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tgtfp architectes urbanistes tgtfp architectes urbanistes

Architecture and town planning agency Parisian agency founded in Paris in 1985. A passion for the city, a commitment to the landscape, an architectural project management.

Type: SMB Activities: smart city constructiontech

6 10
Mairie de L'Union Mairie de L'Union

Located northeast of the Toulouse agglomeration, the city of the Union with an area of ​​677 hectares is essentially suburban. It is today a city with services and equipment developed to respond to a population of more than 12,000 inhabitants.

Type: Public Activities: it services

5 42
Association Silver Geek Association Silver Geek

Connect generations Silver Geek aims to improve the health and well-being of seniors, to develop social and intergenerational ties, while reducing the digital divide. To carry out its Silver Geek mission develops two additional action methods with its operational partners: 1) The animation of weekly fun digital workshops by young volunteers in civic service in reception structures for elderly people (EHPAD, CCAS, Autonomous Residences, Sociocultural Centers, Neighborhood Houses, etc.) 2) The organization of video games of video games between teams of elderly people-"The trophies of seniors Silver Geek", whose regional finals take place in major Esports events such as the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: games silvertech

56 11
AOP Languedoc AOP Languedoc

The standard designation of Languedoc-Roussillon AOP wines from the Spanish border to the Portes de Nîmes. Welcome to the official account of Languedoc AOC wines, follow our news! The AOP Languedoc union has several missions: The application of specifications Protection and defense of the name Languedoc The promotion of Languedoc AOP wines Today, inside the Languedoc PDO, there are 11 denominations with their specificities: Languedoc Cabrières, Languedoc Grés de Montpellier, Languedoc -la Méjanelle, Languedoc Montpeyroux, Languedoc Pézenas, Languedoc Quatourze, Languedoc Saint Christol, Languedoc Saint Drezéry, Languedoc Saint Georges d'Orques, Languedoc Saint Saturnin, Languedoc Sommières. Stay connected to follow our news! …

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment foodtech

20 7
Rodez Aveyron Football Rodez Aveyron Football

Follow all the news of the Ruthenian club and its partners. The Rodez Aveyron Football has been a sports and economic actor of the Ruthenian and Aveyron, which became a professional sports company in 2004 since 1929. The SASP RAF is organizing the competitions of its teams ranging from the football school to the D1 Arkema or even the BKT Ligue 2 and develops various commercial activities including ticket office, sponsorship, merchandising, events, corporate seminars and the media, keeping an important territorial anchoring, which makes it its strength. - - - - - - - - - - - - …

Type: Event

10 89
Taillandier Architectes Associés Taillandier Architectes Associés

Architecture agency & amp; urban planning - Toulouse, Bordeaux, Montpellier and Paris Since 1993, the Taillandier Architects Associés agency has produced project management for public and private works. The projects discussed are varied both by the program, by the context, geographic, rural or urban, and by the specificity of the realization whether new or rehabilitation. Since 2012, it has strengthened its urban planning department, enriched by its plural architectural experience, which has led it, namely manipulating all types of programs, housing, tertiary and equipment, whether public or private. A team of 80 employees, made up of around forty architects graduated, …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city

16 61
Editions çà et là Editions çà et là

Éditeurs de bandes dessinées étrangères depuis 20 ans. Created in May 2005, Editions çà et là is a French publishing company dedicated to graphic novels. We have published 110 authors and 215 books as of today, among which an anthology of "American Splendor"​ (Harvey Pekar), the "Alec"​ series (Eddie Campbell), "Listen Beautiful Marcia"​ (Marcello Quintanilha, Fauve d'or Angoulême 2022), "My Friend Dahmer"​ (Derf Backderf, Revelation Award Angouleme 2014), "The color of things"​ (Martin Panchaud, Fauve d'or Angoulême 2023), "Trop n'est pas Assez"​ (Ulli Lust, Revelation Award Angouleme 2011) and several books from Andi Watson. Graphic novels and Comic books

Type: Media

2 6
Les Dauphins Du TOEC Les Dauphins Du TOEC

The performance is individual, collective success. The TOEC dolphins club has been learning, excellence and performance of French and international swimming since 1908. Nearly 2,000 members are that, each year, bear the colors of "green and white"! Since 1908, the toec dolphins has ensered learning, excellence and performance in French and international swimming. There are Nearly 2,000 Members who, Each Year, Fly the Colors of "Green and White"! Swimming, free water, competition, high level, CAF, fitted schedules, leisure, learning, and aquagym

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

3 23
UJS Toulouse UJS Toulouse

Made in Talent UJS Toulouse is a futsal club created in 1991 in Toulouse. The pennant team evolves in the French futsal championship. For more than 25 years, the club has been working at the sporting level in the heart of the city of Toulouse but also in the social field by supporting young people in their professional project through sport. Sport is a factor of social integration and allows many young people (girls or boys) to be accomplished as people and as professionals in partner companies. The club now has nearly 260 licensees and around twenty leaders. 2 employees …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

2 18
Orchestre de Chambre de Toulouse Orchestre de Chambre de Toulouse

Founded in 1953 by Louis Auriacombe, the Toulouse chamber orchestra is the oldest French chamber orchestra, and one of the oldest in the world. In 1971, from Louis Auriacombe, Georges Armand, solo violin, who took the direction of Bojidar Bratoev himself followed by Augustin Dumay. In 1992, Alain Moglia took the head of the whole. It is Gérard Caussé who accesses this function from 2002 to 2004. In 2004, the associative status gave way to a new administrative structure of the Cooperative production company type (SCOP). Public status organization, it is approved by the Ministry of Culture, the City of …

Type: Event

3 10
Délires d'encre Délires d'encre

An association that works for the dissemination of scientific culture and reading. Délires d'encre works mainly with the general public and especially with young people. We promote scientific culture and reading in schools, through festivals, escape games, workshops and courses for children.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

8 9
Ville de Pibrac Ville de Pibrac

The city of Pibrac is located in the Haute-Garonne department, in the Occitanie region and is a member of Toulouse Métropole.

Type: Public

5 53
La Cinémathèque de Toulouse La Cinémathèque de Toulouse

Keep and disseminate cinematographic heritage Founded in 1964 by passionate cinephiles gathered around Raymond Borde, member of the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF) since 1965 and currently chaired by Robert Guédiguian, the Cinémathèque de Toulouse is one of the three main French film archives and the second Cinémathèque de France. Supported by the Ministry of Culture and Communication, the National Center for Cinema and Animated Image (CNC), the City of Toulouse, the Departmental Council of Haute-Garonne and the Occitanie Region, it retains more than 50,000 inventoried copies, 90,000 posters (first collection of cinema posters in France), 600,000 photographs, 20,000 …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

3 27
Festival du Livre de Jeunesse Occitanie Festival du Livre de Jeunesse Occitanie

A reader journey is built! From January 20 to 28, 2024, the Occitanie youth book festival will be back in Saint-Orens de Gameville and in the municipalities of Toulouse Métropole for its 22nd edition around the theme "Read in Body". On the program of activities, workshops and exhibitions to discover the work of guest authors and illustrators. Literary youth festival, readings, shows, events, meetings in bookstores, meeting at school, youth workshops, illustration workshops, cinema, exhibitions, authors' meetings, debates, and animations

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

6 2
Halle de La Machine Halle de La Machine

Loin du musée à la scénographie figée, venez découvrir l'écurie de machines de spectacles de la compagnie La Machine. Halle de La Machine is a museums and institutions company based out of Toulouse, France.

Type: SMB Activities: it services

6 29
Rallumons l'Étoile Rallumons l'Étoile

Rer Toulousain, make a dream a reality! "Rallumons the star", wishes to bring together the Toulouse actors of mobility in a new collective approach, to obtain together a RER for our metropolis and its suburbs. The difficulties of traveling in the agglomeration will worsen, despite the important projects carried out by the various actors (State, Region, Department, Tisséo and Toulouse Métropole). As this exists in most European metropolises of equivalent size, it lacks a RER, complementary to the metro and TER, to irrigate and structure the large agglomeration (25 km around Matabiau) by offering a strong alternative to the car …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech traveltech

12 5
Le Village des Recruteurs Le Village des Recruteurs

Much more than a job forum! The Recruitors Village is an HR employment and communication event developed by the Aglaé Events agency. Through an ephemeral village located in the heart of the city, our operation dedicated to recruitment promotes direct meeting between candidates and employers. In close collaboration with metropolises and economic development players, all of our actions assures you the opportunity to meet a large number of targeted candidates. 🎯 👉 Do you recruit? Would you like to expand your sourcing? Value your employer brand? Come and live the VDR experience and take advantage of our events to detect …

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech

45 5
Eurorégion Pyrénées Méditerranée - Euroregió Pirineus Mediterrània Eurorégion Pyrénées Méditerranée - Euroregió Pirineus Mediterrània

Coopération Région Occitanie-Catalogne-Ine Baléares / Cooperation Region of Occitania-Catalonia-Balearic The Eurorégion Pyrénées-Méditerranée, a Pôle de Coopération de Référence in Europe, Transparent, Efficace et Recnnu. The Mediterranean Pyrenees Euroregion, a reference cooperation pole in Europe, transparent, effective and recognized.

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

17 14
Bionatics Bionatics

Develop, enhance and serve the digital asset of territories Bionatics develops innovative digital solutions to build, use and contribute to the digital asset of territories and their projects. Based on innovative procedural modeling technologies, Bionatics solutions pushes the conventional limits of 3D and revolutionizes its use to develop and serve cities and municipalities. ● Efficient decision support ● Informed planning ● Peaceful consultation ● Sustainable territory management ● Effective communication ● Enhance everyone’s contribution 3D geo-spatial, 3D GIS, 3D landscape simulation, BIM, CIM, City Information Modeling, Smart City, Smart Territory, Urban simulation, 3D city, and City modeling

Type: SMB Activities: smart city Technologies: IoT

10 9
CBRE France CBRE France

Operating Across Every Dimension of Commercial Real Estate, CBRE SEES MORE SO YOU CAN DO MORE. CBRE N ° 1 in the world of corporate real estate consultancy In France, CBRE markets more than 4,000 office offers, warehouses, activity premises & amp; shops for sale / rent. CBRE is your partner for your corporate real estate projects. Managers, entrepreneurs, professionals, this page is made for you. You will find advice and resources intended to support you in your real estate research projects. Do not hesitate to ask your questions, exchange with us: our experts will answer it. Our trades - …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech Technologies: Data Analytics

88 637
Solinum Solinum

Innovating together to fight poverty effectively Solinum is a non-profit organization that develops innovative projects to fight poverty. Its flagship project, Soliguide, is a digital platform designed to streamline access to social services for underserved community. Social, Information, association, Innovation, cartographie, data, and solidarité

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

52 98
Chochoy Consulting Chochoy Consulting

Tailor-made support for your development. Smart City Expert. Chochoy Consulting is an expert advisory company in the Commercial Strategy PlUiseCortoral. Specialist in value deiloting logic, our firm allows you to build relevant, standardized and effective offers. Chochoy Conseil assiduously protects his intellectual property at the national and international level (INPI, EUIPO ...). Our unique positioning and our pragmatic vision stems from a methodology by systemic approach taking into account the context as a whole and its complexity. The double public and private competence of Chochoy Conseil makes it possible to connect these two universes. Business Development, Smart City, Operational Marketing, …

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech smart city Technologies: IoT

36 24
Solutions & Territoire Solutions & Territoire

Intelligence facilitator for territories Solutions & amp; Territory is a French player in data on the themes of the economy, taxation, real estate and employment. We support public actors in their relationship to territories by developing services and applications that allow the modernization of business processes. In this sense we have developed 2 100% web territorial observatory solutions, intended for communities: - The tax workshop: the 100% web tax observatory of your community. Management tool for your tax files, diagnostic and decision support in terms of piloting your tax resources - The Economic Workshop: the 100% web economic observatory of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

3 13

The No-Code agency with positive impact. is a No-Code agency that supports the digitalization of positive impact projects. We develop and build digital solutions that reflect your values ​​and aspirations: websites, applications and automation. We work with people and businesses who have a social, environmental or cultural impact. NOCODE, IMPACT, ESS, TECHFORGOOD, Digitalization, Automation, website, application, marketplace, webapp, bubble, webflow, zapier, adalo, softr, glide, airpitable, database, impactsocial, and make

Type: SMB Activities: it services

6 11
CIVITEO-Conseil et stratégie CIVITEO-Conseil et stratégie

Data strategy & amp; AI: Put public or private data at the service of the general interest CIVITEO supports public decision -makers and their partners in the construction of their strategies of data and artificial intelligence. Our team brings together experts in data and artificial intelligence that put their experience at the service of public policies and the general interest. CIVITEO supports pioneering territories of data and smart cities, in France and abroad. We also support administrations and territories of all sizes that take their first steps in data management. Our intervention methods combine a perfect knowledge of the public …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting smart city Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics

58 8

Abylon is a business consulting company for intelligent and sustainable territories. Created in 2016, Abylon is a consulting company specializing in "Smart City"; More than 30 expert consultants of innovation and digital transformation use the methods of collective intelligence, agility, data science and Lean to contribute to innovative projects in the fields of the "intelligent city", water, energy and waste. Management Advice

Type: SMB Activities: it services smart city Technologies: IoT

16 45
Cythelia Energy Cythelia Energy

Photovoltaic specialist since 1994: ✅ Design office ✅ Leader of solar cadastres Cythelia is an independent design office in new energy technologies, specializing in photovoltaic (strategy, technology, markets) and in very low consumption constructions (positive energy). Consulting missions with industrial companies and communities wishing to integrate an activity in the photovoltaic field. Photovoltaic solar, positive energy buildings, renewable energy, smart grids, self -consumption, solar cadastre, photovoltaic software, dazzling studies, PV monitoring, feasibility study, project management, productible study, reverberation study, archelios suite, archelios, archelios.

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Sensors Solar Technologies

11 25
Eco-Counter Eco-Counter

Make it count. The global leader in bicycle and pedestrian counting solutions. For over 20 years, Eco-Counter has specialized in the collection and analysis of pedestrian and bicycle traffic data. Historically developed around physical equipment capable of providing “ground-truth”, we have built on this essential foundation support and expertise in responding to local communities’ issues with relevant, reliable indicators. To provide the best possible answer, depending on the need, the company offers either turnkey solutions (hardware + software + professional data services) to manage counters and analyze data independently, or customized services (installation, maintenance, additional analyses, etc.). In both cases, …

Type: SMB Activities: manufacturing Technologies: Data Analytics

30 131
Open Source Politics Open Source Politics

We are implementing ethical digital tools to support participatory procedures that make sense. Open Source Politics is a company under the field of the social and solidarity economy which develops free and open source digital platforms and leads collective intelligence workshops to support public, private and associative actors engaged in participatory procedures. Civic tech, consultation, animation, democracy, and open source

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

42 24
Groupe AEF Groupe AEF

Digital professional press group and event organizer. All economic sectors today live profound economic, legal, legal and regulatory changes. In this unstable context, where the cycle of changes has accelerated, access to precise, reliable and neutral daily information is essential. It is the AEF group job to inform managers and officials. Information agencies, professional magazines and events (fairs, meetings, clubs) allow everyone to access essential information and to build useful contacts. AEF group is 5 specialized information centers: AEF Teaching-Record: Education, Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Cursus and Integration, AEF Social-RH: Professional training, Human Resources, Employment Policy and Social Protection …

Type: Media

176 171

Connected Technologies for Smarter Mobility The City de Lacroix activity provides equipment & amp; Solutions to optimize & amp; Secure smart road infrastructure. With its 120 employees, the City activity lists a turnover of € 27 million in 2023. Our mission is to allow public and private customers to transform the roads into a fluid, secure and durable living space, thanks to useful and robust connected technologies. Our offer is built with solutions for urban traffic, interurban, traveler information panels and connected solutions for the management of smart roads. We support local communities and managers in the transformation of territories …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech industry 4.0 manufacturing smart city Technologies: IoT

32 206
Dev-id Dev-id

Passionate Digital Makers Team! Design and development of mobile, web, ia, 3D and gaming application. DEV-ID is a network of digital makers (Coders & Amp; Designers), specialized in the creation of innovative digital products. You want to sell your idea, find investors, we design and make the digital product that suits him. We also train our future members of the network in our Dev-ID Academy. Our offer: - Validate the technical feasibility, - Choose adequate technologies - encrypt the realization of the project, - Design, - Code the project. - Maintain and develop an existing project. Mobile applications, Bots in …

Type: Startup Activities: it services uxtech Technologies: IoT VR

44 75
netcarbon netcarbon

See the carbon, change the climate. NetCarbon offers a solution to measure, improve and value carbon sequestration for farmers, territories, and project owners to contribute toward carbon neutrality. 🌱 NetCarbon technology is relying on the fusion of satellite data and algorithms. 🛰 As a result, we can increase the carbon stored at the planet scale in order to fight against climate change. 🌍 Earth Observation, Artificial Intelligence, and Carbon Sequestration

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

39 13
MATERRUP Ciments bas carbone MATERRUP Ciments bas carbone

Local cement and low carbon clay not calcined | EIC Accelerator | FrenchTech2030 | Greentech | Deeptech | Climatetech Materrup, a young industrial industrial company, produces a low carbon structural cement of type 42.5, based on non -calcined clay of the territories. This local cement half reduces CO2 emissions, without compromising neither the performance nor the quality of the concrete. This non -calcined clay cement is an immediate response to the challenges of the cement/concrete sector in search of less energy -consuming, less carbon and economic solutions. For more information: Architecture, sustainable construction, earth, concrete, low carbon solutions, material, …

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: cleantech constructiontech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

77 15
Ellona Ellona

Real-Time Environmental Monitoring Solutions: Products and Services for Tracking Emissions (Gases, Odors, Particles...) Since 2016, ELLONA, a French company based in Toulouse, has been dedicated to continuous monitoring of environmental emissions, offering comprehensive solutions to collect and analyze this data in real-time. Our solutions involve high-performance technological sensors deployed in various environments, ranging from urban areas and industrial facilities to construction sites, airports, and ports. They stand out for their real-time monitoring capability across a diverse range of environmental parameters, including air quality, gas emissions, odors, suspended particles, temperature, humidity, noise, vibrations, and light. Integrated into our solutions is a …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech healthtech Technologies: Sensors IoT A.I.

39 22
Campus Screens Campus Screens

We connect your business to students (your future co-workers and clients), directly on-campus. Campus Screens est un réseau de panneaux digitaux (DOOH) installés dans les lieux de passage et de vie des étudiants, au cœur des campus. C‍ampus Screens is a network of digital panels, implanted directly in french campuses. Each connected screen becomes a micro-media powered by both student unions and your communication campaigns. In addition to helping you connect to students, we provide you with our expertise in both student marketing and content creation to help you design the best campaign possible. DOOH, Marketing étudiant, Digital Out of …

Type: Startup Activities: martech

11 1

Renewable energy production citizen cooperative Citizen is a SCIC (Cooperative Society of Collective Interest) created in June 2017. We carry out renewable energy production facilities throughout the Toulouse urban area and we educate the local population of the themes linked to the energy transition, sobriety and renewable energies. Renewable energy, Citizen Energy, Local Economy, Toulouse, Energy Transition, Ecological, common, Energy, Photovoltaic, Shared Governance, and Citizen

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Solar Technologies

6 3

La data sur-mesure Chez Ubiplace, nous concevons et développons depuis 2016 des solutions digitales innovantes destinées à faciliter la gestion de tous types d’infrastructures, en travaux comme en exploitation. Nos outils permettent aux métiers de l’engineering et aux exploitants de collecter et de valoriser leurs données en toute simplicité grâce à des interfaces ergonomiques et intuitives, accessibles à tous, et s’appuient sur une approche métier entièrement paramétrable, pour s’adapter parfaitement à leurs besoins. At Ubiplace, we've been designing and developing innovative digital solutions since 2016 to facilitate the management of all types of infrastructure, both during construction and operation. Our …

Type: Startup Activities: smart city it services Technologies: IoT Data Analytics

18 11
Elioz Elioz

Listening to your senses ☎️ 1st telephone relay center in France, Elioz offers telephone and physical accessibility services for deaf, hard of hearing and hearing: ▶ ️ Elioz Connect is a service that allows companies and local authorities to communicate with the deaf and hard of hearing community; ▶ ️ Elioz Entreprise is the solution to promote interprofessional exchanges (telephone calls, meetings, training ...) between deaf, hearing and hearing employees. 💬 For each service, our solution makes it possible to communicate in LSF (French sign language), LFPC (spoken French language completed) or in real-time transcription of speech (subtitled calls). Telephone …

Type: Startup Activities: it services

27 47

Grâce à nos outils d'IA performants & souverains, ALLONIA accompagne les entreprises dans leur transformation numérique. ALEIA is an all-in-one, 100% collaborative Data Science and Machine Learning platform that allows users to share their data internally between Data and DevOps teams and externally with partners and customers. Dedicated to Data Scientists and DevOps teams, ALEIA provides the ability to develop, secure and deploy AI projects on a single platform with all members involved in the development process and collaboration. ALEIA guarantees a sovereign and secure platform hosted by European cloud providers. ALEIA offers an open-store solution with algorithms and industrial …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics SaaS

87 38
Vittascience Vittascience

Science for all! Vittascience designs solutions for primary and secondary school teachers to help students become familiar with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). The project was launched in October 2015 and continues to grow. Éducation, Sciences, Programmation, Informatique, Collège, Lycée, K12, Plateforme, Coding, and STEM

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: SaaS

79 20
Urban Practices Urban Practices

Urban Practices : Your Innovative Partner for Smart and Sustainable Buildings and Territories Welcome to the world of Urban Practices, your consultancy dedicated to supporting the digital transition of buildings and territories. As specialists in project management assistance (PMA) at the crossroads of building, urban and digital cultures, we are the ideal partner to turn your ambitions into reality. Our areas of expertise : 1. Smart Building Project Management : We support you from design to implementation and operation of the digital component of your building project: needs assesment, value-added services and data, digital infrastructure, cybersecurity... we're with you every …

Type: Startup Activities: it services smart city Technologies: IoT Sensors

28 9
Oenojet Oenojet

Oenojet is the interflora of wine. Thanks to our network of wine merchants we can have a bottle of wine, champagne or spirits during the day, hand -restored! Express delivery, wine gift, champagne, and spirits

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech

1 1
Weartskep Weartskep

The immersive art gallery We use video streaming to promote artist and art galleries. Immersive art gallery • We use video streaming to promote artists • Buy works of contemporary art online. Immersive Art Gallery • We use video streaming to promote artists • Buy Contemporary Art Works Online.

Type: Startup Activities: arttech Technologies: VR

8 1
NaturalPad NaturalPad

Adapted physical activity games (APA) / Physiogamas adaptable and designed with health professionals. Naturalpad is developing Medimoov, a web platform for tele-medicine and games based on the movement for adapted physical activity for rehabilitation and prevention. Developed in co-design with physiotherapists and occupational therapists, and clinically validated, Medimoov makes it possible to make animation and physical activities adapted to rehabilitation or prevention. Several scientific articles and press articles all testify to a real improvement in the functional autonomy and the movement capacity of residents of the already equipped retirement homes. But Medimoov is also used in many SSRs by patients …

Type: Startup Activities: games healthtech silvertech Technologies: SaaS

30 13
Vert Chez Vous Vert Chez Vous

Green at home is the Ecological Urban Distribution Pole of Labatut Group. A real specialist in clean delivery in urban areas, green at home has invented a new more efficient, clean and silent distribution model focusing on electrical mobility and optimization of modes of transport. “Zero noise, zero CO2, zero fine particle” Our environmentally friendly fleet consists of vehicles operating on electricity and GNV: - Tribors - Small utilities (3 m3 to 12 m3) - bodied vehicles (20 m3) A diversified park which allows to cope with all types of needs, ranging from package to the palette, in order to …

Type: Startup Activities: delivery transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

11 33
Wheelskeep Wheelskeep

Guarded Bike Park Everywhere! The pleasure of finding your bike is not stolen! Wheelskeep monitors your dear private bike in urban areas thanks to its keeper (people) and a dedicated security application. You are no longer afraid to take your electric or carbon bike to move every day. Wheelskeep provides your bike during parking. Wheelskeep creates unskilled temporary jobs. Wheelskeep releases the use of cycling in town by securing parking lots. Wheelskeep provides you with the services you need in everyday uses. Bicycle, parking, prevision, ia, map, mobile, software, electric bicycle, urban, human, scooter, electric scooter, repair bicyle, event, and …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

10 14
Nouvelle Attitude Nouvelle Attitude

Value men, enhance the subjects for our territories. New attitude, a subsidiary of the La Poste group, is an integration company approved by the State and the Pôle Emploi, specializing in the sorting of office papers with the aim of recycling them close to French territory. Composed of 170 people, its sorting logistics platforms make it possible to enhance the flows of materials resulting from the collection of factors (@recygo offer) or deposits collected on its own. An expert company for sorting and enhancing papers to recycle, new attitude provides support and expertise to the La Poste group, to develop …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

24 72

Humor, news and microblogging. Created on June 18, 2013, Twog has become a reference entertainment site in the selection of tweets. Every day we select the best funny and news tweets. "Twitter is serious, Twog either, News and Microloling." Paris, Toulouse, Metz.

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment

19 4
Leinster Rugby Leinster Rugby

#FromTheGroundUp Welcome to the official LinkedIn page for Leinster Rugby. European Champions - 2018, 2012, 2011, 2009 PRO14 Champions - 2019, 2018, 2014, 2013, 2008, 2001 Challenge Cup Champions - 2013 British & Irish Cup Champions - 2014, 2013

Type: Event

18 225
EIT Urban Mobility EIT Urban Mobility

EIT Urban Mobility – the European innovation community to educate and inspire mobility solutions for 21st century cities EIT Urban Mobility is an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union. EIT Urban Mobility is a growing pan-European partnership bringing together businesses, education, research excellence institutions and multifaceted cities. Its aim is to facilitate and fund the collaboration between these players to create mobility solutions that will accelerate the transition towards more liveable urban spaces.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city transporttech

98 341
Metapolis Metapolis

Consulting firm in support of communities in their appropriation of innovative technologies Imagine together innovative, responsible, ethical and sustainable, useful and usable daily strategies and projects on the daily users and that improve public services. Metapolis is a consulting and services company specializing in supporting organizations and the transformation of public policies, in the service of the general interest. Advice, smart city, open source, digital transformation, data, data, open innovation, digital services, responsible numerical, sobriety, public sector, communities, modernization, and ecological transition

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

47 48
World Padel Tour World Padel Tour

The professional circuit of the best paddle for the world. World Professional Padel Circuit Sports and events

Type: Event

8 117
Enercoop Midi-Pyrénées Enercoop Midi-Pyrénées

Militant energy: local, ethical and ecological electricity cooperative 100 % renewable, local and united cooperative for supply and production of electricity, local and united for individuals, professionals and communities. Created in January 2015, the Cooperative Company of Collective Interest Enercoop Midi - Pyrénées is a cooperative for the supply and production of 100 % renewable, local and united electricity. The objectives of the cooperative, whose field of action is mainly limited to the old Midi-Pyrénées administrative region, are as follows: - Invest collectively in means of renewable energy production (hydraulic, wind, solar, biomass ...); - Marketing a local energy and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies Decarbonization

9 19
GROUPE PARERA GROUPE PARERA The Parera group is a major player in Géo Data Intelligence. At the crossroads of digital services, decision -making and geoinformation, we collect, qualify, reliable and enrich the geospatial and business data of our customers (communities and territories, administrations, network managers, real estate heritage, transport infrastructure, etc.) to optimize their operating processes, to know well to better exploit. Earth's cartography, air mapping, rural cadastre, urban cadastre, topography, detection of buried networks, digital twins, BIM (Building Information Modeling), Geographic Information Systems, Lidar, Drone, Mass Data, Training, Advice ... Compose the service of the Parera group, based on advanced digital technologies, …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: SaaS

45 355
Relais d'Entreprises Relais d'Entreprises

Network of third places in rural and peri-urban areas for teleworkers and agile companies Business Relais is a national network of third places located in peri-urban or rural areas. A third place is a set of furnished offices that allows employees and entrepreneurs to work remotely thanks to ICT. The third parties in business relay are intended to rebalance the territories and to ensure that they become life areas in order to promote local attractiveness through local economic development. Bringing the use of habitat closer allows many advantages: time gains, purchasing power but also of sustainable development performance and above …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

51 11
Spallian Spallian

3 cœurs d'expertises : data analytique, édition de logiciel et conseil stratégique Spallian, European leader of geodata management, provides its clients with innovative solutions which enable them to make the most of the geographical dimension of their data. The company holds a €8.5M capital. Through the combination of consulting services and software solutions, Spallian helps its clients create, project and analyse complex databases in various fields: data observatory, safety and security management, geo-intelligence, citizens’ participation and political campaigns. Spallian’s solutions and services are used by more than 600 clients, in France and abroad, such as Bouygues, Orange, Carrefour, and many …

Type: SMB Activities: smart city it services civictech Technologies: Data Analytics

36 20

All the news of the FNSEA: employment, training, legal, role of farmers in the food chain ... The National Federation of Farmers' Unions (FNSEA), founded in 1946, is the majority professional union in the agricultural profession in France.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: agritech

96 198
Académie des technologies Académie des technologies

For reasoned progress, chosen shared Founded in 2000, the Academy of Technologies brings together 370 academicians and academicians, including five Nobel prizes, all experts and experts in their respective fields, and from very diverse horizons: world of industrial and academic research, economists, sociologists, architects, doctors ... It analyzes the opportunities and risks linked to new technologies, and is to improve the attractiveness of trades technological, in particular with young people and women. The Academy issues proposals and recommendations to public authorities, socio-economic actors and citizens for better exploitation of technologies at the service of men, in agreement with its motto: …

Type: Public

75 91
Les Premières Occitanie Les Premières Occitanie

Innovative entrepreneurs incubator! 📍 Toulouse & amp; Montpellier The first Occitanie is an incubator who supports innovative women in the realization of their project. On the program: - Personalized coaching, - Collective workshops, - Events and Networking. Together, we are moving the lines for a model of social and territorial mix, more human and more efficient, for more than 15 years. Entrepreneurship, innovation, diversity, women, ambition, and start up

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

26 12

Klépierre, the European leader in shopping malls SHOP. MEET. CONNECT.® Klépierre, the European leader in shopping malls, combines development, property and asset management skills. The company’s portfolio is valued at €21,9 billion at December 31, 2020 and comprises large shopping centers in more than 10 countries in Continental Europe. Klépierre holds a controlling stake in Steen & Strøm (56.1%), Scandinavia’s number one shopping center owner and manager. Klépierre is a French REIT (SIIC) listed on Euronext Paris and is included in the CAC Next 20, EPRA Euro Zone and GPR 250 indexes. It is also included in ethical indexes, such …

Type: Incubators & VCs

37 989
StripFood StripFood

Light and inspire the food transition - winner of the Emerging Media Stock Exchange of the Ministry of Culture Stripfood is an independent professional media whose mission is to enlighten and inspire decision -makers, prescribers and eaters engaged on the path of food transition. Winner of the Emerging Media Stock Exchange of the Ministry of Culture. Food, food, online media, trends, CSR, innovation, better, transitionalicate, and gastronomy

Type: Media

25 4

The Union of Sport, Leisure, Cycle and Active Mobile Filler Companies Professional organization resulting from the merger of FIFAS (French Federation of Sports and Leisure Industries), FPS (Professional Federation of Sports and Leisure Enterprises) and Univelo (Union chamber of cycle actors), the Union Sport & Amp; Cycle brings together and defends the interests of 3,000 companies in sports, leisure, cycle and active mobility. His actions: - Represent and defend the interests of the sport sector and promote physical and sports activity (institutional relations, lobbying, ...) - Propose strategic and technical support as well as export assistance to members (legal, normative …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

108 36
POPSU - Plateforme d'observation des projets et stratégies urbaines POPSU - Plateforme d'observation des projets et stratégies urbaines

Information and exchanges space on research-action programs #popsu #popsuerritis #popsutransitions Place of convergence of research environments and those who make and govern cities, the Urban Projects and Strategies Observation platform - Popsu - crosses scientific knowledge and operational expertise to better understand the challenges and developments associated with cities and territories. It capitalizes, for action, the knowledge established on metropolises and ensures its dissemination with various audiences: professionals, academic, general public ... POPSU programs are operated by Europe of architectural and urban projects (Epau), a public interest group, under the supervision of the ministry in charge of architecture, the ministry …

Type: Public Activities: constructiontech smart city

104 11
La Fabe La Fabe

Our mission: Create the new generation of Smart Business Villages, sustainable and connected Business park has little or even poorly changed for 50 years. This infrastructure segment has not yet changed its transfer by integrating new technologies from Smart Building and Services. SOLUTION The FABE develops a heritage asset in French regions on the outskirts of large cities promoting the accommodation of innovative industrial companies in the acceleration phase, by providing them with direct access to a multitude of connected services, Smart Services. The Fabe sites redraw the obsolete offer of activity parks by combining smart buildings and smart services: …

Type: Incubators & VCs

13 6
VRAC France VRAC France

BULD promotes the development of purchasing groups in the priority districts of the city. 💡 The BURC association promotes the development of purchasing groups in the priority districts of the city. We are currently present in 20 territories: Lyon, Saint-Étienne, Drôme, Montpellier, Marseille, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Nantes, Rennes, Finistère, Hauts-de-France, Artois, Paris, Strasbourg, Pays d'Arles, Grand Avignon, Seine Ouest Plaine Commune, Brussels and Charleroi. The Vrac France association supports swarming and existing associations in their operation. 🥕 The association's project is oriented towards accessing the greatest number to quality products from peasant/organic/fair agriculture at low prices, thanks to the reduction in …

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

71 32
Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye

A campus of excellence in the heart of Ile-de-France. Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye is the new French political studies institute. Founded in 2013, Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye welcomes its students on an attractive campus ideally placed in the heart of the Ile-de-France West, just 40 minutes from the center of Paris. Like the 7 Sciences Po in the SCPO network, the establishment is carrying out an ambitious training project in five years marked by excellence and multidisciplinarity. In the 3rd year, students live an international experience of one year thanks to the 70 partner universities spread over the four continents. Bringing together …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

14 143
WeUkraine WeUkraine

Help Ukrainians - Weukraine lists citizen and humanitarian initiatives to help Ukrainians Weukraine lists existing citizen and humanitarian initiatives to help Ukrainians. Humanitarian and Ukraine

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

3 1
Républik Event / L’ÉVÉNEMENTIEL magazine Républik Event / L’ÉVÉNEMENTIEL magazine

Ecosystem agitator. Reference media /organizer of events B to B / Republic Event brings together communication professionals by the event and the trades of the meeting. Republik Event These are major advertisers, communication and marketing directors, agencies, innovative service providers, free lances, HRDs and internal specialists and ecosystem. We bring them together on 3 formats of dedicated events and 11 dates per year. Our ambition: to bring together the best, debate on topical subjects, surprise, compare approaches and practices, free speech, promote expression of needs, break silos, develop collective intelligence ... To create lasting bonds between providers and orders. Our …

Type: Media

65 12
ESF Ecole du Ski Français ESF Ecole du Ski Français

75 years of experience, 220 schools, 17,000 monitors, only 1 objective = teaching skiing for fun! Since 1945, the 220 French ski schools present on the 5 massifs teach young and old The most efficient ski techniques. They continuously adapt their know-how, their services and their services to new trends. But the role of ESF does not stop there. Indeed, there is no pleasure to slide without having discovered everything that the mountain can offer. ESF has long been part of a prevention and security process because to take advantage of, you have to know its capacities and its limits. …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech Technologies: Cybersecurity

26 1,909
ergonova ergonova

Ergonova is a leading group in ergonomics / factor -human founded in 2005. Our approach is focused on performance Ergonova is a leading group in human ergonomics / factor. Focusing on overall performance and occupational health, its offers cover all areas of application of ergonomics in industry and services to large groups, SMIs and SMEs on the national and international level. Architectural design project, industrial design project, organizational performance, handicap & amp; Employment maintenance, training engineering, human factor training, risk prevention, UX and interfaces, and master plan

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

10 43
Empreintes Citoyennes Empreintes Citoyennes

We work for active citizenship within the territories. For unifying and reaffirmed citizenship! The association "Citizen imprints" © is a system for valuing and promoting active citizenship within the municipalities. Its objectives are to support and encourage communities to identify the active citizens of the territory and to distinguish them by allowing them to leave an indelible and permanent footprint. "Citizen imprints" © is committed to transmitting a real citizen exemplarity by making citizens proud of their commitment. "Citizen imprints" © is a process of labeling municipalities in "citizen city" © "Citizen imprints" © is a national system which makes …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

20 12
EluesLocales EluesLocales

Elected representatives, the 1st national network of elected women We are a start-up of social entrepreneurship dedicated to the place of women in politics. Elected officials, it is: & regional or national training and events to strengthen its political impact and share its experience of the local mandate; & gt; A community that is found online and in the territories, during the meetings of our local networks; & gt; Advice and resources accessible to everyone. Elected officials and agents training, information for local authorities, media, and local networks of elected officials and agents

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

47 20
e-graine e-graine

Supports citizen engagement E-Graine is a popular education movement created in 2006. We believe in a sustainable future and just for everyone. We believe in the power of the inhabitants to build territories of friendly, solidarity and responsible life. This is why, we support the inhabitants to strengthen their power to act individual and collective to carry out the necessary transformations and promote a peaceful climate. To support citizen engagement throughout life, we rely on 3 specific actions levers: - educate in global citizenship: we go to the territories to support the inhabitants to understand the Global challenges and develop …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

37 79
Ecomnews Ecomnews

ECOMNEWS, your 100% Connected Economic South Economic Media Ecomnews is the digital economic information platform in real time in the South of France, preserving journalistic quality, the analysis of territories and local investigation. This platform thanks to the Internet and social networks is a real modern communication tool at the service of information and regional economic and institutional actors. Ecomnews processes information and economic news from the south of France (Languedoc-Roussillon, Midi Pyrénées, Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur, Rhône-Alpes Auvergne, Aquitaine Poitou Charente Limousin). ECOMNEWS promotes and developing the information and economic news of decision -makers as close as possible to …

Type: Media

256 8

French leader in multi -channel distribution in materials and solutions for networks and infrastructure. French leader in the distribution of plastic pipes and their accessories, Frans Bonhomme offers a wide range of products in the fields of drinking water adduction, irrigation, sanitation, drainage and evacuation of water, pipes, heating, telephone and electric networks. Our service: With a network of 400 points of sale, Frans Bonhomme is capable of effectively responding to the needs of our customers with more than 36,000 references. A true reference of the profession, our catalog details the technical characteristics of all the articles referenced. With a …

Type: Large company

17 1,469
ECO2 Initiative ECO2 Initiative

Success your energy/climate transition 🚀 Eco2 activates the levers of the energy transition and the overall performance: - & gt; Environmental and CSR assessments (audits and carbon balance sheets, GHGs, energy, impacts ...) - & gt; Advice and expertise - & gt; Support for action (consultation, communication, awareness, training ...) Eco2 adapts these levers to - & gt; Your strategy - & gt; your sector - & gt; your operation - & gt; your needs ... according to 2 principles: efficiency and responsibility. Carbon assessments, energy transition, environmental evaluations, circular economy, eco-design, sustainable food, climate & amp; Energies, commitment to …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

25 16
e-artsup, l’école de la passion créative e-artsup, l’école de la passion créative

All creative ambitions deserve excellence. Created in 2001 E-Artsup, forms creatives and designers in the fields of visual communication, artistic management, motion design, animation cinema and video games. It is present in 11 cities in France: Paris, Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Montpellier, Nantes, Nice, Strasbourg, Toulouse and Tours and has 2,000 students each year. Member of the Ionis group, leader in private private education independent in France (29 schools and entities in 27 cities in France internationally and more than 35,000 students), it is at the heart of multidisciplinary urban campus thus composing a global ecosystem with marketing, tech and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech games

37 556
DomusVi France DomusVi France

Well-being of people #elderly thanks to innovative places, services and therapies that preserve their quality of life & amp; their social relations. Domusvi has put human resources at the heart of his business project because our profession is to support fragile people, which forces us to be demanding and dynamic in terms of professionalization. Domusvi supports all of its employees, regardless of their initial age, training or sector of activity to enable them to develop their skills. #Humanity partner Health, medical residences, non -medical residences, EHPAD (Accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people), home services, senior residences, and SSIADs

Type: Large company

26 3,912
Dekra France Dekra France

Global partner for a safer and more sustainable world Dekra is the leader in inspection, certification, services and the management of claims in the automotive, transport and industry areas. As a global partner for a safer and more sustainable world, Dekra undertakes to guarantee long -term security, quality, environmental protection. 🙌 With nearly 5,000 employees in France, Dekra supports businesses, communities and individuals in risk control and in the optimization of installations, automobile equipment and buildings through a global service offer: audit, advice, training, inspection, tests and measures, certifications (CE marking ...) of products or systems, innovative solutions, Domains of …

Type: Large company

23 3,151

This is not cottage cheese, it is cottage cheese. At La Fayes Laiterie, it is the taste that prevails. There is never any question of adding proteins, preservatives or other additives that would disturb the natural quality of our milk. All our products are then made "in the rules of the art" to obtain premium, natural and good products. Laiterie, Creamy, and cheese dairy

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

18 29
Culture 31 / L'Essentiel de la Culture Culture 31 / L'Essentiel de la Culture

Cultural news in Toulouse Métropole and Occitanie. Culture 31 / Most of the culture is a cultural information site in Toulouse and Occitanie. Our website benefits from a large community on social networks with more than 36,000 subscribers on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. Our journalists, columnists and experts in the field of culture and patronage support our partners in their digital communication strategies, with quality and performance objectives.

Type: Media

5 16
CPME Occitanie CPME Occitanie

President of the CPME Occitanie, Vincent Aguilera. Our added value is man! The CPME Confederation of small and medium-sized enterprises, is the only interprofessional employers' organization (trade, industry, services and crafts) representative at the national level, dedicated to very small businesses. Its vocation is to support all companies, to defend their views and their interests in a direct dialogue with the public authorities, and to participate in official consultation bodies in the social and economic fields. The CPME is also responsible for providing proposals in a constructive exchange with its interlocutors and to generally carry a project that places humans …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

22 21
Jaune Agency Jaune Agency

The communication agency that impacts trade. The communication agency that impacts trade. Communication agency, global communication, brand strategy, strategic plan, content strategy, media social strategy, digital ecosystems, visual identity, digital & amp; social media, film, events, print, and ux design

Type: SMB Activities: martech

1 32
Conseil départemental de la Haute-Garonne Conseil départemental de la Haute-Garonne

Official account of the Haute-Garonne Departmental Council From the construction of colleges to social action, including the improvement of departmental road infrastructure, support for sport or cultural action, there is no shortage of possibilities! Follow our news!

Type: Public

58 1,947
Com'Publics Com'Publics

Provocative of debate, ideas agitator, creator of solutions 🔴 Institutional and Public Affairs Communication Agency Provocateurs of debate, agitators of ideas, creators of solutions: 27 years of experience, 31 employees involved, 3 exciting trades 📌 Institutional communication and public affairs council Com'Publics intervenes on all aspects of the representation of interests, from the development of lobbying strategies and the conception of influence tools to their national and territories implementation. 📌 shared lobbying Clubs, reflections, coalitions, observatories: Com’Publics has initiated a new way of practicing lobbying by developing Think & Amp; Do Tank thematic. These shared lobbying spaces welcome companies, federations, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

99 42
Comité Départemental du Tourisme Destination Gers Comité Départemental du Tourisme Destination Gers

Close to the field, listening to local partners and thanks to the knowledge he has of tourist customers, the CDT has six main missions: 1 - The CDT develops the development strategy at the service of the Departmental Council, 2 - The CDT informs, animates and brings together all the tourism players, 3 - The CDT promotes the tourist offer in France and abroad, 4 - The CDT Expertise and advises for the evaluation and improvement of the tourist offer, 5 - The CDT animates intra -departmental sectors to facilitate marketing, 6 - The CDT observes and manages the technical …

Type: Public

22 13
Clinique Saint-Exupéry Clinique Saint-Exupéry

Your health, the requirement that brings us together. A real reference center in nephrology for 45 years, the Saint-Exupéry clinic, located in the L'Ormeau-Montaudran district of Toulouse, is now taking care of all chronic diseases with a care pathway that goes from prevention to rehabilitation. The clinic also has a consultation platform bringing together 60 medical and paramedics in nearly 25 disciplines, a medical imaging tray and a laboratory open to all. The St-Exupéry clinic is independent, which gives it the whole mastery of human and relational values ​​that it has perpetuated since its creation. Completely renovated in 2020, it …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

5 139
Clinique Rive Gauche Toulouse Clinique Rive Gauche Toulouse

We are concerned about your well-being and your comfort, in a requirement combining innovation and human values. The reference clinic in the center of Toulouse The Rive Gauche clinic was born from the alliance of the Sarrus-Teinturiers and Saint-Nicolas clinics. Pointe clinic in Toulouse, it offers the patient a complete and proximity medical service in the central district of Saint-Cyprien. The Rive Gauche clinic is: 160 doctors and surgeons 35,000 patients per year, including 20,000 interventions and nearly 4,000 deliveries Level 2 maternity 190 beds and places A complete offer of care in Toulouse Pôle of excellence in Toulouse, the …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

9 209
réseau Cler réseau Cler

Carry the energy of the transition The CLER network is a national association which brings together nearly 300 structures engaged in the implementation of an energy transition that is both fair and ambitious. Its objective: to accelerate the energy transition to the local, national and European level. The association brings together associations, communities and businesses to defend a territorial transition model, promoting energy efficiency, sobriety, renewable energies, the fight against energy precariousness and sustainable and inclusive mobility. Its ambition: to carry the energy of the transition. The CLER network defends and implements an energy transition model that is based on …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

77 46
Too Good To Go France Too Good To Go France

Too good to go, the anti gaspi app n ° 1! We dream of a planet without food waste! 🌍 Too Good To Go is a movement to combat food waste. Our application offers a win-win solution by offering merchants to put online baskets of unsold 1/3 of the initial price. Bonus: Too good to go aims to raise awareness and mobilize the whole company to reduce food waste! Restaurants, bakeries, caterers, canteens, supermarkets, primers ...: more than 34,000 traders have already joined our movement! And on the user side, it's more. 13 million citizens who downloaded the application on …

Type: Large company Activities: connected commerce civictech greentech foodtech cleantech

136 71
Citelum Citelum

Dalkia Electrotechnics Citelum creates and brings the performance and decarbonization of cities and territories to life on a daily basis Citelum France, a subsidiary of Dalkia Electrotechnics EDF Group, creates a world of intelligent, sustainable, efficient light. By capitalizing on its expertise of almost 30 years and its culture of the guarantee of result, Citelum France has developed a wide range of connected services adapted to the needs of its public and private customers: smart lighting, video protection, road and multimodal traffic management, smart parking, Wi-Fi, Li-Fi, charging stations, urban monitoring and air quality, Smart City platform. Many cities and …

Type: Corporate subsidiary

81 705

French Software Publisher and Host French CIRIL GROUP is a French player in the software and cloud industry. CIRIL GROUP is known and recognized for the reliability, sustainability and added value of its technologies, software solutions and IT services. Its civilian business information systems have been supporting public actors for 45 years in all their management needs for public finance, human resources, technical services and services to the population; Its Geo geographic information systems cover all geomatic, geomarketing and geo-decision uses in all public and private sectors of activity; Its Smart range offers a resolutely innovative approach to GMAO and …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS Cybersecurity

18 267
Cinélatino, Rencontres de Toulouse Cinélatino, Rencontres de Toulouse

Latin American cinemas festival Created in 1989, the Cinélatino festival, Toulouse Meetings has established itself over the years as an unmissable European meeting with Latin American films and filmmakers. The heart of the festival is in full swing for ten days at the end of March in Toulouse, a young, Latin city and cinephile and irrigates the Occitanie region through the Cinélatino system in the region (in more than 50 partner rooms). Cinélatino is the successful alchemy between a cultural, friendly and demanding event and an efficient professional platform. For 37 years now, Cinélatino has been an international festival in …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

2 16
Château de Versailles Spectacles Château de Versailles Spectacles

Private subsidiary of the public establishment of the museum and the national domain of Versailles, Château de Versailles Spectacles's mission is to perpetuate the tradition of the show and the living arts through exceptional events. Louis XIV brings together in his field the most brilliant artists of the time and allows the emergence of new styles. This royal setting, shaped by the arts, was at the heart of the most lavish holidays. True to its history, the Palace of Versailles continues to be the setting for a very varied cultural and event life. A plurality of shows is scheduled throughout …

Type: Event

12 201

An exceptional place for an elsewhere close to you An exceptional place for all your exchanges where innovation and inspiration are the ingredients of success. When heritage meets digital is a page of history that is telling. Come work, search, find, discover, innovate, cooperate, together in this third place like no other. Numeric, heritage, industrial revolution, Second Empire, Sciences & amp; Techniques, Chateau, Napoleon III, Coworking, Innovation, Inspiration, History, Digital, Women, Businesses, Wedding, Seminars, Reunion, and Third Place

Type: Event

58 2
CMA Haute-Garonne CMA Haute-Garonne

Support artisans today and tomorrow The Chamber of Trades and Crafts of Haute-Garonne is the privileged interlocutor of 44,000 VSEs/SMEs in the 4 sectors of craft activity (food, building, production, services) of the department. It serves the professional interests of craftsmen with institutional partners, contributes to the development of their businesses and employment (45,000 employees in the craft sector). It develops learning to companies and young people (2,200 apprentices in Haute-Garonne) Address: 18 bis boulevard Lascrosses, 31000 Toulouse Tel: Opening hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday The business formalities center and the trades directory receive the …

Type: Public

22 65

ESSP SAS (European Satellite Services Provider) is a European private company under French law whose shareholders are 7 key Air Navigation Service Providers: • DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung (Germany) • DSNA Direction des Services de la Navigation Aérienne (France) • ENAIRE (Spain) • ENAV L'Ente Nazionale Assistenza al Volo (Italy) • NATS National Air Traffic Services (United Kingdom) • NAV Navegação Aérea de Portugal (Portugal) • Skyguide Schweizerische Aktiengesellschaft für zivile und militärische Flugsicherung (Switzerland) ESSP acts as the service provider for EGNOS, the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service. EGNOS is a satellite based augmentation system which delivers precise satellite positioning …

Type: Startup Activities: spacetech Technologies: Geolocation

9 197
Hedoine Hedoine

Biodegradable, Seamless & Ladder-Resistant Tights. Crafting Better Legwear. Elevating & Celebrating Hēdoïnes. Inspired by the incredible women we have met - and continue to meet - we’re bringing a new reality to the forefront, and new meaning to modern femininity. We challenge the status quo and we do things our way. We empower, we elevate and we celebrate strong, bold, feminine Hedoines. We also make seriously comfortable tights. No sagging or pinching and the world’s first ladder-resistant collection - now even biodegradable. Because if you’re going to reinvent tights you may as well do it right, right? Fashion, Hosiery, Sustainability, …

Type: Startup Activities: fashtech

206 7
Goggo Network Goggo Network

We deploy and operate fleets of shared autonomous vehicles to transport people and goods Goggo Network was founded in 2018 by serial entrepreneur Martin Varsavsky and ex-McKinsey Associate Partner Yasmine Fage to lead the driverless revolution in order to solve the transportation challenges of today. Our vision is to provide all people with autonomous, electric and shared mobility solutions through the creation of Autonomous Mobility Networks. To achieve this vision, our talented team has raised over EUR 24 million in Venture Capital funding so far from Softbank and Axel Springer Ventures. Our team is partnering with European key industry players …

Type: Startup Activities: it services transporttech smart city Technologies: A.I.

16 22