Logo | Name | Σ | ||
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs Aiming to promote nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation and the strengthening of the disarmament regimes. The Office for Disarmament Affairs supports multilateral efforts aimed at achieving the ultimate goal of general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control. Sectors: International development | 16282 | 13118 | 681 | |
THESAME INNOVATION [Automatic translation follows] Tech & Innovation Expertise Center: ANTICIPATE CHANGES, ACT TODAY, SUCCEED TOMORROW Thésame is the expert center for innovation professions: -Technical expertise in the fields of Robotics Mechatronics Digital -Expertise in the fields of product/service, process, organizational and managerial innovation In practice, Thésame's 20 experts and 300 partner consultants support companies in innovation management, industrial performance and digital/mechatronics/robotics. TWO LEVERS ARE AT THE SERVICE OF COMPANIES -Think tanks to anticipate changes: "The Lab" Experimentation - prototyping and implementation of new practices -Tools to act today: "The Booster" Support, training, club, events, information THE OBJECTIVE: Identify and bring out … Sectors: Public business cluster Research | 423 | 112 | 349 | |
Agence de l'eau Seine-Normandie [Automatic translation follows] Public institution of the State, financier of projects to preserve the #quality of #water in the #Seine basin. The Seine-Normandy Water Agency implements the basin's water policy by financing the projects of local stakeholders: local authorities, industrialists, craftsmen, farmers or associations, thanks to fees collected from all users. These projects contribute to improving the quality of water resources, rivers and aquatic environments. They preserve and promote the life cycles of a wide variety of species and therefore biodiversity. Adaptation to climate change is the common thread of the "Water and Climate" 2019-2024 program, developed and adopted by … Sectors: Environment | 381 | 264 | 98 | |
Villes de France [Automatic translation follows] 🇫🇷 Pluralist association of elected officials that brings together cities with 10,000 to 100,000 inhabitants and their groups. Villes de France is a pluralist association of elected officials that brings together cities with 10,000 to 100,000 inhabitants and their groups from the national territory, a group that is the living environment of nearly half of the French population (30 million inhabitants). Since 2022, Gil Avérous, mayor of Châteauroux, president of Châteauroux Métropole, has been president of Villes de France and Jean-François Debat, mayor of Bourg-en-Bresse, president of the CA of Grand Bourg Agglomération, is its deputy president. … Sectors: NGO, Think Tank | 522 | 215 | 206 | |
Startup.info Startup Info is the leading entrepreneurs and innovation magazine devoted to shed light on the booming startup ecosystem https://startup.info is the first collaborative magazine dedicated to the promotion of startups with more than 200 000 unique visitors per month. We also organise competitions and application calls that have already attracted 12000+ startups from 58 countries and more than 150 000 online public votes. OUR OBJECTIVES : ● Put major business groups in contact with startups necessary for their transformation via application calls ● Make startups known to the innovative startup ecosystem, journalists, investors and early adopters Our website : https://startup.info … Sectors: Media | 206 | 121 | 90 | |
Novethic Sustainable Transformation Accelerator As an expert in sustainable finance and a reference media for economics, business & sustainability, Novethic combines approaches to offer financial players, companies and their employees the keys to a sustainable transformation. Our mission is to spread a sustainable culture among finance and business professionals, to empower decision-makers and facilitate their action. Actualité économique, Actualité de la transition écologique et sociale, Actualité de la finance durable, and Actualité de la RSE Sectors: Environment | 505 | 389 | 124 | |
LIBERTÉ LIVING-LAB [Automatic translation follows] Third place of innovation in the center of Paris to co-construct responses to major societal challenges Technological innovation and the experimentation of new economic and governance models are opportunities to act on a large scale on social, economic, industrial and environmental changes. Cooperation between stakeholders is now essential to converge economic performance and impact for society. This is why the LLL brings together in a 2,000 m2 space in the heart of Paris, a multidisciplinary ecosystem composed of NGOs, tech startups of general interest, large companies, public service missions, economists, researchers, designers and data scientists. The hybridization … Sectors: Facilities Services | 387 | 159 | 259 | |
OECD - OCDE Better policies for better lives The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation that works to build better policies for better lives. We draw on more than 60 years of experience and insights to shape policies that foster prosperity and opportunity, underpinned by equality and well-being. We work closely with policy makers, stakeholders and citizens to establish evidence-based international standards and to find solutions to social, economic and environmental challenges. From improving economic performance and strengthening policies to fight climate change to bolstering education and fighting international tax evasion, the OECD is a unique forum and … Sectors: International development | 7296 | 5146 | 502 | |
Fédération Open Space Makers Un réseau de makers spatiaux et d'espaces de fabrication avec la mission d’ouvrir le monde du spatial. Federation is an initiative instigated by the National French Space Angency (CNES). It's mission is to open up the ecosystem of space infrastructure while giving every citizen the agency and access to the knowledge necessary to participate in the process of creating our future world. We believe that the necessary knowledge and hardware can be developed and produced collaboratively, openly and responsibly. We are open to everyone who wants to contribute in the creation of an open infrastructure meeting contemporary challenges such as: … | 84 | 15 | 72 | |
Direction interministérielle du numérique (DINUM) [Automatic translation follows] Digital technology at the service of the effectiveness of public action OUR OBJECTIVE: A MORE EFFICIENT, SIMPLER AND MORE SOVEREIGN STATE THANKS TO DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY The Interministerial Digital Directorate - DINUM - is a department of the Prime Minister, placed under the authority of the Minister of Transformation and Civil Service. Digital transformation, Digital, Public services, Open data, Digital services, and Innovation Sectors: National and local authorities | 499 | 386 | 119 | |
Ministère du Travail [Automatic translation follows] Official account of the Ministry of Labor, Health, Solidarity and Families. The Ministry of Labor and Employment prepares and implements the Government's policy in the areas of labor, employment, vocational training, social dialogue and the prevention of accidents at work and occupational diseases. Employment, Vocational training, Labor law, Occupational health, Training, Social dialogue, and Union representation | 1160 | 948 | 134 | |
Ministère de l'Intérieur [Automatic translation follows] Welcome to the official page of the Ministry of the Interior ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Security, National Police, National Gendarmerie, Territorial Administration, Prefecture, Sub-prefecture, Local Authorities, Civil Security, Firefighters, Immigration, Asylum, and Road Safety | 1291 | 995 | 231 | |
Ministère de la Justice [Automatic translation follows] Justice in France is administered by a ministry, also called Chancellery, whose holder is the Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice. • It brings together and manages the resources of Justice: personnel, equipment, buildings, IT, etc.; • It prepares the texts of laws and regulations in certain areas, such as family law, French nationality, criminal justice, etc. • It takes charge of the populations entrusted to it by decision of the judicial authority: juvenile offenders or those in danger and adults placed under the control of the courts; • It defines the main directions of public … Sectors: National and local authorities | 889 | 696 | 190 | |
Ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse "Ministère de l'Education Nationale et de la jeunesse" is the French Ministry in charge of education, from primary to higher education, Universities and public research. The Ministry divisions are not always the same, sometimes the research is combined with industry. In other governments, the Ministry has also been in charge Sport, Youth and Community Life. The head of this Ministry is located "rue de Grenelle" in Paris. At the decentralized level, the Ministry of Education includes "Academies" often corresponding to several departments. | 612 | 479 | 100 | |
Ministry of Economy [Automatic translation follows] Within the Ministry, more than 135,000 agents today put their talent to work for a strong and sustainable economy in the region and in Paris. User services, legal affairs, economic development, performance management... more than 160 professions are practiced in the Bercy administrations. The diversity of these sectors of activity makes it possible to build rich career paths adapted to each person's profile. How to join the Bercy services? Each year, the ministry recruits 5,000 women and men. Numerous competitions at all levels are organized. Recruitment procedures without competition also exist, for disabled workers and young people … | 2918 | 2077 | 821 | |
Ministère de la Cohésion des territoires [Automatic translation follows] Ministry of Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Authorities of the Government. The Ministry of Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Authorities develops and implements the government's policy on decentralization, balanced development and planning of the entire national territory and solidarity between territories. planning, urban planning, housing, fight against inequalities, economic development, investment, ecological transition, digital, Territories, City, Communities, and Emergency accommodation Sectors: Social Housing | 775 | 566 | 17 | |
Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche [Automatic translation follows] The priorities of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research are: - to improve student success and promote equal opportunities; - to coordinate the training offer of French higher education; - to set priority areas for the progress of knowledge and technologies; - as well as the public research and innovation strategy. In this context, the so-called "ESR" law of July 22, 2013 also advocates transformation and openness to all forms of teaching and research, to the socio-economic environment, and to the international. Among the key measures put in place: - The definition of a … | 1520 | 1113 | 185 | |
Europe 1 [Automatic translation follows] Europe 1, the radio that informs and entertains you every day Europe 1 is a private general radio station belonging to the Lagardère group. Created in 1955, it offers both information and entertainment, it is the radio of the event. Find us also on www.europe1.fr, faceboook, twitter and Instagram. https://www.europe1.fr/emissions/la-france-bouge Radio, Journalism, Information, Entertainment, Programs, and News | 1101 | 943 | 113 | |
Dalkia [Automatic translation follows] Dalkia: together, let's take on the climate challenge! For 85 years, Dalkia, a subsidiary of the EDF group and a leader in energy services, has been investing in and developing renewable and recovery energies and supporting its customers over the long term to help them save energy and reduce their CO2 emissions. More than 20,000 employees throughout France and internationally ensure the maintenance and operation of installations on industrial sites, tertiary buildings, communities, healthcare facilities and housing, with innovative and efficient solutions, to accelerate the decarbonisation of sites and regions. Find our solutions on our eco-responsible website … Sectors: Real Estate | 760 | 547 | 150 | |
AUDACIA [Automatic translation follows] The Private Equity Entrepreneurial House. Founded in 2006 by Charles Beigbeder, AUDACIA is an independent private equity player. AUDACIA attracts the best sector experts around three high value-added businesses: • Development Capital in fast-growing SMEs • Real Estate Capital, focused on Coliving, a new mode of shared housing • Innovation Capital including the Quantonation fund, the world's first fund dedicated to quantum technologies. Since its creation, the company has invested in more than 350 companies. Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC | 188 | 63 | 146 | |
Assemblée des Départements de France [Automatic translation follows] Created in 1946, the Assembly of French Departments (ADF) is a pluralist association that brings together the Presidents of the 102 member communities, including 95 Departments and 7 local authorities with departmental powers. The ADF fulfills five main missions: ‣represent the Departments to national and European public authorities; ‣constitute a resource center for the Departments; ‣offer a place for exchanging experiences and good practices for elected officials and departmental technicians; ‣be a place for confronting ideas and developing common positions on major national issues; ‣promote the role and action of the Departments among citizens. The ADF also … Sectors: NGO, Think Tank | 545 | 376 | 131 | |
Intercommunalités de France Intercommunalités de France est la fédération nationale des élus de l'intercommunalité "Intercommunalités de France" is a national association of local authorities created in 1989. AdCF represents 1000 groupings of territorial authorities, including 235 metropolitean and urban areas. These groupings of local authorities gather 80% of the French population. "Intercommunalités de France" is their spokesman with national public authorities (French Government and Parliament) and contributes to the debates on French territorial organization and exercise of the decentralized public policies : spatial planning, economic development, housing, public transport and mobilities, waste management... Collectivités locales, Politiques publiques, Urbanisme, Finances locales, Développement économique territorial, … Sectors: NGO, Think Tank | 695 | 328 | 275 | |
CMA France [Automatic translation follows] A leading network in supporting craftsmen 🇫🇷 and a leader in apprenticeship training #CMA The network of chambers of trades and crafts is made up of 11,000 experts and 2,500 elected officials, themselves craftsmen, to: • support, advise and train craftsmen throughout the life of their business, from creation to transfer; • train future craftsmen through apprenticeship; • support communities in the development of local crafts. A leading player in supporting craft businesses and a leader in apprenticeship training, the CMA network supports nearly 300,000 entrepreneurs and trains more than 110,000 apprentices each year. CMA France, a … Sectors: National and local authorities | 473 | 302 | 65 | |
Groupe Caisse des Dépôts [Automatic translation follows] The Caisse des dépôts et consignations is a long-term investor and contributes, while respecting its patrimonial interests, to the development of companies. Article L. 518-2 of the Monetary and Financial Code (amended by the 2008 law on the modernization of the economy) Support for public policies, Investment, Pensions and Savings Funds, and Territorial Development Sectors: Finance | 2536 | 2110 | 239 | |
Groupe BPCE Groupe BPCE, at the service of its customers and the French economy Groupe BPCE pursues a full range of banking and insurance activities, working through its two major Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Epargne cooperative banking networks and through its different subsidiaries. Groupe BPCE, the 2nd largest banking group in France, has put down deep roots in its local markets. Its 117,000 employees serve a total of 36 million customers, 8.6 of whom have decided to become cooperative shareholders. The Group’s different subsidiaries pursue their activities in banking and insurance, tailoring their services as closely as possible to the needs of … Sectors: Bank | 2566 | 1684 | 696 | |
Bpifrance [Automatic translation follows] Account of Bpifrance, the Public Investment Bank. Bpifrance, a public investment bank, supports companies from seed to stock market listing, from credit to equity. A privileged contact, Bpifrance offers financing or investment solutions in each region that are adapted to each stage of a company's life. A partner bank for entrepreneurs, Bpifrance provides them with long-term support to support their growth and competitiveness. The teams are at the heart of the regions, throughout the country, through more than 50 regional locations. Financing of SMEs, Business Creation, International Development, Investment, Creation/Transmission, Innovation, Support, Acceleration, and Export Guarantee Sectors: Bank | 12637 | 9606 | 1604 | |
Banque des Territoires [Automatic translation follows] Building tomorrow's territories together! The general interest has chosen its bank. Banque des Territoires finances, advises and operates with all French territories for the general interest. By Caisse des Dépôts Sectors: Bank | 1327 | 696 | 725 | |
Agefiph [Automatic translation follows] Opening employment to people with disabilities Serving people with disabilities and private companies, Agefiph's mission is to promote the integration, retention and professional development of people with disabilities in private sector companies. Agefiph is the preferred contact for all private companies, regardless of their size, that wish to develop a policy of openness to disabilities. We support their actions aimed at recruiting, retaining and developing people with disabilities. > Agefiph informs, advises and supports companies > Agefiph facilitates the development of cooperation >Agefiph provides financial aid and services > Agefiph raises awareness, fights against prejudice and discrimination … Sectors: NGO, Think Tank | 1411 | 1195 | 206 | |
360 Grand Est The unmissable event for innovation and transformation in the French Grand Est region. The 360 Grand Est returns on 22 and 23 June 2023 at the Palais de la Musique et des Congrès in Strasbourg and online for its 4th edition: "Let’s shape the future, here". 💡 360 Grand Est is the unmissable event for innovation and transformation in the French Grand Est region. Conferences, workshops, masterclasses, round tables, pitches, demonstrations, exhibitor meetings, Job Open Day, business convention... Get ready to enter a rich and inspiring program...Together, let's accelerate our transformations and attract talent! WHY 360❓ All the active forces … Sectors: Trade show | 246 | 148 | 103 | |
Institut Curie [Automatic translation follows] Together, let's beat cancer A foundation recognized as being of public utility, the Institut Curie combines one of the largest European cancer research centers and two cutting-edge hospitals. Founded in 1909 on a model designed by Marie Curie and still avant-garde, "from fundamental research to innovative care", the Institut Curie brings together 3,000 researchers, doctors, caregivers, technicians and administrators. Care The Institut Curie Hospital Group is a reference center for breast cancer, eye tumors and pediatric cancers in particular. Research To advance the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancers, biologists, chemists, physicists, bioinformaticians and doctors are mobilizing … Sectors: Health | 967 | 791 | 145 | |
Direction Générale des Entreprises [Automatic translation follows] The DGE designs and implements policies in favor of competitiveness and business growth. The Directorate General for Enterprises serves the Minister of Economy and Finance. Our action is at the heart of the Government's projects in favor of the country's economic transformation and strategic autonomy. In the service of business competitiveness, it carries out industrial policy, defines digital regulatory measures, as well as policies to support the local economy. It supports businesses in the digital and ecological transformation of the economy, and works in favor of regulatory simplification and an ambitious innovation policy. Its missions include both … Sectors: National and local authorities | 1524 | 1131 | 229 | |
France Travail [Automatic translation follows] Official LinkedIn page of France Travail #AvecFranceTravail France Travail is a major player in the French employment market, where it is committed to facilitating the return to work of job seekers and offering companies solutions adapted to their recruitment needs. France Travail's 55,000 employees work every day to be the link between job seekers and companies. France Travail is a key player in the French employment market. Its role is to help the unemployed find work and support companies to fulfil their recruitment requirements. Day-to-day, France Travail's 55,000 staff provides that vital link between job seekers and … Sectors: Human ressources | 6304 | 4822 | 714 | |
MGEN [Automatic translation follows] First mutual insurance company for public service employees. #mutually Cyril, Diane, Farah, Amir, Béa... Since 1946, MGEN has been committed to all those who are committed to the interests of others. With 4.2 million people protected, 10,000 employees and 3,500 activists, MGEN is the first mutual insurance company for public service employees. Its unique model in France allows it to manage health insurance, supplementary health insurance and life insurance, whether individual or group contracts. It provides everyone with 1,700 mutual care and support structures that it co-manages and co-finances throughout France, 62 of which belong to MGEN. … Sectors: Insurance | 827 | 571 | 226 | |
Ville de Paris [Automatic translation follows] The Paris City Hall or City of Paris employs 50,858 permanent employees. It appoints both the administration and the elected officials. Each month, the elected officials sit on the Paris Council, where they deliberate to decide on the future of the city: construction of daycare centers, middle schools, naming of streets, housing, subsidies to associations. This body is both a General Council and a Municipal Council, since Paris has the particularity of being a city and a department. Sectors: National and local authorities | 2542 | 2101 | 294 | |
INNOZH [Automatic translation follows] All solutions for the future A technical center specializing in animal health and production, and composite materials and polymers, INNOZH is also a RETIS-certified technology park. INNOZH is a non-profit organization, a creator of the future that listens to economic, societal and environmental issues. INNOZH supports the development of companies in the regional territory in order to increase their performance, create added value and jobs. | 148 | 49 | 52 | |
Céreq [Automatic translation follows] Center for Studies and Research on Qualifications The Céreq professional integration, continuing education, certification, professions, orientation, dropping out, studies, research, expertise, and surveys | 77 | 51 | 15 | |
EDTech France Les startups françaises qui mettent les technologies au service de l’éducation, avec +450 membres et partenaires The initiative of French entrepreneurs who decided to make technology useful for education and training. The association gathers the best French EDTechs in K12,higher education or corporate training. A professional hub to accelerate business, presence and consideration of Edtech in public debates, and reputation of the French Edtech in the world. | 454 | 250 | 313 | |
CENTQUATRE-PARIS Lieu infini d'art, de culture et d'innovation An innovating artistic and cultural workspace Located in the 19th arrondissement, the CENTQUATRE-PARIS is a space for residencies, production and promotion for the public and artists from all over the world. Conceived by its director José-Manuel Gonçalvès as a collaborative artistic platform, it enables access to all of today’s arts, through a programme that is resolutely popular, contemporary and challenging. As an atypical living area lined with shops, it also offers spaces for free artistic practice and spaces for infants. For the start-ups that are part of its business accelerator, it forms a … | 444 | 244 | 198 | |
Wydden Formation Marketing Digital & Growth pour les Entrepreneurs. 🚀 Wydden (ex 10001startups) est un centre de formation au marketing digital. À travers nos contenus et nos formations, nous accompagnons les entrepreneurs et l’ensemble des organisations à mieux comprendre et innover dans un environnement en pleine transformation digitale. Wydden (Clydes SAS) est un organisme de formation référencé DATADOCK sous le numéro 763409165 34 start-up, entrepreneuriat, formation, and growth marketing Sectors: Media | 49 | 28 | 6 | |
Villette Makerz [Automatic translation follows] Located in the heart of Parc de la Villette, Villette Makerz is a collaborative design and manufacturing laboratory. Located in the heart of Parc de la Villette, on the waterfront, Villette Makerz is a Fablab, a collaborative design and manufacturing laboratory. These 600 m2 are dedicated to digital experimentation, coworking and corporate events. Creative entrepreneurs: find workspaces conducive to creation and the exchange of know-how. Villette Makerz offers a complete range of services to help you develop professionally: workstations, meeting rooms, prototyping machines, project support from design to dissemination. Companies looking for an innovative and unusual location: … | 72 | 21 | 42 | |
Air Liquide Air Liquide is a world leader in gases, technologies and services for industry and healthcare. Present in 72 countries with 67,800 employees, the Group serves more than 4 million customers and patients. Oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen are essential small molecules for life, matter and energy. They embody Air Liquide’s scientific territory and have been at the core of the Group’s activities since its creation in 1902. Taking action today while preparing the future is at the heart of Air Liquide’s strategy. With ADVANCE, its strategic plan for 2025, Air Liquide is targeting a global performance, combining financial and extra-financial dimensions. … | 1486 | 1121 | 333 | |
Saint-Gobain Saint-Gobain designs, manufactures and distributes materials and solutions for the construction, mobility and industrial markets. Developed through a continuous innovation process, our integrated solutions provide sustainability and performance in daily life, addressing the renovation of public and private buildings, light construction and the decarbonization of construction and industry. In this way, we contribute to reducing carbon emissions, leveraging resource efficiency and increasing circularity. Saint-Gobain believes in progress and seeks to be a game-changer that improves individual and collective health and wellness. We are convinced that the solutions that meet everyone’s essential needs and allow us to live better together, without … Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Building supplies | 1831 | 1505 | 171 | |
Veolia Veolia is the benchmark company for ecological transformation. Veolia group aims to be the benchmark company for ecological transformation. With nearly 220,000 employees worldwide, the Group designs and provides game-changing solutions that are both useful and practical for water, waste and energy management. Through its three complementary business activities, Veolia helps to develop access to resources, preserve available resources, and replenish them. In 2021, the Veolia group supplied 79 million people with drinking water and 61 million people with wastewater service, produced nearly 48 million megawatt hours of energy and treated 48 million metric tons of waste. Veolia Environnement (listed … | 2909 | 2196 | 580 | |
Orange At Orange, you can. Orange is one of the world’s leading telecommunications operators with sales of 43.5 billion euros in 2022 and 136,000 employees worldwide at 31 December 2022, including 75,000 employees in France. The Group has a total customer base of 287 million customers worldwide at 31 December 2022, including 242 million mobile customers and 24 million fixed broadband customers. The Group is present in 26 countries. Orange is also a leading provider of global IT and telecommunication services to multinational companies under the brand Orange Business. In February 2023, the Group presented its strategic plan « Lead the … Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Law Practice Telecoms | 5896 | 4725 | 760 | |
SBA - Smart Buildings Alliance for Smart Cities [Automatic translation follows] Making smart buildings an asset for regions, businesses and occupants. Created in 2012, the Smart Buildings Alliance works every day to make smart buildings an asset for regions, businesses and occupants. Unique in its transversality, openness and the diversity of its 450 member companies and organisations, the SBA structures its actions around 3 pillars: Smart Home (collective residential housing), Smart Building (tertiary building) and Smart City (intelligent city and territory). Claiming for more than 10 years a strong commitment to responsible digital technology, the SBA advocates technological neutrality while promoting the interoperability of systems, the pooling of … Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC | 367 | 213 | 203 | |
Santé publique France [Automatic translation follows] Act for the health of all ANTICIPATE, UNDERSTAND, ACT Santé publique France is the reference and expertise center in public health of the Ministry of Health. Its skills in epidemiology, prevention, and intervention with the public, allow the agency to cover a wide range of activities, from knowledge to action. The agency's mission is to effectively protect the health of populations. Through epidemiological monitoring and surveillance, the agency anticipates and alerts. Through its mastery of prevention and preparation systems for health emergencies, it supports committed public health stakeholders. Anchored in the territories, it measures the state of … | 471 | 371 | 57 | |
Allianz Partners Allianz Partners is a world leader in B2B2C insurance and assistance, offering global solutions that span international health and life, travel insurance, automotive and assistance. Customer driven, our innovative experts are redefining insurance services by delivering future-ready, high-tech high-touch products and solutions that go beyond traditional insurance. Our products are embedded seamlessly into our partners’ businesses or sold directly to customers, and are available through four commercial brands: Allianz Assistance, Allianz Automotive, Allianz Travel and Allianz Care. Present in 75 countries, our 21,100 employees speak 70 languages, handle over 71 million cases each year, and are motivated to go the … | 5202 | 2978 | 1004 | |
Schoolab | Mission-driven company Innovation Studio -We empower people to create impact and nurture innovation. Member of SLGroup with MoHo & Raiselab 🇬🇧 Schoolab empowers organizations' talents to co-create business innovations with a positive impact. By spreading the entrepreneurial and collaborative spirit through action, Schoolab helps innovation projects grow with entrepreneurs and with companies. We use collaborative methods such as Design Thinking, Lean Startup and Agility, together with our team, we engage a large ecosystem of students, startups and entrepreneurs around entrepreneurial projects. Present in Paris, San Francisco and Ho Chi Minh City through Schoolab and RaiseLab, we're also in Normandy through MoHo. Formation … | 642 | 346 | 337 | |
European Space Agency - ESA The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world. ESA is an international organisation with 22 Member States. By coordinating the financial and intellectual resources of its members, it can undertake programmes and activities far beyond the scope of any single European country. ESA's 22 Member States are Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, … Sectors: Defence and Aerospace | 4581 | 3517 | 352 | |
P.Factory [Automatic translation follows] Great Tribe of startups in the South Region 🚀 Our program? Turnover, financing, benefits & networks 💪 P.Factory helps startups 🚀 in the PACA Region 🌞 grow by providing them with turnover, financing and benefits... thanks to its large network! What are you waiting for to join our beautiful Tribe? :) Startup accelerator, startup support, Startup Conference, and fundraising | 238 | 41 | 215 | |
Pépite oZer [Automatic translation follows] Stimulate desires, create synergies, be a springboard for ideas, and challenge those curious to undertake! At Pépite Ozer, we believe in the power of entrepreneurship to transform ideas into realities and reveal the potential of each individual. As an experience incubator, our ambition is to make the entrepreneurial spirit accessible to all students and young graduates of the Grenoble academy. Our team of specialists supports each project, from the emergence phase to the launch, by offering quality and personalized support. With more than 20 years of experience and nearly 1000 students supported, Pépite Ozer positions itself as … Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC | 163 | 39 | 147 | |
Pépinière 27 [Automatic translation follows] Created for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs! Located in the heart of Paris, Pépinière 27 is an incubator that brings together a general ecosystem of more than 120 start-ups, which innovate in all sectors of activity. Spread over nearly 3000m2, companies can integrate with an adapted offer whatever their size. Created for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs, Pépinière 27 offers, beyond a flexible and modular accommodation offer, support services for start-ups and above all an inspiring, friendly and warm atmosphere! Our services adapt to the start-up ecosystem, strengthen the corporate culture, commitment, and improve the productivity of start-up entrepreneurs. Pépinière 27 … Sectors: Real Estate | 200 | 62 | 86 | |
MEDEF [Automatic translation follows] Acting together for responsible growth. MEDEF is the leading network of entrepreneurs in France. It defends and promotes companies of all sizes and in all sectors of activity. A privileged interlocutor for decision-makers and public authorities In complete transparency, MEDEF conducts ongoing lobbying with all decision-makers at local, regional, national and European levels, in order to assert the company's point of view and to lighten its tax and regulatory burden: reform of the professional tax, apprenticeship, business transfer, conventional termination, etc. A key partner in social dialogue Authorized by law to negotiate on behalf of all companies … Sectors: NGO, Think Tank | 2824 | 2195 | 592 | |
Apec Grand Est [Automatic translation follows] The Apec Grand Est Regional Delegation is one of the 12 territorial delegations of Apec. It represents six locations spread across the territory: 2 centers in Alsace (Strasbourg and Mulhouse), 2 centers in Lorraine (Nancy and Metz) and 1 center and 1 office in Champagne Ardenne (Reims and Troyes). Nearly 40 employees make up a driving force in response to the projects of young graduates, executives and companies. Apec advises and supports • executives throughout their career, whether for a salary or entrepreneurial project, • young graduates in the search for their first job or an entrepreneurial … Sectors: Human ressources | 2003 | 1500 | 492 | |
AG2R LA MONDIALE [Automatic translation follows] The specialist in social and wealth protection in France A major player in personal insurance present in all territories, AG2R LA MONDIALE insures individuals, companies and professional sectors, in an approach that is both individual and collective. We provide each of our clients and their families with personalized solutions at the fairest price, to protect their health, secure their income and wealth, protect them against accidents in life and prepare for their retirement. A partnership with joint and mutualist governance, AG2R LA MONDIALE cultivates a unique model of social and wealth protection that closely combines solidarity and … Sectors: Insurance Mutual insurance | 1594 | 1266 | 353 | |
Saint-Étienne Métropole [Automatic translation follows] Saint-Étienne Métropole, a public inter-municipal cooperation institution, became a Métropole on January 1, 2018, joining the small and envied circle of the 22 major French Métropoles. Its territory is made up of 53 municipalities and has more than 400,000 inhabitants. Saint-Étienne Métropole manages, for its users, various public service missions such as waste management, school transport, drinking water supply and roads. https://www.saint-etienne-metropole.fr/ http://www.saint-etienne-attractivite.fr/ Sectors: French metropolis | 713 | 471 | 236 | |
Rennes Ville et Métropole [Automatic translation follows] Living intelligently Capital of one of the most dynamic regions in France, Rennes assumes its role as a leader in economic development 📈 ▶ Ranked 10th nationally, its urban area covers nearly 700,000 inhabitants with an economic basin that concentrates 300,000 jobs ▶ 1st "business friendly" city of cities with less than 500,000 inhabitants, it attracts many talents in several key sectors of the economy (research, digital technology, health, agri-food, environment or manufacturing) ▶ Open to the international, Rennes is the leading teaching center in the Grand Ouest with 68,000 students and fuels high-level research and innovation … Sectors: French metropolis | 1629 | 1104 | 489 | |
Orléans Métropole [Automatic translation follows] Receive, share and comment on information from Orléans Métropole, with #OrleansMetropole! 📍Orléans Métropole 👋🏼 22 municipalities and 292,001 inhabitants 🫵🏼 Join us: https://linktr.ee/OrleansMetropole Sectors: French metropolis | 598 | 381 | 187 | |
Métropole Européenne de Lille (MEL) [Automatic translation follows] Public Intermunicipal Cooperation Establishment (EPCI) serving 95 municipalities for more than a million inhabitants. The European Metropolis of Lille, a public intermunicipal cooperation establishment, brings together more than a million inhabitants and 95 municipalities. Its territory is both rural and urban, made up of large cities and villages. It exercises its skills in 19 essential areas serving users such as development, roads, sanitation, transport, culture, tourism, housing, economic development, etc. The MEL services include more than 2,800 agents and more than 100 professions. Supported by an ambitious continuing education policy, they open up attractive career development opportunities. … Sectors: French metropolis | 1548 | 1173 | 260 | |
Centre-Val de Loire Region [Automatic translation follows] Activity, employment, environment, solidarity at the heart of the Centre-Val de Loire Region's challenges for the future A flagship location for creation, innovation and the art of living, the Centre-Val de Loire region has been, since the Renaissance, the one that best embodies the Nature-Culture and Heritage DNA. Strongly marked by its agriculture, the Centre-Val de Loire region is one of the leading cereal regions in Europe. It is also renowned for its internationally renowned competitiveness clusters: the Cosmetic Valley (perfumery and cosmetics), the Electrical Energy Sciences and Systems cluster (renewable energies, intelligent buildings and electrical equipment … Sectors: National and local authorities | 1836 | 1232 | 261 | |
Région Pays de la Loire [Automatic translation follows] The Pays de la Loire region includes 5 departments: Loire-Atlantique, Maine-et-Loire, Mayenne, Sarthe and Vendée. It has 3.7 million inhabitants spread across 1,357 municipalities. It is a territory balanced between rural and urban areas, organized around 7 large urban areas (Nantes, Saint-Nazaire, Angers, Cholet, Le Mans, Laval and La-Roche-sur-Yon) and 1,108 municipalities with fewer than 1,000 inhabitants. Bordered by 450 km of coastline and crisscrossed by the Loire, the region has the leading port on the Atlantic coast. Its economic dynamism is a real strength that allows it to have the lowest unemployment rate in France (8.5%). … Sectors: National and local authorities | 2933 | 1972 | 400 | |
Région Grand Est [Automatic translation follows] Dynamic, competitive and innovative, the Grand Est Region is at your side and at your service. Priorities → #Employment #Digital #Youth #Territories #Mobility #Europe Find us on https://www.grandest.fr/ Also follow the news on our social networks: - Twitter: @regiongrandest - Facebook: @regiongrandest - Instagram: @laregiongrandest local authority Sectors: National and local authorities | 2302 | 1904 | 287 | |
La Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée [Automatic translation follows] Official page of the Occitanie Region. Here you will find economic news, aid and calls for projects. The Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée Region brings you the right information to succeed in your business or training projects: agenda, news, testimonials, files... Also find the Region on www.laregion.fr Sectors: National and local authorities | 3723 | 2986 | 549 | |
Région Bretagne [Automatic translation follows] The official page of the Brittany Region on LinkedIn Assembly elected by the Bretons, the Regional Council intervenes in most areas that concern daily life and the future of Brittany: training, transport, economic development, regional planning, culture, sport, environment... Sectors: National and local authorities | 3033 | 2101 | 236 | |
Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine [Automatic translation follows] Official page of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region. The Regional Council, together with the Regional Economic, Social and Environmental Council, makes up the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region. Its regional assembly has 183 regional councillors, a standing committee and sectoral committees. Business, Vocational training, Youth, Transport, Ecological transition, Europe, and Regional planning Sectors: National and local authorities | 3457 | 2774 | 640 | |
Région Hauts-de-France [Automatic translation follows] "For a sustainable and decarbonized economy with #rev3" Welcome to the official page of the Hauts-de-France Region. Our community is responsible for various missions serving its six million inhabitants: * Employment and economic development * High schools, higher education and research * Transport * Sustainable development and planning of the territory, * Management of European funds * Sports, youth, culture, health, etc. Hauts-de-France is a plural region. #Leader in the #automobile industry, the railway industry, as in agriculture, our region is also the one that attracts the most foreign investors. The youngest region in France, Hauts-de-France continues … Sectors: National and local authorities | 2534 | 2060 | 398 | |
Région Ile de France The Paris Region is a major business and techno hub in Europe. Standing at the crossroads of European and worldwide trade, the Paris Region is France's leading economic region. It represents 31% of French GDP. Consisting of 8 départements and 1,280 municipalities, the Paris Region hosts the largest population of french Regions : 12.5 million inhabitants, that is younger than the national average. As Europe’s leading employment area, it boasts a highly qualified workforce : 33% of French executives. The Paris Region hosts 22% of France’s universities, 25% of its engineering schooland 20% of its business schools. Invest in Paris … Sectors: National and local authorities | 5006 | 4101 | 695 | |
Nova CHILD [Automatic translation follows] Labeled "Business Cluster" since 2011, Nova CHILD brings together and leads a national network composed of companies, research centers and training around innovation for the well-being of children and families. Companies operate in various sectors of the child market: childcare, furniture/decoration, fashion (clothing - shoes), toys, food, hygiene, services... and allow Nova CHILD to have a real cross-sectional vision. Schools, research and training centers, and technical centers... bring their skills and expertise to the network: human and social sciences (psychology, sociology...), design, techniques (materials, electronics, NTIC, ...), medical, marketing, etc. Nova CHILD thus pools the knowledge and … | 85 | 19 | 74 | |
Matmut [Automatic translation follows] Matmut, your complete insurance group A major player in the French market, the Matmut Group now insures more than 4.1 million members and nearly 7.8 million contracts. It offers everyone - individuals, professionals, companies, associations - a complete range of property and personal insurance products (car, motorcycle, home, boat, hunting, liability, family protection, health, pension, legal protection, assistance) and financial and savings services (car loans, consumer credit, savings account, life insurance, borrower insurance, etc.). Since 1961, Matmut has been serving its members. Proud of its membership in the mutualist family and convinced of the relevance of this … Sectors: Insurance | 808 | 497 | 198 | |
Matériaupôle [Automatic translation follows] Cluster materials and processes of the Paris region. We are at the service of our members and the sector! The Matériauxpôle is the cluster dedicated to materials and processes in the Paris region, we support and help you develop your projects whether they are industrial, R&D, arts or design. We also have our own incubator and accelerator: the #6Pasteur in Vitry-sur-Seine. | 148 | 29 | 132 | |
Marseille Innovation [Automatic translation follows] The largest startup support structure in Marseille! 🚀 Marseille Innovation, growth accelerator! Created in 1996, Marseille Innovation is one of the first European Business and Innovation Centers in Paca. It helps create and develop innovative companies. Marseille Innovation has three business incubators to welcome and support 80 companies focused in particular on engineering sciences, multimedia, optics and photonics at the Technopôle de Château-Gombert and at the Pôle Média de la Belle de Mai. Marseille Innovation is the main tool for creating and developing companies in the Marseille Provence Métropole area. | 294 | 147 | 144 | |
LUDyLAB [Automatic translation follows] Come discover and explore the future at LUDyLAB! #Fun&Learn A fun laboratory accessible to all! Driven by the desire to invent the future, to be a Pioneer of change, the LUDyLAB is more than a place, it is also a way of understanding the world in process mode LivingLab (living laboratory) Located in Chambretaud (Vendée - 3 minutes from Puy du Fou), the LUDyLAB is a fun exploration laboratory open to all (from 12 years old) and dedicated to new technologies promoting high-tech innovation and social innovation You will be able to experiment there: • The Indoor … | 97 | 28 | 67 | |
#LTA - La Tech Amiénoise [Automatic translation follows] #LTA is a non-profit association under the 1901 law that structures and runs a network of entrepreneurs around digital & innovation The #LTA - La Tech amiénoise association is aimed at all energies that wish to boost the economy and knowledge around digital technology in Amiens and its region. At the heart of its missions, the main actions are the training of future digital professionals, the support of innovative project leaders as well as the animation of a program of events to promote the sharing of knowledge with the general public and professionals at the heart of … Sectors: French Tech | 74 | 21 | 55 | |
CRESS GRAND EST [Automatic translation follows] The Social and Solidarity Economy, an economy that makes sense The Regional Chamber of the Social and Solidarity Economy brings together the companies and networks of the ESS in Grand Est in all fields of activity. It is the voice of the ESS at the regional level and pursues the objective of supporting, developing and promoting the Social and Solidarity Economy. It is the privileged interlocutor of the communities that are committed to the development of the ESS in the territories. It brings together the associations, cooperatives, mutual societies, foundations and commercial companies of the ESS: all … Sectors: NGO, Think Tank | 239 | 89 | 165 | |
Nuclear Valley [Automatic translation follows] Federating energies 🚀 Nuclear Valley promotes the emergence of innovative and competitive solutions for the civil nuclear and defense sectors in the regions. For more than 15 years, Nuclear Valley has been leading a community of more than 430 members by bringing together, for collaborative projects, companies (SMEs, ETIs, Large Groups), research laboratories and training organizations. It supports the organizations and companies that are members of the association in their R&D, innovation, growth, fundraising, employment, training and economic development challenges in France and internationally. The cluster brings together its members around 7 technological axes: - Design and … Sectors: French Cluster Public business cluster | 333 | 161 | 233 | |
Académie de Dijon [Automatic translation follows] Information, news and practical advice for education professionals in the Dijon academy. The Dijon academy brings together 4 departments of the departmental services of National Education: Côte d'Or (21), Nièvre (58), Saône-et-Loire (71) and Yonne (89). It is placed under the authority of the rector Pierre N'Gahane, appointed on March 16, 2022. Around 275,000 students attend the academy's schools, colleges and high schools. They are welcomed by nearly 26,000 teachers, education, administration and management staff. Training, Primary education, Secondary education, and Higher education | 42 | 27 | 10 | |
NICEPHORE CITE NICEPHORE CITE is a management consulting company based out of 34 QUAI SAINT COSME, CHALON SUR SAONE, France. | 85 | 16 | 67 | |
La Fabrique des Mobilités [Automatic translation follows] Accelerate your projects with open source! The purpose of the Association is to help you accelerate your sustainable mobility projects. We work with all stakeholders in the ecosystem: industries, laboratories, communities, schools, startups, clusters, customers, users, developers, etc. To join: https://www.helloasso.com/associations/la-fabrique-des-mobilites/adhesions/adhesions-2021-2022 The Association comes from an open network without borders or barriers to entry, which it strengthens and structures. The Association has set itself the following missions: ● Contribute to the evolution of mobility practices on a large scale through open models; ● Federate public and private players in the mobility sector in a common culture of … | 315 | 100 | 203 | |
Territoire de sciences [Automatic translation follows] EPCC for the dissemination of CSTI Grenoble Alpes Created in 1979, CCSTI Grenoble works to make scientific and technical culture accessible to as many people as possible and to encourage the general public to get involved in debates related to science / society issues (nanotechnologies, digital society, biotechnologies, etc.). In a dynamic local context where scientific research, university education, industries and technological innovation coexist, CCSTI Grenoble collaborates with all stakeholders in scientific culture to propose and lead actions or projects for all audiences. Science & Society, Arts and Sciences, Fab Lab, Participatory Workshops, and Digital | 268 | 111 | 123 | |
KM0 [Automatic translation follows] Industry + Digital KMØ is an innovation ecosystem dedicated to the digital transformation of industry. It promotes collaborations and boosts the attractiveness of the territory. It brings together industrial companies, digital service providers, training courses, startups and an experimental laboratory in the same place. These are the former premises of the Société alsacienne de constructions mécaniques (SACM) which have been rehabilitated on 11,500 m2, Fonderie district in Mulhouse, to accommodate this innovative ecosystem. | 145 | 64 | 89 | |
Irstea [Automatic translation follows] Institute labeled HR Excellence in Research (HRS4R) Irstea – National Institute for Research in Science and Technology for the Environment and Agriculture – is a research organization (public scientific and technical institution - EPST) under the dual supervision of the ministries in charge of research and agriculture. It focuses its research on water, ecotechnologies and regional planning. Based on a "finalized" research model, its mission is to respond to the environmental and societal challenges of today and tomorrow. It has been labeled "Institut Carnot" since 2006. Environmental research, Natural risks, Ecotechnology, Territories, and Water Sectors: Environment | 509 | 189 | 204 | |
Invest in Côte d'Azur - Team Nice Côte d'Azur Nice Côte d'Azur Metropolis attractiveness and economic promotion agency - Free and confidential ► Team Nice Côte d’Azur (previously Team Côte d'Azur) is the official Investment Promotion Agency of the Côte d’Azur - French Riviera. We promote the Côte d'Azur on international markets and facilitate Foreign Direct Investment by helping businesses relocate, expand their activities or find available property in the region, especially the main technology hubs. ► We can help you through the whole process of setting up a business on the Côte d'Azur. Our free and confidential support services include : - Organizing tailor-made business tours to help … Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC | 456 | 131 | 321 | |
NextMove [Automatic translation follows] #WeSupportInnovation #Network #Innovation #Business #Training #Industry #Automotive #Industry40 #Mobility #WeAreNextMove The competitiveness cluster dedicated to the mobility of the future 🇫🇷💡🇪🇺🚘🚲🛵🛴🚍🛣️⚡🍃 Located in the Normandy and Île-de-France regions, NextMove embodies, drives and promotes the "Mobility Valley", a territory of European excellence where solutions to meet the challenges of the mobility of the future are invented, developed, tested and industrialized. Bringing together the main players in mobility and the automotive industry, NextMove builds links between large groups, SMEs, startups, universities, laboratories and regions and supports them in setting up and financing their projects. It is a unique network … Sectors: French Cluster Public business cluster | 678 | 243 | 536 | |
ASTech Paris Region [Automatic translation follows] #aeronautics #space #defense competitiveness cluster ✈️🚀🛡 Located in Île-de-France (the leading employment area in France in the field of Aeronautics, Space and embedded systems), the ASTech Paris Region Aerospace Competitiveness Cluster brings together more than 100,000 people and accounts for the majority of French R&D jobs. > More than 90% of the R&D workforce for Business Aviation in Île-de-France > More than 50% of the R&D workforce for Space Transportation in Île-de-France > More than 60% of R&D staff for Propulsion and Equipment in Île-de-France OUR OBJECTIVES ASTech Paris Region, a competitiveness cluster, aims to increase the … Sectors: French Cluster Public business cluster | 339 | 110 | 162 | |
Tenerrdis [Automatic translation follows] The competitiveness cluster of the energy transition, a catalyst for innovation in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes The competitiveness cluster of the energy transition. A catalyst for innovation in renewable energies in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Tenerrdis' mission is to promote sustainable business growth and the creation of long-term jobs in the new energy technology sectors, in line with the challenges of the energy transition, by mobilizing all the resources (industrial, institutional, academic and scientific) of the ecosystem. Sectors: French Cluster Public business cluster | 512 | 199 | 381 | |
POLYMERIS [Automatic translation follows] Polymeris, Competitiveness cluster for rubbers, plastics and composites POLYMERIS is the only competitiveness cluster dedicated to rubbers, plastics and composites. It is the result of combining the skills, 15 years of experience and resources of Elastopôle and Plastipolis. Polymeris works to serve all manufacturers to bring out new R&D projects, encourage and promote innovation and focuses its roadmap around 2 major strategic axes: the circular economy and the industry of the future. A benchmark in terms of innovation, we work in France and internationally to promote a dynamic and innovative industry, supporting the emergence and sustainability of … | 650 | 222 | 494 | |
Materalia [Automatic translation follows] The MATERALIA competitiveness cluster connects the players in the Materials and Processes ecosystem of the Grand Est Materalia is a Non-profit Organization Management company located in France. Materials; processes; support, labeling, innovation, assistance with project development Sectors: French Cluster Public business cluster | 193 | 53 | 139 | |
Images & Réseaux [Automatic translation follows] Loading the future Images & Réseaux is the leading competitiveness cluster for digital innovation in the Pays de la Loire and Brittany regions at the crossroads of technologies and uses. From projects to products or services, it stimulates and supports innovative economic players in their collaborative research and development strategy (large groups, SMEs, ETIs, research laboratories, clusters, startups, etc. regional and international). competitiveness cluster, innovation, digital, technology, Tech, Responsible digital, and Réseaux Sectors: French Cluster Public business cluster | 731 | 273 | 508 | |
Pôle TES [Automatic translation follows] Digital competitiveness cluster of Normandy and the Seine Axis. The TES Cluster is the digital competitiveness cluster of Normandy and the Seine Axis. 🌐 Its objective is to develop ambitious Research & Development projects on digital technologies to serve the major transitions of Society. A trusted third party and a key player in digital innovation in Normandy, the TES Cluster is positioned on 3 missions: 🎯 Accelerate the development of members' R&D projects 🎯 Bring innovation to the service of uses and users 🎯 Be an actor and representative of the digital transition of Normandy A Cluster … Sectors: French Cluster Public business cluster | 247 | 75 | 179 | |
Systematic Paris-Region [Automatic translation follows] European #Digital & #DeepTech Hub Systematic, the European Deep Tech Hub, has been bringing together and leading a community of nearly 900 members dedicated to Deep Tech (Open Source, Digital Trust, Digital Infrastructure and IoT, Digital Engineering, Data Science & AI, Photonics) since its creation in 2005. Systematic thus addresses 3 major economic and societal challenges: the digital transformation of territories, industry and services as well as society. The Hub accelerates digital projects through collaborative innovation, the development of SMEs, networking and business sourcing, in the sectors of the future: energy, telecoms, health, transport, information systems, factory … Sectors: French Cluster Public business cluster | 911 | 404 | 649 | |
Mutuelle.fr [Automatic translation follows] Mutuelle.fr is an online health insurance comparison tool. With a network of 12 partner mutual insurance companies, you will find the contract that best suits your profile and your health needs. Because at Mutuelle.fr, we make respecting your privacy one of our priorities, no contact details will be requested. Thanks to our out-of-pocket cost simulator, manage your health budget as best as possible. It allows you to know the amount of reimbursements for any health expense to the nearest euro. In order to prepare for the generalization of supplementary health insurance in January 2016, you also have … Sectors: Health Insurance Mutual insurance | 1142 | 842 | 230 | |
Greater Paris University Hospitals - AP-HP Nous soignons et innovons 365 jours par an. AP-HP (Greater Paris University Hospitals) is a European world-renowned university hospital. Its 39 hospitals treat 8 million people every year: in consultation, emergency, during scheduled or home hospitalizations. The AP-HP provides a public health service for everyone, 24 hours a day. This mission is a duty as well as a great source of pride. AP-HP is the leading employer in the Greater Paris area: 100.000 staff members – doctors, researchers, paramedical staff, administrative personnel and workers – work there. Toutes les spécialités médicales de la néonatologie à la gériatrie en passant par … Sectors: Health | 2201 | 1511 | 153 | |
Safran Powered by trust Safran is an international high-technology group, operating in the aviation (propulsion, equipment and interiors), defense and space markets. Its core purpose is to contribute to a safer, more sustainable world, where air transport is more environmentally friendly, comfortable and accessible. Safran has a global presence, with 79,000 employees and holds, alone or in partnership, world or European leadership positions in its core markets. Aerospace, Defence, engineering, Optronics, Jet Engines, Helicopter engines, Rocket engines, Safety-critical softwares, Inertial guidance, Propulsion systems, and Aerosystems Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Defence and Aerospace | 2205 | 1661 | 463 | |
Fondation i2ml - Institut Méditerranéen des Métiers de la Longévité [Automatic translation follows] i2ml is the partnership foundation of the University of Nîmes. Its objective is to create a new economic sector "longevity", around the home care of the elderly in Languedoc-Roussillon and particularly in the territory of Nîmes metropolis, which has made this cluster a major issue in its development. AXIS 1 / Economic development, animation of a "longevity" cluster and support for companies The objective is to support longevity stakeholders in the design of innovative products and services around the theme of "aging well". The i2ml foundation supports these innovations by experimenting with new solutions, in particular thanks … | 102 | 32 | 70 | |
Nokia We create technology that helps the world act together. Pioneering networks that sense, think & act. At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together. As a B2B technology innovation leader, we are pioneering networks that sense, think and act by leveraging our work across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. In addition, we create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs. With truly open architectures that seamlessly integrate into any ecosystem, our high-performance networks create new opportunities for monetization and scale. Service providers, enterprises and partners worldwide trust Nokia to deliver … Sectors: Telecoms | 4358 | 2773 | 286 | |
Paris&Co Générer ensemble des solutions durables Paris&Co is the economic development and innovation agency of Paris. It covers five areas: # Incubation # International attractiveness # Experimentation # Open Innovation # Event organisation or planning As such, Paris&Co prospects and welcomes foreign startups while contributing to the economic promotion of the city abroad. It fosters the dynamism of the Paris innovation ecosystem through the incubation of innovative young companies, experimenting with innovative solutions, organising major innovation events and linking startups with key accounts. Web: www.parisandco.com Twitter: @Paris_and_Co Facebook: parisandcoagency incubation, open innovation, experimentation, international attractiveness, event organisation, start up, scale up, … Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC | 1304 | 606 | 796 | |
CNAJMJ [Automatic translation follows] National Council of Judicial Administrators and Representatives Administrators and representatives use their skills to prevent and deal with difficulties for companies of all sizes, regardless of the sector of activity. The judicial administrator intervenes in safeguard and judicial recovery procedures to assist the manager and identify difficulties. The judicial representative, appointed in any collective procedure, is responsible for representing creditors and preserving the financial rights of employees. The AJMJ can also intervene upstream to support the company, in complete confidentiality, in overcoming proven or foreseeable difficulties. Concerned with the human dimension of their mission, they strive to … Sectors: Legal Services | 68 | 36 | 25 | |
Ouest-France [Automatic translation follows] 🗞Ouest-France, the leading French daily newspaper! Every day, over 600,000 copies in Normandy, Brittany & Pays de la Loire OUEST-FRANCE Company Founder of the Editorial Committee François Régis Hutin Chairman of the Board Louis Échelard - Director of Publication The associative status: Since the extraordinary general meeting of April 9, 1990, S.A. Ouest-France has been part of a non-profit association under the 1901 law, the "Association for the support of the principles of humanist democracy", chaired by Jacques Duquesne. Location: 58 editorial offices in the 14 departments in Brittany, Lower Normandy and Pays de la Loire, as … Sectors: Media | 4242 | 3492 | 455 | |
Secrétariat général pour la modernisation de l'action publique (SGMAP) [Automatic translation follows] The General Secretariat for the Modernization of Public Action (SGMAP) is a mission administration, which aims to be the linchpin of State reform, alongside ministries and other public institutions. Reporting to the Prime Minister, it aims to be, within the State, the place of expertise and excellence in the transformation of public policies and administrations. The SGMAP has a dual role: • an advisory role to the Government in the development, conduct and monitoring of the overall reform program. In this respect, the SGMAP is both an "assembler" of the modernization of public action (MAP), guarantor of … Sectors: National and local authorities | 385 | 260 | 153 | |
CCI Paris IdF [Automatic translation follows] By your side to create and develop your business. Representing nearly 840,000 businesses, or 29% of the national GDP, the Paris Ile-de-France Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry is actively engaged alongside the players who make up the regional economy – whether they are business leaders, decision-makers, pupils, apprentices, students or employees in continuing education. Across an entire territory that includes Paris, Seine-et-Marne, Versailles-Yvelines, Essonne, Hauts-de-Seine, Seine-Saint-Denis, Val-de-Marne and Val d'Oise, the regional Chamber's missions are to represent businesses to promote their growth, to train men and women for the challenges of tomorrow, to grow business projects … Sectors: Chamber of commerce | 1311 | 944 | 370 |