarity, social action, mobility, regional planning, road infrastructure, youth, colleges, culture, sport, constitute its different missions. With a budget of 650 million euros, the department brings ambitious projects for the Aindinois. The deliberative assembly of the Ain department is made up of 46 departmental advisers spread over 23 cantons and 2,300 agents. Gastronomy, sport, well -being, culture and heritage, Ain offers a rich and dynamic quality of life. Its different reliefs offer the possibility of practicing …

Type: Public

50 474
CAMI Sport & Cancer CAMI Sport & Cancer

When sport becomes therapy! Sport Cami & Amp; Cancer is the first association that develops and structures physical activity in oncology and hematology. Created in 2000, it is currently present in 29 departments, around thirty hospitals and nearly 80 cities in France, which allows it to support nearly 3,500 patients per week and to benefit from medical, institutional and university. To support each patient on the whole of his care and life course, Cami Sport & Amp; Cancer has developed a unique and innovative intervention model in three complementary phases: 1- In the hospital for patients at the start or …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

37 60

🏡🏗️🌳 Town planning professionals, land, development & amp; Design: become actors in the city of tomorrow! 🗞️Informations 🎓 Formations 🎤 🎤 ☞ ☞ City frame supports you in all your professional needs on a daily basis! 🗞️ Online press site of daily information which makes it possible to follow all of urban projects, current events, cities strategies, case law with all regulatory texts, which offers a map of 15 years of urban projects permeted, and which makes it possible to respond to public consultations. is an online press service recognized by the joint commission of publications and press agencies. …

Type: Media

34 19
Build&Connect Summit Build&Connect Summit

International biennial conference around the major building transformations. Build & amp; Connect Summit is the international conference that has taken place every two years since 2014 in Strasbourg in the Grand Est to meet and share around the major issues of buildings. It is organized by the Build pole & amp; Connect (ex Energivie fiber pole) and the University of Strasbourg. See you for the 6th edition on June 12 and 13, 2024 at Illiad! (Illkirch-Graffenstaden) Boat, durable building, energy performance, sustainable construction, circular economy, Event, Symposium, Salon, Grand Est, and Strasbourg

Type: Event

36 2
Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France

Build for life A subsidiary of Bouygues Construction, Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France develops a global competence for its customers through the specialties of all of its structures: private renovation, private construction, residential housing, public works, social housing and Brézillon. Linkcity Ile-de-France for real estate development, Elan in project management and COGEMEX in the maintenance of housing all trades complete its offer. This organization in specialties allows Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France to capitalize on its expertise to provide an optimized solution that meets the needs of each of its customers. If Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France is a reference company, our ambition is to become …

Type: Media

76 1,966
Bleu Blanc Zèbre Bleu Blanc Zèbre

An association that unites & labels a community of committed actors around concrete projects 🌿 🌎 🤝 Bleu Blanc Zèbre is a citizen movement that unites more than 450 solution providers located in all French departments who carry the vision of a society full of hope, where citizens get involved, where associations, public actors and companies cooperate to fight against social and environmental fractures and bring the common good to life. Solidarity, Fraternity, Education, Employment, Housing, Well-Being, Environment, Health, Transition, Habitat, and Food

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

67 24
Bip Pop Bip Pop

Secure solution for coordinating local solidarity in favor of the autonomy of people in the territories Bip Pop is the solution developed by the Société Coopérative d'Intérêt Collectif Django Mesh which allows the public service to coordinate local solidarity in order to promote social ties and the mobility of people losing their autonomy (age, disability, health), whether or not they have access to the internet/mobile. Bip Pop is a personalized brand device intended for local authorities (municipalities, EPCI, departments) wishing to expand their social action by securely connecting vulnerable people with volunteers wishing to get involved occasionally near their home. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

35 5
bigbang communication bigbang communication

communication agency Citizen company, Bigbang Communication is a communication and seduction agency located in Lyon, Besançon and Rennes since 1990. It radiates geographically throughout France. Behind this agency, beats the heart of a citizen business, well in its time, listening to the evolution of our society. For more than 30 years, our company has constantly developed its know-how and skills thanks to the talent of its employees. She never ceases to rely on listening and respect values, she has the requirement of simplicity. Some of our know-how: - Brand strategy / Visual communication: territory of brands, visual identity, media plan, …

Type: Media

12 16
B.Conseil - Financement de l'Innovation🌱 B.Conseil - Financement de l'Innovation🌱

Good management of the Research Tax Credit | 1000+ clients | 80 talents | Paris Toulouse Lille Lyon Strasbourg Nantes Experts in innovation financing: We offer entrepreneurs and business leaders the means to finance risk-taking in the development of their new products. We act to guarantee them the best possible financing in the least time-consuming and anxiety-provoking way possible. Our goal is to contribute on our scale to a better world as a facilitator for the emergence of new know-how and products. Our expertise in the various R&D and Innovation financing mechanisms allows us to financially encourage innovation driven by …

Type: Incubators & VCs

15 83
Banques Alimentaires Banques Alimentaires

1st food aid network in France. 111 locations. 7,700 volunteers. 241 million meals The leading food aid network in France, the Food Banks fight daily against insecurity and food waste. In 2022, the Food Banks collected 112,000 tons of food for free to redistribute more than 224 million meals to 2.4 million people in France. Since 1984, the Food Bank network has also been a central player in the circular solidarity economy: in 2022, more than 74,000 tons of products were saved from destruction out of the 112,000 tons of food collected for free. Our network offers innovative food aid …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech greentech cleantech

85 174
Auxilia conseil Auxilia conseil

For an ecological, social, supportive and fair bifurcation. A social enterprise of the SOS Group. Auxilia: TRANSITION CONSULTING A pioneer in sustainable development, an association of the SOS Group, Auxilia has been supporting the systemic transition of territories for over 20 years, that is to say an ecological transition but also an economic, social and democratic one. This transition requires different ways of doing things and a particular kind of innovation. A local innovation, creating value in the territories, social, which meets the real needs of residents, businesses and farmers. An innovation that draws on the expertise of local stakeholders, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

88 88
Mobilité Club France Mobilité Club France

Mobilité Club France, acting for safe and sustainable mobility for all. In 2023, the Automobile Club Association becomes Mobilité Club France. For over a century, the Automobile Club Association has brought together, represented and defended the interests of motorists and road users. We act to ensure mobility and road safety for all, including the provision of services. The Automobile Club Association is an apolitical structure, which intervenes on all subjects relating to mobility, whether at the local, national or international level. At the international level, the Automobile Clubs are grouped under the aegis of the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA), …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

33 51
AUT-FNAUT Ile-de-France AUT-FNAUT Ile-de-France

The Association of Transport Users (AUT) brings together members from the Paris region (legal entities or individuals) of the National Federation of Transport User Associations (FNAUT). AUT works: - to improve and develop urban, regional, rural and interurban public transport, - to improve travel conditions for pedestrians, cyclists and disabled people, - to ensure road safety, - to provide an intermodal transport policy that respects the daily living environment and the environment.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech traveltech

30 1
Groupe Atland Groupe Atland

Let's build your real estate future ATLAND is a listed global player present across the entire real estate value chain. With €4.6 billion under management as of September 30, 2024, ATLAND is involved in asset management and development operations. ATLAND is listed on Euronext in Paris, Compartment B (ISIN code: FR0013455482) Our brands Asset management: - ATLAND Voisin - ATLAND Investment Management - Fundimmo - MyShareCompany Development operations - ATLAND Résidentiel - ATLAND Entreprises - Maisons Marianne Asset Management, Property Management, Residential development, Investment, Renovation and valuation, Corporate real estate, Asset management, New housing, Intergenerational housing, and Real estate development

Type: Incubators & VCs

34 206
Atelier du Pont Atelier du Pont

Architect & Interior Designer - Paris - Nice - Lyon - Menorca Created in 1997, Atelier du Pont, an architecture and interior design agency, now has 40 employees from all walks of life, led by two partners: Anne-Cécile Comar and Philippe Croisier. The agency operates in many areas: hotels, facilities, housing, offices, private homes, shops, restaurants, etc. and questions new ways of living, working and relaxing to create fair, creative and inspiring places, in France and abroad. Its approach is global. Whether its projects take the form of a small 15 m2 boutique or a 10,000 m2 building, Atelier du …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech smart city

27 62
ASTS - Association Science Technologie Société ASTS - Association Science Technologie Société

Our pedagogy gives pride of place to games, discussion, and civic reflection! ASTS was created in 1981 to promote, from a cultural and humanist perspective, advances in science and technology to the general public by placing civic awareness and action at the center of its concerns. To this end, it has a youth and popular education accreditation, as well as civic service. Currently, within the framework of sustainable development and environmental justice, its mission is to question the issues that scientific developments, technological developments, and digital inclusion represent for society. Digital Mediation, Science and Society, Living Lab, Fab Lab, EPN, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

16 17
Astérya Astérya

Awakens, identifies and supports the desire to act in solidarity and citizenship! Created in 2014, the Astérya association aims to encourage and facilitate participation and civic engagement, in all its forms. It supports the desire to act for a more united, democratic and ecological society, with particular attention to socially vulnerable, isolated or marginalized people. At the same time, Astérya leads actions open to all: Cafés Envie d’agir, training, videos, etc. and carries out research activities that produce original reflection on issues of citizenship and solidarity and ecological engagement. In 2017, Astérya published the Guide pour Agir sur toutes les …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

12 8
Association Nationale Compagnons Bâtisseurs Association Nationale Compagnons Bâtisseurs

Solidarity, a project to share The Compagnons Bâtisseurs network is a popular education movement that has been working for over 60 years to improve housing, promote economic integration in the construction sector and welcome young volunteers. Currently present in 14 regions in France, the Compagnons Bâtisseurs have developed a philosophy of intervention at the crossroads of social action and housing renovation: Accompanied Self-Rehabilitation. Accompanied Self-Rehabilitation, Volunteering, Accompanied Self-construction, and housing problems

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

73 19
Association Internationale des Maires Francophones Association Internationale des Maires Francophones

Uniting destinies, Respecting diversity For 40 years, the AIMF has brought together Mayors convinced that by changing the city, we can change the world. Rather than thinking in terms of North or South, ethnicity or religion and focusing on what divides, it constitutes a common thread that unites around a certain idea of ​​seeing the world. Its missions: to unite energies, to promote ambitious and responsible policies in the service of an urbanity that is more respectful of Man, the environment and living things, to collectively carry out projects that draw new perspectives on living together, gender equality and diversity. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city greentech

34 26
Green Friday Green Friday

For more responsible and sustainable consumption! The social and environmental impacts of our consumption are no longer in doubt; it is becoming urgent to raise awareness among the French about the different responsible alternatives and to call for more sobriety in our purchasing choices. Green Friday aims to raise massive awareness of the impacts of our consumption and encourage consumers to adopt new habits. Consuming means being able to choose to encourage more ethical and/or more respectful production methods for the planet. Initiated by the Envie network in 2017, Green Friday was born from a desire to remind people that …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

7 4
Association Du Sport et Plus Association Du Sport et Plus

The world of sport at the service of hospitalized children. "The world of sport at the service of hospitalized children" The Association Du Sport et Plus aims to improve the daily lives of hospitalized children, thanks to the world of sport. It has been active since the end of 2012 and its headquarters are located in Vanves, in Hauts-de-Seine. Our association mainly carries out 4 types of actions: - We offer equipment to the hospitals that we support, - We take athletes to meet children in pediatric departments, - We also invite convalescent children to sporting events. - Since 2021, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment healthtech

48 2
Association Communication publique Association Communication publique

Meeting of communication managers of public institutions Communication publique is a meeting and dialogue space for communication managers of institutions, communities and public companies. Recognized for its expertise, the association explores the strategic and operational issues of communication. It works with decision-makers to make communication a condition for the success of public policies. Publisher of the magazine "PAROLE PUBLIQUE", it regularly offers meetings and events where the main players in public communication meet. For more information: Communication des institutions publiques and association

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

67 9
Bloomberg Associates Bloomberg Associates

Bloomberg Associates is an international consulting service founded by Michael R. Bloomberg as a philanthropic venture. Bloomberg Associates is an international consulting service founded by Michael R. Bloomberg as a philanthropic venture. Our mission is to help city governments improve the quality of life of their citizens. Directed by a team of globally recognized experts and industry leaders, the consultancy works to improve urban environments by collaborating with cities to develop best practices, build consensus and foster key relationships. Through its guidance and mentorship, Bloomberg Associates delivers actionable insights and plans across multiple disciplines. Additionally, the team fosters public-private partnerships …

Type: Incubators & VCs

9 74
arpejeh arpejeh

Meetings that help talents grow! The arpejeh association is a general interest association created in 2008, governed by the law of July 1, 1901, bringing together companies and public actors from all sectors, engaged in an active policy in favor of the employment of disabled people, equal opportunities and diversity. arpejeh aims to promote the training, qualification and employment of young disabled people. To achieve this desire to work in line with the law of February 11, 2005, arpejeh and its members are developing a pragmatic system of information, reception and support for young disabled people in their training and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

81 19
Aremacs Aremacs

Association for the Respect of the Environment on Cultural and Sporting Events #tongestecompte AREMACS: Implementation of eco-responsible practices in the event environment: Association for the Respect of the Environment during Cultural and Sporting Events (AREMACS) Aremacs offers support in the implementation of eco-responsible practices during sporting and cultural events. For 20 years, Aremacs has been working on the ground and providing concrete, local and effective solutions to better manage event waste and meet everyone's needs: > presence of an experienced team > provision of waste-specific equipment > training in eco-responsibility > diagnostics, advice By raising awareness among citizens, mobilizing …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

23 54

Together, another city is possible. A passionate player in commerce and the city, Apsys has been designing, producing, running and promoting high value-added operations in all functions (mixed urban hubs, shopping areas, offices, housing, hotels, etc.) since 1996. Its flagship projects include Manufaktura in Łódź (Poland), Beaugrenelle in Paris, Posnania in Poznań (Poland), Muse in Metz, Steel in Saint-Etienne, Neyrpic in the Grenoble metropolitan area, and Le Dix Solférino in Paris. Currently under development, Apsys is leading the Canopia projects in Bordeaux, La Maison du Peuple in Clichy and now the reconversion of the Lyon Perrache Exchange Center in Lyon …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech

52 275
Apprentis d'Auteuil Apprentis d'Auteuil

Apprentis d’Auteuil sees the best in each of the 40,000 young people supported in more than 400 establishments. Apprentis d’Auteuil is a Catholic foundation that educates and trains more than 13,000 young people in difficulty to enable them to integrate into society as free and responsible men and women, while supporting families in their parental responsibility. Education, Training and professional integration, Family support, Child protection, and Early childhood

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

100 3,669

National Agency for Research on AIDS, Hepatitis, and Emerging Infectious Diseases. ANRS (France REcherche Nord&Sud Sida-hiv Hépatites) is the French agency for research on HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis. Founded in 1988, it mobilizes researchers from the North and the South, from all disciplines, and whatever their affiliations, around scientific questions. Research, HIV/AIDS, Viral hepatitis, Sexually transmitted infections, Tuberculosis, Covid-19, Emerging diseases, Arboviruses, Viral hemorrhagic fevers, Emerging respiratory infections, and One Health

Type: Public

33 157
Animafac Animafac

The network that supports student initiatives and promotes youth engagement. Animafac, a network for exchanging experiences and a resource center for student initiatives, offers development tools and spaces for dialogue and collective development to more than 12,000 student associations. To inform student associations and support them in their projects, the network offers: - an interactive website, with numerous in-depth articles and practical resources - a collection of guides and fact sheets - training in association life and project management throughout France. The network also coordinates multiple awareness campaigns, such as the campaign to promote engagement Chacun Son Asso, the road …

Type: Media

41 45

En avant Penvénan COMMUNE DE PENVENAN is a government administration company based out of PL DE L EGLISE, Penvenan, Bretagne, France.

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

3 6
Société Française pour l'Étude et la Protection des Mammifères (SFEPM) Société Française pour l'Étude et la Protection des Mammifères (SFEPM)

The French Society for the Study and Protection of Mammals (SFEPM) is a national association created in 1977. *Study* Since the creation of the association, the SFEPM has conducted numerous studies on the different species in France (Metropolitan France and DOM-COM) with the support of regional and/or local associations. *Protect* The SFEPM aims to raise awareness of Mammals, so that they can be considered at their true value by everyone. Protecting these species also means preserving all the fauna that shares the same space and the natural and rural environments that shelter them. For example, the Chiroptera group is represented …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

15 13
Direction de l'immobilier de l'État (DIE) Direction de l'immobilier de l'État (DIE)

Official page of the State Real Estate Directorate (public administration) The State Real Estate Directorate (DIE) is an interministerial department, representing the State as owner, which manages, modernizes and enhances the State's real estate portfolio in an efficient and sustainable manner, allowing State agents to carry out their public service missions. It sets the guidelines and framework for the State's real estate policy, including in particular the ecological transition, real estate sobriety and changes in work organizations. It supports occupants and decision-makers, and co-constructs solutions as close as possible to the field thanks to its network. Follow us also on …

Type: Incubators & VCs

29 149
Logistic Low Carbon Logistic Low Carbon

LLC supports economic players in the deployment of sustainable urban logistics adapted to their territory. A subsidiary of the CGF, Logistic Low Carbon is the leader of the InTerLUD+ program (Territorial Innovations and Sustainable Urban Logistics), a CEE program. Its vocation is to create spaces for dialogue between public and economic players in order to enable them to develop, together, action plans in favor of decarbonized and more energy-efficient freight transport.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech cleantech greentech

18 12
Deyrolle Territoires Deyrolle Territoires

Observe, understand, learn. Dream, marvel. Preserve, transmit. For the Future. Louis Albert de Broglie With its commitments to preserving and promoting the living, Deyrolle – a scientific and educational institution created in 1831 – has developed a consulting department for biodiversity and adaptation to change: Deyrolle Territoires. Deyrolle Territoires is aimed at public and private stakeholders and offers consulting & design, and awareness & creation: - Nature Art Education philosophy-strategy consultancy - Project support assistance - Strategy and partnership monitoring - Scoring around positive externalities and biodiversity - Labelling assistance: Nature Art Education®️ label created by Deyrolle - Nourishing landscape …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech

15 2
Veni Verdi Veni Verdi

Let's grow gardens! Since 2010, the Veni Verdi association has been developing social, nourishing, educational, training, supportive, ecological and participatory urban agriculture projects, creating links and economic activities. The association is present in schools, colleges, on roofs or on the ground, in the residences of social landlords, everywhere where we are welcomed! urban agriculture

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

8 22
World Vision World Vision

Our vision for every child, life in all its fullness. Our prayer for every heart, the will to make it so. World Vision is the largest child-focused private charity in the world. Our 34,000+ staff members working in nearly 100 countries have united with our incredible supporters to impact the lives of over 200 million vulnerable children by tackling the root causes of poverty. Through World Vision every 60 seconds...a family gets water...a hungry child is fed...a family receives the tools to overcome poverty. Motivated by our faith and guided by our deep experience and expertise, we are a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

21 19,068
UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme) UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme)

Creating socially and environmentally sustainable cities and communities UN-Habitat is the United Nations entity responsible for developing urban policies and translating them into action to create sustainable cities and communities. Cities are facing unprecedented demographic, environmental, economic, and social challenges. There has been a phenomenal shift towards urbanization, with half of the world's population living in cities. By 2050, almost 70 per cent of the population will reside in cities. This urban growth will be happening mainly in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. In the absence of effective urban planning, the consequences of this rapid urbanization will be …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

53 1,798
Laudescher Laudescher

Wood in genes Laudescher develops, produces and markets products and systems for acoustic wooden ceilings and walls that contribute to a healthy working environment, by improving people's well-being and performance. Wood is a material that has inspired creations for architecture and quality of life for over 50 years. Thus, from traditional joinery to technological innovation, Laudescher has developed a unique and recognized industrial tool. Driven by a passion for wood, nourished by a humanist vision of its profession, open to the world, our company has chosen to provide professionals with innovative solutions with high added value. Alongside them, it takes …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: New Materials

3 25
Fédération Sportive et Gymnique du Travail (FSGT) Fédération Sportive et Gymnique du Travail (FSGT)

The FSGT is a multi-sport federation with more than 200,000 participants and 5,000 clubs in more than 50 disciplines. The Fédération sportive et gymnique du travail, an affinity and multi-sport federation for popular education - approved by the Ministry of Youth and Sports and a member of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF) - relies on militant volunteering to develop a lifelong associative sport, accessible to the entire population, particularly working-class backgrounds. The FSGT does not just organize sports practices, in more than 50 disciplines, for its some 4,500 clubs and more than 200,000 participants. It transforms sports …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

8 81
Quartiers du Monde - ONG française de solidarité internationale Quartiers du Monde - ONG française de solidarité internationale

"In any case, each neighborhood is a world..." Quartiers du Monde coordinates two South-South-North networks of social organizations, youth groups, girls and boys, and women, in North and West Africa, Latin America, and Europe. QDM strengthens the capacities of social organizations in the South and North in order to support socio-political and economic empowerment processes for young people and women in working-class neighborhoods, in terms of citizen participation, gender relations, social and solidarity economy, decent work, and the fight against all types of violence. QDM is also a center of expertise and training based on more than 10 years of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech edtech

2 18

The National Association of Mutuality Employers is the only employer organization in the Mutuality sector ANEM represents mutualist employers who carry out activities governed by the Mutuality Code.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

18 244
Anap Anap

Supporting healthcare and social-medical professionals in the development of their organizations. Since 2009, Anap has been supporting healthcare professionals in healthcare and social-medical institutions in the development of their organizations in order to improve the service provided to users. Its productions are always developed thanks to the expertise of professionals in the field. Its action aims to: - Improve the fluidity of people's healthcare pathways; - Facilitate knowledge of the healthcare offer, decision-making assistance and management dialogue; - Improve the organization of patient care and support activities; - Improve the organization of support and support functions. Our missions: - Support …

Type: Public

71 358

#writeyourworld - Let's share our passion for writing For over a century, PILOT has been committed to providing new writing solutions. By listening to consumers, our research has allowed us to create new standards in terms of comfort, through the launch of liquid ink rollerballs, gel ink, and more recently FriXion, the thermosensitive ink rollerball popular with young people around the world. Your trust has recently made us the world's number 1 brand in writing instruments, and we thank you for that. Today, we are committed to meeting the major challenges of this new millennium, such as protecting the environment, …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech

11 72
Anah Anah

A territorial response to the challenges of private housing The National Housing Agency (Anah) is tasked with improving the existing private housing stock. It is a public institution under the supervision of the ministries responsible for Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Authorities, Action and Public Accounts and the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Anah grants financial aid for work under conditions to owner-occupiers, lessors and co-ownerships in difficulty. It is a partner of local authorities for programmed operations (Opah). And a State operator in the implementation of national plans. Fight against substandard and very degraded housing, Treatment of co-ownerships …

Type: Public

111 345
Anacej Anacej

The national network for child and youth participation Anacej is the national network for the participation of children and young people Founded in 1991, Anacej is committed to promoting and supporting local authorities in implementing approaches to the participation of children and young people in public policies. It also works to build a trusting dialogue between young people and elected officials.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

39 19
each One each One

Sustainable performance powered by Inclusion. each One delivers turnkey recruitment & training solutions, dedicated to refugees and newcomers, that make inclusion an incredible experience for businesses and their employees. We are reinventing inclusion by connecting companies and talents in new ways. Our HR solutions reveal the full potential of multiculturalism and enable companies and their teams to fully benefit from it. For the last 6 years, our innovative approach has driven paradigm shifts. It has empowered refugees to achieve their professional aspirations while also enabling businesses to meet strategic objectives more holistically. Our unique recruitment & employee engagement solutions transform …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech hrtech Technologies: Decarbonization

91 114
AfroGameuses AfroGameuses

On crée des opportunités pour les minorités ethniques dans le jeu vidéo. AfroGameuses aims to promote and encourage the integration of black women in the gaming industry. Jeux Video, Diversité, Education, and inclusion

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

15 4
AMIF (Association des Maires d'Ile-de-France) AMIF (Association des Maires d'Ile-de-France)

Created in 1990, totally pluralist and meeting the expectations of the municipalities of the Paris region, a structure for consultation and information at the regional level, the Association of Mayors of Ile-de-France (AMIF) ensures a role of representation of local elected officials and participates in regional dynamism. In 2021, 80% of the municipalities of Ile-de-France are members of AMIF. Municipalities can join AMIF by responding to the call for contributions sent before the beginning of each year by AMIF. With its representativeness and its interdepartmental structure, which gives it a role as spokesperson for the Mayors of Ile-de-France in the …

Type: Public

96 21
Alliancy - numérique et business Alliancy - numérique et business

Media on the digital transformation of companies, committed to "Stronger together" Since its creation in 2012, our media has been at the forefront of the digital acceleration experienced by private and public organizations at the heart of the French economy. Today, its role is to offer a unique perspective on our professional environments in transformation. We give our readers the keys to anticipation, through original and in-depth analyses, as well as by monitoring current events. We are a facilitator of sharing experiences for decision-makers, in a framework of trust. Our convictions: The era of artificial intelligence that we have entered …

Type: Media

230 29
Alliance HQE - GBC Alliance HQE - GBC

The HQE-GBC Alliance is the catalyst for a collective movement of men & women committed to sustainable development The HQE-GBC Alliance is the alliance of professionals for a sustainable living environment. It brings together unions, professional federations, direct companies, communities and individual professionals. Building, development, infrastructure at all stages of their life cycle – construction, operation, renovation – are at the heart of its DNA in a cross-cutting vision combining quality of life, respect for the environment, economic performance and responsible management. Through the voluntary initiatives it encourages in France and internationally, the association acts in the general interest to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

54 21
Alimentation Générale Alimentation Générale

The platform of taste cultures Alimentation Générale is an online media and an agency specialized in Food - Culture - Communication issues. culture, food, advice, and gastronomy

Type: Media

25 147
Agence Veodi Agence Veodi

CREATIVE, RESPONSIVE & RESPONSIBLE AUDIOVISUAL COMMUNICATION AGENCY - AN INFINITE NUMBER OF POSSIBILITIES Veodi is an audiovisual production agency that has been supporting you in your communication strategy since 2015. Why choose Veodi? We produce your videos with the lowest carbon footprint on the market, by producing locally and responsibly. Reporting, interviews, recordings, street interviews, clips, corporate films, web series, motion design, advertising, podcasts, real-life events, etc. We create the right content to strengthen the impact of your messages. Our little extras? BOTH CONTENT AND FORM... The great diversity of our clients, of all sizes and from all sectors of …

Type: Media

19 4
Agence Qualité Construction Agence Qualité Construction

Preventing disorders, improving the quality of construction. The Construction Quality Agency (AQC)? We are a recognized association of general interest that brings together all professional construction organizations. Our mission? Preventing disorders in construction and improving the quality of construction. What actions do we take to achieve this? All our resources and free tools are intended to help construction professionals in the field in their daily practices! How are our tools and resources developed? -> we observe construction disorders in the field, -> thanks to this data and their lessons, we prioritize the subjects that require prevention, -> we then develop …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

50 55
Agence nationale du Sport Agence nationale du Sport

Doing better together, in the service of French sport The National Sports Agency's mission is to define and achieve common objectives in terms of developing sports practice in France and high performance. The National Sports Agency is a Public Interest Group (GIP), operator of the Ministry in charge of sport, which is made up of the State (Ministry of Sports), the sports movement (CNOSF, CPSF), local authorities (AMF, ADF and Regions of France) and economic and social stakeholders. President: Marie-Amélie Le FUR General Director: Frédéric SANAUR General Manager of High Performance: Yann CUCHERAT Sport, Paris 2024, Performance, digital transformation, Sports …

Type: Public

85 107
Agence du Service Civique Agence du Service Civique

#EnModeServiceCivique The Civic Service Agency ensures both the implementation of the Civic Service, a voluntary and compensated commitment of 6 to 12 months open to all young people aged 16 to 25, and up to 30 years for young people with disabilities, and, since 2016, the French version of the Youth & Sports components of the European Erasmus+ program and the European Solidarity Corps. commitment, solidarity, environment, culture, citizenship, education, health, sport, humanitarian, youth, volunteering, europe, international development, and civic service

Type: Public

110 828
Agence BIO Agence BIO

French Agency for the Development and Promotion of Organic Agriculture Created in November 2001, the BIO Agency is a public interest group in charge of the development, promotion and structuring of French organic agriculture. It brings together, within its board of directors, representatives of the Public Authorities – the Ministry of Ecological Transition – the Ministry of Agriculture and Food – and professionals (FNAB, APCA, Synabio and the Agricultural Cooperation). Its main missions: • Communicate and inform about organic farming, its products, its environmental, social and territorial impact and manage the AB brand for communication purposes, • Develop and deepen …

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

69 40