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LogoName Σ Employees
Indre Nature Indre Nature

[Automatic translation follows] Association for the protection of nature and the environment in Indre (36). Protecting fauna and flora, conserving biodiversity, preserving natural environments, protecting water resources, are major challenges for the future of the planet and the future of future generations. Indre Nature intends to take up, at the local level of the Indre department, these challenges of general interest both by mobilizing its members and its team of specialized naturalists and by engaging in a partnership and dialogue approach with the public authorities and economic, technical and social stakeholders of Indre. Indre Nature actively participates in the environmental …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

3 1 1 10

[Automatic translation follows] Know and raise awareness to protect the marine environment ASSO-MER, an association created in 2016 and based in Case-Pilote (Martinique), aims to gain knowledge of marine heritage and promote this knowledge to as many people as possible for the protection of the sea. The association's actions are divided into 4 areas: - conservation and restoration of species and habitats - participatory sciences - support for changing practices - awareness environment, corals, waste, sciences, awareness, and activities

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

2 1 1 11

[Automatic translation follows] Management and restoration of migratory fish populations in the Gironde-Garonne-Dordogne-Charente-Seudre basins The MIGADO association – Migrateurs Garonne Dordogne Charente Seudre – is an association under the 1901 Law, created in 1989 at the request of the Ministry of the Environment. Its main objectives are the management, restoration and support of migratory fish populations in the Gironde-Garonne-Dordogne-Charente-Seudre basin, which is the last hydrographic basin to host the 8 species historically present, namely: European sturgeon, Atlantic salmon, sea trout, allis shad, twaite shad, sea lamprey, river lamprey and European eel. Approved as an environmental protection association and declared to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

6 1 1 24
Fédération nationale des chasseurs Fédération nationale des chasseurs

[Automatic translation follows] "Hunting does not need to be defended but explained" The Fédération Nationale des Chasseurs, an association approved for environmental protection, is responsible for promoting and defending hunting, as well as representing hunting interests with national and European authorities. It represents departmental and regional hunters' federations at the national level, and coordinates their actions (in favor of biodiversity, management of damage to crops by large game, security, nature education, etc.). Hunting brings together more than 4 million people in France, including 1.03 million annual practitioners. With nearly 70,000 hunting associations, 94 departmental federations and 13 regional federations, hunting …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

2 2 1 78
Conservatoire botanique national des Pyrénées et de Midi-Pyrénées Conservatoire botanique national des Pyrénées et de Midi-Pyrénées

[Automatic translation follows] Preserve the flora of the Pyrenees and Midi-Pyrénées Public institution approved by the Ministry of the Environment, for missions defined by the environmental code, on the knowledge and conservation of flora, fungi, vegetation and natural habitats, management and valorization of data, technical and scientific support, information and awareness of the public. It has also developed a mission in ethnology. A joint union composed of the Occitanie Region, the Departments of Hautes-Pyrénées and Pyrénées-Atlantiques, the Basque Country Urban Community, the Haute-Bigorre Community of Communes and the City of Bagnères-de-Bigorre. flora, fungi, vegetation, natural habitats, knowledge, conservation, ethnology, data …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

7 3 5 29

[Automatic translation follows] Public inter-municipal cooperation establishment dedicated to the development of the Ain region. Public Inter-municipal Cooperation Establishment dedicated to the development of the Ain region: electricity, gas, GIS, digital development, public lighting, energy transition. Electricity, gas, geographic information system, digital development, public lighting, energy transition

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city cleantech greentech

12 0 7 102
Sivom Mulhouse Sud Alsace Sivom Mulhouse Sud Alsace

[Automatic translation follows] Public local cooperation establishment tasked with waste and wastewater treatment The Sivom Mulhouse Sud Alsace (mixed syndicate à la carte) is a local public establishment. It provides public service missions in the areas of selective collection and waste treatment, as well as the collection and purification of wastewater. A privileged partner of the municipalities, the Sivom of the Mulhouse region now represents 4 members bringing together 53 municipalities with a total population of more than 290,000 inhabitants. Recycling, Recovery, Methanization, and Sanitation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech

9 2 7 20
Cube Scolaire Cube Scolaire

[Automatic translation follows] CUBE Scolaire: energy saving challenges for schools! 🎓⚡ CUBE Scolaire: energy saving competitions for schools! 🎓⚡ Since 2019 with CUBE.S, and since 2022 with CUBE.Ecoles, the CUBE Scolaire challenges have been raising awareness among primary, secondary and high school students about sustainable development issues, and more specifically energy efficiency. Co-organized by ACTEE FNCCR, IFPEB and Cerema, we are implementing concrete actions aimed at reducing energy consumption in school buildings. Students are stakeholders in these developments and, through their actions, become climate ambassadors! 🌍🌱 You benefit from assistance in setting up challenges, Cerema training, information webinars, various resources …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech edtech

5 1 5 N/A
CREBA.rehabilitation CREBA.rehabilitation

[Automatic translation follows] #CREBA: a Resource Center for the Responsible Rehabilitation of Old Buildings Our goal? To help all building professionals make quality choices for a GLOBAL and RESPONSIBLE approach to the rehabilitation of old building heritage at the crossroads of energy, technical and heritage issues. To do this, we have: -> Listed and summarized in summary sheets the most relevant STUDIES AND BOOKS that deal with the energy renovation of heritage -> Carried out CASE STUDIES of rehabilitations that combine heritage preservation AND energy rehabilitation -> Adapted a DECISION AID wheel that allows you to test and compare …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech constructiontech

4 2 3 3
Logistic Low Carbon Logistic Low Carbon

[Automatic translation follows] LLC supports economic players in the deployment of sustainable urban logistics adapted to their territory. A subsidiary of the CGF, Logistic Low Carbon is the leader of the InTerLUD+ program (Territorial Innovations and Sustainable Urban Logistics), a CEE program. Its vocation is to create spaces for dialogue between public and economic players in order to enable them to develop, together, action plans in favor of decarbonized and more energy-efficient freight transport.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech cleantech greentech

13 1 13 10
Deyrolle Territoires Deyrolle Territoires

[Automatic translation follows] Observe, understand, learn. Dream, marvel. Preserve, transmit. For the Future. Louis Albert de Broglie With its commitments to preserving and promoting the living, Deyrolle – a scientific and educational institution created in 1831 – has developed a consulting department for biodiversity and adaptation to change: Deyrolle Territoires. Deyrolle Territoires is aimed at public and private stakeholders and offers consulting & design, and awareness & creation: - Nature Art Education philosophy-strategy consultancy - Project support assistance - Strategy and partnership monitoring - Scoring around positive externalities and biodiversity - Labelling assistance: Nature Art Education®️ label created by Deyrolle …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech

13 1 12 1

[Automatic translation follows] Studies and consulting in waste management and urban cleanliness OPTAE is a management consulting company based out of 158 RUE DE LA MADONE, GENAY, France.

Type: SMB Activities: consulting cleantech

3 1 0 28
Cabinet de Saint Front Cabinet de Saint Front

[Automatic translation follows] "We are sowers of Social Responsibility" Our firm audits or advises companies on their CSR issues: ✔ DPEF: Audit of companies' CSR data and verification of the compliance of the DPEF (Extra-Financial Performance Declaration) ✔ Mission-driven company: support to become a mission-driven company and audit of the achievement of objectives ✔ CSR reporting: Construction or optimization of processes, assistance in writing CSR reports, development of the DPEF ✔ CSR approaches: Implementation, definition of issues, indicators, structuring of the approach ✔ Monetization of CSR actions and their impacts (territorial anchoring, creation of value for internal and external stakeholders, …

Type: SMB Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Data Analytics

1 1 0 22

[Automatic translation follows] Business network to create local synergies around the circular economy and pool resources #EIT RECTO VERSO is an eco-network of businesses to develop the circular economy in the north of Deux-Sèvres. Supported by ADEME, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, the Agglomeration of Bocage Bressuirais and the Community of Communes of Thouarsais, it raises awareness and encourages local businesses to adopt virtuous and innovative approaches in terms of waste management, energy performance, etc. Together to go further! Circular economy

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

2 1 0 2
Plateforme Entreprises & Biodiversité Plateforme Entreprises & Biodiversité

[Automatic translation follows] Business commitments and best practices with respect to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). In order to involve economic stakeholders in the challenges of preserving biodiversity, particularly as reflected in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), adopted in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro by the United Nations, the CBD Secretariat has created a specific exchange structure called the Global Partnership for Business and Biodiversity (GPBB). The Business & Biodiversity Platform was born from the action of the GPBB. It is managed by the ORÉE association, with the financial support of the OFB and the contribution of a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

8 1 8 1
Réseau Teddif Réseau Teddif

[Automatic translation follows] Territories, Environment and Sustainable Development in IDF, for the ecological transition of the Ile-de-France territories The Teddif network - Territories, Environment and Sustainable Development in Île-de-France - with its partners, Ademe IdF, DRIEAT, the IdF Region, AREC and Cerema IdF, supports the Ile-de-France communities in their energy and ecological transition initiatives. It offers places for exchanges and awareness-raising, promotes the sharing of knowledge and experiences and introduces tools and approaches. It is mainly aimed at the Ile-de-France communities but also at the actors contributing to their transition projects. Ecological transition, Sustainable Development, Energy transition, Mitigation, Adaptation, and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech

5 2 3 N/A
International Institute of Refrigeration International Institute of Refrigeration

Knowledge of refrigeration for sustainable development The International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) is the only independent intergovernmental science and technology based organization which promotes refrigeration knowledge in all fields from cryogenics to air conditioning, including liquefied gas, the cold chain, refrigeration processes and equipment, refrigerants and heat pumps. Key issues addressed by the IIR include food safety, health, energy saving and energy efficiency, global warming and ozone depletion. Cryophysics, cryoengineering, Liquefaction and separation of gases, Thermodynamics and transfer processes, Refrigerating equipment, Cryobiology, cryomedicine, Food science, Refrigerated storage, Refrigerated transport, Air conditioning, Heat pumps, Refrigeration, and cold chain

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

3 2 1 27

[Automatic translation follows] "Carthage des Energies Propres Et des Dépollutions" - CEPED - is an international initiative aimed at promoting CEPED brings together actors, women and men, business leaders, engineers, environmentalists, technicians, economists, financiers... as well as students at the end of their studies, aware of clean energy and pollution control as well as sustainable development. Aims to become the reference player in the transfer of technologies and knowledge in the fields of clean energy and pollution control CEPED aims to become the reference player in the transfer of technologies and knowledge in the fields of clean energy and pollution …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

1 1 0 19

[Automatic translation follows] Nature protection has a history. Let's write it together The Association for the History of Nature and Environmental Protection (AHPNE) is an association governed by the law of July 1, 1901 and the decree of August 16, 1901, whose purpose is: - to gather and publicize existing works, in France and abroad, on the history of the environment, ecology and sustainable development, and on the history of nature protection, sites and landscapes and biodiversity; - to encourage new works on these themes; - to encourage research, studies, bibliographies and source guides, publish them and ensure their promotion …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

3 3 0 35
Vigie-Nature Vigie-Nature

[Automatic translation follows] A network of citizens that advances science Vigie-Nature is a participatory science program aimed at studying the future of biodiversity in the face of global changes on a French scale, bringing together around fifteen programs. Founded by the National Museum of Natural History, Vigie-Nature is co-led by the MNHN and the French Office for Biodiversity and is coordinated in collaboration with associations. Vigie-Nature pursues three main objectives, (i) a scientific objective with the collection of a large quantity of standardized data allowing scientists to monitor the state of biodiversity, (ii) an educational objective, raising awareness of biodiversity …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech

2 2 0 1
Organization for Biodiversity Certificates Organization for Biodiversity Certificates

We provide a framework and market rules to generate and value positive local impacts on biodiversity The Organization for Biodiversity Certificates is an association that strives to support and uplift biodiversity actions by establishing a biodiversity crediting system. Our work is focused on providing a framework, a recognized measure, and market rules to generate and value positive local impacts on ecosystems. Our intention is also to enable the emergence of mixed carbon-biodiversity projects in order to favor initiatives that foster restoration with diverse native species and ultimately discriminate the carbon credits with a low or negative value for biodiversity. The …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

13 3 11 2

[Automatic translation follows] The energy player of the communities The Syndicat d’Énergie de l'Oise, as owner of the low and medium voltage electricity networks, is the Organizing Authority for the Distribution of Electricity. The SE60 manages the organization of the public electricity distribution service on behalf of 441 municipalities and 9 Communities of municipalities/agglomerations. In this capacity, the SE60 ensures the project management of the electricity networks and carries out the concealment, reinforcement, securing and extension works with Enedis. At the request of the communities, the union has developed multiple skills that make it a major and operational player in …

Type: SMB Activities: greentech cleantech energytech Technologies: Decarbonization

9 2 6 27
Com'Com Saint-Pourçain Sioule Limagne Com'Com Saint-Pourçain Sioule Limagne

[Automatic translation follows] Territory of Opportunities 60 bold and creative municipalities for a territory of opportunities! Saint-Pourçain Sioule Limagne was born on January 1, 2017 from the merger of the former Communities of municipalities of Sioule Colettes and Bouble, Bassin de Gannat and Pays Saint Pourçinois. The territory has 34,410 inhabitants and is structured around: • 2 large centers with more than 5,000 inhabitants (Gannat and Saint Pourçain sur Sioule) • 4 balance centers with more than 1,000 inhabitants (Bellenaves, Brout Vernet, Chantelle, Ebreuil) • many local centers offering daily services (Echassières Etroussat, Escurolles, Saint Didier la Forêt... without forgetting …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech

5 2 4 35
Forêt Bois Pays de Brest Forêt Bois Pays de Brest

[Automatic translation follows] Developing our forest heritage and promoting our local woods Launched in 2022, the Forêt Bois du Pays de Brest collective aims to network the forest-wood sector around 2 priorities: developing our forest heritage and promoting our local woods, ecosystems and renewable materials that contribute to the ecological transition and decarbonisation of our territory. Following the Ciaran storm that hit the Pays de Brest in November 2023, the Forêt Bois du Pays de Brest collective is supporting municipalities and small forest owners to promote trees on the ground and to perpetuate, renew and adapt woodlands in the face …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech constructiontech

2 0 2 N/A
Communauté de Communes de la Région de Rambervillers Communauté de Communes de la Région de Rambervillers

[Automatic translation follows] The pride of our territory is you! The Community of Communes is located in Rambervillers in the Vosges and has 30 communes. Its skills? Economic development actions of interest to the entire community; Spatial planning for the conduct of actions of community interest (PLUI...); Tourism; Early childhood (after-school care, leisure center without accommodation, crèche); Culture (in particular the music school); The environment: household waste, Gemapi (management of aquatic environments), sanitation; Actions of community interest (health center); Development, maintenance and management of reception areas for travelers; Housing and living environment policy (improvement of housing); Creation and management of …

Type: Public Activities: greentech cleantech

2 2 0 10
CAUE du Gard CAUE du Gard

[Automatic translation follows] Advise, train, inform and raise awareness in architecture, urban planning, environment and landscape in the Gard The Council of Architecture, Urban Planning and the Environment of the Gard (CAUE) assumes its missions through the various interventions of a multidisciplinary team which bases the dialogue with all the actors of the living environment and local development (elected officials, development agents, technicians, craftsmen, resource persons, etc.), on a recognition of the specific identity of each of the Gard territories.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city cleantech

3 1 0 14
Communauté de Communes du Volvestre Communauté de Communes du Volvestre

[Automatic translation follows] Creators of links 30 minutes from Toulouse, facing the Pyrenees, between the valleys of the Garonne and the Lèze, the Communauté de Communes du Volvestre is rich in the diversity and complementarity of the 32 municipalities that compose it. On an area of ​​410km2, it brings together nearly 30,000 inhabitants. With the viewpoints on the valleys of the Garonne and the Lèze, its hilly landscapes and the impressive panorama on the Pyrenees mountain range, the territory of the Communauté de Communes du Volvestre offers a multitude of walks, hiking trails and leisure places always close to nature. …

Type: Public Activities: cleantech

4 1 3 31
Syndicat Mixte du SCoT du Bassin d'Aurillac, du Carladès et de la Châtaigneraie Syndicat Mixte du SCoT du Bassin d'Aurillac, du Carladès et de la Châtaigneraie

[Automatic translation follows] Joint Syndicate in charge of the Territorial Coherence Plan for the Aurillac Basin, Carladès and Châtaigneraie, the Climate-Air-Energy Plan and the TEPOS system. Three EPCI members: the Aurillac Basin Agglomeration Community, the Châtaigneraie Cantalienne Community of Communes and the Cère and Goul en Carladès Community of Communes.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech

2 2 0 1
BackToEarth BackToEarth

[Automatic translation follows] For a return to the land (on land?) of citizens! Association for the promotion of the return to the land and territories. Organization of the National Meetings of the Return to the Land and Territories

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

2 2 0 4
SMILO - Small Islands Organisation SMILO - Small Islands Organisation

Supporting small #islands world-wide towards #sustainability #biodiversity #water #energytransition #wastemanagement SMILO is an international NGO that aims to support islands of less than 150km2 towards a sustainable management of their territory and resources. Our integrated approach ensures that islands are more resilient to climate change, through our work on priority sectoral areas: waste management, energy, water and sanitation, biodiversity and ecosystems, landscapes and cultural heritage. Our program is built around a labelling process, which provides pragmatic and effective solutions for the benefit of local populations and international recognition for sustainable islands. We support small islands in the Mediterranean, Western Africa …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech water management

2 1 2 9
Coeur de Forêt Coeur de Forêt

[Automatic translation follows] Behind the tree, the human We are a French association that works for environmental and social justice by rebuilding the precious balance between forests and humans. To protect forests and live in harmony, we have been working for over 15 years to regenerate our connection with the forest by understanding it and creating the foundations for this coexistence. Cœur de Forêt works on the ground, with populations, to eradicate forest degradation at its roots, by giving everyone the power to act for their preservation. Convinced that an alternative to deforestation is possible, we support populations towards an …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

1 1 0 42
SEPIA Conseils SEPIA Conseils

[Automatic translation follows] 30 years of expertise and advice to reintegrate water into our lives SEPIA Conseils is an engineering and consulting firm created in 1991 by Yves Kovacs, specialized for 30 years in project management assistance, advice and technical support, for intellectual services related to regional planning in the fields of water and the environment; the small and large water cycle. Our areas of expertise focus on adaptation to climate change and reducing environmental impacts: - Integrated rainwater management, at both the plot and city scales, - Integrated management of flood risk, coastal risks, urban and rural runoff, - …

Type: SMB Activities: greentech water management cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

4 2 2 36
Hydroconseil Hydroconseil

Consulting company in water, hygiene, sanitation, solid waste, irrigation, energy, environment, climate change Hydroconseil is a French consulting firm created in 1995 that specializes in improving essential public services for low-income populations in emerging and developing countries. Our expertise primarily focuses on: • Drinking water supply • Hygiene and sanitation • Adaptation to climate change • Integrated water resources management • Solid waste management • Irrigation and agricultural development • Sustainable access to energy • Environmental issues Hydroconseil carried out more than 700 projects since 1995. We work in more than 80 countries worldwide. We regularly carry out assignments in …

Type: SMB Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

3 2 2 62
Mairie de Verrières-le-Buisson Mairie de Verrières-le-Buisson

[Automatic translation follows] Verrières-le-Buisson, located in Essonne, has nearly 16,000 inhabitants. About ten kilometers south-southwest of Paris, Verrières-le-Buisson boasts an exceptional living environment. The town of Verrières-le-Buisson is located in the Essonne department and is a member of the Paris-Saclay Urban Community. The town has nearly 16,000 inhabitants. Nestled in the hollow of the hillsides, between the Bièvre flowing to the south in the last meanders of its “green valley” and the national forest (Bois de Verrières) located to the west on a plateau and its slopes, Verrières is a group of squares, parks, streets and green and flowery alleys. …

Type: Public Activities: cleantech

3 1 1 135
Alliance HQE - GBC Alliance HQE - GBC

[Automatic translation follows] The HQE-GBC Alliance is the catalyst for a collective movement of men & women committed to sustainable development The HQE-GBC Alliance is the alliance of professionals for a sustainable living environment. It brings together unions, professional federations, direct companies, communities and professionals individually. Building, development, infrastructure at all stages of their life cycle – construction, operation, renovation – are at the heart of its DNA in a cross-cutting vision combining quality of life, respect for the environment, economic performance and responsible management. Through the voluntary initiatives it encourages in France and internationally, the association acts in the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

33 6 30 22
Alliance Green IT (AGIT) Alliance Green IT (AGIT)

[Automatic translation follows] The association law 1901 of actors committed to responsible digital technology The Alliance Green IT (AGIT) is the association of actors committed to eco-responsible digital technology. Its mission is to "unite green IT actors to contribute to the public debate on the place of digital technology in sustainable development, promote the development of skills in organizations, and support them in identifying and sharing good practices". - Our website: - Our Publications: - Join us: Our themes: Energy transition, environmental footprint, WEEE, CSR, PUE, energy management, GHG, Cloud, Data center, circular economy, social and solidarity, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

15 2 11 5
Agence ORE Agence ORE

[Automatic translation follows] Facilitating the energy transition through digital technology Agence ORE (Energy Network Operators), an association under the 1901 law that brings together all electricity and gas distributors in France. A free, one-stop shop with a public service mission that provides gas and electricity data to support the energy transition of all stakeholders in French territories. energy, electricity, gas, renewable energies, renewable electricity, wind, solar, hydraulic, bioenergies, renewable gases, biomethane, biogas, digital, data, energy data, open data, datavisualisation, mapping, datavalorisation, energy mix, energy transition, energy planning, territories, and PPE

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

22 3 7 9
Agence Locale de l'Energie et du Climat - métropole bordelaise et Gironde Agence Locale de l'Energie et du Climat - métropole bordelaise et Gironde

[Automatic translation follows] Territorial engineering at the heart of the energy transition. ALEC was created in 2007 at the initiative of Bordeaux Métropole, the Gironde department and the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, with the support of ADEME, and in response to a European call for projects. Since then, this territorial engineering agency has been supporting the energy transition of the Gironde regions. Neutral and independent, ALEC carries out activities of general interest, recognized by the energy transition law for green growth of August 2015 (Energy Code, article L. 211-5-1). Now recognized in the Gironde region, it relies on the know-how of its …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

18 1 17 18
Agence BIO Agence BIO

[Automatic translation follows] French Agency for the Development and Promotion of Organic Agriculture Created in November 2001, the BIO Agency is a public interest group in charge of the development, promotion and structuring of French organic agriculture. It brings together, within its board of directors, representatives of the Public Authorities – the Ministry of Ecological Transition – the Ministry of Agriculture and Food – and professionals (FNAB, APCA, Synabio and the Agricultural Cooperation). Its main missions: • Communicate and inform about organic farming, its products, its environmental, social and territorial impact and manage the AB brand for communication purposes, • …

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

47 8 44 36
Francegaz Francegaz

[Automatic translation follows] Together, let's transform energy. Together, let's transform energy. Francegaz is the professional union of the French gas industry (natural gas, biomethane, biogas, liquid gases and hydrogen) created in 1874. Its mission is to mobilize and bring together all the players in the sector including the territories, innovative companies and start-ups, industrial players, users, co-producers. It represents their interests and those of the entire sector by ensuring its representation with the public authorities by: • contributing to the development of legislative and regulatory texts, • contributing to European and international work, • carrying out studies through its six …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

30 5 19 30
Adrastia Adrastia

[Automatic translation follows] "It is too late for sustainable development." (Dennis Meadows) The Adrastia association was founded in June 2014 by citizens who had noted the general denial about the conclusions of scientific work on the evolution of the climate, biodiversity, the exponential complexification of our societies and, more generally, all the impacts grouped under the term Anthropocene. Its members accept the inevitability of a global collapse in the short or medium term of our global thermo-industrial civilization, due to the exceeding of planetary limits. However, they do not abandon citizen mobilization for an adaptation that is as democratic and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

1 1 0 1
EDF ENR PWT (Photowatt) EDF ENR PWT (Photowatt)

Photowatt, solar modules manufacturer, pioneer of the photovoltaic industry for 40 years We have been pioneers in the solar-energy industry for more than 40 years. Since its creation in 1979, we've been designing, manufacturing and marketing wafers, cells and photovoltaic modules. Our workshops and labs for the manufacturing of ingots and wafers, are based in Bourgoin-Jallieu, located in Isère, Southeast France. Photowatt’s equipments benefit from the latest technologies and best quality control to promote the french lowest carbon production among the market. The company has always conducted innovative R&D programs with the main objective of increasing cell and module performance …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization Solar Technologies

9 1 2 93
Bouclier bleu France Bouclier bleu France

[Automatic translation follows] Protecting Heritage in Times of Crisis-Association agréée sécurité civile Bouclier bleu France is a civic & social organization company based out of C/O INHA, 2 rue Vivienne, 75001 PARIS, France . Heritage Safeguarding, Risk Prevention, Heritage Protection, Cultural Heritage, Museum, Archives Service, Library, Historic Monument, Emergency Plan, Training, fire, flood, natural disaster, cultural property, Heritage, Preventive Conservation, Restoration, Conservation, Communal Safeguarding Plan, and World Cultural Heritage

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

7 0 2 16
Association française pour la prévention des catastrophes naturelles et technologiques (AFPCNT) Association française pour la prévention des catastrophes naturelles et technologiques (AFPCNT)

[Automatic translation follows] Acting together for a more resilient future in the face of major risks The French Association for the Prevention of Natural and Technological Disasters is an association governed by the law of July 1, 1901. It was created at the end of 2000 to continue the action of the French Committee of the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (DIPCN), as a national center for collective cross-cutting and multi-risk reflection on the issue of natural risks and a recognized player in international cooperation in this field. Supported by the Ministry of Ecological and Inclusive Transition (MTES), it …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

29 11 18 33
Danone Ecosystem Danone Ecosystem

Together we are building a more sustainable and inclusive economy Danone Ecosystem co-creates inclusive business solutions that answer local challenges through the professional empowerment of vulnerable stakeholders in territories where Danone operates. Since 2009, the teal has developed and helped finance 90 innovative projects across 30+ countries and impacting the lives of 4.8m women and men in the sectors of regenerative agriculture, health and nutrition, inclusive recycling and micro distribution. Key words: Innovation, planet, regenerative agriculture, sustainability social impact, health, nutrition, sustainable farming, sourcing.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech healthtech

3 1 3 18
Association Centrales Villageoises Association Centrales Villageoises

[Automatic translation follows] Designing renewable energy projects together in the territories The Centrales Villageoises are local companies whose goal is to develop renewable energies and energy savings in their territory by associating citizens, communities and local businesses. They are based on compliance with a Charter and are developed according to a common and reproducible model in all the territories of France engaged in the energy transition. The association brings together the Centrales Villageoises companies and has the following objectives: - to better publicize the specific approach of the Centrales Villageoises and in particular its integrated territorial approach, to have the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

12 3 10 4
Fédération Française des Producteurs Agrivoltaïques (FFPA) Fédération Française des Producteurs Agrivoltaïques (FFPA)

[Automatic translation follows] The Association of Energy Cultivators of France A recognized player in the French agrivoltaic sector, the FFPA brings together players in agriculture and energy who are committed to responsible agrivoltaic production.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech cleantech greentech

21 2 21 7

[Automatic translation follows] A regional technology center to help adapt to climate hazards and prevent risks. The ACMG supports stakeholders in their adaptation to climate hazards. Local authorities, industrialists, farmers, management unions, etc., the ACMG supports structures to adapt to climate change through specialized developments, measures adapted to needs, measurement tools in line with expectations. The ACMG seeks above all to identify hazards and impacts, evaluate them and then propose solutions to the various stakeholders. agriculture, climate, remote sensing, meteorology, R&D, environment, irrigation, water, and soil

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech water management

7 0 6 6
2ACR - Association Alliance Chimie Recyclage 2ACR - Association Alliance Chimie Recyclage

Faire de la valorisation des déchets, un outil de développement économique et industriel des territoires 2ACR is an economic non-profit organisation dedicated to the development of waste management as an opportunity for the development of local economy.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

0 0 0 1
Ateliers du Bocage Ateliers du Bocage

[Automatic translation follows] Employ - Reuse A social and environmental utility cooperative, a member of the Emmaüs movement, we believe that it is urgent to collectively change our ways of working and consuming. We support social, ecological and digital transitions to prove that a responsible economic model is possible. office consumables, IT, mobile telephony, recycling, reuse, Digital, Printer cartridges, insertion, Books, pallets, green spaces, and unsold non-food items

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech

22 6 15 74
PEARL SAS Mesure, Expertise, Traitement PEARL SAS Mesure, Expertise, Traitement

[Automatic translation follows] Serving public health and the environment: Water decontamination Radioactive contamination Radon screening Expert in environmental radioactivity and metal pollution, PearL has designed and markets its innovation Biosorb®, a bio-sourced solution for trapping trace amounts of dissolved metals in water for compliant discharges into the natural environment. Ecological, economical and easy to implement, this patented biosorbent process based on tree bark and flax fibers, operational in filter cartridges on modular skids, is particularly suitable for finishing treatments of industrial effluents, rainwater runoff and groundwater decontamination, with purification efficiencies > 95% on many compounds. It also allows the recovery …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech water management Technologies: Bio sourced materials

1 0 1 10
Behring Water Behring Water

[Automatic translation follows] 💧 Water fountains Made in France. Connected to the network, for 100% accessible, pure, safe, 0 plastic water. Behring is an innovative company that is shaking up the codes of water fountains and bottled water consumption habits. It takes concrete action and invites each consumer to reduce their consumption of bottled and carboy water on a daily basis. Together, let's be responsible for what we drink and say STOP to the millions of bottles consumed and thrown away every day! Hydration, Sparkling water, Water fountain, Sustainable development, Hospitality, Clinic, EHPAD, Business, Sports and Well-being, Made in France, …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech water management Technologies: Decarbonization

23 2 22 39
AidImpact AidImpact

[Automatic translation follows] Development and implementation of software solutions specialized in development and solidarity with the aim of supporting solidarity actors from the planning phase of projects to the measurement of their impacts. AidImpact solutions are intended for NGOs, development agencies, associations, corporate foundations, private banks, local authorities as well as the societal activities of private companies. Software publishing, Project management, Development, Impact measurement, Solidarity, CSR, Societal reporting, Indicator monitoring, and Philanthropy

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech it services Technologies: SaaS

0 0 0 14
HALIAS Technologies HALIAS Technologies

Digital services and solutions for industrial and environmental companies HALIAS Technologies and Digital Services provides solutions and services for its customers to increase their efficiency with digital tools, additional digital services or specific software developments. We have a a strong functional knowledge in the field of Renewables Energies, Geosciences, Nuclear and Environment, associated to a good technical expertise in software development. Scientific Software, Digital, Renewables, Oil&Gas, Energy, and Industry

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech it services Technologies: SaaS

15 5 7 17

COME TO EXPRESS YOUR TALENT THROUGH OUR AMBITIOUS PROJECTS EKIUM continues its development in France and abroad in the fields of industrial and building Engineering and Automation. We are committed as a partner with the leaders of the chemical, pharmaceutical, energy, oil & gas, aeronautics, food processing industry... Today we are 1200 women and men, experts and enthusiasts. Would you like to join our Ekip * (Ekium Identity Project)? We offer jobs in our 25 national offices and abroad (Benelux & Mauritius). industrie, énergie, naval, nucléaire, chimie, and pharmaceutique

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: biotech cleantech deeptech greentech industry 4.0

35 9 16 1,402
The Spark! Contest The Spark! Contest

Developing and inspiring young people across the Franco-British clean energy sector The Spark! Contest invites current and former students to produce innovative thinking on a topic related to Energy, under Franco-British supervision. It is a three-round Contest overseen by low carbon Energy industries. The aim of the Contest is to foster a Franco-British community of Energy, in order to bring a pool of young talent closer to Industry (visits, internships, scholarships, introduction to senior stakeholders and many other prizes to be awarded!). The contest's main event is a three-day workshop in Paris or London to which the teams who submitted …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

3 0 3 4
CREA Mont-Blanc -- Research Center for Alpine Ecosystems CREA Mont-Blanc -- Research Center for Alpine Ecosystems

Explore, Amaze, Educate CREA Mont-Blanc is a French scientific nonprofit whose mission is to study the effects of climate change on biodiversity and to share knowledge that will allow both decision-makers and the general public to take informed action. The Mont-Blanc range is internationally renowned and serves as a powerful symbol for understanding climate change and its effects. Specialists in alpine ecology, data science and citizen science, CREA Mont-Blanc brings together an extensive network of French, Swiss and Italian researchers and works closely with decision-makers across the trans-border region. With an emphasis on participation, CREA Mont-Blanc encourages everyone to get …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

23 5 19 17
AIR coop AIR coop

Guider la transition des entreprises et des territoires AIR coop... a cooperative of entrepreneurs committed to create positive impact for people, communities and the environment. ...focuses on specific ecosystems : sports, tourism, fashion, culture. ...pledges 1% of its sales to environmental protection and is a proud member of the 1% For The Planet since 2010. a Certified B Corporation since 2015. #HaveFunDoGoodBeCreative #BtheChange sustainability, innovation, corporate social responsibility, Sport, Textile, agriculture, alimentation, culture, consulting, montagne, transition, tourisme, tourisme, RSE, climat, stratégie, évènement, B Corp, ACV, eco-conception, sensibilisation, entreprise à mission, and gouvernance

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

18 6 16 22

ASSOCIATION COMMITTED TO ACCELERATING THE TRANSITION TO A LOW-CARBON FUTURE Transition Forum aims to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon future by mobilising a diverse community of international stakeholders and catalyzing concrete solutions that reconcile prosperity and preservation of our planet for future generations. Founded at the initiative of Aqua Asset Management, Transition Forum is a non-profit association whose mission is to bring together business leaders, public decision-makers, investors, innovators, experts and representatives of civil society, committed to the ecological transition and to accompany these actors in the realisation of their projects. The TRANSITION FORUM, the association's flagship event, brings …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

56 20 38 6
Cinécyclo Cinécyclo

[Automatic translation follows] Traveling cinema on an electrically autonomous bicycle. Cultural and popular education association. Cinécyclo is a cultural and popular education association under the 1901 law. Its concept: an electrically autonomous bicycle cinema. The association created in 2014 has the following main missions: Putting cyclo projection at the service of cultural and social opening up; Raising awareness of sustainable development and solidarity through audiovisual production and broadcasting activities; Conducting research and development and transmission actions in the field of energy autonomy. Based in Dijon, Cinécyclo operates in France, Senegal and Ecuador. It has 2 employees and 30 volunteer collaborators. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech traveltech

2 0 1 3
EMC3 Consulting EMC3 Consulting

Multiphysics simulation expertise EMC3 Consulting is a company distributing engineering softwares and providing services in numerical modelling and simulation. Typical applications are : - digital twin and AI algorithms for plastics manufacturing process such as extrusion or blow-molding extrusion - virtual representation of ultrasonic waves propagation generated and measured with piezoelectric devices These processes and phenomena are found in many industries : medtech, energy, construction, audio, transport, fluid-control systems, sensors and IoT, etc. EMC3 Consulting is based in France and has an international portfolio of customers and partners. Computer-Aided Engineering services, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Finite Element Analyses (FEA), Multiphysics …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: A.I.

0 0 0 1
Acted Acted

Working towards a 3ZERO world - Zero Exclusion, Zero Carbon, Zero Poverty🌏 For the past thirty years, international NGO Acted has been working at the forefront of humanitarian action to save lives. Currently, Acted supports 18 million people across 42 countries to meet their needs in hard-to-reach areas - and pursues a triple mandate as a humanitarian, environmental and development aid actor. Acted relies on an in-depth knowledge of local territories and contexts to develop and implement relevant long-term actions, with a wide range of local and international partners, building together a 3ZERO world: Zero Exclusion, Zero Carbon, Zero Poverty. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

20 5 16 4,793
Oceasciences Oceasciences

OceaSciences, it is 5 young french sailing, nature and sciences enthusiasts willing to make a difference and protect the ocean Environmental protection has become a key issue for human society. Marine ecosystems are particularly endangered: while essential for our Blue Planet, they get more and more polluted. As young scientists and engineers, we have to face this reality and act against it. Thus, we created OceaSciences, our association, bearing the ExploraGyre project. The latter is a one-year scientific and ecological adventure aboard a sailing boat. Our enemy is microplastic debris. This sea poison, without any antidote so far, is mainly …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

1 1 0 1
ClimateSeed ClimateSeed

Software and experts toward net-zero emissions. ClimateSeed proposes software and expertise to simplify the measurement and reduction of GHG emissions and transparently manage the financial contribution to carbon removal and avoidance projects. environment, Green Tech, RSE, CSR, carbon, CO2, reduction, compensation carbone, carbon footprint, carbon offset, carbon reduction, net-zero, biodiversity, bilan carbone, bilan GES, GES, CSRD, GHG emissions, SBTi, and CDP

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

23 7 16 42
AVOICE project - Agricuture Voice On International Climate change & Environment AVOICE project - Agricuture Voice On International Climate change & Environment

AVOICE (Agriculture Voice on International Climate Change & Environment) aims to raise awareness on global climate change, giving voice to farmers in the debate. Two engineers in agronomy, we created AVOICE during our gap year in parallel with our respective internships. So far, our activities have included: - Farmers' surveys in 12 countries: identifying adaptation practices to climate change - Awareness raising: creating pedagogical tools for students on the subject of sustainable farming and food - Project incubator: supporting other students' gap year projects (especially their activities in networking, grant application etc.) Agriculture, Food, Climate change, Environment, and Sustanability

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

0 0 0 6
France Énergies Marines France Énergies Marines

French Research and Innovation Institute dedicated to Offshore Wind At France Energies Marines, we bring together and coordinate a range of scientific expertise and resources to validate standards and produce the innovations essential for the development of offshore wind energy. Recognised for its industrial, economic and societal impact, this French Institute for Energy Transition relies on top-notch R&D conducted by a multidisciplinary team of nearly 100 staff. France Energies Marines is built around four complementary R&D programmes: site characterisation, system design and monitoring, farm optimisation, and environmental integration. Marine Renewable Energies

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

36 6 31 84 is a company based out of France.

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech

0 0 0 1

💧1er réseau national spécialiste de l'assainissement par phytoépuration Established in 2007, AQUATIRIS is an international network of design offices and installers specialising in eco-friendly domestic waste water treatment system. We design and create reed beds without a septic tank under the brand Sanitation Garden®. AQUATIRIS got an agreement from the French government in December 2011 for the construction of its Sanitation Garden®. Our agreement rely on a treatment efficiency test performed by a European laboratory called CSTB (Scientific and Technical Center in Construction Industry) in France. Have a look at Sanitation Garden® ------------------------------------------------------- AQUATIRIS est fabricant de Jardins d'Assainissement, …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing water management

6 5 2 49

[Automatic translation follows] Manufacturers, Communities, Companies, ...: save money by switching to LEDs without investing Specialist in LED lighting, energy supply and photovoltaic production. We offer an approach adapted to the needs and means of the client. Our goal is to lower your bills and provide you with an adequate solution! Relamping, Led Lighting, Street Lighting, and Industrial Lighting

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies Data Analytics

0 0 0 1
Apeel Apeel

Developing science-backed, technology-supported solutions that help improve the produce experience on shelf. Apeel's evolving technology stack is built on an unprecedented understanding of produce quality and shelf life. This has only deepened as the use of data and technology have given partners a powerful way to accurately and efficiently evaluate produce for ripeness, freshness, and other attributes. Apeel is developing science-backed, technology-supported solutions that help improve the produce experience on shelf. Sustainable Technologies, Crops, Food, Agricultural Services, Environment, Organic, and Biotechnology

Type: Startup Activities: biotech deeptech cleantech agritech greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

4 2 2 276
Mark Valies Mark Valies

[Automatic translation follows] Well, 100% NL but born in Amsterdam! Architectural (sustainable) professional at #Rutgesvernieuwt, football crazy, father of 2 + 1, Happy person :)

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 N/A
JUMP Bikes JUMP Bikes

JUMP is bike share electrified. We create the hardware and software to take you farther, get there faster, and make every ride fun. JUMP bikes are designed in New York City by people who love bikes and care about the future of our cities. JUMP Bikes has been shaping the future of bike share since 2010. We brought freedom to bike share systems with Social Bicycles, the first ever smart-bikes with integrated GPS, payment systems, and locks that kicked off the dockless revolution. We’ve dropped 15,000 bikes into 40 different markets and clocked over 5 million rides over the past …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech cleantech greentech smart city Technologies: IoT

3 2 0 69
Coronal Energy Coronal Energy

Coronal Energy, is a leading independent power producer focused on utility-scale solar and storage projects. The firm provides turnkey solar energy solutions tailored for diverse enterprise customers across North America, including utilities, corporations, and the public sector. Uniting 3 gigawatts of completed project experience with the financial strength of a Fortune Global 500 company (#110), Coronal Energy, owns and manages a 333 megawatt operating portfolio and a multi-gigawatt development pipeline in more than 20 US states. For more information, please visit Follow us on Twitter @CoronalEnergy Commercial, Industrial, Municipal and Utilities Projects, Asset Management, EPC, Financing, Investment Management, Distributed …

Type: Incubators & VCs Startup Activities: cleantech energytech fintech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Solar Technologies

2 0 0 24
Treasure8 Treasure8

An ingredient and food transformation company on a mission to Deploy Nutrition for Humanity. Treasure8 is an ingredient and food transformation company on a mission to Deploy Nutrition for Humanity. We work with world-class partners to deliver food processing solutions that reduce costs while improving human and planetary health. Our proprietary technological advantages, powered by our exclusively licensed, patented USDA SAUNATM technology dehydrate whole foods faster, at a significantly lower cost, using less energy, and producing less CO2e while maximizing nutrition and taste. Founded in 2012 by serial entrepreneur and co-CEO, Timothy Childs, we have helped some of the world's …

Type: Startup Activities: agritech civictech cleantech foodtech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 0 2 9
Green Econome Green Econome

Woman-owned, full-service energy and water efficiency consulting and construction firm. As a full-service energy and water efficiency consulting and construction firm, Green Econome helps commercial real estate owners reduce their operating costs and increase property values by providing custom solutions to complex environmental challenges as well as ESG and sustainability goals. From office buildings and multi-family units to retail and industrial complexes, our woman-owned firm helps owners of new and existing buildings comply with city and state energy and water disclosure laws, both locally in Southern California and throughout the nation. Our Los Angeles-based team of licensed and credentialed professionals …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech smart city constructiontech greentech

0 0 0 19
UL Solutions | HOMER Software UL Solutions | HOMER Software

UL Solutions HOMER software delivers industry-leading system simulations, optimization, sensitivity analysis and best-in-class storage models across three categories of hybrid systems: islanded microgrids, grid-connected distributed generation, and front-of-the-meter utility-scale storage and hybrid systems. Visit to learn more about HOMER Pro, HOMER Grid and HOMER Front modeling and optimization software, download complimentary trials, sign up for training and more. microgrid design, hybrid renewable energy systems, energy modeling software, distributed energy systems, and energy economics

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: SaaS

6 1 5 8
Sourcemap: the Supply Chain Mapping Company Sourcemap: the Supply Chain Mapping Company

The leading provider of technology for supply chain mapping, traceability, monitoring and compliance Sourcemap is the supply chain transparency company: helping consumers and companies trace products to the source and ensure standards are met every step of the way. Founded in 2011 after the Tohoku Tsunami devastated supply chain worldwide, Sourcemap is committed to providing visibility across the world's most complex trade networks. Our software solutions help companies visualize their supply chains, discover indirect suppliers, measure risk, manage continuous improvement, track and trace individual products, and publish their supply chains online. Cocoa, Coffee, Palm Oil, Mica, Food and Agriculture, Health …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech cleantech greentech it services Technologies: Data Analytics

6 0 6 71
Kpler Power Kpler Power

The go-to source for global trade intelligence Kpler is a fast-growing data and analytics firm on a mission to facilitate sustainable and efficient trade, to meet the changing needs of our world. From numerous disparate and unstructured sources, Kpler creates data & analytics enabling market professionals to make informed and timely trading decisions. Kpler specialises in dynamic markets characterised by opaque and incomplete information, such as commodity and power markets. Kpler’s proprietary data and insights are delivered through solutions built in agile and inventive ways, relying on a subtle mix of artificial and human intelligence. When designing such solutions, the …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Data Analytics

2 0 2 1
Disrupt Design Disrupt Design

Pioneering the transformation to a sustainable & circular future by design. Creator: Disruptive Design Method & UnSchool Disrupt Design is a New York based creative enterprize that uses design as a catalyst for creating positive social change. We produce activated experiences, toolkits, games, fellowship programs and brain-activating adventures. We use design as a catalyst for creative problem solving and sociology as a foundation for exploring and understanding the world. Design + Ideation, Activations + Experiences, Workshops, Sustainability, Systems Thinking, Circular Economy, Leadership Training, Online Training, Innovation, Gender Equity, Cognitive Bias, Systems Change, and Creativity

Type: Startup Activities: civictech cleantech edtech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 0 2 3
Otherlab Otherlab

An independent research & design lab pairing creativity & rigor to innovations in sustainable energy and robotics. Otherlab is a research an innovation lab in San Francisco. It specializes in energy, robotics, and advanced manufacturing. Renewable Energy, Robotics, Advanced Manufacturing, and Clean Energy

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Robotics

4 2 0 77
Blue River Technology Blue River Technology

Our mission is to create intelligent machinery that solves monumental challenges for our customers. We’re Blue River, a team of innovators driven to radically change agriculture by creating intelligent machinery. We empower our customers – farmers - to implement more sustainable solutions: optimize chemical usage, reimagining routine processes, and improving farming yields year after year. We believe that focusing on the small stuff – pixel-by-pixel and plant-by-plant - leads to big gains. By partnering with John Deere, we are innovating computer vision, machine learning, robotics and product management to solve monumental challenges for our customers. Our people are at the …

Type: Startup Activities: agritech cleantech greentech industry 4.0 Technologies: A.I. - Image Processing Robotics A.I. - Deep Learning A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

4 3 1 296
Stok Stok

Reimagining the Built Environment Stok leads organizations to decarbonize now. We integrate expertise across ESG and sustainability consulting, carbon, energy engineering, commissioning, and project delivery. From the enterprise to asset level, we provide clients with strategy, management, and technical support to translate bold commitments into impact. Stok is a Certified B Corp and ILFI Just organization, and has been recognized as a Top Impact Company and Best Workplace. Our global team delivers on client ambitions across programs and projects worldwide. To learn more, visit Sustainability Consulting, Tenant Representation, Real Estate Strategy, Project & Construction Management, LEED, WELL, Living Building …

Type: Startup Activities: proptech cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

7 0 6 158
Verdigris Verdigris

Global Precision Performance Enabled by Intelligent Energy Measurement. In a world reliant on data centers and logistics hubs, a third of the electricity used in these facilities is wasted. This results in significant financial loss and 250 million metric tons of CO2 emissions annually in the U.S. alone. The reason? Outdated energy management tools. Verdigris brings a change with its advanced sensor technology that installs easily in any building’s electrical panels, capturing detailed energy data down to the circuit level. Our unique AI algorithms analyze this data, offering clear steps to improve efficiency and reliability of the building’s electrical equipment. …

Type: Startup Activities: smart city cleantech greentech it services Technologies: IoT A.I. - Machine Learning Sensors A.I. Decarbonization

2 0 0 51
Transparent Energy Transparent Energy

Powering Your Decisions Transparent Energy is one of the fastest growing energy brokerage and consulting firms in the U.S. Combining advanced online auction technology, process expertise, and a deep working knowledge of deregulated energy markets, we have established a roster of thousands of commercial, industrial, and government clients, for whom we have saved millions of dollars. Want to play for a winner? We are always on the lookout for talented individuals who are eager to learn, work hard, and who measure success by the success of their customers. Senior management team has over 40 years of experience in managing commodity …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

3 0 3 40
Global Thermostat Global Thermostat

The air carbon solution Helping to restore the Earth’s actual thermostat by providing the world’s best solution for capturing carbon dioxide directly from air to power global carbon removal and the circular carbon economy Carbon Capture and Storage, Environmental Technology, Global Warming , Climate Change, C02, Carbon Dioxide, and Direct Air Capture

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

4 0 2 32
Green Revolution Cooling Green Revolution Cooling

GRC designs, manufactures, and installs sustainable liquid immersion cooling solutions for the data center industry. GRC (Green Revolution Cooling), The Immersion Cooling Authority®, is changing how data centers are designed, built and operated to reduce the cost, complexity, and the environmental impact of the world’s digital infrastructure. Our patented immersion-cooling technology radically simplifies deployment of data center cooling infrastructure. By eliminating the need for chillers, CRACs, air handlers, humidity controls, and other conventional cooling components, enterprises reduce their data center design, build, energy, and maintenance costs. GRC’s solutions are deployed in twenty-one countries and are ideal for next-gen applications platforms, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

14 1 13 51

Advancing a Plastic-Free Future with Seaweed-Based Technologies. Loliware, the world’s first seaweed resin company, is replacing single-use plastics. This woman-owned firm is partnering with experts in regenerative aquaculture from Maine to New Zealand to expand the ‘blue economy’ with its proprietary SEA Technology® resins. Made from easily compostable seaweed, Loliware’s Ocean Blue straws, utensils and other products are already a favorite among some of the nation’s most famous chefs, restaurant chains and eco-chic hotels. Their new category of materials are “Designed to Disappear” and advancing our planet to a plastic-free, decarbonized future. sustainable design, innovation, social innovation, brand, material technology, …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials Decarbonization

4 1 1 26
Mega Mega

[Automatic translation follows] Same Energy. Just Cheaper. Welcome to Mega, your energy supplier and telecom operator! We offer energy contracts and mobile subscriptions at advantageous prices, for individuals and professionals. The management of your contracts and subscriptions is done online, for more sustainability. We also offer you a local, personalized customer service, accessible online to answer all your questions and concerns. Looking for a new energy supplier or a new mobile operator? Go to and find the energy contract and/or mobile subscription that suits you! Find the answer to all your questions in our energy FAQ ( and telecom …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

4 0 4 1,358

Kiwa PVEL is the leading independent test lab for solar developers, financiers & asset owners. Kiwa PVEL is the leading reliability and performance testing lab for downstream solar project developers, financiers, and asset owners around the world. With over a decade of experience and accumulated data, Kiwa PVEL conducts testing that demonstrates PV module bankability. Its trusted, independent reports replace assumptions about PV module performance with quantifiable metrics that enable efficient solar project financing and development. Kiwa PVEL’s flagship Product Qualification Program for PV modules connects manufacturers with a global network of 400+ downstream partners. Learn how Kiwa PVEL makes …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

31 2 7 41
ImpactPPA ImpactPPA

ImpactPPA is a blockchain based technology platform that will transform the global energy marketplace allowing consumers of energy to “Pre-Pay” for electricity from a mobile device. ImpactPPA uses the power of the blockchain to provide a payment rail for investors, project developers, service providers, governments utility companies and others driven from a trusted and transparent platform. The ImpactPPA solution also allows for the unbanked population of the world to gain identity and reputation through transacting on the platform for the most basic of needs – electricity. energy, renewables, cryptocurrency, blockchain, power purchase agreements, Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Digital Currency, renewable …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech fintech greentech Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency Solar Technologies

1 1 0 9
SolarWindow Technologies Inc. SolarWindow Technologies Inc.

Transparent. Ultra-Lightweight. Electricity-Generating Coatings. Transparent. Ultra-Lightweight. Infinite Energy. Our LiquidElectricityTM coatings generate electricity from natural sun, artificial light, and low, shaded, and reflected light conditions. Clean Energy , Renewable Energy, Photovoltaics, and Solar Energy

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

0 0 0 9
SuperVision Earth SuperVision Earth

Enhancing the safety of asset infrastructure. Continuous risk assessment using geospatial imagery combined with AI. At SuperVision Earth, our pioneering SVX GIS platform combines AI with hybrid tech solutions, safeguarding assets while delivering real-time geospatial data and insights. Our platform is designed to facilitate precise, informed decision-making. With a commitment to SDGs, we strive to make the world not just more accessible, but sustainable too. We aim to transform lives by offering daily monitoring and immediate risk alerts. Our platform isn’t just a tool, it’s a catalyst for positive change, shaping a future where technology and sustainability meet. #LocationIntelligence #DataDrivenDecisions …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics

2 2 0 11
Zeno Power Zeno Power

Harnessing the power of radioisotopes. At Zeno, we're harnessing the power of radioisotopes to provide clean, plug-and-play power anywhere in the universe.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

3 1 3 54
WEN Energy Systems WEN Energy Systems

WEN Energy System is a Energy System provider.Manufacturers of LED lighting and accessories for business, industry, schools and government. Our team offers LED lighting systems and accessories throughout United States. Our Factory to consumer model is our key to success. Instead of sharing profits with distributors, we invest those profits on volume purchasing & Research & Development which in return helps us to develop quality Lighting products that can be made available to our clients at Economical prices. Commercial LED Products, Solar Panels, Flood Lights, Street Lights, Energy Efficient Lighting, Energy Assessment, Decorative Lights, and Fuel Station Canopy

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech energytech Technologies: Solar Technologies

0 0 0 55
Strategically Green Strategically Green

Putting energy behind the carbon zero transition for tech businesses & enterprises Ironically, oil is the new burning platform. You have to jump. At Strategically Green, we are a highly energetic, positive, and expert team who are part of the leadership of the modern green tech movement. We have a great deal of senior executive experience and we work directly with CTOs, marketeers, and CEOs to bridge the gap in understanding between businesses and their employees, suppliers, and customers about what merely feels green and what's really strategic and effective. Our mission is to raise the floor and the ceiling …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 1 0 2
Stasher Stasher

The simple, reusable alternative to plastic bags. Hi, we’re Stasher — the simple, reusable alternative to plastic bags. Made with platinum food-grade silicone and a leak-free Pinch-Loc® seal, our bags and bowls save 260 single-use plastic bags from the ocean a year. Since our founding in 2016, we’ve earned numerous awards for design and innovation, including the 2023 POPSUGAR Wellness Award, Good Housekeeping “Kitchen Gear” Award for 2022 and 2021, and we're a two-time Global Innovation Award recipient and Wirecutter Pick. Together, our Stasher Squad has saved over 5.5 billion plastic bags from entering our oceans and waterways. And that’s …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 0 1 35
Smart Wires Inc. Smart Wires Inc.

We are the world’s leading grid enhancing technology and services provider. Smart Wires is the world’s leading grid enhancing technology and services provider. We help electric utilities to unlock capacity and solve their critical grid issues, using our solutions to create a more flexible, reliable and affordable grid. This enables a faster, more cost-efficient path to meet growing electricity demand with clean energy generation, at lowest cost to consumers. Headquartered in the Research Triangle of North Carolina, Smart Wires has a global workforce of passionate and visionary industry-leading experts spread across four continents, who work every day to transform grids …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech Technologies: IoT

10 2 7 105
MadTree Brewing Company MadTree Brewing Company

Inspiring Madness. Rooted in Purpose. MadTree puts purpose in every pour. Founded in 2013, MadTree has always been driven to craft great beer - but more importantly - to build something bigger than themselves and the high-quality beer they produce. Since the beginning, MadTree has cared deeply about creating meaningful connections with their communities. They embrace their namesake and work to celebrate and protect nature while reducing their impact on the environment. They are proud members of 1% for the Planet, with a commitment to donate 1% of sales to non-profits focused on environmental sustainability. The craftspeople at MadTree wake …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

1 0 1 65

*faircompanies ( provides access to tools for the beginning of infinity: videos & information to help with progress using the best tools: conjectures, trial & error. Mission: We (Nicolás Boullosa, Kirsten Dirksen) want to put our lives and money where our mouth is. We ourselves do the research, go to places to create videos-follow stories, craft the site and stay in touch with members, visitors. We invite you to participate and share formulas to improve the world right now, beyond the noise of demonstrations or the imposition of ideologies. videos, cleantech, eco information, green trends, simple living, philosophies of life, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

1 0 1 2
FloWater FloWater

Transforming Tap. Redefining Water. At FloWater, our mission is to transform the way the world drinks water. Recognized as a “World-Changing idea” by Fast Company, we’re disrupting the big bottle industry by putting the health of our planet and its people first. Fact: 75% of Americans either don’t trust or don’t like the taste of tap water. Also fact: Clean water is more than a necessity, it’s the foundation for healthy lives and a sustainable future. We believe everyone deserves access to contaminant-free drinking water—without the plastic packaging. Eleven years ago, we set out to create a water Refill Station …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech foodtech greentech hrtech Technologies: Decarbonization

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