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Ville de Volvic Ville de Volvic

Located at the heart of a landscape shaped by volcanic eruptions, Volvic is the city of stone and water. Located at the heart of a landscape shaped by volcanic eruptions, Volvic is now internationally deemed for the purity of its water. But the city was first known for its gray and resistant stone, exploited in the 12th century. The town surprises with the diversity of its heritage: narrow streets lined with stone buildings, fountains, feudal castle, Romanesque church, or museums which testify to an ancient artistic and craft activity. The town, which extends over almost 30km2, includes 17 villages and …

Type: Public Activities: greentech

4 15
ATIH - Agence technique de l'information sur l'hospitalisation ATIH - Agence technique de l'information sur l'hospitalisation

Coder, collect, analyze, return and disseminate hospital and medico-social information The Technical Information Agency on Hospitalization (ATIH), founded in 2000, is a public establishment of the administrative state placed under the supervision of ministers responsible for health, social affairs and social security. The agency's headquarters are in Lyon and an antenna is located in Paris. Missions - Collection, accommodation and analysis of data from health establishments: activity, costs, organization and quality of care, finance, human resources ... - Technical management of establishments for financing establishments: calculation of annual hospital prices, allocation of resources ... - Carrying out studies on the …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech it services Technologies: Data Analytics

2 110
SafeTeam Academy SafeTeam Academy

Safeteam Academy Helps Healthcare Institutions be attractive to their caregivers and safe for their patients Safeteam Academy supports health establishments in France and abroad in their transformation to highly reliable and attractive organizations for health professionals through an innovative training system. Safeteam Academy's mission is to improve the performance, security and quality of care by bringing together nursing teams and promoting teamwork cultivation. Safeteam Academy is developing a large-scale e-learning training system based on immersive simulation and cinema with security advice and audits for hospitals. Because medical accidents are today responsible for the 3rd cause of mortalities after cardiovascular disease, …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: VR

16 13
Handidactique Handidactique

The Handidactic Association aims to advise, design, carry out and support educational projects aimed at improving access to health for people with disabilities and people who interact with them.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

31 10
i-Care LAB i-Care LAB

Together, let's create the health of tomorrow! 🚀 Initiative carried by I-Care Cluster Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes I-Care Lab aims to support all actors in the transformation of the health system. Institutional, professional, industrialists, entrepreneurs, creative and experts in new technologies, come and exchange with us to imagine the future of health! This initiative is supported by the Metropolis of Lyon and the Auvergne Rhône Alpes region. I-Care Lab is registered in the European Network (European Network of Labing Labs) network. Follow us to find out our news and create new opportunities.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

25 1
Agence Nationale de Lutte Contre l'Illettrisme (ANLCI) Agence Nationale de Lutte Contre l'Illettrisme (ANLCI)

Gather to act better - prevent and fight against illiteracy. Public interest group born in 2000. 💡en France, 2,500,000 people are faced with illiteracy after being educated. ☝️RAPEL: We are talking about illiteracy for people who, after having been educated in France, have not acquired sufficient mastery of reading, writing, calculation, basic skills, to be autonomous in simple situations of everyday life. 👉 To prevent and act in the face of illiteracy, it is necessary to act on all fronts, at all ages of life, as close as possible to people and territories and in a coordinated and sustainable manner. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

31 41
CareLine Solutions CareLine Solutions

CareLine Solutions accompanies you every day in the follow-up of your heart failure patients CareLine is a multimodal remote monitoring solution for heart failure patients based on clinical, biological and therapeutic criteria. Patients are equipped with connected objects (weight scales, blood pressure monitors) to monitor their pathology at home and receive support and therapeutic education for their heart failure. Daily remote monitoring makes it possible to anticipate and detect a sudden worsening of the disease and also to ensure a rapid medical care. CareLine invests in research in collaboration with the IHU LIRYC of Bordeaux and the Institute of Cardiology …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech deeptech Technologies: A.I.

26 9
Natéosanté Natéosanté

French designer and manufacturer of solutions for controlling and purifying indoor air in the workplace. NatéoSanté has been the French specialist in indoor air quality since 2009. As a player in the healthcare innovation ecosystem, we work every day to prevent occupational, nosocomial and respiratory diseases linked to poor air quality, a major public health issue. NatéoSanté has real expertise in the air industry and a perfect command of the issues specific to many professional environments. We offer a complete range of air measurement and purification solutions for professionals, and support establishments from A to Z in their efforts to …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing

40 13
Mengrov Mengrov

Societal design agency with impact! Follow us everywhere! Mengrov is a societal design agency using collaborative methods. The user experience is at the heart of the strategy to imagine and design devices, services that will transform your organization. Design thinking, collaborative workshop, collective intelligence, territorial marketing, real estate, social innovation, public actors, graphic design, object design, design of services, and design of space

Type: Startup Activities: uxtech

19 11

Dematerialized management of medical emergencies Bisom offers a solution to digitize the pre-hospital emergency Healthtech, Esanté, and Masanté2022

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

17 10
DIHAL | Délégation interministérielle à l'hébergement et à l'accès au logement DIHAL | Délégation interministérielle à l'hébergement et à l'accès au logement

Build and innovate together for homeless people and poorly housed Established by a decree of July 14, 2010, the interministerial delegation for accommodation and access to housing (DIHAL) aims to enrich ministerial policies by a decompartmental approach. It is based on a large network of associations, local authorities, decentralized state services and more generally on all the actors involved in accommodation and housing access policies. Instance of interdepartmental coordination, force of proposal and expertise, the Dihal intervenes mainly on six public policies: ► Accommodation and access to housing ► The absorption of illicit camps and slums ► Welcome and support …

Type: Public

64 85
Ville de Fontaine Ville de Fontaine

Fontaine is the 4th city of the agglomeration with 22,341 inhabitants spread over 673 hectares. It is located on the left bank of the Drac. Fountain, a city that counts Capital of the Drac left bank, Fontaine is a city that has in the agglomeration. It is a strategic territory located 15 minutes from the center of Grenoble and 5 minutes from its station, near the scientific polygon, the A480 and the southern ring road, served by the tram, many bus lines and cycle paths . A dynamic economic city marked by the ancient activity of the Ganterie (with the …

Type: Public Activities: transporttech

13 93

Office Health designs, realizes, animates, manages, finances the health houses and centers of today and tomorrow. Since 2014, Office Santé has supported communities and health professionals to effectively fight against medical deserts. Design, construction, management, wage earning, Office Health offers a tailor -made and key -in -hand offer for practitioners. Multiprofessional health houses in hand.

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech healthtech

23 41
Association Addictions France Association Addictions France

Together, let's change the look at addictions Recognized of public utility and approved of popular education, Association Addictions France acts in favor of all audiences affected directly or indirectly by addictions (people in difficulty and their loved ones). Its action applies to all addictions (with or without product, lawful and illicit drugs, poly-addiction) and is available in four main missions: - Awareness and act in health promotion throughout life - Support people in difficulty with addictions and their loved ones - Train players in the field and advisor in a professional environment - campaign for a coherent health policy on …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

27 709
UCC Grand Sud UCC Grand Sud

The Professional Syndicate of Communication Consulting Agencies The Union of Grand South Communication Councils (UCC Grand Sud) is the professional organization which represents the advisers of the Mediterranean facade (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur and Languedoc-Roussillon-Midi-Pyrénées). These agencies exercise a consulting and creation activity for advertisers (companies and institutions) in many areas: advertising, operational marketing, internet, corporate, institutional, creation of events, public relations, design and edition, sponsorship ... Its objective is to enhance the image of the profession and to defend the interests of its members around shared values.

Type: SMB Activities: consulting martech

14 7
SDIS 07 - Service départemental d'incendie et de secours de l'Ardèche SDIS 07 - Service départemental d'incendie et de secours de l'Ardèche

Official account of SDIS de l'Ardèche - SDIS 07 The Departmental Fire and Rescue Service of the Ardèche is a public establishment made up of professional firefighters, volunteers and administrative, technical and specialized personnel.

Type: Public Activities: it services

9 144
Le Journal de l'éco Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Le Journal de l'éco Auvergne Rhône-Alpes

The positive economic information of the actors, innovations and events of the territory The eco newspaper is a positive local economic media highlighting actors, innovations and economic events of the territory. With 200,000 articles read every month and 85,000 economic decision -makers receiving the newsletter every morning, the newspaper offers publication offers of articles, videos and advertising banners on its site, its newsletters and social networks, boosting web traffic . His department Events organizes conferences, trophies and meetings allowing organizations and companies to boost their visibility and notoriety with decision -makers in the territory. The eco agenda allows you to …

Type: Media

92 6

Created in 2014, from the merger of the two unith and Ohé Prometheus networks, Cheops, the National Disability Council & Amp; Employment of specialized investment organizations represents CAP Employment to public authorities, economic decision -makers and social partners. Cheops relies on a base of associative and entrepreneurial values ​​of the network type. Its permanent actions are intended to: Participate in the definition and implementation of employment access policies, training and maintaining employment for people with disabilities. Represent all specialized investment organizations called Cap Emploi. Professionalize actors in human resources management for the employment of people with disabilities. Cheops Siege: With …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

24 20
Adédom Adédom

Together let's move the lines! Network of associative companies and non -profit structures of help, home care and personal services.

Type: SMB Activities: consumer services

33 34
Crehpsy Hauts-de-France Crehpsy Hauts-de-France

Improve the quality of life of people with mental disabilities and their loved ones The Hauts-de-France mental disability center aims to improve the journeys and quality of life of people with mental disabilities. It constitutes a resource structure which promotes the emergence of adapted responses by developing information, networking and training of all the persons concerned by mental disability.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

22 13

Our motto: Welcome - host - accompany - insert. "The home of Notre-Dame des Sans-Abi Since 1950, the association Le Foyer Notre-Dame des Sans-Abri has welcomed, hosts, accompanies and inserts professionally and socially men, women and children in difficulty in the Rhône, in particular homeless people, isolated or with family, victims of violence or in mental suffering ... to bring them out durably out of precariousness: these are the passengers. The street is not shelter. To meet this observation, the home offers accommodation, housing, day care, health, hygiene, social support, legal support, and aid of employment. people. Created in Lyon …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

35 216
Allier Bourbonnais Attractivité Allier Bourbonnais Attractivité

You arrived at their destination. ✈️ Allier Bourbonnais Attractiveness welcomes health professionals and project leaders (TPE, trade, crafts, agriculture, tourism, health ...) wishing to settle in Allier. It offers personalized support including professional and personal, family life. #Allierbourbonnais

Type: Public Activities: healthtech

4 12
PROMETHEE - Hépatites PROMETHEE - Hépatites

Alpine arc hepatitis (38,73.74) Prevention and screening for viral hepatitis and liver disease. PROMETHEUS Hepatitis dan l'Arc alpin (Isère, Savoie, Haute Savoie) Health association created in 1999, part of the MRSI. Service for prevention, awareness, screening for viral hepatitis and any other liver disease. Free awareness of audiences at risk or specific, the general public and professionals. Diagnostic orientation prevention and screening permanence (via TROD and FIBROSCAN®) with partners for their audiences. Organization of the day of hepatitis in alpine arc (information of information, screening in collaboration with the analysis laboratory and the CEGIDD, stands, meetings of updating knowledge of …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

2 4
Le Progrès | Les événements Le Progrès | Les événements

Event organizer Integrated event event of the newspaper Le Progrès (EBRA Events*), we organize nearly 60 owner or tailor-made events for our partners per year. Rich in solid expertise, over 30 years old, in terms of organizing corporate events, editorial events, fairs, congresses, but also intergenerational, festive, popular, cultural or sports events , we imagine events that promote citizen engagement or mobilization around strong themes and are consistent with the raison d'être of the group: “Strengthen local ties and confidence between the actors of our regions ”. Our reference events: . Gastronomy and wines trophies . Agriculture trophies . Craft …

Type: Event

60 55
COREVIH Lyon Vallée du Rhône COREVIH Lyon Vallée du Rhône

Regional coordination to combat HIV and STIs The Corevih Lyon Vallée du Rhône is a structure bringing together representatives of health, social, medico -social, health professionals, associative representatives and qualified people. Corevih's mission is to coordinate prevention and screening actions for HIV and STIs (sexually transmitted infections) on a specific territory. #Vih #ist #lyon #valleedurhone

Type: Public

6 3

Welcome to the official page of the community of municipalities in Genevois. The territory of the community of municipalities of Genevois (CCG) is located north of the Haute-Savoie department, between the Alps and Jura massifs. It has 45,000 inhabitants in 2017 and brings together 17 municipalities: Archamps, Beaumont, Bossey, Chênex, Chevrier, Collonges-sous-Salève, Dingy-en-Vuache, Feigères, Jonzier-Epagny, Neydens, Présilly, Saint-Julien-en- Genevois, Savigny, Valleiry, Vers, Viry and Vulbens. One of its peculiarities is to be border with the canton of Geneva, Switzerland, and its dynamic employment pool. This geographic proximity massively attracts young workers on the territory of the CCG which is experiencing …

Type: Public Activities: proptech

10 76
APEI de Chambéry APEI de Chambéry

"I am different, like the others!" Association of parents, people with mental disabilities and their friends, Chambéry. Created in 1960 by some families and friends and helped by the public authorities, the association creates an educational reception and a medico-educational institute in Verney in Chambéry for the benefit of their intellectual deficient children. From year to year, the association opens up new services and establishments in response to the evolution of the needs of disabilities (autism, polyhandicap, mental handicap) and society: autonomy, development, citizenship, rhythm of life, aging. Insertion through work, accommodation solutions, guidance, medical support, day care, right to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

5 161

Reference Federation of the Solidarity Private Sector In Health The FEHAP, present since 1936 in all the fields of social protection, is the reference federation of the private health sector in health. It brings together more than 5,000 members, working within more of 1,500 managers. These associations, foundations, congregations, mutuals, supplementary pension organizations, provident ... employ nearly 280,000 employees, or nearly 12% of salaried jobs in the Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS). Its flexibility combining private management and public service places its establishments and services at the cutting edge of innovation and research. His governance, from civil society, is disinterested. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

75 1

CREPSE is an ESRPPO (Establishment and Service for Professional Rehabilitation and Pre-Orientation) created in 1978, first as a vocational rehabilitation center and then, from 1981, with additional approval as a pre-orientation center. In order to contribute to the professional and social retraining of people with disabilities, CREPSE offers support, guidance, training and upgrading with a view to new professional integration. With, on average, 400 people welcomed each year, CREPSE relies on a multidisciplinary team of around fifty employees to support users in a professional project adapted to their wishes, but also to their possibilities. formation, handicap, insertion, orientation, rééducation professionnelle, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

10 63
Ligue contre le cancer Ligue contre le cancer

A fight on all the fronts of the disease. 💙 Created in 1918, the Cancer League is an association law 1901 recognized as a public utility based on public generosity and the commitment of its volunteers and employees to meet the needs of the people concerned by cancer. Our federation, made up of 103 departmental committees present throughout the national territory, is apolitical and independent financially. Fight against cancer

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

146 4
Hospices Civils de Lyon - HCL Hospices Civils de Lyon - HCL

Every day, at the Civil Hospices in Lyon (HCL), we do everything to reinvent the hospital Les Hospices Civils de Lyon are a public establishment and the second university hospital center in France (CHU). A true skills center integrating all disciplines, they have a wide range of human, technical and logistical resources to ensure their missions of care, teaching, research and medical innovation, prevention and education for the health. More than 22,000 professionals, with the most advanced equipment, devotes themselves daily to their mission: to contribute to the constant improvement of health. The Civil Hospices in Lyon today bring together …

Type: Public

123 7,170

Provide solutions to coordinate the activity of users, professionals, services and ESMS entities. With a young and dynamic team that does not hesitate to take up big challenges all in a "fun" atmosphere, SociaNOVA has established itself in a short time as a key player among the publishers of solutions for the social and medico-social sector. Our strong growth and our future projects mean that we constantly need new talent and it is because your talent deserves our commitment, SociaNOVA offers you high added value missions at the heart of new technologies. In order to support the significant increase in …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech it services Technologies: SaaS

20 56
stane stane

Together, let's innovate for health! Stane is a mission company engaged in clinical research in city medicine, founded in 2019. We are developing innovative solutions that facilitate the implementation of clinical studies directly among health professionals installed in the city, where patients are followed on a daily basis. Historically, we have accompanied the deployment of 150 care structures in France. We know the difficulties of installation in the city and the development of health innovation. Today, we can count on a network of more than 2,000 health professionals in the city to develop and assess new products and devices adapted …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech healthtech Technologies: Decarbonization

26 45

Space for information, exchange of practices and qualification: Labo Cités accompanies the actors of the city policy in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

29 10
Ville de Vaulx-en-Velin Ville de Vaulx-en-Velin

Located 8km from downtown Lyon, Vaulx-en-Velin is the 4th city in the Metropolis of Lyon by its population. At the heart of the Metropolis of Lyon, Vaulx-en-Velin, 51,045 inhabitants, is a young city in full urban, demographic and economic development. It is the fourth municipality in the Metropolis of Lyon and the tenth of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region in number of inhabitants. It has remarkable natural sites, including the large Miribel Jonage park, located partly on the territory of Vaulx-en-Velin. Education, culture, sport, youth, social, quality of life, proximity, development, innovations, environment, heritage, administration, and solidarity

Type: Public

35 364
Ville de Saint-Chamond Ville de Saint-Chamond

Capital of Gier, Saint Chamond with its 35,339 inhabitants is the second city in the Loire department. Located at the foot of the Pilat Regional Natural Park, of which it is one of the cities, it is ideally placed between Saint-Etienne (12 km) and Lyon (45 km).

Type: Public

12 118
Mountain Men Mountain Men

Accompany you at the top As a worthy society founded at the foot of the mountains, in Annecy, at Mountain Men, one does not bother with a wooden tongue. Forget surface marketing speeches, PowerPoint presentations in twelve colors and city costume. Here it is a precise and raw formwork expertise to meet your needs above all, which we provide you. With more than ten years of experience in business service, our engineers support you as well as possible in research and implementation of solutions for your network, telephone and accommodation infrastructures. To take you to the summits, our services are …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

12 4
D-Lake D-Lake

Your data is critical The D-Lake group supports its customers in securing their data. Contact us: Cloud, Network, Security, Consulting, Coffee, Internet, and Hosting

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

13 8
Communauté de communes pays d'Évian - vallée d'Abondance Communauté de communes pays d'Évian - vallée d'Abondance

From Lake Geneva to the first summits of the Alps Within an exceptional setting, the Pays d'Evian-Vallée d'Abondance extends over the southern shores of Lake Geneva to the first summits of the Alps, in Haute-Savoie. Frontier with Switzerland, the territory brings together 42,000 inhabitants (DGF population: 55,000 inhabitants), over 321 km2, distributed in the 22 municipalities that make up the community of communes Pays d'Evian - Vallée d'Abondance. The territory offers contrasting landscapes. This environment, its historical and cultural heritage and the multiple activities offered in all seasons make the richness of the territory and an international renowned destination.

Type: Public

19 70

Club de football professionnel Football Club

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

37 230
Ligue Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes du Sport Adapté Ligue Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes du Sport Adapté

Everyone has their own challenge! The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes League for adapted sport is intended to organize and develop physical and sporting activities for people with mental disabilities and or with mental rubles.

Type: SMB Activities: sporttech

10 10
Grand Chambéry Grand Chambéry

A unique and unique territory, which preserves the quality of life of current and future inhabitants ⛰️. Grand Chambéry is a community of agglomeration bringing together 38 municipalities and nearly 139,000 inhabitants spread over 52,599 hectares. Our skills: waste, water and sanitation, mobility, large equipment (swimming pools and skating rink), sustainable development, housing and town planning, city policy ...

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

64 227

Preventive and sustainable care in Cardiology Cardiology Consultation Center with short waiting times with an innovative digital organization and a team of assistants, nurses, technicians and cardiologists CARDIOLOGIE, PREVENTION, CONSULTATION RAPIDE, ECHOGRAPHIE CARDIAQUE, and ECG

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: Decarbonization

5 62
Odynéo Odynéo

Odynéo has been supporting people with neuromotor disabilities and their families for 60 years. Odynéo is an association of families created in 1959. It supports people with brain paralysis and other neuromotor handicaps, from very early childhood to the most advanced ages in life. Odynéo today: 1,000 supported people, 31 establishments and services located in the Rhône, Ain and Jura, 1050 employees. Our values: humanism, solidarity, respect, tolerance, citizenship. Association, medico-social, neuro-motor handicap, cerebral paralysis, support, inclusion, protected tavail, esat, respite, educational, paramedical, social, rhône, ain, jura, and odynéo

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

14 327
Mutualité française Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Mutualité française Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Engaged for ever more united social protection! #MUTUALS #health #Protections Social A major player in public health, the French Mutuality Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (MFARA) represents 4.4 million people protected by more than 200 health mutuals. It values ​​more than 400 mutual establishments in the service of the population whose prices are under control (clinics, hearing centers, optics, dental, early childhood establishments, young people, the elderly, disabled, etc.). The MFARA organizes more than 400 prevention and health promotion actions annually for the benefit of members of mutuals, users of mutual and general public establishments. Website: On Facebook: @mutualite.ara On Twitter: @Mutualite_ara …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

6 55
Maison de la danse de Lyon Maison de la danse de Lyon

House + workshops + dance = Mad European creation center in Lyon. The Lyon Dance Maison offers an eclectic program: major choreographers for young creators, world dances to the classical repertoire, from musical to the new circus, all the diversity of dance is in the spotlight. Our LinkedIn page allows us to share with you our partner moments as well as our residences and co -productions. Show and dance

Type: SMB Activities: arttech

14 66
Préfecture de la Drôme Préfecture de la Drôme

Bienvenue sur la page officielle de l'État dans la Drôme PREFECTURE DU DEPARTEMENT DE LA DROME is a government administration company based out of BOULEVARD VAUBAN, Valence, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France.

Type: Public Activities: consumer services

34 49

Access to leisure for all! Dahlir is the handicap support system towards integrated and regular leisure. Born in Haute-Loire in 2012, the association now has 25 employees in 7 departments in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, as well as in the Hautes-Alpes. His goal? Access to leisure activities for all, whatever their condition. Dahlir contributes to the regular and lasting integration of people with disabilities, in a situation of exclusion or with chronic disease in leisure. The concept of handicap is apprehended as widely as possible: it encompasses any type of disability including social disability and health problems. Its field of action is …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech healthtech Technologies: Decarbonization

39 57
acsantis acsantis

ACSANTIS, new health organizations Acsantis is a Global Management Consulting Company Specialized in Healthcare. Their consultants are working on the new challenges of Changing Care Organizations and Managerial Practices. They support the institutions, care team, hospital directors, it services to meet these challenges and Join them in creating the shape of the future healthcare organization in France. e-health, telemedicine, digital health, health, and advice

Type: SMB Activities: consulting healthtech

14 17
Filieris Filieris

Health in action! Filieris is an operator of the Public Health Service, which offers a diversified offer of care: health centers, establishments, services. Coming from CANSSM, a social security organization of the mining regime, Filieris is mainly established in the old mining basins. Its structures are open to the entire population, regardless of the patient's social security regime. Organized in the sector around health centers, which allow a grouped and coordinated exercise in medicine and overall care for patients, the Filieris care offer includes: - 123 health centers (general medicine, specialized medicine, physiotherapy, nursing, care and dental prostheses - 22 …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech silvertech Technologies: Cybersecurity

21 962
Agence Félix Agence Félix

I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse \ Félix Corleone Felix, independent and global ad agency since 1992, based in Geneva, Annecy and Nice. Full integrated services in strategy, creative ideas, 360° marketing communication plan management and production - Global minding in corporate communication, advertising, PR, direct marketing, shopper marketing. Operating in all channels, off and online with great expertise in web marketing, community management, digital ecosystem, branding, packaging, print and video. Interested? Just LinkedIn us. Stratégie webmarketing et social media, Packaging, Création site web, Identité visuelle - charte graphique et logo, Édition, Vidéo, and 3D

Type: SMB Activities: martech

7 22
CH Annecy Genevois CH Annecy Genevois

Geneva Hospital Center "The Union of Skills" Coming from the merger of the hospitals of Annecy and St Julien-en-Genevois, the Annecy Geneva hospital center (Change) is the most important hospital structure in Haute-Savoie. Nearly 4,600 people are mobilized to offer you the best care.

Type: Public Activities: healthtech

5 698
Centre national de ressources et de résilience (Cn2r) Centre national de ressources et de résilience (Cn2r)

Psychotrauma and resilience Created in 2019, the National Center for Resources and Resilience (CN2R) is a public interest group (GIP) carried by Pr Guillaume Vaiva (CHU Lille) and Professor Thierry Baubet (AP-HP). The main objective CN2R is to deepen and disseminate knowledge of psychotrauma and resilience. The CN2R continues three main missions: developing multidisciplinary scientific expertise on psychotrauma and resilience, developing training and good practices for better management of post-traumatic mental disorders, and disseminating knowledge to professionals and the public. CN2R also plays an animation role in the network of regional psychotrauma centers in connection with the national medico-psychological emergency …

Type: Public

27 22
Chabanne Chabanne

Architecture and engineering agency, incubator of sustainable projects. Sustainable project incubator Chabanne is an architecture and engineering agency specializing in complex works. For almost 50 years, the added value of the agency has been the network of its skills. The interbreeding of our architectural and engineers professions allows us to approach projects with a global eco -responsible vision. Architecture, interior architecture, ingenier, economy, structure, Energetic ingen shop, landscape and layout, fluids, work, sport, health, culture, teaching, and bim

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech edtech smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

33 170
SDIS 42 - Sapeurs-pompiers de la Loire SDIS 42 - Sapeurs-pompiers de la Loire

Official page of the SDIS de la Loire. Listening to you, by your side, your rescue! Join us! SDIS 42 is the public administrative establishment managing the firefighters of the Loire department. Headquarters (departmental staff) is based in Saint-Etienne. The SDIS 42 has 2,800 firefighters, 80 % of whom are volunteer firefighters, as well as 97 territorial agents of administrative and technical sectors. Civil security, crisis management, rescue, firefighters, forecasting, prevention, citizenship, volunteering, sustainable development, fire, and training

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

28 246
L'ATELIER architectes L'ATELIER architectes

The workshop is an architecture agency located in the Greenopolis activity park in Lyon 9th. We are a team of 10 people passionate about the challenge of designing our environment. Architecture, town planning, urban and landscaping, programming, assistance to client, housing, public facilities, specialized residences, industrial premises, and tertiary

Type: SMB Activities: smart city constructiontech

5 16
AAGROUP Architectes AAGROUP Architectes

Architecture - Town planning - Heritage Aagroup, it is above all a human adventure of passionate architects, convinced that the quality of the projects feeds on collaboration and differences, gathered to work together in the design of exemplary projects, both architectural and functional and environmental. The group brings together 140 employees located on 8 agencies: Paris, Saint-Etienne, Valence, Lyon, Dijon, Clermont-Ferrand, Lille, Rennes, and a structure works: Realis Moe Through his projects, Aagroup is working to respect his philosophy based on a daring alchemy: - Design places, spaces - Make a realization of dreams - Reconcile quality of use and …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city

21 111
Vienne Condrieu Agglomération Vienne Condrieu Agglomération

Born January 1, 2018, Vienne Condrieu Agglomeration is a public establishment for inter -municipal cooperation (EPCI) composed of 30 municipalities.

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

9 137
Copamo - Communauté de communes du Pays Mornantais Copamo - Communauté de communes du Pays Mornantais

Between town and countryside, a stone's throw from the major Rhône-Alpine agglomerations, the Mornantais country benefits from an exceptional living environment. Closer to nature, backed by the foothills of the Massif Central, the Mornant country is a territory overflowing with energy, united, innovative, harmonious which cultivates its sweetness of life and its village spirit (s). Chaired by Renaud Pfeffer, also mayor of Mornant and 1st VP of the Rhône department, the community of communes of the Mornantais country is a public establishment for inter -municipal cooperation (EPCI). It acts in consultation with all the actors of the territory in terms …

Type: Public Activities: traveltech greentech

12 40
CLARA - Cancéropôle Lyon Auvergne Rhône-Alpes CLARA - Cancéropôle Lyon Auvergne Rhône-Alpes

The goal of the Cancéropôle (cancer cluster) Lyon Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (CLARA) is to structure and facilitate cancer research in the French Rhône-Alpes Auvergne inter region by bringing together academic, clinical and industrial strengths in order to develop a network with a European dimension. CLARA is distinct from the six other French cancéropôles due to its amplitude of funding by local authorities. This particular feature confers strong economic objectives, on top of the objectives related to scientific excellence and public health as presented in the French Cancer Plans. An important feature of CLARA’s strategy is to promote cancer research applications with …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: biotech deeptech

52 17
Bouygues Bâtiment Sud-Est Bouygues Bâtiment Sud-Est

Bâtir pour la vie Bouygues Bâtiment Sud-Est est la filiale de Bouygues Construction présente sur le grand quart sud-est de la France. Elle exerce son activité en développement, conception, construction et rénovation dans les domaines de l'habitat, des ouvrages fonctionnels et tertiaires, des opérations multi-produits, de l'énergie et de l'environnement, de l'industrie et de la logistique. Bouygues Bâtiment Sud-Est possède une filiale spécialisée en développement immobilier : Linkcity. A Monaco l'entreprise opère avec sa filiale Richelmi. Bouygues Bâtiment Sud-Est, en lien avec les autres filiales de Bouygues Construction, offre à ses clients une gamme complète de savoir-faire allant du développement …

Type: Incubators & VCs

56 721
Ville de Vénissieux Ville de Vénissieux

Official account of the city of Vénissieux Located south-east of Lyon, Vénissieux is the 3rd city of the metropolis. The traffic axes make it an accessible territory with a large service of the road network, motorway (A7, A43) and the public transport network (Bus, Metro D, Tram T4 and soon the T6). Vénissieux station is 20 minutes from Lyon Part Dieu (T4). Marked by a rich industrial past with historic companies like Renault Trucks, Bosch, Aldes, Vénissieux is characterized by a dynamic economic fabric. In a few figures: • More than 65,000 inhabitants • 30,000 jobs • Nearly 4,000 companies …

Type: Public

16 197
Préfecture de l'Allier Préfecture de l'Allier

State services in Allier Follow all the news of the State services in the Allier

Type: Public Activities: it services

21 41
ORFSA - Organisme Régional de Formation du Sport Adapté ORFSA - Organisme Régional de Formation du Sport Adapté

Training organization of the AURA League of Adapted Sport, offering training to club volunteers, sports supervisors, professionals in medical-social support and people with mental or psychological disabilities. Sport, Adapted Sport, Mental Disability, Mental Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Training, Medical-social, and Educational Mediation

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

2 1
Centre psychothérapique de l'Ain Centre psychothérapique de l'Ain

Leading player in mental health The Ain Psychotherapeutic Center, a private institution of collective private interest, provides, as part of its public service mission in mental health, prevention, diagnosis, care, psycho-social rehabilitation, in general psychiatry, child psychiatry and geriatric psychiatry. Thanks to a diversified range of care services, spread across the entire Ain department, the people of Ain are assured of having local care. Different centers and units structure an efficient and caring care offer, including local reception and care structures. Indeed, the CMP, CATTP, day hospitals, and mobile teams of the CPA provide 90% of follow-ups. Shared care systems …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

6 427
Association ORSAC Association ORSAC

Organization for health and reception The ORSAC association, Organization for health and reception, is an association under the 1901 law, recognized as being of public utility by decree of January 25, 1952. It was founded in 1937, in Hauteville, in the Ain, and today manages 89 establishments and services in various sectors: psychiatry, follow-up care and rehabilitation, child protection, reception, accommodation and care of children and adults with disabilities, reception, accommodation and care of dependent elderly people, sheltered work, social and professional integration. The General Management of ORSAC is located in Lyon (Rhône). Its establishments are spread across Ain, Rhône, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

6 277
Adapei de l'Ain Adapei de l'Ain

The power to act together Created in 1961 on the initiative of parents of disabled children, Adapei de l'Ain is a non-profit association that works for people with mental disabilities. A major player in the medical-social sector, Adapei de l'Ain supports and guides families, defends the rights and living conditions of people with disabilities, and acts to promote their integration into society. Its teams welcome, care for and accompany 1,800 adults and children with disabilities in 56 establishments spread across the department (homes, reception centers, medical-educational institutes, adapted companies, etc.). Among the largest employers in the department, Adapei relies on …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

10 273

The CFPS is nearly 180 training courses for healthcare professionals led by nearly 350 field trainers. The CFPS is a key player in training in the Auvergne Rhône Alpes region in the health, social and medico-social sectors. It is made up of recognized speakers. It is nearly 350 field specialists who put their skills and expertise to the benefit of trainees and train more than 4,000 professionals per year. The entire CFPS team is at your disposal to support you in the implementation of your projects, your events and your continuing professional development. health, continuing education, health professionals, training organization, …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

2 76
Réseau Périnat Nouvelle Aquitaine Réseau Périnat Nouvelle Aquitaine

Reflect, Share, iNnovate: together to Support you. To contact us, send an email to: The RPNA (Réseau Périnat Nouvelle-Aquitaine) is the perinatal health network of Nouvelle-Aquitaine. It brings together, in a multidisciplinary manner, the actors of perinatal care and offers them a space for reflection and sharing around projects for the prevention and promotion of health, the improvement and harmonization of practices. It coordinates and drives innovative actions intended to optimize personalized care.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

7 11

The Montluçon - Néris les Bains Hospital Center is located in the heart of a health area of ​​140,000 inhabitants MONTLUCON NERIS LES BAINS HOSPITAL CENTER 18, Avenue du 8 mai 1945 03100 MONTLUCON

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

1 234


Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

3 200

AdESM (Association of Public Mental Health Service Establishments) is an association under the 1901 law that brings together public and private non-profit establishments responsible for the public psychiatry service. Its 200 members include establishments specializing in mental health and multidisciplinary university hospitals/clinics.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

11 1

OUR profession, YOUR health! The French Association of Medical Regulation Assistants (AFARM) is a professional association whose main objectives are: information, promotion and defense of our profession.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

13 24
Géroscopie Géroscopie

The magazine for professionals in the elderly Created in 2002, Géroscopie is the monthly reference for decision-makers in retirement homes. Its objective is to support managers in their decision-making, by providing them with specialized information, close to the field and their concerns. Contact: Advertising: Hubert Godet -

Type: SMB Activities: it services

21 8

Firefighters of the Rhône department and the Lyon metropolitan area The Rhône departmental fire and rescue service (SDIS) was created on January 1, 1999. In 2014, the Lyon metropolitan area was created and the Rhône SDIS became SDMIS (Departmental-Metropolitan Fire and Rescue Service) on January 1, 2015. The SDMIS carries out its missions for the benefit of 2 local authorities: the Rhône department and the Lyon metropolitan area.

Type: Public

23 1,013
SDIS de l'Ain - SDIS 01 SDIS de l'Ain - SDIS 01

Ain Departmental Fire and Rescue Service. Protection of property, people and the environment. Ain Firefighters Protection of property, people and the environment

Type: Public

20 274

Vichy Communauté Agglomeration community comprising 39 municipalities and 85,700 inhabitants. Allier Department Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region President Frédéric AGUILERA By 2025, our agglomeration will have a transformed face. That of an exemplary space in ecological terms, where soft modes of transport will allow you to reach the urban center to work, or to escape to the countryside by following the walking routes developed along the Allier. The deployment of new sectors at the Vichy University Center and qualifying training will guarantee young people the opportunity to study here. The coherent redevelopment of the territory will benefit the entire tourist economy. Revitalized activity …

Type: Public

30 165
URPS Médecins Libéraux AuRA URPS Médecins Libéraux AuRA

URPS Médecins Libéraux represents and supports the 14,500 independent doctors in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. URPS Médecins Libéraux AuRA represents and supports 13,500 independent doctors in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

10 15
Les Affiches de Grenoble et du Dauphiné Les Affiches de Grenoble et du Dauphiné

The weekly newspaper that takes you out of the daily grind! Information in Isère, since 1923. Les Affiches de Grenoble et du Dauphiné is a legal notices newspaper distributed in the Isère department. Weekly, it has been published every Friday since November 24, 1923. Its content is aimed at a majority of active people, professionals, business leaders, traders and craftsmen, middle and senior executives for local information and legal and judicial notices. legal and judicial notices newspaper and local information

Type: Media

33 33
Ville de Chambéry Ville de Chambéry

🐘Welcome to the Linkedin page of the City of Chambéry! You will find job opportunities, news and ➕ 🐘 Gateway to the Alps and capital of Savoie, Chambéry is located one hour from Lyon and half an hour from Annecy and Grenoble. In Chambéry, you have the advantages of the city (shops, wide cultural, leisure and sports offerings, mobility services) while having nature, lakes and mountains just a few steps or pedal strokes from your home. As a bonus: a beautiful historical heritage and a preserved living environment! Town Hall, Public Service, and Local Authority

Type: Public

19 278
L'Etudiant L'Etudiant

Vous avez l'âge de l'avenir. 🎓 L’Etudiant, a historically multimedia company, is the leading organisation in France in the field of higher education. Regarded as the most significant publisher thanks to its monthly magazines and several yearly comprehensive guides, it is also the leader in organising student fairs. For more than 40 years, l’Etudiant has been keeping its public informed about the world of education through its activities in: > FAIRS • 76 fairs • 2 million visitors • 660 conferences • 1,830 lecturers > INTERNET • 4 websites : - - - • 7,3 million …

Type: Media

180 2,398
MEDIECO Conseil & Formation MEDIECO Conseil & Formation

Expert design office in indoor air quality and health engineering in buildings and urban development. Created a year before the emergence of the concept of sustainable development by two doctors, MEDIECO is a medical ecology company, a pioneer in environmental health, focused on consulting and training. ACHIEVING WELL-BEING IN BUILDINGS The relationship between health and buildings has been at the heart of MEDIECO's activity for over 25 years. Its approach is global, transversal, multi-criteria, in order to integrate all the characteristics of the building. These must combine responses to the primary needs of shelter, living and working space, while guaranteeing …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech constructiontech greentech healthtech smart city

15 10
Unafo, union professionnelle du logement accompagné Unafo, union professionnelle du logement accompagné

194 members who manage more than 155,000 housing units in social housing, youth housing, family pensions Unafo, the network of professionals in supported housing Access to housing for vulnerable people The Unafo network develops and implements innovative solutions to find a housing solution for people in situations of: - precariousness, people who have experienced a family or professional breakdown - mobility, people with low resources in access to employment and training - vulnerability, people who have had accidents in life, in psychological suffering, leaving the street... The job of Unafo members: - offer an independent, affordable, adapted and supported home …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

39 18
Ville de Villeurbanne Ville de Villeurbanne

Villeurbanne is the second city of the Rhône. With its 156,000 Villeurbannais, it occupies the 19th place in the municipalities of France. But beyond the number of inhabitants, it is above all their diversity that makes all the originality and the richness of the city.

Type: Public

88 607
Valence Romans Agglo Valence Romans Agglo

Valence Romans Agglo brings together 54 municipalities and 216,000 inhabitants.

Type: Public

44 504
Trisomie 21 France Trisomie 21 France

Together for a more inclusive society! Recognized of general interest, Trisomie 21 France is a federation which brings together more than 60 associations in France and Overseas which act concretely in the field so that school, employment, health, leisure and all environments, are accessible to everyone, with or without disability. The Federation supports children and adults with Down's syndrome or intellectual difference and helps them participate in social life, like everyone else. It promotes the process of self-determination and self-representation of people with Down's syndrome or intellectual difference and support them in the exercise, in equal freedom, of their citizen …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

24 60
Pôle Ressources National Sport Santé Bien-Etre (PRNSSBE) Pôle Ressources National Sport Santé Bien-Etre (PRNSSBE)

The National Sport Health Health Resources Center, tool of the Ministry of Education, Youth, Sports and Olympic and Paralympic Games is located at CREPS Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Vichy. Its missions are: - Develop the necessary technical skills of the actors in the PRNSSBE field of action - Promote and contribute on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Youth, Sports and Olympic and Paralympic Games to the National Sport-Santé Strategy - Bring elements for the Ministry of Sports in the development and implementation of its well-being-health sports policy - Animate meetings of actors who contribute to the achievement of the objectives of …

Type: Public Activities: healthtech

14 3
SFAR - Société française d'anesthésie et de réanimation SFAR - Société française d'anesthésie et de réanimation

The French Society of Anesthesia and Resuscitation (SFAR) is a recognized learned society of public utility, governed by the law of 1901. It contributes to the study, advancement and teaching of anesthesia, resuscitation and peri-operative medicine. To these statutory objectives, the SFAR added in 1988 the security of all the gestures taken by the resuscitatory anesthesiologists.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

25 99
Psycom (Officiel) Psycom (Officiel)

Psycom is a public organization that informs, directs and sensitizes on mental health. For more than 30 years, Psycom has been a public organization that informs, guides and raises mental health to help people act in favor of their mental health and that of others. We offer reliable, accessible and independent information on mental health (mental disorders, care, support, etc.) in different formats (brochures, videos, press reviews, etc.). We reference resources (listening lines, local directories, mutual aid associations, etc.) to support people in their search for help. We create educational tools (the Mental® cosmos, the garden of Dans ® etc.) …

Type: Public

57 17
Préfecture du Bas-Rhin Préfecture du Bas-Rhin

Official account of state services in the Grand Est region and in the Bas-Rhin department. The prefecture services provide the following missions: & gt; the representation and permanence of the State; & gt; the exercise of sovereign functions, especially in respect for laws; & gt; internal security and civil security; & gt; interdepartmental management and coordination, facilitated by reducing the number of decentralized services (DDI and UT); & gt; interdepartmental communication; & gt; the general regulation of public freedoms; & gt; immigration management; & gt; the functioning of local democracy; & gt; The exercise of prerogatives of public power. Interior …

Type: Public

170 203
Le Progrès Le Progrès

📰 Suivez l'actualité économique de la région News and timeliness on the official website of Progrès. Communication print, Communication web, Presse, and Informations locales

Type: Media

173 764
MMI'e - Maison Métropolitaine d'Insertion pour l'Emploi MMI'e - Maison Métropolitaine d'Insertion pour l'Emploi

The Metropolitan Integration House for Employment is a public interest group which has 46 members: the State, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, the Metropolis of Lyon, Pôle Emploi, the cities of Lyon, Bron, Caluire -et-cuire, Champagne-au-Mont d'Or, Chassieu, Corbas, Collonges au Mont d'Or, Craponne, Dardilly, Décines, Ecully, Feyzin, Fontaines-sur-Saône, Genay, Givors, Grigny, Irigny, Jonage , La Mulatière, La Tour de Salvagny, Limonest, Meyzieu, Mions, Neuville-sur-Saône, Oullins-Pierre-Bénite, Rilleux-la-Pape, Saint-Cyr au Mont d'Or, Saint-Didier-au-Mont 'Or, Saint-Fons, Saint Genis Laval, Saint-Priest, Sathonay Camp, Solaize, Vaulx-en-Velin, Vénissieux, Villeurbanne, Lyon Métropole Habitat, is Métropole Habitat, Grand Lyon Habitat, CCI Lyon Métropole and the Chamber of Rhône trades …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

75 78
Mairie Rive de Gier Mairie Rive de Gier

Entrance to the Loire in Rhône Alpes, Rive de Gier is displayed as a city of the future with confluents of three importance departments that are the Loire, the Rhône and the Isère. This strategic position has enabled Rive de Gier to maintain a quality commercial offer and many leisure spaces. The implementation of a real urban development scheme has rehabilitated the structuring axes of the municipality and permanently improved the living environment of each citizen. The City thus has all the equipment and services capable of satisfying a population in full change. Rive de Gier, door of the Pilat …

Type: Public

3 55
Lyon Métropole Habitat Lyon Métropole Habitat

Solidarity committed Forget all the shots on the HLM and look at the social housing with another eye with Lyon Métropole Habitat. Creation of new districts, construction of residences for all audiences and all ages, support for residents on a daily basis: Lyon Métropole Habitat is a well-living builder together. By promoting the local economy, by developing a proactive policy of professional integration, Lyon Métropole Habitat meets the socio-economic needs of the territories.

Type: Public

50 438

Act with you for health, with a time ahead. | Private health establishment of collective interest Calydial, health establishment with a historic dialysis activity, supports nearly 350 patients per year, including 30 % at home and 70 % spread over 4 units in the South Lyon basin, 3 are also kidney health centers. More than 2000 nephrology consultations are carried out per year, allowing screening and prevention of kidney diseases of populations at risk, which are addressed to us by general practitioners and specialists: cardiologists, endocrinologists, diabetologists, etc. Calydial innovates for the optimization of the patient route with a dynamic …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

15 79
La Voix de l'Ain La Voix de l'Ain

A 100% local brand to talk about 100% local players. The press title was founded in 1957 by merger of several other Catholic press titles in the department, some of which were created at the end of the 19th century. On August 31, 2016, the HCR (weekly Catholic regional Catholic) group was taken up by a holding company composed of Sogemedia and La Manche Libre.

Type: Media

14 40
La Rotonde - Centre de Sciences La Rotonde - Centre de Sciences

#SoySoyScurieux Since 1999, the Rotonde, the center of technical and industrial scientific culture of the National School of Mines of Saint-Etienne, has multiplied projects and actions to disseminate science for all audiences. Laboratory of ideas and experiments, the rotunda is a space to discover, experiment, create, learn, give meaning, interact, share, have fun ... places open to all to immerse themselves in today's world and participate in that of tomorrow. At the rotunda we are committed to allow audiences to develop their critical thinking, to think for themselves, to ask questions, to experience, to participate, to be wrong, to analyze, …

Type: Public

41 22
Promotion Santé Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Promotion Santé Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Let's act together for health! Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes health promotion is responsible for strengthening health education and health promotion in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. Promotion Health ARA is a regional association 1901 non-profit, made up of a seat based in Lyon, of 12 departmental delegations (Ain*, Allier, Ardèche, Cantal, Drôme, Isère, Loire, Haute-Loire, Puy-de -Dôme, Rhône, Savoie, Haute-Savoie) and an illiteracy resource center in Grenoble. * Since July 1, 2024, Adessa (Ain) has joined ARA health promotion becoming the AIN delegation of ARA health promotion. Resource center at the service of professionals, volunteers, elected officials, ARA health promotion: - offers an articulated resource …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech healthtech

8 83

Health science Created in 1964, the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) is a public and technological public establishment, placed under the double guardianship of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the Ministry of the Health. Its researchers are intended to study all diseases, from the most frequent to the rarest, through their organic, medical and health work of populations. Inserm, healthy researcher since 1964 With a 2013 bud budget of € 927 million, Inserm supports nearly 300 laboratories spread over French territory. All of its 1,200 teams brings together nearly 15,000 researchers, engineers, technicians, managers, …

Type: Public

185 39
Spacejunk Grenoble | Street Art Fest Grenoble - Alpes Spacejunk Grenoble | Street Art Fest Grenoble - Alpes

Live art outdoors! 💥 Welcome to the 4th Grenoble Street Art Festival page: From June 1 to July 1, 2018 💥 The first festival in Europe to show street art in all its whole and its plurality of disciplines: Monumental frescoes, collages, stencils or even digital works, but also exhibitions, workshops, meetings and wild evenings on the program! Art, street art, stencil, collage, fresco, painting, sculpture, photography, installation, performance, live, graffiti, and video

Type: Event

13 5