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LogoName Σ Employees

[Automatic translation follows] Created on February 15, 2010, as part of the General Reform of Public Policies (RGPP), the DIRECCTE, Regional Directorate for Business, Competition, Consumption, Labor and Employment (DIRECCTE), is a new regional directorate which brings together the missions previously carried out by the following structures: DRTEFP and DDTEFP, DRCCRF, the economic development and metrology services of the DRIRE, DRCE, DRCA, DRT and CRIE.

Type: Public

2 2 0 1,318
L'Assurance retraite L'Assurance retraite

[Automatic translation follows] Public service committed to your future The Retirement Insurance network is made up of the National Fund, the 15 retirement and occupational health insurance funds (Carsat), the four general social security funds (CGSS) in the overseas departments and the social security fund (CSS) of Mayotte. Retirement Insurance is responsible for organizing and managing the retirement of the general social security scheme. It is the basic scheme for private sector employees, self-employed workers, public law contract workers and artist-authors. Since September 1, 2023, Retirement Insurance has also been responsible for the retirement of new hires at RATP, in …

Type: Public

90 38 40 7,240

[Automatic translation follows] Professional Training School of the Bars of the Paris Court of Appeal Since 1981, the EFB has been THE reference for lawyer training in France. The Professional Training School of the Bars of the Paris Court of Appeal (Auxerre, Essonne, Fontainebleau, Meaux, Melun, Paris, Seine-Saint-Denis, Sens and Val-de-Marne) is the largest of the eleven regional centers for the professional training of lawyers (CRFPA). Each year, the EFB welcomes between 1,500 and 2,000 student lawyers in initial training and more than 30,000 participants in continuing education. Located in Issy-les-Moulineaux, a few steps from Paris, the school has nearly …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

30 15 21 314
ARE (Association pour le Retournement des Entreprises) ARE (Association pour le Retournement des Entreprises)

[Automatic translation follows] The Association for Business Turnaround (ARE) was formed in 2002. Its purpose is to bring together all professionals (lawyers, accountants, consultants, ad hoc agents, bankers, investment funds, crisis managers, etc.) regularly involved in turnaround, refinancing or restructuring operations. This professional association – unique in France due to its multidisciplinary nature – already includes three hundred members pursuing the following essential objectives: - Develop a culture of prevention of difficulties - Form a “hard core” of founding members for whom the highest standards of experience are required and promote the recruitment of people adhering to the founding principles …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

6 4 4 24
Opco des Entreprises de Proximité Opco des Entreprises de Proximité

[Automatic translation follows] Opco des Entreprises de Proximité is one of the main players in the ecosystem of vocational training and work-study programs. Opco EP provides technical support to the 54 professional branches in its field of intervention, covering a total of 434,600 companies and 2.4 million employees, in terms of Forward Planning of Employment and Skills (GPEC), the creation of professional certifications and the definition of levels of support for work-study contracts. It also provides financing for work-study programs (apprenticeship contracts, professionalization contracts and promotion or reconversion through work-study programs - "Pro A"). Drawing on its territorial network, Opco …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

28 15 15 723

MORE THAN JUST A DATAROOM DEALCOCKPIT is a global transaction platform and deal navigation tool with state-of-the-art features dedicated to: ✔ DEAL SOURCING, thanks to our screening & matching algorithm ✔ BEST-IN-CLASS SECURITY that allow protected online bids ✔ Streamlined and Safe Due Diligence in our next generation Virtual Data Room allowing you to run your M&A, IPO, Private Equity and Funding projects end-to-end in as many Data Rooms as you need. DEALCOCKPIT is by your side during the entire process. #MakingDealsHappen virtual data room, transaction platform, deal sourcing, deal origination, cybersecurity, deal platform, data room, IPO, Mergers and Acquisitions, …

Type: Startup Activities: legaltech traveltech Technologies: Cybersecurity

39 1 38 4
Viavoice Viavoice

[Automatic translation follows] Opinion strategy studies and consulting Founded in 2008 in response to the issues raised by the economic crisis by François Miquet-Marty, Arnaud Zegierman and Maïder Chango-Beffa, Viavoice is a polling institute that seeks to reveal the changes present in society. The economic crisis has indeed demonstrated the need for companies to have a thorough knowledge of society and its future changes. This is indeed a decisive competitive advantage. It is precisely Viavoice's mission to support companies and other establishments, by informing them of societal trends, so that they can respond in the best way to the demands …

Type: Media

43 21 12 17

Webzine 100% hôtellerie et 100% en français French-speaking Hotel Webzine providing news & information for hoteliers: distribution, technology, marketing, rooms, laws... An online magazine in French for hotels and hoteliers, distributing news and information about the hotel industry in French-speaking countries. hotel, tourisme, technologie, hôtellerie, PMS, Channel manager, startup, big data, cloud, innovation, IoT, tendance, actualité, hoteltech, AI, innovation, RSE, parcours client, investissement, channel manager, and booking engine

Type: Media

33 13 20 1
Présidence de la République Présidence de la République

[Automatic translation follows] The President of the French Republic embodies the authority of the State. He is the Head of State in France, the head of the armed forces and the guarantor of the Constitution of the Fifth Republic. Since May 14, 2017, the President of the French Republic is Emmanuel Macron. The President has been elected by direct universal suffrage since 1965 for a 5-year term. His role is to ensure the normal functioning of public authorities and the continuity of the State. He is also the guarantor of national independence, territorial integrity and respect for treaties.

Type: Public

387 286 41 1,571
Fusions & Acquisitions, Éditions Dealflow-Data Fusions & Acquisitions, Éditions Dealflow-Data

[Automatic translation follows] The first review of business mergers Since its creation in 1987, Fusions & Acquisitions Magazine has been the leader in the field of M&A in France. Its annual ranking of financial advisors in mergers and acquisitions is recognized as a reference in France. The Magazine's readers include professionals in mergers and acquisitions (French and international investment bankers and business lawyers, audit firms, strategy consulting firms, private equity firms, etc.) as well as professionals in financial and institutional communication, environmental specialists, human resources firms, strategic management of large groups, pension funds, insurance companies, wealth managers. financial press, rankings …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech Technologies: Data Analytics

21 2 18 5
Mayday Mayday

[Automatic translation follows] The web platform dedicated to turnarounds and takeovers of companies at the helm Mayday is the web platform dedicated to turnarounds and takeovers of companies at the helm! Founded in 2018, Mayday is first and foremost a reference media for players in the turnaround of companies. Mayday is also a tool for detecting opportunities for external growth and takeovers of companies and finally Mayday is a player at the service of sellers, transferees and new entrants in the transfer market through its mapping activity, analysis of this market and support in transfer operations. companies in difficulty, turnaround, …

Type: Media

28 3 28 26
Doctrine Doctrine

Doctrine centralizes and organizes legal information to make it immediately accessible and actionable for legal professionals. More than 11 000 law professionals already trust Doctrine. Find out why at

Type: Startup Activities: legaltech Technologies: A.I. - Natural Language Processing Data Analytics A.I. - Deep Learning A.I.

74 24 52 185
Faculté de Droit et de Science politique de Montpellier Faculté de Droit et de Science politique de Montpellier

[Automatic translation follows] Eight centuries of history for a Faculty anchored in the city and open to the world. Faculty of Law and Political Science of Montpellier Law Political Science

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

84 29 40 202
Challenges Challenges

[Automatic translation follows] Tomorrow's economy is everyone's business What's the economic news saying this week? Every Thursday, find Challenges, your French economic weekly, on newsstands. Challenges is also a website and social networks on economic news in real time. Follow and share economic news with the Challenges editorial team*

Type: Media

330 197 160 245

[Automatic translation follows] Choosing the florist next door means favoring local trade 🇫🇷. ByFlox… it's new and it's revolutionizing the online sale of flowers! It's what ? 💐 A new site to order flowers online directly from a local florist: welcome to your florist! For what ? 🤝🌷 Florists, customers, beneficiaries, we all form the FLOX FAMILY! ByFLOX's mission: to engage this community in the evolution of the floral trade towards a more eco-responsible system where humans find their rightful place. Discover E-commerce, Florist service, Florist, Pick up in store, Home delivery, Flower delivery, and Sale of flowers

Type: Startup Activities: connected commerce e-commerce

9 0 0 8
Le Monde Le Monde

[Automatic translation follows] The leading news, everywhere, all the time, by the editorial staff of Le Monde. has been on the Internet since December 19, 1995, 51 years to the day after the creation of the paper newspaper. The site and its mobile applications are among the most consulted in France to follow the news in real time (international, economic, political, social, ...) Leading news website in French. Journalism, Media, Online press, Written press, Internet, Video, and Ethics

Type: Media

608 486 145 179
7Jours - L'éco de la Bretagne 7Jours - L'éco de la Bretagne

[Automatic translation follows] Bi-monthly economic, legal and tax news, authorized for legal notices - Dept 35 7Jours - l’éco de la Bretagne is your reference magazine to follow the economy in Brittany. The editorial team is dedicated to covering Breton news and the local economy, all sectors combined. To enrich your professional and legal knowledge, also discover every fortnight the contributions of our legal specialists. At the end of the magazine: exhibitions to see, recommended books, restaurants to try, and recent sports news. For those looking to publish legal notices, 7Jours is your preferred platform: - Legal and judicial notices …

Type: Media

31 2 31 13

Managing Artificial Intelligence Naaia, first Artificial Intelligence Management System (AIMS ®), is the solution for governance and management of AI systems. Our End-to-End Platform approach : while we are including an advanced legal expertise, Naaia brings together a SaaS solutions, Consulting & Learning in order to bring to the market a tool, a legal response and an acculturation to the companies in needs of controlling, monitoring and compliance of their AI Systems. Our vision : translate the regulation constraints into a strategic opportunity. The platform will allow you to document your compliance and have an auditable tool for regulatory authorities. …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I.

32 4 30 16
Altares - Dun and Bradstreet Altares - Dun and Bradstreet

Altares D&B helps companies to improve their financial and ethical performance. As a world pioneer in Data Economy, Altares mission is to enhance the value of its customers'​ Data capital by transforming their information assets into operational economic performance. As an independent trusted partner, the Group provides corporate decision-makers with a forward-looking and contextualized view of the business challenges of the new economy. In a changing world (globalization, cloud, big/open data...), Altares collects, aggregates, analyses, enriches and structures data in order to make them "intelligent"​ and make them an agile decision-making tool for the General and Functional Departments (DAF/MKG/IT) of …

Type: SMB Activities: regtech Technologies: Data Analytics

64 10 53 307

An independent European advisory firm specialising in the financial, strategic and operational consulting. Eight Advisory is an independent European advisory firm specialising in the financial, strategic and operational consulting. With over 900 people including 111 partners we advise company managers, investors and banks within the context of their Corporate Transactions, Restructuring and Strategic & Operational projects. The firm is capable of tapping, by virtue of its status as an Eight International Founding Member, into a global advisory group composed of partners set up in 30 countries across Europe, the Americas, Asia and Oceania. Financial, operational and strategic consulting

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

61 12 51 898
VP STRAT - Communication corporate & crise 🚀 VP STRAT - Communication corporate & crise 🚀

Média, réputation et com'​ de crise VP Strat & Com is a Paris-based communications and PR agency bringing innovative thinking to financial, innovation and corporate firms with a strong implementation skills, and market knowledge. Our team of experts and high-level partners understands your business and combines different expertises to assist you in gaining visibility toward your strategic targets. We also know how to communicate complex financial and technological information for better understanding. Our past professional experience in the United States in investor relations and PR consulting for technology companies and large corporations also gives us the ability to develop and …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

13 0 13 6
De Gaulle Fleurance De Gaulle Fleurance

Legal step to change De Gaulle Fleurance is an integrated group of lawyers and notaries. It supports its clients in France and abroad with : • 200 people at the service of customers, with a relationship built on high standards, responsiveness, and creativity. • A full-service practice in all areas of business and notarial law; • An expertise recognised by the market (Chambers, The Legal 500, Best Lawyers and Leaders League); • A presence in Paris, Brussels and Abu Dhabi; • 20 languages practised, and as many cultures represented; • A network of correspondents, chosen for the quality of their …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

125 17 112 218
Option Finance Option Finance

Le media de référence des professionnels de la finance A PROPOS DU GROUPE OPTION FINANCE Avec ses différentes publications, le Groupe Option Finance est le seul groupe de presse à destination de l’ensemble des professionnels de la finance, de l'assurance et du droit des affaires. L’hebdomadaire Option Finance, se présente comme un véritable trait d’union entre les entreprises et la communauté financière depuis plus de 20 ans. Dédié à la présentation et l’analyse des grandes évolutions de la finance, aux innovations et montages financiers, aux problématiques de gestion des entreprises ainsi qu’à l’actualité de la communauté financière et de la …

Type: Media

148 48 124 61
Hub-Grade Hub-Grade

[Automatic translation follows] Digital real estate agent dedicated to companies — VSEs, SMEs and startups — and their flexible real estate needs. Hub-Grade is a digital real estate agent dedicated to companies and their flexible real estate needs. 🚀🔑🏠 We support VSEs, SMEs and startups in their search for their ideal office as well as throughout the life of their rental. Thanks to our platform, we have digitalized and simplified all the sometimes long and time-consuming administrative and financial procedures: drafting contracts, electronic signatures, online payments, multi-risk insurance, notice periods, etc. More than a classified ads site, Hub-Grade aggregates the …

Type: Startup Activities: proptech Technologies: SaaS

60 8 54 18

Journal d'information numérique, indépendant et participatif. Seul·es nos lecteurs et lectrices peuvent nous acheter. Mediapart is a French online investigative and opinion journal created in 2008 by the former editor-in-chief of Le Monde Edwy Plenel and also François Bonnet, Gérard Desportes, Laurent Mauduit, Marie-Hélène Smiéjan and Godefroy Beauvallet. Mediapart consists of two main sections: the journal itself (Le Journal), run by professional journalists, and Le Club, a collaborative forum edited by the subscriber community. Enquêtes, Presse, Investigation, Journal, Indépendance, Pureplayer, Journalisme, Media, médias, information, écologie, politique, social, économie, société, culture, international, and vidéos

Type: Media

144 90 62 241
Collectif des sociaux-démocrates réformateurs | La Convention Collectif des sociaux-démocrates réformateurs | La Convention

[Automatic translation follows] Republican, secular and universalist centre-left For a republican, secular and universalist centre-left. Partner of the Convention of Bernard Cazeneuve and the coalition "Europe Territoires Ecologie with Guillaume Lacroix in the 2024 European elections. politics, social reformism, social democracy, and europe

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

50 27 16 1
Les Echos Les Echos

[Automatic translation follows] Find on all the economic and financial news in France and around the world, discover exclusive analyses, special reports, analyses, columns and large formats.

Type: Media

647 457 235 1
CCI de Maine et Loire CCI de Maine et Loire

[Automatic translation follows] 1st business accelerator 10 good reasons (and many others) to call on your CCI I have the CCI reflex! : - I am supported to create, take over or transfer my business - I find the means to finance my business - I sell my products internationally - I create my products or services of tomorrow - I participate in the training of my youngest employees - my employees regularly progress in skills - I make sustainable development a competitive advantage - I join business leaders like me - I know how to inform myself well to …

Type: Public

88 25 60 265
Sud Radio Sud Radio

[Automatic translation follows] Sud Radio Parlons Vrai! Welcome to the official page of Sud Radio! Find Jean-Jacques Bourdin, Brigitte Lahaie, André Bercoff, Valerie Expert, Patrick Roger, Cécile de Menibus, Vincent Ferniot, Jacques Pessis and many others on Sud Radio, Parlons Vrai🎙 radio, interview, news, info, debate, humor, pleasure, sport, France, show, rugby, journalist, column, imitation, personalities, lifestyle, live music, audio, speech, listeners, and sexology

Type: Media

110 50 70 165
Caf de la Moselle Caf de la Moselle

[Automatic translation follows] The Caisse d'Allocations Familiales de Moselle has 183,997 beneficiaries as of 31.12.2022. It pays more than 1 billion euros in benefits to its beneficiaries and devotes nearly 80 million euros to its departmental social action policy. The Caf de la Moselle aims to help families in their daily lives - education, childcare, housing, leisure - and to participate in national solidarity towards the most vulnerable people. Its values: fairness, solidarity, neutrality.

Type: Public

133 71 50 77
University of Cologne University of Cologne

University in Germany with departments of Management and Sciences University in Germany with departments of Management and Sciences University in Germany with departments of Management and Sciences University in Germany with departments of Management and Sciences University in Germany with departments of Management and Sciences

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

22 7 2 127
Jurimanagement Jurimanagement

[Automatic translation follows] Management and Organization Consulting Firm Created in 2003, Jurimanagement is the first consulting firm exclusively dedicated to law firms. Jurimanagement's objective is to help law firms adopt leading behaviors in their market, by promoting the development of efficient management of their organization. Jurimanagement is a team of consultants who have worked in high-level management activities in law firms, legal departments and companies. Former lawyers, lawyers, partners or managers, we bring this unique dual skill: knowledge of your profession and that of management. Through these skills and our experience, we are able to advise associate lawyers, lawyers and …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

40 3 51 4
Invest in Bordeaux Invest in Bordeaux

[Automatic translation follows] We provide free support to companies wishing to set up in Gironde Commissioned by public partners, Invest in Bordeaux provides answers to the expectations of companies in the following areas: Project analysis and assistance in developing specifications. Strategic advice. Networking with local partners (technological, industrial, academic, etc.) and with local public authorities (local authorities - government departments) Presentation of the environment: information and economic data Identification and pre-selection of real estate solutions Regulations, taxation and support for administrative authorizations. Search for financing solutions and public aid Support for recruitment and training efforts. Professional geographic mobility Networking and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

141 24 131 18
A3C - Expert Comptable à Dunkerque A3C - Expert Comptable à Dunkerque

[Automatic translation follows] Specialist in your business ... Your augmented accounting at the service of your daily management! All our customers benefit ► from permanent monitoring thanks to a monthly restitution with a mini dashboard that is given to you each month; ► from permanent information on the latest news related to their activity written by the chartered accountant; ► from an interactive restitution commented on a Big Screen and delivery of an educational Powerpoint and commented by the Chartered Accountant that can be distributed to your banker, but also to your partners or members of your association! ► and …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech it services Technologies: SaaS

41 1 40 5

Une vision globale, une stratégie sur-mesure Founded in 1988 by Detlev von Breitenstein and Martin Hauser, BMH AVOCATS is an independent law firm active in the field of business law. We assist investors, companies and innovative entrepreneurs in the development of their projects and the resolution of disputes. We aim to provide our clients with tailor-made services and cutting-edge solutions resulting from a global vision of the relevant activity sectors and a personalised commitment to each of our clients. Franco-german in origin, BMH AVOCATS has successfully developed its activities on an international level. Today, our multidisciplanary expertise, combined with our …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech biotech deeptech fintech

8 0 7 37
BDO France BDO France

[Automatic translation follows] Fifth largest global audit and consulting network BDO, the fifth largest global audit and consulting network, is present in 135 countries and has nearly 48,800 employees. In France, our teams support you through a wide range of services in auditing, financial consulting and accounting, whatever the size of your company or its sector of activity. Audit, Consulting, Accounting, Transaction Services, Social Expertise and HR Consulting, Legal, Tax, GDPR, Finance, Innovation, Start-up, Risk Management, Financing, Cybersecurity, and ATMP

Type: SMB Activities: privacytech fintech Technologies: Cybersecurity

51 6 48 1,190
Corsair Corsair

Fly in good company! Corsair voted best airline at the Travel d'Or 2023! Founded in 1981, Corsair is a regular French airline and specialist in international long haul. Historic operator in the Caribbean (Guadeloupe, Martinique), Corsair spreads its wings to and from the Indian Ocean (Reunion, Mauritius, Mayotte, Madagascar), Africa (Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, Benin) and North America (Montreal). Thanks to a densified flight program, Corsair appeals to all target customers - in particular business customers who require a regular presence - and provides more flexibility in terms of flights with a diversified offer to meet the expectations of all types …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech spacetech

12 7 4 989
Arsene Taxand Arsene Taxand

Created in 2004, ARSENE TAXAND offers a cutting edge service in all the firm’s main areas of activity. With its 19 partners and over 76 tax lawyers based in Paris, the ARSENE TAXAND team helps you to anticipate the risks facing your company and optimize taxation, against an international background. Arsene Taxand is, exclusively, Taxand France. With more than 400 tax partners and over 2000 advisors in nearly 50 countries, Taxand is the world’s largest organisation of tax advisors to multinational businesses. Gestion & stratégie fiscales des entreprises, Prix de transfert, TVA & taxes indirectes, Douane, Contrôle & contentieux, M&A …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech deeptech proptech

32 5 28 197
Eliott & Markus Eliott & Markus

Le meilleur de la communication et du branding au service de votre marque et de son influence. Established in 2005, we specialise in communications and marketing for legal, financial and consulting services professionals. We offer a wide range of services to our clients, including: strategic positioning, marketing audits, media relations, event planning, branding and web design, outsourcing communication management, advertisement, copywriting, etc. Our insider knowledge of the financial and legal sectors enables us to help our clients achieve optimal brand exposure and promote its awareness. We are present in Paris, Lyon and Brussels and are backed by an international network …

Type: SMB Activities: martech

34 4 32 45
Conseil supérieur de l'ordre des experts-comptables Conseil supérieur de l'ordre des experts-comptables

[Automatic translation follows] The chartered accountant at the heart of the economy and society! The Order of Chartered Accountants is represented by the Higher Council, composed of 69 members including 23 presidents of Regional Councils. The Order of Chartered Accountants is a national institution whose role is to ensure the representation, promotion, defense and development of the profession of chartered accountant, both in France and abroad. It also ensures compliance with professional ethics. The Order defines standards and publishes recommendations, which chartered accountants must apply in the exercise of their functions. It participates in the development and dissemination of national …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech cleantech entrepreneurship greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

110 46 54 380
Bruzzo Dubucq Bruzzo Dubucq

[Automatic translation follows] Lawyers specializing in business law. A sense of tradition and a taste for innovation. We are lawyers committed to the values, the spirit of the profession and the culture of business law. The companies we support operate in a complex and unpredictable environment marked by growing geopolitical risks, an economic crisis and regulatory pressures. These challenges require cutting-edge expertise in the management of litigation and commercial transactions, whether they involve transfers, sales or restructuring. Certain behaviors can also lead to litigation, failures, but also sanctions such as export restrictions or the obligation to leave certain markets, exposing …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

15 2 13 27

[Automatic translation follows] Auditors, builders of a society of trust. President: Philippe Vincent. The professional organization of auditors dates from the decree of August 12, 1969, amended on January 4, 1993. A relatively recent creation for a function that is more than a century old! The qualification of "commissioner" appeared for the first time in 1863. But it was the law on companies of July 24, 1867 that established, in the midst of the industrial revolution, the one that would first be called the "company commissioner". Commissariat aux comptes and Audit

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

54 8 36 330
Infogreffe Infogreffe

[Automatic translation follows] The digital platform of reference for commercial court clerks at the service of economic activity Created in 1986, Infogreffe is the Economic Interest Group (GIE) of the French commercial court clerks. It ensures the dissemination of legal and economic information on companies on behalf of the 141 commercial court clerks of mainland France and the overseas departments and territories. Its online services support companies and facilitate key moments in their development. As an extension of the public service mission of the clerks, Infogreffe's priority is to enable the dematerialization of the main formalities with the clerks, as …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech Technologies: SaaS

34 14 19 61
Advancy Advancy

Driving Strategy To Results Established in 1999, Advancy is a leading international management consultancy firm with offices in Boston, Frankfurt, London, New-York, Paris, São Paulo, Shanghai, Singapore and Sydney, and an additional network of 20 partners around the world. Through our experience on >1,500 projects and dealings with 150 clients we have acquired a wealth of knowledge across a variety of functions and industry sectors, most importantly learning that each business is DIFFERENT. Therefore we work closely with our clients and always provide a tailored approach which has a measurable impact on the bottom line. Our commitment to implementation, senior …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech consulting

14 3 12 259

[Automatic translation follows] ASSET DISPOSAL ACCELERATOR 🔍 Do you want to buy companies at a lower cost while benefiting from their assets and values ​​to their full potential? Contact me quickly: 📧 ➖➖➖➖➖➖ ▶ Who are we? • MesAcquisitions was born from a meeting between 3 law enthusiasts and 15 years of experience as Judicial Trustees and in law firms specializing in collective procedures, we noted that the market for the takeover of companies and assets was difficult to access and complex. • This is how the first marketplace for the takeover of professional assets and companies in difficulty with …

Type: Incubators & VCs

47 3 36 4
Banque de France Banque de France

Institution indépendante : stratégie monétaire, stabilité financière, services à l’économie. Banque de France is the central bank of France; it is linked to the European Central Bank (ECB). Its main charge is to maintain price stability by implementing the single monetary policy within the framework of the ESCB (European System of Central Banks). It also ensures the financial stability by regulating payment and securities settlement systems and supervising credit institutions and investment firms. central banking, monetary policy, banking regulation, and financial stability

Type: Public

268 192 58 8,024

[Automatic translation follows] Work, Ethics, Kindness is our motto; helping companies in complex situations is our vocation. 18 offices, 11 partners, 120 employees, FHBX intervenes in complex situations. FHBX and its partners (Hélène BOURBOULOUX, Jean-François BLANC, Gaël COUTURIER, Cécile DUR, Nathalie LEBOUCHER, Sylvain HUSTAIX, Benjamin Tamboise, Charlotte Fort, Alicia Alves, Eric Samson, Théophile Fornacciari) are designated in missions of prevention or rescue of companies in difficulty. The FHBX study is based on an experience base of more than 5,000 cases handled, covering all sectors of activity, both in Paris and in the provinces, and ranging from micro-enterprises to groups with …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

2 2 0 200
Lextenso éditions Lextenso éditions

Acteur majeur de l’édition et de la prestation juridique Lextenso editions is one of the leading French media group specialized in legal publishing. Lextenso editions publishes the magazines La Gazette du Palais, Defrenois, Bulletins Joly, Petites affiches, as well as Gualino, LGDJ and Montchrestien books. Droit, Edition, Base documentaire, Annonces Légales, Formalités Juridiques, and Formations

Type: Media

17 1 17 236
La Gazette Oise La Gazette Oise

[Automatic translation follows] All the economic information from Oise 🗞🎯 Economic newspaper, La Gazette Oise covers every week the news of companies, men and women who are moving the economy 🗞 🚀

Type: Media

59 3 58 2
L'Est Républicain L'Est Républicain

[Automatic translation follows] A selection of our best articles in Lorraine and Franche-Comté 🔴 Economy 🔵 Entrepreneurship 🟡 Innovation L'Est Républicain is a regional daily newspaper, founded on May 5, 1889 in Nancy. It is distributed in Lorraine and Franche-Comté through ten local editions. Since its creation, the newspaper of the Lorrains and Franche-Comtois has kept the same values: freedom of expression, reliability of information, proximity to its readers and the defense of a territory and its inhabitants. Since 2006, L'Est Républicain has belonged to the EBRA press group created by the Crédit Mutuel bank. EBRA is the largest press …

Type: Media

121 50 77 504
Ordre des Avocats au Conseil d'État et à la Cour de cassation Ordre des Avocats au Conseil d'État et à la Cour de cassation

[Automatic translation follows] under the presidency of Mr. François Molinié The lawyers at the Council of State and the Court of Cassation, also called “lawyers at the Councils”, form an independent profession that has been profoundly modernized since its creation. A council composed of 14 members and a president is responsible for administering and representing the profession. The lawyers at the Councils are united in a bar dedicated to the two high courts that are the Council of State and the Court of Cassation. This specialized bar is distinct from the bars of lawyers attached to each high court.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

12 7 9 22
vdcom vdcom

21 years of implementation, customization and enhancement of Diasoft environments (Diasoft core banking system plus all kinds of nearby applications) in banks and approximately 50 happy clients allow us to say for sure that we are strongly experienced in Russian banking and ready to provide banks with best Diasoft expertise. We are also keen in consulting banks in terms of products and services before and outsourcing support of deployed systems after the implementation. Some highlights to best describe our as a company: Strong partnership: 20 years of partnership with Diasoft, collaboration with largest IT companies in Russia - EPAM, Armada …

Type: Media

8 0 8 51
Affiches Parisiennes Affiches Parisiennes

[Automatic translation follows] Political and general information press (IPG) Affiches Parisiennes is a weekly newspaper of legal notices and legal information, headquartered in Paris. It is authorized to publish legal notices in the departments of Paris (75), Hauts-de-Seine (92), Seine-Saint-Denis (93) and Val-de-Marne (94). The newspaper Affiches Parisiennes is published on Tuesday and Friday, it is distributed by subscription, or by issue at the newspaper's headquarters, 15 rue du Louvre in Paris (1st ardt). It publishes not only the legal notices of companies, but also the notices of all sales of real estate by auction in the departments 75, 92, …

Type: Media

159 53 179 33
Département de la Manche Département de la Manche

[Automatic translation follows] Social cohesion, regional planning, attractiveness: the Department, local support! La Manche has 500,000 inhabitants, 5,938 km2 and 674 km of coastline thanks to a peninsula-shaped territory. La Manche has 2 regional natural parks, 5 nature reserves, 2 UNESCO World Heritage sites (Mont Saint-Michel and the Vauban Towers of Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue and Tatihou Island), an event listed as UNESCO Intangible World Heritage (Granville Carnival) and a beach in the process of being listed by UNESCO as one of the D-Day beaches (Utah Beach). La ​​Manche has 35,611 businesses, the largest dairy herd in France, the largest hedged department in …

Type: Public

32 15 14 506
L'Obs L'Obs

[Automatic translation follows] Inform, reflect, debate, act 📌 Follow us on Facebook: 📌 Follow us on Twitter: 📌 Follow us on Instagram: 📌 Follow us on YouTube: 📰 Subscribe to L'Obs numérique: ✉️ Receive our newsletters for free: Written press and Digital

Type: Media

213 127 94 25
Tribune Côte d'Azur Tribune Côte d'Azur

[Automatic translation follows] All the latest news from the Côte d'Azur with Tribune Côte d'Azur, the leading economic and legal weekly in the Alpes-Maritimes Weekly economic and legal news in the Alpes-Maritimes As close as possible to the news in our department, with a team of journalists, led by editor-in-chief Isabelle Auzias, find every week an overview of the economic and cultural activity of the Alpes-Maritimes. Briefs, indiscretions, files, presentation of our companies, shows, gastronomic or literary chronicles, videos and interviews (digital version) > Legal notices Authorized by the Prefecture to publish legal notices in the Alpes Maritimes, we strictly …

Type: Media

67 21 51 22

Open minds. Bold ideas. As an independent Belgian law firm, ALTIUS knows the Belgian and European legal scene inside-out. Pragmatic, professional and personal, every lawyer on the 90-plus team brings their own brand of passion and expertise to the job at hand. At ALTIUS, we do legal differently. Going the extra mile and challenging the status quo is the way we work with every colleague, client and business partner. Our service is unique in today’s legal space. Open minds and bold ideas – that’s what makes us so much more than great lawyers. Banking and Finance, Commercial, Competition, Corporate and …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech fintech biotech deeptech hrtech

6 1 5 262
Les Petites Affiches Les Petites Affiches

Type: Media

14 3 9 24
Journal Spécial des Sociétés - JSS Journal Spécial des Sociétés - JSS

[Automatic translation follows] The JSS is a digital media of legal announcements, legal news, judicial news, and legal formalities ⚖️ The Special Journal of Companies (JSS) is a legal announcements newspaper (J.A.L). The texts are sent by email to, and are checked before publication. The announcements can be written by our services. Our website allows you to enter your announcements online. It offers a complete service of legal formalities for companies, in order to update the K bis quickly and efficiently. It organizes legal training. It publishes the Journal des Sociétés, a monthly publication for lawyers and companies. The …

Type: Media

44 9 40 48
Gamecash Gamecash

[Automatic translation follows] The specialist brand for #secondhand video games since 2003 🎮♻ The brand, which has 65 stores as of June 2013, is expanding at a rate of 10 to 15 new stores per year, exclusively on the Franchise model. Within 5 years, the network should bring together 100 stores in France. Several European Master Franchises are under consideration: Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Germany, etc. Gamecash has exclusive tools in the field of CASH purchasing of video games from individuals: cash register software with Police Book, integrated online Argus, scratched CD resurfacer. The merchant site,, a 100% second-hand sales …

Type: Media

88 10 82 73
Fondation pour le droit continental Fondation pour le droit continental

[Automatic translation follows] European and International Legal Think Tank Recognized as being of public utility, our Foundation has been bringing together public and private players from the legal and economic world for over 10 years who together wish to promote and increase the influence of continental law in Europe and internationally. Our Foundation has thus established itself as an influential organization, capable of creating a global network of experts and organizing major events around law and economics. It mainly pursues three objectives: -Promote the attractiveness of our continent by improving the attractiveness of our law and our legal system. -Provide …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

19 9 17 13
La Gazette Nord-Pas-de-Calais La Gazette Nord-Pas-de-Calais

[Automatic translation follows] The Gazette NPDC is Médiamorphose! Your newspaper is reinventing itself and becoming a monthly regional economic magazine 🗞️💡 New format, new graphics, new sections with exclusive content: business news at the heart of the territories, thematic file, expert opinion on figures and law, start me up, behind the scenes of a company, art of living... 👉 Judicial and legal announcements as well as all judgments of the commercial courts are now 100% digitalized. 🔗Find them on our website:, a site authorized to publish in the Nord and Pas-de-Calais departments. 💡To not miss anything, sign up for …

Type: Media

74 15 67 31
Association GSC Association GSC

[Automatic translation follows] The GSC insured association. Entrepreneurs, protecting you is our job. The GSC association is the answer to the need for unemployment protection for the self-employed, imagined 45 years ago by employers' unions (Medef, CPME, U2P and certain professional branches) to meet the need for protection against unemployment for the self-employed. The GSC association is made up of business leaders and has no profit-making vocation. Its board of directors is made up of business leaders involved in promoting this solution dedicated to entrepreneurs. The GSC association represents its members with insurers and is there to defend their interests. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

83 3 68 25
Paris-Pantheon-Assas University Paris-Pantheon-Assas University

Paris-Panthéon-Assas University cultivates a synergy between research, teaching and professionalisation. It offers a wide range of courses in law, political science, economics, management, information and communication, journalism, management, as well as in digital technology, entrepreneurship and business strategy. In total, it is more than 23,000 French students, 4,000 international students, 26 research centres, 1,500 teachers, 340 education programmes and 3 international campuses, 600 international exchanges. Since January 1, 2022, Paris-Panthéon-Assas University has become an experimental public institution. In addition to law, economics, the /Maison des sciences de gestion/ and the /Institut Français de Presse/, it brings together 4 major private …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

71 23 52 2,217

forme les talents depuis 1794 Supervised by the Minister for Higher Education, the Cnam - The Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), or National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts - is a Public Scientific, Cultural and Professional Institution, classed as a grand établissement, among France's top higher education establishments. It has 3 missions: - Training throughout life - Technological research and innovation - Dissemination of scientific and technical culture It is implemented in more than 150 cities in France and abroad. Cnam's motto is "omnes docet ubique,"​ which means "he teaches to everyone and everywhere."​ Lifelong learning for everyone

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

150 76 52 1,895
Sénat Sénat

[Automatic translation follows] The Senate votes on the law and monitors the Government's action. It represents local authorities. The upper house of Parliament represents local authorities and sits in the Palais du Luxembourg. The Senate votes on the law, monitors the Government's action and evaluates public policies. It can amend the Constitution jointly with the National Assembly. The 348 senators are elected by indirect universal suffrage for a 6-year term. Nearly 1,300 civil servants and contract workers assist senators on a daily basis in carrying out their mandate. Find legislative information for all professionals on this page.

Type: Public

215 123 95 2,520
INSOL Europe INSOL Europe

European organisation of insolvency, business reconstruction and recovery specialists INSOL Europe is the European organisation of professionals who specialise in insolvency, bankruptcy and business reconstruction and recovery. Our Mission is to take the leading role in European issues of insolvency and also of business recovery and turnaround situations of business organisations. It is also to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas and exchange of professional experience amongst its members and to have discussions with official European and International bodies who are affected by the insolvency process, or who have a role to play in the saving of businesses and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

4 2 4 61
LinkedIn LinkedIn

Founded in 2003, LinkedIn connects the world's professionals to make them more productive and successful. With more than 1 billion members worldwide, including executives from every Fortune 500 company, LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network. The company has a diversified business model with revenue coming from Talent Solutions, Marketing Solutions, Sales Solutions and Premium Subscriptions products. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, LinkedIn has offices across the globe.. Online Professional Network, Jobs, People Search, Company Search, Address Book, Advertising, Professional Identity, Group Collaboration, and Recruiting

Type: Large company

115 104 11 25,467