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LogoName Σ Employees
IRTS Nouvelle-Aquitaine IRTS Nouvelle-Aquitaine

[Automatic translation follows] Developer of social & solidarity talents The Regional Institute of Social Work of Nouvelle-Aquitaine ensures the qualification and promotion of professionals working in the social and medico-social sector. Its missions are as follows: - Train and contribute to the qualification of social sector actors in initial training, in lifelong vocational training or through VAE, - Conduct study and research actions, - Participate in the information and animation of regional professional circles, - Respond to requests for support or technical assistance from public or private organizations in the exercise of their missions Training, Initial training, Continuing training and …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

7 0 7 239
Xelya Xelya

[Automatic translation follows] As a SaaS business software publisher, we provide technological solutions, consulting and training. As a SaaS business software publisher, we provide innovative technological solutions, consulting and training to tame the complexity of our clients' businesses. We specialize in personal services, home help and care (with our brands Ximi, Amaltia, Domiphone, Cézen), in the legal profession and in professional services (with our brands Diapaz, Anomia and Ozmo). In a constantly changing world, we understand the challenges that companies face: customer pressures, external threats such as cybercrime and growing employee expectations. That's why at Xelya, we are at the …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

10 3 8 216

[Automatic translation follows] Public platform that connects all those who want to take action with associative and public organizations is the public volunteering platform, offered by the Réserve Civique. More than 13,800 associations, communities and public organizations post missions there, when they need reinforcement. To respond, they can count on 550,000 volunteers registered on the platform. They choose from thousands of missions, in all areas (solidarity, education, health, environment, sport, etc.) and throughout France. is open to all people residing in France, aged over 16. Flexible, accessible and universal, this digital public service allows everyone to participate in …

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

30 11 27 45
Préfecture de la région Bretagne Préfecture de la région Bretagne

[Automatic translation follows] State services in Brittany and Ille-et-Vilaine The State in Brittany, represented by the regional prefect, assisted by the regional directorates, implements government policies. You can also contact the prefecture via the contact form available on the prefecture's website:

Type: Public

70 24 49 60
Préfecture de l'Essonne Préfecture de l'Essonne

[Automatic translation follows] Official page of the prefect and state services in the Essonne department The prefect is the direct representative of the government in the department. He implements government policies there. He is the guarantor of public order and security. Essonne is one of the nine prefectures that benefit from the support of a delegated prefect for equal opportunities, at the heart of policies of solidarity, employment, the fight against exclusion and discrimination, urban renewal, citizenship. The prefect is assisted by an office, headed by a sub-prefect chief of staff, under whose authority the missions of maintaining public order, …

Type: Public

36 8 20 131
Uriopss des Pays de la Loire Uriopss des Pays de la Loire

[Automatic translation follows] Uniting associations to develop solidarity The Regional Union of Private Health and Social Organizations (Uriopss) of the Pays de la Loire brings together more than 220 organizations (associations, mutuals, foundations) managing more than 750 non-profit establishments and services covering, in all their diversity, the field of health, social and medico-social action. They mobilize employees and volunteers to serve their projects. These organizations act in the fields of childhood and family, integration and the fight against exclusion, health, disability and the elderly as well as the training of social workers. Our values: ☑️ Primacy of the person ☑️ …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

11 1 11 14
DIHAL | Délégation interministérielle à l'hébergement et à l'accès au logement DIHAL | Délégation interministérielle à l'hébergement et à l'accès au logement

[Automatic translation follows] Building and innovating together for the homeless and poorly housed Established by a decree of 14 July 2010, the Interministerial Delegation for Accommodation and Access to Housing (Dihal) aims to enrich ministerial policies through a decompartmentalised approach. It relies on a vast network of associations, local authorities, decentralised State services and, more generally, on all stakeholders involved in accommodation and access to housing policies. An interministerial coordination body, a force for proposals and expertise, Dihal is mainly involved in six public policies: ► accommodation and access to housing ► the elimination of illegal camps and shanty towns …

Type: Public

46 9 42 75
Handi'Chiens Handi'Chiens

[Automatic translation follows] The complicity that unites humans and dogs in the service of a more inclusive and accessible world! Created in 1989, recognized as a public utility in 2012, HANDI’CHIENS’ mission is to train assistance dogs to accompany children and adults with disabilities and/or vulnerability. The association trains and provides 7 types of assistance dogs free of charge: - The assistance dog for people with motor or mental disabilities. - The so-called “awakening” assistance dog, intended for children suffering from autism spectrum disorders, Down syndrome, or multiple disabilities. - The "social support" dog given to referents working in medico-social …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech healthtech

26 12 12 30

[Automatic translation follows] Created in 2014, from the merger of the two networks Unith and Ohé Prométhée, CHEOPS, the National Council for Disability & Employment of Specialized Placement Organizations represents Cap emploi with public authorities, economic decision-makers and social partners. CHEOPS is based on a foundation of associative and entrepreneurial values ​​of a network type. Its permanent actions aim to: Participate in the definition and implementation of policies for access to employment, training and retention in employment of people with disabilities. Represent all Specialized Placement Organizations called Cap emploi. Professionalize the actors of human resources management for the employment of …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

15 8 7 20
ANEPF - Association Nationale des Étudiants en Pharmacie de France ANEPF - Association Nationale des Étudiants en Pharmacie de France

[Automatic translation follows] 55 years 33,000 students 24 faculties Let's support tomorrow's pharmacists today Founded in 1968, the National Association of Pharmacy Students of France (ANEPF) represents more than 33,000 students from 24 pharmacy faculties. The fields of activity of our association extend to all sectors of the pharmaceutical world (Industrial, Pharmacy, Hospital), both on the professional and student aspects. Our commitments are materialized through different missions: Promote and perpetuate the links between health institutions/professionals and students, their future colleagues, Represent all pharmacy students to university and ministerial bodies, by participating in the development of reforms governing the pharmaceutical world, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

27 5 18 53
TAPAJ France TAPAJ France

[Automatic translation follows] At #TAPAJ, enthusiasm pays off! 💚 The Alternative Work Paid by the Day (TAPAJ) is a comprehensive integration program with adapted thresholds intended for young people aged 16 to 25 who are in great precariousness, desocialized, suffering from consumption problems and/or addictions. It allows them to be paid at the end of the day, for a professional activity that does not require any particular qualification or professional experience and does not commit them over the long term. TAPAJ is set up by medico-social structures specialized in addictology (CAARUD or CSAPA). The TAPAJ France association coordinates and federates …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

31 5 30 26
Cop1 - Solidarités Étudiantes Cop1 - Solidarités Étudiantes

[Automatic translation follows] Co'p1 is an association motivated by a simple goal: to provide assistance to any student in need Cop1 is a non-partisan and independent association motivated by a simple goal: to provide assistance to any student in need, first and foremost by organizing free distributions of food and unsold food. And much more! ✍️ Contact us: 🤝 Support us: Association, Solidarity, and Student

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

18 5 13 85
Adédom Adédom

[Automatic translation follows] Together let's make things happen! Network of associative businesses and non-profit structures for assistance, home care and personal services.

Type: SMB Activities: consumer services

18 4 13 39
biped robotics biped robotics

AI mobility vest for the blind. GPS, obstacle avoidance, scene description biped robotics manufactures NOA, a smart vest, sitting on the shoulders, that acts as a mini self-driving car on your shoulders. NOA gives GPS navigation, identifies potential dangers, and describes the surroundings, with audio feedback. The ideal complement to your white cane or your guide dog. AI, Medical Device, ML, Computer Vision, Signal Processing, Hardware, and Industrial Design

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Image Processing A.I. - Machine Learning

21 2 1 10
1 Lettre 1 Sourire 1 Lettre 1 Sourire

[Automatic translation follows] Send a letter to an elderly person, make them smile again :) Love in a few clicks. Write to isolated elderly people. Each message of support is automatically printed and distributed in compliance with health standards. solidarity, kindness, charity, compassion, ngo, ehpad, humanity, words, togetherness, oldpeople, community, and benevolence

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

36 7 24 28
Réseau Cocagne Réseau Cocagne

please see web site/merci de consulter le site web

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

33 9 15 5
Cap Enfants Cap Enfants

[Automatic translation follows] Book a place at Cap Enfants, a sensory awakening daycare! Corporate musical daycares Cap Enfants is a company that creates and manages musical daycares for businesses and local authorities. Cap Enfants develops a specific pedagogy based on music and openness to cultures with a patented educational tool: the Musical Bubble. This interactive and multi-sensory space is integrated into each of the structures. After a four-year experimental phase, with positive feedback from parents, children and members of the educational team, Cap Enfants is developing its consulting activities and its musical show dedicated to children. An approved training organization, …

Type: SMB Activities: kidtech edtech

7 1 5 61

Ensemble, contribuons à la société inclusive - Enfants, Adolescents, Adultes - Think Positive ! Autistes Sans Frontières - Coordination nationale fédérant des associations de parents d'enfants et d'adultes TSA. Think positive!

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

5 1 4 1
France Mobilités France Mobilités

[Automatic translation follows] Mobility for all and in all territories. The France Mobilités approach is an operational complement to the Mobility Orientation Law, which aims to modernize the legislative framework for mobility, and is anchored in the actions in favor of mobility carried out by State services and its components.

Type: Public

45 12 38 3

[Automatic translation follows] National Federation for the Future and Quality of Life of the Elderly FNAQPA (National Federation for the Future and Quality of Life of the Elderly) is one of the main representative organizations in the gerontological sector. Acting in the field of the elderly, FNAQPA brings together managers of both establishments and non-profit home services, giving it a global vision of the issues related to aging. As the head of the associative network - FNAQPA is a driving force in SD-CSR approaches applied to the medico-social sector. In this capacity, it has led a major project on catering …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: silvertech edtech

9 2 6 49
Groupe AVEC Groupe AVEC

[Automatic translation follows] Helping as many people as possible to live in good health for as long as possible. The leading global healthcare operator in France, Avec already supports a million people at every stage of their lives. This name reflects support, agreement, inclusiveness, and kindness. In Latin, AVEC means “to be next to”. This is exactly the approach of the Group and its 12,000 employees on a daily basis: to be next to the most vulnerable, whether they are dependent or in need of care. The AVEC Group, which took this name in 2021, was created twenty years ago …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

9 1 10 1,034

[Automatic translation follows] The Regional Association of Local Missions of Ile-de-France consolidates the action of the 61 Local Missions in Île-de-France The Regional Association of Local Missions of Ile-de-France (ARML-IdF) has the role of consolidating and strengthening the action of the 61 Local Missions IDF Orientation, Employment, Professional Integration, and Training

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

31 1 30 26
Malakoff Humanis Malakoff Humanis

[Automatic translation follows] We love to see you smile Welcome to the official Malakoff Humanis group page. Follow the Group's news from our strategic announcements to the key lessons of our studies and the discovery of our different services.

Type: Media

125 64 55 6,540
Nextep Health Nextep Health

Cabinet de conseil en stratégie spécialisé dans les problématiques de santé Nextep, a catalyst for ideas and expertise : "When all healthcare players want to create more value for patients " Founded in 1999, Nextep is an independent healthcare consultancy firm specialized in 6 complementary practices: Strategy & Performance; Business Development; Public Affairs & Strategic communication; Market Access & Health Economics; Training; Publishing Specialized in strategic health issues. Our interventions for customers throughout Europe and the United States are intended to support managers – from innovative SMEs to multinationals – in their development, both in medicine, biotech, the “medical device” …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting healthtech govtech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

18 3 15 49

[Automatic translation follows] Federation of reference of the private solidarity sector in Health The FEHAP, present since 1936 in all fields of social protection, is the Federation of reference of the private solidarity sector in Health. It brings together more than 5,000 members, working within more than 1,500 management organizations. These associations, foundations, congregations, mutual societies, supplementary pension organizations, provident funds, etc. employ nearly 280,000 employees, or nearly 12% of salaried jobs in the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE). Its flexibility combining private management and public service places its establishments and services at the forefront of innovation and research. Its …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

41 14 31 1

[Automatic translation follows] Find us on the official page Family Allowances are managed by the National Family Allowance Fund (Cnaf), the Family branch is present throughout the country thanks to its network of Family Allowance Funds (Caf). Mobilized to serve beneficiaries, the Family branch's mission is to support families in their daily lives. It also manages housing assistance and benefits against precariousness, intended to ensure a minimum of resources for vulnerable groups. It offers families assistance in the form of income supplements, equipment, monitoring and advice. With the Sickness, Old Age, Recovery, Work Accidents and Occupational Diseases branches, the …

Type: Public

85 45 38 2,222
Fondation ANAIS Fondation ANAIS

[Automatic translation follows] Acting for Our Society Since 1954, ANAIS's mission has been to promote personal development, intellectual and physical fulfillment, social and professional integration of people living with a disability or dependents (children, adults and the elderly) and to support them throughout their lives. Our means of action and integration? The promotion, creation and management of all social, medico-social or health institutions, services, establishments or organizations. Two strategic areas of activity are deployed: - Medico-social action (Childhood & Specialized education / Housing & Social life / Therapeutic & Care / Elderly people) - Action for professional integration through economic …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

13 0 13 390
Association MaMaMa Association MaMaMa

[Automatic translation follows] We support single mothers and families struggling to meet the basic needs of their infants Coming from very diverse backgrounds, we created MaMaMa during the first lockdown, when we were volunteers for the Red Cross and the Covidom unit of the Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) to respond to the emergency situations of these families. Supported from the beginning by Dr. Ghada Hatem, founder of the Maison des Femmes in Saint Denis (Hôpital Delafontaine) and Covidom (AP-HP), we were fortunate to be surrounded by many volunteers and helped by valuable support to set up this …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

6 0 6 18

[Automatic translation follows] Official account of the Independent Commission on Incest and Sexual Violence against Children (CIIVISE) Official account of the Independent Commission on Incest and Sexual Violence against Children (CIIVISE) Incest and sexual violence against children

Type: Public

4 0 0 8
Association L'Enfant Bleu - Enfance Maltraitée Association L'Enfant Bleu - Enfance Maltraitée

[Automatic translation follows] Join our network to improve the protection and support of victims of child abuse Since 1989, professionals and volunteers from the association L’Enfant Bleu have been working to protect and support children and adults who are victims of child abuse. They can thus benefit from specific and multidisciplinary support (legal aid and psychological support) that is rapid, long-term and free. We also carry out prevention actions in schools and work to improve the child protection system. Child protection, Therapeutic monitoring, Legal support, Prevention in schools, and Improvement of laws

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

12 2 10 40
Hoppen Hoppen

[Automatic translation follows] Time to Care In 2018, Télécom Santé is evolving and becoming HOPPEN - Time to Care to support its own transformation. Since 2011, we have been putting our technological expertise at the service of healthcare institutions thanks to a range of products and services designed, developed and mastered from start to finish (installation, supervision and scalable maintenance) by our teams. Global but personalized, our approach to the Digital Hospital, combined with our professional know-how, allows you to calmly consider the implementation of innovative, simple and intuitive tailor-made solutions. With our solutions, we help all stakeholders in the …

Tags: FrenchTech120 FrenchTech2030 Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics

60 10 53 243
Association Siel Bleu Association Siel Bleu

[Automatic translation follows] Physical activity is good for health and smile! Make fragile people move: it's our job! Adapted Physical Activities, Health, Support, ESS, Prevention, Health Prevention, Non-drug therapies, Quality of life at work, and Research

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

35 6 28 540
Méduane Habitat Méduane Habitat

[Automatic translation follows] More ambition for housing Since 1925, Méduane Habitat has been developing its action in favor of social housing. It is the leading housing builder in Laval and houses one in five Laval residents. Today, Méduane Habitat manages more than 6,000 homes, mainly in Laval, but it also extends its skills to other municipalities in Laval Agglomeration and the Mayenne department. Méduane Habitat attaches great importance to the preservation, maintenance and rehabilitation of its heritage, thanks to an efficient works management. Sustainable development is a major issue for which our company is invested by prioritizing the energy and …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech energytech proptech Technologies: Solar Technologies Decarbonization

14 1 14 56

[Automatic translation follows] Let's go further with those who learn differently The FFDys or French Dys Federation brings together the various associations specializing in the field of specific language and learning disorders, in particular dyslexia, dysphasia, and dyspraxia. It is based on a principle of national unity. Its aim is to establish optimal collaboration and synergy between the associations. The Federation aims to be a place for exchanges and common choices made at the national level. It is a relay between the associations, which remain the preferred place for relations with parents and professionals, and its various private or public …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: govtech

13 3 10 26

[Automatic translation follows] To advance health Snitem is the leading professional organization representing the majority of the industry in the medical devices and Health Information and Communication Technologies sector. It brings together more than 600 companies, representing 90% of a market estimated at 30 billion euros for 90,000 people. SMEs, ETIs and International Groups market a wide variety of products and technologies (consumables, equipment and technical aids, implants, instrumentation and software, etc.) Snitem's main missions are to inform, support and unite. At the national level, it is the preferred contact and reference in the field for ministerial offices, the administration …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech govtech

78 33 50 59
Lycée Polyvalent Le Mans Sud Lycée Polyvalent Le Mans Sud

[Automatic translation follows] The Lycée Polyvalent Le Mans Sud is a public high school providing general, technological and vocational education with more than 1,800 students from secondary to higher education.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

7 1 4 70

[Automatic translation follows] Public health institution specializing in mental health. Presentation: The Rouvray Hospital Center, a Public Health institution specializing in the fight against mental illness in the Greater Rouen-Elbeuf area. It implements innovative actions in the field of prevention, diagnosis, care, rehabilitation and social reintegration for patients with psychiatric disorders, regardless of their age. The Rouvray Hospital Center is organized into four activity centers: the child and adolescent psychiatry center the general psychiatry center Rouen sud-Elbeuf the general psychiatry center Rouen rive-droite the general psychiatry center Vallée de Seine, Caux and Bray rive-droite A main site dedicated to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

9 3 5 525
Saveurs et Vie Saveurs et Vie

[Automatic translation follows] The art of eating well to live better Saveurs et Vie is a Personal Services company whose ambition is to ensure that seniors remain at home for as long as possible. We offer home meals adapted to the needs of seniors, providing nutrition and personalized nutritional advice. Home Meal Delivery and Nutritional Monitoring

Type: SMB Activities: consumer services foodtech silvertech

13 1 9 86
Synerpa Synerpa

[Automatic translation follows] 1st Confederation of private actors of the elderly: home help services, RSS, shared houses and EHPAD Created in June 2001, Synerpa is the first confederation of accommodation, assistance and support for the elderly. It brings together the main French private actors of EHPAD (accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people), senior service residences (RSS) with Synerpa RSS, home services and care with Synerpa Domicile. Synerpa brings together a total of 3,500 members, including 2,000 EHPADs, 300 senior residences and shared houses and 1,200 home service and care agencies, i.e. more than 300,000 people accommodated and helped and 170,000 …

Type: SMB Activities: silvertech consumer services

25 8 13 50
Empreintes - Accompagner le deuil Empreintes - Accompagner le deuil

[Automatic translation follows] Empreintes develops bereavement support for everyone and everywhere through three missions: helping, training, mobilizing The impact of bereavement is demonstrated by scientific research. It has proven consequences on health, employment, working life (QVT), family, schooling, ... In France, bereavement affects: - 20 million adults in mourning, employees, civil servants, self-employed or retired. - 5 million widows and widowers. - 1 child per class on average.... Empreintes, born "Vivre son deuil"​, was created on March 3, 1995. It is a non-profit, non-denominational, apolitical association under the 1901 Law recognized as "of general interest". Marie Tournigand is its General …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

8 6 4 18
Association des Personnes de Petite Taille Association des Personnes de Petite Taille

[Automatic translation follows] Created in 1976 by Maître Brissé Saint-Macary, carrier of the achondroplasia gene, Madame Priacel, mother of a child with achondroplasia, and Professor Stoll, geneticist, the APPT works to promote the recognition and integration of people of short stature. It brings together, on a national scale, members of all ages, directly or indirectly affected by dwarfism. The APPT is a non-profit association under the 1901 law which has eight regional delegations and receives support from the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. medical research, defense of rights, digital and digital monitoring, social integration, support, health policies, and genetic …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

8 0 8 1
Samusocial de Paris Samusocial de Paris

[Automatic translation follows] Our founding values: equality, solidarity and dignity. Samusocial de Paris is a Public Interest Group (GIP) whose mandate - the fight against exclusion - ranges from patrols and 115 to residential care, including emergency or hotel accommodation and social observation. In 1993, faced with the increase in the number of homeless people and the failures of aid systems, Xavier Emmanuelli proposed to Jacques Chirac, then Mayor of Paris, to create a social emergency system. Samusocial de Paris implements public policies to fight against exclusion, as defined by the Social Action and Families Code. As a social emergency …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

53 20 31 478
Hénéo Hénéo

[Automatic translation follows] Committed player in Parisian social policy working in the field of supported housing Hénéo is a subsidiary of RIVP dedicated to the development and management of furnished residences. Committed player in Parisian social policy working in the field of supported housing, Hénéo manages nearly 5,200 housing units in Paris and the inner suburbs. The company welcomes households that cannot access the traditional real estate market due to their status, resources or length of stay in Paris. Our teams fulfill their missions with residents through decentralized and local management. Hénéo offers furnished and equipped accommodation, adapted to a …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech

18 2 17 56
Fondation Médéric Alzheimer Fondation Médéric Alzheimer

[Automatic translation follows] For 25 years, the Médéric Alzheimer Foundation, drawing on research in human and social sciences and public health, has been advancing the state of knowledge of Alzheimer's disease, its environment and life with the disease, particularly through its Observatory. Our vision: to build an inclusive society, develop prevention, improve support. The Foundation implements a multidisciplinary and decompartmentalized approach: biomedical, medico-social, legal, economic in order to have an overview of Alzheimer's disease and act proactively. It provides support to young researchers and teams of professionals.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: silvertech deeptech

24 5 16 15

[Automatic translation follows] All the useful information to fight against violence suffered by children and adolescents The association Against Violence against Minors (CVM) was created in 2008. It is a non-profit association under the 1901 law recognized as being of general interest that brings together professionals involved in child protection. It is aimed at minors, their relatives, professionals working in childhood and adolescence and, more broadly, the general public. It is not intended to receive people, minors or adults, but its objectives are to transmit information concerning the violence that children can suffer and possible interventions, as well as to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech legaltech

10 1 9 7
Okeenea Okeenea

Towards a More Inclusive World! The Okeenea Group is a company committed to inclusion! For more than 30 years, Okeenea has been committed to making inclusion a reality, in France and around the world. From security and mobility to access to knowledge, the Okeenea Group develops innovative solutions to make life safer, freer and more fulfilling for people forced to work in an environment that is not not suited to them. Every day, our teams work to ensure that all of us are safer and freer, and that you have even greater have even greater access to knowledge of the …

Type: SMB Activities: smart city Technologies: IoT

40 14 26 63

[Automatic translation follows] Anticipation of consumer behavior Understanding the behaviors, values ​​and trends of French society requires the rapid acquisition of a multitude of information: CREDOC helps you find your way through it, through ingenious data collection, detailed analysis of the results and valuable decision-making assistance.

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech Technologies: Data Analytics

35 19 8 38
Groupe des Chalets Groupe des Chalets

[Automatic translation follows] People at the heart of housing. Welcome to the LinkedIn company page of Groupe des Chalets. You will find on this page all the news of the Group: events, company life, projects, press review, etc. Who are we? A benchmark for social housing in Occitanie, Groupe des Chalets manages 15,000 housing units to date and builds between 500 and 800 new housing units each year. It also develops social home ownership programs (200 housing units/year) and carries out urban development operations for communities. True to the cooperative spirit of its creation in 1949, Groupe des Chalets has …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech constructiontech proptech

16 2 15 143
Comité Paralympique et Sportif Français Comité Paralympique et Sportif Français

[Automatic translation follows] Founded in 1992, the French Paralympic and Sports Committee is a member of the IPC, the International Paralympic Committee, in the same way that the CNOSF is a member of the IOC.

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

53 28 23 48
Où sont les Dragons Où sont les Dragons

[Automatic translation follows] Où sont les Dragons is a research-design agency specializing in legal design, organizational design and strategy design Où sont les Dragons is a research-design agency specializing in legal design, organizational design and strategy design. Between strategic vision, creative and scientific know-how, we support our clients at all stages of their projects, from the idea to the realization, through three offers: research, design and training. Où sont les Dragons was born from the meeting between Apolline Le Gall, teacher-researcher and Joachim Savin, designer. Together we have developed a unique approach to research-design that combines theoretical rigor and creativity. …

Type: SMB Activities: uxtech

16 2 12 7
Hospimedia Hospimedia

[Automatic translation follows] The independent online media for healthcare decision-makers The HOSPIMEDIA group develops online services for professionals in the healthcare, social and medico-social sectors. Find our opportunities on: Hospimedia covers the latest news in healthcare territories. Its journalists cover general, technical and regulatory news in the healthcare and medico-social sectors in real time. Find out more: Agence Staff is the group's online recruitment activity: it ensures the dissemination of job offers from its clients, connects candidates and recruiters in healthcare and social professions, and offers its recruiter clients a specialized audience and a constantly updated CV database. …

Type: Media SMB Activities: hrtech healthtech

22 4 17 47
Prism'emploi Prism'emploi

[Automatic translation follows] Recruitment and Temporary Employment Professionals Prism'emploi is the professional organization of recruitment and temporary employment companies. It brings together more than 600 companies and groups present throughout the territory through a network of 10,000 employment agencies.

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech

17 3 15 47
Planète Grise Planète Grise

[Automatic translation follows] Specialist in aging policies. #silvereco #aging Planète Grise was built around complementary activities entirely dedicated to professionals in the medico-social sector: - specialized advice based on clear and transparent principles: sharing expertise, preparing for action and a sense of responsibility - the conferences that have become key events in the sector - the think-tank Matières Grises Silver Economy, Press, Advice, Training, Consulting, and Specialist in aging

Type: SMB Activities: silvertech

26 3 19 14
France Universités France Universités

[Automatic translation follows] France Universités currently has around a hundred members: university presidents, directors of higher education colleges, INPs, INSAs, general administrators and also associate members. A force for proposals and negotiations with public authorities, the various higher education and research networks, economic and social partners and national and international institutions, France Universités responds to developments in the world of higher education and research and proposes elements of transformation. In a context of profound changes in the higher education and research sector, France Universités also has a role in supporting presidents in their new missions and promoting the French University …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

92 31 51 158
Dicma | Dictée et reconnaissance vocale Dicma | Dictée et reconnaissance vocale

[Automatic translation follows] Voice Dictation Solutions | Replace your keyboard with your voice 🎙 | Save time ⏱ | QVCT 😍 | Inclusion 🧍‍♀🧍‍♂️ ✔ A French SME based in Lyon, Dicma specializes in implementing voice recognition and digital dictation tools and solutions for professionals. ✔ As an integrator distributor, Dicma offers the most advanced and high-quality technological products from renowned partners such as Philips, Olympus, Nuance, etc. ✔ Dicma relies on a professional, committed and supportive team, committed to offering the best support service to its customers: advice, equipment, voice and digital transcription software, assistance, training, support, maintenance, etc. …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

22 3 22 12
L'Outil en Main France L'Outil en Main France

[Automatic translation follows] Exchange & Transmit: the initiation of young people to manual and heritage trades by volunteers. L'Outil en Main aims to introduce young people from the age of 9 to manual, craft and heritage trades, including art trades. This initiation takes place in real workshops with real tools. It is guided by volunteers, tradespeople and enthusiasts, often retired. Young people who participate in the workshops discover different trades throughout the year and make works with their hands. L'Outil en Main thus works to promote all manual trades among young people. More than 100 professions are represented in the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

26 2 12 21
Fastt (Fonds d'Action Sociale du Travail Temporaire) Fastt (Fonds d'Action Sociale du Travail Temporaire)

[Automatic translation follows] Assistance and services for temporary workers Since 1992, the social partners of temporary work have entrusted FASTT (Social Action Fund for Temporary Work) with the development and management of the social platform for temporary workers. Thus providing the sector with a tool to deploy services, assistance and solutions that facilitate the personal and professional lives of temporary workers. The FASTT team is made up of 11 employees whose main mission is to ensure the engineering and project management of all actions, as an orchestrator of the sector's social policy. The delivery of FASTT's service offering relies on …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

10 7 3 38
HOUDART & Associés HOUDART & Associés

[Automatic translation follows] Law firm specializing in health, social and medico-social law The HOUDART ET ASSOCIÉS firm has been working for over 30 years in the fields of health, medico-social, social, universities and research. Public authorities, Health, Medico-Social, and higher education, Research

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

10 2 7 32
idealCO idealCO

The collaborative platform for the French civil service At idealCO, we are on the side of the ones who create. We are the biggest collaborative platform for the French civil service. Through digital innovations, professional training and events, we connect the local government universe and make the construction of its projects easier. Each and everyone's skills are used in order to build into existence the ideas they want to see realised. We help construct a new public world, where everyone has a rightful place and can grow, in a workplace where performance, pleasure and well-being are in harmony. We have …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech it services Technologies: SaaS

88 25 72 117
Préfecture de la Drôme Préfecture de la Drôme

Bienvenue sur la page officielle de l'État dans la Drôme PREFECTURE DU DEPARTEMENT DE LA DROME is a government administration company based out of BOULEVARD VAUBAN, Valence, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France.

Type: Public Activities: consumer services

31 7 23 47

[Automatic translation follows] Access to leisure activities for all! DAHLIR is the Disability Support System for Integrated and Regular Leisure Activities. Founded in Haute-Loire in 2012, the association now has 25 employees spread across 7 departments in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, as well as in Hautes-Alpes. Its objective? Access to leisure activities for all, regardless of their condition. DAHLIR participates in the regular and sustainable integration of people with disabilities, in situations of exclusion or with a chronic illness in leisure activities. The notion of disability is understood in the broadest possible way: it encompasses all types of disabilities including social disabilities …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech healthtech Technologies: Decarbonization

33 4 28 45
Association Valentin Haüy Association Valentin Haüy

[Automatic translation follows] Recognized as being of public utility / Mission: acting for the autonomy of blind and visually impaired people The Valentin Haüy association aims to promote the social inclusion and autonomy of the visually impaired. Through its ESATs and Adapted Companies, its training centers and its accommodation centers, it allows them to find employment and a suitable place to live. Through the activities of its headquarters, it helps to promote access to good living conditions for the visually impaired (support in accessing their rights, culture and information, adapted equipment, digital tools, transport, sports and leisure, etc.). A historic …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

38 8 11 197
L'Atelier Remuménage L'Atelier Remuménage

[Automatic translation follows] A solidarity and ecological mobility solution! L’Atelier Remuménage develops and offers a set of ecological, accessible and innovative solutions in terms of residential mobility and urban logistics for a solidarity project. Our association offers several services to individuals and professionals: - Moving assistance service with biogas trucks or cargo bikes. - Soft mobility delivery service - Food surplus collection service for charities, bulky items and recyclable materials (e.g. partnership with Yoyo) - Collection, reconditioning and sale of cardboard boxes - Support for changing living space for vulnerable groups, to support them from A to Z in their …

Type: SMB Activities: smart city transporttech

30 3 26 14
Hôpitaux Champagne Sud Hôpitaux Champagne Sud

[Automatic translation follows] The Champagne Sud Hospitals are a group, united by a common management, of the following health establishments: 📍the CH of Troyes 📍the GHAM (Aube-Marne Hospital Group composed of the establishments of Nogent-sur-Seine, Romilly-sur-Seine, and Sézanne) 📍the EPSMA (Public Mental Health Establishment of Aube, whose headquarters is located in Brienne-le-Château) 📍the CH of Bar-sur-Seine 📍the CH of Bar-sur-Aube 📍the Pierre d'Arcis residence located in Arcis-sur-Aube (EHPAD) 📍the Cardinal de Loménie residence located in Brienne-le-Château (EHPAD) Medicine, surgery, obstetrics, psychiatry, follow-up and rehabilitation care, long-term care, EHPAD, care at home... The Champagne Sud Hospitals together provide most of the …

Type: Public Activities: healthtech

8 1 7 60

[Automatic translation follows] Being an employer obliges us. Being an employer of the ESS commits us. Usgeres is a union of employers of the social economy. Literally, its acronym means; Union of Representative Employer Unions and Groups in the Social Economy. The structures of the social economy are those that set up economic models where the social objective takes precedence. Thus, beyond a necessary economic profitability, these structures do not seek to remunerate capital, but to be socially useful. They operate on principles of equality of people (one person one vote), solidarity between members and economic independence. There are mutual …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

61 14 52 338
Prefon Prefon

[Automatic translation follows] Civil Service Retirement and Pensions. Préfon, a non-profit association under the 1901 law, has been committed to the supplementary pension of the Civil Service for over 45 years. Its purpose is to offer a supplementary pension solution to all civil servants and those similar to them. With Préfon-Retraite, you benefit from an unrivaled solution, which allows you to receive an annuity paid for life. It is not without reason that Préfon-Retraite is the number 1 in supplementary pensions for the Civil Service! Already over 380,000 Civil Service Agents, former Agents and spouses have chosen it to prepare …

Type: SMB Activities: silvertech insurtech

31 4 16 31

[Automatic translation follows] Based in Hauts de France, Résilience is a network of 80 clothing workshops (with a core network of 16 workshops) bringing together inclusive social enterprises (Disability and Integration) working for the relocation of the textile industry in France in a supportive and sustainable way. Thanks to short circuits and the combined production capacities of the network's clothing workshops, we are able to meet large volumes for private customers and public markets. From customer needs to delivery of the finished product, we operate across the entire value chain and offer textile products 100% made in France and solutions …

Type: SMB Activities: greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

20 1 17 48
France Parrainages France Parrainages

[Automatic translation follows] Sponsoring a child changes their life and yours! Sponsor a child on A recognized association for helping children, France Parrainages has been working for over 77 years on behalf of children, in France and internationally, to give them the means to grow up in the best conditions and help them achieve their dreams. In 2020, over 16,000 children were sponsored in our 14 countries of intervention and nearly 957 were able to benefit from emotional and educational support in France, in the France Parrainages network. Education, Support towards autonomy, Health, Emotional support, Social integration, and Professional …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech healthtech

12 0 12 54
Andès les épiceries solidaires Andès les épiceries solidaires

[Automatic translation follows] 1st national network of 600 solidarity grocery stores supporting 230,000 people per year. An association of the SOS Group. Andès, the pioneer network of solidarity grocery stores, brings together more than 600 member solidarity grocery stores which support more than 270,000 people per year. Solidarity grocery stores present themselves as classic local businesses, but allow people in economic difficulty to do their shopping and choose the products they wish to consume at prices set between 10% to 30% of the usual market value. Andès also develops fruit and vegetable supply solutions for food aid structures by creating …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

24 5 19 86
Fédésap Fédésap

[Automatic translation follows] Growing up well, living well, aging well at home Founded in September 2007, Fédésap is the federation of Personal Services and Local Services companies. Fédésap has more than 4,000 SAP companies, present in all metropolitan and overseas territories, in close proximity to their clients - beneficiaries. True "field relays" of a global family policy, Fédésap member companies mainly work with so-called "vulnerable" audiences in a stated desire to continuously improve the quality of service offerings. The human and social dimension of their activities is essential for Fédésap members, as is the quality of the jobs they create …

Type: SMB Activities: silvertech consumer services

23 8 15 91
Réseau Gesat Réseau Gesat

[Automatic translation follows] The economic network of ESAT and Adapted Enterprises The Gesat network supports companies in their indirect employment policies for people with disabilities. Consulting interface between companies and public authorities and the 2000 ESATs and EAs in the national territory: - Analysis of the optimization potential of the Agefiph or Fiphfp tax - definition of purchasing strategies - Team awareness - Buyer training - Implementation of group contracts - Definition of expense tracking tools - Tracking deductible expenses Disability, Responsible Purchasing, ESS, ESAT, Adapted Enterprise, CSR, Indirect Employment, EA, and Market Place

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

65 8 60 40
La Maison Bleue La Maison Bleue

[Automatic translation follows] Let's reinvent the nursery Let's reinvent the nursery together! For nearly 20 years, we have been supporting our business partners, communities and more than 18,000 parents at all times. With our network of 2,300 nurseries, our 6,000 professionals and more than 20,000 children welcomed, we have become a key player in early childhood in France. As a signatory of the Corporate Parenthood Charter, we have chosen to commit ourselves even more by becoming a signatory of the diversity charter. Our vocation? • Respond to the challenges of companies of all sizes in implementing solutions adapted to the …

Type: Large company Activities: kidtech edtech

15 3 11 1,677
URIOPSS Ile-de-France URIOPSS Ile-de-France

[Automatic translation follows] Uniting associations to develop solidarity Created in 1951, URIOPSS (Union Régionale Interfédérale des œuvres et Organismes Privés Sanitaires et Sociaux) Île-de-France, an association recognized as being of public utility, supports 500 non-profit associations and foundations that support vulnerable groups in Île-de-France: children in danger, children and adults with disabilities, the elderly, vulnerable people and those in situations of exclusion. It "covers" all ages of life. The Union's members manage nearly 2,200 establishments and services offering 95,000 beds and places, employ more than 100,000 employees and benefit from the support of several thousand volunteers... The large number of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

19 2 17 33
AGIRabcd AGIRabcd

[Automatic translation follows] AGIRabcd*, an association of volunteer retirees, supports populations in difficulty in France and internationally. For 40 years, AGIRabcd*, an association of volunteer retirees, has supported populations in difficulty. (Association law 1901, founded in 1983, recognized as being of public utility in 1990, with the approval of several ministries). In 2022, more than 2,600 retired senior volunteers, in more than 130 delegations and branches, acted as close as possible to the field. In France, nearly 25,000 days of intervention were devoted to more than 1,000 actions of social assistance, training, support and assistance for young people, adults or …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech transporttech

12 2 0 154
Agence de services et de paiement (ASP) Agence de services et de paiement (ASP)

[Automatic translation follows] Serving public policies The Agency for Services and Payments (ASP) is an interministerial public institution contributing to the implementation of public policies, placed under the dual supervision of the Ministry in charge of Agriculture and the Ministry in charge of Employment. It is a paying agency and a public operator contributing to the implementation of European, national and local public policies. It carries out missions on behalf of more than 130 donors: the European Union - it is the leading European payer of agricultural aid -, more than 13 ministries, almost all regional councils, 80 general councils …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: govtech

17 4 15 804
Abalone France Abalone France

[Automatic translation follows] 74 #Employment agencies 100% local! Independent network of #TemporaryWork labeled #CSR ♻️ #JoinTheTribe Join the Tribe that is moving forward in the right steps! Since 1991, Abalone Group has brought together expert professionals specializing in human resources services, temporary work, recruitment and training. Our goals are simple: to satisfy the needs of our clients while increasing the employability of our temporary employees. Our group is today a reference in terms of service and proximity. We prioritize the quality of our services and the respect of our commitments, around a strong and assumed identity: "A Tribe that is …

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech

8 0 4 491
Préfecture de la région d’Île-de-France Préfecture de la région d’Île-de-France

[Automatic translation follows] Welcome to the official page of the State in Île-de-France. The State in Île-de-France, represented by the regional prefect, assisted by the regional directorates, implements government policies. Objectives: to support the territories, their sustainable development and their cohesion, for the benefit of all the inhabitants of Île-de-France. The State in Île-de-France is composed of 8 regional directorates placed under the authority of the regional prefect: - The Regional and Interdepartmental Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Forestry (DRIAAF); - The Regional and Interdepartmental Directorate of Equipment and Development in Île-de-France (DRIEA); - The Regional Directorate of Youth, Sports …

Type: Public

63 24 47 323
Unccas Unccas

[Automatic translation follows] National Union of Municipal and Intermunicipal Social Action Centers The National Union of Municipal and Intermunicipal Social Action Centers (UNCCAS) is the only association that federates and represents the (inter)municipal social action centers (CCAS/CIAS). It plays an essential role in promoting local social action, by supporting municipalities in the implementation of their social policies and by offering services and tools to improve the care of the most vulnerable populations. Our 4 major missions 1. Make the voice of CCAS/CIAS heard 2. Support CCAS/CIAS on the legal and technical level 3. Provide regular and decrypted information 4. Train …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

53 11 40 28
Département des Landes Département des Landes

[Automatic translation follows] Les Landes, the XL department The Landes Departmental Council is the deliberative assembly of the French department of Landes. The Departmental Hotel is located in Mont-de-Marsan, the department's prefecture. Solidarity, education, college, Integration, planning, road, RSA, PMI, Child protection, Culture, Heritage, environment, Agriculture, SDIS, attractiveness, digital, Ehpad, Disability, Elderly, gender equality, Politics, ESS, Europe, sport, gastronomy, tourism, thermalism, nature, coastline, social, and aid

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: traveltech

16 7 5 364
École de Chiens Guides de Paris École de Chiens Guides de Paris

[Automatic translation follows] The guide dog is one of the most beautiful links between Man and Animal #guidedogsparis For more than 35 years, the Guide Dog School for the blind and visually impaired in Paris and the Paris Region has provided more than 1,150 guide dogs free of charge, transforming the daily lives of visually impaired people. The guide dog offers new freedom in movement, opening up new perspectives, particularly at the professional level. It also offers real relational richness. Not only because the relationship between the animal and its owner is unique, but also because the dog is an …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

17 4 14 42
Club de l'Amélioration de l'Habitat Club de l'Amélioration de l'Habitat

[Automatic translation follows] Measure, understand, act to boost housing renovation. Prioritize comfort and quality of life for residents Association loi 1901 - the club brings together public and private stakeholders in the maintenance-renovation sector of the private residential sector

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

21 3 18 4
Préfet de Meurthe-et-Moselle Préfet de Meurthe-et-Moselle

[Automatic translation follows] Official account of the State services in Meurthe-et-Moselle Official account of the State services in Meurthe-et-Moselle

Type: Public Activities: it services

37 5 37 22
Ville de Grigny (91) Ville de Grigny (91)

[Automatic translation follows] We don't have any grandes écoles but we do have faculties. The youngest city in Essonne, Grigny is a dynamic town of 28,487 inhabitants - the Grignois - 30 kilometers south of Paris. Grigny is a supportive city that carries out many urban, educational, ecological and cultural projects that demonstrate the ambitious renewal that is taking shape for the next 10 years: - It is in Grigny that the Cité éducatif was born. It has been deployed there since then thanks to numerous systems set up for the academic success of each child and each young person …

Type: Public Activities: smart city

13 1 12 188
Jeunes d'Avenirs Jeunes d'Avenirs

[Automatic translation follows] Jeunes d’Avenirs, a job, with or without a diploma, it’s possible! The Jeunes d’Avenirs fairs, created in 2013 by the professional press group AEF info, support young people aged 16 to 30 towards apprenticeships, training and/or employment. Our events take place in Paris, Lille, Marseille and Lyon and bring together all public and private players in professional integration: local missions, Pôle emploi, rectorates, large companies, skills operators, associations to give young people solutions for their future. Jeunes d'Avenirs is also Jeunes d’Avenirs Recrut’ is a free and intuitive job site specially designed to facilitate access to employment …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech edtech

17 5 13 N/A
Avenir des Cités (Service de Prévention Spécialisée) Avenir des Cités (Service de Prévention Spécialisée)

[Automatic translation follows] Specialized prevention falls under the jurisdiction of the Pas de Calais department under Child Social Assistance. Avenir des Cités is an association which manages a Specialized Prevention Service which operates in three municipalities in Pas de Calais: Harnes, Billy Montigny and Sallaumines. Specialized prevention falls under the jurisdiction of the Pas-de-Calais Department under the ASE (Childhood Social Assistance). It is a social intervention with an educational purpose aimed at young people and groups of young people carried out in their natural living environment. The objectives of this educational action are to: Prevent the risks of exclusion by …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

10 1 10 4
Citéo Médiation Citéo Médiation

[Automatic translation follows] Being the facilitators of better living and acting together in our territories As a mediation and facilitation agency, we have been supporting for over 20 years: companies, communities and citizen groups in managing change. The projects we mediate touch on major societal issues. Their common point: they generate profound changes; they imply that residents/citizens/users understand the changes, change their outlook and behavior. This cannot be decreed, but requires tailor-made support where active listening and dialogue are essential. We know how to create links and we provide the keys so that everyone adheres and becomes an actor in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

11 1 6 108
French National Food Council French National Food Council

"Food Parliament"​ the « Conseil National de l’Alimentation » (French National Food Council) is an independent advisory body placed under the authority of the Ministers in charge of environment, health, consumer affairs and agriculture, that brings together the stakeholders in the food production chain. The Council may be consulted on the definition of national food policy development. It produces reports and recommendations for the attention of public decision makers and food production chain stakeholders on various topics such as food quality, consumer information, nutrition, food safety, access to food, and the prevention of crisis... alimentation, santé, agriculture, consommation, environnement, nutrition, …

Type: Public

30 1 22 20
CCI Vendée CCI Vendée

[Automatic translation follows] 1st business accelerator Member of the CCI France network, 1st business accelerator Business consulting, Training, Territorial development, Ports, and Aerodromes

Type: Public

38 11 32 105
CCI Essonne CCI Essonne

[Automatic translation follows] A local player serving the creation and development of companies and businesses. The Essonne CCI represents the 40,000 companies in the department. Its core business is to both know and anticipate their needs and support them in all stages of their development. Its main orientations are information, networking, the Paris-Saclay mission. Not to mention the two major axes of energy transition and digital transformation. Its main missions By providing companies with services designed to facilitate their procedures and development, the Essonne CCI ensures a public service mission. For example, assistance with the formalities for creating a company, …

Type: Public

57 20 38 145
Protection Civile des Yvelines Protection Civile des Yvelines

[Automatic translation follows] Committed to rescue, help, train. The Yvelines Civil Protection has 3 main missions: Rescue Missions The Yvelines Civil Protection is an approved civil security association. It has national approval to: - set up Predictive Rescue Devices (DPS) during events - provide operational support for public rescue services (SAMU, Firefighters) as part of a rescue network or emergency Rescue Plans (Red Plans, ORSEC, etc.) - participate in support missions for disaster-stricken populations in the event of disasters - participate in supervising volunteers as part of support for disaster-stricken populations Last year, the Yvelines Civil Protection had nearly 150 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

7 0 6 12
Fédération nationale des CIDFF Fédération nationale des CIDFF

[Automatic translation follows] The equality reflex. For 50 years, the CIDFF - Information Centers on the Rights of Women and Families - have been informing and supporting women throughout France to promote their access to rights and their socio-economic integration anonymously and free of charge. Through their global approach, the CIDFF contribute to building a more egalitarian society through the fight against sexist and sexual violence and the promotion of equality between women and men. women, Legal information, FH equality, Socio-professional integration, Fight against sexist and sexual violence, feminism, and access to law

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

22 5 14 57
Citoyens & Justice - Fédération des associations socio-judiciaires Citoyens & Justice - Fédération des associations socio-judiciaires

[Automatic translation follows] We are committed to preventive, restorative and humanist justice. Citoyens et Justice brings together around 150 socio-judicial associations. As part of judicial measures, in pre- and post-sentence, these social services of general interest carry out support, investigation and conflict pacification missions for victims and perpetrators, whether adults or minors, throughout France.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

21 4 18 23
HyperSupers-TDAH France HyperSupers-TDAH France

[Automatic translation follows] To help people with Attention Deficit Disorder with or without Hyperactivity HyperSupers - TDAH France is a 1901 law association recognized as being of public utility intended to raise awareness of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): to inform and support families and adults; to intervene with public and private institutions to improve care, screening, treatment and research; to promote the academic and social integration of children, adolescents and adults affected by Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (cognitive disability). Your attention deserves our attention. Health, Help, and Education

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

8 0 2 22
Club Landoy - groupe Bayard Club Landoy - groupe Bayard

[Automatic translation follows] For a new social contract Club Landoy is a collective of pioneering and committed companies that act to make the demographic transition a catalyst for social innovation and thus contribute to building an economically sustainable and socially sustainable social pact. We help companies anticipate and adapt to the challenges posed by the demographic transition by driving cultural change and social transformations.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

76 8 75 11
Welcomeurope Welcomeurope

Together we make your public fundraising successful Welcomeurope is a consultancy firm specialised in raising European public funds. For 20 years, Welcomeurope has been assisting the private, public and non-profit sectors in project engineering and fundraising throughout Europe. Welcomeurope in a few figures: + 400 million Euros in grants - 94% Client Satisfaction +1,500 projects and applications to public funds + 17,000 professionals trained Our experts help you find the right solution for your European positioning strategy by providing engineering and consultancy. Our team leads project engineering, partnership’s designing, public funding applications, dialogue with authorities, grants reporting, project management, etc. …

Type: Incubators & VCs

10 0 9 13

[Automatic translation follows] together for a healthy island ARS Corsica's mission is to implement the region's health policy in its entirety, from prevention to care and medical-social support, by implementing national policies and taking into account island specificities. ARS Corsica is a team of doctors, pharmacists, engineers, statisticians, financiers, communicators, lawyers and many other specialists whose missions are to finance prevention actions, manage environmental health risks on a daily basis, prevent and respond to health crises and support Corsicans in their health journey. We work with professionals from the world of health and medical-social care, elected officials, local authorities, health …

Type: Public

18 4 8 40
Fédération des Centres sociaux et Socioculturels de France Fédération des Centres sociaux et Socioculturels de France

[Automatic translation follows] More democracy for more social justice A social link actor since 1922, the Fédération des Centres sociaux et Socioculturels de France runs a network of 1,400 social and EVS centers and 57 local federations and unions throughout France, both in mainland France and overseas. Recognized as being of public utility in 1931 and approved under the popular education system, the FCSF runs and develops its network of social centers, represents them to public authorities, and carries the project of social centers and their values ​​of solidarity, human dignity and democracy in society. In all territories, within the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

21 7 6 66
ConvictionsRH ConvictionsRH

L'humain au cœur des transformations stratégiques, opérationnelles et digitales. ConvictionsRH is a consulting firm specializing in HR, HRIS & Transformation. For the past 17 years, we have been intervening at key moments in the life of companies and organizations, supporting them in their strategic, organizational, digital, technological, cultural and human transformation. Human Resources, HRIS, Change Management, HR Management, HR Organization, SIRH, Ressources Humaines, Conduite du changement, PIlotage RH, Transformation Digitale, Aide au choix, Accompagnement des Hommes, and Learning

Type: SMB Activities: consulting hrtech

74 11 66 239
Asfad Asfad

[Automatic translation follows] Militant, social and solidarity association For more than 35 years, Asfad has developed its activities in 3 areas: the fight against violence against women, social and professional inclusion, parenthood.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

4 1 4 98

[Automatic translation follows] AIRe brings together more than half of the 422 ITEP systems in the metropolitan and overseas territories Created in 1995, AIRe campaigns to: - Bring together people concerned by taking into account the needs of children, adolescents and young adults who have psychological difficulties, the expression of which and in particular the intensity of behavioral disorders seriously disrupts socialization and access to learning. - Defend the interests and assert the rights of children, adolescents and young adults as well as their families. - Promote the full participation and social representation of people supported by DITEPs as well …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech edtech

4 1 3 22