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LogoName Σ Employees
Niedersächsische Staats-und Universitätsbibliothek Niedersächsische Staats-und Universitätsbibliothek

Lower Saxony State and University Library is a government administration company based out of PLATZ DER GÖTTINGER SIEBEN 1, Göttingen, Germany.

Type: Public

1 1 0 15

"We are what we do - the nature conservation makers." The NABU has been committed to humans and nature since 1899. With more than 960,000 members and sponsors, we are the most members of the environment in Germany. We are proud of around 70,000 volunteers in almost 2,000 groups and our employees who are committed to nature and environmental protection every day. Regular further and further education receive and promote the know-how of our dynamic and professionally highly qualified team. A fair payment, a job ticket, a varied activity and a family -friendly atmosphere support the trusting cooperation and identification …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

21 5 9 327
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

#Wirsindhumboldt - you too? As one of eleven german universities, The Humboldt University was Chosen “University of Excellence” in June 2012. It was successful in all three finding lines in the third round of the excellence initiative of the German Federal Federal Field and State Governments and Awarded for ITS FUTURE Concept “Educiring Minds: Individuality- Openness - guidance ”. In an international comparison, Humboldt University Ranks Among the Top Ten of German Universities. Scientists here research socialy relevant topics and challenges of the future and communicate thesis with the public. Humboldt University Invests All ITS Energy in Being A Place …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

17 6 5 4,524
Christian Lindner MdL Christian Lindner MdL

Christian Lindner MdL is a company based out of 1 Landtag Nordrhein-Westfalen, Platz Des Landtags, Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

31 17 4 2
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection

At BMUV, we work for a healthy environment, nature conservation and consumer protection. Protecting the climate, biodiversity and natural ressources - this is what the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) has been committed to for over 30 years. Our work focuses on measures for clean waters, intact soils and low-pollutant air, as well as the promotion of environmentally friendly mobility and climate-friendly technologies. Our staff of more than 1.000 comes from a wide range of professions and personal backgrounds. Umwelt, Klimaschutz, Naturschutz, Nachhaltigkeit, Strahlenschutz, and Ressourcenschutz

Type: Public

47 22 12 364
Publications Office of the European Union Publications Office of the European Union

Follow this page for news about the EU Publications Office and its numerous online services on The Publications Office of the European Union is the official provider of publishing services to all EU institutions, bodies and agencies. As such, we are the central point of access to EU law, and also to publications, data, research results, procurement notices and other official information. The Publications Office therefore plays a central role in informing the public about what the EU does and means for them, and in unlocking the power of data. Our mission is to support EU policies as a …

Type: Public

56 3 56 318
Zentrum Digitalisierung Bayern (ZD.B) Zentrum Digitalisierung Bayern (ZD.B)

The ZD.B connects business and science - and shapes the digital change in Bavaria. #zdbayern The Bavarian Digitalization Center (ZD.B) has been part of Bayern Innovativ GmbH since April 2020. The ZD.B connects business, science, politics and society and thus helps shape digital change. As a professionally independent cooperation platform, the ZD.B brokers partnerships across Bavaria, contributes to knowledge transfer and establishes digital business models. The aim of the ZD.B is to promote exchange between actors, to bring together skills and initiatives and to accompany the social dialogue on digitalization. Thematic platforms connect companies, science and other actors in key …

Type: Public

18 3 13 6
VolkswagenStiftung VolkswagenStiftung

We donate! The non -profit Volkswagen Foundation, based in Hanover, is the largest private science promotion in Germany at EUR 3.4 billion of foundation capital and a funding volume of around 150 million euros per year. It was founded in 1961 by the Federal Republic of Germany and the state of Lower Saxony. Despite their name, it is not a corporate foundation, the foundation bodies are autonomous and independent in their decisions. Impulses for science With around 100 employees, we promote science and technology in research and teaching. We enable research projects in promising areas and also take up our …

Type: Media

9 5 2 69
MVFP Medienverband der freien Presse MVFP Medienverband der freien Presse

Media Association of the Free Press: Network of the magazine industry with 7,000 media offers and 350 membership publishers. The MVFP Medienverband der Freie Presse e.V. represents the journalistic, cultural, political and economic interests of around 350 membership publishers and more than 7,000 magazine and media offers across the sector. The community of magazine publishers in the Medienverband der Freie Presse combines large, medium and small media houses from the genres of the public, specialist and denominational media. The MVFP is committed to the continued existence of the Free Press, the freedom and diversity of opinions and the future of …

Type: Media

16 2 11 28
TU Graz Institut für Wärmetechnik TU Graz Institut für Wärmetechnik

The Institute for Heating Technology at the Technical University of Graz represents the efficient use of conventional and renewable energies and innovative concepts in the areas of heating, cold and amp; Climate technology, building technology, power plant technology as well as in decentralized energy systems and the energetic use of biomass. Heating and cold & amp; Climate technology; Building technology; Power plant technology; Decentralized energy systems in the energetic use of biomass

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

23 9 5 14
TIB – Leibniz-Informationszentrum Technik und Naturwissenschaften und Universitätsbibliothek TIB – Leibniz-Informationszentrum Technik und Naturwissenschaften und Universitätsbibliothek

Die Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) ist die Deutsche Zentrale Fachbibliothek für Technik sowie Architektur, Chemie, Informatik, Mathematik und Physik. Aufgabe der TIB ist die umfassende Beschaffung und Archivierung technisch-naturwissenschaftlicher Literatur aus aller Welt. Der daraus resultierende umfangreiche Bestand steht allen Kunden im Rahmen des Volltextlieferdienstes zur Verfügung. In zahlreichen Projekten engagiert sich die TIB aktiv an der Entwicklung entsprechender Spezialtechnologien. Schwerpunkt ist der Aufbau einer Digitalen Bibliothek. Die TIB ist Mitglied der Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (WGL) und des Leibniz-Bibliotheksverbundes Forschungsinformation mit dem Namen Goportis. The German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) is the German National Library for all …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech it services

4 2 0 157

Law of the information society Telemedicus is a legal Internet project on all legal questions of the information society. We are interested in information and media law, but also the social, economic and political questions in the background. For Telemedicus, scientists and practitioners, students as well as professors. Please also note the information in the imprint and in the data protection declaration. Telemedicus is a non-profit project. It is borne and published by Telemedicus e.V. The association promotes the free exchange of knowledge of the legal issues of the information society at the legal and interdisciplinary level. Imprint: Law …

Type: Media

1 1 0 1
taz taz

A left newspaper every day Welcome to the taz! What started as a left, loud project on April 17, 1979 is an independent quality newspaper and institution of the German press landscape. Taz is a real company and at the same time counter -public. That may seem contradictory - but the daily newspaper lives through its opposites, the friction and change. After all, the leaf itself is an exciting mix of relevant information, intelligent entertainment and irritation. The publisher brings flat hierarchies every day with a clear line. TAZ is committed to social justice, but also requires the cooperative to …

Type: Media

17 5 1 421
Stadt Leipzig Stadt Leipzig

Modern employer #stadtliche -charriere #Wefürdiestadt #jobmitsinn We for the city. More than 9,500 employees, every day in action for our city and for over 620,000 Leipzigers. With our ideas and commitment, we manage and manage Leipzig. As one of the largest employers in the region with a huge variety of professions, we offer a safe and sensible workplace with numerous advantages. This is our job: We accompany our citizens through almost all areas of life, build streets, daycare centers and schools and at the same time take care of the protection of nature and the environment. We ensure a broad …

Type: Public

12 5 3 1,113
Stadtmarketing Mannheim GmbH Stadtmarketing Mannheim GmbH

The future will be done in Mannheim. Mannheim's success stories to market is the main task of Stadtmarketing Mannheim GmbH, which was founded in 2001 as one of the first public private partnerships (PPP) in the city marketing area. 49 percent of the shares of the GmbH are borne by the city of Mannheim, 51 percent currently hold 21 Mannheim companies who want to advance the center of the Rhein-Neckar region together with the sponsors and project partners of the city marketing. The aim is to further expand Mannheim's competitiveness as a tourism destination and as an economic and educational …

Type: Media

5 1 4 13
Stadt Karlsruhe Stadt Karlsruhe

Karlsruhe - innovative, young, lively, a city with a high quality of life that moves a bit and brings forward. And attractive employer. An employer for you and me - we are convinced of that. Because we believe that in over 200 different professions in our 37 decentralized agencies, the right job is also for you. Whether with professional experience, right after graduation or as a transverse entry - we, almost 7,000 colleagues, look forward to seeing you!

Type: Public

4 1 0 563
Dorothee Bär, MdB Dorothee Bär, MdB

Dorothee Bär, MdB is a management consulting company based out of 1 Platz der Republik, Berlin, Germany.

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

29 14 0 N/A
Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD)

Storm test since 1863 We look forward to informing social democratic politics and discussing with you.

Type: SMB Activities: it services

27 8 3 342

We create trust. We create trust Schufa is the abbreviation for "protection community for general loan protection" and our name has been for seriousness and reliability since it was founded in 1927. As a leading solution provider of information and information services for companies and consumers: We have data on 68 million natural persons and 6 million companies inside. This makes us a reliable source of information for companies and consumers: inside. With our information, we provide around 340,000 times an important contribution to building trust between two business partners and thus support safe, quick and efficient business conclusions. For …

Type: Media

14 5 7 551
Petra Sitte Petra Sitte

It can also be seen how many and which files have been downloaded by users. We have no interest in seeing how a specific person looked at the website. However, we are quite curious about how users generally take a look at this website, what content you call up the most and where errors may need to be adjusted, since a user encounters an incorrect or an empty page. This website should inform about Petra Sitte's work and her politics and we have an interest in which topics we succeed in how.

Type: Media

2 1 0 2
Osballiance Osballiance

Open source software OSS is a matter of course for German industry with many sustainable business models and high profitability for providers and users

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

9 0 5 0
Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland e. V. Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland e. V.

We make politics digital & amp; Digital political! We are committed to open knowledge and democratic participation. For this we develop technologies and instruments and thus strengthen civil society! We show the democratic potential of technology: Digitally networked technologies bring new opportunities to implement civil society interests: citizens can perceive their rights and duties more easily and better inform themselves about state action. This is how the fact -based political discourse is supported. For this we develop software, provide infrastructure and promote open source projects. We experiment and offer an experimental field for others. We are committed to open knowledge: …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

7 2 4 20
Derechos Digitales Derechos Digitales

Human Rights and Technology in Latin America The NGO Digital Rights was founded in January 2005. Among its most important objectives is the protection and promotion of fundamental rights on the Internet; and reinforce a freer culture, supported by a balanced copyright that allows greater access to knowledge for all citizens in the digital environment.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

7 0 3 29
Netzpiloten Netzpiloten

Digital pioneers in online publishing & amp; Marketing since 1996. Hamburg, Berlin, Barcelona, ​​Lisbon With their digital magazines, the network pilots are a piece Media history. Report, analyze, network since 1998 and we entertain from the middle of the exciting new digital World. We have been working with hundreds of bloggers, editors, journalists and columnists for many years. They create articles, interviews and reading tips about the most exciting from the areas of social media, network policy, mobile, technology, music and lifestyle. Always without tech arrogance, but prepared with foresight and easy to understand. Network policy, publishing, online marketing, and …

Type: Media

16 8 7 8
Mehr Demokratie e.V. Mehr Demokratie e.V.

"When we stop developing democracy, democracy starts to stop!" More democracy is the largest NGO for direct democracy worldwide, we are non -partisan and non -profit. We see ourselves as a movement for direct democracy. We inform, start campaigns, convince politicians. We scientifically evaluate the practice of direct democracy in Germany and regularly publish reports and reform proposals. We also advise you on citizens' and referendums. For more than 30 years we have been working for direct democracy, a fair right to vote, transparency and effective citizen participation such as B. Los -based citizens' councils on all political levels. By …

Type: Media

7 2 4 42
Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V. Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V.

Out of love for life We are looking for: We are looking for employees for our areas of care, rescue, education and education as well as our numerous tasks in administration (sales, marketing, fundraising, personnel, IT, etc.). These tasks stretch nationwide, for example, from our institutions to our local associations, regional associations to state associations and the federal office in Berlin. We are: We are a large aid organization with headquarters in Berlin. Our tasks include rescue and medical service, disaster protection, social services as well as working with children and adolescents. With almost 30,000 full-time employees and over 46,000 …

Type: Large company Activities: consumer services

14 6 4 3,200
YAEZ Agency YAEZ Agency

Hi Future! Communicating today for a better Tomorrow We are YAEZ, the communications agency focusing in talent communication, education communication and future communication. We are convinced that communication is the key to a positive future for all. That's why we say: Hi Future! With our innovative communication solutions we enable companies and institutions to shape a better tomorrow. Talentkommunikation, Bildungskommunikation, and Zukunftskommunikation

Type: SMB Activities: martech

16 1 15 53
Initiative D21 e. V. Initiative D21 e. V.

Thinking, thinking, initiating necessary debates: We have been accompanying the digital transformation for over 25 years. We are Germany's largest non -profit network for digital society, consisting of business, politics, science and civil society. Mandated by the economy and the public sector, some of the best heads work together to examine the social challenges in digital change, to deliver annual position images and to initiate debates in order to make the future of digital society sensible. Digital Society, Digital Education, Infrastructure, Digital Trust, Digital Transformation, Innovative State, Digital Society, and Digital Skills

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

44 13 38 25
Hochschulrektorenkonferenz Hochschulrektorenkonferenz

The voice of universities The University Rectors' Conference (HRK) is the voluntary association of state and state -recognized universities in Germany. The member universities are represented in the HRK by their presidiums and rectorates. The HRK currently has 271 member universities, where around 90 percent of all students in Germany are enrolled. The university rector conference is the voice of the universities towards politics and the public and the central forum of common expression and will formation in the university system. The HRK deals with all subject areas that affect the role and tasks of universities in science and society, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

6 2 5 58
Germanwatch e.V. Germanwatch e.V.

30 years Germanwatch. Shape 30 years of justice together. If we wrap globalization more, this opens up opportunities worldwide for particularly vulnerable population groups and the development of future generations. In the search for solutions, we - contrary to recently emerging calls after foreclosure - consciously focus on more international cooperation, for example at: - the use for climate protection and the fair use of climate change - to ensure the right to food worldwide - the assumption of responsibility of companies for human rights We are also concerned with further challenges of our time - for example in relation …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

30 7 19 101
German Informatics Society German Informatics Society

We are informatics! The GI, the German Informatics Society, is a non-profit association of highly dedicated computer science professionals in the German-Speaking World. Basics of computer science, artificial intelligence, software technology, human-computer interaction, databases and information systems, technical computer science, operating systems, communication systems and distributed systems, computer science in life sciences, graphic data processing, business informatics, computer science in law and public administration, computer science and didactics of computer science, computer science and society, and security and security Reliability

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

26 3 22 78

Passionate journalism The Funke media group is one of the largest media houses in Germany. Funke lives from the variety of company locations and products - but above all from the diversity of employees. 1,500 journalists and around 4,500 media makers are on duty every day. They are active all over Germany - and yet united in the promise to deliver best performances. Funke stands for strong brands at newspapers, magazines, online portals, radio and more. With twelve daily newspapers and over 50 magazines, we inspire our readers - printed and digitally. Our other offers also include online job exchanges, …

Type: Media

4 2 1 1,958
Fraktion der Freien Demokraten Fraktion der Freien Demokraten

Best education, modern infrastructure, strong economy. The Free Democrats' faction in the German Bundestag is a progressive parliamentary group - and therefore also a progressive employer. We do not want to sit in the Bundestag, we want to accelerate progress and actively shape the future of our country! Our MPs and the specialists work in six working groups: 1) World Best Education for everyone, 2) Preskin through your own performance, 3) self -determined in all situations, 4) Freedom and human rights worldwide, 5) Politics that can calculate and 6) Sustainability through innovation. In addition, there are many exciting challenges in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

15 3 4 119
FDP Freie Demokraten FDP Freie Demokraten

Became curious? Follow us on LinkedIn! Welcome to the Free Democrats. We stand for world best education, progress through performance, self -determination, freedom worldwide, politics that can arithmetic and for sustainability & amp; Innovation. IMPRINT Responsible: FDP federal party Email: Telephone: +49 30 28 49 58 0 Represented by Maria Wandel (Federal Managing Director) Reinhardtstrasse 14 10117 Berlin Club register no.: 139996nza5, AG Charlottenburg Responsible for content: Editor: Stefan Krier Area: communication and campaign Email: Fabienne Buck (FB) Eliah Flick (EF) Karolina Blucher (KB) Editorial address: FDP federal office Reinhardtstraße 14 10117 Berlin World best education, progress …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

30 7 1 206
Einstein Center Digital Future Einstein Center Digital Future

The Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) is the Center for Digitization Research in Berlin. The Einstein Center Digital Future is a joint project at the Technical University of Berlin, the Charité-University Medicine, the Free University of Berlin, the Humboldt University in Berlin and the University of the Arts Berlin. The Einstein Center Digital Future sees itself as a cross -school nucleus for researching and promoting digital structures in science, business and society. Instead of new individual initiatives, the project in Berlin should give more links, new forms of cooperation, a concentration on innovative interdisciplinary top research and excellently trained young …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

16 5 10 25
DJV - Deutscher Journalisten-Verband DJV - Deutscher Journalisten-Verband

Journalists' union With around 27,000 members, the German Journalist Association (DJV) is one of the largest journalism organizations in Germany and Europe. As a professional association, we represent the professional and media political interests of the full-time journalist: in public, for example through press work, background discussions with politics and statements on current media policy issues. As a union, we are committed to a fair payment and good working conditions of journalists, for example by negotiating collective agreements and fighting for adequate fee. After all, we offer our members an extensive service including legal advice. You can find more information …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

15 2 10 37
D64 – Zentrum für Digitalen Fortschritt D64 – Zentrum für Digitalen Fortschritt

D64 aims to shape the digital transformation critically, constructively and creatively. D64 is the center for digital progress. We see digital transformation as a great opportunity to improve the coexistence of our modern society. We want to help shape the social, ecological, technological and political development constructively, critically and creatively. Our goal is to realize the basic values ​​of freedom, justice and solidarity through a progressive digital policy. With the help of the wide -ranging expertise of our members, we act as an independent association, which persuades and gives impulses in all subject areas of digitization.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

5 3 3 8 is an executive office company based out of 63 Hofaue, Wuppertal, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

10 0 10 8
der Freitag der Freitag

European Newspaper of the Year 2023! Der Freitag - the weekly newspaper is a group-independent, national medium with over 40 employees in the editorial and publishing departments and a success story spanning over 30 years. "We just want to change the world" is more than just a claim, it is our shared attitude. Der Freitag has been delivering - with publisher Jakob Augstein since 2008 - quality journalism that enjoys debate, journalism that celebrates diversity and gives progressive positions a platform. Awarded European Newspaper of the Year in the weekly newspaper category in 2018 and 2023.

Type: Media

1 1 0 65
Fridays for Future Deutschland Fridays for Future Deutschland

Fridays for Future: These are all who take to the streets for our climate. We are Fridays for future. The climate crisis is a real threat to human civilization - Coping with the climate crisis is the main task of the 21st century. We are calling for a policy that does justice to this task. Fridays for Future: These are all who take to the streets for our climate. The climate strike movement is international, non-partisan, autonomous and decentralized. & gt; & gt; Take part and become part of our movement! Social movement, climate protection, climate justice, and activists

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

29 9 8 54
CDU Deutschlands CDU Deutschlands

CDU - We are the Middle People's Party. The CDU has ruled for more than 50 years and provided the Chancellor, from Konrad Adenauer to Helmut Kohl to Angela Merkel. Important course came about through or with the CDU: western bond and NATO accession, western form of democracy and social market economy, reconciliation with the opponents of the war, environmental protection & amp; Energy transition, German unity and European Union. Now it's about making our country and our continent fit for the future. With the knowledge of the past, we look ahead. You can rely on the CDU. For over …

Type: Media

49 15 6 273
Bundeskunsthalle Bundeskunsthalle

The art and exhibition hall of the Federal Republic of Germany GmbH, Bonn, is a facility of the federal and state governments and is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media BKM on the basis of a decision of the German Bundestag.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

4 2 2 40
Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels e.V. Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels e.V.

Books are indispensable for the development of our society and its ideals. The Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandel supports this development through its commitment to the German book market and for the free spread of the written word. The association represents the interests of around 4,500 bookstores, publishers, intermediate book dealers and other media companies towards politics and the public. He organizes the Frankfurt Book Fair, gives the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade and is involved in promoting reading. The German Book Prize and the German Subject Book Prize are awarded by the Book Culture and Reading Promotion of …

Type: Media

13 5 7 79
Berliner Morgenpost GmbH Berliner Morgenpost GmbH

In an accident in Köpenick, a man died on site. He crashed into a tree by car.

Type: Media

19 14 1 26

European cultural media (cinema, fiction, documentaries, info, magazines, concerts, video games) Arte is a European cultural channel that offers its programs (cinema, fiction, documentaries, concerts and shows, information, cultural magazines and news decryption) on all antenna and digital broadcasting media. The Arte group consists of three entities: - Arte France and Arte Deutschland, two programs editing centers - Arte Geie, European group, broadcasting center and headquarters of the Franco-German editorial staff. Arte is available in 6 languages: FR, All, Eng, ESP, Pol, Ita https: //

Type: Large company Media

191 139 59 4,274
Kanton Zürich Kanton Zürich

The most important central region in Switzerland - where urban and rural areas are close to each other - also has an international flair. This mix is ​​what makes the canton's quality of life so high. The canton of Zurich is the region's largest employer. The range of professions extends from commercial or craft to design and creative activities. The cantonal administration consists of seven directorates and the State Chancellery and employs around 32,000 people, including teachers, with a wide variety of tasks. The administration is therefore looking for employees from different sectors and professions. Security, health, justice, education, public …

Type: Public

13 3 7 7,609
Fondazione La Biennale di Venezia Fondazione La Biennale di Venezia

The Venice Biennale has for over a century been one of the most prestigious cultural institutions in the world. Ever since its foundation in 1895, it has been in the avant-garde, promoting new artistic trends and organising international events in contemporary arts. It is world-beating for the International Film Festival, for the International Art Exhibition and for the International Architecture Exhibition, and continues the great tradition of the Festival of Contemporary Music, the Theatre Festival, now flanked by the Festival of Contemporary Dance. Arte, Architettura, Cinema, Danza, Musica, and Teatro

Type: Media

24 15 4 463
Court of Justice of the European Union Court of Justice of the European Union

The Court of Justice of the EU: Ensuring the protection of EU law for 450 million citizens The Court of Justice of the European Union is the judicial body of the EU. Its role is to ensure that EU laws are respected by the EU’s institutions and Member States and applied in the same way throughout the whole of the EU. This ensures that the EU is based on the rule of law, a fundamental element of all democratic entities. Giving rulings in areas such as consumer protection, the environment, privacy rights, equal treatment and worker rights, that directly affect …

Type: Public

50 18 18 2,348

We provide the starter-kit solution for every entrepreneur, solo-preneur, and freelancer with a beautifully simple and highly functional one page website... with a choose your own adventure of product extensions. your page. your way. Identity, Consumer Internet, Social Media, entrepreneurs , consulting, and freelance

Type: Startup Activities: it services

204 43 170 255
Deutscher Bundestag Deutscher Bundestag

The MPs of the German Bundestag are elected in general, immediate, free, equal and secret election. They are representatives of the whole people, not bound to orders and instructions and only subject to their conscience.

Type: Public

20 8 5 2,944
Welthungerhilfe (WHH) Welthungerhilfe (WHH)

For a world without hunger We are one of the largest and most respected private organisations for development cooperation and humanitarian aid in Germany. As a politically and confessionally independent organisation, our value-oriented actions are always based on ethical principles. Our vision is clear: "Zero Hunger by 2030" Emergency Aid, Development Cooperation, Poverty Reduction, Elimination of Hunger, Food Security, WASH, Resilience, Nutrition Security, Sustainable Development Goals, and ZeroHunger

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

26 6 17 2,496
Open Rights Group Open Rights Group

Fighting for your rights in the digital age. We fight for digital rights. Join us. Digital rights, privacy, and copyright reform

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

10 1 5 25
tbd* Community tbd* Community

We believe in an intersectional feminist job environment. And we're determined to create it! Who's in? tbd* (previously The Changer) is a digital job hub focusing on intersectional feminist working structures and job opportunities. Where those determined to change the world can find an impact job, discover workshops and courses, locate funding opportunities, hire the right team, connect with mission-driven companies, share best practices, or learn from others who are using their careers to make an impact. Purpose Economy, Green Tech, NGO, Social Business, Thought Leadership, CSR, Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship, Foundations, Job Search, and Human Resources

Tags: H2020 Type: Startup Activities: civictech cleantech entrepreneurship greentech hrtech

9 5 4 173
#cnetz - Verein für Netzpolitik e. V. #cnetz - Verein für Netzpolitik e. V.

#cnetz e. V. is an association with members from all areas of society and who are united by a civic foundation about politics. We believe digitization offers the central challenges and opportunities of our time in regards to all aspects of life - like society, cutlure, politics and economy. #cnetz is a "think tank"​ based in Germany, that is dealing with all aspects of digitization. We are an open association that does not require membership in a party, but still we share common values. politics, digitization, Germany, and http://

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

25 3 20 3
Deutscher Kulturrat e.V. Deutscher Kulturrat e.V.

The Deutscher Kulturrat e.V. (DKR) is the umbrella organization of the German art and culture, media and creative associations. He is the counterpart for the politics and administration of the federal government, the federal states and the European Union in all cultural policy matters that overlap the individual branches (sections) of the Deutscher Kulturrat. The aim of the Deutscher Kulturrat is to stimulate cultural policy discussion at all political levels and to advocate freedom of the arts, publications and information.

Type: Media

4 1 4 19
JEF Europe JEF Europe

Young European Federalists Simply a Generation Ahead. The goal of JEF is the creation of a democratic European federation as a crucial ingredient for peace, a guarantee for a more free, just and democratic society and a first step towards a world federation. JEF promotes true European Citizenship, works for the widening and deepening of the EU and strives for a more just and integrated society on the European continent. It is independent from all political parties and ideologies and pursues its objectives autonomously. Nevertheless, the organisation can of course participate in the exchange of opinions and experiences with political …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

10 2 6 48
Creative Commons Creative Commons

The nonprofit behind the licenses and tools the world uses to share. 🌍 Follow us for all things open access. CC is an international nonprofit organization that empowers people to grow and sustain the thriving commons of shared knowledge and culture we need to address the world’s most pressing challenges and create a brighter future for all. Together with our global community and multiple partners, we build capacity and infrastructure, we develop practical solutions, and we advocate for better sharing: sharing that is contextual, inclusive, just, equitable, reciprocal, and sustainable. copyright, public domain, internet, web, semantic web, rdf, legal, licenses, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

22 5 11 177
Bike Bridge Bike Bridge

move, connect, strengthen Bike & Belong, Kids & Teens, Cycling Without Age Freiburg, Bike Café Bike Bridge connects people of all ages and backgrounds. Over 300 volunteers support us in our work at several locations throughout Germany. Our common goal: We want to sustainably strengthen social participation and social and spatial mobility. The connecting element and effective instrument in all our programs is the bicycle. Our common vision: an equal, open and discrimination-free society. We want to build bridges with the bicycle - between organizations, between participants and volunteers and within urban society. Our programs Bike & Belong, Cycling Without …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

2 1 2 13
ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research

Conducting politically relevant research and providing evidence-based policy advice. The ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research in Mannheim is a non-profit and independent institute with the legal form of a limited liability company (GmbH). Founded in 1990, ZEW is one of Europe’s leading research institutes in economics as well as a member of the Leibniz Association, a network of outstanding research institutes in Germany. Our mission is to conduct research for the benefit of society. In our scientific work – e.g. on digitalisation and innovation, taxes and pensions, equal opportunities and climate protection – we therefore focus on …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

35 4 27 228
Versus Virus Versus Virus

#VersusVirus, April 3-5 The 48-hour hackathon of Switzerland: Together we find solutions against #COVID19! Register now! Building inclusive solutions together. We are connecting like-minded people and organizations all over Switzerland to develop, scale and celebrate solutions against the Corona crisis.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

9 4 0 3
Science et Cité Science et Cité

The national Science et Cité Foundation promotes dialogue between science and society. The Science et Cité Foundation promotes dialogue between science and society in Switzerland and specializes in low-threshold and innovative forms of communication. Our work is carried out in close cooperation with partner organizations from education, science, business, culture and politics and focuses on current and socially moving topics and related questions of value. Our projects are located both locally and nationally. They promote direct exchange between researchers and citizens, stimulate online dialogue about science and its social relevance and network the actors in science communication. Our projects include …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

4 0 4 21
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

As a service provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development and international education work, we are dedicated to shaping a future worth living around the world. GIZ has over 50 years of experience in a wide variety of areas, including economic development and employment promotion, energy and the environment, and peace and security. The diverse expertise of our federal enterprise is in demand around the globe – from the German Government, European Union institutions, the United Nations, the private sector and governments of other countries. We work with businesses, civil society actors and research institutions, fostering successful …

Type: Public

98 54 27 24,810
Social Entrepreneurship Netzwerk Deutschland e.V. Social Entrepreneurship Netzwerk Deutschland e.V.

#WeAreHiring I We connect the social entrepreneurship sector and give it a voice! 📣 WE ARE HIRING 📣 We are looking for motivated people for our #WorkTogether in the social entrepreneurship sector. You can find all positions here: ------ We, the Social Entrepreneurship Network Germany, connect entrepreneurs and social startups from all over Germany. Together we are committed to: -Financing social innovations -Visibility and networking -Reducing entry barriers for founding a social startup -Inspiring talents for a career in social entrepreneurship Tackling social challenges together! We are facing a multitude of social challenges. Climate change, child and old-age poverty, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

19 5 13 42
Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (Forum for Higher Education in the Digital Age) Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (Forum for Higher Education in the Digital Age)

We orchestrate the discourse on higher education in the digital age. Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (HFD) orchestrates the discourse on higher education in the digital age. As an innovation driver, it informs, advises and connects stakeholders from higher education institutions, politics, business and civil society. Founded in 2014, HFD is a joint initiative by Stifterverband, CHE Centre for Higher Education and the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK). It is sponsored by Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). As an independent national platform, Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (HFD) provides a framework for shaping the wide-ranging impact of digitalisation on higher education institutions, and especially …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

7 1 7 56
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

The major trends of the 21st century, notably globalisation, digitisation, demographic change, recent developments within the EU, and climate change all represent major challenges for German business to tackle. If we are to successfully address these issues, we need to develop our social market economy into a social-ecological market economy. This is the over-arching task for the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. Wirtschaft, Digitalisierung, Handelspolitik, Mittelstandspolitik, Energiewende, Europa, Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung, Industriepolitik, Luft- und Raumfahrt, Erneuerbare Energien, Außenwirtschaftsförderung, Existenzgründung, Tourismuspolitik, Energieeffizienz, Maritime Wirtschaft, Netzausbau, and Industrie 4.0

Type: Public

102 45 27 1,041
Hasso Plattner Institute Hasso Plattner Institute

Design IT. Create Knowledge The Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) in Potsdam is Germany's university center of excellence for digital engineering, advancing research and education in IT systems engineering, data engineering, cyber security, entrepreneurship, and digital health. With its bachelor‘s and master’s degree programs, the Faculty of Digital Engineering, established jointly by HPI and the University of Potsdam, offers innovative engineering- and application-oriented study programs. At present, more than 700 students are enrolled in the program. HPI consistently earns a top-notch place in the CHE University Ranking. The HPI School of Design Thinking is Europe’s first innovation school for university students. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

52 13 31 621
Frankfurter Rundschau Frankfurter Rundschau

National daily newspaper based in Frankfurt am Main. Journalism with courageous attitude for people with beliefs: open, curious, courageous, critical, social.

Type: Media

26 6 14 69
Wahlkreisbüro Dr. Konstantin Von Notz Wahlkreisbüro Dr. Konstantin Von Notz

We just received the news that the federal government is now surprisingly willing to grant the heads of the 1st parliamentary committee of inquiry in the 18th legislative period, the NSA committee, access to the BND selector lists. The federal government's relenting is another success for the committee of inquiry. The Greens and the Left Party have succeeded in persuading the federal government to finally hand over the selectors to the committee of inquiry.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

5 1 0 2
re:publica re:publica

The festival for digital society Re: publica Berlin | 26.-28.05.2025 | #RP25 #GenXyz Republica GmbH organizes the festival for the digital society and thus the largest conference of its kind in Europe with the RE: Publica Berlin. The participants of the RE: Publica form a cross -section of our (digital) society. They include representatives from science, politics, companies, hacking cultures, NGOs, media and marketing as well as bloggers, activists, artists and social media experts. The Re: Publica 24 found from 27-29. May 2024 in the Berlin station. She was under the motto "Who Cares?" And counted more than 30,000 visits …

Type: Event

33 19 12 42
DataStax DataStax

DataStax helps developers and companies build a bold new world through GenAI. Providing an AI Platform as a Service that makes it possible for developers to build GenAI applications that match the scale of their ambition. NoSQL, Cassandra, Apache Cassandra, database, multi-cloud, cloud, modern applications, distributed database, real-time, developers, Cloud Native, Kubernetes, real time data, open stack, AI, serverless, multi-cloud, machine learning, realtimeAI, Vector Database, Vector Search, Generative AI, GenAI, RAG, serverless, and DBaaS

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Generative A.I. A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

42 7 29 695

The world's platform for change. is the world’s largest tech platform for people-powered, social change. More than half a billion people across more than 196 countries use our technology-driven petition and campaign tools to speak up on issues they’re passionate about. Approximately 70,000 petitions are created and supported on our platform every month, with 1.7 million new people joining our global network of users every week. People on have powered tens of thousands of campaign victories worldwide, and more are winning every week. Every day, our users collaborate to organize on local, national and global issues; hold corporations …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech martech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics

151 45 90 271

European Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities DARIAH (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities​) is a research infrastructure that aims to enhance and support digitally-enabled research and teaching across the arts and humanities. DARIAH is a network of people, expertise, information, knowledge, content, methods, tools and technologies from its member countries. It develops, maintains and operates an infrastructure in support of ICT-based research practices and sustains researchers in using them to build, analyse and interpret digital resources. By working with communities of practice, DARIAH brings together individual state-of-the-art digital arts and humanities activities and scales their …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

12 1 6 18

News, analyses, commentaries, videos, podcasts from more than 500 SPIEGEL journalists. SPIEGEL ONLINE is the leading news site on the German-speaking Internet: fast, up-to-date, precise and in-depth. The editorial team delivers news, analyses, interviews, commentaries, videos and photos around the clock.

Type: Media

82 40 27 914
Prototype Fund Prototype Fund

Wir fördern Public Interest Tech. Der Prototype Fund ist ein Förderprogramm des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), das von der Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland betreut und ausgewertet wird. Einzelpersonen und kleine Teams erhalten im Rahmen des Prototype Funds über 6 Monate hinweg finanzielle und ideelle Unterstützung für die Erprobung von Ideen und die Entwicklung von Open-Source-Software mit gesellschaftlichem Mehrwert in den Bereichen Civic Tech, Data Literacy, IT-Sicherheit und Software–Infrastruktur.

Type: Incubators & VCs

9 5 4 5
Deutschlandfunk Kultur. Das Feuilleton im Radio Deutschlandfunk Kultur. Das Feuilleton im Radio

Deutschlandfunk Kultur. Das Feuilleton im Radio is a broadcast media company based out of Berlin, Germany.

Type: Media

13 2 4 114
Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE)

Free Software Foundation Europe is a charity that empowers users to control technology. Free Software Foundation Europe is a charity that empowers users to control technology. Software is deeply involved in all aspects of our lives. It is important that this technology empowers rather than restricts us. Free Software gives everybody the rights to use, understand, adapt and share software. These rights help support other fundamental rights like freedom of speech, freedom of press and privacy. Free Software, Advocacy, Networking, Licensing, EU Policy, Community building, and Publi cMoney, Public Code

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

13 3 8 45
Deutschland sicher im Netz e.V. (DsiN) Deutschland sicher im Netz e.V. (DsiN)

DsiN supports people and small businesses to safely participate in our digital society. Deutschland sicher im Netz e.V. (DsiN) was founded in 2006 at the first National IT-Summit in Germany. As a non-profit organisation, DsiN supports people of all ages and small businesses to benefit from the advancements of digitisation and builds competence and confidence in the digital world. In cooperation with our members and partners, DsiN provides concrete advice on how to use the internet safely. Digitale Lebenswelten, Digitale Sicherheit, IT-Sicherheit, Digitale Innovationen, Digitale Teilhabe, and Digitale Kompetenzvermittlung

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

23 5 19 43
German Federal Association of the Digital Economy (BVDW e.V.) German Federal Association of the Digital Economy (BVDW e.V.)

Der BVDW ist der Verband für die Digitale Wirtschaft und die Stimme der Digitalen Transformation. The Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. is the organisation that represents the interests of companies in the field of interactive marketing, digital content and interactive added value. The BVDW has an interdisciplinary foundation, and thus has a holistic overview of the issues facing the digital economy. It has taken on the task of making the efficiency and the benefits of digital media transparent, and thus promoting their deployment in the economy as a whole, in society, and in administration. BVDW is engaged in continuous dialogue …

Type: Media

37 6 27 91
OpenForum Europe OpenForum Europe

OpenForum Europe (OFE) is a not-for-profit, Brussels-based independent think tank which explains the merits of openness OpenForum Europe is a not-for-profit, independent organisation launched in March 2002 to accelerate, broaden and strengthen the use of Open Source Software (OSS) and Open Standards in business and government. OFE pursues the vision of an open, competitive European IT market by 2010 in line with the European Commission i2010 Strategy with the mission of facilitating open competitive choice for IT users. OFE is supported by major IT suppliers and works closely with the European Commission and National Governments, both direct and via National …

Type: Media

21 1 16 27
European Policy Centre European Policy Centre

An independent think tank at the cutting edge of EU affairs The European Policy Centre (EPC) is an independent, not-for-profit think tank committed to making European integration work. The EPC works at the ‘cutting edge’ of European and global policy-making providing its members and the wider public with rapid, high-quality information and analysis on the EU and global policy agenda. It aims to promote a balanced dialogue between the different constituencies of its membership, spanning all aspects of economic and social life. In line with its multi-constituency approach, members of the EPC comprise companies, professional and business federations, trade unions, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: govtech

30 9 31 105
UCT Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine UCT Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine

The Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine (IDM) was established in 2004 as a trans-faculty postgraduate research institute based within the University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa. It is physically and administratively located within the Faculty of Health Sciences campus. Molecular Mycobacteriology, Precision and Genomic Medicine, Applied Proteomics and Chemical Biology, Cancer Biotechnology, Drug Discovery, Immunology of Infectious Diseases, Poverty-related Infections, Vaccinology , Tuberculosis Research, and HIV Research

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech biotech

24 14 1 30
Wikipedia Wikipedia

Wikipedia is a multilingual online encyclopedia, based on open collaboration through a wiki-based content editing system. Publishing, Writing, and Encyclopedia

Type: SMB Activities: it services

10 8 0 924
World Intellectual Property Organization – WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization – WIPO

WIPO is the United Nations agency that serves the world’s innovators and creators. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is the United Nations agency that serves the world’s innovators and creators, ensuring that their ideas travel safely to the market and improve lives everywhere. We do so by providing services that enable creators, innovators and entrepreneurs to protect and promote their intellectual property (IP) across borders and acting as a forum for addressing cutting-edge IP issues. Our IP data and information guide decisionmakers the world over. And our impact-driven projects and technical assistance ensure IP benefits everyone, everywhere. Intellectual Property

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

60 31 21 2
Radioeins Radioeins

Radioeins is a company based out of 20 Marlene-Dietrich-Allee, Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

21 1 10 30

Founded in 2007, Phineo is a company specialising in engineering sciences that works with its customers as they outsource their innovation activities, as well as research and development. Our Purpose is to improve the innovation, competitiveness and performances of our customers. We contribute to all of the key steps in a project's lifecycle, from an analysis of the needs through to installation and industrialization. Phineo is organised around 3 business sectors: - Networks and Telecommunications - Banking & Finance - Electronic Payment Phineo offers strategic, operational and technological solutions intended to accompany customers as they carry out their projects, by …

Tags: H2020 Type: Startup Activities: fintech it services

18 11 7 14
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung / Federal Agency for Civic Education Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung / Federal Agency for Civic Education

Demokratie stärken - Zivilgesellschaft fördern | Strengthening Democracy - Fostering a Civil Society Die Aufgabe der Bundeszentrale für politischen Bildung/bpb ist es, Verständnis für politische Sachverhalte zu fördern, das demokratische Bewusstsein zu festigen und die Bereitschaft zur politischen Mitarbeit zu stärken. The German Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) is a federal public authority providing citizenship education and information on political issues to all people in Germany. “Citizenship education” in this connection broadly means educating and encouraging citizens to actively participate in society and in the democratic process. The bpb’s work focuses on fostering an awareness of what democracy is …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

5 3 0 180
S. Fischer Verlag S. Fischer Verlag

The S. Fischer publishing houses are part of the Holtzbrinck book publishers. The parent company, the S. Fischer publishing house, was founded in 1886 by Samuel Fischer in Berlin. In 1936, the Jewish publishing family was driven into exile. After the Second World War, the publishing house settled in Frankfurt am Main. In addition to "S. Fischer," the S. Fischer publishing houses include the imprints FISCHER Krüger and FISCHER Scherz with entertaining books, the all-age program FISCHER FJB, FISCHER Tor (fantasy and science fiction) and FISCHER Taschenbuch with its large cross-genre program. The S. Fischer publishing houses also have a …

Type: Media

3 1 1 135

We make wo(men) confident at work. Money-back guarantee & results in 6 weeks. Visit us at to supercharge your career, build your life on your terms and learn within 6 weeks what it takes to rise up into the positions where you can call the shots. Who comes to us? We help people all over the world build a career that they love. As you'll see on our website, our alumni say that going through our Rise Academy has changed their life. We are very proud of that! What happens to you at Wingwomen? Our alumni - women …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech

22 7 18 1
Open Data Science Conference (ODSC) Open Data Science Conference (ODSC)

The leading applied data science and AI conference, with 4 global events and nearly 180 meetups worldwide every year. The goal of the Open Data Science Conference (ODSC) is to cultivate and grow the global data science community. ODSC is unique in that it attracts an audience of both decision-makers, such as CTOs and lead data scientists, as well as the “ninjas” or decision-influencers, i.e., the people who actually use and build analytic tools. data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, data engineering, MLOps, NLP, and Computer Vision

Type: Event

50 3 39 176
Sven Giegold Sven Giegold

Sven Giegold is a public relations and communications company based out of Oststraße 41-43, Düsseldorf, Germany.

Type: Media

18 6 9 1
DEEP Ecosystems DEEP Ecosystems

We empower the most ambitious startup ecosystems to solve the biggest challenges of our times. We believe in entrepreneurs ​to build ecosystems​ that solve the biggest ​challenges of our times. We help to grow and connect ecosystems through our DEEP Startup Ecosystem Accelerator (DEEPSEA), with over 400 alumni since 2018, one of the biggest ecosystem builder communities in the world that gathers twice a year in our DEEP Startup Ecosystem Conference. Both are backed by our data-driven insights on startup ecosystems through our open Startup Heatmap Europe data platform. Startups, Startup Europe, Entrepreneurship, Founders, Founder mobility, Startup Heatmap, DEEP Ecosystems, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

52 8 43 24
Tankred Schipanski Tankred Schipanski

Tankred Schipanski is a management consulting company based out of 11 Schwanitzstraße, Ilmenau, Germany.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

9 4 4 N/A
EPP Group in the European Parliament EPP Group in the European Parliament

To deliver a protected, proud, confident, and future-oriented Europe. The EPP Group is the largest political force in the European Parliament. The Group of the European People's Party (EPP Group) brings together centre and centre-right pro-European political forces from across the Member States of the EU. Our vision: A united Europe in which every individual is able to realise their full potential. A fairer, more competitive and democratic Europe where people travel, work, do business, invest, learn from each other, buy, sell, collaborate and team up. A self-assured Europe that recognises its unique history and heritage and defends its way …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

34 8 20 157
Alibaba Group Alibaba Group

Alibaba Group’s mission is to make it easy to do business anywhere. The company aims to build the future infrastructure of commerce. It envisions its customers will meet, work and live at Alibaba and that it will be a good company lasting for 102 years. We pledged to reach carbon neutrality by 2030. By working with merchants and consumers, the company expects to slash carbon emissions by 1.5 gigatons across its digital ecosystem by 2035. Sign up for Alibaba news at

Type: Large company

202 90 40 82,157
Bundeskartellamt Bundeskartellamt

Open markets - fair competition The Bundeskartellamt is the most important German competition authority. The tasks of the Federal Cartel Office include the enforcement of the antitrust prohibition, merger control, the abuse supervision of market -controlling companies, the review of the award of public orders of the federal government and the implementation of sector investigations. The Bundeskartellamt also takes on special tasks in consumer protection and has been running a competition register since 2021. Around 415 employees are employed in the Federal Cartel Office. Imprint: Data protection information: The Bundeskartellamt is the most important Competition Authority in Germany. …

Type: Public

18 3 5 148
DBpedia Association DBpedia Association

"Global and Unified Access to Knowledge Graphs"​[ ] [ ] The DBpedia Association was founded in 2014 to support DBpedia and the DBpedia Community. Since then we are making steady progress towards professionalizing DBpedia for its users and forming an effective network out of the loosely organised DBpedia community. The DBpedia Association is currently situated in Leipzig, Germany and affiliated with the non-profit organisation Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI) e.V. data extraction, knowledge graph, and linked data

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

10 0 10 6
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Impressum: Hinweise zum Datenschutz: The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a German political foundation with a Christian-Democratic profile. Through political education and counseling, the foundation campaigns worldwide for peace, freedom, and justice. Our principal aim is to preserve and promote liberal democracy and strengthen international dialogue. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a partner of the European Union to strengthen democracy, promote party cooperation and non-state actors (civil society, media, etc.), carry out political education, and support good governance and decentralization. In cooperation with European and international partners, KAS also applies for EU service projects and benefits strongly from the worldwide institutional presence through its …

Type: Media

32 14 15 1,320
FZI Research Center for Information Technology FZI Research Center for Information Technology

Our Research Shapes the Future The FZI stands for applied cutting-edge research in the area of information technology and its fields of use. Over 250 scientists research on digital participation and democracy, energy, healthcare, IT security, mobility, production and logistics, robotics, and software development. Here, we cooperate with partners from industry, business, science, associations and the public sector on more than 250 projects per year. Application-oriented research at the FZI is not just a concept but a living reality. The FZI House of Living Labs offers modern, spacious laboratories with the latest equipment where innovations can be thoroughly tested and …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Robotics

27 6 16 343
Technische Universität Berlin Technische Universität Berlin

We‘ve got the brains for the future. For the benefit of society. We’ve Got the Brains for the Future – in the Heart of Germany’s Capital With almost 34 000 students, circa 100 course offerings and 40 Institutes, the historic Technische Universität Berlin is one of Germany’s largest and most internationally renowned technical universities. Located in Germany’s capital city – at the heart of Europe – outstanding achievements in research and teaching, imparting skills to excellent graduates, and a modern service-oriented administration characterize TU Berlin. The range of services offered by our seven Faculties serves to forge a unique link …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

29 18 16 5,216
AI Campus – The Learning Platform for Artificial Intelligence AI Campus – The Learning Platform for Artificial Intelligence

The AI Campus is the learning platform for artificial intelligence with free online courses, videos and podcasts in various topics of AI and data literacy. As an R&D project, the AI Campus is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The Stifterverband, the Charité, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW), the FernUniversität in Hagen, the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI), the Humboldt University of Berlin, the mmb Institute and NEOCOSMO are developing the AI Campus together with numerous partners. #AICampus #KICampus #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #OER #MOOC Künstliche Intelligenz, KI, MOOC, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services edtech

11 1 12 30