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LogoName Σ Ingoing engagements Outgoing engagements Employees

We transform your organization with high-impact game-based methodologies and experiences At Marinva, we transform your organization with high-impact game-based methodologies and experiences. We are a consulting firm specializing in using play as a driver of innovation and transformation. Since 1995, we have helped organizations achieve their goals through communication, education, and training projects, with play as the central element to generate high-impact experiences. HOW CAN WE HELP YOU? CONSULTING We support organizations and teams in their transformation processes using playful thinking. "Transform your organization and enhance the growth and cohesion of your teams" · Strategic transformation of organizations and educational …

Type: Media

3 0 3 24
m4Social m4Social

We connect social action and the technological world to accelerate the digital transformation of Third Sector entities. m4Social develops the social value of mobile for people and communities by creating a meeting point that allows fluid communication between entities, developers and investors in order to promote social projects that use mobile technology. m4Social is an initiative of the Third Sector Social Entities Table of Catalonia, promoted by the Barcelona City Council, Obra Social La Caixa and the Mobile World Capital Barcelona Foundation.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

3 0 2 2

Centre per a la Integració de la Medicina i les Tecnologies Innovadores de Catalunya The Center for the Integration of Medicine and Innovative Technologies in Catalonia ( is a project focused on the generation of high impact in the health and social field on the basis of developing disruptive and incremental initiatives, of internationals scope, with the ultimate goal of improving the life quality of citizens and the positioning of Catalonia in terms of innovation in the European context.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

12 1 9 11
IEF - Institut d'Estudis Financers IEF - Institut d'Estudis Financers

We are financiers! The IEF is the professional centre specialising in financial training and dissemination. The characteristics of the training provided are the high academic and practical level, innovations, orientation towards professional practice and the internationalisation of the financial sector. The Institute of Financial Studies is a Private Foundation created and directed in its Board of Trustees by the following entities: Banc Sabadell, BBVA, Banco Español de Crédito, Santander, CatalunyaCaixa, La Caixa, Federació Catalana de Caixes d'Estalvis, Generalitat de Catalunya, ICF. The Institute is part, as the only Spanish member, of the World Conference of Banking Training Institutes, of the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

15 1 11 80
The Science and Technology Park at the Universitat de Girona The Science and Technology Park at the Universitat de Girona

The Park is an ENVIRONMENT that contributes: 1) To the attraction, creation and development of - Highly innovative companies, - Spin-offs and start-ups based on technology and knowledge - Those related to R& D, especially those of the University of Girona, promoting the transfer of knowledge that these generate - Structures supporting innovation 2) promotion of the interaction and relation between these actors and those of the surrounding area, 3) And promoting the connection between this environment and the local actors in the global environment.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

4 1 3 14
Reempresa Reempresa

The market for buying and selling small and medium-sized businesses! Reempresa is a project created by Cecot and CP'AC and financed by 50% by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the framework of the ERDF Operational Programme of Catalonia 2007-2013. Regional Competitiveness and Employment Objective. Reempresa is the name chosen to name a new practice launched worldwide and which gives rise to multiple advantages and benefits for the business fabric and society of a region. We understand Reempresa as the professional mechanism by which one or more re-entrepreneurs access the ownership of another company in operation without having …

Type: Incubators & VCs

9 3 4 18
CEPES Confederación Empresarial Española de la Economía Social CEPES Confederación Empresarial Española de la Economía Social

#WeAreSocialEconomy CEPES is a state-wide business organisation and the highest representative of the Social Economy in Spain. Under its umbrella, 90% of the entire business fabric of the Social Economy is represented by its 31 member partners, all of them top representatives of the Entities that make up the Social Economy in Spain (cooperatives, labour societies, mutual societies, integration companies, special employment centres, fishermen's guilds and associations in the disability sector). CEPES members are represented in the territory through 200 associations that represent and defend the interests of the more than 43,000 companies and entities of the Social Economy that …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

8 1 6 24
Parque Cientifico de Alicante (PCA) Parque Cientifico de Alicante (PCA)

We promote the growth of innovative companies The PCA is an ecosystem of business excellence, promoted by the University of Alicante The age or volume of business does not matter, but all associated companies must meet a requirement: BE KNOWLEDGE INTENSIVE The link to the park has no time limit, our purpose is that companies can enjoy the value-added services that we offer throughout their life The link to the park is the way to access the value-added services that we offer to companies, the installation is one more of these services What do we offer to companies? Belonging to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

14 0 14 16
Wayra Wayra

#WeAreInvestors - We are the CVC of Telefónica and it's Open Innovation platform. Wayra is Telefónica's Corporate Venture Capital and its Open Innovation platform. Wayra invests in startups with the capacity to attract innovation to Telefónica and provides innovation services to third parties, to help them take their Open Innovation initiatives to the next level. With a global presence, it has seven hubs in Europe (Spain -Madrid and Barcelona-, United Kingdom and Germany) and Latin America (Brazil, Argentina and Colombia), and teams operating in nine countries. Through its funds, it is also present in Silicon Valley and Israel. Since its …

Type: Incubators & VCs

86 22 29 294
Diari ARA Diari ARA

The leading Catalan newspaper with the latest news and all the news. L'ARA is a newspaper created by a group of entrepreneurs from the journalistic, editorial and business fields of Catalonia who feel committed to our society. We are active people who have shown that we have initiatives and that we know how to carry them out, inspired by the critical spirit but not installed in criticism. L'ARA was born to be a public agora, which looks at and explains the world from Catalonia. The digital world and social networks are transforming journalism, moving the reader towards a greater role. …

Type: Media

18 4 1 229
Mobile World Capital Barcelona Mobile World Capital Barcelona

Driving the digital transformation of society to build a more inclusive, equitable and sustainable future. Driving the digital transformation of society to build a more inclusive, equitable and sustainable future. Mobile, Digital Transformation, Entrepeneurship & Innovation, mhealth, Smart Living, mSchools, 4YFN Event, Empowerment, 5G, and Innovation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services Technologies: 5G

87 29 51 135
Institut Guttmann Institut Guttmann

Helping to start new lives The Institut Guttmann is a neurorehabilitation hospital whose main objective is to promote, encourage and achieve the comprehensive rehabilitation of people affected by a spinal cord injury, acquired brain damage or other neurological disability, and to provide the most appropriate support and services to achieve a satisfactory social reintegration, while contributing to the full recognition of their rights and effective equalization of opportunities. The Institut Guttman was opened in Barcelona in 1965 by the businessman Guillermo González Gilbey. González Gilbey suffered a traffic accident in 1958 and became a quadriplegic. He was admitted to Spanish …

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech healthtech

7 3 3 348
Centre de Recerca Matemàtica | CRM Centre de Recerca Matemàtica | CRM

The Pure Mathematician, Like the Musician, is a Free Creator of His World of Ordered Beauty. The Center for Mathematical Research (CRM) is a search center created in 1984 with the aim of promoting research and advanced training in mathematics through collaboration and synergies with universities and other research institutions, in order to become an international scientific reference. The performance of the center has two well -differentiated aspects. The first, as an international competitive activities organizer (intensive research programs, advanced courses, congresses) and as a welcoming center for long -term visiting researchers who collaborate with the research community of Catalonia. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

6 3 2 43
Urban Resilience Hub by UN-Habitat's CRGP Urban Resilience Hub by UN-Habitat's CRGP

Under UN-Habitat's CRGP, this hub promotes urban resilience through knowledge, best practices, and innovation. The Urban Resilience Hub, an initiative within UN-Habitat's City Resilience Global Programme (CRGP), communicates the latest news, ideas, and actions from around the world to enhance urban resilience and sustainability. We invite contributions from academics, experts, practitioners, and city representatives to explore what makes a city resilient. For further details or to contribute, please contact us.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

12 0 10 3
BilbaoTIK BilbaoTIK

Bilbaotik. The Bilbao City Council computer center is the Municipal Public Society that manages all information technologies services, both from the City Council itself and municipal public societies.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

20 6 2 58
IQS Tech Factory IQS Tech Factory

We are the only industrial accelerator in Spain and we organise Europe's first festival of industrial startups. El centro de emprendimiento del IQS, trabaja con el objetivo de contribuir al desarrollo industrial convirtiendo tecnologías disruptivas en oportunidades de negocio. El IQS Tech Factory promueve el emprendimiento y proporciona apoyo a todos aquellos emprendedores que deciden crear empresas de bases científico-técnica prometedoras. Entrepreneurship, Pharmacy, Health, Life Sciences, Industrial delevolpment, and Innovation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

23 1 22 7
IN-MOVE by Railgrup IN-MOVE by Railgrup

Sustainable Mobility and Multimodal Logistics Cluster The Railgrup cluster was born in 2002 with the aim of promoting, from the union of forces, the development of the railway sector in Spain at all levels and with the aim of enhancing the global competitiveness of its members by promoting, representing and disseminating the image and collective interests inside and outside our borders. More than a decade of projects and ideas that, in permanent contact with innovation, technology and training, today represent the interests of companies directly and indirectly related to the train sector, with a philosophy and a track record that …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

21 4 16 8
infoPLC infoPLC

Online portal and magazine on industrial automation - Robotics - Industry 4.0 Web portal and magazine on industrial automation - Robotics - Industry 4.0 We offer information and resources for industrial automation professionals

Type: Media

26 1 27 4
Hospital del Mar Hospital del Mar

A benchmark institution of clinical excellence, leader in research and teaching Hospital del Mar is a modern general hospital that treats medium and high complexity pathologies. It is also research-based and affiliated with a university. The hospital has a long history of service to the city and continues to grow and adapt to meet the needs of its diverse population. Due to its location by the sea, architecturally unique, and flooded with Mediterranean light, the hospital seems to mimic its reference population in Ciutat Vella and Sant Martí districts. This population is exceptionally heterogeneous and multicultural and works to adapt …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

29 8 16 2,478
Grupo Aseguranza Grupo Aseguranza

Since 1996, informing all the news of Spanish insurance. Grupo Agunco is an independent Spanish publishing group, dedicated since 1996 to provide economic, financial and insurance information to the professionals of these sectors. It has several main informative supports: Insurance magazine; the daily newsletter letter of insurance; the free weekly newsletter of the mediator; The group's web portal, and its different official profiles on social networks. Publications, insurance, finance, economics, RSC, and companies

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

48 5 45 18
Fundación Youth Business Spain Fundación Youth Business Spain

Entities network for self -employment and inclusive youth entrepreneurship Youth Business Spain is a private, independent, non -profit and national foundation, constituted in 2014 with the aim of channeling and adding efforts in the fight against unemployment helping young people to launch their self -employment projects, that is, creating their own jobs. The vision of Youth Business Spain is that young self -employment is widely recognized as a catalyst for sustainable economic development and that all young people who want to launch a business have the opportunity to develop their full potential. The Mission of Youth Business Spain is to …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

17 3 16 63
Fundación MAPFRE Fundación MAPFRE

#Larcompensae -emotional Since 1975 committed to people's well -being. With more than forty years of experience, we are recognized as a global reference foundation for our commitment to the well -being of people and social progress. Our mission, as a non -profit institution created by Mapfre, is to contribute to the improvement of people's quality of life and the progress of society through multinational programs and activities. In Mapfre Foundation we are aware that only understanding the new realities of this changing world will be able to continue advancing in this global project that is articulated in different areas of …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

27 14 12 159
Coworking Xammar Coworking Xammar

Collaborative space, community for professionals, self -employed, SMEs, startups ... Project accelerator center. Work spaces, meeting rooms, training, events, courses ... In the center of Mataró in Barcelona. We count on you. We are waiting for you! Shared office, community of professionals, events, courses, networking ..., graphic design, freelancers, consultants, informatics, and it

Type: Startup Activities: edtech proptech

1 0 1 2
FomentUP FomentUP

FomentUp es una iniciativa de Foment del Treball para conectar empresas consolidadas con startups en Barcelona. Un programa de aceleración corporativa donde las nuevas iniciativas empresariales podrán afinar su viabilidad y crecer más rápidamente, y donde las corporaciones podrán acceder a formas de innovación y diversificación de actividad muy atractivas. Nuestra misión principal es identificar empresas emergentes que impulsen la innovación en un sector específico, para lo que ofrecemos programas creados a medida que incluyen la participación de mentores de empresas líderes en su sector. El objetivo de todo esto es alcanzar modelos de negocio excelentes, altamente escalables, que hagan …

Type: Incubators & VCs

14 2 13 2
Foment del Treball Nacional Foment del Treball Nacional

Des of 1771, Som the Gran dels Empresaris Catalans house. Representem to the Catalan business teixit. Foment of the National Treball is the Confederation that represents since 1771 the entrepreneurs and the powerful Catalan industry. As an independent, private, non -profit organization, welcomed to the constitutional and legal law of association of entrepreneurs, it is governed by democratic criteria by freely elected representatives. Days and seminars, analysis documents, innovation, employer, institutional representation, social agreement, labor relations, economy, sustainable development, internationalization, training, PRL, economy, business, pimes, and autonoms

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

45 10 36 117
Euskalduna Bilbao Euskalduna Bilbao

Cultural & Corporate events centre. Cultural & Corporate events centre. Meetings and events

Type: Event

12 2 2 7
Esade Creapolis Esade Creapolis

We facilitate innovation, entrepreneurship and business development with social impact. Esade Creapolis is the first and only innovation park created by a business school of international prestige. It was created to connect talent, knowledge and organizations of a highly varied nature, facilitating their access to Esade's scientific and academic activity. innovation, acceleration, business, growing, future, trends, opportunity, market, real estate, Barcelona, ​​ecosystem, acceleration, management, school, profitable, return, research, and development

Type: Incubators & VCs

33 6 29 34
Enisa con el emprendimiento innovador Enisa con el emprendimiento innovador

Enisa, is a public capital entity dependent on the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, through the DGIPYME. Since 1982, it focuses its activity on financing to SMEs through participatory loan. Its mission is to promote the creation, growth and consolidation of the Spanish company, actively participating in the financing of viable and innovative business projects and in the revitalization of the risk capital market. Values • Transparency, neutrality and objectivity in management • Customer orientation • Personalized service • Respect for confidentiality • Flexibility and adaptability to the needs of companies • Specialized technical support • Sustainability in management …

Type: Incubators & VCs

61 17 42 103
El Referente El Referente

The referent is formed by a premature group of communicators, which seeks to bring the reality around them and interest the youngest people in Spain and the entire world. With a versatile, dynamic and professional team we seek to cover news from an innovative point of view, different from the one that up to time other newspapers. We differentiate ourselves from the rest of the media when it comes to covering the news, writing the information, of audiovisually expressing the opinions of the social icons of reference of our society ... and all this we get by not possessing any …

Type: Media

43 9 39 12
El Mercantil El Mercantil

Economic Information Specialized in the Logistics Business A new medium adapted to your time. A new time adapted to your environment. #Logistics, #Transporte, #infrastructure

Type: Media

48 3 49 28
The Smart City Journal The Smart City Journal

The Smart City Journal es la plataforma de comunicación, líder mundial del sector, con audiencia en 135 países. The Smart City Journal is the leading global communication platform in the smart sector, reaching an audience in 135 countries and over 1,000 cities. We are your premier source for cutting-edge insights, expert opinions, and the latest innovations in smart city development and urban sustainability. Our platform is designed for city officials, academic institutions, industry professionals, and thought leaders who are driving the future of urban living. With coverage spanning Smart Building, Smart Health, the Green New Deal, Smart Tourism, Smart Mobility, …

Type: Media

79 0 81 6
Área de Innovación y Emprendimiento PUCV Área de Innovación y Emprendimiento PUCV

Area of ​​Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the Innovation Directorate of the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso. We promote a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in the university community and in actors relevant to society. In addition, it positions the University as a relevant institution in the regional, national and Latin American ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

3 1 3 1
Formula Student Spain (Official Site) Formula Student Spain (Official Site)

Formula Student allows students to practice all those knowledge acquired so far, simulating a real situation, in which the team must work as if they stayed in a company. Students are forced to be introducing themselves in the industrial area in order to look for suppliers or sponsors. The work under pressure, planning or control costs are several aspects that should be managed by them, and will leading students to a higher level in their education, developing new skills, learning to cope with real situations and becoming better engineers. The purpose of the competition is to simulate a real situation …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

3 2 1 5
Col·legi de Fisioterapeutes de Catalunya Col·legi de Fisioterapeutes de Catalunya

Health in good hands The Col·legi of Physiotherapists of Catalonia (CFC) is a public law corporation that offers professional services and support to meet and cover the needs of the collective through information, research, training, orientation and advice to the referee, while protecting and defends the physiotherapy profession in the face of any fact that may affect it. The CFC labor orientation service accompanies the referee in all that related to their professional development, both in the search for work, as in the professional career or in entrepreneurship.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

1 1 1 37
Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid

Cop Madrid Psychology and school Psychologists, according to the definition of the International Labor Organization (ILO), study the mental processes and behavior of human beings, individually or as members of groups or societies, and apply this knowledge to promote both individual and social, educational or professional development of people. The regulation of the professional practice of psychologists is carried out according to early ethics, efficiency, independence and professional responsibility. Collection constitutes a basic quality guarantee of psychological services. It indicates to the users of these services that the professionals to whom they have attended satisfy the following conditions: 1. They …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

9 3 4 1,274

Official College of Computer Engineering of Catalonia The Official College of Computer Engineering of Catalonia is a Catalan and independent public institution, created by Law 3/2001 of the Parliament of Catalonia. It brings together computer engineers, represents, organizes, organizes, protects and improves, ensuring that it is properly ensured by the profession, with a guarantee of quality and willingness to service in society. Informatics, Computer Science, Software Engineering, and Information Technology

Type: Public

7 1 4 29
Clúster de l'Energia Eficient de Catalunya Clúster de l'Energia Eficient de Catalunya

Més of 200 Organitzacions Treballant in favor of energy transition. The Cluster of L'Endicia Efficient de Catalunya (CEEC) is an entity that, through collaboration between companies and associated entities from areas such as technological, research, institutional, regulatory, industrial, informative and business, has the purpose of promoting the field of energy efficiency. CEEC is constituted as a non -profit business group that encompasses companies that offer, promote or develop products or services related to energy efficiency in the fields of buildings, mobility, public services, industry and training. Unlike the associations or sectorial groups, the common link of the CEEC is not …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: energytech greentech

36 6 32 17
Citilab-Cornellà Citilab-Cornellà

Laboratori Ciutadà d'En innovació social and technological Citilab is the first citizen laboratory of southern Europe, a center for social and digital innovation, in Cornellà de Llobregat, Barcelona. It exploits and disseminates the digital impact on creative thinking, design and innovation that arise from digital culture. Citilab is a mixture between a training center, a research center and an incubator of business and social initiatives. Its base premise is that digital technologies and, specifically, the Internet, are a means of innovation much more centered on citizenship, with potential to boost participation and empowerment. ICT, Society, Anthropology, Social Innovation, Living Lab, …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

6 2 3 34
Fundación INCYDE Fundación INCYDE

Incyde is a reference in training for entrepreneurship, the start -up and the consolidation of companies. The Incyde Foundation (Cameral Institute for the Creation and Development of the Business) is an institution created in 1999 the initiative of the Chambers of Commerce, dedicated to the promotion and the formation of the business spirit, to the best of the qualification of the employers and the creation and consolidation of companies. Entrepreneurs, Young, Education, and Entrepreneurship

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

12 6 7 155
Inflight VR Inflight VR

Enabling the Metaverse through VR in airplanes and the travel & hospitality industry. Inflight VR is the pioneer of Metaverse/VR in the travel sector, being the first company worldwide to bring a fully functioning and certified VR system on board of commercial flights. The system is VR hardware agnostic, can integrate with all major aviation onboard servers, and has been approved as EASA & FAA compliant. An airplane cabin is a physical space where unique rules apply that cannot be circumvented; it is highly regulated by governmental bodies (e.g., the FAA, EASA); unrestricted access to Metaverse/VR is not possible due …

Type: Startup Activities: uxtech Technologies: VR

10 2 5 6
Cecot Cecot

We are a multi-sectoral business confederation made up of a large business and professional community in Catalonia Cecot is a multi-sectoral business association, established in 1978 and made up of a wide variety of business unions and associations; an employers' association, which brings together the interests of its unions and associations, which acts as a representative before the social partners and directly or indirectly provides the most advanced services to promote the competitiveness of the self-employed, micro-enterprises, SMEs and large companies. Defense of the interests of the Catalan business fabric, Training, Provision of business services for SMEs, and Specialized advice

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

17 4 10 117
Funseam- Foundation for Energy and Environmental Sustainability Funseam- Foundation for Energy and Environmental Sustainability

Funseam es una fundación sin ánimo de lucro, foro de discusión, análisis y asesoramiento sobre energía y medioambiente. Funseam is a nonprofit institution, a forum for debate, analysis, scientific research and advice in the fields of ​​energy and environmental sustainability. The Foundation is committed to the definition of a new sustainable energy model, in response to its founding objective of becoming a leading centre of reference in the promotion of dissemination and research in the field of energy economics and in the generation of opinion in society. Funseam also pays special attention to the development of activities in Latin America. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

11 1 9 6
Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología, FECYT Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología, FECYT

The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology, F.S.P. (FECYT), which is part of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, works with the mission of catalysing the relationship between science and society, promoting the growth of Spanish scientific culture and fostering the transfer of knowledge through dissemination, education, training, information and advice. It also collaborates with other agents and actors of the Science, Technology and Innovation System in the internationalisation of Spanish science, the generation and analysis of data, and the management of scientific information and open science. Scientific culture, Open Science, Scientific Advice, Horizon Europe, Women and science, and …

Type: Public

13 4 1 132
Aiguasol Aiguasol

Where expertise & sustainability come together Our aim is to create indoor and outdoor spaces and to devise exceptional, comfortable and efficient systems and processes that have a positive impact on the environment. We think that with optimum creation procedures, we can improve human experience while reducing the resources used. On the basis of our extensive knowledge, experience, neutrality and rigor, we see sustainability as a crucial component in getting people to give their all and feel comfortable in their surrounding environment. Founded in 1999, the Aiguasol team is made up of more than 20 professionals with a high level …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

8 0 7 32
Capital Radio (Business) Capital Radio (Business)

The radio specialized in economics, businesses and finance in Spanish. A medium for B2B professionals. The economic radio of reference in Spanish. Radio specialized in economics, stock market, business and financial markets. Central station in Madrid 103.2fm. A Radio Start-Up, created by economic information professionals. Fresh, entertaining, fun and a great companion to learn and understand today's world. Much more than bag. Entrepreneurs, SMEs, technology, motor, employment, incredible stories and experiences. A young radio, professionals and for the business world. With the leaders of the radio financial information of the last 20 years. Also at and on all …

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

98 24 85 131
Business Angels Network Catalunya Business Angels Network Catalunya

The Bank Network, Business Angels Network Catalunya, is a private institution that contacts private investors (Business Angels) and entrepreneurs seeking funding for the development of their business projects. Constituted as the Catalan Network of Business Angels, it is aimed, on the one hand, to private investors interested in participating in new business projects and can add value to their investments, that is, capital, experience, know-how, Business contacts and above all, trust. On the other hand, Bank serves all entrepreneurs through the advice and presentation of their business projects to an investor audience. Bank was created on the initiative of the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

12 3 7 7

The event for SMEs, businesses and people with entrepreneurial and business initiatives. - 📌 23 and October 24 2024 The event to help improve the competitiveness of SMEs, businesses and people with entrepreneurial and business initiatives. 📌 23 and October 24 2024 Montjüic enclosure - Fira Barcelona Bizfranchy, creation and business growth, and corporates

Type: Event

17 9 5 3
betevé betevé

Media and cultural proximity of the city of Barcelona. We are a medium of cultural proximity connected to the everyday life and experiences of all those who maintain a connection with Barcelona. Communication, communication, television, radio, journalism, technology, multimedia, information, contents, innovation, strategy and branding, social media, social networks, PR, production, production, editing, events, and sports

Type: Media

11 2 6 374
The Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain (APTE) The Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain (APTE)

Networking to promote innovation The Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain (APTE) is a nonprofit association whose main objective is to collaborate, through empowerment and dissemination of scientific and technological parks, renewal and diversification of productive activity, technological progress and economic development. It is located in the headquarters of the Málaga TechPark and was created in 1989 by the managers of the first 6 parks that were created in Spain. APTE is an associate member of the International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation (IASP). Innovación, Tecnología, colaboración empresarial, I+D, Parques científicos, Parques tecnológicos, Transferencia tecnológica, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

31 5 23 26

Do you want to improve your company's health? We help you! Asepeyo is a mutual accidents at work and social security diseases, leader in services with value generation for society, companies, workers and employees. We currently protect about 2 million workers, with more than 272,000 associated companies. ASEPEO has more than 180 facilities, including healthcare centers, hospitals, ophthalmology, rehabilitation, safety and hygiene and administrative offices. Occupational accidents and occupational diseases, cessation benefit in self -employed activity, risk provision in pregnancy and risk during breastfeeding, and benefit from minors affected by cancer or serious illness

Type: Large company

23 7 14 1,978
Alastria Blockchain Ecosystem Alastria Blockchain Ecosystem

Alastria Offers You A Public-Permissioned #blockchain / Alastria Le OffeCe Una #Blockchain Pública-Permissiona. Consorcio Multisectorial Promovido Por Empresas E InstituCiones Para El EstableCimiento de UNA INFRUCTURA SEMIPública Permisionada Blockchain, Que Soporte Servicios Con Eficacia Legal et El Ámbito Español y Acord Conla Regulación European. Blockchain

Type: Incubators & VCs

48 11 36 59
Ajuntament de Terrassa Ajuntament de Terrassa

Terrassa exercises the co-chapitality of the region of Vallès Occidental. The 2011 census contains a number of inhabitants of 213,697, which means that it is the fourth city of Catalonia in population. Terrassa is south of the massif of Sant Llorenç del Munt, on an alluvial dejection cone, where the streams of the Palace to the west and the Arenes to the east drain, 277 meters above sea level. Its municipal term, the largest and most populated in the region, borders the north with those of Matadepera, Mura and Vacarisses; to the east with Sabadell and Castellar del Vallès; to …

Type: Public

13 4 2 660
Agencia Española de Protección de Datos - AEPD Agencia Española de Protección de Datos - AEPD

Independent Public Authority responsible for promoting compliance with data protection regulations The Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD) is the State Independent Control Authority responsible for ensuring compliance with data protection regulations in Spain. The AEPD guarantees and protects the fundamental right to the protection of personal data of citizens, acts with full independence of public administrations in the exercise of their functions and collaborates with the rest of European institutions dedicated to data protection.

Type: Public

28 6 17 75
Agència de Ciberseguretat de Catalunya Agència de Ciberseguretat de Catalunya

CYBERSECURITY AGENCY OF CATALONIA Considering that cybersecurity is a key element for the digital society and the public, it is the duty of public authorities to take part in these affairs throughout Catalonia. The citizens, companies and institutions of this country must be given a public cybersecurity service with the responsibility to protect them. This public cybersecurity service must be able to perform the following duties, among others: - Develop and lead the implantation of a cybersecurity model in Catalonia from current threats; - Coordinate cybersecurity among the various stakeholders in Catalonia, as the body responsible for this area; - …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

8 3 6 66
Corresponsables Corresponsables

Since 2005, the leading communication ecosystem in CSR, Sustainability and ESG. The publishing SME Corresponsables was born in 2005 with the appearance of the first edition of the Responsible and Sustainable Company Yearbook, the result of the impetus of the journalist Marcos González. Since its beginnings, its double objective and/or responsibility has been: The responsibility to inform in the most objective, comprehensive and contrasted way on all those issues that interest or may interest the business world in its relationship with society through various communication channels. The responsibility to apply CSR to its own organization as an informative company and …

Type: Media

61 21 36 12
El Canal Marítimo y Logístico El Canal Marítimo y Logístico

Your digital newspaper on transport and logistics. Find out about the sector in Barcelona, ​​Bilbao and the Valencian Community Your digital newspaper on transport and logistics. Find out about the sector in Barcelona, ​​Bilbao, the Valencian Community and at a national level. The Maritime and Logistics Channel, a new reality in sector information, journalism and business communication in the field of transport and logistics.

Type: Media

4 1 3 9
Prodigioso Volcán Prodigioso Volcán

We love good ideas and innovative solutions. We develop and invent projects. We love good ideas and new media. We develop and invent projects. We like: defining innovative communication strategies, information architecture and design. We enjoy teaching... but, above all, we enjoy learning. Information architecture, Design, Media, Digital media, Visualization, Communication, Innovation, Web, Transformation, Infographics, Brands, Sustainability, Social media, and Clear communication

Type: Media

18 2 10 275
Devolver Digital Devolver Digital

Voted "Best Video Game Label Ever" 2011, 2016, 2022 Purveyors of fine digital entertainment wares from independent artists worldwide.

Type: SMB Activities: games

9 4 3 97
Barcelona Children's Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona Children's Hospital Sant Joan de Déu

Estamos a la vanguardia en el cuidado del niño y en la salud de la mujer embarazada. Hospital Sant Joan de Déu (Barcelona) is a teaching hospital specializing in the fields of pediatrics, gynecology and obstetrics. It is located in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). It is a privately owned center, concerted by the Catalan Public Health Service, which belongs to the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God, religious organization that manages more than 300 health centers over the world. In 2022, the center has 333 beds and 15 operating rooms. It employs more than 2.800 professionals and attends 3.069 births, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

22 13 6 3,358
Educators in VR Educators in VR

Teaching teachers to teach in XR with emerging technology since 2018 Educators in VR is a pioneering immersive education consulting and training organization founded in 2018. With a mission to empower educators in harnessing the transformative potential of virtual reality (VR) and extended reality (XR) technologies, the company has rapidly grown to serve a global community of over 4,000 members, including teachers, students, researchers, parents, and passionate XR enthusiasts. immersive education, virtual reality, VR, teacher training, and XR

Type: Incubators & VCs

10 1 5 8

Driving change for better cities For more than ten years, the URBACT programme has been the European Territorial Cooperation programme aiming to foster sustainable integrated urban development in cities across Europe. It is an instrument of the Cohesion Policy, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, the 28 Member States, Norway & Switzerland. URBACT’s mission is to enable cities to work together and develop integrated solutions to common urban challenges, by networking, learning from one another’s experiences, drawing lessons and identifying good practices to improve urban policies.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

30 9 16 157
Fapel Fapel

Fapel is a paper & forest products company based out of R Papagaios, 256, Bom Despacho, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech

3 1 3 21

Perfect opinions Valuation software

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

4 2 3 7
Ajuntament de Mataró Ajuntament de Mataró

Mataró City Council One of the largest city councils in Catalonia and the province of Barcelona, ​​capital of the Maresme region, which includes a business group made up of around 1,300 employees, including public institutes, companies and the City Council itself. The corporate policy of the Mataró group is unique.

Type: Public

8 2 4 523
L'Econòmic L'Econòmic


Type: Media

4 1 1 8
Asociación Profesional Española de Privacidad - APEP Asociación Profesional Española de Privacidad - APEP

Spain's most representative association of privacy professionals and data protection officers (DPO) We are the most representative association of privacy professionals and data protection officers in Spain. We are committed to: Valuing privacy in society, empowering those who are dedicated to advising and working in this field and providing them with a forum where they can grow, support and receive support from peers and colleagues. Training professionals with training itineraries and specific workshops for their continuous updating to special and changing regulations. Certifying professionals and data protection officers to distinguish themselves in the market with a seal of maximum quality …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: privacytech

9 1 4 32
Plataforma de Infancia (España) Plataforma de Infancia (España)

We integrate the efforts of social organizations and agents involved in the well-being of children We are an alliance of non-profit entities, plural, supportive, democratic and independent from the political and religious point of view, established in 1997, with the aim of uniting the efforts of organizations that work for children and creating a coordination space that promotes initiatives in favor of children and adolescents in Spain. Human Rights, Children's Rights, and Children's Rights

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

9 1 5 26
Barcelona Supercomputing Center Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Barcelona Supercomputing Center-Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS) Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC) hosts the supercomputer MareNostrum. It also counts with well-known supercomputing research groups that develop tools for the academia and industry. BSC is Spain’s leading supercomputing centre and specialises in High Performance Computing. Its mission is twofold: to offer supercomputing infrastructure and services to European and Spanish scientists, and to generate knowledge and technology that can be applied for the benefit of society. BSC is a first level hosting member of the European research infrastructure PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe). BSC also …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

73 16 48 1,164

Universidad pública digital, a distancia. Grados, posgrados, formación permanente, idiomas, curso de acceso The National University of Distance Education (UNED) is the largest university of Spain. The UNED is a distance university that offers a blended learning methodology. The UNED's model combines distance education entirely, supporting by digital technologies, and also the face to face education, which takes place in Study Centers located in Spain, Europe, Latin America and Africa. higher education, distance education, e-learning, blended learning, long life learning, Educación superior, Educación a distancia, MOOC COMA Cursos en línea Masivos en Abierto, Educación On line, Formación Permanente, Idiomas, Formación …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

15 4 6 4,621
Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya

We are a group of companies and institutions in the audiovisual and multimedia sector that collaborate to grow The Audiovisual Industry Cluster of Catalonia is a group of companies and institutions in the audiovisual and multimedia sector that aims to make audiovisual one of the strategic industrial, economic and cultural sectors of the country and, in this way, generate wealth. The Cluster wants to promote competitiveness, efficiency and innovation to create new opportunities and attract new investments. Turning Catalonia into an international reference and creating a new industrial and cultural capital in southern Europe around audiovisual are priorities of the …

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment Technologies: VR

7 3 4 13
101 Startups 101 Startups

Venture Capital focus on Digital Startups We invest in spanish digital startups at a very early stage. Profile of the projects we like: - digital project - with entrepreneurs implicated and dedicated - scalable - somehow innovative - with a global vision - with a Beta or prototype - good relationship between risk and valuation invest, internet, seed capital, and early stage

Type: Incubators & VCs

5 2 2 7
European Blockchain Convention European Blockchain Convention

The most influential Blockchain event in Europe. Join us in Barcelona on 16-17 October 2025 European Blockchain Convention Building the foundation of blockchain and crypto since 2018. Join the leading blockchain convention in Europe and meet thousands of leaders, experts, regulators and investors unlocking blockchain's potential. Join our Telegram channel: Internet, Finance, Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Technology, Fintech, Insutech, and Conference

Type: Event

83 5 82 4
Science and Technology Park Cartuja (STP Cartuja) Science and Technology Park Cartuja (STP Cartuja)

INNOVATE, COLLABORATE, GROW The Cartuja Science and Technology Park is the first international example of the reuse of a world exhibition facility as a connection point between universities, science and business. Ciencia, Tecnología, Innovación, Hub, Ingeniería, TIC, Energía, Medio Ambiente, Sostenibilidad, Ciudad, Parque Científico y Tecnológico, PCT, Empleo, Cultura, and Investigación

Type: Public

23 3 20 8
Netvibes Netvibes

Type: SMB Activities: e-reputation

14 5 6 29
Netwater Technology Netwater Technology

Company specialized in the design, manufacture and marketing of machines, equipment and products for the treatment of wastewater, industrial and urban. tratamiento de aguas residuales, tratamiento de aguas industriales, fabricación y comercialización de máquinas, and tratamiento de aguas urbanas

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 manufacturing water management

1 1 0 4
The Collider The Collider

A techtransfer programme by MWCapital to connect scientific research with the entrepreneurial initiative. The Collider is the Venture Builder program by Mobile World Capital Barcelona that addresses the challenge of transforming scientific knowledge into technological solutions. From this pioneering program, we connect the results of scientific research with the entrepreneurial initiative in order to create highly innovative technological startups.

Tags: H2020 Type: Incubators & VCs

30 7 24 20
Potsdam Science Park Potsdam Science Park

Brandenburg's largest science and innovation location is growing in Potsdam-Golm. We Live Science. In the Potsdam Science Park, top international research meets excellent education and research-related production. Non-university research institutions such as the two Fraunhofer Institutes, three Max Planck Institutes, the University of Potsdam, the Brandenburg Main State Archive and over 20 companies and start-ups are working together to create a campus of the future in Potsdam-Golm. More than 12,500 people research, work and study here in the fields of biotechnology, medical technology, optics, geosciences, astro- and gravitational physics - embedded in Brandenburg's diverse cultural and lake landscape and only …

Type: Media

17 0 14 11
AMTU - Associació de municipis per la Mobilitat i el Transport Urbà AMTU - Associació de municipis per la Mobilitat i el Transport Urbà

At the service of local entities in Catalonia #mobility, infrastructure and #Transporturbà The group of municipalities of urban transport of the 2nd Metropolitan Crown of Barcelona, ​​from now on AMTU, is an association of municipalities delivery adhering to it, which aims to praise and promote urban public transport of the Its cities, and of the mobility in general of the metropolitan region of Barcelona. The AMTU is a non -profit association, registered in the Register of Associative Organizations of the Local Entities of Catalonia of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and is a member of the great consortium for public transport …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

3 0 3 20
Barcelona Clúster Nàutic Barcelona Clúster Nàutic

For the competitiveness of the nautical sector: networking and business opportunities, training, lobby, promotion Barcelona Cluster Nàutic Neix AB vocation of converting l'ectivitat nàutica into a dels motor of the Ciutat economy. The main objectiu is to embrace and promote the developer d’Actitats Econòmiques i Empresarials that promotes the competitiveness of the sector I facin of Barcelona an international referent. From the apostem cluster per a model product that promotes the rabixement, the formation and the r+d+i in l’àmbit nàutic i maritim. A Model Capaç de Donar responds to Lesitats of the sector, to generate negotiating opportunitats to create occupation. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

3 1 3 5
Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain

Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades del Gobierno de España The Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities is the department of the Government of Spain responsible for the execution of the policy regarding universities, scientific and technical research, technological development and innovation in all sectors, including the management of international relations in this area and the Spanish representation in programs, forums and international organizations, and the European Union of its competence.

Type: Public

39 17 7 535

Transforming the future of higher education At UIIN —University Industry Innovation Network— we drive change in the higher education sector through research, training, institutional development and knowledge-sharing events. Together with our global community of innovative organisations, we break down silos between academia and the world to create impactful solutions for local and global challenges. Collaborative Innovation, Entrepreneurship Education, University-Business Cooperation, Entrepreneurial Universities, University-Industry Interaction Events, Engaged Universities, University-Industry Interaction, Smart Specialisation, Future Universities, Knowledge Transfer, Innovative Universities, University Impact, Regional Innovation Ecosystem, and University-Industry Engagement

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

20 0 19 31
Bimyou Bimyou

At Bimyou we help you improve your company's workflows through digital transformation so that the end consumer has a better user experience. We guarantee to improve the relationship with your customers through the best omnichannel implementation., Management Consulting, Customer Experience, Omnichannel, 360o Vision, Customer Service, Chatbot, Conversational Platform

Type: Startup Activities: consulting it services Technologies: A.I. - Natural Language Processing

2 1 3 N/A
Platanomelón Platanomelón

Sex is something as natural as going to dinner, sports or going to the movies. Platanomelón ( is a brand of online erotic toys with one purpose: to end prejudices, ignorance and sex related to sex. Our professional and personalized attention, the quality of our toys and see sex as something as natural as going out to dinner or sports has made us the referent of sexuality for many people. E-commerce, erotic toy store, and marketing

Type: Startup Activities: e-commerce martech

3 2 0 93
Hedyla Hedyla

Cloud platform to optimize logistic processes of medium and large-sized companies through Artificial Intelligence Hedyla is a technology startup working on the optimization of logistics processes of medium and large companies through Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. We offer a cloud platform to optimize logistics processes, reduce expenses, avoid errors and save time. The logistics industry is complex and booming, but current software systems are far from optimal. Hedyla was created to complement and extend these systems by adding intelligence at key points for the improvement of the logistics chain processes. Our cloud platform offers both solutions for the fleet …

Type: Startup Activities: it services transporttech Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics SaaS

4 1 3 19

Join the leading platform in the management and distribution of hotel inventory, rooms & meeting rooms sold by hours BYHOURS is the first online platform where you can book hotel rooms and decide the check-in time and duration of your micro-stay. BYHOURS offers packs of 3, 6 or 24 hours to suit your schedule, needs, and lifestyle. Now possible to pay only for the time you require. Our philosophy is a fair price, never low cost. We offer the same quality of service as the main hotel chains, allowing you to book by the hour, and adapting to your needs. …

Type: Startup Activities: traveltech transporttech Technologies: SaaS

20 5 10 33
El Mundo El Mundo

EL MUNDO DEL SIGLO XXI Spanish newspaper Madrid, Spain EL MUNDO DEL SIGLO XXI is a young newspaper (1989) but has a lot of popularity in Spain. Investigative Journalism made that paper famous in the 90's. Now it is well positioned in the market with a strong view on design, graphics, type and illustration. All Department areas are integrated with Internet from 2008. journalism, visual journalism, infographics, graphics, diagrams, charts, interactive, and press

Type: Large company Activities: healthtech

74 30 35 1,840
La Vanguardia La Vanguardia

Plurality, rigor and quality since 1881. La Vanguardia is the place where we all meet. La Vanguardia is a general information daily founded in 1881 in Barcelona (Spain). La is the digital edition of the daily. It is a widely circulated newspaper (the third in circulation in Spain according to data from January 2013).

Type: Media

67 31 20 611
Social Wifi S.L Social Wifi S.L

We help to increase your business customers. Know them better thanks to the automated digital solution. plug & amp; Play We present SocialWibox, the intelligent way to share your wifi. If your business provides an Internet connection service to its customers, with SocialWibox, your business has the direct marketing tool. Fideliza, propagates and interacts with them.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: IoT

1 1 0 5
Lulabytes Lulabytes

Technology & Amp; Design LULABYTES® is a young technological services company oriented to the development of web tools and the design of mobile applications under the conceptual basis of software distributed by the Network. In turn, the business project wants to take advantage of the development of free software to reduce costs and collaborate to improve it in whatever possible. Lulabytes® is a dynamic and concerns that seeks new market niches to exploit and develop. We seek own projects with which to achieve our market share in strategic sectors, being the development of the software of these projects the technology …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

1 1 0 2
Hypervisoul Hypervisoul

Cooperative Traffic Management System for Connected and Automated Vehicles Hyprevisoul designs, creates and operates the road and traffic management system of the future to become a key player in the ecosystem of cooperative, connected and automated mobility.

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech

1 1 0 2
The Global Game Jam The Global Game Jam

Innovation. Experimentation. Collaboration. The GGJ is the annual event of Global Game Jam, Inc. GGJ brings together talented individuals and teams from around the globe and rallies them around a central theme, for which they have 48 hours to create their game. For more information on the Global Game Jam, including a database of downloadable games, photos and video from previous events and more, visit: game jams, game creation, digital design, rapid prototyping, game development, and game design

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: games

13 6 4 79
euRobotics aisbl euRobotics aisbl

euRobotics is a non-profit organisation based in Brussels with more than 250 members. euRobotics aisbl (Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif) is a Brussels based international non-profit association for all stakeholders in European robotics. It was founded in September 2012 with the aim to strengthen Europe’s competitiveness and to ensure industrial leadership of manufacturers, providers and end-users of robotics technology-based systems and services. euRobotics builds upon the success of the European Robotics Technology Platform (EUROP) and the academic network of EURON, leading towards the establishment of one sustainable organisation for the entire European robotics community. The association has been nurtured by …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech Technologies: Robotics

24 2 9 30
I4MS - ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs I4MS - ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs

The European Commission initiative to digitalise the manufacturing industry I4MS (ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs) is a program promoted by the European Commission to expand the digital innovation of manufacturing SMEs in Europe. As an SME or a mid-cap you can apply for technological and financial support to experiment with different technologies and services to improve the innovation skills of your staff and the technologies and services your company provides. I4MS offers: - Technological support in Robotics, HPC, Additive Manufacturing, CPS and IoT. - Funding opportunities and technical assistance to support your digital transformation. - Best practices, such as success …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: Robotics

10 3 7 2
Turijobs Turijobs

Employment in tourism and hospitality. Turijobs is the leading job site specialised in Tourism and Hospitality and is present in Spain, Portugal, France, UK & Ireland, Turkey, Mexico, Brazil, Latin America and Northern Europe. Since its creation, in 2002, it has diversified its services to cover three main areas: - Employment: Job site - Training: Professional education search - Marketing and Communications Turijobs el portal de empleo líder especializado en Turismo, Hotelería y Restauración, presente en España, Portugal, Francia, Reino Unido, Irlanda, México, Brasil, Latinoamérica y Europa Nórdica. Desde su nacimiento en 2002 ha ido diversificando sus servicios que abarcan …

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech martech

6 1 4 65

IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization and is a public charity dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. IEEE is the trusted “voice” for engineering, computing and technology information around the globe. For information about the IEEE - visit Professional Society, Publications, Conferences, and Standards

Type: Large company

57 20 5 12,166
Ulabox Ulabox

Get on the bandwagon!! Ulabox is the first 100% online supermarket that sells time and delivers smiles. Focused on innovation and offering the consumer the best shopping experience from browsing to delivery at their doorstep. Our commitments: • Delivery within 24 hours throughout Spain, in time slots* • Free shipping on purchases over €59 (and only €6.99 below!) • With more than 11,000 products from 900 different brands • In all promotions and discounts, we always calculate the best combination for you • Application for iPhone and Android (see services) • And the best customer service Go to and …

Type: Startup Activities: e-commerce Technologies: SaaS

10 3 3 9
Computer Vision Center Computer Vision Center

Our mission is to carry out cutting-edge research and disruptive innovation within the field of Computer Vision. The CVC is a non-profit institution founded in 1995 by CIRIT (Consell Interdepartamental de Recerca i Innovació Tecnològica), CIDEM (Centre d'Innovació i Desenvolupament Empresarial) and UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). The strategic objective of CVC is to do both Research and Development of good quality on Computer Vision. From a scientific point of view, the CVC wants to contribute to increase the knowledge in this field. From a technological point of view, the CVC aims to contribute to innovation and industrial competitiveness collaborating …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

28 2 14 237
Northweek Northweek

#UnlimitedWays Northweek was created in 2013 with the goal of revolutionizing the sunglass industry by selling high-quality products at a fair price. This phenomenon spreads worldwide and immediately manages to establish itself as one of the most recognized brands in the Spanish youngster’s market, while also instantly gaining heavy traction in the French, German, Italian, English, and Mexican markets.

Type: Startup Activities: fashtech

3 0 0 19
Meetmaps Meetmaps

Una única plataforma para organizar mejor, mejores eventos 💻🏆 Meetmaps provides an all in one platform to manage your events and engage attendees with unrivaled local support team. Some tools available are: - Landing pages - Event registration software - Attendees management - Email campaigns - Badge printing - QR-code scanning - Mobile Apps - Online venue for online events - Gamification tools - Meetings 1to1 and Matchmaking With 6+ years of experience, we have a team of event experts who will guide you with the use of the platform and during the events day with our onsite services. Our …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

11 3 7 31
IASP - International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation IASP - International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation

The leading association of innovation communities worldwide. Driving member growth, internationalisation & effectiveness IASP is the worldwide network of science and technology parks (STPs), innovation districts (IDs), areas of innovation (AOIs) and other innovation spaces. With members in 80 countries, we connect the professionals managing innovation ecosystems worldwide and provide services that drive their growth, knowledge sharing and internationalisation. Our members enhance the competitiveness of companies and entrepreneurs of their cities and regions, and contribute to sustainable economic development through innovation, entrepreneurship, and the transfer of knowledge and technology between universities and companies. Engaged in their local communities they provide …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

38 11 20 40