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Founder Institute Founder Institute

Great Founders Start Here. The Founder Institute is the #1 place in the world to turn ideas into fundable startups, and startups into global businesses. Since 2009, our series of highly-structured accelerator programs have given founders the direction and global network needed to build a meaningful business. It all starts with our renowned ‘FI Core’ accelerator (, which pushes founders at the idea and pre-seed stages to reach the milestones needed for investment and sustained growth. Alumni of FI Core then get free access to our advanced ‘Founder Lab’ accelerators for years to come (, and can get matched with …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

55 21 64 1,809

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture

3 2 2 68

European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless FEANTSA, the European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless is an umbrella of not-for-profit organisations which participate in or contribute to the fight against homelessness in Europe. It is the only major European network that focuses exclusively on homelessness at European level. See our featured groups on the side panel. The European Network of Homeless Health Workers (ENHW), one of FEANTSA's transnational exchange initiatives, also has a discussion group: The European Observatory on Homelessness has a discussion group too: homelessness, housing, …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

21 9 15 35
VS Ingeniería de Software VS Ingeniería de Software

People, the most important resource in your organization “VS Software Engineering” is a company dedicated to developing quality software. - Our applications are designed and thought out by professionals from the HR, QUALITY and MARKETING departments who have provided us with their know-how, leaving all the technical part to us. - Our applications are not complex. On the contrary, they are characterized by their ease of use and clarity. - FOR THE HR DEPARTMENT We have applications for PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT projects, COMPETENCE EVALUATION, ORGANIZATIONAL CLIMATES, TRAINING SATISFACTION SURVEYS, EXIT SURVEYS, etc. - FOR THE QUALITY AND MARKETING DEPARTMENTS. We have …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

0 0 0 7

Industrial group specialised in machine tools and advanced manufacturing solutions Danobatgroup is an industrial group specialized in the development of advanced manufacturing solutions for the most demanding industrial sectors, and a benchmark in machines, automation, turnkey solutions, and advanced services in machine tools. The group, which is part of the MONDRAGON Corporation, has more than 65 years’ experience in the development of high precision systems and in the application of technologies geared towards manufacturing, especially in the fields of grinding, turning, milling, boring and multifunction machines. Danobatgroup ́s offer is marketed under Danobat, Soraluce, Danobat-Overbeck, Hembrug, Goimek and Latz brands. …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 manufacturing

6 1 4 100
Fon Fon

Fontech, the technological arm of Fon, makes managing and operating WiFi smart and simple for operators and enterprises. Our software-based solutions and team of experts empower our clients to deliver carrier-grade WiFi services in a secure, scalable, and uniquely flexible way, enabling an exceptional WiFi experience for their customers. We are the trusted WiFi software provider to top-tier global telcos such as the Deutsche Telekom Group, SoftBank, Telstra, and Vodafone Group. Discover more at Fon is the global WiFi network. We pioneered residential WiFi sharing over a decade ago and, together with leading telcos, we’ve built the world's largest …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: telecommunications Technologies: Wireless

8 5 2 187
Impact Europe Impact Europe

The investing for impact network Impact Europe is the investing for impact network. We gather capital providers (impact funds, foundations, corporate social investors, banks, public funders) to increase prosperity and social progress for all, fix inequalities and injustices and preserve the planet. Together, we rally people, capital and knowledge to accelerate, scale and safeguard impact. Photos: Getty Images René Magritte work © Succession René Magritte – Sabam Belgium 2022 Impact Investing, ESG, sustainable finance, impact finance, IMM, impact management, impact entrepreneurship , corporate social investors, social entrepreneurship , purpose, finance, investing, social economy, and corporate impact

Tags: H2020 Type: Incubators & VCs

45 18 34 57
EuskalHack EuskalHack

EuskalHack Computer Security Association The EuskalHack Computer Security Association is a non-profit organization established in Donostia and made up of various professionals linked to computer security research and computer forensics. Our objective is to promote the community and culture in the field of digital security to any type of interested public, whether public or private, through the promotion and dissemination of mainly technical knowledge. We work to promote activities such as the organization of seminars and conferences, where we can disseminate and share advances and research achieved in the national and international sector. Likewise, we promote collaboration between the attending …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

2 1 2 1
AGORA, Inteligencia Colectiva para la Sostenibilidad AGORA, Inteligencia Colectiva para la Sostenibilidad

Rigor and practical relevance in sustainability and social innovation Media and business intelligence consultancy in Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Innovation and Sustainability Think Tank in #Sustainability, #Sustainable Development and #Social #Innovation Sustainability, Sustainable Development, Social Innovation, Environment, Corporate Social Responsibility, Transparency, Integrity, Compliance, Ecology, Environment, Social Technology, Diversity, Disability, Accessibility, Ethics, Corporate Wellbeing, Workplace Happiness, Companies, Sustainability, and Corporate Social Responsibility

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

1 0 1 1
Onaranlar Kulübü Onaranlar Kulübü

A social enterprise that develops creative projects that establish a dialogue between the environment, the city and people 🧡🛠 We are a social enterprise that develops social benefit projects focused on production, repair and sharing. In short, we can explain our aim as increasing our sense of belonging to the areas we live in with the principles of participation, inclusiveness and sustainability and getting “better” together. In addition to the collective production projects we develop with the aim of strengthening the dialogue between the city, the environment and people and increasing people's sense of belonging to the places they live …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

4 1 0 9
Europa Press Europa Press

The news agency leader in Spain Europa Press is the largest private news agency in Spain. Incorporated more than 50 years ago as an independent company without any editorial, political, financial or any other group’s backing, has always maintained its two basic principles: PROFESSIONALISM and INDEPENDENCE. More than 500 journalists in its Spanish offices plus a network of international stringers (editors, reporters, photographers, TV cameramen...) work for Europa Press to ensure fast and reliable information 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. Newsbreaking news, daily images and videos, and Analysis from the most prestigious Spanish columnists

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

49 23 22 581
EuroHealthNet EuroHealthNet

The European Partnership for Health Equity and Wellbeing EuroHealthNet is a not for profit partnership of organisations, agencies and statutory bodies working to contribute to a healthier Europe by promoting health and health equity between and within European countries. EuroHealthNet achieves this through its partnership framework by supporting members’ work in EU and associated states through policy and project development, networking and communications. health promotion, health equity, partnerships, projects, and research

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

12 2 6 29
Eurodesk Brussels Link Eurodesk Brussels Link

We inform young people about ways to experience the world. Find us working with over 2100 organisations in 36 countries. With a network of national coordinators connected to over 3000 local information providers and partners in 36 European countries, Eurodesk is one of the main sources of information on European policies and mobility opportunities for young people. We operate as a permanent support structure for the EU’s Erasmus+ programme. Our network also updates and manages content on the European Youth Portal. Eurodesk Brussels Link (EBL) is the coordinating body of the network and also the managing body of the Eurodesk …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

8 1 7 29
Erste Group Erste Group

Founded as “Erste oesterreichische Spar-Casse” in 1819, we are now one of the leading financial institutes in Central and Eastern Europe. As the leading institute of the Austrian savings banks, we are one of the country’s biggest banking groups, with regional savings banks. As Erste Group, we are present in the banking markets of 7 countries in the CEE region. That’s how we can apply local knowledge to servicing to more than 16 million customers. We provide financing to families for their living space and help entrepreneurs with their plans as well as founders taking their first step towards independence. …

Tags: H2020 Type: Large company

29 10 7 5,843
Enviu Enviu

We build world changing companies. Hi! We are Enviu. When we founded Enviu in 2004, our belief was the same as it is today: An inclusive economy that serves people and planet. An economy enriching the lives of all people, providing access to basic needs. An economy sustainably utilizing the valuable and limited resources our planet endows. To instigate this economy we build ventures that address social and environmental issues, and drive market development. With high impact in the domains of financial inclusion, circular economy, and food security. Entrepreneurial, innovative, sustainability, creativity, sharing knowledge and expertise, young people, network, crowdfunding, …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech greentech cleantech

12 2 11 68
Enclude: A Palladium Company Enclude: A Palladium Company

Enclude is the market leading impact investment bank. We believe in the transformative power of entrepreneurship and inclusive finance to build stronger local economies. We help clients overcome barriers to growth through the access to capital, technologies and expertise necessary to accelerate profitability and sustainable development. We enable our partners to create more opportunities so that everyone can participate and benefit from the promise of prosperity. Enclude is part of Palladium, a global impact firm working to link social progress and commercial growth. For the past 50 years, Palladium has been helping clients to see the world as interconnected – …

Tags: H2020 Type: Incubators & VCs

4 1 1 30
EmakumeEkin EmakumeEkin

#SerEmakumeEkin - association of women entrepreneurs | we work to improve the world and be visible. We are women entrepreneurs and we want to accompany other women in their entrepreneurship, share experiences and generate collaboration networks. EmakumeEkin was born with the aim of supporting women entrepreneurs and bringing the possibility of entrepreneurship closer to all women. There are two main reasons that move us to create EmakumeEkin: 1. Our concern about the lack of visibility of women in the business world and 2. Our confidence that, by creating companies, the contribution of women to society will be more complete. Women …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

8 1 8 7
Ekologi brez meja / Ecologists Without Borders Association Ekologi brez meja / Ecologists Without Borders Association

Za svet brez odpadkov / For a world without waste Ekologi brez meja se zavzemamo za svet brez odpadkov, ki ga skušamo doseči z ozaveščanjem, aktivacijo in predvsem povezovanjem posameznikov, odločevalcev in organizacij. Naše poslanstvo je odkrivanje novih tem in zagotavljanje podatkov, s katerimi lahko vplivamo na spremembe politik in navad. Smo mnenjski voditelji na področju odpadkov, ki svoje napore usmerjamo predvsem v preprečevanje nastajanja odpadkov. --- Ecologists without Borders is a non-profit from Slovenia founded in 2009 and one of the leading Slovenian NGOs dedicated to improving the state of our environment — focusing on efficient resource use and …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

3 0 3 12
EIT Health EIT Health

Together for healthy lives in Europe EIT Health promotes entrepreneurship and innovation in healthy living and active ageing, providing Europeans with new opportunities and resources. It enables citizens to lead healthier and more productive lives by delivering products, services and concepts that improve quality of life and contribute to the sustainability of healthcare across Europe. Health Care Administration, Health Consulting, Innovation in Healthy Living and Active Ageing, Sustainability of Healthcare, Acceleration, and Education

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

175 54 136 8
Dyslexia Scotland Dyslexia Scotland

Enabling people with dyslexia to reach their potential; encouraging changemakers to create a dyslexia-friendly Scotland. Dyslexia Scotland aims to inspire and enable dyslexic people, regardless of age and abilities, to reach their potential in education, employment and life. Dyslexia Scotland is both a registered charity (SC00951) and a company limited by guarantee (No. SC 153321). Based in Stirling, with a network of Branches across Scotland, we represent the needs and interests of people with dyslexia in Scotland. President: Sir Jackie Stewart, OBE Vice President: Mrs Julia Trotter, MBE •provide and promote high quality services to people with dyslexia, •influence and …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

3 0 3 25
dwarfs and Giants dwarfs and Giants

Rewriting the future of organization. Catalyzing the evolution of wholesome organizations. We are dwarfs and Giants! An innovative organization-design and strategy partner for the 21st century. Our purpose Rewriting the future of organization. Catalyzing the evolution of wholesome organizations. Why Organizations are among the most powerful forces on our planet. Yet, the way most organizations operate today gets in the way of leveraging their full potential for the benefit of our society. We believe in a different way of organizing for a complex world: responsive organizations that provide a wholesome space for people to reach their highest potential. This is …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

3 0 3 19
DreamTank DreamTank

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture

0 0 0 18
Dogs'​ Voice Nonprofit Organisation Dogs'​ Voice Nonprofit Organisation

Dogs'​ Voice is a non-profit organisation on the protection of stray animals based in Athens, Greece. Dogs'​ Voice is a non-profit organisation on the protection of stray animals based in Athens, Greece. Dogs'​ Voice: created a reliable data base where all stray/ shelter dogs promoted to responsible adoptions by animal welfare associations and individuals in Greece are registered; attracts volunteers and funds in order to effectively support all animal welfare associations duly established and operating in Greece; and effectively addresses stray animals’ population and management in Greece. We have designed a full service offered to local municipalities that provides holistic …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: pettech it services

2 2 0 11
Distinguished Concerts International New York (DCINY) Distinguished Concerts International New York (DCINY)

DCINY is the leading producer of dynamically charged musical excellence. DCINY is a leading producer of dynamically-charged musical entertainment in renowned venues, including Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center. With its unforgettable, world-class concert experiences, empowering educational programs, and global community of artists and audiences, DCINY changes lives through the power of performance. DCINY is proud to have presented life-changing performances for performers and audience members from around the world since its very first concert in 2008. In addition to being selected numerous times to the Inc. 5000 listing, DCINY also recently received national recognition with the American Prize in conducting …

Tags: H2020 Type: Event

3 1 1 32
Diakonie Diakonie

Diakonie is a company based out of 5b Freiheitsplatz, Waldenburg, Germany.

Tags: H2020 Type: Large company

5 3 0 2,126
Crowdfunder UK Crowdfunder UK

Funding Positivity across the UK At Crowdfunder, we're on a mission to spread positivity across the globe. United for good, our team is dedicated to turning innovative community ideas into meaningful realities, going beyond the confines of traditional fundraising. We're a unique force in crowdfunding, driven by a desire to think creatively and address societal challenges through community-driven change and engagement. Fundraising, Business, Community, Crowdfunding, Community Shares, Grants, Funds, and Community

Tags: H2020 Type: Incubators & VCs

38 15 16 54
Creative Scotland Creative Scotland

Public body that supports the arts, screen and creative industries across Scotland. Creative Scotland is the public body that supports the arts, screen and creative industries across all parts of Scotland on behalf of everyone who lives, works or visits here. We do this through funding, development, advocacy and influence and we distribute funding from the Scottish Government and the National Lottery. We want Scotland to be a country where excellence and experimentation across the arts, screen and creative industries is recognised and valued; everyone can access and enjoy artistic and creative experiences; places and quality of life are transformed …

Tags: H2020 Type: Public

12 0 7 141
Cooperatives Europe Cooperatives Europe

Cooperatives Europe is the voice of cooperative enterprises in Europe. Cooperatives Europe is the voice of cooperative enterprises in Europe. On behalf of its 84 member organisations from 34 European countries across all business sectors it promotes the cooperative business model in Europe. Its members represent 141 million individual member cooperators owning 176.000 co-operative enterprises and providing jobs to 4.7 million European citizens, a force for economic growth and social change. Cooperatives Europe promotes the cooperative business model at European level. We advocate granting the plurality of business forms in Europe. It is about increasing knowledge and recognition of the …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

15 3 9 13
Colruyt Group Colruyt Group

Together, we create sustainable added value through value-driven craftsmanship in retail. Colruyt Group operates in the food and non-food distribution sector in Belgium, France and Luxembourg with more than 700 own stores and over 1.000 affiliated stores. In Belgium, this includes Colruyt Lowest Prices, Okay, Comarkt, Bio-Planet, Cru, Bike Republic, Zeb, PointCarré, The Fashion Store and the affiliated stores Spar and PointCarré. In France, in addition to Colruyt stores and DATS 24 filling stations, there are also affiliated Coccinelle, Coccimarket, Panier Sympa, Épi Service, VivÉco and PointCarré stores. Jims operates fitness clubs in Belgium and Luxembourg. Newpharma is the Belgian …

Tags: H2020 Type: Large company

15 10 2 10,443
CollAction CollAction

CollAction connects people to solve collective action problems. We make doing good fun & easy. CollAction connects people to solve collective action problems. Want to know more? Take a look at collective action and climate action

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

4 1 1 26
Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP) Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP)

Investing in a Good Life The Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP) is a Think and Do tank that works with businesses, policy makers, partner organisations, and civil society towards a good life.

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

13 1 5 70
Ciudadanos ("Citizens"​) Ciudadanos ("Citizens"​)

Official Profile of Ciudadanos, the liberal, progressive and reformist party of Spain. #RadicallyFree We are a progressive, democratic and constitutionalist liberal party. We demand an open society, where public powers are dedicated to guaranteeing the freedoms and rights of citizens by complying with democratic laws. A society of free and equal citizens who have sufficient tools to develop their potential and seek their happiness. We advocate the defense and advancement of individual freedoms, without being limited by place of birth, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, opinion or any other personal or social circumstance. We believe that recovering and maintaining the …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

35 11 18 171
Circular Change Circular Change

The best entry point for your circular journey! Circular Change is a stakeholder engagement platform focusing on the Circular Economy. Our fundamental mission is to inform, educate, recognise leaders, interpret best practice and co-create pioneering case studies in the transition from linear to circular business models. The Circular Change platform was established by Giacomelli media, in cooperation with its international partners, in order to create a competence network to assist in a successful transition to the Circular Economy, embracing its economic, societal and environmental dimensions. circular economy, business models, innovation, systems thinking, education, industrial ecology, circular design, cradle to cradle, …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

14 3 13 7
Arbeitplus Arbeitplus

Arbeitplus is a company based out of 2 Willy-Brandt-Platz, Bielefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

2 0 2 1
Causeartist Causeartist

Causeartist is a global community of social entrepreneur, builders, creators, and conscious consumers. What is a Causeartist? causeartist – [cause-artist] noun. a person who uses their talents and skills to impact the world. Causeartist is a global community of social entrepreneur, builders, creators, and conscious consumers, who believe business can positively impact the world. At Causeartist, we contribute 1% of our revenue to carbon removal. Via Stripe Climate. Content, Publishing, social impact, social enterprise, social entrepreneurship, ethical fashion, impact investing, conscious consumer, and sustainability

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

7 4 2 1
Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre Ljubljana Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre Ljubljana

Music, Theatre, Dance, Film, Art Exhibitions, Humanities, Congresses, Fairs .. Our cultural and congress centre presents, produces, co-produces, organises and provides cultural and artistic, congress and other events, state ceremonies, exhibitions and festivals. Since CD is mostly a cultural centre, over two thirds of the available halls are annually reserved for culture and the arts. With its programme CD has been attempting at enriching the quality of lives, to form, foster and effectuate cultural and wider national identity and educate the young people in culture and the arts. CD cooperates with similar cultural institutions at home and abroad in the …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

1 1 0 64
Calvert Impact Calvert Impact

We make impact investable. Join us! Calvert Impact is a global nonprofit investment firm that helps investors and financial professionals invest in solutions that people and the planet need. During its 28-year history, Calvert Impact has mobilized approximately $5 billion to build and grow local community and green finance organizations through its flagship Community Investment Note® and other products and services. Calvert Impact recently launched the Cut Carbon Note, a product that aims to reduce carbon emissions and transform the way we build. Calvert Impact uses its unique position to bring the capital markets and communities closer together. More at …

Tags: H2020 Type: Incubators & VCs

30 6 19 71
Buckminster Fuller Institute Buckminster Fuller Institute

A world that works for 100% of life. BFI was founded in 1983 to facilitate the convergence across the disciplines of art, science, design and technology, and work extend the profoundly relevant legacy of R. Buckminster Fuller. In this way, we strive to catalyze the collective intelligence required to fully address the unprecedented challenges before us. Our programs encourage participants to conceive and apply transformative strategies based on a crucial synthesis of whole systems thinking, Nature's fundamental principles, and an ethically driven worldview. Design Science, Comprehensive Design, Whole System Design, and Synergetics

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

3 0 1 13
British Council British Council

The UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. We support peace and prosperity by building connections, understanding and trust between people in the UK and countries worldwide. We uniquely combine the UK’s deep expertise in arts and culture, education and the English language, our global presence and relationships in over 100 countries, our unparalleled access to young people and influencers and our creative sparkle. We work directly with individuals to help them gain the skills, confidence and connections to transform their lives and shape a better world in partnership with the UK. We support them to build networks …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

46 24 14 23,439
BerriUp Aceleradora de Startups BerriUp Aceleradora de Startups

We help you get started. We give you from €50,000 and first-class mentoring BERRIUP is a Startup Accelerator in Donostia - San Sebastián and Bilbao. We support entrepreneurs to launch their Projects to the market with a clear orientation towards Sales and Internationalization. We offer a 4-month Acceleration Program, in which entrepreneurs will have: * Investment FROM €50,000 * Top-Level Mentor Team * Coworking Space equipped to work together with other Entrepreneurs * Continuous Personalized Support * Network of contacts * Talks with successful Entrepreneurs * Help and Advice for obtaining Financing in future Investment Rounds * Continuous advice for …

Tags: H2020 Type: Incubators & VCs

5 1 3 36
BE.ive BE.ive

BE.ive is a sustainability consultancy that helps entrepreneurs build sustainable businesses.

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

5 0 5 2
BBVA en España BBVA en España

Creating opportunities BBVA is a leading multinational group that offers financial services in more than 30 countries and to 53 million customers worldwide. It has a solid leadership position in the Spanish market, where it was founded more than 150 years ago. We define our vision as a company with one idea: We work for a better future for people. We work to build long-lasting relationships with our customers and provide the maximum possible value, both to our stakeholders and to society in general, with projects such as education, social entrepreneurship, research and culture.

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

17 4 8 2,632
Batura Batura

Batura is a company based out of 42 Sommerstraße, Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 0
Balkan Green Energy News Balkan Green Energy News

The leading sustainable energy and green economy news and communication platform in the Balkan / SEE region Balkan Green Energy News is the leading sustainable energy and green economy news portal in the Balkan/Southeast Europe region. It has been developed and managed by the Center for Promotion of Sustainable Development, a civil society organization from Belgrade, Serbia.

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

20 1 20 17

High impact science and technology for a healthy and sustainable society AZTI is a #science and #technology centre specialising in the #marine environment and #food that develops high-impact transformation projects with organisations aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the UN. Our purpose is to drive positive change for the future of humankind, contributing to a healthy, sustainable and fair society. We provide cutting-edge, value-added products and technologies grounded in sound science and research. In order to generate wealth and well-being for society, and from a circular economy perspective, we work on the creation of sustainable and …

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

21 2 16 276

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

0 0 0 0
Arroka Estudio Arroka Estudio

Arroka is innovation, fusion, experience, quality and knowledge. An advanced studio for communication services, design and commercial promotion. A different space where words come to life and images captivate. Arroka is supported by a professional team with extensive experience in commercial and technical illustration, graphic design, communication and digital media. Arroka integrates conventional formulas with communication management and its transformation into images. Graphic design, Communication, Online marketing, E-Commerce, Illustration, and Advertising

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

0 0 0 1

Innovative Solutions to Complex Problems Applied Research Associates, Inc. (ARA) is the company that government and industry turn to for innovative technologies and solutions to problems that improve our safety, security, and way of life. ARA is an international research and engineering company recognized for providing technically excellent solutions to complex and challenging problems in the physical sciences. We provide in-depth and diversified research, engineering, and technical support services. Interested in a career at ARA? Visit to learn more about ARA or to view current ARA job opportunities. National Security, Energy & Environment, Infrastructure, and Health & Human …

Tags: H2020 Type: Large company

9 1 7 3,045
Antenna Foundation Antenna Foundation

Let's implement low-tech and commons to serve the essential needs of populations. Created more than 30 years ago in Geneva by human rights defender Denis von der Weid, Antenna is today an international non-profit foundation recognized as being of public utility. Antenna Foundation is engaged in scientific research and the dissemination of innovative and accessible technological, economic and medical solutions to meet the essential needs of the most deprived. In collaboration with an international network of scientists, Antenna participates in research and field projects in the fields of: agroecology, water and hygiene, schools, energy, traditional medicine, microcredit, nutrition and new …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

3 0 2 25
Amala Amala

We are on a mission to use the power of education to transform the lives of refugees, their communities and the world. We are on a mission to use the power of education to transform the lives of refugees, their communities and the world. Education and Social entrepreneurship

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

2 0 2 46

Enhancing digital skills across Europe ALL DIGITAL is a leading pan-European association, representing member organisations that work to enhance digital skills. We believe that every European should be able to exploit the benefits and opportunities created by digital transformation. Our network targets 170 mln Europeans who have an insufficient level of digital skills. We work to empower and support them in gaining digital skills to benefit from online services, to find work, to have a better quality of life or to be fully included in today’s digital society. e-inclusion, advocacy, digital literacy, social innovation, employability, e-skills, networking, partnership, funding, sustainability, …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

9 6 4 26
Agora Agora

The open forum for foreign policy Who we are: Agora is the UK’s open forum for foreign policy. We are a grassroots, open-source, foreign policy think tank. We are also part of a global network of open think tanks, with sister organisations in Switzerland, Germany, and France. Our leadership team and our membership come from a diverse range of professional, academic, and personal backgrounds. What brings us together is a desire to make a meaningful contribution to discussions in the world of international relations. “We” could include you. We are always seeking new members and welcome collaboration with like-minded organisations. …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: govtech

3 0 0 34

Astghik, Julen, Miao Xiang, Zhang Lizhong, Pablo, Valeria, Adrián, Ane, Martin and Dana , the dream team. 1st generation of LEINN (Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation) international. We are a team of 10 international entrepreneurs with a single mission, vision and values. "We are an international team company creating a self-sustainable social ecosystem through local action developed by global connections."​ "We are committed with our society, respecting its differences and highlighting its similarities to create the necessary synergies to consolidate the bonds of people."​ Innovation, Social Entrepreneurship, and Technology

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

1 1 0 20
2050 Climate Group 2050 Climate Group

Empowering, equipping & enabling young people to take climate action towards a just and sustainable society 🌍 We work with young people across Scotland, engaging, educating, and empowering them to lead the transformation to a low carbon society. Our aim is to inspire young people to get involved not only in the 2050 Climate Group Group, but also in the design of future decision making in Scotland, becoming catalysts for change to ensure a sustainable future beyond 2050. 2050 Climate Group, a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (Scottish Charity Number SC047206) Climate Change, Raising Awareness, Networking, Young Leaders Development Programme, Leadership, …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

6 1 4 31
Bestr Bestr

The italian Digital Credentialing Systems, issuing Open Badges and Blockcerts to enable the recognition of skills. Bestr is a digital platform based on Open Badges: the meeting point between learners, employers and trainers. Bestr is National Contact Point in Italy for Open Badges and is introducing them as digital certifications of competencies. Open Badges, Life Long Learning, Blockcerts, Digital Credentials, Education, Open Recognition, Skills, Competences, Higher Education, Corporate Academy, Soft skills, Certification, and Blockchain

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

3 0 3 3
JustGiving JustGiving

JustGiving is the world's most trusted fundraising platform. We help you raise money for the people and causes you love! JustGiving is the world’s most trusted online giving platform. Our mission is to connect all of the world’s causes with people who care. fundraising, technology, giving, and innovation

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: fintech Technologies: SaaS

58 21 36 128
GlobalGiving GlobalGiving

Transforming aid and philanthropy to accelerate community-led change. GlobalGiving is a nonprofit that supports other community-led nonprofits by connecting them to donors and companies. 21+ years, $910M raised for good in 175+ countries. We also work with companies to implement groundbreaking corporate social responsibility (CSR), cause marketing, and philanthropy programs. Partners include Nike, Facebook, Ford, Cummins, Discovery, and Google. We're always looking for fun, energetic, passionate people to join our team! For current openings, please visit: GlobalGiving is a registered 501(c)(3) organization in the United States (EIN: 30-0108263) and a registered charity in the United Kingdom (#1122823).

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

15 6 14 120
Platoniq Platoniq

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

7 0 3 2
Smau Smau

Innovation for big companies and start-ups! For over 50 years, SMAU has been a benchmark of innovation for companies and public administrations. Since 2008 Smau organizes a series of local events throughout Italy’s main Regions to promote a culture of innovation among businesses and local organizations, a series which become international in 2015. More than 80,000 companies take part in SMAU every year, coming from various commodity sectors and for whom the trade show is an important platform to communicate directly with the market, the aim being to get the leading companies active in the development and revitalization of the …

Tags: H2020 Type: Event

44 10 26 41
Invitalia Invitalia

The Agency for the Development of the Country Invitalia, the National Agency for Investment Attraction and Business Development, acts on behalf of the Italian Government to increase the competitiveness of the country, in particular of the South, and to support strategic sectors for development. Its priority objectives are: Supporting innovation and growth of the production system - We support investment programs of new or existing companies through a package of complementary tools, capable of increasing the competitiveness of companies. ( Enhance the potential of territories - We contribute to the development and competitiveness of the country through interventions on the …

Tags: H2020 Type: Public

23 7 11 2,484
GSG Impact GSG Impact

Working to make impact a core factor in every investment, business, and government spending decision. GSG Impact, active in over 50 countries, works to progress the transformation of global financial systems, so that every investment, business and government spending decision takes into account impact, as well as risk and return. The GSG Impact Partnership is a growing community of national partners dedicated to advancing impact locally and globally. GSG Impact supports the development and work of the national partners. We harness our collective voice to advocate for impact globally, and advance impact through innovation, knowledge sharing, convening and collaboration. Our …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

50 12 36 78
Amplifier Amplifier

Amplifying clients through the medium of direct-to-consumer fulfillment. Amplifier is an innovation-oriented 3PL that makes it easy to get quick, accurate, scalable, and affordable eCommerce fulfillment. We amplify our clients through the medium of direct-to-consumer fulfillment with a patented process for customizing shipments. Our clients include e-commerce brands, CPGs, content creators, health-focused product companies. Our technology and operation supports Enterprise Brands and our minimum shipment per month is zero, because we know all Enterprise Brands begin as an untested idea. To that end, we enable instant signup with no monthly shipment minimums. High Volume Direct-To-Consumer Fulfillment, Vendor Compliant B2B Order …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: transporttech Technologies: Data Analytics

6 1 4 65
Espigoladors Espigoladors

We give second chances to imperfect fruits and vegetables and to people in vulnerable situations #zerofoodwaste Espigoladors is a non-profit social company that wants to contribute to offering transformative solutions to a social challenge, food waste, with a vocation of 100% social, environmental and economic impact. We recover fruits and vegetables from the primary sector and companies and channel 90% to food distribution points and the remaining 10% we make high quality products that are marketed under the brand "es im-perfect"​. Es im-perfect is the first brand in Spain that makes and sells high quality products from ugly and imperfect …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

7 4 4 21

Do What You Love COWORKINGSALZBURG is the first coworkingspace in our city. We are a 400m2 office to rent very flexible especially for the needs of 1 person companies, entrepreneurs and startups. We offer desks and rooms for 25 long term (minimum 3 months) coworkers and 10 desks for daily guest. Besides that we organize lots of networking events taking place on weekends or evenings concerning the topics of entrepreneurship, client acquisition, financing. Our network is becoming bigger day by day therefor we are enormously good in matching talents and projects. We love spreading awesome things happening at COWORKINGSALZBURG or …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: it services

4 2 2 4
NewCo NewCo

NewCo Shift: A Cross-platform Publication NewCo Shift illuminates the companies, leaders, and issues driving the transition to a sustainable, positive-impact business ecosystem. In addition to the festivals, NewCo produces Shift Forum, an executive leadership conference which brings together founders, innovators, and CEOs from fast-growth start-ups and Fortune 500 leaders with an array of experts from the policy and regulation fields to discuss how business can navigate the shifting landscape of rapid technological change and regulatory uncertainty. We expand upon the conversations started at our live events through NewCo Shift, our multi-platform publication which illuminates the companies, leaders, and issues driving …

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

19 5 7 210
Koan moltimedia Koan moltimedia

we design visual communication Koan moltimedia develops projects in communications, graphic design. Koan shapes and reshapes the "face"​ of brands, products, and services. As a company that thinks ahead to stay ahead, Koan moltimedia embraces the possibility and potential of different visual languages, traditional and multimedia. That's why one of our strongest skills is the knowledge of the C.S.R. (Corporate Social Responsibility) sphere. Marketing Communication, C.S.R. (Corporate Social Responsibility), Linguaggi multimediali, Branding, and Graphic Design

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: martech

0 0 0 9
Banca Etica Banca Etica

The highest interest is that of all We are a unique reality in the Italian banking panorama because – in addition to transparency in all processes – we exclusively finance areas of collective interest: from social cooperation to international cooperation, from environmental protection to the promotion of culture, from renewable energy to organic farming. We were founded in 1999 and today we work throughout Italy through branches and a network of "traveling bankers" and we offer our customers a wide range of products and services that allow complete banking operations. Since 2014 we have also operated in Spain.

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: fintech Technologies: Decarbonization

8 3 1 481
Knowledge Market Knowledge Market

Empower yourself 5 minutes at a time Welcome to Knowledge Market, your online learning centre and thank you for taking the time to visit. I’m Kelly and I’ve been delivering tutor-led training for over 20 years and my husband Alan has been delivering training for nearly as long. We’ve always loved face-to-face training but simply couldn’t keep up with the demand, so have decided to put our training into video form. Knowledge Market is a website containing over 1,500 instructional videos based on commonly used business applications such as MS Excel, Word, PowerPoint (created by me) and MS Project (created …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

1 0 1 1
MAS Business MAS Business

Since 2004, we've been accompanying organizations on their path to Sustainability. We are a Sustainability consulting firm specialized in Impact and ESG Strategy. We coordinate the LBG España Group, promote the ONLBG methodology for social impact measurement and manage the online platform masimpact. Sostenibilidad, Sustainability, Impacto, Reporting, Accountability, Estrategia, Medición de impacto, Know-how, Gestión, Formación, EINF, Plan de Sostenibilidad, Materialidad, Informes, Conocimiento, Impacto positivo, ESG, ASG, ODS, Medición, Cursos, Certificación B Corp, Inversión social, Acción social, Metodología LBG, Plataforma masimpact, Metodología onlbg, Proyectos sociales, Estudio de relevancia, Stakeholders analysis, Doble materialidad, and CSRD

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: Decarbonization

20 2 19 9
Actitud Creativa Actitud Creativa

Creativity Inspiring Innovation Did you know that to discover the light bulb, Edison had previously manufactured 999 bulbs that didn’t work? It is said that when he was asked about his previous failures, he answered: "I haven't had 999 failures. Rather, I have discovered 999 incorrect ways to invent the lamp"​. Like Edison, to fail, you can have 999 ideas that don’t work. To succeed, you just need one that works. We can help you and your team to take advantage of your full potential and think creatively to achieve extraordinary results, to find that idea that works, and to …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: consulting

2 0 1 16
Brand Trust GmbH Brand Trust GmbH

We help great leaders to build great brands.💎 "BrandTrust is the first management consultancy in the German-speaking region that specializes in increasing brand attractiveness. Over the past 10 years we have implemented around 200 projects for over 150 brands in about 40 countries. Added up, our senior consultants bring over 60 years of practical experience to the job. "​ Brand Leadership, Brand Transformation, Brand Performance, Brand Education, Digitale Markenführung, Employer Branding, Brand Governance, Markenresilienz, BrandTouchpoint-Management, Destination Branding, Executive Coaching, Pricing, Nachhaltigkeit, Impact Brands, Positionierung, Unternehmenskultur, Markenstrategie, Markenpositionierung, Markenarchitektur, and Positionierung

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: consulting

4 0 4 37

We strengthen the regional and local dimension in EU research and innovation policy and programmes. ERRIN is a well-established Brussels-based platform of around 120 regional stakeholder organisations from 22 European countries, most of whom are represented by its Brussels offices. We focus solely on research and innovation policy and funding programmes, as well as project development. Our members are mainly regional authorities, universities, research organisations, chambers of commerce, and clusters. They develop the agenda and the priorities of the whole network by taking an active role within our working groups or in our Management Board. Through our 13 working groups, …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: deeptech Technologies: Decarbonization

35 8 24 28
Lilo Lilo

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: entertainment it services

1 0 1 5

PROLEPSIS is a company based out of 326 Avenue Louise, Ixelles, Belgium.

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

3 0 1 8

CEAR trabaja desde 1979 por la defensa del derecho humano de asilo. CEAR (Spanish Commission for Refugees) is a non-profit organization, founded in 1979, of voluntary, humanitarian, independent and plural action. Our aim is to work alongside citizens defending the right to access asylum. CEAR is inspired by a profound respect for values such as justice, solidarity, freedom, equality, independence, ethical commitment, plurality, transparency, participation and coherence. The defence of these values is our underlying priority and essential motivation for our work. Our Mission is to defend and promote Human Rights and the complete development of refugees, stateless persons and …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

6 3 1 150

SANNAS is a company based out of Støperibakken 12, PORSGRUNN, Porsgrunn, Norway.

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

4 2 2 2
syp syp

syp provides professional services and application development for organizations with limited manpower, requiring a quick solution on the spot. Services: - Ad-Hoc Operation Management - Professional customer support at all levels - Pre-sales and post-sales services - Demo SW applications (C#, Visual Basic, VBA, Perl, CGI) - Consulting (RFID, IT, Security, Customer Support) - Training (VBA, RFID, IT, MS-Office) Ad-Hoc Operation Management, Pre-sales and post-sales services, Professional customer support at all levels, Demo SW applications (C#, Visual Basic, VBA, Perl, CGI), Consulting (RFID, IT, Security, Customer Support), and Training (VBA, RFID, IT, MS-Office)

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Wireless

6 0 5 10

KFJ is a company based out of Austria.

Tags: H2020 Type: Media SMB Activities: healthtech

1 0 0 18
Rate It Green Rate It Green

Rate It Green's Green Building Directory and Network Connects Green Builders Across the Globe. Join the conversation! Rate It Green is a directory, network, and online community for green the building industry, from newcomers to seasoned experts and for both residential and commercial projects. Our mission is to facilitate information sharing to support further industry growth, increase industry confidence and openness, and provide a place for community building. Rate It Green supports green builders through an open product and service directory, client reviews and testimonials, and network where we host and amplify conversations on any green building topic. This resource …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: cleantech constructiontech greentech martech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 0 2 3
Libelium Libelium

Behind the change. Beyond the challenge. Libelium is dedicated to the design of end-to-end smart solutions based on the Internet of Things (IoT). Our solutions enable the implementation of projects in areas such as smart cities, agriculture, environmental monitoring, water quality and the energy industry. We offer a data space for developing customised solutions, facilitating the collection and analysis of data in real time, and creating digital twins to obtain the best results in each use case. gps, gprs, sigfox, iot , internet of things, smart cities, sustainability, precision agriculture, smart business, air quality, water quality management, environmental monitoring, urban …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: smart city telecommunications Technologies: Sensors Geolocation IoT Wireless

36 9 24 93
GamFed Türkiye GamFed Türkiye

Turkish Gamification Community GamFed International Gamification Confederation is a non-profit organization that aims to increase gamification knowledge and awareness worldwide, to look after the interests of practitioners, vendors, consultants and educators in the sector and to promote gamification. (GamFed) International Gamification Confederation aims to: Promote the gamification market Expand the gamification network Ensure consistency in business practices Lobbying activities at the international level Contribute to the sector with data from the market Ensure standardization and consistency in training

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

6 2 6 181
Fondazione la Fornace dell'Innovazione Fondazione la Fornace dell'Innovazione

Mattoni di futuro imprenditoriale The Fondazione’s mission is to encourage processes of creation and spreading of innovation in businesses, particularly new ones, and in the region with the aim of linking up the local system to the dynamics of knowledge-based economy so that its economic, cultural and social potential may be completely fulfilled. Start up, business incubator, and innovation

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

1 0 0 4
Telepathy Design Telepathy Design

For nearly 20 years, we've helped mission-driven startups and brands like New Relic, The Lean Startup, and Patagonia meet real business objectives by crafting meaningful experiences for their customers. We were acquired in 2017 by Service Now. Web design, User experience (UX) design, User interface design, Responsive design, User engagement, Online brand development, SaaS product design, Digital product design, Web development, Customer experience (CX) design, and Software design

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: uxtech it services Technologies: SaaS

4 0 3 5
Univerexport DOO Univerexport DOO

With a tradition of more than three decades, with more than 200 retail stores on the territory of Serbia, the Univerexport company is expanding its business network at the national level, with the aim of providing quality service, offering a wide range of items, as well as offering products of its own brands - Baš Baš, Daj Daj, Our best, characterized by a great price-quality ratio, but also by products that he is very proud of and personally produces: - Bačka fresh and never frozen meat and meat delicacies from our farm; - Organa organic products from our field in …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: retail Technologies: Bio sourced materials

3 2 0 275
Sarıkatipoğlu Law Firm Sarıkatipoğlu Law Firm

Sarikatipoglu Law Firm has been formed in order to play a central role in Turkey in terms of developing how law is practiced, how lawyers are trained and how business risk is managed. We are not, and do not strive to be, the largest law firm measured by number of offices or lawyers. Our goal is to be the firm of choice for clients with respect to their most challenging legal issues, most significant business transactions and most critical disputes. We believe that the strength and depth of our practices, our client relationships, our sector approach, the quality of our …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: fintech hrtech legaltech Technologies: SaaS

0 0 0 3
Fabriq Fabriq

Fabriq The Hague best kept secret for female fashion. The pretty little shop is a true trend treasure, which puts their customer as high as their quality. Female Fashion Store & Online Shop.

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: retail

7 3 3 4

The space where ideas and people grow. The project "coLABoRA - Creative and multi-sector enterprises", a coworking space and business incubator in the Darsena of Ravenna, is completed. For information on the new incubation and coworking initiatives of the Municipality of Ravenna, visit the website - ​​ For the history of the coLABoRA project, a pre-incubator that has supported more than 110 business projects and incubated 24, visit the website

Tags: H2020 Type: Public Activities: constructiontech

2 0 0 1

#AlwaysOneStepForward JEToP è la Junior Enterprise del Politecnico di Torino, una Web Agency gestita interamente da più di 90 studenti universitari con l’obiettivo di colmare il gap tra l’università e il mondo del lavoro. Come Junior Enterprise, la nostra mission è quella di formare ogni membro come Junior Entrepreneur, offrendo un'esperienza qualificante e riconosciuta nell'ambito accademico e lavorativo. Come Web Agency, la nostra vision è quella di permettere la crescita personale e professionale degli associati, condividendo competenze e offrendo servizi innovativi a clienti che desiderano digitalizzare il proprio business. JEToP opera in diversi campi, tra cui Information Technology, Design & …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech hrtech it services

30 0 27 75
BCF Basque Coaching Factory BCF Basque Coaching Factory

We focus on people in their different dimensions. We listen, we observe, we inquire and we challenge. EUSKAL COACHING ELKARTEA - BASQUE COACHING ASSOCIATION BCF BASQUE COACHING FACTORY is an entity of professional coaches from Euskadi committed to excellence in the exercise of the profession. Coaching is a profession exercised by people who, Complying with excellent standards of ethics and quality, they provide value recognized by and for society. BCF coaches are based on quality standards of recognized international prestige. To achieve these goals, the following activities will be carried out: * Dissemination of Coaching and its techniques * Promotion …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

2 0 1 11
Enea Enea

Inspired by life, made by enea. 2022 National Design Award (Spain). At Enea we find inspiration in today’s life when we design and manufacture our furniture. Our beautiful, strong, and sustainable pieces travel from our factory in the Basque Country to all corners of the globe to accompany you when you are eating, resting, or sharing, in amongst many other everyday activities. High-end, contemporary furniture for all types of public and private spaces: hotel industry, offices, auditoriums, educational establishments, hospitals, etc. We are committed to taking care of good things in general and of nature in particular. That is why …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

5 1 5 48
Xacom Comunicaciones Xacom Comunicaciones

Leading technology company in mobile coverage solutions Leading company with more than 20 years of experience in professional mobile coverage solutions, with a product valid for all operators. We carry out the coverage study, installation and certification of the project, guaranteeing the legal, quality and definitive solution. Wireless communications, Coverage improvement, Equipment installation, Repeaters, Routers, Links, Telephones, Home automation, Response units, Coverage repeaters, Access controls, IP video intercom, and Telecommunications

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: telecommunications Technologies: Wireless

4 1 4 6
Inca Medio Inca Medio

We create professional solutions for the analysis, management and dissemination of the natural and urban environment. We are a team of engineers, developers, telecommunications, foresters, biologists, geographers and environmentalists. We develop projects and technological solutions for the management and visualization of data from the natural and urban environment. We like this curious mix between the “digital” and the territory. We believe in a technology built from reality. We avoid fads and digital nonsense. We don't know how to sell smoke. We are committed to business transparency: quality in employment, quality in work and honest relationship with the client. We work …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Data Analytics

3 1 1 7
Peoplematters Peoplematters

The people management consultancy that goes beyond. The people management consultancy that goes beyond. Convinced that people are the force that creates, guides, leads and makes possible any business we can imagine. More information on our website: Employer Branding, Global Remuneration Professional (WordatWork), Consultative Sales Program, Transformation from the people, Rewards, Diversity and inclusion, Liquid Organizations, SHRM Certification, HRBP Development Program, Design of incentives for the sales force, and Employer Branding Basics

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: hrtech

48 2 46 47
Norgara desarrollo Norgara desarrollo

At Norgara we support your development / yours Consulting firm specializing in personal and systemic organizational development * Support for transformation processes in organizations * Management development * Individual and team coaching * Cultural and organizational change * Organizational models based on people * Systemic coaching and Organizational Constellations Transformation processes in organizations, Organizational models based on people, Individual and team coaching, and Systemic coaching and Organizational Constellations

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: hrtech

1 1 1 6
Lespresso Lespresso

Lespresso is a supermarkets company based out of 11 Lange Str., Nienburg (Weser), Lower Saxony, Germany.

Tags: H2020 Type: Media SMB Activities: healthtech

7 4 1 4
Centre for Social Innovation Centre for Social Innovation

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

8 2 3 87

Designing a more just and inclusive world. is a nonprofit design studio on a mission to design a more just and inclusive world. We partner with nonprofit organizations, foundations, governments, companies, and communities to design programs, products, and services focused on improving health, economic mobility, and wellbeing. Health Equity, Humanitarian Aid, Community Engagement, Financial Inclusion, Water and Sanitation, Families with Young Children, Agriculture, Product Development, Human-Centered Design, Service Design, Gender Equity, and Social Justice

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

13 4 6 63
Elite Road Supplies Co. -ECO Elite Road Supplies Co. -ECO

'We develop tomorrow with Innovative Technology' Established in 1997, our aim is to provide comprehensive supply solutions to the construction industry. Representing leading manufacturers from Europe and US made us capable of achieving highest standards using latest innovative technologies expanding our scope to even turnkey solution Strategically located in UAE with affiliate offices providing local support, we cover the territories of GCC countries and Iraq. Assessment, Design & Engineering, Manufacturing, Supply, and Site Supervision

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech manufacturing

5 2 5 24
Efecto Colibrí Efecto Colibrí

Historias que regeneran. Creamos historias para impulsar una realidad inclusiva, justa y regenerativa. Historias que regeneran. Efecto Colibrí es la productora y distribuidora de podcast que moviliza una realidad justa, inclusiva y regenerativa. Stories regenerate. Efecto Colibrí is the podcast producer and distributor that mobilizes a just, inclusive, and regenerative reality. podcasts, producción podcast, empresas sociales, consultoría estratégica comunidad, Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, Podcast production, Social Enterprise, Social Business, Sustainable Development Goals, Strategic Consulting, and Impact Match

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

11 1 11 6
Topfreisen Topfreisen

Good Food – Doing Something Good! Based on the idea that food brings people together, Topfreisen was created, which means travelling pot in German. The concept is to have international dishes prepared by engaging refugees in cooking their traditional dishes. Today, the kitchen caters for orders placed by the local surrounding communities and businesses. The benefits are two-fold: Refugees get a meaningful task and a chance for integration and our customers get an experience and a taste from places they might probably never visit in real life. And by tasting our delicious food, our costumers get the feeling of doing …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

2 0 0 0