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LogoName Σ Employees
Association Coup de Pouce Association Coup de Pouce

Partner of Success at School The raison d'être of a boost is to promote everyone's academic success. Socio-economic origin cannot determine the school trajectories of students and equal opportunities is the guiding principle of our action. We want to contribute to a fairer society. Our mission is the early prevention of dropping out of school, during the first years of schooling, those of the acquisition of fundamental knowledge, those in which the child's confidence develops, the meaning given to the learning and the pleasure of words, reading and mathematics. We design, in collaboration with education researchers and alongside school, peri- …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

50 209
Les Députés Républicains Les Députés Républicains

Official page of the Les Républicains deputies group in the National Assembly. The Parliamentary Group Les Républicains has 104 deputies, who participate in legislative developments and act to defend and represent the territories. This is the 1st opposition group in the National Assembly.

Type: Public

13 3
Le Journal du Dimanche Le Journal du Dimanche

Anticipate, explain, surprise. Created in 1948, the Sunday Journal is available every Sunday in newsstands, but also all week on Information, media, press, internet, and weekly

Type: Media

211 82
Cap Métiers Nouvelle-Aquitaine Cap Métiers Nouvelle-Aquitaine

The Regional Agency for the Orientation, Training and Employment of Nouvelle-Aquitaine CAP Métiers Nouvelle-Aquitaine, the regional agency for guidance, training and employment is responsible: - Information on training through the most reliable and complete information collection of information on the training offer and trades, - the observation and analysis of the training- employment relationship and its developments, support for public policies in these areas, - support and tools of the actors who intervene there, in order to meet the needs of the inhabitants of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. Its characteristic is to be based on a "businesses" approach in connection with …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

38 60
idruide idruide

Simplify the management of the mobile computer fleet and concretize your innovative - technical - educational projects ✨ Created in 2017, Idruid is a growing company that develops innovative IT solutions to facilitate digital mobility at school, at work and everywhere else. Book your demo online with our experts on —— Thirty employees between Paris and Monaco work on a complete ecosystem of multi-os solutions (Android, Windows, iOS, Chrome OS) which allow the administration of mobile devices. Our education solutions are designed to ensure educational continuity, reduce digital fracture and promote inclusion. They offer all the tools to simply …

Type: Startup Activities: it services edtech Technologies: SaaS

25 24
BioPhonia BioPhonia

Service company in the field of bioacoustics and eco-acoustics Service in the field of bioacoustics and eco-acoustics. Bioacoustics, ecoacoustics, scientific protocol, design of scare signals, impact study, awareness, soundscape, sound library, research and development, environmental, acoustic, biodiversity, conservation, and sound landscape

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

15 14

Art & tech agency Dark Euphoria is an art & technology production agency based in Marseille. We prototype and produce transdisciplinary and innovative artistic projects, at the crossroads between art, science and digital technologies. We support artists and cultural actors in the realisation of experimental and hybrid projects (interactive installations, digital experiments, art-science collaborations, new media creations) where technology is an entry point for new ways of telling stories, feeling emotions, understanding the world we live in. With the expertise of our big sister Black Euphoria in the production of innovative digital content for communication and audiovisual, our watchwords are …

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

28 5
Les Papillons de Jour Les Papillons de Jour

Global communication agency and adapted company, we work on a daily basis for a more inclusive company Day butterflies, the first global communication agency and adapted company in France. We were born out of the observation that the intellectual skills and the know-how of people with disabilities are not valued enough in business. This is why we set ourselves as a daily objectives to break taboos, go beyond ignorance and indifference while guaranteeing our customers quality achievements. Because handicap is not a brake! Our experts support you through communication strategy advice, the implementation of awareness campaigns, creative realization (print, web …

Type: SMB Activities: martech

23 46
Timmpi - Sound Immersion and Accessibility Timmpi - Sound Immersion and Accessibility

Unlock the way for a new sound experience and make the sound culture inclusive for all. #soundimmersion #inclusion For over 10 years, Timmpi has positioned itself as a key player on a global scale, passionately developing innovative vibroacoustic solutions for the cultural, medical and educational sectors. In 2024, Timmpi launched the Sensorial Capsule®, a breakthrough innovation based on proprioceptive, tactile and haptic technologies. This revolutionary capsule addresses the issues of inclusion for hearing-impaired people and treatment support for patients suffering from mental and cognitive disorders. The patented Sensorial Capsule® transmits sound frequencies over its entire surface and propagates them to …

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment Technologies: VR

6 2

RTL Live together RTL is a French-national French private radio station located at 56, avenue Charles de Gaulle in Neuilly-sur-Seine and broadcast in France. The RTL radio center is also made up of two musical stations, Fun Radio and RTL2, stations of the M6 ​​group.

Type: Media

225 1,076
Midi Libre Midi Libre

1st Languedoc-Roussillon media on the web, print and social networks. Midi Libre, first information media from the regional daily press in Languedoc-Roussillon since 1944. We have been broadcasting in 1849 municipalities of the Pyrenean-Orientales, Aude, Hérault, Gard, Lozère and Aveyron, in 14 editions: -Montpellier and its region -Lunel -Lodève-Vallée de Hérault -Sete -Beziers -Nîmes -Uzège-Camargue-Cévennes -Gardrhodanian -Alès-cévennes -Narbonne -Carcassonne -Catalan -Millau-Sudaveyron -Rode -Lozère Journalism, information, and media

Type: Media

98 478
Ligue contre le cancer Ligue contre le cancer

A fight on all the fronts of the disease. 💙 Created in 1918, the Cancer League is an association law 1901 recognized as a public utility based on public generosity and the commitment of its volunteers and employees to meet the needs of the people concerned by cancer. Our federation, made up of 103 departmental committees present throughout the national territory, is apolitical and independent financially. Fight against cancer

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

146 4
Alternatives Economiques Alternatives Economiques

For independent information of economic and financial powers. Since 1980. For independent information of economic and financial powers. Since 1980. News, information, Economy, Politics, Europe, Globalization, Education, Labor, Employment, Pensions, Family, Solidarity, Health, Environment, Sustainable Development, ESS, International, and Geopolitics

Type: Media

90 74
les Républicains les Républicains

We call to unite all the Republicans who have in their hearts the love of France in their hearts. Our project is based on founding values ​​that inspire and guide our commitment: freedom, responsibility, solidarity, our nation, Europe. We affirm two principles to restore the confidence of the French in public action: listening to citizens, acting with them and for them.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

59 190
LCI - La Chaine Info LCI - La Chaine Info

The Info channel, better known under the acronym LCI, is a continuous French information channel of the TF1 group. First news channel launched in France, LCI is available on TNT channel 26 and LCI.FR.

Type: Media

35 409
Corse-Matin Corse-Matin

Local, economic and political news in Corsica. Corse-Matin is a French regional daily newspaper whose headquarters are in Ajaccio. The title, created after the war, covers territorial news.

Type: Media

35 95
Webvisite Webvisite

Virtual business visit and image collection Google Street View Webvisite is an agency specializing in shooting 360, we operate at the national level to promote the image of companies in Google research and on their various communication tools. You will like the sympathy of our advisers, the creativity of our photographers and the professionalism of our experts. Our agency takes care to be at the forefront of new technologies and to maintain its know-how and its quality of service. With an experience of more than 15 years, our agency has already supported more than 8,000 professionals in the creation of …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: Drones

25 11
Le kiosque Le kiosque

Unlimited reading ! Wherever you are, enjoy an exclusive offer of national and regional newspapers,, magazines and professional press: Les Echos, Le Figaro, Sud Ouest, JDD, Challenges, La Tribune, Capital, L'Express, Strategies, 01 Net, Auto Plus ... One subscription, tailored, for you and your teams. On tablet, smartphone or computer, enjoy a unique reading experience with the application The digital kiosk, free download on Apple AppStore, Google Play and Windows Store. Digital Newsstand, Kiosque numérique, and collecteur d'abonnement

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: IoT

38 5
Miloé Miloé

Healthcare centric with Miloé every day everywhere ! Miloé, the new generation digital Health support to protect daily life for you and your children, your parents, your sports friends or bikers. sport, mutuelle, assurance-santé, médecin, urgences, mobilité, e-santé, infirmier, voyage, pharmacien, digital, numérique, santé, école, ehpad, sportsanté, sport santé, assurances, prévention, urgences, fédération, pharmacie, healthcare, health, club, hôpital, pompiers, forces de l'ordre, métiers à risque, and BTP

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

28 9
Préfet de Corse Préfet de Corse

Official account of State Services in Corsica Official page of the prefect and the state services in Corsica This page presents the action of the State in Corse-du-Sud and Haute-Corse. The prefect mobilizes public officials of state services to conduct government policies, consistent with the needs of territories: regional planning, economic and sustainable development, employment, housing, culture, social cohesion and security of populations.

Type: Public Activities: it services

22 41
Cabrilog Cabrilog

Making Math & Science Success Simple Cabrilog was founded in 2000 by Jean-Marie Laborde and Max Marcadet. The company designs, develops and distributes digital teaching resources and apps dedicated to mathematics (algebra, geometry, trigonometry) for students and teachers from primary to secondary school levels. Cabri apps and resources are distinguished by their interactivity and ease of use for students, fexible tools and extensible resources for teachers. The activities are subject to a report based on several areas of expertise (didactical engineering and pedagogical design of digital resources for learning mathematics, design of highly interactive 2D and 3D mathematical engines, student-centred …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech Technologies: SaaS

25 17
Caroline Dujardin Caroline Dujardin

🇵🇲🇫🇷⚓️✒️📒 Founder Editions My other France® @monautrefrance #saintpierreetmiquelon #overseas member #bpw

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment

16 N/A
Ateliers Varan Ateliers Varan

Documentary Filmmaking workshops in France and abroad since 1981 🎥 Training // Les Ateliers Varan organize documentary film training courses in France and around the world. The pedagogy is centered on learning by doing, supervised by professional filmmakers. For each participant, training revolves around the making of a short film. 👀 Events // Les Ateliers Varan is also a place open to all those who want to see, hear and talk about cinema at our regular events in Paris: Les Dimanches de Varan (exchange lectures), Les Soirées à l'oeil (free screenings in cinema conditions)... 👉 Find all our training courses …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

7 19
13 Prods 13 Prods

Because we still believe that cinema and television represent a way to change the world! 13 Productions was born from the merger of two production companies 13 production and 13 in the south. Two companies with different but complementary and compatible profiles in terms of editorial line. Menting experience and modernity, 13 productions explores and enriches document cinema, while assuming its singular presence in the field of fiction. Questioning the world, investigating its cogs, highlighting fracture points and utopia lines by sharing the lives of committed men and women is what energizes the enthusiasm of 13 productions. Production of feature …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech

22 53
Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique

The LMA is a mixed AMU - CNRS - Centrale Marseille research unit which, by its privileged anchoring at the heart of the Institute of Engineering and Systems (Insis), aims to ensure in the fields which are his, acoustics and solid mechanics, the continuum fundamental research-engineering-technology. The laboratory develops an original research which goes from understanding of phenomena to the development of systems with a strong technological or societal issue. It is structured in three research teams: materials and structures, waves and imaging and sounds. Mechanics and acoustics

Type: Public Activities: deeptech

13 35
CorsicaLinea CorsicaLinea

Go on board, you are already in Corsica Born in 2016, Corsica Linea is one of the major companies in the Mediterranean in two activity segments: freight and passenger transport. From Marseille, Corsica Linea provides all year round the service of Corsica ports (Bastia, Ajaccio, Propriano and Île-Rousse) as part of its public service mission. It also provides rotations to Algeria (Algiers, Béjaïa and Skikda) and Tunisia (Tunis). With a fleet of nine ships under the French pavilion First register, Corsica Linea has 1,400 employees, including 900 navigants. The company is the first employer of French sailors in the Mediterranean. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

33 500

Natural destination of entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial facilitator, and activity developer in Ajaccien 💼 country The entrepreneurial house, company, employment is a space dedicated to entrepreneurs, project leaders or business leaders. A real gateway for any creator of activity and wealth on the territory, which can access a whole series of services: - permanence of professionals, with or without an appointment, - information on all services and appointments scheduled for the territory, - a resource center, - workshops and collective information meetings, - Business club meetings, - network exchanges ... Entrepreneurs already established on the territory or wishing to work there, by …

Type: Public

17 22

Club de football professionnel Football Club

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

37 230
ITG Group ITG Group

ITG is the Employer of Record n°1 in France. We help more than 3 000 consultants working independantly for all companies ITG is the leading company for employer of record services. ITG helps independant consultants specialised in various fileds of expertise (HR, Marketing, IT, Management, Transformation, Digital...) to develop their consulting activity. Want to know more on how ITG can bring you the ideal solution for your own consulting activity ? Go on Portage salarial, formation, emploi, conseil, freelance, indépendant, indépendants, freelances, externalisation, and consultant

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

52 531
SDIS 77 - Sapeurs-pompiers de Seine-et-Marne SDIS 77 - Sapeurs-pompiers de Seine-et-Marne

The Seine-et-Marne Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (SDIS 77) is a public establishment funded mainly by the Seine-et-Marne department, municipalities and inter-municipal cooperation establishments. With a territory covering half of Ile-de-France, Seine-et-Marne is an atypical department as much by the diversity of its landscapes (urban, rural) and its economic activities. It is therefore also specific in the number and nature of its particular risks. As part of its missions, SDIS 77 has exclusive competence, namely prevention, protection and fire fighting. He contributes with the other services and professionals concerned, to the protection and the fight against other accidents, disasters, disasters, …

Type: Public Activities: deeptech

28 732
AC Ajaccio AC Ajaccio

The bear is eternal! AC Ajaccio is an area of ​​balloon of over 100 years! football

Type: SMB Activities: sporttech

8 89
Oscaro Oscaro

Leader in France regarding sales of vehicle spare parts on the Internet. Leader in France regarding sales of vehicle spare parts on the internet, Oscaro has revolutionized the way motorists maintain their véhicles. A pioneer in automotive DIY, Oscaro was the first to offer motorists an online sales platform for new and original spare parts. Oscaro has the largest and most complete catalog on the market, with nearly a million references available in free access. Auto parts, e-commerce, and Pièces détachées automobile

Type: SMB Activities: e-commerce Technologies: SaaS

27 429
idealCO idealCO

The collaborative platform for the French civil service At idealCO, we are on the side of the ones who create. We are the biggest collaborative platform for the French civil service. Through digital innovations, professional training and events, we connect the local government universe and make the construction of its projects easier. Each and everyone's skills are used in order to build into existence the ideas they want to see realised. We help construct a new public world, where everyone has a rightful place and can grow, in a workplace where performance, pleasure and well-being are in harmony. We have …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech it services Technologies: SaaS

140 128

Official page of Var firefighters Departmental Fire and Rescue Service of Var - SDIS83

Type: Public Activities: it services

21 436

Defense of moral, economic and social interests of officers and students of the merchant navy CFE-CGC union of merchant navy officers Union, supervision, maritime navigation, collective negotiations, and social partners

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

16 4
CRIGE Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur CRIGE Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

Geomatics à la carte The Geographic Information Resource Center in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (Crige PACA) is the geomatic resource center at the service of public organizations in the region. Its objective is to develop the production, use and sharing of geographic information between public services on the regional territory. The first regional geomatic structure created on French and pioneering territory in its field, Crige is today an infrastructure of geographic data recognized at European level. It is part of the Network of Crige de l'Afigéo.

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

25 7
FC Communications FC Communications

Audits / Stratégies digitales, socialmedia et éditoriales 360° / AMO refontes de sites Internet & Intranet / Formations Société indépendante de conseil en communication publique numérique. Elle a tout d'une agence... mais ce n'est pas une agence ;) Communication, Communication digitale, Communication publique, and Communication corporate

Type: SMB Activities: martech

15 2
Cità di Portivechju Cità di Portivechju

International de Porto-Vex, Corsica Portieriated, Corsica

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

10 22
L214 L214

L214 Ethics & amp; Animals is an association law 1908 tour to animals used in food production and revealing their conditions of breeding, transport, fishing and slaughter.

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech

62 74
Réseau des Carif-Oref Réseau des Carif-Oref

Resources and tools at the service of employment, training and professional orientation players. Carif-ear (Center Animation Resources of Information Resources on Training / Regional Observatory Employment Training) today have nearly 600 employees spread across the entire territory. Their missions revolve around 3 main axes: observation / information / animation - professionalization. Partnership structures carried by the State and the Region, carif-earrefs have a privileged positioning on the scale of a region, at the crossroads of state policies, region and social partners and at the service of reception professionals, 'Information, orientation, employment, training and audiences in the territories. At a time …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

28 18
Sciences Po Sciences Po

Sciences Po is France’s leading university in the social sciences and has been educating decision-makers in the public and private sectors for the past 140 years. Today, half of Sciences Po’s 13,000 students hail from 150 countries outside France. Why do so many international students choose Sciences Po? Because at Sciences Po, as part of a vibrant, multicultural student community, they will gain a multidisciplinary education and international experience to prepare them for career success. 88 percent of Sciences Po graduates are hired within six months of graduation and 39 percent start their career abroad. Students also benefit from Sciences …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Research & Education Activities: it services

265 5
Ordre des Architectes de Corse Ordre des Architectes de Corse

New posty of the CORSICS OF Corsica Consil de l'or ordre des Architectes de laugh New posty of the CORSICS OF Corsica

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

65 4
Association Ruban Rose Association Ruban Rose

Together, let's fight against breast cancer. Each year in October, the Ruban Rosa association and its partners inform and sensitize on breast cancer and organize various actions to finance pink ribbon prices in favor of research and the fight against breast cancer. Since 2003, more than 8 million euros have been donated to basic and clinical research, as well as work concerning the improvement in the quality of life of patients.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: biotech

46 10
Les Premières Sud Les Premières Sud

Support project leaders and business leaders, innovative and impact, in the South and Corsica region. The first south belongs to the first network of incubators which mobilizes the immense economic potential of women entrepreneurs to innovate and create value, jobs and growth. The former move the lines for a model of gender mixed, social and territories, more innovative, more human and more efficient for over 10 years. The first south is present on 3 branches: Aix/Marseille, Côte d'Azur and Ajaccio! Entrepreneurariat, innovation, start-ups, diversity, jobs, women, support, training, and CPF

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

79 22

La chaîne culturelle francophone mondiale 🌍 TV5MONDE is one of the top 3 largest worldwide television networks (200 countries, 250 millions connected households). Broadcasting in French 24/7 and offering a wide variety of subtitled primetime films, in-depth coverage of international news, live world-class sports events, high-quality documentaries and magazines, cartoons and diversified lifestyle programming. Television, Média, WebTV, and Francophonie

Type: Public

64 732
Ligue des droits de l'Homme Ligue des droits de l'Homme

Association de la loi de 1901, la Ligue française de défense des droits de l’Homme, « LDH », regroupe les femmes et les hommes de tous horizons et toutes conditions, qui choisissent librement de s’associer afin de réfléchir, discuter, agir pour la défense des droits et libertés, de toutes et de tous. Elle intervient sur l’ensemble du territoire à travers ses sections locales. La LDH a été créée en 1898 à l’occasion de l’affaire Dreyfus pour défendre un innocent victime de l’antisémitisme et de la raison d’État, mais, dès le départ, elle a déclaré étendre son action à la défense …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

24 186

Training - Support - Conversion - Alternating AFPA, the first adult vocational training organization With more than 140,000 people trained each year in more than 200 locations throughout France, AFPA, which has become a national agency for vocational training of adults in January 2017, has been the first asset training organization, for over 65 years, has been, the first asset training organization, employees and job seekers. Its national dimension makes it one of the main players in employment and vocational training policy. Useful and efficient training, at the service of companies AFPA offers a wide range of qualifying and certifying …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

147 18,466
Colosse aux pieds d'argile Colosse aux pieds d'argile

Together, let's fight against sexual violence in a sports environment! Recognized of public utility, the association is fighting against sexual violence, harassment and hazing in a sporting and educational environment. Created in 2013, this association was born from the personal history of Sébastien Boueilh, former rugby player and victim of a pedophile of his 12 to 16 years. After 18 years of silence and following the trial of his attacker, Sébastien decided to found the association. Colossus with clay feet aims to raise awareness and training at the risks of sexual violence, hazing and harassment as well as the accompaniment …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

25 45

Ally of your railway challenges Creation date: February 2012 Group: SNCF Director: Mr. Yvan PACCHIODO Total workforce: 1,108 CA 2021: 119M € Sferis, a multi-metal offer Rich in skills from his parent company SNCF Réseau, SFERIS deploys a multi-metal offer in the following sectors: - Security of construction sites (circulation announcement, security on closed lines, management of work bases, circulation management) - Railway (maintenance, regeneration, new work, expertise) - catenaries (perception, maintenance, regeneration, new work) - Rail signaling (SES & AMP; SM, VT, New Works, LTV, Help) - Expertise, advice and rail training Value added sferis: security in the heart …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Cybersecurity

5 799

together for a healthy island ARS Corsica's mission is to implement the region's health policy in its entirety, from prevention to care and medical-social support, by implementing national policies and taking into account island specificities. ARS Corsica is a team of doctors, pharmacists, engineers, statisticians, financiers, communicators, lawyers and many other specialists whose missions are to finance prevention actions, manage environmental health risks on a daily basis, prevent and respond to health crises and support Corsicans in their health journey. We work with professionals from the world of health and medical-social care, elected officials, local authorities, health insurance, state services, …

Type: Public

22 40
Conservatoire du littoral Conservatoire du littoral

The public institution in charge of preserving the French coastline since 1975. The public institution in charge of preserving the French coastline since 1975. #ProtectTheCoastline

Type: Public

32 209
CCI Hérault CCI Hérault

1st Accelerator of companies and territories 🤝 The Montpellier Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Montpellier CCI, is a public administrative and economic institution that represents the commercial and industrial interests of companies in its territory to the public authorities. The Montpellier CCI has a fundamental role in providing technical assistance and advice to companies. Business Formalities Center - CFE, Innovation - growth, Business creation-takeover, Business networks - cluster, Studies and Economic Observatory, Trade and Tourism, Transmission, Continuing education, and apprenticeship

Type: Public

83 125, a Meltwater Offering, a Meltwater Offering helps millions of professionals and hundreds of companies publish and share curated content to engage their audience. provides content curation platform for professionals, helping them to discover, curate and share the most relevant content in order to engage internal and external audiences, as well as monitoring content ROI. Content Marketing, Content Curation, SMB Marketing, Website publishing, Social Media Publishing, Online Presence Management, Knowledge Management, and Content monitoring

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: SaaS

129 37
Business France (Invest in France) Business France (Invest in France)

Business France and its partners: promoting and supporting foreign investment in France Creators of business opportunities, throughout the world 🌍 International development is key to the development of your business. What if a meeting with Business France was what you needed to give your projects a new dimension? Our three flagship professions all have one thing in common: boosting you on the global stage!  To fast-track exports, we make the daily lives of entrepreneurs easier by providing them with the power of our network.  To generate investments and employment in France, we promote the economic attractiveness of our …

Type: Public

158 18
Public Sénat Public Sénat

"Looking at the difference" Public interest television, Public Sénat provides information and training for citizens in public life, in complete independence and respect for pluralism, the news and parliamentary channel, Public Sénat is a 100% citizen channel. Our core business: monitoring and deciphering parliamentary and political news Our missions: showing, explaining and sharing politics and its issues with as many people as possible. PARLIAMENTARY AND POLITICAL NEWS - MAGAZINES - DOCUMENTARIES Public Sénat WHERE I want, WHEN I want, HOW I want: The political news channel is available on: TNT n°13, cable, satellite; 24/7 and simultaneously on; 3G mobile …

Type: Media

97 197
Paris Match Paris Match

First general news magazine in France First general news magazine in France. Subscribe for free to our daily Newsletter 👇

Type: Media

126 188

Training, Research and Innovations for the protection of people against natural and technological risks. Training of Civil Security specialties; Scientific research; Innovations and New technologies; Prevention and Information on Natural and Technological Risks. Civil Security, Major Risks, Training, ICT & Geomatics, Prevention & Awareness, Scientific research, Rescue & Rescue, Forest Fire, Nautical, National Diving Center, Rescue-clearing, Mountain & hazardous environments, NRBCE, and MSGU

Type: Public

35 68
FRS | Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique FRS | Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique

La FRS est le principal centre d’expertise français sur les questions de sécurité internationale et de défense. The Foundation for Strategic Research is France's main independent think tank on strategic, defense and security issues.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

48 88
Pépite corse Pépite corse

Serving students and their desire to undertake. The PÉPITE Corse center supports entrepreneurial project leaders within the framework of the University of Corsica and its many partners. Concretely, you have a business idea: we accompany you, train you and support you in all stages of your life as a budding entrepreneur. Teaching teams, coaches and partners take turns to consolidate your knowledge in finance, accounting, communication, marketing, creativity... and organize personalized support that allows you to develop both the skills necessary for managing your business and to strengthen the technicality of your project. Since 2014, 280 students have obtained their …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech entrepreneurship

8 1
Fundazione Università di Corsica Fundazione Università di Corsica

Adunì, Custruì, Ingrandà Legally created at the end of 2009, the University of Corsica Foundation embodies a dual ambition: to release synergies between the academic world and the socio-economic world and to co-construct innovative projects of general interest, bringing high added value to the territory. When it was created, it was chaired by Francine Demichel and directed by Vannina Bernard-Leoni. Since April 2016, Graziella Luisi has been its director. It was in 2011 that it was able to bring together its first founders and, with capital, enter its operational phase. In recent years, it has helped to drive and develop …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

7 5
Carif-Oref Occitanie Carif-Oref Occitanie

Observe • Inform • Animate/Professionalize Carif-Oref Occitanie (Center for Animation, Resources and Information on Training - Regional Employment Training Observatory) is an association (law 1901) financed by the State and the Region with the support of the ESF. It provides observation, information and animation/professionalization missions in the field of orientation, training, employment and integration in the Occitanie region. Carif-Oref Occitanie is a member of the Carif-Oref Network.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

86 35
Cercle K2 Cercle K2

"Because the world requires a multidisciplinary approach" "Because the world requires an international, interdisciplinary and intergenerational approach"

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

52 118
Babelio Babelio

The social network of books Babelio is the social network of books and readers. Created in 2007 and located in Paris, Babelio now represents the first audience dedicated to books on the internet with 5 million unique visitors per month and the first mobile application dedicated to French-speaking readers. Babelio offers publishers a wide range of services dedicated to the promotion of their titles, ranging from the web to events. We also offer catalog enrichment services to public libraries. book, books, marketing, advertising, recommendation, library, services to publishers, community management, and services to booksellers

Type: Media

91 19
L'Europe s'engage en France L'Europe s'engage en France

Europe is committed to France, this is the mark of the intervention of European funds in France. What is Europe for? How does the European Union act on the territories? What actions are financed? What are the benefits for citizens? How to obtain funds to finance your project? But also how does it work? It is to answer all these questions that Europe is committed to France. To show Europe's action and inform project leaders. Europe is committed to France promoting the action of ERDF, ESF+, JTF, the EAMFAF and the EARDF in the French regions.

Type: Public

80 4
Office franco-québécois pour la jeunesse (OFQJ) Office franco-québécois pour la jeunesse (OFQJ)

Generator of opportunities for 18-35 year olds The OFQJ, a major player in Franco-Quebec cooperation. The Franco-Quebec Youth Office (OFQJ) contributes to bringing together French and Quebec youth through mobility programs focused on professional development and improvement, in the economic, cultural and social sectors, while promoting intercultural discoveries and networking. Based in France and Quebec, the OFQJ advises and supports nearly 10,000 young adults aged 18 to 35 each year in their professional mobility project across the Atlantic (internship, temporary employment, participation in an event, trade mission, thematic delegation, etc.). The OFQJ has unique expertise in supporting mobility and designing …

Type: Public

86 40

EMERGENCY TRANSPORTED Courier - Urgent/Express Transport - Sensitive Transport From parcels to full trucks - 7 days a week ENVOYE SPECIAL is a company specializing in courier services, urgent transport and regular shuttles, offering the most comprehensive range of vehicles and services on the market. We carry out missions ranging from single items to semi-complete items. The employees who lead the Envoyé spécial team all have experience in our professions. Our interventions are carried out during the day, at night, on weekends and on public holidays. 90% of our activity is carried out with our own staff and equipment. ENVOYE …

Type: Media

290 112
Instagram Instagram

More than one billion people around the world use Instagram, and we’re proud to be bringing them closer to the people and things they love. Instagram inspires people to see the world differently, discover new interests, and express themselves. Since launching in 2010, our community has grown at a rapid pace. Our teams are growing fast, too, and we’re looking for talent across engineering, product management, design, research, analytics, technical program management, operations, and more. In addition to our headquarters in Menlo Park, we have thriving offices in New York City and San Francisco where teams are doing impactful work …

Type: Large company

558 14
Réseau des maisons de l'architecture Réseau des maisons de l'architecture

👋 A network of 32 structures committed to promoting architectural, urban and landscape culture! 😃 THE MAISONS DE L’ARCHITECTURE, CULTURAL POLES OF REFERENCE IN THEIR TERRITORIES Committed to promoting and disseminating architectural, urban and landscape culture, the Maisons de l’architecture are located in major regional cities and participate in the cultural development of the territories. Actors of reflection, facilitators of meetings and organizers of concrete actions, they contribute to raising awareness among the general public of the issues related to architecture and urban planning, convinced that these disciplines act on sustainability, social cohesion, citizenship and better living together. Each year …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech smart city

23 3
Entreprendre Pour Apprendre / JA France Entreprendre Pour Apprendre / JA France

Dare to be an entrepreneur of your life Entreprendre pour Apprendre France is a federation of 16 regional associations that develop the entrepreneurial spirit in young people aged 9 to 25 in order to make them actors in their social and professional futures. Our approach is centered on the collective project. Our programs are based on an educational alliance between supervisors and mentors where each brings their knowledge, interpersonal skills and know-how to develop the skills of young people, in a mode of animation, governance and organization of a collaborative, cooperative and participatory type. Our courses are based on a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

126 8
Cap'Com Cap'Com

The national network of public and territorial communication Cap’Com federates and leads the network of public and territorial communication With the conviction that communication is essential to the conduct of public policies, Cap’Com has contributed for more than 25 years to the recognition and study of public communication, and supports the developments of the profession through numerous tools: thematic meetings, professional training and training of local elected officials, studies, information and networking systems.

Type: Media

83 78
L'Obs L'Obs

Inform, reflect, debate, act 📌 Follow us on Facebook: 📌 Follow us on Twitter: 📌 Follow us on Instagram: 📌 Follow us on YouTube: 📰 Subscribe to L'Obs numérique: ✉️ Receive our newsletters for free: Written press and Digital

Type: Media

213 25
Mairie d'Agde Mairie d'Agde

Agde - Le Cap d'Agde - Le Grau d'Agde - La Tamarissière Located on the edge of the Mediterranean Sea, the Canal du Midi and the Hérault River, Agde today has 21,293 permanent inhabitants and three districts that make up a real "Archipelago of Life": - the historic center (where 67% of the permanent population resides), - the Cap d'Agde resort, located on the seaside (which corresponds to 15% of the permanent population and 88% of the summer population!) - the village of Grau d'Agde (left bank) and La Tamarissière (right bank), at the mouth of the river (where 18% …

Type: Public

18 187
Notre Affaire à Tous Notre Affaire à Tous

Notre Affaire à Tous is an association that works in favor of climate justice and environmental law Notre Affaire à Tous is an association under the 1901 law, formed in the summer of 2015, which has made law an object as well as a subject of mobilization in order to protect living things, natural commons and the climate. The association is made up of volunteer lawyers and jurists who seek to establish, through case law, advocacy and citizen mobilization, an effective and objective responsibility of humans towards the environment. Notre Affaire à Tous thus works to establish climate justice, respect …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

54 34
Communauté Pays Basque Communauté Pays Basque

The Basque Country Agglomeration Community is a public institution born from the merger of 10 agglomeration communities or communities of communes of the Basque Country. It brings together 158 communes of the Basque Country.

Type: Public

44 362
Maryse Coppet Maryse Coppet

Lawyer at the Brussels Bar - President of Mouvement Outremer - Ambassador of the Climate Pact of the EU-H2020 Insulae. founder of Caribsat

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

9 N/A
Interreg Italia-Francia Marittimo Interreg Italia-Francia Marittimo

Cooperation at the heart of the Mediterranean Cooperation at the heart of the Mediterranean 🟢⚪🔴Interreg Italy-France Maritime 2021-2027 is a cross-border Programme co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), under the European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) objective of the EU Cohesion Policy 2021 - 2027. The Programme pursues its commitment to supporting cooperation between the territories of two Member States: France and Italy. With a total financial allocation of €193,296,077, the main objective of the Programme is to contribute to strengthening cross-border cooperation between the participating regions and to make the cooperation area a competitive and sustainable area in the …

Type: Public

13 13
WWF-France WWF-France

Our mission: to act on a daily basis for the preservation of a living planet. WWF, the World Environmental Protection Organization. WWF France leads around fifty field projects in France, Mediterranean and Alpine regions in priority and in the overseas territories, in particular in Guyana and New Caledonia. More than 220,000 donors and 2,500 volunteers support its action. Let us act together now to offer our children a living planet. Discover the missions of WWF France on Become a fan of wwf France on Follow our acts in real time on Twitter @wwffrance Discover our living rivers report: …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

112 232
Votez pour le climat Votez pour le climat

Help EELV have a green wave on the polls on May 26, for the European election. Help us bring out a green wave in the polls on May 26, on the occasion of the European election. The climate does not vote you can participate. Environment, politics, European election, political ecology, ecology, agriculture, and European union

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

31 0
AUE - Agence d’Urbanisme et d’Energie de la Corse AUE - Agence d’Urbanisme et d’Energie de la Corse

AUE beside you for the apulugic transition! Nos Etopes Mettent Leur Expertise a Service of Vos Eurogement du Territoire Et de Maiteris D '# Energy en Corse AUE beside you for the apulugic transition!

Type: Public

25 58
SIS 2B - Service d'Incendie et de Secours de la Haute-Corse SIS 2B - Service d'Incendie et de Secours de la Haute-Corse

The Haute -Corse Fire and Rescue Service - SIS CISMONTE (SIS2B) - is a public administrative establishment placed under the double authority of the Department of Department and the Chairman of the Board of Directors. As part of its skills (article L. 1424-2 of the general code of local authorities), SIS2B exercises the following missions: - Prevention and evaluation of civil security risks; - Preparation of safeguarding measures and organization of rescue means; - Protection of people, property and the environment; - Emergency rescue for people (SAAP) victims of accidents, claims or disasters as well as their evacuation. In return …

Type: Public

10 78
Resilience France (HCFRN) Resilience France (HCFRN)

Resilience France is the network of exchanges between the public and private sectors on resilience issues in France The HCFDC is an association law 1901 which participates in the reflection on the doctrine, organization and techniques of our country in terms of global security. Its activities aim to inform and train on national security issues and challenges, population protection for the purpose of improving societal resilience in the face of major risks and threats. Since its creation in 1982, the HCFDC has developed an expertise as well in terms of analysis and monitoring of major risks and threats. In addition, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

32 24

Forestry Balance Guardian PEFC certification, present in 56 countries around the world, is a tool to act together in favor of preserving forests by adopting daily forest management practices, wood traceability and sustainable purchasing habits. For 25 years, PEFC France has promoted the balance between the environmental, societal and economic dimensions of the forest thanks to guarantees of sustainable practices and the involvement of more than 83,000 forest owners and 3200 companies in the forest-Bois-Papier sector . PEFC France today represents 5.7 million hectares of certified forest in mainland France and 2.4 million in Guyana. For more information: Contact: …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

33 21

1st interprofessional organization of Isère, join the MEDEF Isère and the strength of its network. Place of information, meetings and exchanges between business leaders of all size, Medef Isère is the first Isérois network which relays the voice of companies at the national level. It also provides its members with personalized services and advice in the economic, legal and social fields. The voice of companies By all the legal means at our disposal, we try to make the voice of leaders heard on all subjects concerning companies, their employees and the economic future of our territory. Advice and services We …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech legaltech

74 17
Manifesto Manifesto

Manifesto provides consultancy services and works to develop cultural and artistic projects. Founded in 2015 by Hervé Digne and Laure Confavreux-Colliex, Manifesto provides consultancy services and works to develop cultural and artistic projects. Manifesto works to create and regenerate cultural and heritage sites by developing artistic projects with a strong societal impact, in France and internationally, via Manifesto Studio which provides consultancy and operational services on behalf of third parties. Since 2019, its subsidiary Manifesto Expo has organized the international touring of exhibitions commissioned by famous museums and prestigious foundations. In 2020, Manifesto created POUSH, an innovative venue dedicated to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

26 49
Ville de Colombes Ville de Colombes

Colombes, capital of solidarity ecology! 👋 Welcome to the official LinkedIn page of the city of Colombes. With its more than 88,000 inhabitants, it is the 4th city of Hauts-de-Seine and 11th from Ile-de-France. #Colombesrecru - Find our job offers here:

Type: Public

35 690

Regional network of companies of social and territorial utility #ess #teritritoiresolidaire #inClusion CoORACE PACA is the delegation of the COORACE network in the region. We unite structures of the social and solidarity economy which work to the development of united territories. Professional integration, solidarity development, territory development, and inclusion

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

14 3
ISSA France Security Tuesday ISSA France Security Tuesday

Reach and convince for digital security Issa France Security Tuesday, is an independent French association created in 2010. Directed by cybersecurity professionals, it has given itself the main mission to make digital security more accessible to the audiences that are most distant ... .. to start with young people, that the association is working to inform and educate both in the dangers of digital technology and its opportunities. She regularly goes to them, during workshops on school time or extracurricular. Issa France is also a content designer. - "Web AS" for children from 7 years old, a real best seller, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

26 6
Air Corsica Air Corsica

Closer to you Air Corsica (IATA code: XK; OACI code: CCM) is a French airline, previously called Corse Méditerranée then CCM Airlines. Air Corsica, airport leader on the beauty island serves 15 airports and as many direct flight destinations. Regular regular or seasonal air links in summer therefore exist between the four Corsican airports (Ajaccio, Bastia, Calvi and Figari) and many metropolitan or international airports such as Paris-Orly, Marseille, Nice, Lyon, Toulon, Toulon, Toulouse, Clermont-Ferrand, Brussels Charleroi, Porto, Milan, Rome, Salzburg and Vienne. Air Corsica therefore sets up a real air bridge between Corsica and the French regions (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, …

Type: SMB Activities: spacetech

20 413
Rivières Sauvages Rivières Sauvages

Protect our latest “wild rivers” in France and Europe Protect our latest “wild rivers” in France and Europe This is the leitmotif of our ambitious "wild rivers" program, carried by the association of the network of wild rivers. & gt; & gt; Website:

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

11 4
Forum Français pour la Sécurité Urbaine Forum Français pour la Sécurité Urbaine

The only French network of local authorities dedicated to the prevention of delinquency and urban security Created in 1992 at the initiative of Gilbert Bonnemaison, deputy mayor of Epinay-sur-Seine, the French Forum for Urban Security (FFSU) is an association bringing together around a hundred local communities, representatives of geographic, urban and political diversities In France. Our network aims to strengthen local urban security policies respecting a balance between prevention, repression and solidarity, and to promote the role of local authorities in the development of policies at national and European level. The FFSU is part of the European Urban Security Forum …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

37 17

European information near you! Our information center, hosted by the A.D.R.E.T. (Rural development agency Europe and territories), is part of the Europe Direct network. The Europe Direct service includes: - A website: - Free telephone service: 0 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 - Information centers in the region (53 in France), intermediaries between the European Union and citizens at the local level. Assignment : - Allow local citizens to obtain information, advice, help and answers to their questions with regard to institutions, legislation, policies, programs and financing possibilities of the European Union. - actively encourage the local …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

46 4

Organization milfonly corse

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

17 6

The professional social network of the Corsican community! To create human ties and generate opportunities Communiti is the professional network of the Corsican community. We connect Corsica to its diaspora having two main strategic objectives in mind: - Give young Corsican students the opportunity to connect to the diaspora and find international internships or student exchanges. - Allow the members of the network to find jobs in Corsica and apply in one click. This new way of cooperating leads to building bridges between local public institutions, associations and businesses. #Collective #intelligence #open #innovation Our ecosystem: 1) A professional network: …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

3 2
Commissariat général à l’égalité des territoires Commissariat général à l’égalité des territoires

Support and make territories succeed The General Commission for Territories Equality is placed with the Minister responsible for regional planning and the city, responsible for designing and implementing the national territorial cohesion policy and ensuring its follow -up and the interdepartmental coordination. It comes from the regrouping of the delegation to regional planning and regional attractiveness (DATAR), the General Secretariat of the Interministerial Cities Committee (SGCIV) and the National Agency for Social Cohesion and Equality of the Equality chances (acsé). Closer to the field and in close relation with local authorities and regional and department prefects, it aims to reconnect …

Type: Public

136 57
Cità di Bastia Cità di Bastia

Una leia Numerica trà i bastiacci è a so cità. Bastia Citizen City Offering a quality public service is to be close and attentive to the inhabitants. To improve the daily life of Bastiaises and Bastiais by meeting their needs, the municipality has redesigned its local public service. Bastia, a city in the service of its fellow citizens Ci steals ch’ella sia a nostra amminisTrazione simulates at una casa di crystallu indicated ognu puderà vede ciò chì if pass. Ogni Scurezza Misteriosa favurisce the referees di u putere è intrattene a diffidentza di u populu. Pasquale Paoli The municipality has …

Type: Public

15 56
CCI d'Ajaccio et de la Corse-du-Sud CCI d'Ajaccio et de la Corse-du-Sud

The CCI of Ajaccio and Corse-du-Sud is at the service of all companies regardless of their size, their sector of activity and their geographic location. Created in 1899, chaired by Paul Marcaggi, it represents the interests of business, industry and services companies. The missions of the CCI 2A are deployed around 3 main axes: - Support, support and direct service to companies at all stages of their lives. It is an essential proximity tool for its nationals. - Training, orientation: the CCI 2A is committed to offering training developed with the assistance of companies in order to meet their needs. …

Type: Public

9 55
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Énergie Environnement (AURA-EE) Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Énergie Environnement (AURA-EE)

Our mission: to accelerate the energy transition of the territories Regional Agency for Energy and the Environment in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, AURA-EE is a resource center serving territories in transition. Its areas of intervention are climate change, renewable energies, energy efficiency strategies in buildings, sustainable mobility, waste and the circular economy, sustainable public procurement, new economic models and societal innovation. The agency carries out three types of actions: - it provides data, analyses and transition scenarios; - it offers technical, financial and regulatory expertise on the various subjects; - it drives, develops and supports projects and sectors. As a technical operator of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

61 50
Autorité de sûreté nucléaire (ASN) Autorité de sûreté nucléaire (ASN)

Advancing nuclear safety and radiation protection @ASN and @IRSN are now one! From today, find all the information on the activities, events, publications and news of the Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Authority on the LinkedIn account of @ASNR: Nuclear safety, Radiation protection, Crisis management, and Control

Type: Public

42 264
Armateurs de France Armateurs de France

The professional organization of French maritime transport and services companies. Professional union whose aim is to defend the interests of French shipowners members. The different poles, economic, financial, marine expertise, legal, tax, social, communication, pool their skills and energy in order to successfully carry out the 2011 strategies. These are mainly environmental protection, the economic competitiveness of shipowners, the social revaluation of the R.IF. flag and the overhaul of national legislation in maritime matters. French maritime transport and services

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

41 19
Pôle-relais lagunes méditerranéennes Pôle-relais lagunes méditerranéennes

National initiative to promote better recognition of Mediterranean lagoons National initiative to promote better recognition of Mediterranean lagoons (in Occitanie, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and Corsica) and encourage better management practices. The Mediterranean lagoons relay center is run by the Tour du Valat, in close collaboration with the Conservatoire d’espaces naturels Occitanie (CEN Occitanie) and the Office de l’Environnement de la Corse (OEC). Mediterranean lagoons and wetlands

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: traveltech

15 N/A