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SIS 2B - Service d'Incendie et de Secours de la Haute-Corse SIS 2B - Service d'Incendie et de Secours de la Haute-Corse

[Automatic translation follows] The Haute-Corse Fire and Rescue Service - SIS Cismonte (SIS2B) - is a public administrative establishment placed under the dual authority of the Departmental Prefect and the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Within the framework of its powers (article L. 1424-2 of the General Code of Local Authorities), the SIS2B carries out the following missions: - Prevention and Assessment of civil security risks; - Preparation of safeguard measures and Organization of rescue resources; - Protection of people, property and the environment; - Emergency Assistance to People (SUAP) victims of accidents, disasters or catastrophes as well as …

Type: Public

7 2 5 73
SIDO Lyon - IoT, IA, Robotique & XR SIDO Lyon - IoT, IA, Robotique & XR

[Automatic translation follows] The benchmark event #IoT #AI #Robotics #XR | 10th edition | 18 > 19 September 2024 - Lyon, France ➡️ #SIDO2024 The benchmark event on the convergence of IoT, AI, XR and Robotics technologies. SIDO, the founding event of the IoT sector, breaks down the barriers between technological worlds. A unique event in Europe, its 8th edition will combine IoT, AI, Robotics & AR/VR! From building blocks to solutions, SIDO drives innovation and brings together 4 converging ecosystems for connected, autonomous and ever smarter projects. Take part in this major event in Lyon, Cité Internationale. A unique …

Type: Event Technologies: Robotics

78 23 64 6
Service Départemental d'Incendie et de Secours des Vosges ( sdis88 ) Service Départemental d'Incendie et de Secours des Vosges ( sdis88 )

[Automatic translation follows] The Vosges Departmental Fire and Rescue Service is an autonomous public institution. It is placed under the dual authority of the Prefect (operational manager) and the Chairman of the Board of Directors (administrative and financial manager). Its Board of Directors is composed of 14 general councilors and 8 mayors. It is headed by the Departmental Director of Fire and Rescue Services, a senior firefighter officer.

Type: Public

4 1 4 174
Secrétariat général des affaires européennes (SGAE) Secrétariat général des affaires européennes (SGAE)

[Automatic translation follows] More than 70 years of French commitment to European integration The interministerial processing of European files is ensured in France by the General Secretariat for European Affairs (SGAE). Created in 1948, the SGCI was then responsible for preparing the decisions of the French Government in the context of the economic reconstruction of Europe in the aftermath of the Second World War. Its role was then adapted and strengthened at each stage of European integration with its main missions being the development of France's positions on Community issues and the coordination of links between French administrative and governmental …

Type: Public

41 11 35 209
Sapeurs-pompiers du Gard - Sdis30 Sapeurs-pompiers du Gard - Sdis30

[Automatic translation follows] The Gard Department is one of the very first departments in France in terms of operations. There are many risks, with a very high tourist traffic, and a forest cover of 288,370 hectares. There are 23 km of coastline, cliffs and no less than 1000 potholes; a road network of more than 4,410 km, 350 km of railways, an airport, 5 airfields and 5 marinas. Seveso classified sites and a nuclear power plant make the Gard a Department where the chemical and radiological risk is significant. The presence of the Rhône and coastal rivers (the Vidourle, the …

Type: Public

10 3 6 268
Resilience France (HCFRN) Resilience France (HCFRN)

[Automatic translation follows] Resilience France is THE network for exchanges between the public and private sectors on resilience issues in France The HCFDC is an association under the 1901 law that participates in the reflection on the doctrine, organization and techniques of our country in terms of global security. Its activities aim to inform and train on the issues and challenges of national security, protection of populations in order to improve societal resilience in the face of major risks and threats. Since its creation in 1982, the HCFDC has developed expertise in terms of analysis and monitoring of major risks …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

26 0 24 24
Représentation permanente de la France auprès de l’Union européenne  🇫🇷🇪🇺 Représentation permanente de la France auprès de l’Union européenne 🇫🇷🇪🇺

[Automatic translation follows] Welcome to the official account of the Permanent Representation of France to the European Union! The Permanent Representation of France to the EU is the interface between the French authorities and the institutions of the European Union. It promotes and defends French positions with the European institutions, and informs the French authorities as best it can on the state of European issues.

Type: Public

34 17 10 119
Psycom (Officiel) Psycom (Officiel)

[Automatic translation follows] Psycom is a public organization that informs, guides and raises awareness about mental health. For over 30 years, Psycom has been a public organization that informs, guides and raises awareness about mental health in order to help people take action in favor of their mental health and that of others. We provide reliable, accessible and independent information on mental health (mental disorders, care, support, etc.) in different formats (brochures, videos, press reviews, etc.). We reference resources (helplines, local directories, mutual aid associations, etc.) to support people in their search for help. We create educational tools (Cosmos mental®, …

Type: Public

54 7 50 16
Protection Civile française Protection Civile française

[Automatic translation follows] Official account - 32,000 volunteers ready to rescue, train and help populations in France and abroad The Civil Protection is an association under the 1901 law, recognized as being of public utility, approved for civil security, whose purpose is to implement all the means at its disposal to ensure the protection of civilian populations in times of peace as well as in times of crisis or war. 32,000 volunteers, 500 local locations and no fewer than 98 associations make up the face of the Civil Protection. These men and women dedicated to serving the population intervene on …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

28 8 15 512
Ekhoscènes Ekhoscènes

[Automatic translation follows] Represent-Defend-Promote-Unite Ekhoscènes was born from the integration, within PRODISS, of two other major unions of private live entertainment (SNDTP and CAMULC), in order to represent live stages in all their diversity. This merger reflects our common desire to relay and resonate the expectations, challenges and positions of show entrepreneurs (show producers, concert hall operators, theater or cabaret directors, broadcasters and festival organizers) and to think and develop together an ever more audacious and inclusive culture. The union now represents the leading network of private live entertainment companies, present throughout France. We are the voice of more than …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

24 4 16 20
Préventica Préventica

[Automatic translation follows] Providing solutions to those who have Health, Safety and Quality of Life at Work issues to resolve For 25 years, Préventica has been the meeting place and inspiration for all stakeholders in health, safety and quality of life at work. Two major events are organized annually in France, under the high patronage of the Ministries of Labor and Health, bringing together a total of 20,000 participants. An online resource platform also allows 100,000 professionals each year to benefit from advice and feedback, for the implementation of their risk prevention and quality of life at work actions. Upcoming …

Type: Event

70 20 48 47
Préfecture du Rhône Préfecture du Rhône

[Automatic translation follows] The prefect is the depositary of the State's authority in the department. He is the direct representative of the Prime Minister and each minister in the department and implements government policies for development and regional planning at the departmental level. The Rhône prefecture has the following services: - Agriculture, environment, planning and housing - Consumption, food, animals - Culture - Defense - Economy, public finances, work and employment - Education - Justice - Health and social cohesion - Security and protection of people

Type: Public

9 9 0 207
Préfecture du Bas-Rhin Préfecture du Bas-Rhin

[Automatic translation follows] Official account of the State services in the Grand Est region and in the Bas-Rhin department. The services of the prefecture ensure the following missions: > the representation and permanence of the State; > the exercise of sovereign functions, in particular in respect of the laws; > internal security and civil security; > interministerial management and coordination, facilitated by the reduction in the number of decentralized services (DDI and UT); > interministerial communication; > the general regulation of public freedoms; > the management of immigration; > the functioning of local democracy; > the exercise of the prerogatives …

Type: Public

141 85 87 79
Mediacités Mediacités

[Automatic translation follows] Independent and participatory media without advertising, dedicated to investigation. Mediacités reconnects with the fundamentals of journalism by putting the spotlight on investigation. There is no action and informed choice possible without demanding and independent information. This principle, valid on a national scale, is also valid on a local scale. A multi-city newspaper, Mediacités concentrates its resources on four large urban areas – Lille, Lyon, Nantes and Toulouse – to respond to these different observations: 1. The national press rarely investigates regional and metropolitan issues. 2. The local press (PHR/PQR) devotes little time to investigation. 3. Decentralization and …

Type: Media

59 10 51 47
Plaine Commune Plaine Commune

[Automatic translation follows] Plaine Commune is a territorial public establishment (EPT) that brings together 9 cities north of Paris. Plaine Commune, the host community of the 2024 Games, employs more than 2,200 agents in various professions. Located in Seine-Saint-Denis, on the northern coast of Paris, it brings together 9 cities: Aubervilliers, Epinay-sur-Seine, L'Ile-Saint-Denis, La Courneuve, Pierrefitte-sur-Seine, Saint-Denis, Saint-Ouen, Stains and Villetaneuse. It is identified as a Territory of Culture and Creation in Greater Paris (#CultureLaVille) and will be at the heart of #Paris2024. . You can follow the territory's news on social networks: Culture and creation, Urban …

Type: Public

84 49 34 936

[Automatic translation follows] The mission of the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF) is to give substance to active solidarity between the 77 States and governments that compose it (57 members and 20 observers). A community of destiny aware of the links and potential that come from sharing a language, French, and universal values. French language, Cultural diversity, Human rights, Education, Sustainable development, Peace, Democracy, Multilingualism, Economy, Youth, Gender equality, Civil society, and Francophonie

Type: Public

39 21 11 637
Ofpra - Office français de protection des réfugiés et apatrides Ofpra - Office français de protection des réfugiés et apatrides

[Automatic translation follows] Listening to the world The French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons (Ofpra) is a public institution with administrative and financial autonomy and functional independence, responsible for the application of French and European texts as well as international conventions relating to the recognition of refugee status, stateless person status and admission to subsidiary protection. Ofpra has two essential missions: - A mission to examine applications for international protection on the basis of the Geneva Conventions of 28 July 1951 and the New York Conventions of 28 September 1954 as well as the CESEDA. It …

Type: Public

21 7 9 473
Ocean & Climate Platform Ocean & Climate Platform

"A healthy ocean, a protected climate"​ The Ocean & Climate Platform (OCP) is an international network bringing together more than 100 organisations from civil society (non-governmental organisations, research institutes, foundations, local authorities, international organisations and private sector entities). Created in the run-up to COP21 in Paris, the OCP aims to promote scientific expertise on the major role played by the ocean and its ecosystems in the climate system, and to advocate for better consideration of these interactions by national and international decision-makers. Building on the wide-ranging expertise of its members, the OCP brings light to concrete solutions to protect the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

36 4 30 23
Nexa - Agence Régionale de Développement, d'Investissement et d'Innovation (ARDII) Nexa - Agence Régionale de Développement, d'Investissement et d'Innovation (ARDII)

[Automatic translation follows] Regional Agency for #Development, #Investment and #Innovation (ARDII) of Reunion Island NEXA is the Development Agency of Reunion Island which aims to strengthen and promote the Reunion Island economy. Organized by intrinsically intertwined core businesses, NEXA acts according to 5 cross-functional areas of expertise: economic observatory, innovation, territorial foresight, attractiveness, and project support and financing. NEXA's main missions are oriented towards: - Structuring strong sectors for greater competitiveness, - Developing the innovation potential of companies, in line with the Regional Smart Specialization Strategy (S3), - Steering and implementing the territory's attractiveness strategy, - Strengthening economic information and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Public Activities: consulting

19 5 14 20
M Publicité M Publicité

[Automatic translation follows] M Publicité, the advertising agency of Le Monde Group, is responsible for marketing the brands Le Monde, M Le magazine du Monde, L'Obs, Télérama, Courrier International, Le HuffPost, La Vie and Le Monde Diplomatique in their print, web, mobile and tablet versions. M Publicité is placing innovation more than ever at the heart of its approach with the aim of offering – to advertisers and their agencies – solutions that anticipate multi-device uses to create ever greater links with all of Le Monde Group's audiences. advertising, media, marketing, print, digital, brand content, mobile, hors media, salon, and …

Type: Media

32 0 27 114
MILDECA - mission interministérielle de lutte contre les drogues et les conduites addictives MILDECA - mission interministérielle de lutte contre les drogues et les conduites addictives

[Automatic translation follows] MILDECA coordinates the government's action in the fight against drugs and addictive behaviors. Placed under the authority of the Prime Minister, MILDECA (Interministerial Mission to Fight Drugs and Addictive Behaviors) leads and coordinates the government's action in the fight against drugs and addictive behaviors and develops the government's strategy in this area in the following areas: research and observation, prevention, health and integration, law enforcement, fight against trafficking, international cooperation. MILDECA supports public, institutional and associative partners of public policy in the implementation of guidelines, by providing them with methodological or financial support. health, prevention, public health, …

Type: Public

45 11 3 29
Marine Nationale Marine Nationale

[Automatic translation follows] Each year, the French Navy recruits and trains +4000 young people, from 3rd year to BAC+5, in 80 professions. France, bordering all the world's oceans, has the 2nd largest maritime space in the world, thanks in particular to its overseas territories. The French Navy has the duty to control this space in its three dimensions (under the sea, on the sea and above the sea) to preserve peace and defend the interests of France. To this end, the French Navy has nearly 40,000 active sailors, military and civilian, and 5,000 reserve sailors, who every day give their …

Type: Public

103 58 28 12,732
Maison de l'Alsace Maison de l'Alsace

[Automatic translation follows] Seriously friendly, Alsace in Paris for all those who love Alsace The Maison de l'Alsace business center, completely renovated, offers meeting rooms for 4 to 20 people, with very high-quality comfort and equipment. All rooms benefit from daylight, lighting with dimmers and perfect soundproofing. They are equipped with flat screens with connection to work tables. The Brasserie provides meal solutions and we offer the study day formula The offer is completed by an exceptional rooftop with a capacity of 100 people with a panoramic view of the Arc de Triomphe to the Eiffel Tower and a terrace …

Type: Event

10 4 3 8
Mairie de Garges Mairie de Garges

[Automatic translation follows] Garges Strong and Proud! Discover one of the youngest municipalities in France! Located halfway between Paris and Roissy, Garges-lès-Gonesse is a city of 43,000 inhabitants in the Val d'Oise department. Rich in its diversity, it is teeming with projects to transform the daily lives of its residents. The city is a member of the Roissy-Pays de France agglomeration and thus benefits from shared infrastructures such as the Intercommunal Media Library, the Employment Space and the House of Justice and Law. Since 2020, its mayor, Benoit JIMENEZ (UDI), has been committed to making Garges a territory of inclusion …

Type: Public

17 7 10 52
Préfecture du Val-d'Oise Préfecture du Val-d'Oise

[Automatic translation follows] Official account of the State services in Val-d'Oise. Official account of the State services in Val-d'Oise.

Type: Public Activities: it services

19 6 13 155
Leader France Leader France

[Automatic translation follows] Leader France is the federation of rural territories involved in the Leader rural development program 🇪🇺. Leader France is the national federation of rural territories involved in the European Leader rural development program. 🇪🇺

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

21 2 20 10
Laval Économie Laval Économie

[Automatic translation follows] The economic development agency of Laval Agglomeration. Laval Économie is the economic development agency of Laval Agglomeration. Association law 1901, its creation is the result of the will of the elected officials of Laval Agglomeration to deploy effective tools to stimulate the economic vitality of their territory. economic development, business, HR, commerce, TPE, PME, network, support, land, real estate, aid, rse, observatory, laval, laval agglo, workshops, communication, events, economy, and agglomeration

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Public Activities: it services

20 1 16 19
L'Automobile & L'Entreprise L'Automobile & L'Entreprise

[Automatic translation follows] The leading magazine for fleet management and professional mobility. L'Automobile & L'Entreprise, a magazine published by the Infopro Digital group, covers the entire world of fleet management and employee mobility. It is the support for all those who buy or rent vehicles on behalf of companies, associations, local authorities, administrations, but also for all service providers who have mobility products and services to provide them. L'Automobile & L'Entreprise is: - A monthly magazine with market figures, tests and comparisons of company vehicles (technical and financial aspects), testimonials from fleet managers, companies, distribution groups, service providers, etc. - …

Type: Media

42 0 42 47
Lamie mutuelle Lamie mutuelle

[Automatic translation follows] At Lamie mutuelle, we are committed to your Health. For life. Our job, our passion: protecting your Health. With a capital H! Your physical, mental, social well-being, and everything that impacts your quality of life. We are by your side, for life. 70 years of history and experience in health and insurance. 85,000 members, all over the world: individuals - whether young, active, self-employed, civil servants or retirees -, companies, and expatriates. We are the reference mutual insurance company of the Ministry of the Interior. External links Health insurance, Insurance for the future, Company mutual insurance, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech insurtech

7 3 4 30
La Fabrique RH _ Préfecture d’Île-de-France 🇫🇷 La Fabrique RH _ Préfecture d’Île-de-France 🇫🇷

[Automatic translation follows] Innovation laboratory for public administrations in the Paris region, launched by the Prefecture of the Paris region La Fabrique RH is the public innovation laboratory of the prefecture of the Paris region. It supports, "from idea to experimentation", all agents in the Paris region, whatever their administration or public function in their innovative projects. Innovation , HR, and Public

Type: Public

28 6 25 3
Journal Spécial des Sociétés - JSS Journal Spécial des Sociétés - JSS

[Automatic translation follows] The JSS is a digital media of legal announcements, legal news, judicial news, and legal formalities ⚖️ The Special Journal of Companies (JSS) is a legal announcements newspaper (J.A.L). The texts are sent by email to, and are checked before publication. The announcements can be written by our services. Our website allows you to enter your announcements online. It offers a complete service of legal formalities for companies, in order to update the K bis quickly and efficiently. It organizes legal training. It publishes the Journal des Sociétés, a monthly publication for lawyers and companies. The …

Type: Media

19 3 18 46
Ambassade de France à Madagascar Ambassade de France à Madagascar

[Automatic translation follows] Official account of the Embassy of France in Madagascar. Twitter - @ambafrmada Facebook - @ambafrance.madagascar Official account of the Embassy of France in Madagascar. Twitter - @ambafrmada | Facebook - @ambafrance.madagascar Diplomacy, Culture, Politics, Humanitarian, Ministry, Foreign Affairs, Francophonie, Development, and French people abroad

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment

25 3 20 65
Rosace Fibre Rosace Fibre

[Automatic translation follows] Optical fiber is coming to Alsace! The Rosace company, mandated by the Grand Est Region and created in April 2016, has the mission of deploying Very High Speed ​​in more than 700 Alsatian municipalities. A major project, to be carried out in 5 years of work, which will ultimately ensure optimal coverage of Alsace and guarantee a complete and scalable service offering thanks to unmatched speeds (up to gigabit per second). Indeed, the new uses of businesses, public services (electronic administration, development of telehealth, etc.) and the general public require increasingly efficient speeds and high quality of …

Type: Startup Activities: telecommunications

15 1 14 24
Scalingo Scalingo

Scalingo empowers developers with a cloud hosting platform where they can host their app without handling servers. Scalingo is a Platform as a Service that lets you magically host your application in 2 minutes. No server to manage, cloud hosting becomes instant and easy! Our mission is to empower developers by removing the pain of handling servers, application stacks, software dependencies and databases. Scalingo is about empowering software teams to manage entire application lifecycles without direct involvement of ops/admins. Platform as a Service, Cloud Computing, Hosting, and Scalability

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

24 6 20 31
Nitidis agence de Communication de crise Nitidis agence de Communication de crise

[Automatic translation follows] Agency specializing in crisis communication, crisis management and media training leader in France Nitidis is a renowned crisis communication agency based in Paris. Awarded by Décideurs magazine, it has been ranked among the best crisis management agencies in France for several years. The agency has a continuum of expertise aimed at protecting the reputation of leaders and executives against all forms of media and digital hostility. Nitidis has extensive experience in crisis management, thanks to more than 15 years of sensitive communication in the service of defending the most exposed leaders and companies or organizations. Its clients …

Type: Startup Activities: consulting Technologies: Cybersecurity

32 1 32 2
Shark Robotics Shark Robotics

We design and build robots for fire safety, demining, defence & security. At Shark Robotics, we specialize in designing and constructing advanced autonomous robots tailored for fire safety, demining, and security sectors. Our mission is to save lives and enhance operational efficiency through innovative robotic solutions.

Type: Startup Activities: spacetech Technologies: Robotics

18 6 10 64
innoteo innoteo

Capture the energy of the new digital era! Capture the energy of the new digital era! Made-to-measure applications and package solutions, Mixed Reality, Business Intelligence, IoT: the innoteo range propels companies into the dynamic of the digital age and plays its role in the development of the industry of the future. The latest of these innovative innoteo products is dimeo, an immersive solution designed for training purposes ( It uses Microsoft’s HoloLens Mixed Reality technology and provides quick, effective training for operators as well as warehouse workers or technicians in their working environment. More generally, innoteo gives easy access to …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: IoT VR

32 5 15 7
EzyGain EzyGain

One step closer to autonomy EzyGain develops gait and balance training devices for professionals and individuals. Its products, ema® and amy®, support people with limited mobility throughout their rehabilitation, which is monitored by an app offering gait analyzes and cognitive stimulation exercises. For a better immersion, EzyGain offers its virtual reality module (EzyGain VR): a unique experience of rehabilitation of the lower and upper limbs. Rééducation de la marche, Rééducation de l'équilibre, Walking rehabilitation, Balance rehabilitation, Membre supérieur, Membre inférieur, Upper limb, Lower limb, Réalité virtuelle, and VR

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech deeptech silvertech manufacturing Technologies: VR

23 5 15 10
Échange International des Cadets de l'Air Échange International des Cadets de l'Air

[Automatic translation follows] A commission of the Aero-Club de France French organization of the International Exchange of Air Cadets which brings together each year more than 560 young enthusiasts in the world. international exchange, aeronautics, non-profit, volunteering, aero-club de france, iace, piloting, culture, heritage, and youth

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment edtech

5 1 5 14
ipso santé ipso santé

[Automatic translation follows] local care in Paris: benevolence, continuous progress and interdisciplinary collaboration ipso is a network of local medical practices in Paris. We wish to contribute to the emergence of a better quality health system, accessible to all. medical practice, general medicine, infectiology, pediatrics, gynecology, hypnosis, nutrition, addictology, nursing, midwifery, and nursery medicine

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

6 2 2 58
Federal Office for Migration and Refugees Federal Office for Migration and Refugees

Putting people first: providing security, creating opportunities, embracing change As the centre of excellence for migration and integration in Germany, the Federal Office is not only responsible for processing asylum applications and ensuring refugee protection, but is also a motor for the nationwide promotion of integration. The authority's remit also includes research into migration. We make opportunities possible and live change. Are you looking for your first job, a career change or a career transition? Are you interested in the topics of asylum, integration, migration, voluntary return, as well as in international affairs, security and research? Or do you feel …

Type: Public

2 1 1 1,497
Arq Group Arq Group

Arq Group is now part of NCS Australia, offering end-to-end digital transformation solutions for clients. Arq Group is now part of NCS Australia - a leading technology services firm, providing services and solutions in consulting, digital, applications and more. We believe in the power of technology to make extraordinary things happen and to create lasting impact and value for our people, communities and partners. We bring together people and expertise to harness the best of technology. Our diverse 2,000-strong workforce has delivered a wealth of large-scale, mission-critical, and multi-platform projects for governments and businesses across Australia. NCS Group operates across …

Type: SMB Activities: martech it services e-commerce uxtech Technologies: Data Analytics

4 1 4 254
IRA de Lyon(officiel) IRA de Lyon(officiel)

[Automatic translation follows] Welcome to the account of the Regional Institute of Administration of Lyon +recruitment and initial training of general administration executives of the State +continuing training +preparation for the competition +Talents preparatory class the IRA of Lyon is one of the 5 schools of initial training of category A civil servants of the State, with Bastia, Lille, Metz and Nantes Recruitment and training of general administration executives of the State

Type: Public

6 2 3 153
Institut Sapiens Institut Sapiens

[Automatic translation follows] So that the future needs us. So that the future needs us, we are creating the first French think tech: the Sapiens Institute. She wants to put humans back at the heart of digital technology. Driven by Olivier Babeau and Dominique Calmels, the Sapiens Institute aims to define the role of humans in a society disrupted by digital technology. Our main focus of work is the study and promotion of new forms of ecosystems favorable to economic development and social well-being. The Sapiens Institute wishes to innovate through its methods of reflection, its real territorial roots and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

8 4 1 19
IRA de Nantes IRA de Nantes

[Automatic translation follows] Regional Institute of Administration of Nantes Welcome to the Regional Institute of Administration of Nantes, where excellence meets the transformation of public service. Our interministerial school is dedicated to preparing the public service of today and tomorrow by adapting our recruitment and training approach to meet societal expectations and the quality standards of the administration. We are committed to informing and raising awareness about public service professions, to diversifying and professionalizing recruitment, in particular through our preparatory classes specially designed for future public service talents. Our action is shaped by our desire to meet the needs of …

Type: Public

19 1 7 168

Safety and security, more than words... trust ! The PRAETORIAN GROUP, a human-sized company, offers customized comprehensive solutions that attend your needs and contribute to the performance of your company by thanks to our flexibility, responsiveness and adaptability. - Remote Security, Video Surveillance - Secure transport of goods - Secure transport of people - Business Travel Security - Close protection of People - Secure escort transport of goods - Tracking of people, goods and vehicles Télésurveillance , Vidéosurveillance , Sûreté, Sécurité, Géolocalisation, Protection, Vidéo-protection, Transport sécurisé de personnes, Transport sécurisé de marchandises, Escorte du transport de marchandises, Accompagnement en zones …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech Technologies: Cybersecurity

11 1 6 48
Institut Mines-Télécom Business School Institut Mines-Télécom Business School

[Automatic translation follows] Institut Mines-Télécom Business School is a Grande École de Commerce founded in 1979, internationally recognized and accredited by AACSB and AMBA. It is the business school of the largest group of engineering schools in France: IMT. The school offers training ranging from bac + 3 (Bachelor, post-bac recruitment) to doctorate, including many bac +5 level programs, including its flagship program, the Grande Ecole Program (PGE). Looking to the future, the school strives to continually renew its programs to offer (future) students training that is useful in a changing world. The school shares its campus with the Télécom …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

68 8 48 374
S&D Magazine S&D Magazine

[Automatic translation follows] Your media Security, cybersecurity, defense & geopolitics Born 10 years ago, the Security & Defense magazine meets the editorial need reflecting the security & defense continuum. A high-end bimonthly magazine, it plays the influence card through a strong editorial line. It is now established among order givers, prescribers, manufacturers, companies, lobbying firms and major players in security, cybersecurity and defense, as a quality and reference media where communicating, discussing, criticizing, convincing, arguing, shaking up is possible, with finesse and intelligence. A bilingual and bi-media magazine with its digital version, it combines the editorial and operational expertise of …

Type: Media

47 4 45 8
Influences Influences

[Automatic translation follows] Creator of public links Influences is an opinion communication agency that has placed Media Relations at the heart of all the systems it deploys for its clients. Its personalized approach to issues, the creative vision of its profession, its in-depth knowledge of the expectations and constraints of journalists reflect the professional personality of the Agency as closely as possible. Its core business, transforming information from companies and organizations into "news" to be used in all media: press, radio, television, web media, web 2.0. Its added value, "Building a credible and sustainable media signature" for the company. Influences' …

Type: Media

35 0 34 15
INES - Institut National de l'Energie Solaire INES - Institut National de l'Energie Solaire

[Automatic translation follows] Research & Education for Solar Energy INES is a world leader in R&D, expertise and training for advanced solar technologies, their integration into systems and intelligent energy management. Initiated by the General Council of Savoie and the Rhône-Alpes Region, it brings together teams from the CEA, the University of Savoie Mont Blanc and benefits from the support of the CNRS and the CSTB. INES currently has 400 employees on a 22,000 m2 site equipped with the best equipment. Our employees and partners are redesigning the future for the energy transition. Solar photovoltaic, Building energy, Solar thermal, Storage …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

57 16 44 128
Haute Autorité pour la transparence de la vie publique Haute Autorité pour la transparence de la vie publique

[Automatic translation follows] The High Authority for Transparency in Public Life (HATVP) is an independent administrative authority (AAI). A state institution, it is responsible for promoting the probity of public officials and ensuring the regulation of lobbying. On X: @HATVP Ethics, Compliance, Accountability, Transparency, Audit, Consulting, Prevention of conflicts of interest, Probity, and Lobbying

Type: Public

13 5 10 60

[Automatic translation follows] Information, advice and testimonials to enter and progress in the public service The Vocation Service Public Group is a print-digital-events publishing company specializing in employment in the public service founded by Antoine Ingold in 2008. The Vocation Service Public Group offers a unique information system for candidates for recruitment in public and parapublic institutions, and in state, territorial and hospital public services, as well as for public agents already in post and who wish to advance their career. The print-digital-events media of the Vocation Service Public Group allow you to reach, in a rewarding editorial context, the …

Type: Media

18 0 16 5

Fédérateur de l'industrie navale française, civile et militaire. Le GICAN, Groupement des Industries de Construction et Activités Navales, fédère plus de 280 industriels de la filière maritime française. Il réunit les chantiers navals, systémiers, équipementiers, sous-traitants, sociétés d’ingénierie, architectes navals et toutes les entreprises qui concourent à la construction navale civile et à ses équipements, à la construction navale de défense, de sûreté et de sécurité, aux énergies marines renouvelables, à la valorisation et à la protection des océans et aux infrastructures côtières et portuaires. The GICAN, the French Marine Industry Group, affiliates more than 250 industrialists in the maritime …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: military constructiontech

70 18 48 30
Gamecash Gamecash

[Automatic translation follows] The specialist brand for #secondhand video games since 2003 🎮♻ The brand, which has 65 stores as of June 2013, is expanding at a rate of 10 to 15 new stores per year, exclusively on the Franchise model. Within 5 years, the network should bring together 100 stores in France. Several European Master Franchises are under consideration: Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Germany, etc. Gamecash has exclusive tools in the field of CASH purchasing of video games from individuals: cash register software with Police Book, integrated online Argus, scratched CD resurfacer. The merchant site,, a 100% second-hand sales …

Type: Media

67 8 63 75
Fraternité Générale Fraternité Générale

[Automatic translation follows] Promote Fraternity throughout the territory. Promote everyone's initiatives to encourage new ones. Fraternité Générale is a movement created in 2016 with 3 objectives: * Promote Fraternity throughout France to fight against rejection, community and identity withdrawal * Make culture accessible to all through national actions * Encourage and promote initiatives carried out by society. The association is chaired by the philosopher Abdennour Bidar. #FRATERNITEGENERALE

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

13 4 9 5
France Lutte - Fédération Française de Lutte France Lutte - Fédération Française de Lutte

[Automatic translation follows] At the origins of Olympism, at the origins of Combat. The French Federation of Wrestling and Associated Disciplines (FFLDA) is an association under the 1901 law recognized as being of public utility, founded in 1913. The FFLDA has 3 main missions: • Regulate and direct the practice of Olympic Wrestling in its 3 styles (Women's Wrestling, Freestyle Wrestling and Greco-Roman Wrestling) and associated disciplines (Gouren, Sambo, Grappling). • Ensure the development and promotion of the educational, social and cultural functions of wrestling and associated disciplines. • Contribute to the training of executives (training diploma, referee diploma, grades). …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

28 4 8 48
France Assos Santé France Assos Santé

[Automatic translation follows] A Union of nearly 100 associations campaigning for the rights & defense of the rights of users of the health system France Assos Santé is the name chosen by the National Union of Approved Associations of Users of the Health System in order to make its action known as a reference organization to represent patients and users of the health system and defend their interests. With a mission officially recognized by its inclusion in the Public Health Code via the law of January 26, 2016, France Assos Santé was created in March 2017 at the initiative of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

53 21 14 93
France Angels France Angels

[Automatic translation follows] France Angels is the National Federation of Business Angels France Angels is the National Federation of Business Angels. France Angels federates, represents and promotes French Business Angels. The Federation works to develop an economic, social and legal environment favorable to Business Angels and acts to promote their role as supporters and financiers of young companies with high growth potential, job creators.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

76 25 51 24
Forum réfugiés Forum réfugiés

[Automatic translation follows] Welcoming, protecting, supporting and defending those who have had to flee their country Since its creation in 1982, Forum réfugiés has supported thousands of asylum seekers and refugees every day in around fifteen departments. On a daily basis, it provides initial reception for asylum seekers, management of accommodation centres, support for the integration of refugees, mental health care for victims of violence related to exile, and support in administrative detention centres. Forum réfugiés also has the mission, through training, information, awareness-raising and advocacy actions at national and European level, to ensure that the fundamental rights of asylum …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

20 8 14 383
Fondation pour le droit continental Fondation pour le droit continental

[Automatic translation follows] European and International Legal Think Tank Recognized as being of public utility, our Foundation has been bringing together public and private players from the legal and economic world for over 10 years who together wish to promote and increase the influence of continental law in Europe and internationally. Our Foundation has thus established itself as an influential organization, capable of creating a global network of experts and organizing major events around law and economics. It mainly pursues three objectives: -Promote the attractiveness of our continent by improving the attractiveness of our law and our legal system. -Provide …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

15 8 14 14
Forum InCyber Europe (FIC) Forum InCyber Europe (FIC)

[Automatic translation follows] #1 🇪🇺 Event on #Cybersecurity 🛡️ #InCyberForum | 🗓️ 26, 27, 28 March 2024 | The InCyber ​​Forum (FIC) is part of a process of reflection and discussion aimed at promoting a global vision of digital trust. Born in France, under the impetus of the Ministry of the Interior and the Hauts de France region, the FIC has established itself over the years as the reference element in Europe, bringing together representatives from the institutional, economic, academic and technical worlds. The European InCyber ​​Forum is today 3 days of discussions and technical demonstrations in Lille, bringing …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

131 63 85 26
Fédération Nationale des Banques Populaires (FNBP) Fédération Nationale des Banques Populaires (FNBP)

[Automatic translation follows] The Fédération Nationale des Banques Populaires is the body for reflection, expression and representation of the Banques Populaires and their managers within the BPCE Group and beyond. It is the place where common positions are developed for the entire network. Guaranteeing the identity and values ​​of the Banques Populaires, it promotes their actions in their territories. It is a force for proposals and guidance to inspire the future. cooperation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

14 2 8 20
Fédération Française de Ski - FFS Fédération Française de Ski - FFS

[Automatic translation follows] Make the most of the pleasures of skiing. The French Ski Federation (FFS) is an association under the 1901 Law founded on October 15, 1924, based in Annecy. The missions of the FFS are: TO PROMOTE AND DEVELOP the practice of skiing in all its forms, TO ORGANIZE sports competitions at all levels, TO ISSUE national, regional and departmental titles, TO MONITOR the training of volunteer executives who run its 1,000 clubs, TO SELECT French representatives for international competitions or events, TO DEFINE the technical rules specific to skiing and snowboarding in compliance with international regulations, TO …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

18 8 11 308
Fédération des entreprises de services à la personne (FESP) Fédération des entreprises de services à la personne (FESP)

[Automatic translation follows] Leading Federation of Personal Services Companies. FESP is the preferred contact for public authorities and stakeholders in the personal services sector representing all modes of intervention, service providers and agents, self-employed entrepreneurs and private employers. Who are we? The Fédération du Service aux Particuliers is an association under the 1901 law created in April 2006. It is a member of MEDEF, the Groupement des professions de services (GPS) and EFSI. History of the creation of FESP Since the law of 26 July 2005 on the development of personal services, the sector has grown significantly thanks to a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consumer services

45 6 35 74
Préfecture de la région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, préfecture de la Côte d’Or Préfecture de la région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, préfecture de la Côte d’Or

[Automatic translation follows] Account of the prefecture of the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region, prefecture of Côte-d'Or. Find on the page of the prefecture of Côte-d'Or and the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region the job offers to be filled within our services, the action of the State on the territory or even the administrative news for the companies.

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

46 14 35 112
Etalab - Service du Premier ministre Etalab - Service du Premier ministre

[Automatic translation follows] "Chief Data Officer" of the State, in charge of public policy on data, algorithms and source codes Prime Minister's service in charge of open data and open government. Within the General Secretariat for the Modernization of Public Action, Etalab coordinates government action on open data, develops and administers the portal and supports the reuse of public data. Open Data, Open Government, Datasciences, chief data officer, artificial intelligence, AI, Algorithms, open source, and digital commons

Type: Public

93 24 57 20
ENVSN - École Nationale de Voile et des Sports Nautiques ENVSN - École Nationale de Voile et des Sports Nautiques

[Automatic translation follows] ENVSN, a national reference institution, serving all stakeholders in the nautical sector in France and internationally The National Sailing and Water Sports School is a national public institution that participates in the development of sailing and nautical sports throughout France. Its main missions are structured around: 1. Professional training 2. High-level sport 3. Innovation, expertise, research & development 4. Reception and organization of stays training, sailing, surfing, kite, canoe kayak, support, safety, first aid, weather, VAE, skills assessment, nautical activities, prevention, and research and development

Type: Public

22 2 20 47
En avant toute(s) En avant toute(s)

[Automatic translation follows] Association for gender equality and the end of violence against women and LGBTQIA+ people The association En avant toute(s) fights for equality by addressing young people who are questioning the relationships between women and men in society. It supports young women and LGBTQIA+ people experiencing violence within their couple or family. It is aimed at all audiences without distinction of gender, social class, culture, belief or sexual orientation. The chat: it is anonymous, secure and free. It is aimed at all people who have questions about couples and the violence that can exist there. To those who …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

24 7 15 26

[Automatic translation follows] The ecological and responsible natural mineral water from Ariège. Eau Neuve, source of Pédourès Pure and balanced, this natural mountain mineral water is filtered for 5 years through the rock, then captured at an altitude of 1332 m in Haute-Ariège, in the Pyrenees mountain range. Eau Neuve innovates with its bio-sourced, recycled and recyclable packaging. A water that is suitable for the hydration of the whole family on a daily basis. Eau Neuve is the natural mountain mineral water that is responsible by nature!

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Bio sourced materials

47 0 47 7
KeplerVO KeplerVO

[Automatic translation follows] Focus on your core business! The rest is for us. Web software for automotive professionals. All your daily tasks in a single web software, complete, scalable and easy to use. KeplerVO aims to meet the expectations of the automotive market and dealers. Our desire is to offer a 100% web solution designed to manage the automotive trading activity. This allows professionals to improve the performance of their business and develop their customer portfolio. Automotive professionals, we work daily to offer you an effective offer. We train our users in the many features of the software and our …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

3 0 3 14
La Fabrique Spinoza La Fabrique Spinoza

[Automatic translation follows] #happiness at the heart of society. La Fabrique Spinoza is the movement of citizen happiness, aiming to place happiness at the heart of our society. Born from a double realization, on the one hand that happiness is an essential subject for all but rarely explicitly and on the other hand that scientific knowledge exists on happiness but is little disseminated, La Fabrique Spinoza's mission is to reintegrate the notion of happiness at the heart of our societies. It is composed of the Observatoire Spinoza - study branch which produces knowledge to inspire society, Action Spinoza - support …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: entertainment

57 17 40 30

Take care anytime every where Neovigie is a tech company that propose a full SAAS solution for loneworkers Sécurité, Protection travailleurs isolés, Gestion d'alerte, Mise en sûreté, Télésurveillance, and Gestion des risques

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

6 1 5 9
Alert'Eau Alert'Eau

[Automatic translation follows] Flood and drought anticipation solutions and real-time alerts for local authorities. Alert’Eau offers local authorities real-time alert solutions to anticipate floods and droughts. Municipalities, EPCI with GEMAPI competence, ensure the safety of property and people in your area with Alert’Eau tools: • Monitor the evolution of your watercourses in real time via SAAS (system as a service) access • Benefit from alerts to anticipate flood risks • Improve water resource management thanks to Alert’Eau hydrometric stations and the anticipation of water deficit risks (hydrological drought) environment, risk, flood, drought, water resource, and alert

Type: Startup Activities: water management cleantech greentech Technologies: SaaS

4 1 3 1
H4D - Health for Development H4D - Health for Development

[Automatic translation follows] Innovation for better access to care, everywhere and for everyone. H4D is a French company specializing in clinical telemedicine, created in 2008 by Dr. Franck Baudino. His observation? Access to care is increasingly difficult everywhere in the world. Medical desertification is a reality that will affect around 20 million French people in a few years, and concerns many other countries. H4D offers a public utility health project, ambitious and necessary: ​​the fight against medical desertification and the difficulty of access to care with a cutting-edge clinical and responsible telemedicine offer. H4D offers remote access to a doctor …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: IoT

42 17 27 68
Frontex Frontex

Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, is one of European Union's most dynamic & fastest-growing agencies. WHO WE ARE Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, is one of European Union's most dynamic and fastest-growing agencies. We support EU Member States and Schengen Associated Countries in the management of EU’s external borders and fighting cross-border crime. The agency is a centre of excellence for border control activities at the EU’s external borders, sharing intelligence and expertise with all EU Member States, as well as neighbouring non-EU countries affected by migratory trends and cross-border crime. Among its many …

Type: Public

3 1 2 1,536
Guardia Civil Guardia Civil

[Automatic translation follows] OFFICIAL PROFILE. This channel does not handle complaints, in case of EMERGENCY or URGENCY call the phone number 📞 062. The Civil Guard is a Public Security Corps of a military nature and national scope that is part of the State Security Forces and Corps in Spain. It depends on the Ministry of the Interior in terms of services, remuneration, destinations and resources, and on the Ministry of Defense in terms of promotions and missions of a military nature. The main mission of the Civil Guard will be to guarantee the protection of citizens against criminal acts …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

3 3 0 1,819
Théâtre Mogador Théâtre Mogador

[Automatic translation follows] The theater for all your events Built in 1919, and inaugurated by the future president of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, the Théâtre Mogador is located in the heart of Paris, just behind the Opera. Thanks to its "English-style" auditorium of 1,600 seats offering perfect visibility and incomparable proximity to the stage, and its 4 foyers and 3 lounges spread over more than 1,000 m2, the Théâtre Mogador is the theater for all your events! Conventions, seminars, award ceremonies, gala dinners, product launches, fashion shows, filming... contact us to find out more! events, shows, entertainment, and seminars

Type: SMB Activities: arttech traveltech

12 7 6 35
DRIEAT (Direction régionale et interdépartementale Environnement-Aménagement-Transports) DRIEAT (Direction régionale et interdépartementale Environnement-Aménagement-Transports)

[Automatic translation follows] The Regional and Interdepartmental Directorate for the Environment, Planning and Transport of Île-de-France (DRIEAT) is a decentralized service of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Ministry of Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Authorities. It implements the State's policies in terms of transport, planning and sustainable development, environment, energy, urban planning under the authority of the Prefect of Île-de-France, Prefect of Paris, the Prefect of Police and the departmental prefects. The DRIEAT participates in the construction of a living environment that best meets the needs of current and future generations of Ile-de-France residents, and provides an …

Type: Public

28 10 2 460

[Automatic translation follows] All the information 100% dedicated to Professionals in Architecture, Construction and Living Environment 1st source of information for professionals in architecture, construction, living environment and real estate. The Batiactu editorial team informs all professionals every day through the site, newsletters, mobile application and magazine. Professional press, Online media, Quarterly magazine, and Mobile application

Type: Media

65 19 49 6
Atmo Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Atmo Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

[Automatic translation follows] Air Quality Observatory in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Atmo Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is the air quality monitoring observatory approved by the Ministry of Ecological and Inclusive Transition and a member of the Atmo France federation. Thanks to its mastery of the issues, its scientific and technical expertise and its territorial anchoring, Atmo Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes supports local stakeholders, authorities and citizens to act and encourage behavioral changes in our region.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

35 13 20 81
Communauté d'agglomération de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Communauté d'agglomération de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

[Automatic translation follows] SQY, land of innovations. Specific to new towns, the urban community of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (Casqy) is an inter-municipal cooperation establishment, serving municipalities and residents (147,000 inhabitants).

Type: Public

66 30 42 504
My Job Glasses My Job Glasses

1st professional meetings’ platform in Europe 🌍. Laureate #FrenchTech2030 & France 2030 🏆 My Job Glasses is the 1st professional meetings’ platform in Europe. Laureate #FrenchTech2030 & France 2030 🏆 Because we want to give everyone the same chance to be fulfilled in their work, we have brought together the largest community of active and committed professionals in Europe, and we have enabled the creation of 675,000 pairs. Free and now accessible to everyone, regardless of age or professional situation, My Job Glasses is a solution for anyone looking for information on a job, a company or a skill. Our …

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: SMB Activities: hrtech Technologies: SaaS

65 29 34 488
DGAFP - Direction générale de l’administration et de la fonction publique DGAFP - Direction générale de l’administration et de la fonction publique

[Automatic translation follows] The State HRD Official page of the General Directorate of Administration and Civil Service - DRH de L'État. Find us on and on Twitter: public service account @dgafp ...................................................................................................................................................................... The General Directorate of Administration and Civil Service is responsible for designing and implementing an overall policy for the civil service in the field of human resources.

Type: Public

38 22 19 647
Département des Bouches-du-Rhône Département des Bouches-du-Rhône

[Automatic translation follows] Solidarity community, committed to all Provençals, from birth to the golden age of life. Welcome to the page of the Bouches-du-Rhône Department 👋 A bit of history... The department is an institution whose creation dates back to the revolution. The limits of the territory were defined as having to be a day's ride from the capital. Most of its powers result from the decentralization laws of 1982 and 1983, recently supplemented by the NOTRe law of August 7, 2015 relating to the new territorial organization. The Department is an essential level of proximity for residents, thanks to …

Type: Public

105 58 29 975
Département de la Moselle Département de la Moselle

[Automatic translation follows] A local authority par excellence, the Moselle Department is an essential local player, guaranteeing the solidarity of people and territories. Between the missions assigned to it by law and the voluntary policies put in place to promote the well-being of Mosellans and the influence of Moselle, it influences the daily lives of hundreds of thousands of people, men, women, children, infants, the elderly, the disabled, middle school students, students, community actors... local authority, social, road, middle school, culture, sport, and youth

Type: Public

13 11 4 594
Délégation interministérielle à l'accueil et à l'intégration des réfugiés (Diair) Délégation interministérielle à l'accueil et à l'intégration des réfugiés (Diair)

[Automatic translation follows] We participate in the implementation of the policy of welcoming and integrating refugees in the territory Announced in the summer of 2017 in the action plan to guarantee the right to asylum and better control migratory flows, an interministerial delegate responsible for the reception and integration of refugees was appointed to the Minister of the Interior. His mission is to participate in the definition and coordination of the policy of welcoming and integrating refugees. To this end, in addition to the various State departments, he works with local authorities, the voluntary sector and representatives of civil society. …

Type: Public

47 7 41 32
DRANE Site de Versailles DRANE Site de Versailles

[Automatic translation follows] Versailles, digital academy Official account of the Delegation of the Academic Region for Digital Education (DRANE) - site of the Versailles academy. digital, e-education, e-training, robotics, programming, media education, EMI, ENT, and digital resources

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech Technologies: Robotics

28 6 23 46

[Automatic translation follows] 🎓 Logistics | Purchasing | Supply Chain | E-commerce 📍 Redon (35) & Paris-Cachan (94) The GIP CEI was created in 2013 with the aim of offering work-study training from post-BAC to BAC+5 level on its campuses in Redon and Paris. Our courses, mainly focused on industry, aim to train students in technical and management professions. The GIP CEI, supported by regional and departmental authorities and by the Communities of Communes, is located in Redon and Paris. The GIP CEI includes the ESLI (Ecole supérieure de logistique industrielle), based in Redon and Paris-Cachan, the ESTI (Ecole Supérieure …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech Technologies: Robotics

11 0 7 55
Agence française anticorruption Agence française anticorruption

[Automatic translation follows] The French Anti-Corruption Agency (AFA) is a national authority created by Law No. 2016-1691 of 9 December 2016 or Law on transparency, the fight against corruption and the modernisation of economic life (known as the "Sapin 2 Law"), placed under the Minister of Justice and the Minister responsible for the budget, with the mission of helping the competent authorities and the persons who are confronted with them to prevent and detect acts of corruption, influence peddling, bribery, illegal taking of interest, misappropriation of public funds and favouritism. The AFA fulfills this mission by activating two complementary and …

Type: Public

25 8 14 42
Sciences à l'École Sciences à l'École

[Automatic translation follows] Ministerial system to support science education in middle and high schools and to promote CSTI "Sciences à l'École" is a ministerial system, founded in 2004 on the initiative of academician Pierre Encrenaz and the inspector general of National Education Jean-Yves Daniel in order to support science education in middle and high schools and to promote scientific and technical culture among students in general, technological, professional and post-baccalaureate courses. Thanks to its partnerships with the world of research and business, "Sciences à l'École" pilots actions all aimed at bringing science to life as close as possible to students …

Type: Public

34 3 27 7
Préfecture de l’Aude Préfecture de l’Aude

[Automatic translation follows] State services in Aude State services in Aude

Type: Public Activities: it services

12 4 10 48
Conseil national du numérique Conseil national du numérique

[Automatic translation follows] Independent public commission responsible for conducting an open reflection on the relationship between humans and digital technology The National Digital Council, an independent consultative commission, has the mission of conducting an open reflection on the relationship between humans and digital technology. Its mission is to give citizens and decision-makers, at the national and European levels, the keys to thinking and acting. The work it produces and shares is the result of the collective thinking emanating from the debates organized within it and from meetings with people from all components of society. Members and general secretariat: Tech, …

Type: Public

113 57 54 23
Conseil départemental de la Seine-Saint-Denis Conseil départemental de la Seine-Saint-Denis

[Automatic translation follows] For employment, the Department mobilizes stakeholders and creates the conditions for implementing new initiatives and actions so that the economic development of the territory benefits residents.

Type: Public

49 35 16 2,828
Communauté Urbaine d'Alençon Communauté Urbaine d'Alençon

[Automatic translation follows] At the meeting point of Normandy and the Pays de la Loire, the Urban Community of Alençon benefits from a strategic position on the Calais - Bayonne and Paris - Brittany axis. It covers 31 municipalities, 2 departments (Orne and Sarthe), an employment area of ​​80,000 inhabitants and a catchment area of ​​150,000 inhabitants. The CUA exercises very complementary skills in setting up economic projects. It is competent in planning (PLUI), instruction (issuing planning permission) and economic development (implantation, technical and financial support, recruitment, etc.). Only a few territories in France of equivalent stratum have this same …

Type: Public

31 2 30 95
CommStrat - Communication Stratégique CommStrat - Communication Stratégique

[Automatic translation follows] Strategists to master your communication in the new public debate CommStrat designs and deploys strategies for private and public economic actors and supports them in: - Managing crises and complex negotiations, - Steering and implementing communication plans, on and offline, - Representing and promoting the interests of companies vis-à-vis public authorities, in France, Europe and around the world, - Strengthening the personal branding and leadership of managers, - Recruiting internal or external resources capable of helping managers achieve their objectives more quickly and more effectively. Communication, Negotiation, Executive Consulting, Crisis Management, Public Relations, and Public Affairs

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting govtech martech

36 1 36 15
Comité français de l'UICN Comité français de l'UICN

[Automatic translation follows] For a fair world that values ​​and conserves Nature Created in 1992, the French Committee of the IUCN is the network of organizations and experts of the International Union for Conservation of Nature in France. It brings together in an original partnership 2 ministries, 7 public organizations, 6 local authorities, 61 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and more than 250 experts. Through this mixed composition, the French Committee of the IUCN is a unique platform for dialogue, expertise and action on biodiversity issues. The French Committee of the IUCN aims to contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

41 10 34 89
CHRU de Strasbourg - Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg CHRU de Strasbourg - Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg

[Automatic translation follows] Health innovation for all The Strasbourg University Hospitals include 6 healthcare facilities: - the civil hospital - the Hautepierre hospital - the medical-surgical and obstetrical center (CMCO) - the hand surgery and orthopedic surgery center - the Robertsau hospital - the Elsau hospital and 3 logistics sites. health, hospital, research, and innovation

Type: Public

36 15 13 2,752
Chambres d'agriculture Chambres d'agriculture

[Automatic translation follows] For 100 years, the Chambers of Agriculture have contributed to the future of French agriculture. The network of Chambers of Agriculture, public professional establishments administered by elected officials, works with farmers and communities. The Chambers of Agriculture are distinguished by the diversity of their professions: consulting, training, R&D and support functions. More than 8,000 employees are spread throughout the country. They represent all the players in the agricultural, rural and forestry world before the public authorities. Chambres d'agriculture France is the national body of the network of Chambers of Agriculture. For 100 years, the Chambers of Agriculture …

Type: Public

40 24 14 828

[Automatic translation follows] Quality open data for transparency, better public action and the creation of new services. is the open and community platform that aims to centralize and structure open data in France. It promotes the transparency and efficiency of public action while facilitating the creation of new services. We allow: - data producers to open their data; - data reusers to download data and share their achievements; - any citizen to discover data or find information. Open data and Données

Type: Public Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

22 4 17 2
Centre Hospitalier de Moulins-Yzeure Centre Hospitalier de Moulins-Yzeure

[Automatic translation follows] Certified "Quality of care confirmed" by the High Authority of Health With nearly 1000 beds and places, it is the second largest healthcare facility in Auvergne. Its various services, located in the municipalities of Moulins and Yzeure, meet the needs of the population of the health territory. Its technical platform (scanners, MRI, particle accelerator, etc.) completes this healthcare offer. Medicine center, Women-Mother-Child Center, Geriatric Sector Center, Autonomy and Rehabilitation, Mental Health Center, Management and Strategy Center, Public Health and Prevention Center, Critical Care Emergency Center, Operating Room Center, Anesthesia, Surgery, and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Center

Type: Public

14 1 11 313