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Groupe Ecomedia Groupe Ecomedia

GROUPE ECOMEDIA ? Ce sont les actus économiques de Haute-Savoie, de Savoie, de l'Ain, du Nord-Isère et du Grand Genève. GROUPE ECOMEDIA ? Ce sont les actus économiques de Haute-Savoie, de Savoie, de l'Ain, du Nord-Isère et du Grand Genève. PRESSE and ECONOMIE

Type: Media

44 22 16 16
API News API News

Info useful to business - stay connected to business news in the West Info useful to business - stay connected to business news in Brittany and Pays de la Loire Known for more than 30 years under “The letter API”, API News is the daily newsletter of the editorial staff of API. Every morning, our subscribers have access to around twenty information on the news of companies and economic players in Brittany and in Pays de la Loire: projects, investments, reorganizations, buyouts, strategies, results, innovations, appointments ... Our team publishes other information media such as the API Mag Territorial High …

Type: Media

150 40 131 16
Art of Roof Art of Roof

The open -air art gallery that refreshes the planet. Our mission: to refresh the planet by offering a professional cool roofing service to supermarkets, industrialists and communities. Cool roof, industrial roof treatment, cool roofing, climate roof, fresh roof, waterproofing, and energy economies

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

16 5 9 6
TransCure bioServices TransCure bioServices

The only CRO specialized in full human immune system mouse models for HIV, Cancer, Infectious Diseases & Inflammation TransCure offers pre-clinical contract research services to pharmaceutical, biotech, start-up and academic researchers who need faster, smarter and cost-effective solutions for drug profiling. Uniquely designed animal models with functional humanized systems have been developed to provide predictive in vivo pharmacology testing in the field of inflammation, and autoimmune (IBD, RA, SLE, MS), infectious diseases (HIV, HBV), vaccine development, biosimilar and preclinical lead candidate selection / validation for drug development. Our customer-oriented approach includes co-designing of experiments with customers to match their needs, …

Type: Startup Activities: biotech deeptech Technologies: Data Analytics

4 3 1 76
Axandus, l'accélérateur industriel Axandus, l'accélérateur industriel

Spécialisé dans l'accompagnement de projets d'industrialisation et le développement de technologies innovantes AXANDUS est un accélérateur industriel spécialisé dans l'accompagnement de start-up innovantes spécialisées dans les technologies embarquées et la mécatronique. Les équipes d'AXANDUS mettent leurs savoir-faires à disposition de ces jeunes entreprises et leurs apportent des solutions de conception, de prototypage, de sourcing et de mise en production à grande échelle. AXANDUS est une structure indépendante issue du groupe EFI Automotive, équipementier automobile depuis 1936. Depuis 2017, AXANDUS est également associée à l'entreprise SERCEL spécialisée dans l'analyse des sols et les métiers de la pétrochimie. Pour plus d’informations : …

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 manufacturing transporttech Technologies: Embedded Systems Robotics

67 25 53 10
Padam Mobility Padam Mobility

Demand-Responsive Transport & Paratransit solutions to transform territories and bring communities closer together. Since 2014, Padam Mobility offers digital on-demand public transport solutions (DRT, Paratransit) to reconnect peri-urban and rural areas and bring communities closer together. To do this, Padam Mobility provides a software suite of smart and flexible solutions that improve the impact of mobility policies in sparsely populated areas for all types of users. To get users, operators and Public Authorities on the move. This software suite is based on powerful algorithms and artificial intelligence. It includes : - Booking interfaces (mobile app, website) for users and call …

Type: SMB Startup Activities: transporttech it services smart city Technologies: A.I.

34 4 29 99
Paname Paname

Ensemble ! Elkar ! SOKOA is a company based in the Basque country. It is parent company to a French manufacturing group that has been specialising in office and contract furniture and currently achieves consolidated turnover of over €100M and whose main brands are Sokoa, Eurosit, Genexco, Sorec Solutions and Sellex. SOKOA was formed in 1971 from a development project intended to help create jobs in the Basque Country by promoting a public savings plan “crowdfunding”. To care about the human being, to create jobs in its territory, to give meanings to its products, to continuously improve its manufacturing quality …

Type: Media

169 94 54 36
Gencovery Gencovery

Democratize AI and data to accelerate innovation in biotechnology using the full digital ecosystem ConstellabTM Gencovery is a leading software company specialized in the digitization of complex R&D projects in biotechnology and in the pharmaceutical industry. We have developed the game-changing digital platform ConstellabTM, which is a full digital ecosystem enabling the end-to-end digitization of R&D value chains to streamline, and sustainably accelerate processes • Data & computing infrastructures, • Traceability of data and projects • Management of teams and knowledge, • Bioinformatics and artificial intelligence, • Digital twins of cellular metabolism, • Structured omics databases. Digital transformation, Artificial intelligence, …

Type: Startup Activities: biotech deeptech it services Technologies: SaaS A.I.

29 4 16 9
Eon motors Eon motors

Manufacturer of Electric Micro-Vehicles, we are reinventing mobility for more rational travel 🚗⚡🌱! Eon Motors – Innovation for lighter and more sustainable mobility 🌱 In the heart of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, Eon Motors designs, develops and assembles an electric micro-vehicle designed to offer a practical, economical and eco-responsible alternative to daily travel. Its Weez vehicle aims to be: 🔹 Compact and easy to handle to facilitate daily local travel 🔹 Economical to use and maintain 🔹 Eco-responsible thanks to its 100% electric engine and its French design We believe in a new way of getting around, for more rational mobility that …

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

17 4 15 26
Instagram Instagram

More than one billion people around the world use Instagram, and we’re proud to be bringing them closer to the people and things they love. Instagram inspires people to see the world differently, discover new interests, and express themselves. Since launching in 2010, our community has grown at a rapid pace. Our teams are growing fast, too, and we’re looking for talent across engineering, product management, design, research, analytics, technical program management, operations, and more. In addition to our headquarters in Menlo Park, we have thriving offices in New York City and San Francisco where teams are doing impactful work …

Type: Large company

558 334 332 14
Entrepôt du Bricolage Entrepôt du Bricolage

Tomorrow's business is being prepared today! Constant commercial dynamism, tailor-made support with personalized services and demanding product referencing: L'Entrepôt du Bricolage aims for excellence for its physical stores as well as for its online business! The brand's vocation is clear: to support the realization of our customers' projects, gathered with our employees and suppliers in a united, eco-responsible and respectful community. Most frequently recruited positions in the company: Store managers, Managers, Department managers, Sales advisors, Customer Relations Advisor, Logistics Team member, Customer service host m/f

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment Technologies: Decarbonization

8 4 2 901
Pôle métropolitain du Genevois français Pôle métropolitain du Genevois français

Acting together to control our future The French part of Greater Geneva, the Metropolitan Pole of French Genevois is a territory that now has more than 425,000 inhabitants. It is made up of 8 intercommunal structures: • three urban communities: Annemasse Agglo, Pays de Gex Agglo & Thonon Agglomération • five communities of communes: Arve and Salève, Faucigny-Glières, Genevois, Pays Bellegardien, Pays Rochois. + 10,000 inhabitants per year for 10 years, that goes with it! The territory of French Genevois is experiencing rapid demographic growth given the economic dynamism of Geneva and more generally of Greater Geneva. It must therefore …

Type: Public

20 5 19 27
Inventhys Inventhys

Votre allié dans l'IoT. Développement et intégration de Systèmes Connectés pour industriels et marques grand public Inventhys is the Architect of your IoT project: from Product Strategy to mass production, we manage your project and partners, and we develop hardware, embedded software, mobile apps , Cloud integration and embedded Artifical Intelligence. IoT, Electronique, Applications mobiles, Cloud IoT, Logiciel embarqué, Capteurs, Connectivité, Bluetooth, BLE, Low power, Industrialisation, and IA

Type: Startup Activities: it services smart city Technologies: Embedded Systems Wireless IoT

35 13 31 7
ActivUP ActivUP

Work while walking at your desk, to lose weight, have less back pain, or simply to feel better! The first excuse for not moving is the lack of time! ActivUP allows very busy employees to walk while they work. They can make calls, read emails, write documents and even hold meetings ... all while walking. Just 30 minutes of walking daily can bring many benefits to your employees (relaxation, reduction of back pain, creativity, productivity). Physical activity at the office also helps prevent and treat chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases. Highlights: - 200 client companies (including half …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

8 4 4 5

Software editor, AVA commercializes tools to create and visualize guides from a 3D. AVA is a software editor. Created in 2022 by two entrepreneurs specialized in providing intellectual services to the manufacturing industry. AVA commercializes digital tools to create and visualize guides. The guides are created on a web platform and visualized on a digital tablet. The first tool available for sale is the operating guide, a guide where all the assembly steps of a product are illustrated with a 3D representation that can be manipulated! The creation of the guides and their uses are a source of profit for …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

21 6 21 11
Syane Syane

The public establishment of energies and digital technology at the service of the municipalities and inter-municipalities of Haute-Savoie Syane is the public establishment of Haute-Savoie energies and digital technology. It provides its expertise, initiates innovative projects and supports communities in the design territory to carrying out their actions. Since 1950, Syane has worked to meet the current and future needs of territory users. Today, its action is divided into 7 skills: electricity, gas, heat, renewable energies, public lighting, electric mobility and digital arrangements. It is a partner on transition and innovation to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Syane …

Type: Public

29 8 19 110
Réseau Citiz Réseau Citiz

Cars that change the city! First cable -holding network #cooperative 🚗 Objective- Mobility, transport, services, social and solidarity economy, business group, cooperative, and self -sharing

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

54 28 18 29
Proudreed Proudreed

Part of mcore PRPERVERÉE is the first French private property thanks to its anchoring in the region and its long-term development. It is by considering its customers as its first assets and by remaining permanent listening to their needs that it is possible to develop for them - and with them - innovative, sustainable and effective solutions to consolidate the specific economic model to prberd. Real estate, property, manager, investor, and activity park

Type: Incubators & VCs

28 1 27 118

Real estate promoter for 25 years, major player in the market. Oceanis designer of well-being. Promoter for 25 years, Oceanis has always been a pioneer since its inception. He imagines concepts to improve the habitat of his different product ranges. Oceanis achieves a wide variety of products and offers a mixed offer. Experienced promoter, he builds housing, intermediaries and/or social residences, business or leisure tourism residences, but also offices and shops. . Promoter, designer, set.

Type: Incubators & VCs

5 1 5 74
Maison de l'Eco Maison de l'Eco

Undertake The Eco House is an operator of the mixed economy who brings together public and private shareholders. Its mission is to support the economic development of its territory by promoting respectful, innovative and sustainable growth. Its action is in an area experiencing a significant increase in its population, characterized by an economy mainly residential and confronted with the cross -border challenge caused by its immediate geographic location with Geneva. Created over 30 years ago, the Eco House is a mixed economy company with a capital of € 214,500.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

11 2 9 27
Le Moulin Digital Le Moulin Digital

A place of exchange, innovation and coworking. Support for the digital transition of VSEs, SMEs The Moulin Digital supports companies to the digital transition thanks to various workshops and entertainment. It is a place of exchanges and innovations but also a coworking space. It is the Totem place of French Tech Alpes Valence-Romans. It also runs the Cédille brand, the 40-third-lieux network in Drôme, via events and various projects. The digital mill helps you to enjoy the digital for: - Develop your activity; - Launch your future entrepreneurial project; - Invent new projects; - Work differently; - be inspired • …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

56 9 52 11
Innovales Innovales

Innovals energizes the territory with economic projects: 100 % social, environmental & amp; united Innovales, Territorial Pole for Economic Cooperation (PTCE), has been acting since 2015 in the Social and Solidarity Economy sector in French Genevans and Haute-Savoie. We contribute to boosting the local economy of today and influencing the society of tomorrow by offering services and advice in terms of sustainable development, energy renovation and responsible consumption. We work in close collaboration with communities, businesses, associations, teaching establishments and citizens. With a project incubator, a coworking space, meeting rooms and shared offices, innovative, based in Saint-Pierre-en-Faucigny, is also a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

33 10 24 20
Groupe Le Messager Groupe Le Messager

Essential vector of local - bi -media information With 8 editions in the Rhône-Alpes region, Haute-Savoie, Savoie and Ain, the Le Messenger group offers you every day, all the local, continuously, on the sites: Your newspapers can be viewed from your computer, tablet or smartphone 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. • Consult all Subscription offers from the Le Messenger group on • Also find our day pass and consult the newspapers of the week here: • Also join us on Facebook: …

Type: Media

8 5 2 125
Fédération des Usagères et des usagers de la Bicyclette (FUB) Fédération des Usagères et des usagers de la Bicyclette (FUB)

National Federation of Local Associations working for the development of cycling as a means of daily travel. The federation of bicycle users works on a daily basis to make the bicycle solution accessible to all French people. With more than 450 member associations, the FUB is the main citizen player in sustainable mobility and the promotion of cycling as a mode of transport. Recognized state interlocutor, the FUB is a force for proposals to national institutions to create a 100% cycleal France. It supports local actors through advocacy campaigns, the animation of services useful for cyclists such as cycling or …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

90 40 56 90
AllWize AllWize

IoT tools to make your imagination come to life AllWize is an IoT startup created in 2017 and based in Barcelona. AllWize creates hardware solutions to enable the creation of IoT devices connected to the state-of-the-art Wize technology. All AllWize products are in open-source and open-hardware. The Protocol Wize is a Long Range Wide Area Network (LPWAN) using the 169Mhz frequency. This new protocol was developed by big corporations and used for water metering since more than 10 years. It has already been deployed throughout Europe and in other parts of the world. It has major benefits: > Based on …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: IoT Wireless

4 3 2 1
Village by CA des Savoie Village by CA des Savoie

Innovation accelerator & amp; transformation on 2 Savoy. 🚀 The village by Ca des Savoie welcomes start-ups in the development phase and supports them in their growth. It offers a complete acceleration program, but also an exceptional working environment and access to a national network of partners. 💛 He is also an actor in the development of innovation and support for businesses in their transitions. It promotes collaborations and creates the best conditions to give birth to innovative solutions! 📍 Connected between them, the 44 villages constitute the 1st network of accelerators in France and has more than 1,000 start-ups …

Type: Incubators & VCs

26 13 24 13
Communauté de Communes Faucigny Glières Communauté de Communes Faucigny Glières

Vous cherchez un emploi ? Nous cherchons de nouveaux talents ! Grouping of local authorities (including cities : Ayze, Bonneville, Brison, Contamine sur Arve, Le Petit Bornand les Glières, Marignier et Vougy) / 250 employes serving 25,000 inhabitants Children services (0-18 years old), cultural and sports equipements (swimming pool, media library), technical services, roads, strategic planning, town planning and laws of ground, housing policy,... Développement économique et aménagement du territoire (SCOT), voirie, services à la petite enfance, enfance, jeunesse, environnement et chantiers d'insertion, Police intercommunale, Centre nautique intercommunal, Médiathèque intercommunale, and Contrat de Ville

Type: Public

7 2 3 55
CPME Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes CPME Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Aux côtés de tous les entrepreneurs La CPME - Confédération des PME - Organisation patronale interprofessionnelle représentant les TPE/PME et assurant la représentation et la défense des TPE/PME tous secteurs confondus. La CPME Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes : 12 structures départementales 12 000 PME adhérentes et de nombreuses branches professionnelles adhérentes. La CPME vous accompagne dans l'évolution de votre TPE/PME. Aide aux entreprises, Transmission, International, Finances, Handicap, Gestion, Environnement, and Relation Ecoles / Entreprises

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

70 30 35 33
Annemasse Agglo Annemasse Agglo

Elected officials and agents invested daily to change the city The Annemasse Agglo urban community brings together 12 municipalities. It works to build the future and improve the living environment of its residents. With 90,000 inhabitants, Annemasse Agglo is the second largest urban area in Haute-Savoie. Ideally connected to major transport routes (A40 to Geneva, Annecy, Chamonix, Paris; soon to be the 3rd station in Haute-Savoie thanks to the arrival of the CEVA; 30 minutes from Geneva-Cointrin international airport), it has many assets: its cross-border dynamism, its shops and its booming economy; the balance preserved between the services offered by …

Type: Public

38 18 19 260
Communauté de communes du Pays Rochois Communauté de communes du Pays Rochois

The Communauté de communes du Pays Rochois is located in the heart of Haute-Savoie, a few kilometers from Geneva. It brings together 9 municipalities and works daily to meet the expectations of the 29,912 inhabitants of the territory in terms of public services. The Communauté de communes is part of Greater Geneva, a cross-border project aimed at developing cross-border cooperation and services made available to the 750,000 inhabitants of this territory straddling Switzerland and France. As such, the Communauté de communes du Pays Rochois participates in discussions around large-scale urban developments aimed at improving the living environment of the inhabitants …

Type: Public

13 3 8 42

Financing partner for innovative start-ups KREAXI is one of the top French leaders in seed and venture capital, with €150m under management, 550 companies invested since last 30 years (of which 27 went public), 60 active portfolio companies, with a team of 16 persons based in Lyon and Paris.

Type: Incubators & VCs

51 21 30 8
Parker Meggitt Parker Meggitt

We are Parker Meggitt. Enabling Engineering Breakthroughs that Lead to a Better Tomorrow It's why we are a global leader in the research, design, integration, manufacture, certification, and lifetime service of flight control, hydraulic, fuel and inerting, fluid conveyance, thermal management, lubrication, pneumatic systems and components for aerospace and other high-technology markets. Parker Meggitt draws on years of expertise to enhance the lives of people across the globe. Working alongside the brightest minds in the world we help develop innovative technology and products, and contribute to our company’s goal of solving the world’s greatest engineering challenges. advanced polymers and composites, …

Type: Media

16 4 6 4,845
SEGULA Technologies SEGULA Technologies

SEGULA Technologies is a global engineering group, serving the competitiveness of all major industrial sectors: automotive, aerospace, energy, rail, naval, life sciences and telecoms. With a presence in over 30 countries and 140 offices worldwide, the Group is committed to building close relationships with its customers through the skills of its 15,000 employees. A leading engineering company with innovation at the heart of its strategy, SEGULA Technologies carries out large-scale projects, from research to industrialisation and production. More information: Engineering, Consulting, Automotive, Aerospace, Rail, Naval, Energy, and Innovation

Type: Large company Activities: hrtech Technologies: VR

59 25 31 11,177
Bontaz Bontaz

Innovating for a sustainable industry. As a tier-1 supplier, Bontaz is the world leader in automotive hydraulic functions. Bontaz is a trusted development partner to the world's leading OEM's and work in close collaboration to ensure the highest quality of its subassemblies (Check valves, cooling nozzles, solenoids, injection parts). Set on 5 continents, 11 sites with 4 R&D centers, Bontaz employs over 4,000 people.

Type: Large company

16 8 7 1,261
Le Dauphiné Libéré Le Dauphiné Libéré

The regional daily newspaper of Isère, Pays de Savoie, Drôme, Ardèche, Southern Alps and Vaucluse. Follow the economic news of your region 👉 Subscribe to our eco newsletter: Also find all the news from your newspaper on this page 📰 Media

Type: Media

133 64 71 802
Haute-Savoie General Council Haute-Savoie General Council

Compte officiel du Département de la Haute-Savoie Welcome to Haute-Savoie! Haute-Savoie borders Switzerland and Italy in the heart of one of the world's leading winter sports destinations. It is a vibrant and attractive french area with a flourishing high tech economy and very active academic, cultural and sporting life. With a €1 billion budget and 3,000 agents, the Haute-Savoie General Council is a major driver of development and community life in the region. It plays an active role in a number of areas—from social services, education and planning to transportation, economics, environmental protection, culture, sports and more—with a view to …

Type: Public

58 34 14 618

The French Blood Establishment is the public blood service committed to working alongside donors in the service of patients. Public institution, sole transfusion operator in France (collection, preparation, qualification and distribution of blood products) + related activities (medical biology laboratories, health centers, research). Guarantor of national self-sufficiency in blood products (1,000,000 patients treated per year), organized into 14 metropolitan regions and 3 overseas regions that pool the resources needed by patients. Collection, Preparation, Analysis and distribution of labile blood products, 1st medical biology laboratory in France, Immunohematology, Production of cellular reagents, Hemovigilance, Research, and Cellular and tissue therapy

Type: Public

97 67 35 4,440
Préfecture de Haute-Savoie Préfecture de Haute-Savoie

6 priority missions are assigned to the prefectures: - representation of the State and communication - security of people and property - service to the public and issuing of titles - respect for legality and the rule of law - social integration and the fight against exclusion - territorial administration and economic development

Type: Public

37 9 28 92
Botanic Botanic

Working at botanic® means sharing strong values! botanic® is a brand of natural garden centers that are a source of well-being. Created in 1995 in Haute-Savoie by horticulturists, plants and nature are the roots of this family business. In 2008, botanic® decided to completely eliminate pesticides and synthetic chemical fertilizers from all its stores. Even today, Botanic remains the only brand specializing in the garden market to offer in its stores only non-polluting products that can be used in organic farming or in favor of ecological gardening. In 2012, Luc Blanchet, President of botanic®, signed the Charter of Diversity in …

Type: Large company Activities: fashtech

17 11 3 1,422
INPI France INPI France

We are the home of innovators. The National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) is a major player in innovation and creation in France. It issues industrial property titles (patents, trademarks, designs and models), and works to promote economic development through its awareness-raising and training activities. The INPI is the operator of the one-stop shop for business formalities (creations, modifications, cessations) and the National Business Register. It ensures the dissemination of data on companies and industrial property. The INPI actively participates in the development of law in the fields of intellectual property, support for innovation and business competitiveness, and the fight …

Type: Public

270 167 111 658
Colombus Consulting Colombus Consulting

Management consulting firm specialized in business change and complex project management Colombus Consulting is a management consulting firm specialized in business change and complex project management. It operates on Financial Services, Financial Markets, Energy, Utilities. Based in France and Switzerland, our 320 consultants act at operational and executive level. The company holds several references in opportunity assessment and business planning, post-merger integration processes, operational efficiency plan, operating model transformation for large blue-chip corporations and top firms. stratégie opérationnelle, conduite du changement, pilotage de programmes, systèmes d'information, operational strategy, operations performance optimization, change management, complex program management, méthode agile, organisation, digital, …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting privacytech martech Technologies: Data Analytics

99 5 93 348
Pays de Gex agglo Pays de Gex agglo

Pays de Gex offers an unspoilt living environment in a dynamic, internationally-oriented region. Located between the Haute-Chaîne du Jura mountain range and Switzerland, the Pays de Gex agglomeration community was created in 1996. It comprises 27 communes and a population of around 100,000. Pays de Gex offers an unspoilt living environment in a dynamic, internationally-oriented region. As a fast-growing community, Pays de Gex agglo is strengthening its skills to implement its 2015-2030 territorial project, in order to build the Pays de Gex of tomorrow. Pays de Gex agglo's main missions are to meet the needs of the people of Pays …

Type: Public

24 10 12 85

Just Move! Founded in 1966, Jean Lain Mobilités is an authorized dealer and repairer representing the brands of the Volkswagen France group, as well as Toyota, Lexus, Hyundai, Honda, MG, DS and Citroën, not to mention our 25 used car centers. The company's activities include vehicle distribution, repair and maintenance, bodywork, and the distribution of spare parts. More information on Jean Lain Mobilités is: ✓ Turnover €850 million ✓ Workforce +1800 ✓ 90 points of sale in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region Thanks to its growth and development, the group is constantly recruiting new employees in 45 professions: Mechanics, bodywork, painting, …

Type: Large company

8 7 2 1,176
OPI - Office de Promotion des Industries et des Technologies OPI - Office de Promotion des Industries et des Technologies

Supporting companies with innovative projects and the industrial sector. Facilitator of the Geneva ecosystem 🇨🇭 In order to stimulate the industrial fabric of the Lake Geneva basin, the OPI deploys a transversal action focused on the needs of its members. A relay antenna for their know-how, the office provides privileged access to tools, resources and contacts facilitating the sustainability of their businesses. Resulting from a network of skills and expertise, its action includes technological and strategic monitoring via the daily animation of a network of contacts. This field of action allows the foundation to reveal to its members their full …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

6 2 2 16
CNER - fédération des agences de développement économique CNER - fédération des agences de développement économique

Network animation, Training, DEV&CO Forum, Expertise, Advice. Economic development, attractiveness, innovation Created in 1952, the CNER is the national federation of economic development agencies as well as a place for meetings and exchanges between professionals in economic development. As a federation, it ensures four main missions: - Representation of agencies with public authorities; - Animation of the network of agencies; - Training of economic developers; - Information of agencies and their teams. economic development, network animation, attractiveness, training, advice to communities, service platform, and DEV&CO

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

47 7 39 15

Digital Intelligence Way for Industry Institute DIWII offers today's technologies, directly accessible to industrial companies. The experience, complementarity, skills, and networks of the consortium members allow us to offer a complete service offering

Type: SMB Activities: it services

18 9 12 3
Avatar Mobilité Avatar Mobilité

It’s not a bike, it’s not a car, it’s the future! Let’s design the vehicle of tomorrow together! We are building Ulive, the small, ultra-low-consumption electric car. Our mission: to enable everyone to travel with the smallest possible environmental footprint. The Ulive electric car is not simply an ecological and economical means of transport. It embodies the shared aspirations of women and men convinced that change is possible when we act together. Ulive is ultra-light and efficient. With its 90 km/h, its 150 km of autonomy and its cost of €0.80 / 100 km, it corresponds to the daily uses …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

25 11 16 8
Campus Numérique in the Alps Campus Numérique in the Alps

Specialize in digital! The Digital Campus in The Alps is a cooperative society of collective interest based in Grenoble, Annecy and Valence. The objective of the Digital Campus is to offer training adapted to the skills sought by Alpine digital companies to people in difficulty in finding employment, in order to promote their professional integration in this sector under pressure. The Campus offers training in IT development, DevOps and Data, in work-study, but also the acquisition of basic digital skills for audiences ranging from bac-3 to bac+8 level.

Type: Event

35 1 35 100
Heavent Paris Heavent Paris

The innovation, solutions and services fair for events and shows The innovation, solutions and services fair for events and shows See you on November 12, 13 & 14, 2024 at Paris Porte de Versailles! #HeaventParis organization of events, event, sound, light, scenography, audiovisual, event, communication, meetings, exchanges, conferences, networking, lead, and salonprof

Type: Event

5 4 2 7
Aerospace Cluster Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Aerospace Cluster Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

To accelerate aeronautics and space activities development in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Aerospace Cluster in Rhône-Alpes is a non-profit organisation (Association Loi 1901). It brings together aerospace companies, research laboratories and training centers located in the Rhône-Alpes region (France) in a network. Aerospace Cluster aims to support Rhône-Alpes aerospace players to efficiently contribute to aerospace industry challenges by delivering eco-efficient technologies. Aerospace Cluster members are more than 100 and represent more than 20 000 jobs, €2 billion of annual sales with an average of 45% of their activities dedicated to the aerospace industry. Aerospace Cluster objectives are: • To ensure aerospace activities growth …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: spacetech

21 10 11 8
UI Investissement UI Investissement

Together, investing for a better future A specialist in the development of unlisted French companies, UI has been committed and invested for over 50 years alongside managers of startups, SMEs and growing mid-cap companies to help economically and sustainably successful companies emerge and develop. UI Investissement manages around €1.5 billion in assets and invests with 300 managers in sectors that are essential to society, such as health, agribusiness, industry and services. Development and transmission capital, the historic core of UI's activity, represents over half of the assets under management and allows over 50 companies to benefit from the operational expertise …

Type: Incubators & VCs

120 53 57 117
La French Tech Suisse Romande La French Tech Suisse Romande

Communauté Internationale de la Mission French Tech | Startups | Scaleups | Deep Tech | Tech4Good | Diversity | Talents Fondée en Septembre 2017, La French Tech Suisse Romande a pour but de promouvoir l’innovation technologique et d’être la passerelle de référence entre les entrepreneurs français, l’éco-système helvétique et l'ensemble du réseau international des Communautés La French Tech. tech, innovation, entrepreneurship, FrenchTech, Technology, deep tech, tech for good, scaleup, startups, and talents

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

31 6 23 2
France Active France Active

Le mouvement des #EntrepreneursEngagés. Conseil, financement et connexion. France Active is a non-profit organisation with the goal of facilitating access to enterprise setup through access to bank credit. It also helps existing structures consolidate jobs through various financial tools.

Type: Incubators & VCs

184 91 108 188
dEEGtal dEEGtal

dEEGtal is a startup company developing an AI-powered software enhancing early epilepsy detection for clinicians. Welcome to dEEGtal, a startup aiming at revolutionizing the early detection of epilepsy through advanced diagnostic software. Leveraging artificial intelligence to analyze electroencephalogram (EEG) data, our mission is to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of epilepsy diagnoses. Our software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform, currently under development, integrates seamlessly into existing healthcare workflows, providing neurologists the perfect companion to diagnose epilepsy. Follow our journey as we transform epilepsy care with innovation and precision in medical technology. Medtech, digital health, AI in medicine, and Software engineering

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech it services Technologies: A.I.

6 0 0 5
tpg transports publics genevois tpg transports publics genevois

la vie mobile Changes have been numerous and important for more than a hundred years that Geneva public transport (tpg) has been transporting the population. Now facing major challenges in terms of mobility, tpg has the ambitious missions and objectives stemming from the political choices of the Canton of Geneva. And if the infrastructure, organization or equipment are at the forefront of modernity, tpg has not denied its long and beautiful history as well as its belonging to all Genevans. mobility plan

Type: Public

3 1 1 804

Fully committed to Hand & Wrist only Fully committed to Hand & Wrist only Highly specialised on all hand and wrist symptoms, the ultimate goal of KeriMedical is to focus its efforts, its skills and those of orthopaedic surgeons in order to provide safe and effective devices worldwide. Research, development, exchange, design and clinical monitoring are our watchwords in order to propose implants perfectly in line with the expectations and needs of both surgeons and patients.

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech healthtech

6 4 0 93

Imagine working in a place like nowhere else on Earth. CERN. Take part! CERN is a truly unique organisation. A genuine collaboration between countries, universities, and scientists, driven not by profit margins, but by a commitment to create and share knowledge. People here are part of immense scientific discoveries, answering some of life’s most complex questions and pushing the boundaries of understanding. Experts from every field come here to share in this ambition and the nature of this collaborative, international community creates a genuine atmosphere of trust. People are free to work creatively and to trust in, and rely on, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

85 44 15 7,176
The French-Swiss Chamber of Commerce The French-Swiss Chamber of Commerce

The 1st Franco-Swiss business network! Founded in 1894, it is the oldest foreign chamber of commerce established in Switzerland. The French-Swiss Chamber of Commerce is an association under local law of public utility, with a bilateral vocation, bringing together more than 800 companies (Swiss and French), representing a total of more than 4'000 business contacts. The CCI France Suisse has a team of employees trained in the specificities of the two markets and a regional presence based on a headquarters in Geneva and branches in Zurich and Basel. Représentant Promosalons Suisse, Appui aux entreprises, Domiciliation, Récupération de TVA, Implantation en …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

24 9 18 61

Au cœur de votre quotidien SIG is a Swiss supplier of local energy services. The company serves 250,000 clients in the canton of Geneva, providing water, gas, electricity and thermal energy. SIG manages wastewater, waste recycling and also offers energy and telecommunications services. All SIG activities seek to promote smarter energy consumption, within a framework of on-going sustainable development. Energies (électricité, énergies renouvelables, gaz naturel, énergie thermique, services énergétiques), Eau, Environnement, Télécommunications, Fibre Optique, Déchets, and Eaux usées

Type: Public

15 6 7 1,557
Grand Genève Grand Genève

Greater Geneva, to live and build Every day, the inhabitants of this territory – Genevans, Vaudois and French – experience Greater Geneva in their travels, their professional or personal lives, their consumer choices and their sports or cultural activities. Greater Geneva is thus a daily reality for nearly a million citizens and its cross-border integration continues over the years and according to events. In a less visible way – but just as decisive for the organization and development of the territory –, the location choices of individuals and companies and the financial flows resulting from the various human activities (wages, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: traveltech

12 7 5 14
Pfeiffer Vacuum Pfeiffer Vacuum

Your Success. Our Passion. The Busch Group is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of vacuum pumps, vacuum systems, blowers, compressors and gas abatement systems. Under its umbrella, the group houses three well-known brands: Busch Vacuum Solutions, Pfeiffer Vacuum and centrotherm clean solutions. The extensive product and service portfolio includes solutions for vacuum, overpressure and abatement applications in all industries, such as semiconductors, food, analytics, chemicals and plastics. This also includes the design and construction of tailor-made vacuum systems and a worldwide service network. The Busch Group is a family business that is managed by the Busch family. More than …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0

21 11 4 1,453
Office cantonal de l'emploi (OCE) Office cantonal de l'emploi (OCE)

The State of Geneva is divided into seven departments. At the head of each is placed a state councilor. The Chancellery is entrusted to a chancellor taken out of the State Council and appointed by it. The Chancellor has only an advisory capacity in meetings of the State Council., Public Policy, Prestations de service publique

Type: Large company Activities: hrtech

10 5 0 5,085