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We innovate new solutions at lower costs and higher efficiency enabling every human to take a role in sustainability At Hexafresh our goal is to focus on the use of innovative technology, rethink and invent new solutions and products at lower costs and higher efficiency enabling every human to take a role in sustainability. Born in Lebanon and raised in France, HexaFresh strives to create a future of green technology and sustainability with a diverse team of exquisite minds. HEXAFRESH is the new personal climate control technology device that cools, purifies, dehumidifies, and refreshes a specific zone. It's portable, doesn't …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

4 1 3 3
Genomines Genomines

Building the first generation of genetically enhanced plants for sustainable mining. We are Genomines. We genetically enhance metal hyperaccumulator plants to produce bio-sourced metals and limit the environmental impact of mining groups. Biotechnologies, Metals, Phytomining, and Phytoremediation

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

7 7 0 28
Take[air] Take[air]

[Automatic translation follows] Your decarbonation and reporting solution CSRD 💻 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 An actor in the fight against global warming, Take [Air] is responsible for transforming businesses into a hero of decarbonation. We offer a Digital SaaS solution of carbon and reporting CSRDs. Our offer coupled with tailor-made support from carbon experts allows: - the measure - reduction - and the management of CO2 emissions We work as close as possible to the proven methodologies of ADEME, …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

28 13 19 20
ORI - Sorgho Smartfood ORI - Sorgho Smartfood

Entreprendre pour valoriser, valoriser pour nourrir, nourrir pour partager une planète durable ! ORI est une Entreprise à Mission engagée sur son territoire pour accompagner les acteurs économiques de l’agriculture et de l'industrie à innover, créer de la valeur durablement et construire des installations et outils de productions efficients, scalables, agiles et low tech. Notre univers ORI SORGHO est dédié à la création de solutions smart de demain en réponses aux enjeux liés aux changements climatiques, à base d'un grain, une céréale ancienne vieille de 8000 ans et orientée vers le futur : le sorgho ! Notre marque ORI Sorgho …

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

29 1 29 3

[Automatic translation follows] Advice & amp; Low carbon strategy The most accessible carbon accounting software on the market. 19 €/month/user per audited customer then € 10/additional user. And that without obligation! Available for everyone: end customers and consultants. For this price no compromise: - Carbon accounting software in accordance with the most user -sorte -drinndly carbon methodology; - the more empowering software on the market; - Provision of all of our technical resources to train your employees in the energy-climate context; - Software use support; - mass import of data; - automatic reports and graphics; - access to more than …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

4 2 1 7
Quiet-Oceans Quiet-Oceans

Technologies to address the issue of underwater noise Quiet-Oceans' mission is to enable sustainable use of the oceans by preserving the balance between human activities at sea and marine biodiversity. The delicate balance between economic imperatives and respect for the environment largely depends on the ability of man to understand the consequences of his activity at sea on marine biodiversity and to adapt his actions to minimize the impact, in particular acoustics: the issues related to noise pollution of the oceans are now known to the maritime community and are now regulated by the legislator. French leader in passive acoustics, …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

6 2 5 25
Savéol Savéol

Coopérative depuis 1962 Savéol est le premier producteur français de tomates et développe son offre avec des fraises, des concombres, poivrons et produits de la mer. Pour continuer à être le leader national et inventer l’agriculture durable de demain, la coopérative appuie son développement sur 3 piliers clés : - Le pari d’une production 100 % française profondément ancrée dans le terroir breton. Un choix réussi puisque notre coopérative constitue aujourd’hui une locomotive économique pour la Bretagne et prépare les producteurs de demain. - Par sa démarche de responsabilité sociétale des entreprises, Savéol intègre au cœur de sa production la …

Type: Startup Activities: agritech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

9 3 6 226
Waste In Peace Waste In Peace

[Automatic translation follows] Make Cities Green Again! Use WIP Deches Compressor so that the city is more beautiful Make City Green Again, the intelligent and autonomous compressor of Waste in Peace fights against the growing unsanitary conditions of cities, it transforms the repulsive image of the trash into an attractive urban furniture for the city of tomorrow WIP WASTE COMPRESSOR Our mission? More beautiful the city! Waste in Peace offers cities and businesses an intelligent and autonomous waste compressor in energy placed above rectangular trash cans 400 to 1000L, WIP therefore uses the existing and presents 4 main functions: -Popper …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

28 5 5 1

[Automatic translation follows] Cooperative flow creator at the service of sustainable territories Synchronicity First hubs of the circular economy which brings together Gisements (waste), logistics cyclo, short food/traders and actors of servic intelligence (IA IH IC). Circular economy, analysis of flows & amp; Life cycle (ACV), Economic model, Social and Solidarity Economy, Servicial Intelligence (IA IH IC), Animation, AMO PMO, experiments, open solutions, and control of uses and functionalities

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

8 5 3 3
Sunleavs Sunleavs

[Automatic translation follows] Your self -consumption management solution 🌿 Share affordable energy 🌿 Welcome to Sunleavs! We are much more than a self -consumption management solution - we are the creators of energy communities. Our mission is to facilitate sharing and consumption in real time of green and sustainable energy within local communities, bringing together citizens, traders and communities. At Sunleavs, our commitment is reflected in the deployment of self-consumption projects, operating our technical expertise and our field know-how. Our vision is to develop autonomous and resilient energy communities, ready to meet the energy challenges of tomorrow. 🌞 If you …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Solar Technologies Decarbonization

15 5 15 4
L'Optimist - Gestion de Projet Innovant L'Optimist - Gestion de Projet Innovant

[Automatic translation follows] Innovative 360 ​​° innovative project management: transformation, development, new economic models: innovate with positive impact Optimist: Innovative project management outsourced Our mission: Give you human resources to the realization of your development or innovation projects. Reduce the risk of failures, bring you the insurance of strategic choice, ensure the market and profitability of your projects Our offers: 🧐 Innovative idea crash 🧭 Project management outsourced with the Optimist method, to secure your innovation 🔝 Support for strategic decision -making (college of tailor -made suitable experts) 🔭 Prospective: Test the sustainability and robustness of your business and its …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Decarbonization

20 3 16 5
Art of Roof Art of Roof

[Automatic translation follows] The open -air art gallery that refreshes the planet. Our mission: to refresh the planet by offering a professional cool roofing service to supermarkets, industrialists and communities. Cool roof, industrial roof treatment, cool roofing, climate roof, fresh roof, waterproofing, and energy economies

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

16 5 9 6
μBert - MicroBert μBert - MicroBert

[Automatic translation follows] Adopt ecological computers ♻️ μbert This is the company that makes it all professional equipment accessible to all -range equipment thanks to reconditioning. Reconditioning computer equipment also involves us in a dynamic of sustainable development, an area that is close to our hearts. Being both specialized and graduates in the field of networks and telecommunications, we will also offer sizing and network installation offers for companies. We therefore have a wide range of offers to ensure versatility and touch both individuals and professionals. Reconditioning, IT networks, IT maintenance, IT installation, expertise, parks management, advice, training, IT, Network, …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 1 0 3
OŪ La mode qu'on loue OŪ La mode qu'on loue

[Automatic translation follows] Oū the fashion we rent - the new youth, fun and trends rental service The fashion industry is one of the most polluting and 10.5 billion clothes are thrown into recycling center each year. Today’s consumer has decided to react. But consuming quality clothes is expensive. He turned to the second hand, but it requires a certain effort (hunting, looking, not always finding etc ...). The alternative that gives several lives to clothes while being easy and practical: clothing rental. Oū the fashion that we rent therefore aims to contribute to a fashion ... and a world …

Type: Startup Activities: fashtech Technologies: Decarbonization

9 1 0 3
BoucL Energie BoucL Energie

⚡Créateur de communauté territoriales d'énergie partagée⚡ BoucL Energie développe, à l’échelle de quartiers à activité économique, des Communautés territoriales d’énergie partagée visant à organiser l’autoconsommation collective d’électricité photovoltaïque. Ces communautés sont structurées autour de projets d’autoconsommation collective de 3 MWc entre entreprises. L’énergie produite localement est prioritairement autoconsommée par les entreprises et commerces. Elle répond également aux besoins des quartiers résidentiels environnants (notamment des bailleurs sociaux) comme aux besoins de mobilité (véhicules électriques des employés et clients de la zone). Autoconsommation énergétique, Energies renouvelables, Transition énergétique, Neutralité carbone, Décarbonation des territoires, Aménagement des territoires, Photovoltaïque, Autoconsommation, Autoconsommation collective, and EnR

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech energytech Technologies: Decarbonization

20 4 12 17

Élaborer, valoriser et conduire la stratégie opérationnelle et financière des projets urbains et immobiliers VILLE EN ŒUVRE accompagne les acteurs publics et privés dans l’élaboration et le pilotage des stratégies d’opérationnalité et de valorisation financière des projets urbains et immobiliers. Nous sommes économistes, urbanistes, financiers, programmistes, juristes ou ingénieurs, passionnés par les enjeux économiques, juridiques et organisationnels de la fabrique urbaine, et convaincus qu’ils représentent un des leviers stratégiques majeurs pour bâtir la ville durable dont nous avons besoin ! L’ADN de Ville en Œuvre est de sortir les questions opérationnelles, juridiques et financières d’une posture instrumentale, pour les placer …

Type: Public Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: Decarbonization

11 0 10 10
Interreg 2 Seas Interreg 2 Seas

EU cross-border cooperation Programme Interreg 2 Seas (2014-2020) is a European funding programme covering coastal regions of 4 EU Member states along the Southern North Sea and the Channel. It aims to develop an innovative knowledge and research based, sustainable and inclusive 2 Seas area where natural resources are protected and the green economy is promoted. For the 2014-2020 period, four themes were selected in order to make the best use of limited funds: technological and social innovation, low carbon technologies, adaptation to climate change and resource efficient economy. By co-financing projects up to 60% it allows regional and local …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

7 4 3 9
UrbanHub by Ezytail UrbanHub by Ezytail

[Automatic translation follows] 📦 Urbanhub simplifies you e-commerce logistics. 🚚 With Urban Hub by Ezytail, enerate from all the services of a 3PL and more: connection to your e-commerce site, reception of your products, storage in palette or on shelf, picking and preparation of orders to your customers, shipments in France And in the world, management of your product feedback. With our logistics warehouses in Paris, your products are closer to you and your customers and you benefit from delivery services without C02 emission in the capital: by cargo bike, by bike or on foot. Urbanhub is a human -sized …

Type: Startup Activities: e-commerce transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

3 1 1 5

« Un sourire coûte moins cher que l'électricité, mais donne autant de lumière. » Tryba Energy is a development company active in the renewable energy sector since 2008. We are a wholly owned subsidiary of the Atrya Group (, a leader in the European Home Solutions sector and are focussed on the solar power market in Europe and Africa. Our team, based in Alsace in eastern France, includes experienced engineers, business developers and financiers and is eminently qualified at all stages of the project development chain from site identification through structuring, permitting and finance to construction and operation and maintenance …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization Solar Technologies

8 1 7 27
Shaddl Shaddl

Shaddl est un service de transport mutualisé green qui optimise les trajets vers les aéroports. Notre mission : Innovons ensemble dans la mobilité durable

Type: Startup Activities: traveltech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 1
Karbon Karbon

Le vrai impact environnemental de vos produits alimentaires Karbon facilite l’accès aux données environnementales et permet aux acteurs du secteur agroalimentaire de mesurer l’impact environnemental de leurs produits alimentaires. L’utilisation de la méthodologie de l’ACV (Analyse du Cycle de vie) et de la méthodologie PEF (Product Environmental Foodprint) permet d’évaluer l’impact environnemental d’un produit sur l’ensemble de son cycle de vie (extraction de matières premières, production, transformation, distribution, consommation et fin de vie ou valorisation du produit) et sur 16 indicateurs d’impact (changement climatique, épuisement des ressources, acidification, etc. ). L’utilisation de Karbon vous permet de : • Visualiser les …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

8 1 6 4
HopLunch HopLunch

Vos restos locaux, livrés au bureau 😋 E-cantine & Frigos Connectés ⚡ Communauté des Entreprises à Mission | Coq Vert ♻️ Membre de la Communauté des Entreprises à Mission 🔥 Labellisé Coq Vert ♻️ Membre de Réseau Entreprendre Alsace 🥨 Soutenu par la Région grand Est & Scal’enov 💪 Si vous aussi : 🤔 Vous ne savez jamais quoi manger à midi 🍔 L’éternel sandwich ou le fast-food du coin ne vous font pas rêver 🤤 Votre moment préféré au bureau est la pause déjeuner Alors HopLunch est fait pour vous ! Mais HopLunch, qu’est-ce que c’est ? - Une …

Type: Startup Activities: delivery foodtech Technologies: Decarbonization

16 4 12 41

We make everyday products safe and sustainable. We aim to end chemical pollution in consumer products. We make everyday products safe and sustainable. We aim to end chemical pollution in consumer products by replacing harmful petro-based ingredients. Levulinic Acid, Application Development, R&D, Green Chemistry, and Formulation Development

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

6 2 3 33
Carbonfact Carbonfact

Let's decarbonize fashion together 👖✂️💚 Environmental Sustainability Software built for the apparel and footwear industry. With Carbonfact apparel, luxury, and footwear brands measure, report and reduce your emissions without becoming data admins. Carbon Accounting Automate your Carbon Accounting (GHG Protocol, Scopes 1, 2, 3) with unmatched resolution for purchased goods and services. Compliance & Disclosure Measure and report your emissions to stay compliant with EU and U.S. regulations such as CSRD, DPP, and the NY Fashion Act. We save you months of time. Product LCA Environmental impact measurement for all your products on the SKU level (CO2e, water consumption, land …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

15 5 25 32
Altens Altens

Accélérateur de la transition énergétique 📞 05 79 80 65 10 📧 Altens, partenaire de votre transition énergétique ! Altens apporte des solutions pour décarboner immédiatement votre entreprise : - PUR100 : un B100 de qualité grade #4 de Champlor (Valtris) - PUR-XTL : un HVO100 produit par Neste pour décarboner tout type d’engins diesel (version routier et non routier) - PUR-BioM: fourniture de biocarburants dédiés à la décarbonation du transport maritime - PUR-ELEC (IRVE) : de la recharge lente à la recharge ultra rapide, de la recharge à quai ou avec batterie embarquée, découvrez nos solutions de recharge …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech energytech Technologies: Decarbonization

34 2 31 14

Software solutions & consultancy for energy Eleneo crafts cutting-edge software solutions and offer strategic and operational advisory services. Our mission is to help clients navigate the challenges of the energy transition while seizing opportunities in an increasingly complex and volatile market. We serve energy consumers and suppliers, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the sector from this dual perspective. This enables us to anticipate trends and develop advanced digital products. Seelo is our digital brand, with two product lines : 1. Seelo for Energy Procurement: tailored for industrial and commercial corporations, it enables active management of energy portfolios, including PPAs and …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech energytech Technologies: Decarbonization

3 0 0 28
Greensolver Greensolver

GREENSOLVER is an independent technical advisor dedicated to solar, BESS and wind assets Created in 2008, Greensolver is an independent technical advisor dedicated to solar, BESS and wind assets. Greensolver is now a leading international firm with offices all over Europe: France, UK, Spain, Portugal, Greece, and Poland. With a track record of 45GW+, Greensolver is helping Investment Funds, Banks, IPPs and utilities in energy transition. We are fully dedicated to being a service-only provider. We provide bankable technical advice proposing a wide range of services throughout the full lifecycle of renewable energy projects. The company’s offering is split into …

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech cleantech greentech energytech Technologies: Decarbonization

13 0 12 60
Dsflow Dsflow

All your energy contracts in one place Natural Gas, Electricity, Carbon, energy procurement, and energy supply

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech energytech Technologies: Decarbonization

4 4 1 9

Améliorer notre cadre de vie ! Conseil & Ingénierie Développement Durable. Conseil en environnement, bien-être et innovation durable. Des idées neuves pour améliorer la qualité de vie pour tous ! Environnement, Santé, Bien-être, and Développement durable

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

21 6 16 46
Genesis Genesis

Genesis is an environmental impact measurement agency. Our project consists in the development of a recognized soil health rating, based on a scientific diagnosis of soil eco-systemic functions. Our game-changer method provides you with the real measures of your environmental impact and allows you to drive change towards a smaller environmental footprint. Genesis addresses every "bio-based" environmental challenge (regenerative agriculture, sustainable sourcing, renaturalization, credit certification, land valuation...) and for all actors of the value chain. In addition, Genesis provides you with the accurate and indisputable reports required by the new European regulations. In only 120 days. Soil health, Agriculture, Soil, …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

17 1 17 44
Blooming Blooming

Aider les entreprises à intégrer et à valoriser les enjeux liés à la biodiversité. Blooming aide les entreprises à intégrer et à valoriser les enjeux liés à la biodiversité. Stratégie | Solutions | Attractivité | RSE | Nature Biodiversité, RSE, Conseil, Consulting, Stratégie, Evaluation d'empreinte biodiversité, Plan de réduction d'impact, Biodiversité sur site d'entreprise, Restauration de biodiversité, Sensibilisation, Formation, Management, Transition écologique, and Développement durable

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

12 2 10 9
FiltraLife Solution FiltraLife Solution

Nous développons des solutions de filtration d’eau innovantes 💧 Médaillé d’or au Concours Lépine 2024🥇 Suivez nous ⬇️ We are proud to present our latest technological innovation aimed at addressing one of the most pressing issues of our time: the scarcity of clean drinking water. Our dedicated team has developed a revolutionary machine that can filter all water sources, except seawater, into superior quality drinking water. With this state-of-the-art technology, we can provide a sustainable and efficient solution to meet the drinking water needs of communities worldwide.

Type: Startup Activities: greentech water management cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 2
GECI Ingénierie GECI Ingénierie

Construction, réhabilitation et extension de locaux professionnels clé en main, durables & responsables ! 🌿💡 Depuis 2013, GECI Ingénierie accompagne les entreprises dans leurs projets de construction, de réhabilitation et d’extension de locaux professionnels clé en main, durables et responsables, dans l’Eure-et-Loir, le Calvados, la Seine-Maritime, l’Eure et les Yvelines 📍 ➡ Chaque projet est pensé en collaboration avec ses clients, selon des études et des relevés établis en amont, mais également au regard des demandes et des capacités financières du porteur de projet. GECI Ingénierie accompagne ses clients de A à Z, depuis l’étude, en passant par l’analyse des …

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Decarbonization

9 3 5 5
E'nergys E'nergys

Optimisez votre performance énergétique ⚡, hydrique 💧 et numérique ☁ | On recrute ! E’nergys est un Eco-Système de PME conçu pour développer des solutions et des services autour de l'eau et de la performance énergétique, associant expertises métiers et technologies numériques. Les entreprises membres de l'écosystème : > H3C Energies ( > Utilities Performance ( > Agora-Calycé ( > Athéo Ingénierie ( > GENERSYS ( > MGYS ( Performance énergétique, Transformation numérique , Transition énergétique, Optimisation du cycle de l'eau, Maintenance de la chaîne électrique, Gestion intelligente des bâtiments et de l'énergie, smartbuilding, energies, utilities, bâtiment, energies, performance environnementale, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech water management greentech it services Technologies: Decarbonization

25 7 20 175
ThermiUp ThermiUp

Efficacité énergétique et ENR simples et économiques en logements collectifs par récupération de chaleur sur eaux usées Conception, fabrication et commercialisation de récupérateurs de chaleurs sur eaux usées : - Pour les logements collectifs avec production individuelle d'eau chaude sanitaire (chauffe-eau, chaudière ou MTA). - Récupération d'un 1/3 de l'énergie nécessaire à la production d'eau chaude sanitaire, soit 7 à 8 kWh/m2/an, valorisé dans le calcul RT. - Intégration de 15% d'énergie renouvelable. - Sans pompe, ni vanne, ni électronique ni aucun réglage : 100% passif, donc durable et pérenne. - Facile à intégrer au bâtiment sans modifier les gaines …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

9 8 1 3
Sollya - Agence de Webmarketing Éthique Sollya - Agence de Webmarketing Éthique

Communication digitale & Webmarketing Éthique pour tou‧tes ~ Communiquer de manière responsable ? Oui, c'est possible ! Sollya - Communication Digitale & Marketing web Éthique Sollya est une structure indépendante et engagée de l’économie sociale et solidaire d’utilité sociale (ESUS) fondée par Alex Carmona, basée à Lyon. Ma mission est de vous aider à faire votre communication pour partager et rassembler autour de vos projets. Pour cela, je crois fortement en plusieurs principes: Médias inclusifs Autonomisation des équipes Communication organique et durable ... à forte valeur ajoutée ! Communication, Digital, Conseil en communication, Formation, Site internet, Réseaux sociaux, Newsletters, ESS, …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 1 0 1
Eco-Tech Ceram Eco-Tech Ceram

Your partner in energy efficiency and waste heat recovery for the decarbonisation of industry. More than 50% of energy is consumed in the form of heat and more than a third of the energy consumed is lost as heat (equivalent to 2450 Mt of CO2 per year). Industrialists are keen to reduce their energy consumption to improve their competitiveness and reduce their carbon footprint. In order to support these manufacturers in their low-carbon transition, Eco-Tech Ceram, a three-time winner of the world innovation competition, is made up of a team of 40 employees (doctors, engineers and technicians) specialising in industrial …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Batteries Decarbonization

62 17 54 22
bluequest bluequest

Give substance to your CSR ambitions bluequest is a network of experts convinced that optimal leverage of social and environmental issues is a key performance factor for organizations. bluequest supports organizations wishing to boost their CSR approach in the definition of dedicated or integrated strategic plans, as well as in their operational implementation. The members of the bluequest network all have solid business expertise, coupled with acknowledged know-how in the definition and implementation of CSR programs. RSE, Développement Durable, Achats Responsables, Environnement, Achats Durables, Droits humains, Recyclage, Communication Responsable, Marketing Responsable, and Eco-conception

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech consulting greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

18 0 19 8
auum auum

auum or End Single Use Now. What about banning disposable cups within your workplace? Single-use packaging were born to meet hygienic needs. However, access to cleanliness through disposable plastic is not inevitable! Thanks to a fast-cleaning gesture, auum transforms "single use" by "single move" in order to reuse endlessly. Auum innovates within the cleaning field through its SmartCleaning concept: a new, fast, convenient & sustainable cleaning technology. End Single Use Now! cleantech, nettoyage, r&d, écologie, RSE, zéro déchet, réutilisation, and eco-conception

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

46 13 38 50
The Green Link The Green Link

Sustainability Strategy Delivered. "Many existing CSR tools only cover part of the picture... The Green Link_ is a real Swiss Army knife for CSR teams." - agro-industrial world leader. We help companies define ‘how to achieve’ their environmental objectives. - CSR Strategy Management Portal enhanced?by Artificial Intelligence.? - All environmental (carbon, water, energy, etc.) and social dimensions. - Collaborative innovation. - Libraries of 6,000+ best practices, clean technologies & alternative materials. To avoid the ‘blank page’ syndrome and hit the ground running:? - ESG sensing enhanced by Artificial Intelligence.? - Access The Green Link_ ecosystem partners (ESG expertise & technologies).? …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

16 0 16 16
Mobiprox Mobiprox

Le premier programme d'accompagnement des Certificats d’Économies d'Énergie (CEE) dédié à la micro-mobilité Le programme Mobiprox s’adresse aux acteurs qui souhaitent s’engager dans une démarche d’économie d’énergie en favorisant les micro-mobilités dans leur stratégie de transport. Vous souhaitez développer une flotte pour permettre à vos collaborateurs d’optimiser leurs temps de déplacement, limiter leur impact environnemental et se déplacer en sécurité ? Mobiprox vous apporte : Un accompagnement financier pour la mise en place de votre flotte de trottinettes électriques. Des actions d’information, de sensibilisation (sécurité, code de la route, économie d’énergie) et de formation au sein de votre entreprise. Une …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

55 0 54 1

Marketing et communication des territoires et dirigeantes engagées : une stratégie claire, des actions efficaces 🌱 Vous êtes dirigeant.e, créateur.trice d'entreprise directeur.rice marketing, communication, ou des ressources humaines. Vous avez besoin de communication avce plus d'impact. Or, vous n'avez pas suivi de master marketing au cours des 5 dernières années, et vous ne voulez pas foncer les yeux fermés dans ChatGPT. Vous avez besoin de valider vos axes stratégiques pour ne pas dilapider votre budget dans des actions à l’aveugle. Solve vous accompagne. Comment ? 👉 Coaching , formation, conseil sur mesure 👉 1 à 3 heures par mois, sur …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech martech Technologies: Decarbonization

5 0 1 2
Belong Belong

Belong, le meilleur des produits durables. Belong, le meilleur des produits d’équipement de la maison. 🏡 📢 Longue vie aux choses qui durent ! 💪 E-commerce, Electroménager, Equipement de le maison, TV, and greentech

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech e-commerce greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

6 1 4 12

[Automatic translation follows] The democratization of CSR at the service of VSEs & amp; SME. ABCSR, Impact startup offers VSEs, SMEs and ETIs to measure their CSR performance using indicators and an extra-financial notation. 🟢 The democratization of CSR as DNA: Convinced of the central role of CSR in business competitiveness, whatever their size, ABCSR offers CSR evaluation solutions based on the exploitation of accounting and social data. Also, ABCSR provides an action library to allow companies to be in a continuous progress process. CSR, sustainable development, environmental reporting, societal reporting, and CSR solutions

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

20 3 18 9
Volkswagen Ireland Volkswagen Ireland

Welcome to the official LinkedIn Page of Volkswagen Passenger Cars Ireland where you can find out about our latest news & updates. See for more.

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

5 2 3 16

Balcas is a leading timber products supplier, and has pioneered biomass renewable energy in the British Isles. The business has grown organically, and through acquisition and investment in the latest processing technologies. Balcas’ timber products portfolio includes construction timber, fencing & landscaping products and pallet & packaging material. Balcas has led the development of the market for wood pellet fuel in Ireland and Britain. Balcas operates biomass Combined Heat and Power plants that produce renewable energy. Residual heat from electricity generation is used to dry locally sourced woodfibre that is then processed into high-energy fuel pellets - marketed under the …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 0 1 107
Dixon International Logistics Dixon International Logistics

Experience in Motion Dixon Transport is one of the leading logistics and distribution companies in Ireland. This family run business provides temperature-controlled transport solutions for leading food, beverage and pharmaceutical companies in Ireland, UK and Europe. Our extraordinary levels of service and modern fleet are key to the success of the business which we live through our company tagline ‘Experience in motion’. At the heart of the company, is our ‘always-on’ culture. Upholding our company principles of personal attention, transparency and control, whilst reinvesting in people, top quality equipment and systems. Dixon Transport have depots in Dublin and in Rugby …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

5 1 4 71
Gestis Gestis

[Automatic translation follows] Experience co-ownership with complete peace of mind. Gestis is a property management and services company, resolutely committed to a policy of customer satisfaction. Our activities are exclusively focused on the management and maintenance of our customers' real estate assets. In order to constantly improve the services we offer, we are constantly developing the methods and procedures used. Gestis uses all necessary means, in accordance with Moroccan legislation, to provide its customers with a truly differentiated service, the only guarantee of sustainable action for the conservation and enhancement of their real estate assets. Co-ownership management, Syndic, Syndicate, Concierge, …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 0 0 31
RedLab RedLab

[Automatic translation follows] Network of Labs d'Occitanie Redlab is the network of labs and spaces to make Occitania. He seeks to make a sustainable, resilient and inclusive region. Connected, connected, circular and participatively produce: the actors to make Occitania are based on their know-how and their manufacturing spaces to innovate sustainably. The fablabs and the spaces of doing are shared manufacturing spaces where everyone can almost make everything to create a collaborative and sustainable innovation. Maker, Fablab, Faire spaces, Fabrégion, Fabcity, Crafts, Creation, and Networks

Type: Startup Activities: spacetech Technologies: Decarbonization

12 2 4 2
APF Entreprises APF Entreprises

[Automatic translation follows] Together, let's create value! APF Entreprises is the business network of APF France handicap. Our mission: to guarantee sustainable social and professional integration for people with disabilities. By using our services, you contribute to what we call an "inclusive" society. Whether it is inclusive recruitment or responsible purchasing, the experts in our network support you in developing your inclusive policy (industrial and/or tertiary subcontracting, inclusive know-how, etc.). Our model involves developing a range of modern and innovative professions that correspond to the needs and expectations of our employees' professionalization. Adapted & protected sector, Digital, Electronics & Electrotechnics, …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech Technologies: Decarbonization

12 3 9 171


Type: SMB Activities: foodtech Technologies: Decarbonization

4 2 2 5
Ecopaths Ecopaths

Tomorrow's leaders act on environmental performance today We are offering a cutting-edge technology that leverages AI to precisely measure the environmental impact of food and manufactured products at scale. With this capability, you can unlock data-driven insights to optimize supply chains, reduce carbon emissions, and meet sustainability targets. Our solution enables businesses to make informed decisions, improve transparency, and demonstrate leadership in environmental responsibility Bilan Carbone, Analyse de Cycle de Vie, Empreinte carbone, Emissions évitées, Stratégie Climat, Stratégie RSE, and Stratégie environnementale

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

4 2 0 2
Alpha Carbone Alpha Carbone

♻️ Production industrielle de noir de carbone recyclé ALPHA CARBONE : Production of Recovered Carbon Black Recycling used tires, as close as possible to their collection site. Recyclage, Noir de carbone, Industrie, Production industrielle, Vapo-thermolyse, Innovation, Recherche et développement, and Cycle du carbone

Type: SMB Activities: greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 1 0 14

[Automatic translation follows] "Let's talk about Planetary Limits." LIMIT is a new media whose vocation is to address the themes that encompass "Planetary Limits." Our objectives: pedagogy, education, information and entertainment (yes we will try to be funny sometimes😄) around subjects that are not funny, complex but scientifically popularized on the real issues of our civilization and our common future. We hope to be up to the challenge. Welcome to LIMIT. 🌍💚 Climate, Environment, Ecology, Social Justice, Society, Energy, Resources, Future, Education, Science, Anthropocene, Planetary Limits, and Culture

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech edtech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 1 0 5

Sustainable Transition of logistic fleet: LCV Decarbonation as a Service Provider. Sustainable Transition of logistic fleet: LCV Decarbonation as a Service Provider. HeSaaS: Hardware Enabled SaaS - eco4impact: SaaS-Platform for predictive fleet decarbonation scenarios - Hybrid Light Commercial Vehicles

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

6 6 1 2

[Automatic translation follows] Unicy's mission is to offer a French alternative to the conventional bicycle transmission system. We want to accelerate the transition to virtuous mobility and relocate the industrial production of bicycle equipment in France. To do this, we have developed a whole new transmission of bicycle without chain, belt or gearbox entirely designed to be manufactured by our French industrialists. We Want to Accelerate the Transition to Green Mobility and Relocate the Industrial Production of Bicycle Equipment in France. To do this, we have developed a brand new bicycle transmission without chains, belts or gearboxes, entirely designed to …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

28 4 25 3
Etchart Energies Etchart Energies

[Automatic translation follows] Etchart Energies, formerly Arrambide, has been a subsidiary of the Etchart group for over 10 years now. Based in the Greater South West, we operate in the fields of engineering, tool programming, major works, maintenance and operation. Specialists in Electrical Engineering (High Currents, Low Currents, Home Automation) and Climate Engineering (Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation, Plumbing, Automation and BMS), we also offer our expertise in renewable energies. Our customers are both individuals and industrialists, healthcare professionals and communities. The concept of service is not an empty word for us and we are committed to responding to the various …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech energytech Technologies: Decarbonization

3 2 1 84
Onerz Onerz

[Automatic translation follows] SUBSTANABLE LIVING MADE EASY Aonerz is an application that allows you to reduce your environmental, social and economic impact by offering more sustainable and affordable consumption alternatives to which you are already using.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 1
Werner & Mertz GmbH Werner & Mertz GmbH

[Automatic translation follows] Our goal: we make a sustainable lifestyle majority capable! With trust brands such as Frosch, Emsal and Green Care Professional is Werner & AMP; Mertz is well established as an innovative company on the European market. We have felt very connected to the Mainz location for more than 150 years. With the subsidiaries Erdal-Rex GmbH, Frosch Sales Team GmbH, Tana-Chemie GmbH and Werner & AMP; Mertz Service & AMP; As an EMAS-validated family company, we take a leading position in the washing, care and cleaning market as an EMAS-validated family company. The ecologically oriented and socially responsible …

Type: SMB Activities: fashtech Technologies: Decarbonization

6 2 4 269

[Automatic translation follows] Nice to, we are Beiersdorf! Here in Brazil, we are represented by Nivea, the number 1 brand in skin care in the world, and Eucerin, which is a reference in dermocosmetics. Globally, we are also the house of Hansaplast, La Prairie, Chantecaille and Tesosa. Present in more than 150 countries, we lead research and solutions that innovate beauty and self -care routines, contributing to the health and self -esteem of our consumers. We take care beyond the skin, with a special look at society and the environment. With our social projects and an ambitious sustainability agenda, we …

Type: SMB Activities: cosmetics Technologies: Decarbonization

2 0 2 722

Providing ideas, specialist knowledge and solutions that secure our food and enhance the environment At ADAS, we design and deliver practical, productive, and profitable solutions that enable businesses to grow and meet food, climate, water, and energy challenges. ADAS is the UK’s largest independent provider of agricultural and environmental consultancy, rural development services, research and development, and policy advice. ADAS has a unique combination of insight and practical experience, underpinned by robust, informed, science-based information that allows us to meet the needs of both our domestic and international clients. Our great strength is our breadth and depth of expertise spanning …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech agritech foodtech Technologies: Decarbonization

7 0 5 731
PheroSyn PheroSyn

Scaled up Production of Insect Pheromones and other Chemicals for Pest Management At PheroSyn, our mission is to scale-up the production of high-value, not currently available insect pheromones and supply them into the agribusiness sector for sustainable pest management. Our vision is to use our products to reduce the use of pesticides in agriculture and to help mitigate climate change. We are a 'one stop shop' for custom development and volume supply of insect pheromones and are always looking to expand our product portfolio towards commercially driven targets. If you would like to find out more please feel free to …

Type: Startup Activities: agritech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

4 1 3 5
Eleasa Eleasa

[Automatic translation follows] Duty bike, service streak & amp; Dienstscooter from Eleasa | Company micromobility for your employees 🚲🛵🛴 With the company bike, the service steer and the service top, activate the best in your employees and bind them to your company. At the same time, increase the employer brand & amp; position themselves on current topics such as green mobility and climate protection. Company micromobility has never been so easy. Allow your employees for little money - and with the latest products - always unforgettable experiences. Contact: +49 (0) 511 30 400 300 // Corporate benefits, mobility, micromobility, …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 1 1 9
MealGood - das Ende von Verpackungsmüll MealGood - das Ende von Verpackungsmüll

[Automatic translation follows] Individual reusable systems for gastronomy. Simple, cost -effective and environmentally conscious. #realwasteheroes With mealgood we offer individualizable reusable solutions for large catering food packaging. Thanks to our modular system, our customers can put together their own solution - from individual branding to bookable flushing logistics. We offer the complete fulfillment program. Already in production we rely on renewable raw materials and make an active contribution to waste avoidance by using multiple use of the reusable containers. The life cycle of our shells is completely resource -saving and economically efficient for catering businesses.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech foodtech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

6 1 6 3

Highly Efficient and Sustainable Cooling / Heating Solutions based on Magnetic Materials. MAGNOTHERM® is a startup of over 40 employees headquartered in Darmstadt, a city near Frankfurt, Germany. We achieve the cooling effect entirely without a gas-compressor system. MAGNOTHERM is the first to commercialise magnetic cooling technology. Our technology, based on solid state materials and water, is capable of replacing standard gas compression cooling or heating solutions in compliance with current and future f-gas regulation standards. Our developed cutting-edge energy conversion solutions allow cooling and heating with low pressure systems (approx. 0.5 bar) and is up to 30% more efficient …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

20 6 19 35
Beryl Beryl

Beryl is a UK-based provider of shared sustainable transport options. Beryl is the UK's leading micromobility company, championing sustainable travel options to help reduce road congestion and improve air quality and public health. We have delivered affordable bike, cargo bike and scooter schemes in locations around the country; including Norwich, Watford, Hereford, Bournemouth, the Isle of Wight, Hackney and, most recently, Greater Manchester. A B-Corp certified operator, we deliver schemes in partnership with cities and communities, placing people, social responsibility and environmental sustainability at the same level as financial sustainability. We also provide technology for micromobility schemes in London and …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

20 3 14 87
On The Pulse Consultancy On The Pulse Consultancy

In sync with the patient experience On The Pulse Consultancy Ltd. was established in 2017 and is the commercial entity of Laurence Woollard. Through ‘On The Pulse’, Laurence provides independent strategic consulting services and subject matter expertise in patient advocacy and policy within rare disease to pharmaceutical and life sciences companies as well as multi-agencies, both at national and global levels. When engaging and partnering with clients, Laurence brings a breadth of knowledge and experience of advising on the development and implementation of condition-specific programmes and environment-shaping activities across the drug development lifecycle. Laurence’s influence extends to thought leadership, evidenced …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: Decarbonization

8 0 5 1
Blue Planet Blue Planet

On a mission to mineralize billions of tonnes of CO2 per year in the built environment Blue Planet is on a mission to mineralize 1 billion tonnes of Co2 by commercializing our Geomimetic technology. Our mineralization process combines CO2 from any source with alkaline industrial waste, to make high performance light weight aggregates that sequester and permanently store CO2.

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 57

Digital Tracking System for Skip Operations Hey there! 👋 We’re PIN. Based on our years of industry research and customer data, poor skip visibility is one of the Waste & Recycling industry's biggest problems. 🔎 Our analysis has pinpointed that on average 50% of skip data is inaccurate. Leading to uncertainty about the whereabouts of your skips, the total count in your inventory, and their turnover rate. Before the PIN system existed, the industry’s response to these challenges was to purchase new skips. 💡Our data shows that businesses can increase their skip capacity by 30% if they track all their …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics Decarbonization IoT SaaS Sensors Wireless

0 0 0 30

DigsConnect is creating the future of sustainable, inclusive and dignified cohousing for 9 billion people. DigsConnect is the largest student accommodation marketplace on the African continent. We pair up registered students and young professionals looking for a place to stay with homeowners across South Africa that are looking to rent out their properties on a long term basis. Our main priority is safety and security for our community, so we make every effort to personally verify our users so that we can create a safe place for students and young adults to find and book a room in a digs …

Type: Startup Activities: proptech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 0 0 15
Soapy - Clean Hands, Clean Data Soapy - Clean Hands, Clean Data

A controlled and comfortable handwashing experience starts with Soapy 💧 Since 2018, SOAPY CARE LTD has developed, manufactured and commercialized the world's smartest handwashing stations, that converts hand hygiene into data science. SOAPY harnesses 21st century technologies of AI, ComputerVision, Deep Learning, and IoT to deliver the future of hand hygiene and translate it into actionable data science by creating more than 100 data points from each hand hygiene cycle. By utilizing advanced automated analytical algorithms to validate that hand hygiene quality meets all regulatory requirements, Soapy enables its customers to make decisions supported by realtime data and insights. SOAPY …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech healthtech manufacturing Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning Data Analytics Decarbonization IoT

3 0 3 18
AEFA | Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Agronutrientes AEFA | Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Agronutrientes

[Automatic translation follows] We are a non -profit association composed of agronutrient manufacturers based in the Spanish market. AEFA intends to contribute effectively to the development and expansion of the agricultural sector. All AEFA components are in possession of legal permits and licenses to exercise their activity, and therefore subject to the controls of the Ministry of Agriculture. From the natural business independence by each of the members and within a free market, all associates take the commitment to respect the most pure commercial and manufacturing ethics for the farmer to buy quality products, useful and profitable for their crops. …

Type: SMB Activities: greentech agritech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

5 1 2 8
Rivulis Irrigation Rivulis Irrigation

Rivulis is a global micro-irrigation leader focused on promoting a sustainable agri-food supply chain both to feed our planet and save it from the perils of climate change. Rivulis offers the most innovative irrigation solutions for seasonal, permanent, and protected crop environments, through its multiple product and service portfolio brands: Rivulis, NaanDanJain, Jain, Eurodrip, and Manna. With 80 years of field-trusted innovation, Rivulis has 22 large-scale manufacturing sites in 15 countries and 3,000 employees located in 35 countries, three R&D Centers (Israel, California, and Greece), and multiple Irrigation Project Design Centers around the globe. Leading the mass adoption of micro …

Type: SMB Activities: agritech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 1 1 1,386
Cajamar ADNAgroFood Cajamar ADNAgroFood

[Automatic translation follows] We promote initiatives that contribute to the sustainable development of our agri-food sector through the transfer of scientific and technical knowledge

Type: SMB Activities: agritech Technologies: Decarbonization

11 1 5 N/A
Stratos, an ERM Group company Stratos, an ERM Group company

Working together on the transition to a clean and inclusive world. Stratos is a management consultancy specializing in environmental, social and governance issues. We work across the space between government, industry, Indigenous peoples and NGOs to collaborate and support them in developing the ideas, strategies and tools they need to solve large scale, non-linear, complex problems. We offer transformative yet practical solutions. We know when to listen and when to ask the right questions. We have the courage to go off script, to trust ourselves, to trust each other and trust the process. We achieve results by understanding the context, …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

3 0 3 17
MonoSol, A Kuraray Company MonoSol, A Kuraray Company

We believe simpler, safer and more sustainable is the future. Since MonoSol’s founding in 1953, our business is helping people and the planet. With the power of water-soluble technology and our brilliant team of chemists, engineers and innovators, we create safer, simpler and more sustainable solutions for a range of industries. We constantly challenge our employees and customers to rethink what’s possible. Our technology has already revolutionized product categories like detergents, healthcare and agriculture. Recent advancements in our technology enables us to tackle packaging waste issues. Although MonoSol has expanded across the globe, we take pride in maintaining the entrepreneurial …

Type: SMB Activities: greentech cleantech water management Technologies: Decarbonization

2 0 1 417
Sunswap Sunswap

Decarbonising the cold chain with zero-emission transport refrigeration. Sunswap offer a zero-emission, cost-effective and smart alternative to diesel transport refrigeration with energy prediction, use of adaptive battery capacity and solar power.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech transporttech Technologies: Batteries Decarbonization Solar Technologies

5 2 4 79
Pure Planet Pure Planet

We’re Pure Planet — the digital renewable energy supplier. Together we’re helping get the UK to Net Zero. Join us. We’re Pure Planet — the digital renewable energy supplier. Join us. Together we’re creating a sustainable future, and helping get the UK to Net Zero with smart technology. Power your home with 100% renewable electricity and 100% carbon offset gas. We’re a Which? Recommended provider 2021 for the second year in a row, and rated ‘Excellent’ on Trustpilot. We give our teams flexible working hours, unlimited paid holidays and the flexibility to work from home. We value productivity above hours, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

4 0 0 28
tepeo tepeo

heating your home, not the planet At tepeo, we are striving to be the leaders in low carbon heating and grid flexibility solutions - driving the transition to a world where heating is flexible, carbon free, low cost and accessible to everyone

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

15 3 9 48
Incotec Incotec

The seed enhancement company As part of Croda's Life Scinces business, Incotec contributes significantly to the development of sustainable agriculture worldwide by providing key seed enhancement solutions for vegetables and field crops. Incotec was founded in 1968 and, since December 2015, part of the Croda Group. Incotec's products enhance and improve seed and we perform analytical testing services for our customers, the breeders and traders in the seed industry. Seed Encrusting & Pelleting, Seed Priming, Seed Upgrading & Selection, Seed Disinfection, Seed Film Coating, Application of Actives and Additives, and Analytical Services

Type: SMB Activities: agritech Technologies: Decarbonization

3 1 1 415

Eliminating wasted energy in buildings. Our plug sockets, powered by machine learning, identify your devices and continually measure their usage, automatically turning them on and off to eliminate small power waste. They actively minimise your carbon emissions, helping you to achieve your net zero goals, whilst reducing your electricity costs by at least 20%. With a return on investment within a maximum of 2 years, it’s never been easier to save the planet and your pocket. Real Estate, Facilities Management, Sustainability, Environment, Emissions, Cost Saving, IoT, Power Socket, Small Power Control, PropTech SaaS, Smart Building Tech, C&I , Building Energy …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Decarbonization IoT

11 2 9 35
Etopia Etopia

Revolutionising Sustainable Building. 🖥️ Design 🛠️ Manufacture 📦 Deliver 🏗️ Install Revolutionising sustainable building, without compromise. Etopia enables developers, housing associations, and local authorities, to rapidly build high quality energy efficient sustainable homes, that exceed the The Future Home Standard for 2025. It’s top six performance criteria are: 1. Super fast construction utilising panels. 2. A-grade fire safety certification. 3. Total design flexibility. 4. All homes exceed The Future Homes Standard. 5. Homes are extremely energy efficient. 6. Very low air tightness and u-value metrics. Etopia designs manufactures, delivers and installs its system across the UK and the globe. The …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech constructiontech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

15 1 13 40
e-Surgery e-Surgery

The UK's sustainable private online pharmacy and prescriber. Online paperless prescriptions made quick and easy. The UK's sustainable private online pharmacy and prescriber. Online paperless prescriptions made quick and easy. Simply choose your medication, answer a quick 2-minute questionnaire, and have your prescription treatment delivered to you with next day delivery. We make accessing healthcare online quick and easy. We care about your health, and also the health of our planet. Our state of the art, fully paperless prescribing system reduces the need from excess paper waste, our packaging is not only discreet but also recyclable, we don't unnecessarily repackage …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: Decarbonization

3 1 3 13
IndieBio IndieBio

IndieBio is the birthplace of great companies of tomorrow. We back deep tech ventures for a healthy people and planet. IndieBio, an @SOSV startup development program, helps the best scientists become entrepreneurs who build breakthrough companies. startups, biotech, cleantech, healthtech, innovation, preseed investing, building companies, entrepreneurship, venture capital, and decarbonization

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech Technologies: Decarbonization

9 2 2 55
CATAGEN LIMITED - a Net Zero Technologies company CATAGEN LIMITED - a Net Zero Technologies company

CATAGEN is a catalyst testing expert, developing new technologies in Renewable Hydrogen and E-fuels. CATAGEN’s mission is to clean and decarbonise the air. We are a pioneering green emissions testing facility based in Belfast providing unrivalled metrics to optimise catalyst development and reduce harmful tailpipe emissions. Our expertise in the mobility sector and global emissions standards has led us to develop ClimaHtech technologies including Green Hydrogen. A spin out from Queen’s University Belfast - our patented Energy Efficient OMEGA technology replaces vehicle catalyst testing without consuming fossil fuels. In 2022/23, it received 7 funding awards from the UK Department of …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization Hydrogen

9 1 9 61

Restoring the planet for future generations - proud to be a certified B Corp At BX we’re working to restore the planet for future generations. We create tech that helps farmers store more carbon than they produce making the food we eat. Then we connect growers and consumers to trace the carbon footprint of that food. With that knowledge, we can eat our way out of climate change. Farming, Climate Tech, Ag Tech, Innovation, ClimateTech, AgTech, and Regenerative Agriculture

Type: Startup Activities: agritech Technologies: Decarbonization

9 1 9 44
MetGen MetGen

We design and market novel enzymatic solutions for the most challenging of industrial conditions to meet our customers need. MetGen’s enzymes – MetZyme® – are industrial, highly-active, natural catalysts that accelerate chemical reactions. They can survive in harsh industrial environments which enables novel applications and combination with other enzymes. MetGen products are protected by international patents. Offering customized projects to meet customer’s specific needs, MetGen uses advances in genetic engineering and microbiology to adapt enzymes to harsh industrial conditions and to handle a variety of lignocellulosic substrates. MetGen has achieved successful industrial trials with sector leaders in the forest and …

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

4 1 0 21
fiveandfriends fiveandfriends

[Automatic translation follows] Conception and implementation of marketing strategies for the Real Estate Industry. Holistic and sustainable. Would you like to put on a new public or special fund and are looking for an experienced partner for communicative market entry? Together with you from the beginning, we develop new products and create long -term foundations for successful communication. We can fall back on almost two decades of experience in fund and financial communication. Because: Fivetonfriends is Germany's leading agency for real estate, finance and fund communication. We speak the language of the industry and have known for almost two decades …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech Technologies: Decarbonization

14 0 13 5
Woikoski Oy Woikoski Oy

Woikoski Oy on 1882 perustettu suomalainen perheyritys, kaasunvalmistaja ja kemianteollisuuden uranuurtaja. Woikoski Oy is a Finnish, ground-breaking family business in the gas industry, founded in 1882, that produces industrial, medical, food grade and specialty gases and sells welding equipment, already in the 4th generation. The company has six sites and 140 retailers, as well as export to the Baltic states and other European countries. Woikoski’s values include continuity, sustainable development, self-sufficiency and taking care of the staff. Helium, Specialty gases, Hydrogen, Hydrogen refuelling stations, Gases, Gas network services, ix, and x

Type: SMB Activities: greentech energytech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 0 0 96
Dolphin Vision Dolphin Vision

We print air We make the air healthy through the decarbonization and destruction of viruses. Dolphin Vision creates CO2-free and virus-free zone solutions for Public spaces, offices, hubs, and Public transportation.

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech biotech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 0 2 5
Appolition Appolition

Every year, millions of people are incarcerated because they cannot afford bail. Automatically give your spare change from everyday purchases to help prevent the detrimental impact this has on our community. Since November 2017, Appolition has collected over $100,000 to post bail for people who would otherwise remain locked away. By partnering with National Bail Out and their network of amazing grassroots organizations, Appolition has supported the Black Love Bail Out, Holiday Bail Out, and the May 2018 Black Mama’s Bail out. To learn more about Appolition, feel free to engage us on Twitter or visit our website.

Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 1
Daemeter Daemeter

Supporting #environmental and #social responsibility in natural resource management and #sustainable supply chains Daemeter is a leading independent consulting firm in Indonesia. Daemeter promotes sustainable and equitable management of natural resources, and supports responsible business in developing and implementing strategy that enhances natural and social capital. Daemeter has particular expertise in social, ecological and legal aspects of sustainability, with emphasis on: High Conservation Value (HCV) Assessment Due-diligence assessments Biodiversity Survey, Management and Monitoring Socio-Cultural base-line surveys, monitoring Low Emission Development Planning and REDD+ Third Party Certification Corporate Sustainability Advisory Services Project management Training sustainability, natural resource management, due diligence, RSPO …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech consulting smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

4 0 0 57

[Automatic translation follows] Toppers in Technology! ITBB. Whether it is new construction, renovation, renovation or innovative projects, ITBB actively thinks along to deliver tailor-made solutions. Our objective is to optimally translate your application into a successful practical application. In our experience, this success and customer satisfaction are mainly determined by unambiguous communication, empathy and ease of use. Keywords for our services are: knowledge, craftsmanship, quality, mentality and the greatest possible involvement. Many extremes come together in our versatile company; The solid handicraft of experienced assembly staff, the personal approach to a regional company, the capacity and reliability of a large …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 constructiontech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 0 1 71
Liquigás - Uma marca Copa Energia Liquigás - Uma marca Copa Energia

[Automatic translation follows] It's sure to energize! One of the largest LPG brands in Brazil and known for over 70 years, Liquigás is synonymous with reliability and efficiency. It is also the leader in sales of P13, the famous cooking cylinder. Liquigás is present in your daily life, in every meal of your week and even in the warm bath you take after training. Count on us to make your life easier. Sale and distribution of bottled LPG and Sale and distribution of bulk LPG

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 2
Yara North America Yara North America

Yara's mission is to responsibly feed the world and protect the planet. We pursue a strategy of sustainable value growth through reducing emissions from crop nutrition production and developing low-emission energy solutions. Yara’s ambition is focused on growing a nature-positive food future that creates value for our customers, shareholders and society at large and delivers a more sustainable food value chain. To drive the green shift in fertilizer production, shipping, and other energy intensive industries, Yara will produce ammonia with significantly lower emissions. We provide digital tools for precision farming and work closely with partners at all levels of the …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech foodtech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 0 1 156
Roberts Mart Roberts Mart

Award winning, family run UK flexible packaging manufacturers creating innovative and eye catching packaging for brands. Roberts Mart is the leading independent flexible packaging manufacturer based in Leeds, UK. We work with our customers to create the most reliable, innovative and cost-effective packaging solutions for their individual projects designed for a circular economy. We are an independent, privately owned company, established in 1852 and run by the sixth generation of the Roberts family. We have two operating divisions working across two sites with a combined staff of over 230. We invest heavily every year in our processes, people and systems …

Type: SMB Activities: greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

2 0 0 108
Industrieverband Agrar e. V. (IVA) Industrieverband Agrar e. V. (IVA)

[Automatic translation follows] We are responsible for the future viability of modern agriculture. The industrial association Agrar e. V. (IVA) represents the interests of the manufacturers of equipment for sustainable crop construction in Germany. The 48 member companies of the IVA are involved in the areas of crop protection, plant nutrition, plant breeding, biostimulants and pest control. We look forward to your comments on our contributions. Please note our code of conduct: Imprint: Data protection:

Type: SMB Activities: agritech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

7 1 6 21
CBT Architects CBT Architects

Designers and planners channeling their collective drive and expertise to create imaginative, transformative spaces. CBT is working nationally and internationally on projects that range from urban district master planning to large-scale mixed-use developments, civic and cultural venues, future-ready workplace interiors, and campus planning and design. Based in Boston, we have 230 architects, urban planners, interior designers and other design professionals working together to deliver unique solutions that respond directly to our clients’ needs. Each commission brings with it a unique set of issues and specific requirements that form the parameters of our design vision and influence our creative direction. The …

Type: SMB Activities: smart city constructiontech Technologies: VR Decarbonization

5 0 2 218
ChromoGenics ChromoGenics

The performance glass pioneers ChromoGenics offers dynamic glass with controllable heat- and light transmission. The company’s unique technology ConverLight® provides sustainable solar control for increased indoor comfort and energy efficiency. ConverLight® also contributes to Green Building certifications. In 2016 the company started commercial sales to real estate projects in Scandinavia. ChromoGenics is located in Uppsala, Sweden, and the technology is derived from the world leading research center at Ångström Laboratory at Uppsala University. The plant has been partly financed by a conditional loan from the Swedish Energy Agency. ChromoGenics share (CHRO) is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market with …

Type: SMB Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Solar Technologies Decarbonization

0 0 0 32
Trutex Ltd Trutex Ltd

Trutex is Britain's best-loved uniform brand, having supplied quality garments for over 150 years. Trutex is the world's best-loved school uniform brand, having supplied quality garments for over 150 years. Our heritage for quality gives us a leading edge in the market, providing the very highest standards of schoolwear and sportswear for school children. 150 years of Heritage We know a thing or two about uniform, having supplied quality garments SINCE 1865. Today as one of the UK's oldest and best-loved school uniform brands, our heritage for excellence continues. We supply uniform and sportswear to thousands of schools throughout the …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech Technologies: Decarbonization

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