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LIBERTÉ LIVING-LAB [Automatic translation follows] Third place of innovation in the center of Paris to co-construct responses to major societal challenges Technological innovation and the experimentation of new economic and governance models are opportunities to act on a large scale on social, economic, industrial and environmental changes. Cooperation between stakeholders is now essential to converge economic performance and impact for society. This is why the LLL brings together in a 2,000 m2 space in the heart of Paris, a multidisciplinary ecosystem composed of NGOs, tech startups of general interest, large companies, public service missions, economists, researchers, designers and data scientists. The hybridization … Sectors: Facilities Services | 387 | 159 | 259 | |
Grand Est Numérique [Automatic translation follows] Gather, reflect, promote, develop, connect The Grand Est Numérique (GEN) association is a non-profit association (law 1908) created on January 24, 2013 by 12 entrepreneurs. In 2017, more than 200 members (entrepreneurs, executives, employees, students, companies, associations, communities) had already joined them, as well as several permanent employees. Our action extends over the Grand Est region (Alsace, Champagne-Ardenne, Lorraine) and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Our headquarters are located in Metz. Missions: speak with one voice, have an entity representing the sector to promote and encourage the acceleration of the digital ecosystem, and be active with all … Sectors: NGO, Think Tank | 199 | 125 | 84 | |
OECD - OCDE Better policies for better lives The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation that works to build better policies for better lives. We draw on more than 60 years of experience and insights to shape policies that foster prosperity and opportunity, underpinned by equality and well-being. We work closely with policy makers, stakeholders and citizens to establish evidence-based international standards and to find solutions to social, economic and environmental challenges. From improving economic performance and strengthening policies to fight climate change to bolstering education and fighting international tax evasion, the OECD is a unique forum and … Sectors: International development | 7296 | 5146 | 502 | |
ANSSI - Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d'information [Automatic translation follows] Defend, know, share and support. Created in 2009, the National Agency for Information Systems Security (ANSSI) is the national authority for cybersecurity and cyberdefense attached to the Secretary General of Defense and National Security (SGDSN). Its action to protect the Nation against cyberattacks is reflected in four major missions: 1. Defend - the Nation's critical information systems - victims of large-scale cyberattacks - the Nation by structuring assistance to victims of cyberattacks at the national level 2. Know - the state of the art in technology and information system security and be experts in it - threats … | 820 | 687 | 49 | |
Gouvernement The official account of the French Government Follow Government news on this page in real time, including practical information, measures, numbers, results, and the profiles of economic players ! | 2316 | 1781 | 661 | |
Ministère des Sports, de la Jeunesse et de la Vie associative [Automatic translation follows] The Ministry of Sports, Youth and Community Life prepares and implements the Government's policy on actions in favor of youth, the promotion and organization of physical and sports activities, the development of community life and the development of popular education. It also coordinates the actions carried out in these areas when they fall under several ministerial departments. The Ministry of Sports, Youth and Community Life is responsible for defining the major objectives of the national sports policy, establishing its legal framework, in particular through the Sports Code, and ensuring compliance with the general interest. To implement public … | 871 | 693 | 82 | |
Ministère de la Culture [Automatic translation follows] Follow the news of the Ministry of Culture The Ministry of Culture and Communication's mission is to make the major works of humanity, and first and foremost of France, accessible to as many people as possible. As such, it leads the policy of safeguarding, protecting and promoting cultural heritage in all its components, it promotes the creation of works of art and the mind and the development of artistic practices and teachings. It contributes, jointly with the other interested ministers, to the development of artistic and cultural education for children and young adults throughout their training cycles. … | 1471 | 1127 | 122 | |
Ministère des Solidarités [Automatic translation follows] The Ministry of Labor, Health, Solidarity and Families is responsible for designing and implementing government policies, particularly in terms of solidarity, autonomy and inclusiveness of people with disabilities. | 607 | 435 | 91 | |
Direction interministérielle du numérique (DINUM) [Automatic translation follows] Digital technology at the service of the effectiveness of public action OUR OBJECTIVE: A MORE EFFICIENT, SIMPLER AND MORE SOVEREIGN STATE THANKS TO DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY The Interministerial Digital Directorate - DINUM - is a department of the Prime Minister, placed under the authority of the Minister of Transformation and Civil Service. Digital transformation, Digital, Public services, Open data, Digital services, and Innovation Sectors: National and local authorities | 499 | 386 | 119 | |
Ministère du Travail [Automatic translation follows] Official account of the Ministry of Labor, Health, Solidarity and Families. The Ministry of Labor and Employment prepares and implements the Government's policy in the areas of labor, employment, vocational training, social dialogue and the prevention of accidents at work and occupational diseases. Employment, Vocational training, Labor law, Occupational health, Training, Social dialogue, and Union representation | 1160 | 948 | 134 | |
Ministère de l'Intérieur [Automatic translation follows] Welcome to the official page of the Ministry of the Interior ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Security, National Police, National Gendarmerie, Territorial Administration, Prefecture, Sub-prefecture, Local Authorities, Civil Security, Firefighters, Immigration, Asylum, and Road Safety | 1291 | 995 | 231 | |
Ministère de la Justice [Automatic translation follows] Justice in France is administered by a ministry, also called Chancellery, whose holder is the Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice. • It brings together and manages the resources of Justice: personnel, equipment, buildings, IT, etc.; • It prepares the texts of laws and regulations in certain areas, such as family law, French nationality, criminal justice, etc. • It takes charge of the populations entrusted to it by decision of the judicial authority: juvenile offenders or those in danger and adults placed under the control of the courts; • It defines the main directions of public … Sectors: National and local authorities | 889 | 696 | 190 | |
Ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse "Ministère de l'Education Nationale et de la jeunesse" is the French Ministry in charge of education, from primary to higher education, Universities and public research. The Ministry divisions are not always the same, sometimes the research is combined with industry. In other governments, the Ministry has also been in charge Sport, Youth and Community Life. The head of this Ministry is located "rue de Grenelle" in Paris. At the decentralized level, the Ministry of Education includes "Academies" often corresponding to several departments. | 612 | 479 | 100 | |
Ministry of Economy [Automatic translation follows] Within the Ministry, more than 135,000 agents today put their talent to work for a strong and sustainable economy in the region and in Paris. User services, legal affairs, economic development, performance management... more than 160 professions are practiced in the Bercy administrations. The diversity of these sectors of activity makes it possible to build rich career paths adapted to each person's profile. How to join the Bercy services? Each year, the ministry recruits 5,000 women and men. Numerous competitions at all levels are organized. Recruitment procedures without competition also exist, for disabled workers and young people … | 2918 | 2077 | 821 | |
Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Souveraineté alimentaire [Automatic translation follows] The ministry is organized into four technical departments (food, education and research, economic and environmental performance of companies, fisheries and aquaculture) whose action is coordinated by a general secretariat that ensures human resources management, financial affairs, service organization, information and communication, agricultural statistics and forecasting, legal affairs and pilots the ministry's modernization policy The decentralized services relay the action of the central administration in the regions and departments. The ministry has nearly 36,000 employees, half of whom work in the agricultural education and training sector. Food, Agriculture, Forestry, Agri-food, and Fisheries | 1023 | 869 | 13 | |
Direction Générale des Entreprises [Automatic translation follows] The DGE designs and implements policies in favor of competitiveness and business growth. The Directorate General for Enterprises serves the Minister of Economy and Finance. Our action is at the heart of the Government's projects in favor of the country's economic transformation and strategic autonomy. In the service of business competitiveness, it carries out industrial policy, defines digital regulatory measures, as well as policies to support the local economy. It supports businesses in the digital and ecological transformation of the economy, and works in favor of regulatory simplification and an ambitious innovation policy. Its missions include both … Sectors: National and local authorities | 1524 | 1131 | 229 | |
France Travail [Automatic translation follows] Official LinkedIn page of France Travail #AvecFranceTravail France Travail is a major player in the French employment market, where it is committed to facilitating the return to work of job seekers and offering companies solutions adapted to their recruitment needs. France Travail's 55,000 employees work every day to be the link between job seekers and companies. France Travail is a key player in the French employment market. Its role is to help the unemployed find work and support companies to fulfil their recruitment requirements. Day-to-day, France Travail's 55,000 staff provides that vital link between job seekers and … Sectors: Human ressources | 6304 | 4822 | 714 | |
EDTech France Les startups françaises qui mettent les technologies au service de l’éducation, avec +450 membres et partenaires The initiative of French entrepreneurs who decided to make technology useful for education and training. The association gathers the best French EDTechs in K12,higher education or corporate training. A professional hub to accelerate business, presence and consideration of Edtech in public debates, and reputation of the French Edtech in the world. | 454 | 250 | 313 | |
TUBA Lyon Tiers-lieu des données, du numérique responsable et des transitions urbaines du territoire grand lyonnais More and more data are produced every day. In order to use them in our everyday life, and to convert them into new innovative services, we have to transform them and imagine new applications. There are a lot of domains for which Big Data can be useful: from mobility to health, including energy management, environment, etc.... Supporting those innovations, experimenting and developing new services for tomorrow’s city and citizen, this is the goal of TUBÀ, the Urban Test Tube of Lyon Four actors are meeting at … | 481 | 134 | 396 | |
Worldline Payments to grow your world. We are Worldline. We help businesses of all shapes and sizes to accelerate their growth journey – quickly, simply, and securely. With advanced payments technology, local expertise and solutions customised for hundreds of markets and industries, Worldline powers the growth of over one million businesses around the world. Merchant Services, Mobility and e-Transactional Services, Financial Processing, and Financial Services Tags: CAC40 | 708 | 443 | 270 | |
Startup Banlieue [Automatic translation follows] Impossible is not Banlieue 🤝Federate 💡Reveal 🚀Inspire Created in 2017, Startup Banlieue aims to develop the entrepreneurial mindset of young people in Banlieue. In just a few months, we have brought together nearly 700 people through 3 events and our cause is now followed by thousands of people on social networks. We have accelerated 20 entrepreneurial projects, 6 of which are currently incubated in 8 partner incubators. Our goal: to become the reference movement for entrepreneurship in the suburbs. Why in Banlieue? A breeding ground for a number of working-class neighborhoods, it is best known for bringing … | 114 | 24 | 88 | |
RATPgroup The RATP Group is the world's fifth largest public transport company, carrying 12 million people every day in France and around the world. It boasts unrivalled experience in design, project management, operation and maintenance of all types of urban and suburban transport, making it an industry leader called upon around the globe for its expertise. The RATP Group already operates in 12 countries through 50 subsidiaries and is stepping up its international expansion through some major projects worldwide. The RATP Group is also a strong proponent of sustainable mobility. It has the know-how to meet new service quality challenges by … Sectors: Transport | 1809 | 1403 | 456 | |
Métropole Rouen Normandie [Automatic translation follows] The Rouen Normandy Metropolis, created in 2015, brings together 71 municipalities and half a million inhabitants, on a territory of 664 km2. Between the Seine and forests, the Metropolis has a strong identity that is both urban and rural. Its particularity: 45 of its 71 municipalities are "small" municipalities, i.e. populated by fewer than 4,500 inhabitants. Almost 1,800 agents exercise nearly 200 professions to serve several skills, from the production and distribution of drinking water, public transport to waste management. A driving force in the development and attractiveness of the territory, rural and business land, service and … Sectors: French metropolis | 933 | 697 | 184 | |
Grenoble-Alpes Métropole 2ème Métropole d'Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - 450 000 hab. - Au pied des massifs du Vercors, de Chartreuse et de Belledonne. Grenoble-Alpes Métropole is the global Grenoble administration in charge of transportation, waste, economy & development, environment management. Sectors: French metropolis | 960 | 726 | 164 | |
grandlyon [Automatic translation follows] An administration in motion is a whole city that moves #villedelyon! Capital of the Rhône-Alpes Region, Lyon is one of the most attractive cities in Europe for its quality of life and its exceptional economic dynamism. At the heart of the Lyon Metropolis, the City of Lyon (500,000 inhabitants) has a total budget of 780 million euros and a workforce of 7,300 permanent agents allowing it to offer a local public service to the population with a constant concern for quality. Would you like to discover our professions, find out about recruitment procedures or apply for our … | 2121 | 1815 | 182 | |
Région Grand Est [Automatic translation follows] Dynamic, competitive and innovative, the Grand Est Region is at your side and at your service. Priorities → #Employment #Digital #Youth #Territories #Mobility #Europe Find us on https://www.grandest.fr/ Also follow the news on our social networks: - Twitter: @regiongrandest - Facebook: @regiongrandest - Instagram: @laregiongrandest local authority Sectors: National and local authorities | 2302 | 1904 | 287 | |
Région Bretagne [Automatic translation follows] The official page of the Brittany Region on LinkedIn Assembly elected by the Bretons, the Regional Council intervenes in most areas that concern daily life and the future of Brittany: training, transport, economic development, regional planning, culture, sport, environment... Sectors: National and local authorities | 3033 | 2101 | 236 | |
Région Hauts-de-France [Automatic translation follows] "For a sustainable and decarbonized economy with #rev3" Welcome to the official page of the Hauts-de-France Region. Our community is responsible for various missions serving its six million inhabitants: * Employment and economic development * High schools, higher education and research * Transport * Sustainable development and planning of the territory, * Management of European funds * Sports, youth, culture, health, etc. Hauts-de-France is a plural region. #Leader in the #automobile industry, the railway industry, as in agriculture, our region is also the one that attracts the most foreign investors. The youngest region in France, Hauts-de-France continues … Sectors: National and local authorities | 2534 | 2060 | 398 | |
La Fabrique des Mobilités [Automatic translation follows] Accelerate your projects with open source! The purpose of the Association is to help you accelerate your sustainable mobility projects. We work with all stakeholders in the ecosystem: industries, laboratories, communities, schools, startups, clusters, customers, users, developers, etc. To join: https://www.helloasso.com/associations/la-fabrique-des-mobilites/adhesions/adhesions-2021-2022 The Association comes from an open network without borders or barriers to entry, which it strengthens and structures. The Association has set itself the following missions: ● Contribute to the evolution of mobility practices on a large scale through open models; ● Federate public and private players in the mobility sector in a common culture of … | 315 | 100 | 203 | |
Gaming Campus [Automatic translation follows] 1st campus for video game professions • 3 higher education schools: business / tech / art • Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux Designed by video game and education professionals, Gaming Campus is a unique place on 6500m2 between Paris, Lyon & Bordeaux to reveal talents and develop skills. Gaming Campus hosts the G. BS (management school specializing in the video game sector), the G. Tech (school for IT developers specializing in video games), the G. Art (school for creatives specializing in video games) Objective: a diploma for a profession and a job. gaming, jeuxvideo, business school, ecole de commerce, … | 375 | 143 | 221 | |
France urbaine [Automatic translation follows] The cross-party association of major cities, urban areas and metropolises. France urbaine is the leading association for metropolises, urban communities, urban communities and major cities. France urbaine is a cross-party association of communities that embodies urban diversity and promotes territorial alliances. Led by elected officials of all political persuasions, the association is made up of 110 members. It brings together France's major cities, metropolises, urban communities and urban communities, and represents 2,000 municipalities of all sizes in which nearly 30 million French people reside. France urbaine provides a political and technical vision for its members and citizens … Sectors: Environment | 596 | 417 | 186 | |
L'Express [Automatic translation follows] The bet on intelligence L’Express has been a leading media brand since 1953: a weekly, a website, applications, podcasts, newsletters... and soon masterclasses, events and other projects! Today, the L’Express Group is an editorial team of more than 70 journalists, guarantors of reliable and quality information, as well as a rapidly growing team of digital experts, serving new ways of consuming information. L’Express Studio is the Group’s commercial entity that creates innovative communications solutions with its partners to reach senior executives and opinion leaders Alain Weill, founder of the NextRadioTV Group (RMC, BFM TV), bought L’Express in … Sectors: Media | 2774 | 2197 | 243 | |
Secrétariat général pour la modernisation de l'action publique (SGMAP) [Automatic translation follows] The General Secretariat for the Modernization of Public Action (SGMAP) is a mission administration, which aims to be the linchpin of State reform, alongside ministries and other public institutions. Reporting to the Prime Minister, it aims to be, within the State, the place of expertise and excellence in the transformation of public policies and administrations. The SGMAP has a dual role: • an advisory role to the Government in the development, conduct and monitoring of the overall reform program. In this respect, the SGMAP is both an "assembler" of the modernization of public action (MAP), guarantor of … Sectors: National and local authorities | 385 | 260 | 153 | |
Outdoor Sports Valley - OSV [Automatic translation follows] Accelerator of the outdoor sector. "Outdoor Sports Valley - OSV" refers to both a territory and its industrial hub dedicated to outdoor sports. This area covers the Alpine arc and includes several thousand employees from the sports and leisure industry, the head offices of most companies in this sector and represents a unique playground on the planet. Our mission is to develop and amplify the dynamics of the players in the outdoor sports industry, as a French reference contact. Starting with around ten member companies in 2010, the OSV association now brings together more than 420 professional … | 342 | 121 | 244 | |
Ministère de la Santé [Automatic translation follows] Official account of the Ministry of Health and Access to Care. The Ministry of Health and Access to Care prepares and implements the Government's policy in the areas of public health, prevention and access to care. health, solidarity, public administration, poverty, care, and solidarity | 1322 | 977 | 201 | |
Impact Track Measure, manage and communicate your impact Impact Track is a digital platform that allows investors and entrepreneurs measure, manage and communicate social and environmental impact. Social impact measurement, Social investment, Social entrepreneurship, Impact investing, Consulting services, Mesure d'impact social et environnemental, Valorisation d'impact social, Conseil en stratégie d'impact, and Gestion d'impact | 174 | 38 | 152 | |
CCI France CCI France est la tête de réseau des Chambres de Commerce et d'Industrie. CCI France is the national public body that federates the French Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI). CCI France represents 2,000,000 French private companies. CCI France is the intermediary between all CCIs and French and European public authorities, international organisations and large public or private partners. CCI France is also represented in Brussels by its European Affairs Department. CCI France's task is to provide guidance, support and advice to the chambers within their spheres of activity : economic watch and intelligence, company development, territorial and infrastructural development, … Sectors: Chamber of commerce | 1258 | 971 | 221 | |
Link Accelerating the pace of innovation with corporates, startups, governments, and investors Link is a leading innovation platform dedicated to building a world-class ecosystem where innovation is accessible to everyone. Operating projects in India, Singapore, China, France, Germany, UK, US and Brazil, we connect corporates, startups, and investors to drive meaningful partnerships. Through 150+ innovation programs over the past 10 years, we’ve brought together 12,000+ startups, 100+ top corporations, and several venture capital firms, universities, and government agencies across industries like Mobility, Energy, Aerospace, HealthTech, Retail, FinTech and more. Link supports organizations across the entire innovation spectrum, from building a culture … Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC | 149 | 27 | 102 | |
Egis Egis is an international player active in the consulting, construction engineering and mobility service sectors. We design and operate intelligent infrastructure and buildings capable of responding to the climate emergency and helping to achieve more balanced, sustainable and resilient territorial development. With operations in 120 countries, Egis places the expertise of its 19,500 employees at the disposal of its clients and develops cutting-edge innovation accessible to all projects. Improving people’s quality of life and supporting communities in their social and economic development, whilst drastically reducing carbon emissions and achieving vital 2050 net zero targets, that’s our purpose. Egis shareholders consist … Sectors: Environment | 1417 | 839 | 327 | |
KissKissBankBank [Automatic translation follows] The idea is to get started! KissKissBankBank is the crowdfunding platform that supports you in the creation of your projects. We support your good ideas with a positive impact on society and we help you unleash your creativity to rethink the world. Dare to take the adventure on KissKiss! Company details: Head office: 34, rue de Paradis 75010 PARIS Email address: contact@kisskissbankbank.com Registration number as a Crowdfunding Intermediary with ORIAS: 14007218 crowdfunding, innovation, creation, entrepreneurship, crowdfunding, environment, independent culture, and inclusion Sectors: Finance | 1097 | 852 | 236 | |
POP [Automatic translation follows] Collective of social enterprises #ESS at the service of the inclusive #digital #transition of territories Group of social enterprises at the service of the inclusive digital transition of territories: digital third places, training in the jobs of tomorrow, design of public policies, support for stakeholders. Social Innovation, Digital Culture, Pedagogy, Third Places, and Commons | 302 | 21 | 273 | |
Hubikoop [Automatic translation follows] For an inclusive digital in Nouvelle-Aquitaine Hubikoop is the territorial Hub for an inclusive digital in Nouvelle-Aquitaine. We are a regional resource center that offers support, advice, and training, for organizations and professionals acting for people in difficulty with digital technology. We support field actors in the development and financing of their projects, as well as in the development of their educational practices. HUBIKOOP also has an advocacy role and supports local authorities to implement digital inclusion strategies in the territories. Digital inclusion is first and foremost a social issue, in order to allow the most vulnerable … | 124 | 15 | 116 | |
Mission Société Numérique FR [Automatic translation follows] A program of the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion The Digital Society program implements an action program to promote the autonomy and capacity of all to seize digital opportunities and to support the transition of territories. Our ambition: to structure, equip and accelerate projects to bring about an innovative and inclusive digital society. Digital, Local authorities, Digital mediation, Digital culture, Social innovation, Commons, Innovation, and Digital transition of territories | 258 | 66 | 215 | |
Numérique en Commun[s] [Automatic translation follows] #NEC2020, the #inclusive, #ethical and #sustainable digital event in Lyon and online from November 17, 2020! The approach of the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion — ANCT which brings together a large community to build a digital world of general interest. | 261 | 131 | 187 | |
Airbnb Airbnb is a community based on connection and belonging. Airbnb was born in 2007 when two Hosts welcomed three guests to their San Francisco home, and has since grown to over 5 million Hosts who have welcomed over 1.5 billion guest arrivals in almost every country across the globe. Every day, Hosts offer unique stays and experiences that make it possible for guests to connect with communities in a more authentic way. travel accommodations, collaborative economy, and hospitality Sectors: Real Estate | 6729 | 5018 | 158 | |
Groupe SNCF Fluidifier le transport des personnes et des marchandises, et développer la mobilité de demain. SNCF is a world leader in public transportation. Trains, passenger services, cards and passes, dialogue, ticket booking. One Group, 5 divisions SNCF offers a complete range of mobility solutions through its five divisions: SNCF Infra, SNCF Proximité, SNCF Voyages, SNCF GEODIS and Gares&Connexions. Transport, Mobilité, Ferroviaire, Infrastructures ferroviaires, and Ingéniérie ferroviaire Sectors: Transport | 3812 | 2788 | 717 | |
HEC Paris Specialized in education and research in management, HEC Paris Business School offers a complete and unique range of educational programs for the leaders of tomorrow: Masters Programs, MBA, PhD, HEC Executive MBA, TRIUM Global Executive MBA and Executive Education open-enrolment and custom programs. Founded in 1881 by the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry and founding member of ParisTech, HEC Paris has a permanent faculty of 115 professors, more than 4,000 students and over 8,500 managers and executives in training every year. management, corporate governance, strategy, general management, finance, human resources, marketing, operations management, entrepreneurship, coaching, business, business school, executive, … | 2051 | 769 | 1248 | |
IGN - French Mapping Agency (Institut Géographique National) [Automatic translation follows] IGN, changing scale IGN is the State operator for reference geographic and forest information, certified neutral and interoperable. The Institute is constantly developing new references, products and geoservices, meeting the growing and evolving needs for cartographic data and geolocalized information. A powerful public player in digital technology for the multi-theme description of the territory, the Institute supports the evaluation and implementation of public policies for risk prevention, regional planning, sustainable development, defense and national security. Thanks to its five research laboratories, IGN maintains a high-level innovation potential in the fields of geodesy, vector topography, optics and electronics, … Sectors: GIS | 811 | 433 | 244 | |
ERASME - UrbanLab In-house unit of the Lyon Metropolis, the Erasme innovation lab experiments with new public service solutions As a department of the Metropolis of Lyon, Erasme contributes, through its methodologies and actions, to the territory's public and digital innovation policy. Our mission is to respond to societal issues and new challenges to our public policies by proposing concrete ideas that can be tested in a short period of time to respond to the territory's problems. Our approach combines frugality and agility and favors prototyping and participatory design to build an inclusive, learning and sustainable metropolis. The UrbanLab is a place dedicated … | 94 | 35 | 60 | |
CNIL - Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés [Automatic translation follows] French data protection authority Learn more about the management of your data and your rights 👉 https://www.cnil.fr/fr/donnees-personnelles-gestion-des-comptes-de-reseaux-sociaux-de-la-cnil legal, right of access, regulation, files, Data Protection Act, NTIC, privacy, data, and dpo | 734 | 623 | 61 | |
Business France Business France is the national agency for the internationalization of the French economy. It is responsible for the international development of companies and their exports, as well as prospecting for and welcoming international investments in France. It promotes the attractiveness and business image of France, its companies and its territories. It manages and develops the V.I.E (Volontariat International en Entreprise). Created on January 1, 2015, Business France is a merger of UBIFRANCE and the AFII (French Agency for International Investments). Business France has 1,500 employees located in France and in 70 countries. It relies on a network of public and … Sectors: National and local authorities | 5405 | 3303 | 2389 | |
Mouvement Impact France [Automatic translation follows] Meaning for the company The Impact France Movement is an employers' organization that brings together all the players who put ecological and social impact at the heart of their business. And that, everywhere in France and in all sectors. Our mission: to loudly and clearly carry a common voice in favor of corporate profitability. And thus, build a robust economy of common interest. Our pillars for taking action: - Organize events to unite managers around qualified meetings and major events. - Create tools to advance companies such as the Impact Score (the common benchmark for assessing its … | 1457 | 1046 | 530 | |
Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale (CNFPT) [Automatic translation follows] When talents grow, communities progress The National Center for Territorial Civil Service (CNFPT) is a French public administrative institution that intervenes in the management of the territorial civil service. It is a national institution insofar as its competence extends over the entire national territory, except Paris and certain overseas communities, but contrary to the principle of attachment, it is not attached to any particular community. The CNFPT carries out general administration, consulting, recruitment and training missions. training and Employment | 868 | 571 | 167 | |
Association AMORCE [Automatic translation follows] 1st Network of Local Authorities and Local Actors for Waste, Energy and Water Management Bringing together more than 1,100 members for 60 million inhabitants represented, AMORCE constitutes the first French network of information, sharing of experiences and support for communities (municipalities, inter-municipalities, departmental councils, regional councils) and other local actors (companies, associations, professional federations) in terms of energy transition, territorial waste management and sustainable water management. An independent proposal force and privileged interlocutor of public authorities (ministries, state agencies and Parliament), AMORCE is today the main representative of the territories engaged in the ecological transition. A privileged … Sectors: Environment | 472 | 296 | 220 | |
ADEME [Automatic translation follows] The Agency for Ecological Transition! ADEME in brief The Agency for Ecological Transition participates in the implementation of public policies in the areas of the environment, energy and sustainable development. It provides its expertise and consulting capabilities to businesses, local authorities, public authorities and the general public, in order to enable them to progress in their environmental approach. The Agency also helps to finance projects, from research to implementation, in the following areas: waste management, soil preservation, energy efficiency and renewable energies, savings on raw materials, air quality, noise control, the transition to the circular economy and … Sectors: National and local authorities | 6382 | 5668 | 325 | |
Ministères Territoires Écologie Logement [Automatic translation follows] The Minister of State, Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, prepares and implements the Government's policy in the areas of sustainable development, the environment, in particular the protection and enhancement of nature and biodiversity, green technologies, the energy transition and energy, in particular in terms of pricing, the climate, the prevention of natural and technological risks, industrial safety, transport and its infrastructure, equipment and the sea. He develops and implements the policy to combat global warming and air pollution. He promotes sustainable management of scarce resources. He is responsible for international relations on the climate. In … | 2572 | 1450 | 691 | |
Cerema [Automatic translation follows] Cerema, Climate & Territories of tomorrow: development, mobility, infrastructure, risks, environment, sea, coastline Cerema provides expertise, research and innovation to the State and local authorities, as well as economic players: > Expertise and territorial engineering > Mobility > Buildings > Transport infrastructure > Environment and natural risks > Sea and coastline As a public administrative institution (EPA), under the supervision of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, Cerema develops close relationships with local authorities that are present in its governance bodies. It promotes innovation in the territories, and develops partnerships with local authorities and businesses. This is the … Sectors: National and local authorities | 1574 | 1129 | 413 | |
Habitat for Humanity International Through shelter, we empower. Driven by the vision that everyone needs a decent place to live, Habitat for Humanity began in 1976 as a grassroots effort on a community farm in southern Georgia. The Christian housing organization has since grown to become a leading global nonprofit working in local communities across all 50 states in the U.S. and in more than 70 countries. Families and individuals in need of a hand up partner with Habitat for Humanity to build or improve a place they can call home. Habitat homeowners help build their own homes alongside volunteers and pay an affordable … Sectors: Social Housing | 1134 | 794 | 158 | |
Roland Berger Roland Berger is the only management consultancy of European heritage with a strong international footprint. We are a global strategy consultancy and among the leaders in our field, with over 50 offices and 3,000 colleagues worldwide. Whether it’s digitalization, globalization, or sustainability, we always view challenges as opportunities to mobilize market forces and direct resources where they can have the greatest impact. We believe that transformation succeeds only when courage meets change, and clients can rely on a partnership-based, trustful collaboration along with outstanding industry and project expertise. That’s why we come together in lean, specialized, and international teams - … Sectors: Consulting | 2246 | 1665 | 210 |