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IFA Paris IFA Paris

Fashion school in Paris & Istanbul offering Bachelor & MBA programs as well as short & online courses. IFA Paris is an international fashion design and luxury business school with campuses in Shanghai, Paris and Istanbul offering Bachelor and Master/MBA programs as well as short and summer courses in a wide range of fashion areas. IFA Paris offers online distance learning courses as well. Find all information on our website: == Courses == Bachelor Fashion Design & Technology Bachelor Fashion Marketing Bachelor Fashion Sustainability Bachelor Visual Merchandising MBA Fashion Management - Apparel Major MBA Fashion Management - Luxury …

Type: SMB Activities: fashtech edtech luxury

6 0 2 177
Promod Promod

"Together, let's share each day more real, well & amp; beautiful!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ready-to-wear, fashion, retail, and women

Type: Large company

29 10 12 2,527
Paroles d'élus Paroles d'élus

The #digital at the service of the territories #Collterr #Transfonum | Since 2005, words of elected officials have promoted digital initiatives of communities, serving territories. So many testimonies of dynamism and audacity that the territories can show to promote digital use and make it a lever for growth. Designed at the initiative of the Assembly of Departments, AMF, AMRF, ANEM, APVF, Regions of France, Cities of France and Orange, the editorial system of elected officials is subject to 'A participatory website: Interactive extension, permanent meetings and exchanges of local elected officials, their collaborators, executives and territorial agents, but also …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

103 13 95 1
Onopia Onopia

Driving Growth Through Disruptive Strategy Onopia est un cabinet spécialisé en Innovation de Business Model & Stratégies Disruptives assistées par l'Intelligence Artificielle. Nous aidons les entreprises à réinventer leur stratégie, produits, services, expérience client et business models. Nous proposons conseils, workshop et formations intensives sur les sujets suivants : - Stratégie Disruptive, - Business Model Innovation et Value Proposition Design, - Expérience client, - Produit et design de service, - Systematic Innovative Thinking® - Innovation inside the box, - Design thinking, - Creativité. Notre travail est unique, nos clients reconnaissent notre esprit entrepreneurial et notre flexibilité. Exemples de clients : …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting uxtech

26 4 22 1
Modelab Modelab

Modelab is a media that questions fashion and all of its relationship to society. Specializing in innovation in fashion, Modelab highlights young designers with amazing proposals, upsets codes, questions trends and highlights the real societal, anthropological and historical impact of a fashion often confined to factual commentary. 100% independent, collaborative and creative media, this hybrid object has several faces: a quarterly paper magazine, an editorial site, a YouTube channel. Find us on: Instagram @modelab_mag Facebook Twitter @Modelabtech Webzine, fashion, fashiontech, innovation, and fashion

Type: Media

7 5 3 3
Marcelle - le média Marcelle - le média

Inspire, Marcelle takes over! #Mediadesolutions Online solutions media, fueled by professional journalists, Marcelle targets actions and projects useful for society and the environment. Collective, individual, entrepreneurial, associative or institutional, all initiatives interest us!

Type: Media

61 4 57 8
Low-tech Lab Low-tech Lab

Open-source experiments and documentation of useful, accessible and sustainable technical solutions. Low-Tech Lab is a program of documentation, research and collaborative diffusion of low-tech. The program is to allow local and effective low-tech solutions to spread widely. This program is intended for all people or structures wishing to contribute to low-tech innovation or benefit from its discoveries. Website: low-technologies, innovation, consulting, international development, collaborative tools, community building, and tutorials

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

34 18 15 20
Louvre Lens Vallée Louvre Lens Vallée

Pole of excellence and cultural and creative innovations Louvre-Lens Vallée supports entrepreneurs and companies to structure and accelerate their projects. Our promise: to bring an unexpected entrepreneurial experience to life through an innovative and creative methodology centered on the user, to give meaning to your projects and create lasting and differentiating economic performance. Labeled French Tech, Louvre-Lens Vallée was created in 2013, in the wake of the establishment of the Louvre in Lens, on the initiative of the State, the Nord Pas-de-Calais region and the community of 'Lens-Liévin agglomeration.

Type: Public

60 23 41 14
OVS S.p.A. OVS S.p.A.

Wear your chance. We are your chance. OVS S.p.A. is the leading Italian group for men's, women's, and kid's clothing, also active in the beauty and home decoration segments. With a network of over 2,200 stores in Italy and abroad, most of which under the OVS and Upim brands, the group offers a wide range of proprietary brands including PIOMBO, OVS Kids, Blukids, Stefanel, Les Copains, and CROFF. Listed on Euronext Milan since 2015, in 2023 it recorded sales of €1,536 million and achieved an EBITDA of €182 million. Fashion, Apparel, Womeswear, Menswear, Kidswear, and Beauty

Type: Large company

4 1 0 4,410
Les Canaux Les Canaux

Contribute to changing the economy for the benefit of models respectful of humans and the environment. Our mission is to support the development of a committed economy (local, social, united and circular) by forming and raising citizens, companies and communities to social and environmental innovation. Our professions: to raise awareness, train, support, create opportunities. We support 5,000 companies and 7,000 professionals in France and more than 300,000 citizens have participated in one of our events. ... The canals also animate the "House of Solidarity and Innovative Economies" located at 6, Quai de la Seine in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

161 50 135 41
L'Embarcadère Lyon L'Embarcadère Lyon

Professional event reservoir Welcome to the pier A place anchored in contemporary life, between the river which resources and the city which pulses. A soothing and inspiring atmosphere to accompany you most serenely in the world. A place bathed in light and joie de vivre, where you will feel good, at any time of the day and the night. A harmonious mixture of authenticity and modernity which forms the decor of a cocoon, flexible and modular, conducive to our complicity. In the heart of Lyon-Quartier Confluence and on the banks of the Saône, the pier is a unique space, in …

Type: Event

20 9 13 16

Bonneterie Lemahieu | Label EPV Vêtements et sous-vêtements fabriqués à Saint-André-lez-Lille depuis 1947. LEMAHIEU is an industrie textile company based out of 480 Avenue de Lattre de Tassigny, Saint André Lez Lille, Hauts de France, France. Bonneterie, Fabrication Française, Textile, and Tricot

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech

14 5 10 57
Positive Company® Positive Company®

CSR label and CSR scoring made in France | The European Movement of Companies with positive impact. Positive Company® (e.g. Workplace) is a French CSR label created in 2019. Its objective is to allow all businesses, regardless of their CSR maturity levels, to progress and to embark their stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers) in their sustainable development strategies. This movement brings together more than 200 companies labeled in France and Europe, and allows more than 1000 companies to structure themselves in CSR via our free and accessible online standards. Founded from international (ISO 26000 and ODD) and European (CSRD) (ISOD) (ISRD), …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

4 2 2 21
La Condition Publique La Condition Publique

Creative laboratory, place of life, work and dissemination, at the crossroads between culture and social innovation. Public Condition is a creative laboratory, place of life, work and dissemination, at the crossroads between culture and social, urban and environmental innovation. Industrial wasteland of 10,000m2, former place of control, storage and packaging for the textile industry from 1902 to 1972, the public condition was rehabilitated during Lille2004, European capital of culture. Place of life, creative laboratory, place of art, restaurant, events, exhibitions, fablab, and market

Type: Public

41 14 23 37
La Bellevilloise La Bellevilloise

Paris of freedom since 1877. An independent place dedicated to those who undertake. An independent, artistic, festive place. Founded in 1877 in the tomorrow of the town, Bellevilloise, the first Parisian cooperative, had the plan to allow modest people access to political education and culture. Place of resistance, first trade "from producer to consumer", fair trade before the hour, and show, La Bellevilloise played from 1910 to 1949 a leading role in the economic and cultural life of the Eastern Parisian . Since 2005, Renaud Barillet, Fabrice Martinez and Philippe Jupin, a trio of agitators from the performing arts, production …

Type: Event

24 20 4 63
Label Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (EPV) - L'excellence des savoir-faire français Label Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (EPV) - L'excellence des savoir-faire français

Labeled EPVs are the ambassadors of French craft and industrial excellence around the world. The Living Heritage Enterprise Label (EPV), created in 2005, is a public recognition brand aimed at distinguishing our French companies in exceptional artisanal and industrial know-how. The EPV label is a source of confidence in exceptional French know-how. Awarded by the regional prefects and valid for a period of five years, the label brings together manufacturers sharing a common vision of their activity: an entrepreneurial approach where the preservation of the historical and heritage of the company, its skills and its Tools, enriches the quality of …

Type: Public

82 30 53 18
Institut National de l'Économie Circulaire (INEC) Institut National de l'Économie Circulaire (INEC)

Follow us to know the challenges and challenges around the circular economy and the ecological transition 🌿 🌎 The National Institute of the Circular Economy is the referral and influence think tank around the resource economy. Cradle to Cradle, Economy Circular, Ecological Transition, and Circular Economy

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

102 33 76 43
Eclaira, économie circulaire en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Eclaira, économie circulaire en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Eclaira is a digital community linked to the circular economy in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes In Auvergne-Rhône Alpes, the economic and energy transition of companies and territories is a necessity and a real opportunity with regard to the challenges of jobs and resources, economic development, regional planning and sustainable development. In this context, the circular economy opens the way to a model more respectful of men and resources. He invites to build sustainable and local cooperation between all the actors in the territory. Encouraged by the Regional Plan of Action in favor of the Circular Economy (PRAEC 2019), numerous initiatives already engaged on …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech

30 1 20 1
Groupe Eram Groupe Eram

Since 1927, the ERAM group, a French family group, has distributed through its brands, the spirit of undertaking differently, and has been committed for more responsible consumption. ‘‘ Doing good and doing it well ’’ is our reason for creating and making new more virtuous business models shine. Today, the ERAM group, guided by its Change for Good business project, is meeting its challenges thanks to its 5,200 employees. Composed of brands, activities or subsidiaries: Gémo, Eram, TBS, Bocage, Mellow Yellow, Montlimart, Sessile, Dresco, Parade, La Manufacture, Market and Oksigen tap, the group made in 2023, a turnover of a …

Type: Large company

51 21 25 4,312
Femmes Business Angels Femmes Business Angels

1st women's female network in France and Europe The only network of “business angels” in women in France and the first network in Europe, Women Business Angels brings together a hundred women who invest personally in potential start-ups and support them in order to help them emerge and develop. FBA investors are interested in innovative companies with high potential in all sectors, in priming or developing, led by men or women and seeking to raise between 100 k euros and 1 million euros. The study of projects is done as a team but each investor freely and independently chooses her …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

159 44 123 86
Fédération des acteurs de la solidarité Fédération des acteurs de la solidarité

1st National Network for Combating Exclusions Network for the fight against exclusions, the Federation of Solidarity Actors brings together 900 solidarity associations and organizations that welcome and support the poorest, or nearly 2,800 structures: - 800 accommodation and social reintegration centers (CHRS) - 900 workshops and integration sites (ACI) - 75,000 accommodation and temporary housing seats - 30,000 workstations in insertion - 12,000 places in reception centers for asylum seekers (CADA) - more than 15,000 social workers - Thousands of volunteers - 900,000 people in difficulty welcomed each year. For many years, the Federation of Solidarity Actors has had to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

59 27 27 136
Est Ensemble Est Ensemble

For climate and social justice Territorial public establishment, is together to the service of 406,000 inhabitants of 9 municipalities in Seine Saint-Denis and constitutes one of the 12 territories of the Metropolis of Grand Paris.

Type: Public

78 50 17 483
ESSpace ESSpace

Coworking & amp; Associative bar Esspace is an associative #Tierslieu, located in the 13th arr. from Paris, which brings together: - A collaborative coworking space and an incubation program to welcome and support students and young people who wish to undertake in the SSE. - An associative bar to relax, share good times and evenings. Through an open and participative program, we welcome many events: concerts, afterworks, cultural events, projections, student evenings, ...! A place of life, cooperation, creativity and initiatives! Student entrepreneurship, bar, coworking, cultural space, privatization of salle, third place, ESS, concerts, and entrepreneurship

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

11 3 6 10
Emmaüs Solidarité Emmaüs Solidarité

Unconditional solidarity since 1954. Founded in 1954, Emmaüs Solidarité fights unconditionally against poverty and exclusion. A member of the Emmaüs Movement, the association supports several thousand single people and families in the Paris region and Loir-et-Cher department every day. While respecting the dignity of each individual, it offers comprehensive, ongoing support to help them integrate into society, through access to rights, housing, training and employment, health and sport, as well as culture, hobbies and citizenship. Emmaüs Solidarité relies on the skills of 950 employees and the help of 600 volunteers.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

59 22 38 837
EFAP - École des nouveaux métiers de la communication EFAP - École des nouveaux métiers de la communication

The school of new communication professions EFAP - The School of New Communication Trades. Since 1961, EFAP has trained the best communicators, capable of adapting to a world in continuous movement. Our campuses: Paris / Nice / Bordeaux / Lille / Lyon / Toulouse / Strasbourg / Montpellier / Aix-en-Provence / New York / Shanghai / Rennes / Miami / Atlanta Find out more: Communication, marketing, advertising, public relations, events, digital, public communication, media, luxury, luxury communication & amp; Strategies, and luxury

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fashtech martech

116 18 68 1,041
Pôle Emploi Pôle Emploi

Professional evolution advisor - Referent support for executives BD Com Software is the exclusive distributor within the European Community The "Ikon" platform developed by Keross. Ikon in a few words: The Ikon solution helps companies improve both the performance of their IT service and all of their activities. Guaranteeing real -time unified monitoring of the different processes and systems that constitute the very heart of the performance of the company. A unified platform in Saasou mode in autonomous deployment: 8 modules that meet each of the sensitive functions of a company in terms of supervision, management and decision -making. A …

Type: Public

86 31 39 1

All by yourself we go faster, together we go further. Designers+ is the professional network in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes dedicated to designers and trades close to design such as architects, design offices, ergonomists. We support our members in the development of their activity through exchanges between creative entrepreneurs and economic networks, workshops, training, watch, events and by promoting the establishment of multidisciplinary teams. Design

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

18 7 14 9
CRESS Pays de la Loire CRESS Pays de la Loire

Promote and develop the social and solidarity economy in Pays de la Loire The Regional Chamber of the Social and Solidarity Economy of the Pays de la Loire was born from the will of ESS actors to acquire a regional organization capable of gathering them, representing them and coordinating their action. It thus federates the companies of the ESS whether: associations, cooperatives, mutuals, social utility commercial companies, groups of ESS employers' unions, networks and platforms of local actors ... around 'A common political and strategic project. Social and solidarity economy

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

46 17 20 22
CRESS Île-de-France CRESS Île-de-France

Another idea of ​​the economy The Regional Chamber of the Social and Solidarity Economy of Île-de-France is an association which brings together the actors of the Ile-de-France ESS. It aims to promote and develop ESS initiatives throughout its territory. Place of exchange and pooling, it brings together associations, cooperatives, social enterprises, foundations and mutuals and promotes the emergence of reflections in its field. At the confluence of many public and private actors, CRESS IDF represents the organization of the SSE in front of the public authorities and works to maintain an environment favorable to the dissemination of its entrepreneurship modes.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

65 19 40 25
Crédit Agricole Nord de France Crédit Agricole Nord de France

Act every day in your interest and that of the company Crédit Agricole Nord de France, Banque de Développement regional. 1st bank in the Nord-Pas de Calais region, with 1 individual in 4 and 1 in 3 companies among its customers, Crédit Agricole Nord de France occupies a central position in Nord-Pas de Calais for savings, financing, insurance and real estate. He exercises all the missions of the local bank thanks to its 2,800 employees spread in 270 agencies and 24 specialized business centers (professionals and businesses). Since its creation in 2002, Crédit Agricole Nord de France, a real "regional …

Type: Incubators & VCs

57 20 33 1,973
Conseil Départemental du Val de Marne Conseil Départemental du Val de Marne

Planning · Associations · Culture · Participatory democracy · Sustainable development · Economy · Education · Equality men/Women · Employment - Training Social action, autonomy, handicap, elderly, integration/employment, early childhood, child protection, colleges, roads, transport, water/sanitation, green and natural spaces, sustainable development, ecological transition, citizenship, culture, archives, and associative life

Type: Public

75 29 42 2,621
Cité du design Cité du design

Located in the heart of the Manufacture district, the Cité du Design sensitizes all audiences to the uses of design. The public establishment of Cultural Cooperation (EPCC) Cited of the Design-Ecole Supérieure d'Art et Design has brings together since January 2010 the Cité du Design and the School of Art and Design of Saint-Étienne, gathered on the same site: The old Saint-Etienne arms factory. Carried by the City of Saint-Etienne, Saint-Étienne Métropole, the Rhône-Alpes region and the State (Ministry of Culture), it is a platform for higher education, research, economic development and valuation Around design and art. Awareness of design, …

Type: Public

62 28 35 70
CMA Lyon-Rhône CMA Lyon-Rhône

Crafts in the Rhône is a community of 45,300 craft companies. The raison d'être of the CMA Lyon-Rône is to give birth to passions, to grow projects, businesses, skills and territories.

Type: Public

61 12 52 7
Institut de la Mode Inclusive Institut de la Mode Inclusive

Providing ready-to-wear solutions to better take into account people affected by illness or disability Expert in clothing for people affected by an illness or disability, the Inclusive Fashion Institute supports ready-to-wear professionals in the search for solutions to respond to this audience. Our team works in close collaboration with patients, patient associations and healthcare professionals to collect and analyze all clothing issues relating to a state of health and build detailed and unique expertise on the subject. We then pass on our knowledge to ready-to-wear brands wishing to join the process of a more inclusive fashion, for the benefit of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fashtech

1 0 1 7
Rapid couture Rapid couture

Rapid couture, the only network of sewing-alteration workshops in France. Clothing repair and transformation Give your clothes a second life through alterations and customization Have eco-responsible consumption in the textile industry Promote quality craft work #circular economy #alteration #repair #rapidcouture #reparacteurs #artisanat #upcycling Create synergy between local commerce and digital Meet consumer expectations. This is the vocation of our brand of around a hundred Workshops-Boutiques spread across the country. We are a leader in the field of COUTURE, from custom-made clothing to alterations and the personalization of your clothes. Our professional seamstresses are at your service. They also provide sewing …

Type: SMB Activities: fashtech

2 2 0 19
Good On You Good On You

Retail’s #1 source of sustainability brand ratings for consumers and businesses. Good On You is the most comprehensive and widely trusted brand ratings system for fashion and now beauty, too. Since 2015, we’ve built a database of over 6,000 fashion brands, all assessed against our world-leading ratings system for their impact on people, the planet, and animals. Building on our expertise, we launched beauty ratings in 2024, helping us get closer to achieving our big goal: using the power of consumer choice to create a more sustainable future. Good On You ratings technology powers the sustainable shopping experience for major …

Type: Startup Activities: fashtech martech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics

13 5 9 40
Beauvais et son Agglo Beauvais et son Agglo

You are in Beauvais, the Oise as the capital. At the heart of the Beauvaisis Agglomeration, our land. At the heart of an agglomeration of 100,000 inhabitants, the City of Beauvais is the first city in Hauts-de-France where life is good in 2023, according to the national ranking of Cities and villages where life is good. It attracts new residents every year in search of a pleasant living environment. Because Beauvaisis is a natural setting full of forests, ponds and bucolic landscapes, and a thriving cultural, associative and sporting life! Our territory is recognized for its economic dynamism, particularly in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: traveltech

13 6 4 171
Agglo de Cambrai Agglo de Cambrai

Page officielle de la Communauté d’Agglomération de Cambrai sur LinkedIn. #Agglo_Cambrai COMMUNAUTE D'AGGLOMERATION DE CAMBRAI is a government administration company based out of 14 RUE NEUVE, 59407 Cambrai, France.

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

12 3 9 45
Alliance du Commerce Alliance du Commerce

Ambitions for innovative commerce The Alliance du Commerce is a professional organization that brings together three federations of organized commerce: FEH, UCV and FEC. It represents department stores (Galeries Lafayette, Printemps, Le Bon Marché, BHV, etc.), popular stores (Monoprix), and fashion brands (Celio, Etam, Kiabi, Promod, Petit Bateau, etc.). Defend and promote organized commerce, Represent the interests of fashion brands, department stores and multi-commerce stores, Negotiate collective agreements, Inform member companies, and Develop the network of representatives of member brands

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

52 12 35 10
Agence du Service Civique Agence du Service Civique

#EnModeServiceCivique The Civic Service Agency ensures both the implementation of the Civic Service, a voluntary and compensated commitment of 6 to 12 months open to all young people aged 16 to 25, and up to 30 years for young people with disabilities, and, since 2016, the French version of the Youth & Sports components of the European Erasmus+ program and the European Solidarity Corps. commitment, solidarity, environment, culture, citizenship, education, health, sport, humanitarian, youth, volunteering, europe, international development, and civic service

Type: Public

110 44 65 828
Agence Chronique- Relations Publiques Agence Chronique- Relations Publiques

Our obsession: to make you appear in the right place, at the right time, with the right story! Chronique covers all the visibility issues of brands and companies in the current media and digital environment via traditional press relations, through digital influence and direct public relations. Founded in 2013 and now based in Lyon and Paris, the agency provides its clients with regional, national and international media coverage. Today experts in 4 major areas of expertise - art of living, industry, communities and major events - the Chronique agency offers a range of complementary services, aimed at developing the notoriety …

Type: Media

8 0 6 5
ESS France (La Chambre française de l'économie sociale et solidaire) ESS France (La Chambre française de l'économie sociale et solidaire)

The French Chamber of the Social and Solidarity Economy is constituted as an association enjoying the legal capacity of associations recognized as being of public utility. This association is constituted by national organizations representing the different statutory forms of the social and solidarity economy, including commercial companies mentioned in 2° of II of Article 1, and by representatives of the regional chambers of the social and solidarity economy. (ESS Law 2014) RELATIONS PUBLIC AUTHORITIES and PROMOTION OF THE ESS

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

108 50 31 11
Ville de La Madeleine Ville de La Madeleine

Close to everything, close to everyone Welcome to the official account of the City of La Madeleine! At the heart of the European Metropolis of Lille, the City of La Madeleine has 320 agents serving its 22,000 inhabitants. The municipality is implementing a mandate project pursuing the dual objective of preserving the identity and quality of life of La Madeleine, but also of building a model of a sustainable and caring city. Discover the City's news and job offers via its LinkedIn page.

Type: Public Activities: martech

18 6 12 68
Institut Français de la Mode Institut Français de la Mode

"The premier fashion design & management institution in France"​ (source : Business of Fashion) Institut Français de la Mode is a higher education institution, a training center for apprentices, a provider of executive education, as well as a center of expertise for the textiles, fashion and luxury industries. It provides educational programs from vocational training to doctoral level, by cross-fertilizing design, management and craftsmanship. As of 2019, Institut Français de la Mode brings together Ecole de la chambre syndicale de la couture parisienne, founded in 1927 and recognized for the excellence of its training in couture savoir-faire, and IFM, founded …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

47 16 38 312
Copenhagen Fashion Week Copenhagen Fashion Week

Leading fashion week of Scandinavia, the Nordics and sustainability Copenhagen Fashion Week is Scandinavia’s biggest fashion week taking place biannually in January/February and August. Each season, Copenhagen Fashion Week welcomes esteemed press, buyers and influencers to four days of shows, presentations and events as well as the two trade shows CIFF and Revolver.

Type: Event

4 4 0 39
Seiko Epson Corporation Seiko Epson Corporation

Epson is a global technology leader whose philosophy of efficient, compact and precise innovation enriches lives and helps create a better world. The company is focused on solving societal issues through innovations in home and office printing, commercial and industrial printing, manufacturing, visual and lifestyle. Epson's goal is to become carbon negative and eliminate use of exhaustible underground resources such as oil and metal by 2050. Led by the Japan-based Seiko Epson Corporation, the worldwide Epson Group generates annual sales of more than JPY 1 trillion. Printers, Projectors, Scanners, POS Systems, Robots, Smart Glasses, Semiconductors, and Watches

Type: Large company Technologies: Robotics Semiconductors

21 7 1 3,541

Des lieux en mieux We are Nhood A real estate services company, we manage, animate, develop and transform existing sites into new living places. Our secret ? Deep listening. Our motto ? Triple Positive Impact! Recognised real estate expertise At Nhood, we are the men and women, the areas of expertise and the experience of the Ceetrus and Nodi companies, recognised for years as key real estate and retail players. We’re an agile team of 1,092 specialists who rely on each of their areas of expertise to design and carry out projects down to the slightest details. Operating in 10 …

Type: Incubators & VCs

46 16 29 1,173

- EXPLORE YOUR PASSION - CiLAO was born in 2003 in Chamonix, from the meeting of two mountain enthusiasts and a trip to Reunion Island. Cilaos comes from the Malagasy Tsilaosa and means "that we do not leave". It is from this philosophy that we draw our ambition. Our goal? To preserve the athlete over time and distance. *SPORTS PERFORMANCE* Since our creation, our desire has been to create and manufacture products dedicated to sports performance, which combine comfort, practicality and reliability. Marc Menetrier, founder of our brand, has always sought to understand the needs in order to offer suitable …

Type: SMB Activities: sporttech Technologies: New Materials

3 2 1 8

L’investissement durable dans les entreprises sociales & écologiques, dès 100 euros. 🇬🇧 (formerly 1001pact) was born out of the desire to address two major issues: the lack of transparency and meaning in traditionnal investment products and the strong need for financing companies with positive social and environmental impact and the lack of transparency and meaning in investments offered to retailers. Our mission is to participate in reducing social and environmental inequalities in the world by offering everyone the opportunity to invest in companies with a positive impact. That's why we offer people the ability to build a 100% responsible, …

Type: Incubators & VCs

126 60 59 97
Département du Nord Département du Nord

For all Northerners, the Department is there! Doctor, engineer, guardian of sensitive natural areas, road operations agent, secretary, reception agent, architect, management controller, social worker, cultural mediator... More than 200 professions are practiced in the Nord Department, with one priority: proximity. The development of skills and support for the career paths of agents have led to a sharp increase in internal mobility with a better knowledge of professions and territories: 73% of agents carry out their activity in decentralized services.

Type: Public

70 35 39 2,768
Tara Ocean Fondation Tara Ocean Fondation

Explore and share The Fondation Tara Océan, first recognized public interest foundation in France dedicated to the world's oceans, is leading a scientific revolution: the Foundation has developed an open, innovative Ocean science that will enable us to predict, anticipate and better manage tomorrow's climate risks. We use high-level scientific expertise to raise awareness and educate young people, mobilize policy makers at the highest level, and enable emerging and developing countries to access the latest knowledge about the Ocean. A true floating laboratory, Tara, the research schooner, has already traveled more than 375,000 kilometers, making stopovers in more than 60 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

52 29 31 64
No plastic in my sea No plastic in my sea

Let's reduce our plastic impact #noplasticchallenge No Plastic In My Sea aims to raise awareness about plastic pollution, to act to reduce it and to propose alternatives to the use of this material. It is at the origin of the annual event #NoPlasticChallenge, dedicated to reducing the consumption and production of plastic.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

82 13 78 8
Makin'Ov Makin'Ov

Anticipation, prospective & strategy firm. Makin’Ov is an applied strategic anticipation firm. Indeed, its strength lies in the operationalization of its advice. We do not do prospective for prospective, because our role is not only to envisage your future, but to prepare you for it. Also, we are at your side to promote and inform your decision-making through innovative and personalized methods. Training, Innovative concepts, User experience, Phygital, Pre-totyping, Innovation, Design, Prospective, Transformation, Agility, Design Thinking, Serious Game, Design Fiction, Prospective Design, Managerial Agility, Consulting, Visioning, Purpose, Desirable future, Creativity, Rapid prototyping, and Responsible Consulting

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

27 1 22 15
Galeries Lafayette Group Galeries Lafayette Group

Specialised in city-centre fashion retailing, the Galeries Lafayette group positions itself, in France as well as overseas, as the benchmark in omni-channel retailing and contributes to promoting the French “Art of Living” through its brands. Strengthened by its architectural heritage and a strong innovative culture, the Galeries Lafayette group receives more than 1 million visitors every day in its 280 stores and e-commerce websites. The Group enjoys a long-standing, emotional connection with its clients that it nurtures at every opportunity, both online and in store, to provide the best possible experience in retail and creativity. Over time, the Group has …

Type: Large company

71 24 46 9,271
Lectra Lectra

We pioneer. You lead. We invite you to embark on a journey. A technological journey towards the evolution of our society and our industries, powered by Industry 4.0 and supported by Lectra. Software, equipment, data and services... At Lectra, as a major player in the fashion, automotive and furniture markets, we contribute to the Industry 4.0 revolution with boldness and passion by providing best-in-class technologies. But it doesn’t stop there. By enabling industrial intelligence solutions, we facilitate the digital transformation of our customers. And we’re always on the lookout for new tech-enthusiasts to join the team! With more than 50 …

Type: Large company Activities: fashtech

38 17 15 1,900

#weactforkids! ïdgroup becomes ÏDKIDS. ÏDKIDS' mission is to offer a set of brands, products and services that are beneficial and activist for children. The concept is based on 3 strong core brands: OKAÏDI, OBAÏBI, OXYBUL- EVEIL ET JEUX, united around the group's founding project "ACT FOR KIDS": to bring together and act so that the world progresses in the service of the growing child. Joining ÏDKIDS means joining a group that also has: - A corporate foundation, OKWORLD, which takes concrete action with 25 NGOs and 80 employees each year, for the respect of children's rights and the protection of …

Type: Large company

53 15 34 4,729
Grand-Orly Seine Bièvre Grand-Orly Seine Bièvre

Productive and innovative territory The Grand-Orly Seine Bièvre Territorial Public Establishment is one of the 12 Territories of the Greater Paris Metropolis, created on January 1, 2016. It provides public service missions and employs approximately 1,700 agents. Its administrative headquarters has been located since December 1, 2018 in Coeur d'Orly, in the immediate vicinity of the airport. Spread over the two departments of Val-de-Marne and Essonne, it brings together 24 municipalities in the form of a "city cooperative": Ablon-sur-Seine, Arcueil, Athis-Mons, Cachan, Chevilly-Larue, Choisy-le-Roi, Fresnes, Gentilly, Ivry-sur-Seine, Juvisy-sur-Orge, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, L'Haÿ-les-Roses, Morangis, Orly, Paray-Vieille-Poste, Rungis, Savigny-sur-Orge, Thiais, Valenton, Villejuif, Villeneuve-le-Roi, …

Type: Public

88 30 74 458
Usbek & Rica Usbek & Rica

The media that explores the future Usbek & Rica is the magazine that explores the future. It is a quarterly, sold in newsstands and bookstores, that aims to understand the world to come. We live in an era of the most rapid upheavals in human history, and we refuse to undergo them. The question that guides our choice of subjects and the way we treat them is simple: are current technological advances synonymous with human progress? To help us answer it, we call upon the freest scholars and the most curious journalists. Drawing on the characters of Usbek and Rica …

Type: Media

204 143 64 85

Centre technologique français de référence au service de chaque entreprise ou marque de la filière textile-habillement The reference for textile innovation IFTH (French Textile & Apparel Institute) is: - A 200 person team - 7 sites located in the major French textile areas - A complete machinery set to ease prototyping: filament spinning, fibre spinning, non-woven, knitting, weaving, dyeing, finishing, assembling... - A great set of textile and clothing expertise for transport, building, health, luxury, clothing, medical, infrastructure, sport markets... Performance Mode Textile Habillement, Materiaux , transfert de technologies, certification, caractérisation, Veille & acquisition de savoir, and transfert de savoir-faire

Type: SMB Activities: fashtech luxury

30 15 38 206
République française République française

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

55 15 53 337

Agence de conseil en stratégie de développement durable auprès d'acteurs publics et privés nationaux et internationaux. TRANSITIONS, agence de conseil en stratégie du développement durable, conduit des missions au niveau national et international, auprès de collectivités locales, d’entreprises, de coopératives, de filières et d’ONG pour accompagner les mutations nécessaires et promouvoir des modèles de développement plus durables, plus inclusifs et plus solidaires. TRANSITIONS, a sustainable development consultancy agency, carries out missions at both national and international level, with local authorities, companies, cooperatives, agricultural sectors and NGOs to support the necessary changes and promote more sustainable, inclusive and supportive development models. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

38 1 28 54
Echangeur BNP Paribas Personal Finance Echangeur BNP Paribas Personal Finance

Prospective center, we study consumer and technological trends to help retailers to innovate for a better commerce. Echangeur BNP Paribas Personal Finance is a technological and marketing center that analyses the latest trends in retail and anticipates their impacts on commerce. We support retailers in their innovation processes by providing key insights on new consumer's behaviors as well as a in depth vision of new tech. ━ To learn more about our Data Protection Policy: Seminars, New Technologies, Design Thinking, Events, Marketwatch, Innovation, Retail, Conferences, Customer Knowledge, Workshops on Innovation, Store Tours, NRF, Websummit, CES, SXSW, Shoptalk, Showroom, AR, …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: A.I.

62 8 55 0
Modimalisme Modimalisme

(re)design responsibly. Modimalisme supports textile companies in their transition to the circular economy to generate positive and sustainable values ​​locally. Modimalisme is above all a collective of local talents, designers, pattern makers, solidarity workshops, textile brands to revalue unsold items and textile surplus.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fashtech cleantech greentech

2 2 0 2

A new fashion that makes sense and is moving in the right direction A new fashion that makes sense and is moving in the right direction. Small or large actions, let's commit ourselves together to think about fashion differently. #meninprogress Mode

Type: Large company

6 6 0 2,416
La Redoute La Redoute

Bringing beauty to family life 🌍 Founded in 1837, La Redoute is today a leader in e-commerce for fashion and home goods, with creativity, innovation, high standards and responsibility at the heart of its DNA. Today, we are weaving bonds with more than 10 million customers in 26 countries. Our mission: bringing beauty to families' lives - and yours! And it starts here :) Welcome home! Fashion, Home Furniture, e-commerce, online shopping, and Retail

Type: Large company Activities: retail consumer goods marketplace

88 47 26 2,136

Kiabi la Mode à petits prix Established in 1978 in the North of France, KIABI revolutionised off-the-peg fashion with the introduction of low-cost fashion for the whole family, a concept which had never been seen before. With a network of over 505 shops across the world, KIABI boasts a turnover of 2 billion euros (2019) and 2.4% growth. As a symbol of simplicity, universality and joie de vivre, KIABI proposes ranges that are created in France by an in-house team of 56 fashion designers. French No. 1 in ready-to-wear, KIABI has almost 10,000 Kiabers of 60 nationalities. – To …

Type: Large company

28 16 1 9,249

Bringing innovation & transformation to businesses through regeneration to accelerate the ecological transition. We have developed several workshops to support the ecological transition in businesses and local communities in response to exceeding planetary boundaries and in particular the predation of living things. Our approach is the regeneration of living things including humans. Regeneration is the ability of living things to reach their full potential in an ecosystem. Learn more: DESIgn, regeneration, innovation, transformation, ecology, human factor, emotions, imagination, new stories, business models, strategic planning, design, fresco, collaboration, new products, biodiversity, human resources, cognitive sciences, new stories, brands, communities, impact, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech consulting greentech

24 3 15 15
Clear Fashion Clear Fashion

Clear Fashion verifies brands' commitments and analyzes the impact of their clothing. Clear Fashion is an independent organization whose ambition is to reduce the major problems of the textile industry, towards a fashion that is more respectful of people and the environment. We give consumers the means to be actors of change, by guiding them in their purchases. fashion, sustainable development , ethical fashion, Mode responsable, and vêtements

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture SMB Activities: fashtech Technologies: Decarbonization

31 11 18 21
Fondation d’entreprise Banque Populaire Fondation d’entreprise Banque Populaire

Let's support your success Since 1992, the Banque Populaire Foundation has been promoting individual initiative and providing support to the life projects of talented, creative people with a taste for innovation and an entrepreneurial spirit, in three areas: Music, Disability and Arts and Crafts.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

5 1 2 13
Petit Bateau Petit Bateau

FREEDOM. QUALITY. SUSTAINABILITY. 🌍 FREEDOM. QUALITY. SUSTAINABILITY. Petit Bateau has been creating durable clothing for over 130 years.

Type: Large company Activities: retail

55 27 22 1,398

The leading French sustainability, thinktank and consultancy agency since 1993 UTOPIES is the top French consulting firm dedicated exclusively, since its creation in 1993, to the promotion of sustainable development through consulting and think tank activities. We help various organizations to design and implement sustainable strategies - ranging from pioneering ones (Ben & Jerry’s, The Body Shop, Nature & Découvertes) to major corporate groups such as Danone, Sodexo or L’Oréal passing by smaller structures (SMB, start-ups and associations). Follow us on Twitter: @Utopies_Paris Stratégie & conseil en RSE, Reporting & communication extra-financière, Consultation & dialogue avec les parties prenantes, Construction …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech agritech greentech consulting civictech Technologies: Decarbonization

131 26 100 93
Espero Organization Espero Organization

Reconcile People and Nature Espero is a non-profit organization created in 2016 to respond to social and environmental dilemmas. Our mission is to reconcile People and Nature. The objective is three-fold: develop projects that favor social and professional integration in the field of sustainability (namely apiculture, and permaculture); develop an awareness of the civil society on environmental and social issues; and finally, protect and enrich the Paris region's biodiversity.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech civictech

2 1 1 7
WeCount WeCount

Climate & ESG solutions for companies that really matter. Our mission? To provide climate teams with the keys to implementing their company's low-carbon transition. WeCount is: 🎓 Climate Promotions, low-carbon transition acceleration programs, allowing 12 companies to jointly carry out their carbon footprint and climate strategy (launch of a new sectoral program per month). 📉 A carbon accounting platform to measure and manage your CO2e emissions Today, 250 companies have committed via WeCount Climate Promotions. On a daily basis, our team trains, equips and supports our clients in their low-carbon transition Carbon Footprint, Climate Strategy, Carbon Accounting Platform, Business Support, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

46 9 39 30

Association for the defense and representation of people with disabilities and their loved ones The Association des Paralysés de France (APF), created in 1933 and recognized as being of public utility, is a national associative movement for the defense and representation of people with motor or multiple disabilities and their families, which brings together 24,500 members, 30,000 users, 25,000 volunteers and 13,500 employees. With a unique project of general interest "For an inclusive society!", the APF works for equal rights, citizenship, social participation and the free choice of lifestyle for people with disabilities and their families. The APF carries within …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

129 76 47 4,967
Education nationale Education nationale


Type: Public

50 44 0 83,496
Bretagne Tiers-Lieux Bretagne Tiers-Lieux

Federating the third places of Brittany This network brings together the Third Places of Brittany to: - Meet between Third Places - Promote the sharing of knowledge, reflections and needs - Train project leaders

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

14 4 5 10
Twomorrow Twomorrow

Le média sur les solutions au changement climatique Twomorrow, the adventure exploring ecological solutions in Europe écologie, interview, journalisme, positivité, solutions, alternatives, durables, europe, voyage, and innovations

Type: Media

18 6 13 4

We help companies craft their best future selves. That takes the best combination of true individual talent. We believe technology has the power to build a better, more virtuous future for companies and everything around them. A future in which every employee is able to find his rightful place, feel useful, empowered and efficient. And in which every user feels cared for and respected. But to fulfill this vision, one must dare to invent, make and bring different audiences together around innovation. Building this future for your company, finding the strength to lead the brand new projects that will take …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: IoT

102 35 66 294

The most innovative and intuitive software, hardware and service solutions for all actors of the textile supply chain TEKYN, a committed player in sustainable fashion, develops the most innovative and intuitive software, hardware and service solutions to make the shift to digitalization accessible to all players in the textile industry. This digitalization, a guarantee of competitiveness and agility, allows the textile supply chain to be optimized so that it is agile, efficient and transparent. It is the keystone of a more responsible production. This is why TEKYN is positioned at the heart of the technological and human ecosystem to interconnect …

Type: SMB Activities: fashtech Technologies: SaaS

21 5 17 12
Refashion Refashion

The eco-organisation for the textiles and footwear sector Created in 2008, Refashion is the eco-organisation for the clothing, household linen and footwear sector (CHF) approved by the French public authorities. We have a mission of general interest: to unite and support all those involved in production, consumption and regeneration, in order to reduce impact and create value. Our purpose? To accelerate the transition to a world that is more responsible with its resources and the environment. Through eco-design, repair, collecting, reusing and recycling, we want to give everyone the tools they need to implement 100% circular fashion. More specifically, what …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

61 20 40 79
RTES - Réseau des collectivités Territoriales pour une Économie Solidaire RTES - Réseau des collectivités Territoriales pour une Économie Solidaire

Developing the transition economy with local authorities The Network of Local Authorities for a Solidarity Economy (RTES) is a national network of local authorities committed to supporting the social and solidarity economy. In 2021, the network brings together more than 160 local authorities: regional councils, departmental councils, metropolitan areas, inter-municipalities and municipalities, which have expressed the need for a space for exchanges and national coordination. An association under the 1901 law, the RTES acts to: • Promote local initiatives, through its publications (Newsletter, quarterly letter, etc.), its website, the organization of meetings, etc. • Promote the wealth of actions carried …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

91 24 60 12
Morphoses Morphoses

We enable learners to cultivate the skills of the future -soft skills! Welcome to Morphoses, an educational technology company revolutionizing how learners develop their employability skills. Our cutting-edge platform captivates and educates learners aged 6-17 through enjoyable, engaging weekly one-hour sessions. These sessions are held in collaborative groups and led by top-notch tutors specializing in soft skills. Employers and HR departments utilize our platform as a valuable benefit for their employees with children, aiming to enhance employee retention and loyalty. This offering demonstrates their commitment to employees' families. Additionally, educational institutions, schools, and districts leverage our services to empower their …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech Technologies: SaaS

2 1 1 42
Réalise Tes Rêves - RtR Réalise Tes Rêves - RtR

Make your dreams come true!! The goal of Make Your Dreams Come True [RtR] is to allow the project's beneficiaries to live a human experience to meet their own talents, their own resources. The fundamental idea of ​​this program is to reverse the system "from the labor market to the individual" and to start from the individual (his identity, his talents and his dreams) to go towards the labor market, in order to build a sustainable and fulfilling inclusion. Main objectives: - Support 1,500 people (phase 1) of whom 1,200 will be directed towards an exploratory path (phase 2) and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

12 2 11 20
GreenFlex GreenFlex

Changing course towards a regenerative economy Since 2009, GreenFlex has been a key partner in the energy, environmental and societal transformation of organizations, enabling them to change their trajectory towards an economy that creates and preserves more than it destroys. Thanks to a multi-expertise model combining consulting, operational support, digital and financing tools, GreenFlex accelerates the transformation of its 800 clients and supports them from the design of their roadmaps to their operational implementation and monitoring over time. GreenFlex's teams combine their expertise to meet the challenges of sustainable development, decarbonization and energy efficiency and enable companies and regions to …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting civictech cleantech greentech transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization Solar Technologies

88 38 53 430
Interprofession du Chanvre - InterChanvre Interprofession du Chanvre - InterChanvre

A plant for virtuous solutions in construction, food, plastics, textiles, cosmetics, papermaking, etc. The purpose of the hemp interprofession is to bring the most added value to the farmer, to do this InterChanvre brings together the players in the hemp sector, develops R&D actions upstream and downstream, manages public affairs and promotes the environmental and social benefits of French hemp. Through these missions, the objective is to maximize the value of the work of farmers and allow the sector to industrialize. We have launched a PSE, Environmental Services Benefit to promote environmental assets for companies wishing to fuel their CSR …

Type: SMB Activities: agritech greentech Technologies: New Materials

15 0 14 3
Sia Habitat Sia Habitat

Together, let's bring tomorrow's social housing to life - Groupe Habitat en Région. Sia Habitat is one of the major players in social housing in the Hauts-de-France region with more than 44,000 homes managed and 93,221 people housed. It brings together the experience and know-how of more than 600 employees to provide a comprehensive response to its customers' needs: from social rental housing to home ownership, including products specific to certain audiences. A leading player in the social housing sector, the SIA Group brings together a wide variety of professions and offers career opportunities in different sectors: project management, rental …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech

36 14 31 161
Pangloss Labs Pangloss Labs

Giving you access to a world of possibilities Non-profit association. We help local entrepreneurs to create and innovate and to gather in eco-fablab, creative space, hackerspace, tiers-lieu, digital, design, professional training, open source, open business models, open innovation, creative commons and free licences. We contribute to local organic growth. We advocate energy efficiency, slow mobility, healthy food, upcycling and local products on every occasion. eco-fablab, sharing, circular, collaborative, functionality economy, nutrition, open innovation, crowdfunding, education, open source, artificial intelligence, universal design, internet of things, open access & data, art, design thinking, coworking, and woodlab

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech it services

10 4 2 9
Association des INTERPRENEURS Association des INTERPRENEURS

The key to SME change: interpreneurship Our companies and our territories have an unknown, considerable potential. It must be highlighted. Change must come from below, from the company and the territory. But, it will only succeed if it is collective. An INTERpreneur is an entrepreneur who applies his talent to his "ecosystem", to make his company a strong, modern and resilient company. The mission of our association is to bring together active goodwill, and to provide them with the means to succeed. Company, Creation, Financing, and Top boss

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

7 1 5 5
MIFE Loire Sud - Maison de l'Information sur la Formation et l'Emploi MIFE Loire Sud - Maison de l'Information sur la Formation et l'Emploi

Home | Information | Orientation | Digital | Business Creation | Social and Solidarity Economy MIFE Loire Sud

Type: SMB Activities: it services

11 2 0 9
Les Nouveaux Ateliers du Dorlay Les Nouveaux Ateliers du Dorlay

Economic, social, cultural and environmental development of the Dorlay Valley in the heart of the Pilat Park. The association of the Nouveaux Ateliers du Dorlay brings together residents, communities and economic players around 3 areas of work: - The promotion of the industrial heritage of the Dorlay Valley, rich in a unique past and know-how around textiles. - The development of soft mobility and shared transport to improve the accessibility of the territory and reduce the use of private cars. - The creation of a center of excellence around textiles and fashion accessories via the third place of the Turbine …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech cleantech

5 1 2 2

We create training courses to strengthen the positive impact within companies and institutions 🔥 Our ambition: to give everyone the opportunity to make their organization sustainable for people and the planet 🔥 We are a training studio that creates training programs to accelerate action in the face of climate and environmental challenges! Our approach: - put impact at the heart of economic software by accelerating the evolution of skills and practices of companies and public organizations. - create a body of knowledge, tools and skills to think about and initiate the transformation of our economy towards an impact economy. - …

Type: SMB Activities: greentech Technologies: SaaS

12 3 7 2
Royal Mer, prêt-à-porter Made in France Royal Mer, prêt-à-porter Made in France

Artisans Tricoteurs depuis 1946® A company created in 1946, Royal Mer is a French ready-to-wear brand with expertise in knitwear. It designs, produces and markets its own 100% made in France marine-inspired collections that are distributed via a network of multi-brand boutiques in France and internationally. We favor and select top-quality natural fibers (100% virgin wool, fine merino wool, cotton, alpaca, etc.) Dressing in Royal Mer means freeing yourself from the dictates of fashion, it means asserting marine elegance, for timeless pieces that fit perfectly into your everyday wardrobe. With us, individual talents are expressed within a co-creation system that …

Type: SMB Activities: fashtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

8 3 5 14
N'go N'go

Sneakers between craftsmanship, commitment & solidarity. N’go are sneakers that draw their origin from Vietnamese craftsmanship so that everyone can assert their uniqueness and values. HANDMADE Our weavings are handmade, which makes each piece unique. Through our creations, we perpetuate the traditions of Vietnamese craftswomen and support them by providing them with fair and sustainable remuneration. B CORP CERTIFIED We favor natural and recycled materials, carefully chosen so that they last over time. We control and reduce the carbon impact of each of our products as much as possible. Our sneakers are produced in Vietnam, they are sourced locally in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

14 6 11 11
Université catholique de Lille Université catholique de Lille

> An innovative university, open to the world: Its priority missions are teaching, research and service to society: but beyond knowledge, the training courses have a professional objective requiring know-how and interpersonal skills that are developed through original teaching methods. The Catholic University of Lille is a unique multidisciplinary institution in France, made up of 5 Faculties, 20 Schools, Grandes Écoles and Institutes, and a hospital group. It welcomes 28,300 students in 200 training courses. It bases its action in the field of higher education and research (ESR) and that of care, on the proposition of human and Christian values …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

52 16 28 282
La Fabrique NOMADE La Fabrique NOMADE

La Fabrique NOMADE works to promote and promote the professional integration of refugee and migrant artisans. Driven by the desire to build a fairer and more sustainable society, La Fabrique NOMADE works to promote and promote the professional integration of refugee and migrant artisans. Migration is a long road of confusion. At each crossing, it is a part of oneself that refugees leave behind. If these men and women have made the difficult "choice" to leave their country, they have not chosen to lose who they are. Founded in January 2016, the association works to promote and promote the professional …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

6 5 1 35

LA COMPAGNIE DES TIERS-LIEUX is an association open to all those who wish to contribute and whose vocation is to represent all the third places of the European Metropolis of Lille and Hauts-de-France. The association has defined its purpose according to 5 specific axes: . Support and network third places in the territory of the MEL and more broadly in the Hauts-de-France Region. . Create common resources shared by the members of the network (digital management tools, methodologies, legal support tools, financial tools, etc.). . Support third place project leaders. . Train and professionalize the collectives that manage these places. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

34 13 24 22
Crédit agricole Centre-est Crédit agricole Centre-est

Acting every day in your interest and that of society Crédit Agricole Centre-est is one of the 39 regional banks of the Crédit Agricole group. With its cooperative and mutualist foundations, its 3,075 employees and 1,665 directors of the local and regional banks, Crédit Agricole Centre-est is a responsible and useful bank, serving 1,196,985 customers and 365,654 members. Thanks to its universal local bank model - the close association between its local banks and the professions linked to them - Crédit Agricole Centre-est acts for the development of the regional economy and supports its customers' projects through all the professions …

Type: Large company

306 91 106 1,192
R3 R3

Connecting the economy to ecology! 👉 Join the R3 adventure, we are recruiting! R3 accelerates the environmental, social and energy transition of companies. Specialist in CSR, decarbonization and energy performance. R3 offers unique solutions connecting the economy to ecology through digital tools and financing solutions for companies. Transition of companies and communities, Decarbonization, Renewable energies, financing of equipment and infrastructure, CSR strategy, Diagnosis and inventory, Creation of new business models, Creation of new positive and regenerative offers and products, Personalized support for VSEs-SMEs and ETIs, Commitment to contractual results, Reduction of energy impact, and CSRD

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

20 8 19 119

We specialize in upcycling finished textile products from second-hand or unsold stocks. LOSANJE is an industrial start-up with a brand and an upcycling workshop, which gives a second life to second-hand and unsold finished clothing and textiles. Its ambition is to develop an innovative production chain, allowing for the first time the industrialization of upcycling, and to set up the most credible solution, ecologically and economically, to revalue any type of existing finished textile product. upcycling, made in France, textile, industry, eco-responsible fashion, ecology, and circularity

Type: SMB Activities: fashtech Technologies: New Materials

11 7 3 13
Fondation de Rothschild Fondation de Rothschild

In 1852, from the creation of the Foundation, its action towards fragile people was first anchored in the care of the elderly. Initially a hospital-hospice built in the 12th arrondissement of Paris, in which elderly people "passing through" were welcomed, a first establishment was transformed over the centuries to become today one of the largest EHPAD in France. Today three other establishments receive dependent elderly people on the basis of life projects resolutely focused on well-being and personalized care, within which a large place is reserved for families and relatives. A geriatric follow-up care establishment was also created with 60 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech silvertech

9 3 4 261