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LogoName Σ Employees
UrbanThink Platform UrbanThink Platform

Create the avatar of the territory, exploit urban potential UrbanThink®, the 1st platform to support the ecological and energy transition, is the result of over 5 years of research and development. It will help you to get to grips with your issues and move towards new models of resilience by analysing territorial data in real time. Optimise your strategic thinking, visualise, collaborate and evaluate your environmental, societal and smart city actions. If you would like to find out more about our ThinkCities® and Athénergie® digital ecological and energy decision support solutions, please visit our website or contact us by …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech smart city Technologies: Solar Technologies

32 6

Make Satellite Imagery Meaningful - Give meaning to satellite imaging Kermap is a company specializing in the processing of satellite image and the production of geographic information. We offer decision support services and territorial monitoring solutions that combine sharp thematic expertise, artificial intelligence and use ergonomics. Subscribe to our page to follow our news and be informed about our services! Remote Sensing, Geoinformation, and Big Data

Type: Startup Activities: spacetech it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Image Processing Data Analytics

105 20
Collingwood Lighting Collingwood Lighting

Master light with market-leading, energy efficient illumination for residential, commercial and industrial spaces Collingwood Lighting is a design led business. We believe in challenging the boundaries of light and exploring innovative ways to master it. There are more than a thousand people working around the world dedicated to fulfilling our vision to provide Collingwood Lighting customers with the best lighting solutions imaginable. Our dedicated team of trained lighting specialists are based at our Head Office, in the heart of the UK. They are ready to offer advice, answer technical questions and advise on lighting schemes enabling you to make the …

Type: SMB Activities: manufacturing

6 111

We are a multi-activity group which offers a global approach to meet environmental issues: eco-design engineering, new construction and renovation, valuation of heritage and “sustainable building” training. Anchored in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes for over 120 years, we have a developed network of subcontracting partners and regional suppliers. We share with them our values ​​of innovation and our desire to build differently. For the benefit of our territory and its inhabitants, the group participates in "building sustainable VI (ll) by making the technical and environmental quality of our constructions a priority but also by acting in favor of local employment, the 'Insertion, …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Decarbonization

31 77
Emenda! Emenda!

Engineering | Fluids, thermal, environment, VRD, Energy | Moe, Amo & amp; Advice | Nantes, Rennes, Angers, Paris, Lyon EMENDA is an engineering company specializing in the fields of thermal, fluids and the environment applied to different fields of activity: building, energy, industry, in new or renovation, as MOE or AMO , in France and abroad. Currently growing, we are active in talent to support our team of around forty passionate experts. To join our team is to contribute to the energy transition on a daily basis. We also offer collective housing rehabilitation solutions with our Isome subsidiary and major …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech

20 48
UpCycle UpCycle

Compost onsite. Be the change! Contact us via Circular economy, social business, agriculture innovation, waste management, social and solidarity economy, composting, bio -waste, urban agriculture, organic waste, electromechanical composter, neighborhood composting, urban farms, Urban Farming, Upcycle, and Management Biodechets Biodechets

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

40 30
L'école du toit L'école du toit

Together, let's take height! The roof school is an innovative training program to train the roofers of tomorrow in energy renovation. We collaborate with different CFAs across France to welcome all apprentices: Paris (Trappes, Montrouge, Vitry-sur-Seine), Lille (Roubaix), Valenciennes (Marly), Evreux, Pont-à-Mousson, Plérin, Bordeaux and Toulouse. We offer training via a professional title "Zinc roofer" (420h) backed by modules (70h) of specialization in energy renovation. This training is remunerated and is done alternately with the best professionals selected for the apprentice. We therefore interact the ecosystem of roofers (industrialists, customers, training center) to offer young people a course in human, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

2 N/A
Bona fidé Bona fidé

Communication and influence consulting agency. Bona Faisse, this is an affirmation of the importance of sincerity in the discourse that stakeholders bear more than ever in public debate. Bona Fidé is assuming a positive vision of a job that is often criticized, public affairs and communication that does not always have a good press. Now organized in three poles - identities and strategies, influence and public debate, ideas and content - the agency covers all of its customers' needs in institutional communication, public affairs and press relations. Influence, public relations, press relations, media-training, crisis communication, positioning, brand platform, institutional communication, …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting govtech Technologies: SaaS

16 37
Sefri-Cime Sefri-Cime

Created in 1953, Sefri-Cime is a historic player in residential real estate in France. Since its inception, the company has focused on creating remarkable places of life, revealing the best potential of the sites in which they are registered. Promoter, developer, and real estate

Type: SMB Activities: proptech

18 58
Académie du Climat - Ville de Paris Académie du Climat - Ville de Paris

Let's talk little, let's act climate The Climate Academy, a free place open to all, dedicated to the acceleration of the ecological transition. climate, transition, and ecology

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

64 47
Carbone 4 Carbone 4

Vers la décarbonation, la préservation de la biodiversité et l’adaptation au changement climatique Founded by Alain Grandjean and Jean-Marc Jancovici, Carbone 4 is a leading independent consulting firm, specialized in energy transition, that offers its expertise to private or public players. Convinced that anticipation of the constraints of climate change is the best option, Carbone 4 assists its clients to help them transform these constraints into a tremendous innovation accelerator, a commercial differentiator and a motivation for teams.

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

108 235

Our motto: Welcome - host - accompany - insert. "The home of Notre-Dame des Sans-Abi Since 1950, the association Le Foyer Notre-Dame des Sans-Abri has welcomed, hosts, accompanies and inserts professionally and socially men, women and children in difficulty in the Rhône, in particular homeless people, isolated or with family, victims of violence or in mental suffering ... to bring them out durably out of precariousness: these are the passengers. The street is not shelter. To meet this observation, the home offers accommodation, housing, day care, health, hygiene, social support, legal support, and aid of employment. people. Created in Lyon …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

35 216
Outsign Outsign

Beyond Architecture Outsign Marc Dölger and Damien Ziakovic belong to a generation of creators sensitive to the crossings of different disciplines. This atypical approach gave birth to a global and strategic design agency in 2000, then to an architectural agency in 2005, the two forming a single entity today. Very strongly imbued with a multidisciplinary culture, Outsign has always set out to imagine the project, whatever it is (architecture, design, brand), as a service to be rendered, an experience to be created as a whole. Urban planning, architecture, design are based in concerted approaches in order to create and embody …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city

10 18
Hellio Hellio

Helio, reference actor of energy control Hired since 2008, Helio is the pioneer of the energy economies market in France (metropolitan area and overseas). Helio, a reference player in energy mastery, aims to allow as many people as possible to control its energy: the group stands out for the know-how, innovation and culture of its teams throughout the chain of value of energy efficiency. With its network of Craftsmen Approved, Helio works to simplify procedures and provide tailor -made solutions for all energy consumers - from individuals to businesses, including local authorities - for all types of buildings and their …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

79 275
TELT Lyon Turin TELT Lyon Turin

The cross-border section of the Lyon-Turin mixed railway line extends over 65 km between Susa and St-Jean-de-Maurienne. TELT is the binational public promoter responsible for the realisation and operation of the cross-border section of the freight and passenger Lyon-Turin railway line. Founded in 2015 by the Italian and French states, the company coordinates the design and construction of the 65 km of railway between Susa, in Italy, and Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, in France. The main element of the project is the Mont Cenis base tunnel: an infrastructure consisting of two tubes of 57.5 km each, 4 access adits, 2 international stations, 1 …

Type: Event

32 178
Club des villes et territoires cyclables et marchables Club des villes et territoires cyclables et marchables

Spokesperson for communities committed to promoting cycling and walking Created in 1989, the Club des villes et territoires cyclables et marches (CVTCM) now brings together more than 220 member communities representing more than 2,000 territories. Present in twelve metropolitan regions and in Réunion, it brings together communities of all sizes (cities, public inter-municipal cooperation establishments - EPCI, departments, regions, joint unions, mobility organizing authorities). The diversity of the territories represented constitutes the richness of the network and feeds the proposals made to the public authorities. The Club also has seventeen associate members. As a spokesperson for these communities, the Club …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

76 12
Atelier Pascal Gontier Atelier Pascal Gontier

ATELIER PASCAL GONTIER is an architecture & urban planning company based in Paris, France. Architecture and Urbanisme

Type: SMB Activities: smart city constructiontech

12 8
Institut Européen d'Écologie Institut Européen d'Écologie

Reflect, train, act The objective of the European Institute of Ecology is to raise awareness among public opinion and political leaders with the negative consequences of exponential development of economic growth on the environment.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: govtech

9 5
ALEC du Pays Messin ALEC du Pays Messin

Local Energy and Climate Agency in the Pays Messin Do you want to reduce your energy bill for economic or ecological reasons? Do you have renovation projects? Driven by our mission and our commitment to responsible consumption, we have implemented many services to help you in your daily life as well as for your installation or renovation projects. Young and dynamic, our organization is intended to raise awareness, inform and advise the public in a neutral and objective manner in terms of energy and renewable energy savings. The first operational service is the France Renov 'Consulting Space in the Pays …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

9 16
Cluster INDURA Cluster INDURA

Sustainable infrastructure cluster Innovate together for sustainable and intelligent energy and mobility infrastructure The indura cluster brings together more than a hundred economic, technical and scientific players from the world of transport and energy infrastructure around a common objective: to develop innovative solutions that meet the current societal and environmental issues. Our vocation Build sustainable infrastructure to meet the needs of territories and the community through research and innovation Our missions • Reveal innovation at the service of territories and employment • Promote the emergence of tomorrow's products and processes • arouse collaborative creativity, transfer innovation • Imagine together the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

51 4
Les Napoleons Les Napoleons

Creator of coalitions, find the whole community of Napoleons during our community events in Paris! 🤝🏼 Napoleons are a community of decision -makers, actors of technological, social and environmental innovation. We find among the members of the community of actors of public institutions, technologies, AI, media, culture, teaching, research ... In short, of all those who contribute to change and innovation. Twice a year, we bring this community together during summits, thematized and editorialized, which are real places of exchange favoring many post event collaborations. Napoleons are also 📲 soon - a community application. ✨ An endowment background: the Napoleons …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

59 12
France Villes et territoires Durables France Villes et territoires Durables

The French Association of Stakeholders of Sustainable Territories France Sustainable cities and territories (FVD) is the French association of stakeholders in the sustainable city. FVD brings together, in the general interest, local communities (leaders and associations), companies of all sizes (French but also TPE groups), the State (mainly its specialized operators) and the city's experts (in Private national professional organizations) to advance the sustainable city in France and internationally, in a balanced partnership. It is first of all a place of sharing and meetings with a vocation of general interest between all the actors of the sustainable city. By its …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

112 14
Association française de l'éclairage (AFE) Association française de l'éclairage (AFE)

Association law 1901 for understanding and prevention of the effects of light on humans and the environment. Non -profit association representing France in national and international standardization bodies, the French Lighting Association (AFE) is an association whose recommendations are used as a reference in the Labor Code, official texts and calls offers. Its members, communities and professionals, manage more than 5 million light points in public lighting. Lighting, light, health, and environment

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

16 18

Union of fertilization industries The Union of Fertilization Industries (UNIFA) represents a category of strategic actors in the agricultural sector. Its mission is to promote the usefulness of fertilizers as well as the fundamental role of their producers in the development of competitive and sustainable agriculture in France. Unifa has 47 members who produce fertilizers (minerals and organ-minerals) and basic mineral amendments in France and Europe. These members represent 92% of French production of fertilizers and 71% of deliveries, on an annual market of 12 million tonnes of products. UNIFA intervenes in the technical, economic, agronomic, environmental and administrative fields …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

11 50
CVE (Changing Visions of Energy) CVE (Changing Visions of Energy)

French IPP with affiliates in the United-States, Chile, South Africa and in Spain Created at the end of 2009, CVE is a French multi-energy, multi-country renewable energy producer. CVE develops, finances, builds and operates photovoltaic power plants, biogas units and hydrogen production units. Our vision is to produce renewable energy in a decentralised way and sell it locally to meet the needs of businesses, local authorities and the agricultural sector. CVE has been a mission-driven company since 2022, with a purpose driven by its teams: "Putting people and the planet at the center of tomorrow’s energy". With €866 million invested …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Solar Technologies Hydrogen

125 415
Rue de l'Avenir Rue de l'Avenir

Inform - Exchange - Inspire Rue de l'Avenir is an independent non -profit association, created in 1981. Active in French -speaking Switzerland, it is led by a committee made up of professional⸱les committed in the fields of town planning, mobility and the environment, as well as representatives of member associations (ATE, pedestrian mobility and pro Velo).

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

3 3
Siemens Energy Siemens Energy

We are 100,000 employees determined to be part of the world’s most valued energy technology company. We are #TeamPurple. Siemens Energy is one of the world’s leading energy technology companies. The company works with its customers and partners on energy systems for the future, thus supporting the transition to a more sustainable world. With its portfolio of products, solutions and services, Siemens Energy covers almost the entire energy value chain – from power generation and transmission to storage. The portfolio includes conventional and renewable energy technology, such as gas and steam turbines, hybrid power plants operated with hydrogen, and power …

Type: Large company

96 45,162
Cinov Ingénierie Cinov Ingénierie

Cinov Engineering brings together the professions of #Construction, #Coordination and #Infrastructure. Cinov Engineering brings together the professions of #Construction, Coordination and Infrastructure.

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech

14 1
Danone Research & Innovation Danone Research & Innovation

We believe in the power of nutrition to make a positive difference to health. We are the global research and innovation organization within Danone. Our fields of expertise cover life science, food science, hydration science and technology. Over 2000 passionate scientists, nutritionists, product technologists and many other experts are located in Paris-Saclay (France), Utrecht (The Netherlands), Singapore, Liverpool (UK), Sao Paulo (Brazil) and Wuxi (China). Representing over 35 nationalities we’re a truly international team with a passion to bring the shared Danone’s mission to live: bringing health through food to as many people as possible. Join our community to get …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

9 1,106
Groupe MUGO - Paysage | Cultures | Biodiversité Groupe MUGO - Paysage | Cultures | Biodiversité

Nature landscaper At Mugo, we are landscapers, gardeners, beekeepers, florists. We work with plants, for biodiversity, which we replace at the heart of our lifestyle, professionals, public and private. We support communities, businesses, architects, associations, individuals: all the actors concerned by the challenges of renovation and sustainable land development. We define the landscaping strategy of our customers, we design and certify living landscapes and maintain them in town as in the countryside, indoors and outdoors, in the ground as on roofs. We plant trees. We produce honey. We intervene from the ladder of the planter to that of the large …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

53 117
Ekkoïa Ekkoïa

Engaged for tomorrow Within the Alkera group, we are the partner design office of your environmental, acoustic, energy and ecological issues. This positioning based on a global vision, gives us a rare versatility and a facilitator role with project and achievements teams. Our employees are guided by a global, pragmatic and environmental liability vision. Our experience allows us to intervene on any type of new work as in renovation through a national territorial network made up of 8 agencies. Our commitment to building and designing high -performance works make us a single partner that offers decisive, endless solutions and in …

Type: SMB Activities: greentech constructiontech Technologies: Decarbonization

8 65
Tolila + Gilliland Tolila + Gilliland

Atelier d’Architecture Tolila+Gilliland est un atelier d’architecture et de design qui réunit deux architectes associés : Gaston Tolila et Nicholas Gilliland . L’atelier Tolila+Gilliland s’est installé à Paris XIII° en 2011 autour de projets d’architecture et de design, après 10 ans de collaborations avec de grandes agences d’architecture et de production de design humanitaire, comme le dispensaire nomade. Leur travail de design a été exposé au Centre Pompidou à Paris et au Cooper Hewitt Design Museum à New York. architecture, urbanisme, and design

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city

9 18

Electric mobility solutions that change everything. Founded in 1998, a pioneer start-up of the EDF group, we are today the benchmark player on the electric mobility market in France. Izivia is a simple ambition: facilitating on a daily basis electrical mobility for all, by becoming the 1st operator of public load networks & amp; deprived of Europe. With more than 25 years of expertise, we are the 100% EDF subsidiary which benefits from a unique experience return to the electric mobility market. Supply and installation, supervision, audit & amp; Advice, technical and commercial exploitation, smart charging, load infrastructure, electric mobility, …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech Technologies: Batteries

51 227

All our energy for 4 times less CO2 “Fluid, Energy and Sustainable Development” design office created in 2002, Energy Tribuing synthesized through its engineers more than thirty years of experience in building energy. A pioneer in the field of positive energy, Tribne Energy designs buildings and urban areas more energy efficient and respectful of global environmental approaches with a view to constant technological innovation. Its missions range from energy calculations to the definition of complex energy strategies for industrialists or communities. The company is positioned as a major player in the field of energy rehabilitation, due to its control of …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

8 37
Huglo Lepage Avocats Huglo Lepage Avocats

"Full Services" office in environment and public law, pioneer in environmental law. "Full Services" firm in environment and public law, pioneer in environmental law, Huglo Lepage Avocats reinvents himself and incorporates a large collaborative open innovation ecosystem. Public and private affairs law, environment and health, industrial environment, industrial and natural risks, energy and climate, and adaptation to the new economy

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech legaltech Technologies: Decarbonization

19 15
AgroParisTech AgroParisTech

Talents of a sustainable planet Agroparisech is the Institute of Sciences and Industries of the Living and Environment, under the supervision of the Ministries in charge of Agriculture and Higher Education. Actor of higher education and research, this major reference establishment at the international plan is aimed at the major issues of the 21ses: nourishing men by sustainably managing territories, preserving natural resources, promoting innovations and integrating bioeconomy. The establishment forms by relying on research and its links to professional circles of executives, engineers, doctors and managers, in the field of living and environment, by deploying an engineer course, a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

87 1

SIXENSE/VINCI's design office dedicated to climate change adaptation of cities, territories, infrastructures RESALLIENCE is a design office dedicated to adapting projects, cities, territories, infrastructures and their uses to climate change. We offer to our customers advice and services concerning climate hazards and their impacts on territories and infrastructures/assets. RESALLIENCE delivers climatic vulnerability assessment, functional resilience modeling relative to assets and area, and to support the development of action plans to improve the resilience to climate change. RESALLIENCE has also developed a 2D/3D/4D GIS platform. It allows to visualize the impacts of the adverse effects of climate change at different scales …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech constructiontech greentech smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

37 17
Share And Smile Share And Smile

Let's wake up the usefulness that sleeps in your resources! Share and Smile is an ESS company which works for the preservation and valuation of resources. Basically, we repair the world by taking care of the planet and living together. We support citizens, businesses and communities to act to make the best possible use of their resources. It results in: * The development of homemade solutions: Shareathlon, the sharing fresco, questions for a planet ... * Training actions and educational engineering * of the advice and support in CSR * Various missions: events of seminars, conferences, awareness workshops, consultations, co-construction …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech Technologies: SaaS

5 7

MORE SENSE, MORE PROGRESS Cerway delivers HQE Certification and supports stakeholders across the world for the full duration of their projects, and ensuring high environmental quality. It also provides training and recognition for professionnels, as HQE Certification Référent. Certification and Professionnal Trainning

Type: Startup Activities: proptech Technologies: SaaS

20 6

Rethinking Healthcare by personalizing Cannabis with Genomics and AI CEDEN® Is Rethinking Healthcare In 3 Effective Ways: Born from a vision of DEMOCRATIZING access to clean and affordable medicine, we have designed CEDEN® GROW to allow everyone to produce medical herbs right in the comfort of their home. CEDEN® PHARMA is using artificial intelligence to DISCOVER and DEVELOP cannabis based medicine to support humanity with natural cancer, pain or sleep remedy. CEDEN® COMMERCE is reinventing retail and DISTRIBUTION using artificial intelligence and data-science to personalize cannabis.

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech deeptech Technologies: A.I.

1 4

VITO is an independent Flemish research organisation in the area of cleantech and sustainable development. VITO is an independent Flemish research organisation in the area of cleantech and sustainable development. Our goal? To accelerate the transition to a sustainable world. Our vision - Accelerate the transition to a competitive, clean and secure energy system in Flanders and the world - Introduce short material cycles to set up ecosystems throughout the world for circular economy - Radically reduce the consumption of fossil-based feedstocks and energy within the Flemish chemical sector - Facilitate innovative, preventive and affordable healthcare, underpinned by measuring instruments …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

49 1,256
Peas&Love Peas&Love

Urban farms and initiation workshops in Paris and Brussels 🌱 Peas & amp; Love installs and operates vegetable farms in unappeared urban areas. In these new thirds-lieux, we cultivate aromatic herbs, vegetables and fruits with the techniques of organic permaculture and in a limited space that is the city to share our knowledge and allow urban people to reconnect with nature. farmhouse farm, urban farm, vegetable garden, urban vegetable garden, organic crop, local fruit and vegetables, Urban Farming, workshops, awareness, initiation to urban agriculture, entertainment, and workshop

Type: SMB Activities: agritech smart city Technologies: Bio sourced materials

13 4
Patriarche. Augmented Architecture Patriarche. Augmented Architecture

Patriarche est une agence d’architecture augmentée. #augmentedarchitecture The company stands for a unique model to program, design, build and operate innovative environment. Based on a renewed practice of architecture, this approach integrates all disciplines necessary for facilitating the emergence of increasingly conscious, responsible solutions within a long-term perspective. Every day, Patriarche seeks to contribute positively to society and collectively (re)create a better future for all. This ambition is reflected in the company’s achievement, with every single action regarded as an opportunity to innovate and respond to the challenges facing people and the planet. Everywhere, for everyone, Patriarche acts to be …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city

58 499
Solagro Solagro

An innovating expertise to serve energy, agroecology and food transitions. Solagro offers a unique approach where the accompaniment of implementations (studies and project ownership assistance), prospective, training and research-development feed and enrich one another. méthanisation, agroforesterie, lutte biologique, adaptation changement climatique, agriculture, énergies renouvelables, biogaz, forêt bois énergie, stratégies territoriales, climat, agroécologie, and alimentation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: agritech

45 57
architecturestudio architecturestudio

Architecturestudio is a collective of 150 architects, urban planners, interior architects and designers of twenty-five different nationalities, established today in Paris and Shanghai. AS, claims the virtues of exchange, crossing of ideas, common effort, knowledge and enthusiasm shared which are essential to provide answers always renewed to the question of architecture, city and environment. Architecture and town planning

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city

36 148

Tethered world leader Aerophile is a French company that creates and runs tethered balloons all around the world since 1993 : more than 100 balloons sold in 30 different countries ! We are the world leader in tethered balloon, that measure air quality, give to your place a wonderful visibility and to your visitors an incredible experience to see the world 150 meters high.

Type: SMB Activities: spacetech

20 22
VIGUIER architecture urbanisme paysage VIGUIER architecture urbanisme paysage

VIGUIER is an international architecture and city or street furniture for public as well as private purposes. The firm employs 150 people from 15 countries led by Jean-Paul Viguier. Many of their iconic works have gained international recognition, such as : the French pavilion at the Seville World Fair (1992), the France Télévisions headquarters (1998) – the first ever American modern art museum built by a French architect, the Maroc Telecom tower in Toulouse (2014)... These productions will soon be followed by Banque de France’s fiduciary hub in La Courneuve an office tower in Casablanca, the IoT Valley in Toulouse. …

Type: Event SMB Activities: smart city constructiontech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

19 71
Les Jardins de Gally Les Jardins de Gally

Cultivate nature, for your well-being! Gally gardens is a resolutely innovative landscape company that cultivates nature and biodiversity in the heart of cities and businesses. It combines urban ecology with vegetable design, to create real "urban natures". Your company becomes fertile thanks to its advice, development and maintenance services of nature spaces. Design, development, maintenance, Events, entertainment, workshops, hives in business, flowers at the office, fruit in the office, gardens, vegetable gardens, terraces, living gardens, advice, urban ecology, urban agriculture, and space of nature

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech proptech smart city agritech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

45 234

A Wavestone company Nomadéis provides consulting services in the fields of Environment, Sustainable development, Corporate Social Responsibility and international cooperation. We work for companies, foundations and civil society organizations, local governments and institutions. Environmental services, Corporate social responsibility, Sustainable development, and International cooperation

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

14 6

Designed for consumption people Kataba is a committed company, born from the desire to bring the production of our furniture and decorative items in the workshops of local craftsmen, for contemporary, ethical and local manufacturing.

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

32 7
Vosgelis Vosgelis

Created in 1919, Vosgelis is today the first OPH (Public Housing Office) in Lorraine with a park of 17,500 dwellings distributed in 112 municipalities. Vosgelis houses more than 30,000 people, or 8% of the population of the Vosges department. An unavoidable economic player, Vosgelis employs 220 employees and mobilizes more than 800 suppliers with 500 markets per year. In 2014, the company built 100 new homes and rehabilitated 500. Since 2006, Vosgelis has been engaged in an environmental approach present in all facets of its activity, starting with construction. The labels obtained (BBC on the entire production since 2010, Effinergie+, …

Type: Public Activities: constructiontech

24 118

Founded in 1907 at L'Herbergement in Vendée, HERIGE is a family-owned group focused on the world of construction through 3 business areas: materials trading, joinery and concrete. Today, the Group employs nearly 3,000 people. Listed on Euronext Growth since 1990, HERIGE takes up the ambitious challenge of being a benchmark for quality, proximity and environmental commitment. Suppliers, customers, partners, employees, new talents... all with strong convictions based on a spirit of energy and trust. By supporting its customers on a daily basis and developing a strategy of innovation and improvement in products and services for the construction and renovation of …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

19 912

Implement the energy and ecological transition Nepsen is an independent consultancy and engineering firm, specializing in the energy transitional trades & amp; ecological for 40 years. Nepsen supports public and private actors in carrying out sober energy and environmentally friendly projects, guaranteeing sustainable and profitable results thanks to its organization by market. Each client, whether it is an administration or a company, a social landlord or a condominium, an energy company or an industrialist, the world of health or training, Listening to him a "committed econetician" within him within the various professions of the group: Ecological Transition Consulting, Sustainable Building …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

29 197
Atelier Franck Boutté Atelier Franck Boutté

Together, let's be air conditioning! The Franck Boutté workshop combines engineers, architects and urban planners, trained in environmental questions, controlling atmospheres, comfort and sustainable development. In a course ranging from general to individual, the approach developed within the agency claims the careful examination of contextual specificities at all scales to offer an endogenous response, which cannot be satisfied with the only energy aspect or the only Building scale. In this journey, we seek to favor the simple and coherent choices that attach to the intrinsic qualities of the building and its environment. The program, identified as a series of expected …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech constructiontech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

52 43
Mezzoteam Mezzoteam

Mezzoteam - Your Construction Project Management Platform For 35 years, Mezzoteam has been a key player in the world of construction. Discover our Construction Project Management platform for your projects: - CDE module: a common data environment for securely managing models, documents and validation processes - FIELD module: site monitoring and forms management for easy collection and efficient use of site data Used by over 50,000 users, the platform brings together all players involved in projects of all sizes: office buildings, data centers, stations, metros, etc. worldwide. Mezzoteam makes the difference by supporting its customers in all situations (BIM or …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

51 65
Action for Market Transformation - A4MT Action for Market Transformation - A4MT

A4MT designs and implements Market Transformation Initiatives and change programs for its single or multiples customers. A4MT designs and implements Market Transformation Initiatives and change programs for its single or multiples customers. Acting on demand and vision, we foster a desire for behavior or professional practice change and stimulate new individual and collective practices. A4MT plays the role of backbone organisation, orchestrating the action plans of stakeholders thanks to a dedicated team, know-how in the implementation of these programs, a strong technical and economic background of the subjects dealt with, and an ability to challenge decision makers.

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

40 37
AIA Environnement AIA Environnement

Naturally inspire the project Naturally inspire the project! AIA Environment is the structure of the AIA Life Designers group dedicated to high -value added environmental projects located in Paris, Lyon and Nantes. The field of intervention covers the services of environmental expertise and sustainable development, of support to the various certifications (HQE, BREEAM, LEED, WELL, BDM, E+C-, Passivhaus ...) but also specific studies such as Carbon results, energy studies and life cycle analyzes of buildings and neighborhoods. The team is also associated with various research projects (positive energy building, energy rehabilitation, urban farms, hospital promoting well-being, health town planning, low …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech constructiontech energytech greentech

17 18
Naldeo Technologies & Industries Naldeo Technologies & Industries

Technological excellence at the service of the climate for industry, innovation and territories Faced with the challenges of energy transition and competitiveness, industrialists and territories must make their products and systems more efficient. Faced with complex environments, higher security issues, they are looking for rupture technologies. We provide tailor -made support from our customers to help them meet their challenges, differentiate themselves and access the markets. *Naldeo technologies & amp; Industries is the successor to the Energy and Environment of Bertin Technologies Engineering, advice, energy performance, technology, innovation, energy transition, decarbonation, consumption monitoring, digital, risk control, industrial performance, and start-up …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech it services

28 63
RPBW Renzo Piano Building Workshop RPBW Renzo Piano Building Workshop

As architects, we provide full architectural design services and consultancy services during the construction phase. The RPBW (Renzo Piano Building Workshop) is an international architectural practice with offices in Paris and Genoa. The Workshop is led by 12 partners, including founder and Pritzker Prize laureate, architect Renzo Piano. The practice permanently employs about 130 architects together with a further 30 support staff including 3D visualization artists, model makers, archivers, administrative and secretarial staff. architecture and construction

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city

20 199

A multidisciplinary know-how at the service of energy performance, social & amp; environmental of your buildings Diagonale Concept (and Green Building RGB resources) supports its customers in the design and realization of their turnkey project. We are a contractor general and project manager, made up of a team of architects and engineers, specialists in the renovation and rehabilitation of industrial and tertiary buildings. We also support individuals in the renovation of their house. Our expertise is based on a systemic approach with the aim of the environmental performance of buildings. Our references were distinguished by numerous prizes on the national …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city

3 4

We increase the energies The Gimelec brings together companies in the French electronic sector. Our 210 members design, manufacture and deploy solutions for electrification, decarbonation and digital intelligence of industry, buildings, energy and digital infrastructures. Energy efficiency, future industry, sustainable city, renewable energies, data centers, smart grids, electromobility, self -consumption, circular economy, BIM, digital infrastructure, energy, low -voltage electricity, trades transformation, sustainable development, environment, normalization, factory Connected, technical marketing, industry 4.0, micro grids, electrumueric, smart building, smart industry, regulations, high -performance buildings, innovative industry, energy intelligence, sustainable digital, and automation

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech civictech constructiontech smart city Technologies: Decarbonization IoT Sensors

65 49
Watnowa - Cultivons l'eau ! Watnowa - Cultivons l'eau !

For vegetated and built -in spaces respectful of water and resilients in front of climatic hazards We support individuals and professionals to optimize their water management in green and built spaces, to lighten their bills and have a positive impact on the planet. Because having better water management will avoid a serious shortage and conflicts of use by 2030 We carry out water diagnoses (origin, consumption, rainwater recovery and reuse, sanitation, irrigation), and work with a wide range of providers, preferably chosen locally. Our services: - personalized advice from diagnosis of spaces for more resilient places in the face of …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech water management Technologies: SaaS

19 2
setec tpi setec tpi

setec tpi, a subsidiary of the setec group, with over 300 employees, participates in all civil works engineering projects, in sectors ranging from transport infrastructures, civil engineering structures, complex buildings to industrial facilities. setec tpi is a renowned partner of contracting owners and firms in part due to the quality of its engineers and services and its capacity to deal with the most complex subjects. Our ambition is to address all the aspects of a project, in terms of environment, architecture and technical design, in order to provide in all circumstances, a comprehensive and sustainable solution. Fields of activities: Bridges, …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

30 349
Sogaris Sogaris

We create innovative spaces dedicated to #Logistiqueurbaine to deliver the #VILLEDUBLE! 📦 warehouses and factories have long left the lap of the modern city. Guarantee of quality of life during the past century, this movement is now collided with the reality of new lifestyles in town: explosion of online commerce, rise in power of alternative modes of travel to the individual car, demand of proximity , etc. ✊ It is in this context that we think essential the return to town of logistics. 📣 Our project is the development of a mesh network of logistics assets, adapted to the requirements …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech Technologies: Decarbonization

63 95

Advice and engineering for the durable building and city Created in 1993, Terao is a pioneer in sustainable real estate, with a multidisciplinary team of around forty engineers, present in France and abroad. Our global expertise makes it possible to anticipate needs and offer innovative solutions to our customers in order to support them in the development of increasingly efficient and virtuous buildings and cities. Terao improves the energy and environmental performance of buildings and cities in design, construction and renovation by offering technical and architectural optimizations to achieve high performance objectives (bepos, zero carbon island, etc.) and suitable environmental …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

34 76

Translator of architectural concepts - facade engineering, structure, envelope - subsidiary of the ingredient group Arcora is a design office, a subsidiary of the ingredient group, specializing in metal structures, facades, canopies and complex works. In addition to 45 years of existence, teams have some 6,200 projects around the world. We support architects, project owners and companies in the technical realization of structures and buildings of buildings. Our team transcribes architectural will by meeting regulatory, energy and building maintenance requirements. ENGINERIAL ENGINE, FACADE ENGINERIE, Maintenance engineering, structure engineering, rehabilitation, parametric engineering, and carbon evaluation of the envelope

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Decarbonization

34 64

Territorial designer Verdi is an independent family group of engineers, consultants, urban planners, architects, planners, environmentalist ecologists and technical specialists, opening on all aspects of territorial and construction planning. To imagine the territories as a designer is to integrate the environmental crisis as a general framework of our activities, to think simultaneously the living environment and the balance of resources, to cross all our knowledge around each problem transversely. It is also to be part of a permanent dynamic of taking into account the latest technological advances and thus confront our ideas with regard to uses. Development, town planning, infrastructure, …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech constructiontech greentech smart city transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

16 405
Valdelia Valdelia

Second lives accelerator Valdelia is an eco-organization approved by the public authorities to organize in France: collection, re-use, reuse and recycling of professional furnishings (DEA) and Amp; Building building materials (PMCB). Non -profit organization, with the mission of general interest of: & gt; Inform holders about environmental issues. & gt; Organize collection throughout the national territory (DROM/COM included). & gt; Certify a second life in accordance with the regulations and respectful of the environment. & gt; Ensure complete traceability on the path and treatment of the products entrusted. Professional furniture, transport, treatment, recycling, re-use, reuse, valuation, traceability, renewable energy, second …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech civictech greentech transporttech

47 59

The IPCC is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the leading international body for the assessment of climate change. It was established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1988 to provide the world with a clear scientific view on the current state of knowledge in climate change and its potential environmental and socio-economic impacts. In the same year, the UN General Assembly endorsed the action by WMO and UNEP in jointly establishing the IPCC. The IPCC is a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

101 439
RX Global RX Global

We're in the business of building businesses. Discover our global events #RXevents We’re in the business of building businesses—whether you’re an individual, a community, or an organization, we’ve got you covered. We take face to face events to the next level by sprinkling in some serious data smarts and digital wizardry. Think market insights, product sourcing, and deal-closing magic, all in one place. With over 400 events across 22 countries, we create experiences that are as engaging as they are impactful. And with digital tools in the mix, we’re all about supporting growth—whether you’re showing up in person or rocking …

Type: Event

18 2,827

FEDARENE is the premier European network of agencies and regions at regional and local levels. FEDARENE (European Federation of Agencies and Regions for Energy and the Environment) is the collective voice on the energy transition for regions and regional energy agencies. FEDARENE’s members drive the energy transition and climate action in their territories through ambitious policy development and strategic facilitation actions. FEDARENE was created in 1990 by 6 regional authorities: Rhône-Alpes, Provence-Alpes-Côted’Azur, Wallonie, País Vasco, Aquitaine, and Nord- Pas-de-Calais. Motivated by various European Commission programmes, they sought to elevate the voices of regions in the discussion of energy and environmental …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

16 26
Crescendo, réseau associatif petite enfance & parentalité Crescendo, réseau associatif petite enfance & parentalité

Moments to grow Crescendo is an association of the SOS Group which, for over 50 years, has been creating and managing young children's reception establishments and develops systems to meet the needs of families and children under the age of 6. Crescendo is present in 5 regions (Ile-de-France, Grand-Est, Hauts-de-France, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur) with 55 Eaje, 2 early childhood relays, 2 reception places children-parents, 2 integration sites, 1 socio-cultural center and 1 PMI center. Crescendo is: more than 3,400 children welcomed and accompanied, more than 880 employees, Over 60 volunteers.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

7 240
Groupe Verrecchia Groupe Verrecchia

🚀 32 years of real estate elegance, expert in the construction of high -end residence in massive stone 🪨 Family and independent business of 80 employees, the Verrecchia group is a manufacturer-promoter who laid its first stone over 30 years ago in Seine-Saint-Denis. In doing so, Marc Verrecchia, himself from Rosny-sous-Bois, perpetuates the know-how of his father. Pioneer and visionary of contemporary massive stone construction, the group perpetuates the tradition of this geo-sourcé material, of more determining interest in the era of ecological transition in residential real estate. A conviction to respond to the challenges of the city of tomorrow: …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

12 67
Logirem l Erilia Logirem l Erilia

Erilia and Logirem merged. Find all our news on the Erilia page. More impacts together. Erilia and Logirem come together to have an even greater impact on the quality of life of our inhabitants and on the dynamism of the territories. More impacts together, for a better future. A new leader in social housing in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur and Corsica regions. More impacts together, for a better future. Our impacts: 90,000 homes 190,000 tenants 1,300 employees - Erilia is a subsidiary of the Habitat group in the Region, social real estate operator of the Caisses d'Epargne and the BPCE group. A …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech

30 219

The soil hyperspicalist and the installation St Maclou is your soil and installation expert. With us we say what we are doing and we do what we say! We are keen to offer you quality products and services to support you in all your floors. Find us in one of our 138 stores in France and discover more than 3000 references: our experts help you choose the product that corresponds to your project. In the field, our 700 salaried or partners' installers provide you with a perfectly executed and 5 -year warranty. In our warehouse and at the headquarters, product, …

Type: Large company

8 952
Mots-Clés Mots-Clés

Keywords. Words that open doors. Keywords is a strong growth communication agency, with a resolutely editorial anchoring. The agency is convinced: speech is not just an instrument of influence, it is the place of influence. It is through the ability to impose its words, formulations and narratives, that an organization refers to its audiences. Concretely, keywords puts into words and diffuses engaging positions and distinctive experiences. Narrative design®, influence and inbound marketing, editorial excellence, inclusive writing, storytelling and assertiveness: according to agile methods, the agency supports large groups, innovative companies and institutions. Born from the meeting between the universes of …

Type: SMB Activities: martech fintech consulting Technologies: SaaS

18 24
Groupe ACCEO | BET Energie, Ascenseur, Amiante, Accessibilité & Thermique Groupe ACCEO | BET Energie, Ascenseur, Amiante, Accessibilité & Thermique

Transform regulations into an opportunity ACCEO is an independent building design office founded in 2003 and specialized in fields with high technicality: elevators, energy efficiency, asbestos, accessibility and thermal of the building. Today, we are more than 350 employees in 16 agencies in France, with dedicated experts for each activity. We mainly address all owners and builders of buildings who wish to make these themes an opportunity for optimization: optimization of the consecrated time, the operation of the installations and the financial costs. For this we place at the heart of each of our missions services and tools to combine …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0

18 439

Semin, the French brand of craftsmen since 1838 Semin is a French industrial group, a family specializing in the manufacture of building materials. Our mission is to provide quality solutions every day to building professionals for the construction and interior renovation of housing. Since 1838, innovation has been part of Semin's DNA, developing technical solutions providing comfort comfort and time saving on construction sites is our first objective. Semin has 6 industrial sites in France and 4 internationally. Our teams are made up of 650 employees. The group achieves 170 million euros in turnover, 40% of which are international across …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: New Materials

10 227
Vraiment Vraiment Vraiment Vraiment

Really really designs concrete solutions with those & amp; Those who defend the general interest & amp; common goods We are a design agency: we help repair general interest services by imagining and producing useful, practical and beautiful things. We are carrying out concrete projects with those who produce the common good on a daily basis in public services, the companies of the social and solidarity economy, associations, actors of the urban factory and mobility ... With you, we produce: - attentive places favorable to sociability, conviviality and citizenship - new professional and citizen practices that simplify action and give …

Type: SMB Activities: uxtech

106 51

Since 1974, we have been working with housing professionals to promote the quality of housing. Qualitel's missions are multiple and organized within different structures: - The Qualitel association is an independent, non -profit association, founded in 1974 with the mission of promoting the quality of housing by certification and information of the general public. It brings together around this common objective the main housing players: professional organizations, consumer associations and public authorities. - Cerqual Qualitel Certification, Cerifier organization of the Qualitel Association, founded in 2004, supports local authorities, promoters, manufacturers and social landlords in their Housing and Sustainable Development Policy …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech Technologies: Decarbonization

57 161
Sindup Sindup

L'information au service de l'essentiel (plateforme de veille collaborative, observatoires, formations) In a world of information overload and a fast-changing business environment, Sindup helps companies make smart decisions, improving their performance and driving change. By analysing over 50 million sources in real time, Sindup unlocks human intelligence, distributing highly qualified information about competitors, market trends, innovation, regulation, reputation, management, IT, M&A, export etc. Sindup is a Competitive Intelligence software solution built on 13 years of R&D, which helps over 300 leading companies make better decisions, globally. Sindup Academy delivers personalised in-company training courses for both decision-makers and intelligence analysts and …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

40 18
SOPREMA Entreprises SOPREMA Entreprises

Activity work of the family group SOPREMA created in 1908, Soprema Enterprises brings together 79 sites in France specialized in the implementation of solutions for the envelope of buildings (waterproofing, coverage, cladding ...) and the construction of frames. More than 3,600 passionate employees contribute each year to the realization of 14,000 sites throughout France. Sealing, cover, cladding, metal frame, building envelope, ite, and insulation

Type: Large company Activities: constructiontech

37 2,831
Bouygues Batiment Nord-Est Bouygues Batiment Nord-Est

A global construction actor, Bouygues North-East Building designs, performs and operates high-performance works that contribute to improving the living environment. A subsidiary of Bouygues Construction, the company benefits from the technical and human resources of a large Allied group with the proximity of a regional player. Sustainable manufacturer and responsible entrepreneur, it undertakes daily to promote the use of local subcontracting, to give everyone a chance of return or access to employment and to contribute to the development of social, societal life and local economic. Real estate development, design, sustainable construction, housing, functional works, industry, and environment

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

49 784
Ossabois Ossabois

By building wooden, Ossabois builds a more beautiful world every day. OSSABOIS is the national leader in the wood sector. The company, which specializes in prefabrication and Modular Bois construction meets the needs of social landlords, promoters and manufacturers. OSSABOIS, 175 employees, spread over 3 factories, deliver 1,000 to 1,200 dwellings per year and 1,500 to 2,500 modules (student rooms, hotels, boarding school ...) each year. The use of wood construction and prefabrication makes it possible to shorten the duration of the sites, to reduce the nuisances on site, to minimize the carbon footprint and to respect all the commitments …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech proptech Technologies: Decarbonization

35 119
MFR Architectes MFR Architectes

#Architecture #Aimerfaire Founded by François Malburet and Ronan Fournier Le Ray, the MFR Architects agency develops, in private and public order, residential and tertiary programs in France and more recently abroad. MFR architects is an office of architecture based in Paris (France) Founded by François Malburet and Ronan Fournier Le Ray. Architecture

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city

14 17
Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) Interreg North-West Europe (NWE)

Investing in Opportunities Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) is a European Territorial Cooperation programme aiming to support a balanced development across the area, making all regions more resilient, and contributing to a better quality of life and well-being of all NWE citizens. It invests EUR 310 million of European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in activities based on the cooperation of organisations from seven countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, The Netherlands and Switzerland. Innovation, Low Carbon, Resource and materials efficiency, Renewable energy, Sustainable tourism, Access to employment, Energy transition, Circular economy, Advanced technologies, Access to health care, Social innovation, Social inclusion, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

49 1

Teksial, energy facilitator since 1987 For more than 30 years, Teksial has been working in favor of a lasting world in coherence with new methods of energy consumption. Energy is at the heart of all our trades and support is our DNA. Our director general, Jean-Baptiste Devalland, draws up the following observation: "The climate urgency is today a reality. Our overconsumption of fossil fuels is a risk that we can no longer afford.". Thus, we have set ourselves the mission of helping our customers to control their energy consumption to improve the comfort of individuals and the efficiency of businesses, …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

17 173
Harmonie SAS Harmonie SAS

The IDF work expert. We ensure the restoration of sealing and thermal insulation from the outside. 🏗️ Harmony: your expert since 1977 in thermal insulation from outside, restoration & amp; Waterproofing in Île-de-France 📍 We put our know-how at the service of energy performance and the valuation of each building 🏢 with an approach combining quality, sustainability and compliance with environmental standards. 🌱 We intervene with tailor-made solutions adapted to your needs. 💡 👇 Need an energy renovation expert? 👇 Contact us Ravalement, waterproofing, thermal insulation, Energetic renovation, condominium, building, ite, and DPE

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech

9 20
Minéka Minéka

Reuse materials platform & amp; specialized design office 🏗 Minéka, building materials to (re) use is a structure of the SSE founded by architects in 2016. Its objective: democratize the practice of re -use materials in construction! His missions: 👉 Collect and redistribute products, still viable building materials intended for the bucket. 👉 Support the actors in the construction in their re -use process. 👉 Awareness of the new ways of building and living. Re -use of building materials

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech cleantech greentech

11 8
Sonergia Sonergia

SONERGIA, specialist in the valuation of Energy Economies Certificates (EEC). Established in Marseille since 2009, Sonergia is part of a sustainable development approach by supporting energy suppliers, called obligated, in achieving the objectives of reducing global energy consumption that their ministry for transition sets them ecological and united. By relying on the system of energy savings certificates (EEC), set up by the government and on a network of partners and construction professionals recognized RGE, SONERGIA advises energy consumers (individuals and professionals of all sectors) and participates in the financing of their energy renovation work. Discover our services! Energy savings certificates …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

58 152

We are the private-sector arm of the RATP Group, who runs the large-scale, ultra-dense, future-ready public transport network of Paris. Day in, day out, all over the world, we design, operate, and maintain public transit networks of automated metros, bus, tramway and other modes. With 70 years of expertise in the Paris network combined with our international experience in various regions and cultures around the globe – in France, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the US, Italy and much more, we offer our customers and their passengers customized mobility solutions, adapted to the specific challenges of each city. Our 23,000 employees, …

Type: Large company

24 6,045
XPair XPair

The n ° 1 media of energy and environmental performance is the referent support for climate and energy engineering. XPAIR offers marketing solutions in climate engineering, renewable energies and technical equipment. 100% Energy Performance Communication The density and the quality of technical information from the XPAIR portal is a preponderant asset to enhance marketing-client in the field of energy performance. Professional tool made by professionals, XPAIR is used mainly by prescribers and installers. News, energy performance, regulations, techniques, CVC, joinery and openings, structures, insulation, communication, media, and content experts

Type: Media

33 4
LBO France LBO France

Private Equity, Venture, Real Estate, Public Equity Pioneer of the Private Equity in France, the LBO France group is today a multi-specialist and multi-reference country investment platform. Active in private equity, real estate, venture and on the side, for several years the company has extended its activities in Europe, notably in Italy with its subsidiary Polis Fondi Sgr, as well as on the African continent with its subsidiary CGF Bourse. 100 % owned by its leaders, LBO France is one of the founding members of the International Climate Initiative and one of the first signatories of the Charter for the …

Type: Incubators & VCs

21 75
QUALIBAT, organisme de qualification et certification QUALIBAT, organisme de qualification et certification

To identify building trusted players, refer to Qualibat! Qualibat participates in the regulation of the building sector, with the ambition of drawing the profession upwards and bringing it an impeccable reputation so that confidence systematically accompanies any construction and renovation project. For this, we act daily around two major areas of action: 1. Evaluate and qualify the technical and human and financial skills of artisans and construction companies. 2. Inform professional individuals and contracting authorities in order to help them assess and select, in all objectivity, companies best suited to their work projects. Our vision: all qualified skills deserves to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech constructiontech greentech

36 175
Goodwill-management Goodwill-management

Conseil en soutenabilité RSE, mesure d'impact, CSRD, Climat & Carbone, Economie circulaire, Low-tech, NR Goodwill-management is a consulting firm in socially responsible economic performance. Since 2003 Goodwill-management has accompanied companies, buildings and territories in developing: - Alternative means of creating value through socially responsible actions and policies - Alternative means of measuring value of assets, with a focus on intangible assets Our belief: Economic performance and sustainable development can complement each other. Capital immatériel, Evaluation d'entreprise, Développement durable, Stratégie & conseil en RSE, low-tech, économie circulaire, gestion des déchets, empreinte socio-économique, empreinte environnementale, Climat, triple comptabilité, RSE, and CSRD

Type: SMB Activities: consulting civictech greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

53 105
Groupe Essor Groupe Essor

Dare Imagine Building Living Specializing in corporate real estate, the Essor group is present in 7 complementary trades: - Development of real estate programs, - turnkey construction, - Construction engineering, architecture, project management, - Agrifood engineering, - real estate investment and financing engineering, - Assistance with project management & amp; Advice, - Environmental engineering. Studies offices in construction engineering, project management, general contractor, agrifood engineering, development of real estate programs, real estate investment and financing engineering, AMO, and support and environmental advice

Type: SMB Activities: proptech

52 231
Asselin Asselin

Restauration de menuiserie & charpente d'exception Asselin est une entreprise de charpente, menuiserie, ébénisterie et ferronnerie spécialisée dans la restauration du patrimoine historique. Constructeur de l'Hermione (Rochefort-sur-Mer), l'entreprise a son siège basé à Thouars (Deux-Sèvres) mais est implantée aussi à Paris, La Réunion et Atlanta (USA). Asselin Inc. is established in Atlanta, GA with more than 50+ projects delivered in the USA since 15+ years for high-end residences. Asselin designs and manufactures in France authentic custom hand-crafted traditional windows and doors as well as wood panels, parquet flooring, staircases... Asselin’s core business in France is the restoration of historical monuments …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech

34 95
idealCO idealCO

The collaborative platform for the French civil service At idealCO, we are on the side of the ones who create. We are the biggest collaborative platform for the French civil service. Through digital innovations, professional training and events, we connect the local government universe and make the construction of its projects easier. Each and everyone's skills are used in order to build into existence the ideas they want to see realised. We help construct a new public world, where everyone has a rightful place and can grow, in a workplace where performance, pleasure and well-being are in harmony. We have …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech it services Technologies: SaaS

140 128
Grand Paris Aménagement Grand Paris Aménagement

Public french state institution serving territories, leading urban developer in Ile-de-France region. Grand Paris Aménagement is a consortium of land use development planning agency in Greater Paris, working as a partner to EPA Orly Rungis Seine Amont, a shareholder of SPLA-IN Grand Paris Sud and SPLIN Roissy Pays de France. We help mayors and municipalities with projects of all sizes and types, from simple to complex, and from the inner suburbs to outlying farmland. Our dedicated employees serve people and communities by working with local officials to create custom projects that deliver lasting improvements in quality of life.

Type: Public Activities: smart city constructiontech

56 290

Elan specializes in the management of complex projects. She provides her customers with assistance assistance with project management and project management for projects of all sizes, in the real estate, building, telecoms and networks sectors. Engineering and advice constitute its core business. Our vision: bring you added value and contribute to the success of your projects. In France and internationally, Elan is characterized by its multiseror mastery in strategic fields and at the service of companies, large accounts, local authorities and institutions. Its reactive and dynamic teams are distinguished by their capacity for innovation. They excel in driving change and …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech civictech Technologies: Decarbonization

60 252