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LogoName Σ Employees

Committed by nature to ethical and high-performance textiles. 🌱 Today in France, operating room outfits, gowns and protective products imported from China are used once and then thrown away. The healthcare sector generates approximately 700,000 tonnes of medical waste, which represents 10 times the weight of the Eiffel Tower each year. We believe that well-being is a right for all, which should not be developed at the expense of living things. We are therefore committed by nature to ethical and high-performance textiles. In collective intelligence, we develop innovative, comfortable, durable and recyclable textile products, manufactured in a short circuit. Our …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

15 2 9 5
Linkpick Linkpick

The platform to find and manage work-study programs, internships and training. For students, employers, schools and CFA. 💙 Linkpick, employment at your fingertips for schools, companies and students/learners! 🌟 🚀 Revolutionize your approach to recruitment and talent management with Linkpick, the all-in-one platform that simplifies every step, from preparation to post-training. At Linkpick, we believe in a world where access to employment is accessible to all, where talents are discovered and cultivated with care, and where career opportunities know no limits. 🎓 For learners: Explore a wide range of training, internships and work-study programs to find your path to success. …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech edtech Technologies: SaaS

10 6 6 12

Digital tool for managing and recruiting the best film crews for your audiovisual productions! is a digital tool for managing and recruiting technicians for audiovisual production companies. Both a platform bringing together a French-speaking community of technical operators from all backgrounds, is a SAAS (Software as a Service) software facilitating the management of film crews by production and the recruitment of technicians through effective matching with the community via the database. The tool will finally provide a predictive vision of future recruitment needs through data analysis. Winner of the Aix-Marseille startup weekend in 2014, aims to offer …

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment hrtech Technologies: Data Analytics SaaS

4 2 2 2
Oneforum Oneforum

Oneforum: permanent exhibition and digital platform entirely dedicated to innovation and digital events ⭕️ Oneforum, a digital platform entirely dedicated to innovation and digital events and a permanent exhibition, is a solution designed by La Coque. 💬 Whether you participate as an exhibitor or visitor, OneForum will present halls dedicated to CSR, IOT, blockchains, smart cities... and will give you access to a "be connect" networking space to discuss various topics. ➡️ You, exhibitors, this Innovation Hub will allow you to hold a stand to present your company, to exhibit your products and services on a marketplace or to organize …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency IoT

7 2 7 1

IADYS designs & develops robotics and AI solutions for water preservation like the Jellyfishbot & the Mobile Oil Skimmer The startup is in particular comitted to the marine environment protection, with the Jellyfishbot : a small robot that collects floating waste and oil. To meet the specific pollution control needs of the industrial and anti-pollution ( oil spill response) sectors, IADYS has redesigned its product ranges and launched a brand new range, the Jellyfishbot EXPERT range and the Mobile Oil Skimmer. Robotique, Intelligence artificielle, Robotique marine, Dépollution aquatique, Systèmes coopératifs, Intelligence embarquée, préservation du littoral, dépollution portuaire, Robotique Autonome, Collecte …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech it services Technologies: Robotics A.I.

60 15 54 19

OXYNE, the #FOODTECH innovation connector and support for the digital transition of #FOODSERVICE OXYNE is a connector of digital innovations. We have developed a bridge between innovative companies and Key Accounts with expertise in the Food & Retail market. Commercial Agency for SMEs and Start-ups. Consulting in sourcing digital solutions for the Food & Beverage sector. We source the best digital solutions of the moment in connection with a sector of activity. Our tailor-made service allows you to quickly access a range of innovative solutions specially designed for your sector. We support our partners operationally in their digital transformation 🚀 …

Type: Startup Activities: it services

7 1 7 5
Communauté des Entreprises à Mission Communauté des Entreprises à Mission

Transforming the company to transform society Association Loi 1901, the Community of mission-driven companies aims to bring together all managers and entrepreneurs who place a social or environmental purpose at the heart of their project. We share the conviction that companies are a formidable lever for innovation to meet contemporary challenges and build a more sustainable society. Our mission is to promote and unite new forms of companies that combine positive impact and performance. With the PACTE law, the concepts of purpose and mission-driven companies are recognized in law. The emergence of this new status must be an opportunity for …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

73 28 50 50
Institut français Institut français

International cultural incubator / Freedom · Creativity · Diversity As the operator of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for France's external cultural action, the Institut français is responsible, within the framework of the policy and orientations established by the State, for carrying a renewed ambition for our diplomacy of influence by contributing to the influence of France in a strengthened dialogue with foreign cultures. Chaired by Xavier Darcos, surrounded by Sylviane Tarsot-Gillery, Deputy Director General, and Laurence Auer, Secretary General, the Institut français replaces the Culturesfrance association in the form of an EPIC (Public Industrial and Commercial Establishment) with an …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

86 38 52 2,568

Awakening the stones to reveal the human. Member of the SOS Culture Group. OUR VOCATION Entrust the restoration of historical heritage to people in precarious situations, in order to restore their confidence and pride and help them build a professional future. Transform buildings into real open-air schools and ensure the transmission of know-how. Restore these sites according to the rules of the art and breathe new life into them. OUR MISSION Since 2002, we have been developing integration and professional training projects in old building trades, dedicated to people furthest from employment. We take as our support the restoration of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

32 7 25 66
Centrale Méditerranée Alumni Centrale Méditerranée Alumni

The Association of Engineers of the École Centrale de Marseille Centrale Méditerranée Alumni is the Association of Engineers of the École Centrale Méditerranée (AI ECM). The association is the point of convergence between the graduates of our schools, present in France and around the world, companies, research laboratories and associations. It now brings together more than 16,000 engineers graduated from the École Centrale de Marseille and Centrale Méditerranée as well as its founding schools: EEIM, EIM, ENSPM, ENSSPICAM, EREM, ESCM, ESIM, ESIPSOI, ESM2. By joining the association, graduates have access to personalized support during their professional career thanks to the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

24 1 20 5

ENTER A SHARING DYNAMIC Enter a sharing dynamic Founded in 1974, ECTI is a skills volunteer association recognized as being of public utility. It has nearly 2,000 members, former managers, executives, or managers who volunteer their experience and skills, in France and internationally, to serve companies, local authorities, and organizations in the educational and social sector. ECTI's volunteer experts, present throughout the national territory and abroad, support projects of all kinds for short-term missions and without competing with the commercial sector. Support for companies in their development, from creation to transfer., Assistance to Local Authorities., Help for pupils and students …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

17 14 1 515

SEE WHAT YOU CAN'T SEA ABIM Offers a global solution dedicated to port terminals sub-sea and on-the-surface structures asset management. Our mission is to carry out digital audits and surveys and provide the customer with a digital decision support tool to prioritize and rationalize maintenance interventions around a port terminal. ABIM implements innovative technologies that facilitate digital transformations and increases the efficiency of audits, expertise, and maintenance ranges, and optimizes decision making. An Innovative and smart way to share, deliver, visualize and use survey data. How do we do that?? ABIM web platform and BIM Architecture's asset management solutions provide …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

11 5 9 10
la Vitre la Vitre

The right people, to the right place ✨ With la Vitre, feel the presence! La Vitre brings closeness anywhere in the world! The right people, to the right place. Used by teams, speakers, hospitality, training, events, retail... for now. Why not give it a try yourself?

Type: Startup Activities: proptech

53 5 52 23
CRESS Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur | Chambre régionale des entreprises de l'économie sociale solidaire CRESS Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur | Chambre régionale des entreprises de l'économie sociale solidaire

In the service of ESS companies in the South Provence-Alpe-Côte d'Azur region Cress at the service of ESS companies (Social and Solidarity Economy) in the South Region. ➡️ Presentation For more than 30 years, the Regional Chamber of Companies of the Social and Solidarity Economy (Cress Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur) has been an institutional player who, by law of July 31, 2014 relating to the social economy And solidarity, is the legal benchmark and the megaphone for ESS companies in the region. CRESS is a movement of companies bringing together associations, cooperatives, foundations, mutuals, social enterprises (ESUS approval) and employers' unions. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

82 24 60 16
Startup Weekend Aix-Marseille Startup Weekend Aix-Marseille

🚀 No talk all action 🔥 📍 Arbois technopole Transform my idea into a startup in a weekend? Impossible ? After 5 years in the world tour during which more than 8000 startups were initiated and 100,000 inspired entrepreneurs! Heat your creative muscles and come and push your limits by launching a startup in less than 54 hours! A global movement A local event to discover the fabulous world of startups and creators and launch its box! Entrepreneur, innivation, startup, techstars, and creation business

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

26 10 20 N/A
Provence Angels Provence Angels

Invest and invest alongside entrepreneurs Provence Business Angels is an association (1901 law) which was created in September 2007. The network brings together around fifty members with diversified profiles in terms of qualifications and experiences. Members have for the most part a journey of entrepreneurs or executives. They now want to use their experiences to support the start of young companies. Provence Business Angels finance and mainly support companies with high growth potential. Its action supports the regional economy and job creation. Provence Business Angels intervenes in companies at the start stadium, that is to say a period of development …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

65 12 60 37
MProvence MProvence

Proximity information on Provence! Our raison d'être Highlight the talents and local riches and make it a source of inspiration that makes all Provencals proud and which reinforces the feeling of belonging to our territory. Our goal Understanding information from a "positive", peaceful, reflected and benevolent angle, with another temporality than the frantic pace to which the pressure of the news and the extraordinary speed of current means of dissemination, submit the vast majority of those and Those who put information within the reach of the public. Our bias An uncompromising journalistic requirement and the assertive will to provide our …

Type: Media

46 9 37 14
Marcelle - le média Marcelle - le média

Inspire, Marcelle takes over! #Mediadesolutions Online solutions media, fueled by professional journalists, Marcelle targets actions and projects useful for society and the environment. Collective, individual, entrepreneurial, associative or institutional, all initiatives interest us!

Type: Media

61 4 57 8
EBAN - European Business Angel Network EBAN - European Business Angel Network

The European Trade Association for Business Angels, Seed Funds, and other Early Stage Market Players EBAN is the pan-European representative for the early stage investor community gathering over 150 member organizations in more than 50 countries today. Established in 1999 by a group of pioneer angel networks in Europe with the collaboration of the European Commission and EURADA, EBAN represents a sector estimated to invest 11.4 billion Euros a year and playing a vital role in Europe’s future, notably in the funding of SMEs. EBAN fuels Europe’s growth through the creation of wealth and jobs. Early Stage Investment, Business Angels, …

Type: Incubators & VCs

31 9 7 62
La Tribune Région Sud La Tribune Région Sud

Economic and financial newspaper, La Tribune is present on all supports: web and mobile with its site, applications and digital daily life. Its territorial anchoring makes the tribune the first economic media of metropolises.

Type: Media

101 47 62 2
Crowe Ficorec Crowe Ficorec

Smart decisions. lasting values. Founded in 1987, FICOREC offers a comprehensive, international range of services including: - Financial accounting services - Consolidation (French GAAP, US-GAAP, IFRS, local to group-GAAP conversion) - Financial audit - Financial advisory - Tax - Risk consulting - Internal audit (SOX Compliance) - Accounting compliance and reporting - Transactions Our firm held companies in businesses across all industries, from emerging growth companies to listed companies, deal with a broad range of businesses issues. Our focus is to help companies succeed and working in close partnership with their management. Expert comptable, Commissariat aux comptes, Conseil, Juridique, Paie, …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

23 6 19 75
Les Interconnectés Les Interconnectés

Our mission: to support the digital transformation of communities The interconnected network is responsible for supporting the digital transformation of communities through concrete actions based on sharing, collective intelligence, proximity to the user. The first national association for disseminating digital uses and innovations at the service of the territories, a reference contact of the State, we are both a platform for exchanges, resource center and sharing space. Created in 2009 by Urban France and Intercommunalities in France, the interconnected network has several missions which are all commitments: • Supporting the territories in innovation and communities on the strategic and operational …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city it services

140 62 91 5
Initiative Marseille Métropole Initiative Marseille Métropole

Supports and supports project leaders to create and take over very small businesses (VSEs). Initiative Marseille Métropole is the platform of the initiative network involved in the territory of the urban community Marseille Provence Métropole. It supports and supports the promoters of the creation and recovery of very small businesses (VSEs). Its flagship tool: the loan of honor. It is a personal loan without interest or guarantee of up to 15,000 euros. It should make it possible to strengthen equity and facilitate bank funding. Initiative Marseille Métropole also mobilizes other systems such as Honor growth in growth, the BPI honor …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

32 7 24 22
Fonds Pierre Castel Fonds Pierre Castel

Support agricultural and agrifood entrepreneurship of young people in Africa The Pierre Castel fund supports and supports in France and Africa, initiatives and steps for young entrepreneurs in the fields of agriculture and the food industry. The aim is to contribute to the autonomy and growth of African markets and to the dynamics of exchanges with France. The actions and projects supported are selected for their quality, their impact, their purpose of general interest, their contribution to better vocational training, employment and development of young people and women in their environment and framework of life. Endowment funds, agriculture, agrifood, Africa, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: agritech

7 3 4 5
Euroméditerranée Euroméditerranée

Public development establishment in Marseille. Euroméditerranée is a public development establishment which conducts an operation of national interest in urban renovation, incorporating all the challenges of the sustainable Mediterranean city, economic development and employment, housing, equipment and public spaces, transport, culture, training, environmental quality , etc... Architecture, town planning, economic development, sustainable development, and transitional town planning

Type: Public

84 39 57 75

The summit of emerging startups and organic Africa-Europe innovation Created in 2017 in Aix-Marseille, the new hub of emerging innovations between Europe and Africa, Emerging Valley is the international summit which attracts investors, African startups and African and emerging digital ecosystems in Provence who want to strengthen their International attractiveness, develop their business relationships and speed up their impact on a global scale.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

43 20 28 5
Département des Bouches-du-Rhône Département des Bouches-du-Rhône

Collectivity of Solidarity, committed to all Provencals, from birth to good age of life. Welcome to the page of the Bouches-du-Rhône department 👋 A little story ... The department is an institution whose creation dates back to the revolution. The limits of the territory were defined as having to be a horse's day of the capital. Most of its skills results from the laws of decentralization of 1982 and 1983, recently supplemented by the Notre law of August 7, 2015 relating to the new territorial organization. The Department is an essential proximity level for the inhabitants, thanks to its actions …

Type: Public

114 64 37 1,040
ANIMA Investment Network ANIMA Investment Network

The cooperation network for economic development within Europe, Middle East and Africa ! ANIMA is an international network that works towards economic integration and convergence between Europe, Middle East and Africa. ANIMA develops initiatives with the objective of making its partner countries more attractive to business and investment, improving the performance of policies and institutions, and promoting companies that create value for society. ANIMA network brings together 70 member organisations in 20 countries and more than 400 experts and partners coordinated by a team of 17 people based in France and Morocco. Join ANIMA Investment Network ! * ANIMA est …

Type: Incubators & VCs NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

49 11 43 17
ANR, the French National Research Agency ANR, the French National Research Agency

ANR provides funding for project-based research in all fields of science - for both basic and applied research - to public research organisations and universities, as well as to private companies (including SMEs). Employing a method based on competitive peer reviews compliant with international standards, ANR provides the scientific community with instruments and programmes promoting creativity and openness, and stimulate new ideas and partnerships, particularly between academia and industry. Its activity also contributes to enhancing the competitiveness and the influence of French research in Europe and across the world. Since 2010, ANR has also been the lead manager of the …

Type: Public

159 112 43 566

The trusted third party that makes individual support a pillar of your culture and performance. We initiate a positive culture of support for your employees for sustainable individual and collective well-being, on a daily basis. HOLIVIA is on a support service through programs and video exchanges, offering tailor-made and human paths with carefully selected experts. mental health, rps, qvct, and qvt

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: Decarbonization

18 5 15 45
StartupBRICS StartupBRICS

StartupBRICS explores on the ground and highlights emerging innovations that will change the world #AfricaTech StartupBRICS is the first blog in French 100% dedicated to Startup news from BRICS countries, frontier and emerging. Whether it is to highlight the future innovation hubs that are breaking through in Russia or Africa, to promote business opportunities in e-commerce in China or Indonesia or to publicize the latest web success stories in India or Brazil, Startup BRICS aims to provide French and French-speaking economic decision-makers with news, insights and analyses on the digital potential of tomorrow's future economic champions. -- StartupBRICS is the …

Type: Media

27 5 22 2
risingSUD risingSUD

Helping to grow the economy in the Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region risingSUD is the economic development agency for the Sud region. Our team of top economic experts has a perfect knowledge of the local ecosystem and the world of business. Développement économique, Accompagnement des entreprises, Innovation, Internationalisation, Attirer les talents, and Structurer les filières

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture SMB Activities: it services

132 56 119 58
Digital New Deal Digital New Deal

Think-Do-Tank dedicated to building a 3rd digital way in the face of the centralization of powers by BigTech Digital New Deal supports private and public decision-makers in creating a Digital Enlightenment, European and Humanist. Our conviction is that we can offer a third digital way by aiming for a dual objective: defend our values ​​by proposing a framework of trust through regulation (think-tank); and defend our interests by creating ecosystems of trust through cooperation (do-tank). Our publication activity aims to shed light as comprehensively as possible on the developments at work within the issues of "digital sovereignty", in the broadest …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

38 9 13 4
La French Fab La French Fab

Welcome to the official account of La #FrenchFab, the fast-moving French industry ! 🐓 French Fab is the voice of the fast-moving French industry. Follow our Blue Rooster community to discover French manufacturers and industrial services, brought together by one global ambition: building an attractive, modern, and sustainable industry of tomorrow. #FrenchFab

Type: Public

164 90 75 40
La Boussole des Entrepreneurs La Boussole des Entrepreneurs

Structuring the support ecosystem to help entrepreneurs make an informed choice! The Boussole movement aims to bring together support providers (incubators, accelerators, etc.) for startups and young companies. It was initiated by 10 support structures (50 Partners, Blue Factory – ESCP, Google, INCO, Le Village by CA, Raisesherpas, Réseau Entreprendre Paris, Schoolab, NUMA, and URW Link – Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield) and we are now close to 60 (list of our members on The system is built on three pillars: - Expertise: sharing our know-how & access to complementary expertise. In particular through monthly meetings and the production of content by our …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

55 21 50 8
Les Grands Talents de Marseille Les Grands Talents de Marseille

Dare to create the company of your dreams As part of the "Marseille en Grand" call for projects, several expert players in business creation in Marseille have come together to form the consortium "Les Grands Talents de Marseille" led by Pepite Provence under the cover of Aix-Marseille University with the Accélérateur M, the CPME 13, the Belle de Mai Incubator, 100000 Entrepreneurs and CISAM. Together, they offer the "Dare to create the company of your dreams" course of support for business creation/takeover combining individual and collective monitoring, training and experimentation. The entrepreneurial skills acquired by young people throughout this course …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

5 1 5 N/A
Aix-Marseille University Aix-Marseille University

EXPLORE TO CREATE SOCIETY The largest multidisciplinary French-speaking university, Aix Marseille University welcomes 80,000 students and 8,000 staff on 5 large campuses with international standards. Owner of 90% of the assets, it is present in 8 cities, in 4 departments of the South Region. All disciplinary fields are taught there via 17 faculties and schools. Betting on interdisciplinarity to promote scientific innovation and societal progress, the university has created 18 "institutional institutes" linking training-research and partnerships. A socially engaged university, amU places student success at the heart of its strategy by adapting training courses as closely as possible to needs …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

113 43 74 1
Africalink Africalink

Transnational community on the Africa-Europe axis transnational community of entrepreneurs on the Africa-Europe axis

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

29 12 5 41
Coopérative Biocoop Coopérative Biocoop

🖐🌱✊ Cooperative of 745 independent #organic stores in France 🇫🇷 La Bio Nous Rassemble Biocoop brings together more than 750 organic stores around a common goal: the development of organic farming in a spirit of fairness and cooperation. A leader in organic food distribution, Biocoop also stands out for its fair trade products and a very wide choice of eco-products and cosmetics. More than just a network of traders, Biocoop also wants to influence society's choices and shares its project with other stakeholders: employees, consumers, producers and partners. It is the leading distributor of organic products and eco-products in France. …

Type: Large company Activities: foodtech retail

89 45 19 2,690
Expertise France Expertise France

Projects, solutions, impacts Expertise France is a public agency and a key actor in international technical cooperation. It designs and implements projects that sustainably strengthen public policies in developing and emerging countries. Governance, security, climate, health, education... It operates in key areas of sustainable development and contributes alongside its partners to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Gouvernance et Droits humains, Protection sociale et Emploi, Développement économique, Finances publiques, Santé, Développement durable, Coopération technique, gouvernance économique, Expertise technique internationale, Développement durable, and Développement humain

Type: Public

71 30 45 2,147
La Provence La Provence

It was in August 1944, with makeshift means that the first issue of "Le Provençal" consisting of a single sheet was printed. September 1944, three weeks after the first edition of Le Provençal, Le Méridional also published its first issue. It was in February 1971 that the two newspapers signed an agreement. There was a rapprochement between the two titles: the editorial offices, which kept their independence, shared the printing. But to face the problems faced by the PQR newspapers, Le Provençal and Le Méridional joined forces. This merger gave birth to La Provence on June 4, 1997. 2007 was …

Type: Media

122 70 33 722
Smalt Capital Smalt Capital

Major player in private equity in the South Region. Investing together, for tomorrow. Founded in 2000, Smalt Capital is a French private equity firm specializing in equity financing for unlisted SMEs. Recognized for its territorial and local approach, the company offers investment solutions for the general public as well as for institutional investors. Smalt Capital has been a signatory of the PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) since 2016. Private Equity

Type: Incubators & VCs

40 16 32 44
CIP - Club Informatique Provence Méditerranée CIP - Club Informatique Provence Méditerranée

For 50 years, CIPMed has been working alongside IT decision-makers and IT service providers The Provence Méditerranée IT Club brings together "CIOs" and "Partners" who work together in a spirit of mutual assistance and conviviality. Everyone participates in the Club's activities in this spirit. Due to its reputation, now national, the number of its growing members, the exceptional events it is associated with in the region, its highly visited website, its presence on Viadeo, Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter, the quality, quantity and variety of the IT activities of its members, the CIP is "THE" place where any CIO can exchange …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

56 7 29 14
Observer Research Foundation Observer Research Foundation

Non–partisan, independent analyses on security, strategy, economy, development, energy and global governance. Set up in 1990, ORF seeks to lead and aid policy thinking towards building a strong and prosperous India in a fair and equitable world. It helps discover and inform India’s choices, and carries Indian voices and ideas to forums shaping global debates. ORF provides non-partisan, independent analyses and inputs on matters of security, strategy, economy, development, energy, resources and global governance to diverse decision-makers (governments, business communities, academia, civil society). ORF’s mandate is to conduct in-depth research, provide inclusive platforms and invest in tomorrow’s thought leaders today. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

26 9 19 262
Union Maritime et Fluviale Marseille-Fos (UMF) Union Maritime et Fluviale Marseille-Fos (UMF)

The UMF brings together 27 professions, 300 companies, and represents 20,000 direct jobs. Alone we go fast, together we go far The Union Maritime et Fluviale de Marseille-Fos brings together all the companies that, in the Bouches du Rhône department, make up the maritime transport sector. It is represented nationally by the Union Maritime et Portuaire de France (UMPF). Services to ships (piloting, towing, mooring); Maritime carriers and their agents; Handlers, Land carriers (river, rail, road); Stockists; Transport organizers; Infrastructure managers; Experts; Insurers; Industrialists and shippers. 27 professions, 300 companies, 20,000 direct jobs Maritime, Transport, Computer Software, and Public Relations

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

23 6 15 20
Factory Unit Factory Unit

Build your idea, Improve it and Reveal it to the world. L2Concept is born from a long experience working in the prototype & Concept Car since 1983 and serving the design industry all around the world. Factory-Unit is supporting L2Concept in the last phase of 3D modeling by implementing the production process constraint and then using all data provided by L2Concept to realize the project. - Design, sketch modeling, - 3D Modeling, class A surfaces, - RT Rendering & Animation, - Design, -Engineering, - Color & Trim support, - Project & Supply Chain Management, - Advance Concept Prototypes Alliance of …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: New Materials

21 4 14 12
Pro'créa Le congrès des acteurs de l'accompagnement entrepreneurial Pro'créa Le congrès des acteurs de l'accompagnement entrepreneurial

Reinventing entrepreneurial support! Organized at the initiative of the CCI Occitanie, the Chambre de Métiers et de l'Artisanat de Région Occitanie, with the support of the Occitanie Region, the DIRECCTE, until the 2019 edition, the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations and BPI France Création, Pro'créa aims to allow professionals in creation and transmission to meet, exchange on their practices and improve their intervention methods. It brings together between 250 and 320 participants at each edition (last edition in September 2019: 310 people). Pro'créa is the only professional congress existing in France, which is aimed exclusively at operators of business creation …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

5 0 5 1
Earthship Sisters Earthship Sisters

Let's reveal women's leadership to accelerate the ecological transition! An initiative of the EXPE2M association, it will begin in September 2018. "Take 14 women who are passionate about the environment. Let them experience the Earthship Sisters adventure. You get great environmental ambassadors!" Women have a heightened sensitivity to the future of our planet and also a more collaborative leadership style. They need a helping hand to express themselves to the fullest at the dawn of the confluence of 2 major societal movements: the full expression of feminine potential and the protection of the environment. The "Earthship sisters" initiative will reveal …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech greentech

5 3 0 12
Carbon Blue Carbon Blue

You see scraps, we see crafts! We are dedicated to offering top of the line products made from 100% recycled plastics. Carbon Blue is an international circular economy company, offering innovative workshops to create unique products from plates and bars made from 100% recycled and 100% recyclable plastics. These cooperation spaces - of unique design - allow any entrepreneur to give new life to plastics by enhancing them with original, high-quality functional objects using know-how transmitted to them by Carbon Blue. Sustainability, Products, Franchising, Marketing, Plastic, Furnitures, Arts and crafts, Workshops, Entrepreneurs, Upcycling, Design, Regeneration, Local, Expertise, Circular economy , …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

28 8 25 7
Made in Marseille Made in Marseille

Online news from the Marseille region Made in Marseille is the first online media that promotes initiatives and inspires solutions in the Marseille region. 📌 The leading 100% digital news site in the entire region with a community of 600,000 readers and 200,000 subscribers on social networks 📌 A daily, independent and free news media 📌 A team of passionate journalists who have been bringing you local news in a different way since 2014 📌 An ambitious and resolutely innovative editorial line, specializing in information on solutions and impact journalism 💡 Sections: news, economy, politics, innovation, urban planning, sustainable development, …

Type: Media

93 29 71 22
L'Épopée L'Épopée

The right to dream, the power to do. L'Épopée, the first educational innovation village in France in the heart of the Sainte-Marthe district in Marseille. + 19,000m2 of common spaces, offices, manufacturing and play areas to learn, undertake and vibrate + 50 resident structures + 285 events organized and a vibrant program + 75,000 people came to live their epics (visitors, partners, seminars, etc.) A place with multiple uses: 🚀 Work and creation spaces for entrepreneurs and pioneering organizations 📣 Experiential spaces to allow everyone to discover their talents, whatever they may be 🏠 A friendly and accessible place to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

59 22 32 30
Le Méridional Le Méridional

Facts are sacred, comments are free. Le Méridional, the media of the people of the south for whom facts are sacred and comments are free. media, marseille, south, politics, sport, news, economy, outings, leisure, OM, marseille city hall, south region, and provence

Type: Media

35 1 34 10
Club Marseille Métropole Club Marseille Métropole

Companies, a horizon. When it was created, the Club set itself the goal of developing the economic image of Marseille among personalities, international media, and global economic players present during the Football World Cup. With this experience in communication and promotion, the Club has continued its action beyond this event by inviting business leaders to come together to support and promote the IMAGE of MARSEILLE. It has made this its primary mission. Through a dual economic and civic dimension, the Club positions itself as a facilitator of exchanges and interactions between these worlds. The members of the Club, business leaders …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

31 0 31 5

1st professional network in the South region | Unites 6 MEDEF departments & the main professional branches MEDEF Sud is the first regional professional network serving businesses and the entrepreneurial spirit. Uniting 6 territorial MEDEFs and the main professional federations of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, it ensures the representation of businesses across the region. As a spokesperson for entrepreneurs, it is represented in nearly 50 regional socio-economic bodies by 250 representatives. Defender and promoter of businesses of all sizes and sectors of activity, more than 90% of its members have fewer than 20 employees. MEDEF Sud has been chaired since June 23 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

59 16 40 17
Invest in Provence by Provence Promotion Invest in Provence by Provence Promotion

Make Provence your company's best asset! As the leading economic attractiveness agency in the Aix-Marseille-Provence metropolitan area and the Pays d'Arles, Provence Promotion has been providing free and confidential support to companies wishing to invest in Provence for 25 years. Its multicultural team does everything it can to help project leaders (French companies outside Bouches-du-Rhône or foreign companies) in their establishment process (real estate and financing research, assistance with recruitment and talent mobility, etc.). A range of services developed with the close participation of all economic players in the area. * * * * * * * * * * …

Type: Public

87 24 77 39
Club WTC Apex Club WTC Apex

The Club des Entreprises de l'International, SOUTH region The WTC-APEX Club, created in 1975 under the aegis of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Marseille-Provence and the Union Patronale des Bouches du Rhône, aims to develop regional companies internationally. It is one of the very first French associations of this type. This Association, law 1901 of Companies from several sectors of activity, brings together permanent staff and a Board of Directors composed of International professionals who can share their experiences and who together lead actions in favor of international development in the department. The role of the WTC-APEX Club …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

25 5 23 204
Carnot STAR : Sport, Santé, Bien-Être Carnot STAR : Sport, Santé, Bien-Être

Public system dedicated to the development of partnership research in the field of Sport, Health, Well-Being. The Carnot STAR Institute aims to support companies in the Sport, Health and Well-Being sector in their innovation approach, through research collaborations designed to meet their R&D needs. Through its 9 research units and service platforms, Carnot STAR offers manufacturers a set of scientific skills and associated technological resources. It is thus able to provide answers adapted to the needs of VSEs, SMEs, ETIs or large industrial groups in terms of: - Research & Development - Expertise and advice - Service provision. Located in …

Type: Public

29 5 27 8

Connected Building Operator. Operator of services dedicated to smart and connected buildings, Idealys develops solutions for real estate professionals to manage the connectivity, equipment and services of their buildings. A web portal allows them to manage the building in compliance with regulations while improving its sustainability/profitability; and a super-app facilitates new uses at the hands of occupants in the tertiary and residential sectors (energy monitoring, home automation control, access control, incident management, etc.). These new neighborhoods, which we are building together, are the guiding principle of the evolution towards the city of tomorrow. They provide future generations with the best …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech smart city

34 7 29 25
Les Entrep' en Picardie Les Entrep' en Picardie

Entrepreneurship training for students and recent graduates! 100% on the field and 100% free 💪 Les Entrep’ en Picardie is an introductory entrepreneurship program for students and recent graduates 🎯 You are supported by professionals and business leaders to test entrepreneurship for five months (from November to March - compatible in addition to studies or a job)! 📍 Amiens - Beauvais and Compiègne campuses

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

107 25 89 5
Fabskill Fabskill

Fabskill is using artificial intelligence to make the recruitment process more fluid, easy and completely fair! FabSkill is a web platform offering an innovative recruitment process based on artificial intelligence, video interviews and collaborative candidate rating. Fabskill aims to address the issues related to job interviews: Candidate side: - Better candidate orientation based on artificial intelligence. - Offer the same opportunities for candidates from inland areas or people with reduced mobility thanks to deferred and "live" video interviews, thus avoiding availability and travel issues. - A "fair" and equitable process: All candidates will have the same chances of being selected …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech Technologies: A.I.

2 1 0 17
Fonds HighCo Pour Entreprendre Fonds HighCo Pour Entreprendre

This endowment fund aims to support young entrepreneurs in carrying out their projects The "HighCo pour Entreprendre" endowment fund was born from a dual conviction: - Innovation and entrepreneurship are two fundamental pillars of economic development. - Furthermore, companies have a fundamental role to play in encouraging and helping project leaders. Entrepreneurship is a formidable lever for accelerating economic development, both locally and nationally. HighCo has also supported, incubated and acquired more than 70 startups. To go further in this approach, the Group has created the HighCo pour Entreprendre Fund. The purpose of this Fund is to support and finance …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

5 0 4 1
Embassy of Canada in France | Ambassade du Canada en France Embassy of Canada in France | Ambassade du Canada en France

Representing Canada in France and Monaco | Représente le Canada en France et à Monaco The Embassy provides services for Canadians who visit, study, work or do business in France. Canada and France maintain strong and mutually beneficial economics relations. Trade in high value-added products and services are important. The two countries are expanding their partnership in the form of direct investments, strategic alliances, and scientific, technology and innovation collaborations. Canada and France maintain a rich and strong relationship, rooted in a shared history and common language. A permanent member of the UN Security Council, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization …

Type: Public

20 7 2 82
SmartESA SmartESA

The ESA Business School's national startup and corporate accelerator Smart ESA is an accelerator that leverages on ESA’s management know-how and network, allowing startups to jump-start their projects by providing them the right tools, skills and connections and setting them on the right track to success. Smart ESA seeks to transform creators into entrepreneurs and great managers. It is a way of thinking; a management toolbox for success. Entrepreneurs, Incubator, Accelerator, Startups, Program Development, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, softlanding, training, coaching, open innovation, education, and edtech

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

11 1 9 8
ACCEDE Provence Entrepreneurs ACCEDE Provence Entrepreneurs

Think Entrepreneurship.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

3 3 0 46
Flat6Labs Flat6Labs

Accelerating The Future! Flat6Labs is MEA's leading seed and early stage venture capital firm, currently running the most renowned startup programs in the region. Annually, Flat6Labs invests in more than 100 innovative and technology-driven startups enabling thousands of passionate entrepreneurs to achieve their daring ambitions and ultimately becoming their institutional co-founders. Seed Funding, Entrepreneurship, Investment, Mentorship, Information Technology, and Apps

Type: Incubators & VCs

37 7 26 140