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French Proptech French Proptech

The movement of the Proptech and Constructch française. The French Proptech is a movement that brings together tech and innovation players that seek to reinvent the city, a city centered on man and uses. A city where life is good, work and have fun. A city where you feel "good". Our conviction is that digital will make it possible to imagine a city by and for users while taking up the challenges of a constantly more complex city: vertical development / constant mutation of uses / heterogeneous communities / environmental impacts. Yes, the innovations represented within French Proptech are great …

Sectors: French Tech NGO, Think Tank Real Estate

La French Tech Mauritius La French Tech Mauritius

French Tech Mauritius refers to the ecosystem of innovative economic actors who have an economic link with France. Community of innovative entrepreneurs based in Mauritius. Mauritius French Tech Community. startup, digital, strategy and development, entrepreneurs, accelerator, and incubator

Sectors: French Tech

French Tech Guyane French Tech Guyane

(Ex Guyane Tech) / 1st community of digital innovation players in Guyana. 1st community of digital innovation players in Guyana.

Sectors: French Tech


Digitalization of SMEs 👉 / Digital Community 👉 (open) / NxSE Digital Weeks ... Since 1997, DIGITAL RÉUNION (ex-ARTIC) has represented the digital sector of Reunion Island and supports actions aimed at increasing its activity and developing its visibility in a responsible manner. Since December 2012, it has been the representative of Numeum (merger of SYNTEC NUMERIQUE & TECH IN FRANCE) in Reunion Island. Its missions: * Contribute to making Reunion Island a land of excellence * Promote the development of the digital sector * Publicize the know-how of digital companies * Promote digital technology and help the …

Sectors: French Tech

La French Tech Aix-Marseille Région Sud La French Tech Aix-Marseille Région Sud

All the news of the Tech ecosystem and French Aix-Marseille french tech startups! . digital, Aix-en-Provence, Startup, Marseille, Entrepreneur, and Innovation

Sectors: French Tech

La French Tech Bourgogne-Franche-Comté La French Tech Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

The capital @FRenchTech_BFC is part of the @LAFRENCHTECH ecosystem. Contact us to discover our programs and news by making an appointment here: French Tech, Numeric, Tech, Entrepreneur, Start-up, and Scale-Up

Sectors: French Tech

#LTA - La Tech Amiénoise #LTA - La Tech Amiénoise

#LTA is an association law 1901 which structures and anime A network of entrepreneurs around digital & amp; innovation The #LTA association - Amiens tech is aimed at all the energies that wish to energize the economy and the knowledge around digital in Amiens and its region. At the heart of its missions, the main actions are the training of future digital professionals, supporting project leaders innovative as well as the animation of an event program to promote the Sharing knowledge with the general public and professionals at the heart of the digital canteen, a totem place of the association. …

Sectors: French Tech

La French Tech Strasbourg La French Tech Strasbourg

Gather and foster the emerging startup scene of Strasbourg La French Tech Strasbourg, former "Strasbourg Startups", is a community initiative launched by Alsace Digitale in 2013 to gather and foster the emerging startup scene of Strasbourg, France. Our goal is to build an entrepreneurial community. We know it will take some time. We know we're engaged in a marathon not a 100 meters sprint. As for now, the initiative is made of 3 main points: 1. The Demo Nights A "Demo Night" every 3 months. A "Demo Night" is a moment dedicated to young startups wanting to demo their products. …

Sectors: French Tech

La French Tech Lot-et-Garonne La French Tech Lot-et-Garonne

The network of actors of innovation in Lot-et-Garonne! Created and labeled in 2019, the French Tech Lot-et-Garonne brings together more than 70 actors in innovation. Its purpose in particular is to promote the development of start-ups in emergence and to consolidate their links with leading actors in their sector.

Sectors: French Tech

FoodTech Dijon Bourgogne-Franche-Comté FoodTech Dijon Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

Valuing and supporting the emergence and development of innovative solutions from the fork to the range. Large challenges are concerned today. How to help people better eat is a real problem, just like knowing how to feed the population in 2050. Thus, the FoodTech network aims to enhance a diet based on the pleasure, responsibility and accessibility triptych. For us, digital technology, new technologies and more broadly innovation are remarkable means to tend towards this vision by contributing to agricultural and food transitions, and to the evolution of practices. Our mission: to enhance and support the emergence and development of …

Sectors: French Tech Media

La French Tech Rennes St Malo La French Tech Rennes St Malo

La French Tech is the nickname of the French startup ecosystem and all its members, from biosciences to online marketplaces, wherever they may be in the world. It is also a government-backed movement, making France one of the best countries in the world to launch and scale global tech leaders. Since the launch of the initiative in 2014, the Rennes St Malo region has been given the seal approval. In 2019, the local ecosystem of tech entrepreneurs was awarded the French Tech Capital label. Today, La French Tech Rennes St Malo is a high-growth, high-energy region with an international focus, …

Sectors: French Tech Public business cluster

French Tech Le Havre Normandy French Tech Le Havre Normandy

Le Havre French Tech Community Le Havre French tech brings together entrepreneurs who wanted to invest in the economic development and attractiveness of their territory, by supporting the growth of startups, business innovation and the animation of the Le Havre digital ecosystem. Our ambition is to make the Le Havre metropolis an attractive territory for business and innovation, particularly in the areas that make up our identity: port, maritime, industrial but also heritage, tourism and smart city. Digital, Startup, Training, Strategy and Development, Initiation, French Tech, Tech, Digital, Innovation, IoT, Future Tech, Industry, Prototyping, 3D Printing, Port, Maritime, Smart City, …

Sectors: French Tech

French Tech Grand Reims French Tech Grand Reims

THE FRENCH TECH COMMUNITY OF THE MARNE AND ARDENNES The French Tech Grand Reims Association is the French Tech community of the Marne and Ardennes territory. French Tech Grand Reims federates and highlights the innovation sector on its territory.Its mission is to contribute to the visibility of its members, at the local, regional, national and international level. It participates in the attractiveness of the territory, relying on networking and cooperation between SMEs (start-ups and innovative companies), large accounts, networks, incubators and accelerators, communities. Startups, french tech, reims, marne, and ardennes

Sectors: French Tech

French Tech Gard French Tech Gard

At French Tech, we do not stop progress for speeding Under the impetus of the start_up Gardoises, in coordination with a collective of association Gardoises, Bic Innovup, Open Tourisme Lab, Openîmes, Alès Myriapolis, Leaders Nîmes/Alès/Gard Rhodanien and Gardigital, a Gardois office was formed to apply for a French Tech Gard community. The French Tech Gard community will highlight and federate all the UP Gardoises starts, with development aids through advice and support for local entrepreneurs, funding and international development aid via the French Tech label This French Tech Gard community echoes the French Tech Hérault community and have the project …

Sectors: French Tech

French Tech Poitou-Charentes French Tech Poitou-Charentes

Digital and entrepreneurial ecosystems of Angoulême, Niort, La Rochelle and Poitiers The digital and entrepreneurial ecosystems of Angoulême, Niort, La Rochelle and Poitiers since 2019, the French Tech Atlantic Valley community since 2019, renowned French Tech Poitou-Charentes during the renewal of labeling in 2023. 🚀 Initiated by entrepreneurs, the French Tech Atlantic Valley community is characterized by a common ambition and habits of collaboration between actors from 4 ecosystems (Angoulême, La Rochelle, Niort, Poitiers). Its objective is to give greater visibility, especially international, to startups in our territory. startup, support, entrepreneurship, digital, and innovation

Sectors: French Tech

La French'Tech Troyes La French'Tech Troyes

French'tech community on the territory formed by the cities of Troyes, Auxerre, Sens, Nogent and Chaumont.

Sectors: French Tech

La French Tech Angers La French Tech Angers

Nous animons, fédérons et faisons rayonner l'écosystème Tech angevin, à tous niveaux : local, national, international ! La French Tech Angers, c'est avant tout une dynamique de territoire en faveur des startups et des entreprises innovantes pour leur croissance et leur rayonnement à l'international. C'est aussi tout un écosystème capable de se coordonner pour donner aux entrepreneurs les clefs nécessaires à la création, au développement et à l'internationalisation de leur projet/entreprise. --- La French Tech Angers is a local initiative whose goal is to support IT startups and innovative SMEs This initiative is supported by the wholde community of economic …

Sectors: French Tech

La French Tech Vendée La French Tech Vendée

The french tech Vendée aims to unite all the tech players in the territory and attract talents 🚀 The FrenchTech Vendée communioné aims to unite all the #Tech players on the Teritoire, to make it a growth and development relay for businesses and to create an attractive dynamic to attract new talent

Sectors: French Tech

Digital Loire Valley Digital Loire Valley

The network of actors who innovate with digital in the Center Val de Loire region The community of actors who innovate with digital in the Center-Val de Loire region. entrepreneurship, startup, digital, tech, tech in Fab, and economic development

Sectors: French Tech

French Tech Toulon French Tech Toulon

Inform Federate Develop The French Tech Toulon Southern Region represents the ecosystem of start-ups and innovative companies, digital or tech on the Toulon area. Toulon quickly mobilized around the Dynamics French Tech - a collective entrepreneurs and innovators from the first calls for Métropole projects and then thematic networks. This strong mobilization also made it possible to strengthen the fabric of startups and digital companies in the territory, to mobilize them and to define a real development strategy. In 2019, the Toulon Provence Méditerranée Metropolis once again obtained the Label Community French Tech by the National French Tech Mission: a …

Sectors: French Tech

La French Tech Pyrénées Adour La French Tech Pyrénées Adour

Federates the start-ups of sectors of the Pyrenees Adour territory “All alone we go faster, together, we go further!” The French Tech Pyrénées Adour community was created in 2016 for a major objective: Federer - Accelerating and making Startups, VSEs and innovative SMEs shine in the territory Innov'Adour registrations #3:

Sectors: French Tech

French Tech Perpignan French Tech Perpignan

Everything starts up here! The labeling rewards the strong mobilization of an entire ecosystem, a whole territory and allows all its actors to promote their exchanges and cooperation, to multiply actions in favor of growth and national and international influence. Join us French Tech Perpignan mobilizes a French tech community of more than 50 startups, and creates an association of entrepreneurs who carry the label for the department. Everything starts up here!

Sectors: French Tech

La French Tech Périgord La French Tech Périgord

Federate and mobilize the #Dordogne ecosystem around#innovation and#entrepreneurship 🚀The French Tech Perigord brings together the #Dordogne innovative ecosystem to mobilize the #Startups and #Hentreprises in the Department.

Sectors: French Tech

French Tech Limousin French Tech Limousin

Welcome to the account of the French Tech Limousin community! The French Tech Limousin is an ecosystem of +80 startups and +200 structures engaged around 3 ambitions: - Facilitate access to financing and access to the startup market; - Strengthen support for territorial startup projects; - Develop networking for an ecosystem that is spoken.

Sectors: French Tech

Lafrenchtechlemans Lafrenchtechlemans

Join our community LaFrenchtechlemans if you set your business around Le Mans / Sarthe Local Ecosystem for innovation and startup

Sectors: French Tech

La French Tech Grande Provence La French Tech Grande Provence

Our mission: to support, develop and federate an ecosystem of innovation and excellence! At French Tech Grande Provence, we love are entrepreneurs and digital, tech and innovation players. Entrepreneurs with super-projects who would like to become superhero in entrepreneurship. What we offer? Transmit our superpowers (yes, it's possible!). - Welcome your startup projects and offer you support with our Start Tech incubator - Organize events to promote interactions and collaborations - mark out the supply chain theme, naturalness and culture - Make you shine to the international Although general practitioners, we settled in the heart of Grande Provence, from Arles …

Sectors: French Tech

French Tech Pays Basque 🐓🌊 French Tech Pays Basque 🐓🌊

La dynamique d'une Terre d'Innovation ! Contact Neela Tibayrenc, Community Lead :

Sectors: French Tech

French Tech Pau Béarn French Tech Pau Béarn

The innovation community in Béarn. The French tech Pau Béarn is a French tech community, founded by entrepreneurs in the heart of local innovation and relying on local institutional relays, such as the Helioparc technopole and the CCI Pau Béarn. We create the tools necessary to accelerate innovation in Béarn. French Tech Pau Béarn gives itself 4 objectives: - Federate the Palois and Béarnais ecosystem, - Animate and grow this ecosystem, - Make this ecosystem known locally, regionally and nationally, - Develop the links between the Palois and Béarnaises startups and the SMEs, ETIs and large groups in the territory …

Sectors: French Tech

French Tech Normandie Caen French Tech Normandie Caen

Find all the information of the French Tech Normandie Caen community, events open to all ... Find and follow the news of French Tech Normandie Caen, its start-ups and its ecosystem! Do you want to join French Tech Normandie Caen? Contact us!

Sectors: French Tech

Ancienne page de la Communauté FrenchTech Littoral hauts de france Ancienne page de la Communauté FrenchTech Littoral hauts de france

The new page is here Former page of French Tech Littoral Hauts de France

Sectors: French Tech

La French Tech Clermont Auvergne La French Tech Clermont Auvergne

La French Tech Clermont Auvergne is an association of entrepreneurs, organizations and local government bodies who support entrepreneurship & innovation. The association leads La French Tech initiative launched by the French State, on the Auvergne region. Its main missions are to: - Federate and animate the entire entrepreneurship & innovation ecosystem within the territory; - Develop the necessary tools for the growth of startups and scaleups, and support them in their growth phase; - Develop the local and international visibility of young businesses of the territory.

Sectors: French Tech NGO, Think Tank

La French Tech Saint-Nazaire La Baule Pornic La French Tech Saint-Nazaire La Baule Pornic

Together, federate a Loire estuary community at the service of start-ups and innovative companies in its territory. The French Tech Saint-Nazaire La Baule Pornic community is labeled 2023/2025. It brings together the digital sector, start-ups and innovative companies at the scale of three agglomerations: CAP Atlantique (Guérande), Carene (Saint-Nazaire) and Pornic Agglo. It is carried by the eponymous association, led by a collective of independent leaders in an office & amp; board that combines: • President Pierre Minier (West Media & Amp; Wae Group) • Vice-president: Cécile Oger (Venetis) and Thierry Ricci (Natéosanté) • Treasurer: Benoît Chatelier (Melting Spot) • …

Sectors: French Tech

La French Tech Baie de Saint-Brieuc La French Tech Baie de Saint-Brieuc

Entrepreneurs in the service of entrepreneurs, to invent here a solid, ecological and happy economy The French Tech Baie de Saint-Brieuc ... - a community of startups, within a local ecosystem, - a spirit of mutual aid, to move forward together, further, stronger, - An exceptional territory, where it is good to undertake and innovate. #Startup #innovation #baiesdesibles #tech #food #med #feed #fin #eco #mobility

Sectors: French Tech

La French Tech Est La French Tech Est

La French Tech Est: the collective of entrepreneurs, startups, and tech actors in the Grand Est region. La French Tech Est one of the 17 @LaFrenchTech 🐓🇫🇷 Capitals. A collective of entrepreneurs and stakeholders for entrepreneurs. Initially recognized as a French Tech Metropolis in 2015 and later designated as a French Tech Capital in 2019, the La French Tech Est association is chaired by entrepreneurs who build actions, operations, and events for entrepreneurs and project leaders in the region. Our goal is to implement the necessary measures and programs to make startups in the region high-potential growth companies, creating employment …

Sectors: French Tech Startup accelerator & VC

French Tech Bordeaux French Tech Bordeaux

French Tech Bordeaux, pilot the French Tech initiative launched by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Digital in the Region, its main missions are: - Federate and coordinate under the French Tech Banner actions in favor of the growth of start-ups - Detect and speed up projects with high growth potential - Develop the influence of our startups and our international know -how Digital, startup, strategy, and development

Sectors: French Tech

La French Tech Côte d'Azur La French Tech Côte d'Azur

Official account of the capital French Tech Côte d´Azur. ☀️ FRENCH Tech Côte d'Azur (FTCA) is a collective movement, which brings together entrepreneurs and ecosystem actors who contribute to the growth of startups on the Rivareess territory. 4 associations contribute to the development of the #FrenchTech ecosystem on the territory: 🔹 Cannes is up (Cannes and Pays de Lerins) 🔹 Club of Grasse Entrepreneurs (Pays de Grasse) 🔹 NICESTARTSUP (Metropolis Nice Côte d'Azur) 🔹 Telecom Valley (Sophia Antipolis) 👉 Our mission: identify, support and accelerate startups and scaleups from the Côte d'Azur.

Sectors: French Tech

French Tech Méditerranée French Tech Méditerranée

A dynamic and innovative ecosystem at the service of the Gard and Hérault entrepreneurs 🚀🩵 The French Tech Mediterranean supports the growth and internationalization of innovative start-ups, scale-ups and SMEs in Gard and Hérault. We collaborate with public actors, communities, institutions, universities as well as incubators, accelerators and large private companies to stimulate innovation. 🚀 Our mission: to support entrepreneurs in their development by facilitating access to events, strategic partnerships and a community of talents, to promote innovation, sustainable growth and make local successes on the national and international level. 🌟 Join a community committed to innovation and the success …

Sectors: French Tech

La French Tech Saint-Etienne Lyon La French Tech Saint-Etienne Lyon

A collective at the service of startups in Lyon and Saint-Etienne. The French Tech Saint-Etienne Lyon association promotes the creation, growth and internationalization of innovative companies in Lyon and Saint-Etienne startup, scaleup, innovation, and french tech

Sectors: French Tech

La French Tech Grand Paris La French Tech Grand Paris

Tech for all, for good The French Tech Grand Paris is the Ile-de-France community of start-ups, investors, corporate and community builders. It represents a collective of entrepreneurs, investors and tech leaders created to represent the 8000+ startups present in the territory, and to carry the voice of an ecosystem which concentrates 70% of the metrics of Tech. She activates it via many events (public order, Tech Days, Gen Ai, Health Innovative Intensive Training ...), brings together the many players present in Greater Paris, and deploys the national French tech programs (Tremplin, Central, Rise, I choose French Tech ...).

Sectors: French Tech

La French Tech Lille La French Tech Lille

Push up Startup & Scale-up based in north of France, to Make Business easier,Raise Funds,Growth & Expand in Int. Markets NPO to help Start-ups & Scale-ups based in North of France, to Make Business easier, to Raise Funds, to Growth and to Expand in International Markets. #Innovate #Grow and #BecomeGlobalLeaders ! High Tech, Entrepreneurs, Digital, Raise funds, Talents, Innovation, Research and Development, International, Growth, Scale-up, Start-up, and Data

Sectors: French Tech

La French Tech Nantes La French Tech Nantes

We bring together the actors of the Loire digital ecosystem. 🔗 The French Tech Nantes brings together all the actors of the Nantes digital and innovative ecosystem in the Pays de la Loire. It brings together startups - from online marketplaces biotechs - but also support devices, investor, and more broadly all those who contribute by their action to bring out and support our companies towards success . It is structured around several structures (the canteen, west DNA, Atlanpole ...) and a collective of entrepreneurs who believe in the virtues of the collective game.

Sectors: French Tech

La French Tech Paris-Saclay La French Tech Paris-Saclay

Une capitale French Tech à l'écoute des start-up deeptech de Paris-Saclay « La French Tech » : c’est le mouvement français des startups. Un écosystème unique qui réunit des startups (donc), mais aussi des investisseurs, des décideurs et des community builders. La French Tech Paris-Saclay Capitale labélisée en IdF au côté de la capitale French Tech Grand Paris.

Sectors: French Tech

La French Tech Toulouse La French Tech Toulouse

The international label of French innovative companies and their ecosystem present in Toulouse. "French Tech": this is the French movement of innovative companies. A unique ecosystem that brings together startups (therefore), but also talents, investors, decision -makers, catalysts, customers, partners ... The French Tech Toulouse is an association of entrepreneurs from the Toulouse region, who support and promote the development of innovative businesses, whatever their sector of activity and whatever their technology.

Sectors: French Tech

La French Tech Brest Bretagne Ouest La French Tech Brest Bretagne Ouest

Follow the news of the ecosystem, startups & amp; Innovative SMEs from the capital French Tech Brest Bretagne Ouest 🚀 🚀 Because we think that startups cannot flourish by remaining alone at the bottom of their garage, we animate the collective dynamics of French Tech Brest Bretagne West: Brest, Lannion, Morlaix, Quimper. 💡 carried by technopolies of the western Breton, our capital French tech creates tailor-made events (ticket to pitch, French tech day), acceleration devices (west startups) and anime dedicated places (totem) for Allow these growing startups, while unifying other audiences and associating our ecosystem. 📍 Labeled "French Tech" since …

Sectors: French Tech

La French Tech Alpes La French Tech Alpes

Collective movement initiated for the influence of the digital economy and the innovation of the alpine furrow. The French Tech Alpes is one of the 16 French Tech capitals in France. The association is carried by a collective of entrepreneurs and a set of actors committed to the development and influence of the digital economy and the innovation of the Alpine furrow. With more than 600 members, French Tech Alpes is the alliance of 5 territories: Annecy, Chambéry, Grenoble, Valence-Romans and French Genevans. The French Alpes contributes to the development and influence of the digital economy and young innovative companies: …

Sectors: French Tech

French Tech Grand Hainaut French Tech Grand Hainaut

Create a bond around a common passion: tech! French Tech Grand Hainaut is a community of entrepreneurs located in Grand Hainaut (Cambrai, Douai, Maubeuge, Valenciennes...) mainly aiming to develop each person's know-how and support start-ups wishing to embark on the Tech adventure! digital, technology, startup, and entrepreneurship

Sectors: French Tech

La French Tech La Réunion La French Tech La Réunion

The collective of entrepreneurs in the territory. JOIN THE FIRST OVERSEAS FRENCH TECH CAPITAL! Association under the 1901 law, of general interest. La French Tech La Réunion is part of the ecosystem of capitals of @LaFrenchTech UNITING THE WORLD OF INNOVATION AND TECH IN LA RÉUNION #ANIMATE #SHINE #UNITIZE Historically, La French Tech la Réunion is: 2016: Emergence of the French Tech e-health thematic network 2019: "French Tech Community" labeling 2022: Official creation of the French Tech La Réunion Association 2023: Labeling as the first "French Tech Capital" of the overseas regions! JOIN YOUR FRENCH TECH CAPITAL LA RÉUNION!

Sectors: French Tech