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LogoName Σ Employees
Resanté-Vous Resanté-Vous

Innovate with our elders Resanted-vous is a social enterprise created in 2007 by Guy Le Charpentier and Nicolas Roumagne. We act so that each elderly can feel independent, flourish and engage in meaningful activities, whatever their state of health. Our intervention method is developed from the aspirations and needs of the person. It is the elderly person who determines his actions, the therapist is an "guide", a "mediator" of the person's choices. Residenti-Vous is available in two complementary activities: - Support for nursing homes and home services to develop activities carrying meaning and supporting 'autonomy with our transdisciplinary team (occupational …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech healthtech silvertech

28 39
Japet Medical Japet Medical

Medical technology for health at work. Japet Medical is a exoskeleton manufacturer and integrator. This European startup combines medical technologies, textile expertise and modern robotics to create devices that relieve everyday aches and pains. Its Japet.W+ exoskeleton is the only motorized exoskeleton that protects employees' backs in all their movements. Every day, Japet Medical's teams help companies successfully integrate exoskeletons to combat musculoskeletal disorders. Find us on : Robotics, Healthcare, Exoskeleton, Rehabilitation, health at work, Wearable Medicine, exosquelette, TMS, prévention, robotique, SST, QVCT, and RQTH

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech healthtech manufacturing Technologies: Robotics Synthetic Biology

31 39
Lumeen Lumeen

Social and therapeutic virtual reality. Created by two brothers who wanted to offer moments of escape to their grandmother, Lumeen aims to bring the social and therapeutic benefits of virtual reality to the greatest number. We design a medical device used to act against anxiety, pain and to reduce drug consumption. He finds his place in many areas such as surgery, oncology, palliative care, handicap, etc. In geriatrics, it is also used to improve well-being, promote social ties, revive memory and reduce behavioral disorders. Evaluate the impact of our solution is important to us and that is why we conduct …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech silvertech Technologies: VR

19 20
Acces, Inclusive Tech Acces, Inclusive Tech

ACCES, inclusive tech is the springboard company of the ARES group, a reference player in integration through economic activity, dedicated to digital professions. The ambition of access is to make digital technology, usually an obstacle to employment for the most disadvantaged people, a factor of inclusion to the world of work. ACCES offers its customers quality IT and capacity services, with a strong CSR impact and direct support for job creation. (Re) integration, digital, social and professional support, IT services (test and user support), and administrative services (support / back-office functions, data entry and relocation)

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

19 65
Anemon 🟢 | SMS Learning Anemon 🟢 | SMS Learning

Anemon 🟢, for sustainable learning, eco -responsible and accessible to everyone in their professional daily life In business training, 90% of what you learn is forgotten within 20 days. Or 9️⃣ Words on 🔟. For what ? Well if we don't repeat, we forget. At school, we revised. In business, very rarely. Business training is an annual global investment of 300 billion euros, Of which 90% you understand, which go up in smoke. It's just a huge mess 😩. This may also be the case in your organization, So we wondered: ❓Chart to do, so that the beneficiaries retain over …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech Technologies: Decarbonization

26 7
Cercle Vulnérabilités et Société Cercle Vulnérabilités et Société

Make vulnerability a force! Created in 2018, the Circle Vulnerabilities and Society is a think & amp; Independent do tank whose ambition is to convert the extraordinary potential of vulnerabilities into the deposit of social and economic progress. In this perspective, its action aims to prevent and resolve situations of proven weaknesses (handicap, loss of autonomy, chronic disease, precariousness, help, mourning, etc.) as much as to demonstrate and support their transformative power. Today he federates 60 private, public and associative organizations, to bring out proposals and experiment with new models that meet the challenges of employment, health, autonomy, citizenship and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

48 5
Caracol Caracol

Transform empty places into places of life Our innovative solution: to promote cooperative housing by setting up intercultural roommates in vacant buildings. Urban planning, social and solidarity, temporary, refugee, Elan law, roommate, real estate, real estate vacancy, and architecture

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city

45 69
By Brightness By Brightness

Since its origin, the Brightness agency has deployed its energy to create & amp; Animate communities & amp; unique programs. Since its origin @brightness_fr has deployed its energy to create & amp; Animate communities & amp; unique programs. Education, transformation, innovation, prospective, acculturation, community, conferences, network, positive impact, events, training, avant-garde, weak signals, and support

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech edtech greentech

16 1
Mod'emplois Mod'emplois

Undertake otherwise to build a fairer and lasting company A site to inspire, inform, guide, advise who wants to undertake collective and sustainable. A repertoire of successful, inspiring, duplicable projects throughout the territory. A method based on experience: 1/ Entrepreneurs share their journey. 2/ The testimony is increased by information and resources linked to the remarks. 3/ References to the structures that have accompanied, funded the project are proposed. Mod'mplois is a free tool, aimlessly: To undertake differently. To build a fairer and lasting society. Impact, Solidarity, Collective, Jobs, Entrepreneurship, Support, Advice, ESS, Method, Method, Video Site, Associations, SCOP, ESUS, …

Type: Incubators & VCs

49 1
RAISE Sherpas RAISE Sherpas

The first philantropic accelerator dedicated to French startups! Raise Sherpas is the first philanthropic accelerator dedicated to 100% impact startups and French associations, in the service of social and environmental transition. We are also at the phildure initiative: the 1st 100% philanthropic fund. 🍃✨

Type: Incubators & VCs

51 46

Since 1979, BGE Parif has supported business creation so that it is a reality accessible to all. Since 1979, BGE Parif has been working to make entrepreneurship a reality accessible to all. He supports business creation initiatives by supporting the advice and training all those who undertake, from the emergence of the idea to its implementation and the development of the company. BGE Parif is a member of the National BGE network. Our missions: - Advisor before and after business creation - Train future entrepreneurs and managers to acquire the basics necessary for the management of their business - Support …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

65 70
France Télévisions France Télévisions

France Télévisions is the first French audiovisual group: every day, nearly 4 out of 10 French people are looking at the programs in our channels. Audiovisual public service, the group has a role in social and cultural life in this regard which imposes an ambition and a constant requirement in the definition of its supply of programs. Audiovisual, audiovisual public, French creation, television, documentary, fiction, series, information, education, culture, entertainment, digital, sport, innovation, creation, proximity, diversity, and media

Type: Public Activities: transporttech

440 11,931
O-Kidia O-Kidia

Dépistage et suivi du TDAH et troubles associés grâce à l’hybridation des techs, IA biomédicale et expertises cliniques The startup O-Kidia develops software applications for health professionals to support diagnosis and right care in children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental and related mental disorders. We combine cutting-edge machine learning and biometry to identify digital biomarkers that will facilitate diagnosis and therapeutic decision making of neurodevelopmental and related mental disorders for health professionals. Our digital tools measure contactless, by a simple 30-minutes video, mental-related parameters: attention, social, anxiety, emotional, behavioral, motricity, visual speed, sleep variables to support diagnosis and therapeutic decision making …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech kidtech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning A.I. - Deep Learning

35 11
Cruz Roja Española Cruz Roja Española

Cada vez más cerca de las personas. Cruz Roja Espanola is a Higher Education company located in Avenida Reina Victoria, 26, Madrid, Madrid, Spain.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

36 10,567
Fundación de Tecnologías Sociales - TECSOS Fundación de Tecnologías Sociales - TECSOS

Build a society for all people with adapted technology for each of them. The Social Technologies Foundation - Tecsos, was founded in 2002, through the Joint Impulse of the Spanish Red Cross and the Vodafone Spain Foundation. In the Tecsos Foundation the social experience of the Spanish Red Cross is joined with the technological excellence of the Vodafone Spain Foundation, in order to solve social needs and to improve the living conditions of socially disadvantaged people and groups, through the application of new information and communication technologies, especially mobile phones, and their development and use. The Tecsos Foundation promotes and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

9 16
Arbitryum Arbitryum

Responsible innovation laboratory Arbitryum is a company of the social and solidarity economy, expert in gerontology. Our team is one of the first to have done coworking in nursing homes in France. We installed our offices in the Beauregard residence located in Villeneuve Saint Georges. An unusual experience which allowed us to respond to our wish to participate in the opening of establishments on the outside and to change the look at the elderly! Our team supports establishments in improving the quality of life of all their ecosystem: residents, caregivers and professionals, on human and organizational issues.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech silvertech

28 6
Le Monde Le Monde

Reference news everywhere, all the time, by writing the world. has been present on the Internet since December 19, 1995, 51 years to the day after the creation of the paper newspaper. The site and its mobile applications are among the most consulted in France to follow the news in real time (international, economy, politics, society, ...) Leading News Website in French. Journalism, media, online press, written press, internet, video, and ethics

Type: Media

613 180

Medical Voice Assistant AALIA.TECH facilitates communication between a practitioner and a patient who don't speak the same language. Application available on iOS and Android Contact us for a demo:

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

44 9
Bonjour Henry Bonjour Henry

L'assistant vocal du lien social ❤️ Barbablanka is a start-up involved in digital inclusion. It is currently running its main project in the digital inclusion of elderly : "Hubert, the social Hub"​. Hubert reinvents the answering machine concept : This project is an app connected to the main digital message services such as Facebook Messenger, Gmail or What's App and embed an AI "Hubert"​ reading all received messages to its user and allowing to answer them with voice! The main goal is to reconnect the elderly to our modern society with no more technological background than being able to speak …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I.

17 5
ChangeNOW ChangeNOW

WE ACCELERATE THE TRANSITION TO A SUSTAINABLE WORLD 🌍 📅 ChangeNOW - Next Edition 24-26 April 2025📍Paris Our mission is to accelerate change by connecting innovators, investors, companies, media, and cities all around the globe so they can join forces in finding solutions to the greatest challenges of our century. ChangeNOW takes positive change to the next level by organizing its annual summit, dedicated to a new generation of entrepreneurs whose solutions are changing the world for the better.

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

185 75
Fedrigoni Group Fedrigoni Group

Elevating Creativity From the very beginning, our Group has been immersed in the world of specialty papers, captivated by their unrivaled performance and mesmerizing aesthetics. Today, Fedrigoni has become synonymous with excellence in premium papers, catering to packaging, labels, graphics, art & drawing, publishing, printing, RFID and the self-adhesive materials market. With an unwavering commitment to innovation, we have ceaselessly pushed the boundaries, infusing our craft with cutting-edge technology and honing our expertise. These efforts have propelled us to offer our solutions across the globe, reaching every corner of creativity. We operate under the ethos of "Making Progress," embodying a …

Type: Media

1 2,020
Clusterlab Silver Occitanie Clusterlab Silver Occitanie

The actors of aging well in Occitania. Created in 2020, the Silver Occitanie clusterlab brings together players in the Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée region wishing to contribute to the development of Silver Economy by integrating users and their needs. The CLUSTERLAB Silver Occitanie aims to coordinate regional initiatives by constituting a crossroads of collaborations, innovations, knowledge and funding at the service of intelligent and responsible development which will make the region a reference of the Silver Economy in France.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services silvertech

22 2
Le Coup de Main Numérique Le Coup de Main Numérique

An association that reduces digital inequalities Who are we ? The digital helping hand (LCDMN) officially emerged in February 2019 with the corporate purpose of fighting illectronism and supporting the digital transition from any citizen. In order to meet all the needs of the public in terms of digital empowerment, our association is structured around 4 major services to provide an answer to the pillars of digital inclusion. Social action The social action service has been active since January 2021. Its purpose is to reconnect any user without distinction with digital. We operate on two devices:: - A fixed system …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

17 17

Strategiqual is a consulting company located in the center of Paris and operating in Europe, with extensive experience in Europe and the US. Its area of expertise covers pharmaceutical products, medical devices and biotechnology. Strategiqual has in-house expertise in the areas of regulatory affairs, strategic plans, gap analysis, risk analysis, audits, product compliance, quality management systems implementation. Specialties : - Systems approach for designing Quality Management Systems (pharmaceutical products, medical devices, biotechnology) - Drug device combinations (the so called "rule 13"​ of directive 93/42/CEE) - Innovative medical devices: quality and regulatory approaches Strategiqual is part of ProductLife Group (PLG) since …

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

8 69
OpenCommunities Consulting OpenCommunities Consulting

Support for transitions and positive impact transformations We call ourselves OpenCommunities because we are convinced that collective intelligence and cooperation are the key to our future, as terrestrials among terrestrials, on a planet where there is no plan B. We believe in the power of the communities of actors, their capacities to represent, to think and to do for themselves by opening up to others and to other ways of seeing-i.e. other ways of feeling, d 'to be, to do and think. Our raison d'être: support the human transition considered as the transition of transitions. On a daily basis, we …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

5 20
Lowpital Lowpital

Let's innovate together to transform the health system! Design Thinking applied to health. Collaborative innovation with patients & amp; health professionals, for hospitals, companies & amp; Citizens! Health, Design Thinking, Innovation, Hospital, Collective Intelligence, Community, Citizen Mobilization, and Healthtech

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

27 3
Uvoji by T.zic Uvoji by T.zic

UVC LED treatment for fountain🚰 | Van, van & amp; CC 🚐 | Boats ⛵ | Tiny House 🏘 | Reuse 🚿 | 🔵⚪🔴 Uvoji is a French company specializing in UV-C LED disinfection. We design, develop, manufacture and market solutions ranging from water treatment (consumption, worn or OEM) to that of the surface (textiles and surfaces). Our expertise allows us to offer effective, instant, clean and lasting products. For good reason, Uvoji is an impact company and is committed daily through three pillars: - Social and sanitary - environmental - Economic It is in this era that we are …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing water management Technologies: Decarbonization

15 14

Simplon's mission is to make digital technology a real inclusion lever due to the emergence of new talents in digital, the development of key skills and the diversification of profiles. Created 2013, is inspired by American bootcamps and defends a more inclusive French version where training is fully supported for learning them, with a stronger representation of women and recruits of different environments and territories. is a company of the social and solidarity economy approved by ESUS and labeled French tech, "France is committed and the" Grande Ecole du Digital ". Simplon. skills and technical professions of digital …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech edtech

265 47
Le Journal du Dimanche Le Journal du Dimanche

Anticipate, explain, surprise. Created in 1948, the Sunday Journal is available every Sunday in newsstands, but also all week on Information, media, press, internet, and weekly

Type: Media

211 82
Philanthro-Lab Philanthro-Lab

The 1st place dedicated to the rise of philanthropy #Coworking #Incubator #Evénementiel Join us! Philanthro-Lab is the first place dedicated to philanthropy. Inaugurated in September 2021, the institution was thought and created by the company of Phalsbourg in a building with exceptional architecture: the old hotel in the bûcherie, whose foundations date back to the 14th century. This unprecedented place of meetings and sharing aims to support the emergence, development and sustainability of projects of general interest, as well as democratizing the philanthropic gesture. A friendly place to live, generous and open to everyone, the Philanthro-Lab aims to welcome the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

33 13
Epitech Spain Epitech Spain

Higher School of Computer Science and Digital Innovation founded in 1999 and since 2017 with presence in Spain The IT school in France for more than 20 years, now also in Spain. Epitech was born to respond to the growing demand from startups, SMEs and large companies of highly qualified professionals in the world of computer science, technology and digital innovation.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

267 1,439
Droits Quotidiens Legal Tech Droits Quotidiens Legal Tech

Legal Tech daily rights designs digital solutions to improve access to law for citizens. Legal Tech daily rights designs digital solutions to improve access to law for citizens. Digital opens important prospects to automatically model and generate low -cost legal services. We use different technologies: chatbots, content generators, expert systems, artificial intelligence, etc.

Type: Startup Activities: it services legaltech Technologies: A.I.

16 12
Roofscapes Roofscapes

🌱 Adapting existing roofs to climate change 🇺🇸 Born at MIT 🇫🇷 Based in Paris 🇪🇺 New European Bauhaus Prize 2023 Launched at MIT and based in Paris, Roofscapes works on the adaptation of pitched roofs to climate change and evolving needs in existing buildings. Using timber platforms, Roofscapes shades, greens and makes accessible roofs that were previously untapped. Roofscapes thus contributes to reducing the thermal discomfort in upper floors caused by urban heat islands, to increasing biodiversity anchors and rainwater retention, and to offering new outdoor spaces in cities. Roofscapes' activities are organized into three main areas: research, awareness …

Type: Startup Activities: smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

27 5

Digital inclusive We are a start-up specializing in performance and inclusion solutions for audiences exposed to reading disorders, we intervene in the fields of awareness of reading disorders (dys disorders, visual impairment ... ), support for employment via diversity sourcing solutions and the implementation of technical job maintenance solution. Digital, Digital Training, awareness of reading disorders, Diversity Handicap Policy, DYS, CSR disorders, Disability, Consulting and Digital Agreements, Training and Digital, Handicap compensation in business, Handicap sourcing, and purchasing adapted and protected sector

Type: Startup Activities: it services

16 2
Awayke Awayke

Soft skills animation and design Allowing each young person to get to know each other better, to release their potential and find their way. Awayke offers training (workshops, seminars) based on self -knowledge, collective intelligence, and behavioral analysis, designed with experts engaged and led by Inspirant Awaykers, for young people. Why Awayke? Many young people, whatever their original environment, undergo their orientation, and therefore encounter difficulties in finding their place and engaging in society (studies, employment, citizenship). Thus, 77% of young people (18-25 years) consider to be or have been poorly accompanied in their orientation Our vision: Awayke therefore wishes …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech

4 69
Danish Red Cross Danish Red Cross

The Red Cross is always there. We save lives, and we help people through crises and disasters. #Alwaysthere We invite you to join the community of Danish Red Cross. Maybe you want to work in our organisation, have dreams of being a volunteer, want to partner up and make business or are just a curious person. We share our knowledge and invites you yo be an active participant. Red Cross volunteers provide help where it is most needed, either in their own local area or abroad. Volunteerism is at the heart of the Red Cross and is one of the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

10 2,597
MEDEF Hauts-de-Seine MEDEF Hauts-de-Seine

Act together for responsible growth For more than 50 years the MEDEF Hauts-de-Seine aims to bring together, assist, advise, defend and represent all companies in its territory regardless of their size or activity. Over 90% of our members are VSEs/SMEs. In a context of profound changes (economic, demographic, digital, societal), its mission is to promote the freedom to undertake and enhance entrepreneurship. The Medef Hauts-de-Seine works in concert with all the regional, departmental and local life forces in a spirit of complementarity in the service of its members and its territory. Yet the company is not always at the heart …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

62 23

PRPA, your health relations agency specializing in health 👩🏻‍⚕️🧑🏼‍⚕️💊🧬 Independent agency, PRPA is dedicated to health relations in health. Unmissable for its expertise and experience for more than 20 years in the medical sector, PRPA provides its customers with tailor -made strategic advice and day -to -day support. His ambitions: to advance the quality of information, perception and behavior of audiences on a daily basis. His signature: Understanding and anticipating the specific challenges of the health sector Health RPs: a perpetual development profession & gt; An exponential increase in media media with digital & gt; Information that circulates faster and …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

35 25

Trends & amp; Changes 🧬 Identify weak signals. Decrypt major trends. Connect ideas to better understand a world in full mutation. In DNA, we explore the societal, cultural and technological transformations that redefine our imaginations and our ways of living. DNA is the media that helps you grasp the changes of the time. Every day online on the Advertising, marketing, communication, innovation, technology, digital, media, culture, creativity, trends, social networks, social media, magazine, edition, tech, social media, environment, mental health, business, and startup

Type: Media

228 110
Académie du Climat - Ville de Paris Académie du Climat - Ville de Paris

Let's talk little, let's act climate The Climate Academy, a free place open to all, dedicated to the acceleration of the ecological transition. climate, transition, and ecology

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

64 47
Live for Good Live for Good

Together, we bring out a new generation of positive leaders who undertake for the common good. 💪 Live for Good is an association that has been helping young entrepreneur with a positive impact developing innovative projects for the service of the world of tomorrow for 8 years. Whether it is the ecological cause, inclusion, including health or education, Live for good identifies, supports and supports young generations to help them carry out projects at the service of the common good to Travers 3 courses: 1. The Start for Good support program which enables promotions of 50 young people to launch …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech Technologies: SaaS

76 140
AD Conseil : Engagés pour la QVCT et les égalités AD Conseil : Engagés pour la QVCT et les égalités

A social and solidarity business For more than 15 years, we have been working for work environments with meaning of meaning and guarantors of health and equality. Beyond our missions, we are committed as a citizen actor to contribute to the sustainable improvement in knowledge and practices in favor of health and quality of life at work. It is to give body to this commitment that we are a social and united enterprise. Health and quality of life at work, support for changes, ethical governance, management, change management, work & amp; Handicap, equal opportunities, work psychology, prevention of RPS, occupational …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

4 26

National Federation future and quality of life of the elderly FNAQPA (National Federation Future and Quality of Life of Agees) is one of the main representative organizations in the gerontological sector. Acting in the field of the elderly, FNAQPA brings together managers both from non -profit -based establishments and services, giving it a global vision of the issues related to aging. As a head of associative network - FNAQPA is an engine player on DD-HERE procedures applied to medico-social. As such, she carried out a major project on ehpad catering, relating to residents' satisfaction, the fight against undernutrition and food …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: silvertech edtech

22 56
GRANNY GEEK SAS agréée Entreprise Solidaire d'Utilité Sociale GRANNY GEEK SAS agréée Entreprise Solidaire d'Utilité Sociale

Assistance and remote support for digital seniors Based on values ​​of benevolence, listening and solidarity, Granny Geek Sas is a solidarity company of social utility (ESUS approval) whose aim is to assist, support and make seniors in the world of the world autonomous digital. At the time of the dematerialization of administrative formalities, the growing complexity of IT tools and an ever more important digital fracture, it is important to help our elders include each other in this new world. The founders, Sylvain, Caroline and Florence met on the Milan Home benches. After helping those around them, they founded Granny …

Type: Startup Activities: it services silvertech Technologies: Data Analytics

26 5
Ubique Ubique

La technologie au service de la santé physique Conscious that functional rehabilitation exercises can be repetitive and painful, especially in the case of chronic diseases (CP, etc.), we tried at Ubique to find an accessible and fun alternative. The idea behind our first product, Ubikid, is to allow children with CP to practice their rehabilitation while playing video games through our connected bracelets. Ubique is an interactive, intuitive and fun experience. The product has been tested and approved, and complements the offer of health professionals.

Type: Startup Activities: games healthtech kidtech manufacturing

6 2
Handineo Handineo

The all-in-one solution for creating an innovative disability policy with high social impact! 😊 Handineo enables HR, executives and disability managers to assess their organization's practices in terms of disability inclusion, create a customized action plan in less than an hour, and measure and monitor progress against agreed objectives over the year. ✔ It's also a community of committed employers who can take part in peer-to-peer learning sessions, share ideas and resources to advance inclusion through collective intelligence digital spaces. Together, we're building tomorrow's jobs! Handicap, RH, and RSE

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech

17 2
La Croix La Croix

And tomorrow will be just as surprising Subscribe to this page to discover the contents of the La Croix newspaper. Title of the Bayard group, we are a national daily daily newspaper. We look at a human and Christian look at the news. To subscribe: Journalism, media, online press, written press, internet, video, ethics, news, news, podcasts, information, journalist, media, news, and

Type: Media

106 280
Les Echos Les Echos

Find on all economic and financial news in France and worldwide, discover exclusive analyzes, special files, decrypts, chronicles and large formats.

Type: Media

654 1

Reference Federation of the Solidarity Private Sector In Health The FEHAP, present since 1936 in all the fields of social protection, is the reference federation of the private health sector in health. It brings together more than 5,000 members, working within more of 1,500 managers. These associations, foundations, congregations, mutuals, supplementary pension organizations, provident ... employ nearly 280,000 employees, or nearly 12% of salaried jobs in the Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS). Its flexibility combining private management and public service places its establishments and services at the cutting edge of innovation and research. His governance, from civil society, is disinterested. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

75 1
Epoca Epoca

💚 Dream and designed by caregivers, Dr. Elise Cabanes and Mariana Fernandes, nurse anesthesite, Epoca is a young company with mission that combines the best of technology and medical expertise. His mission? Allow the elderly to age at home, in the best possible conditions while facilitating the daily life of caregivers and caregivers. The solution developed by Epoca is based on connected objects, its remote monitoring platform and the know-how of its medical team specializing in geriatrics available 7 days a week, 24:24. Epoca is today supporting players in the medico-social sector to ensure continuity of care with the …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

11 111
Bayes Impact Bayes Impact

We build the future of public services Bayes Impact builds citizen-led public services to create a fairer and more inclusive future for our societies. Our organization is all about creating Citizen-Led Public Services. Everything we do here moves us closer to this goal: living our lives using services that are designed for citizens, and built by citizens. Right now, at a time when public services are more and more vulnerable to disruption by private service companies, we think that citizen entrepreneurs who share in the values of public service should join together with governments, so that soon we can all …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: govtech it services

45 12

The big school of tech and digital professions 🚀 Helic: inventing future Tech Trades 📲 At Hetic, we favor a practical approach to learning, with 70% of our curriculum devoted to concrete projects in collaboration with companies. This educational model guarantees that our students acquire immediately applicable skills, making them operational as soon as they leave the school. By integrating 30% of data science and artificial intelligence content through all programs, we ensure that our students are prepared to meet the current and future challenges of the digital sectors. Our teachers, all professional professionals, provide real expertise adapted to the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

58 179

It is better to prevent than cure. Lisa Connect is a systemic innovation that places prevention led by health professionals upstream of consultations. Using the unexploited time of medical waiting rooms, Lisa Connect revisits the patient route. A population invitation to carry out prevention and screening actions in a fun and interactive manner.

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

6 10
dYnalec SCOP SA dYnalec SCOP SA

Liberated company & amp; taboo Dynalec Scop SA is a cooperative and participative company with anonymous form and variable capital, She specializes in electrical engineering at the service of the needs of thermodynamicians (themselves specialists in the production of hot, cold and air conditioning) She masters the skills of design, studies, manufacturing, programming, tests and commissioning of electrical control/control cabinets and power for the thermodynamic industrial processes (boilers, cold center, cold rooms, air conditioners , Heat pumps ...) It also intervenes in the design, production and commissioning of supervision, remote management and automation systems (GTB/GTC) It is a reference technical …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 manufacturing

1 6
Yes for Comm Yes for Comm

Added social value! Communication agency on a human scale, committed for responsible communication. We are a human -sized communication agency, committed to responsible communication. For you committed companies, innovative start-ups and associations! Our reason for being? Participate in the social transition to a fairer, more human and ecologically responsible society. Do you want responsible communication, in accordance with your values? A communication that looks like you? Yes For Comm is there to accompany you on all aspects of your communication: 🌱 Communication strategy advice: Structuring of your communication to maximize your impact 👐 Project management: Implementation of your projects thanks …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting martech

25 3

The IPCC is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the leading international body for the assessment of climate change. It was established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1988 to provide the world with a clear scientific view on the current state of knowledge in climate change and its potential environmental and socio-economic impacts. In the same year, the UN General Assembly endorsed the action by WMO and UNEP in jointly establishing the IPCC. The IPCC is a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

101 439

Everything is possible !!! Transmit high impact messages and extraordinary energy Booster of optimism, Philippe Croizon puts at the service of professionals and the general public his return of experience, with authenticity and humor. Beyond coaching, Philippe transmits promising messages and speaks true, allowing his audience to immediately resonance. How to succeed in getting out of your comfort zone, transforming adversity into strength, federating a team and leading it to collective success, relying on diversity and differences as positive resources ... Philippe responds to new challenges by focusing on a capital resource: humans. Optimism, conference, motivation, surpassing oneself, everything is …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

25 4
OH&E by cooper'activ OH&E by cooper'activ

For Human Organizations & Effective We want to respond to the new social needs of a changing world We activate cooperation through “doing together” We facilitate the emergence of new resources to meet new social needs. Depending on your needs, we intervene: – either to “facilitate” the functioning of your organization today, – or to design the social innovations of a desired future. We know that your need is specific. This is why we build each tailor-made support approach with our client. Collective Intelligence, Change Facilitation, Change Management, Organization, Service Design, Sprint Design, Design, Management, Future of Work, Collaborative Innovation, …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

42 5
Hospimedia Hospimedia

Online media independent of health decision -makers The Hospimedia group is developing online services for professionals in the health, social and medico-social world. Find our opportunities on: Hospimedia covers news from health territories. His journalists cover general, technical and regulatory news in the health and medico-social sectors in real time. Find out more: Agency Staff is the group's online recruitment activity: it provides job offers from its customers, puts candidates and recruiters in touch on the health and social professions, and offers its recruiters a recruit Specialized audience and a constantly updated CV base. It publishes the Staffsanty …

Type: Media SMB Activities: hrtech healthtech

98 48
Ville à Joie Ville à Joie

Multi-service traveling troops made up of local professionals who revive the Place des Villages Français We cross France by organizing village festivals that bring services (public, health, digital), traders, local associations and entertainment for a day in order to bring them in isolated municipalities. In 2024, we will cover 15 departments with more than 300 events in rural areas. All this hosted by our formidable team of 30 young employees! We act so that no citizen, even if he lives at an hour's drive from everything, is left out, in his relationship with administrations, economic opportunities and in his access …

Type: Public SMB Activities: consumer services healthtech

19 12
Avise Avise

Engineering agency to undertake otherwise Association of general interest created in 2002, Avise is responsible for supporting the development of the social and solidarity economy (ESS) and social innovation in France. Avise is the National Center for Social Innovation Skills for France in Europe. His missions consist of: - Equil and guide all stakeholders in the ESS through the site; - Animate the national communities of ESS and social innovation guides present in the territories; - Supporting ESS companies and developing programs at the national level; - Finance national ESS projects via the European Social Fund + (ESF +). …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech

123 58
Le French Impact Le French Impact

Government initiative, French Impact is an accelerator of social and environmental innovation! Born from a government initiative, the French Impact association brings together social innovation players (public authorities and private sector) and thus accelerates all innovative social and environmental initiatives on French territory. Thanks to its strong territorial network and its action in the field, French Impact has become in less than three years, a central player in social innovation in France, by providing tools and concrete devices to public policies to sustainably change life French people. social and solidarity economy, social innovation, public policies, and eSS

Type: Public

98 1

Reference contact for agricultural sectors for the development of complementary social protection The Agrica group is the complementary social protection group dedicated to the agricultural world. It provides agricultural employees and employees, solutions and services in terms of supplementary retirement, provident, health and savings. More than 160,000 companies trust the Agrica group. Complementary retirement, provident, health, savings, and social action

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech healthtech insurtech

26 577

A Design & Innovation Bureau. Spheres is an innovation & design firm. We help organisations shape their future. Design and Data is at the he(art) of our work. We bring a human centric approach augmented with data analysis to deliver a better customer experience and spread new ways to collaborate. We focus on delivering value and growth for organisations. We use our experience from various sectors and partner with our clients to the highest level of requirement, boldness & courtesy. They trust on us: BPCE, Chateauform, Europcar, Fluicity, Gedimat, Michelin, PSA, SNCF, Total. We are Spheres, let’s meet & talk. …

Type: SMB Activities: uxtech Technologies: Data Analytics

23 3
OCIRP - Engagés pour l'autonomie ! OCIRP - Engagés pour l'autonomie !

Union of provident institutions with joint governance in the service of autonomy. The OCIRP is the common organization of pension and provident institutions. His mission? Unite the main provident organizations, in order to offer guarantees in the context of collective contracts allowing employees to be protected or to protect their families in the face of the risks of life: widowhood, orphanage, handicap and dependence. This unique experience at the heart of the family led the OCIRP to flesh out its guarantees with the essential support for social action. Beyond the guarantees, the OCIRP intervenes useful in the debate on loss …

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech

45 109
Talkspirit Talkspirit

Work differently. Quite simply. Talkspirit is a collaboration platform 100% made in Europe that modernizes your internal communication, simplifies information sharing and streamlines collaboration. The platform brings together all the features your teams need to communicate and work more effectively: chat, video conferencing, secure drive, document sharing and co-editing, internal directory, groups, news feeds, welcome portal, checklists, integrations... Our mission? To support organizations in their digital transformation, and help them become more agile and efficient on a daily basis. Since 2008. Made in Europe. 🇪🇺 Collaboration, Communication, transformation digitale, Tchat, Bot, OKR, Project Management, Governance, NextGen, RSE, Enterprise Social Network, …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: SaaS

60 35
Axionable Axionable

Leader of sustainable and responsible services and solutions | Paris | Certified B Corp®, GreenTech, AI (LNE) Axionable is the leader in sustainable artificial intelligence in France Certified B Corp, labelled GreenTech Innovation and AI-certified (LNE), member of the board of directors of the Impact AI benchmark collective, we are committed to solve business problems with a positive impact through ethical and sustainable AI. Our team of consulting experts and researchers in AI/data, software development and in environmental and climate science is developing a new business approach to AI, capable of combining economic results with a positive social, societal, and …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting cleantech greentech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Decarbonization

90 25
Kurage Kurage

Movement for Life Kurage is a French company active in the field of AI and motor handicap treatment. It has developed Neuroskin, an AI-powered neuromuscular electrostimulation device that is transforming the field of acquired neuromotor handicap rehabilitation., by restoring the disabled functions of the central nervous system. Kurage’s mission is to restore mobility for those in need, and drive societal change by enhancing the quality of life of individuals with neurological impairments through innovative technologies and solutions.

Type: Public

20 26
Institut des Futurs souhaitables Institut des Futurs souhaitables

Open future to release the present IFS offers a prospective approach to the desirables, to help everyone build the future that he or she wants to see: training, events, support, educational tools. Our wish is to give to benevolent volunteers and well -well, keys to reading the present, to better build its future. To do this, IFS offers various immersive training courses to reconcile biodiversity, innovation and economy. These programs aim to change the look at the world, to arouse the desire to act and to provide tools to achieve it. We offer different training courses: 🧭LABSSION: A round trip …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

19 30
Emmaüs Défi Emmaüs Défi

Let us take up the challenge of a new life Emmaüs Défi, it is a collective engaged alongside people in great precariousness, to help them meet the plural challenges they face. We support them in their desire to return to employment, access to health and worthy accommodation, thanks to second -hand solidarity donations and purchases made in our places. By supporting Emmaüs Défi, you help to take up the challenge of a more inclusive, sustainable and united society. socio -professional insertion and re -use

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

62 106
Louie Media Louie Media

Faire ressentir le monde - Studio de création de podcasts narratifs Studio de création de podcasts narratifs - Des podcasts pour faire "ressentir le monde" : Emotions, Passages, Entre, Le Book Club, En Ecriture, Injustices, Travail (en cours), Une autre Histoire, Manger.. Découvrez aussi Louie Creative, notre agence de création qui produit, accompagne et médiatise les marques, médias et institutions dans leurs projets audio. media, podcasts, storytelling, and narration

Type: Media

52 51
Croix-Rouge française Croix-Rouge française

A major player in the social and solidarity economy, the French Red Cross is piloting a network of nearly 600 establishments and services in the health, medico-social and training sectors. She also heads 12 regional health and social training institutes. Member of the largest global humanitarian network, the French Red Cross thus employs nearly 17,000 employees who, through some 70 trades, put their professionalism at the service of the most fragile in medico-educational institutes, nurseries, houses retirement, functional rehabilitation centers, emergency accommodation centers, international missions ... Emergency and first aid, social action, health and autonomy, training, and international action

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech healthtech

181 194
VoisinMalin VoisinMalin

For 12 years, clever neighbors have been tiering and confidence in the heart of working -class neighborhoods Created in 2011, Voisinmalin aims to strengthen the capacity to act of residents of working -class neighborhoods by linking them to the essential rights and services offered by public and private actors in the territory. Voisinmalin identifies, recruits and forms residents resources of the neighborhoods, the clever neighbors, to carry out door-to-door missions to inform and mobilize the inhabitants of their neighborhood. Each campaign is carried out in partnership with a local player on a concrete and useful subject on a daily basis: …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

19 56
Banque de France Banque de France

Institution indépendante : stratégie monétaire, stabilité financière, services à l’économie. Banque de France is the central bank of France; it is linked to the European Central Bank (ECB). Its main charge is to maintain price stability by implementing the single monetary policy within the framework of the ESCB (European System of Central Banks). It also ensures the financial stability by regulating payment and securities settlement systems and supervising credit institutions and investment firms. central banking, monetary policy, banking regulation, and financial stability

Type: Public

277 8,055
France générosités France générosités

Syndicat professionnel des OSBL qui font appel aux dons : défendre vos intérêts, accompagner nos membres et promouvoir ! France générosités est le syndicat professionnel des organisations d’intérêt général faisant appel à la générosité du public. Il rassemble un réseau d’associations et de fondations philanthropiques œuvrant pour une société plus juste, inclusive et durable (plus de 155 organisations début 2025). Défense des intérêts des associations et fondations and Promotion de la générosité

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

73 15
ISKernel ISKernel

Building tailored apps, reflecting you, together. Experts in crafting corporate intranet sites. Years of experience implementing efficient planning & management tools for SMEs & enterprises ensure swift, seamless setup. Intranet / Extranet, Web, and Process & organisation

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

1 6
Voisins & Soins Voisins & Soins

So that everyone can receive their palliative care at home, to live at home, until the end, surrounded & relieved. Voisins & Soins Created in 2017, the Voisins & Soins association implements and promotes in France an innovative approach to palliative care based on the local mobilization of caregivers and volunteers so that everyone can live their life at home, until the end, surrounded & relieved. -> Volunteers from the neighborhood are trained and committed to supporting people who are seriously ill or at the end of their life, supporting their loved ones, bringing neighbors and friends to their side, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consumer services healthtech

62 23

First online magazine for sharing experiences of French-speaking teachers on their teaching practices in the classroom LUDOMAG is the news media on digital technology in education! Our team has been a specialist in the digital education sector since 2007, the date of creation of the LUDOMAG magazine. Over the years, we have developed experience in filming and producing classroom reports, scientific and personality interviews, live broadcasting of conferences and hosting round tables on the sector, as well as writing and distributing articles on the news media supporting our activities. You can also find us on Twitter (14K subscribers), Facebook (3K …

Type: Media

52 3
La France s'engage La France s'engage

The La France s’engage foundation has been accelerating social and solidarity innovations in all regions for 10 years. Created in 2017, the La France s’engage Foundation is a recognized public utility foundation (FRUP) that is part of the extension of the La France s’engage social innovation support program initiated by the State in 2014. The Foundation's objective is to promote the involvement of civil society in innovative, supportive and useful initiatives for the greatest number of people. Through these initiatives, it promotes living together around local services and the sustainable development of territories. Through an annual national competition, the foundation …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

131 23
Office franco-québécois pour la jeunesse (OFQJ) Office franco-québécois pour la jeunesse (OFQJ)

Generator of opportunities for 18-35 year olds The OFQJ, a major player in Franco-Quebec cooperation. The Franco-Quebec Youth Office (OFQJ) contributes to bringing together French and Quebec youth through mobility programs focused on professional development and improvement, in the economic, cultural and social sectors, while promoting intercultural discoveries and networking. Based in France and Quebec, the OFQJ advises and supports nearly 10,000 young adults aged 18 to 35 each year in their professional mobility project across the Atlantic (internship, temporary employment, participation in an event, trade mission, thematic delegation, etc.). The OFQJ has unique expertise in supporting mobility and designing …

Type: Public

86 40
IHEIE - Institut des Hautes Études pour l'Innovation et l'Entrepreneuriat IHEIE - Institut des Hautes Études pour l'Innovation et l'Entrepreneuriat

Training leaders in innovation and entrepreneurship The Institute of Advanced Studies for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IHEIE): a reference place for training and knowledge with global influence. Led by the École des MINES ParisTech and under the aegis of the Université PSL (Paris Sciences et Lettres), IHEIE aims to become the place in Europe where managers from all professional backgrounds, whatever their culture, can come and train in order to integrate all dimensions of the development of science and innovation. The Institute offers unique training courses to meet the challenge of Long Life Learning thanks to innovative formats and teaching methods: …

Type: Public

19 3
Instagram Instagram

More than one billion people around the world use Instagram, and we’re proud to be bringing them closer to the people and things they love. Instagram inspires people to see the world differently, discover new interests, and express themselves. Since launching in 2010, our community has grown at a rapid pace. Our teams are growing fast, too, and we’re looking for talent across engineering, product management, design, research, analytics, technical program management, operations, and more. In addition to our headquarters in Menlo Park, we have thriving offices in New York City and San Francisco where teams are doing impactful work …

Type: Large company

558 14
InterFaith Tour InterFaith Tour

A world tour to meet women and men of different beliefs who build peace together. World tour of interfaith initiatives

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

9 2
Big Bloom Big Bloom

Learning Better By Doing Good Big Bloom is a global initiative that aims to accelerate social innovations from impact organizations. Today, it's over 200 accelerated social innovations in 15 different countries. 🚀 How? Through hackathons and incubations for good. 👉 A hackathon for good is a collective intelligence seminar to address an association's strategic challenge. Following the Big Bloom method, participants, gathered in teams, are coached to propose a concrete project in a short time. Each solution is presented in front of a high-level jury, which determines the most innovative and suitable for the beneficiary organization. 👉 An incubation for …

Type: Event

55 54
Conseil départemental de Meurthe-et-Moselle Conseil départemental de Meurthe-et-Moselle

The Meurthe-et-Moselle Departmental Council, a committed, close and united department. Meurthe-et-Moselle is a magnificent department located in the heart of the Grand Est region and Europe. Nancy is its metropolis, 1h30 from Paris by TGV. Belgium and Luxembourg are on the border. The departmental council is renowned for its local action and a DNA of innovation and partnership work firmly anchored in its practices. It has 3,000 agents serving 734,000 inhabitants, 609 municipalities and inter-municipalities. Living in Meurthe-et-Moselle and getting involved in the departmental council is the choice of an authentic quality of life, which gives meaning to the common …

Type: Public

46 838
Observatoire de la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises Observatoire de la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises

The network of actors who act for a responsible company. The CSR Observatory is a multi-stakeholder association that supports companies' CSR strategies. Orse is chaired by Hélène Valade. Orse is a member of the CSR Platform, CSR Europe, and the Institute of Sustainable Finance.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

113 16
Réseau national Pimms Médiation Réseau national Pimms Médiation

🏡 🖥 Connecting you to essential services for 30 years #PimmsMédiation #mediationsociale For 30 years, Pimms Médiation have been reception areas open to all, a mediation interface between populations and public services. More than 300 points of contact in France, 90 Pimms Médiation labeled France Services and 10 partner companies engaged on a daily basis. Pimms Médiation are places of proximity and solidarity in which social mediators, professionals in social ties, facilitate people's access to the services necessary for daily life. They inform, guide and support users in their administrative procedures. They prevent and help resolve conflicts. Pimms Médiation, connecting …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

97 20
RTL Group RTL Group

Europe's leading entertainment company RTL Group is a leading entertainment company across broadcast, streaming, content and digital, with interests in 60 television channels, seven streaming services and 36 radio stations. The Group’s families of TV channels are either number one or number two in six European countries, while RTL Group owns, or has interests in, radio stations in France, Germany, Spain and Luxembourg. RTL Deutschland is the Group’s largest business unit and Germany’s first cross-media champion, operating across TV, streaming, radio, and digital publishing. RTL Group’s streaming services include RTL+ in Germany and Hungary, Videoland in the Netherlands and 6play …

Type: Media

29 8,616
MONALISA (Mobilisation nationale contre L'isolement des âgés) MONALISA (Mobilisation nationale contre L'isolement des âgés)

Monisaa brings together 461 organizations that fight together against isolation older Monalisa has brings together since 2014 all those who make common cause against the social isolation of the elderly. The national mobilization of 414 actors (associations, institutions, communities) materializes at the local level: more than 200 teams made up of citizens are fighting against solitude experienced by an elderly person in 4, with the support of 60 territorial cooperation. Monisa is a collective approach that makes it possible to articulate the action of professionals between them but also the action of professionals and volunteers. A resource center dedicated to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

11 20
Fondation de l'Armée du Salut Fondation de l'Armée du Salut

Present in France since 1881, the Salvation Army has evolved its organizational structure at the beginning of 2000. So today it is split into two distinct structures but closely linked to each other; The Foundation of the Salvation Army and the Congregation of the Salvation Army. More than a simple charitable organization, the foundation is a social extension of the spiritual and humanist values ​​of the Salvation Army. She puts her commitment and competence at the service of all those who suffer. Prevention, assistance in reintegration, emergency aid The mission of the Salvation Army Foundation is global. The Foundation, whose …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech silvertech

81 526
ecosystem ecosystem

We work to develop eco-design, repair, re-use, depollution and recycling of electrical equipment We are an eco-organism, that is to say a company of general non-profit interest, approved by the public authorities. We are working to extend the lifespan of household and electronic equipment by supporting repair and re -use. We ensure their depollution and recycling when it has become waste, as well as that of professional electrical and electronic equipment, bulbs and used small extinguishers. There are many players in the sector, and our interlocutors various. Producers, distributors, holders, communities, waste managers, solidarity networks, logistics and treatment providers, but …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

66 269
World Cleanup Day - France World Cleanup Day - France

World Cleet World Citizens' Day unites the citizens of the world, meet on September 20, 2025! Since 2018, citizens of the world have united their forces to collect the maximum of forgotten waste in the wild. In 2024, millions of citizens mobilized in more than 190 countries ... a record! How much will we be in 2025? The World Cleanup Day France association's mission is to promote the program in mainland France and in overseas territories, by mobilizing citizens, schools, businesses, communities and associations. It creates the tools to make the operation possible and facilitate its organization by each citizen. …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

62 18
We Are COM, club des communicants We Are COM, club des communicants

Collective of #Communication professionals passionate about their profession 🚀 Already 3,400 members ❤ Do you come? Accelerator of communicators, We are Com brings together 3,400 communication professionals in business and public institution, in France as internationally, with the aim of setting up skills between peers: sharing, breathing, taking inspiration, training, training, training accelerate, dare because ... #wearecom The We Are Com club allows communicators to progress together. Embark on this collective adventure to improve everyone's expertise thanks to a full ecosystem: • Workshops to bring together all the pros of all COMs (external, internal, corporate, financial, event, digital, press relations, …

Type: Media

73 8
Mairie de Cannes Mairie de Cannes

Recruitment page of the city of Cannes Recruitment service of the Cannes town hall. We are looking for new talents: consult our posts, visit our recruitment platform, create job alerts for the town hall of Cannes. Civil status, municipal police, green spaces, human resources, road roads, urban cleanliness, and communication

Type: Public

86 188
UNEA - Union Nationale des Entreprises Adaptées UNEA - Union Nationale des Entreprises Adaptées

Federate - Adapt - Professionalize The National Union of Adapted Companies (UNEA) brings together and brings together more than 75% of companies adapted in France who employ 57,000 employees, more than 41,000 with disabilities. UNAA works for the development of an entrepreneurial model at the service of the employment of people with disabilities, promotes this business model with all stakeholders by developing the image and communicating the know-how do and professionalism of suitable companies Its mission was to promote adapted entrepreneurship by communicating the know-how and professionalism of adapted companies, supporting their development, and by weaving in the economic environment …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

59 41
Oldyssey Oldyssey

The old people of the old and the transmissions that bring generations together Oldyssey talks about "old" and "old" and shows the solutions that bring generations together, all over the world. Each week, videos on and on Oldyssey networks; A weekly column all summer on France Info (Sunday at 8:24 am, 1:21 pm, 4:26 pm, and in replay: A monthly article in our time - Why talk about old people? Today, it is difficult to talk about aging. We are talking about old people as a demographic cohort, an economic "weight". Or we don't talk about it at …

Type: Media

12 3
Nexem Nexem

Employers, differently Nexem is the main professional organization of associative employers in the social, medico-social and health sector. It represents 11,000 establishments and services employing more than 330,000 professionals in five fields of activity: disability, child protection, autonomy of the elderly, social integration and legal protection of adults. Nexem intends to develop the employer function to better meet the expectations of people welcomed and supported in establishments and services. Its ambition: promote the associative model as an efficient response to the support of the most fragile, in the service of an inclusive company. Professional organization, associative, social, medico-social, sanitary, non-profit, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

52 193
LMedia LMedia

Group - &Co - Events LMedia, indépendant depuis 2012 entrepreneuriat, économie, nouvelles technologies, innovation, start up, optimisme, patrimoine, RH, and formation

Type: Media

86 56
Les Scop et Scic Ile-de-France, Centre-Val de Loire, Outre-Mer Les Scop et Scic Ile-de-France, Centre-Val de Loire, Outre-Mer

Cooperative expert, solidarity partner The Regional Union of SCOP and SCIC of Ile-de-France Center-Val de Loire, Overseas, provides for its cooperative companies that are members of support and advice missions and supports all the creations of new cooperative companies in its regions . The Regional Union of SCOP and SCIC benefits from the financial support of the European Union (@fonds Social European +), the @Center-Val de Loire region, the @region Île-de-France and the @ville de Paris Support, collective, communities, financing, cooperative management, training, association processing, and social innovation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

59 12
Petits Frères des Pauvres Petits Frères des Pauvres

No to the isolation of our elders Recognized of public utility, the association Small Brothers of the Poor Lutting since 1946 against the isolation and loneliness of the elderly, primarily the poorest. By our actions, we recreate links allowing them to regain a taste for life and be part of the world around them. It is the most important association, with its foundation and establishments, specializing in the issues of isolation of the elderly. The little brothers of the poor are also present internationally. Joining the little brothers of the poor is ✔ !!!! ✔️ Work on a more inclusive …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech silvertech

116 659