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Nexity Nexity

Present throughout the national territory, Nexity is defined as an urban operator at the service of urban regeneration and the new needs of territories and its customers. By relying on our double expertise as a developer and promoter-exploiting, the group deploys a multi-product territorial offer to meet all the needs of our customers, individuals, businesses, institutional and communities. Historically engaged for access to housing for all and leader in the decarbonation of our sector, we mobilize for affordable and sustainable real estate, new and rehabilitated. Our raison d'être ‘Life together’ translates our commitment to create for our customers, spaces, neighborhoods …

Sectors: Real Estate

Artelia Artelia

Artelia is an international multidisciplinary consultancy, engineering and project management group specialising in mobility, water, energy, building and industry. Artelia is offering a full range of engineering from technical expertise through to complex project delivery: consulting, master planning & feasibility, design & engineering, construction & project management, asset & facility management, turnkey solutions. Our Raison d’être: Designing solutions for a positive life We are united by a common passion, exercising a profession that combines the art of designing with ingenuity and building with commitment. Artelia is wholly-owned by its staff and managers. We are deeply attached to this shareholding model …

Sectors: Construction Environment

Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT)

The 1st group of engineering and management schools in France. The Mines-Télécom Institute (IMT) is the 1st public group of major engineering and management schools in France under the supervision of the Ministry of the Finance Economy and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty. Public establishment of higher education and research, it consists of eight large public schools: IMT Atlantique, IMT Mines Albi, IMT Mines Alès, IMT Nord Europe, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, Mines Saint-Étienne, Télécom Paris and Telecom Sudparis, and 2 subsidiary schools: Eurecom and Insic. It leads and develops a rich ecosystem of partner schools, economic, academic and institutional partners, …


Our raison d'être is to build a net zero energy future with electricity and innovative solutions and services, to help save the planet and drive wellbeing and economic development. Energie, Nucléaire, Electricité, Energies renouvelables, and Gaz

Sectors: Energy

TotalEnergies TotalEnergies

Multi-energy company. We produce and market oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. Have you ever thought of offering your skills and expertise to a multinational company? Give your best to better energy and make the commitment with TotalEnergies. With over 500-plus professions in 130 countries, we offer high safety and environmental standards, strong ethical values, an innovation culture and wide-ranging career development. Be part of the global team whose mission is already shared by 105,000 employees : to be a world-class player in the energy transition Oil & Gas - Exploration & Production, Upstream, Refining, …

Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Energy


Investisseur technologique & Accélérateur d'innovation AxLR is a technology transfer acceleration company. Our specialty is helping innovative projects derived from academic research reach maturity and commercialization. We work with the main public-sector research laboratories in France's Montpellier-Nimes-Perpignan area, one of the most dynamic locations in Europe, with over 200 laboratories and some 12,000 researchers. TRANSFERT DE TECHNOLOGIE and MATURATION PROJETS RECHERCHE

Tags: SATT Network

Agence de l'eau Seine-Normandie Agence de l'eau Seine-Normandie

Public state establishment, project financier to preserve the #EAU quality on the #Seine basin. The Seine-Normandie Water Agency implements the pool's water policy by funding the projects of local actors: local, industrial communities, artisans farmers or associations, thanks to fees collected from all users. These projects help improve the quality of water resources, rivers and aquatic environments. They preserve and promote the life cycles of a wide variety of species and therefore of biodiversity. Adaptation to climate change is the common thread of the 2019-2024 "Water and Climate" program, developed and adopted by the Committee basin. The program aims to …

Sectors: Environment

Le Figaro Le Figaro

Le Figaro, the culture of freedom since 1826, 1st generalist daily and 1st information site most consulted in France. Displaying an audience of more than 9 million unique visitors (Source: Mediamétrie/Netraings), the site is characterized by the quality and depth of its content, the fruit of complementarity between its paper editors (daily and magazines) and its web writing; By its Internet 2.0 uses and the importance of video which has become a central element of the content supply. also supports its development on the synergies built with the other sites of the Figaro group (Figaro Classifields, Meteoconsult, the Individual, …

Sectors: Media

Institut Analgesia Institut Analgesia

1st foundation of pain research in France A major public health problem, chronic pain today affects 1 out of 5 adults, or more than 12 million French people. And as the therapeutic arsenal is both aging and insufficient, almost 2 thirds of patients believe that their pain is insufficiently controlled. Pain also has a very important impact on occupational health. Dorsal pain is the 1st cause of incapacity in the world and musculoskeletal disorders represent the 1st cause of occupational disease in France. The pain in itself impacts 88 million working days per year in France. Fighting pain is therefore …

Sectors: Research

GMF Assurances GMF Assurances

Assurément Humain GMF is a leading mutual insurance group Its innovative business model promotes the values of the social economy, and allows all three affiliated members to prosper while maintaining their individual identities and specific features. GMF is also member of Covéa, a mutual insurance group company (SGAM) consisting of three major brands, each with a high market profile and specific positioning: •MAAF, insurance coverage for the general public, private individuals and professionals "The quality price reference"​ •MMA, multi-sector insurance coverage for the general public and the corporate sector, with tied agents "Your leading insurance social network "​. •GMF, insurance …

Sectors: Insurance

Ministère des Affaires étrangères français Ministère des Affaires étrangères français

France Diplomatie @francediplo We’re the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. We’ll tell you about our foreign policy, our work on trade and FDI, and more generally about how France is meeting global challenges. diplomatie, culture, politique, humanitaire, ministère, affaires étrangères, francophonie, développement, and Français de l'étranger

Ministère des Sports, de la Jeunesse et de la Vie associative Ministère des Sports, de la Jeunesse et de la Vie associative

The Ministry of Sports, Youth and Associative Life prepares and implements the government's policy relating to actions in favor of youth, the promotion and organization of physical and sporting activities, the development of associative life and the development of popular education. It also coordinates the actions carried out in these areas when they fall under several ministerial departments. The Ministry of Sports, Youth and Associative Life is responsible for defining the major objectives of the national sport policy, to set the legal framework, in particular through the Sports Code, and to ensure compliance with the general interest. To implement public …

Ministère de l'Intérieur Ministère de l'Intérieur

Welcome to the official page of the Ministry of the Interior ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security, national police, national gendarmerie, territory administration, prefecture, sub-prefecture, local authorities, civil security, firefighters, immigration, asylum, and road safety

Ministère de la Justice Ministère de la Justice

Justice in France is administered by a ministry, also appointed Chancellery, whose holder is the Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice. • It brings together and manages the means of justice: staff, equipment, constructions, IT ...; • He prepares law texts and regulations in certain areas, such as family law, French nationality, criminal justice ... • He takes care of the populations entrusted to him by decision of the judicial authority: minors delinquents or in danger and the adults placed under justice; • It defines the main orientations of public policy in matters of justice and ensures their implementation: …

Sectors: National and local authorities

Groupe Crédit Agricole Groupe Crédit Agricole

Crédit Agricole is the French economy’s leading financier and one of the top banking operators in Europe. As a leader in retail banking in Europe, the Group is also the leading European asset manager, the first bank insurer in Europe, and the third largest European operator in project financing. On the strength of its cooperative and mutual insurance foundations, its 154,000 employees and 27,000 administrators of local and regional banks, Crédit Agricole Group is a responsible, useful bank, serving 54 million customers, 11.8 million mutual shareholders and 800,000 individual shareholders. Thanks to its universal retail banking model – the close …

Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Bank

Bpifrance Bpifrance

Bpifrance account, the public investment bank. Bpifrance, public investment bank, supports businesses, from priming to stock market quotes, from credit to equity. A privileged interlocutor, Bpifrance offers in each region financing or investment solutions adapted to each stage of business life. Bank partner of entrepreneurs, Bpifrance supports them sustainably to support their growth and competitiveness. The teams are at the heart of the regions, throughout the territory, through more than 50 regional locations. Financing of SMEs, business creation, international development, investment, creation/transmission, innovation, support, acceleration, and export guarantee

Sectors: Bank

Banque des Territoires Banque des Territoires

Build the territories of tomorrow together! The general interest has chosen its bank. The Banque des Territoires finances, advises and operates with all French territories for the general interest. By the Caisse des Dépôts

Sectors: Bank

BRL Groupe BRL Groupe

Together, we can change the course of things! Through its three main developer, engineering and operating trades of major hydraulic works, the BRL group (6 companies (1), € 78 million in turnover, 790 employees in France and internationally) brings innovative solutions to the challenges of water and the environment of this 21st century. The large hydraulic network he has created and manages, in France, for the Occitanie region, made up of channels, dams, potabilization factories and thousands of km of pressure pipes, feeds in summer more than 1 million people and half of the irrigated agricultural surfaces of the coastal …

Sectors: Environment

France Travail France Travail

Official LinkedIn Page of France Work #wavecfrancetravail France Labor is a major player in the job market in France where he invests in facilitating the return to employment of job seekers and providing companies with their recruitment needs. The 55,000 employees in France work work on a daily basis to be the union between job seekers and businesses. France Work is a Key Player in the French Employment Market. Its Role is to help the unmployed find work and support companies to fulfil their recruitment requirements. Day-to-day, France Work's 55,000 Staff Provids that Vital Link Between Job Seekers and Companies. …

Sectors: Human ressources


The specialist in social and heritage protection in France A major player in the insurance of the person present in all territories, AG2R La Mondiale provides individuals, businesses and professional branches, in an individual and collective approach. We bring to each of our customers and their families, personalized solutions at the fairest price, to protect their health, secure their income and heritage, protect them against accidents of life and prepare their retirement. Society of people with joint and mutualist governance, AG2R La Mondiale cultivates a unique social and heritage protection model which combines closely solidarity and performance. We devote more …

Sectors: Insurance Mutual insurance

La Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée La Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée

Official page of the Occitanie region. Here you will find economic news, aid and calls for projects. The Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée region brings you the right info to succeed in your business or training projects: agenda, news, testimonies, files ... also find the region on

Sectors: National and local authorities

Eurobiomed Eurobiomed

The service catalyst for the community of healthcare innovators in the south of France. Created in 2005, the Eurobiomed competitiveness cluster helps to unite and position the healthcare ecosystem of the Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur and Occitanie/Pyrénées-Méditerranée regions at the cutting edge of innovation. Its aim is to foster the growth and projects of innovative healthcare companies in the region. From immunology and dermatology to neurology, oncology and digital health, Eurobiomed supports French and European public economic development strategies, helping to position its members as European champions and anchor France among the world leaders in healthcare innovation. Eurobiomed brings together all healthcare players, …

Sectors: Biotechnology French Cluster Public business cluster

Greater Paris University Hospitals - AP-HP Greater Paris University Hospitals - AP-HP

Nous soignons et innovons 365 jours par an. AP-HP (Greater Paris University Hospitals) is a European world-renowned university hospital. Its 39 hospitals treat 8 million people every year: in consultation, emergency, during scheduled or home hospitalizations. The AP-HP provides a public health service for everyone, 24 hours a day. This mission is a duty as well as a great source of pride. AP-HP is the leading employer in the Greater Paris area: 100.000 staff members – doctors, researchers, paramedical staff, administrative personnel and workers – work there. Toutes les spécialités médicales de la néonatologie à la gériatrie en passant par …

Sectors: Health

Fondation i2ml - Institut Méditerranéen des Métiers de la Longévité Fondation i2ml - Institut Méditerranéen des Métiers de la Longévité

The I2ML is the partnership foundation of the University of Nîmes. Its objective is to bring out a new "longevity" economic sector, around home support for the elderly in Languedoc-Roussillon and particularly on the territory of Nîmes Métropole, which made this cluster a strong issue in its development. Axis 1 /Economic development, animation of a "longevity" cluster and support for companies The objective is to support actors in longevity in the design of innovative products and services around the theme of "well-old". The I2ML Foundation supports these innovations by experimenting with new solutions, in particular thanks to its Living Lab …

Groupement Mousquetaires Groupement Mousquetaires

With nearly 4000 points of sale in Europe and a turnover of 53.39 billion euros in 2022, the Groupement Les Mousquetaires is a major player in large distribution. Created in France in 1969, the group, based on private initiative, today brings together more than 3,000 independent business leaders, 150,000 collaborators and 7 brands: Intermarché, Clean, Bricomarché, Bricorama, Bricorama, Roady, Rapid Board. Musketeers are also present in Portugal, Belgium and Poland.

Sectors: Retail and Distribution

L'Express L'Express

The bet of intelligence The Express has been a reference media brand since 1953: a weekly, a website, applications, podcasts, newsletters ... and soon masterclass, events and other projects! The L’Express group is today an editorial staff of more than 70 journalists, guarantors of reliable and quality information as well as a team of digital growth experts, serving new information consumption methods. The Express Studio is the group's commercial entity that creates innovative communications solutions with its partners to reach executives and opinion leader Alain Weill, founder of the Nextradiotv group (RMC, BFM TV), bought the Express in 2019 with …

Sectors: Media

CCI Gard CCI Gard

Make the company and the territory of the Gard grow 🚀 The Nîmes Chamber of Commerce can claim more than 200 years of experience today. Two hundred years of presence in the field to shape the economic face of the department in a context enamelled with different events (world wars, appearance and then disappearance of industries, social changes, periods of recession or prosperity). Two hundred years to put his teams At the service of the creation of economic development: promotion of textiles and silk, the emergence of heavy industry around the Alès basin, implantation of nuclear on the Rhodanian Gard, …

Sectors: Chamber of commerce

Assurance Maladie Assurance Maladie

Working for health insurance is to give a new dimension to your job and act on a daily basis for the protection of our health system. Take part in a wide variety of projects in a benevolent setting and be proud to contribute to an essential mission: to act together, to protect each. For almost 80 years, health insurance has played a major role in the service of national solidarity. We are convinced that the key to the sustainability of the health system is a collective responsibility and lies in the strong involvement of each of its actors. Within this …

Sectors: Insurance

Santé publique France Santé publique France

Act for the health of all Anticipate, understand, act Public Health France is the center of reference and expertise in public health of the Ministry of Health. His skills in epidemiology, prevention, and in intervention with audiences, allow the agency to cover a wide field of activities, from knowledge to action. The agency's mission is to effectively protect the health of populations. Through epidemiological monitoring and monitoring, the agency anticipates and alerts. By mastering prevention and preparation for health emergency prevention, it supports the actors committed to public health. Anchored in the territories, it measures the state of health and …

Agence Régionale de Santé Occitanie (ARS) Agence Régionale de Santé Occitanie (ARS)

All mobilized for the health of 6 million people in Occitania The mission of the Regional Health Agency (ARS) is to implement health policy in the region. It declines the national policies of the Ministries of Health and Prevention, and it is competent in the field of health as a whole, prevention of care and medico-social support. Its organization is based on a regional health project drawn up in consultation with all professionals and users, for the sake of efficiency and transparency. For practical information on personal health problems, please contact your doctor or a medical institution. Health, prevention, health …

Ministère de la Santé Ministère de la Santé

Official account of the ministry responsible for health and access to care. The Ministry of Health and Access to Care prepares and implements government policy in the fields of public health, prevention and access to care. health, solidarity, public administration, poverty, care, and solidarity


The CEA is the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission ("Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives"​). It is a public body established in October 1945 by General de Gaulle. A leader in research, development and innovation, the CEA mission statement has two main objectives: To become the leading technological research organization in Europe and to ensure that the nuclear deterrent remains effective in the future. The CEA is active in four main areas: low-carbon energies, defense and security, information technologies and health technologies. In each of these fields, the CEA maintains a cross-disciplinary culture of engineers and …

Sectors: Research

French Tech Méditerranée French Tech Méditerranée

A dynamic and innovative ecosystem at the service of the Gard and Hérault entrepreneurs 🚀🩵 The French Tech Mediterranean supports the growth and internationalization of innovative start-ups, scale-ups and SMEs in Gard and Hérault. We collaborate with public actors, communities, institutions, universities as well as incubators, accelerators and large private companies to stimulate innovation. 🚀 Our mission: to support entrepreneurs in their development by facilitating access to events, strategic partnerships and a community of talents, to promote innovation, sustainable growth and make local successes on the national and international level. 🌟 Join a community committed to innovation and the success …

Sectors: French Tech

Académie de Montpellier Académie de Montpellier

All the news of the Montpellier Academy and his staff. An academy is an administrative district of national education. There are 30 academies in France, including 26 in mainland France. Each academy is placed under the authority of a rector, appointed to the Council of Ministers, by the President of the Republic. The Montpellier Academy covers the Languedoc-Roussillon region and has five departments: Aude (11), Gard (30), Hérault (34), Lozère (48) and the Eastern Pyrenees (66).

Allianz X Allianz X

Investing in the future Allianz X invests in innovative growth companies in ecosystems relevant to insurance and asset management. It has a global portfolio of around 25 companies and assets under management of about 1.7 billion euros. Allianz X has counted 13 unicorns among its portfolio so far. The heart, brains, and drive behind it all are a talented team of around 40 people in Munich and New York. On behalf of leading global insurer and asset manager Allianz Group, Allianz X provides an interface between Allianz companies and the broader ecosystem, enabling collaborative partnerships in insurtech, fintech, wealth, and …

Tags: DAX30 Sectors: Insurance

Siemens Siemens

We create technology to transform the everyday, for everyone. Siemens AG (Berlin and Munich) is a leading technology company focused on industry, infrastructure, transport, and healthcare. From more resource-efficient factories, resilient supply chains, and smarter buildings and grids, to cleaner and more comfortable transportation as well as advanced healthcare, the company creates technology with purpose adding real value for customers. By combining the real and the digital worlds, Siemens empowers its customers to transform their industries and markets, helping them to transform the everyday for billions of people. Siemens also owns a majority stake in the publicly listed company Siemens …

Tags: DAX30 Sectors: Industry

BMW Group BMW Group

We make individual mobility more human, more intelligent and more responsible. With its four brands BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce and BMW Motorrad, the BMW Group is the world’s leading premium manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles and also provides premium financial services. The BMW Group production network comprises over 30 production sites worldwide; the company has a global sales network in more than 140 countries. In 2024, the BMW Group sold over 2.45 million passenger vehicles and more than 210,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax in the financial year 2023 was € 17.1 billion on revenues amounting to € 155.5 billion. …

Tags: DAX30 Sectors: Automobile

AbbVie AbbVie

AbbVie is a global biopharmaceutical company focused on creating medicines and solutions that put impact first — for patients, communities, and our world. We aim to address complex health issues and enhance people's lives through our core therapeutic areas: immunology, oncology, neuroscience, eye care, aesthetics and other areas of unmet need. Learn more about us at and review our community guidelines at Biopharmaceutical, Biotechnology, Innovation, Research and Development, Manufacturing, Biotherapeutics, Oncology, Immunology, Virology, Neuroscience, Womens Health, Aesthetics, and Eye Care

Sectors: Pharmaceutical

Groupe TF1 Groupe TF1

Welcome to a world of content The TF1 group is a global player in the production, editing and distribution of content. Through its content, its ambition is to inspire society positively. The TF1 group organizes its activities in several additional poles: • The Broadcast pole with 5 clear channels (TF1, TMC, TFX, TF1 Films series, LCI), 4 thematic channels (Ushuaia TV, TV history, Breizh TV, Club series), 2 content platforms on demand (MyTF1, Tfou max), and the TF1 advertising. • The production center with Newen, which brings together 9 studios in France and internationally. • The digital pole with Unify, …

Sectors: Media

La Tribune La Tribune

Let's Share the Economy. Combining the expertise of a historic title with digital agility, La Tribune has carried out its transformation for several years, deploying itself at the heart of its audience's uses: website, digital daily newspaper, mobile applications, social networks, but also a field presence allowing it to animate its audience through the organization of 80 events per year. Its territorial roots make La Tribune the economic media of metropolises with editions in the regions and in Africa with La Tribune Afrique, feeding an editorial line focused on the real economy (innovation, digital, territories, etc.) and promote companies that …

Sectors: Media