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France Assos Santé France Assos Santé

A union of nearly 100 associations militant for rights & amp; Defense of the rights of health system users France Assos Santé is the name chosen by the National Union of approved associations for users of the health system in order to publicize its action as a reference organization to represent patients and users of the health system and defend their interests. With a mission officially recognized by its registration in the public health code via the law of January 26, 2016, France Assos Health was created in March 2017 on the initiative of 72 national founding associations, by registering …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

63 93
Forum réfugiés Forum réfugiés

Welcome, protect, support and defend those who had to flee their country Since its creation in 1982, Forum Refugees has accompanied each day, in fifteen departments, thousands of asylum and refugee seekers. It provides daily the first reception of asylum seekers, the management of accommodation centers, support for the integration of refugees, mental health care for people victims of violence related to exile, and support in an administrative detention center. Refugee forum is also mission, through training, information, awareness and advocacy actions on a national and European scale, to ensure compliance with the fundamental rights of asylum seekers, beneficiaries of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

28 380
Fondation Hôpitaux Fondation Hôpitaux

Together, let's improve the daily life of patients, caregivers and caregivers in the hospital or in nursing homes 💛🧡🩷 ❤️ Created in 1989, and chaired since June 2019 by Brigitte Macron, the Foundation has a vocation: making the hospital, a place of care, a real living space for fragile people in the hospital (children, adolescents, young adults, elderly). The Foundation is behind the yellow parts operation, in favor of hospitalized children and adolescents. To date, it has subsidized more than 15,000 projects in French hospitals for an amount of almost 150 million euros. Recognized of public utility since 1994, the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

46 156
Fédération APAJH Fédération APAJH

Are you looking for a job that makes sense? Join us! Our core business? Support, on a daily basis, people with disabilities, whatever their age, their disability and their aspirations. APAJH has been committed since 1962, everywhere in France, to bring its humanist ethics and values ​​to life: - Republican principles: freedom, equality, fraternity - secularism: the crucible of living together, a permanent fight - citizenship: same rights, same duties for everyone - national solidarity: disability concerns the whole society The success of his project is largely based on a collective force sharing its values, and developing expertise around 5 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consumer services

41 1,908
Fédération Addiction Fédération Addiction

1st addictology network: brings together nearly 200 associations, 800 establishments and more than 500 natural persons. The Addiction Federation is the first addictology network in France. It brings together 190 associations, 800 health, prevention, care and risk reduction establishments and services and more than 500 doctors and pharmacists.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

49 52
epures, l'Agence d'urbanisme des territoires ligériens epures, l'Agence d'urbanisme des territoires ligériens

Une structure partenariale au service de l’« intérêt commun » : Créée en 1967, epures est une association loi 1901. Elle compte aujourd’hui 90 adhérents, collectivités territoriales et acteurs socioprofessionnels publics du territoire. Son financement, assuré par les subventions de ses membres, est consacré à l’exécution d’un programme partenarial mutualisé d’étude. Une équipe pluridisciplinaire : L’équipe d’epures rassemble une trentaine de professionnels dont les compétences recouvrent tous les champs de l’urbanisme et de l’aménagement (architectes, urbanistes, ingénieurs, économistes, statisticiens...) et l’appui logistique indispensable (assistance, gestion, cartographie, infographie, documentation, communication). Organisé en pôles thématiques, le personnel travaille en équipes pluridisciplinaires autour …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city proptech constructiontech

14 41
Département de la Drôme Département de la Drôme

Welcome to the official page of the Drôme department. Official page of the Drôme Department

Type: Public

47 465
CCAH - Comité national Coordination Action Handicap CCAH - Comité national Coordination Action Handicap

I have its members, the CCAH is the first private financier of the handicap in France. Place for all - CCAH and its members support project leaders in the disability sector with the aim of improving the daily life of disabled people and promoting living together. Place for all - CCAH relies on its expertise in the sector, support and financing of more than 3,000 projects to offer a training and consulting offer to companies engaged in a handicap approach

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech edtech

48 20
CLUBHOUSE France • santé mentale CLUBHOUSE France • santé mentale

CLUBHOUSE : un lieu qui accompagne des personnes concernées par un trouble psy vers une réinsertion sociale et pro Peu de solutions existent pour passer de l’état de stabilisation d’un trouble psychique à un retour à une vie sociale et professionnelle stable, durable et épanouissante. Inspiré d’un modèle nord-américain crée en 1948, les CLUBHOUSE sont des lieux qui accompagnent des personnes concernées par un trouble psychique (bipolarité, schizophrénie, dépression, etc.) vers une réinsertion sociale et professionnelle. La méthode CLUBHOUSE, unique, innovante et efficace, s’articule autour d’une approche collective basée sur le « faire ensemble » et la pair-aidance, mais aussi …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

45 77
Centre Léon Bérard Centre Léon Bérard

The Léon Bérard Center is, by its status and its missions, 100 % dedicated to cancerology. More than 2,000 employees, caregivers, doctors and researchers, are engaged with each patient to support him in his fight against illness. The medico-scientific project of the Léon Bérard Center is built to improve the care of all sick people by offering them attentive welcome, respect for their dignity, quality care at all stages of their care thanks to Personalized medicine adapted to the profile of their tumor. The Léon Bérard center is both a hospital and a place of research. Innovation is its DNA. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

64 1,230
Centre Hospitalier de Moulins-Yzeure Centre Hospitalier de Moulins-Yzeure

Certified "quality of confirmed care" by the High Authority for Health With nearly 1000 beds and places, it is the second care establishment in Auvergne. Its various services, located in the municipalities of Moulins and Yzeure, meet the needs of the population of the health territory. Its technical tray (scanners, MRI, particle accelerator ...) completes this offer of care. Medicine pole, women-child-child, geriatric sector pole, autonomy and rehabilitation, mental health center, management and strategy center, public health and prevention center, critical care center, operating room pole, anesthesia, surgeries, and psychiatric pole children Adolescents

Type: Public

16 343
Département de l'Ain Département de l'Ain

Ain, recruiter of talents! #iquetlain The Ain department is at the service of more than 650,000 inhabitants and supports the Aindinois throughout their lives. Solidarity, social action, mobility, regional planning, road infrastructure, youth, colleges, culture, sport, constitute its different missions. With a budget of 650 million euros, the department brings ambitious projects for the Aindinois. The deliberative assembly of the Ain department is made up of 46 departmental advisers spread over 23 cantons and 2,300 agents. Gastronomy, sport, well -being, culture and heritage, Ain offers a rich and dynamic quality of life. Its different reliefs offer the possibility of practicing …

Type: Public

50 474
Carsat Rhône Alpes Carsat Rhône Alpes

Carsat Rhône-Alpes, a social security organization alongside retirees, employees and companies The Rhône-Alpes Carsat is an actor refer within the network of social security organizations. It exercises its mission to retirees, employees and businesses. The 1800 employees who compose it fully anchor their commitment in the founding values ​​of this institution: solidarity, equality, continuity and adaptability. Four main missions are entrusted to us by the legislator: - Prepare and pay for distribution retirement. - Promote prevention to age well with retirees. - Support the insured people weakened by a health problem. - Prevent professional risks and ensure occupational health and …

Type: Public

32 727
AVECsanté AVECsanté

As a team, we go further! The AVECsanté federated movement has set itself the mission of reorganizing primary care in France. Our ambition? That coordinated practice in primary care be practiced in multi-professional teams. Our action: with our fifteen regional federations, support primary care teams (ESP) and their structured form in multi-professional health centers (MSP) in their growth and dynamics, including in the emergence of territorial professional health communities (CPTS). In our opinion, the multi-professional health center is indeed the basic unit and the successful model of coordinated practice in primary care. It has proven its ability to innovate, whether …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

18 19
Autorité de sûreté nucléaire (ASN) Autorité de sûreté nucléaire (ASN)

Advancing nuclear safety and radiation protection @ASN and @IRSN are now one! From today, find all the information on the activities, events, publications and news of the Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Authority on the LinkedIn account of @ASNR: Nuclear safety, Radiation protection, Crisis management, and Control

Type: Public

42 264
Association Nationale des Industries Alimentaires (ANIA) Association Nationale des Industries Alimentaires (ANIA)

Supporting companies in France's leading sector towards healthier, safer, more sustainable and more accessible food for all. ANIA (National Association of Food Industries) is an association under the 1901 law that brings together 18 national sector federations and 23 regional associations, representing 15,789 food companies from all sectors and all sizes. It is chaired by Jean-Philippe Girard, CEO of Eurogerm. The agri-food sector is the leading French industrial sector with a turnover of 157.6 billion euros and the leading industrial employer with 493,272 employees. A privileged interlocutor for public authorities, institutions and the media on issues related to food, ANIA …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

103 35
Association IRSAM Association IRSAM

Support for people with disabilities, mainly with hearing or visual impairment. Created 160 years ago in Marseille, on the initiative of Father Dassy and originally developed by the Religious Congregation of the Sisters of Mary Immaculate, IRSAM is an association under the 1901 Law recognized as being of public utility, belonging to the medico-social sector. It supports people with disabilities, mainly with sensory impairments, in specialized establishments, in ordinary environments and in learning and training centers. It currently manages 31 establishments or services in Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur, Auvergne Rhône-Alpes and La Réunion. It welcomes 2,370 children, adolescents, adults and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

30 408
Association Hospitalière Sainte-Marie Association Hospitalière Sainte-Marie

A leading player in the Social and Solidarity Economy / A reference in Mental Health The Sainte-Marie Hospital Association (AHSM) is a non-profit association under the 1901 law, created in 1974, which provides, as part of its public service mission, prevention, care and aftercare activities in general and child and adolescent psychiatry, taking care of children, adolescents, adults and the elderly. To meet the needs of vulnerable people in the field of psychiatry, disability and dependent elderly people, Sainte-Marie has developed a complete network of establishments in the field of health and medico-social: Specialized Hospital Centers, Specialized Reception Homes (MAS), …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech silvertech

19 613
ARHM (soins - accompagnement - recherche) ARHM (soins - accompagnement - recherche)

The ARHM Foundation, a group of structures meeting the health, social and medico-social needs of the territory. The ARHM manages health and medico-social establishments and services in the field of psychiatry, psychological, mental and/or physical disabilities, and addictions. The ARHM has more than 1,700 professionals working full-time or part-time for a total budget of 115 million euros in 2014. More than 16,000 sick or disabled people are cared for each year. The ARHM establishments and services are located in the Lyon region and grouped into 8 activity centers: • The SAINT JEAN DE DIEU hospital center • LES ATELIERS DENIS …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

20 537

National Agency for Research on AIDS, Hepatitis, and Emerging Infectious Diseases. ANRS (France REcherche Nord&Sud Sida-hiv Hépatites) is the French agency for research on HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis. Founded in 1988, it mobilizes researchers from the North and the South, from all disciplines, and whatever their affiliations, around scientific questions. Research, HIV/AIDS, Viral hepatitis, Sexually transmitted infections, Tuberculosis, Covid-19, Emerging diseases, Arboviruses, Viral hemorrhagic fevers, Emerging respiratory infections, and One Health

Type: Public

33 157
Annemasse Agglo Annemasse Agglo

Elected officials and agents invested daily to change the city The Annemasse Agglo urban community brings together 12 municipalities. It works to build the future and improve the living environment of its residents. With 90,000 inhabitants, Annemasse Agglo is the second largest urban area in Haute-Savoie. Ideally connected to major transport routes (A40 to Geneva, Annecy, Chamonix, Paris; soon to be the 3rd station in Haute-Savoie thanks to the arrival of the CEVA; 30 minutes from Geneva-Cointrin international airport), it has many assets: its cross-border dynamism, its shops and its booming economy; the balance preserved between the services offered by …

Type: Public

38 260

Public inter-municipal cooperation establishment dedicated to the development of the Ain region. Public Inter-municipal Cooperation Establishment dedicated to the development of the Ain region: electricity, gas, GIS, digital development, public lighting, energy transition. Electricity, gas, geographic information system, digital development, public lighting, energy transition

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city cleantech greentech

29 11
Communauté de communes Plaine Limagne Communauté de communes Plaine Limagne

Public institution bringing together 25 municipalities of Limagne between the Chaine des Puys and the banks of the Allier Welcome to the official page of the Plaine Limagne community of municipalities. Charter of use / moderation:

Type: Public Activities: fintech

9 16
Communauté de Communes Thiers Dore et Montagne Communauté de Communes Thiers Dore et Montagne

The Thiers Dore et Montagne Community of Communes is made up of 30 Communes (nearly 40,000 inhabitants), in the heart of the Livradois-Forez Regional Natural Park. We invite you to discover them using the interactive map. TDM is led by a President, vice-presidents (they are also mayors of their Communes), community advisors who meet regularly in office, council or other bodies to advance projects for the benefit of residents and the territory. All elected officials prepare the budget once a year and with the services. This key moment allows strategic choices to be made in order to define the main …

Type: Public Activities: smart city

11 33
ANEF 03-63 ANEF 03-63

ANEF 03-63 welcomes and supports people and families in situations of exclusion in Puy-de-Dôme and Allier Created in 1952, ANEF 03-63 is a mutual aid association against exclusion that carries out child protection and housing integration missions in the departments of Puy-de-Dôme and Allier. The association employs the skills of 260 qualified professionals to shelter and protect the most deprived vulnerable people, and to support them in a residential stabilization process, in an educational or care approach towards autonomy. An association of general interest, ANEF 03-63 is a member of the ANEF Federation recognized as being of public utility.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

28 147
Anap Anap

Supporting healthcare and social-medical professionals in the development of their organizations. Since 2009, Anap has been supporting healthcare professionals in healthcare and social-medical institutions in the development of their organizations in order to improve the service provided to users. Its productions are always developed thanks to the expertise of professionals in the field. Its action aims to: - Improve the fluidity of people's healthcare pathways; - Facilitate knowledge of the healthcare offer, decision-making assistance and management dialogue; - Improve the organization of patient care and support activities; - Improve the organization of support and support functions. Our missions: - Support …

Type: Public

71 358

The school that trains 360° digital professionals. Bachelor & Masters in work-study from the 2nd year of studies. Located at the Palais Brongniart, EEMI is the first web school created by the founders of Free (Xavier Niel), Meetic (Marc Simoncini) and (Jacques-Antoine Granjon), dedicated to training in web professions. We provide our students with work-study training in web professions with a Bachelor BAC+3 "Digital Project Manager" and a Master BAC+5 "Entrepreneurship and Digital Expertise". State-recognized qualifications BAC+3 & BAC+5 (RNCP) E-BUSINESS, INTERACTIVE DESIGN, WEB DEVELOPMENT, web design, data analyst, product designer, digital expert, data manager, web marketing, digital project …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

40 108

Organ, tissue and cell collection and transplantation. Human procreation, embryology and genetics. The Biomedicine Agency is a national public institution created by the bioethics law of 6 August 2004, reporting to the Ministry of Health. It carries out its missions in the areas of organ, tissue and cell collection and transplantation, as well as human procreation, embryology and genetics. Through its expertise, it is the reference authority on the medical, scientific and ethical aspects of these issues. The Agency does everything possible to ensure that each patient receives the care they need, in compliance with the rules of health safety, …

Type: Public

36 238
Agate - Agence alpine des territoires Agate - Agence alpine des territoires

Engineering and project management assistance agency, serving the communities and territories of Savoie Driven by the Conférence des Territoires in 2016 - bringing together all the Savoyard intercommunalities - Agate is an association under the 1901 Law, created in 2018. With its 336 members, it is today a fundamental player in mutualization serving the Savoyard communities. Our agency relies on open governance, involving many local stakeholders, to design its missions as close as possible to the needs of the territories, whether they are in the plains or in the mountains, urban or rural. It helps them build their strategic vision, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

22 38

Association for Digital and IT in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region The 1st community of peers & experts in IT / Digital in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region with more than 500 member organizations! We are the 1st association in France that brings together both user companies (47%), service providers (49%) and education/research (4%). ADIRA is also the only regional association in the digital sector that is financially and brand autonomous. It only serves the interests of its members. Discover its 3 priority objectives: - Develop the means of sharing know-how and accelerating innovative projects - Share information and sector monitoring with regional players …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

81 28
AIR coop AIR coop

Guider la transition des entreprises et des territoires AIR coop... a cooperative of entrepreneurs committed to create positive impact for people, communities and the environment. ...focuses on specific ecosystems : sports, tourism, fashion, culture. ...pledges 1% of its sales to environmental protection and is a proud member of the 1% For The Planet since 2010. a Certified B Corporation since 2015. #HaveFunDoGoodBeCreative #BtheChange sustainability, innovation, corporate social responsibility, Sport, Textile, agriculture, alimentation, culture, consulting, montagne, transition, tourisme, tourisme, RSE, climat, stratégie, évènement, B Corp, ACV, eco-conception, sensibilisation, entreprise à mission, and gouvernance

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

23 21
Médecins du Monde Médecins du Monde

Soigne aussi l'injustice Médecins du Monde, association médicale militante de solidarité internationale, s'engage depuis plus de 30 ans à soigner les populations les plus vulnérables ici et là-bas, à témoigner des entraves constatées quant à l’accès aux soins, à obtenir des améliorations durables des politiques de santé pour tous. Association indépendante nous agissons au-delà du soin en dénonçant les atteintes à la dignité et aux droits humains et en nous battant pour améliorer la situation des populations précaires. For more than 30 years, Médecins du Monde, a campaigning medical organisation committed to international solidarity, has been caring for the most …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

59 2,115
Ville de Saint-Martin-d'Hères Ville de Saint-Martin-d'Hères

2nd city of the Grenoble metropolitan area, dynamic and united territory. The City of Saint-Martin-d’Hères is an innovative, ecological and united community. Committed to a quality public service, efficient and anchored in proximity with users, it is part of the Grenoble Alpes Métropole agglomeration (nearly 450,000 inhabitants). Nearly 1,200 agents are committed there on a daily basis for social action, regional planning, education, culture, the elderly, or even youth. Their objective: to improve and facilitate the lives of the Martinérois. Joining the City of Saint-Martin-d’Hères means: • putting your expertise at the service of a community that acts as close …

Type: Public

15 214
IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer / World Health Organization IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer / World Health Organization

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is the cancer agency of the World Health Organization Official LinkedIn page of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the cancer research agency of the World Health Organization. IARC's mission is to coordinate and conduct research on the causes of human cancer, the mechanisms of carcinogenesis, and to develop scientific strategies for cancer prevention and control. The Agency is involved in both epidemiological and laboratory research and disseminates scientific information through publications, meetings, courses, and fellowships. Support cancer prevention research IARC alumni are invited to join the IARC Alumni Group …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: biotech healthtech deeptech

23 429
Association pour la Prévention de la Pollution Atmosphérique (APPA) Association pour la Prévention de la Pollution Atmosphérique (APPA)

Know - Inform - Gather - Act Association loi 1901, created in 1958, recognized as being of public utility in 1962, approved by the Ministry in charge of the environment APPA's activities are at the intersection of the fields of the environment, public health and climate. APPA is mobilized on all issues relating to air quality, both outdoors and indoors, from the global to the local level: climate change, urban and industrial pollution, allergic risk linked to pollen, carbon monoxide poisoning, domestic environment... As a national association, APPA benefits from regional anchoring through its regional committees. public health, prevention, air …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

15 30

New major player in the health and services economy AÉSIO Santé, a major mutual health player in France, offers – through more than 200 health establishments – a range of care and services adapted to each territory and organized into sectors: Healthcare: surgery, medicine, cancerology, follow-up and rehabilitation care, home hospitalization, radiology, health center, dental; Medico-social: reception for the elderly, people with disabilities, early childhood, personal services; Goods and services: pharmacies, optical centers, hearing aids, general orthopedics and medical equipment; Innovation, research and development. On a daily basis, 5,100 health professionals invest in caring for, supporting, supporting and providing their …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

31 587
centre jean perrin centre jean perrin

Cancer Center • Care, research, teaching & training for the benefit of patients The Jean PERRIN Center is one of the 18 French Cancer Centers (CLCC). A major player in the fight against cancer in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region and a member of the Unicancer network Bringing together 750 professionals, the Center carries out significant care, research, teaching and training activities for the benefit of 28,000 patients per year. The Center advocates equal opportunities for access to care, it offers on a single site all the examinations, treatments and follow-ups necessary for quality care for all without excess fees. Recognized as …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

13 395
Mission Mécénat Ville de Lyon Mission Mécénat Ville de Lyon

Participer au développement de projets d’intérêt général. The Club des partenaires is a French association loi 1901 created in 2002 thanks to the initiative of the founder members of la Fête des Lumières : the city of Lyon, EDF and SONEPAR France - MAT'ELECTRIQUE. It encourages exchanges between Club members and economical, artistic, cultural and institutionnal actors implied in La Fête des Lumières, at a national and international scale. Relations publiques, Partenaires, Mécénat, Fête des Lumières, Évènements, Lyon, Communication, National, International, Acteurs économiques, and Acteurs culturels

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

41 1
Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l'autonomie Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l'autonomie

National Solidarity Fund for the Autonomy (CNSA) of the elderly, disabled people and their caregivers The CNSA is a fund, an agency and a public space for exchanges for the autonomy of the elderly and disabled people. The CNSA manages the Autonomy branch of Social Security. The Autonomy branch's mission is to secure the financing of autonomy aids and guarantee territorial equity to meet the needs of the elderly, people with disabilities and their caregivers.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: silvertech it services

48 270
Ville de la Roche-sur-Foron Ville de la Roche-sur-Foron

Medieval city in the heart of the Alps, characterized by its cultural and commercial heritage and its famous Rochexpo fair Connected to its rich medieval past as much as to its territory and its inhabitants, La Roche-sur-Foron offers a vibrant and lively city center where the heritage of the past and cultural and commercial dynamism intermingle. A preserved heritage, enhanced by abundant flowering as well as by various guided tours. A thousand years of history await visitors between the alleys and the 13th century city gates of the picturesque Plain-Château district. Magnificent noble houses from the 16th and 17th centuries …

Type: Public

8 57
Ville d'Annecy Ville d'Annecy

Welcome to Annecy, the city where it is good to live and work! Annecy, my City and much more ➕ Annecy is a city of 135,000 inhabitants located in the north of the French Alps, capital and prefecture of the department of Haute-Savoie, in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. Ranked 28th City of France, it is nicknamed the "Venice of the Alps" because of the canals that run through the old town. In 2017, the municipality of Annecy merged with the municipalities of Annecy-le-Vieux, Cran-Gevrier, Meythet, Pringy and Seynod, now forming the new municipality of Annecy. The city was ranked fifth city …

Type: Public

38 537
Ville de Montélimar Ville de Montélimar

Ville de Montélimar is a government administration company based out of France.

Type: Public

26 144
Préfecture du Puy-de-Dôme Préfecture du Puy-de-Dôme

Account of State services in Puy-de-Dôme Prefecture of Puy-de-Dôme

Type: Public

32 116
Haute-Savoie General Council Haute-Savoie General Council

Compte officiel du Département de la Haute-Savoie Welcome to Haute-Savoie! Haute-Savoie borders Switzerland and Italy in the heart of one of the world's leading winter sports destinations. It is a vibrant and attractive french area with a flourishing high tech economy and very active academic, cultural and sporting life. With a €1 billion budget and 3,000 agents, the Haute-Savoie General Council is a major driver of development and community life in the region. It plays an active role in a number of areas—from social services, education and planning to transportation, economics, environmental protection, culture, sports and more—with a view to …

Type: Public

58 618
WECF International WECF International

Ecofeminist network with 150 partners in 50 countries working towards a gender just and healthy environment. WECF is an international network of over 150 women‘s and environmental organisations in 50 countries, implementing projects and advocating globally for a healthy environment for all. Our network historically spans Western Europe and the EECCA region (Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia), but is now expanding into Africa as well. WECF has 3 offices: in the Netherlands, Germany and France. Mission Working for a Healthy Environment for All - We strive for balancing the environment, health and economy, taking the different needs and perspectives …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech healthtech

30 25