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France FinTech France FinTech

The Professional Association of French Fintech, Surtech and Regtech. From its creation in 2015, France Fintech was able to unite French entrepreneurs in the sector and the stakeholders to build a dynamic and efficient ecosystem. Reference actor, France Fintech is the only initiative to carry the voice of entrepreneurs of innovative finance. A real standard carrier of a talented French team, France Fintech has been able to build a real brand, a guarantee of excellence, expertise and expression of innovation. France Fintech wants to be open to any initiative to support the Fintech sector in France and abroad. We work …

Sectors: Media

Maddyness Maddyness

Launched Almost a Decade Ago, Today Maddyness is the Go-To Magazine for Entrepreneurs, Startups and Innovators. Maddyness has been the leading platform that has energized the French tech and entrepreneurial ecosystem for 10 years. Each month, 1 million professionals - entrepreneurs, investors, experts and corporates - connect to Maddyness to learn, train and meet. Maddyness offers rich and diverse content (articles, analyzes, guides, events) to stay at the forefront of innovation news. Very active in the organization of events (conferences, meetups, hackathons), Maddyness promotes meetings and exchanges within the Tech ecosystem. Certified B Corp, Maddyness undertakes to promote a positive …

Sectors: Media

Construction21 - France Construction21 - France

The Information and Meeting Network of Professionals in the Sustainable Construction and City Sector First European portal for construction and sustainable development professionals, Construction 21 is an open collaborative platform, available to French actors to make their know-how and actions visible in France and Europe. This general interest tool thus contributes to the dissemination of best construction and sustainable development practices. Funded by the European Union and actively supported by France GBC, Construction21 is available in 7 languages ​​(French, English, Italian, German, Spanish, Lithuanian and Romanian). All concerned !!! Whether you are architects, contracting authorities, manufacturers, certifiers, promoters, researchers, manufacturers …

Sectors: Construction Media

Village de la Justice Village de la Justice

The 1st media of law professions - Subscribe to this page to follow our news! 1st site of the community of law: lawyers, lawyers, taxes, notaries, paralegals ... find news, watch, services, careers and recruitment info. 1,600,000 readers on average per month! (figures 2024)

Sectors: Law Practice Legal Services Media

Le Monde du Droit Le Monde du Droit

The magazine of the legal professions Updated daily, the world of law is the privileged magazine of legal decision -makers. Exclusive interviews, the decrypts of the best specialists, all the news of companies, firms and institutions, as well as a complete legal watch in various laws. Many services are also offered: directory of business lawyers, sections partnerships (display your expertise on the world of law), creation of TV emissions broadcast on 4 riding (interviews, talkshows, chronicles ...), valuation of your various actions (deals, appointments, studies, event organizations, publication of contributions, rewards, creation of your firm ...) law, lawyers, business, companies, …

Sectors: Media

Village des Notaires et des Experts du patrimoine Village des Notaires et des Experts du patrimoine

Information and exchange reference site on legal engineering and wealth management subjects For more than 10 years, Legi Team, a key player in the media for law professionals ( has published the site and the village of the notaries. Since the creation of the village of notaries, we have pursued two objectives: observe and animate the community of notarial trades and their partners and participate in the dissemination of legal culture, by offering reliable and accessible information. The offer of legal and heritage engineering services is enriched every day; We follow its evolution. In 2022, the notaries village is …

Sectors: Media


Education, Community, and Tools to help startups launch faster. is the world's largest startup platform. We help over one million startup companies find customers, funding, mentors, and world-class education. Our platform is a family of five products:, Clarity, Fundable, Launchrock, and Zirtual. Education, Mentors, Funding, Customers, Assistants, Virtual Assistants, Marketing, and Launch

Sectors: Media

Les Affaires Les Affaires

Les Affaires mobilizes the business community, connects it and helps it grow. Welcome to the LinkedIn page of Les Affaires! Les Affaires is the only media outlet that contributes to the business, professional and financial success of anyone who does business in Quebec or is closely interested in it, by offering the best business journalism, unique platforms to facilitate business development, and practical content for management and personal finances. Les Affaires, owned by TC Media, produces the newspaper Les Affaires and its website, Les Affaires Events and the personal finance magazine Les Affaires Plus. Read and follow us here: …

Sectors: Media

SiliconVelay SiliconVelay

Une marque cofondée par Samuel Chardon & Jean-Michel Brunet. Une marque cofondée par Samuel Chardon & Jean-Michel Brunet. marketing territorial and communication digitale

Sectors: Media

Financial Times Financial Times

About the Financial Times The Financial Times is one of the world’s leading business news organisations, recognised internationally for its authority, integrity and accuracy. The FT has a record paying readership of one million, three-quarters of which are digital subscriptions. It is part of Nikkei Inc., which provides a broad range of information, news and services for the global business community. Learn more about the FT, including announcements and career opportunities, at Subscribe at One of the world’s leading business news organisations

Sectors: Media


Startup Info is the leading entrepreneurs and innovation magazine devoted to shed light on the booming startup ecosystem is the first collaborative magazine dedicated to the promotion of startups with more than 200 000 unique visitors per month. We also organise competitions and application calls that have already attracted 12000+ startups from 58 countries and more than 150 000 online public votes. OUR OBJECTIVES : ● Put major business groups in contact with startups necessary for their transformation via application calls ● Make startups known to the innovative startup ecosystem, journalists, investors and early adopters Our website : …

Sectors: Media

Societe.Tech Societe.Tech

News #Startups #entrepreneurs #Logiciels SaaS SOCIETE.TECH is an online media dedicated to the news of startups, entrepreneurs, and SaaS software / Cloud applications. We edit: - Directory-Startups.Pro: database on more of 50,000 French tech startups - software.Pro: Compare + 10,000 SaaS software for companies & amp; professionals - Distribute all of your #Informatique #Digital #Digital jobs for free #Informatics Startups news, startups directory, job offers in the web, web training, SaaS software comparator, and Saa Software News

Sectors: Media

Petit Web Petit Web

Monday's digital inspiration shot. Small Web publishes a newsletter (the letter from Petit Web) associated with an interactive marketing information site which only seems voluntarily once a week. We could have enriched ourselves by leaving daily, but we are saturated with information and we think that the 45,000 professionals who receive the newsletter are like us. A watchword: practical, unprecedented information, open to international and sassy. Small club is a professional meeting club dedicated to interactive marketing. Choice of subjects, speakers, preparation: here again, we want our members to not waste their time. Small club is a closed club, reserved …

Sectors: Media


The M6 ​​group has patiently built thanks to a succession of beautiful stories ... The major asset of the M6 ​​group: transversality. Innovation, audacity and proximity, remain the keys to its strategy and, as a result, of its success. Created in 1987 around the M6 ​​channel, the Métropole Television group has become over the years a powerful multimedia group, offering a wide range of programs, products and services available on the most diverse supports: television, internet, mobile phone ... Second commercial channel of the market, the M6 ​​offer is completed by W9, TNT leader channel, and recently 6ter, "television to …

Sectors: Media

Le Petit Juriste Le Petit Juriste

The little lawyer gives you an appointment at the forum of legal careers, the great jobfair of law professionals, Thursday March 28, 2024 at the Carrousel du Louvre! The legal career forum is organized by legal decision -makers and the world of law in partnership with the Paris Bar, AFJE and the Cercle Montesquieu. law, student, university, tax, public, private, and social

Sectors: Media

Le journal du Grand Paris Le journal du Grand Paris

The media of development, mobility, economics, institutions and employment in Ile-de-France The Journal of Grand Paris and Ile-de-France, companies-territories-innovation-decarbonation, independent economic watch on companies in Ile-de-France. The media of companies, economic development, innovation and development of the Ile-de-France region. Analysis of the challenges of the Metropolis of Grand Paris: transport, housing, public procurement, construction ... Independent media, development of the Grand Paris, written press, decarbonation, Ile-de-France, Grand Paris, Economy, Territories, Development, Innovation, Town Planning, and Energies

Sectors: Media

LegalNews LegalNews

The watch service of law professionals Legalnews is a company of the Ficade group. Legalnews offers the following services: - watch services with the edition of 8 reference portals of legal news intended for: - Lawyers, - business jurists and communities/administrations, - Notaries, - Chartered accountants, - Judicial administrators and agents ... - tailor-made services to meet specific needs: - Content production according to specific requests, - Integration of news information flows within the Internet portals of our customers, - Generation of HTML or PDF newsletters with the graphic charter of customers (groups, associations, federations, unions ...), - Newsletters emailing …

Sectors: Media

Le Figaro Le Figaro

Le Figaro, the culture of freedom since 1826, 1st generalist daily and 1st information site most consulted in France. Displaying an audience of more than 9 million unique visitors (Source: Mediamétrie/Netraings), the site is characterized by the quality and depth of its content, the fruit of complementarity between its paper editors (daily and magazines) and its web writing; By its Internet 2.0 uses and the importance of video which has become a central element of the content supply. also supports its development on the synergies built with the other sites of the Figaro group (Figaro Classifields, Meteoconsult, the Individual, …

Sectors: Media

EU-Startups EU-Startups is the leading online magazine about startups in Europe. Also check out our annual EU-Startups Summit! Menlo Media is the parent company of, the leading online publication about startups in Europe. In addition, Menlo Media organizes the annual EU-Startups Summit and focuses on and related projects.

Sectors: Media

Finance Mag Finance Mag

The media of those who shape the finance of tomorrow. Enforce | Decode | Embody | Federate The world of finance is transformed, professionals need a specialized watch to keep informed. Technological, regulatory and social changes in the sector must be deciphered and embodied by experts. Finance Mag captures trends, detects innovations and analyzes market prospectives. Speech is given to experts who work for the transformation of the world of finance. Finance Mag is based on the strength of its contributors, partners and journalists to offer its readers accessible, relevant, innovative and declined on several formats: - a website - …

Sectors: Media


Consultor is an online information site, approved by the Ministry of Culture and Communication. The strategy consulting media read by 100,000 students, consultants and customers each month: info, surveys, job offers, preparation for interviews ... strategy advice, consulting, management consulting, and journalism

Sectors: Media

Business Immo Business Immo

France's Premier Real Estate Information and Database Portal Business Immo. Business Immo is an information group dedicated to professionals in the real estate industry. Expertise, exclusivity, transparency: with more than 20 years of experience and nearly 99,000 articles on its site, Business IMMO delivers ever more exclusive information to its subscribers, also a guarantee of market transparency. Business Immo has been part of Costar Group since April 2022. Costar has been the trusted partner for all actors in the real estate industry including Brokers, owners, and institutional investors for information, analytics and marketplaces for 37 years. In France, it has …

Sectors: Media

L'Atelier BNP Paribas L'Atelier BNP Paribas

#immersive #foresight at the intersection of technological and societal change. L'Atelier BNP Paribas - Making sense of tomorrow, today ( We are a foresight company. We identify future market opportunities and challenges in digital and virtual domains through research, analysis, and exploratory fiction. Our work considers the challenges and opportunities that will emerge when new technology transforms society. We explore the space where the real and virtual environments converge. We are part of BNP Paribas Group. Prospective, Influence, Open Innovation, Foresight, Research, and Virtual Economy

Sectors: Finance Media


The free legal watch site by Lextenso. Follow all the news from a legal angle! This is the free legal watch site for Lextenso editorials. Follow all legal news in civil, administrative, fiscal, constitutional, real estate ... The reference site for lawyers, lawyers and notaries.

Sectors: Media

Le Connecteur Le Connecteur

The innovation media that highlights the Auvergne and Auvergne which shape our future! 💡 The connector is an association acting for the development and promotion of Auvergne initiatives. His ambition is twofold: - Inspire: show the possibilities, show that entrepreneurship is accessible, - Polliniser: decompartmentalize, promote exchanges. Innovation, territory, event, media, brand content, open innovation, and related

Sectors: Media

Décideurs Magazine Décideurs Magazine

News from business actors Magazine decision -makers. Analyze, decide, transform. Media, strategy, finance, law, business, innovation, human resources, company, lawyers, and decision -makers

Sectors: Media

Wydden Wydden

Formation Marketing Digital & Growth pour les Entrepreneurs. 🚀 Wydden (ex 10001startups) est un centre de formation au marketing digital. À travers nos contenus et nos formations, nous accompagnons les entrepreneurs et l’ensemble des organisations à mieux comprendre et innover dans un environnement en pleine transformation digitale. Wydden (Clydes SAS) est un organisme de formation référencé DATADOCK sous le numéro 763409165 34 start-up, entrepreneuriat, formation, and growth marketing

Sectors: Media

Vivendi Vivendi

Vivendi holds a strategic global position in the content, media, and entertainment industries through the management of a unique portfolio of high-quality assets: - Gameloft, a world-renowned global video game publisher; - Universal Music Group, the world’s leading music company; - Banijay, a leader in content production and an independent online sports betting company; - TIM, Italy’s leading telecoms company with a presence in Brazil; - MediaForEurope, a European leader in television, audiovisual production and internet; - Telefónica, the telecommunications leader in the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking markets; - Prisa, the media and education leader in Spain and the Spanish-speaking world. …

Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Entertainment Media

Le Journal des Entreprises Le Journal des Entreprises

Economy in regions The Journal of Business is ... - The first national network of economic newspapers in the region, present in the heart of major French economic metropolises with editions distributed in 9 regions - daily newsletters - Overlaps and business rankings -B2B events with business newspaper-Events: Contact subscriptions Azure number: 0810 500 301 Managing Director, Director of Publication: Bruno Dussourt Editorial Director: Philippe Flamand Commercial and development director: Valérie Asti Director Strategy and Diversification: Emmanuelle Bouron Contacts National drafting Editorial director: Philippe Flamand - 06 83 28 21 41 Editor -in -chief: Stéphane Vandangeon - 06 …

Sectors: Media

FoodTech Dijon Bourgogne-Franche-Comté FoodTech Dijon Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

Valuing and supporting the emergence and development of innovative solutions from the fork to the range. Large challenges are concerned today. How to help people better eat is a real problem, just like knowing how to feed the population in 2050. Thus, the FoodTech network aims to enhance a diet based on the pleasure, responsibility and accessibility triptych. For us, digital technology, new technologies and more broadly innovation are remarkable means to tend towards this vision by contributing to agricultural and food transitions, and to the evolution of practices. Our mission: to enhance and support the emergence and development of …

Sectors: French Tech Media


Essential legal magazine, right & amp; Heritage offers transversal treatment and an expert in heritage law. Essential legal magazine, right & amp; Heritage offers transversal treatment and an expert in heritage law while focusing on the news of the various players in this sector: Interprofessional news seen from the actors of the heritage council A multidisciplinary background file Practical studies, assemblies and consultations Jurisprudential and legislative news deciphered by the best experts It deals with all matters with an impact on heritage and allowing its optimization (taxation, successions and matrimonial regimes, real estate, contracts, corporate law, etc.).

Sectors: Media

Lextenso Notaire Lextenso Notaire

Follow all the news dedicated to notaries! Lextenso supports notaries professionals with Defrénois magazines, Flash, the Guide to tax, works, training and legal services (legal ads & amp; legal formalities)

Sectors: Law Practice Media

L'Express L'Express

The bet of intelligence The Express has been a reference media brand since 1953: a weekly, a website, applications, podcasts, newsletters ... and soon masterclass, events and other projects! The L’Express group is today an editorial staff of more than 70 journalists, guarantors of reliable and quality information as well as a team of digital growth experts, serving new information consumption methods. The Express Studio is the group's commercial entity that creates innovative communications solutions with its partners to reach executives and opinion leader Alain Weill, founder of the Nextradiotv group (RMC, BFM TV), bought the Express in 2019 with …

Sectors: Media

Ouest-France Ouest-France

🗞ouest-France, 1st French daily newspaper! Each day, + 600,000 copies in Normandy, Brittany & Amp; Pays de la Loire Ouest-France company Founder of the editorial committee François Régis Hutin Chairman of the Management Board Louis Décard - Director of publication Associative status: Since the extraordinary general assembly of April 9, 1990, S.A. Ouest-France depends on a non-profit 1901 law association, the "Association for the support of the principles of humanist democracy", chaired by Jacques Duquesne. Implementation: 58 editors in the 14 departments in Brittany, Basse-Normandie and Pays de la Loire, as well as in Paris. 2 production units: • in …

Sectors: Media

BFM Business BFM Business

First economic and financial information channel in France. BFM Business TV is the first economic and financial information channel in France. It is distinguished by a programming focused on the search for expertise. Essays around economic news have been established as economic news meetings. "Good Morning Business" for example, offers guests on his set, the latest innovations, editorial and information on background trends. BFM Business TV is also available live on our website as well as an application dedicated to it. Tech, Stock Exchange, Economy, Real Estate, Business, Automobile, and High-Tech

Sectors: Media

La French Tech La French Tech

La French Tech désigne tous les acteurs de l’écosystème de start-up françaises, soutenus par la Mission French Tech. 🇫🇷 La French Tech est la marque déployée par l’Etat français qui représente l’écosystème de 25 000 start-up françaises et de tous les acteurs qui gravitent autour (fonds d’investissement, associations, acteurs publiques, etc.), soutenus par la Mission French Tech (administration rattachée à la Direction Générale des Entreprises, au sein du ministère de l’Economie, des Finances et de l'Industrie). Elle a pour mission d’accompagner le développement de l’écosystème French Tech, mouvement français des start-up technologiques innovantes, dans la lignée des priorités gouvernementales, à …

Sectors: Media

Virgin Virgin

At Virgin, we’re all about creating unique customer experiences, challenging the status quo and championing people and the planet. For five decades, in five business sectors and on five continents, our purpose is to change business for good. The home of Virgin is Virgin Management – supporting the Branson family and the growth of the Virgin brand by developing and nurturing valuable Virgin businesses around the world. Virgin Management works alongside all the different Virgin companies and their teams around the world. We have interests spanning travel & leisure, health & wellness, music & entertainment, telecoms & media, financial services …

Sectors: Media

Netokracija Netokracija

Balkan’s leading digital media company covering stories about startups, digital marketing and technology. Netokracija is Balkan’s leading digital media company for startups, digital marketing and technology folks, providing insightful content to its strong online community. With offices in both Zagreb and Belgrade, the company has worked with numerous clients in financial, telco, FMCG, tourism and health industry. Running brands/conferences such as Ladies of New Business, OMGcommerce and #DigitalnaKarijera while providing its readers with the latest news in digital industries. Blogging, Live blogging, Technology journalism, Covering events, Video production, Content creation, and Organizing conferences

Sectors: Media Publishing

Crunchbase Crunchbase

Find and close deals with all-in-one prospecting solutions powered by the leader in private-company data. Crunchbase is the leading provider of private-company prospecting and research solutions. 75 million users—including salespeople, entrepreneurs, investors, and market researchers—use Crunchbase to prospect for new business opportunities. And companies all over the world rely on us to power their applications, making over 6 billion calls to our API each year.

Sectors: Media

Groupe TF1 Groupe TF1

Welcome to a world of content The TF1 group is a global player in the production, editing and distribution of content. Through its content, its ambition is to inspire society positively. The TF1 group organizes its activities in several additional poles: • The Broadcast pole with 5 clear channels (TF1, TMC, TFX, TF1 Films series, LCI), 4 thematic channels (Ushuaia TV, TV history, Breizh TV, Club series), 2 content platforms on demand (MyTF1, Tfou max), and the TF1 advertising. • The production center with Newen, which brings together 9 studios in France and internationally. • The digital pole with Unify, …

Sectors: Media

La Tribune La Tribune

Let's Share the Economy. Combining the expertise of a historic title with digital agility, La Tribune has carried out its transformation for several years, deploying itself at the heart of its audience's uses: website, digital daily newspaper, mobile applications, social networks, but also a field presence allowing it to animate its audience through the organization of 80 events per year. Its territorial roots make La Tribune the economic media of metropolises with editions in the regions and in Africa with La Tribune Afrique, feeding an editorial line focused on the real economy (innovation, digital, territories, etc.) and promote companies that …

Sectors: Media