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ECO2 Initiative ECO2 Initiative

Success your energy/climate transition 🚀 Eco2 activates the levers of the energy transition and the overall performance: - & gt; Environmental and CSR assessments (audits and carbon balance sheets, GHGs, energy, impacts ...) - & gt; Advice and expertise - & gt; Support for action (consultation, communication, awareness, training ...) Eco2 adapts these levers to - & gt; Your strategy - & gt; your sector - & gt; your operation - & gt; your needs ... according to 2 principles: efficiency and responsibility. Carbon assessments, energy transition, environmental evaluations, circular economy, eco-design, sustainable food, climate & amp; Energies, commitment to …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

25 16
Cluster Maritime Français Cluster Maritime Français

Cap on sustainable and responsible blue growth! An actor who unites the maritime economy ... The French maritime cluster (CMF) is an organization created in 2006 by and for professionals in order to bring together all sectors of the maritime. From industry to services, the CMF is made up of more than 470 members: companies of all sizes, competitiveness clusters, federations and associations, laboratories and research centers, training schools and organizations, local authorities and economic actors, as well as the French Navy. ... for a French maritime place The CMF builds with its members a "French maritime place", a real …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

97 19
Coldep Coldep

Mass Water Purification Solution: a game changer We are changing the treatment of wastewater and/or salt water. As clean-tech start-up, Coldep has industrialized patents from IFREMER and INSA Lyon in the aquaculture, industrial effluent and seawater pre-treatment sectors. Coldep solution is based on a game changer technology at 2 levels: Operations: - Low energy consumption: (< 0.03kW.h / treated water m3) - No chemicals: no addition - Water loss: less than 1% of the flow rate vs 30 at 40% in membrane-based processes - No consumables (vs regular washing and changing of filters, maintenance) - Small footprint: vertical design Outcome …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech water management Technologies: Decarbonization

13 10
Maplab Maplab

The solution that reinvents home-work journeys. Maplab reinvents home journeys - work to reduce the carbon footprint and improve the quality of life of your employees. The "all in one" solution for / - Visualize the mobility of employees - Simulate the effects of an HR policy: pro-velo, carpooling, third-party work ... - Define & amp; Activate an action plan. Our offer also allows companies to find the ideal establishment according to home-work trips. Mobility, transport, SaaS, choice of establishment, and mobility plans

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 5

Innovative, ecological and carbon free, heating solution that uses the heat from wastewater We provide a innovative, ecological and carbon free, heating solution from the wasterwater calories.

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

8 2
1km à pied 1km à pied

We help multi sites company to identify internal mobility to reduce the commuting distance of their employees. Our optimum dispatch algo finds the best location for each employee to minimize the CO2 impact of each commute. It also finds batch of swaps between employees with the same qualifications in different sites. HRtech, Mobility, Transition, Résilience, Plan de Mobilité, Mobilité interne, Echange de poste, Diagnostic Mobilité, RH, Ressources humaines, Mobilité géographique, multi-sites, Absenteisme, turn over, climat, certificat d'économie d'énergie, Mobilité, recrutement, talent pool, GEPP, workforce management, souhaits de mobilité, voeux de mobilité, and mobilité inter-sites

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

88 14
Beoga Beoga

### ###

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization Solar Technologies

23 2

It's time to put fossil energies at the museum. Sublime Energie is a mission company that offers a collection, transport, purification and packaging solution of biogas, meeting environmental challenges, particularly climatic issues, allowing agricultural farms to enhance biogas produced by anaerobic digestion, while creating a new local Biognv supply sector (natural gas vehicle) and bioco2.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech transporttech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

26 20

Manufacturer of houses and passive buildings in Rhône-Alpes Former president of the SMOME company, manufacturer of passive modular houses and buildings in Rhône-Alpes, Retirement since I resume my activity as a business advisor and business management more specifically adapted to companies in difficulty Advice to SMEs/SMIs in difficulty, business strategy, action plan, marketing, management control, banking relations, and business piloting

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech manufacturing

4 1
PROMÉTHÉE Earth Intelligence PROMÉTHÉE Earth Intelligence

Preserving Heritage for Sustainable Future Prometheus Earth Intelligence is the first French operator Newspace of Constellation of Nanosatellites of Earth Observation whose objective is to democratize the use of satellite imagery for a safer and lasting world. Prometheus Earth Intelligence thus responds to the challenges of crisis management and sustainable development by providing strategic intelligence and environmental intelligence services. The scope proposed by Prometheus Earth Intelligence is practically unlimited, maritime surveillance, critical infrastructure; passing through the protection of ecosystems, water resources, fauna and flora; The fight against deforestation, illegal fishing or prevention in the face of natural disasters. Founded in …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech spacetech Technologies: Decarbonization

54 48
Coopérative Mu Coopérative Mu

Eco -design agency - "At MU, there is no design without design and no design without evaluation" MU is an innovative eco-design agency. Our mission is to support you to identify the environmental challenges of your projects as soon as possible, to improve the environmental performance of your existing offers or develop your innovative scoproducts. MU is based on the collaboration of experts in complementary trades: the analysis and precision of environmental engineering, the intuitive and creative approach to industrial design. We orient your teams in the creation and decision -making of the idea until industrialization. Eco-design, design, eco-design, ACV, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

19 21
AtmoTrack AtmoTrack

AtmoTrack is the French leader for measuring in real time hyperlocal Air Quality Datas. #startup #GreenTech Founded in 2015 by Romain Scimia and Valentin Gauffre, AtmoTrack is the leading French private operator of hyperlocal and real-time air quality data, in France and abroad. The AtmoTrack turnkey solution combines digital tools including a data exploitation platform and a network of sensors in a fixed or mobile position, for a positive impact on the environment. The green tech start-up helps governments, cities and businesses in their decision-making and action plans to reduce polluting emissions and protect the health of citizens. AtmoTrack completes …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Data Analytics

54 8
Mob-Energy Mob-Energy

We are developing in France robotic and innovative charging solutions for your car parks⚡ Created in 2018, Mob-Energy is an innovative Lyon SME which develops and markets charging solutions for electric vehicles. The “Charles” charger, Mob-Energy's first innovation, won numerous prizes and convinced several great-accounts. The new "Eiko" solution offers an unprecedented approach to recharge with a "plug and play" concept which now makes it possible to cover all the use of customer needs by dividing by 10 the power to be allocated to the IRVE.

Type: Startup Activities: energytech Technologies: Batteries Robotics

65 51
Dametis Dametis

Fostering Sustainability Manufacturing Industry represents 20% of CO2 emissions. Dametis reinvents the management of energy, water and the environmental impact of industrial sites thanks to turnkey support and managed services. By coupling technical expertise in our new business frame of business integrated into a software platform, Dametis guides you through the roadmap of your ideal factory: that which harmonizes industrial performance with environmental liability. Dametis is articulated around 4 distinct activities: - Mydametis: Environmental transition management software: Actuate the collection and modeling of your factory data to detect & amp; Promote the best actions and thus speed up your transition. …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

35 53

A new concept of Solar Modules [ENG&FR] S'Tile is developpinga new solutions of solar modules for Building integration, Roofs and facades. Manufacturing use specific solar cells and interconnections without any busbar or ribbons visible. cellules solaires photovoltaïques, microélectronique, and énergies renouvelables

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech industry 4.0 manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization Solar Technologies

24 19

Smart solutions for water conservation HYDRAO is an innovation leader in smart solutions for clean water management and conservation. Thanks to our expertise in electronics, smart device conception, telecoms, software applications, and user engagement, the company is leading the field with smart solutions that put users at the heart of water conservation. Already we have successfully launched our first water savings solution for consumer markets: the HYDRAO smart showerhead and application. Widely deployed in France, and now selling internationally, HYDRAO has won multiple industry awards, including three CES Innovation Awards in 2016 and 2017. Projects are now underway to bring …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech it services water management Technologies: IoT

49 14
Département des Hauts-de-Seine Département des Hauts-de-Seine

Living territory 2nd most populous department of Ile-de-France, Hauts-de-Seine have a strong economic attraction which is associated with a pleasant living environment appreciated by its inhabitants. From the middle school student to the mother via the entrepreneur or the person loss of autonomy, the department is present by your sides in your daily life. In order to meet the expectations of its inhabitants as closely as possible, it remains one of the French departments that invest the most; Almost 500 million euros per year. These investments primarily concern structuring developments guaranteeing the attractiveness of our territory. An attractiveness to be …

Type: Public

75 1,863
Atlansun Atlansun

Great West solar sector Atlansun is the network of professional actors in the Great West solar sector. Our objective is to develop the share of solar energy in the regional energy mix in the service of all, by strengthening the solar sector of the Great West. Solar, photovoltaic, thermal, enr, association, solar energy, renewable energy, and network

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

49 10
Thrasos A.I. Thrasos A.I.

NEP 4.0 - Modeling and AI At Thrasos, we revolutionize the management of biosecurity in industry. We develop and offer our customers an industry 4.0 solution unique compatible with artificial intelligence, the objective of which is objective, rational and eco-responsible management of industrial hygiene operations. Deep Learning, Industry4.0, Agrifood, and Food Safety

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning

19 2
Keewe Keewe

Your cheaper, greener international payments CBAM/MacF compliant Impact generated with each operation Keewe is the fintech that engages your business in the ecological transition thanks to your international payments in currencies! 💹 🌱 57% of the carbon footprint of France comes from international trade: we buy abroad in countries where the energy mix is ​​much more carboned than in France and we transport these goods. However, these goods are often paid in currencies other than the euro. It is the Forex market, on which SMEs are often very badly served by their banks and can pay these operations up to …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech fintech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

18 77

the new equium acoustic heat pumps are profitable, reliable and sustainable : we are an ecotech EQUIUM develops new acoustic heating for residential application (heating and hot water) easy to install and to run as efficient as traditional heat pump but with much longer lifespan, no maintenance, no GHG and the best comfort for user, as the best TCO of the market thermoacoustics, heatpump, and renewable energy

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

59 22
BioRenGaz BioRenGaz

Biological & Renewable Gaz Patented innovative, eco-friendly and modular high-performance anaerobic digestion technology. gaz renouvelable, méthanisation, biogaz, biodéchets, bioréacteur, énergie renouvelable, innovation, biosourcé, support culture, biofiltre, hydrogène, digestat, valorisation , biologic, renewable, digestion anaérobie, agriculture, développement durable, transition écologique, biowaste, and méthane

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

24 4

Reduce gas consumption / Decarbonize industry / Produce electricity We develop and manufacture sustainable power generators which produce electricity, compressed air, and clean heat using industrial gases, waste and biomass. These cogeneration machines are based on a worldwide unique breakthrough technology. Our heat conversion technology H2P®, protected by more than 60 patents, has been developed since 2009 in collaboration with the top European industries and research centers, and has been labeled by the SOLAR Impulse Foundation and awarded by the H2020 prestigious label of the European Commission.?H2P® solutions are easy to integrate in the industrial process and allow our customers …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

30 9
Evolution Energie Evolution Energie

Energy Software Solutions Evolution Energie provides expert energy management softwares to energy suppliers and industrials to manage and optimize their portfolio. Evolution Energie software solutions are monitoring 6% of the European Union's energy consumption. Customer testimonial: Energy, Software, and Industry

Type: Startup Activities: energytech it services Technologies: SaaS

8 12

Miniaturises magnetic materials for electronics : from ferrites to nano-ferrites ! HYMAG'IN disrupts the production of magnetic materials. HYMAG'IN develops a patented technology for the hydrothermal synthesis of nano-ferrites. HYMAG'IN stands out for its ferrites that are 100 times smaller, its sustainable industrial approach and its geographical proximity to European markets. recyclage, magnétite industrielle, startup, environnement, économie circulaire, ferrites, absorbants électromagnétiques, composants passifs, électronique, matériaux magnétiques, magnétite, and nano-ferrites

Type: Startup Activities: civictech cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

28 15
Waga Energy Waga Energy

RNG for all Waga Energy upgrades landfill gas into grid-compliant Renewable Natural Gas (RNG), also known as “biomethane”. Thanks to its patented WAGABOX® technology, Waga Energy recovers the methane emitted by the breakdown of organic matter contained in the waste to inject it directly into the gas grid. The result of ten years of R&D within Air Liquide and Waga Energy, the WAGABOX® technology combines membrane filtration and cryogenic distillation to separate the methane from the other components of the landfill gas. It provides high-quality biomethane that is injected directly into the gas grid. The purification units are fully automated, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

62 227

Thermal measures albedo emissivity conductivity Themacs Ingenierie, in the measurements of thermo-physical properties (conductivity, emissivity, albedo, ...), offers you to carry out your studies of the properties of your materials to allow you to develop your innovation projects and meet the requirements of your customers. The process is simple: - You send us your samples - We carry out the measurements of thermo physical properties - We send you the study report Themacs Ingenierie is a small structure backed by Paris 12 University and thus provides you with the flexibility and responsiveness of an allied SME to the power, expertise …

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech Technologies: New Materials

2 2

Water treatment, descaling and energy savings without chemistry. 100% made in France! 🇨🇵 💧Eau: without consumables, and with reduced maintenance, our systems make it possible to manage the internal water networks continuously and reliable by freed from chemicals. Deletion and deletion of biofilm to ensure maximum safety and reduce maintenance costs. 🔥 Energy: Our solutions are perfectly integrated into a process of reducing energy consumption (followed by audits, improvement areas, ...) and are on average between one and two years. For all your uses: 🏭 Industry 🏥 Health establishments 🏡 Individual houses 🚚 Engine, truck, transport 🛳 Maritime 🦆 Breeding, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

6 2

Clean Electricity Storage Stoct: Technology and service for decarbonation. 1/ STELECT develops a massive electricity storage technology allowing to build 100% renewable networks. 2/ Stolect also offers independent services of modeling and dimensioning of energy mix to support industrialists and energy producers in their energy transition

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Batteries Decarbonization

26 5
OSMORIA Aquatextiles OSMORIA Aquatextiles

Clean infiltration is key It is by drawing inspiration from the properties of certain soils to fix and biodegrade organic micropollutants, that we have designed depolluting aquatextiles to treat rainwater loaded with hydrocarbons and PAHs anywhere and with great efficiency when it is released. infiltration to preserve water and soil quality, and protect biodiversity. OSMORIA Geoclean® and OSMORIA Indigreen® depolluting aquatextiles are installed in all infiltration structures to treat 100% of rainwater and guarantee clean infiltration over the long term. Their performance in fixing and biodegrading hydrocarbons at more than 99.5% is recognized and their benefits on biodiversity documented. The …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing water management Technologies: Decarbonization

24 5
Recnorec Recnorec

Social industry at the service of non -recyclable plastics, to produce a solid, healthy and eco -responsible composite Recycling of orphaned plastics of recycling solution, without sorting or washing, thanks to a low-tech thermomechanical process. Transformation of these plastic packaging into an innovative ecological material which finds multiple external applications -urban mobiliers, coastal arrangements ... allowing carbon storage and the preservation of natural resources (wood, sand ...). Our start-up wants to be human, transformer and agile!

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

15 7
E Co. E Co.

Climate finance specialists | Supporting our clients achieve low-carbon climate-resilient development for over 24 years. For over 24 years, our consultants have been supporting and guiding our clients to achieve low-carbon climate-resilient development. We do this through catalysing systemic transformation, helping establish strong foundations for impact. By speaking the language of many (through our technical, financial, cultural and local understanding), we work with agility to align with our clients, and at the interplay of finance and the wider context. We assess contexts and baselines, design strategies and frameworks, develop policies, programmes and projects and unlock finance for public and private …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech

8 6
RIVE Private Investment RIVE Private Investment

Founded in 2013, RIVE Private Investment is an independent investment firm with offices in Paris, Geneva and Luxembourg. Managing over €1bn of assets, RIVE Private Investment serves institutional investors and family offices in Europe and in North America. Since inception, the company has been focused on investments in energy transition and niche transportation assets, having built a deep and successful track record in these strategies. With 28 investment professionals having complementary skillsets and background, the investment teams draw on their financial and technical expertise and a broad ecosystem of partners developed over more than 10 years. Convinced of the added …

Type: Incubators & VCs

14 29

Inspiring people of Port Cities OUR MISSION To improve relations between cities and ports by promoting dialogue and cooperation. To make people proud of their port. OUR CITY-PORT VISION This improvement is only made possible by giving citizens a central role in the actions taken (citizen participation). Working together to build a port city that respects the needs and expectations of all stakeholders: local communities, port authorities, citizens, and economic operators. OUR GOALS While every port city is unique, sharing experiences opens the door to an infinite world of possibilities for sustainable development projects. Dialogue between all stakeholders is the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

29 21
Cluster MEDEE Cluster MEDEE

Pôle de recherche Appliquée dans le Génie Électrique de Forte Puissance Cluster MEDEE (Motors and Electrical Devices for Energy Efficiency) is a professional and scientific cluster in electrical engineering. It gathers companies (from SMEs to large groups) and laboratories around collaborative R&D projects. Relying on its members, MEDEE bridges the gap between two worlds: the research and the industry. The MEDEE activities are from the conception of electrical components to their optimization and the smart grid management. Réseaux intelligents / Smart grids, Véhicule du futur, RAILENIUM, Maîtrise énergétique des entraînements électriques, Eolien, Moteurs, Alternateurs, Transformateurs, Efficacité énergétique des process industriels, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech

53 5

Réseau de compétences - Plate-forme d'échanges - Force de propositions Afite is an environmental engineers association working as an expert network. It gathers 1200 engiineers from industry and administration. Afite organises, conferences, professional working groups, factory visits.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

6 12

Structure French air quality industry and develop it in France as well as export The interprofessional federation of atmospheric environmental professions - FIMEA is an association created in 2009 which aims to preserve health and to contribute to the structuring and economic growth of the French air quality sector. It strongly supports training and learning efforts in favor of employment. 1st French ecosystem dedicated to air quality, FIMEA brings together more than 120 SME-ETIs experts in air pollution and/or indoor air quality which constitute the reservoir of innovative solutions necessary for the challenges of the Smart City and the sustainable …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

54 14
TOOPI Organics TOOPI Organics

Toopi recycle, transforms and values ​​human urine into agricultural biostimulants. Toopi organics collects, transforms and enhances human urine into agricultural biostimulants. #Urine #EconomyCircular #Engrais Biotechnologies, microbiology, fertilizers, biostimulants, agriculture, gardening, distribution, recycling, start-up, and innovation

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: agritech cleantech greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

61 32
Lhyfe Lhyfe

Changing the Energy Paradigm. Lhyfe is a certain idea of the world, a world in which we can meet our energy needs by being part of the natural ecosystem rather than trying to dominate it. Our mission: to change the relationship between man and the environment, to offer a more breathable world to our children and to enter a new energy paradigm with you. Lhyfe is a pure player in hydrogen that deploys modular 100% green industrial hydrogen production plants for mobility and industry. Lhyfe structures, designs, develops and operates its sites in a sustainable and agile way for clean, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech transporttech Technologies: Hydrogen

97 219
TechnoCarbon TechnoCarbon

Building the future : High performance low carbon materials for the 21st century TechnoCarbon manufactures components and systems in the first low-carbon, high-performance composite material: CarbonStone. Their patented technologies enable deep decarbonisation, extended service life, reduced weight and a smaller environmental footprint. materials, impact, sustainability, industry, innovation, greentech, climatetech, energy, construction, maritime, lowcarbon, deeptech, and cleantech

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization New Materials

54 10
Sun'Agri Sun'Agri

Treat the earth and those who cultivate it Sun'Agri is a pioneering tech climate that heals the earth and those who cultivate it. Farmers are largely impacted by an unprecedented climate crisis. We offer concrete and proven solutions to adapt to this new climate deal. Coming from a research program initiated in 2009, the dynamic agrivoltaism technology developed by Sun'Agri today protects 27 plots out of more than 50 ha. #agriculture agrivoltaism, agtch, connected agriculture, dynamic agrivoltaism, energy transition, culture protection tool, culture protection, and ecological transition

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech agritech Technologies: Solar Technologies

38 65

The global specialist in industrial waste heat recovery. Founded in 2008, Enertime is a French company specializing in Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) systems for power production from low or medium temperature heat sources. The company designs and manufactures MW-size turn-key solutions tailored for applications in energy efficiency, geothermal energy, and renewable energy sectors. Enertime's approach involves creating custom-designed turbines and ORC modules to meet specific industrial needs. Enertime also offers innovative High Temperature Heat Pumps (HTHP), designed to elevate low-temperature heat to the higher temperatures required for industrial processes, even capable of generating steam. These heat pumps significantly improve the …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

48 34

Experts in diagnostic solutions for the entire battery lifecycle. At Entroview, we provide advanced battery diagnostics to optimize performance at every stage of the battery lifecycle. From defect detection in gigafactories to accurate state of charge (SoC) for automotive, and actionable state of health (SoH) diagnostics for reuse, repair or recycling, our solutions help you make smarter decisions. ♻️ With 10+ years of research, 4 patented technologies, and proven results in leading European gigafactories, OEMs and dismantling companies, Entroview ensures reliability, safety, and sustainability for your batteries. 🎯 Software, Battery, SOC, SOH, Cell Matching, End of Line testing, Diagnostic, Entropy, …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech Technologies: Batteries

29 16

Automatic condition monitoring solution based on advanced spectral analysis and AI for fault detection and localization Our clients are companies with rotating assets, such as motors, turbines, pumps, gears or bearings. This covers a wide range of sectors such as: aeronautics, energy, food industry, etc. These rotating components are essential assets for their processes, where undetected problems can result in brutal production shutdowns, security issues and/or long downtime. Therefore, knowing in advance the existence of a fault helps reducing downtime by achieving more efficient operational planning and inventory management. Thanks to the scalable and automatic nature of our software, it …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. Sensors A.I. - Machine Learning

21 8

Smart solutions for your timber constructions Ki Wood develops and manufactures off-site timber construction solutions based on the Japanese post-and-beam concept, combined with invisible steel connectors. These solutions are suitable for all types of building, from extensions to high-rise buildings, including houses, extensions and demountable constructions. Our engineering office will be with you every step of the way, right up to delivery on site, to make assembly as quick and easy as playing with Lego. Bureau d'études intégré, Mixité des essences de bois, Grande hauteur, Surélévation, Démontabilité, Construction bois, Maisons structure bois, Immeuble structure bois, Maison ossature bois, Immeuble ossature …

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing constructiontech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

6 2
Bib batteries Bib batteries

Get the most out of your batteries! 🔋 At Bib, we make the circular economy of batteries possible and profitable ♻️ By 2030, 100 million electric vehicle batteries will reach end-of-life in Europe. Our mission is to extend the lifecycle of batteries: from their first use in electric vehicles to their second life. 1. Bib ensures transparency of your batteries' health without hardware, thanks to AI. 2. Bib gives your batteries a new, profitable life: repair, reuse, or recycling. 🌍 Bib connects your batteries to their new life through a European network of certified partners: manufacturers, repairers, second-life operators, and …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech greentech Technologies: Batteries

35 14
Mob-ion Mob-ion

At Mob-ion, it is because we manufacture in France that we are cheaper! Created in 2016, Mob-ion is a manufacturer of electric scooters and an equipment supplier of electronic solutions connected to #perpetuated perpetuity. Local eco -design, circular industrialization and sale for use are the pillars of this business model, the object of which is to locally reindustrialize a competitive servic industry. Mob-ion stands out complete with the traditional logic of the linear economy. His accounting approach encourages him to ensure the reliability of his products on very long periods. Unlike an approach based on waste production and the sale …

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

36 22

Keyseaobs is a French startup that develops an innovative decision -making and risk characterization platform in complex maritime infrastructure contexts. We believe in advanced maritime intelligence as a lever to reconcile environmental protection and socio-economic development in marine spaces. It is with this in mind that we designed KSO Blue, a powerful software solution exploiting geoanalysis and artificial intelligence to support decision -makers at each stage of planning, deployment and management of complex maritime projects.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I.

16 4
MyJouleBox MyJouleBox

Bring Energy for development anywhere in Africa MY JOULE BOX is a French startup which proposes an innovative solution to access to profitable solar energy through Pay As You Go for Africa. We develop hardware, software, economic and social solutions to innovate in solar development and give light and power of quality to Africans through Pay As You Go. A solar installation described by 3 words: durable, scalable and profitable! You love Africa? You want to develop innovative and useful hardware and software solution... We work on a wide range of powers (from 50 Wp to 30kWp) in AC or …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

7 11
molluSCAN-eye molluSCAN-eye

Water contamination detection : 24/7 remote biomonitoring of the aquatic environment using connected molluscs. The online solution to protect aquatic environments Sentinel oysters, a unique 24/7 early warning system that allows unparalleled responsiveness and precision in current monitoring systems (chemical laboratory analyses). A major innovation for the protection of the environment. molluSCAN-eye allows industries and agencies to know and control the impact of their activities on the aquatic environment by providing 24/7 biomonitoring, remotely and without maintenance. The molluSCAN-eye® solution delivers indicators on water quality thanks to daily health checks of the aquatic environment seen through a group of 16 …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: Sensors

18 2
BNP Paribas Développement BNP Paribas Développement

The trusted investor BNP Paribas Développement, an autonomous subsidiary of the BNP Paribas International Banking Group, is a public limited company which directly invests its equity to support the development of SMEs and ETI efficient and ensure their sustainability by facilitating their transmission, as a minority shareholder. Risk capital, venture, shareholding, transmission, innovation, manager, investment, and equity

Type: Incubators & VCs

72 64

We spend our energy to save yours Energy performance and photovoltaic specialists for over 15 years Through an independent approach, we are committed to our customers to develop innovative solutions and reduce their energy bill, while integrating an environmental and social dimension. Our entrepreneurial spirit and the complementarity of the know-how of our engineers have led us to specialize in several areas : - Monitoring and improving energy performance - The development of renewable solar and biomass energies - Reducing environmental impacts - The implementation of a Carbon / Energy strategy - Innovation and writing standards / guides Energy, Environment, …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech it services hrtech Technologies: Solar Technologies Decarbonization

9 40

Innovation at the service of aquatic biodiversity Ecocean innovates, repeuple and restores aquatic ecosystems, aware of the challenges of their preservation and their protection, thus positioning itself as a major engine of change in the rehabilitation of these fragile environments. Ecological Restoration, Fishing & Amp; Rearing Devices, Diagnostic Ustes, Sustainable Rearing, Aquatic Ecosystems Catering, and Education for Biodiversity Preservation and Protection

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

47 35
Octopus Lab Octopus Lab

Combining air quality and energy Octopus Lab designs and deploys unique predictive solutions that improve the energy performance and indoor air quality of buildings. We provide solutions for both the design and operating phases of buildings. 👷‍♂️ In the design phase, INDALO, the only indoor air quality simulation software, assists design offices in their choice of materials and ventilation to ensure that future users enjoy high-quality air. 🏢 In operation, INDALO Supervision is a predictive solution that monitors, anticipates and improves thermal comfort and air quality in buildings through predictive control of HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) equipment. > …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: IoT

47 24
SEED-Energy SEED-Energy

With Odyssey, you decide your future energy Seed-Energy specializes in supporting energy players in their energy transition to smarter, multi-energy (electricity, heat, natural, hydrogen, etc.) and multi-technologies (conventional production, renewable production, energy conversion and storage of energy) systems. Using the Odyssey software platform, co-developed with CEA-Liten and used since 2013 in more than 15 projects, we give you the means to select the relevant technologies for your project, to optimize the dimensioning of system components and the energy management strategy, to assess the economic profitability of your investment decisions and the associated environmental impacts. To do this, we offer an …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing smart city Technologies: Hydrogen

5 1
Pando2 Pando2

Specialist in products and solutions at the service of air quality! Pando2 offers a global offer in the face of pollution by accompanying you since the initial diagnosis to improve and monitoring indoor and outdoor air quality. Our offer is based on a software solution allowing access to all outdoor air quality parameters (indices and forecasting, pollutant concentration, weather, pollens, information and alerts of AASQA), real -time supervision and restitution measurements made by interior air quality sensors and remediation means in order to understand, anticipate and reduce the effects of pollution!

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: SaaS

14 14
FinX FinX

We inspire nature to design pumps and motors of fins. Finx, French startup (French Tech 2030), revolutionizes propulsion by putting two innovative products on the market: pumps and motors of fins, without turbine or propeller. Inspired by the movement of marine animals, these products are simple, secure and particularly robust. Boat engines and maritime transport

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing transporttech

28 34
Greenwishes Greenwishes

La Conciergerie du Recyclage Follow and simplify the management of your waste with Greenwishes! Greenwishes is an innovative start-up, which offers companies a complete service of sorting, collection and recycling of all waste, while accompanying them in a sustainable manner in their optimization process. Founded in 2009, Greenwishes develops its service around a central value: customer satisfaction. Providing answers to each customers problem on recycling and management of waste by focusing on the end customer (employees and visitors), source of waste in business: that's the job of Greenwishes!

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

66 4

Tame The Sun - Dammer the sun IMMOBLADE is a start-up offering a major innovation for sun protection and the energy efficiency of buildings. With its totally fixed sunscreen blades whose orientation is suitable for each facade of the building our system allows both to block the sun in summer but also to let it go completely in winter. Bio-climatic, without maintenance and both elegant and simple our product is particularly suitable for buildings in the tertiary sector: offices, headquarters or even school buildings. We market two products: - Soliblade, directly integrated into a double viewing, the most efficient passive …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

36 10
ACQUA.ecologie ACQUA.ecologie

Leader of the reuse of water on site on land and at sea. Acqua®.ecology / Biomicrobics® France Leader of water treatment and reuse for land and seafood. We design the sanitation of the future, thanks to innovative, ultra -efficient solutions capable of eliminating the pollutants present in wastewater, thus making it possible to reuse water. Completely certified, modular, robust and compact, our solutions contribute to the preservation of the environment and ecosystems as well as to Smartcity, Smartport, Greenbuilding and Greenship of tomorrow. Simple, economic and sustainable, our solutions adapt to all environments, whatever the market (individuals, communities, industry, ports, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech water management Technologies: Decarbonization

37 4

Free the world from mosquito bites QISTA are specialists in the fight against mosquitoes and similar insects. They have developed a mosquito control method using a trap called «Borne Anti-Moustique QISTA» (Anti-Mosquito Unit) designed to be used in urban areas. The method itself is both efficient and economical. It aims to substitute mosquito control using larvicides that have non-negligible, unintended effects. Furthermore, the traps are designed to offer a real solution to the proliferation of the aedes albopictus mosquito, vectors of tropical diseases such as dengue fever, zika or chikungunya. In fact, these mosquitoes breed in urban zones and so …

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech manufacturing

45 27

MUTATEC is dedicated to agriculture and food waste bioconversion by insects in order to produce sustainable feed MUTATEC is a start-up company specifically dedicated to agriculture and food waste bioconversion by insects in order to produce sustainable feed to fish and poultry farming. Entoconversion, Sustainable Animal Nutrition, Insects farming, and Circular economy

Type: Startup Activities: agritech civictech cleantech foodtech greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

10 10
ExtraJool ExtraJool

A breakthrough innovation to recycle industrial waste heat into decarbonized electricity. Une innovation de rupture pour recycler la chaleur fatale des industriels en électricité décarbonée. ExtraJool conçoit un système innovant transformant la chaleur perdue en électricité, permettant aux industries de recycler la chaleur fatale pour améliorer leur efficience énergétique et décarbonner leur procédés industriels. Cette solution est particulièrement adaptée pour les entreprises avec des processus industriels consommateurs de chaleur et cherchant à réduire leur facture d'électricité tout en diminuant leur empreinte carbone. Merci à nos partenaires et incubateurs : BPI France, Bordeaux Technowest, Université de Pau et des Pays de …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

27 3

The solution to reduce the energy consumption of your buildings up to 40%. [Fr] AVOB specializes in the energy optimization of tertiary buildings for businesses and communities. Our SaaS platform allows you to follow all the energy consumption of our customers and to set up a simple, automated and secure piloting of their uses. AVOB's expertise relates to all fluids: gas, electricity, hot water, fuel oil, renewable energies. It allows us to support major projects - including CAC 40 companies and major administrations - and reduce our customers' bills up to 40%! [IN] AVOB is specialized in Energy Efficiency and …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech it services Technologies: Data Analytics SaaS

20 24

Picnic Kiosque - Decarbonated events ♻️ Picnic Kiosk reinvents proximity experience by merging mobility and innovation with mobile, solar and modular kiosks. A real tools of "the first leg", they allow companies and communities to create meeting and connection spaces in the heart of the city, by limiting environmental impacts. Event, Eco-Friendly, Mobile Kiosk, Made in France, Street-Marketing, Solar-Powred, Self-Sufficient, Advertising, Event Marketing, Events, Kiosk and Modular Construction, Poppstore, Caravan, Tinyhouse, Kiosk, and Solar Kiosque

Type: Startup Activities: smart city constructiontech martech Technologies: Solar Technologies

48 15

Decarbon your activity and meet the challenges of European taxonomy, by industrializing the circular economy! Upcyclea provides structured and verified data to allow professionals to decarbonize their assets and provide the indicators necessary for European taxonomy. Computer software, circular economy, material, artificial intelligence, digital tool, BtoB, community, environment, ecology, recycling, upcycling, economic model, zero waste, resource economy, cradle to cradle, decarbonation, and European taxonomy

Type: Startup Activities: civictech cleantech greentech Technologies: A.I. Decarbonization

43 22
Proesis Proesis

Green energy is the one that we no longer consume We are a team of engineers specializing in energy efficiency. We offer our customers solutions to 4 challenges: 1) Optimization of utility production. 2) Reduction of energy consumption with the creation of advanced audits (ISO50001) 3) Energy monitoring to make energy monitoring more reliable and consolidate energy monitoring. 4) Planning of energy production and consumption to provide driving aid. Optimal production of utilities, energy efficiency, intelligent counting, advanced energy audit, pinch, energy planning, and SME

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: IoT

5 5
kheoos kheoos

Make the most of your maintenance spare parts kheoos is the first matching platform for the reuse ♻️ of industrial maintenance spare parts 🔧. 👇 Our products: - mykheoos is a SaaS platform that enables maintenance and procurement managers to reduce inventory costs, identify duplicates and anticipate the obsolescence of parts. - kheoos market is a B-to-B marketplace that allows companies to sell and buy second-hand maintenance parts. Reduce your purchasing costs, find rare and obsolete parts, and take a first step towards the circular economy. ➡️ ⬅️ Market place, Probabilistic forecast, Price benchmark, Sleeping inventory value, Inventory virtual …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

46 15

Eficia revolutionizes the energy efficiency sector with the first global and 100% integrated solution on the market to guarantee the energy performance of your 24/7 buildings

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech greentech cleantech Technologies: IoT

45 150
Carbon Waters Carbon Waters

Graphene-based advanced material manufacturer & performance additive designer Carbon Waters designs and produces graphene-based high performance additives specifically developed for environment friendly protective coatings, reinforced nanocomposites and thermal adhesives Nanomaterial chemistry, nanomaterial printing, Nanomaterial characterization, and Graphene

Type: Startup Activities: nanotech deeptech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

48 18
Moduloop Moduloop

Circular workplace MODULOOP brings a solution to what we can call the planned obsolescence of office spaces. It allows offices to design and carry out the overall development of spaces from rented equipment. The equipment is designed to adapt to the changing user needs and meet the expectations of successive tenants without destroying the initial development Re-employment, rental, rental offices, and circular economy

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing proptech

33 2
AlphaGreen AlphaGreen

AlphaGreen, the first offensive against CO2 emissions from combustion engines. Let's decarbonize the existing fleet ! AlphaGreen: Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Combustion Engines Today 🌍 As a specialist in engine decarbonization, AlphaGreen offers an innovative, eco-friendly, and connected solution to decarbonize the existing fleet of combustion engines. Thanks to our hydrogen-based depollution technology, we reduce pollutant emissions, lower fuel consumption, and extend engine lifespan. An immediate solution to address today’s environmental and economic challenges. Why Choose AlphaGreen? The current fleet of combustion engines remains dominant. Taking action now is crucial to: ✅ Reduce CO2 emissions and fine particles ✅ …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization Hydrogen

41 8
Fullsoon Fullsoon

Prediction tool intended for restaurants. Fullsoon, a positive impact start-up, offers an innovative forecasting tool specially designed for restaurants, bakeries, Dark Kitchens and thematic corners. Our mission? Transform your data into a powerful growth lever thanks to AI! Using Fullsoon, you can anticipate your sales and optimize the management of your stocks. You will also benefit from key market information to develop your business and maintain your competitiveness. Based on artificial intelligence, Fullsoon helps you increase your profits significantly while considerably reducing food waste. Do you want to try? Ask for a demo: #Prediction, #Analytic, #Restaurant, #Forecast, #STOCK, #Data, …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics

25 19
Aéroport de Lille Aéroport de Lille

Aéroport de Lille is a hospitality company based out of ROUTE DE L'AÉROPORT, Lesquin, France.

Type: SMB Activities: traveltech

8 3
Cristal Union Cristal Union

It is together that we advance The Cristal Union group is one of the first European producers of sugar and alcohol. It is mainly established on French territory and has a significant part of its sales abroad. The group brings together more than 2,000 group employees and 9,000 cooperators. Its organization and functioning are based on the cooperative model. Transformation of beets, alcohol, ethanol, sugar, dehydrated products for animal feed, cooperative, industrial sugars, mouth sugars, agronomy, and CSR

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech manufacturing

38 1,143
B2E Bretagne Éco-Environnement B2E Bretagne Éco-Environnement

Gateway to transitions actors in Brittany Brittany Eco-Entreprises synergy the skills and experiences of his members to provide a concrete and operational response to the issues of ecological and energy transitions. Our main communities share experiences and skills around different issues: - CSR: Sharing good practices to implement eco-responsibility procedures - Water & amp; Natural environments: the challenges of the Grand Cycle and the Small Water Cycle. Red thread on the reuse of unconventional waters #sobriety #reut #renc - Waste & amp; Resources: The challenges of the circular economy, prevention and recycling of waste. #AGEC #PLASTICS - Methanization & amp; …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

53 8
Clim'Ability Care Clim'Ability Care

Prepare your company for the consequences of climate change in the Upper Rhine ! Clim'Ability Care is a 3-year project. It is co-financed within the framework of the INTERREG VI A "Upper Rhine" program. It brings together great partners under the guidance of INSA Strasbourg to help your company prepare for the consequences of climate change in the Upper Rhine.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

5 3
DRIEETS d'Île-de-France DRIEETS d'Île-de-France

Regional and Interdepartmental Directorate of Economy, Employment, Labor and Solidarity The regional and interdepartmental directorate of the economy, employment, work and solidarity is the privileged economic and social contact for businesses, employees, job seekers, social and territorial partners, actors of integration and consumers. His agents work on a daily basis on many challenges that affect business, work or solidarity: - Labor policy and labor inspectorate; - control of the proper functioning of markets and commercial relations and consumer protection; - the development of sectors and support for businesses, economic changes, competitiveness and safeguarding companies; - Employment policy (access and return …

Type: Public

39 310

Has your service for over 45 years For 50 years, ACELEC, expert in electrical engineering, has supported its customers with for each key-in-hand project the realization of pre-project, design and execution studies, associated maintenance services and interventions of interventions troubleshooting. Acelec started its activity with electric renovation work for luxury signs in Place Vendôme in Paris and for the town hall of Paris. She then diversified, particularly in the tertiary sector, while responding to requests from other sectors, with the aim of supporting her customers in their energy transition. Since 2019, ACELEC has diversified, by launching offers of design and …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 21
CCI International Nouvelle-Aquitaine CCI International Nouvelle-Aquitaine

You are developing internationally. CCI International Nouvelle-Aquitaine federates the international services of the 13 territorial CCIs to support local businesses in their international development. CCI International helps you: - Prepare an international project: pre-diagnosis / export diagnostic / support for export action plan / assistance in financing the export / legal advice, product adaptation ... - Structure your activity: International HR reflex / International volunteer in company (V.I.E) / Export coaching / Training at international trade / ... - Support your development with targeted services: Product and Prospecting Market test / International fairs / multisectoral or sectoral business conventions ...

Type: Public

50 20
The Climate Company The Climate Company

The revolution in the field of anticipation of physical climatic risks with urban micro-scaling. Scientific methods and totally unpublished algorithms dedicated to calculating exposure to climate risks on the city level, its neighborhoods and the buildings and infrastructures that compose it. The Climate Company extrapoles over 20 years The climatic risks with urban micro-scale to help adaptation decisions in the face of climate change. The UCIX (UCIX Climate Index) indicator), the BRIX (Building Resilience Index) and Urban Simulation models and simulations are at the heart of our catalog of positive, easy -to -use solutions, at the service of communities, urban …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

2 16
IDF Eco-entreprises IDF Eco-entreprises

Discover the Ile -de -France companies of the environment and the control of energy The Ile-de-France eco-business club wishes to become a local economic and ecological dynamic lever with the objectives of: - promote the deployment of solutions carried by regional eco-enterprises; - Support job creation through the development of the regional sector by acting on all levers: structuring, innovation, financing, commercial development and training. environment, energy control, innovation, solutions, engineering, and sustainability

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

12 1
Cluster GREEN Cluster GREEN

Green Réunion brings together local players towards an efficiency approach, thanks to the circular economy and CSR. The regional group of companies committed to the environment - Green is an association law 1901, which brings together multi -filter companies, public and private organizations wishing to make the environment a lever for economic, ecological and societal development for the meeting. The vocation of the cluster is to promote eco-business and eco-responsible companies but also to develop synergies around projects under the circular economy. CSR, QVT, circular economy, sustainable development, and ecological transition

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

10 5
DRT - Les Dérivés Résiniques et Terpéniques DRT - Les Dérivés Résiniques et Terpéniques

Since 1932, DRT has specialized in the development of rosin and turpentine extracted from pine resin. Thanks to ongoing investment in innovation and globally-renowned expertise, DRT proudly supplies over twenty industries with its range of high value-added products which in turn contribute to the making of more than 300 end-products used daily by consumers around the world. DRT supplies the perfume, adhesive, rubber, tyre, agrochemical, food & beverage, chewing gum and food supplement industries, among others. As the only market player to work with all types of pine derivatives, DRT exports its knowledge and expertise to markets worldwide. The company’s …

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

4 332
WaterShed Monitoring WaterShed Monitoring

Scientific expertise and technological solutions for an optimized management of water resources WaterShed Monitoring intends to provide stakeholders involved in integrated watershed management with innovative technological solutions to address water quality data storing and analyzing challenges while offering optimization and coaching services to facilitate knowledge acquisition and meet the needs in water resource management, urban planning and research. Partner of your know-how, we develop and market solutions for municipalities, scientists, universities, watershed-based and other non-profit organizations, consultants in environment, companies specialized in drinking water treatment and other stakeholders involved in water management. Whether to create a quality index, to share …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech water management Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning

21 9
Volterres Volterres

The Pioneer CSR platform in the democratization of renewable energies, 100% transparent. Volterres is the Pioneer CSR platform in the democratization of renewable energies, 100% transparent. We provide solutions for green energy purchases. Subsidiary of the Sun'R mission company, Volterres Offers of supply, control and supply of green and local electricity solutions to its private customers, communities and territories as well as valuation and outlet solutions to independent green electricity producers in France. Our ambition? Accelerate the adoption of ENR everywhere in France. Supply of green electricity, green electricity, renewable energies, ENR, energy mix, CSR, and PPA

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

23 31
Sakowin Green energy Sakowin Green energy

Decarbonized production of hydrogen and solid carbon by plasmalysis of (bio)methane. Sakowin is a team of nearly 30 people who work every day to achieve our goal of providing a pragmatic solution to the energy transition. Following an objective analysis, we decided to develop a microwave-powered (bio)methane plasmalysis technology. Sakowin has patented a breakthrough innovation that decarbonizes natural gas to co-produce hydrogen and solid carbon that can be valorized in today's markets. Our compact equipment can be installed directly on the consumption site, at the end of existing gas infrastructures, to produce decarbonated hydrogen at competitive prices, on demand and …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization Hydrogen

89 28
Tellux Tellux

Sheds light on your floors Created in 2019, Tellux is a Norman start-up that revolutionizes soil analysis with its patented innovation: hyperscan. Positioned on the market of polluted sites and floors, this decision aid tool improves quality, controlling costs and respecting the deadlines for depollution projects. We offer multi-parameter, on-site, real-time floor analyzes using hyperspectral and artificial intelligence innovations. Environment, depollution, diagnosis, carotage, on -site analysis, imaging, AI, machine learning, and spectroscopy

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

33 5

Your modular and eco-responsible parking in a few days. The agile parking solution. Creating parking space in a simple, fast and reversible way is now possible with Park & ​​Amp; Play. Our original eco-responsible product gives you access in just a few days to a new parking floor! Simply placed without foundation in your existing parking lot ... himself saturated, right? Variable modular capacity, quick installation, flexible offer for sale or rental, for temporary or permanent use, your parking is no longer a constraint, you equip yourself ... and have to play, respecting your environmental policy with a product aimed …

Type: Startup Activities: smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

4 0
Natéosanté Natéosanté

French designer and manufacturer of solutions for controlling and purifying indoor air in the workplace. NatéoSanté has been the French specialist in indoor air quality since 2009. As a player in the healthcare innovation ecosystem, we work every day to prevent occupational, nosocomial and respiratory diseases linked to poor air quality, a major public health issue. NatéoSanté has real expertise in the air industry and a perfect command of the issues specific to many professional environments. We offer a complete range of air measurement and purification solutions for professionals, and support establishments from A to Z in their efforts to …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing

40 13
Agence LUCIE Agence LUCIE

The CSR agency that accompanies organizations to a sustainable transition! The Lucie agency guides organizations in their CSR approach, whatever their level. We are a solutions center to help organizations become transitional players with: - CSR labels based on the ISO 26000 standard or the responsible digital standard adapted to their level. - A Lucie training center, leader in CSR training in France with more than 50 training courses to support organizations in their ecological and united transition. - The Lucie community: 1st community committed and responsible for Europe with more than 1,400 members. Social responsibility, sustainable development, CSR, ISO …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech consulting greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

109 56

Rigid mineral foam for green affordable housing and energy conservation Sustainable, locally produced, and fireproof IPSIIS: Innovative Protection, Sustainable Inspiring Insulation Solutions IPSIIS is a young start-up specializing in developping environmentally friendly, non-flammable, bio-sourced, insulating mineral foams manufacturing processes. Our corporate philosophy is to operate within a circular economy, "borrowing"​ what others leave as by-products, mostly natural and reclaimed materials. Our solutions offer a very low CO2 imprint, along with a low energetic content. Our offer focalizes on high temperature, non-flammable insulation materials that are light weight with exceptional insulation properties. Our processes have a very low fabrication time, and …

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech manufacturing Technologies: Bio sourced materials

4 9
Wetri Wetri

The application that rewards sorting gestures! Wetri connects individuals and their waste to companies engaged in the circular economy. By digitizing recycling and rewarding consumer sorting, WWTRI improves the valuation of household waste, gives recyclers access to new material deposits and provides customer traffic to collector merchants. Wetri aims to become the reference digital platform to link individuals to companies in the circular economy.

Type: Startup Activities: civictech cleantech greentech Technologies: SaaS

29 2

Family Office by Hugues Souparis - Positive Impact, Innovation and Excellence Enowe is the family office of Hugues Souparis, an entrepreneur behind one of the technological flagships of French industry, the Surys company. The purpose of the holding company is to support innovative, rigorous and caring entrepreneurs, to share their ambitions, in a framework of confidence and reciprocal requirements. Enowe has a priority investment strategy in: • The revitalization of French know-how in the production of product of excellence; • The Investing Impact to contribute to helping the safeguarding and well-being of humanity by participating in the advent of a …

Type: Incubators & VCs

12 14
Passman Passman

Leader des solutions connectées hospitality : Wifi, Economies d'énergie, IPTV, Chromecast, Téléphonie IP... Today, Passman is a leader in France for making digital services available for hotels, camp sites and health establishments throughout all categories. Access to television, Internet and telephone, our efficient, personalised and interconnected solutions for your clients, allow you to differentiate your establishment in a highly competitive sector. Wifi, Solutions clé en main IP, TV interactive sur IP, Affichage dynamique, Campings, Hôtellerie, Etablissements de santé, Chromecast, Retail, Hospitality, IPTV, VOIP, Economies d'énergie, and Téléphonie IP

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Wireless

10 79
Cluster Eau Milieux Sols Paris Ile-de-France Cluster Eau Milieux Sols Paris Ile-de-France

In the service of urban ecology and innovation Association Law 1901 bringing together communities of Ile -de -France, universities, researchers, developers and companies of the water and bio -waste water sectors - 190 members - 900 professionals gathered

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech water management

40 16
Wemanity Group Wemanity Group

The European Leader in Agile and Digital Transformations | Join our community: 💌 Wemanity was founded in 2013, shape the future of a new era of work, where AI, Humanity, and Sustainability converge to create a world of infinite potential, collaborative ecosystems, and purposeful innovation. Today, we are more than 450 cooperators across France (Paris - our headquarters - and Lille), Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Morocco. Coupled with a strong international mindset, we are working with partners across 17 countries and 5 continents. Our three core values embody our culture: we advocate for the spirit of Ubuntu (humanity …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Decarbonization

26 324
Concept GEEBEE Inc. Concept GEEBEE Inc.

New concept of sustainable mobility!♻️ Concept GEEBEE Inc. operates in the sustainable mobility sector. Its mission is to provide businesses and individuals with easy, innovative, practical, and environmentally friendly transport

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

11 3

Nourish Néobab is created in 2015 by Vincent Vanel, engineer in applied physics and materials of materials and by Bertrand Fondaneche, business engineer. Neobab joint develops, markets and installs, in a logic of circular economy, solutions (products and services) for litteries for certain farms, for urban agriculture, outdoors and indoors, but also for accidental pollution of the 'Water, floors and roads. We offer the following products: - A hyper absorbent vegetable: an innovative ecological solution for animal bedding (profitability gain for exploitation and well -being animal) and for accidental pollution (water and soil). -For urban agriculture: greenhouse greenhouse for the …

Type: Startup Activities: agritech cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

2 1
Green Score Capital Green Score Capital

Biodiversity & carbon footprint assessment and decision-making tool for businesses. Because impacts are one. We provide a GLOBAL and realistic vision of human impacts on our planet, considering the 5 causes of biodiversity loss: - Natural habitats’ degradation - Overexploitation of species - Climate change - Pollution - Invasive species Footprint target, our SaaS mode software, combines your data and environmental data with scientific algorithms to create your own operational environmental action plan. - Assess and understand ALL your environmental impacts - Choose appropriate solutions - Lead your activities considering your profitability and sustainability Environmental impact assessment, Biodiversity, and Climate …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Data Analytics SaaS

26 7