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LogoName Σ Employees
Syndicat des énergies renouvelables (SER) Syndicat des énergies renouvelables (SER)

Energy transition actors The Syndicate of Renewable Energies (SER) brings together more than 500 members, representing a turnover of 15 billion euros and 166,000 direct and indirect jobs. Since 1993, it has constituted the professional organization of manufacturers of all renewable energy sectors: biomass, wood, biofuels, biogas, wind, marine energies, geothermal energy, hydroelectricity, heat pumps, photovoltaic solar, solar thermal and thermodynamics. Photovoltaic, wood energy, biogas, biofuel, biomass, wind, renewable marine energies, enr & amp; Building, geothermal energy, and hydroelectricity

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

59 22 36 83
SPL Paris et Métropole aménagement SPL Paris et Métropole aménagement

Developer of the City of Paris and the Metropolis of Grand Paris Developer of the City of Paris and the Metropolis of Grand Paris, the SPL Paris & amp; Métropole Aménagement has developed its expertise around environmental excellence and the coordination of major sites on Operation Clichy-Batignolles. She is now in charge of six operations on Parisian territory-Chapelle coal, Paul Meurice, Porte Pouchet, Saint-Vincent-de-Paul and Clichy-Batignolles and the Zac Gare des Mines-Fillettes which will welcome Arena for Olympic and paralympic games of 2024. It contributes to the renewal of models and practices of development, in particular in order to reduce …

Type: Public

43 8 41 16

Mix.e, the European Tech & amp; Low carbon energy mix uses Mix.e is a multi-energy professional event & amp; Multi-Solutions federating all the actors involved in the low carbon energy mix. A business, collective, concrete, innovative and friendly meeting which will take place on April 10 and 11, 2024 at the Cité Internationale de Lyon. Its program and animations are built so that the event is an ideal accelerator to think about new energies, enhance the already operational achievements in our territories and open up new markets. Save the date! Evenementiel, Energies, ENR, Energetic Mix, Business, and Conferences

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

34 9 0 9

Ecological conception of buildings and territories ... Ecology, carbon, re -use, ICU, resilience, and adaptation to climate change

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

17 1 8 36
Rector Lesage Rector Lesage

Better build together Industrial specialist in pre -combined concrete and reinforced concrete floors, Rector responds to the new environmental and energy deal by imagining global, sustainable and intelligent constructive solutions. Rector is thus positioned as a reference interlocutor putting his men, his sense of innovation and his international patents at the service of your success. Since 1953, Rector® products have been carrying your constructions. Beam floats, predalles, premurs, beams and concrete posts are all horizontal and vertical structures on which you can rest with your eyes closed. Rector is a brand of the Lesage group whose family shareholding places man …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Decarbonization

8 3 4 593
Sites & Cités remarquables de France Sites & Cités remarquables de France

The national network of cities and countries of art and history and remarkable heritage sites • An association created in 2000 to bring together cities and sets of communes carrying a remarkable heritage site, and the territories labeled "Cities or countries of art and history" or undergoing • A network bringing together more than 300 members, i.e. 14 million and 2,200 municipalities of any scale, from very dense life pools to the most rural communes, sharing an engine vision of heritage, source of culture but also of the revitalization lever of the territories. • A platform to exchange skills, experiences …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: traveltech smart city

47 5 43 17
setec lerm (Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur les Matériaux) setec lerm (Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur les Matériaux)

Within the SETEC group (3,000 collaborators), the LERM is intended for the physical study of materials and structures constituting buildings, art works or any construction infrastructure. Established on different sites, Paris, Lyon, Rennes, Toulouse and Arles (central laboratory), with its 3000 m2 of laboratories and a workforce of 100 experienced and highly qualified employees, the LERM supports all construction stakeholders for their Ensure quality and sustainability in their work or in the management of their built park. It has recognized expertise thanks to its high -tech laboratory resources combined with wise engineering analyzes. The know-how that LERM engineers have been …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: New Materials

6 1 5 83
Seqens Seqens

"Giving everyone a chance by innovating for habitat" is our raison d'être. Seqens is an overall player in housing in Ile-de-France. With a park of 105,000 dwellings, including 11,000 so -called specific dwellings, Seqens stands out by a strong territorial network: our heritage is present in more than 310 Ile -de -France municipalities. In 2022, Seqens became the first company with mission of the Action Housing group. Carried by its 1,600 employees, it now has a reason for being: "give everyone their chance by innovating for the habitat". Being a mission company means pursuing ambitious social, societal and environmental objectives, …

Type: Incubators & VCs

62 25 48 841
🌱🌍 🎙Carbone Zéro, la radio 🎧 🌱🌍 🎙Carbone Zéro, la radio 🎧

Edition, production and dissemination of podcasts dedicated to our transformations and our low carbon trajectory 🌍 🌱️ Our reason for being? • highlight the solutions, innovations, projects and initiatives that help reduce our carbon footprint or support our environmental, social and societal transformations. • Give the floor to all those who act on a daily basis: territorial actors, companies, start-ups, institutional, experts, collectives, associations and citizens. • Promote our ecological and energy transition as an opportunity for growth but also as a lever for innovation, differentiation and performance. All our podcasts are available on the zero carbon site, radio and …

Type: Media

51 7 42 1
Routes de France Routes de France

Public space and mobility FNTP specialty union, representing nearly 35% of the activity of the public works sector, Routes de France brings together companies that build and maintain the network of urban roads and roads on all points of the territory. Construction, public works, roads, roads, streets, mobility, infrastructure, professional union, road equipment, asphalt, and bitumen

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

47 12 25 18
Comité Interprofessionnel du Bois-Energie (CIBE) Comité Interprofessionnel du Bois-Energie (CIBE)

Wood, energy of our territories The Interprofessional Bois-Energie (CIBE) committee was created in 2006. He coordinates and supports players in collective and industrial heating with wood to professionalize practices, establish the rules of the art, train professionals and promote the boiler rooms of strong and medium -sized powers to public and private decision -makers. It brings together 150 companies, project owners (public and private), professionals in the wood sector and the world of energy. He notably provided the simplified classification of fuels and the technical notes on the reduction of emissions, the condensation of smoke, the valuation of ashes, methods …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

17 2 17 5
Bordeaux Euratlantique Bordeaux Euratlantique

🌆 A new common, social and environmental heritage in Bordeaux, Bègles and Floirac Bordeaux Euratlantique is one of the largest development operations in France with more than 730 ha in the municipalities of Bordeaux, Bègles and Floirac. Operation of national interest (OIN), it is carried out by the public development establishment (EPA) Bordeaux Euratlantique created in 2010. With a demanding programming of 2,500,000 m2 of housing, offices and public facilities, these are ultimately 50,000 new inhabitants and 30,000 new jobs that are expected in this territory south of the Bordeaux metropolis. The representatives of the State, the presidents of the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

82 28 59 72
Pôle de Compétitivité Build&Connect Pôle de Compétitivité Build&Connect

Let's build the buildings of today and tomorrow. The Build pole & amp; Connect (ex pole fibers Energivie) is the pole of #competitiveness labeled by the French State dedicated to #Sustainable Building Its mission is to support companies in the #Innovation Building sector. It brings together more than 230 members, mainly based in the Grand Est region representing the entire value chain, materials, equipment, constructive systems. He supports building players to succeed in their digital and ecological transformations with programs and targeted services in particular on the digital model (BIM) and the circular economy. Sustainable materials, competitiveness cluster, cluster, Grand …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech constructiontech greentech

53 20 18 19
Plurial Novilia Plurial Novilia

Plurial Novilia, a company of the Action Housing Group A major player in innovative social housing in Île-de-France and in the Grand Est, Plurial Novilia imagines daily and effective solutions on a daily basis in order to meet the needs of local authorities and their inhabitants. Teams of experts mobilized Plurial Novilia has more than 500 employees, 12 local agencies and a housing stock with more than 37,000 dwellings divided into Île-de-France (Seine-et-Marne and Essonne) and in the Grand-Est. The complementarity of our professions, backed by our expanded network of professional partners, allows us to provide both rapid and relevant …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

39 10 30 365
Plante & Cité Plante & Cité

National technical center on green spaces and landscape Plant & amp; Cited: from research to operational Specialized in green spaces and the landscape, plant & amp; Cité is a national organization for studies and experiments. This technical center ensures the transfer of scientific knowledge to professionals in green spaces, businesses and local authorities. Plant & amp; City produces resources that meet the priority expectations of professionals: reduce phytosanitary products, save water, choose plants adapted to urban constraints, preserve biodiversity, understand the benefits of plants on health and well-being ... Plant & amp; Cité is a 1901 law association created in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

48 14 35 26
Plaine Commune Plaine Commune

Plaine Commune is a territorial public establishment (EPT) which brings together 9 cities north of Paris. Plaine Commune, host community of the 2024 Games, employs more than 2,200 agents with various professions. Located in Seine-Saint-Denis, on the north facade of Paris, it brings together 9 cities: Aubervilliers, Epinay-sur-Seine, Ile-Saint-Denis, La Courneuve, Pierrefitte-sur-Seine, Saint-Denis, Saint Ouen, Stains and Villetaneuse. It is identified as a territory of culture and creation in Greater Paris (#Culturelaville) and will be at the heart of #Paris2024. . You can follow the news of the territory on social networks: Culture and creation, urban development, …

Type: Public

90 55 34 961

Cédric Petitdidier and Vincent Prioux created in 2004 the agency Petitdidierprioux architects (PPX). Bringing together around thirty collaborators between her two Paris and Lyon agencies, she now has around thirty achievements to her credit. Over the years, she has forged an expertise in the field of housing, by constantly giving the bet of "kind density" in order to reconcile individual housing and collective housing, including for buildings of high high height . Her experience is recognized internationally: she won the 40 Under 40 Prize in 2010; The International Property Awards in 2013, the American Architecture Prize in 2016, as well …

Type: Event

29 2 24 32
Paris La Défense Arena Paris La Défense Arena

Both an avant-garde and ultra-modern sports pregnant scene, Paris La Défense Arena is distinguished by its unique versatility. Wanted and initiated by Jacky Lorenzetti, president of Ovalto, and imagined by the architect Christian de Portzamparc, this Arena, makes experiences as varied as Immersives and Interactive. Pregnant with an international vocation, Paris La Défense Arena lives up to the most renowned world halls. Its capacity, up to 40,000 spectators, will allow it, in the short term, to become a reference for flagship artists. Especially since its location allows visitors to all of Europe to come to it easily. Emotion Studio, Wall …

Type: Event

49 35 12 169
OpinionWay OpinionWay

Enable Today, Shape Tomorrow Founded in 2000 on this radically innovative idea for the time, OpinionWay was a pioneer in the renewal of the practices of the profession of marketing and opinion studies. Our mission: to make the world intelligible to act today and imagine tomorrow. With continuous growth since its creation, the company has continued to open up to new horizons to better address all marketing and societal issues, by integrating the social media intelligence into its methodologies, exploitation From Smart Data, creative co-construction dynamics, community approaches and storytelling. Today OpinionWay continues its growth dynamics by geographically establishing itself …

Type: Media

146 97 38 173
Observatoire de l'immobilier durable Observatoire de l'immobilier durable

Thinking responsible real estate #Carbone #Adaptation #Biodiversity #Energie #isr Independent Association, the Observatoire de l'Emal Estate Sustainable (OID) aims to accelerate the ecological transition from the real estate sector in France and internationally. Composed of more than a hundred members and partners, including real estate leaders, the OID constitutes the reference for the entire sector value chain, and promotes collective intelligence to solve environmental, social and social issues real estate societies. OID produces resources and tools at the service of the general interest. Tertiary real estate, sustainable development, innovation, climate, resilience, energy, resources, general interest, conviction, and climate change

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

74 26 61 36
News Tank Cities News Tank Cities

In full knowledge News Tank Cities is a media from News Tank Network dedicated to housing, development and real estate players. 100 % digital, neutral, targeted and concise, News tank cities guarantees you exhaustive coverage of sector news through articles, associated sheets, selections, indicators, interviews, agendas, opinion stands and sectoral analyzes (in written formats, Podcast and videos), as well as a directory of people and organizations. All our content is made by a team of journalists, experts and professional contributors. Our services are accessible on subscription. Our model without advertising guarantees the readability and independence of the information produced. Do …

Type: Media

94 16 86 14 - Le Magazine de la Copropriété - Le Magazine de la Copropriété

Your online magazine for condominiums for co -owners and real estate professionals My building, the online magazine of the condominium for co -owners and real estate professionals. A real estate news and practical information site to help you manage your heritage in a spirit of conviviality. A media that brings together a community around the same theme and in a friendly atmosphere. Co -ownership, real estate, communication, information, Event, and information

Type: Media

36 8 18 6
Merci Raymond Merci Raymond

Collective of creative urban gardeners with action to make our cities greener, and more greedy! 🌱💪🌳 Thank you Raymond is an eco-responsible French company bringing together gardeners and creative determined to give way to the plant in the urban environment, convinced of the importance of making cities greener, more delicious and more resilient, thank you Raymond conducted actions to multiple scales in different places (public spaces, rooftops, shops, offices, restaurants ...), both to give them green or create spaces dedicated to urban agriculture, and to encourage city dwellers to contribute to the green revolution and Thus create social ties around …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

95 20 73 56
Maison de l'architecture Ile-de-France Maison de l'architecture Ile-de-France

In activity since 2004, the Maison de l'Architecture is the house of 10,000 architects in Ile-de-France, town planners, landscapers, from the entire living environment sector. The Ile-de-France architecture house is a place to debate the manufacture of the city, a place to promote architectural culture, a place for large differences: between theory and practice, between the Professional world and the general public, between children, students, architects and project owners. These differences allow it to weave, with agility, a framework conducive to the dissemination of architectural culture, in its diversity and in its plurality. In order to respond to its mission …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Public Activities: smart city constructiontech

44 14 38 13

Act for a solidarity and sustainable district engaged in the climate transition #urbanism Almost 20 years after the start of the urban project on the Saône side, the confluence has become, as an extension of the historic city center of Lyon, a full-fledged neighborhood. Long devoted to industrial-port activity, the wasteland has turned into a heart of the city where it is good in harmony with water and nature. A mixed, lively, attractive and accessible city favorable to the well-being of its users that it is a question today of extending on the Rhône side. Urban planning, architecture, public spaces, …

Type: Public

74 20 61 28
L'Union des Architectes (Unsfa) L'Union des Architectes (Unsfa)

Value and promote the role of architects, defend their interests, participate in the evolution of our profession. The purpose of UNSFA aims to enhance and promote the role of architects, defend their interests, participate in the evolution of our profession and get involved in concrete terms on major issues and the future of our profession. By joining UNSFA, you are supported, accompanied, informed and develop your network by integrating the union of your region. Unsfa is there for you, join it! Professional organization

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

33 11 19 18
Les Canaux Les Canaux

Contribute to changing the economy for the benefit of models respectful of humans and the environment. Our mission is to support the development of a committed economy (local, social, united and circular) by forming and raising citizens, companies and communities to social and environmental innovation. Our professions: to raise awareness, train, support, create opportunities. We support 5,000 companies and 7,000 professionals in France and more than 300,000 citizens have participated in one of our events. ... The canals also animate the "House of Solidarity and Innovative Economies" located at 6, Quai de la Seine in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

161 50 135 41
Le Moniteur Le Moniteur

Media leader in the construction industry, the instructor has more than 1.5 million visits per month (APCM July 2024). Its drafting deciphers every day all economic, social, technical, architectural and regulatory construction and public works. From financing to the exploitation of works and major regional planning projects, including their design and realization, it questions each phase of the act of building. Its objective: to offer public and private owners, project managers, design offices, architects, work and industrial companies the keys to readings and tools, through in particular value -added services, which will allow them 'Act and develop on transitional markets. …

Type: Media

166 84 97 115

Love the context Architecture, Urban Design, Landscape Office Based in Paris - Marseille The Leclercq Associés agency is a multidisciplinary structure of more than 70 people - architects, landscapers, urban planners from Sciences Po or bridges and roads, engineers, graphic designers ... Created by François Leclercq in the early 1980s, associated since 2019 With Charles Gallet and Paul Laigle, his approach combines architectural design, urban reflection, landscape reflection and research of environmental performance. With its diversity, Leclercq Associés has been developing a joint and multiscular approach in the city and the territories for the challenges of the issues for several …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech smart city

54 10 42 61
IREX (Institut) - Institut pour la recherche appliquée et l'expérimentation en génie civil IREX (Institut) - Institut pour la recherche appliquée et l'expérimentation en génie civil

From research to practice The IREX, an institute for applied research and experimentation in civil engineering, intervenes in applied research programs, including national projects (PN), of which it ensures administrative and financial management. Federating and operational organization, IREX is a meeting place open to all professionals and researchers. Our goal? Bring out new collaborative projects and define the needs in terms of collective research. National projects are grouped into 4 main themes: - Operation & amp; Infrastructure maintenance - Reduction of environmental impacts & amp; sanitary - optimization of design, processes & amp; performance - Materials & amp; Innovative processes …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

45 3 37 11
IBPC - International Biodivercity Properties Council IBPC - International Biodivercity Properties Council

Nature and Cities The Association International Consulting Biodiversity & Amp; Real estate (CIBI / IBPC), the primary object of which is to develop urban biodiversity and experiences of nature, values ​​all the functions of the living, at the service of the issues for resilient cities which are in particular the attenuation of the urban islets , the risk of flooding and pollution, but also to develop short cycles and circuits and save resources, especially water and soil. Acting in addition to expertise or basic research centers (universities type, laboratory, national museum of natural history ...), the ICF deals its legitimacy …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city constructiontech

50 11 35 12
Fira Barcelona Fira Barcelona

Fira de Barcelona is one of the most important trade fair institutions in Europe and the Spanish market leader. It hosts over 120 trade shows, congresses and corporate events per year, brings together 30,000 exhibitors and receives over 2 million visitors from 200 countries. Its annual economic contribution to the city of Barcelona and its surroundings is estimated at over 2,600 million Euros and also brings added social and public value. Organización de ferias, congresos y eventos, Servicios a otros operadores feriales, Organización de ferias en otros países y asesoramiento en gestión ferial, and Espacio para fotos y rodajes

Type: Event

14 10 5 685
INES - Institut National de l'Energie Solaire INES - Institut National de l'Energie Solaire

Research & amp; Education for Solar Energy The Ines is a world leader in R & AMP, expertise and training for advanced solar technologies, their integration into systems and intelligent energy management. Initiated by the Savoy Departmental Council and the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region, it brings together the CEA teams, the Savoie Mont Blanc University and benefits from the support of the CNRS and the CSTB. The Ines now has 500 employees on a 22,000 m2 site with the best equipment. Our employees and partners redesign the future for the energy transition. Photovoltaic solar, Energetic Building, Solar Thermal, Storage and Mobility, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

69 19 56 126
Immoweek Immoweek

The whole B2B info of real estate - News & amp; Real estate connections Created by Pascal Bonnefille and Valérie Garnier, the Immeek group (at the time PBO Press Initiatives) started from a double observation: the need for real estate professionals (both tertiary and housing) to have informative tools Indispensable for their development, but also to make yourself known better and to present a positive image of the sector, corresponding to the tremendous effort of professionalization carried out then, and since then. Immoweek is the press company dedicated to information for real estate professionals. From paper to paper (magazine) via …

Type: Media

143 37 129 8

Valoriser les énergies 🇫🇷 Depuis plus de 60 ans, Idex développe, conçoit, finance, construit et exploite des infrastructures énergétiques locales et décarbonées de fourniture de chaleur et d’électricité locale et décarbonée pour les bâtiments, les villes & l’industrie. Idex est aujourd’hui le seul opérateur du marché verticalement intégré sur l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur des énergies locales. Ainsi, nous intervenons de la production d’énergie thermique ou électrique à partir de ressources énergétiques locales et décarbonées (géothermie, déchets, biomasse, solaire), en passant par la distribution de cette énergie à travers les réseaux de chaleur et de froid jusqu'à l’optimisation de …

Type: Large company

67 15 53 3,500
Hespul Hespul

For the energy transition of the territories, while defending the values ​​of equity and general interest. HESPUL is a 1901 law association whose corporate object is the development of renewable energies and energy efficiency. The objectives set with the office and the employee team are to contribute to the advent of a sober and effective company based on renewable energies, while defending values ​​of equity and general interest. #Sobriety #Efficiency #Energies #RenELAVABLES #Photovoltaic # & gt; National Photovoltaic Resource Center: & gt; Resources for the integration of renewable energies into the electrical network: The comments deposited on the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

39 12 24 24 is a collaborative international platform dedicated to the circular economy. allows you to discover, activate, share or carry out circular economy projects in the fields of the company: mobility, energy, synergies, services, etc. Industrialists, design offices, companies: register to be informed.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

34 4 11 1
GAMBA Acoustique (Groupe GAMBA) GAMBA Acoustique (Groupe GAMBA)

More than acoustics and vibrations Gamba group has been around since 1976. A story of associates and employees carried by the same ideal: to perpetuate a practice based on questioning, research and innovation, for quality services for our customers and the development of all in the company. More than 60 employees everywhere in France, shareholder leaders of the group, a policy of opening shareholding towards employees wishing to invest in this project, sustainable and constant development, in France and abroad. Industry, building, wind farms, R & AMP; D, Edition software of forecast acoustics, transport, training, soundproofing of facades, sound system, …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Decarbonization

24 4 11 69
Forum International Bois Construction Forum International Bois Construction

NVBcom I Forum International Bois Construction 2025 - Grand Palais - Paris, February 26, 27 and 28, 2025 NVBCOM is the European Communication and Event Press Agency working in the field of wood construction. We organize the International Bois Construction forum each year, the essential event of the wood sector. Evènementiel, corporate communication, and press relations

Type: Event

38 13 23 8
Groupe Pichet Groupe Pichet

"Bien vivre dans sa ville durablement" Patrice Pichet In 20 years, the Pichet group has developed an innovative approach that has enabled it to expand its expertise to all the activities of the property sector: from design to marketing and management, we now operate in the collective and individual housing sectors, in business properties, shops and hotels, etc.; This modern vision of our activities and professionalism will provide you with the support you need in all aspects of your property plans. Buying new or old housing, building your home, renting, entrusting your property to be managed or even investing in …

Type: Large company

21 6 17 1,132
Fondation Palladio sous l'égide de la Fondation de France Fondation Palladio sous l'égide de la Fondation de France

Act for the construction of the city of tomorrow Original tool for mobilization, research and reflection over the long term and in the general interest, the Palladio Foundation intervenes directly with the actors, who have or will have the responsibility to build the city, by creating the support tools necessary for Reversing (Palladio Institute), Relay Preparation (Pôle Avenir Palladio) and anticipation (Palladio research pole).

Type: Incubators & VCs NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

75 37 63 29
Établissement public d'aménagement Paris-Saclay Établissement public d'aménagement Paris-Saclay

Paris-Saclay, shared innovation #innovationplayground The Paris-Saclay Planning Planning Establishment Impulse and coordinates the development of the scientific and technological pole of the Saclay plateau, as well as its international economic influence. He is arrangement of concerted development zones in the perimeter of the national interest operation. Paris-Saclay is a major territory of development and innovation that is based on: - Paris-Saclay University and the Paris Polytechnic Institute representing an exceptional scientific concentration by its magnitude, its disciplinary diversity and its level of excellence; - an innovation dynamic at work in several sectors of strategic activity at the service of growth …

Type: Public

163 61 110 150
ENSACF École nationale supérieure d'architecture de Clermont-Ferrand ENSACF École nationale supérieure d'architecture de Clermont-Ferrand

The National School of Architecture of Clermont-Ferrand (ENSACF) is one of the twenty French schools of architecture dependent on the Ministry of Culture. Each year, it welcomes around 600 students and provides training in building projects, urban projects, regional planning, research and programming. Teaching in architecture is part of the European harmonization of teaching processes and is divided into three study cycles (Bachelor, Master, Doctorate). In its missions of spreading architectural culture and opening up to the territory, the School organizes and offers conferences and exhibitions, essential complements to the lessons provided for in the program. It also participates in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city edtech

12 9 3 101
ENGIE Solutions France ENGIE Solutions France

ENGIE SOLUTIONS, the entrusting ally of companies, industries and communities engaged in carbon neutrality. Thanks to the plurality of our skills, our abilities and our fields of intervention, we are able to offer global and sustainable solutions while engaging in the results. We are helping to improve the competitiveness of your infrastructure, the attractiveness of your cities, the comfort of your places of life and work. Engie Solutions is mobilized for the #Francerelance plan by supporting its customers, from the identification of subsidies eligible for the management of projects. #Planderelance #Neutralitycarbone #transitional transition 🌱

Type: Large company

45 30 13 12,580
Ekopolis Ekopolis

Ile -de -France resource center for building and sustainable development. The mission of the Ekopolis association: accelerating the implementation of sustainable practices in the building and development, information and mobilization of Ile -de -France professionals. She continues this mission through four major actions: • Animate a network of committed professionals • Inform professionals by sharing qualified content on its online resource center and by organizing 100 events per year • Train in sustainable construction and rehabilitation through a qualiopi approved training center • Support construction and rehabilitation operations, on the building and development scale, with the durable Buildings of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

60 16 57 38
Effinergie Effinergie

Make an unprecedented level of energy efficiency of buildings under construction and renovation. Effinergie or collective Effinergie is a French association created in 2006, which aims to promote constructions and renovations of low energy consumption buildings. Thanks to its labels, Effinergie has made it possible to generalize new low -consumption buildings (BBC) in France and work on the massification of BBC renovation. In parallel, it brings the national definition of positive energy buildings. In March 2017, 3 new labels based on the E+ C- standard was created: BBC Effinergie 2017, BEPOS Effinergie 2017 and BEPOS+ EFFINERGIE 2017. In 2019, an …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech energytech

56 10 31 12
Minestrone Minestrone

Collaboration & amp; Performance Minestrone is a collaborative advisory and training company: our mission is to help our customers achieve their strategic and operational objectives by the mobilization of their stakeholders. We facilitate the achievement of economic, social and environmental performance by collaboration. Innovation, social innovation, design, advice, collaboration, cooperation, collaborative strategy, and transformation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

13 1 12 14

All information 100% dedicated to architecture, construction and living environment professionals 1st source of information from architecture, construction, living and real estate professionals. The writing of Batiactu informs all the professionals every day through the site, the newsletters, the mobile application and the magazine. Professional press, online media, quarterly magazine, and mobile application

Type: Media

72 22 54 9
CA Immobilier CA Immobilier

Act for real estate of tomorrow Crédit Agricole Immobilier intervenes with rigor and passion on all real estate markets in France and in Europe: offices, housing, shops, hotels, activity premises, logistics and public facilities ... Crédit Agricole Immobilier offers its customers multiple skills to develop a sustainable real estate approach.

Type: Large company

43 14 34 1,038
Groupe BALAS Groupe BALAS

"Let's share the passion to preserve the past and build the future" together " Balas group: preserve the past and build the future Balas is an independent family group of 900 employees, leader in Ile-de-France in fluids, energy and renovation of heritage, which operates in works and services throughout the building cycle. Four entities form the Balas group, and two specialties are historic in plumbing and cover. The strength of the group is its human capital and its own business skills: engineering, production, out -of -site prefabrication are integrated, offering reactivity and mastery of outstanding sites. The soul of the …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Decarbonization

18 5 13 516 is an urban consulting and research agency. is a consulting and innovation agency for the transformation of the city. 💡CONSEIL: Our missions? Make the city reconstruction projects possible for the city, concrete alternatives to urban sprawl. We are committed alongside the actors of the city to imagine the future of changing urban spaces, mobilize the stakeholders and initiate the transition to the operational. 🏥Reconversion of health equipment 📌 Land and immovableStégies 🦺Reactivation of productive sites 🎞Facilitation and animation is part of a resolutely transdisciplinary partnership ecosystem allowing him to go faster and further. 🎨Innovation: is also …

Type: Media

25 16 7 5
Spacewell Energy (Dexma) Spacewell Energy (Dexma)

Energy Data Analytics Made Easy Spacewell Energy (Dexma) is a leading Energy Management Software for commercial and industrial buildings, serving more than 10.000 organisations across +35 countries. The Spacewell Energy Platform is a cloud-based AI software that combines Big Data Analytics with Energy Efficiency to help thousands of facility managers, energy auditors and building owners around the world to detect, analyse and optimise energy consumption and costs, while becoming more sustainable. The company was founded in 2007 in Barcelona, and operates with a Global Partner Network of +200 Energy Services Companies (ESCOs), Utilities and Integrators. Since 2020, Dexma is part …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech smart city it services Technologies: Data Analytics A.I. Sensors SaaS

3 2 0 55

Build a more circular world together 50 Companies for manufacturing products and building materials are committed to founding an eco-organization at the ambitious roadmap: progressing the recycling of building waste.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech greentech

17 12 9 93
Crédit Agricole Alsace Vosges Crédit Agricole Alsace Vosges

Act every day in your interest and that of society Crédit Agricole Alsace Vosges, which is part of the Crédit Agricole SA group, is a proximity universal bank of nearly 1,450 employees in the service of Alsatians and Vosges, of nearly 2.5 million inhabitants. With more than 2 billion equity, Crédit Agricole Alsace Vosges exercises its missions independently and responsible from cooperative governance, based on business values ​​and mutualists. The Crédit Agricole group, the first financier of the French economy and one of the very first banking players in Europe, brings it its expertise. Open to its environment, the regional …

Type: Media

28 14 24 978
Conseil Départemental du Val de Marne Conseil Départemental du Val de Marne

Planning · Associations · Culture · Participatory democracy · Sustainable development · Economy · Education · Equality men/Women · Employment - Training Social action, autonomy, handicap, elderly, integration/employment, early childhood, child protection, colleges, roads, transport, water/sanitation, green and natural spaces, sustainable development, ecological transition, citizenship, culture, archives, and associative life

Type: Public

75 29 42 2,621
Communauté Paris-Saclay Communauté Paris-Saclay

27 cities 318,000 inhabitants. An exceptional territory combining urban vitality, international influence and natural spaces The Paris-Saclay agglomeration community brings together 27 municipalities and nearly 300,000 inhabitants. It is located in Essonne southwest of Paris. environment, mobility, housing, culture, tourism, employment, economic development, sport, and innovation

Type: Public

98 23 77 212
Communauté d'Agglomération Melun Val de Seine Communauté d'Agglomération Melun Val de Seine

20 municipalities and 135,000 inhabitants gathered around a community of life and the 2030 ambition territory project At the gates of Grand Paris, the Melun Val de Seine agglomeration community is an important urban center in Seine-et-Marne. It brings together 20 municipalities and 135,000 inhabitants, around a community of life and a territory project, ambition 2030. Its dynamism results in a high level of investment and major projects, in particular for decarbonized trips. Vertebral column of the territory, the Seine is the subject of development projects, within the framework of a renewed attractiveness strategy, which integrates the ecological transition for …

Type: Public

39 6 35 123
Comité 21 Comité 21

1st multi-actor network of sustainable development Committee 21 is the first network of actors involved in the operational implementation of sustainable development in France. Its mission is to create the conditions of exchange and partnership between its members from all sectors so that they appropriate and implement, together, the objectives of sustainable development (SDG) on the scale of a territory. Composed of four colleges, it brings together the stakeholders concerned in France: companies, communities, associations, institutions, higher education and media establishments. This network of nearly 500 members bases its action on the multi-actor partnership and on concrete action. UNEP and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

126 31 89 35
Coénove Coénove

Association mobilized for the energy mix and the place of gas, eventually renewable, in the building Created in 2014, Coénove is an association law 1901 formed around key players in energy efficiency in the building. All actively committed to the success of the energy transition, the members of the association support a vision based on the complementarity of energies and the essential contribution of gas, in the long term, to achieve the ambitious objectives of the French strategy on energy and the climate.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

63 5 60 4
Climate Chance Climate Chance

Mobilising and bringing together local actors to strengthen action Since its creation in 2015, Climate Chance brings together all of the actors involved in the implementation of the objectives of the international Agendas on Climate, Biodiversity and Desertification, in keeping with the Sustainable Development Goals. It is the only international association seeking to connect all non-state actors from Europe and Africa, working on the acceleration of local action: local governments, businesses, civil society organisations, but also the media, researchers and citizens. climat, objectifs de développement durable, sustainable development goals, ODD, SDG's, collectivités locales, ONG, entreprises, syndicats, agriculture, femmes et genre, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

56 22 40 15
Cité internationale universitaire de Paris Cité internationale universitaire de Paris

The International City welcomes 12,000 students and researchers from around the world around 45 houses. The Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris is a site unique in the world dedicated to the reception and meetings of students, researchers, artists and high -level sportsmen representing more than 150 nationalities. This campus is the most important in Île-de-France with a capacity of 6,800 dwellings. Accommodation, events, and patronage

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

79 49 34 191

innovation Logistics supply chain Circoé is a research, innovation in logistics and technology transfer center based in Haute-Normandie, labeled CRT (Center for Technological Resources) by the Ministry of Research. As a regional center, the Circoé facilitates the links between the transport logistics of private users and suppliers, territorial public bodies and research centers in order to stimulate economic development on a regional scale, but also at the national level and European. With a double expertise in logistics and information and communication technologies, the Critm is intended to support companies towards improving their logistics performance. Our missions receive all the company's …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

13 6 6 12

Together, let's accelerate sustainable construction. A main mission: to help construction professionals take over innovative practices and regulatory developments, to "do better by using the material less and better". Promotion of cement and its applications, advice - expertise, member of Bybeton, construction, architecture, engineering, material, construction, and professional information

Type: Media

22 10 12 24

Certifier committed to sustainable living environment in France and internationally. 🔵 Certifa is a leader in France for the certification and labeling of tertiary buildings (non -residential), infrastructure and territorial planning. Certivea has been the first certifier body to become a mission company since December 2022 with the desire to act as a certifier committed for sustainable lifestyles and make buildings, cities and territories more sustainable in the face of the urgency of change climate and other major environmental, societal and digital transitions. Subsidiary of the CSTB, a scientific and technical center of the building, Certifaa is the only certification …

Type: Corporate subsidiary NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

93 33 75 67
Cap l'Orient agglomération Cap l'Orient agglomération

Official account of #Lorient Agglomeration which brings together 25 municipalities in #Morbihan, in #Bretagne Sud. CAP L'Orient Agglomeration brings together 19 municipalities led by the desire to carry out a territory project together that intercommunality makes more dynamic and more ambitious. Cap l'Orient puts men at the heart of his project. Third agglomeration in Brittany, Cap l'Orient puts its 190,000 inhabitants at the heart of its project to make it a dynamic and sustainable life, open to the world. Public service and administration

Type: Public

55 31 8 295

Advise you. Accompany you. Defend you. CAPEB is a professional organization representative of crafts and small building companies.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

77 44 25 1

🏡🏗️🌳 Town planning professionals, land, development & amp; Design: become actors in the city of tomorrow! 🗞️Informations 🎓 Formations 🎤 🎤 ☞ ☞ City frame supports you in all your professional needs on a daily basis! 🗞️ Online press site of daily information which makes it possible to follow all of urban projects, current events, cities strategies, case law with all regulatory texts, which offers a map of 15 years of urban projects permeted, and which makes it possible to respond to public consultations. is an online press service recognized by the joint commission of publications and press agencies. …

Type: Media

34 12 25 19
buildingSMART France buildingSMART France

#BSFRANCE #Bimpourtous #openbim: #Digital #Digitaltwin #Competénces #Construction #immobilier #territority #bascarbone #BSFRANCE, Association Law 1901, is the French chapter of Buildingsmart International. Our vocation: support all the actors #Construction #immobilier #territoires to collaborative business practices to master the potential of the #Digital #twin #Digital thanks to #openbim. Guides, practical exchange sheets between software, #Label #Forming #Ceurification #Bim International, #SEMANTICS4BIM ...: Buildingsmart France works for BIM at the service of all and the digital continuity of the data from a perspective of #BAS #BAS #BAS carbon.

Type: Media

27 8 17 13
Build&Connect Summit Build&Connect Summit

International biennial conference around the major building transformations. Build & amp; Connect Summit is the international conference that has taken place every two years since 2014 in Strasbourg in the Grand Est to meet and share around the major issues of buildings. It is organized by the Build pole & amp; Connect (ex Energivie fiber pole) and the University of Strasbourg. See you for the 6th edition on June 12 and 13, 2024 at Illiad! (Illkirch-Graffenstaden) Boat, durable building, energy performance, sustainable construction, circular economy, Event, Symposium, Salon, Grand Est, and Strasbourg

Type: Event

36 9 20 2
Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France

Build for life A subsidiary of Bouygues Construction, Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France develops a global competence for its customers through the specialties of all of its structures: private renovation, private construction, residential housing, public works, social housing and Brézillon. Linkcity Ile-de-France for real estate development, Elan in project management and COGEMEX in the maintenance of housing all trades complete its offer. This organization in specialties allows Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France to capitalize on its expertise to provide an optimized solution that meets the needs of each of its customers. If Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France is a reference company, our ambition is to become …

Type: Media

76 32 67 1,966

Meet us at BEPOSITIVE, the event made for those who build a decarbonized world! 🌍 BEPOSITIVE is the french unmissable show for energy transition! 🌍 Find every information on: Let's meet from 25-27 March 2025 in Lyon - Eurexpo to discuss market developments, the decompartmentalisation of business lines and environmental requirements!

Type: Event

45 15 31 5
Bellastock Bellastock

Promoting places and their resources through the reuse of materials Bellastock is a cooperative that has been committed for over 10 years to the ecological and social transition applied to the architecture, construction and development sectors. To this end, its team is developing pioneering expertise in France on the reuse of construction materials. through its design office. A work guided by the need to reduce construction waste, to train professionals, but also to enable the development of a more sustainable architectural culture. This is accompanied by the need to guide territories towards greater solidarity and diversity through transitional urban planning …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city constructiontech

32 14 16 25
Batiactu Groupe Batiactu Groupe

Informing and connecting construction and living environment stakeholders Batiactu Groupe is a leader in online information and digital solutions for the construction, architecture and real estate sectors. Building on the synergies between its Media, Services and Events activities, Batiactu Groupe relies on around a hundred employees. Its values ​​are focused on the quality of content and innovation. The resources available to Batiactu Groupe are qualified, expert and driven by total customer satisfaction. Digital, Construction, Living environment, Events, Leads, Brand content, Content, Digital communication, and job board

Type: Media

83 46 9 67
AUT-FNAUT Ile-de-France AUT-FNAUT Ile-de-France

The Association of Transport Users (AUT) brings together members from the Paris region (legal entities or individuals) of the National Federation of Transport User Associations (FNAUT). AUT works: - to improve and develop urban, regional, rural and interurban public transport, - to improve travel conditions for pedestrians, cyclists and disabled people, - to ensure road safety, - to provide an intermodal transport policy that respects the daily living environment and the environment.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech traveltech

30 13 12 1
PerPetum Energy PerPetum Energy

We make green energy affordable for every industrial consumer; Founded in 2007, PerPetum Energy is a trailblazer in industrial decarbonization, providing innovative solutions for a CO2 emission-free society. With major projects across Belgium and an expanding footprint in Europe, we are on a mission to lead the global transition to renewable energy. At PerPetum Energy, we offer comprehensive electrical decarbonization solutions. By integrating photovoltaic energy, wind power, energy storage, and EV charging solutions, we help our clients—ranging from industrial consumers and developers to public entities—exceed their CO2 reduction targets. As a one-stop shop, we manage the entire value chain, ensuring …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization Solar Technologies

4 0 3 53
Fédération des élus des Entreprises publiques locales (FedEpl) Fédération des élus des Entreprises publiques locales (FedEpl)

Follow the news of the network of 1442 local public companies (Sem, Spl & SemOp) in +40 sectors of activity. The Federation of Elected Representatives of Local Public Companies (FedEpl) is the sole representative of the range of Epls which includes in France 1,442 mixed economy companies (Sem), local public companies (Spl) and single-operation mixed economy companies (SemOp). A federation of elected representatives formed in 1956, it is governed by presidents and directors of Epls of all political persuasions. Its missions: - enable all Epls to intervene and develop in the most favorable conditions; - support its members in order …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

27 11 15 52
CREBA.rehabilitation CREBA.rehabilitation

#CREBA: a Resource Center for the Responsible Rehabilitation of Old Buildings Our goal? To help all building professionals make quality choices for a GLOBAL and RESPONSIBLE approach to the rehabilitation of old building heritage at the crossroads of energy, technical and heritage issues. To do this, we have: -> Listed and summarized in summary sheets the most relevant STUDIES AND BOOKS that deal with the energy renovation of heritage -> Carried out CASE STUDIES of rehabilitations that combine heritage preservation AND energy rehabilitation -> Adapted a DECISION AID wheel that allows you to test and compare different rehabilitation solutions, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech constructiontech

6 2 5 3
Deerns Deerns

Deerns is an independent engineering firm specialised in providing technical consulting and engineering solutions with almost 500 staff members in offices around the globe. Deerns provides a broad range of high-quality services to its local, national, and international clients. Deerns has done very successful project work for many Airports, Health Care organisations, Data Centres, Laboratory and Cleanroom users and Commercial Real Estate developers. And our innovative approach within the fields of building systems, energy supply and building physics has proven itself in every area of our service. Deerns has been doing this since 1928, tailoring its approach to every client’s …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Data Analytics

7 0 2 725
Holcim Holcim

Building progress for people and the planet What world do you want to live in? A world with greener cities? Powered by renewable energy? Connected with green mobility? With housing for all? If you're passionate about innovation and sustainability, you believe in the power of collaboration and diversity, and you want to learn, grow and perform at your best... ...Join us. And build a world we all want to live in. Greener, smarter and for all. Together we are Builders of Progress. Build progress with us > Cement, Aggregates, Concrete, Building materials, Construction materials, Innovative solutions, Ready-mix concrete, Precast …

Type: Large company NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech greentech

57 21 32 45,403
UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme) UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme)

Creating socially and environmentally sustainable cities and communities UN-Habitat is the United Nations entity responsible for developing urban policies and translating them into action to create sustainable cities and communities. Cities are facing unprecedented demographic, environmental, economic, and social challenges. There has been a phenomenal shift towards urbanization, with half of the world's population living in cities. By 2050, almost 70 per cent of the population will reside in cities. This urban growth will be happening mainly in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. In the absence of effective urban planning, the consequences of this rapid urbanization will be …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

53 28 15 1,798

ATIA is an NGO specialised in the design and implementation of concrete development aid programmes. Created in 2008, ATIA is an association specialised in the design and implementation of development programmes. ATIA is a spin-off of the NGO Inter Aide, whose charter it respects. ATIA's action consists in helping the poorest families to improve their living conditions by themselves according to a combined or "integrated" approach in 4 areas - education: pre-schooling and prevention of school failure in primary schools - social: support for the poorest families (listening, guidance, advice), early childhood development - health: fight against tuberculosis, mutual health …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

3 3 1 30
Anah Anah

A territorial response to the challenges of private housing The National Housing Agency (Anah) is tasked with improving the existing private housing stock. It is a public institution under the supervision of the ministries responsible for Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Authorities, Action and Public Accounts and the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Anah grants financial aid for work under conditions to owner-occupiers, lessors and co-ownerships in difficulty. It is a partner of local authorities for programmed operations (Opah). And a State operator in the implementation of national plans. Fight against substandard and very degraded housing, Treatment of co-ownerships …

Type: Public

111 45 75 345
Alliance HQE - GBC Alliance HQE - GBC

The HQE-GBC Alliance is the catalyst for a collective movement of men & women committed to sustainable development The HQE-GBC Alliance is the alliance of professionals for a sustainable living environment. It brings together unions, professional federations, direct companies, communities and individual professionals. Building, development, infrastructure at all stages of their life cycle – construction, operation, renovation – are at the heart of its DNA in a cross-cutting vision combining quality of life, respect for the environment, economic performance and responsible management. Through the voluntary initiatives it encourages in France and internationally, the association acts in the general interest to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

54 10 46 21
AHK Frankreich / Chambre Franco-Allemande de Commerce et d'Industrie (CFACI) AHK Frankreich / Chambre Franco-Allemande de Commerce et d'Industrie (CFACI)

Your partenaire pour reussir sur le marché franco-allemand La Chambre Franco-Allemande de Commerce et d’Industrie (CFACI) réunit 950 members for lesquels l'entretien et the development of commercial relations Franco-Allemandes revêtent une importance particulière. The apartment in the living room of the German Commerce Chambers is connected to the Federal Government of Commerce and Industry (DIHK) and located to the Federal Ministry of Economy and Technology in the decision of the German Parliament. This apartment has 140 commercial rooms and delegates representing 92 people in each country and offers excellent quality in all its properties from other companies in its commercial …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

82 14 72 86
Agence Qualité Construction Agence Qualité Construction

Preventing disorders, improving the quality of construction. The Construction Quality Agency (AQC)? We are a recognized association of general interest that brings together all professional construction organizations. Our mission? Preventing disorders in construction and improving the quality of construction. What actions do we take to achieve this? All our resources and free tools are intended to help construction professionals in the field in their daily practices! How are our tools and resources developed? -> we observe construction disorders in the field, -> thanks to this data and their lessons, we prioritize the subjects that require prevention, -> we then develop …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

50 14 35 55
Association française pour la prévention des catastrophes naturelles et technologiques (AFPCNT) Association française pour la prévention des catastrophes naturelles et technologiques (AFPCNT)

Acting together for a more resilient future in the face of major risks The French Association for the Prevention of Natural and Technological Disasters is an association governed by the law of July 1, 1901. It was created at the end of 2000 to continue the action of the French Committee of the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (DIPCN), as a national center for collective cross-cutting and multi-risk reflection on the issue of natural risks and a recognized player in international cooperation in this field. Supported by the Ministry of Ecological and Inclusive Transition (MTES), it brings together scientists, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

38 12 21 32
Championnat de France des économies d'énergie Championnat de France des économies d'énergie

The French Energy Saving Championship is the largest field competition in favor of the energy transition. It brings together different leagues, each with its own dedicated competition: - Cube for businesses - Cube.S and Cube Ecoles for schools - C-Cube for vehicle fleets - Cube PLD for businesses in Paris La Défense The objective? Reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions by making users actors in the ecological transition. The Championship was initiated by Ifpeb and A4MT. This year, its launch will take place on December 7 at Paris La Défense Arena. Find the news and preparations for this exceptional event …

Type: Event

39 6 35 1
Les compagnons du devoir Les compagnons du devoir

Formez-vous autrement L’association ouvrière des Compagnons du Devoir et du Tour de France (AOCDTF) is established according to the french law 1901. Its activity is focused on the training of young persons (14 – 27). The Association of today represents the traditional trades of the Compagnonnage du Devoir which can be classified in 4 main domains (building, metal working industry, bakery, flexible materials). Its specificities rest on 2 pillars : - the travel, real enriching professional life in France and around the world and, - the alternation of work periods and training periods. Formation, Formation continue, Compagnonnage, Alternance, Métiers, Apprentissage, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

68 35 32 960
Ville de Dunkerque Ville de Dunkerque

Type: Public

48 38 3 278
Leyton Leyton

We are an international consulting firm that helps businesses leverage financial incentives to accelerate their growth We are an international consulting firm that helps businesses leverage financial incentives to boost their growth and achieve long-lasting performance. We simplify access to these complex incentives. Our combined teams of highly skilled Tax and Technical specialists, enhanced with cutting-edge digital tools, maximise the financial benefits for businesses. With compliance always in front of mind, we have been delivering optimal services for our clients for over 25 years, allowing us to establish the peace of mind that you will always receive the maximum benefits …

Type: Large company

89 39 51 3,121
Rabot Dutilleul Construction Rabot Dutilleul Construction

BUILDING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE TOGETHER Residential, tertiary, health, industry, public facilities... It is in these main areas that Rabot Dutilleul Construction, a company of the Rabot Dutilleul group, has been operating since 1920 in new construction and renovation. With strong engineering, a constant desire to innovate and the ability to successfully carry out global contracts, Rabot Dutilleul Construction develops solutions adapted to the problems of its public and private clients. Rabot Dutilleul Construction is located in Hauts-de-France, Ile de France and Grand Est (Nancy and Strasbourg). Its subsidiaries are Gérim (general contractor), Rabot Dutilleul Partenariats and iDéel (real estate assembly) …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech Technologies: Decarbonization

53 13 28 341

forme les talents depuis 1794 Supervised by the Minister for Higher Education, the Cnam - The Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), or National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts - is a Public Scientific, Cultural and Professional Institution, classed as a grand établissement, among France's top higher education establishments. It has 3 missions: - Training throughout life - Technological research and innovation - Dissemination of scientific and technical culture It is implemented in more than 150 cities in France and abroad. Cnam's motto is "omnes docet ubique,"​ which means "he teaches to everyone and everywhere."​ Lifelong learning for everyone

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

151 77 53 1,890
Energy Cities Energy Cities

The European association of cities in energy transition Energy Cities is the learning community for future-proof cities. We are a network of over 1,000 towns & cities in 30 countries. Join us! >> Energy transition, Local authorities, European energy and climate policy, Energy efficiency, Sustainable mobility, Multi-level governance, Urban planning, and Citizen engagement

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

35 10 23 45
Envirobat Grand Est Envirobat Grand Est

Let's focus on sustainable building, let's build and renovate better together! Envirobat Grand Est HELPS YOU PREPARE FOR THE FUTURE How to offer comfortable and healthy buildings, how to adapt effectively to climate change, ... Envirobat helps you better meet the challenges of the energy transition global approach to the building, dissemination of good practices, understanding pathologies, capitalization of feedback, anticipation of new regulatory constraints ... Envirobat Grand Est SHARES BEST PRACTICES • for the building: sobriety and energy efficiency, the use of materials with low environmental and health impact, deconstruction materials, renewable energies, life cycle analysis, the development of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech smart city constructiontech

17 3 0 10
Sika Sika

Sustainability and innovation drive us to deliver high-performance solutions. Building trust beyond the expected. Sika is a specialty chemicals company with a globally leading position in the development and production of systems and products for bonding, sealing, damping, reinforcing, and protection in the building sector and automotive industry. Sika has subsidiaries in 103 countries around the world and, in over 400 factories, produces innovative technologies for customers worldwide. In doing so, it plays a crucial role in enabling the transformation of the construction and vehicle industries toward greater environmental compatibility. With more than 33,000 employees, the company generated sales of …

Type: Large company Activities: constructiontech

19 8 4 17,488
BIM World Paris BIM World Paris

BIM World | Digital Twin is the world leading event for digital transformation in construction, real estate industry and urban planning, taking place the 3 & 4 April 2024. Building360 --​> A dedicated platform gathering world leaders and hightlighting good practices, trends and future (conferences, one to one meetings with exhibitors, workshops ... ) BIM World is a unifying event for our community as a true platform for innovation and business, supporting our industry, the market and our territories.​

Type: Media

63 41 24 7
Nooco Nooco

Making the carbon weight calculation systematic, transparent and efficient for all construction professions. Nooco is a SaaS software publishing company that allows you to know and then optimize the carbon footprint of a construction project from its study, by acting on the most impactful levers. The end-to-end platform, whose calculations are notably RE2020 certified, highlights the best low-carbon products on the market for all construction professions: - "Builder" users have a certified carbon calculation quickly and independently - The solution makes it possible to simply identify optimization levers - By listing the best products on the market on these levers …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech constructiontech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization SaaS

11 6 2 21
L'ADRESSE immobilier L'ADRESSE immobilier

Much more than a real estate agency From renting to buying your first apartment, moving when the family grows, buying a second home, acquiring a studio for your children, or a real estate investment to guarantee your retirement, ... real estate projects mark our lives. And each important step is an opportunity to change address ... With more than 250 agencies, Le Réseau L'ADRESSE offers its clients long-term support in designing a real life project. Real estate agency, Real estate sales, Real estate rentals, and Management

Type: SMB Activities: proptech

22 8 15 967
Cités Unies France - Officiel Cités Unies France - Officiel

Connect your territory to the world! Follow us! Welcome to the official LinkedIn page of Cités Unies France! Follow us! Cités Unies France brings together French local authorities involved in international cooperation. Created in 1975, the association is chaired by François Rebsamen, Mayor of Dijon and President of Dijon Métropole. A regularly renewed agreement with the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs gives the association, among other things, the mission of animation and coordination for all French local authorities involved in international cooperation, i.e. more than 4,700 authorities in 138 countries. CUF's primary activity is the animation of country groups …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

45 9 39 21
Universcience Universcience

National player in scientific, technical, industrial and innovation culture. Universcience, born from the merger of the Palais de la découverte and the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie, is the first French public institution dedicated to the dissemination and sharing of scientific, technical and industrial culture (CSTI) with the general public. The leading science center in Europe, it is also a major player in the influence of the CSTI outside our borders. Its interactive and fun approach offers to approach science and technology through discovery and questioning on the major issues of our world through diversified avenues: ▪ temporary or …

Type: Public

101 29 71 700