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Le Petit Tou Le Petit Tou

[Automatic translation follows] The free City-Guide of the city of Toulouse! Le Petit Tou is the free reference City-Guide in Toulouse. Le Petit Tou is a non-profit student association of TBS Education. It publishes each year the practical guide of the city of Toulouse which is distributed free of charge. The entire content of the guide can be consulted on its website. The association is composed of 50 members, all volunteers and students of the school. During the year, all members are required to do the tests of the establishments present in the main sections of the guide and to …

Type: Media

11 2 9 32
Ville de Pessac Ville de Pessac

[Automatic translation follows] At the beginning there is you. Pessac: wine, university and technological city 3rd city of Gironde and 7th city of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region with 66,000 inhabitants 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 🍇Pessac is first of all 7 centuries of viticulture with today exceptional great wines known worldwide. 🏛 It is an architecture that bears witness to its history since the 12th century: the Romanesque era with its church; the Age of Enlightenment with the Noès mill; the Belle Époque for the Casino district; modern architecture with the Cité Frugès - Le Corbusier (Unesco world heritage); the post-Second World War with the …

Type: Public

18 9 5 131

[Automatic translation follows] Inspire and Develop Work Environments France's leading network dedicated to the work environment, Arseg has been actively involved in the professionalization and promotion of work environment professions for 35 years. Arseg offers, among other things, a wide range of information materials, training and professional tools as well as a rich and varied conference program. With more than 2,000 members, clients and service providers spread throughout the country, Arseg is a network of excellence where feedback, best practices, advice, ideas and contacts are shared in a professional and friendly context. Management, Work Environment, General Services, Real Estate, Consulting, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

54 7 44 119
Apprentis d'Auteuil Apprentis d'Auteuil

[Automatic translation follows] Apprentis d’Auteuil sees the best in each of the 40,000 young people supported in more than 400 establishments. Apprentis d’Auteuil is a Catholic foundation that educates and trains more than 13,000 young people in difficulty to enable them to integrate into society as free and responsible men and women, while supporting families in their parental responsibility. Education, Training and professional integration, Family support, Child protection, and Early childhood

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

78 44 20 3,552
APHM (Assistance Publique - Hopitaux de Marseille) APHM (Assistance Publique - Hopitaux de Marseille)

[Automatic translation follows] Marseille University Hospitals #APHM | Our DNA: care, innovation, transmission AP-HM: University Hospital Center and Civic Institution. With 4 hospitals and 3,500 beds, the Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Marseille (AP-HM) is the largest hospital center in the Provence - Alpes - Côte d'Azur region (France). It is also the region's largest employer, with more than 12,000 employees and 1,885 doctors. The missions of this University Hospital Center (CHU) are care, training, research as well as prevention and health education. Its hospitals offer the full range of specialties, from local care to cutting-edge treatments for complex and …

Type: Public

49 13 38 10

[Automatic translation follows] The National Association of Mutuality Employers is the only employer organization in the Mutuality sector ANEM represents mutualist employers who carry out activities governed by the Mutuality Code.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

17 3 16 237
Anah Anah

[Automatic translation follows] A territorial response to the challenges of private housing The National Housing Agency (Anah) is tasked with improving the existing private housing stock. It is a public institution under the supervision of the ministries responsible for Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Authorities, Action and Public Accounts and the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Anah grants financial aid for work under conditions to owner-occupiers, lessors and co-ownerships in difficulty. It is a partner of local authorities for programmed operations (Opah). And a State operator in the implementation of national plans. Fight against substandard and very degraded housing, …

Type: Public

91 38 63 320
AMIF (Association des Maires d'Ile-de-France) AMIF (Association des Maires d'Ile-de-France)

[Automatic translation follows] Created in 1990, totally pluralist and meeting the expectations of the municipalities of the Paris region, a structure for consultation and information at the regional level, the Association of Mayors of Ile-de-France (AMIF) ensures a role of representation of local elected officials and participates in regional dynamism. In 2021, 80% of the municipalities of Ile-de-France are members of AMIF. Municipalities can join AMIF by responding to the call for contributions sent before the beginning of each year by AMIF. With its representativeness and its interdepartmental structure, which gives it a role as spokesperson for the Mayors of …

Type: Public

77 35 47 19
Alliade Habitat Alliade Habitat

[Automatic translation follows] Facilitating housing to promote employment A subsidiary of Action Logement and the region's leading operator, with 55,000 homes and more than 130,000 tenants, Alliade Habitat is the partner company for employee housing in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. ​ Our mission is to be a regional player by renting, building and managing social housing for those who need it: employees, students and young workers, low-income households, seniors, etc. By promoting the employment-housing link, we create real societal ecosystems that allow companies to hire locally and residents to find work. ​ Our job is rich in meaning, with a commitment that goes …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

44 11 36 523

[Automatic translation follows] Leader in housing for all, Alila supports #housing stakeholders throughout the territory #Housingforall. A recognized national player in housing for all (subsidized and intermediate), ALILA loudly affirms its commitment: to transform social housing into a human and friendly place to live. To succeed in these changes, we are betting on an eco-responsible and innovative real estate offer, focused on "well-being" and quality. Giving the city back to its inhabitants, supporting people towards ownership, building intelligently and more virtuous, so many commitments on which we have built our reputation. Approved and intermediate housing, Social accession, Social housing, Housing, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

30 3 30 94
Agence Qualité Construction Agence Qualité Construction

[Automatic translation follows] Preventing disorders, improving the quality of construction. The Construction Quality Agency (AQC)? We are a recognized association of general interest that brings together all professional construction organizations. Our mission? Preventing disorders in construction and improving the quality of construction. What actions do we take to achieve this? All our resources and free tools are intended to help construction professionals in the field in their daily practices! How are our tools and resources developed? -> we observe construction disorders in the field, -> thanks to this data and their lessons, we prioritize the subjects that require prevention, -> …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

28 7 22 54
Agence nationale du Sport Agence nationale du Sport

[Automatic translation follows] Doing better together, in the service of French sport The National Sports Agency's mission is to define and achieve common objectives in terms of developing sports practice in France and high performance, particularly in view of the Olympic and Paralympic Games organized in Paris in 2024. The National Sports Agency is a Public Interest Group (GIP), operator of the Ministry in charge of sport, which is made up of the State (Ministry of Sports), the sports movement (CNOSF, CPSF), local authorities (AMF, ADF and Regions of France) and economic and social stakeholders. President: Michel CADOT General Director: …

Type: Public

59 19 40 102
Agence Assemble Agence Assemble

[Automatic translation follows] Strategic philanthropy consulting agency Strategic philanthropy consulting agency philanthropy, employee engagement, skills-based sponsorship, responsible communication, solidarity event, communication strategy, editorial strategy, content production, writing, societal commitment, communication consulting, corporate sponsorship, sponsorship strategy, sponsorship consulting, social impact, CSR, and general interest

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

43 0 43 4
Afigéo Afigéo

[Automatic translation follows] French Geographic Information Think Tank Created in 1986, the French Association for Geographic Information is a neutral and independent association that reflects the diversity and plurality of stakeholders and networks in the French geographic information sector. A think tank bringing together 200 members, a space for discussion and reflection open to the outside world, Afigéo promotes French expertise in the field in France and internationally. In 2024, Afigéo will continue its three main missions: - Lead the French community of stakeholders and networks in geographic information - Promote the geographic information sector in France and internationally - …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

52 5 41 13
ADN Booster ADN Booster

[Automatic translation follows] The ADN Ouest accelerator that boosts innovation in the Grand Ouest! #startups #innovation #paysdelaloire #bretagne ADN Booster is a regional structure whose objective is to support startups and innovative digital B2B projects. The ambition is to create jobs and economically develop the territory (Pays de la Loire - Brittany). startup, Mentoring, B2B, business, and Accompaniment

Type: Incubators & VCs NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Public Activities: entrepreneurship

61 25 49 8

[Automatic translation follows] "Inspired by your daily life, to build your home of tomorrow together" The HDV Group is the continuation of a story that began in 1998 when Didier VICENS created the company ALPHA CONSTRUCTIONS with the desire to meet all the needs and expectations of each person wishing to access property. Continuing its development and ambitions, the companies SO'9 HABITAT, COULEUR VILLAS and ALLIANCE CONSTRUCTIONS AQUITAINE will be integrated into this adventure, allowing everyone to carry out their construction project. A company on a human scale, cultivating fundamental values ​​such as respect and commitment, enriched in its work …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Decarbonization

3 1 0 91
Polytechnique Alumni Polytechnique Alumni

L'association des anciens élèves et diplômés de l’École polytechnique. The École Polytechnique Alumni Association (AX) is the association of alumni and graduates of École Polytechnique. Its four major missions are to: - create and maintain valuable connections between students and alumni, - support students and alumni in any difficult situation, - engage and coordinate the network of the alumni of École polytechnique, - contribute to maintain École Polytechnique amongst the world’s top scientific education institutions.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

48 8 37 15
Devoteam Revolve Devoteam Revolve

[Automatic translation follows] Cloud is the infinite playground! Join #TeamRevolve! Devoteam Revolve is the result of 12 years of expertise in automation and concretizes our thoughts on the meaning we want to give to technology. We help our clients become platform companies using the AWS Cloud, and contribute to building a more sustainable digital economy. Our goal is to expand the scope of possibilities for organizations seeking answers to modern technological challenges, using cloud platforms that enable rapid experimentation and low-cost innovation. In constant movement, we gravitate in ever-changing ecosystems. For some we are creatives, for others technicians (“techos”). Our …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. IoT A.I. - Machine Learning

36 5 36 254
Women's Forum for the Economy & Society Women's Forum for the Economy & Society

Raise women's voices - create change Since its inception in 2005, the Women’s Forum has emerged as the leading international platform for transforming the power of women’s voices and perspectives into forward-thinking economic and policy initiatives for societal change. In an ongoing campaign for gender equality, our aim is to intensify the presence and influence of women when and wherever governments, healthcare or scientific institutions, businesses, and environmental and economic policymakers are tasked with the ethical, financial, political and humanitarian challenges of a world in flux. A Publicis Groupe Company since 2010, the Women's Forum provides a unique place in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

108 58 73 53

ASSOCIATION COMMITTED TO ACCELERATING THE TRANSITION TO A LOW-CARBON FUTURE Transition Forum aims to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon future by mobilising a diverse community of international stakeholders and catalyzing concrete solutions that reconcile prosperity and preservation of our planet for future generations. Founded at the initiative of Aqua Asset Management, Transition Forum is a non-profit association whose mission is to bring together business leaders, public decision-makers, investors, innovators, experts and representatives of civil society, committed to the ecological transition and to accompany these actors in the realisation of their projects. The TRANSITION FORUM, the association's flagship event, brings …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

56 20 38 6
Real Estate Development by Euro Disney Real Estate Development by Euro Disney

Val d'Europe : Fields of Opportunities The signature of the Convention in 1987 between The Walt Disney Company, French state, the Ile-de-France Region, the Seine-et-Marne Department, EPAMARNE-EPAFRANCE and RATP marks the birth of the new area located at the east of Paris, area that will focus on housing, jobs and leisure. Private and public figures are committed for a concentrated and proficient development of the area until 2030 on a land perimeter of 2,230 hectares concerned by the Convention, which half is already developed. Val d’Europe is an economic success and a beautiful human adventure. Val d’Europe is already 30 …

Type: Event

9 1 9 25
Intelligence Marketing Day Intelligence Marketing Day

Le 1 er événement digital marketing data IA en France organisé par MV Group débarque à Lyon le mardi 29 octobre ! ✨ Bienvenue ! Notre rôle est d'aider les directions marketing, communication, commerciales, DATA à travers cet événement unique Intelligence Marketing Day sur Rennes et Lyon à mieux comprendre les leviers du digital, de la data, de l'IA ... avec des exemples pratiques pour développer leur business. Intelligence Marketing Day est le 8e évènement DIGITAL MARKETING DATA IA en France Inscrivez-vous ICI inbound marketing, marketing automation, digital, social selling, content marketing, data , IA, CRM, MEDIA, Marketing, Data …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

10 1 8 4

Maison de conseil en stratégie, management et organisation EUROGROUP CONSULTING is a European and independent strategy and organisation consultancy with 1,000 consultants throughout 16 countries. In France, the company was created in 1982. Since then, we have developed a significant footprint within Banking and Finance, Industry, Insurance & Welfare, Transportation & Logistics, Retail, Energy & Environment, Public Sector including Healthcare. Banques & Services Financiers, Industrie, Assurance, Mutuelle & Protection Sociale, Transports, Logistique & Services, Télécoms, Energie, Environnement & Distribution, Secteur Public & Santé, and Automobile

Type: SMB Activities: consulting transporttech insurtech Technologies: Decarbonization

47 13 35 652

Accelerating value through media, data, technological and societal performance Values is a leader independent media and adtech agency in France. Elected Agency of the Year in 2020 and 2021 by OffreMedia. We advise more than 55 advertisers to think about their media, data and adtech strategies. Based in Paris and Toulouse, we're 60 media and tech lovers ! Don't hesitate to contact us to talk about your brand, vision or experience. We love meeting new passionate people ! conseil media, planning stratégique, achat d'espaces publicitaires, data & analytics, achat programmatique, digital, geomarketing, brand content, adtech, tv, conseil, attribution, data strategy, …

Type: Media

13 3 10 62
Sia Partners Sia Partners

Optimists for Change Sia Partners is a next-generation management consulting firm and pioneer of Consulting 4.0. We offer a unique blend of AI and design capabilities, augmenting traditional consulting to deliver superior value to our clients. Counting 3,000 consultants in 20 countries, we expect to achieve USD 420 million in turnover for the current fiscal year. With a global footprint and expertise in more than 30 sectors and services, we optimize client projects worldwide. Through our Consulting for Good approach, we strive for next-level impact by developing innovative CSR solutions for our clients, making sustainability a lever for profitable transformation. …

Type: Large company

82 20 66 3,052
Ayctor Ayctor

[Automatic translation follows] Creation of digital experiences - Think and innovate to create services that meet real needs. Founded in 2008, Ayctor supports brands that want to bring meaning to their "users". Build communication by promoting the discourse of proof. Design useful services and campaign messages that impact consumers on a daily basis. Innovation, the creation of devices that combine technology, data and content. The agency supports brands in defining and implementing strong and impactful digital experiences. Thanks to strategic, creative, web content and technological expertise, we look for new ideas, find solutions to connect a brand with its target. …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

4 1 4 24
Tiny Tiny

Freedom, but even better ! Tiny is the first eco-designed, customizable and connected electric car without license, with removable and light batteries that can be recharged anywhere. We offer a real alternative to city dwellers living in the EPZ who are looking to reduce their carbon footprint, but who do not have access to an electric charge station, Tiny is clean, safe and accessible urban mobility, offering more freedom on your daily commute. Our objective is to make your urban transport easier and more sustainable. Tiny concentrates on the essentials of your needs: recharging and parking easily while generating the …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization Batteries

13 0 13 5
Spartan Spartan

We're challenging you to check in with your body & mind through a series of training, nutrition and self-care content. Spartan is for those willing to mentally and physically push to achieve your personal best. It’s a sport, mindset, community and way of life. Above all, it’s a catalyst for transformation, pushing you beyond what you thought was possible. Founded in 2010 by CEO Joe DeSena, Spartan is the world’s largest obstacle race and endurance brand, with more than 200 global events annually. The Spartan lifestyle spans more than 40 countries and encompasses a global championship series, training and nutrition …

Type: Event

13 4 5 1,104
Rexel Rexel

A world of energy Rexel, worldwide expert in the professional multichannel distribution of electrical products and services for the energy world, addresses three main markets - residential, commercial, and industrial. The Group supports its customers to be at their best in running their business, by providing a broad range of sustainable and innovative products, services, and solutions in the field of technical supply, automation, and energy management. Rexel operates through a network of over 1,900 branches in 19 countries, with more than 27,000 employees. The Group’s sales were €19.2 billion in 2023. Over the past five years, Rexel has proven …

Type: Large company

47 17 11 16,161
Les Têtes de l'Art Les Têtes de l'Art

Les Têtes de l'Art stands at the crossroads of popular education, culture and the social economy. It creates participatory artistic projects, supports local artists and collectives and develops cooperation projects on a Euro-Mediterranean scale. Arts participatifs, Culturel, and Audiovisuel

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

5 1 1 27
Greater Paris Investment Agency Greater Paris Investment Agency

[Automatic translation follows] Making Greater Paris the pioneer and leader of transitions. “Making Greater Paris the pioneer and leader of transitions.” Paris-Île de France Capitale Économique is a think & do tank founded on the initiative of the CCI Paris Île-de-France and by around fifty Grand Paris Makers® (international companies, federations and public institutions committed to an ambitious and innovative Greater Paris) and supported by the Métropole du Grand Paris. Its ambition is to make Greater Paris the pioneer and leader of transitions by anticipating the future attractiveness factors of metropolises and by contributing to their development in the territory …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

125 14 118 15

Real Estate and Retail excellence Mercialys is one of the leading real estate companies in France and Europe and an expert in managing, transforming and enhancing shopping centers. It has a real estate portfolio of 60 assets estimated at Euro 3.8 billion (including transfer taxes at June 30, 2019), with large shopping centers, neighborhood malls, and city-center assets, located primarily in France's West, Rhône Alpes and South regions, as well as on La Réunion island. It operates its shopping centers under one dedicated transversal brand, G La Galerie. Mercialys has had “SIIC” real estate investment trust (REIT) status since November …

Type: Incubators & VCs

29 7 17 197

All corporate information and databases on real estate CFNEWS IMMO (Corporate Finance News Immobilier) is an independent media for financial information on real estate : transactions, M&A, LBOs, fundraising, development capital, Private Equity Real Estate We offer investors, companies and consultants daily articles, as well as a subscription-based repository, because we believe that information of credible and qualified quality cannot be free. Our team of dedicated journalists and analysts investigate and qualify every day: - The latest news on real estate deals, continuously by region and type of operation, in France and abroad; - The complete track records of …

Type: Media

69 10 67 10
Fondation CGénial Fondation CGénial

La science et l’entreprise font école The CGénial Foundation, officially recognized nonprofit organization, was created in 2006. We take action to promote science among young and student people and make them aware of the diversity of scientific and technical professions. Our objectives are multiple and complementary: - to promote the diversity of scientific professions and to create vocations among girls and boys - develop exchanges between the scientific and business communities - illustrate science teaching in middle and high schools with examples of applications in companies - involve engineers and technicians from companies in the development of their profession - …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

47 10 39 32
L'ADRESSE immobilier L'ADRESSE immobilier

[Automatic translation follows] Much more than a real estate agency From renting to buying your first apartment, moving when the family grows, buying a second home, acquiring a studio for your children, or a real estate investment to guarantee your retirement, ... real estate projects mark our lives. And each important step is an opportunity to change address ... With more than 250 agencies, Le Réseau L'ADRESSE offers its clients long-term support in designing a real life project. Real estate agency, Real estate sales, Real estate rentals, and Management

Type: SMB Activities: proptech

17 6 14 961
Fondation du Patrimoine Fondation du Patrimoine

Sauvons notre patrimoine ! Fondation du Patrimoine is a French non profit organization, created by law in 1996, to promote and raise funds to restore public and private heritage. Its main goal is to safeguard the rural heritage unprotected by French State. Houses, churches, bridges, mills, industrial heritage, ...all types of local heritage are eligible for action by the Foundation. Alongside the State and its local representants and firms, it helps: - the public owners and associations to finance their projects, - allows private landowners to reduce taxation all or part of their work, - and mobilizes sponsorship from international …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

82 27 57 318
Mission Mécénat Ville de Lyon Mission Mécénat Ville de Lyon

Participer au développement de projets d’intérêt général. The Club des partenaires is a French association loi 1901 created in 2002 thanks to the initiative of the founder members of la Fête des Lumières : the city of Lyon, EDF and SONEPAR France - MAT'ELECTRIQUE. It encourages exchanges between Club members and economical, artistic, cultural and institutionnal actors implied in La Fête des Lumières, at a national and international scale. Relations publiques, Partenaires, Mécénat, Fête des Lumières, Évènements, Lyon, Communication, National, International, Acteurs économiques, and Acteurs culturels

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

33 14 22 1
Global LiFi Congress Global LiFi Congress

The Global LiFi Congress is the 1st international congress dedicated to Li-Fi and Visible Light Communication. #GLC 🔴 BREAKING NEWS: the Global LiFi Congress the 1st International Event dedicated to LiFi technology 🗓️ in Paris, France. ✅ Information & registration The scientific and professional world, involved in LiFi will gather together in order to share and learn about the latest developments and possibilities relating to this new technological revolution. ➡️ Contact us at LiFi, Li-Fi, Visible Light Communication, Smartlighting, Light, Led, Internet, Wireless, Data transmission, IOT, Internet, LiFi Event, SmartCity, Global LiFi Congress, and VLC

Type: Event

7 0 7 2
L'ObSoCo L'ObSoCo

[Automatic translation follows] Understanding the changes in society and consumption, supporting adaptation strategies Understanding the changes in society and consumption Supporting adaptation strategies Created in 2011 by Philippe Moati and Nathalie Damery, the Observatoire Société et Consommation (L’ObSoCo) is a research and strategy consulting company. VISION We are in a period of profound transformation of society, the economy and trade. Individuals’ aspiration to live and consume “differently”, increasing fragmentation of public space and markets, widespread distrust of companies and institutions, the challenge of ecological constraints, technological disruptions, lasting tensions on household purchasing power... the capitalist development system is changing. In …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: Data Analytics

32 7 23 15
Erilia SA Erilia SA

[Automatic translation follows] Our housing has an Impact - Groupe Habitat en Région A career in social housing, does that tempt you? Erilia wants to be open, ready to welcome new talents who recognize themselves in its values ​​and its business model. A company of the Groupe Habitat en Région, Erilia is among the leading players in social housing in France. With a portfolio of nearly 58,000 housing units in France and an efficient local model serving its 119,000 customers, Erilia's primary vocation is to provide adequate and sustainable housing for the most modest populations. For 60 years, the company …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture SMB Activities: traveltech Technologies: Decarbonization

53 13 47 676
Opinion Inter Opinion Inter

[Automatic translation follows] International opinion, the media of decision-makers engaged at the heart of the news. 📭 Every morning, our newsletter in your mailbox.

Type: Media

33 6 25 N/A
DII - Drive Innovation Insights DII - Drive Innovation Insights

Connecting leaders since 1993 Launched in 1993, DII-Drive Innovation Insights is a B2B/B2G event & thought leadership agency, part of the Axel Springer group & POLITICO Europe sister company. DII connects C-level professionals through actionable information, tailor-made events & exclusive communities. The agency promotes exchanges between peers and leads communities of executives through 10 selective and confidential professional clubs (Global Public Affairs, Global Impact & Sustainability, Global Healthcare, Legal & Compliance, Recovery & Litigation, Finance, Communication & CSR, Innovation & Marketing, Data & AI, Pharma). Thanks to flagships events, customized content, marketing strategies and informal meetings (afterworks, exclusive dinners, conferences, …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics A.I.

128 1 129 6
Association Walt Association Walt

[Automatic translation follows] Walt, an association committed to restoring work-study programs to their former glory. Walt, the voice of work-study programs, is an association that relies on the strength and mobilization of its members committed to work-study programs on a daily basis. We are convinced that the collective encourages projects, moves mountains and promotes excellent work-study programs. Walt has the strength to bring together stakeholders who are both different and complementary around major causes for our society: reducing social, economic and geographical inequalities, building a professional project for each young person, promoting inclusive work-study programs in favor of diversity and …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech Technologies: Decarbonization

48 2 47 8
Apimo Apimo

CRM software & websites for real estate companies. For over 15 years, ApiworkTM publisher of the apimoTM real estate software has distinguished itself by its mastery of real estate software functionalities and websites using cutting-edge technologies, with headquarters in Cannes and subsidiaries in Italy, Belgium, and Luxembourg. INNOVATIVE WEB AND MOBILE SOFTWARE ApimoTM offers a fully online and mobile real estate solution. You'll appreciate its intuitive user interface, advanced features, and multilingual management with over 30 languages available, guaranteeing a smooth and efficient experience. Integrating artificial intelligence, it delivers impressive productivity gains and simplified management. ApimoTM also feature numerous gateways …

Type: SMB Activities: martech proptech Technologies: SaaS

4 1 4 71
L'Autre Cercle L'Autre Cercle

[Automatic translation follows] The reference for the inclusion of LGBT+ people 🌈 in the world of work A recognized association of general interest, L’Autre Cercle is the reference organization for the inclusion and management of LGBT+ diversity at work. Since 1997, we have been helping employer organizations in the private, public and non-profit sectors to create more inclusive work environments for LGBT+ people. We offer training, educational events, and a charter of commitment to support these organizations in their CSR policy and D&I strategy. We also observe professional practices in LGBT+ diversity management, resulting in the publication of surveys and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

83 51 44 78

[Automatic translation follows] The leading information service for finance professionals in France. AGEFI is the leading information service for finance professionals in France. AGEFI relies on the 1st financial editorial team composed of 50 expert journalists in finance, allowing it to cover all sectors of finance: Asset Management, Private Equity, Institutional Investors, Cash & Risk, Heritage. Every day, our journalists analyze, decipher and delve deeper into the news and offer our readers unique information with very high added value (alerts, articles, analyses, in-depth reports, etc.) essential to their activity. AGEFI, as the facilitator of the communities that make up finance, …

Type: Media

178 91 115 172
HUB de la Réussite HUB de la Réussite

[Automatic translation follows] 🚀 Territorial Talent Incubator: Reveal - Train - Accelerate 🚀 The HUB of Success: Territorial Talent Incubator A unique eco-system with: • 3 missions to act REVEAL - TRAIN - ACCELERATE • 7 systems: Mission Locale Nord Val-d'Oise - Smart Académie - Smart Rebond - Smart Université - Smart Drive - three Second Chance schools E2C77, E2C78, E2C95 🚀 The HUB of Success sees in each individual an authentic actor in the economic development of their territory who should be supported in building their life project. We propose a new approach to integration and the fight against …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

15 3 10 26
ESSEC Alumni ESSEC Alumni

[Automatic translation follows] The network of graduates and students from all ESSEC programs, all over the world. Founded in 1923, ESSEC Alumni is one of the largest alumni associations in France. It has more than 60,000 alumni, to which a new class of 2,000 young professionals is added each year. It extends over 5 continents, in more than 80 countries. It mobilizes 600 volunteers and employees, who run more than 125 clubs around the world and organize more than 500 events per year. ESSEC Alumni's missions are: - to support alumni in their careers - to animate the network through …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

81 13 66 77
Les Echos Le Parisien Médias Les Echos Le Parisien Médias

[Automatic translation follows] Les Echos Le Parisien Médias markets the brands Les Echos, Le Parisien-Aujourd’hui en France, Investir,, Mieux Vivre Votre Argent, Connaissance des Arts, Historia and Radio Classique. Its expertise: imagining and offering advertisers high-value communication solutions, combining brand content, unique experiences, data targeting and display. Les Echos Le Parisien Médias, through the power of its media brands, brings together more than one in two French people, or nearly 23 million French people each month (ACPM OneNext Global 2024).

Type: Media Activities: martech Technologies: SaaS

80 5 78 113
FPI Nouvelle Aquitaine - Federation des Promoteurs Immobiliers Nouvelle Aquitaine FPI Nouvelle Aquitaine - Federation des Promoteurs Immobiliers Nouvelle Aquitaine

[Automatic translation follows] Federation of Promoters of New Aquitaine

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

74 32 54 52
Fédération Française du Bâtiment, Aube Fédération Française du Bâtiment, Aube

[Automatic translation follows] A DAILY PARTNER IN BUILDING Founded in 1877, the Departmental Federation of Building and Public Works of Aube is a meeting place for craftsmen, entrepreneurs and partners in Construction. Assistance - advice: In tax, legal, social, economic, technical, qualification, professional training matters. Defense and representation of the profession: With many public bodies related to the profession and political leaders. Training: Organized à la carte according to the needs expressed by companies and craftsmen.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

159 97 61 677
Technis Technis

Technis’ platform digitalize physical retail stores and buildings to collect and analyze real-time data. Technis is a software company that centralizes data on a single platform, allowing businesses to make informed decisions with accurate and up-to-date information. Our suite of four applications - Technis Flow, Technis Comfort, Technis Energy, and Technis Behavior - provide consolidated financial, marketing, and operational indicators for businesses in the real estate, retail, facility & office management, education, and transportation segments. With Technis, businesses can optimize their operations, improve customer experience, and reduce their environmental footprint. Join us in transforming the way businesses make decisions with …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

30 5 22 63
Move&Rent Move&Rent

We help everyone to rent the furniture they need, the time they need, where they need and all in a sustainable way. ♻ First and foremost, Move&Rent is a service. Whether you are a private customer or a professional, we make your life easier thanks to our furniture rental service. What makes us so special? Our ability to answer all our customers’ needs. We are driven by three key cornerstones: - Be smart: we listen to our customers ‘needs and bring them custom made and agile solutions. - Think smart: we manage complex projects making sure we optimize the different …

Type: Startup Activities: proptech transporttech Technologies: IoT

20 7 22 8
ORAMA Patrimoine ORAMA Patrimoine

[Automatic translation follows] Heritage & socially responsible real estate Solution to accelerate access to responsible real estate investment 🌱 Its activity is structured around 2 professions: ➡ Collection, analysis and restitution of real estate ESG data (environment, social and governance) ➡ Web application for real estate professionals

Type: Startup Activities: proptech Technologies: Data Analytics

8 1 6 2
EcoTree France EcoTree France

[Automatic translation follows] 🌿 Nature-based Solutions in Europe 📩 Receive our monthly newsletter: As a European leader in Nature-based Solutions, EcoTree enables individuals and businesses to commit to the environment by supporting projects for the protection, sustainable management and restoration of ecosystems in France and Europe A certified B Corp and a pioneer in its ethical approach to carbon certification, EcoTree has developed solid expertise in the deployment and monitoring of fully integrated projects, so that those who act against climate change and the decline in biodiversity can claim and best promote the environmental, social and economic benefits of …

Type: Incubators & VCs Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

39 13 30 56
Avizio | WEFY Group Avizio | WEFY Group

[Automatic translation follows] Experts in digital recruitment. Avizio supports startups, scale-ups, SMEs and large groups in their digital transformation and the recruitment of their non-technical profiles, throughout France. The teams of recruitment experts have a perfect command of the keys to the digital environment and are specialized by market. Each of our experts is therefore in charge of a specific department: Marketing, HR, Operations, Sales. Within WEFY Group, Avizio contributes, with Mobiskill and Virtuoz, to responding to all recruitment issues within the digital ecosystem. Avizio is a member of the EDG Group. recruitment, recruitment consulting, HR, Talent Management, Talent recruiter, …

Type: SMB Startup Activities: hrtech

15 5 11 36
October October

October is a European FinTech whose mission is to finance businesses better. Our data and technology expertise make it easy and fast to say yes to businesses, thanks to a robust risk analysis. We have already financed thousands of SMEs for EUR 1 billion in France, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands and Germany. As a lending platform, we are the first users of our technology. With October Connect, our tools also empower leading financial institutions, enabling them to better monitor their portfolio performance and enrich their risk analysis. Bpifrance is one of our early adopters. October is part of the Next40 …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: Data Analytics

93 37 56 117
Le Projet Moteur! Le Projet Moteur!

[Automatic translation follows] Let's dare to trust! Moteur! allows all young people aged 14 to 22, through action, to gain confidence and skills.

Type: Startup Activities: edtech

34 0 30 13
Make Me Screen Make Me Screen

The creative agency that will shake your screens up! We help our customers define the role assigned to screens and we support them in content creation and operational management of their digital signage solution. We put people at the heart of all we do, to inform, engage and unite employees and customers... We are committed to improving quality of life at work, at the point of sale or in public spaces. communication, affichage dynamique, conseil, éditorialisation, digital signage, contenu, brand content, animation, motion design, design graphique, graphic design, marketing, publicité, production audiovisuelle, digital, video, consulting, corporate, communication d'entreprise, and identité …

Type: Startup Activities: martech

3 0 3 4
Doctolib Doctolib

Together, let’s build the healthcare we all dream of. Since Doctolib’s creation : We power health professionals and enable them to have a better work life. We help people to be healthier and have faster and easier access to care. Santé, Internet, Innovation, Rails, health, Scale-Up, e-health, telehealth, Frenchtech, online appointments, healthcare, technology, data protection, and security

Tags: FrenchTech120 Type: Startup Activities: healthtech it services Technologies: SaaS Data Analytics

145 87 38 3,230

[Automatic translation follows] Improving our living environment! Sustainable Development Consulting & Engineering. Environmental, Well-being and Sustainable Innovation Consulting. New ideas to improve the quality of life for all! Environment, Health, Well-being, and Sustainable Development

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

17 4 13 47
Sénova Sénova

[Automatic translation follows] Mission-driven company that exists to actively and enthusiastically contribute to the ecological transition of buildings Sénova is "the partner for the energy renovation of your home". Do you have an energy renovation project? - Sénova provides you with neutral and objective advice thanks to its independence - Sénova provides you with its skills as a thermal design office to identify the work (and the associated energy savings) best suited to your home and your needs - Sénova allows you to benefit from state aid and in particular the new zero-rate eco loan - Sénova puts you in …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech

15 1 12 105

[Automatic translation follows] ATLANTEM industries, a branch of the HERIGE group, designs, manufactures and markets a complete range of joinery and closures to joinery professionals. We have 14 production sites and 1,250 employees. Our sales force develops a complete range of products: PVC, aluminum, wood and hybrid windows and roller shutters and entrance doors, garage doors and gates. ATLANTEM industries, continually seeking innovation, has been awarded a prize in the building innovation competition for our AM-X windows. In addition, we have two distribution networks: Solabaie and Charuel. INDUSTRIAL JOINERY AND CLOSURE

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 manufacturing

4 2 0 309

[Automatic translation follows] Good housing For the 2 out of 3 Savoyards eligible for social housing and primarily the most modest, the 260 employees of OPAC SAVOIE guarantee housing for rental or purchase, in cities, valleys and high mountains adapted to the situations of each, at each age of life, energy efficient for tomorrow. Our mission: to act for the territory and its inhabitants in the name of the general interest and in favor of social diversity. Our know-how: . Allocate housing in compliance with territorial issues . Support and improve the daily lives of tenants . Develop and build …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

11 1 9 93
France Loire France Loire

[Automatic translation follows] Your core asset in real estate France Loire is a player in social real estate, a company of the Arcade-VYV Group. Present in Cher and Loiret, it is committed to making daily life easier for its tenants and offers a variety of housing and service solutions, adapted to all stages of life: young students, working people, families or single people, people with disabilities, the elderly. With an offer of 13,000 housing units (houses, apartments or residential homes), the company houses more than 25,000 people. Through its activities, the company supports the economic and social development of urban …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech Technologies: Decarbonization

17 3 16 157

[Automatic translation follows] Acting for housing Real estate union, brand, professional group... for over 75 years, the Fédération Nationale de l'Immobilier has been THE reference in the sector, for professionals, public authorities and consumers. "Acting for housing" means acting for a fair and balanced vision of real estate between owners and tenants for the thousands of members throughout France. A recognized and listened to force of proposal on all subjects likely to have decisive implications in the practice of real estate professions and housing policy, the Fédération Nationale de l'Immobilier is regularly called upon to dialogue with national and European …

Type: Incubators & VCs SMB Activities: proptech

86 41 49 251
Benenova Benenova

[Automatic translation follows] Becoming a volunteer has never been so easy! Benenova is developing a formidably simple approach to volunteering, to allow everyone to participate: field actions to act when you can, in a friendly atmosphere, and with the assurance of being both well received and 100% useful. You can act with Benenova in Paris, Lille, Nantes, Angers and Rennes! #ActTogether #Commitment #Inclusion #Volunteering You choose the action you like from the calendar according to your availability: 2 clicks and that's it! You are free and will only have to join the team on the ground on the day, expected …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

35 7 28 40
Assemblée nationale Assemblée nationale

[Automatic translation follows] Liberty, Equality, Fraternity The National Assembly is the heart of French democracy. 577 deputies are elected every five years to represent the French people, legislate and monitor the actions of the Government. Three main categories of staff work in their service: civil servants, parliamentary collaborators and those of political groups. The civil servants of the National Assembly, numbering around 1,300, are recruited by competitive examination and exercise very diverse professions. In accordance with the principle of separation of powers, their autonomous status is set by the Bureau of the Assembly. Civil servants are assigned either to the …

Type: Public

236 175 52 4,973
WWIRE World Women in Real Estate WWIRE World Women in Real Estate

[Automatic translation follows] The only marketplace that showcases WOMEN PRESIDENTES in Real Estate CONNECTING 35,000 Women Leaders in 35 countries! WWIRE promotes the talent and strength of women. ?Its vocation, to highlight their careers and experience, ?in order to make them visible and audible. It is above all to contribute to the equality of women in real estate. It is a valuable commitment to defend the leadership of women around the world. WWIRE aims to help and support women in real estate in their action, give them a voice and highlight their action, whether they are managers, presidents or young …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

6 2 4 5
WoMen'Up WoMen'Up

[Automatic translation follows] New Generation Inspiration "Why do women rarely access positions of responsibility in business?" After leading a mission in an international consulting firm on the issues of women's access to leadership, students and young graduates decided to take concrete action in favor of diversity by creating the Women'Up association. Considering the art of networking as an essential tool for promotion, and taking into account the growth of professional women's networks, Women'UP wishes to offer the possibility to female students - identified as future professionals called upon to exercise responsibilities - to get in touch with active women who …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

15 3 4 2
Ville de Montélimar Ville de Montélimar

Ville de Montélimar is a government administration company based out of France.

Type: Public

20 8 9 127
Schöck France SARL Schöck France SARL

[Automatic translation follows] Reliability carrier Schöck France is part of the international Schöck Bauteile GmbH group, which consists of 13 subsidiaries worldwide, nearly 1,000 employees, and whose head office is located in Baden-Baden, Germany. This is where the success of the founder and civil engineer Eberhard Schöck began 50 years ago. Inventor of the thermal bridge breaker, the Schöck group has since aimed to constantly develop solutions for the construction sector (structure, thermal, acoustic) that improve the overall quality of buildings and simplify the work of professionals in the sector. Schöck France shares its expertise and know-how with its partners …

Type: Media

19 1 19 25

Reed MIDEM, French subsidiaries of RX (previously known as Reed Exhibitions), has joined forces with Reed Expositions France to become RX France. Their French and international events will be held under the RX brand. Within RX France, the combined teams will manage a portfolio of world-class, French and international events covering 20 industry sectors including MIPIM, MAPIC, MIPTV and MIPCOM... developed by Reed MIDEM and Batimat, Pollutec, EquipHotel, FIAC, and Paris Photo... developed by Reed Expositions France. Organisation of high-quality international professional trade shows, in Cannes (France), London, Milan, Moscow, New York, Miami, Cancun, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Mumbai, and …

Type: Event

2 1 0 132
Nacarat Nacarat

[Automatic translation follows] #joindrelejusteaudurable #villesustainable #regenerationdactifs #rejoignezuneaventurehumaine A generalist developer, Nacarat has been developing expertise in commercial and residential real estate for over 30 years, thus helping to shape the urban landscape. Owned 70% by Rabot Dutilleul Investissement (the Rabot Dutilleul group's holding company) and 30% by Crédit Agricole Nord de France, Nacarat is a company originally from the North, now established throughout France, as well as in Belgium and Poland. This commitment is demonstrated in concrete terms by operations with high environmental and societal added value. More information on Residential real estate, Commercial real estate, Managed real estate, …

Type: Incubators & VCs

25 14 15 219
La Revue du Digital La Revue du Digital

N°1 de l'information sur le business connecté La Revue du Digital est un site de presse indépendant qui donne les clés de la transformation digitale et de ses usages aux professionnels de l'informatique, du marketing, du commerce et de l'innovation IT, MARKETING, COMMERCE, INNOVATION, STARTUP, DIGITAL, OBJETS CONNECTES, MACHINE LEARNING, BIG DATA, CLOUD, WEBDESIGN, and CYBER SECURITY

Type: Media

48 5 44 3
La Carte des Colocs La Carte des Colocs

[Automatic translation follows] 🔑 France's leading search platform for rental, shared accommodation and coliving. 🏠 La Carte des Colocs aims to help students and young professionals in their search for accommodation by putting them in touch with owners, tenants, shared accommodation and real estate professionals, on a simple, fast and intuitive geolocalized interface. real estate

Type: SMB Activities: proptech Technologies: SaaS

4 3 1 N/A
In Seine-Saint-Denis In Seine-Saint-Denis

[Automatic translation follows] In SSD is the territorial brand of the Seine-Saint-Denis Department. The 93 is full of talent and has its own know-how. Let's make it emerge together!

Type: Public

35 13 13 11
Mairie de Saran Mairie de Saran

[Automatic translation follows] Together, let's live our city! Located in the north of the Orléans Agglomeration, on the edge of the Orléans forest and Beauce, Saran is a town that experienced strong development in the sixties to the 90s. Its population has quadrupled, stabilizing at around 16,000 inhabitants since the year 2000, which now places it as the 5th largest town in the department behind Orléans, Olivet, Fleury-les-Aubrais and Saint-Jean de Braye.

Type: Public

11 2 8 83
Galeries Lafayette Group Galeries Lafayette Group

Specialised in city-centre fashion retailing, the Galeries Lafayette group positions itself, in France as well as overseas, as the benchmark in omni-channel retailing and contributes to promoting the French “Art of Living” through its brands. Strengthened by its architectural heritage and a strong innovative culture, the Galeries Lafayette group receives more than 1 million visitors every day in its 280 stores and e-commerce websites. The Group enjoys a long-standing, emotional connection with its clients that it nurtures at every opportunity, both online and in store, to provide the best possible experience in retail and creativity. Over time, the Group has …

Type: Large company

55 14 28 9,108
Ville de Montreuil Ville de Montreuil

[Automatic translation follows] Welcome to the LinkedIn page of the city of Montreuil, in Seine-Saint-Denis. With 110,000 inhabitants, Montreuil is the 5th largest city in the Île de France region. Find all the job offers from the town hall on the city's website:

Type: Public

46 32 7 695
Ville de Montauban Ville de Montauban

[Automatic translation follows] Welcome to the official LinkedIn page of the city of Montauban, 60,000 inhabitants, in the Occitanie region. Jobs, internships, apprenticeships, find here our offers and all the information to apply to the Montauban Town Hall.

Type: Public

12 7 0 160
Ville de Massy Ville de Massy

[Automatic translation follows] More than 50,000 inhabitants. First economic hub of Essonne and Southern Capital of Greater Paris. Its attractive and dynamic living environment as well as its exceptional transport links attract both individuals and businesses and contribute to making Massy, ​​a city of more than 50,000 inhabitants with 80 nationalities, the Southern Capital of Greater Paris.

Type: Public

14 6 10 391
Undiz Undiz

COOL LINGERIE. We love colors We love creativity We love positivity Be Undiz Be iconic. .

Type: Corporate subsidiary

15 5 9 894

[Automatic translation follows] Social innovation through proof. Think tank dedicated to the impact assessment of social innovations. IMPACT TANK is the first think tank dedicated to the impact assessment of social and environmental innovations. IMPACT TANK identifies, objectifies and promotes the impacts of positive social innovations to promote their large-scale development and provide field solutions to societal needs. Structurally associated with recognized university partners, IMPACT TANK carries a rational voice, focused on the contribution of factual data, on subjects of public interest too often debated according to ideological prisms. By relying in particular on the opportunities offered by digital transformation, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech

72 22 66 15
SYbois SYbois

[Automatic translation follows] Industrial manufacturer of high-performance and competitive timber frame wall panel solutions integrating joinery. Our SYbois factory is located in La Faye (79), in the North-West of the Nouvelle Aquitaine and Deux-Sèvres regions, at the crossroads of Vendée, Loire-Atlantique and Maine et Loire, in the heart of a bocage landscape. It is an industrial production site that is part of a natural environment. Backed by the Millet Industrie Group, SYbois provides an industrial production line for the design and manufacture of timber frame walls. The group's aim is to provide a wooden envelope capable of meeting an infinite …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

10 4 8 26

ELYX is the UN digital Ambassador. Behind the character, there are a boutique company and a Foundation. ELYX is the first and unique UN digital Ambassador. Behind the character, there is a boutique company plus a Foundation. Our boutique company operates at the nexus of Culture, Innovation, and Sustainability, offering consultancy and activations. Our Foundation hosts ELYX's UN association and an educational program. RSE, Développement durable, Plaidoyer, Education, Culture, Art, Communication, Edition, Nouvelles Technologies, Stratégie, and Conseil

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

29 9 23 8
Usbek & Rica Usbek & Rica

[Automatic translation follows] The media that explores the future Usbek & Rica is the magazine that explores the future. It is a quarterly, sold in newsstands and bookstores, that aims to understand the world to come. We live in an era of the most rapid upheavals in human history, and we refuse to undergo them. The question that guides our choice of subjects and the way we treat them is simple: are current technological advances synonymous with human progress? To help us answer it, we call upon the freest scholars and the most curious journalists. Drawing on the characters of …

Type: Media

165 110 54 78
SNCF Réseau SNCF Réseau

[Automatic translation follows] Paving the way for sustainable mobility SNCF Réseau: manager of the national rail network SNCF Réseau, a public industrial and commercial establishment (Epic), has brought together all the services responsible for rail infrastructure since 1 January 2015. As the sole owner and manager of the network, it brings together the skills previously dispersed between Réseau Ferré de France (RFF), SNCF Infra and the Direction de la Circulation Ferroviaire (DCF). SNCF Réseau now benefits from clear and effective governance within an industrial group under the authority of the State, a major objective of the rail reform. The public …

Type: Large company

107 45 42 19,360

[Automatic translation follows] Reaching out to the most vulnerable groups. AMLI is an association under the 1908 Law for the Support, Well-being and Housing of Isolated People. Since 1965, it has been working to support and build housing solutions adapted to isolated and vulnerable people. Social action, Urban social engineering, Supported rental, Development, and Accommodation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

13 2 6 182
BIMobject BIMobject

Design. Connect. Supply. We can’t go on building like we do today. Construction, the world’s largest industry, is also among the world’s largest sources of pollution, with buildings and new construction generating nearly 40% of the world’s energy-related CO2 emissions. BIMobject is on a mission to digitalise construction for a sustainable future. We’re a global marketplace for the construction industry, that provides architects and engineers with the information and inspiration they need to design buildings faster, smarter and greener. Our customers are building product manufacturers, such as Roca, Knauf Armstrong, Electrolux and Kline. They use our platform to reach, influence …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

14 1 13 173
BatiScript BatiScript

[Automatic translation follows] The site monitoring platform on tablet, smartphone and computer 👷 BatiScript, the ideal partner for the digital transformation of Construction and Real Estate professionals. Developed in 2011 with construction and development players in Brittany (Eiffage, Lamotte, Giboire, Legendre, etc.), the company was built on the annotation of plans and photos on tablets, particularly for the management of reserves. Since then, BatiScript has developed a suite of applications, from the management of the Call for Tenders to the GPA (Perfect Completion Guarantee) in order to improve the management of site monitoring and the quality of the housing delivered. …

Type: Startup Activities: it services proptech Technologies: SaaS

25 1 26 14
Borne Recharge Service Borne Recharge Service

[Automatic translation follows] Charging service operator for all electric vehicles Borne Recharge Service is a charging service operator for all electric vehicles. A market player since 2012, the company equips, operates and provides charging services for electric vehicles to all its private and professional customers, whether in co-ownership, in individual houses as well as in private or public outdoor car parks of companies or organizations. Vertically integrated, the Borne Recharge Service group is made up of subsidiaries covering market segments ranging from the manufacture and marketing of terminals, the installation and operation of charging services as well as the operation …

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing transporttech Technologies: Batteries

7 0 5 17

[Automatic translation follows] is the specialist in flexible & turnkey offices. Free support in your search is the specialist in flexible & turnkey offices. supports you free of charge in your search for offices throughout France and the Benelux. coworking, flexible office, shared office, well-being at work, open space, third places, and operated office

Type: Startup Activities: proptech

4 0 6 11
Integral Vision. Integral Vision.

[Automatic translation follows] INTEGRAL VISION is a consulting agency offering cutting-edge solutions in terms of innovation, circular economy, sustainability and governance. The objective is to support companies in rethinking their overall strategy to have a positive impact on the environment and health while ensuring their profitability. It proposes a paradigm shift based on a real evolution of the individual and collective awareness of the organization's stakeholders. To support companies in this process of change, Integral Vision offers foresight, consulting and management training missions. Integral Vision is based on the Cradle to Cradle philosophy of eco-design and circular economy and on …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech cleantech consulting greentech

5 0 3 1

[Automatic translation follows] Brands are Conversations 💬 ✌️ We are a Digital CX agency. Conversations and interactions are our playground. We design, produce and host new experiences that fuel conversations between brands & customers. 👨‍💻 Our multiple offers are structured around specific methodologies and know-how that the agency implements for your projects. 📱 We optimize your digital channels with a customer-centric approach by identifying opportunities and implementing new solutions. 🙋‍♀️🙋 From consultants to designers to digital strategists, our multidisciplinary team works in synergy to improve your customer experience. 💌 A question, a project? Contact us and let's talk about it! …

Type: Startup Activities: martech it services uxtech Technologies: A.I. - Natural Language Processing A.I.

11 3 30 266
TravelCar TravelCar

TravelCar Becomes Free2Move, Initiating a New Phase to Accelerate Its Development 2020 update : TravelCar Changes Its Name and Becomes Free2Move, Initiating a New Phase to Accelerate Its Development -------- TravelCar is a global mobility platform for the travel and automotive industries with two innovative products: >>>> T-Park: Global parking booking solution Available in 50 countries on 5 continents with 30 different languages and 25 currencies, travelers easily find the right spot at a great rate whether parking at an airport, train station, cruise port, or city center. Through a seamless booking experience, customers compare rates, reviews, locations and amenities …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech smart city traveltech Technologies: IoT

12 7 2 17
Opéra Energie Opéra Energie

[Automatic translation follows] Expert in competitive bidding Opéra Energie is the pioneer and French leader in energy brokerage: faced with the new challenges of the energy market, it supports companies and communities, regardless of their size and activity. Faced with the growing complexity of the competitive and regulatory environment, Opéra Energie has developed new solutions to facilitate and optimize gas and electricity purchases. All with simplicity and transparency. Opéra Énergie is No. 1 in the 2020 ranking of energy providers produced by CLEEE and FNCCR-Territoire d’Energie. Opéra Énergie was certified as a Great Place to Work in 2021. Gas, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Sensors

17 3 15 157
Kaeness Kaeness

[Automatic translation follows] Digital design agency committed to your long-term support. Kaeness creates websites and web applications for French companies and administrations. Kaeness is the meeting of three web professionals, Christophe Perrin, Sandra Hurteaux and Anne Dupont who practice their art together. Supported by CAE Omnicité, Coopérative d’activités et d’emploi d’Ile-de-France, in order to support a growing activity and benefit from a group dynamic with complementary knowledge. Kaeness' strength in managing a web project is its attention to detail and its refusal to focus on technique: a good tool must first and foremost meet the needs. To do this, understanding …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

1 0 0 3
Eneixia Eneixia

[Automatic translation follows] Creator of emotions We support office owners and tenants in promoting their assets and their employer brands. To do this, we deploy a global, tailor-made and white-label solution based on a committed team and tools that create emotions. Our job as a “Tertiary Community Manager” is based on a global range of solutions: - Animation of shared spaces - Dynamic reception - Management of meeting rooms - Concierge and services - Management of service providers Today, Eneixia presents itself as the market challenger, with a structure size that guarantees: a tailor-made service, proximity and strong responsiveness, flexibility …

Type: Startup Activities: proptech healthtech martech

7 1 6 28
Urban Circus Urban Circus

Be Remarkable. Urban Circus - A French startup who designs high visibility apparels, as a fashionable alternative to the yellow safety vest. All our products can meet European standards of road safety or workwear standards. We help our customer in many ways: - Help them find their identity in terms of marketing throughout the right equipment and the proper visibility. - We accompany them to create the full equipment that will create a complete carrying out from on field workers. - We help conduct changes. And before all we are the brand that turns high visibility and technology into a …

Type: Startup Activities: fashtech

37 6 17 16