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LogoName Σ Employees
Fashion Institute of Technology Fashion Institute of Technology

Nurturing unconventional minds The Fashion Institute of Technology is New York City’s internationally recognized college for design, fashion, art, communications, and business. fashion, design, fine arts, packaging, computer animation, technology, marketing, advertising, merchandising, production, and sustainability

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fashtech

24 13 10 5,275
Fluxys Fluxys

shaping together a bright energy future Fluxys contributes to a better society by shaping a bright energy future. Building on the unique assets of gas infrastructure and its commercial and technical expertise, Fluxys is committed to transporting hydrogen, biomethane or any other carbon-neutral energy carrier as well as carbon dioxide, accommodating the capture, usage and storage of the latter. Headquartered in Belgium, Fluxys is a fully independent energy infrastructure group with 1,300 employees active in gas transmission & storage and liquefied natural gas terminalling. Through its associated companies across the world, Fluxys operates 12,000 kilometres of pipeline and liquefied natural …

Type: Large company

25 11 15 1,096

Engineering a carbon-neutral future Tractebel is a global engineering and consulting company delivering integrated solutions for sustainable energy and built environment projects. Our expertise is trusted worldwide across multiple markets like nuclear, renewables, power & gas, electrical grids, hydropower & dams, water resources & supply, desalination, complex & high-tech buildings, transport infrastructures, and ports & waterways. By connecting strategy, design, engineering, social & environmental studies, project management and in-house digital application, we partner with companies and public authorities to create a positive impact on people and planet. Backed by more than 150 years of experience, today Tractebel is a community …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

40 14 23 5,989

Engineering Progress. Enhancing Lives. As a premium brand for polymer-based solutions for construction, automotive and industry, REHAU is an international leader. The unlimited possibilities offered by polymer-based solutions open a fascinating world of potential applications to the customers and end users. Thus, users, architects, planners as well as investors and retailers all profit from complex systems solutions in the construction field. As a competent partner in the area of window and curtain walling technology, building technology and civil engineering, REHAU provides answers to future ecological and economic questions. As a creative development partner, REHAU supports the automotive industry in its …

Type: Large company

18 5 5 6,121
Collectif Making Tomorrow Collectif Making Tomorrow

Present the future present Making Tomorrow is a collective of designers, makers, anthropologists, science fiction authors, prospectivists and economists who play with the future. Because what will happen is never quite what we expect. We help you imagine versions of your future that stand out from the dominant visions to experience the limits. And decide which direction to choose concretely. From tomorrow. Advice, prospective, design fiction, design, and innovation

Type: Media

10 3 10 9
Getting Smart Getting Smart

Getting Smart supports innovations in learning, education & technology. Getting Smart® is a learning design firm passionate about advocating on behalf of, accelerating and amplifying innovations in learning. Our Advisory team provides coaching, implementation support, strategy and design solutions for a network of impact-oriented partners that help people and organizations learn, grow and innovate. Getting Smart Collective, uses and additional Getting Smart platforms to advocate and amplify innovations in learning across the country as well as the work we do with partners emphasizing storytelling, scale and landscape views of what’s next in K-12, early, post-secondary education and lifelong learning. …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech martech Technologies: IoT

19 3 17 33
WE Digital DeepTech WE Digital DeepTech

We support Walloon startups in their growth ambition We Digital Deeptech: growth accelerator for innovative startups! At We Digital Deeptech, we understand the crucial needs of technological startups in the field of digital and rupture technologies. Our mission is to support your business at each stage of its development, emphasizing innovation in key fields such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, SaaS software, Blockchain, Medtechs/E-Santé, and augmented reality. Whether you are at the early financing stage (PRE-SEED and SEED) with our W.IN.G. Fund. Or looking for larger investment towers (from series A to IPO), Wallonia Entreprendre is there to …

Type: Incubators & VCs

50 5 16 8

Completely yours. Welcome to the official LinkedIn page of VRT! You can also follow us and stay informed of all vacancies, internships and news via our Facebook page (VRT Jobs), our Twitter account (@vrtjobs) or our website ( The VRT wants to inform, inspire and connect. She wants to enrich the Flemish and strengthen Flemish society. The public broadcaster is for anyone who lives or works in Flanders. Broadcasting, Media, Television, Digital, Entertainment, News, And Production

Type: Media

29 15 10 2,953
Voka Open Bedrijvendag Voka Open Bedrijvendag

Voka Open Company Day is unique: the largest one -day event & amp; live job fair with & gt; 500,000 visitors & amp; Digital 24/7! Voka Open Company Day is the largest one -day event in Belgium and always takes place on the first Sunday of October. In 2025 that will be on Sunday 5 October from 10 am to 5 pm. It is an event on which hundreds of companies together open their doors to the general public. This way, as a visitor, you get the chance to discover how your favorite products are made, how companies work, where …

Type: Event

25 4 21 11
Vleva Vleva

Your bridge to Europe Your bridge to Europe Europe is more and more our interior and that is why Flanders must be closely involved in European policy. Both the Flemish government and midfield play an important role here. Our mission: Flemish governments and civil society get better access to European policy through the information platform and network that VLEVA offers them. Our members and the Flemish authorities can thus represent their European interests in time and informed. For what can you go to VLEVA? Monitor: You receive information based on policy documents that VLEVA filters and analyze. Bridge: VLEVA follows …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

7 1 5 16
Vlaams Parlement Vlaams Parlement

Het hart van de democratie in Vlaanderen. Vlaanderen is een deelstaat van de federale staat België. Het Vlaams Parlement is de wetgevende macht binnen de Vlaamse parlementaire democratie: - goedkeuring van decreten (Vlaamse "wetten"​); - controle van de Vlaamse regering. Het Vlaams Parlementsgebouw ligt in het centrum van Brussel (Leuvenseweg 27). Meer informatie: Twitter: @vlaparl -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flanders is a member state of the federal state of Belgium. The Flemish Parliament constitutes the legislative power in the Flemish parliamentary democracy: - approval of decrees (laws) - control of the Flemish government The Flemish Parliament building is situated in the centre …

Type: Public

15 6 6 457

Together strong for work! Looking for a new job or employee? One address: Do you want to have your resume and cover letter read? Prepare a job interview? Practice selection tests? Then you are in the right place on And there is more. You can also contact us for training checks, interesting labor market articles, sharp blogs and information about career guidance. Do you want to publish free vacancies? Search in the largest central heating database in Flanders? Put your company in the spotlight? Then you are in the right place on And there is more. You …

Type: Public

17 9 1 6,468

Durver or doer, you always deserve the best support! The best entrepreneurial network in Flanders and Brussels. UNIZO unites around 110,000 entrepreneurs, self-employed people, SMEs and liberal professions from one-man business to growth-KMO from various sectors. We are the largest entrepreneurial organization. Our mission? Entrepreneurial interests represent the government, media, public opinion and social partners. In addition, we inform and advise entrepreneurs through training, guidance programs, inspiring events and more. This supplemented with newsletters, magazines and fascinating podcasts, so that entrepreneurs always stay informed of the latest developments in the entrepreneurial landscape. Discover how we can support you on …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

29 11 20 345
Université libre de Bruxelles Université libre de Bruxelles

A university in the heart of Europe, resolutely international and committed. ULB: one of the largest employers in the capital En termes d’emplois directs, avec plus de 5000 membres du personnel couvrant de nombreux métiers aux caractéristiques très diverses (professeurs, chercheurs, chargés de missions, techniciens de laboratoire, comptables, secrétaires, électriciens, plombiers, peintres, assistants sociaux, puéricultrices, etc). En termes d’emplois indirects, à travers la présence de ses 26000 étudiants et l’organisation de très nombreuses réunions scientifiques et colloques internationaux. Multicultural and international Université multiculturelle, avec plus d'un tiers d'étudiants et de chercheurs étrangers, l'Université libre de Bruxelles a fait de l'international …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

36 19 3 6,975
AKT for Wallonia AKT for Wallonia

Akt for Wallonia is a private organization which is responsible for "promoting and supporting the company, the engine of economic and social well-being of the region". She is the official spokesperson for industrial, commercial and service companies, of all sizes, located in Wallonia.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

34 13 22 77
Uitgeverij Lannoo Uitgeverij Lannoo

Readers give the books and experience they have always been looking for. Authors give the readers they deserve. Publisher Lannoo NV owes its success to years of experience, creativity and a close team of driven employees. Within the Lannoo Group publishing house, Lannoo Uitgeverij is responsible for the development of more than 600 books per year, in various genres and is a distributor for important national and international publishers. In addition to the head office in Tielt, there are also branches in Leuven (Lannoocampus), Brussels (Racine) and in the Netherlands, in Houten (Lannoocampus Nederland). In addition, the publishers Meulenhoff Boekerij …

Type: Media

18 11 3 193

We take you to the future and grow your business today Understand trends. Use future knowledge. With Trendone as strategic innovation advice, you systematically identify the most valuable chances of innovation. Together we develop an effective innovation strategy and continuously strengthen your future viability. Our services at a glance: ✔️ Foresight: What does the future bring? Understand concrete future topics and alternative future images for a strategic design space as well as the development of a systematic trend management process ✔️ Strategy: Who do we want to be and where do we want to go? Joint development of a sustainable …

Type: Media

17 4 10 51

Ensemble, transportons le Bruxelles de demain - Samen vervoeren we het Brussel van morgen Première entreprise belge de transport public urbain, la Société des Transports Intercommunaux de Bruxelles circule dans les 19 communes de la région de Bruxelles-Capitale ainsi que dans 11 autres communes périphériques. Elle dessert une superficie de 241,5 km2 et assure les déplacements d'une population de plus de 1.100.000 habitants auxquels s'ajoutent des milliers de navetteurs. Le réseau de la STIB compte 4 lignes de métro, 20 lignes de tramways, 50 lignes d'autobus et 17 lignes de bus de nuit. De Maatschappij voor het Intercommunaal Vervoer te …

Type: Large company

19 11 9 4,015
Stad Sint-Niklaas Stad Sint-Niklaas

Sint-Niklaas, that is colorful, warm, innovative and dynamic! The city of Sint-Niklaas is a modern center city with nearly 80,000 inhabitants, where there is something to experience on every area. Sint-Niklaas is the dynamic capital of the Waasland. The city has a large educational offer, an extensive core shopping area, museums, monuments and an expanded medical services. Sint-Niklaas is also a cultural meeting point and a city of events. In the boroughs it is pleasant walking and cycling. The Grote Markt, the bustling heart of the new Sint-Niklaas, looks more beautiful than ever. The largest ground floor shopping center in …

Type: Public

3 2 1 539
stad Leuven stad Leuven

The city council of Leuven is a modern government organization and an important local employer, which is open to the effort and talent of everyone. In the city office and the other locations in the center and on the Rand, the city of Leuven houses around 1300 motivated employees. A job at the city of Leuven means working in a dynamic, modern working environment where the satisfaction of the citizen is central.

Type: Public

14 13 1 769
Smals Smals

Ict for Society Smals RealiseERT Innovatieve Ict-Projectten in Diensten Voor Werk, Gezin En Gezondheid Voor Insttellingen Uit de Social Zekerheid en de Gezondheidszorg in Biedt Hen een breed gamma Ict-Diensten aan. Ict for Society is voor smals meer dan een slogan: we realize innovatieve projecten inzake e-government in e-health in belgië En Spelen een Sleutelrolrol in of Verdere computerized van of social zekerheid in gezondheidszorg. We Werken Ook Mee Aan of Ontwikkeling Van de G-Cloud, by Belgische Overheidscloud. Smals carries out innovative ICT projects and services for work, family and health for social security and health care institutions and offers …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech it services

9 3 6 1,818
Sambrinvest Sambrinvest

We are the leading venture capital in Charleroi Metropole Sambrinvest est un acteur privé de capital à risque actif dans la région de Charleroi Métropole. Il a pour objet l'accompagnement et le développement des PME et des startups. Par son expertise, il conseille les entrepreneurs, à chaque stade de développement de leurs projets, tout en respectant leur autonomie de gestion. Venture Capital, SME, Startups, Investments, Equity, Loan, Risk Investments, and Hainaut

Type: Incubators & VCs

27 9 22 37
L'Echo L'Echo

L'Echo, a business media in the broadest sense, informs and inspires those with an entrepreneurial spirit. L'Echo is a Belgian business newspaper, published by Mediafin and mainly distributed in Wallonia and Brussels. It is the French counterpart of the Flemish daily De Tijd which is its sister paper. business, politique, investissement, économie, entrepreneuriat, finances personnels, Belgique, Bruxelles, Wallonie, média, journalisme, presse, immobilier, crypto, entreprise, Ressources humaines, travail, and presse

Type: Media

101 39 122 131
La Chronique La Chronique

The news of construction professionals. The chronicle is the weekly essential for the construction sector. It seems every Friday and is read by 20,000 readers, paid subscribers, all construction professionals. The chronicle is the only French -speaking weekly to publish all public procurement, definitive results and public procurement. Home automation, transport, construction, materials, and materials

Type: Media

13 1 12 8
Open Vld Open Vld

A new liberal story Open VLD is a liberal democratic party that resolutely opts for an open society. A society in which every person gets as many opportunities as possible to expand his or her life. Not to realize themselves at the expense of others, but to contribute to that open society in a free and responsible way. More info on

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

9 7 1 196
RAI Automotive Industry NL RAI Automotive Industry NL

RAI Automotive Industry NL is the cluster organisation of the Dutch automotive industry. AutomotiveNL is de clusterorganisatie van de Nederlandse automotive industrie, mobiliteitssector en automotive onderwijs met meer dan 170 leden. De missie van AutomotiveNL is het initiëren en uitvoeren van tal van activiteiten ter versterking van de Nederlandse automotive sector met name gericht op innovatie, onderwijs / opleiding, internationalisering, kennisvergaring en netwerken. Een deel van de projecten valt op de Automotive Campus in Helmond waar AutomotiveNL gevestigd is. Automotive, Smart Mobility, Materials, Green Mobility, Manufacturing, Mobility, Energy, Digitalization, and Design

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

25 6 22 20
POM West-Vlaanderen POM West-Vlaanderen

A provincial agency with a heart for the entrepreneurs! Pom West Flanders is a provincial agency with a heart for entrepreneurs. Together with our partners, we turn West Flanders into a province where entrepreneurs can grow in a sustainable way. We encourage entrepreneurship, investing in space to do business, bring innovation closer to the entrepreneur and develop the talent present in West Flanders.

Type: Public

9 6 1 95
Media Marketing Media Marketing

Free Subscription (One Month) Media Marketing, C'est le Rendez-Vous de la Communication. Pour Tout Savoir sur la professional, and Long, and Large. And Couleurs et and Profondeur. And Deux Éditions, Français et Néerlandais. Media Marketing is the unmissable agreement for the communication sector. To find out everything about the profession, with all the necessary details, background and depth for more insight. In two editions: a French and a Dutch one. Marketing & amp; Communication, Advertising, Editing, and Publicité

Type: Media

27 4 25 29

New Flemish Alliance The N-VA is a young party for a Flanders that works on the economic prosperity and the social well-being of all its inhabitants. A Flanders that offers freedom and opportunities to everyone who works, saves and undertakes. A Flanders that takes care of and watches over its public culture. An open Flanders that takes his responsibility and is internationally solidarity. Flanders, Europe, Innovation, Prosperity, Economy, Taxation, Social Security, Pensions, Welfare, Life Quality, Education, Safety, Justice, Labor Migration, Secondment, Energy, Sustainability, Mobility, Efficient Government, and Political Renewal

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

17 6 9 376
newsmonkey newsmonkey

News for the next generation - The next generation of news Newsmonkey is hét nieuwsmerk van generation Y: journalistiek en entertainment die domineren via sociale media. Newsmonkey bouwt als mediabedrijf een nieuw online commercieel model, met native advertising en eigen technologie die ze viraal laat gaan. Met ons breaking nieuws, onze achtergrondverhalen, scoops, populaire lijstjes en boeiende video’s bereiken we meer dan 1,5 miljoen mensen per maand. Community management, Generation Y, Virale campagnes, Native advertising, and Publishing

Type: Media

13 3 9 7
Milipol Paris Milipol Paris

Leading Event For Homeland Security and Safety. Next event: Milipol Paris 2025 from 18 to 21 November 2025 in Paris Milipol Paris is the leading event dedicated to homeland security and safety. The event is organised under the auspices of the French Ministry of Interior in partnership with several governmental bodies. It is the property of GIE Milipol, which includes the likes of CIVI.POL Conseil, Protecop, Thales and Visiom. The 24th edition will be held on 18-21 November 2025 at Paris-Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre. In 2023, the event attracted 1,116 exhibitors (65% from outside France) ; 30,084 visitors from 160 …

Type: Event

20 5 16 4

Europe's leading Tech network advocating Crypto, AI and Cybersecurity. By and for students. Join now! Leading student initiative democratizing Bitcoin and crypto across more than 20 French and EU business/engineering schools. Since 2017, our activities span events, training sessions, consulting services, technical advancements, and focused research. Since 2019, we've expanded our focus to encompass additional dual technologies such as artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, raising our expertise to cater both the general public and businesses. KRYPTOSPHERE® has promoted i.e. democratized Bitcoin to a minimum of 150,000 people and a maximum of 250,000 people over it’s 8 years of activity. We're continuously …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. Blockchain/Cryptocurrency VR

25 3 18 218
InCyberNews InCyberNews

Le média de la confiance numérique InCyber News is the European media hub of the digital trust community, published by the team behind the FIC (International Cybersecurity Forum). inCyber is a reference publication covering numerous cybersecurity and digital trust subjects. Every day, across its website, social media channels, and newsletters, inCyber deciphers the latest cyber news, unpacking it from strategic, operational, legal, technological, and cultural angles. inCyber provides cybersecurity & digital trust professionals with exclusive insights: our editorial team, closely connected to all the major market players and in tune with the challenges they face, delivers the most up-to-date information …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

68 8 59 25
AI for Health AI for Health

We connect public and private actors in the Artificial Intelligence and the Healthcare Industry AI for Health's mission is to bring together the ecosystems of Artificial Intelligence and Health to support the ambition of the national strategy for Artificial Intelligence inHealth. It is essential to invest and mobilize now, in order to fully seize the opportunities that Artificial Intelligence offers to revolutionize the health sector." These future opportunities are clear: to increase access to care, quality of life and healthy life expectancy for the world's population. This will only be possible if the world of health opens up to other …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: A.I.

68 8 58 8
Belgian Senate - Belgische Senaat - Sénat de Belgique - Belgischer Senat Belgian Senate - Belgische Senaat - Sénat de Belgique - Belgischer Senat

60 Senators represent the Belgian federated entities in the high chamber of the Federal Parliament. At federal level, the Belgian Senate is the assembly of the federated entities: these are the Communities and Regions in Belgium. It is composed of 60 members of the directly elected parliaments of the federated entities, and are appointed by their colleagues in these parliaments. The senators participate in federal decision-making or take a position on it. The Senate embodies federal legitimacy. Through the senators, the federal states can enter into dialogue with each other or with the federal government. The Senate, together with the …

Type: Public

3 0 2 76

Driving Creativity, Accelerating Growth, and Shaping the Future in An Ai World Learn, innovate and undertake: the mics helps you! Accelerator of your business, the MIC is aimed at startups and businesses whose technologies constitute the core business or facilitate their activity. We help you: 1/ Learn: Conferences, certifications, meetings and networks 2/ Innovate: calls for projects, practical workshops, architecture design sessions (ADS) 3/ Entrepreneur: Public (Walloon Region) and private (Microsoft, HP, VOO and Mobistar) partnership, Microsoft Innovation Center (MIC) encourages Walloon Business Development in the IT sector. IA, XR, VR, digital transformation, and generative

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

15 5 9 56
Máxima MC Máxima MC

Our employees and medical specialists contribute daily to making and keeping people healthier. Máxima MC is a top clinical hospital in the Brainport region and has two locations: Hartje Eindhoven and on the border of Veldhoven and Eindhoven. Our (care) professionals contribute daily to making and keeping people healthier. The patient and his family play the leading role in this. Top clinical care goes hand in hand in Máxima MC with recognisability and cordiality. Through research, education and innovation we bring our care to an increasingly higher level. We join forces surrounding patients in the field of birth care, the …

Type: Large company

5 3 3 2,146
Limburg Startup Limburg Startup

First Class Startup Community in Limburg (B) Power of Community Limburg Startup is an open platform, a first class starters community, supported and developed by entrepreneurial Limburg with the aim of connecting existing initiatives, to strengthen starters and accelerate growth processes. By connecting all actors from the wide starter landscape, we give an acceleration to young entrepreneurship within the province Startup, incubator, coaching, and growing

Type: Incubators & VCs

22 6 16 15
Le Forem Le Forem

Public service for employment and vocational training in Wallonia. Due to the missions assigned to it, Forem is a key player in the field of employment, training and human resources in the Walloon Region. Forem's mission is to best meet the needs of its various customers. Forem offers personalized service to people: it guides them, helps them to formulate their professional project and acquire professional skills. Concretely, he offers tools, advice, professional supervision and the opening to a large network of partners, with the purpose of employment. Forem provides professional support to companies. Forem develops private and public partnerships to …

Type: Public

16 7 7 3,686
Priva Priva

Creating a climate for growth Priva is a high-tech company that develops hardware, software and services in the field of climate control, energy saving and optimal reuse of water. We do that for horticulture, indoor and city farming, and utility buildings such as offices, retail, hotels and hospitals. With about 650 colleagues, 15 local offices in 13 countries and over 400 international installation partners, we deliver our sustainable solutions and services in more than 100 countries. Our objective is to create a healthy, comfortable, productive environment in any building or production process our clients present, in a sustainable and efficient …

Type: Large company

5 1 4 1,266
ITdaily ITdaily

Where Business Meets IT Itdaily is a B2B platform with a focus on IT professionals and business decision makers. We introduce them to innovations, tests, deepening, reports and other practical stories. We make complex IT stories accessible through clear texts.

Type: Media

21 1 21 8
NuScale Power NuScale Power

Power for all humankind NuScale has designed a new kind of nuclear power plant that is smarter, safer, cleaner, and more cost competitive than the large gigawatt nuclear power plants of the past. At the heart of the NuScale power plant is the NuScale Power ModuleTM (NPM), a small modular reactor (SMR) that brings together traditional components—the reactor vessel, steam generator, pressurizer, and containment—into a single, simplified, and fully factory-fabricated unit. Each NPM can produce 77 megawatts of electricity (MWe), and one NuScale plant can house up to 12 NPMs for a total of 924 MWe (gross). This scalability feature …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

16 7 7 423
Innoviris Innoviris

Innoviris funds and supports research and innovation in Brussels. ​ #wefundyourfuture Innoviris funds and supports research and innovation in Brussels. ​ #wefundyourfuture Innoviris is the public organisation that funds and supports research and innovation in the Brussels-Capital Region.​ We do this in several ways. First and foremost, by co-financing research and innovation projects. We provide funding for small and large companies, research centres, the non-profit sector and the public sector. We support the development of creative solutions today, for the region of tomorrow.​ Secondly, by sensitizing about STEM education and career opportunities. We are passionate about the role of science …

Type: Public

19 8 11 57

GIRLEEK creates the Digital Woman of the future, now. GIRLEEK is a pioneering initiative dedicated to providing women with essential digital skills, promoting their professional integration and financial autonomy. Active in Belgium and internationally through specific projects, our mission is to offer daily support to all women, especially the most vulnerable, through a variety of activities such as digital workshops, webinars, professional training, and much more. We are committed to balancing women's personal and professional lives by leveraging the opportunities offered by hybrid educational methodologies to make digital skills accessible through our GIRLEEK.ACADEMY platform. Digital Marketing, QA Testing, Artificial Intelligence, …

Type: Media

32 9 28 16
Géoportail de la Wallonie Géoportail de la Wallonie

The Walloon Geographic Information website and the geomatic community of Wallonia. Initiated by the Wallonia Public Service, the Wallonia Geoportail is the gateway to geographic information and Walloon geomatic activity. Do you work in the public or private sector? Are you an urban planner, forest agent, surveyor, researcher or manager of the development of an application requiring geographic data? You will find on the geoportail data essential for your projects and a whole range of useful tools. Geoportail is also your direct link with the entire Walloon geomatic community and a window to European geographic information. From the geoportail, also …

Type: Public

10 2 9 3
Cluster PRIMUS Défense & Sécurité Cluster PRIMUS Défense & Sécurité

A cluster as a lever for collective development. An offer for Defense, Security and Safety. The Primus Defense & Security Cluster combines the flexibility of innovative SMEs with the capabilities of the big names in the industry to provide a global response to the issues of end customers and enable them to fully perform their missions. Customer satisfaction is the priority of Cluster members; it is with them that he will grow. security, Defence, Cluster, and Salons

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

48 12 33 5

TEO supports companies in detecting and developing their own technical talent! TEO helps companies to develop technical talent continuously. TEO is a pragmatic and complete solution for companies to, autonomously and continuously, identify and develop internal and external technical talent. The innovative, modular and integrated TEO tools, full of generic and /or personalized content, help any company to easily organize technical trainings or even set-up a complete training center. Technical skills (both theoretical as practical skills) can be assessed and further developed individually, objectively measurable, and time and place independant. Want to know more? Reach out via email or phone: …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech hrtech

7 0 7 18
TRAIL - TRusted AI Labs TRAIL - TRusted AI Labs

Advancing AI Research & Connecting the Belgian AI Ecosystem to You! 🥼 Researchers committed to Belgian excellence in AI and challenged by the industry 🧩 Mezzanine to meet the needs of the industry and facilitate technology transfer 👥 Vibrant ecosystem to stimulate business innovation and collaboration 🎯 TRAIL has 4 major objectives: - Produce excellent applied research with a societal impact (active throughout the TRL scale); - Develop tomorrow's talent today, because digital transformation is underway; - Promote the adoption of AI - including by small and medium-sized enterprises - and finally - International reach. AI, Embedded AI, Human AI, …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I.

20 1 17 16
FOD Economie / SPF Economie / FPS Economy FOD Economie / SPF Economie / FPS Economy

In a fast-changing Belgian and international economic context, the mission of the FPS Economy, SMEs, Self-employed and Energy consists of creating the conditions necessary for the competitive, sustainable and balanced functioning of the goods and services market in Belgium. In order to achieve this, the FPS Economy, SMEs, Self-employed and Energy intends to understand and supervise the goods and services market in order to stimulate it more. If you submit comments or questions via this page, your data will be processed in accordance with our Privacy statement: Company number: 0314.595.348 Vooruitgangstraat 50, 1210 Brussels

Type: Public

25 14 11 1,277
Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT) Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT)

We accelerate and accompany your business at Every Step from and to Flanders. Because Together, we internationalize fast Flanders Investment & AMP; Trade (Fit) is the partner to realize your international ambitions. At Fit we strongly believe in the connecting power of international trade and foreign investments such as a source of employment, stimulus for knowledge sharing and motivation for research and innovation. To reinforce that dynamic, we bring companies, organizations and professionals in motion internationally. In this way we stimulate them, and at the same time the engine of the Flemish economy. For this we can rely on our …

Type: Public Activities: fintech

122 27 97 458

Federatie Belgische Transporters in Logistiekers - Belgian Federation Transporters and Logisticians FEBETRA VERDEDIGT EN Behartigt de Belangen van de Belgische Sector van Het Vervoer van goederen over of Weg Voor Reken Van Derden in Van De Logistieke Dienstverleners. Beroepsverdediging is of priority bij uitstek voor febetra. Wij Waken Er Steeds Over Dat Zoveel Mogelijk Vervoerders Zich in Opties of Standpunten Van De Vereniging Kunnen Terugvinden. The FEBETRA works for the defense of the interests of Belgian carriers of goods and providers of logistics services. Professional defense is the top priority for the Febetra. We make sure that as many as …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

7 0 7 23

We bring entrepreneurs and business leaders together who find values ​​-oriented entrepreneurship important. Etion is the forum for committed entrepreneurship. Decisions meet there to exchange experiences and strengthen knowledge. This usually happens in small groups such as round tables, but there are also larger open activities. The focus is on the content. Etion stands for an integrated view of the individual, the organization and society to achieve sustainable success. It already has more than 4,000 members from large and small companies, over the sectors, who want to undertake value -driven.

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

23 2 21 89
Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken

Does Flanders move: along the road, over the water and through the air. Experts in motion. The Department of Mobility and Public Works of the Flemish Government makes Flanders move: along the road, over the water and through the air. The department has more than 700 experts in motion. Together they work every day for safe, smart and sustainable mobility and for a contemporary road and (air) port infrastructure. Our colleagues participate both in terms of policy and in implementation on projects such as the roof of the Ring around Antwerp, the Nieuwe Sluis in Zeebrugge and the construction of …

Type: Public

7 0 6 230
Departement WEWIS – economie, wetenschap en innovatie Departement WEWIS – economie, wetenschap en innovatie

Tamper game between work, economy, science, innovation and social economy for a better society. The Wewis department originated from the merger of the EWI and WSE departments. The important socio-economic policy instruments of the labor market and competence policy, economic policy, science policy, innovation policy and social economy thus come together in one organization. On this page you can go for Wewis news and updates in the field of economics, science and innovation.

Type: Public

16 4 10 35
Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Great Britain Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Great Britain

Your trusted one-stop shop for successfully conducting business in the UK since 1890 The Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce is an accredited, private membership organisation which helps Belgian and Luxembourg businesses exporting to and/or investing in the U.K., saving them valuable time and money. Annually, we help over 350 Belux companies by offering them practical, in-house business services, access to central-London based Club Houses, access to an extensive business network and by organising regular, exclusive events. Our practical services range from establishing your business in the U.K. to the daily follow up of administrative, payroll, accounting and legal affairs. Our 4 …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

5 2 2 10
National Crisis Centre National Crisis Centre

Better prepared. Better response. The National Crisis Centre (NCCN) is one of the five General Directorates of the Federal Public Service Home Affairs. Since 16 September 2023, Leen Depuydt has been its Director General ad interim. The NCCN occupies a central key position in the structure ensuring our country's national security and resilience. We continuously collect, analyse and disseminate the critical information needed by the country's authorities, administrations and security and emergency services. Our mission, defined in the Royal Decree of 18 April 1988, places us at the heart of crisis management, linking us to the various stages of the …

Type: Public

8 3 3 149
Corda Campus Corda Campus

Creating Business Communities Corda Campus is the internationally leading campus in the province of Limburg in the field of technology, high -tech, IT and media, and has a magnetic function for innovative companies and institutions. More than 200 companies and 3000 people work on high -quality innovative products and services every day. Corda Campus wants to offer access to: - flexible infrastructure; - efficient services; - optimum cross -pollination between users; - Relevant networks.

Type: Incubators & VCs

17 10 11 30
Computable Belgium Computable Belgium

Everything about business ICT in Belgium. News, background, experts, opinion and discussion. Editor -in -chief: William Visterin & Amp; Sander Hulsman News editor: Frederic Petitjean Columnist and section Track: Luc Blyaert Section Start IT and gems (Company portraits): Kevin Stickens SECTION VERTICAL IT (Analysis): Stef Gyssels Content coordinator from the Netherlands: Suzanne Martens ICT News, ICT behind, ICT Markt, and Publisher

Type: Media

15 8 7 1
Cluster TWEED Cluster TWEED

Le Cluster TWEED (Technologie Wallonne Énergie - Environnement et Développement durable) est une organisation wallonne rassemblant plus d'une centaine d'entreprises actives dans le secteur de l'énergie durable. The Cluster TWEED (Technology of Wallonia Energy, Environment and sustainable Development) aims to play a major role in the business development of «sustainable energy» sectors.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

9 4 2 12
Federgon - Network for work Federgon - Network for work

The Federgon Members are part of an active network that make an important contribution to our plowing market. Wij Zijn Federgon, Het Netwerk Voor Werk. We Behatigen de Gemeenschappelijke Belangen van onze Leden Door Sterk Lobbywerk in Zorgen Voor Individual Dienstverlening. We Verenigen, Adviseren, Inspireren in Creëren. In Aules wat we undernemen, Streven We Naar Excentant. Met Eleven Ploeg Van Experts Vormen We Een Kenniscentrum En Zetten We Die Kennis Om in Vernieuwende Ideeën in Adviezen Waarop Kan Gebouwd Worden. Met Een Open Blik Kijken We Naar by Wereld Van Werk. Door eleven stakeholders Actief te inspireren, Werken We Mee …

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech

16 0 17 73

Creating Ethical and Open Source Software to Maximize Positive Impact for People, Society and the Planet! Our mission has been inventing and developing ethical software (what we call "goodtech") for 20 years to invent and develop to change the world by having a maximum of positive impacts for humans, society and the planet. Linagora has its influence in fifteen countries and is present with its teams in France (Paris, Toulouse, Lyon, Nice, Montpellier and soon Toulon and its region), Russia, Vietnam, Canada and Tunisia. Linagora is defined as an actor of the #3rd DOWNLOW by offering a free and ethical …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

97 27 69 129
Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture

AS+GG designs high-performance, sustainable architecture on an international scale Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture is dedicated to the design of high-performance, sustainable architecture on an international scale. The firm approaches each project with an understanding that architecture has the power to influence to aid society, advance modern technology, sustain the environment and inspire those around us to improve our world. We use an integrated design approach that emphasizes a relationship with the natural environment -- a philosophy called global environmental contextualism. This approach takes into consideration building orientation, daylighting, generation of wind power, solar absorption, and a site's geothermal …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

4 1 2 87
Namahn Namahn

A human-centred design agency. Namahn is an independently owned human-centred design agency based in the heart of Brussels. An international team of designers from varied backgrounds and interests, we want to contribute to a better future through design. human-centred design, design thinking, digital products, spaces, services, strategy, insights, knowledge, and design toolkits

Type: SMB Activities: uxtech

5 1 3 17
BEMAS - Belgian Maintenance Association BEMAS - Belgian Maintenance Association

Bridge to sustainable Asset Performance BEMAS is a not for profit organisation in the field of maintenance and asset management. We help asset intensive organisations on the road to world class maintenance and management of technical equipment and infrastructure. maintenance, asset management, training, knowledge sharing, reliability, Asset performance, sustainability, circular economy, repair, industry 4.0, IIot, and digital transformation

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Decarbonization

19 2 17 32
WaterstofNet WaterstofNet

WaterstofNet develops and realises sustainable hydrogen projects. It coordinates the 'Waterstof Industrie Cluster'. WaterstofNet is a knowledge and collaboration platform that contributes to a carbon neutral society by supporting and realizing hydrogen projects in Flanders and the Netherlands. Together with industry and governments, we ensure concrete achievements in the field and lay the foundation for further cooperation.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

28 1 15 15

WORLD FORUM OFFSHORE WIND - WFO - is a non-profit association promoting offshore wind energy worldwide. WFO is the world’s leading business platform for the offshore wind industry. By connecting and supporting our members, WFO is helping to make offshore wind one of the world’s leading sources of renewable energy. offshore wind energy and floating offshore wind energy

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

27 2 16 19
cd&v cd&v

From and for the people. From and for the people.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

24 10 15 221
Business AM Business AM is the website in Belgium for economic, politics, crypto and business news. The world is evolving continuously and faster and faster. Business AM is already going along with change and thinks ahead. Because before you know it it will be different tomorrow. Business am. Think Forward.

Type: Media

15 4 10 22

Beci, the voice of business in Brussels Voice, connect, serve : Beci réunit, dynamise et accompagne les entreprises bruxelloises désireuses de s’engager dans ce triple objectif. Rejoindre la Communauté, c’est entrer en contact avec 350.000 personnes, développer votre business grâce aux échanges, contenus et conseils d’une véritable Communauté. C’est également soutenir la réussite des autres. Ensemble, nous renforçons notre impact sur les entreprises Bruxelloises. Voice, connect, serve : Beci unites, stimulates and supports Brussels businesses that want to commit to this threefold objective. Joining the Community means getting in touch with 350,000 people, developing your business thanks to the exchanges, …

Type: Public

20 9 9 173

Expert in mobile cybersecurity and secure collaborative solutions Ercom, a Thales company, is a reference company with 30 years of combined expertise in two key areas: cybersecurity and communication networks. Being a reference company means providing clients with cutting edge solutions for their industry, combining certified security and simplicity in order to accelerate end-user adoption over a large range of devices. Ercom presents : - Cryptosmart, the only “Restricted” French, EU & NATO certified solution, jointly developed with Samsung, to secure devices and end-to-end mobile communications (voice, SMS and data) on consumer smartphones and tablets. - Cryptobox, the first sharing …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

18 2 15 164
Délégation générale du Québec à Paris (DGQP) Délégation générale du Québec à Paris (DGQP)

The General Delegation of Quebec in Paris is the diplomatic representation of Quebec in France and with the Principality of Monaco. She ensures the promotion and defense of Quebec's interests and the strengthening of her relations in the institutional, political, cultural, economic and scientific fields. Netiquette: diplomacy

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

110 17 100 10
OutKept OutKept

Can you be phished? Phishing simulations and prevention with the help of a community of ethical phishers OutKept offers phishing prevention for organisations. We execute the highest quality phishing simulation campaigns, supported by a community of ethical phishers, to build awareness, and maintain alertness. Via our platform ethical phishers help organisations who seek to protect themselves, in a safe and confidential way. Our phishing simulations benefit organisations in 3 ways: - Increase general awareness and knowledge of phishing - Train people to have the right reflexes when encountering phishing mails - Boosting alertness to phishing attempts continuously Phishing awareness takes …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity SaaS

5 0 4 12
Assuralia Assuralia

Beroepsvereniging van VerzeringsonderneMong - Professional Union of Insurance Companies ASSURALIA IS DE BEROEPSVERENIGING VAN VERZEKERINGSONDERNEMINGEN IN BELGië in Overkoepelt Bijna Alle Verzekeraars in België. Met Zeventig Medewerkers Verzorgt Assurance Voor Haar Leden Verschillende Opdrachten, Zoals de Verdediging Van de Belangen van de Verzekeringssector op Europeanes (Politiek) Level, Overleg Met of control-authority in Social Partners, Adviesverlening Aan Leden, Studie In sensitivity naar het publiek toe. Werken bij assuralia betekent dat wat I doet bijdraagt ​​aan de hele verzekeringssector in belgië. Result zien van wat je doet, date geeft voldoening. Net Als Samenwerken Met Fijne Collega’s in Een Constructueve OMGEVING MET RUIMTE …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

5 4 2 107
Abrumet - Réseau Santé Bruxellois Abrumet - Réseau Santé Bruxellois

Partagez vos données de santé de manière sécurisée. Deel uw gezondheidsgegevens op een beveiligde manier Created in 2005, the Brussels Medical Telematics Association (Abrumet) has been working on a project to share computerized medical information amongst care providers. All Brussels hospitals and Brussels Federation of general practitioners wanted to collaborate on this project as they all understood the advantage of a better communication between care providers. The “Brussels Health Network” was born. The project is part of the 2013-2017 eHealth action initiated by the government. It is also a partner of the eHealth platform as it is using its highly …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

4 3 1 13
Artificial Intelligence Lab Brussels Artificial Intelligence Lab Brussels

70+ researchers in Reinforcement Learning, language and computational creativity. R&D, and training. Founded in 1983. The Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, or short VUB AI Lab, was founded in 1983 by Prof. Dr. Luc Steels and is part of the Computer Science Department. Over the years, more than hundred researchers have worked at the laboratory. They have built a large number of artificial systems to investigate aspects of intelligence: knowledge systems, autonomous robots, machine learning systems, natural language processing components, design and implementation tools. Recently the AI lab has merged with the Computational Modeling Lab (COMO) headed …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

4 2 2 5
akkanto akkanto

Get noticed. Be relevant. Have impact. akkanto is an independent consultancy that aims to pro-actively manage organisations’ reputations and relations with all stakeholders through reputation management, employee communications, media relations, social media strategies, public affairs, community management and crisis communications. corporate communications, financial communications, public affairs, support to marketing, crisis communications, media relations and training, social media, and reputation management

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

2 1 1 69
Cécile Jodogne, State Secretary of the Brussels-Capital Region Cécile Jodogne, State Secretary of the Brussels-Capital Region

Here you will find reports from events and topical issues within my responsibilities as Secretary of State for Foreign Trade, Fire and Emergency Medical Assistance and as Minister of the French Community Commission (COCOF) in charge of Civil Service and Health Policy.

Type: Public Activities: healthtech

11 5 4 5

The Brussels Regional Informatics Centre (CIRB-CIBG-BRIC) is the public interest agency that aims to become the technologically neutral, competitive, reliable and high-quality partner of all public institutions in the Brussels-Capital Region that wish to take an informed and proactive approach to introducing innovative and coherent ICT in order to maximize their efficiency on the one hand and provide the people and businesses of Brussels and visitors to the Region with user-friendly services on the other. The Government of the Brussels-Capital Region aims to make Brussels a full fledged Smart City: an attractive and inclusive Region where new technologies underpin sustainable …

Type: Public Activities: it services

17 5 8 525
IEEE Spectrum IEEE Spectrum

Technology news and analysis from the world's leading engineering magazine The latest technology news and analysis from the world's leading engineering magazine. technology, engineering, science, IEEE, robotics, telecom, energy, computing, aerospace, biomedical, semiconductors, and transportation

Type: Media

65 21 41 46
AGC Automotive Europe AGC Automotive Europe

Market leader in automotive innovative glazing products and solutions Based in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), AGC Automotive Europe is the European automotive glass branch of the AGC Group. The AGC Group, with Tokyo-based AGC Inc. at its core, is a world-leading supplier of flat, automotive and display glass, chemicals and other high-tech materials and components. AGC Automotive Europe specializes in production of glazing (OEM and Replacement) for vehicle manufacturers. It also provides ready-to-assemble systems (fixation devices), higher value added functional systems (antennas, sensors, heating elements) and enhanced property glazing. AGC Automotive is N°1 with leading market share in automobile glass for new …

Type: Large company

13 4 4 942
Archinect Archinect

Connecting architects since 1997. Jobs, talent recruitment, featured editorial, daily news, and discussions. Launched in 1997, is the most established online Architecture community and content source for the A+D community. Tens of thousands of architects, students and fans browse the site daily for latest jobs, news headlines, competition & event listings, featured editorial, and active discussions. Archinect also hosts thousands of individual, firm and architecture school profiles, reinforcing the mission to make architecture more connected. employment, community, architecture, academia, and news

Type: Media

18 4 14 385
Elia Group Elia Group

Elia Group is one of Europe’s top 5 transmission system operators Elia Group is a key player in electricity transmission. We ensure that production and consumption are balanced around the clock, supplying 30 million end users with electricity. Through our subsidiaries in Belgium (Elia) and the north and east of Germany (50Hertz), we operate 19,349 km of high-voltage connections, meaning that we are one of Europe’s top 5 transmission system operators. With a reliability level of 99.99%, we provide society with a robust power grid, which is important for socioeconomic prosperity. We also aspire to be a catalyst for a …

Type: Large company

23 10 7 2,370
Heva Heva

Dedicated to analyze health data Heva is a subsidiary of Docaposte and brand of La Poste Santé & Autonomie, a key player in health data valuation. We serve the healthcare stakeholders with a wide range of expertise and innovation capabilities, from generation and collection to advanced analytics /AI for clinical research and scientific expertise. With more than 30 years’ experience in clinical research and health economics, our team can help you to collect and use health data, based on our medical and scientific expertise, we adapt to each project in an agile manner. Heva has integrated Inadvans and Axonal Biostatem …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics A.I. - Machine Learning

23 1 21 122
thewave thewave

Insurance Technology thewave is a Belgian insurtech company, subsidiary of insurance consultant Ensur. Our mission is to combine Ensur’s profound business knowledge and our partners’ deep technology expertise to invent, build and integrate tailored digital solutions for our clients in the insurance sector. We also provide technology related consulting and project management services, thus helping our clients stand strong, and even get stronger, in a sector facing disruption. Insurance, Insurtech, Software, Developer, Broker, Applications, App, Risk management, Intermediary, and Innovation

Type: Startup Activities: insurtech Technologies: SaaS

4 0 4 24
eMenKa NV eMenKa NV

your .NET resource partner eMenKa is a software consultancy company based in Antwerp, Flanders-Belgium. eMenKa is specialized in Microsoft.NET. eMenKa stands for Manpower (resources) & Knowledge (consultancy) in .NET, eMenKa covers all .NET technologies on web/cloud/CMS, mobile and client/server cross platform apps. Detachering Microsoft.NET, C#, ASP.NET (MVC), webAPI, WPF, Winforms, .NET Core, MS SQL Server, ReactJS, .NET CMS/WCM > SiteCore, Umbraco, Orchard, ..., Azure, Xamarin, UWP, SOLID, CQRS, HTML5/CSS, clean code, Angular, RxJS, and DDD

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

4 3 3 3
Digita Digita

Solid is the future. Digita shows you the way. Solid is the future. We make it happen. Businesses of all sizes use our software and APIs to build apps, access data, and set up data sharing systems using Solid pods. Digita's product is a fully integrated suite of products for Solid We bring together everything that’s required to build ecosystems or apps for Solid. Our products enable consent-based data sharing for startups, government, health, energy and HR. We also help companies to access personal data, manage verifiable credentials and set up their own white label Solid pod infrastructure. Data …

Type: Startup Activities: it services privacytech Technologies: Data Analytics

7 0 7 30
Sagacify Sagacify

Derisk Your GenAI Success. Sagacify is a leading GenAI provider, delivering unique End to End expertise in AI, DevOps, and Business Strategy across five verticals. We apply our Derisk Framework to maximize impact and velocity. Get in touch NOW! Let us Derisk your GenAI success! Data Science, Machine Learning, Algorithms, Mobile Development, Javascript, Node.js, iPad, HTML5, Android, iPhone, Artificial Intelligence, Software development, python, Business Intelligence, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, and automation

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics A.I. - Deep Learning A.I. - Machine Learning

8 6 5 24

Immersive learning (AR, VR, WebGL) Nirli develops immersive trainings for prevention and security. Nirli does that using augmented reality and virtual reality strengthened by the technologies of web3.0 such as blockchain and IA. réalité virtuelle, réalité augmentée, application mobile, site web 3.0, ios, and android

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: VR

6 2 5 1
Exellys | Part of Projective Group Exellys | Part of Projective Group

Exellys is a Talent Incubator. Our single mission is to attract, develop and retain the finest talent in large and medium-sized companies and major tech start-ups. We incubate talent into our customers' operations of today and we prepare them for the innovations of tomorrow. Are you a student, recent graduate or a professional and are you looking for a challenge in tech or business? Or does your company believe in the potential of emerging talent? Let's talk! Exellys is part of the ProjectiveGroup Talent Acquisition, Talent Management, Talent Retention, Training, Coaching, Tech talent, Engineering, Industry 4.0, Tech Talent Integration, Project …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech hrtech it services Technologies: A.I. Cybersecurity IoT

9 3 7 74
Elium Elium

Knowledge sharing platform for growing organisations Elium’s mission is to help organisations make a difference by empowering their people with easy-to-use, smart and efficient knowledge solutions. Elium is an AI-powered knowledge management platform that helps teams easily create, centralise, and access verified content and valuable assets across their organisation — whether for global operations, strategic departments or customer services. Elium’s founders started our exciting adventure by building our product around the core values of sharing and collaboration. They were driven by the love of beautifully simple technology and by the will to constantly raise the bar. Elium integrates seamlessly with …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

13 4 8 22
B12 Consulting B12 Consulting

B12 Consulting is a services company, expert in artificial intelligence, data science and custom software development. Our mission is to develop innovative IT solutions to meet the most complex challenges of our customers, of all sizes and in all sectors (pharma, health, mobility, energy, industry, automotive, etc.). It was founded in 2012 by PhD’s in Physics sharing the same passion for complex problem solving, new technologies and consulting. Its headquarters are located in Louvain-la-Neuve and Brussels, at the heart of Europe. Agile development, Software design, Agile project management, Corporate ICT strategy, Web application, Software development, Data analysis, Predictive analysis, Machine …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning A.I. - Image Processing A.I. - Machine Learning A.I. - Natural Language Processing

8 3 7 42

OncoDNA is a genomic and theranostic company specializing in precision medicine for the treatment of cancer and genetic diseases. The company helps clinicians, academic researchers and biopharma companies to outsmart molecular complexity with the mission of delivering the promise of precision medicine. The company not only provides clinical guidance for the treatment and real-time monitoring of late-stage cancer patients but also supports research and drug development in cancer and genetic diseases. Since its early days in 2012, OncoDNA has grown into a corporate group of companies with world-renowned expertise. The Group offers a unique portfolio that combines NGS services, biomarker …

Type: Startup Activities: biotech deeptech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

12 3 8 48 is the search engine for Belgian company information. was launched to disrupt the business information broker industry and share company records easily. sources its information from Staatsblad/Moniteur Belge, Balanscentrale Nationale Bank/Centrale des bilans de la Banque Nationale (annual accounts) and keeps adding government sources to offer enriched quality information in an easy & fast search result interface.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

16 7 10 7
nexxworks nexxworks

Let’s kickstart innovation together! nexxworks helps companies regain the fluidity and radical innovation they lost as they grew. We inspire with the most radical innovations in your industry. We fire up your extreme customer centricity, with a double transformation: digital AND human. We jump-start the fluid connected networks you need to innovate internally. And we make sure the changes stick. nexxworks works fast. Our projects do not last longer than one month and, typically, we function in one-week sprints. We match the transformative speed of the market, so you too can be propelled and accelerate. In this age of networks …

Type: Startup Activities: consulting

28 7 19 21
Byteflies Byteflies

Byteflies is a med tech company that provides B2B-services to enable lean development of wearable health applications. We capture data, enable insights, and impact lives. We guide healthcare organisations and clinicians into a future where technology streamlines care, remote monitoring insights are as routine as lab tests, and patients are at the heart of every decision. Our end-to-end flows simplify healthcare processes, removes barriers and facilitates value-based care. Designed for healthcare organisations, clinicians, and patients, our technologies capture real-world data, transform them into actionable insights and make them available to care providers in near real-time – without the operational and …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

19 6 12 14,546
Superlinear Superlinear

Making your AI journey matter At Superlinear, we don't just implement AI. We integrate it as an intelligent system across the entire organization—helping businesses achieve the compounded benefits and scale that AI can deliver. We partner with mission-driven companies to ensure AI empowers, rather than distracts from, their core business. We provide expert guidance and support on every step of the AI journey. As a leading partner with a presence in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, the Nordics, the US, and Italy, we pride ourselves on our rapid growth, exceptional team of over 62 experts, and the ability to collaborate with …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning A.I. - Image Processing A.I. - Machine Learning A.I. - Natural Language Processing

11 0 9 55
Workero Workero

The integrated solution for managing and operating workplaces (Office Marketplace - Workplace software - Flexible work) Workero is a total solution provider for Office Real Estate. We have the right workplace solution for your offices! Building owners, landlords and companies all have one thing in common: they struggle with data gathering, space optimization and monitoring usage in a structural way across an organization. We have workplace solutions at every one of these stages. Our marketplace allows instant office space bookings, while our workplace software optimizes your existing spaces. Through the powerful combination of both, you can automatically monetize your unused …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech it services proptech transporttech Technologies: SaaS

17 3 14 5

a full-service creative agency, that beats the algorithm with a heartbeat. We are Supermachine. A full-service creative agency, that beats the algorithm with a heartbeat. Through creative campaigning, community building and content creation. advertising

Type: Startup Activities: martech

2 1 1 9
Unifly Unifly

Enabling autonomous aviation Unifly is the global leading provider of Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) technology. The Unifly platform connects authorities with pilots to safely integrate drones into the airspace. Authorities can visualize and approve drone flights and manage no-fly zones in real-time. Drone pilots can manage their drones and they can plan and receive flight approvals in line with international and local regulation. ICT, Drone Management, Air Traffic Management, UTM, ATM, and Drones

Type: Startup Activities: drones it services Technologies: Drones

11 2 5 53
Allyens Allyens

Inclusive Marketing Agency — Helping brands to stay relevant in our hyperdiverse society. ✨ Allyens is an award-winning marketing agency in Brussels, specialized in inclusive marketing. Our philosophy is based on the idea of a society where everyone can be who they are. With all the identities they carry and with room for everyone to develop themselves to the fullest. We don’t always recognize ourselves in the ads we see, the stories we hear, or the products we are offered. We want to change that. Not just for ourselves, but for everyone. Allyens exists because we believe in this philosophy …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech martech

5 4 2 1