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Scope Impact Scope Impact

Advancing global health and climate action through scalable system innovation. Scope is a social impact company accelerating social change at scale. We seek to improve the lives of underrepresented people globally. Scope provides creative solutions for complex challenges related to health, gender, equality, and climate change. Together with our wide network of partners, Scope delivers projects across Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Europe. In addition to working with foundations, UN agencies, governments, public health partners, national civil society, and social innovation groups, Scope also independently researches and develops new service concepts, filling innovation gaps in women and children’s health. Service …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech civictech

0 0 0 20

We support Italian companies, especially SMEs like yours. We enhance your competitiveness around the world, promote and protect your investments in Italy and support your projects for sustainable growth. Our goal is to help you open new paths and contribute to your country's growth, following an evolution based on people, new values, technologies and shared skills within our SACE environment and with businesses. #INSIEME we look to the future financial services, insurance, bonds, factoring, trade finance, debt recovery, advisory, and export credit

Tags: H2020 Type: Public

10 2 4 1,227
Root Capital Root Capital

We support agricultural enterprises so that they can build more prosperous, inclusive, resilient rural communities. Root Capital supports agricultural enterprises so that they can build more prosperous, inclusive and resilient rural communities. *Celebrating 25 years of impact!* international development, finance, lending, financial education, social investment, agriculture, gender equity, and climate change adaptation

Tags: H2020 Type: Incubators & VCs

16 3 10 305
REvive Greece REvive Greece

Currently, there is a shortage of software developers in Europe. REvive Greece is a non-profit organization with a mission to help young people from the most vulnerable groups integrate into the European socioeconomic fabric by re-skilling them on computer programming and connecting them with the private sector. EdTech, e-Learning, Education, and Innovation

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

3 3 0 2
Sun and Co. | Coliving Coworking Community Sun and Co. | Coliving Coworking Community

Redefining remote work experiences through coliving. We're here to help professionals work smarter and live better. The way we live, work and build relationships is changing. At Sun and Co., we bring coliving, coworking and community together, all under one roof on the coast of Spain. Through creating unique, immersive experiences, we've found that with the right infrastructure, remote workers can thrive both personally and professionally. We're here to help location independent professionals work smarter and live better... all while making meaningful connections with other like-minded people along the way!

Tags: H2020 Type: Startup Activities: traveltech

2 0 1 6
Remote Year Remote Year

Work anywhere, adventure everywhere. The world's favorite remote working community. Become a member to unlock 43 destinations and connect with 4,000+ remote workers and explorers just like you. Travel, Work, Operations, Tourism , Coworking, Coliving, and Professional Development

Tags: H2020 Type: Startup Activities: traveltech proptech

17 1 14 48
ScotRail ScotRail

Scotland's Railway We're responsible for delivering more than 97 million customer journeys each year, getting people where they need to be. The investment we are making in new and upgraded trains, better stations, and improved infrastructure is delivering faster journeys, more seats, and better services for our customers. It's all part of our plan to build the best railway Scotland has ever had. Find out more at Rail, Public transport, Tourism, and Travel

Tags: H2020 Type: Startup Activities: smart city transporttech traveltech

7 0 1 1,334
what3words what3words

The easiest way to talk about location what3words is the simplest way to talk about location. It has divided the world into 3m x 3m squares, each with a unique 3 word address. Now people can refer to any precise location – a delivery entrance, a picnic spot or a drone landing point – using just three simple words. what3words is used by businesses and governments to operate more efficiently, and by individuals to find and share locations. Over 650 businesses, government organisations and NGOs in over 170 countries are using 3 word addresses. Software, Geospatial, Addressing, Location, Delivery, Logistics, …

Tags: H2020 Type: Startup Activities: drones e-commerce smart city transporttech Technologies: Drones Geolocation

52 19 23 212
respACT - austrian business council for sustainable development respACT - austrian business council for sustainable development

Austria's leading platform for Sustainable Development & CSR respACT - austrian business council for sustainable development is Austria's leading platform for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Development. The association emerged in October 2007 from the fusion of the Austrian Business Council for Sustainable Development (ABCSD) and respACT austria. respACT stands for "responsible action“ and supports its member companies in implementing socially responsible actions into their daily business. Throughout the year respACT offers its members room for knowledge transfer on current CSR topics in order raise awareness, inspire with examples of best practices and connect experts from fields of economy, …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

6 0 5 17
Refuweegee Refuweegee

We’re all fae somewhere Our aim is to enable the existing community in extending the friendly welcome that Glasgow is world renowned for. We do this through our welcome packs, our events and our volunteer opportunities. We try to provide everyone who wishes to get involved with an opportunity to do so; be it through writing a letter, donating essential items, joining us at an event or fundraising.

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

8 0 7 15
Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN) Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN)

Accelerating Investment for Climate and Clean Energy PFAN's global network of expert consultants provides free business coaching and investment facilitation to clean energy entrepreneurs in low- and middle-income countries. Our goals are to build clean energy markets one business at a time, mitigate climate change and mobilise private investment in support of the Paris Climate Change Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals. DISCLOSURE Media owner: Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) - Partnerschaft für erneuerbare Energie und Energieeffizienz (REEEP) REEEP is an association under Austrian law. Click here ( for further information on REEEP's legal status. ZVR: 928296155 Wagramer …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

6 2 3 80
Gateway Ventures Gateway Ventures

invest. contribute. benefit. We connect investors with high-growth startups, handling the entire investment process. Our expertise lies in providing professional access to emerging startups in the digital economy, health, and sustainability sectors. Leveraging our network, we help scale these startups into successful companies. Our success • 38+ startup investments closed • Total investments exceeding EUR 23 m • Network of more than 3500 registered investors For investors We review approximately 1000 startups annually from across Europe, with only 1-2% making it through our rigorous process. After assessing the founding team and reviewing the data, investors can participate with equity investments …

Tags: H2020 Type: Incubators & VCs

13 5 4 28
Presencing Institute Presencing Institute

We believe it is possible to create results that serve the well-being of all. The Presencing Institute (PI) is a global action research community that applies Theory U to societal transformation by shifting the social field from ego-system to eco-system awareness. The presencing process is a journey that connects us more deeply both to what wants to emerge in the world and to our highest future possibility—our emerging authentic self. The PI community focuses on refining and co-creating the presencing technology and making it available to change makers, innovators, and communities around the world. We work together on a variety …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

8 6 3 56
Politics for Tomorrow Politics for Tomorrow

Innovatives Arbeiten in Politik und Verwaltung • ​inspirieren, umsetzen und vernetzen • Politics for Tomorrow is a nonpartisan #psinnovation initiative boosting #transformativedesign capacity in German public sector for #OpenGov #RRI #SDGs, kicked off by in 2015 Our mission is to strengthen transformative competencies for public value creation in individuals and organisations. By supporting civil representatives to actively shape the evolution of state-citizen interaction, we aim to bridge disciplinary and hierarchical silos in order to take joint actions for participatory processes and democratic innovation. We work towards a cultural shift in the political-administrative context by empowering our partners with methodologies …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

7 2 4 11
Plastic Soup Foundation Plastic Soup Foundation

One Wave Towards a Plastic Free Future! Plastic Soup Foundation is a non-profit organization based in Amsterdam. Our slogan is ‘No plastic in our water or our bodies'. We fight the plastic soup at its source and therefore, we focus on three main goals: 1. prevent plastic from ending up in the environment 2. share knowledge about the health risks related to plastics and plastic additives 3. achieve an absolute reduction in the production and use of plastic. You can support us via this link: plastic soup, awareness, plastic pollution, innovations and solutions, policy, NGO, global coalition building, international …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

16 4 5 38
Philanthropy Ireland Philanthropy Ireland

Philanthropy Ireland (PI) is the representative body for the philanthropic sector in Ireland. Philanthropy Ireland is the network for the philanthropy community in Ireland Philanthropy Ireland is a dynamic membership organisation dedicated to advancing philanthropy in Ireland. Our aim is to cultivate a thriving community of philanthropic entities, fostering collaboration and innovation to address the most pressing societal challenges. Established in 1998, we now have a community of 50+ members, 40+ collaborations and 20+ partnerships. Reach out to become a member of Philanthropy Ireland and join our vibrant community of grant makers and their supporters. PI is a company limited …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

9 0 3 5
PHI Foundation PHI Foundation

Community Social Innovation PHI Foundation is a non-profit organization open to those who want to actively participate in change and get involved by making others participate, a new way of understanding society and the role that people must have within it. PHI Foundation is the community of solidarity model of cooperation between people, public and private entities, in order to achieve objectives with social impact, protection of the common good, help socio-economic development of the community. PHI Foundation is the community in which the person is the protagonist and resource for himself and for others at all ages, develops innovative …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

0 0 0 6
Participedia Participedia

A collaborative effort to document public participation and democratic innovation around the world Participedia is a collaborative and crowdsourced effort to document public participation and democratic innovation around the world. Participedia entries include cases, methods, organizations, and teaching and learning resources. The Participedia platform is published under Creative Commons License and is accessible and editable by anyone. Explore: Search, read, download and gain insight from our database of cases, methods and organizations. Create: Help improve the quality of this knowledge resource by editing existing content or publishing your own. Teach: Use Participedia in the classroom as a tool to engage …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

3 0 1 16

Public Broadcaster in Austria, Europe. Public Value Content in TV, Radio and Online. The ORF is the public broadcaster and the leading media platform in Austria LIVE Regie Sport

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

12 7 0 1,223
Oikocredit Oikocredit

Social impact investor and worldwide cooperative Oikocredit is a social impact investor and worldwide cooperative with over four decades of experience in promoting sustainable development through investments in financial inclusion, agriculture and renewable energy. As a social investor, Oikocredit's work is guided by the principle of empowering low-income people to improve their livelihoods. To do this, Oikocredit supports partner organisations in developing countries through loans, equity investments and capacity building. Social impact is at the heart of Oikocredit's work. Through our network of local staff we are able to respond to partners'​ needs and offer solutions that go beyond financing. …

Tags: H2020 Type: Incubators & VCs

11 2 4 430
Office of Science and Technology Austria Office of Science and Technology Austria

Building bridges for research & innovation between Austria & North America. We are the Office of Science and Technology within the Embassy of Austria. Building bridges for research & innovation between Austria & North America. By transforming the classical notion of science diplomacy into a dynamic professional instrument for internationalizing Austria's research and technology development, OSTA Washington has become the hub of Austria’s Science, Technology, and Innovation initiatives in the USA, Canada, and Mexico. Networking, Research, Science, Technology, Matchmaking, and STI

Tags: H2020 Type: Public

20 0 18 8
OBSERVER Brand Intelligence OBSERVER Brand Intelligence

Austria's leading information service provider, since 1896 - media monitoring, market research & analysis »OBSERVER« GmbH ( is the full-service agency for media intelligence and has been the market leader in classic media monitoring & analysis in Austria since 1896. »OBSERVER« has been active internationally since the beginning and is also a founding member of the Fédération Internationale des Bureaux d’Extraits de Presse (FIBEP). The core business is the observation and analysis of print, online, radio & TV: with over 2400 newspapers & magazines, »OBSERVER« has the largest national media sample in the industry. International media monitoring in over 80 …

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

3 0 3 23
NEREUS | Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies NEREUS | Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies

Promoting the use of space for the benefit of society. NEREUS is the Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies, an initiative by regions across Europe founded in 2009. Emphasis is placed on the use of space technologies. The network aims to explore the benefits of space technologies for Regions and their citizens and to spread their understanding and applications. It brings together 23 Regions in European countries and a rapidly growing group of Associate Members ensuring a significant industry, SME and research representation. NEREUS is a strong voice for the regional dimension of European Space Policy and programs as …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: spacetech

10 2 6 9
National Endowment for Democracy National Endowment for Democracy

Supporting freedom around the world The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is a private, nonprofit foundation dedicated to the growth and strengthening of democratic institutions around the globe. Each year, NED makes more than 2,000 grants to support the projects of non-governmental groups abroad who are working for democratic goals in more than 100 countries. NED has remained on the leading edge of democratic struggles everywhere, while evolving into a multifaceted institution that is a hub of activity, resources and intellectual exchange for activists, practitioners and scholars of democracy the world over. Other places to follow NED: Facebook - …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

11 2 5 291

Leading company in express transport for national and international shipments. 62 million packages delivered per year The MRW Group was founded in 1977. It is 100% nationally owned. It is the express transport brand for national and international shipments with the greatest presence, with more than 10,000 people linked to the brand in more than 550 offices and 56 logistics platforms in Andorra, Spain, Gibraltar and Portugal. The Group makes an average of 62 million shipments per year, providing specific business solutions for all types of companies and individuals. MRW has been a pioneer in the implementation of e-Commerce and …

Tags: H2020 Type: Large company

8 3 4 3,420
Microsiervos Microsiervos

A blog about science, technology and other topics that interest us and that we find on the Internet. Edited by @Alvy and @Wicho Microsiervos is a project that was born as a personal blog in 2003. It is usually described as a blog about technology, science, the Internet and many other things – but the truth is that it is more complex than all that. It has many humorous notes and other varied topics that interest its authors: Alvy, Nacho and Wicho. Internet, Science, New Media, and Blogging

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

6 0 2 3
Metropole Metropole

Vienna in English Metropole is the leading English-language media outlet in Austria, uniting a quarterly print magazine, the media platform and monthly networking events. The independent publishing house Home Town Media is the company behind the project and also publishes the Vienna Survival Guide series. Home Town Media is Austria's first English-language corporate publisher, engaged in content production projects in print and online. If you have project ideas or inquiries please contact If you'd like to work for Metropole, check out our job openings or write to Online Publishing, Magazine Publishing, Events, and Corporate Publishing

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

10 2 10 9

Protecting marine biodiversity in the Mediterranean since 1988. Founded in 1988, MEDASSET is an international not for profit environmental NGO registered as a charity and private company in the UK and as a Non Profit Organisation in Greece. MEDASSET plays an active role in the study and conservation of sea turtles and their habitats throughout the Mediterranean, through scientific research, environmental education, political lobbying and raising public awareness. The organisation has been a Partner to the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) of UNEP and a Permanent Observer-member of the Bern Convention at the Council of Europe since 1988.

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

5 0 5 16
Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales

We partner with small and local charities, people, and communities working towards a more just and compassionate society We partner with small and local charities, people, and communities working towards a more just and compassionate society. We’re an independent charitable trust funded by the profits of Lloyds Banking Group.

Tags: H2020 Type: Incubators & VCs NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

10 1 4 79
Bolsa Social Bolsa Social

Invest in companies with a positive social and environmental impact and become a protagonist of change. Bolsa Social is the first crowdfunding platform authorized by the CNMV in Spain. We promote positive change in society by connecting companies and investors with values. Join our community. equity crowdfunding, crowdfunding, investment, financing, startups, social impact, crowdlending, and sustainable loans

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech civictech

19 6 11 18
KURSAAL San Sebastian KURSAAL San Sebastian

Tu espacio para dialogar, sentir y crecer KURSAAL Congress Centre is a spectacular architectural work of Rafael Moneo, winner of the Mies var der Rohe Prize in 2001. Situated in front of the sea and in the city centre, the venue attracts over 200 events every year: congresses, corporate meetings, exhibitions and cultural events. It is the permanent venue of San Sebastian Film Festival (A category) and the Musical Fortnight, the most ancient music festival in Spain and one of the most long-standing in Europe. The venue has 2 auditoria, one with capacity for 1,806 people and a smaller one …

Tags: H2020 Type: Event

6 1 3 22
Omagh Enterprise Omagh Enterprise

Omagh Enterprise Company exists to increase prosperity and employment opportunities by creating a favourable environment for business development in Omagh and District. Whether you want to start a full-time or part-time business, making that final decision is difficult without the right support and advice. Omagh Enterprise Company has helped thousands of individuals and community groups to start their own businesses over the last twenty years. In order to provide the right advice our accredited business advisers will meet with you on a one-to-one confidential basis. The support provided will help you to prepare a business plan and arrange follow-up meetings …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: edtech

3 0 3 21
Exposure Exposure

Making brands culturally relevant since 1993. Making brands culturally relevant since 1993. Today there’s one global Exposure that unites all geographies, sectors and specialist disciplines. You’ll find our 100+ team of experts in London, Paris and New York. We work with some of the leading brands in culture from Levi’s, Nike and Dr. Martens, to LEGO and Coca-Cola. Our campaigns define and change culture by engaging communities and making a positive impact. That impact gives our clients a creative, commercial and sustainable advantage.

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: Decarbonization

7 0 7 281
ClearlySo ClearlySo

Bringing impact to investment. ClearlySo is Europe’s leading impact investment bank, working exclusively with businesses, charities, and funds delivering positive social, ethical, and/or environmental impact as well as financial return. Originally founded in 2008 and headquartered in London, ClearlySo has helped more than 150 clients with advisory and capital raising services—helping funds raise more than £404m and businesses and enterprises raise more than £224m in impact investment from its extensive network of institutional investors, family office and high-net-worth individuals. ClearlySo is headquartered in London. ClearlySo's mission is to bring impact to investment. Our vision is of a world where the …

Tags: H2020 Type: Incubators & VCs

50 19 32 7
Lexington Workspaces Lexington Workspaces

Flexible, unique and groundbreaking workspaces that connect exceptional, nonconformist people with #RebelDNA Inspiring workspaces in Premium locations. At Workspaces Lexington, our vision of the office of the future has become a reality. Functional and productive work environments, where original design, collaborative areas and innovative equipment are the protagonists. "The cutting-edge alternative to workspaces," the place where you can find offices surrounded by creative common areas, meeting and training rooms with the latest technology, as well as various possibilities in terms of virtual offices. A philosophy that is governed above all by the ability to "provide immediate solutions tailored to each …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: proptech

19 0 18 37
Copreci Copreci

The heart of your appliance. Domestic Appliance components since 1963. Domestic Appliance Manufacturer since 1963. Copreci takes part of Mondragon Corporation, one of the biggest Spanish companies. A co-operative company with a customer-oriented policy since it was set up. Copreci ́s employees are more than 1,500 people, spread over 9 production centres, 2 in Spain and also in Mexico, Czech Republic, Turkey, Italy, China, USA and Egypt, demonstrating a clear international vocation. Its clients include all major groups of appliances, like Bosch-Siemens, General Electric, Whirlpool, Electrolux, Indesit .. This has led us to work on a more international approach in …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: manufacturing

1 0 0 325
Donostia Kultura Donostia Kultura

Municipal organization Cultural activities and services / Municipal entity. Cultural activities and services. San Sebastián International Festivals: Olatu Talka, Heineken Jazzaldia, dFERIA, Literaktum, Horror Film Festival, Surfilm Festival, dKLUBA, Human Right Film Festival... Fêtes a Saint Sébastien: Tamborrada, Semana Grande (and its famous Concours international de feux d'artifice), Le Drapeau de La Concha (Régates de Traînières), Santo Tomás, Basque Festivals... In addition to managing various municipal equipment and services, it organizes programming and festivals in all cultural disciplines. Cultural Centers, Teatro Victoria Eugenia, Libraries, Museo San Telmo, Teatro Principal, Lugaritz, Urgull, Gazteszena... Donostia Kultura manages cultural services and programs in …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

2 1 2 95
Fundació Nova Feina Fundació Nova Feina

Nova Feina promotes the social and labour integration of people in vulnerable situations. We support people at a social disadvantage in their labour integration. We do this through itineraries and services for employment, training, intermediation and monitoring in the workplace. TRAIN: Training for employment and non-work practices. GUIDE: Guidance and resources for job search. UNDERTAKE: Advice for self-employment and support for social enterprises. INTERMEDIATE: Free management of job offers. training, labour insertion, labour guidance, entrepreneurship, advice, mentoring, social economy, and social responsibility

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

4 1 4 23
Afiris asesoría de empresas Afiris asesoría de empresas

Accounting, tax, labour and legal advice for SMEs, self-employed and startups in Zaragoza. Comprehensive advice for SMEs, self-employed and individuals. Tax - accounting - labour advice. Processing of deeds and inheritances. Procedures with official bodies. Tell us what you need. Afiris has been effectively advising companies, self-employed and individuals since 1990, the year in which the initial office was founded. During this time, we have evolved in the quality of our services and have earned the trust of many clients. We work so that our clients can feel at ease, offering the most appropriate and economical solution, and resolving the …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

3 0 3 13
Triodos Bank España Triodos Bank España

The European benchmark in ethical and sustainable banking Triodos Bank is an independent European bank with 33 years of experience in ethical and sustainable banking. Its innovative financial business model is based on transparency and combines financial profitability with social and environmental profitability. With its clients' savings, Triodos Bank finances innovative initiatives that, in addition to being profitable, benefit people and the environment (People, Planet, Profit). Triodos Bank began its activity in Spain in September 2004. It provides service to the entire national territory through Telephone Banking, Internet Banking, commercial offices and postal mail. Triodos Bank, responsible savings, sustainable …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: fintech Technologies: Decarbonization

23 3 14 183
Fagor Automation | CNC & Feedback Systems | Automation Solutions Fagor Automation | CNC & Feedback Systems | Automation Solutions

A company with great experience in the development and manufacturing of products for machine automation and control FAGOR AUTOMATION focuses its efforts on the machine-tool sector among others, where it is one of the world leaders. It is a company with great experience in the development and manufacturing of products for machine automation and control. It excels by its capability to develop software and the versatility of its productive process to offer tailored solutions. Besides, its wide technical and sales network spread out in more than 50 countries. CNC, Sistemas de captación, sistemas de visualización, máquina-herramienta, Feedback Systems, Digital Read …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: manufacturing Technologies: SaaS

3 1 3 297

Projects and formations focused on the digital, cultural, social and educational fields. The Asmoz Foundation was created within the Eusko Ikaskuntza-Sociedad de Estudios Basques and has a track record of thirteen years dedicated to managing its own and foreign courses, from Universities and other Institutions. We have a vocation of public service, that's why we are a non-profit foundation directed by a Board of Trustees. --- The Asmoz Foundation was created as part of Eusko Ikaskuntza, and for thirteen years we have been managing courses, both our own and those of other universities and institutions. Since we want to offer …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

1 0 0 11
Xpressionk Xpressionk

The activity carried out by Xpressionk could be defined as the active promotion of culture, seeking and offering spaces to non-professional artists of any discipline (Music, performing arts, plastic arts, etc.) so that they can show their work. To do this, we have existing and often underused spaces, where people are already there (Bars, gardens, restaurants, shops, beaches, etc.). In this way we create a culture that is not sought... it is found, and it is totally free. The activities can take the form of a circuit, festival, cycle, show, etc. All of this to achieve the normalisation of grassroots …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

1 1 1 1
sAtt Arquitectura sAtt Arquitectura

Triple Balance Projects: social, environmental and economic · 1st #BCorp architecture & construction company in Spain Satt (Satélite Arquitectura s.l.p.) is an architecture office for the development of building and urban planning projects and consultancies on ecological architecture. Satt has developed 170 projects since its inception, researching and developing environmental concepts applied to architecture. Satt has carried out projects throughout Spain, in Morocco and in Kenya. ecological architecture, Passivhaus, design thinking, triple balance, green offices, workplace, #decarbonization, sustainable architecture, and cohousing

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

12 1 12 41
Amara NZero Amara NZero

We are a company with extensive comprehensive experience in sustainable energy committed to the Energy Transition Founded in 1957, Amara NZero is an independent company, a comprehensive expert in sustainable energy, which acts as a supplier of electrical products and related solutions through its areas of renewables, electrification and services for the energy transition. It has 2,300 employees and is present in 18 countries: Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Brazil, the United States, Mexico, Colombia, Panama, the Dominican Republic, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Guatemala and China, from which it serves its clients' national and international projects. Its objective is …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

2 1 1 682
Acción Laboral Acción Laboral

Employment intermediation entity, recognized by the SEPE, which offers professional training and insertion programs. Acción Laboral is an entity that has work centers throughout the national territory, fully operational, with the necessary resources to serve its users. Our offices are present in 10 Autonomous Communities, where they are in permanent contact with the different companies and public administrations in the area, in order to cover the needs of each project and those of the users who are part of them. Its personalized work method combines training, advice and motivation. These actions complement each other perfectly to make the results obtained …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

2 1 1 318
Araxes Agencia Inmobiliaria Araxes Agencia Inmobiliaria

With you we are one. 943211022 Our maxim is to make a real difference in the lives of our clients and in the community to which we belong. People always come first. We strive to be the best in the sector by offering excellent service based on applying maximum effort in everything we do. #Araxes #inmobiliairia #contigosomosuno #donostia #sansebastián #gipuzcoa #grupoexin10 #qualityrealestate #qualisoptima #qualisangels DATA PROTECTION INFORMATION: Purchase - sale and rental of flats, apartments, houses, villas, land, premises and garages, Legal Advice., We are experts in Appraisals (Free for our seller-buyer clients), Tax Advice., and comprehensive management …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: proptech Technologies: Data Analytics

0 0 0 13

Law Firm specializing in Information and Communications Technology Law. Iurismatica Abogados responds to the needs of its clients in the legal field of new technologies, whether advising on industrial property, intellectual property, personal data protection and everything related to the regulations of information society services and electronic commerce. Law, Internet, Privacy, Data Protection, Domains, Computer Crimes, Intellectual Property, and Industrial Property

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: legaltech Technologies: Data Analytics

4 0 3 4
Loop New Business Models Loop New Business Models

Prepared for complexity Loop is a strategy consultancy that generates market leaders through our experience in: Business Models, Product Development, Corporate Acceleration, Digital Environment Data Analysis. We operate in FMCG, Retail, Services, Consumer Goods and Capital Goods and we expand through Spain, Portugal, France, Italy and Switzerland. More than 25 years developing new successful business models for companies worldwide. Changing ideas and models into product and services of value for the market. 1200 developed projects 85% implanted projects leader customers in each area We develop a multidisciplinary methodology that combines social, technological and economic aspects using strategic innovation as key …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: biotech deeptech consulting healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics

6 0 4 11
Ingurumenaren Kideak Ingenieria Ingurumenaren Kideak Ingenieria

La calidad de nuestros proyectos es nuestra seña de identidad IK Ingeniería, consultora especializada en ecodiseño, edificación sostenible y formación técnica ambiental. Trabajamos en innovación ambiental (ecoinnovación) desde el año 2004. Desde entonces, hemos prestado apoyo y asesoramiento a más de un centenar de empresas (pymes y grandes corporaciones), así como a la administración pública, para la innovación y mejora ambiental de sus productos y servicios. Muchos de sus productos han sido mejorados y son hoy en día más respetuosos con el entorno, consiguiendo además un ahorro de recursos, diferenciación, valor añadido y mejora de la competitividad en el mercado. …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 1 0 16
Carplus Carplus

At Carplus, official dealer of the Caetano Retail España Group, we are experts in the marketing of second-hand, used, semi-new and km 0 vehicles, having two dealerships for this purpose, one in Madrid located in the Ciudad del Automóvil in Leganés and another in Málaga, in the Guadalhorce Industrial Estate. Our extensive experience in the sector allows us to offer conditions and guarantees of purchase, financing, maintenance and satisfaction far above the usual, with the support and confidence of a large group at a European level such as Caetano Retail España. The advantages that our clients can benefit from are: …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: transporttech

5 1 2 56

WE ARE EVENT STAFF We are event staff. We have more than 40 job categories oriented to the sector. Professionals specialized in concerts, corporate events, large shows, filming, fairs and promotions. The safety of the human team is our priority, therefore we are committed to prevention and training in occupational risks. We select, inform, manage and supervise the staff from planning to execution to guarantee the success of the project. Our real national coverage with 6 territorial offices, 24-hour attention, agility of response, extensive experience currently collaborating with more than 500 clients and a quality service, makes us a benchmark …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: entertainment Technologies: Cybersecurity

2 1 1 520
Both People & Comms. Both People & Comms.

We connect people. We humanize organisations. We transform for a positive impact. We humanize organizations by understanding social trends and human needs reframing employee experience. We connect insights to solutions. We align culture & strategy. We at Both are committed to an ongoing search & creativity for what can be done to strengthen the wellbeing of employees in their organisations. We do that on an every-day perspective and in moments that specially matter. We help create a culture of belonging, inspiration and inclusion, and sustain it through coherence in behaviours: walk the talk. We focus on human relations, experiences and …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: martech consulting

37 2 43 75
Lantegi Batuak Lantegi Batuak

One hundred percent capable | Ehuneko ehun gai We are a non-profit organization that generates quality employment opportunities, with the aim of achieving the maximum development of people with disabilities, preferably intellectual and from Bizkaia People with disabilities who are part of Lantegi Batuak follow a socio-laboral integration itinerary, which ranges from orientation and training, to occupational and special employment programs, to ordinary employment. To generate employment opportunities, we manage the following industrial and service activities: INDUSTRIAL OUTSOURCING: • Machining and assembly • Electrical assembly • Electronics and wiring • Handling • Comprehensive logistics AUXILIARY SERVICES: • Environmental services (gardening …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: consumer services

7 0 4 418
VENTO Abogados & Asesores VENTO Abogados & Asesores

VENTO is a professional services firm that offers specialized and proven quality legal, tax and business consulting services for companies and individuals. We firmly believe in our team of advisors and lawyers, who provide a close, reliable and specialized service, resulting in a guarantee for those companies and individuals who have trusted us for more than 30 years. We provide tailor-made solutions in a very practical way, being aware that the entrepreneur needs concrete and useful answers to their legal and economic problems. Law and Legal Services

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

1 1 0 99
Farapi Kooperatiba Farapi Kooperatiba

We are a #consultancy that focuses on participation, feminism and the transformative social economy. We are a #cooperative that works with knowledge and perspectives from multiple disciplines: 🌱 Social and transformative economy. 🟣 Feminism. 🖐️ Participation. Public policy, marketing, and R+D+i

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: govtech martech

1 1 0 7
Hisbalit Mosaico Hisbalit Mosaico

Hisbalit is a leading manufacturer of mosaic tiles, with 50 years of experience using environmentally responsible and su Founded in 1964, Hisbalit was the first mosaic factory created in Europe. Now has a presence in over 70 countries where Hisbalit sets trends in mosaic design and innovation in the sector, providing solutions for a wide range of needs. All of our products are manufactured using recycled glass and natural pigments, resulting in mosaic tiles which are 100% environmentally friendly and recyclable. Our production facilities, based entirely in Spain, are environmentally responsible and clean, using no water and employing the latest …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

3 2 2 47
Secuoyas Secuoyas

Innovation for digital humanists We are a team of professionals who enjoy what we do best: creating top quality brands and products that people love. > Services: Product Innovation, Research, Design & Engineering, Service Design, Organization design, Branding & Data Science. > Our values: · User Centrism: everything turns around the users of our products. User's habits, contexts, emotions, and expertise influence their expectations and experiences. As a result, our working processes are taylored in order to achieve the best Customer Development Process. · Fully Dedicated Team: from start to finish. From the kick-off to the product transfer. A Human …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: uxtech Technologies: Data Analytics

7 1 6 38
Emergya an Ayesa company Emergya an Ayesa company

Tech for the future, today We work with technology for the future, to achieve results in the present. Our services and solutions in the cloud promote and help the digital transformation of large companies in different sectors. We are #LookingForTalent, people who want to take over the world and do a job that makes a difference. We believe in adding value and that is why we have implemented a remote work model with flexible hours to promote the intelligent use of time and space. We are specialists in #ArtificialIntelligence #DataIntelligence and #LocationIntelligence for #Business We generate a measurable impact on …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics

11 0 8 294
Ádeo Conexia Ádeo Conexia

Consulting firm that is a benchmark in the provision of services aimed at non-profit organizations (NPOs) specializing in funding and management of grants for both NPOs and companies. Specialized training. Management of non-profit entities, Grants, Design of Social Projects, Private Fundraising, Project Development, and Training of non-profit entities

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: consulting

3 1 3 4
IG Windkraft IG Windkraft

The IG Windkraft is the Austrian interest group for wind energy operators, manufacturers and promoters. The IG Windkraft is the Austrian interest group for wind energy operators, manufacturers and promoters. Wind energy producers with 90% of the wind power capacity installed in Austria as well as all well-known plant producers and many companies from the service and supply industry are among our members. Wind power, wind energy, green electricity, renewable energy, wind turbine, and interest group

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

4 1 3 13
Kennisland Kennisland

Samen vernieuwen. KL researches and designs social progress, by improving society’s capacity to learn and innovate. We strive for a world in which social systems support people, rather than holding them back, in which everyone can benefit, rather than just the happy few. We work to achieve a society that is inclusive and sustainable in all respects. We learn through practice, and apply what we learn to achieve real-world progress. And we share the results, because we believe the whole of society should benefit from such solutions. We design new concepts, strategies, learning programmes, methods and learning communities that help …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

4 2 3 16
Kairos HQ Kairos HQ

Kairos is a portfolio of brands that focuses on making life simpler and more affordable for our generation. Kairos is a portfolio of brands across healthcare and financial services that focuses on making life simpler and more affordable for our generation. We start by identifying the toughest problems and build products to solve them. We have built five Kairos solutions to date: Rhino replaces the security deposit, Cera provides affordable care from the comfort of the home, and Little Spoon is a modern parenthood brand to help keep your kid healthy. Bilt is the first rewards program that lets you …

Tags: H2020 Type: Incubators & VCs

22 1 21 476

IDEO (pronounced “EYE-dee-oh”) is a global design consultancy helping the world’s most audacious dreamers create braver tomorrows. We activate our science of design with the alchemy of our wide-eyed and wonderful creative people to make futures you can click, feel, taste, test, and believe in. Our early days were filled with designing groundbreaking physical products, but 40 years in, you’ll find that we’ve been busy working on the future of almost everything, from sustainable supply chains with H&M to design-oriented organizations with Ford, entire civic infrastructures with Intercorp—and so much more. innovation, design thinking, social impact, product design, interaction design, …

Tags: H2020 Type: Large company Activities: uxtech

75 30 22 1,348
Inverness Chamber of Commerce Inverness Chamber of Commerce

For regular updates on Inverness Chamber members, please follow this link to our group. Inverness Chamber of Commerce is a membership organisation supporting the business activities of members through a broad offering of benefits and services. With nearly 50 events held each year, Inverness Chamber offers both networking and profile opportunities in addition to support, advice and cost saving benefits. It is the largest independent business organisation based in the Highlands and promotes economic growth in the area; actively campaigning for investment in infrastructure and transport to ensure that the specific needs of our business community are met.

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

5 2 4 22
International Republican Institute International Republican Institute

advancing democracy worldwide A nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, the International Republican Institute (IRI) advances freedom and democracy worldwide by developing political parties, civic institutions, open elections, good governance and the rule of law. President Ronald Reagan’s call to “begin a major effort to secure the best - a crusade for freedom that will engage the faith and fortitude of the next generation” started a new chapter in the advancement of democracy and freedom around the world. Since 1983 IRI, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, has worked to advance freedom and democracy worldwide by providing assistance to nations at various stages of political …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

11 3 5 847
Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis

The Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis (IGPA) at the University of Canberra was established in January 2014 to harness the research strengths of the former ANZSOG Institute for Governance (ANZSIG) and the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM). The Institute conducts interdisciplinary research in governance and policy analysis to deepen theory, advance knowledge and improve practice, in a way that is of significance to scholars and practitioners in Australia and internationally. The core aim of IGPA is to create and sustain a world class research institution for the study and practice of governance and public policy. The …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: govtech

8 1 6 11
iNNpulsa Colombia iNNpulsa Colombia

We are the agency for entrepreneurship, innovation, popular economy and reindustrialization of the National Government of Colombia iNNpulsa Colombia is an institution of the National Government, designed to support and promote business growth, entrepreneurship and the popular economy through the execution of the national reindustrialization policy. Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Modernization

Tags: H2020 Type: Public

19 6 9 156
Inclusion Scotland Inclusion Scotland

Disabled People's Organisation (DPO) Inclusion Scotland is a ‘Disabled People’s Organisation’ (DPO) – led by disabled people ourselves. Our mission is to ensure that policy affecting the everyday lives of disabled people in Scotland is informed by, and reflects their views, so that the full inclusion of disabled people in to all aspects of Scottish society can be achieved. Email: Disability, Access Issues, Inclusion, Diversity, Employability, Civic Participation, Politics, Equality, Internships, Accessibility, and Disabled People

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

5 1 4 25
ImproveChange ImproveChange

Ayudando a las organizaciones a Crear Valor Compartido para generar impacto positivo. Socio fundador @AQUADAT #ODS #SDGs ImproveChange helps organizations to Impact for good, building and Sharing Value. We follow the Richard Buckminster Fuller ́s philosophy: "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete"​ Tools for Social Impact, Innovación Social, Creación de Valor Compartido, Shared Value, ODS, SDGs, Emprendimiento Social, and Agua

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

5 0 4 3
Daily Business Daily Business

Daily Business is a news website. DB Media Services, is a media consultancy and photography service Daily Business Group (DBG) is an integrated media and business services company headquartered in Scotland. DBG comprises the Daily Business news website, Daily Business Magazine and DB Media Services. Daily Business Ltd, the registered company, was established in September 2014 and the Daily Business news website went live in November 2014. DAILY BUSINESS NEWS AND MAGAZINE Designed as the go-to News Website for the modern, mobile generation of readers who want their news and opinion delivered in a convenient and immediate format. It provides …

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

9 4 5 5
imagi imagi

Reimagining access to coding education. At imagi, we have built a zero-to-hero coding platform to empower both students and teachers. Our tools are designed with a gender lens, bringing creative and engaging opportunities for all to learn coding in the classroom. We are a female-founded EdTech startup based in Stockholm, with a growing international team. We spark the interest of pre-teens and teens through fun, programmable devices, as well as mobile apps which teach Python and enable kids to connect over their interest in creative coding. Our first product, the imagiCharm, is a programmable device with an embedded LED matrix …

Tags: H2020 Type: Incubators & VCs

7 2 4 12
Il Sole 24 Ore Il Sole 24 Ore

☀️ All the economic, political and financial information you need. Since 1865 The 24 ORE Group is the main multimedia publishing group active in Italy in the economic, financial, professional and cultural information sector. The information offering of Il Sole 24 Ore, a leading daily newspaper in economic, financial and regulatory information directed by Fabio Tamburini - are the Radiocor press agency (Italian leader in financial information), the portal and Radio 24, the news&talk radio station, founded on 4 October 1999. Radiocor and Radio 24 are also directed by Fabio Tamburini. In services to professionals and businesses, the Group …

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

40 13 23 2,974
idacapital idacapital

Bridging innovative businesses to growth and impact... We are an investment management firm focusing on impact through technology, innovation & growth investments in and out of Turkey Venture Capital, Growth Capital, Angel Investment, ICT, Life Sciences, and CleanTech

Tags: H2020 Type: Incubators & VCs

3 2 2 9

World's First Online AI SocialTech Aggregator is the world’s first SocialTech Aggregator. Using the power of technology to curate capital to enable humane standards of living for all. It aims to create the Future We WantTM 500 Companies that will provide solutions to a better quality for life for all. It aims to move the needle on catalyzing private capital for Development by curating the private capital concentration on the top of the wealth pyramid for equity crowdfunding and future innovations in pooling capital.

Tags: H2020 Type: Incubators & VCs

0 0 0 3
ALWA, emprendizaje social ALWA, emprendizaje social

Solid learning for liquid times We design and facilitate active, collaborative and experiential learning experiences that connect young people, adults and organizations to empower themselves through leadership, impact and social co-responsibility challenges. Campuses, Urban Colonies, Entrepreneurship Trips, Meetings, Conferences and Workshops, School Programs, Extra-curricular Programs, Mentoring, Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Innovation, Education, Social Entrepreneurship, MakeTheDiff, ONlifeLab, and WeEvolvEd

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

3 0 2 9
Escuela Ideo Escuela Ideo

An education capable of changing the world Our school is the materialization of a dream. A life project that arises from the concerns of a group of people who understand that education needs a new approach. By uniting our common ideas and growing from our differences, we propose an alternative to the traditional educational system Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training, TSEAS, TECO, and TSDAM

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

4 0 4 108
Gestazión, agencia digital Gestazión, agencia digital

Agency expert in developing 360o digital marketing strategies Social, gamified and mobile. That's Gestazión, one of the main independent digital agencies in the country. We have offices in Madrid and Barcelona, ​​a team of 30 professionals with a lot of experience and an unlimited passion for our work. Maybe that's why the relationships with our main clients last more than 5 years on average. We are very, very, very creative, we master the digital medium and we know your target very well. Oh... and we only work with measurable objectives. More information at: LOYALTY CLUB, PROMOTIONAL …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

15 2 13 32
MacGuffin MacGuffin

MacGuffin. Eventos y Comunicación en vivo. Concepción, diseño, producción y realización de todo tipo de eventos Eventos de Comunicación, Eventos de Marketing, Eventos de Publicidad, Eventos Publicitarios, Organización de Eventos, Planificación de Eventos, Street Marketing, Road Shows, Inaguraciones, Congresos, Incentivos, and Video Mapping

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: martech

9 1 9 36
Ondula Ondula

For a Critical Digital Education Ondula is a recently created social enterprise that seeks to address new information and communications technologies (ICT) by putting people at the center. We are developing our own work philosophy from the analysis of the culture of the Information Society, seeking to answer: What technologies? What do we want them for? How to design and use them? To do this, we have a methodology based on experience and meaningful learning through three key points: we build critical and creative thinking in relation to ICT; we learn experimentally through play and collective creation processes; and we …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

3 2 2 1
Fairtrade Ibérica Fairtrade Ibérica

We certify fair trade products to achieve social and environmental justice. #FairtradeIsSustainability Fairtrade certifies Fair Trade products to achieve social and environmental justice. #FairtradeIsSustainability #FairtradeIsFairTrade Fair Trade, Sustainability, Independent Certification, International Development, Due Diligence, and SDGs

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

6 0 6 5
Flor de Doñana Biorganic Flor de Doñana Biorganic

Organic Farming as a Way of Life Flor de Doñana Biorganic is a company made up of young and dynamic people who combine traditional wisdom with scientific knowledge, seeking 100% organic farming through environmental, economic and social sustainability. Our company is located in the Doñana National Park, a protected natural area considered the largest ecological reserve in Europe. A paradise that we care for every day, in fact we are the only company in the region that does exclusively organic farming. For all this, nature is always our ally and gives us fruit with an unparalleled flavor. All of our …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: agritech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

1 1 0 45

Advertising and events agency We could define ourselves as a multidisciplinary creative agency. But we are much more than that. We are the fruit of an illusion that was born almost 10 years ago and has not stopped growing and being alive. One day we thought that doing things differently was possible, today we know that it is. We believe that combining the attention and care for each project of a small agency, with the service capacity of a large structure, is the key to offering our clients the best communication proposals. Cromátika is young, passionate, vital, creative and close. …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: martech

2 0 2 14

Zorrotzaurre Art Work in Progress, un proyecto iniciado por la Asociación Cultural Haceria Arteak CAS. >>> ZAWP son las siglas de Zorrotzaurre Art Work in Progress, un proyecto iniciado por la Asociación Cultural Haceria Arteak ( que nace en 2008 para afrontar el mientras tanto del plan urbanístico aprobado para los Barrios de Ribera de Deusto y Zorrotzaurre. ZAWP ya es hoy un movimiento consolidado de muchas personas que trabaja en la revitalización social, económica y cultural del barrio a través de la creación, la intervención y la puesta en valor de la memoria. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EUS. >>> Zorrotzaurre Art Work …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: proptech

4 2 1 5
Porsche Ibérica Porsche Ibérica

Porsche official channel in Spain. Live with us the passion of being a Porsche fan. On behalf of Porsche Ibérica, we welcome you to Porsche and its fascinating online world. An experience that, we are sure, you will not be able to forget. Porsche is a unique company with strong ideals. Our values ​​and philosophy are present in everything we develop to ensure that we always remain true to our principles. We have a clear idea about what we are and how we face new challenges. As a result, despite what others may be doing, we at Porsche actively research …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: transporttech

12 1 4 114
Grupo SCA Grupo SCA

We are your business partner SCA Group is a national consulting, solutions and advisory firm present in the market for more than twenty years. Our management team is trained in multinational firms in the sector and our experience, work methodologies and level of service have allowed us to build loyalty among the clients we have worked with. Our specialization and capabilities allow us to provide value to the client both at a strategic level and in the planning of their business, as well as at a functional level to improve the management of their organization, processes and technology, and at …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: consulting fintech legaltech

1 0 0 28
Rusticae Rusticae

Quality club for charming hotels, rural houses and apartments in Europe, Africa and America. Rusticae is an international quality club for small hotels with character. It was created with the aim of offering a different product, with the quality of the hotels as its main objective. The concept of Rusticae is to guarantee unforgettable life experiences to those who choose one of the selected hotels, all of them carefully chosen for their own character, charm and attention to detail. They are small hotels with careful decoration that offer personalized and professional treatment. They are all designed to provide unique experiences …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: traveltech

11 4 6 50
Florette Ibérica Florette Ibérica

Working for a fresher world FLORETTE was founded in 1989 with the aim of developing the market in Spain for the marketing of fresh, selected, cleaned, cut and washed vegetables, ready to eat or cook (Fresh Cut). In 2001, Vega Mayor became part of the Florette Group, the European leader in the Fresh Cut market. Today, FLORETTE is the leading company in the sector and is present in the vast majority of distribution chains in Spain and Portugal. Florette offers you the opportunity to join a constantly expanding business group and grow professionally thanks to your daily work and the …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: foodtech

5 2 0 539
Emun Aholkulariak Emun Aholkulariak

Basque language and social innovation At Emun, we offer quality consultancy and services to meet the needs of organizations, companies and entities, focusing on social innovation, especially in the areas of Basque language and language management (Basque language plans, translations, behavioral training sessions, Basque language training), culture, diversity and participation. We have been developing Basque language plans in companies since 1997. Two decades later, we have a wide range of products and services to meet the needs of society today. We, Emun members, want to seek the development of Basque society, by placing Basque language and Basque culture at the …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: consulting

1 1 1 97
Klammer WorkSpaces Klammer WorkSpaces

Discover our flexible offices and coworking space in Pamplona and enjoy the advantages of a business centre. We are experts in designing, preparing and providing companies and professionals with offices, coworking and meeting rooms in Pamplona. At Klammer, we have been working for over 30 years in the accommodation sector for companies that need offices, coworking and virtual services that meet the needs and demands of professionals who locate their activity in Navarra. We offer a complete flexible office service in an optimal work environment: - Use of offices and offices by hours or days - Meeting and training rooms …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: proptech Technologies: SaaS

1 1 1 5
CIFP EASO Politeknikoa LHII CIFP EASO Politeknikoa LHII

EASO Polytechnic is a Specific Institute for Higher Vocational Training. It provides initial vocational training (intermediate and advanced training cycles), continuing training (courses for workers and the unemployed), occupational training and courses for access to cycles. The Institute provides training cycles in 9 professional families, both intermediate and advanced in models A and D. These families are Wood and furniture, Electricity-electronics, Mechanical manufacturing, Chemistry, Building and civil works, Services and maintenance to production, Sociocultural and community services, Health and Physical-sports activities. Electricity-Electronics, Mechanical manufacturing, Environmental Chemistry, Wood and Furniture, Building and Civil Works, Sociocultural and community services, Physical-sports activities, Health, …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

5 0 5 93
Ableton Ableton

There’s a global community of music makers creating and performing music with Ableton creative tools: Live, Push, Link, and Note. They are sharing and exploring ideas through Loop, Learning Music, and Learning Synths. Ableton was set up in Berlin in 1999 by the same musicians who lead the company today. Now it's made up of around 500 employees across the world, working together on products that inspire people to get started and go further as music makers. At Ableton, we come from a wide range of cultural and professional backgrounds. We’re committed to becoming a truly inclusive workplace, providing equal …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: entertainment Technologies: SaaS

2 0 2 795
HackForGood HackForGood

HackForGood is a digital experience promoted by Telefónica and organised together with the ETSI of Telecommunications of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, the HazloPosible Foundation and the startup MashmeTV with the support of the Telefónica Chairs Network in which hundreds of Hackers ForGood, simultaneously in various locations, propose challenges and develop solutions to build a better world. Hackers ForGood are enthusiastic, productive, stimulating people with ideas and a desire to do things, who break barriers and rules, who spread their optimism, people motivated to create innovative solutions to problems that no one has yet solved. Their goal: to help build …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

2 1 0 3
Grupo Caja de Ingenieros Grupo Caja de Ingenieros

Humanize your finances. The Caja de Ingenieros Group is a cooperative services group with the mission of providing its members with sustainable value in the financial, professional and personal spheres. To do so, it establishes long-term relationships based on ethics, commitment and trust, and ensures the strength of the Group as a means of providing a return to its members, collaborators, professional communities and society. Banking, Investment, Insurance, Responsible Investment, Financial Services, SRI, Investment Funds, Socially Responsible Investment, Sustainability, and Cooperative Banking

Tags: H2020 Type: Incubators & VCs

16 2 2 507
GoiEner GoiEner

We are close, we are close GoiEner is a cooperative project for the generation and consumption of renewable energy with which we want to recover energy sovereignty. Energy, especially electricity, has become a basic commodity in today's societies, as necessary as water or food. GoiEner's goal is to help citizens regain control over this basic commodity, making them aware of its importance, promoting responsible and sustainable energy consumption. Green energy and Renewable energy

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

6 1 3 48
UN Global Compact Network Australia UN Global Compact Network Australia

#UnitingBusiness for a better world through #TenPrinciples on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. The UN Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative providing a practical framework for action and a platform for demonstrating commitment and leadership. The initiative calls on businesses to align their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and to take action to advance societal goals including sustainable development. As a special initiative of the UN Secretary-General, the United Nations (UN) Global Compact is a call to companies everywhere to align their operations …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

11 1 10 26
Global Alliance for Banking on Values Global Alliance for Banking on Values

Finance at the service of people and the planet The Global Alliance for Banking on Values is a movement of independent banks with a shared mission to use finance to deliver sustainable economic, social, and environmental development. Founded in 2009, the GABV comprises more than 70+ banks and credit unions operating in 45 countries across 6 continents. Collectively we serve more than 60 million customers, hold over USD 200 billion of combined assets under management, give service to over 60 million customers and are supported by more than 80,000 co-workers. We call it #BankingOnValues Sustainable banking, Ethical banking, Values-based banking, …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

14 2 9 21
GlenWyvis Distillery GlenWyvis Distillery

Crafted To Unite, Made To Share GlenWyvis Distillery opened in late 2017, bringing distilling back to the town of Dingwall in the Scottish Highlands for the first time in over 90 years. The GlenWyvis team now produces single malt whisky and craft gin in the world’s first 100% community-owned, sustainable distillery. Established as a community benefit society, a share of all GlenWyvis’s future profits will be invested back into community projects both locally and further afield. To date, more than 3,400 people from some 36 countries have invested over £3.2 million to be part of the GlenWyvis journey. In 2018, …

Tags: H2020 Type: Incubators & VCs

1 1 0 13
futureSAX - die Innovationsplattform des Freistaates Sachsen futureSAX - die Innovationsplattform des Freistaates Sachsen

Network with & for innovative people from the areas of founding, companies, capital, transfer and NextGen (youth)! futureSAX - the innovation platform of the Free State of Saxony - has been operating successfully for over 20 years on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Affairs as an interface and matching platform in the Saxon start-up, transfer and innovation ecosystem. As a central contact point for over 12,000 players, futureSAX bundles the innovation activities in the Free State with the aim of making knowledge-based start-ups, the transfer between science and business as well as innovative strength and entrepreneurship visible. Through a …

Tags: H2020 Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

8 2 5 29
FPI Fair Pay Innovation Lab gGmbH FPI Fair Pay Innovation Lab gGmbH

Fair leaders do better business. We certify with the UNIVERSAL FAIR PAY CHECK and show them how to pay everyone fairly. We support companies and organisations by translating fair pay into everyday business practice, award them the certification mark UNIVERSAL FAIR PAY CHECK, support them by sharing best practices and show them how to pay everyone fairly in three phases: Analyze your position. Develop your measures. Lead by example. Fair Pay Certification

Tags: H2020 Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

9 1 8 6