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Public Utilities Commission of Ohio Public Utilities Commission of Ohio

Latest news surrounding Ohio's regulated utilities. Questions? Call 800-686-7826 or visit us online at! The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) affects every household in Ohio. That's because the PUCO regulates providers of all kinds of utility services, including electric and natural gas companies, local and long distance telephone companies, water and wastewater companies, and rail and trucking companies. The PUCO was created to assure Ohioans adequate, safe, and reliable public utility services at a fair price. More recently, the PUCO gained responsibility for facilitating competitive utility choices for Ohio consumers.

Type: Public Activities: cleantech

2 220
Greater London Authority Greater London Authority

Working for a better London for everyone. We work to make London the best big city in the world. The Mayor runs important services in London like policing, fire and transport, with an annual budget of £20.7bn. The London Assembly holds the Mayor to account on behalf of Londoners. It regularly questions the Mayor and investigates important issues in London. Together, we are the Greater London Authority. Based at City Hall, more than 800 staff are employed to support the Mayor and Assembly in their roles. Work for us If you’re looking for a challenging and rewarding job, and a …

Type: Public

1 154
Higher Education Loans Board Higher Education Loans Board

Historical Background The history of the Higher Education Loans Board dates back to 1952 when the then colonial government awarded loans under the then Higher Education Loans Fund [HELF] to Kenyans pursuing university education in universities outside East Africa notably Britain, the USA, the former USSR, India and South Africa. Students who were pursuing university education in universities outside East Africa and were not on scholarships were advanced loans by the then government against securities such as Land Title Deeds, Insurance policies and Written Guarantees. Vision "​ To be the preferred financier of Kenyans pursuing higher education."​ Mission To provide …

Type: Public Activities: fintech

1 236
Polizei Frankfurt am Main Polizei Frankfurt am Main

Your safety. Our responsibility. The Frankfurt am Main Police Headquarters - Hesse's largest police headquarters The approximately 3,500 police officers and employees of the protective and criminal police perform professional and committed work in hazard prevention and law enforcement. They are responsible for the approximately 717,000 residents of Frankfurt, the motorways around Frankfurt, the Main and Germany's largest commercial airport, Frankfurt Airport. During the day, the city grows into a metropolis of millions due to commuters. All of this in an area of ​​almost 250 square kilometers. IN AN EMERGENCY always dial 110! You can find us online here: X …

Type: Public Activities: martech

7 58
Economic Promotion Canton of Zug Economic Promotion Canton of Zug

The canton of Zug is not only one of Switzerland's most beautiful residential regions, it also enjoys international renown as an attractive business location. The canton's many advantages include - its geographic location in the heart of Europe - its internationality - low taxes - political stability And, of course, its business-friendly mentality. Grüezi - The Swiss canton of Zug is well-known for its business-friendly environment. We are a "one-stop-shop"​ and care for companies already situated in Zug and support those interested in moving to the canton. We act as a partner. Our services are for free. The people of …

Type: Public Activities: consumer services

6 6
Central Bank of Bahrain Central Bank of Bahrain

The Central Bank of Bahrain ('CBB'​) is a public corporate entity established by the Central Bank of Bahrain and Financial Institutions Law 2006. It was created on 6th September 2006. The CBB is responsible for maintaining monetary and financial stability in the Kingdom of Bahrain. It is also the single integrated regulator of Bahrain's financial industry.

Type: Public Activities: fintech

1 282
G20 South Africa G20 South Africa

South Africa is President of the G20 from 1 December 2024-30 November 2025. "Solidarity, Equality, Sustainability". Building a just world and a sustainable planet

Type: Public

31 102
309th Aerospace Maintenance And Regeneration Group 309th Aerospace Maintenance And Regeneration Group

America’s National Airpower Reservoir The 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group (309 AMARG) is a one-of-a-kind specialized facility within the Air Force Materiel Command structure. 309 AMARG provides critical aerospace maintenance and regeneration capabilities for Joint and Allied/Coalition warfighters in support of global operations and agile combat support for a wide range of military operations.

Type: Public

1 37

At OCWA, we've been providing safe, reliable and cost-effective clean water services across Ontario for over 25 years. Water is one of our most precious resources. At OCWA, water is our business. We've been operating, maintaining, and managing water and wastewater facilities for 20 years. When you want safe, reliable and cost-effective clean water services, OCWA is a name you can trust. In fact, 180 clients already put their trust in OCWA, from municipalities and First Nations, to institutions and businesses. OCWA clients can expect superior value and comprehensive first-rate service solutions. We are the partner of choice for more …

Type: Public

3 44
Ministero della Difesa Ministero della Difesa

The Ministry of Defence is the government body of the Italian Republic responsible for military and civil defense matters and managing the Italian Armed Forces. It is led by the Italian Minister of Defence, a position occupied by Guido Crosetto since September 2022.

Type: Public

13 10,491
Regione Abruzzo Regione Abruzzo

The Regions are, together with the municipalities, provinces, metropolitan cities and the central state, one of the five constituent elements of the Italian Republic. Each region is a territorial entity with its own statutes, powers and functions according to the principles established by the Constitution of the Italian Republic, as established by art. 114, paragraph II of the constitutional charter.

Type: Public

6 877
HMP Peterborough HMP Peterborough

HMP Peterborough is a law enforcement company based out of Saville Rd, Peterborough, United Kingdom.

Type: Public

1 36
Loddon Mallee Waste and Resource Recovery Group Loddon Mallee Waste and Resource Recovery Group

Type: Public

1 9
Senatsverwaltung Für Stadtentwicklung Und Umwelt Senatsverwaltung Für Stadtentwicklung Und Umwelt

Type: Public

3 218
Diddeleng Ville de Dudelange Diddeleng Ville de Dudelange

Diddeleng Ville de Dudelange is a government administration company based out of Luxembourg.

Type: Public

2 75
U.S. Senator Roy Blunt U.S. Senator Roy Blunt

Type: Public

0 14
Notimex - Agencia de Noticias Notimex - Agencia de Noticias

We generate 220,000 news items a year, between 130 and 150 photographs a day for 358 media outlets in Mexico and around the world. Notimex is a Mexican state news agency. It was created on August 20, 1968, to celebrate the 1968 Olympic Games. Its headquarters are in Mexico City. Since June 2006, following a legal reform of its statutes, its official name is the Mexican State News Agency. The reform mainly makes it independent from the Ministry of the Interior and hands over its administration to a governing board made up of representatives of the State. It was previously …

Type: Public

0 162
Port Halifax Port Halifax

Canada's Ultra Atlantic Gateway The Port of Halifax meets the needs of today’s shipping, cargo and cruise operations, while building for the future. Initiatives are underway to increase the flow of goods and people through the Port of Halifax, increase efficiency and identify future opportunities. Containerized Cargo, Bulk Cargo, General Cargo (Breakbulk, Ro/Ro), Cruise, and Real Estate

Type: Public

3 132
Civil Aviation Safety Authority Civil Aviation Safety Authority

Safe skies for all Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) -- 'Safe skies for all'​ CASA regulates civil aviation safety in Australia and the operation of Australian aircraft outside Australian territory. We license pilots, register aircraft, oversee safety and promote safety awareness. CASA is also responsible for ensuring Australian airspace is administered and used safely. CASA's social media moderation policy is available here: Aviation Operations, Airworthiness, Regulatory Policy, Pilot Licensing, Aircraft Registration, Airspace & Aerodrome Administration, Safety Awareness Promotion, and Flying Standards of the Flying Training Industry

Type: Public Activities: spacetech

2 712

#conFIRAsíEsPosible FIRA is a second-tier development bank that offers credit and guarantees, training, technical assistance and technology-transfer support to the agriculture, livestock, fishing, forestry and agribusiness sectors in Mexico. FIRA has an extensive network of 143 offices throughout Mexico, more than 40% of which are based in communities with fewer than 50,000 residents. FIRA’s field offices and headquarters include a staff of more than 1,150 agricultural and finance specialists with a deep knowledge of Mexico’s farming conditions and producer capabilities. Rural financing, Banca de Segundo Piso, Fondeo, Garantías, Asistencia Técnica, Capacitación, and Trainning

Type: Public

4 1,042
Coboi lab Coboi lab

Laboratori d'Innovació Social públic de Sant Boi de Llobregat [CAT] Coboi lab és un espai relacional, de coneixement i de prototipatge per afrontar reptes socials de manera col·laborativa. Coboi lab preten esdevenir una plataforma que faciliti el treball conjunt entre els diferents actors del territori (ciutadania, empreses, centres de coneixement i administració pública) per afrontar col·laborativament reptes de ciutat a través la coideació, codisseny, prototipatge i testeig de solucions innovadores. El principal objectiu és generar oportunitats que contribuexin a construir una ciutat i un territori més sostenible i saludable, arribant més lluny del que podríem assolir cadascú individualment. Coboi lab …

Type: Public

2 6
Ministerio de Transportes y Movilidad Sostenible Ministerio de Transportes y Movilidad Sostenible

Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility The Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility is responsible for proposing and implementing government policies on infrastructure, land transport under state jurisdiction, air and sea transport, in order to guarantee fair and sustainable mobility, as well as the Urban Agenda, housing, building quality and land.

Type: Public

27 780
Ministry of Health, Kenya Ministry of Health, Kenya

Working towards a healthy, productive and globally competitive nation. The Ministry of Health, Kenya is the parent ministry uncharge of all healthcare and medical services in the Republic of Kenya.

Type: Public

12 5,602
Liikenne- ja viestintäministeriö - Ministry of Transport and Communications, FI Liikenne- ja viestintäministeriö - Ministry of Transport and Communications, FI

We share current transport and communications topics and especially about working in our ministry. MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS We share information on current transport and communications topics, the scope for influence in law drafting and working at the Ministry. The Ministry's communications department is responsible for maintaining the LinkedIn profile. Information about the ministry's open positions is published on the service. MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS, FI We share information on current developments in the transport and communications sector, the scope for influence in law drafting and working at the Ministry. The Linkedin profile is maintained by the …

Type: Public

14 158
Covent Garden Market Authority Covent Garden Market Authority

Feeding and flowering London Covent Garden Market Authority (CGMA) is the team that looks after and manages New Covent Garden Market, London’s original and finest fresh fruit, vegetable and flower wholesale market. We work to give our market community the best possible space, support and help to connect with each other and grow. We lease space on the market and provide our community with the facilities they need to run their businesses, working to support and promote the 160 companies that call the market home.

Type: Public Activities: proptech

1 43
Commission for Environmental Cooperation Commission for Environmental Cooperation

Three countries working together to protect our shared North American environment. The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) was established in 1994 by the governments of Canada, Mexico and the United States through the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation, a parallel environmental agreement to NAFTA. As of 2020, the CEC is recognized and maintained by the Environmental Cooperation Agreement parallel to the new Free Trade Agreement of North America. The CEC brings together a wide range of stakeholders, including the general public, Indigenous people, youth, nongovernmental organizations, academia, and the business sector, to seek solutions to protect North America’s shared …

Type: Public

6 69
European Fisheries Control Agency - EFCA European Fisheries Control Agency - EFCA

The European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) is a European Union body established in 2005 to organise operational coordination of fisheries control and inspection activities by the Member States and to assist them to cooperate so as to comply with the rules of the Common EU Fisheries Policy in order to ensure its effective and uniform application. EFCA has its official seat in Vigo, Spain Mission Statement The Agency's mission is to promote the highest common standards for control, inspection and surveillance under the Common Fisheries Policy. The EFCA will function at the highest level of excellence and transparency with a …

Type: Public

5 98
Ministerio de Hacienda Ministerio de Hacienda

First Vice-Presidency of the Government of Spain and Ministry of Finance, department of the General Administration of the State responsible for the proposal and execution of the Government's policy on public finance, budgets and expenditure and public companies, in addition to the rest of the powers and attributions conferred by the legal system. This Ministry is also responsible for the application and management of the regional and local financing systems and the provision of information on the economic and financial activity of the different public administrations, as well as the strategy, coordination and regulations on public procurement. Likewise, the Ministry …

Type: Public

10 1,685
Directorate of Urban Land Transport Directorate of Urban Land Transport

Shaping the way cities move Urban Development Department, Govt. of Karnataka

Type: Public

7 52
Sveriges riksdag Sveriges riksdag

The Riksdag Administration – for the Swedish Parliament The Riksdag is the heart of Swedish democracy. The issues that are debated and the decisions that are made affect people's everyday lives. The Riksdag Administration exists to ensure that the work works. The Riksdag Administration has a unique mission to provide professional support and service to our elected members. Around 700 people work here in professions such as IT specialists, lawyers, architects, social scientists, investigators, librarians, notaries, communicators, carpenters, architects, economists, security personnel and cleaners. The Riksdag Administration is a workplace with exciting and meaningful tasks, professional challenges and the opportunity …

Type: Public

4 707
Gobierno de Asturias Gobierno de Asturias

Through this space, the Administration of the Principality of Asturias facilitates access to our public services, information on our available resources and direct management with citizens.

Type: Public

17 364
Casa Árabe Casa Árabe

Where Spain and the Arab world meet Spanish public diplomacy institution with offices in Madrid and Córdoba. Check out our activity at Conferences, Cinema, Exhibitions, Books, Arabic Courses, Workshops, Concerts, and Seminars

Type: Public

1 123

We United. We Acted. We Delivered. Learn more about #COP28UAE and The UAE Consensus at

Type: Public

43 202
Deputación de Pontevedra Deputación de Pontevedra

Economic information and job offers, collaboration and training from the Pontevedra Provincial Council. On the Pontevedra Provincial Council channel on LinkedIn you will be able to find out about the job and training offers that we launch from the provincial institution, our economic news and our support for the productive sectors of the province Citizenship, Town Halls, Companies, Social, Integration, Employment, and Training

Type: Public

1 183
Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura

Transparency at the service of citizens. Official Page of the City Council of Molina de Segura (Region of Murcia) City Council of Molina de Segura The publications made in this profile will not be considered for the purposes of calculating deadlines (for bidding processes, personnel selection processes, ...), so we recommend paying attention to the profile of the contractor, the official bulletins, ... Municipality with more than 76,000 inhabitants located in the Autonomous Community Region of Murcia. Very well connected by highways. administration, Contracting, Public Employment, Training, Transparency, Industry, Economy, European Projects, Technology, Investments, Works, Tenders, Services, Career Guidance, Business …

Type: Public

5 189
Australian Government Australian Government

The latest official news, updates and advice from the Australian Government. The latest official news, updates and advice from the Australian Government.

Type: Public

4 8,848
Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC) Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC)

A Gift From Nature, A Gift For Life Dedicated to positioning Malaysia as the global leader of certified sustainable palm oil.

Type: Public

0 61
USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)

APHIS protects the health and value of America’s agricultural and natural resources. USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) protects American agriculture by helping ensure the health of animals and plants. Animal Care, Plant Protection and Quarantine, Veterinary Services, Wildlife Damage Management, International Services, and Biotechnology Regulatory Services

Type: Public

4 3,329
NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA)

EFFICIENT. EFFECTIVE. RESPONSIVE. NSPA is NATO's lead organisation for multinational acquisition, support and sustainment in all domains. This support ranges from the multinational acquisition of complex platforms to the provision of supplies and services. NSPA is a customer-funded agency, operating on a "no profit - no loss" basis. The Agency employs over 1,500 people, with HQs in Luxembourg and locations in Versailles (France), Sigonella and Taranto (Italy), Papa (Hungary), Geilenkirchen and Cologne (Germany) and Eindhoven (Netherlands). Logistics Operations, Support to Operations, NATO Airlift Management, Central Europe Pipeline System, Life Cycle Management, Multinational Cooperation, Procurement, and Multinational Acquisition

Type: Public

8 1,046
Agència Catalana de Turisme / Catalan Tourist Board Agència Catalana de Turisme / Catalan Tourist Board

Organisme oficial de promoció turística de la Generalitat de Catalunya Catalonia is the largest tourist receiver in Spain. Catalan Tourist Board, organisation of the Government of Catalonia, is responsible for marketing and promoting Catalonia as a tourist destination. We provide support to the travel industry and identify and develop opportunities within all the foreign markets together with its travel industry.

Type: Public

7 138
Ambassade de France en Australie Ambassade de France en Australie

France in Australia - French Embassy in Canberra

Type: Public

29 7
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

"To provide scientific and industrial R&D that maximizes the economic, environmental and societal benefits for the people of India." Serve the Nation

Type: Public

9 368
Préfet de La Réunion Préfet de La Réunion

Official account of the State services in Reunion Official account of the State services in Reunion.

Type: Public

7 15
Glen Ellyn Public Library Glen Ellyn Public Library

The mission of the Glen Ellyn Public Library is to serve the community as a vibrant center for accurate information, robust learning, and personal discovery. We believe that a community flourishes when it sees itself reflected in its library and uses the library as a window for discovery. We exist to provide an open, vibrant center that builds community where all people can connect, explore new trends, and find trustworthy, reliable information to feed their curiosity. We demonstrate it by offering dynamic, modern spaces, a broad range of resources and timely events, trusted and welcoming staff, and a commitment to …

Type: Public

0 50
USAF Band of Mid-America Media Page USAF Band of Mid-America Media Page

Honor, Inspire and Connect "Answering the call... So others may prevail." The Band of Mid-America has a long history of entertaining the American public and promoting esprit de corps within the military. The unit strives to inspire the hearts and minds of our men and women serving around the world and to tell the Air Force story through the universal language of music. Each year, the Band of Mid-America performs for millions of people throughout a ten-state region from the upper peninsula of Michigan to Oklahoma. We hope to see you at one of our upcoming concerts! Terms of use: …

Type: Public

5 5
Wisconsin Historical Society Wisconsin Historical Society

We help people connect to the past by collecting, preserving and sharing the stories of Wisconsin and the nation. The Wisconsin Historical Society helps people connect to the past by collecting, preserving and sharing stories. The Society was founded in 1846, two years before Wisconsin became the 30th state. Through its library, archives, historic sites and museums, historic preservation and local history programs, publications, school services and website, it ranks as one of the largest, most active, and most diversified state historical societies in the nation.

Type: Public

1 276
Hendon Media Group Hendon Media Group

Offering education, training and best practices to police fleet managers worldwide. When looking for a B2B media partner, it’s important to find a company that has a proven track record, a targeted circulation of buyer’s that can purchase your company’s products and services...and the marketing expertise to customize a complete media program that delivers results. Originally published by the Copp Company in 1953, LAW and ORDER Magazine was purchased by Hendon Media Group in 1979. The following year, Hendon Media launched two new vertical publications in law enforcement...Police Fleet Manager and Tactical Response. For decades, Hendon Media Group has been …

Type: Public

2 10
Ajuntament Sant Boi Ajuntament Sant Boi

Sant Boi City Council website and twitter Unofficial profile.

Type: Public

7 19
Instituto de Química Orgánica General (IQOG-CSIC) Instituto de Química Orgánica General (IQOG-CSIC)

At the Institute of Organic Chemistry (IQOG) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), competitive research is carried out in different topics in the area of ​​Chemistry, which is the central discipline around which its lines of research are developed, very frequently at the interface with other fields such as biology, medicine, environment and materials, among others.

Type: Public

5 45
MASHAV Carmel Training Center. Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation at MFA MASHAV Carmel Training Center. Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation at MFA

Training activities for professionals from all over the world | Entrepreneurship and Innovation | Community Development Who are we? The Golda Meir Mashav Carmel International Training Center (MCTC) is one of Mashav’s three professional training centers. Mashav is Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation. What do we do? Our mission is to promote gender equality throughout the world through socioeconomic development. We focus on three areas of study: 1) Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 2) Sustainable Community Development, and 3) Early Childhood Education. How do we do it? Our activities include long-term projects, seminars, courses, and mentorship programs for professional women and …

Type: Public

3 6
Tech4Germany Tech4Germany

We bring talents and experts from the areas of UI/UX design, tech and product to the federal administration. Since 2018, the Tech4Germany Fellowship has been making the advantages of user-centered working in software development projects at the federal level tangible. Tech4Germany brings around 32 talents from UI/UX design, tech and product together with the federal administration for 12 weeks each year. Together with the team from the ministry, user-centered software prototypes for specific challenges of the federal ministries are developed using agile methods. In September 2020, 4Germany UG was taken over by the federal government and became the federal government's …

Type: Public

15 2
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Within the german federal government, the BMZ is responsible for German development policy. Within the federal government, the BMZ is responsible for German development policy. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations and the Paris Climate Agreement form the framework for our actions. Our focus is on fighting poverty and hunger, and a commitment to healthy people in a healthy environment. The BMZ sees itself as a transformative ministry working to support the worldwide transformation to a sustainable, climate-friendly and nature-friendly way of doing business whilst at the same time strengthening peace, freedom and human rights. To this …

Type: Public

37 586
BelExpo - Belgian Pavilion BelExpo - Belgian Pavilion

Belgium at the World Expo and international horticultural exhibitions Expo 2020 Dubai - Floriade 2022 - Expo 2025 Osaka BelExpo organizes Belgium's participation at international exhibitions and World Expos, managed by the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE). Belgium successfully participated in Expo 2020 Dubai in the UAE and horticultural expo Floriade 2022 in Almere, the Netherlands. Both of those exhibitions ended in 2022. BelExpo is processing the last matters concerning these expos. At the same time, BelExpo is preparing for the next world expo that will be held in 2025: Expo 2025 Osaka. The main theme in Osaka will centre …

Type: Public

3 8
Australian Space Agency Australian Space Agency

The heart of space in Australia The heart of space in Australia. Working to advance Australia’s position in the global space economy.

Type: Public

33 2,231
Rwanda Development Board (RDB) Rwanda Development Board (RDB)

Official Rwanda Development Board (RDB) LinkedIn page The Rwanda Development Board is evidence that Rwanda is open for business. It is truly a one stop shop for all investors. The Rwanda Development Board was set up by bringing together all the government agencies responsible for the entire investor experience under one roof. This includes key agencies responsible for business registration, investment promotion, environmental clearances, privatization and specialist agencies which support the priority sectors of ICT and tourism as well as SMEs and human capacity development in the private sector. The RDB is independent and influential. It reports directly to the …

Type: Public Activities: fintech

25 380
Colorado Department of Education Colorado Department of Education

Our vision is to create an equitable educational environment where all students and staff in Colorado thrive. We serve, guide, and elevate Colorado's 178 school districts, 1,836 schools, and 56,000+ educators to help improve student outcomes and ensure students and families across Colorado have access to high-quality schools.

Type: Public

3 622
Ville de Lingolsheim Ville de Lingolsheim

Welcome to the LinkedIn page of the City of Lingolsheim

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

3 53
Mairie de Belleville en Beaujolais Mairie de Belleville en Beaujolais

Type: Public

3 27
London Councils London Councils

London Councils is the collective of local government in London. London Councils is the collective of local government in London. Where shared ambitions are developed, agreed, championed, and delivered by members working together. Where they speak as one and collaborate with the government, the Mayor of London, the London public sector, the third sector, business, and other key UK and international cities. Our independent services provide fair opportunities for all residents. They include the Freedom Pass, Taxicard, Health Emergency Badge and a grants programme for voluntary sector organisations in London on behalf of our members, who serve you. We also …

Type: Public

12 225
Ville de Mamoudzou Ville de Mamoudzou

Welcome to the official Linkedin page of the City of Mamoudzou.

Type: Public

5 76
Communauté d'agglomération Cap excellence Communauté d'agglomération Cap excellence

Guadeloupe at the heart of the action Our urban community Cap Excellence, created in 2009, brings together the cities of Les Abymes, Baie-Mahault and Pointe-à-Pitre. Prospectives, Europe and Strategies, Resources and Means, Territories and Solidarity, Economy and Tourism, Technical Services, Urban Renewal and Housing, Urban Services and Living Environment, and Sustainable Development and Regional Planning

Type: Public Activities: greentech

10 65
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

Our role is to investigate complaints that individuals have been treated unfairly or have received poor service from government departments and other public organisations and the NHS in England. We work to put things right where we can and to share lessons learned to improve public services. Our service is free and open to everyone. complaint handling, NHS complaint handling, and Ombudsman

Type: Public

4 383
IT BT Department, Karnataka IT BT Department, Karnataka

Official LinkedIn page of ITBT Department, Government of Karnataka. The ITBT Department houses the sectors of IT (Informational Technology), BT (Biotechnology), AVGC (Animation, Visual Effects, Gaming and Comics) and ESDM (Electronic System Design and Manufacturing)

Type: Public

19 130

Protecting the public’s health by ensuring the safety of meat, poultry, and egg products. The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is the public health agency in the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) responsible for protecting the public’s health by ensuring the safety of the Nation’s commercial supply of meat, poultry, and egg products. FSIS ensures food safety through the authorities of the Federal Meat Inspection Act, the Poultry Products Inspection Act, and the Egg Products Inspection Act; and humane animal handling through the authority of Humane Methods of Slaughter Act. FSIS employs about 9,000 personnel, the majority of whom …

Type: Public

7 3,042

MyNI creates & shares content from government & other organisations to benefit people living and working in N.I. MyNI is a collaborative online project where different organisations work together with a common purpose; for the benefit of the people of Northern Ireland. It is currently in a Beta phase. MyNI has been built to help people find the information and services relevant to them, and let you give feedback on what you want in order to help make NI a better healthier and happier place to live. business, health, environment, agriculture, and travel

Type: Public Activities: healthtech cleantech greentech traveltech agritech

2 0
Jacksonville Port Authority (JAXPORT) Jacksonville Port Authority (JAXPORT)

JAXPORT: X marks the spot. Located in the Southeastern U.S. at the crossroads of the nation’s rail and highway network, the Jacksonville Port Authority (JAXPORT) is your global gateway to Florida, the nation’s third-largest state. Dozens of ocean carriers call at JAXPORT, offering you competitive transit times to 140 ports in more than 70 countries. JAXPORT offers shippers seamless transportation via 100 trucking firms and 40 daily trains via Class I railroads CSX and NS and regional rail line FEC. JAXPORT’s experienced sales team can help you develop a personalized plan to benefit your business. Contact us today or learn …

Type: Public Activities: transporttech

13 216
Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)

The Force Behind the Fleet The Naval Sea Systems Command is comprised of command staff, headquarters directorates, affiliated Program Executive Offices (PEOs) and numerous field activities. Together, we engineer, build, buy and maintain ships, submarines and combat systems that meet the Fleet's current and future operational requirements. The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the United States Navy or NAVSEA of the linked websites, or the information, products or services contained therein. Other than for authorized activities, such as military exchanges and Morale, Welfare and Recreation sites, the United States Department of Defense does not exercise any …

Type: Public Activities: deeptech military

4 5,723
Royal Australian Air Force Royal Australian Air Force

Air Force provides air and space power for Australia's security. #AusAirForce The Royal Australian Air Force is a world-class military force operating some of the most advanced aircraft and defence technology in use anywhere today. We may be the second oldest Air Force in the world, but we sure look young for our age! Since our formation in 1921 we have set a proud record protecting Australia alongside the Royal Australian Navy and Australian Army. This tradition continues today. Each day, our personnel deliver Australian air power, whenever and wherever, it is needed. Built on the proud history and traditions …

Type: Public

5 4,798
Federal Aviation Administration Federal Aviation Administration

Our continuing mission is to provide the safest, most efficient aerospace system in the world. The FAA is on the leading edge of a new frontier in commercial space transportation, building the next generation (NextGen) of satellite-based navigation systems, and fostering the safe integration of unmanned aerial systems into our airspace. We can only dream of what the next 50 years of American ingenuity will look like, but FAA employees will be working to ensure that the United States continues to lead the world in aerospace safety, innovation and advancements that continue to push the limits of science and technology. …

Type: Public

38 32,630
U.S. Coast Guard U.S. Coast Guard

The official LinkedIn for the U.S. Coast Guard The mission of the U.S. Coast Guard is to protect the public, the environment, and U.S. economic interests — in the nation's ports and waterways, along the coast, on international waters, or in any maritime region as required to support national security. As one of the five branches of the Armed Forces, the U.S. Coast Guard is vital to our nation's safety and security. U.S. Coast Guard personnel are the backbone of America’s maritime security. They represent the diverse makeup of our nation and support not only those on active duty but …

Type: Public

18 30,655
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's (AHRQ) mission is to produce evidence to make health care safer, higher quality, more accessible, equitable, and affordable, and to work within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and with other partners to make sure that the evidence is understood and used. As 1 of 12 agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services, AHRQ supports research that helps people make more informed decisions and improves the quality of health care services. AHRQ was formerly known as the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. For further information go to: …

Type: Public Activities: healthtech

0 514
Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö/Undervisnings- och kulturministeriet/Ministry of Education & Culture Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö/Undervisnings- och kulturministeriet/Ministry of Education & Culture

Promoter of competence, creativity and a meaningful life since 1809. As part of the Government, the Ministry of Education and Culture (OKM) is responsible for the development of Finland's education, science, culture, sports and youth policy as well as international cooperation. The Ministry's scope also includes student aid, ecclesiastical and copyright matters. The ministry's goal is to promote education and create conditions for competence, lifelong learning, creativity, and citizens' participation and well-being. About 250 professionals work in OKM in versatile expert and support positions. Typical job titles are educational adviser, cultural affairs adviser, board adviser, designer and administrative assistant. In …

Type: Public

5 284
Military Spouse Employment Partnership--MSEP Military Spouse Employment Partnership--MSEP

The Military Spouse Employment Partnership, or MSEP, is a Defense Department initiative that was created as a part of the Spouse Education and Career Opportunities, or SECO, program to connect MilSpouses like you with opportunities to advance your careers and connect you with employment partners committed to hiring and supporting military spouse professionals in nearly every industry. So, whether you’re ready to jump in and land a role or you are looking for more personalized career and education guidance before you hit the job market, MSEP and SECO have your back. Want to connect, chat and network with your MilSpouse …

Type: Public Activities: military

17 93
U.S. Army Cyber Command U.S. Army Cyber Command

Operate - Defend - Attack - Infuence - Inform U.S. Army Cyber Command integrates and conducts cyberspace, electronic warfare, and information operations, ensuring decision dominance and freedom of action for friendly forces in and through the cyber domain and the information environment, while denying the same to our adversaries.

Type: Public Activities: military

1 643
New York State Department of Financial Services New York State Department of Financial Services

Official LinkedIn account for the New York State Department of Financial Services. The Department of Financial Services supervises and regulates the activities of approximately 1,500 banking and other financial institutions with assets totaling more than $2.6 trillion and more than 1,400 insurance companies with assets of more than $4.7 trillion. They include more than 130 life insurance companies, 1,300 property/casualty insurance companies, about 100 health insurers and managed care organizations, and 300,000 individual insurance licensees, 122 state-chartered banks, 80 foreign branches, 10 foreign agencies, 14 credit unions, 13 credit rating agencies, nearly 400 licensed financial services companies, and more than …

Type: Public Activities: fintech

7 564
Sommet de la Francophonie - Djerba 2022 Sommet de la Francophonie - Djerba 2022

November 19-20, 2022 in Djerba, Tunisia Tunisia was honored by its French-speaking peers to host the XVIII Francophonie Summit which will be held on November 19-20, 2022 on the island of Djerba

Type: Public

3 2

Program to promote the circular economy among Brussels companies sustainable development, reuse, and short circuits

Type: Public Activities: civictech cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 1
Northumbria Police Northumbria Police

"Keeping people safe and fighting crime." This is the official LinkedIn page for Northumbria Police. 🚓 Our purpose at Northumbria Police is simple: to keep people safe and to fight crime. But it takes more than officers alone to do the job – and that’s where our 2,000 strong team of police staff come in. As one of England's largest police forces, we offer a wide range of departments and specialisms with endless opportunities. Our support includes mentoring, coaching, online soft skills courses, and leadership programmes to help you achieve your career goals. We value respect and inclusivity in the …

Type: Public

4 1,396
Ministerio de Hacienda de El Salvador Ministerio de Hacienda de El Salvador

Direct and coordinate public finances The Ministry of Finance, in compliance with its constitutional mission of directing and coordinating public finances, maintaining the balance of the Budget to the extent compatible with the purposes of the State, which has been focused from the beginning on transforming public institutions, under a modern vision, which includes technological innovation and digital modernization, based on principles of integrity, efficiency and effectiveness, for the benefit of our country.

Type: Public

2 487
Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público

We are the Ministry that coordinates macroeconomic policy; defines, formulates and executes the country's fiscal policy; influences the economic, governmental and political sectors; and manages the nation's public resources, from a budgetary and financial perspective, through transparent actions, competent personnel and efficient processes, in order to foster the conditions for sustainable economic growth, and the stability and solidity of the economy and the financial system.

Type: Public

5 813
West Basin Municipal Water District West Basin Municipal Water District

West Basin Municipal Water District (West Basin) is a wholesale water agency that serves nearly one million people in 17 cities and unincorporated areas in Los Angeles County. West Basin provides imported drinking water, recycled water, and conservation and education programs. Through its Water for Tomorrow Program, West Basin is committed to protecting, diversifying, and securing our water supply for the future while continuing a history of innovation and industry leadership. Visit to learn more. Water Recycling, Imported Water, Water Conservation, and Water Reliability

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

3 65
MuniRent MuniRent

MuniRent was founded in January 2014 by co-founders Julien Vanier and Alan Mond with the vision to become the hub for Collaborative Government. As a platform, MuniRent, makes it easy for any organization to share heavy duty equipment both internally and externally. Excavators, vactor trucks, street sweepers, bucket trucks and aerial lifts can all be managed with a few clicks. The Patriot Plan is the online tool that allows crews to reserve equipment from other crews within an organization. With the Freedom Plan, Directors of Public Works or Fleet Managers can access an online catalog of equipment owned by neighboring …

Type: Public

2 2
Ayuntamiento de Burgos Ayuntamiento de Burgos

Official profile of the Burgos City Council on the social network Linkedin. If you are interested in job vacancies and offers, visit There you can also consult the annual public employment offer as well as job offers and grants from other administrations.

Type: Public

5 250
Grand Port Maritime de la Guadeloupe Grand Port Maritime de la Guadeloupe

General port, Guadeloupe Port Caraïbes handles a wide variety of traffic (passengers, goods, nautical activities) and runs a competitive and diversified port area. As part of the general policy established by the Government, its mission is to ensure the management of port facilities and maritime access to ports located in its constituency. This is made up of five specialized sites, spread across the archipelago, contributing to the development and balance of the territory: - the port of Jarry in Baie-Mahault, - the port of Pointe-à-Pitre, - the port of Basse-Terre, - the port of Folle Anse in Marie-Galante, - the …

Type: Public Activities: deeptech

16 113
BancodeMéxico BancodeMéxico

El objetivo prioritario de #BancodeMéxico es mantener una inflación baja y estable. Banco de México's purpose shall be to provide the country's economy with domestic currency. In pursuing this purpose, its primary objective shall be to seek the stability of the purchasing power of said currency. The Bank shall also have the purpose of promoting the sound development of the financial system and fostering the proper functioning of payment systems.

Type: Public

10 1,740
Bank of England Bank of England

As the UK's central bank we work to ensure low inflation, trust in banknotes and a stable financial system. The Bank of England is the central bank of the United Kingdom. Sometimes known as the “Old Lady” of Threadneedle Street, the Bank was founded in 1694 with a founding charter that stated its purpose was to “promote the public good and benefit of our people”. The Bank of England’s purpose today reflects that vision first articulated by our founders. Our mission: to promote the good of the people of the United Kingdom by maintaining monetary and financial stability.

Type: Public

59 5,901
Murray-Darling Basin Authority Murray-Darling Basin Authority

The Murray–Darling Basin Authority aims to achieve a healthy working Basin for the benefit of all Australians. The Murray-Darling Basin Authority is an independent, expertise-based agency that partners with Basin governments and communities to achieve a healthy, working Basin that’s managed in the national interest. Follow us for news and opinions on water management in the Basin. Why work for us? We offer exciting work opportunities to work at the forefront of water resource management. In addition to new and exciting opportunities in water management, we offer excellent employment conditions in a relationship-based environment. We engage staff across a range …

Type: Public

0 374
Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership

The GBSLEP entered Members Voluntary Liquidation in March 2024. Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership entered Members Voluntary Liquidation in March 2024.

Type: Public

6 6
Mission permanente de la France auprès des Nations unies Mission permanente de la France auprès des Nations unies

Représentation permanente de la France à l’ONU à New York // Permanent representation of France to the UN in New York Mission permanente de la France auprès des Nations unies is the permanent representation of the French Republic to the United Nations, located at 245 East, 47th St - 44th Floor, New York, New York, United States.

Type: Public

8 80
Blauer Engel Blauer Engel

Good for me. Good for the environment. The environmental label was launched in 1978 on the initiative of the Federal Minister of the Interior and by resolution of the state environment ministers. Since then, the Blue Angel has been a market-based, voluntary instrument of environmental policy. The scientific, holistic approach and its independence through the broad participation of experts and trade circles and the environmental label jury lay the foundation for the trust that consumers place in it. The Blue Angel standards provide clear guidance for manufacturers and trading companies if they want to improve the environmental balance of their …

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

13 1
Port of Long Beach Port of Long Beach

The Port of Long Beach is one of the world’s premier seaports and a gateway for trans-­Pacific trade. The Port of Long Beach is one of America’s premier seaports and a trailblazer in goods movement and environmental stewardship. Trade valued annually at more than $180 billion moves through Long Beach each year. More than 7.5 million container units were imported and exported in 2017 through the Port, making it the second-busiest seaport in the United States. Everything from clothing and shoes to toys, furniture and consumer electronics arrives at the Port before making its way to store shelves throughout the …

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech hrtech transporttech

13 556
National Space Science Center, CAS National Space Science Center, CAS

The National Space Science Center (NSSC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) is China’s gateway to space science. It is the key institute responsible for planning, developing, launching and operating China’s space science satellite missions. It also spearheads space science research in the fields of space physics, space environment, microwave remote sensing, space engineering technology, etc.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Public Activities: spacetech

0 13
Boletin Oficial del Estado (BOE) Boletin Oficial del Estado (BOE)

The State Agency Official Gazette, dependent on the Ministry of the Presidency, is responsible for the editing, printing, publication and distribution of the Official Gazette and the Official Gazette of the Commercial Registry, as well as the management of its electronic headquarters. Publication of legislation, Citizen service, Information services, and Editing

Type: Public

4 82
Auckland Transport Auckland Transport

Moving Auckland Forward Auckland Transport is a growing organisation responsible for planning and funding local public transport, operating the local roading network and managing the Auckland regions parking and traffic systems. We are passionate about providing Auckland with an integrated transport plan to keep the people and businesses of Auckland moving. Currently we have a team of 1600 staff and mainly based at 20 Viaduct Harbour, Auckland.

Type: Public

2 1,979
Oikeusministeriö - Justitieministeriet - Ministry of Justice, Finland Oikeusministeriö - Justitieministeriet - Ministry of Justice, Finland

Oikeusministeriö kankamaä ja devikalika oikeusjjersijästä ja oikeusturvaa säke sövreii demokratian rakenteista ja kanlaissten perusökreistista. Ministeriö väsä säläsimpien lakien sämätästa, oikeuslaitoten säytsökyvystä ja tuomioiden tässäästa. Tuomiovalta kuuluu sälömattomille tuomioistuimille. Poliittinen rasivu rahlonnolanan sikkuluului oikeusministerille. Osana valtioneuvostoa oikeusministerio luo oikeuspolitikan linjoja, developa sharstupolitikaaa ja vahata rahlonlonalaansa. Oikeusministerioen on avoin, aktivinen ja aktivina gehättää, jossa käkävä voi luottaa öökötäinsa yögütümiseen. Ministry of Justice Justiceministeriet upprätthåller och developlar rättsordningen och rätssäkerheten samt ser till demokratins struktur och medborgarnas fundamentale fri- och rightsheiken. The Ministeriet svarar för beredningen av de most important lagarna, rättsväsendets funktion och verkställigheten av domar. Den dömande makten utschas av independent …

Type: Public

3 652
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

We are the government agency that helps New Zealand businesses grow internationally. We’re here to help, join us today. Sharing the latest New Zealand and international market insights, research, business news, opportunities and events from New Zealand Trade and Enterprise as we help grow companies internationally - bigger, better, faster, for the good of New Zealand. Sign up to #myNZTE for the latest resources to help your exporting business succeed. Export, International business, Investment, Economic development, Business capability, and Trade promotion

Type: Public

16 1,101
Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand

Think ahead. Party vote Green. We are committed to delivering a better quality of life for everyone. So, we’re going to build an economy that works for society and the environment, not the other way around. Twitter: @NZGreens Instagram: @nzgreenparty Facebook: @nzgreenparty

Type: Public

0 69
Federal Youth Authority - UAE Federal Youth Authority - UAE

We invest in Youth's Energy In April 2018, the UAE government established the Federal Youth Authority as the main government entity in charge of running the UAE’s Youth Sector. The Federal Youth Authority invests in Youth’s energy through its innovative Emirati Youth Framework. The Authority defines the framework as CEP which stands for its three overarching themes and objectives: 1) Character (C): Shaping and nourishing Emirati Youth Character through instilling values and national pride, raising awareness, and equipping them with capabilities and competencies through initiatives such as the Emirates Youth Professional School, Emirates Youth Summer Academy, Emirates Youth Values National …

Type: Public

4 109
MyFintech Week MyFintech Week

Advancing Digitalisation for Recovery, Sustainability and Inclusion A virtual event hosted by Bank Negara Malaysia, MyFintech Week brings together industry movers and shakers in the fields of finance and technology for meaningful exchange to shape the future of financial services. The event aims to promote growth and diversity in the fintech ecosystem, spur digital transformation of financial institutions, drive responsible innovation in fintech, and elevate public acceptance of fintech.

Type: Public

2 2
Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Republik Indonesia Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Republik Indonesia

#LebihAwalLebihNyaman The Directorate General of Taxes is an Indonesian government agency under Ministry of Finance which has the task of formulating and implementing taxation policies and technical standardization in the field of taxation.

Type: Public

0 4,441