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LogoName Σ Ingoing engagements Outgoing engagements Employees

We represent the companies of the territory by ensuring the promotion and defense of their interests and priorities. Develop new projects in Seine-Saint-Denis and Val-de-Marne, break received ideas on business leaders, prepare for the future, bring out and grow new models of sustainable growth ... The challenges There are many and we note them together year after year. The business leaders of the MEDEF in eastern Paris have chosen independence, but not that of loneliness. They need a place to share their experiences, good or bad, create new relationships, exchange contacts, reflect on the present and the future, progress. This …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

36 4 21 28
Weave Weave

Architect of business transformation and the modernization of states With an uninhibited relationship to technology and a strong conviction to send the market differently, Weave has been shaking up for the world of council for 15 years. With 400 consultants, Weave is committed to a new route with the Collective in Augmented Council®. Bold on its market, the increased strategy transforms the profession of consultant by aggregating new skills in the initial profession: Digital, Design Thinking, Data ETUX. - We rethink technologies through uses, it's digital - We adopt an approach in Thinking design, by experimentation. - And we use …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting hrtech transporttech martech Technologies: Data Analytics

40 6 26 46
La Cantine Nantes La Cantine Nantes

Nous agitons, accueillons et soutenons depuis 2008 l’écosystème de l'innovation et de la tech de Nantes et de sa région. Atlantic 2.0 is a non-profit organization, the network of web players and digital innovation in Nantes and Pays de la Loire Area. More than 250 companies members, representing more than 3,500 jobs in the web and digital on the region. The Atlantic 2.0 network, 5 years of existence, achieved its first goal: to consolidate and boost web industry and innovation in Pays de la Loire. Daily, Atlantic 2.0 helps facilitate exchanges between entrepreneurs, project developers, investors, institutional and association partners …

Type: SMB Activities: entrepreneurship

97 41 72 41
Femmes Chefs d'Entreprises - FCE France Femmes Chefs d'Entreprises - FCE France

Only we are invisible, Together we are invincible Interprofessional, apolitical and non -governmental, FCE France is a largely decentralized organization where each member has the opportunity to take responsibility and to get involved. OBJECTIVE Thanks to all these actions carried out in a spirit of conviviality and mutual aid, the members find in FCE a place of exchange and unique listening. The association thus supports the responsibility of women's responsibilities in economic life in economic life and the strengthening of their presence in decision -making bodies at local, regional and national level, to inform and train its members. Members All …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech

102 40 53 3
ITG Group ITG Group

ITG is the Employer of Record n°1 in France. We help more than 3 000 consultants working independantly for all companies ITG is the leading company for employer of record services. ITG helps independant consultants specialised in various fileds of expertise (HR, Marketing, IT, Management, Transformation, Digital...) to develop their consulting activity. Want to know more on how ITG can bring you the ideal solution for your own consulting activity ? Go on Portage salarial, formation, emploi, conseil, freelance, indépendant, indépendants, freelances, externalisation, and consultant

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

52 18 23 531
Meanwhile Boutique Meanwhile Boutique

Buy less but better - Ecofriendly & Happy Marketplace Meanwhile Boutique is a platform to promote conscious brands and eco-responsible creators who offer sustainable, ethical and ecological alternatives in the world of fashion, accessories, beauty, decoration and lifestyle. We also developed a Conciergerie service to support artisans and designers in their digital communication development with turnkey services. Sustainable, Boutique, Marketplace, créateurs responsables, Marques éthiques, artisans, créateurs, durabilité, conscious, green, makers, communauté, community, Meanwhile, zerodechet, environnement, consommationdurable, and consommationresponsable

Type: SMB Activities: fashtech Technologies: SaaS

9 4 6 3
Institut économique Molinari Institut économique Molinari

Ideas for a prosperous future The Economic Institute Molinari (IEM) is a research and education organization. It aims to undertake and stimulate the economic approach in the analysis of public policies. It has set itself the mission of offering alternative and innovative solutions favorable to the prosperity of all individuals making up society. The IEM is a non -profit organization funded by the voluntary contributions of its members: individuals, businesses or other foundations. Affirming his intellectual independence, he does not accept any government subsidy or support for political parties. economy, public policies, taxation, public finances, regulations, and competition

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

15 3 7 4
Avise Avise

Engineering agency to undertake otherwise Association of general interest created in 2002, Avise is responsible for supporting the development of the social and solidarity economy (ESS) and social innovation in France. Avise is the National Center for Social Innovation Skills for France in Europe. His missions consist of: - Equil and guide all stakeholders in the ESS through the site; - Animate the national communities of ESS and social innovation guides present in the territories; - Supporting ESS companies and developing programs at the national level; - Finance national ESS projects via the European Social Fund + (ESF +). …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech

121 62 80 58
PC INpact PC INpact

The reference media of those who want to think of tech and digital, without blabla, without ad and without tracker. PC Inpact is a French site opened on May 5, 2003 which mainly deals with computer science but also new technologies in general, in the form of daily articles and files, as well as wider subjects always related to IT or new technologies. It is managed by the PC Inpact Press SARL and has a community of more than 150,000 members [1] in constant evolution.

Type: SMB Activities: it services

57 13 36 10
Le French Impact Le French Impact

Government initiative, French Impact is an accelerator of social and environmental innovation! Born from a government initiative, the French Impact association brings together social innovation players (public authorities and private sector) and thus accelerates all innovative social and environmental initiatives on French territory. Thanks to its strong territorial network and its action in the field, French Impact has become in less than three years, a central player in social innovation in France, by providing tools and concrete devices to public policies to sustainably change life French people. social and solidarity economy, social innovation, public policies, and eSS

Type: Public

98 32 70 1
FiG - Food Index for Good FiG - Food Index for Good

FiG supports restaurants in their transition to sustainability Would you like your restaurant to be more sustainable and still as profitable? Contact us! FiG is expert on sustainable food. We support restaurants, caterers and other food service operators on their way to sustainability. We are there all along : -we evaluate your impact (scientific, carbon footprint-based methodology) -we help design your roadmap, navigating regulations, maintaining your profitability, setting ambitious targets -we bring the resources for implementation (partnerships, tools) -we partner with TheFork to showcase your commitments -we train your teams. Contact us today at Contact @ fig. eco Bilan carbone, …

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

15 8 8 3
Ce Que Mes Yeux Ont Vu Ce Que Mes Yeux Ont Vu

We organize learning experiences to bring together individuals. What my eyes have seen is to transform society by creating social ties through art and culture. We are an engineering studio for solidarity projects. We design and produce workshops based on visual arts, with artists and which allow people that a priori everything opposes to meet. These transforming artistic experiences change the image that participants - employees and people in great precariousness - relate to themselves, on their social and professional posture. Arts, culture, social ties, JSE, team cohesion, teambuilding, handicap, solidarity, citizenship, and commitment

Type: Startup Activities: arttech

23 8 14 7
Dream Catcher Sales Dream Catcher Sales

Agence de Conseil & Recrutement en Business Development BtoB Chez Dream Catcher Sales, nous avons une mission qui nous tient à cœur depuis 2015 : remettre l’humain au cœur du business. Concrètement, comment faisons-nous ? Plus précis et subtils qu'un algorithme, nous sommes des Sales qui sélectionnons des Sales. Notre but est de trouver le matching parfait entre nos talents et nos clients pour une collaboration réussie. Nos offres : - Recrutement de profils commerciaux BtoB (SDR, BDR, Business Developer, Key Account Manager, Customer Success Manager, Head of Sales etc.) - missions de conseil : construction de stratégie commerciale / …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech hrtech

52 5 46 43
Corporate for Change Corporate for Change

All actors in the positive transformation of the company! Corporate for Change is a training organization that supports those who wish to set their business in motion at the service of the ecological and social transition. Does that speak to you? So let's discuss-in: Social innovation, company of tomorrow, social responsibility, change, talent management, training, commitment of employees, inspiration, workshops, transformation, corporate culture, leadership, creativity, co-creation, and intrapreneuriat

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech edtech

35 9 29 6
MUD mobilier MUD mobilier

Upcycled and design furniture MUD - Upcycled furniture & amp; Design Mud furniture created furniture that has style and meaning for workspaces.

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing

3 1 1 1

First co-training program between refugee and company employees Kodiko is a job support program for people who are refugees in France. refugee integration, social integration, mentoring, and inclusion

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

56 20 25 61
Direct Assurance Direct Assurance

The insurance you risk loving. If you are told direct assurance, you may have in mind the little music in mind "tutu, tululu"! But do you know what is hiding behind this insurance company? Direct Insurance, it is the French leader in online car insurance, who also offers home, motorcycle and health contracts, a 100% subsidiary of the AXA group. Pioneer of direct insurance, by telephone and by internet, Direct Insurance has designed solutions for more than twenty years adapted to the needs of its customers by defending their purchasing power. 1,200 advisers, out of the 1,700 employees in Direct …

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech Technologies: IoT

13 4 9 678
Le Rire Medecin Le Rire Medecin

Rire à l'hôpital, c'est vital ! Depuis 1991 The Rire Medecin dreams of a world where all hospitalized children, especially the most vulnerable ones and youngest ones will have allies by their side that will help them restore the carelessness of their age, listen to them, understand them, bring them play, imagination, fantasy, and make them laugh. The professional clown actors from Le Rire Medecin are trained to the specific needs of hospital environment, and accompany children in order to minimize the impact of hospitalization. The overall objective is to help children remain children while not forgetting parents, caregivers, and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

37 12 26 86
NoveTerra NoveTerra

Préparer les organisations, en conscience, au monde qui vient... WHO WE ARE : NoveTerra is a network of experts and international researchers specialised in individual and organisational reinvention. OUR APPROACH : We facilitate transitions with a global approach, combining our knowledge of sustainable models and our innovative facilitation knowhow. OUR VISION : The world is changing. People, communities and organisations are witnessing profoud transformations: cultures changes, lack of meaning and perspective, fear of change. What seems to be a profound crisis to most, is, in our view, an amazing opportunity to rethink our business models, reinvent our organisation and to …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting civictech cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

6 1 4 2
Birdeo Birdeo

Leader firm of recruitment and HR advice specializing in CSR and positive impacts 👉 ** Our profession Find and support the best experts and consultants for sustainable development. ** Our services Variety of expertise, variety of business needs, Birdo offers an approach adapted to the demand of its customers which covers the placement of experts, recruitment, wage portage. ** A double HR competence and sustainable development Thanks to a double HR competence and sustainable development, BINDEO has access to the most pioneering networks of these trades, valid for its customers the skills required in a universe where profiles are …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech civictech hrtech Technologies: Decarbonization

71 9 65 20

Power generator to act Hypra is a solidarity company of social utility specializing in digital inclusion and in the entilled resilience and the emancipation of people in low-vision situations.

Type: Startup Activities: consumer services

15 4 14 10
The Machinery The Machinery

Détecter, Tester et Lancer de Nouveaux Business Fondée en 2015, The Machinery est un studio d’innovation basé à Paris. The Machinery a vocation à propulser les porteurs de projets digitaux vers le succès. Que ce projet soit un site ecommerce ou une application participative, The Machinery est le chemin le plus court entre une idée d’innovation et sa réalisation. Nous sommes intimement convaincus que la valeur d’une idée est dans son exécution. L’expertise digitale The Machinery se construit autour de quatre piliers : - think it : conseil en stratégie & positionnement - iterate it : ciblage & pré-lancement sur …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: VR

12 6 6 3
Breadly Breadly

BREADLY, the sack bread that wants you to bread! 🌿 BREADLY, for a diet that wants you good. BREADLY is the first range of responsible mie breads. Responsible, how does that? Thanks to our range of nutritious crumb breads that take into account everyone's nutritional needs. Because at BREADLY, we are convinced that everyone has the right to a more diverse, more greedy, and above all healthier diet. Enter the Revolution, rediscover the bread of crumbs 🍞 📍 Where do we find? Website: Instagram: 📨 Contact us:

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing foodtech

5 3 2 6
Isssa Isssa

Who said it was complicated? 🌱 Issa is the hybrid solution that meets your commitment needs 🌱 How ? We put the employee at the heart of your impact approach.

Type: Startup Activities: games greentech hrtech

16 3 7 4
ELSY 🍫 la gourmandise en version saine ELSY 🍫 la gourmandise en version saine

On garde le plaisir, on change tout le reste (faible en sucre, riche en fibres, sans gluten, sans édulcorants). ELSY revisite les confiseries chocolatées en versions saines et nutritionnelles. → Confiseries à base de fibres de racines de chicorée : faibles en sucres, sans édulcorants et riches en fibres. 🇫🇷 Made in France On garde le kiffe, on change tout le reste #Iamelsy

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech manufacturing

5 1 4 8
Carbon Saver Carbon Saver

Carbon Saver offers an Saas BIM solution for architects and designers working on residential renovation Making our sustainable renovation Saas solution for residential homes available to all. Eco-conception, Eco-design, SaaS, Architecture d'intérieur, Design d'intérieur, Impact environnemental, BIM, Bilan carbone, Digital, Marketing, IT, and IT Ops

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech constructiontech greentech Technologies: SaaS

37 4 32 8
Babylone Harmonie Babylone Harmonie

Our mission: to facilitate the access of parents of young children (0-8 years) to sports, leisure and well-being. In a period of their lives when they face specific organizational, budget and time management constraints, we allow these parents to identify around them and reserve occasional leisure activities online, Simple, fast and flexible way. Give back colors to your hobbies! Innovation, leisure, well-being, development, family, and sports

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment sporttech

3 1 1 2
Neo by Nature Neo by Nature

The hygiene brand with naturally overpowered assets. Our hygiene deserves great care. Because hygiene products are the first step in our care routine, they must be impeccable and really effective. At Neo by Nature, we transform our hygiene products into rechargeable care, to naturally overpowered assets. shower gel, natural, vegan, moisturizer, neo, neocosmetics, overpowered, shampoo, hygiene, and care

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing cosmetics Technologies: Bio sourced materials

2 1 1 6
Moovjee Moovjee

Entrepreneurs from 18 to 30 years old, develop your business thanks to our support! Movement for young people and students entrepreneurs, association law 1901, was created in 2009 and has the mission of bringing young people to consider the creation and resumption of business during or leaving their training (from CAP to BAC +5) as a real professional life option. Mentorship, community, young, and entrepreneurship program

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: edtech

138 68 86 81
La Ruche qui dit Oui ! La Ruche qui dit Oui !

Acheter en direct des producteurs, tout le monde s’y retrouve. The Food Assembly team developing our platform and coordinating the network now comprises over 80 people in various cities including Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Brussels, Barcelona and Turin. The Food Assembly combines cultures of social entrepreneurship and digital innovation to offer a single model for start-ups with a high social impact. Each of the 700 Assemblies can promote projects independently while taking a collective approach. All these local initiatives sketch out the shape of a new economy that is fairer and more collaborative. We are working alongside them, and with that …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech consumer services transporttech Technologies: SaaS

46 25 9 347
Lendahand France Lendahand France

investing with social return In June 2020, following financial difficulties, Babyloan was acquired by Lendahand. Based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, Lendahand is also a crowdfunding platform with a mission to fight poverty in emerging countries by investing in people and businesses. Founded in 2013, Lendahand has facilitated over 130 million euros of positive impact investments in businesses from around thirty emerging countries, with more than 2,900 projects funded. Lendahand was awarded the prestigious IEX Golden Bull prize for "Best Crowdfunding Platform of the Year" in the Netherlands in 2018, 2019, and 2021. Our primary mission is to contribute to the …

Type: Incubators & VCs Startup Activities: fintech civictech Technologies: Decarbonization

15 12 1 5
The Surfrider Foundation The Surfrider Foundation

🌊 Protecting Our Ocean, Waves, and Beaches Since 1984 🤝 The Ocean Needs More Friends The Surfrider Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of our world’s ocean, waves and beaches. Founded in 1984 by a handful of visionary surfers in Malibu, California, the Surfrider Foundation now maintains a grassroots network of over 50,000 members and 90 chapters worldwide. Beach Access, Marine Water Quality, Beach Preservation, Surf Spot Protection, and Coastal Conservation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

39 19 6 341
Beaboss Beaboss

National event dedicated to female entrepreneurship Be a boss is the leading national event dedicated to female entrepreneurship. Goals : 1 IDENTIFY future regional and national nuggets 2 REWARDING innovative and promising women entrepreneurs and businesses 3 PROVIDE these entrepreneurs with optimal support in their first steps and CONNECT them with the right experts 4 PROMOTE entrepreneurial vocations in women and help them remove any obstacles and connect our sponsors with more than 160 players in the French entrepreneurial ecosystem, all potential prescribers (schools, incubators, accelerators, investors, women's networks, entrepreneur networks, CCI, FrenchTech, Bpifrance, Réseau Entreprendre, Initiative France...) Female Entrepreneurship, …

Type: Event

63 34 45 3
La Ruche Marseille La Ruche Marseille

A positive impact in common. La Ruche Marseille welcomes and stimulates an open community of future entrepreneurs, in a collaborative coworking space. It also offers incubation programs as well as training. This collective space of work, creation and life in Marseille welcomes those who wish to undertake otherwise to offer innovative responses to social and ecological issues but also to any entrepreneur, freelance or independent who feels concerned by our approach. Coworking opened in June 2013 in the 1st in Marseille at 28 national comics, in a place of 450m2 you will find there: - A community of entrepreneurs: To …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

24 6 16 13
Gulf Intelligence Gulf Intelligence

A strategic consulting group focused on the Middle East energy & natural resources sector and related industries. Gulf Intelligence is a Strategic Communications Consultancy & Publisher engaged across the full value-chain of the Middle East Energy Sector, with an unparalleled last mile of connectivity in the region. We facilitate critical knowledge exchange and networking between National and International energy stakeholders tasked with leading the development of the physical energy markets East of Suez. Knowledge Exchange, Thought Leadership, Strategic Solutions Provider, Think Tank, energy, Oil and Gas, and Energy Transition

Type: Media NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

28 2 28 20
Mairie d'Aulnay-sous-Bois Mairie d'Aulnay-sous-Bois

Aulnay-sous-Bois is the third city in the department of Seine-Saint-Denis by its demographic weight and its economy. Its population is particularly young: 45 % of the inhabitants are under 30 years old. Located 19 km north-east of Paris, Aulnay-sous-Bois allows its inhabitants, the Aulnaysiennes and the Aulnaysiens, to be in the heart of the Metropolis of Greater Paris and the Paris Terres d'Envol territory. Since 2014, the mayor of the city has been Bruno Beschizza.

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

24 17 5 395
ARPP - Autorité de Régulation Professionnelle de la Publicité ARPP - Autorité de Régulation Professionnelle de la Publicité

Pour une autorégulation volontaire, novatrice, indépendante, à haute valeur éthique, de la publicité The ARPP is the French advertising self-regulatory organization. Its goal is to maintain high standards in terms of legal, honest, and truthful advertising, which is in the interest of both the consumers and the advertisers. Its mission is to uphold the balance between creativity as well as the advertisers’ freedom of expression and the responsibility and respect due to consumers. This is at the heart of the advertising self-regulatory system. Advertising and Legal

Type: SMB Activities: martech legaltech

41 10 31 60

🌏 Global innovation laboratory committed to bringing Third Places and Creative and Productive Hubs to the world 🌏 Volumes is a global innovation laboratory committed to supporting the emergence of Third Places and Creative and Productive Hubs everywhere in the world through consulting, training and research. Third Places are hybrid spaces that are neither where you live nor where you work, situated in between the public and the private space. They play a key role in the definition of civil society, democracy and civic engagement. Third Places include independent coworking spaces, creative hubs, fab labs, social food labs, coliving spaces, …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

47 15 33 7
Philomathique de Bordeaux Philomathique de Bordeaux

School of Art and Crafts Trades since 1808 in Bordeaux. The Bordeaux philomathics, a recognized public utility association, is a training school in art and craft trades. Created in 1808, it has since contributed to the training of 118 best workers in France and welcomed at the heart of Bordeaux near 800 listeners and learners per year. By offering professional training actions, initiation or improvement workshops and actions of general interest, she is currently pursuing her mission of education and awareness of different trades (wood, fashion, fashion, furnishings ...). Anxious to offer concrete responses and adapted to the needs of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

23 3 17 19
Association Aurore Association Aurore

Aurore welcomes and supports people in exclusion via accommodation, care and insertion. The Aurore association welcomes and supports the autonomy of people in precariousness or exclusion via accommodation, care and social and professional integration. Aurore is based on her experience to offer and experience innovative forms of care, which adapt to the evolution of phenomena of precariousness and exclusion. In 2022, the association accompanied nearly 147,000 people. Created in 1871, Aurore was recognized as a public utility in 1875. Follow us on x: or on facebook: Accommodation, care, professional, social, medico-social integration, sanitary, solidarity, and secularism

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech healthtech

80 45 32 1,269
Fédération Envie Fédération Envie

Envie is a pioneering player in the circular economy that works for inclusion & amp; environmental protection. Professional integration and the creation of local jobs are at the heart of the desire mission. Present throughout France, the Envie network is a precursor of a circular economy often mentioned, but more rarely put into practice: by reusing devices abandoned by their owners, or by dismantling these devices to extract fractions of recyclable materials, envy Participates since 1984 in the limitation of waste and has contributed to changing consumption methods. Finally, companies Enmented to renovate renovated and guaranteed devices on the market …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

61 25 30 100
Infogreffe Infogreffe

The referent digital platform of commercial court clerks at the service of economic activity Created in 1986, Infogreffe is the Economic Interest Group (GIE) of French Commercial Courts. It ensures the dissemination of legal and economic information on companies on behalf of the 141 transplants from the commercial courts of France and the DROM. Its online services support companies and facilitate key moments in their development. As an extension of the public service mission of clerks, Infogreffe is the priority of allowing the dematerialization of the main formalities to the transplants, as well as to facilitate access to its services. …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech Technologies: SaaS

35 14 19 61
be Lobsters be Lobsters

Develop committed collectives and inclusive leaders. Let's transform your teams together! At Be Lobsters, we believe that the key to sustainable performance lies in committed teams. For more than 7 years, we have supported managers and their teams in organizational transformation through: 🌟 Collective coaching: Develop the commitment and performance of teams in 3 months. 🌟 Individual coaching: strengthen the inclusive leadership of managers in 4 months. 🚀 Our mission: to release the potential of employees and build collectives aligned and efficient. 💡 Our solutions include: Commitment surveys Tailor-made coaching programs Practical and inspiring workshops Do you want to transform …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: Decarbonization

6 0 6 2
Soon Soon Soon Soon Soon Soon

Quirky and daring media. At a time whose ethos seems to be defined by movement and speed, in a personal and professional daily life which is under the sign of change, we seek to detect and explore the initiatives, innovations and practices that draw a more responsible world , more ecological, more autonomous. Our ambition: to help decipher and develop critical thinking. Our engine? Cultivate curiosity in all its forms and its meanings. In line with the slow-food, we claim Slow-Thinking: behind each detection, perhaps slips a low signal, an index on emerging uses. Our horizon: long time. We are …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: IoT

54 20 32 9
Groupe Philippe ETCHEBEST Groupe Philippe ETCHEBEST

The best worker chef in France who does not let go. The Philippe Etchebest group is an independent and French company bringing together the restaurants and activities of the chef installed in Bordeaux since 2015. The values ​​we share with all employees make the singularity of our family business. Quality, transmission, respect and solidarity are the values ​​that we embody and defend. Within the Philippe Etchebest group, we make every effort for the well -being of the collaborator and professional development. Growing together, promoting mobility and evolution within different concepts with regard to everyone's skills and envy to never stay …

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech

11 6 0 22
LBMG Worklabs LBMG Worklabs

Imagine the work of tomorrow An architect of the work of tomorrow, LBMG Worklabs designs original, intelligent and collaborative solutions to improve the quality of life at work and the efficiency of organizations. Since 2010, companies and communities have trusted us for three unique expertise in France: • Innovate in the organization of work (telework, mobility, collaborative ...) • Develop smart workspaces (coworking, telecentres, flexdesk ...) • Offer “to the card” access to a flexible office network with the range of neo-nomad services. Télétravail, organizational innovation, new offices, co-design, managerial innovation, third lieux, coworking, fablab, advice, mobility solutions, prototyping of …

Type: Startup Activities: proptech consulting Technologies: IoT

26 10 10 4
Nanaba Nanaba

Don't forget to smile ! What if your kid had to solve an educative problem before accessing to his smartphone or tablette ? That's the revolutionnary app developped by the Ed-Tech Nanaba.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: IoT

21 5 17 19
Comm'une opportunité Comm'une opportunité

The first dating site between project leaders and local authorities The Comm'a site an opportunity help project and territories to meet in order to set up new shops and services in the French city centers and town centers. As an opportunity is our response to 2 distinct objectives: & GT; Facilitate entrepreneurship in all audiences & gt; Revitalize French city centers and town centers Indirectly, we think that a opportunity can also participate in the preservation of our architectural heritage & amp; environmental, and preserve social ties within villages. That's all we want.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: civictech Technologies: Decarbonization

38 3 37 2
Pandobac Pandobac

Reusable bins for the food industry Today in France, 3,000,000 food packaging is thrown every day. These packaging cost dearly and clutter up warehouses, shops and garbage cans. Replacing the boxes, wooden cagettes and polystyrene with reusable transport bins allows you to save, gain storage space and respond to increasing demand from restaurateurs and individuals for more ecological logistics circuits. Expert in re -employment, Pandobac supports you on all your disposable projects from the disposable to the reusable. Whether you are a company or a community, whether your project is planned for a long time or only its beginnings, Pandobac …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

40 15 22 17
Cueillette Urbaine Cueillette Urbaine

Improve well-being by vegetating the city and producing healthy fruits and vegetables in short circuit Urban picking is a company that works for the development of agriculture and its benefits in urban areas. Both innovative and ecological, our aquaponic and ecosystem farms make it possible to produce fruits, vegetables, ancient and original aromatic plants and fish, while reducing the carbon footprint of the building. Our company is therefore part of an "ultra short" circuit for "ultra-fresh" products. We also develop service offers on the themes of social ties and team cohesion, turned both to the business world and institutions by …

Type: Startup Activities: smart city greentech agritech cleantech foodtech Technologies: Decarbonization

29 7 22 18
Ubiq Ubiq

Let's team up to find your offices. Ubiq is the partner who supports you and connects you to the whole market to transform your search for offices into efficient, transparent and pleasant experience.

Type: Startup Activities: proptech hrtech Technologies: SaaS

75 6 72 58
Switch Up Switch Up

The community platform which allows newcomers to be helped and accompanied in their installation The needs and the desire for mobility in France and abroad are increasingly present in companies but also for new generations during their lives (internships, university exchanges, life, transfers and new jobs). Mobility involves housing, administrative procedures (visa, work permit, schooling ...) and daily integration (transport, good addresses, etc.) Switch Up is a platform centralizing all the possibilities of services to accommodate these people on mobility, which we call switchers The Switcher quickly finds accommodation, local aid for difficulties related to a move, fits into his …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech Technologies: SaaS

33 8 10 5
La Fabrique Spinoza La Fabrique Spinoza

The #FORE at the heart of society. The Spinoza factory is the movement of citizen happiness, aimed at placing happiness at the heart of our society. Born of a double achievement, on the one hand that happiness is an essential subject for all but rarely explicitly and on the other hand that scientific knowledge exists on happiness but is little disseminated, the spinoza factory is responsible for reintegrating the Concept of happiness at the heart of our societies. It consists of the Spinoza observatory - Study branch which produces knowledge to inspire the company, of Action Spinoza - Branch accompaniment …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: entertainment

64 20 45 27
Ferchaud Ferchaud

Our teams accelerate your industrial study projects. Ferchaud accelerates the industrial design design offices of Loire-Atlantique 👍 Via missions of several months, we operate with our customers with mechanical, boilermaking or structure expertise. Industrial drawing, CAD, Mechanics, Solidworks, Autocad, Revit, Soliddge, Structure, Technical Assistance, and Design Office

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 it services Technologies: VR

24 2 22 11
Veebya Veebya

Together, we will go further! Application intended to bring together all the carriers that can meet the needs of people with reduced mobility.

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech it services

5 4 0 5
Monabanq Monabanq

People before money We chose to get involved for people, before money. And that makes us, a bank of choice. Bringing choices, which make sense to people. Employees, as customers. We chose to adapt to the life choice of our customers. And our relationship model was "elected customer service of the year 2021" in the online banking category. Each of us chose Monabanq. And you ? Are you going to choose an agile business, with a start-up spirit? Do you want to let your talent speak, share your ideas and be heard? Monabanq puts as much energy for the well-being …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech insurtech

17 2 12 247

Give the power to read Give the power to read At Mobidys, we believe that the book must be accessible to everyone. To do this, we have mobilized the cognitive sciences to develop a technology that gives the power to read, so that nobody is prevented from reading. We adapt existing works in “Frog” books: books in audio, digital or paper format, adapted to all profiles of readers. Our books are interactive and customizable, enriched cognitively, using a multitude of reading tools. 20% of students arrive in college with big reading difficulties. Reading becomes a real ordeal, at school as …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech kidtech

63 23 41 16
SCIC Les oiseaux de passage SCIC Les oiseaux de passage

Cooperative platform for another trip, from human to human. Passing birds is a platform that offers another way of traveling. It favors the exchange and meeting between residents, professionals and travelers, from human to human. Tourist hosts, collective of inhabitants, leisure providers, local producers, artists, natural park, visit sites ... Passing birds is an ecosystem of partners from tourism, culture and social and solidarity economy : travel smugglers. Accommodation, sports or cultural activities, good deals, craft creations ..., become a member of the network now to highlight your offer very easily!

Type: Startup Activities: traveltech Technologies: SaaS

20 3 6 3
Meet My Mama Meet My Mama

There is nothing like our Mama's Food ! FR : On a démarré avec une mission simple : enchanter votre quotidien en entreprise en vous proposant des cuisines du monde entier, authentiques, préparées avec amour et racontés avec passion par les meilleures dans ce domaine : nos Mamas. Et on ne s'arrête pas là ! En plus de ça, on a lancé la Mama Academy qui vise à accompagner nos Mamas dans la construction de leurs parcours pro. On leur donne des formations sur des formats sprints de 2 jours dans des domaines tels que la gestion commercial, le design …

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech

82 33 61 49
fizYou fizYou

The sport and health application to take care of your teams, at the office as at home! The 1st digital health prevention solution inspired by the unique medical expertise in high -level sport, to combat the 1st cause of occupational diseases in France: MSDs (musculoskeletal disorders) #Sportsante #SanteAUTRAVAIL #TMS #Prevention Our vision: like high -level athletes, our body is our work tool to all, and take care of it like them is possible! Designed by our team of experts in physiotherapy, osteopathy and sports medicine, Fizyou is the first solution resulting from high -level sports health expertise, advanced support to …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

10 4 5 7
WePost! WePost!

🌍 Circular economy 🌳 Your ecological packages shipped in qqes hours 💰 A planned TGV? Wins 20 € by delivering a package The collaborative expedition by the train | Remunerated travelers for cheaper TGV /TER tickets and sending individuals, professionals and rapid e-merchants and zero emissions | A community committed to decarbonize express shipments. Community, collaborative, peopletopeople, and decarbonization

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

68 5 47 5
Flushy Flushy

The dishwashing liquid of the offices, with fruits saved from waste. Flyhy, these are household products that finally give a chance to ugly fruits 🍋! Our dishwashing liquid and Certified Multi-Usage Cleaner Ecodetergent by Ecocert, are designed with out-of-caliber fruits, too ugly to be on your plates but too powerful to finish in the trash. Our goal is to popularize and facilitate positive impact on the environment at the office by inserting it into daily gestures, especially by cleaning. We give meaning to household products by transforming them into: * A awareness tool * Proof of commitment to your customers …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

3 3 0 1
The Human Safety Net The Human Safety Net

We are a global movement of #peoplehelpingpeople, aiming to unlock the potential of people living in vulnerable contexts The Human Safety Net is a global movement of people helping people. Our mission is to unlock the potential of people living in vulnerable circumstances, so that they can transform the lives of their families and communities. Our programs support vulnerable families with young children (0-6 years) and integrate refugees through work and entrepreneurship. To do so, we bring together the strengths of non-profit organizations and the private sector, in Europe, Asia and South America. We are an open net and we …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

48 6 43 55
Agence B Side Agence B Side

Corporate communication consultancy agency and useful communication, B Side is labeled CSR active agencies. Corporate Communication Consulting Agency based in Nantes, B Side reveals companies beyond their commercial dimension. To make them inspiring, engage their audiences and support change. B Side obtains the ACCC and AFNOR CSR -ACTORY ACTORY ACTORY LABEL in July 2020 (committed level). Our raison d'être: "Militate and act for useful communication that amplifies the power to transform businesses at the service of a positive economy." Press relations, crisis communication, internal communication, edition, content creation, influence, public and institutional relations, corporate communication, social media, corporate content, corporate …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

44 5 45 22
Groupe Demos Groupe Demos

Form Transform Performing With more than 50 years of experience, Demos is a reference partner offering the best of vocational training. At the heart of training news and trends in each profession, our teams design training programs and solutions adapted to your needs, to help you put together, make your teams evolve, save you time and develop your Business. Demos relies on a network of 1,500 trainers, recognized experts in their confirmed fields and pedagogues. They are agile both face -to -face and distant, to issue quality training. DEMOS is holding qualiopi certification for training actions, skills assessments and apprenticeship …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

54 5 55 395
Groupe Ares (Association pour la réinsertion économique et sociale) Groupe Ares (Association pour la réinsertion économique et sociale)

Tous les chemins mènent à l'Homme ! ARES is the first social insertion association in Ile de France (Paris Region). Its main vocation is to favor the professional social insertion of largely excluded people (homeless, youth without qualification, handicapped people, and isolated people) by offering them a job and an adequate social support. The group, which has been carried by the Ares Association since 1991, spreads its social project through 11 institutions in Ile-de-France. Each institution is managed by a social contractor who is responsible for the projects achievement and guaranteeing its economical sustainability. In 2016 ARES has proposed a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

87 19 57 246
Asterès Asterès

Asterès produces ideas to transform innovation into progress. Cabinet led by Nicolas Bouzou. Asterès is an independent consulting firm in the economic field, founded and led by Nicolas Bouzou. We offer companies and the public sector high -level reflection tools to direct action towards qualitative and sustainable growth. Our mission is to put economic analysis at the service of the development of our customers. In other words, we finally give economic analysis its operational role. Economic studies, strategy advice, conferences, design thinking, macroeconomic and sectoral forecasts

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: Decarbonization

89 50 16 7
Wacano Wacano

Entrepreneurs who build the future Wacano supports 350 companies per year through 15 entrepreneurial platforms in France: incubators, nurseries and business hotels. Wacano develops support programs, a working environment and a community of peers for entrepreneurs. 💥 For all ambitions 💥 We believe that each contractor must have the opportunity to evolve in a stimulating environment, surrounded by benevolent people at affordable prices. For global or local ambitions. For exponential or linear growths. For the diversity of sectors and provenances. Because yes, the key is the passion of entrepreneurs. And where there is passion, Wacano will always help to create …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

42 9 0 37
Quartiers d'Affaires Quartiers d'Affaires

🥇1er national network dedicated to 250,000 griffins, companies located in priority areas #QPV Business districts is the first national network of Griffons, companies located in the priority districts of city policy. Our objective is to strengthen the sustainable growth of 250,000 very small businesses, SMEs installed there in order to generate the creation of values, wealth and jobs in these emerging territories. Corporate growth, management training, business network, economic forum of suburbs, economic development, and TPE SMEs

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

26 2 12 6

Association recognized of public utility which intervenes in Ile-de-France in support of audiences in difficulty. Association recognized of public utility which operates in the Ile de France region in support of audiences in difficulty. To join us, consult our job offers on our website! Training and integration, youth protection, housing and accommodation, family mediation, and crèche

Type: Public

16 3 15 183
Technomade Technomade

Expert Dynamics 365 CRM & AMP; Power Platform • Microsoft Solutions Partner Business Apps 🏆 Gold Partner since 2016 Technomade is an CRM digital consultancy and services company. Since 2004, we have supported the digital transformation of VSEs, SMEs and ETIs operating in different activity sectors such as wines and spirits, industry, food, services, real estate/construction and health. Specialist Dynamics 365 Customer Commitment and Power Platform, we are experts in the deployment of Microsoft products and solutions. We support our customers in: - the analysis of their needs and the existing, - the prioritization of the features to be deployed, …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

13 0 13 22
ProtectECRAN ProtectECRAN

European leader in antimicrobial and antiviral protection Purecreen: patented films and certified anti-Cavid-19 The founder of ProtectCran is a training emergency nurse. Aware of hygiene issues in a hospital environment He leaves the hospital to get closer to his passion: the car / motorcycle without ever forgetting his initial training. And it was by applying a tinted film on a Mercedes window that he had the click. "What if I managed to create an antimicrobial protection film for the fields of health, and an anti-lugal protection film for bikers, or finger anti-traces for motorists?" The observation was then obvious. For …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech manufacturing Technologies: IoT

20 3 19 2

Paintings with the lowest carbon footprint on the market Paintings composed of 90% recycled paint. Circular products are perfectly integrated into the process of limiting the puncture of natural resources, reducing waste, increasing the lifespan of products, decarbonizing the construction sector.

Type: Startup Activities: civictech cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

38 16 26 5
Les Alchimistes Les Alchimistes

Together, compost and nourish floors! Among alchemists, we collect food waste and transform it into compost to feed the floors! We collect food waste on a daily basis (catering, school, health, GMS, etc.) and communities. Food waste is composted on our composting platforms, open and visitable. The produced compost is distributed to farmers (market gardeners, etc.), to gardeners-partially via gardening and online brands on our site with the click & amp; wheelbarrow or to agriculture/urban vegetation professionals. We are present in 19 territories in France with regional branches on the main urban areas, and we develop our network in new …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: SaaS

101 42 71 63
Le Loft Cowork'​in Rennes : Réunions - Séminaires - Privatisations - Domiciliation Le Loft Cowork'​in Rennes : Réunions - Séminaires - Privatisations - Domiciliation

Fun and flexible coworking space, room rental for your corporate events, in the city center! A place dedicated to professionals in the city center of Rennes. Provision of rooms for all types of events: meeting, seminar, events, showroom, privatization, office, team building, training, animation. A know -how of more than 8 years of experience, a turnkey service 9 minutes from the station and 5om from the largest Rennes parking lot. Access : Sainte Anne metro Place Hoche parking lot Private office: Access 24/7, 1 fixed position, domiciliation - 160 € HT/month Open-space: - Day: 9 am-6pm, Random office, € 15 …

Type: Startup Activities: proptech Technologies: Wireless

5 3 0 3
Réseau Les Premières Réseau Les Premières

🚀💪🏽✨ New account since March 2024. 1st network of incubators dedicated to entrepreneurs and innovative mixed teams. #Ambition #innovation #entrepreneurship #startups #JesuisunePremière #Premierstropfit Women, entrepreneurship, innovation, ambition, start-up, premiere, buyer, deeptech, and recovery

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

99 22 76 45
Sorbonne Junior Conseil Sorbonne Junior Conseil

☞ Who are we? Sorbonne Junior Conseil is an association belonging to the Junior-Business Movement, and operating on the same model as a consulting firm thus allowing Master 2 students to carry out missions for professionals for remuneration. Thus, we have the desire to help the professionalization of students wishing to put their knowledge into practice on behalf of companies before the end of their studies. Sorbonne Junior Conseil enjoys a developed network which allows the association to obtain studies in various fields from different companies. Entrepreneurship, start-ups, consulting, market study, satisfaction study, graphic creation, financing plan, and business plan

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting entrepreneurship

12 3 9 46
Emmaüs Défi Emmaüs Défi

Let us take up the challenge of a new life Emmaüs Défi, it is a collective engaged alongside people in great precariousness, to help them meet the plural challenges they face. We support them in their desire to return to employment, access to health and worthy accommodation, thanks to second -hand solidarity donations and purchases made in our places. By supporting Emmaüs Défi, you help to take up the challenge of a more inclusive, sustainable and united society. socio -professional insertion and re -use

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

62 32 44 106

LES AMIS DE LA TERRE is a civic & social organization company based out of 47 AV PASTEUR, Montreuil, Îledefrance, France.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

44 13 23 8
open lande open lande

Support companies, organizations and territories in their transformation #Climat #csrd #opportunities #regeneration Repair the Earth Environment, impact, entrepreneurs, training, biodiversity, climate, seminars, advice, innovation, inspiration, carbon footprint, CSRD, and regeneration

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

58 24 37 23
ECLR Occitanie ECLR Occitanie

Association for renewable energy projects by and for the territories of Occitania! ECLR (Local and Renewable Citizen Energies, pronouncing "lightning") in Occitanie is the regional network which already brings together more than forty project leaders - citizens, professionals and communities - engaged in the development of renewable and participatory renewable energies. Our goal? An energy transition by and for the territories! Our operating mode? Movement! To accelerate the deployment of citizen and participative projects of renewable energies, ECLR offers you, at all stages of a project, a series of methodological tools (so as not to reinvent hot water), personalized support …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

11 3 5 10
Les entreprises pour la Cité Les entreprises pour la Cité

The network of committed companies Spokesperson for companies with institutions for more than thirty years, the Network Les Entreprises for the Cité supports companies (large companies, ETI and SMEs) on three major CSR themes: Equal opportunities, diversity and patronage. We have great territoriality with a presence in the following regions: Grand-Est, Ile-de-France, Pays de la Loire, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Occitanie, Paca, Guadeloupe. Our support is around workshops, conferences, round tables or events, organized all year round by our expert teams, everywhere in France. Authorized training organization, we also offer various and complementary training modules, always linked to these three major themes. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

131 27 95 47
Ville de Stains Ville de Stains

Dynamic, innovative and united city. Welcome to the official page of the city of Stains.

Type: Public

36 4 0 109
UniR Universités & Réfugié.e.s UniR Universités & Réfugié.e.s

Unite support refugee and asylum seekers in their academic integration Unite - Universities & amp; Refugee.e.s is an association which aims to support refugee and asylum seekers in their academic and socio-professional integration in France. UNIR acts on 3 action pillars: Ensuring personalized support for beneficiaries in their personal projects, including linguistic and their administrative procedures for registration at university; Advise and orient people in their studies and training projects; Produce and disseminate knowledge, with the aim of participating in research and advocacy actions regarding the integration of refugee and asylum seekers. Education, refugees, refugees, and support

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

6 4 3 19

Empowerment programs and leadership for the youth of neighborhoods. "We are not the problem but the solution" Leadership program for young leaders* from Parisian suburbs. Cultural exchange workshops with young people around the world, history of working -class neighborhoods, speaking in public, initiation to debate, social subjects and monitoring of individual projects. * Local change players Leadership Program for Young Change Makers in the Suburbs of Paris. Workshops with Students Around the World, Public Speaking, Debating 101, Dealing With Social Issues, Community Organizing and More.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

7 4 2 20
Linklusion Linklusion

Linklusion, the large platform for disability subcontracting Tih, EA, ESAT, expert in TIH entrepreneurs and freelancers. Linklusion, an agitator of inclusive successes! Linklusion is a social startup to the status of ESUs which offers services for self -employed workers/ freelancers with disabilities (TIH) and their ecosystem: - a platform for connecting companies and more than 900 TIH for the realization of a mission - TIH-BOOSTER: a social, administrative and commercial support program for TIH - Tih-learning, free online training at the crossroads of entrepreneurship and disability Linklusion also allows companies to energize their CSR policy and reduce their handicap …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech Technologies: SaaS

22 6 19 50
Umains Umains

S'unir pour l'anti-gaspi ! Umains is a digital solution that allows retailers to recover all of their unsold products, regardless of their condition. Thanks to a large network of circular economy organisations, products are given a second life locally — through reuse, repair, reconditioning, upcycling or recycling. Committed to creating a positive impact on the planet and society, Umains ensures the products traceability and provides data on the social and environmental impact of each project.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech foodtech greentech Technologies: Data Analytics

9 4 7 4
Pwiic Pwiic

The daily network is a collaborative platform for the exchange of services and objects. #Sharingecomy Collaborative economy, Peer to Peer, Bot, ESS, Community, Solidarity, Entrepreneurship, Platform, and Sharingomy

Type: Startup Activities: civictech Technologies: SaaS

7 2 3 1
Move&Rent Move&Rent

We help everyone to rent the furniture they need, the time they need, where they need and all in a sustainable way. ♻ First and foremost, Move&Rent is a service. Whether you are a private customer or a professional, we make your life easier thanks to our furniture rental service. What makes us so special? Our ability to answer all our customers’ needs. We are driven by three key cornerstones: - Be smart: we listen to our customers ‘needs and bring them custom made and agile solutions. - Think smart: we manage complex projects making sure we optimize the different …

Type: Startup Activities: proptech transporttech Technologies: IoT

24 7 27 9
Cool Roof France Cool Roof France

Toit blanc, frais dedans ! Since 2015, Cool Roof France has been offering concrete, affordable and sustainable solutions to cool buildings and therefore cities, in a low-tech and socially just way. Our ambition? To be a major player in the Ecological Transition with our passive and disruptive cool roofing solutions. Our goal? To lower the temperature of buildings and cities, to improve the thermal comfort of citizens, to reduce the electricity bill of air-conditioned buildings in particular... and to offer real solutions with a positive impact on the environment! energy efficiency, building, climat, paint, ICU, énergie, isolation, CO2, coolroofing, performance …

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

55 19 45 55
Prosoon🎓 Prosoon🎓

Certified skills, enhanced employability and equal opportunities through blockchain and decentralized technologies. Prosoon 🎓 aims to strengthen trust among employers, schools, and students to promote young people's professional integration by enhancing their talents and optimizing recruitment processes. • 🏫 SCHOOLS AND UNIVERSITIES: Leveraging state-of-the-art blockchain technology, training organizations, schools, and universities can certify their students' paths, providing a secure and forgery-proof training passport. Moreover, Prosoon's platform offers access to a registry of paths for better tracking of students and alumni. It generates data and statistics on skill needs, student paths, and trajectories, essential for developing improved training offerings. • 👨‍🎓 …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

16 5 6 4
Hyperealist Hyperealist

Creative agency specialized in brand strategy and branding We create strong brands | Reveal the be[a]st 🔥 Hyperealist is a creative agency specialized in brand strategy and branding. Our expertise: ✦ BRAND STRATEGY : ✧ Establish a strong market position ✧ Engage your target audience with powerful storytelling #strategy #brandplatform #pitch #copywriting ✦ CREATION: ✧ Stand out with a memorable image ✧ Gain credibility with a strong and cohesive brand identity #design #visualidentity #logo #graphicdesign #creativity ✦ COMMUNICATION: ✧ Reach your audience by activating the right channels ✧ Produce strong and impactful brand content #brandcontent #communicationcampaign #socialmedia ✦ EDUCATING: ✧ …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: SaaS

4 1 3 6
Archimaid - The Rental Guarantee for Everyone Archimaid - The Rental Guarantee for Everyone

Ease of Housing 🏢 with Renewable Prepaid Rents 💵! ARCHIMAID offers a renewable advance rent payment solution for everyone, ensuring secure rental relationships. The rents are secured—paid in advance, renewed, and transferred to the landlord each month on a fixed date, providing a reliable rental experience. Our missions: 1- Facilitate Access to Housing: Our solution helps ease access to housing by reducing administrative barriers for "non-conventional" profiles, thus promoting greater inclusion. 2- Secure Rental Relations: Our solution aims to build trust between tenants and landlords by guaranteeing regular rent payments and providing the option to lock in rent for the …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech Technologies: Cybersecurity

14 4 13 4
Préfecture des Hauts-de-Seine Préfecture des Hauts-de-Seine

Official Account of the Prefect and State Services in Hauts-de-Seine Official page of the Hauts-de-Seine Prefecture in Nanterre, sub-prefectures of Boulogne-Billancourt and Antony and State services in Hauts-de-Seine.

Type: Public Activities: it services

28 14 12 122
Ouest Médias Ouest Médias

Photo agency, reports & amp; News; Digital strategy & amp; editorial, content, SEO, responsible digital, CSR Ouest Médias is an agency that worked under press status (CPPAP) of its creation in 2002 at the end of 2018. It kept its NAF 63.91z code. She is organized around: - a historical photo agency activity, tour to news report, professional sport (football, co. Sports, sailing ...) and offers an image banking service with a fund of several dozen Thousands of photos centered on the Great West - an activity in sustainable digital and editorial strategy, website audit (VS impact performance), content writing …

Type: Media

63 10 57 2
Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances

MEF always with you Within the framework of its attributions, the Ministry of Finance is in charge of financial and monetary issues, including credit and external finance policies. In addition, it ensures the financial supervision of public or state-owned enterprises and institutions and, where appropriate, contributes to a large extent to their transfer to the private sector, within the legislative and regulatory frameworks of the privatization process. Economy, Finance, Taxation, Tax, Studies, State Budget, Public Establishment and Enterprises, External Financing, and Compensation

Type: Public

14 11 0 1,154
One Heart Communication One Heart Communication

One Heart, c’est le groupe qui accompagne les acteurs du changement pour valoriser l’engagement. Our Purpose Broadcast all the initiatives of responsible actors (organizations, firms, individuals) through our social media, One Heart ( and develop within our agency both products and services to maximise the social impact of these initiatives, encourage social innovation and action, turning users into implicated actors. Our Know-How ➜ Make social initiatives visible, accessible and easy to understand ➜ Promote initiatives and enable mobilisation ➜ Provide a suite of digital tools & services to the industry ➜ Connect actors sharing a same cause Communication digitale, …

Type: SMB Activities: martech fintech it services

31 9 19 24
Pro Bono Lab Pro Bono Lab

Because you need you to make a (other) world. Pro Bono Lab is the specialist in commitment by sharing skills (volunteering/skills patronage). Everywhere in France, as in 30 other countries around the world via the Global Pro Bono Network, we carry this conviction that "all competence is a public good", the same one that in 2011 had motivated the creation of the association by our co-founders . We allow major societal causes to develop permanently by bringing together for each of them, the skills that women and men engaged are able to offer them free of charge, in Pro Bono. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

85 35 59 35

Online magazine. Analysis and comments on news. Slate is an online general media which deals with subjects concerning France, culture, high-tech, the world of the Internet, the international ... You can also follow us on: Internet, France, Politics, Culture, Economy, Media, International, and Life

Type: Media

41 22 11 120
Zevillage Zevillage

Media to rethink and transform the work #FureofWork #Teletravail #coworking #Tierslieux #Freelance Zevillage is the media to rethink and transform work. Created in 2004, it supports the community of makers and influencers, who create tools, methods, spaces to facilitate the emergence of more mobile, respectful, collaborative and inspiring forms of work for entrepreneurs and collaborators ... Zevillage is: - a website that more than 50 contributors make life on a daily basis by creating value -added content - A series of social media accounts (Twitter @zevillage with more than 14,000 followers, Facebook, Linkedin ...) - Events (Tour de France of …

Type: Media

78 35 42 1