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LogoName Σ Employees

We support the media, culture and businesses in their ecological and united transition. Imagine 2050 is an audiovisual consulting and production company, created in 2018 by Magali Payen. We support the media, culture and businesses in their ecological and united transition. Television, media, culture, art, cinema, influencers, advertising, video, audiovisual, training, advice, transition, ecology, environment, prospective, future, communication, transformation, and stories

Type: Media

24 10

The independent think tank on the Mediterranean and the Middle East IREMMO, a recognized 1901 law association of general interest, is an independent "laboratory of ideas", which intends to deconstruct popular ideas. He explores the emerging dynamics of the Mediterranean and the Middle East, while discovering the region from a geopolitical, economic and cultural angle. The Institute wants to create a real dynamic likely to weigh in public debate: on youth, opinion, decision -makers and political parties.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

11 23
IBPC - International Biodivercity Properties Council IBPC - International Biodivercity Properties Council

Nature and Cities The Association International Consulting Biodiversity & Amp; Real estate (CIBI / IBPC), the primary object of which is to develop urban biodiversity and experiences of nature, values ​​all the functions of the living, at the service of the issues for resilient cities which are in particular the attenuation of the urban islets , the risk of flooding and pollution, but also to develop short cycles and circuits and save resources, especially water and soil. Acting in addition to expertise or basic research centers (universities type, laboratory, national museum of natural history ...), the ICF deals its legitimacy …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city constructiontech

50 12
Les Interconnectés Les Interconnectés

Our mission: to support the digital transformation of communities The interconnected network is responsible for supporting the digital transformation of communities through concrete actions based on sharing, collective intelligence, proximity to the user. The first national association for disseminating digital uses and innovations at the service of the territories, a reference contact of the State, we are both a platform for exchanges, resource center and sharing space. Created in 2009 by Urban France and Intercommunalities in France, the interconnected network has several missions which are all commitments: • Supporting the territories in innovation and communities on the strategic and operational …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city it services

140 5

Together act in favor of the employment of disabled people in Ile de France. Handicap advice & amp; Employment of specialized investment organizations represents at the regional level in Employment Ile -de -France with public authorities and partners. Cheops IDF relies on a base of network and entrepreneurial values ​​of the network type. Cheops IDF also focuses on working in favor of the employment of professional development and employment of people with disabilities by developing its action in this direction. Cheops IDF brings together the 8 managing associations of CAP Employment Ile -de -France.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

13 1
French-German Citizens' Fund French-German Citizens' Fund

We support citizens and their franco-german projects. The Franco-German Citizens' Fund offers council, a network and financiel support for projects that bring the franco-german friendship and Europe closer to people. It supports a great variety of formats and topics, is easy to acces and open for all actors of civil society. The Franco-German Citizens' Fund was created with the Treaty of Aachen and was launched in april 2020. It is implemented by the Franco-German Youth Office and financed in equal shares by the French and the German government.

Type: Public

24 19
Elyas Conseil Elyas Conseil

The future of your innovation begins together. Elyas Consulting, Innovation Booster Partner of innovative companies, Elyas Conseil assists them in their public funding research. Aid for creation, Research or innovation tax credit, regional, national or European subsidies, labeling ... Faced with the multitude of systems and the constant evolution of eligibility criteria, identifying the aids to which a business can claim often proves difficult. The vigilance of the public authorities on the proper use of these aids also requires to rigorously set up its file. Operational consulting firm, Elyas Conseil brings its customers its technical, financial and legal expertise and …

Type: Incubators & VCs

5 21
Aérométiers Aérométiers

Inform, guide, inspire Since 1999, Aérometiers has traced the school road to employment thanks to its expertise on professions and air transport training and stopover assistance and the aeronautical and spatial industry. - an initiative of companies in the sector Our association was created by Air France, the GIFAS (Grouping of French Aeronautical and Space Industries) and FNAM (National Federation of Merchant Aviation) in partnership with Aéroports de Paris and the Air Force to make you better Know the activities and diversity of aeronautics and air professions. Since then, it has opened up to many companies throughout the territory. - …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

23 21
Institut National de l'Économie Circulaire (INEC) Institut National de l'Économie Circulaire (INEC)

Follow us to know the challenges and challenges around the circular economy and the ecological transition 🌿 🌎 The National Institute of the Circular Economy is the referral and influence think tank around the resource economy. Cradle to Cradle, Economy Circular, Ecological Transition, and Circular Economy

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

103 43
StopVEO, Enfance sans violences StopVEO, Enfance sans violences

Prevention, awareness of all audiences (parents, professionals, children) of ordinary educational violence (VEO) Prevention of ordinary educational violence (VEO) with all audiences (professionals, parents, children): information, awareness, vocational training - training organization Certified training organization for continuing education for the prevention of ordinary educational violence for professionals

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

6 12
À priori(s) À priori(s)

The new media of decision -makers Because there is not a single truth, one French territory, a single way of success, a unique reading grid of events. A priori (s) aims to restore the taste for information, nuance and reasoned exchange and to give keys to understanding the economic and political transformations of our society. Lighting, testimonials, singular experiences, creative content, analyzes and crossed dialogues, at the service of the debate of ideas. Nourish your reflection. Join the conversation circle. News, information, media, companies, policy, society, debate, entrepreneurship, and managers

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

14 1

With nearly 50 permanent employees and a constantly growing turnover, Artclair editions are the leader of the artistic press in France. Under the direction of Mr. Jean-Christophe Castelain, our teams based in Paris and supported by a large network of international correspondents publish the following titles: - The Journal of Arts: "All the news of art and its its market around the world every other Friday" - The L'Hoe magazine: "The contemporary magazine that looks at all the arts" - The website "all the news of art in real time"

Type: Media

37 18
Institut national du cancer Institut national du cancer

Together, we will defeat cancers. Let's accelerate progress in the face of cancers The National Cancer Institute (INCA) is the State and Scientific Expertise Agency in Cancer of the State, responsible for coordinating actions to combat cancer. Created by the public health law of August 9, 2004, the Institute is placed under the joint supervision of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Women's Rights, and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. The National Cancer Institute is made up of the form of a public interest group (GIP) which brings together the state within it, the major associations for …

Type: Public

90 195
Institut de la Concertation et de la Participation Citoyenne - ICPC Institut de la Concertation et de la Participation Citoyenne - ICPC

The national network of practitioners of #Concertation and Citizen Participation National network of practitioner‧ne‧s of consultation and citizen participation in all areas, the ICPC is a space for debate and reflection open to all those who ask the question of the improvement and dissemination of practices of consultation and citizen participation in public decision. Consultant‧es, territorial agent, associations or companies, elected, student, researchers, citizens: the diversity of its members makes the wealth of the network. Join us! Consultation, citizen participation, public debate, and network

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

17 6
Institut de France Institut de France

Perpetuate, support, enlighten 5 academies, 113 foundations, an exceptional heritage. Created in 1795, the Institut de France's mission is to offer the five academies (French, inscriptions and Belles-Lettres, Sciences, Fine Arts, Moral and Political Sciences) a harmonious framework to work in the improvement of letters, sciences and sciences Arts, non -profit. Large patron, he encourages research and supports creation through the award ceremony, scholarships and subsidies (more than 23 million euros distributed each year through its sheltered foundations). Placed under the protection of the President of the Republic, he is also the guardian of an important heritage, starting with the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

60 118

Common mobility The GART acts daily alongside the organizing authorities to promote the development of public transport and alternative modes to autosolism. Directed by elected officials representing the diversity of political and political sensitivities and animated by a dynamic and voluntary permanent team, our association shares the major challenges of sustainable mobility with its members, more than 210 mobility organizing authorities. The Gart thus pursues its tireless work of support for communities and defends their interests at all levels in which public policies are determined. Sustainable mobility, public transport, Mobility payment, parking, ticketing, accessibility, intermodality, multimodality, gentle mobility, active mobility, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

76 67
Ôpotager Ôpotager

When the vegetable garden generates, hires, facilitates, develops, animates local cooperation ÔPotager is a co-creation and animation service of "cooperative vegetable gardens", combining businesses, collaborators and various players present in the same local territory (associations, inhabitants, schools, other companies, ...). ÔPotager's missions to generate, engage, facilitate, develop and animate cooperation, while acting concretely and now the preservation of the living. Implementing a "cooperative vegetable garden" is: 🌱Contribute to the well-being of collaborators and their desire to work together, 🌱Sensitize the reception of biodiversity and the protection of our environment 🌱 Developing local and virtuous local social and economic exchanges, Innovatively, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

5 1
Le Télégramme Le Télégramme

Regional information daily from the municipalities of Brittany. Live news on Brest, Rennes, Quimper, Lorient and + Regional daily founded in 1944 at the Pointe de la Bretagne, the telegram today occupies 5th place in titles of the regional daily press. The newspaper has gradually transformed into a multimedia information company: paper, web, television, mobile. Elected best French daily newspaper at the media grand prix in 2015, he is one of the 10 French press titles and one of the only two regional press titles which obtained the maximum note of 100 in 100 in the 2021 report in Newsguard …

Type: Media

136 690

Health science Created in 1964, the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) is a public and technological public establishment, placed under the double guardianship of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the Ministry of the Health. Its researchers are intended to study all diseases, from the most frequent to the rarest, through their organic, medical and health work of populations. Inserm, healthy researcher since 1964 With a 2013 bud budget of € 927 million, Inserm supports nearly 300 laboratories spread over French territory. All of its 1,200 teams brings together nearly 15,000 researchers, engineers, technicians, managers, …

Type: Public

185 39
Ugict - Les Ingés Cadres Techs CGT Ugict - Les Ingés Cadres Techs CGT

Ugict-CGT, the union reference of engineers, executives, technicians, master's degrees The Ugict-CGT organizes the union activity of engineers, executives and technician professions within the CGT. We represent 80,000 affiliates of all professional branches and all the territory, and are to be to our aspirations and our experience at work translate into majority demands. Our unionism integrates this specific relationship to work because of our functions, our level of responsibility, our expertise and our role in the organization of work. The UGICT is a member of Eurocadres, an organization associated with the European Union Confederation (CES). Professionally committed and socially responsible …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

50 27
Infra Gestion Infra Gestion

Infra Gestion offers hyper -specialized financial engineering services in structuring and managing public infrastructure financing. We have developed important expertise in supporting public and private persons when setting up complex contractual montages of the PPP type. Asset Management, Public Private Partnerships, Public Infrastructure, Investment, and Project Finance

Type: Incubators & VCs

17 15
Inclusiv'Day Inclusiv'Day

Join the organization of organizations committed for a more inclusive company #inclusivday #Inclusivday, the appointment of inclusive organizations and social innovations returned on April 10, 2024 in Paris La Défense Arena

Type: Event

50 1
Immoweek Immoweek

The whole B2B info of real estate - News & amp; Real estate connections Created by Pascal Bonnefille and Valérie Garnier, the Immeek group (at the time PBO Press Initiatives) started from a double observation: the need for real estate professionals (both tertiary and housing) to have informative tools Indispensable for their development, but also to make yourself known better and to present a positive image of the sector, corresponding to the tremendous effort of professionalization carried out then, and since then. Immoweek is the press company dedicated to information for real estate professionals. From paper to paper (magazine) via …

Type: Media

143 8
FAIRe un monde équitable FAIRe un monde équitable

Our consumption choices have an impact: let's give them even more weight! Together, let's build a fair world. Making a fair world is a national movement of citizens committed for more responsible consumption and a more equitable trade. Our raison d'être: support a new consumption culture for a sustainable and equitable world, by raising awareness and mobilizing young people and all citizens. Popular education, awareness, games, workshops, conferences, change to change, collective intelligence, and exchange of practices

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

6 10
Imagine for Margo - Children without Cancer Imagine for Margo - Children without Cancer

Cancer is the 1st cause of health death in children in France and Europe. Mobilize by our side! The Imagine for Margo association, recognized as a public utility, conducts awareness -raising and fundraising actions to finance European research in the field of pediatric cancers, in France and in Europe and provides support to the families concerned. His ambition: imagine a world with children without cancer Imagine for Margo has several axes of mobilization: 1- The financing of specific European research programs intended to find innovative and more effective treatments against pediatric cancers 2- Awareness of the public authorities to change …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

85 31
IHEdM - Institut des Hautes Etudes des Métropoles IHEdM - Institut des Hautes Etudes des Métropoles

In the heart of metropolises! Institut des Hautes Etudes des Métropoles A program of excellence based on the sharing of experience between metropolitan leaders of the public and the private sector. IHEDM is a program of study, training and exchange of excellence (Executive MBA level), based on 6 strong axes: & gt; priority to the concrete, the sharing of "in real" experiences, the strategic decision -making & gt; Decentralized training in the various metropolises: 4 trips to metropolitan France per session, including one abroad & gt; A perfectly balanced face -to -face/distant sharing (50% - 50%), a great freedom of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

49 6

Public service intelligence Editions Weka is the first subsidiary founded in France by the Weka group, almost 40 years ago. Our company has chosen to specialize in the provision of regulatory information and the support of decision -makers in their daily public action. The values ​​of professionalism, reliability and sense of service which are essential in our eyes, combined with our concern for action, of proximity, have opened up confidence on a large part of the actors of the territories for several decades. Today more than ever, we are listening to our customers and partners, with a permanent concern to …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

35 67
HopHopFood HopHopFood

HOPHOPFOOD, the solidarity anti-waste app! Hophopfood is a recognized association of general interest non -profit. Our mission? 🎯 Fight against precariousness and food waste. How ? 📱 Thanks to a donation application, connecting solidarity businesses with students and families in food in precariousness. 🍏 Hophopfood is more than 7 million meals offered to people in precarious situations! Hophopfood also offers awareness -raising workshops for food waste and solidarity issues, especially around team building activities with committed teams. Do not hesitate to go to our site or to contact us to find out more about our activities, especially if you want …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech cleantech greentech

45 28
AccessiJeux AccessiJeux

Play Accessijeux is a 1901 law association of general interest whose objective is to make modern board games accessible to the visual deficient. Its actions are local (evenings "Games for all in Paris) and national (participations in the autonomy fairs of the disabled person and game festivals). The association also works in search of new tools to make games accessible (smartphone application, 3D printing ...). The toy library, the sole structure of the genre in the 12th arrondissement, welcomes from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. from Tuesday to Saturday a varied audience. “Games for all” evenings are organized on the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: games

7 6
BureauxLocaux BureauxLocaux

👨‍💻 The specialist platform for professional real estate 🔎 Offices • Coworking • Shops • Warehouses • Lands, 1st real estate website for all businesses, broadcasts more than 55,000 ads of offices, premises, shops and warehouses throughout France. The site also offers a whole range of services around the real estate project. We find all the information useful for better renting, buying or managing your professional premises (market price, practical tips ...) as well as advice for choosing the right establishment. also provides its Internet users with a selection of quality providers to support the company in its …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech Technologies: SaaS

12 13
EcoTrail Paris EcoTrail Paris

Trail is invited to Paris! Trail is invited to Paris! How can ECotrail Paris increase the visibility of your brand? 👉 Ecotrail Paris is not a simple race, CSR is at the heart of the project and that, our partners have understood this to enhance their actions 👉 To associate with Ecotrail Paris is much more than a simple sports partnership 👉 What if you offer your customers and employees a unique experience in the heart of Paris? 👉

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

14 6
Handitech Trophy Handitech Trophy

National competition rewarding tech project leaders in favor of disability 🏆 propelled by Jobinlive and Bpifrance Founded by Jobinlive and BPFIRANCE, Handitech Trophy is a national competition rewarding start-ups, students, associations, and research laboratories that develop inclusive technologies intended to compensate for handicap or loss of autonomy. Handicap, innovation, tech4good, employment, health, accessibility, and digital

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

83 5

Info, advice and testimonies to enter and evolve in public service The Public Service Vocation Group is a Print-Digital-Events publishing company specializing in employment in the public service founded by Antoine Ingold in 2008. The Group Vocation Service Public offers a single system of information for candidates for recruitment from public and parapublic establishments, and public state, territorial and hospital functions, as well as to public officials already in office and who wish to develop their career. Print-Digital-Event supports of the Vocation Public Service Group allow you to touch, in a valuing editorial context, the target of "new entrants" and …

Type: Media

21 5
Commune Mesure Commune Mesure

Value and view the effects of hybrid places. Municipality measure is a resource platform on the measurement of impacts and the evaluation for third-places and hybrid places. Who is the common measure for? First and foremost, to third-party managing teams who want to carry out an evaluation or measurement of impact. Then to people who want to know more about third places, whether they are communities, financiers or simple curious people finally, to students and researchers who are interested in having data on third places.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics SaaS

14 2
Grolleau Grolleau

Cabinet specialist & amp; Energy distribution shelters Urban networks / Telecom / Custom products & Amp; Services Grolleau builds your ideas and imagines the networks of tomorrow Present in multiple activity sectors: telecommunications, Broadcast, rail, naval, electric charging stations, etc. Grolleau specializes in the design and manufacture of metal cabinet of energy, and sheet metal solutions integrated into severe environments.  An evolutionary response to the mobility of tomorrow. Grolleau manufactures its “Groove by Grolleau” range of charging station for electric and hybrid vehicles adapted to urban, collective or domestic use.  A referent player on the telecommunications market. Grolleau …

Type: SMB Activities: it services manufacturing Technologies: 5G

18 140
GHR Paris IdF GHR Paris IdF

Our missions: inform, support, advise and defend the #cafertiers #hoteliers on a daily basis The GHR Paris Île-de-France wants to expression GHR in the region. He federates and represents professionals of hotels, cafes, restaurants, nightclubs and caterers organizers of receptions installed in Paris as well as in the departments of Essonne, Hauts-de-Seine, Seine-et-Marne, Seine -Saint-Denis, Val-de-Marne, Val-d'Oise, and des Yvelines. An organization close to its members, at their service and their listening daily, led by lawyers with skills specific to the profession, to the daily service of members: advice, information, assistance and support on all subjects, projects or problems to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

11 14
GIE Paris Commerces GIE Paris Commerces

This account is closed! ⚠️ Find all the contents of the GIE Paris Shops on ➡ Paris shops This account is closed! ⚠️ Find all the news of the GIE Paris Shops on ➡ Paris Shops

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

7 9
Gestes Propres Gestes Propres

Stop abandoned waste! We are clean gestures, an environmental association that has been working for more than 50 years for a world without abandoned waste. About 1 million waste is abandoned in France each year. And the consequences are enormous: threat to biodiversity and terrestrial and marine ecosystems, health risks, decrease in the attractiveness of territories and well-living together ... The subject is size! At clean gestures, we act on different levers: • We deploy national campaigns to raise awareness of the impact of abandoned waste on our environment - terrestrial and sailor - which we also make available to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

22 8
GÉROND'IF, gérontopôle d'Île-de-France GÉROND'IF, gérontopôle d'Île-de-France

Enlighten, prevent, raise awareness, innovate around aging Gérond’if, the Gérontopôle in the Seniors service in Île-de-France! The Gerontopôle d'Imme-de-France is a non-profit association, created in 2016. It constitutes a regional pole to promote excellence and innovation in geriatrics and gerontology. Gérond’if collaboratively federates the actors of aging in order to boost research, innovation, industrial valuation and training in these fields. It thus brings together multidisciplinary skills around the problem of aging well. Gérond'IF is an association of general interest, certified qualiopi and elected European reference site for active and healthy aging by the European Commission. He was also carrying the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech silvertech

41 17
FSTT (France Sans Tranchée Technologies) FSTT (France Sans Tranchée Technologies)

Association for the promotion of trench -free work The FSTT, France without Trench Technologies is a scientific and technical association bringing together project owners, local communities, project managers, design offices, academics, engineering schools, general or specialized companies , manufacturers and suppliers of equipment or materials, unions and neighboring institutions ... The purpose of the FSTT is to promote without trench techniques for pipeline work on buried networks. His vocation is therefore triple: research, training, information. Trench -free techniques make it possible to avoid digging trenches during the installation or maintenance of buried networks. They also include techniques for identifying and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

21 10
France Psoriasis France Psoriasis

All united in front of psoriasis and psoriatic rheumatism! Founded in 1983, recognized as a public utility in 1999, France Psoriasis is the only patient association in France, dedicated exclusively to the support of people with psoriasis and/or psoriatic rheumatism, and their loved ones. National telephone permanence at: 01 42 39 02 55, or by email: Listen from Tuesday to Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Association's website: Health, skin psoriasis, psoriatic rheumatism, and therapeutic education

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

17 6
France Nature Environnement Ile-de-France France Nature Environnement Ile-de-France

Wherever the environment needs us! France Nature Environnement Ile-de-France is the Regional Federation of Ile-de-France associations for the protection of nature and the environment. She is the spokesperson of more than 400 associations, unions or departmental and local collectives. Member of the French Federation France Nature Environnement, FNE Ile-de-France is its regional representative. Created in 1974, it has been governed by the 1901 law, approved environment since 1981 and authorized for environmental dialogue at the regional level since 2012. It is independent of any denominational, union, economic or political movement. The 400 associations, 45,000 members and teams of volunteer experts …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

30 23
France Lutte - Fédération Française de Lutte France Lutte - Fédération Française de Lutte

To the origins of Olympism, to the origins of the fight. The French Federation of Wrestling and Associated Disciplines (FFLDA) is an association law 1901 recognized as a public utility, founded in 1913. The FFLDA has 3 main missions: • Regulating and directing the practice of the Olympic struggle in its 3 styles (female struggle, free struggle and Greco-Roman struggle) and associated disciplines (Gouren, Sambo, Grappling). • Ensure the development and promotion of educational, social and cultural functions of the struggle and associated disciplines. • Complete executives training (diploma in coaches, referees, grades). Sport, Association, Development, Promotion, Training, Education, Performance, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

37 45
France Hydrogène France Hydrogène

The actors of the hydrogen sector in France France Hydrogen federates the actors of the French hydrogen sector structured throughout the value chain: large industrial groups developing major projects, SMEs and innovative start-ups supported by laboratories and centers of excellence, associations, competitiveness clusters and local authorities mobilized for the deployment of hydrogen solutions. Its ambition: to accelerate the development of hydrogen solutions to succeed in the energy transition, boost the economy and create value locally to improve the quality of life of all.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

134 51
France Esports France Esports

Promotion and supervision of electronic sports The purpose of the France Esports association is to represent the common interests of economic, professional or amateur agents, from the electronic sports sector, as well as to develop, promote, supervise the practice of electronic sports in a spirit of equity and development human, registering in the values ​​and the main fundamentals of Olympism (article 1 of its statutes). E-sports

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

32 22
France Congrès et Evénements France Congrès et Evénements

France Congress and Events is the association of Congress and Events cities. France Congress and Events is the association of Congress and Events cities. Chaired by David Lisnard, mayor of Cannes, she federates elected officials (mayors and presidents of agglomerations), professionals (site managers, providers ...) and associates the organizers (professional federations ...) with her action. Congress, Events, Tourism, Eco -responsibility, Sustainable Tourism, ISO 20121, Innovations, and organizers

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: traveltech

84 4
Fondation Mozaïk Fondation Mozaïk

For an inclusive company where each and everyone finds their right place with regard to their skills: join us! Dedicated to economic inclusion, the Mozaik Foundation is the first shareholder foundation in France to act against employment discrimination. Innovative, its model is at the service of a global change in practices and mentalities. Its objective: to work on a more inclusive society where equal opportunities is no longer the exception but the norm. Its mission: the meeting between recruiters and candidates of less privileged territories. - by accompanying candidates in their trajectories to employment and individual emancipation - by supporting …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

111 51
Forum Français pour la Sécurité Urbaine Forum Français pour la Sécurité Urbaine

The only French network of local authorities dedicated to the prevention of delinquency and urban security Created in 1992 at the initiative of Gilbert Bonnemaison, deputy mayor of Epinay-sur-Seine, the French Forum for Urban Security (FFSU) is an association bringing together around a hundred local communities, representatives of geographic, urban and political diversities In France. Our network aims to strengthen local urban security policies respecting a balance between prevention, repression and solidarity, and to promote the role of local authorities in the development of policies at national and European level. The FFSU is part of the European Urban Security Forum …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

37 17
Mieux se Déplacer à Bicyclette (MDB) Mieux se Déplacer à Bicyclette (MDB)

The Association of Ile -de -France cyclists Better getting around Bicyclette (MDB) is the first Ile -de -France cycling association. We are convinced that cycling is the solution to move throughout Île-de-France. Our goal: that everyone can use their bikes effectively, pleasant and secure! We have been militating since 1974, which makes MDB one of the pioneer bicycle defense associations. Today, we have more than 1,400 members in Paris and in all Ile -de -France departments thanks to our network of local antennas. On a daily basis we act for the bicycle: - by dialogue with elected officials and technicians …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

42 12

#Semae, the interprofession of all #semences and all their uses (ex #GNIS) #Semae, the interprofession of all #semences and all their uses (ex #GNIS)

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: agritech

62 348
Tourisme Judiciaire Tourisme Judiciaire

Collaborative application between lawyers, incubated by the Hauts-de-Seine Bar Judicial Tourism is a project incubated by the Hauts de Seine bar, aimed at facilitating pro travel from lawyers. #Avocats #legal #legaltech #tourismejudicial #judicial Lawyers and Legaltech

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

29 N/A

Support the development and ambitions of ESPCI Paris - PSL The ESPCI Paris Fund was born in 2011 from the joint initiative of ESPCI Paris, the city of Paris and the ESPCI Alumni association. The ESPCI Paris fund is intended to contribute to the development and influence of ESPCI Paris - PSL. Its objectives: - Help the hatching of talents - Develop science - Act for education - Support break -in innovation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

9 4
Fondation Palladio sous l'égide de la Fondation de France Fondation Palladio sous l'égide de la Fondation de France

Act for the construction of the city of tomorrow Original tool for mobilization, research and reflection over the long term and in the general interest, the Palladio Foundation intervenes directly with the actors, who have or will have the responsibility to build the city, by creating the support tools necessary for Reversing (Palladio Institute), Relay Preparation (Pôle Avenir Palladio) and anticipation (Palladio research pole).

Type: Incubators & VCs NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

75 29
Fondation Nexity Fondation Nexity

Since its creation in 2017, the Nexity Business Foundation aims to support projects of general interest in the field of social integration through housing, employment and training. Since 2022, the Nexity Foundation has been working for: - equal opportunities in particular for young people aged 14-26 from priority districts of city policy or modest circles, - the fight against precariousness, especially women and young people - Insertion through sport, using physical and sports activity as a tool for social impact with young people. With a budget of more than € 4.5 million over 5 years, it aims to co-construct with …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

53 3
Fondation La Sauvegarde de l'Art Français Fondation La Sauvegarde de l'Art Français

The safeguarding of French art supports art and architecture throughout the territory The safeguarding of French art is a foundation recognized as a public utility. Created in 1921, it is one of the first organizations to have engaged in France for heritage conservation. Commonly called "safeguard", the Foundation has been devoted since its creation to the restoration of buildings, mainly churches and rural chapels, throughout France. It distributes more than 1.5 million euros per year to finance catering work. It benefits from a network of correspondents spread across the entire territory to support the owners of the buildings in danger. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

33 27
Les Résilientes d’Emmaüs Alternatives Les Résilientes d’Emmaüs Alternatives

Emmaüs alternative design and professional integration studio. Launched in January 2017, resilients is a design studio in the middle of a professional integration whose objective is to collectively create object collections from the deposits of material from donations made to the association and which cannot be sold or redistributed as it is. The resilients x Emmaüs alternatives have a plural commitment; Put creativity at the service of insertion and design at the service of the environment.

Type: SMB Activities: uxtech Technologies: New Materials

10 3
Fondation INFA Fondation INFA

Training, employment, life. With more than 1 million people formed since 1945, the INFA Foundation is the first foundation recognized as a public utility, entirely dedicated to professional #formation. #Re Our fundamental mission, resulting from a long history born at the Liberation, is the support of the least qualified young people and adults towards access to professional qualification. Beyond the learning of a profession or the acquisition of a diploma, we form our trainees to understanding the world around them, we develop their relational skills and their civic integration, we in stations to " 'Learn to learn ”. Our training …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

29 775
Grameen Credit Agricole Foundation  Grameen Credit Agricole Foundation

Promote inclusive finance and social business The Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation was created in 2008, under the joint impetus of Crédit Agricole S.A. executives and Professor Yunus, winner of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize and founder of the Grameen Trust. The Foundation's mission is to contribute to the fight against poverty and inequality by promoting financial inclusion and social impact entrepreneurship. As an investor, lender, technical assistance coordinator and fund advisor, the Foundation finances and supports microfinance institutions, companies and projects that promote inclusive finance and the development of rural economies worldwide. Microfinance, Microassurance agricole, Equity, Développement, Lutte contre la …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

17 32
Fondation FondaMental Fondation FondaMental

Together, to gain speed of mental illnesses! The fundamental foundation is a foundation of research and care dedicated to improving diagnosis, understanding and treatment of mental illnesses. She combines cutting -edge care and research to promote personalized and multidisciplinary management of severe psychiatric disorders. To gain speed of mental illnesses and promote personalized medicine in psychiatry, the fundamental foundation has given itself four missions: - Improve early diagnosis, management and prognosis; - Accelerate research in psychiatry; - Distribute knowledge; - Break prejudices. research, psychiatry, and prevention

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

56 38
FACE, la Fondation pour l'inclusion FACE, la Fondation pour l'inclusion

Faced with, the Foundation for Inclusion is a recognized foundation of public utility (FRUP) since 1993. It brings together public, private and associative actors in the fight against exclusion, discrimination and poverty. For 30 years, it has been a unique meeting place for companies and public players acting on these fields, constituting the largest French network of socially committed companies. FACE is an original ecosystem made up of the Foundation, its network - around fifty local structures led by hundreds of employees and patrons, as well as around forty foundations under its aegis. Fight against exclusion, fight against discrimination, actions …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

131 160
Fondation des Femmes Fondation des Femmes

Reference foundation in France on the rights of women and the fight against the violence they are victims. The Women's Foundation is the reference structure in France for equality and women's rights. It aims to bring together personalities, businesses and citizens committed on matters of equality between women and men, mixed, combat against violence and women's rights. The Women's Foundation today has three objectives. Its first mission is to collect funds, thanks to large -scale events and collection campaigns, with the general public and businesses. The Foundation of Women then redistributes the funds collected to associations which act for women's …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

93 94
Fondation Dauphine Fondation Dauphine

Invent the future together Since its creation in 2008, the Dauphine Foundation has supported the progress of higher education and the influence of Paris Dauphine - PSL University by funding strategic and innovative projects thanks to donations from individuals and businesses. Animated by a vision of excellence and solidarity for the university, the Foundation promotes Dauphinois research and entrepreneurship initiatives, international mobility, cultural training, student housing, as well as equal opportunities. Through its actions, the Foundation thus accompanies the three main lines of development in Paris-Dauphine: creativity, international and social responsibility. The Foundation is also a way to ensure the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

47 27
Fondation AIA Fondation AIA

Architecture - Health - Environment The AIA Life Designers business foundation is working on urban prospective on the architecture, health and environment relationship to live the city well. Architecture and health, well -being and health in the city, quality of urban life, environment and health, prospective and urban innovations, climate change and ecological transition, urban life expectancy, sustainable city, urban ecology, actions and public policies in matters of Spatial planning, cities resilience, smartcity in connection with architecture and health, living the city, positive health, and active design

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech healthtech smart city

29 2
Fondation Abbé Pierre Fondation Abbé Pierre

Be human! The Abbé Pierre Foundation is a recognized non-profit association of public utility since 1992. It was founded by Father Pierre and aims to fight against poor housing, poverty and exclusion. It is a secular and militant movement. The Foundation has notably created a network of solidarity stores and family pensions, respectively unconditional reception structures for people in difficulty and living spaces for people leaving the great exclusion. In addition to her actions dedicated to access and maintenance in housing, she finances 500 associations each year which fight alongside her against poor housing. More info here: For 30 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

103 212
Flottes Automobiles Flottes Automobiles

BtoB publisher and organizer of trade shows on corporate fleet management and mobility. - A monthly print magazine and website covering news, analyses and in-depth articles on fleet management ► - Trade shows for corporate fleet management and mobility solutions. Les Rencontres Flotauto Paris (12th year on March 9th 2023) ► Les Rencontres Flotauto Lyon (1st year on October 6th 2022) ► - The annual print/web guide for fleet professionals. A reference book that lists all fleet players and provides advice on all aspects of fleet management and mobility. ► - Training courses on fleet management in …

Type: Media

95 34
Fermes d'Avenir Fermes d'Avenir

Together, let's accelerate the development of agroecology! Our mission is to accelerate the agricultural transition in France, by pushing agroecological farms throughout the territory. An association of the SOS group! Agroecology, permaculture, training, agroforestry, organic agriculture, advice, market gardening, creation of farms, microferm, and ppam

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

32 88
Fédération hospitalière de France (FHF) Fédération hospitalière de France (FHF)

The French Hospital Federation represents hospitals and public medico-social establishments Created in 1924, the French Hospital Federation (FHF) brings together more than 1,000 public health establishments (hospitals) and as many medico-social structures (retirement homes and autonomous specialized reception houses), almost all of the public sector establishments. This legitimacy and its national dimension make FHF a leading player in the health world, an actor all the more listened to as it is truly trans-political, as evidenced by the composition of its council of 'administration. The FHF fulfills a triple promotion, information and representation function: 1. Promotion of the public hospital and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

103 3
Fédération Française Handisport Fédération Française Handisport

Enter the movement! The French Handisport Federation is a recognized association of public utility, a member of the French Paralympic and Sports Committee and the French National Olympic and Sports Committee. For over 70 years, she has been ensuring the development, animation and promotion of sports activities for people with physical or sensory disabilities. It offers more than 50 leisure or competition sports, including 20 summer and winter paralympic sports. The FFH lists 30,000 licensees and 1,750 affiliated associations. Find out more: Sport, handicap, training, leisure, competition, expertise, network, and performance

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

75 212

GRET is an international development NGO founded in 1976 and governed by French law, which works both in the field and at political level to provide sustainable, innovative responses to combat poverty and inequalities. GRET operates together with populations in developing countries and stakeholders in development with a global, multi-disciplinary approach. GRET in 2015: 771 professionals, 150 projects and expert evaluations involving at least 2.8 million people in 28 countries. Genre, Changement climatique, Jeunesses, Communs, Agroécologie, Foncier, Filières, Microfinance, Formation professionnelle, Nutrition, Santé, Ressources naturelles, Eau, Assainissement, Energie, Gestion des déchets, Villes, Citoyenneté, Recherche-action, and Capitalisation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

26 815
Fédération Française de Savate boxe française & D.A Fédération Française de Savate boxe française & D.A

Welcome to the official page of the French Federation of French Savate & amp; D.A.! The French Federation of French boxing savate and associated disciplines has the object, in France, of: - promote - develop - Animate - organize - Check and regulate The practice, the study and teaching of the French boxing savate, as well as the disciplines associated with it: the combat cane, the Savate Defense and the Savate forms. The FF Savate brings together 54,000 licensees in 758 clubs. The performance of high -level athletes during international championships allow France to be n ° 1 in the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

10 53
Fédération Française de Karaté et Disciplines Associées - FFK Fédération Française de Karaté et Disciplines Associées - FFK

Discover "Ki" you are with the FFK! 🔎 Find a club near you ▶ The French Federation of Karate and associated disciplines is solely competent to ensure any relationship with federations and foreign organizations of karate, Vietnamese martial arts and associated disciplines, to establish international regulations and possibly organize the championships and international competitions , as well as international meetings, open, cuts, or others. The main missions of the Federation: - Organize, control and develop the practice of karate, Vietnamese martial arts and associated disciplines, - contribute by its activities, to the development and promotion of education and culture; …

Type: Media

14 168
Fédération Française de Gymnastique Fédération Française de Gymnastique

Together, let's create the movement. French Gymnastics Federation

Type: Media

21 263
Fédération Française de Badminton Fédération Française de Badminton

Human at the heart of the sports and social performance of badminton. The French Badminton Federation (FFBAD), founded in January 1979, is the body that managed badminton in France. The main objective of this federation is: - to pilot - to encourage - to organize - to regulate - and to develop badminton practice in France. The headquarters of the French Badminton Federation is located in Saint-Ouen (93). Sport, badminton, racket, federation, and cnosf

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

31 100
Fédération des entreprises de services à la personne (FESP) Fédération des entreprises de services à la personne (FESP)

Leader federation of personal service companies. The FEPS is the privileged interlocutor of the public authorities and actors in the personal services sector representing all the intervention methods, companies providers and agents, auto-entrepreneurs and individual employers. Who are we ? The Federation of the Service for Individuals is an association law 1901 created in April 2006. It is a member of MEDEF, the Grouping of Service Professions (GPS) and EFSI. History of the creation of the FES Since the law of July 26, 2005 relating to the development of personal services, the sector has developed strongly thanks to a dynamic …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consumer services

56 71
Fédération des Usagères et des usagers de la Bicyclette (FUB) Fédération des Usagères et des usagers de la Bicyclette (FUB)

National Federation of Local Associations working for the development of cycling as a means of daily travel. The federation of bicycle users works on a daily basis to make the bicycle solution accessible to all French people. With more than 450 member associations, the FUB is the main citizen player in sustainable mobility and the promotion of cycling as a mode of transport. Recognized state interlocutor, the FUB is a force for proposals to national institutions to create a 100% cycleal France. It supports local actors through advocacy campaigns, the animation of services useful for cyclists such as cycling or …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

90 90
Fédération des acteurs de la solidarité Fédération des acteurs de la solidarité

1st National Network for Combating Exclusions Network for the fight against exclusions, the Federation of Solidarity Actors brings together 900 solidarity associations and organizations that welcome and support the poorest, or nearly 2,800 structures: - 800 accommodation and social reintegration centers (CHRS) - 900 workshops and integration sites (ACI) - 75,000 accommodation and temporary housing seats - 30,000 workstations in insertion - 12,000 places in reception centers for asylum seekers (CADA) - more than 15,000 social workers - Thousands of volunteers - 900,000 people in difficulty welcomed each year. For many years, the Federation of Solidarity Actors has had to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

59 136
Fédération Addiction Fédération Addiction

1st addictology network: brings together nearly 200 associations, 800 establishments and more than 500 natural persons. The Addiction Federation is the first addictology network in France. It brings together 190 associations, 800 health, prevention, care and risk reduction establishments and services and more than 500 doctors and pharmacists.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

49 52

Together, against breast cancer! The association against breast cancer, created in France in 1998, has become a major player in the fight against breast cancer, recognized by public authorities, health decision -makers, policies, health professionals and media . Europa Donna France benefits from the institutional support of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the League against Cancer and the Inca. Unmissable representative of women affected by breast cancer, Europa Donna France is associated with the reflections of the world of oncology carried out with institutions, learned companies, health professionals and other associations. fight against breast cancer, patient support, charity …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

21 4
éthi'Kdo - la carte cadeau écologique et solidaire éthi'Kdo - la carte cadeau écologique et solidaire

Cooperative approved of social utility (ESUS) whose mission is to promote more responsible consumption. Ethi'kdo is a cooperative company of collective interest created by the hundreds of French players in responsible consumption, small craftsmen as large associations to launch the first French gift card of the 100% ecological and united brands. Fair trade, made in France, zero waste, reuse, organic ... The Ethi'Kdo card references the largest offer of eco-responsible products thanks to its network of more than a hundred brands and brands (artisans of the world, Emmaüs, Dream Act, Wedressfair, 1083, Perus, Envy, Red Cross insertion ...) Valid only …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

20 27
Établissement public d'aménagement Paris-Saclay Établissement public d'aménagement Paris-Saclay

Paris-Saclay, shared innovation #innovationplayground The Paris-Saclay Planning Planning Establishment Impulse and coordinates the development of the scientific and technological pole of the Saclay plateau, as well as its international economic influence. He is arrangement of concerted development zones in the perimeter of the national interest operation. Paris-Saclay is a major territory of development and innovation that is based on: - Paris-Saclay University and the Paris Polytechnic Institute representing an exceptional scientific concentration by its magnitude, its disciplinary diversity and its level of excellence; - an innovation dynamic at work in several sectors of strategic activity at the service of growth …

Type: Public

163 150
ESSpace ESSpace

Coworking & amp; Associative bar Esspace is an associative #Tierslieu, located in the 13th arr. from Paris, which brings together: - A collaborative coworking space and an incubation program to welcome and support students and young people who wish to undertake in the SSE. - An associative bar to relax, share good times and evenings. Through an open and participative program, we welcome many events: concerts, afterworks, cultural events, projections, student evenings, ...! A place of life, cooperation, creativity and initiatives! Student entrepreneurship, bar, coworking, cultural space, privatization of salle, third place, ESS, concerts, and entrepreneurship

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

11 10
Espace éthique Ile de France Espace éthique Ile de France

The Île-de-France ethical space is a place of training, of research & amp; of debate on medical ethics and bioethics Created in 1995, the ethical space of public assistance - Paris hospitals is the first ethical space designed and developed within an institution (taken up in 2004 as a model of ethical reflection device within the framework of the law relating to bioethics). In 2013 it was appointed space for ethical reflection of the Ile-de-France region (ERE/IDF). In 2010 the ethical space/AP-HP was given the development of the national ethical reflection space on Alzheimer's disease (EREMA) as part of the …

Type: Public

28 12
Les Transmetteurs Les Transmetteurs

Community of retired medico-social and education professional volunteers for reinforcement and transmission. Association created by Doctor Xavier Emmanueli and Doctor Suzanne Tartière in 2005. Transmitters are volunteer retirees who have exercised in the fields of health, education and social. Retirement is not a cessation of activity, on the contrary, it opens up possibilities to act and engage on missions of general interest requiring their level of expertise and experience. Reservists of effective medico-psychosocial and mobilizable medico-psychosocial emergency at any time, transmitters come to reinforce over-controlled medico-psychosocial or extreme tension structures. Bearers of knowledge and experiences acquired over time, the transmitters …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

13 9
En Marche En Marche

For a French and European renaissance, join us on Parti- For those who refuse that the country remains blocked, have a taste for work, progress and risk, and as values ​​freedom, justice and Europe.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

126 556
En avant toute(s) En avant toute(s)

Association for gender equality and the end of violence against women and LGBTQIA+ The association in front of any (s) struggle for equality by addressing young people who question the relationships between women and men in society. It supports young women and LGBTQIA+ people living violence within the couple or the family. It is aimed at all audiences without distinction of gender, social class, culture, belief or sexual orientation. The chat: it is anonymous, secure and free. It is aimed at all those who ask questions about the couple and the violence that can exist there. To those who think …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

31 26
Emmaüs Solidarité Emmaüs Solidarité

Unconditional solidarity since 1954. Founded in 1954, Emmaüs Solidarité fights unconditionally against poverty and exclusion. A member of the Emmaüs Movement, the association supports several thousand single people and families in the Paris region and Loir-et-Cher department every day. While respecting the dignity of each individual, it offers comprehensive, ongoing support to help them integrate into society, through access to rights, housing, training and employment, health and sport, as well as culture, hobbies and citizenship. Emmaüs Solidarité relies on the skills of 950 employees and the help of 600 volunteers.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

59 837
Emmaüs Connect Emmaüs Connect

Emmaüs Connect Fight against digital and social exclusion in a society in dematerialization. Emmaüs Connect is an association of the Emmaüs movement created in 2013 to combat the digital and social exclusion of the most precarious people. Emmaüs Connect, with the help of its 120+ employees and 1,500 volunteers, has already given the power to act to more than 135,000 people faced with isolation. The association has also trained more than 15,000 social guides to digital inclusion and supported more than 350 solidarity structures in the implementation of digital inclusion actions. Through its solidarity programs, Emmaüs Connect supports people on …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

125 281
Elus Locaux Contre le Sida (ELCS) Elus Locaux Contre le Sida (ELCS)

“AIDS is also treated with politics! »» The ELCS association (local elected officials against AIDS) is a non -profit and non -partisan association, open to all. The association supports and implements information and prevention actions for elected officials but also with patients and the general public for the purpose of prevention, information and action. "AIDS is neither right nor left": starting from this simple idea, the ELCS association was created in 1995 by Jean-Luc Romero, first elected to have spoken publicly about his serology. Unique in the associative landscape, this association brings together French elected officials from all political stripes. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

10 4
Ekopolis Ekopolis

Ile -de -France resource center for building and sustainable development. The mission of the Ekopolis association: accelerating the implementation of sustainable practices in the building and development, information and mobilization of Ile -de -France professionals. She continues this mission through four major actions: • Animate a network of committed professionals • Inform professionals by sharing qualified content on its online resource center and by organizing 100 events per year • Train in sustainable construction and rehabilitation through a qualiopi approved training center • Support construction and rehabilitation operations, on the building and development scale, with the durable Buildings of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

60 38
Effinergie Effinergie

Make an unprecedented level of energy efficiency of buildings under construction and renovation. Effinergie or collective Effinergie is a French association created in 2006, which aims to promote constructions and renovations of low energy consumption buildings. Thanks to its labels, Effinergie has made it possible to generalize new low -consumption buildings (BBC) in France and work on the massification of BBC renovation. In parallel, it brings the national definition of positive energy buildings. In March 2017, 3 new labels based on the E+ C- standard was created: BBC Effinergie 2017, BEPOS Effinergie 2017 and BEPOS+ EFFINERGIE 2017. In 2019, an …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech energytech

56 12
École des Arts Décoratifs – PSL École des Arts Décoratifs – PSL

For Over 250 Years, A School that has been home to the creators of Contemporary Design Today multisuly, the school of decorative arts - PSL acts in rhizome to different geographic and symbolic degrees and reactivates the very idea of ​​the decorative arts, closest to the issues and challenges that are addressed to us on the scale of our house terrestrial. From its historical address of 31, rue d'Ulm and its appendix to Issy-les Moulineaux since 2024, where each year 800 students are formed in 10 sectors that are both distinct and transversal (Art-Space, Interior Architecture , Animation cinema, graphic …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

42 256
Palais Brongniart Palais Brongniart

Le Palais Brongniart est le lieu privilégié pour accueillir vos assemblées générales, congrès, conférences, conventions, réunions, cérémonies de remises de prix, lancements de produits, expositions, réceptions, dîners de gala et cocktails. Monument phare et incontournable du patrimoine parisien, le Palais Brongniart bénéficie de la proximité des Grands Hôtels et des Grands Magasins, tout en vous proposant des espaces d'accueil prestigieux et chargés d'Histoire. Aujourd'hui il est un des tout premiers centres de congrès et d'événements à Paris, porteur d'une philosophie d'actions autour de l'innovation économique, sociale et solidaire, un projet mené par le groupe GL events, un des leaders internationaux …

Type: Event

27 9

Land, projects, life ECT transforms neglected sites, rebirth of wasteland, secures quarries to create landscaping, urban farms, outdoor sports equipment, implement photovoltaic power plants or implement reforestation and landing projects. How ? By the valuation of the excavated inert lands of the sites of Ile-de-France. Today, more than 13 million tonnes of inert materials are valued each year over fifteen of our sites. The reuse of construction lands and the transformation of abandoned land is part of a circular economy dynamic. The contributions of land participate and 100% finance the realization of attractive developments for the territories. ECT works in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech greentech

31 150
Fonds de dotation PhiNOE Fonds de dotation PhiNOE

Endowment funds at the service of territories and employment Phinoe is an endowment fund that offers finance at the service of territories and employment. It is part of the raison d'être of the Arkéa group which wishes to intensify its societal and environmental commitment to the service of actors in the territory. Phinoe is abundant by private investors and the Arkéa group. The Phinoe endowment fund meets a double objective: • Promote job creation in territories • support the development and sustainability of companies and associations The Phinoe endowment fund offers 3 types of additional aid: • Honorary loan at …

Type: Incubators & VCs

29 5
DRIEAT (Direction régionale et interdépartementale Environnement-Aménagement-Transports) DRIEAT (Direction régionale et interdépartementale Environnement-Aménagement-Transports)

The Regional and Interdepartmental Directorate of the Environment, Planning and Transport of Île-de-France (Drieat) is a decentralized service of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Ministry of Cohesion of Territories and Relations with local authorities. It implements State policies in terms of transport, planning and sustainable development, environment, energy, town planning under the authority of the prefect of Île-de-France, prefect of Paris, the prefect of police and the prefects of the department. The Drieat participates in the construction of a living environment that best meets the needs of current and future generations of Ile -de -France residents, and brings …

Type: Public

33 493

All information 100% dedicated to architecture, construction and living environment professionals 1st source of information from architecture, construction, living and real estate professionals. The writing of Batiactu informs all the professionals every day through the site, the newsletters, the mobile application and the magazine. Professional press, online media, quarterly magazine, and mobile application

Type: Media

73 9
Groupe BALAS Groupe BALAS

"Let's share the passion to preserve the past and build the future" together " Balas group: preserve the past and build the future Balas is an independent family group of 900 employees, leader in Ile-de-France in fluids, energy and renovation of heritage, which operates in works and services throughout the building cycle. Four entities form the Balas group, and two specialties are historic in plumbing and cover. The strength of the group is its human capital and its own business skills: engineering, production, out -of -site prefabrication are integrated, offering reactivity and mastery of outstanding sites. The soul of the …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Decarbonization

18 516
Communauté d'agglomération de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Communauté d'agglomération de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

SQY, land of innovations. Specific to new cities, the Agglomeration Community of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (CASQY) is an inter-municipal cooperation establishment, to the services of the municipalities and the inhabitants (147,000 inhabitants).

Type: Public

86 511
E2C Paris E2C Paris

Citizen and professional integration of young people aged 16 to 25! Accessible for young people with disabilities E2C Paris aims to support young Parisians without a diploma in a double process of professional integration (via business internships) and citizen integration (via engagement in civic internships). Professional integration, youth, employment, training, alternation, citizenship, and trades

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

59 173
Droits d'urgence Droits d'urgence

Access to the law for all Created in 1995, emergency rights fighting exclusion by promoting access to the law of the most deprived. Because the rupture of law is the main cause of exclusion, emergency rights mobilizes law professionals, volunteers and employees, to go for free as close as possible to people in precarious situations, inform them and support them in their journey administrative and legal. Non -profit association, emergency rights is independent, detached from any political and denominational affiliation.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

29 55