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LogoName Σ Ingoing engagements Outgoing engagements Employees
Sveaskog Sveaskog

Vi är Sveriges största skogsägare med ett stort ansvar: att bruka och sköta skogen för en hållbar framtid. Sveaskog is Sweden's largest forest owner and leading supplier of timber, pulpwood and biofuel. The company works with land sales, caters for hunting and fishing and provides land for local entrepreneurs within eco-tourism. Forestry is our core business. The focus is on silviculture, the sale of forest products and the development of the forest's other values. Forestry, wood supply, Skogsbruk, and Skogsskötsel

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech

3 0 2 436
Vasakronan Vasakronan

On a mission with the vision to create future-proof cities for everyone, where people and companies thrive. Vasakronan is Sweden's leading real estate company. We own, develop and manage commercial properties in Stockholm, Uppsala, Gothenburg and Malmö. We have a vision of a good city where all people thrive and companies develop. We work towards it every day. We are climate neutral in the operation of our properties, environmentally certified according to ISO14001 and were the first in Sweden to offer green leases, something that is now the industry standard. Since 2009, we have halved our total energy use and …

Type: Startup Activities: proptech smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

11 2 5 438
Scandinavian Real Heart Scandinavian Real Heart

With the help of medical technology solutions and innovation we want to save as many heart failure patients as possible. About Scandinavian Real Heart AB – Only about 8,000 heart transplants are performed annually worldwide and the supply of donated hearts is very limited. The need is great and patients with heart failure die while waiting for a new heart. Scandinavian Real Heart AB is developing a heart pump (TAH) that mimics the body's natural circulation and that can be used as a transitional solution for patients waiting for a heart transplant. Successful studies have been conducted on anesthetized animals …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech healthtech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

9 1 8 20
XNK Therapeutics XNK Therapeutics

INDIVIDUALIZED NK CELL THERAPIES XNK Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing unique and individualized natural killer (NK) cell-based cancer therapies. The R&D pipeline targets areas of high unmet medical need within both hematological malignancies and solid tumors. The most advanced product candidate, evencaleucel, is being evaluated in a phase II clinical study in combination with the CD38 monoclonal antibody, isatuximab, as consolidation therapy following stem cell transplantation in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients. At the core of XNK is a committed and experienced team that includes world-renowned NK cell experts and pioneers in the field. The company has developed …

Type: Startup Activities: biotech deeptech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

2 0 2 9
Shapemaker Shapemaker

Your new software for civil engineering design and analysis of telecommunication infrastructure. Your new software for civil engineering design and analysis of telecommunication infrastructure. Online engineering solutions, Database management, Cloud computing, IT architecture, and Structural analysis

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

4 0 3 19
Spotify Spotify

Passionate music fans. Innovative tech pros. Perfect harmony. Join our band. Our mission is to unlock the potential of human creativity—by giving a million creative artists the opportunity to live off their art and billions of fans the opportunity to enjoy and be inspired by it. Spotify transformed music listening forever when it launched in Sweden in 2008. Discover, manage and share over 70m tracks for free, or upgrade to Spotify Premium to access exclusive features including offline mode, improved sound quality, and an ad-free music listening experience. Today, Spotify is the most popular global audio streaming service with 365m …

Type: Large company

55 50 0 15,421
Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR)

UHR erbjuder stöd och tjänster inom kompetensförsörjning och det livslånga lärandet både för individen och samhället. The Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) is a Swedish government agency with many different tasks in the education sector. It has 300 employees who are located in Stockholm and Visby. UHR’s tasks include: - coordinating admissions to higher education. - producing the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test. - providing support and information to everyone who wants to study in higher education. - widening participation and preventing discrimination in higher education. - evaluating foreign higher education qualifications. - brokering international exchanges. - managing and developing …

Type: Public

4 2 1 358
Industriarbetsgivarna Industriarbetsgivarna

Arbetsgivarorganisation som företräder drygt 1 000 medlemsföretag med cirka 90 000 anställda. Industriarbetsgivarna, The Swedish Association of Industrial Employers, is an employers'​ association for the Swedish basic industry companies, mainly pulp, paper, sawmill, steel, metal, mining, welding and mechanical industry. We specialise in employers'​ issues and support our member companies in questions that concern the relationship between employer and employees. Industriarbetsgivarna's associations have almost 1000 member companies with around 90 000 employees.

Type: Public

5 1 4 33
AI Sweden AI Sweden

Swedish national center for applied artificial intelligence. AI Sweden is the Swedish national center for applied artificial intelligence. Our mission is to accelerate the use of AI for the benefit of our society, our competitiveness, and for everyone living in Sweden. AI and artificial intelligence

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

25 13 17 187
Uppsala University Innovation Uppsala University Innovation

We help students and researchers at Uppsala University make the most of their ideas. As the university’s central support unit for innovation, it’s our mission to help put good ideas to good use – for everyone’s benefit. Regardless of where the ideas originate – research or education – we provide the expertise, resources and networks essential for helping researchers, employees and students at Uppsala University to make the most of their research results and ideas. Together, we create opportunities for innovative solutions to benefit people and society. Affärsutveckling, Kommersialisering, Finansiering, Innovationsstöd, IPR, Patent, Innovation support, Patents, Business development, Financing, Commercialization, …

Type: Public

6 0 4 22
Urban ICT Arena Urban ICT Arena

An arena for creating, testing and showing the solutions for tomorrow’s sustainable cities. Part of Kista Science City. Located in Kista Science City, one of the world’s leading ICT-clusters, we are an arena for creating, testing and showing the solutions for tomorrow’s sustainable cities. Urban ICT Arena is a non-profit organization part of Kista Science City AB.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

7 0 6 1

We empower change makers to drive innovation and growth through our platform and events. Techarena has the purpose of acknowledging entrepreneurship and give entrepreneurs the opportunity to showcase their company’s products and services on a public arena. The competition also aims to highlight Sweden and the Nordic region as hotbeds for innovative, emerging enterprises that change, improve, and develop their industries on a global level as well as function as a connecting platform for entrepreneurs, business leaders, investors, media, politicians, and partners. Entrepreneurship, Startups, Corporate, Business, and Innovation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

31 12 20 24
Tekniksprånget Tekniksprånget

Tekniksprånget is a successful internship program that inspires young people to become engineers. 220 employers are affiliated. Tekniksprånget is an internship program that inspires young people to become engineers and strengthens future skills supply. Tekniksprånget is an initiative from the business community and is run by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) on behalf of the government. By offering young people a four-month paid internship with an employer in the private or public sector, they are given a unique opportunity to try out the engineering profession. The purpose of Tekniksprånget is to inspire young people to study higher …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

7 3 3 4
Svemin Svemin

The Swedish Association for Mines, Mineral and Metal Producers Svemin represents around 70 companies with more than 14,000 employees in mining, exploration and technology. Opinionsbildning, Gruvor, Industripolitik, and Teknik

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: industry 4.0

6 2 5 18
Fossilfritt Sverige Fossilfritt Sverige

Fossil-free Sweden is a government initiative that brings together companies, municipalities, regions and organizations to accelerate the work of making Sweden one of the world's first fossil-free welfare countries.

Type: Public

18 5 15 6
Houdini Sportswear Houdini Sportswear

An odd band of friends from Sweden on a quest to reimagine the future of circular sportswear. Led by women since 1993. Whether you’re sailing a boat, pitching a tent or starting a revolution, you will have better luck if you bring some friends. Together with an odd band of scientists, artists, designers and adventurers, we are pushing the boundaries of how outdoor clothing is made. Together with our customers, we are recycling, renting, repairing and reusing our way to a new, sustainable outdoor industry. Let’s climb a mountain. Run a mile. Eat a cake. Start a band. Save the …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech fashtech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

20 3 17 76
Miljöpartiet de gröna Miljöpartiet de gröna

The Green Party has grown out of the movements for the environment, peace and gender equality. Today we are making Sweden greener.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

13 5 1 170
CLIC Innovation Oy CLIC Innovation Oy

RDI ecosystem orchestrator for Bio-, Circular economy and Energy solutions. Ecosystems for 4Recycling, GreenE2 CLIC is an open innovation cluster with the mission of creating systemic breakthrough solutions in bioeconomy, circular economy and energy transition. We are a non-profit company based on public-private-partnership model based in Helsinki, Finland. CLIC is owned by leading international companies and Finnish research organizations committed to create sustainable solutions for the world. Our mission is to build and manage open innovation collaboration between companies, academia and other relevant stakeholder qroups in bioeconomy, energy and circular economy themes. We address systemic challenges, that arise from the …

Type: Incubators & VCs

9 1 4 27
Axfood Axfood

Axfood's purpose is to create more quality of life for everyone. Our family of companies includes the store chains Willys and Hemköp as well as Tempo, Handlar’n and Matöppet. B2B sales are handled through Snabbgross, and our support company Dagab is responsible for the Group’s product development, purchasing and logistics. The Axfood family also includes Urban Deli as well as the partly owned companies Apohem, Eurocash, and City Gross. We are proud of our private labels, where Garant, Eldorado and Minstingen are among the most popular brands. Axfood's success story would not be possible without our 13 000 employees with …

Type: Large company

27 3 19 8,915

We go beyond the obvious to help society and companies to grow through technological innovations. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd is the leading research and technology company in the Nordic countries. Our research and innovation services give our partners, both private and public, all over the world a competitive edge. We pave the way for the future by developing new smart technologies, profitable solutions and innovation services. We create technology for business – for the benefit of society. research, innovation, technology, development, bioeconomy, Digital society, Smart City, Energy, Health and wellbeing, climate action, resource sufficiency, good health, safety …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

44 22 14 2,769
Luleå University of Technology Luleå University of Technology

Skandinaviens nordligaste tekniska universitet med forskning och utbildning i världsklass. Luleå University of Technology is experiencing strong growth with world-leading competence in several areas of research. Our research is conducted in close collaboration with industries such as LKAB, Ericsson, Boliden, ABB, Epiroc and leading international universities. Luleå University of Technology has a total turnover of SEK 1.8 billion per year. We currently have 1, 770 employees and 17, 200 students.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

16 2 9 2,297
Volvo Group Volvo Group

The Volvo Group is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of trucks, buses, construction equipment and marine and industrial engines. The Group also provides complete solutions for financing and service. The Volvo Group, with its headquarters in Gothenburg, employs about 100,000 people, has production facilities in 18 countries and sells its products in more than 190 markets. Trucks, Construction Equipment, Buses, Industrial & Marine Engines, Financial Services, Innovation, Driving prosperity, Automation, Connectivity, Electromobility, Transportation, and Automotive

Type: Large company

53 30 10 74,391

Alliance of research institutes advocating for excellent research in Europe As an alliance of leading research centres in life sciences, we advocate for excellent research including a better value in and for Europe since our creation in 2013. Our 15 members are renowned research centres that operate with similar principles of excellence, external reviews, independence, competitiveness, and internationality. We decided to join forces to address complex questions, thereby contributing to improving European science. Science, Research, European Research Area, and Research Policy

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

8 1 7 8
National Centre for Biological Sciences National Centre for Biological Sciences

The National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS), located in Bangalore, is part of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. The mandate of NCBS is fundamental research in the frontier areas of biology. Research interests range from the study of single molecules to ecology and evolution. Along with inStem and C-CAMP it forms the Bangalore Bio-Cluster, bringing together fundamental research, translational studies, and technology development. We are a premier research institute with all the necessary facilities that a research scientist may need. Research interests of our faculty members lie in the frontier areas of biology, and the science at NCBS (a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: biotech deeptech

11 1 4 412
MTF Labs MTF Labs

Addressing grand challenges with a global community of over 8000 diverse and brilliant minds. MTF Labs brings together a growing global community of over 7500 diverse and brilliant innovators. It brings together arts and science, academia and industry in a space of common understanding. It uses music and creativity as a social glue and a springboard to address grand challenges through curiosity, ingenuity and collaborative making. innovation, research, labs, ecosystems, ai, data, audiovisual, media, cross-domain, art-science, design, interaction, neurofeedback, and robotics

Type: Media

15 1 7 10
Position West Position West

Invest in the growth zone between Gothenburg and Oslo Make the establishment process efficient and smooth. Get help from us at the Position Väst office to obtain facts, create contacts and find suitable locations for your company's establishment and expansion. We are a direct link to all 16 municipalities that form Position Väst, so initially you only need one contact person. The Position Väst office makes it easier for companies and other actors to invest or establish themselves in our area. We obtain the facts you need and help with contacts. For example, you can get an overall picture of …

Type: SMB Activities: it services

4 1 3 4
Göteborg Energi Göteborg Energi

A municipal company, City of Gothenburg Göteborg Energi is more than an ordinary energy company. As well as producing and delivering energy we are also working toward a bigger end goal - a sustainable Gothenburg. We are a part of the municipality of Gothenburg. It's all about sustainable energy, smarter systems and energy efficient solutions to better the lives for everyone within the city lines. Gothenburg is facing an extensive urban development in coming years. And to succeed, each and every one of our employees is important to acchieve the goal of a sustainable future. with loads of exciting challanges …

Type: Large company Activities: cleantech greentech

9 3 5 1,088
Uppsala University Uppsala University

Sweden’s first university Uppsala University strives to bring new perspectives to the basic questions of science as well as knowledge contributing to sustainable development and human health. We offer 39 different master programmes covering over 60 different specialisations. In Uppsala you walk in the gardens of Linnaeus, follow in the footsteps of Nobel laureates, and at the same time meet today’s – and tomorrow’s – smartest teachers and researchers. Uppsala University. Quality, knowledge and creativity. Since 1477. Please address questions on official matters to Arts, Social Sciences, Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, Technology, Humanities, Languages, and Theology

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

22 12 6 9,870
Sweden in EU Sweden in EU

Follow the work of Sweden in the EU. Account run by the Communications Department at the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the European Union. International Affairs and Diplomacy

Type: Public

48 23 22 2,837
JEDI ⚡️ Joint European Disruptive Initiative JEDI ⚡️ Joint European Disruptive Initiative

The European Moonshot Factory The Joint European Disruptive Initiative (JEDI) is the initiative for disruptive innovation to bring Europe in a leadership position in breakthrough technologies. It is powered by 4.600 leaders of Europe’s deeptech ecosystem in 29 countries. JEDI is launching Technology GrandChallenges to push the frontiers of innovation, with a radical new method based on excellence, no geographical return, speed, highest expectations & bold risk-taking. Driven by European values, a purpose-driven approach to solve major societal issues in environment/healthcare/digital/education/oceans/space through innovation. Europe needs a revolution to stay in the race, defend its values, and lead Follow us on …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

69 8 60 16
Sida Sida

Sida - Swedish Agency for International Development Cooperation Sida is an administrative agency that works on behalf of the government and parliament to create conditions for better living conditions for people living in poverty and oppression. International development cooperation

Type: Public

28 11 5 1,060
SE Forum SE Forum

Since 2004, SE Forum has been promoting social entrepreneurship and supporting entrepreneurs making an impact. Our members and partners work around the world to improve society’s pressing problems. SE Forum is a platform and a meeting place for people wanting to promote and support social entrepreneurship. Through our activities we aim to turn social entrepreneurship into a recognized way of doing business and accelerate those working to address the problems of the world. SE Forum works as a knowledge coach, provider, catalyst, and initiator of the creation of projects and enterprises within the field of social entrepreneurship. SE Forum's vision …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

7 2 6 9

AI & Robotics Technology Park🤖 Creating a better world through an inclusive AI & Robotics revolution ARTPARK @ IISc (AI & Robotics Technology Park) is a unique non-profit (section-8) organization promoted by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) to foster innovations in AI & Robotics by bringing together the best of the startup, industry, research, and government ecosystem. It is seed funded by the Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India, under the National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems (NM-ICPS) and the Govt. of Karnataka. ARTPARK @ IISc is driving advances in robotics, autonomous systems and AI through …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

11 0 8 163
Changers Hub Changers Hub

Hustling change since 2015 We democratise success. Changers Hub is an innovative entrepreneur hub with two locations in Stockholm, Sweden. The goal is to create a more equal society where all young people have the same chance to succeed with their ideas. Beside a co-working space, this hub also offers an Academy and a music studio. Changers Hub started late 2015 and has been growing rapidly. Today Changers Hub has 2000+ members which makes it one of the biggest hub's in Sweden.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

6 1 4 21
Stanford ChangeLabs Stanford ChangeLabs

Catalyzing System Transformation with System Approaches Our vision is for humanity to have the capacity to achieve and sustain intergenerational wellbeing. We believe this requires enhanced capacity in systems-based approaches to leadership, innovation, design, and collaboration — particularly in the face of large-scale, complex challenges. We are a lab, a network, and a platform structured to design new methodologies and tools to equip global leaders and innovators with the creative confidence required to engage with scaled complex issues and emerge with actionable, system-based interventions designed for impact and sustainability. ChangeLabs’ powerful methodology, System AcupunctureTM, enables the innovation of intervention pathways …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

1 1 0 0
Swedsoft Swedsoft

Swedsoft gathers Swedish software in an independent non-profit organization. Swedsoft gathers Swedish software in an independent non-profit organization with the mission to increase the competitiveness of Swedish software. Our members are companies, academia and the public sector in Sweden. Together we work to ensure that Sweden is world leading in the development of software and software-intensive products, systems and services. Read more at

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

6 0 6 3
Drive Sweden Drive Sweden

Strategic Innovation Program for development of sustainable mobility solutions. Drive Sweden is driving the development of digitalized, connected and shared mobility solutions for a sustainable transport system. Through broad collaborations, we develop and test new solutions that strengthen Sweden's competitiveness.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

21 2 17 8
Teknikföretagen Teknikföretagen

We are Technology Sweden. The Swedish technology industry drives innovation, creates jobs and paves the way for the future. Teknikföretagen's 4,500 member companies account for a third of Sweden's exports and over a million jobs. Our mission is to strengthen the competitiveness of our members and drive sustainable development forward. Together with companies all over the country, we shape the future of the technology industry – because we are Technology Sweden.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

18 5 13 140
Politics for Tomorrow Politics for Tomorrow

Innovatives Arbeiten in Politik und Verwaltung • ​inspirieren, umsetzen und vernetzen • Politics for Tomorrow is a nonpartisan #psinnovation initiative boosting #transformativedesign capacity in German public sector for #OpenGov #RRI #SDGs, kicked off by in 2015 Our mission is to strengthen transformative competencies for public value creation in individuals and organisations. By supporting civil representatives to actively shape the evolution of state-citizen interaction, we aim to bridge disciplinary and hierarchical silos in order to take joint actions for participatory processes and democratic innovation. We work towards a cultural shift in the political-administrative context by empowering our partners with methodologies …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

7 2 4 11
Nova Nova

The Global Top Talent Network | Connecting the top 3% of talent among themselves and with the best opportunities Nova is the global top talent community that connects high-potentials with each other and with the best professional opportunities. Our mission is to connect the most talented people in the world through a merit-based professional network. The key to Nova is precisely the quality of our members, who have to go through a rigorous screening process before being accepted into the network. We have a community of more than 24,000 people living in 95 countries around the world, from a wide …

Type: Large company Activities: hrtech

44 4 41 6,218

Commercializing Living Therapies Regenerative Medicine (RM), which aims to harness the power of stem cells, biomaterials and molecules to repair, regenerate or replace diseased cells, tissues and organs, has the promise to treat, manage and perhaps cure some of the most devastating and costly diseases in the world today. Many new and potentially life-changing RM-based treatments never reach patients because they are not successfully moved from the laboratory to a stage where they can be used in medicine. In order to fulfill RM’s promise to treat the many diseases affecting our population, a world-renowned group of stem cell scientists and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: biotech deeptech

22 2 17 264

En hub för det fria kulturlivet / A hub for creatives. STPLN (pronounced "stapeln") exists for you who have ideas and are running or want to run creative projects. The door is open for all experiences, levels, and ages. Here you will find studios, event spaces, and office spaces ready to be used. Come by and say hi, we would love to show you around! Coworking Space, Education, Design, Circular Practice, Tech, Art, Artist in Residence, Participatory Design, Cultural Incubator, CCI, and Impact

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

1 0 1 8
Lund University Lund University

Lund University has around 47 000 students and 8 800 staff based in Lund, Helsingborg and Malmö. We are united in our efforts to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition. Lund is considered one of the most popular study locations in Sweden. The University offers one of the broadest ranges of programmes and courses in Scandinavia, based on cross-disciplinary and cutting-edge research. The unique disciplinary range encourages boundary-crossing collaborations both within academia and with wider society, creating great conditions for scientific breakthroughs and innovations. The University has a distinct international profile, with partner universities in approximately …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

27 6 9 9,704
SFS Suomen Standardit SFS Suomen Standardit

Secure your company's strawberry patch - with standardization, of course! At SFS, we ensure that Finnish companies and organizations can influence the standards that are important to their business, i.e. the common rules of the market, and are able to follow the development of standards. We also ensure that the collection of standards needed by companies and organizations is available in Finland. SFS's main tasks are the preparation, ratification, publication and sale of SFS standards, as well as communication about this. The majority of SFS standards ratified in Finland (identified by SFS) are based on international or European standards. SFS …

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech

2 2 0 52
IrishCentral IrishCentral

We bring Ireland to you, connecting and informing Irish communities across the globe. is the largest Irish digital media site in North America., headquartered in New York City, is a site that features news and community for the global Irish community. Over 3.2 million people visit, share and interact on IrishCentral each month. Our Linkedin page is dedicated to sharing business news in Ireland and the Irish American community in the US. For all other Irish news visit our website or our Facebook and Twitter page. business, sports, news, politics, culture, root, entertainment, blogs, digital, ireland, irish, video, …

Type: Media

22 4 8 17
Gestamp Gestamp

Working for a safer and lighter car. Gestamp is a multinational specialized in the design, development and manufacture of highly engineered metal components for the main vehicle manufacturers. It develops products with an innovative design to produce lighter and safer vehicles, which offer lower energy consumption and a lower environmental impact. Its products cover the areas of BiW, chassis and mechanisms. Gestamp is present in 24 countries with 115 production plants, 13 R&D centers and a workforce of more than 44,000 employees worldwide. Hot Stamping, Welding, Assembly, Chassis, Body in White, Battery box, Mechanism, Industry 4.0, and Digitalization

Type: Large company

33 6 16 15,492
Fintech Mundi Fintech Mundi

Unparalleled expertise in global financial technologies with proven track record for international scaling and growth Fintech Mundi helps high potential financial technology companies to develop their ideas, commercialize their products and grow their businesses internationally. We bring: • Unparalleled expertise in global financial technologies • International partners and experienced mentors within fintech • Proven track record for scaling and launching companies in global markets • Unique ecosystem for global fintech growth • Trusted industry network The company is initially based in Oslo, London, Tel Aviv and Dublin and our focus is global. We recruit globally, connect globally and expand globally. …

Type: Incubators & VCs

30 0 17 3
Swedish Edtech Industry Swedish Edtech Industry

A non-profit industry organization that gathers suppliers within the Swedish edtech industry. Industry Association connecting and building a strong ecosystem for Swedish EdTech Companies, in Sweden and internationally. We believe that the digital transformation of the education system is key to building competencies necessary for tomorrow. We welcome all EdTech Companies operating on the Swedish market to join us. Educational Technology

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

5 1 2 5
TheMayor.EU TheMayor.EU

The European Portal for Cities and Citizens TheMayor.EU - the European Portal for Cities and Citizens aims to enhance the understanding and cohesion between the citizens of the European Union, the local authorities and EU institutions. Our goal is to keep the taxpayers informed about the good practices on a local, regional and European Union level, by honouring the work of local authorities. This will ultimately lead to improved cooperation and exchange of information between the municipalities in the European Union and will contribute to the socio-economic development of the regions and cities. For our work, we have been awarded …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

31 1 30 1
Epiroc Epiroc

United in performance. Inspired by innovation. Performance to succeed today. Technology to lead tomorrow. Epiroc is your partner for mining and infrastructure equipment. We're excited to build on proven expertise and performance with the same people and a bold new drive to make what's good even better. Just like our name ‘Epiroc’ says, we want to be on top of things. Epiroc means “at or on rock,” coming from Greek and Latin roots. It reflects our core business, our proximity to customers and the strength of our partnerships. You can count on us to listen to your needs and respond …

Type: Large company

15 7 3 11,398
Epicenter Stockholm Epicenter Stockholm

A House of Digital Innovation in the heart of Stockholm for digital scaleups, corporates, intrapreneurs & entrepreneurs. Epicenter is Stockholm’s first House of Digital Innovation at the heart of the city and Sweden’s digital landscape. At Epicenter members are invited to innovate alongside the world’s fastest growing digital companies and creative corporate initiatives. Within Epicenter, Swedish and international entrepreneurs and companies meet to collaborate, learn and grow their businesses. Epicenter runs corporate innovation labs, provides fast growing digital companies with flexible work space, as well as knowledge and creativity through seminars and educational programs for companies and organizations that wish …

Type: Incubators & VCs

29 6 17 38
EIT Health EIT Health

Together for healthy lives in Europe EIT Health promotes entrepreneurship and innovation in healthy living and active ageing, providing Europeans with new opportunities and resources. It enables citizens to lead healthier and more productive lives by delivering products, services and concepts that improve quality of life and contribute to the sustainability of healthcare across Europe. Health Care Administration, Health Consulting, Innovation in Healthy Living and Active Ageing, Sustainability of Healthcare, Acceleration, and Education

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

175 54 136 8
EY Doberman EY Doberman

We're here to change things. Doberman is a Design Firm. We're here to change things. We partner with bold organizations determined to deliver exceptional customer experiences. For updates, follow us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram: @doberman Product Design, Business Design, Service Design, UX Design, Business Transformation, Industrial Design, and CX Strategy

Type: SMB Activities: uxtech

16 3 11 96
Cleantech Scandinavia Cleantech Scandinavia

Promoting the innovations of tomorrow to reduce carbon emissions. Get involved! Cleantech Scandinavia is the leading Nordic cleantech investor network. The company runs an internationally established network of investors, industrials and public actors, all with an interest in Nordic Cleantech. We are a trusted source of cleantech-related investment opportunities, business intelligence, investment statistics and we are a renowned provider and promoter of Nordic Cleantech. Today we have some 70 members including venture funds, industrial ventures from leading multinational companies, corporates, real estate companies, cities and government organisations. We have members from Scandinavia, Continental Europe, China, North America and other locations. …

Type: Incubators & VCs

28 6 26 7

Imagine working in a place like nowhere else on Earth. CERN. Take part! CERN is a truly unique organisation. A genuine collaboration between countries, universities, and scientists, driven not by profit margins, but by a commitment to create and share knowledge. People here are part of immense scientific discoveries, answering some of life’s most complex questions and pushing the boundaries of understanding. Experts from every field come here to share in this ambition and the nature of this collaborative, international community creates a genuine atmosphere of trust. People are free to work creatively and to trust in, and rely on, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

85 44 15 7,176
Lunds kommun Lunds kommun

Lund ger dig plats att växa Lund är en kommun präglad av kunskap, innovation och nytänkande. Staden lockar människor som vill förändra världen. I Lunds kommun arbetar ca 9 000 personer med att skapa bästa möjliga förhållanden för våra 114 000 invånare, våra företag och för alla som besöker oss. Vi söker nu medarbetare som tillsammans med oss vill vara med om att forma framtidens Lund. Vi ger service till kommunens medborgare inom en rad områden: allt från förskola till äldreomsorg, från bygglov till miljö och renhållning, från transportsystem till kultur och fritid. Gemensamt är att vi alla arbetar för …

Type: Public

9 4 4 4,293
Nilar Nilar

We believe in the power of renewable energy Swedish-based Nilar International AB develops and manufactures batteries that are part of stationary energy storage systems. With better energy storage, society can support the increasingly stressed electricity grid by bridging imbalances between energy production and demand, especially important as the share of renewable energy sources increases. Nilar's battery technology is based on nickel metal hydride (NiMH) electrochemistry with a water-based electrolyte, which provides both higher safety and better performance while allowing the components to be recycled and reused. Nilar has its headquarters in Täby and since 2012 all batteries have been developed …

Type: SMB Activities: energytech manufacturing greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization Batteries

2 0 2 51

The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) is a federal public company associated with the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade. Its goal is to provide long-term financing for endeavors that contribute to the country's development. The results of the endeavors financed by BNDES can be seen in the improved competitiveness of the Brazilian economy as well is in the higher quality of life of its population. BNDES also seeks to strengthen the capital structure of private companies, the development of capital markets, the trading of machines and equipment and the financing of exports. Since its establishment, on June 20th, 1952, …

Type: Public

11 4 1 2,498
Bird & Bird Bird & Bird

We're an international law firm helping organisations being changed by the digital world. Bird & Bird is an international law firm with a focus on helping organisations being changed by technology and the digital world. We have over 1600 lawyers in 32 offices across Europe, North America, the Middle East, Asia Pacific and Africa, as well as close ties with firms in other parts of the world. We're ready to help you wherever you are. If you'd like to know more about the type of work we do for our clients, please take a look at the relevant sector or …

Type: Large company

90 25 59 3,414
Östgötatrafiken Östgötatrafiken

Member of the board Net turnover 2008, 932 million SEK edit edit edit edot edit edit edit edit edit edit Public transport, Transport, Regional development, Community development, Sustainable travel, Sustainable cities and communities, Mobility, Traffic development, Infrastructure, and Technology and IT

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

3 1 2 116

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture SMB Activities: entertainment

11 2 11 20
Almi Invest Almi Invest

Sweden's most active startup investor Almi Invest is Sweden’s most active startup investor. We invest all over Sweden through eight regional VC-funds and one national Green Tech fund. Almi Invest manages a total equity of SEK 3,5 billion and has since start invested in about 660 startups. Our best holdings have been divested to major industry players such as Google, Apple, Microsoft and Qlik or through IPOs. Almi Invest is a venture capital company within the Almi Group and financed by European Regional Development Fund, Almi, Almi Invest and regional representatives.

Type: Incubators & VCs

8 2 6 80
Aerospace Technology Institute Aerospace Technology Institute

Our mission is to lead technology in air transport: to raise ambition, realise potential and maximise the UK's impact. The Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) is an independent organisation that works alongside government and industry to transform aerospace through technology and innovation. The ATI is funded equally by the Department for Business and Trade (DBT) and by industrial recipients of project grants. ATI projects are chosen and overseen through close collaboration with Innovate UK and DBT. Our role is to establish a challenging technology strategy for the sector and to develop a portfolio of research and technology activity to realise that …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

17 5 12 92
Trivector Traffic Trivector Traffic

Analyzing traffic problems with the aim of creating efficient, safe and more environmentally sustainable traffic systems Vi hjälper dig att utveckla transport- och mobilitetslösningar för en hållbar framtid Trivector Traffic offers consulting services, research and development in the field of traffic and transportation. The main tasks we undertake involve analyzing traffic problems with the aim of creating efficient, safe and more environmentally sustainable traffic systems. Traffic: transport planning

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: Decarbonization

6 0 6 79
Smau Smau

Innovation for big companies and start-ups! For over 50 years, SMAU has been a benchmark of innovation for companies and public administrations. Since 2008 Smau organizes a series of local events throughout Italy’s main Regions to promote a culture of innovation among businesses and local organizations, a series which become international in 2015. More than 80,000 companies take part in SMAU every year, coming from various commodity sectors and for whom the trade show is an important platform to communicate directly with the market, the aim being to get the leading companies active in the development and revitalization of the …

Tags: H2020 Type: Event

44 10 26 41
Startup World Cup Startup World Cup

World's largest global pitch competition with a $1M investment prize. Powered by Pegasus Tech Ventures. Startup World Cup is a series of global startup conferences and competitions, powered by Pegasus Tech Ventures. It consists of 100+ regional startup competitions in more than 20 different countries around the world, leading up to the Grand Finale in Silicon Valley. The top startups from each regional event will fly out to the USA to compete for a $1,000,000 prize. The Grand Finale for Startup World Cup 2025 will be held on October 17 in San Francisco, California at the Hilton Union Square.

Type: Event

8 2 5 30
National Science Foundation (NSF) National Science Foundation (NSF)

Where discoveries begin The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 "to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense..."​ With an annual budget of more than $8 billion, NSF is the funding source for approximately 20 percent of all federally supported basic research conducted by America’s colleges and universities. In many fields, such as mathematics, computer science, and the social sciences, NSF is the major source of federal backing. NSF awards about 11,000 new awards per year, with an average duration …

Type: Public

43 29 42 4,166
Gröna Mobilister Gröna Mobilister

Green Mobilists work for a mobility that is adapted to the planet's borders and global justice. Gröna Mobilister is a non-profit association that has influenced decision makers and supported consumers in sustainable mobility since 1994. The association's name was previously Gröna Bilister. The name change was implemented to better reflect the business being conducted. Green Mobilists work for a mobility that is adapted to the planet's borders and global justice. We want to strengthen people's quality of life in cities and in rural areas. We do this through information dissemination and advocacy work. Transport policy, Environmental cars, Climate strategy, Community …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

15 1 12 14
Swelife Swelife

Together we create sustainable growth - for the individual's health. Swelife wants to strengthen life science in Sweden and improve public health. Swelife works to increase cohesion and efficiency in the health and life science sectors in Sweden, in order to create growth and better public health. Swelife is a strategic innovation program that is financed by Vinnova and the project's partners. We want to make it possible for skills and resources to be used in the best way. We do this through national cooperation and coordination. We want to reduce the fragmentation within life science in Sweden. We work …

Type: Public

12 3 11 19

European Network of Research Infrastructures & Industry for Collaboration. The ENRIITC [ɪnˈrɪʧ] project aims to build a permanent pan-European network of Industrial Liaison and Contact Officers (ILOs and ICOs) and enable industry to become a full partner of research infrastructures whether it is as a user, a supplier, or a co-creator. In other words, ENRIITC supports the establishment of strategic, cross-border partnerships between industry and research infrastructures.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

10 0 8 1

We United. We Acted. We Delivered. Learn more about #COP28UAE and The UAE Consensus at

Type: Public

43 36 5 202
Ideon Science Park - Start Up Tech Hub Ideon Science Park - Start Up Tech Hub

Where Sharp Minds Create the Future Welcome to Ideon Innovation - the business incubator in Lund that is always working on the next success story. We've been tailoring routes to success for startup companies since 2000. Our passion lies in adding value to your company, helping it grow faster than it would outside the incubator. In our creative environment, you'll receive support from our experienced business coaches and connect with nearly 300 companies nearby, making it easier to reach an international market. Want to learn more about our program? Call, write, or come visit us! NETWORK Ideon Innovation boasts a …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

14 0 14 6
appliedAI Institute for Europe gGmbH appliedAI Institute for Europe gGmbH

Empowering professionals to develop and apply latest AI technologies responsibly. Our mission towards the purpose: We empower people to develop and use trustworthy AI within a strong ecosystem of organizations and individuals. The appliedAI Institute for Europe gGmbH is supported by the KI-Stiftung Heilbronn gGmbH. The appliedAI Institute for Europe gGmbH is a subsidiary of the appliedAI Initiative GmbH.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

10 2 8 33
PropTech Sweden PropTech Sweden

We have built a community of professionals working within the property-technology industry in Sweden. Join our community We have built a community of professionals working within the property- technology industry in Sweden. Who invest, innovate, collaborate, share thoughts and ideas, and ultimately, help businesses to create and build better spaces for people to live and work. proptech, fastigheter, community, and real estate

Type: Incubators & VCs

4 1 1 12
Embassy of Sweden in Germany Embassy of Sweden in Germany

The Embassy of Sweden in Berlin serves as the official link between Sweden and Germany. The Embassy of Sweden in Berlin is Sweden's mission in Germany and serves as the official link between Sweden and Germany. Ambassador Veronika Wand-Danielsson, took up her post in September 2023. The Embassy has 35 employees and is located in Tiergarten in Berlin together with the other Nordic countries. The Embassy complex consists of six architecture buildings – one Embassy building for each country and one joint house for events and exhibitions called #Felleshus. One key focus for the Embassy is to promote trade and …

Type: Media

8 2 6 18
House of Innovation House of Innovation

Research & education within innovation, digitalization and entrepreneurship. Part of Stockholm School of Economics. House of Innovation started with an ambition of building an extraordinary research environment at the Stockholm School of Economics. A research-driven, inter-disciplinary and outreached-focused environment focused on research within Innovation, Digitalization and Entrepreneurship and its intersections. The House encompasses the Department of Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Technology, the Jacob and Marcus Wallenberg Center for Innovative and Sustainable Business Development, and the Scania Center of Innovation and Operational Excellence. The House holds primary responsibility for the Master of Business & Management, and it contributes to teaching at all …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

23 7 10 28
Kry Kry

On a mission to fast forward the future of healthcare Kry is Europe’s largest digital healthcare provider, allowing patients to see a doctor, nurse, or psychologist through video consultations within minutes. We’ve delivered 11+ million patient appointments transforming access to high quality care at scale. Above all else, we’re driven by our vision of great healthcare for everyone. Headquartered in Stockholm and backed by some of Europe’s most renowned investors, our employees and 3000+ healthcare professionals are committed to improving the world’s health through innovation, one patient at a time. Through our products, we’re harnessing the power of technology to …

Type: Large company Activities: healthtech

29 8 13 852
Scania Group Scania Group

Driving the shift towards a sustainable transport system Scania is a world-leading provider of transport solutions committed to a better tomorrow. Our purpose is to drive the shift towards a sustainable transport system. In doing so, we are creating a world of mobility that’s better for business, society and our environment. Employing more than 50,000 people in about 100 countries, Scania’s research and development is concentrated in Sweden, while production takes place in Europe and South America. truck manufacturing, truck leasing and finance, truck sales and services, truck parts sales, automotive, bus manufacturing, engine manufacturing, and solutions provider

Type: Large company Activities: transporttech

74 29 11 22,192
Tekes Tekes

Tekes ja Finpro yhdistyvät Business Finlandiksi 1.1.2018. Seuraa meitä LinkedInissä: As of January 1st, 2018 Tekes and Finpro will unite as Business Finland. To see what’s new, follow our new LinkedIn page: Tekes Tekes on innovaatiorahoittaja. Rahoitamme kasvuun, hyvinvointiin ja uuteen liiketoimintaan tähtäävien innovaatioiden kehittämistä. Tekes – the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation We finance development of innovations that aim at growth and new business operations. Funding, innovation, research, technology, and development

Type: Public Activities: fintech

21 9 0 123
Electronic Product Design & Test [EPDT] Electronic Product Design & Test [EPDT]

With 44+ years of history, EPDT is the leading UK monthly technical journal for Electronics design, manufacture and test EPDT (Electronics Product Design & Test) is the UK's leading monthly technical journal for electronics design, manufacturing, production and test engineers and now reaches into Europe too following a whole brand redesign in June 2024. Associated website (, weekly email newsletter and monthly digital issue. The monthly magazine features technical feature articles, case studies and application stories, tutorials, viewpoints and opinion pieces, events previews and reviews, interviews and Q&As, editorial comment and a monthly STEM column, as well as regular supplements …

Type: Media

9 1 9 4

VA SYD must be a leading actor in the sustainable society, for the customer and the environment. VA SYD is one of Sweden's largest waste management and waste organizations that invests heavily in sustainable sewage treatment and pushes for environmentally smart solutions in community building. Our business is running around the clock, has over half a million customers and a turnover of one and a half billion per year. Water, Sewage, Waste, Food waste, Stormwater, Drinking water, Pipelines, Laboratory, VA, Environment, Sustainability, and Agenda 2030

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

1 0 1 473
Stremtech AB Stremtech AB

Closing the nutrient loop in fish farming. At Johannas we grow fish and vegetables, locally and sustainably in circular systems.

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 1 1 9
New Atlas New Atlas

Type: Media SMB Activities: deeptech

33 20 3 15
Länsstyrelsen Östergötland Länsstyrelsen Östergötland

ABOUT US: The County Administrative Board is a government agency that is close to the people in each county. We are one of the country's 21 county boards and our governor Carl Fredrik Graf is the head of the authority. We are an important link between people and municipalities on the one hand and government, parliament and central authorities on the other. The County Administrative Board's mission is to work for a development where the environment, growth and good living conditions go hand in hand. The goal is a clean living environment, a stable labor market and a good life …

Type: Public

8 1 7 134
EQT Group EQT Group

EQT is a purpose-driven global investment organization EQT is a purpose-driven global investment organization with close to three decades of consistent investment performance across multiple geographies, sectors, and strategies.

Type: Incubators & VCs

40 20 14 1,291
Business Finland Business Finland

We offer companies a unified customer journey for innovation activities, internationalization, investments and tourism. Business Finland offers Finnish companies a unified customer journey for innovation activities, internationalization, investments, and tourism promotion. Business Finland is the Finnish government organization for innovation funding and trade, travel and investment promotion. Business Finland's 600 experts work in 40 offices globally and in 16 regional offices around Finland. Business Finland is part of the Team Finland network.

Type: Public

71 27 30 683
Department of Energy and Environment, Chalmers University of Technology Department of Energy and Environment, Chalmers University of Technology

Chalmers University of Technology is a highly progressive university situated in Gothenburg, Sweden. We are known locally and globally for education, research and innovation. The Department of Energy and Environment conducts leading research in energy and environment as well as sustainable development, at the industrial, construction, and product scale, and at the global scale. Our focus is on experimental and theoretical energy technology research, as well as on development, implementation, and evaluation of methods and tools for analysis of technical systems. In addition, we conduct theoretical and applied research on complex systems, ranging from biochemical to social systems. We offer …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: energytech greentech

29 8 11 3