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LogoName Σ Employees
Hobo Hobo

Made up of a team of 27 people, HOBO is developing in the spirit of a MULTIDISCIPLINARY COLLECTIVE of architects, urban planners, engineers, 3D computer graphics artists, data managers, and construction managers. Through the accumulation of skills, open collaboration, the search for constant improvement of tools, methods and partnerships, HOBO offers a global approach aimed at CONTROLLING THE WORK. HOBO is mobilizing with the aim of bringing out a New Vision for the City of Tomorrow: a more resilient, sober, desirable city, but also more united and accessible for all. This reflection at various scales and contexts clearly aims for …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city constructiontech

16 4 0 34
SERS Alsace SERS Alsace

Developing, building, managing... to better experience the space together. A developer and builder with proven know-how, SERS and its subsidiaries (ENERD2, OFSA, PARSEM and CEGIP) are now positioned as a facilitator of innovative and complex projects serving the Alsatian territories. For 60 years, SERS has actively participated in the development and revitalization of the local fabric in a sustainable development approach. Faced with major changes in its business and its fields of intervention, it has always been able to anticipate and adapt. A local public company, it works in both the public sector and on private projects. Construction, Renovation, Urban …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech Technologies: Decarbonization

13 5 8 37
in'li in'li

Leader in intermediate housing in Île-de-France with more than 51,000 rental homes & more than 100,000 tenants In’li, a subsidiary of Groupe Action Logement, is the leader in intermediate housing in Île-de-France, with more than 51,000 managed homes spread across the region. The mission of in’li is to enable middle-class employees and young workers to access housing to promote the employment-housing link, facilitate professional mobility and participate in the revitalization of territories. We build and purchase new homes to develop the supply of intermediate housing in Île-de-France and thus meet the housing needs of thousands of Île-de-France residents. As an …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech Technologies: Decarbonization

43 21 31 579
immaTerra immaTerra

Collective Interest Cooperative Society ImmaTerra is a Collective Interest Cooperative Society (SCIC) that supports the development of sustainable economic models for companies and territories, by involving all interested stakeholders. Our purpose: to activate cooperation and facilitate new economic transitions for global and sustainable efficiency, with and for women and men, companies and territories. Created in 2014, we have supported and support nearly 80 trajectories by mobilizing the economy of functionality and cooperation, facilitation and support for change. Our approach is global, tailor-made support, at the service of your transition. We have 4 local structures (Southern Region, Brittany/Normandy, Pays de la …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech civictech greentech

48 7 40 12
IDF Investissements & Territoires IDF Investissements & Territoires

New real estate company, we support and carry out real estate changes in the Ile-de-France region. Serving the Ile-de-France region and its territory, the real estate company IDF Investissements & Territoires, real estate company has as its object, the acquisition, construction, management and sale of buildings for a purpose of general interest. Acting in synergy with the regional strategies and resources deployed, its mission is to: - Support and develop the Ile-de-France productive offer - Support the establishment of health centers - Develop an offer for local craft and commercial activities - Structure a real estate offer to develop employment …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

23 9 20 11
Team for the Planet Team for the Planet

100 worldwide innovations for climate emergency. Follow our page to understand everything.. L’entrepreneuriat au service de l’urgence climatique ! Nous créons des entreprises pensées et paramétrées de A à Z pour lutter contre les gaz à effet de serre. Notre mission : > détecter des innovations à fort impact ; > recruter des entrepreneurs chevronnés pour transformer ces innovations en entreprises, avec des modèles économiques solides ; > injecter de l'argent pour maximiser et accélérer le déploiement. Toutes les innovations sont mises en open source. Nous sommes à but non lucratif. Chaque euro gagné est utilisé pour lutter contre le …

Type: Incubators & VCs

69 54 14 20,951
setec setec

setec, a French multidisciplinary engineering group, carries out complex construction projects around the world, thanks to the recognized technical excellence of its 2,400 talented employees, spread across 5 continents. It is an independent group, owned by its engineers since its creation in 1957. In 2014, it achieved a turnover of €258 million, of which more than 20% was international. With the World Engineering Prize for the Channel Tunnel and the Grand Prix National d'Ingénierie for the Louis Vuitton Foundation in Paris, setec has acquired an international reputation in the design and supervision of extraordinary projects. A player in the digital …

Type: Incubators & VCs

73 26 40 10
Fauve Fauve

A sustainable impact together It all started with a simple question: why not extend the same care and rigor of executive search to mid-level leadership positions? From this question was born Fauve, a bold vision not only of our profession but also of intrapreneurship. 10 years later, with a presence in Canada and four offices in France, Fauve is committed not only to our clients, but to the professional and personal development of each and every one of us - all to create a sustainable impact for all our stakeholders.

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

6 4 0 28
Groupe SERL Groupe SERL

Agile & innovative expert | Reliable & caring operator | Involved & pragmatic advisor | Committed & responsible investor The SERL Group's purpose is to develop and build a quality living environment with residents, users and project stakeholders to support the ecological, social and economic transitions of our territories. With SEM SERL and SPL MéLAC, it offers a complementarity of interventions in the areas of development and construction, investment, real estate management (via the SERL Immo subsidiary), development and management of renewable energy projects (via the SERL Énergies subsidiary), support for the reconversion or enhancement of land or real estate, …

Type: Public

50 16 40 112
Groupe Kardham Groupe Kardham

Beyond Building Because real estate is not static, Kardham co-builds the future of cities, companies and organizations by mastering transformations. Whatever your sector of activity, we offer you an offer that integrates all real estate professions. Experts in consulting, architecture, space design, engineering and digital solutions, our 600 employees provide local support to more than 2,000 small and large projects per year to create sustainable and shared benefits. For Kardham, in France or internationally, a great operation is first and foremost a great story. #beyondbuilding More information: Architecture, Interior design, Real estate consulting, Change management, Engineering, and Connected building

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech proptech Technologies: Decarbonization

59 10 55 412
Groupe Brémond Groupe Brémond

Territories, a perspective A recognized atypical player in the creation of cities and territories, Brémond has continued to evolve and reinvent itself since its creation in 1986 by Bernard Brémond. Committed to meeting the challenges of tomorrow's world - housing, living together, food, mobility, climate, energy resilience - it has developed two complementary divisions: the Real Estate division and the Food & Services division. Through the Real Estate division, Brémond focuses on what has made it different and excellent: the assembly and development of innovative urban projects for living, working, living and sharing. Through the Food & Services division, the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

15 3 13 24
Groupe Atlantic Groupe Atlantic

Thermal comfort, which is essential to our well-being, has become a major social issue through the need to balance our financial, environmental, and health concerns. Within GROUPE ATLANTIC, we are committed to implementing the best possible solutions for controlling the temperatureof domestic hot water and indoor air and their quality on a daily basis: heating (programmable radiators, commercial and industrial boilers, heat pumps and hybrid solutions), domestic hot water (electric, solar and heat pump water heaters), air conditioning and ventilation. We are interested in all energies with proven medium or long-term worth (gas, electricity, fuel oil, aerothermal systems, geothermal systems, …

Type: Large company Activities: cleantech manufacturing

34 10 16 4,508
France Bois Forêt France Bois Forêt

For me, it's wood. France Bois Forêt is the national interprofessional organization for the forestry and wood sector. Created on December 8, 2004 under the aegis of the Ministry of Agriculture in charge of Forests, it brings together the organizations of the sector and is the interlocutor recognized by the public authorities on forestry and wood issues. In consultation with the 24 member federations, France Bois Forêt implements collective actions for communication and promotion of the French forest and the uses of wood, research, innovation and development.

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

45 15 33 20
Fédération Nationale des Travaux Publics Fédération Nationale des Travaux Publics

#ActorsForThePlanet #WonderWorld A professional organization dedicated to promoting the Public Works sector, the National Federation of Public Works brings together nearly 7,800 companies. It represents companies of all sizes, specialties or regions that build and maintain infrastructure and networks throughout the country to serve populations. It brings together entrepreneurs and professionals in Public Works through its federal commissions, its Regional Federations and its Specialty Unions, which ensure the coordination of actions and the sharing of expertise of nearly 2,000 volunteer professionals. The vocation of the FNTP is both to stimulate debate and create the best conditions for the development of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

107 41 77 146
Fédération des Ascenseurs Fédération des Ascenseurs

The Fédération des Ascenseurs, which was founded over 100 years ago, represents the entire profession: integrated companies, maintenance operators, equipment manufacturers or service and support providers, including since 2016 professionals in lifting equipment. It therefore represents all vertical mobility solutions, through VSEs, SMEs and groups. Nearly 180 companies currently members of the Federation represent nearly 90% of the sector's economic activity and more than 17,000 employees. With 645,000 devices in service and 100 million journeys each day in France, the elevator is the most reliable and most used means of transport in the country. The need to maintain and modernize …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

26 3 18 7

The B.L.M. workshop, which has existed in its current form since 1996, has participated in and won numerous national, regional and international competitions, thus prioritizing research and innovation. The agency is attentive to the evolution of lifestyles, needs and aspirations of residents as well as that of techniques and materials, while favoring the criteria of sustainability, maintenance and economy, developments and constructions. The B.L.M. workshop. intervenes in the field of environment, town planning and housing (both collective and individual), as well as in various programs such as offices, tourist residences, residences for the elderly and residences services. The agency, ISO …

Type: SMB Activities: smart city constructiontech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 2 0 4

The connection of one skill to another Societe Lelien specializes in the design, coordination and implementation of construction, renovation and building extension projects. With 16 years of experience in this field, we are able to meet the most varied needs of our clients, whether for residential, commercial, industrial or institutional projects.

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city

3 1 2 5

AMG ARCHITECTES is an architecture & planning company based out of 10 RUE HENRI GUINIER, MONTPELLIER, France.

Type: SMB Activities: smart city constructiontech

1 1 0 6
tgtfp architectes urbanistes tgtfp architectes urbanistes

Architecture and Urban Planning Agency Parisian agency founded in Paris in 1985. A passion for the city, a commitment to the landscape, architectural project management.

Type: SMB Activities: smart city constructiontech

5 2 2 10

Bringing together the environment and energy efficiency and contributing to the values ​​of sustainable development As a player in sustainable development, TW INGENIERIE supports you in your architectural, urban and landscape programming projects, as well as in your building construction and renovation projects. Advice and expertise, Assistance to project management, Project management, and Implementation guarantee

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Decarbonization

4 1 3 16
LVK architectes LVK architectes

SARL architecture, working in public, private markets and heritage maintenance. Specializing in rehabilitation but also carrying out new constructions, the agency operates in the areas of housing, tertiary, school and sports.

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city

1 1 0 3

AJAP2020 The studio positions itself on a contemporary reflection of architecture that is mainly articulated around an innovative and subtle work of the material. All our projects are born from a desire to reveal the material that must be, where it is necessary. Create without transgressing.

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: New Materials

1 1 0 3

Specialist in resurfacing, painting and thermal insulation. Founded in 1965, the construction company SPEBI has grown over the last 50 years, broadened its skills and demonstrated its ability to adapt to change by developing its business to become today a local reference player in the second finishing work sector in the Paris region. Whether it is facade treatment and resurfacing, thermal renovation or asbestos removal, the extent of its expertise allows SPEBI to provide tailor-made and efficient responses to the needs of an ever-increasing number of demanding customers, regardless of the complexity and size of their projects. The first company …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 1 1 45
Epicuria Architectes Epicuria Architectes

Clarity, brightness, functionality, this is our credo. We create public, school, cultural and sports facilities. Clarity, brightness, functionality, this is our credo. Epicuria Architectes has dedicated its work to places of study and knowledge for over 20 years.

Type: SMB Activities: smart city

11 1 11 11
100 Détours 100 Détours

100 Détours designs and manufactures furniture from old exterior joinery. 100 Détours designs and manufactures interior and exterior furniture, fittings, and street furniture exclusively from old exterior joinery.

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech

14 2 7 5

Fluid, Thermal and Electricity Design Office Based in Aix en Provence, PLB Énergie Conseil specializes in Project Management Assistance, Project Management and Regulatory Thermal Studies, PLB Énergie Conseil provides thermal and fluid engineering missions to major economic players. From the design of high-performance installations to operational monitoring, aimed at energy optimization and environmental performance.

Type: SMB Activities: greentech

2 2 0 16

Created in 1994, this company serves public and private project owners-managers, in charge of real estate projects. After 28 years of existence, GESCEM has acquired recognized expertise in real estate engineering, from programming/construction act, to asset management/maintenance act. Mastery of the economics of construction and operation maintenance-GER gives GESCEM proven expertise in overall cost as well as a pragmatic approach to environmental quality. GESCEM relies on a stable team, mainly made up of business engineers and assistants. From its head office based in Sophia Antipolis in the Alpes Maritimes, GESCEM operates throughout the country.

Type: SMB Activities: proptech constructiontech

1 1 0 9

Contemporary, contextual and environmental architecture. Historically established in Forcalquier, R+4 architectes is the culmination of a 20-year collaboration between Bernard Brot and Christiane Mars. The agency aims to promote quality architecture that respects its environment, mainly in the PACA region. We are particularly aware of the specific issues of the municipalities in our rural department: urban and landscaping developments, urban extensions and "grafts", contemporary architecture and heritage ... Our work is guided above all by the character of the place, its environment, the specificity of the program or mission and the human links it creates. We are territorial architects, the …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city

1 1 0 8
Batimédia Batimédia

No ads, just information Batimédia is a company specializing in marketing and communication in the construction sector. We support our clients by creating multi-channel campaigns to enable them to distribute their products or services to construction industry players, ERPs and individuals who are in the process of building or renovating their homes. To do this, we rely on 25 years of experience since Batimédia was the forerunner on this subject. You can call on us to: 1. Present your products or services 2. Distribute your press releases 3. Optimize your trade fair communication 4. Identify stakeholders who are interested in …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

8 4 4 1

TECNOVA ARCHITECTURE is an architecture & planning company based out of 12 RUE PESTALOZZI, PARIS, France.

Type: SMB Activities: smart city constructiontech arttech

2 2 0 10
Ville de Villeneuve-le-Roi Ville de Villeneuve-le-Roi

At the gates of Paris, Villeneuve-le-Roi has managed to preserve a village spirit with a large residential area, numerous green spaces, monuments and ancient heritage. 15 minutes from Paris via the RER C, numerous facilities, swimming pool and municipal library, cultural space, Fablab, among others, provide a diversified range of services to the 21,000 Villeneuvois and 500 municipal agents. Constantly evolving, the City adapts to the needs of its citizens and leads numerous urban and economic development projects. Called "the city of 6,000 gardens", the inhabitants are very attached to the quality of life that reigns in the town.

Type: Public

8 3 2 53
Repérage Urbain Repérage Urbain

URBAN REVIEW IS AN AGENCY SPECIALIZED IN CONSULTATION AND SOCIOLOGY APPLIED TO URBAN PLANNING AND TERRITORIES. Serving communities, public or private organizations, Urban Review operates in the fields of urban planning, housing, urban development of the territory or local public policies. Its main fields of intervention cover the following areas: sociological studies and surveys, facilitation of public consultations and debates, urban co-design, development and implementation of digital participation tools, etc. Sociology, Urban Planning, and Consultation

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech smart city

10 2 8 7
Mijnwater Mijnwater

The smartest way to a fossil-free Parkstad The energy transition is in full swing. We are slowly but surely reducing our dependence on natural gas. We need sustainable, affordable and socially accepted alternatives for this. Mijnwater provides sustainable heating and cooling for homes and other buildings in Parkstad. We use an innovative and reliable 5th generation heating and cooling network. By smartly deploying old mine shafts as renewable sources of heat and cold, we contribute to the energy transition and reduction of CO2 emissions. Mijnwater: the smartest way to a fossil-free heated and cooled Parkstad. 5thG DHC, sustainable energy, Parkstad …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: 5G Sensors Solar Technologies

3 0 0 39
Groupe AEF Groupe AEF

Digital professional press group and event organizer. All economic sectors are currently experiencing profound economic, legal, legal and regulatory changes. In this unstable context, where the cycle of changes has accelerated, access to precise, reliable and neutral daily information is essential. It is the job of Groupe AEF to inform managers and executives. Information agencies, professional magazines and events (trade fairs, meetings, clubs) allow everyone to access essential information and make useful contacts. AEF Group is made up of 5 specialized information centers: AEF Education-Research: education, higher education, research and innovation, curriculum and integration, AEF Social-HR: professional training, human resources, …

Type: Media

174 55 115 168
LaVilleE+ LaVilleE+

Urban Strategic Consulting / co-constructing the sensitive, inclusive, sustainable city with stakeholders #Impact LaVilleE+, an Urban Strategic Consulting firm, supports the creation of tomorrow's cities, so that they are human, inclusive, sustainable. By involving all stakeholders in urban projects around collaborative workshops, it brings out the needs and resources of each in order to build a clear roadmap. Our methodology combining design thinking and serious games facilitates strategic formulation, negotiation with stakeholders as well as the creation of a roadmap. The design and negotiation workshops are fueled by a search for proof and validated by a team of experts, based …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city constructiontech

13 6 16 3

Europe’s leading owner, manager and developer of industrial property We create the space that enables extraordinary things to happen - Europe’s leading owner, manager and developer of industrial property. property, warehouses, offices, logistics, datacentres, industrial, REIT, Europe, UK, and Slough Estates

Type: SMB Activities: proptech transporttech

32 7 23 454
UN Environment Programme UN Environment Programme

#ForNature The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the world's environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the environment.

Type: Large company NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

128 78 34 2,978
TECNALIA Research & Innovation TECNALIA Research & Innovation

#CreatingGrowth : #ImprovingSociety Tecnalia Research & Innovation is the first private Technology Centre in Spain and one of the main organisations dedicated to applied research in Europe. Its operating model is based on sectorial Business Units that stand out for their Market orientation and Specialisation. Mission:TECNALIA focuses its activity on applied research in order to use the results of its research and its knowledge in companies and in society, thus contributing to their growth. Applied research, Innovation, Technology, R&D, Sustainable construction, Energy, Environment, ICTs, Industry, Transport, Health, and Technological services

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

76 29 34 1,433
IMS Luxembourg - Inspiring More Sustainability IMS Luxembourg - Inspiring More Sustainability

Luxembourg's leading network for Corporate Responsibility IMS explores new solutions and concretely tests sustainable alternatives, thanks to working groups and pilot projects with positive impacts. Through these projects, IMS facilitates innovative initiatives by mobilizing all stakeholders (private, public and associative). IMS projects tackled these different challenges: - People : inclusion & diversity, wellbeing at work, community engagement, youth, business & human rights - Planet : tackling climate change, natural resources & biodiversity, towards zero waste - Prosperity : responsible production & consumption, new economic approaches, social and solidarity economy, transparency & reporting IMS is an independent, apolitical, non-profit organization that …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

21 8 15 23
CAP Construction CAP Construction

Structuring, coordinating, networking and innovating CAP Construction is the only Walloon network bringing together all the players in the construction sector. Architects, design offices, contractors, installers, materials producers and suppliers, property developers, research and training centres and associations work together to promote sustainable construction, acquire new skills and develop their business, supported by the Walloon government. architecture, Construction , construction durable, rénovation énergétique, smart cities, smart building, éco-quartiers, santé dans le bâtiment , économie circulaire , and numérique dans la construction

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

22 12 28 34

If you have a crack, you FEELBAT 🌍 Climate change, dilapidated structures, numerous dramatic collapses of buildings in metropolises like Bordeaux, Lille, Marseille, Lyon... These problems accentuated by phenomena such as the shrinkage-swelling of clay soils necessarily require urgent action. 🚨 With more than 10.4 million homes on clay soils and many structures in a worsening state of health, it is crucial to act quickly to prevent potential disasters. 💡 Inspired by a tragic event in Marseille and the ease of use of a smartphone, we have developed innovative connected solutions for structural monitoring of buildings. 📈📉Our goal is to …

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech Technologies: New Materials

20 12 13 12

The European portal for energy efficiency and renewable energy in buildings Directly stemming from the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), BUILD UP is the platform for all those dedicated to advancing sustainability in the European building and construction sector. Launched in 2009, it’s an initiative of the European Commission and comes under the European Climate Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). BUILD UP stands as a key hub for construction professionals, providing access to the latest standards, research, and innovative solutions in the realm of energy-efficient construction. It offers a unique opportunity to expand your professional network, enhance your …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

17 4 11 11

IREX is a global development and education organization. We strive for a more just, prosperous, and inclusive world—where individuals reach their full potential, governments serve their people, and communities thrive. We focus on people and communities. With an annual portfolio of $150 million and 750 staff worldwide, we work with partners in more than 100 countries in four areas essential to progress: cultivating leaders, empowering youth, strengthening institutions, and increasing access to quality education and information. International Development, Nonprofit, Civil Society, Education, Gender, Governance, Leadership, Media, Technology for Development, Youth, Africa, Americas, Eurasia, Europe, and Middle East & North Africa

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

17 5 6 1,416
IRESEN - Research Institute for Solar Energy and New Energies IRESEN - Research Institute for Solar Energy and New Energies

Research and Innovation for a sustainable development Created in 2011, under the initiative of the Moroccan Ministry of Energy, Mines and Sustainable Development and the public and private Moroccan key actors in the energy sector, IRESEN, as an applied research catalyst in renewable energies and energy efficiency is facilitating and coordinating the setting up of adapted R&D infrastructure, developing projects, leveraging resources, enabling innovation, improving outreach, scaling-up impacts and aligning national interests. IRESEN's operational strategy is based on two fundamental activities: - Bring the university closer to the industry by means of financial support to a high-quality applied R&D projects …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

16 4 11 74
Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM) Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM)

82 municipalities = 4 million people = half of Quebec | Intervenes in planning, environment, transportation and more Created on January 1, 2001, the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal is a planning, coordination and financing organization that brings together 82 municipalities, or 4 million people spread over more than 4,360 square kilometers. The Community exercises strategic skills across Greater Montreal in the areas of land use planning, economic development, social housing, transportation (public transit and metropolitan arterial network), metropolitan facilities, infrastructure, services and activities, as well as the environment (waste management, air and wastewater treatment). It is also involved in the …

Type: Public

10 1 5 87
LA28 Olympic & Paralympic Games LA28 Olympic & Paralympic Games

The Los Angeles Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games 2028. The Los Angeles Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games 2028.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: games

14 6 6 190
Stadtwerke Bochum Gruppe Stadtwerke Bochum Gruppe

The reliable partner when it comes to energy. Customer-oriented, innovative, energetic and #BockaufBochum. For more than 160 years, Stadtwerke Bochum has been supplying the citizens of Bochum with electricity, gas, water and district heating. In 1856, Stadtwerke brought light to Bochum's streets with the first gas lamp. Today, the Bochum-based company safely supplies around 200,000 Bochum households with energy and water and offers its customers attractive energy services. In addition, Stadtwerke Bochum generates, stores and supplies electricity and natural gas throughout Germany and is the first point of contact for all questions relating to energy. Environmental protection and renewable energy …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

7 0 4 198
Etablissement Public Foncier et d'Aménagement de Guyane (EPFAG) Etablissement Public Foncier et d'Aménagement de Guyane (EPFAG)

TERRITORY OF THE FUTURE After 20 years of operation, EPAG became EPFA Guyane by decree No. 2016-1865 of December 23, 2016. EPFA Guyane, a State Public Establishment, is an establishment created specifically for Guyana. From the outset, it has grouped together functions that are separated elsewhere, for greater efficiency. It is at the same time a Public Development Establishment (EPA), a Public Land Establishment (EPF), and a Land Development and Rural Establishment Company (SAFER). Both flexible and efficient, comprehensive and professional, EPFA Guyane has a joint governance made up of 12 members divided equally between the State and the local …

Type: Public

5 5 0 36
One Young World - Munich 2025 One Young World - Munich 2025

From 3-6 November Munich will be the Host City of the One Young World 2025 Summit. Around 2,000 young leaders from 196 countries, 100 observers, 60 advisors and well-known personalities are expected to attend the four-day event. Data Protection:

Type: Public

34 17 13 3
Brussels Environment Brussels Environment

Environment and Energy Administration of the Brussels-Capital Region Created in 1989, Brussels Environment is the administration for the environment and energy in the Brussels-Capital Region. Our missions ? - To study, monitor and manage the air, water, soil, waste, noise, nature (green spaces and biodiversity) - But also to issue environmental permits, to monitor compliance with them, to develop and support environmental education projects in Brussels schools, to take part in meetings and negotiations at Belgian and international level... - Finally, Brussels Environment has developed its activities in the field of eco-construction and the links between health and the environment.

Type: Public

13 8 2 797
BioEconomic BioEconomic

Conferences: BIM, BREEAM, LEED, WELL, Passivhaus, Industrialized, Sustainable Construction, Efficiency and Eco Mobility Consulting on Energy Efficiency and Distributed Generation Analysis and Management of Energy Consumption Diagnosis and Energy Audits Energy Recovery Studies Feasibility Studies for Renewable Energies Feasibility Studies for Micro-cogeneration Plants Implementation of Energy Management Systems Sale of the Installation and its Management, turnkey. Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energies, Sustainable Construction, Smart, Sustainable and Electric Mobility, Electric Vehicle, BIM, BREEAM, LEED, WELL Building Standard, Passivhaus, Industrialized Construction, and Construction 4.0

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

15 1 10 3
Architecture 2030 Architecture 2030

Architecture 2030 is a non-profit organization established in response to the climate change crisis by architect Edward Mazria in 2002. Architecture 2030’s mission is to rapidly transform the global built environment from the major contributor of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to a central part of the solution to the climate crisis.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

5 0 2 12
Bureau Veritas Group Bureau Veritas Group

Type: Large company

79 46 21 29,601

The world's leading manufacturer of recyclable and fireproof stone wool insulation ♻️ ROCKWOOL Denmark is part of the global ROCKWOOL group, which was founded in 1909 in Denmark. In 1937, the first factory opened in Hedehusene, and since then production has taken off. Today, the group is the world's leading manufacturer of stone wool-based solutions.

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech constructiontech greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

45 6 33 105
Enerdeal by EDP Enerdeal by EDP

Turnkey Solar Energy Solutions for midsize to Xlarge businesses. Through turnkey solar solutions, ?we create economical and sustainable value for your business. Together. Enerdeal mission is to promote smarter energy usage by delivering state-of-the art and competitive solar energy solutions to energy intensive users, industrial company and large real estate owners, more and more integrated to EV chargers (electric vehicle charging stations). Our reference base represents more 1.000.000m2 of solar rooftop or ground mounted systems. - We Develop (contracting + turnkey delivery) - We Operate (maintenance, monitoring, asset management- - We Finance, if requested (through our own dedicated structure or …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

5 0 5 30

Empowering Timber Traders: Marketplace, Business Directory, News & Stats No.1 B2B platform where 1+ million of active buyers and sellers can seamlessly interact, trade, analyze and grow their wood businesses. With over 100,000 companies from 190+ countries, Fordaq is the largest Business Directory in the wood world. Fordaq platform features: 🪵* Marketplace: An extensive listing of products ranging from logs, lumber, and veneer to machinery and equipment. 🗂️* Business Directory: A detailed directory of companies with contacts, making it easy to find and connect with the right clients. 📊* News & Insights: Up-to-date industry news, market trends and statistics. At …

Type: SMB Activities: e-commerce Technologies: SaaS

1 1 0 74
Deutsch-Französisches Zukunftswerk | Forum pour l'avenir franco-allemand Deutsch-Französisches Zukunftswerk | Forum pour l'avenir franco-allemand

From local innovation to national transformation From local innovation to national transformation 🇫🇷 The Franco-German Forum for the Future was created by the Treaty of Aachen signed in January 2019 in order to "work on the transformation processes of our societies". The Forum for the Future develops visions and policy recommendations in close collaboration with local and regional initiatives in France and Germany that are committed to social, economic, ecological or technological structural change in their region. It formulates policy recommendations that will be presented to the French and German governments as well as to the Franco-German Parliamentary Assembly. 🇩🇪 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

9 1 8 22
D2Grids D2Grids

Rolling out 5th Generation District Heating and Cooling (5GDHC) in North-West Europe Increasing the share of renewable energy by accelerating the roll-out of demand-driven smart grids delivering low temperature heating and cooling to NWE cities. The D2GRIDS project aims to develop 5th generation urban heating and cooling networks (5G DHC) in Europe. They will allow to anticipate the needs or sources of fatal heat, cold or renewable electricity in their vicinity. Similarly, local collective self-consumption logic will be optimized by broadly integrating heating and cooling needs, storage capacities or associated thermal or electrical flexibility. The objective is to maximize the …

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

22 3 19 1
Ecocem Ireland Ecocem Ireland

Ecocem is Ireland's premier, independent producer of low carbon cementitious products. Ecocem Ireland is Ireland's premier producer of high performance, low carbon cement; "Ecocem Cement"​. Ecocem cement technically known as GGBS (Ground Granulated Blastfurnace Slag) is the best available technology for the production of high performance, low carbon cements, and is already used extensively in projects across Europe Ecocem Ireland is a subsidiary of Ecocem Materials, who operate plants in France and the Benelux Region. Ground Granulated Blastfurnace Slag (GGBS), Next Generation Cement, Low Carbon Cement, High Performance Cement, LEED, Concrete Specification, Eco-Friendly, Superior Finish, High Strength Concrete, Sulfate Resistance, …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

21 8 13 36
Parc national de la Guadeloupe Parc national de la Guadeloupe

Protect, Educate, Support Guadeloupe, called "the island of beautiful waters" by pre-Columbian populations, is bathed by the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Caribbean Sea to the west. The Guadeloupe National Park ensures the preservation of extremely diverse ecosystems, which extend from the seabed of the Leeward Coast and the Grand Cul-de-Sac-Marin to the summit of the Soufrière volcano. These ecosystems offer exceptional biological wealth. The islets and the barrier reef are home to coral fauna of great ecological interest. Around the bay of Grand-Cul-de-Sac-Marin, the coasts have several humid coastal formations, essential for maintaining natural balances. The tropical …

Type: Public

7 3 5 63
MobiliseYourCity MobiliseYourCity

MobiliseYourCity is a global and inclusive Partnership accelerating the transition to sustainable urban mobility Launched at COP21 in Paris, the MobiliseYourCity Partnership is a leading global Partnership for sustainable mobility of nearly 100 partners, including 70 member cities and 15 member countries. It is jointly co-financed by the European Commission's Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA), the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), the French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM), and the French Ministry of Ecological …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

15 3 9 9
Wilo Group Wilo Group

Pioneering for You. The Wilo Group is a multinational technology group and one of the world’s leading premium suppliers of pumps and pump systems for building services, water management and the industrial sector. The last decade has seen us move from a hidden to a visible and connected champion. Wilo currently employs more than 8,457 people around the globe. With innovative solutions, smart products and individual services, we make water move using intelligent, efficient and eco-friendly techniques. We are already digital pioneers in the industry with our products and solutions, processes and business models. Find out more about your path …

Type: Large company

23 9 12 2,688
Institut de la Francophonie pour le développement durable - IFDD Institut de la Francophonie pour le développement durable - IFDD

Building a sustainable Francophonie Welcome to the IFDD Linkedin page! The Energy Institute of Countries Having in Common the Use of French (IEPF) was created in 1988 shortly after the 2nd Summit of the Francophonie, held in Quebec in 1987. Its creation followed the global energy crises and the desire of the heads of state and government of French-speaking countries to conduct concerted action aimed at developing the energy sector in member countries. In 1996, the Institute included the resolutions of the Rio-1992 Earth Summit as the guiding principle of its action and became the Energy and Environment Institute of …

Type: Public

17 5 8 41
Franco-German Office for the Energy Transition (DFBEW / OFATE) Franco-German Office for the Energy Transition (DFBEW / OFATE)

Encouraging Franco-German exchanges in the energy transition 🇫🇷🇩🇪 The Franco-German Office for the Energy Transition (DFBEW/OFATE) - an information and networking platform for all German and French actors in the energy transition. Since it was founded in 2006 by the governments of Germany and France, the DFBEW's objective is to enable its members to exchange information and build bridges between all players in the energy transition in both countries, whether they come from administration, research or industry. The DFBEW's events and publications provide the public, the administrations of both countries and its 250 member organisations with factual and precise information …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

50 7 40 31
World Urban Campaign by UN-Habitat World Urban Campaign by UN-Habitat

Improving 1000 Cities, 1 Billion Lives by 2030 The World Urban Campaign, coordinated by UN-HABITAT, is a coalition of urban stakeholders to raise awareness about positive urban change. #SDG11 #Urbanthinkers Advocacy, Communications, Partnerships , Campaign, United Nations, UN-Habitat, and SDG11

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

12 1 6 11
Cluster EMC Cluster EMC

The EMC Cluster is a non-profit association created in 2013, supported by the Ministry of Industry, Trade, Investment and the Digital Economy and which works in the field of energy efficiency, particularly in construction. It brings together companies, architects, design offices, universities, a technical center, a foundation, a press group and professionals in the field of construction and sustainable development. The EMC cluster aims to: - Bring together players in the construction and sustainable development sector around collaborative projects with high innovative content. - Support the cluster companies to become more competitive, to develop and to conquer market shares both …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

2 1 2 3

We United. We Acted. We Delivered. Learn more about #COP28UAE and The UAE Consensus at

Type: Public

43 36 5 202

Succeed together! Present for over 70 years in French-speaking Switzerland, NORBA designs, manufactures and installs interior and exterior joinery for construction sites. NORBA supports its partners in their new construction or renovation projects. The products offered by NORBA: - Windows - Doors - Glass walls - Custom cabinets - Technical faces - Special fire-resistant products according to EI30, EI60, and EI90 approvals. Thanks to its 3 production sites in Palézieux, Oron-la-Ville and Therwil, NORBA is committed to promoting local manufacturing of its joinery, for guaranteed Swiss quality. Come and meet us in our offices and discover our showrooms: - NORBA …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech

1 1 0 41
CBS-Lifteam CBS-Lifteam

Wood engineering, construction, wood expertise, architecture... Passion drives us! The CBS-Lifteam group specializes in the design and construction of innovative and large-span wood structures, integrating the concepts of reversibility and hybridization of buildings. The rehabilitation, reuse and mix of materials also take on their full meaning in our overall environmental approach. On the road to carbon neutrality with bio-sourced materials such as straw, cellulose wadding, wood fiber for insulation and raw earth brick for load-bearing systems. Studies and construction of wood structures, Expertise of wood structures, Production of prefabricated elements, Construction (works division), Bio-sourced, Eco-design, Eco-construction, and Social and Environmental …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: New Materials

13 1 4 57
Oliver Kinross Oliver Kinross

Award Winning, International Trade Shows for the Built Environment In 2014 Oliver Kinross took the decision to focus on organising large-scale events and exhibitions. Our belief is that the B2B events industry is evolving and that our events must reflect the changing world in which we live. Many of our clients want to see large-scale, multi-dimensional events that are content-rich (high-level conference sessions and workshops), interactive, innovative, entertaining and create real value for the industries they serve. Oliver Kinross organises the world's most innovative and global portfolio of built environment events (our signature 'BUILD'​ portfolio). The portfolio includes within it …

Type: Event

1 1 0 112
Arborescence Arborescence

For loved ones in mental health Arborescence is a non-profit community organization. Founded in 1980, the organization was previously known as AQPAMM (Association Québécoise des Parents et Amis de la personne malade de Maladie Mentale). We support families and loved ones of an adult living with a mental health disorder. We offer information, referrals, support, and equip our members to enable a healthy relationship with their loved one while taking care of themselves. We are committed to developing adapted services to meet the changing needs of our members and the community. Mental health, Psychosocial intervention, Support and mutual aid groups, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

1 1 0 27
Ferrari Architectes Ferrari Architectes

Lausanne architectural firm A player on the Romandy architectural scene for over 30 years, the Lausanne firm Ferrari Architectes addresses subjects as diverse as they are varied while placing people and their environment at the heart of its concerns. The wide range of themes covered by Ferrari Architecte, most of which come from competitions, reflects the versatility of its stakeholders. From the future children's hospital at the CHUV, to the sustainable district of 180 housing units in Renens, including the new primary schools in Vernier and Bex or the renovation of the Morges Town Hall, Ferrari Architectes has set itself …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech smart city

1 1 0 42
EcoTransFaire - Société d'Impact Sociétal (SIS) EcoTransFaire - Société d'Impact Sociétal (SIS)

Ecotransfaire is a Societal Impact Company based in Luxembourg. EcoTransFaire supports stakeholders in developing effective, innovative and sustainable solutions to address local development challenges, whether economic, societal or environmental. Our expertise includes project engineering (ideation, design, implementation), structuring and supporting ecosystems, and managing and supporting changes in uses. Circular economy, Urban action, Public Private Partnerships, Energy transition, Social design, Urban sociology, Greater Region, European projects, Partnerships development, Project management, Networks, short food circuits, Social economy, Circular economy, Project management, Consulting and support in societal engagement, Design and management of projects of general interest, Assistance in mastering uses, Design thinking, Social …

Type: SMB Activities: smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

3 1 2 4

Our company, LAIII — Lopes Associates, started recently and has the ambition to face new callings and to build and develop a new generation in engineering, based on knowledge, on rigor and on creativity. We live inspired by dreams, however, it is with realism that we make decisions. We know the will we have is the best reason of all to look for new challenges. Everyday! Consultoria, Assessoria Técnica, and Gestão e Elaboração de Projecto

Type: SMB Activities: it services

1 1 0 7
Rotor vzw-asbl Rotor vzw-asbl

Rotor is a cooperative design practice that investigates the organisation of the material environment Rotor is a cooperative design practice that investigates the organisation of the material environment. We develop critical positions through research and design. Besides projects in architecture and interior design, we also produce exhibitions, books, economic models and policy proposals. In 2016, we've launched the spin-off project @Rotor DC. This is the place to buy salvaged building components. Réemploi, Reuse, AMO, Research, Interior design, Circularity, Economie circulaire, and Design assistance

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city Technologies: New Materials

4 1 3 11
SNERCT Construction SNERCT Construction

Are you interested in 3D wooden modular construction for your extensions and new constructions? SNERCT Construction is a general contractor, based in Bry sur Marne (94), which operates in the Ile de France region. Its turnover is 70% in rehabilitation and 30% in new construction. Its activities cover buildings of all types and nature, including: - tertiary premises (offices, shops, etc.), - functional equipment (schools, colleges, nurseries, kindergartens, sports facilities, etc.) - social and high-end housing Breakdown by construction site size: 90% of the activity is covered by construction sites of 1 to 5 million euros After a courageous year …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

2 2 0 51
WSP in Switzerland WSP in Switzerland

WSP is an international firm of consulting engineers active in infrastructure, environment, building & energy projects. Recognised for its expertise in prestigious projects such as the Lyon-Turin Base Tunnel, the Grand Paris Express, the Rolex Learning Center in Lausanne, the Institut Curie in Paris and the Stade de Suisse, the BG Group has decided to join forces with WSP. In Europe alone, there are 15,000 professionals committed to inventing the transport infrastructures, energy networks, sustainable cities and territories of tomorrow. Drawing on our talents as engineers, designers and visionaries, we are pursuing an ambitious strategy to decarbonise the construction sector …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

12 7 8 498

Well-being for people and planet by transforming spaces using daylight and fresh air For more than 80 years, the VELUX Group has created better living environments for people around the world; making the most of daylight and fresh air through the roof. Our product programme includes roof windows and modular skylights, decorative blinds, sun screening products and roller shutters, as well as installation and smart home solutions. These products help to ensure a healthy and sustainable indoor climate, for work and learning, for play and pleasure. We work globally – with sales and manufacturing operations in 35 countries and around …

Type: Large company

57 22 29 5,927
Celsius Initiative Celsius Initiative

Accelerating the energy transition in cities A collaboration hub for efficient, integrated heating and cooling solutions supporting cities in their energy transition to carbon-neutral systems.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

11 3 8 1
CAGBC | Canada Green Building Council CAGBC | Canada Green Building Council

Building our way forward. The Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) is a not-for-profit, national organization that has been working since 2002 to advance green building and sustainable community development practices in Canada. CaGBC is the licence holder for the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building rating system in Canada. In 2017, CaGBC launched the country’s first Zero Carbon Building Standard. CaGBC and Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI) jointly own GBCI Canada, which accelerates green building market transformation in Canada through an integrated portfolio of sustainability initiatives, including Arc, the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB), Investor Confidence …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech constructiontech greentech

11 1 7 92
Les Marchés Les Marchés

Réussir is the leading professional information group in the French agricultural and food world. Its strength is to be present both at the national level (via a dozen titles providing information to professionals in agriculture and the agrifood industry such as AgraPresse, Les Marchés, FLD or the 9 monthly Réussir) but also at local level with 43 associate publishers who publish a regional press title every week. We federate, through our media and services, communities of professionals from the world of food. Our sites: Réussir is the leading professional information group in the French agricultural and food …

Type: Media

70 13 54 83