Logo | Name | Σ |
![]() | Upe 13 UPE 13, more than 150 years of commitment to business service! 1st community of entrepreneurs of 13. UPE 13, 150 years of commitment to business service! 1st community of Bouches-du-Rhône entrepreneurs: the strength of a network of 13,000 companies. Sectors: | 514 |
![]() | CCI Allier 1st business accelerator His role Promote local and regional economic development with two main missions: - support industrial, commercial and service establishments in their economic development, - Be their spokesperson with the public authorities. Its organization The Chamber of Commerce and Industry is an establishment made up of business leaders, elected by their peers for a period of 5 years. Its missions - Inform: Promote local economic fabric and provide business leaders with the data necessary for their development. - Advisor: support the manager in his creation, development project and in all phases of business life. - Train: Offer a … Sectors: | 89 |
![]() | CCI du Tarn The CCI of Tarn is more than ever, alongside companies to support them in their development projects! Highlight the general interests of the local economic fabric with public authorities, support companies in all stages of their development, be an access to information portal, manage the equipment necessary for business development, train young people, Employees and managers are some of the Tarn CCI missions to its nationals (merchants, service providers, industrialists). His advisers bring you their expertise and their knowledge of networks facilitate the implementation of relevant actions on subjects in line with the needs of the manager. With more than … Sectors: | 115 |
![]() | CCI Alsace Eurométropole The 1st business accelerator The CCI Alsace Eurometropole is a public establishment piloted by 100 leaders of volunteer and elected companies for 5 years. It represents 105,000 companies in industry, trade and services in Alsace. It actively participates in the development of the local economy. Our actions are articulated around large missions: - Represent the interests of companies. - Support creators and business buyers. - Mobilize our expertise and our connection capacity to support our companies' projects throughout their lives. - Deploy an initial, continuous training offer or by learning, notably thanks to our CCI Campus training center. - Facilitate … Sectors: | 400 |
![]() | CCI Troyes et Aube Creation, recovery, formalities, environment, innovation, digital, trade, services, industry, learning ... The CCI of Troyes and Aube supports you for the creation and development of your business It develops 4 main axes: - Inform: to make the local fabric better known and to provide companies, the data necessary for their development - Advisor: to help resolve the questions related to the operation of the company, from its creation, its development to its transmission or its radiation - Train: detect the needs related to the functioning and future of the company - Develop: ensure the emergence and exploitation of collective equipment … Sectors: | 113 |
![]() | CCI Savoie By your side at each stage of your project A partner of the action, the CCI Savoie aims to serve companies and their territories. His will: be close to companies to better support their development. The CCI Savoie represents and brings together industrialists, traders, and service providers of Savoy, registered in the Trade and Companies Register. It fulfills 2 main missions to ensure the animation of local economic development: - Represent the general interests of the economy with the public authorities and many partners: she is the spokesperson for industry, trade and services companies. - Support daily the creation, transmission … Sectors: | 197 |
![]() | CCI Pau Béarn Public Establishment, the CCI Pau Béarn supports companies in its territory and project leaders. She manages the Éklore-Ed school and Cuège Airport Pau Pyrénées. The CCI Pau Béarn offers them support in various fields: administration, development and information tools, training, implementation of common structures, etc. Legal representative of the interests of the 17,000 local companies, the CCI Pau Béarn is their spokesperson for public authorities and local authorities. Business creation, business takeover consultancy, business transmission consultancy, business development, and business formalities center Sectors: | 139 |
![]() | CCI Haute-Loire Role of CCI Haute-Loire: Whether you have a business creation or resumption project, a need for skills development, the desire to conquer new markets in France or abroad, or even a project in terms of innovation, the Haute-Loire CCI is your privileged interlocutor. Our advisers evolve by your side, in the field, whatever the size of your business, the nature of your project, and your sector of activity. They listen and analyze your needs in order to offer you effective and lasting solutions. Haute-Loire CCI missions Whatever your idea or project, a CCI advisor will support you in your approach. … Sectors: | 94 |
![]() | CCI Hautes-Alpes 1st Accelerator of Haut-Alpine companies! The CCI of Hautes-Alpes works for the economic influence of the territory and the development of businesses. Welcome, support, advise businesses, creators and business buyers. Improve leaders' practices, help them develop. Offer them "growth" methods and tools, "business" meetings. Promote conditions of economic development and collective play around major projects in the territory. Sectors: | 106 |
![]() | CCI DU GERS Gers Chamber of Commerce and Industry Our roadmap for the mandate 2022-2026: - Be the spokesperson and the local partner of Gers companies -Federate and synergy the actors, play "collective gers -Be the key player in entrepreneurship in the Gers -Dente the attractiveness and the employer Gers brand, enhance the Gersois know-how Anticipate the challenges of tomorrow and meet the needs of the company throughout its life Personalized support for location, support for business creators, assembly of financing files, develop business networks, and business nursery Sectors: | 152 |
![]() | CCI VOSGES Public economic establishment which represents nearly 21,000 business, services and industry companies in the Vosges. The CCI Vosges accompanies them from their creation to their transmission through all the stages of their development. Sectors: | 101 |
![]() | CCI Marne en Champagne The leading business accelerator in the Marne, the CCI brings together and supports local projects. A unifying and structuring player in the economic development of the Marne, the CCI supports local projects and develops relationships between businesses. VITeff, Center for Business Formalities, Connecting Entrepreneurs, Forum'Immo, Class Export, Development, Business parks, Manager, Infrastructure, Bioeconomy, Creation, Takeover, Transmission, Company, Networking, Network, Real estate, Training, Project leader , Creator, Transferor, Receiver, and Event Sectors: | 130 |
![]() | CCI Côtes d'Armor CCI, 1st business accelerator A true "Business Parliament", the CCI is to freely represent the interests of companies in industry, trade, services and tourism professionals with public authorities. She is thus the spokesperson for the needs of these companies by getting involved to communities and public authorities. His role is therefore to: - propose guidelines for the development of territories, promote balanced commercial development, - Express the opinions of companies and participate in the debates concerning the economy and the structuring equipment of the department. On the business side, this is reflected in support, individual and collective, of project leaders, … Sectors: | 195 |
![]() | Le Campus - Centre de Formation CCI du CANTAL Our ambition, your training. The CCI du Cantal training campus offers short (1 to 5 days) and long (more than 400h) continuous training: more than 400 hours): - Management - Quality - Communication - HR - Management and finance - Legal - Commercial development - IT / DTP / 3D printing - secure - Hotel-restaurant - English - Line driving - Electricity ... He also offers diploma training, with the Négoventis network: - Commercial development manager (490h) - Commercial attaché (455h) The campus is able to meet the needs of companies, thanks to inter or intra training. Do not hesitate … Sectors: | 70 |
![]() | Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Grand Nancy Métropole - Meurthe-et-Moselle To advance all your desires to undertake Both a privileged observatory of economic activity, talent incubator, one of the first trainers in the department and international springboard, the Meurthe-et-Moselle Chamber of Commerce and Industry supports and enhances local trade, industry and service provider service providers. Alongside the economic actors to undertake, the CCI makes available to its 18,000 nationals of the various teams, services and tools which are detailed in this guide. From creation-reprise-transmission of companies to support for foreign trade, including infrastructure development and vocational training, the CCI is a point of convergence of all economic operators. Creation-recovery-transmission, training, … Sectors: | 111 |
![]() | CCI de région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes The CCIs of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, 360 ° solutions for companies and territories! The CCIs, the 1st public economic network of #Proximity! 🔵 👉🏻 Facilitate your #successes is our job! 👉🏻 In Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the Region CCI supervises and supports the activities of the 13 Territorial CCIs: - Support and represent the 400,000 companies in the trade, industry and services in the region 🤝 - contribute to economic development and territorial planning in the region 💡 How ? Thanks to the mobilization of 500 elected officials and 1,500 employees #proximity 👌🏻 Permanent interlocutors of companies for all their daily or strategic concerns, the … Sectors: | 428 |
![]() | CCI de Grenoble The CCI of Grenoble acts daily to promote the development of the economy of the Grenoble region and its 40,000 companies (industries, shops, tourism and services). Economic animation of the territory, internationalization and development for export, training and professionalization, promotion and valuation of businesses, and expression and influence by elected officials of the CCI Sectors: | 422 |
![]() | Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Marseille-Provence Porte voice of the 134,000 companies from Aix-Marseille-Provence. Our action combines the response to the daily needs of companies and the challenges of the territory to transform itself to international standards. Digital revolution, energy transition, collaborative economy ... In an in -depth changing world, the company must be in permanent motion. A natural partner of the company, the CCI Aix Marseille Provence works on a daily basis to offer 115,000 companies in its territory the keys that will allow them to gain performance and develop their turnover. Because companies are the engine of the economic competitiveness of the territory, the … Sectors: | 405 |
![]() | Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Nantes St-Nazaire 1st business accelerator Nantes St-Nazaire Chamber of Commerce and Industry Nantes St-Nazaire Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sectors: | 1085 |
![]() | CCI Paris IdF At your side to create and develop your business. Representing nearly 840,000 companies, or 29 % of national GDP, the Paris Ile-de-France Region and Industry Chamber of Commerce and Industry is actively engaged alongside actors who make the regional economy-whether business leaders, decision-makers, students, apprentices, students or even continuing education employees. On the whole of a territory which includes Paris, Seine-et-Marne, Versailles-Yvelines, Essonne, Hauts-de-Seine, Seine-Saint-Denis, Val-de-Marne and Val d'Oise, the regional chamber is responsible for representing businesses to promote their growth, train men and women in the challenges of tomorrow, to grow business projects and promote the capital region to … Sectors: | 1339 |
![]() | CCI Normandie Official account of #CCI Normandie. Norman 140,000 #140,000 #enthusiasts. Spokesperson for the 5 Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the Normandy territory, the CCI Normandy represents the interests of more than 140,000 companies nationaling with the public authorities in the regions. Ensuring a role of an intermediate body with an economic vocation, it promotes the development of businesses and territories. Sectors: | 454 |
![]() | CCI Moselle We are there for you. Have the CCI reflex! The CCI Moselle, at the service of economic development of the territory. Support for VSEs and SMEs. Proximity, attractiveness. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter too Support for VSEs and SMEs in industry, trade, services and tourism. , Help and support for creation, takeover, business transmission., Formalities, digital transition, ecological transition, sustainable development, project financing, and support for companies in difficulty Sectors: | 140 |
![]() | CCI Gard Make the company and the territory of the Gard grow 🚀 The Nîmes Chamber of Commerce can claim more than 200 years of experience today. Two hundred years of presence in the field to shape the economic face of the department in a context enamelled with different events (world wars, appearance and then disappearance of industries, social changes, periods of recession or prosperity). Two hundred years to put his teams At the service of the creation of economic development: promotion of textiles and silk, the emergence of heavy industry around the Alès basin, implantation of nuclear on the Rhodanian Gard, … Sectors: | 149 |
![]() | CCI de l'Aude 1st business accelerator On December 14, 2016, the CCIs of Carcassonne and Narbonne merged to give birth to the CCI Aude. Elected officials for 5 years, the 40 elected members of the CCI Aude will represent the interests of the 15,000 companies in the department and will be their relays with communities. During their mandate, they will work on the development of the territory and will be there to support projects of creation, business transmission, training, energy and digital transition, internationalization ... The CCI Aude is also more than 100 employees at the service of companies and project leaders. It … Sectors: | 124 |
![]() | CCI Ardennes Support local businesses. The CCI Ardennes encourages the reception of new businesses and supports those already established in their development. Sectors: | 77 |
![]() | CCI Amiens-Picardie Initiate and support the creation and development of companies and the territory of Amiens and Haute-Picardie are at the heart of the Mission of the CCI Amiens-Picardie (Chamber of Commerce and Industry). We advise business leaders and offer different training courses with a variety of theme directly meeting the needs of professionals in their daily management of their business. business creation, business support, advice to companies, and formalities of companies Sectors: | 110 |
![]() | CCI Paris Growth accelerator The Paris Chamber of Commerce and Departmental Industry supports the development of Parisian businesses and shops. The CCI Paris offers services adapted to entrepreneurs who want to create, develop, transmit, export, innovate and act to increase the influence of the capital. www.cci75.fr Tel: 0155654444 Also follow us on: - Twitter @cci_75 / @commerceparis - Facebook www.facebook.com/cci75 or www.facebook.com/commercedeparis Business creation, business transmission, export, entrepreneurship, commerce, Paris, attractiveness, companies, services, business, training, tourism, design creation, start-ups, TPE support, and digital transformation Sectors: | 966 |
![]() | CCI France CCI France est la tête de réseau des Chambres de Commerce et d'Industrie. CCI France is the national public body that federates the French Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI). CCI France represents 2,000,000 French private companies. CCI France is the intermediary between all CCIs and French and European public authorities, international organisations and large public or private partners. CCI France is also represented in Brussels by its European Affairs Department. CCI France's task is to provide guidance, support and advice to the chambers within their spheres of activity : economic watch and intelligence, company development, territorial and infrastructural development, … Sectors: | 1293 |
![]() | CCI GRAND EST Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry In the Grand Est, the CCI network revolves around the Grand Est Region CCI which brings CCI Alsace Eurometropolis, Ardennes, Grand Nancy Metropolis, Marne in Champagne, Meuse Haute-Marne, Moselle Metropole, Troyes and Dawn, Vosges. The Grand Est CCIs represent 180,200 industrial, commercial and service companies. They deploy their actions by relying on a proximity network and an unparalleled territorial presence. Thanks to their elected entrepreneurs and their expert advisers, the CCIs of the Grand is benefit from unique expertise in the knowledge of businesses and in the economic development of the territories. Sectors: | 256 |
![]() | German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania (AHK) Your number one contact and networking platform for the German market as well as for the Baltic markets The German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (AHK Baltic States) has been the first point of contact for German-Baltic economic relations for three decades. Are you a Baltic company looking to expand into Germany? We are happy to help you with advice and our services. You can also become a member of our Chamber of Commerce and thus join a like-minded community of around 470 companies, attend exclusive events where you can gain access to decision-makers in Germany and … Sectors: | 62 |
![]() | CCI Puy-de-Dôme Clermont Auvergne Métropole A strong CCI for companies and the territory The CCI Puy-de-Dôme is responsible for representing the interests of commercial, industrial and service companies. Tourism, trade, numbers, business, business creation, industry, international, development, studies, and territory Sectors: | 218 |