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LogoName Σ Employees
Société des Ingénieurs Arts & Métiers Société des Ingénieurs Arts & Métiers

Unite to act, proud to be gadzarts The company of arts arts & amp; Trades brings together students and former students of ParisTech arts and crafts (École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers): to date 30,000 Arts & amp engineers; Trades (called Gadzarts) active within the largest European network of former students of a large engineering school. Born in 1846 under the name of "Philanthropic society of former students of the royal schools of arts and trades", the company of arts arts & amp; Trades was recognized as a public utility in 1860 before becoming an association governed by the law …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

59 87
Smovengo Smovengo

French specialist in self-service cycling and soft mobility. French company created in 2017, Smovengo is the operator of Vélib 'Métropole since January 1, 2018. To ensure the maintenance and regulation of the largest public service in the world of electric bikes and shared and rechargeable mechanics in station, Smovengo relies On employees and suppliers experts in the cycle and logistics. As part of its missions, Smovengo is committed to social reintegration through employment and continuing education of its employees, and the sharing of knowledge and values. Convinced that soft mobility is the future of the urban transport of tomorrow, Smovengo …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

15 125
SETE - Société d'Exploitation de la tour Eiffel SETE - Société d'Exploitation de la tour Eiffel

The operating company of the Eiffel Tower maintains, operates and animates the Eiffel Tower The operating company of the Eiffel Tower is responsible for the management and operation of the Eiffel Tower on behalf of the City of Paris, owner of the monument. The SETE is a SPL (local public company). The SETE and its teams have the immense pride of being, for a short time in its history, the depositaries of the Eiffel Tower, symbol of Paris and France in the world. We provide reception, visit and safety of customers around the world. We carry out the maintenance and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

51 189

Digital health service FRENCH NON-PROFIT Organization that was created in 2008 and that aims to create synergies between (public and private-held) Healthcare structures or associations such as hospitals, radiology practices or gps association, in the world of information systems. - The purpose of health information systems of health systems in Ile de France is to improve the conditions of activity of its members by facilitating: • Interoperability and mutualisation within Ile-de-France health information systems, • Financial portage, • Project management. GCS members are public health establishments, PSPH, CLCCs, private establishments and liberal doctors. Healthcare, information system, e-health, coordination of care …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

30 133
Services Funéraires - Ville de Paris Services Funéraires - Ville de Paris

Trust the public service The Société Anonyme d'Économie Mixed Economy of Funeral Pumps in the City of Paris (SAEMPF) was born in 1998, with the opening of the funeral sector to competition. Heir to the municipal service for funeral directors, she brings to Parisians the guarantee of public service in a more flexible legal framework. Created to influence the market in terms of price, quality and ethics, funeral services - City of Paris (SFVP), commercial brand of the SAEMP, are controlled by the City of Paris, which holds 74% of its capital . The SAEMPF today operates the agencies of …

Type: SMB Activities: consumer services

4 37
Seqens Seqens

"Giving everyone a chance by innovating for habitat" is our raison d'être. Seqens is an overall player in housing in Ile-de-France. With a park of 105,000 dwellings, including 11,000 so -called specific dwellings, Seqens stands out by a strong territorial network: our heritage is present in more than 310 Ile -de -France municipalities. In 2022, Seqens became the first company with mission of the Action Housing group. Carried by its 1,600 employees, it now has a reason for being: "give everyone their chance by innovating for the habitat". Being a mission company means pursuing ambitious social, societal and environmental objectives, …

Type: Incubators & VCs

62 841
FrayMédia FrayMédia

Sports & amp; Marketing, together let us share our passion At Fraymedia, we have been committed since 2013 to meet the specific challenges of our customers to ensure the commercial activation of our partners, while optimizing their feedback. Creativity and innovation are an integral part of our DNA. Our main areas of skills are advertising management, content edition, licensing, sponsorship, image management, creation of events, production of dynamic films and media relationships. Our athletes & amp; Assigns - Sébastien Loeb: Rally pilot - 9 times WRC world champion - Frédéric Michalak: Rugby player at XV - top scorer in the …

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment martech Technologies: VR

4 10
🌱🌍 🎙Carbone Zéro, la radio 🎧 🌱🌍 🎙Carbone Zéro, la radio 🎧

Edition, production and dissemination of podcasts dedicated to our transformations and our low carbon trajectory 🌍 🌱️ Our reason for being? • highlight the solutions, innovations, projects and initiatives that help reduce our carbon footprint or support our environmental, social and societal transformations. • Give the floor to all those who act on a daily basis: territorial actors, companies, start-ups, institutional, experts, collectives, associations and citizens. • Promote our ecological and energy transition as an opportunity for growth but also as a lever for innovation, differentiation and performance. All our podcasts are available on the zero carbon site, radio and …

Type: Media

51 1
Secrétariat général des affaires européennes (SGAE) Secrétariat général des affaires européennes (SGAE)

More than 70 years of French engagement at the service of European construction The interdepartmental processing of European files is provided in France by the General Secretariat of European Affairs (SGAE). Created in 1948, the SGCI was then responsible for preparing the decisions of the French government as part of the economic reconstruction of Europe in the aftermath of the Second World War. Its role was then adapted and reinforced at each stage of European integration with the main missions of the development of France's positions on community issues and the coordination of links between French administrative and government authorities …

Type: Public

43 223
SantExpo SantExpo

For over 50 years, Santexpo has been the referent health and medico-social ecosystem #Santexpo: The referent ecosystem of #health and #medicoosocial that will be held on May 20, 21 and 22, 2025 in Paris, Porte de Versailles, Hall 1

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

120 6
Routes de France Routes de France

Public space and mobility FNTP specialty union, representing nearly 35% of the activity of the public works sector, Routes de France brings together companies that build and maintain the network of urban roads and roads on all points of the territory. Construction, public works, roads, roads, streets, mobility, infrastructure, professional union, road equipment, asphalt, and bitumen

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

47 18
Rouen Normandy Invest Rouen Normandy Invest

A territory of 800,000 inhabitants, 1 hour from Paris and the beach. The Rouen Normandy Invest Attractiveness Agency offers free, confidential and tailor-made assistance to any company wishing to set up in Rouen, a territory of 800,000 inhabitants, 1 hour from Paris and the beach. Accompagnement des entreprises, Promotion et développement de l'attractivité de la métropole rouennaise, Animation du tissu économique, Accueil des salariés en mobilité professionnelle, Marketing territorial, Tourisme d'affaires, and Relocalisation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

73 38
revue urbanisme revue urbanisme

The reference review on the city since 1932 The reference review on the social, cultural and territorial challenges of urban production. Discover in each issue, a large file: urban logistics, low-carbon city, smart city, territorial resilience, city and health ...

Type: Media

26 20
Resilience France (HCFRN) Resilience France (HCFRN)

Resilience France is the network of exchanges between the public and private sectors on resilience issues in France The HCFDC is an association law 1901 which participates in the reflection on the doctrine, organization and techniques of our country in terms of global security. Its activities aim to inform and train on national security issues and challenges, population protection for the purpose of improving societal resilience in the face of major risks and threats. Since its creation in 1982, the HCFDC has developed an expertise as well in terms of analysis and monitoring of major risks and threats. In addition, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

32 24
Réseau Môm'artre Réseau Môm'artre

Let us reveal the potential of each child through an artistic and civic education. Since 2001, the Môm’Artre Network association has been acting to promote equal opportunities through pedagogy by arts. Each year, it helps more than 10,000 children reveal their potential in Île-de-France, Pays de la Loire, and in Provence-Alpes-Côte d´Azur. In order to extend its impact on children and young people as much as possible, the Môm’Artre network deploys a diversity of modes of intervention: - 9 places of artistic reception after school for children aged 4 to 11 (in Argenteuil, Bondy, Nantes and Paris) - artistic projects …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

14 114
E2C France E2C France

Offer everyone a right to a second chance. In France, the first 2nd chance school was created in Marseille in 1998, on the basis of the principles inscribed in the White Paper "Teaching and learning, to cognitive society" presented in 1995 by Édith Cresson, then European commissioner in charge of science, research and development. Each year, the E2C offers young adults, 16 to 25 years old, with or without the first level of diploma, a new chance of developing skills and skills, in order to become permanently in the labor market. The E2C network has 146 school sites in 64 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

60 148
Relais Culture Europe Relais Culture Europe

Structure publique nationale, Relais Culture Europe est une plateforme d’innovation sur l’Europe et la culture. Relais Culture Europe is a platform on Europe and culture. Its mission is to support the European cultural innovation practices of cultural and creative actors by supporting the development of capacities and projects, cooperation networks and European exchange and research communities. As Creative Europe Desk for France, Relais Culture Europe offers support in the mobilisation of the Creative Europe programme as well as information on other European funding available for culture. Relais Culture Europe is supported by the French Ministry of Culture, CNC and the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

41 22
Racing 92 Racing 92

The Hauts-de-Seine club #Racingfamily Being a racing, more than a state of mind, is a state of soul. And the latter was not forged over time, it existed immediately. Those who, in 1892, shouted "R-A-C-I-N-G!" By detaching each letter, are the same as those who, at the end of the 80s, play with Basque berets or butterfly knots, drinking champagne at halftime. Racing is the most classic and unpredictable clubs. Its constant is the plume, respect for the attack game and its opponents, the sky and white chivalry. The ball of the opposing team went under the posts? Whatever, you …

Type: Event

20 167
Quimper Bretagne Occidentale / Ville de Quimper Quimper Bretagne Occidentale / Ville de Quimper

Quimper Western Brittany, the Quimper agglomeration community, and the city of Quimper employ around 1,800 agents. Quimper Bretagne Western is made up of fourteen municipalities: Briec, Edern, Ergué-Gabéric, Guengat, Landrévarzec, Landudal, Langolen, Locronan, Plogonnec, Plomelin, Plonéis, Pluguffan, Quéménéven and Quimper. It has an area of ​​479.4 km2 and has 100,994 inhabitants. Each year, a hundred employees are recruited in fields as varied as the environment, town planning, information systems, human resources, roads, social, culture, sport. All offers can be viewed at this address:

Type: Public

62 248
Psycom (Officiel) Psycom (Officiel)

Psycom is a public organization that informs, directs and sensitizes on mental health. For more than 30 years, Psycom has been a public organization that informs, guides and raises mental health to help people act in favor of their mental health and that of others. We offer reliable, accessible and independent information on mental health (mental disorders, care, support, etc.) in different formats (brochures, videos, press reviews, etc.). We reference resources (listening lines, local directories, mutual aid associations, etc.) to support people in their search for help. We create educational tools (the Mental® cosmos, the garden of Dans ® etc.) …

Type: Public

57 17
Proxité Proxité

Postity makes young people succeed and strengthens social ties at the heart of territories! Created in Saint-Denis in 2002, Postity aims to support each young person from the territories in difficulty towards their academic and professional success, thanks to support which combines individual sponsorship and collective time. This support is a concrete response for young people who encounter difficulties in their education, orientation and integration. In connection with local socio-educational actors, we offer these young people a tailor-made support, articulating individual sponsorship and collective workshops whose content and pace are adapted to their needs, requests and routes. We also pay …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

60 120
Protection Civile française Protection Civile française

Official account - 32,000 volunteers ready to rescue, train and help populations in France as well as abroad Civil protection is a 1901 law association, recognized as a public utility, approved by civil security which aims to implement all the means at its sight to ensure the protection of civilian populations in peacetime as in time of crisis or war. 32,000 volunteers, 500 local locations and no less than 98 associations make up the face of civil protection. These men and women devoted to the service of the population are involved on three major missions: helping, rescuing and training. First …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

40 556
Préfecture du Bas-Rhin Préfecture du Bas-Rhin

Official account of state services in the Grand Est region and in the Bas-Rhin department. The prefecture services provide the following missions: & gt; the representation and permanence of the State; & gt; the exercise of sovereign functions, especially in respect for laws; & gt; internal security and civil security; & gt; interdepartmental management and coordination, facilitated by reducing the number of decentralized services (DDI and UT); & gt; interdepartmental communication; & gt; the general regulation of public freedoms; & gt; immigration management; & gt; the functioning of local democracy; & gt; The exercise of prerogatives of public power. Interior …

Type: Public

170 203
Plante & Cité Plante & Cité

National technical center on green spaces and landscape Plant & amp; Cited: from research to operational Specialized in green spaces and the landscape, plant & amp; Cité is a national organization for studies and experiments. This technical center ensures the transfer of scientific knowledge to professionals in green spaces, businesses and local authorities. Plant & amp; City produces resources that meet the priority expectations of professionals: reduce phytosanitary products, save water, choose plants adapted to urban constraints, preserve biodiversity, understand the benefits of plants on health and well-being ... Plant & amp; Cité is a 1901 law association created in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

48 26
Plan International France Plan International France

NGOs that act alongside #Filles and Children to enforce their rights. Commit yourself for equality! Member of the International Plan network, the NGO Plan International France acts alongside girls, and more broadly children and young people, to advance their rights and achieve equality of girls-boys. In the context of humanitarian development and crises, we set up programs to ensure the protection of girls, and more broadly and children and young people, against all forms of violence. We act for their access to education and vocational training, we defend respect for their rights to sexual and reproductive health and support their …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

24 65
Plaine Commune Plaine Commune

Plaine Commune is a territorial public establishment (EPT) which brings together 9 cities north of Paris. Plaine Commune, host community of the 2024 Games, employs more than 2,200 agents with various professions. Located in Seine-Saint-Denis, on the north facade of Paris, it brings together 9 cities: Aubervilliers, Epinay-sur-Seine, Ile-Saint-Denis, La Courneuve, Pierrefitte-sur-Seine, Saint-Denis, Saint Ouen, Stains and Villetaneuse. It is identified as a territory of culture and creation in Greater Paris (#Culturelaville) and will be at the heart of #Paris2024. . You can follow the news of the territory on social networks: Culture and creation, urban development, …

Type: Public

91 961
Pitch Immo Pitch Immo

Real estate developer, brand of the Altarea group Pitch Immo based its development on a basis of values ​​that have made its reputation: independence, requirement, commitment and reactivity. Whether high -end or social housing, office buildings, logistics platforms or revaluation techniques, Pitch Immo provides quality work with the desire to serve future generations in strict compliance with 'environment and man. To meet the challenges of the climate transition and contribute to the acceleration of the deployment of the construction with low carbon impact throughout France, the Altarea group, leader in low carbon urban transformation, decided, in 2023, to merge its …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech Technologies: SaaS

42 199
Pierre Hermé Paris Pierre Hermé Paris

Welcome to the universe of Pierre Hermé's tastes, sensations and pleasures. Pierre Hermé is the heir to 4 generations of Alsatian pastry bakers. Celebrated in France, Japan and the United States, the one that Vogue has nicknamed "Picasso of Pastry" brought to taste and modernity pastry. With the "pleasure for the sole guide", Pierre Hermé invented a universe of tastes, sensations and pleasures. His original approach to the pastry chef's profession led him to revolutionize the best established traditions. His work and his audacity make it an essential name for French gastronomy. The High Pastry House imagined and founded by …

Type: Event

16 372

Labor law at the service of social and solidarity economy Cabinet of lawyers dedicated to labor law, specialized in supporting the actors of the SSE. He intervenes particularly with associations, foundations, federations and unions of employers in health, social, medico-social, home help, training, animation, social and family ties, homes and services for young workers and integration through economic activity. The firm is also a partner of the National Group of Directors General of Associations of the Educational, Social and Medico-Social Sector (GNDA), Uriopss Ile-de-France, Uriopss Normandie and the magazine Direction [S]. Labor law, law of social protection, advice, litigation, association, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

19 14

Cédric Petitdidier and Vincent Prioux created in 2004 the agency Petitdidierprioux architects (PPX). Bringing together around thirty collaborators between her two Paris and Lyon agencies, she now has around thirty achievements to her credit. Over the years, she has forged an expertise in the field of housing, by constantly giving the bet of "kind density" in order to reconcile individual housing and collective housing, including for buildings of high high height . Her experience is recognized internationally: she won the 40 Under 40 Prize in 2010; The International Property Awards in 2013, the American Architecture Prize in 2016, as well …

Type: Event

29 32
la pep' bordeaux chartrons la pep' bordeaux chartrons

Nursery of the city of Bordeaux dedicated to start-ups in the heart of the Chartrons In the heart of the Chartrons district of Bordeaux, the PEP 'hosts and accompanies start-ups for the future. Created at the initiative of the City of Bordeaux in 2010, its management is entrusted to the Maison de l'Emploi in Bordeaux. The mission of the nursery is to support start-ups in the key stages of their development and their growth (access to markets, recruitments, funding, fundraising, international development ...), with the aim to perpetuate their activity and create jobs on the territory. This is materialized by: …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

50 11
people&baby people&baby

Our children deserve the best PEOPLE & AMP; BABY, is the first family and independent crèche business in France. It guarantees a unique quality of reception thanks to 2,200 early childhood professionals dedicated to the awakening of children from 0 to 3 years old. Founded and codirigated by Odile Broglin, nursery nurse, people & amp; Baby operates on 230 nurseries. A total of 600 client companies and 80 municipalities have chosen People & Amp; Baby to support them and 18,000 parents entrust their child every day. People & amp; Baby also leads a network of 730 nurseries affiliated with its …

Type: Large company Activities: consumer services

11 1,698
Passerelles et Compétences Passerelles et Compétences

People who help those who help others Bridges & amp; Skills is an association, recognized as a general interest, whose mission is to promote "skills volunteer"; A form of solidarity better suited to the skills and availability of professionals. Since 2002, bridges & amp; Skills thus relates and accompanies uniquely: • Volunteers, mostly in professional activity, wishing to offer their skills punctually to solidarity associations • And associations needing to rely on an outside talent, nonexistent internally, to optimize their operation and thus better fulfill their mission. In 2021, P & AMP; C implemented nearly 700 solidarity missions using a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

32 188
Paroles d'élus Paroles d'élus

The #digital at the service of the territories #Collterr #Transfonum | Since 2005, words of elected officials have promoted digital initiatives of communities, serving territories. So many testimonies of dynamism and audacity that the territories can show to promote digital use and make it a lever for growth. Designed at the initiative of the Assembly of Departments, AMF, AMRF, ANEM, APVF, Regions of France, Cities of France and Orange, the editorial system of elected officials is subject to 'A participatory website: Interactive extension, permanent meetings and exchanges of local elected officials, their collaborators, executives and territorial agents, but also …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

104 1
Paris Terres d'Envol Paris Terres d'Envol

Located in the northeast of the capital, Paris Terres d'Envol is a French inter-municipal structure, created on January 1, 2016 as part of the creation of the Metropolis of Grand Paris. It brings together eight cities of Seine-Saint-Denis: Aulnay-sous-Bois, Drancy, Dugny, Le Blanc-Mesnil, Le Bourget Sevran, Tremblay-en-France, Villepinte.

Type: Public

36 108

See the city and people differently through committed events - Teambuilding - CSR - Seminars Esscapade, social enterprise specializing in events around solidarity and engagement, offers inspiring track games, to celebrate an event (bachelor party -EVJF, EVG- Birthdays ...) or for an animation of 'Company (seminar, Teambuilding, social innovation, CSR, integration of new employees). The objective of treasure hunts are to (re) discover a district or a city with a new look by giving particular attention to positive initiatives & amp; Local: Solidarity places and projects & amp; Citizens, craftsmen, traders, passionate. The treasure hunts created by Esscapade are accessible …

Type: Event

25 5
Paris La Défense Arena Paris La Défense Arena

Both an avant-garde and ultra-modern sports pregnant scene, Paris La Défense Arena is distinguished by its unique versatility. Wanted and initiated by Jacky Lorenzetti, president of Ovalto, and imagined by the architect Christian de Portzamparc, this Arena, makes experiences as varied as Immersives and Interactive. Pregnant with an international vocation, Paris La Défense Arena lives up to the most renowned world halls. Its capacity, up to 40,000 spectators, will allow it, in the short term, to become a reference for flagship artists. Especially since its location allows visitors to all of Europe to come to it easily. Emotion Studio, Wall …

Type: Event

49 169
Paris 92 Paris 92

#Terredeliones 🤾🏽‍♀️ Paris 92 is a professional female handball club that plays in the Butagaz Energie League and in the European Cup. Created under the name of Issy les Moulineaux Handball in 1999, and which became Issy Paris Hand in 2009, he took in 20 years a new dimension: the Hauts-de-Seine department joins the historical partners of this big female handball club High level, that are Grand Paris Seine Ouest, the city of Paris, the city of Issy-les-Moulineaux and the Ile-de-France region. 🦁 The success of the club is based on the training of young players who constitute the framework …

Type: Event

16 29
Parc architectes Parc architectes

Architects, teachers, researchers, artists - Agency based in Paris, founded in 2009 by Brice Chapon & amp; Emeric Lambert Brice Chapon and Émeric Lambert created the Parc Architects agency in 2009. They are winners of the albums of young architects (2012) and the European list 40 (2014). They are nominated at the AMC price of the first work with the Bondy auditorium (2014). Auto-publishing architects Park since 2015 the journal Pragma and the Fanzine and Blog Crapzine since 2011. Brice Chapon - A graduate of the Lyon school of architecture and the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne, he then joined …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

21 10
Optic 2000 Optic 2000

We will meet again. 😉 History began in 1962 when a group of opticians decided to meet to create a group of purchasing from Opticians Glands (Gadol). Seven years later, the Optic 2oooo brand was born. The launch of pioneering actions such as "2 pairs for the price of 1" in 1988, distributor products in 1997 or titanium operations from 2000 contribute to the success and expansion of the brand. The group switches to a gear in 1999 by creating two subsidiaries: Audio 2000, hearing aid, and Optic 2000 Switzerland, which gives it an international dimension. Continuing its development, Optic …

Type: Media

88 2,368
ONCORIF - Dispositif Spécifique Régional du Cancer en Île-de-France ONCORIF - Dispositif Spécifique Régional du Cancer en Île-de-France

DSRC Île-de-France The specific regional cancer system in Ile-de-France, Oncorif, was created in 2006 in order to federate regional actors by ensuring their coordination, by harmonizing and improving means and practices, and by promoting exchanges and the reflection around cancer. In addition, the network is entrusted with specific missions by health authorities such as ARS IDF or Inca in order to improve the prevention of cancers and the quality of care.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

8 10
Ofpra - Office français de protection des réfugiés et apatrides Ofpra - Office français de protection des réfugiés et apatrides

Listening to the world The French Office for the Protection of Refugees and stateless (OFPRA) is a public establishment with administrative and financial autonomy and functional independence, responsible for the application of French and European texts as well as international conventions relating to the Recognition of the quality of refugee, statelessness and admission to subsidiary protection. Ofpra has two essential missions: - A mission to investigate international protection requests on the basis of Geneva Conventions on July 28, 1951 and New York of September 28, 1954 as well as CESEDA. He decides independently on the requests for asylum and statelessness …

Type: Public

28 494

Mental health in common The Falret Foundation puts its experience and know-how at the service People in psychic fragility for individualized support, respectful of the integrity of the person and promoting autonomy, towards recovery. Each year, it welcomes and supports nearly 4,500 people - Children, adolescents, adults - within fifty establishments, services and devices. Among its fields of intervention: social integration and exercise of citizenship, support towards and in employment, medico-social support, protection of minors. The Foundation campaigns to make the voice of those concerned heard and to recall that mental health is a common good of which it You …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

36 243
Observatoire de l'immobilier durable Observatoire de l'immobilier durable

Thinking responsible real estate #Carbone #Adaptation #Biodiversity #Energie #isr Independent Association, the Observatoire de l'Emal Estate Sustainable (OID) aims to accelerate the ecological transition from the real estate sector in France and internationally. Composed of more than a hundred members and partners, including real estate leaders, the OID constitutes the reference for the entire sector value chain, and promotes collective intelligence to solve environmental, social and social issues real estate societies. OID produces resources and tools at the service of the general interest. Tertiary real estate, sustainable development, innovation, climate, resilience, energy, resources, general interest, conviction, and climate change

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

74 36
NQT Association NQT Association

For equality towards employment The NQT association is a great bridge between companies and young graduates. She supports the employment of young graduates Bac+4 and more (or Bac+3 depending on certain conditions), and aged under 30, from priority districts or modest social environments, by sponsorship actions. The services offered: - Support by an active senior executive, - Participation in business meetings, business discoveries and recruitment sessions, - Access to 2.0 tools: language improvement, via online English courses; Online training and online self-assessment. The figures: - 26,420 young graduates supported since 2006 - 6,990 sponsors mobilized since 2006 - 71 % …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

129 234
#NousToutes #NousToutes

#WSTOUTES is a feminist collective open to all of which is to put an end to gender violence. #WSTHOUTES is a feminist collective open to all, made up of volunteer activists whose objective is to end the sexist and sexual violence of which women and children are massively in France. The collective is turned to action with two main objectives: • require effective public policies against gender -based and sexual violence in terms of budget and methods, • Awareness of public opinion of the facts and mechanisms of gender -based and sexual violence through actions, communications and training. The collective …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

39 26
News Tank Cities News Tank Cities

In full knowledge News Tank Cities is a media from News Tank Network dedicated to housing, development and real estate players. 100 % digital, neutral, targeted and concise, News tank cities guarantees you exhaustive coverage of sector news through articles, associated sheets, selections, indicators, interviews, agendas, opinion stands and sectoral analyzes (in written formats, Podcast and videos), as well as a directory of people and organizations. All our content is made by a team of journalists, experts and professional contributors. Our services are accessible on subscription. Our model without advertising guarantees the readability and independence of the information produced. Do …

Type: Media

94 14
Musée en Herbe Musée en Herbe

The # grass museum presents to the children of #expositions on art in #Paris.Original works & amp;A journey whose visitors are the heroes!

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

5 28
Musée de La Poste Musée de La Poste

Everything about communication methods since Antiquity. Know the stamp better. Discover postal art. Created in 1946, the La Poste museum has been installed since 1973 at 34 Boulevard Vaugirard, a stone's throw from Montparnasse station. Closed in 2015 to be completely renovated, the museum reopened in late 2019. Its brutalistic style facade obtained the label "Remarkable contemporary architecture" in 2021. Both "Musée de France" and "Business Museum", the Musée de la Poste retains and values ​​important collections divided into three large sections: - the historic section, with the photographic funds (225,000 documents), the historic collections (37,000 documents) and the printed …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

16 31
Musée Carnavalet - Histoire de Paris Musée Carnavalet - Histoire de Paris

and the archaeological crypt of the City Island You are on the page of the Paris Carnavalest-History Museum, the oldest museum in the city of Paris. The museum exhibits in its career more than 3,800 works and decorations from prehistory to the present day. Paintings, sculptures, models, signs, drawings, engravings, posters, medals and currencies, objects of history and memory, photographs, woodwork, sets and pieces of furniture ... Complete to form a history and a memory of the capital , with a unique character. - The museum's permanent collections are free, free access, without reservation. - The museum is open Tuesday …

Type: Public

17 44
M Publicité M Publicité

M advertising, the advertising management of the Le Monde Group, ensures the marketing of the Le Monde brands, M Le Magazine du Monde, L'Obs, Télérama, Courrier International, Le Huffpost, Life and Le Monde Diplomatique in their print, web, web, web versions Mobile and tablet. M advertising puts innovation more than ever at the heart of its approach with the desire to offer-advertisers and their agencies-solutions that anticipate multi-develop uses to always create more link with all the audiences of the Le Monde group. Advertising, media, marketing, print, digital, brand content, mobile, out of media, lounge, and luxury

Type: Media

63 139
MEDEF Paris | Mouvement des Entreprises de France > Paris MEDEF Paris | Mouvement des Entreprises de France > Paris

MEDEF Paris, a capital ally. #Laref24 & gt; August 26 and 27, 2024 the 1st economic event of the start of the school year MEDEF Paris is MEDEF in Paris! Nearly 10,000 Parisian companies (direct memberships and by federations) trust Medef Paris, representing more than 500,000 employees. MEDEF Paris represents and defends the interests of Paris companies. He informs, supports and connects his members to help them face the difficulties and develop their business.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

46 27 - Le Magazine de la Copropriété - Le Magazine de la Copropriété

Your online magazine for condominiums for co -owners and real estate professionals My building, the online magazine of the condominium for co -owners and real estate professionals. A real estate news and practical information site to help you manage your heritage in a spirit of conviviality. A media that brings together a community around the same theme and in a friendly atmosphere. Co -ownership, real estate, communication, information, Event, and information

Type: Media

36 6
Making Waves Making Waves

We manufacture portable studios accessible to everyone. We create radios and shows. Everywhere. For all. Making Waves, wave propagator: we manufacture and install portable studios accessible to all. We create radios and webradios. Everywhere. For all. Born from the meeting of radio directors, journalists, sound engineers, academics and social field actors, Making Waves was created to promote, by radio and podcast, the emergence of spaces Dialogue, transmission, expression and creation intended for people in exclusion or victims of discrimination in France and in the world. Installed in Noisy-le-Sec en Seine-Saint-Denis, our activity is structured around three poles: Making waves NGO …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

20 83
MILDECA - mission interministérielle de lutte contre les drogues et les conduites addictives MILDECA - mission interministérielle de lutte contre les drogues et les conduites addictives

Mildeca coordinates government action in the fight against drugs and addictive behaviors. Placed under the authority of the Prime Minister, the MILDECA (Interministerial Mission to Combat Drugs and Addictive Driving) animates and coordinates the government's action in the fight against drugs and addictive behaviors and develops the strategy Government in this area in the following areas: research and observation, prevention, health and insertion, application of the law, fight against traffic, international cooperation. The Mildeca supports the public, institutional and associative partners of public policy in the implementation of orientations, by providing them with methodological or financial support. health, prevention, public …

Type: Public

51 29
Merci Raymond Merci Raymond

Collective of creative urban gardeners with action to make our cities greener, and more greedy! 🌱💪🌳 Thank you Raymond is an eco-responsible French company bringing together gardeners and creative determined to give way to the plant in the urban environment, convinced of the importance of making cities greener, more delicious and more resilient, thank you Raymond conducted actions to multiple scales in different places (public spaces, rooftops, shops, offices, restaurants ...), both to give them green or create spaces dedicated to urban agriculture, and to encourage city dwellers to contribute to the green revolution and Thus create social ties around …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

95 56
Marine Nationale Marine Nationale

Each year, the French Navy recruits and form +4,000 young people, from the 3rd to Bac +5, in 80 professions. France, a resident of all the oceans of the world, has the 2nd world maritime space thanks in particular to the overseas territories. The French Navy has the duty to control this space in its three dimensions (under the sea, on the sea and above the sea) to preserve peace and defend the interests of France. For this, the French Navy has nearly 40,000 active sailors, military and civilians, and 5,000 reserve sailors, who every day, give the best of …

Type: Public

117 13,236
Manifesto Manifesto

Manifesto provides consultancy services and works to develop cultural and artistic projects. Founded in 2015 by Hervé Digne and Laure Confavreux-Colliex, Manifesto provides consultancy services and works to develop cultural and artistic projects. Manifesto works to create and regenerate cultural and heritage sites by developing artistic projects with a strong societal impact, in France and internationally, via Manifesto Studio which provides consultancy and operational services on behalf of third parties. Since 2019, its subsidiary Manifesto Expo has organized the international touring of exhibitions commissioned by famous museums and prestigious foundations. In 2020, Manifesto created POUSH, an innovative venue dedicated to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

26 49
Maison de l'Europe de Paris Maison de l'Europe de Paris

The Maison de l'Europe and Direct Europe in Paris offer Parisians to live Europe on a daily basis! Non -profit association which has for the purpose of promoting information on the European Union.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

28 20
Maison de l'architecture Ile-de-France Maison de l'architecture Ile-de-France

In activity since 2004, the Maison de l'Architecture is the house of 10,000 architects in Ile-de-France, town planners, landscapers, from the entire living environment sector. The Ile-de-France architecture house is a place to debate the manufacture of the city, a place to promote architectural culture, a place for large differences: between theory and practice, between the Professional world and the general public, between children, students, architects and project owners. These differences allow it to weave, with agility, a framework conducive to the dissemination of architectural culture, in its diversity and in its plurality. In order to respond to its mission …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Public Activities: smart city constructiontech

44 13
Activo Activo

Consultancy DAM - PIM - CMS and Solutions for brands, retailers, agencies - RFP - DAM Healt Check - On-Boarding We are offering a wide range of services to customers (brands, retailers, agencies, corporate) and vendors. For clients we are providing digital solutions strategy from RFP, vendor selection criteria analysis, requirements analysis, metadata and workflows strategies and end-to-end implementation project management. To vendors we offer consultation on DAM principles, feature functionality, UI / UX, SaaS & cloud migration strategies, software project management, and a variety of other topics relevant to DAM PIM CMS and software development. Our strategy and technology …

Type: SMB Activities: martech consulting Technologies: Data Analytics

6 39
Mairie de Villeneuve-la-Garenne (92) Mairie de Villeneuve-la-Garenne (92)

City of 26,000 inhabitants located in the northern loop of Hauts-de-Seine, 15 minutes from Paris by the A86 motorway, the RER C, the RER D or the T1 tram, Villeneuve-la-Garenne combines dynamism and framework of privileged life. Fully engaged in an ambitious program of urban transformation, renovation of its heritage and modernization of its public action for more than 15 years, Villeneuve-la-Garenne is preparing with determination its future and that of Villenogarennois

Type: Public

20 237

🔴 require more rental with Loxam! 🔴 Created in 1967, the LOXAM group is one of the pioneers of equipment rental for construction, industry, mass distribution and event professionals. With a pro formed turnover of 2.6 billion euros in 2023, 1,091 agencies and more than 11,800 employees in 30 countries, the Loxam group is the European leader in equipment rental. With the first European park with more than 600,000 equipment, Loxam now offers the 4th world park of elevation equipment. In addition to its generalist Loxam Rental brand, the group has developed 7 specialized departments: - Loxam Access: the specialist …

Type: Large company

60 3,373
Une Couverture Pour l'Hiver - UCPH Une Couverture Pour l'Hiver - UCPH

Association for helping homeless people. Coverage for winter - UCPH is an association with a majority of student and recognized of general interest which helps homeless people in Paris. Founded in 2015, UCPH is located in four university antennas (Panthéon-Sorbonne, Sorbonne-Université, Paris-Nanterre and the Paris Political Studies Institute). The association has around 300 members, the majority of whom are a student. During weekly maraudes in different districts of Paris, the volunteers offer material and legal aid to people on the street. During our maraudes, we distribute basic necessities (sleeping bags, hygiene products, clothes, foodstuffs ...) to homeless people and recreate …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

10 7
Evari GIS Consulting, Inc. Evari GIS Consulting, Inc.

Making GIS Easy since 2009 Evari GIS Consulting Incorporated (Evari) has been in business since June 2009 and was founded with the purpose of bringing value to clients through the effective implementation of GIS and related technologies. Evari focuses on aligning a projects business needs with effective implementation of GIS technology, bringing insight and value to key decisions and streamlining communication. Evari leverages the Esri Technology Stack (ArcGIS) and the Amazon Web Services Cloud Computing platform for a broad range of municipal GIS applications including planning, traffic, street lighting, infrastructure, utilities, energy, AEC and asset management projects. Evari GIS specializes …

Type: Startup Activities: smart city it services Technologies: Data Analytics

24 24
CHU de La Réunion CHU de La Réunion

ENSEM 'NOU SERV LA VI! University Hospital Center of Reunion, referent establishment of the Indian Ocean and appeal for Mayotte Its fundamental missions: care and prevention, teaching, research, regional and international cooperation. He assures: emergencies, permanence of care, the management of palliative care, continuous professional development, the fight against exclusion and reception of people in difficulty, public health actions. More than 8,000 professionals and 150 professions in the service of health.

Type: Public Activities: healthtech

23 1,412
France-Amérique Magazine France-Amérique Magazine

For the Modern Francophile • Since 1943 • Bilingual 🇫🇷🇺🇸🇨🇦 Founded during World War II by French exiles in New York, France-Amérique is the first bilingual French-English publication in North America. Every month, France-Amérique magazine offers a compilation of portraits, reports, essays, and interviews to inspire thought and debate, combined with an elegant design and high-quality images. The publication analyzes French life and art de vivre, and offers a unique connection to the French cultural scene in the United States and Canada. Thanks to its bilingual format, France-Amérique attracts students of French and English who use the magazine to improve …

Type: Media

16 5

First national student mutual. Present throughout the territory, via its 61 agencies in the city and 17 university permanence, the Mutual of Students is in charge of affiliation to the compulsory regime of more than 830,000 students and offers its 120,000 members an additional offer of high quality. Prevention, at the service of students, the educational community and local communities, is an approach at the heart of the Mutual Students Mutual Trades. The Mutual of Students, governed by the Mutuality Code, is a non -profit private law organization. Health, students, complementary health, student mutual, mental health, food, physical activity, hospitalization, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

19 102

The professional organization representative of event communication agencies at the service of companies. Since January 1, 2016, the agencies member of the ANAE (Association of event communication agencies), the Raffut and the event delegation of the AACC (Association of Communication Consulting Agencies) have been brought together within a single and only association called Lévénement. It brings together 96 event communication agencies, weighs around 80% of the market and brings together 2,500 permanent employees. All the diversity of event communication professions is represented in agencies, whose areas of expertise are aimed at three public typologies: the internal public (employees, managers), the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

47 22
L'Essor Isère L'Essor Isère

The weekly eco of Isère: ecos, legal, local ... online online 📲 The development is a French regional weekly of general, economic, legal and local information. It is characterized by its authorization to publish the legal announcements, such as its Loire counterpart, L'Embor Loire. Member of the S.P.H.R. (Regional weekly press union), he has been a part of the Paris posters group since the end of 2016, which includes 10 press titles with an economic vocation (in Île-de-France, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and PACA). The development appears on Friday and publishes articles daily on its website and social networks.

Type: Media

39 10
Les Scop et Scic Ile-de-France, Centre-Val de Loire, Outre-Mer Les Scop et Scic Ile-de-France, Centre-Val de Loire, Outre-Mer

Cooperative expert, solidarity partner The Regional Union of SCOP and SCIC of Ile-de-France Center-Val de Loire, Overseas, provides for its cooperative companies that are members of support and advice missions and supports all the creations of new cooperative companies in its regions . The Regional Union of SCOP and SCIC benefits from the financial support of the European Union (@fonds Social European +), the @Center-Val de Loire region, the @region Île-de-France and the @ville de Paris Support, collective, communities, financing, cooperative management, training, association processing, and social innovation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

59 12
Les Restos du Coeur Les Restos du Coeur

We are counting on you! Restos du Coeur (75,000 volunteers) are intended to "help and provide volunteer assistance to the poor, especially in the food field by access to free meals, and by participation in their social integration and economic, as well as all action against poverty in all its forms ".

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

135 1,479
Petits Frères des Pauvres Petits Frères des Pauvres

No to the isolation of our elders Recognized of public utility, the association Small Brothers of the Poor Lutting since 1946 against the isolation and loneliness of the elderly, primarily the poorest. By our actions, we recreate links allowing them to regain a taste for life and be part of the world around them. It is the most important association, with its foundation and establishments, specializing in the issues of isolation of the elderly. The little brothers of the poor are also present internationally. Joining the little brothers of the poor is ✔ !!!! ✔️ Work on a more inclusive …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech silvertech

116 659
Les Jeunes Européens - France Les Jeunes Européens - France

Committed to making Europe more democratic and closer to citizens! 🇪🇺 The association Les Jeunes Europeans-Bordeaux, created in 2003, now has more than a hundred members from different universities and schools in Bordeaux. It is integrated into the Jef Europe network, with almost 30,000 young people across Europe, resolutely committed to European integration. Militant for a more political, more democratic and united Europe, our objective at the local level is to inform, to raise awareness among young people about European construction and to offer them a completely transpartisan debate space. Our many activities, throughout the academic year, allow each member …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

48 33
ETRE - Les Écoles de la Transition Écologique ETRE - Les Écoles de la Transition Écologique

Schools Be forming young people in the professions of ecological transition! The network of Ecological Transition Schools - Being is an association that brings together schools to be at the national level and supports them in their development. Schools Being are training organizations that sensitize and form young people far from employment (dropout school, reorientation, first-time arrivals, etc.) aged 16 to 25 in manual and technical trades in the ecological transition: Eco-construction, agriculture , repair of bikes, enr, etc. The fundamental teaching principles of the school are learning by doing so (workshops and collective sites), the meeting of professional. The …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

38 31
Les Canaux Les Canaux

Contribute to changing the economy for the benefit of models respectful of humans and the environment. Our mission is to support the development of a committed economy (local, social, united and circular) by forming and raising citizens, companies and communities to social and environmental innovation. Our professions: to raise awareness, train, support, create opportunities. We support 5,000 companies and 7,000 professionals in France and more than 300,000 citizens have participated in one of our events. ... The canals also animate the "House of Solidarity and Innovative Economies" located at 6, Quai de la Seine in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

161 41
Agence Les Beaux Jours Agence Les Beaux Jours

With the heyday, we support actors of the social and solidarity economy, communities and responsible companies towards more social and territorial innovations. By mobilizing the collective intelligence, creativity and optimism of citizens, sunny days allow the co-creation of innovative solutions to the challenges of our time (inclusion, education, ecological transition, citizen empowerment, etc.). To summarize, beautiful days is the meeting of social innovation and design spirit. Innovation, design thinking, social innovation, territorial innovation, social and solidarity economy, social entrepreneurship, and CSR

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

19 6
Le Mouvement associatif Le Mouvement associatif

Choose the general interest Corner of associative life, the associative movement brings together more than 700,000 associations, or 1 association out of 2 in France. The ambition of the associative movement is to promote the development of a useful and creative associative force, by intervening on four main lines of reflection and action: volunteering and volunteering, economics, civil dialogue and employment .

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

69 46
Le Media Social Le Media Social

The social media, the information site which is aimed at all social and medico-social actors. The social media, information site dedicated to players in the social sector & amp; Medico-social, decrypts the news of the sector in real time, covers all fields of activity (handicap, childhood, great-aged ...), offers surveys, reports, interviews and provides dynamic content and pedagogicals such as podcasts, infographics, videos. With the social media, stay in fact of the news of the social sector & amp; Medico-social and exchange with your peers on developments in the sector! A Lefebvre Dalloz media.

Type: Media

53 22

Bonneterie Lemahieu | Label EPV Vêtements et sous-vêtements fabriqués à Saint-André-lez-Lille depuis 1947. LEMAHIEU is an industrie textile company based out of 480 Avenue de Lattre de Tassigny, Saint André Lez Lille, Hauts de France, France. Bonneterie, Fabrication Française, Textile, and Tricot

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech

14 57
Le Labo de l'ESS Le Labo de l'ESS

Think Tank which has set itself the objective of making known and recognizing the social and solidarity economy The ESS lab is a think tank which builds, through collaborative work, structuring axes of the social and solidarity economy, from concrete, innovative and inspiring initiatives from the territories. The structure was born from a collective reflection - the ESTAs of the ESS - which made it possible to collect more than 400 "hopes", 60 proposals and to identify several major themes: • the territorial poles of economic cooperation (PTCE), • short economic and united circuits (CCES), • Solidarity financial tools, • …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech fintech

95 22
Le Havre Seine Métropole Le Havre Seine Métropole

Let's prepare the future on a daily basis 54 municipalities form Le Havre Seine Métropole, a territory of opportunities in Normandy aimed at excellence, with innovation as an engine: economic, social and environmental. Its maritime environment and its dynamic terroir make the metropolis a reference in green and blue economy, in higher education and tourism. With 1,200 agents exercising more than 50 trades, the metropolis is at the service of 275,000 inhabitants. 92% of its 100,000 workers work in the territory of the metropolis. Le Havre Seine Métropole is the 1st container port in France and the 5th North European …

Type: Public

94 468
Le film français Le film français

The first weekly of audiovisual professionals Created in December 1944, the French film is a weekly published by LFF Média. It is the leading and referent title for professionals in the film and audiovisual industry, and is completed by the information site He also publishes the official daily newspaper of the Cannes, Cannes Market News film market (in English), and several supplements and guides. The French film also organizes many events: the French Convention, the Showeb, the Showeb Series, the Trophies of the French film, the Summit production, the marketing trophies ...

Type: Media

12 31
Le Figaro Immobilier Le Figaro Immobilier

Find all the news and real estate advice. Find all the news and real estate advice. From installation to the management of your real estate assets, including culture and trends. + 700,000 ads all over France!

Type: Media

82 24

Love the context Architecture, Urban Design, Landscape Office Based in Paris - Marseille The Leclercq Associés agency is a multidisciplinary structure of more than 70 people - architects, landscapers, urban planners from Sciences Po or bridges and roads, engineers, graphic designers ... Created by François Leclercq in the early 1980s, associated since 2019 With Charles Gallet and Paul Laigle, his approach combines architectural design, urban reflection, landscape reflection and research of environmental performance. With its diversity, Leclercq Associés has been developing a joint and multiscular approach in the city and the territories for the challenges of the issues for several …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech smart city

55 61
Le Carreau du Temple Le Carreau du Temple

Cultural and sporting establishment in the city of Paris. Industrial architecture of the end of the 19th century, an innovative multidisciplinary project in the heart of Paris, the Temple tile is an establishment in the city of Paris combining a sporting and cultural offer, with artistic programming and high events. ▶ 1800 m2 of Halle ▶ 1 250 -seat performance hall ▶ 2 Dojo studios and 330 m2 dance ▶ 1 gymnasium of 415 m2 ▶ 1 recording studio ▶ 1 bar/restaurant ▶ A program: sports, events, artistic and cultural 01 83 81 93 30 - Access: 2 rue …

Type: Event

46 40
Le Bonbon Le Bonbon

It has good taste 🍬 News • Food • Culture Le Bonbon, founded in 2009, is an emblematic media of proximity and urban discovery, present in 14 French cities (Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Lille, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, Nantes, Montpellier, Toulouse, Nice, Dijon, Rennes, Brussels, Geneva). Deeply human, accessible, and authentic, he celebrates everyday stories by offering his community the best of news, culture, food, and much more. Bonbon is more than 300,000 magazines distributed in 2,700 places selected in Paris as well as a strong digital presence: 4 million followers on social networks, 6 million monthly visitors on the site, 250,000 subscribers …

Type: Media

13 114
Laval Économie Laval Économie

The Laval Agglomeration Economic Development Agency. Laval Economy is the Economic Development Agency of Laval Agglomeration. Association Law 1901, its Creation is the result of the will of the elected officials of laval agglomeration to deploy effective tools to stimulate the Economic Vitality of Their Territory. Economic development, company, HR, trade, TPE, SMEs, network, support, land, real estate, aid, CSR, observatory, Laval, Laval Agglo, Workshops, Communication, events, economics, and agglomeration

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Public Activities: it services

32 23

Culture together Sage is the generous and committed urban agriculture society. Its mission is to promote the practice of agricultural activity for the greatest number. For this it creates unifying events around the theme of urban agriculture, designs and maintains vegetable gardens in the city in the form of small workshops and develops a catering activity with maximum self-production. Find more info on: The site // Internet Le Blog // The 48h site of urban agriculture // Our urban farm // Urban agriculture, microoferm, ecology, town planning, gardening, shared garden, events, urban farm, catering, workshops, business, …

Type: Media

23 43
La Mednum La Mednum

The National Cooperative of Digital Mediation Actors The Cooperative Society of Collective Interest The Mednum is born from the will of professionals in social innovation and digital mediation to pool their efforts to make digital technologies a factor of progress, inclusion and capacity for all. Our structure works to the deployment of a pooling of services and the portage of common projects throughout the territory. This cooperative brings together more than 140 members of great diversity: startups, social and solidarity economy companies, associations, the State, local authorities ... In addition to existing local initiatives, this structure makes it possible to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

70 21
La maison Felippa La maison Felippa

The Felippa house are unmedicalized day centers for people of great age at the start of loss of autonomy. With cognitive and motor stimulation workshops with suitable pedagogy and an approached based on valuation, benevolence and listening, the Felippa house preserves the happiness of staying at home in the best possible conditions and helps to change the societal look around aging. Memory stimulation, fall prevention, aging well, childcare, great age, day day

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech silvertech

11 1
La Lettre du cadre territorial La Lettre du cadre territorial

The magazine of territorial managers

Type: Public

15 12
La Gaite Lyrique La Gaite Lyrique

Fabrique de l'époque Cultural venue dedicated to digital cultures, digital arts and current music. Located on the location of an historical parisien theater built in the 1870's, la Gaîté lyrique underwent massive restructuration by architect Manuelle Gautrand after having been closed for 20 years, ordained by the city of Paris.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment arttech

71 117
La fédération des entreprises dinsertion La fédération des entreprises dinsertion

Economic efficiency, social purpose Building a fairer company is the raison d'être of companies gathered within the Federation of Integration Companies. Gaining confidence and self -esteem to fully occupy your place as a citizen, acquire skills to choose your professional trajectory, flourish and live with dignity of your work is what integration companies offer women and women men that the job market holds in a situation of exclusion. Economic efficiency, social purpose and permanent innovation are combined by entrepreneurs who give body to this ambition. The Federation of integration companies is a place of sharing, reflection and actions to make …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

70 57
La Fabrique RH _ Préfecture d’Île-de-France 🇫🇷 La Fabrique RH _ Préfecture d’Île-de-France 🇫🇷

Innovation laboratory for Ile-de-France public administrations, launched by the prefecture of Ile-de-France The HR factory is the laboratory for public innovations in the prefecture of the Île-de-France region. He accompanies, "from the idea to experimentation", all Ile -de -France agents, whatever their administration or their public service in their innovative projects. Innovation, HR, and Public

Type: Public

37 4
La Compagnie Générale des Autres La Compagnie Générale des Autres

Solidarity for all and by all The General Company of others hosts participatory procedures for more solidarity in the territories and in organizations. Subscribe to his podcast!

Type: Media

24 7
La Cloche La Cloche

Solidarity resonates 🔔 The bell is a 1901 law association founded in 2014. Its mission: to create and promote the social bond between neighbors with and homeless. The bell has notably developed the network of solidarity traders - the chime: the Carillon traders open their doors to precarious people who no longer feel legitimate to enter these shops, and offer small services (offer a glass of water, Access the toilets, recharge your phone ...) Pretexts to social ties. The bells, it is also a network that allows you to create social ties between the inhabitants of a neighborhood, but this …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

68 114
Kinomé Kinomé

Pioneers of human and economic development for 17 years Human and economic development experts, we have supported public and private decision -makers since 2005 - institutions, companies, NGOs - in the creation and implementation of development strategies with a positive impact for humans and nature. Agronomists, forestry, experts and social entrepreneurs, all human engineers, we work in co -creation with a large network of international experts and partners. "Kinomé means the eye of the Tree in Japanese. By inspiring us from the tree, we improve the daily life of men and restore its place to nature "Nicolas Métro - founding …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

21 29
Jobradio Jobradio

Webmagazine 100% podcasts 🎙 Training learning employment recruitment retraining mobility entrepreneurship 👍 Jobradio is the 1st webmagazine of podcasts 100% devoted to employment, professional development and business creation/recovery. Our mission within the editorial staff? Provide you the best tips/tips to find a job, choose the right training to increase your employability, identify experts who will help you in the business creation/recovery phase, analyze practices/trends to select the right country to Going to work internationally. Our podcasts are accessible from the site or the mobile app (downloadable from the App Store or Google Play). Jobradio is a media supported by …

Type: Media

56 6
Jeune Chambre Économique Francaise Jeune Chambre Économique Francaise

Citizen leaders incubator The Junior Economic Chamber is a recognized association of public utility. It is an incubator of citizen leaders which allows its young volunteers to carry out projects of general interest according to a methodology close to entrepreneurship. The objective: to positively impact the territories, bring the voice of youth and develop their leadership. Bringing together 2,000 volunteers in France, she trained young people aged 18 to 40 so that they are collectively undertaking at the service of the general interest, by creating projects in the field, in various fields: young people, the circular economy, the environment, regional …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

74 98