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Ville de Villeurbanne Ville de Villeurbanne

Villeurbanne is the second city of the Rhône. With its 156,000 Villeurbannais, it occupies the 19th place in the municipalities of France. But beyond the number of inhabitants, it is above all their diversity that makes all the originality and the richness of the city.

Type: Public

88 607
Ville de Cusset Ville de Cusset

Another look at the city Located in the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region in the Allier department, the city of Cusset covers 31.9 km2 and has around 14,000 inhabitants. Cusset is the 2nd city of the Vichy Community agglomeration. More information on

Type: Public

11 26
Villages Vivants Villages Vivants

Allow the opening and development of collective and lively places in rural areas Real estate, rural and united cooperative, living villages brings together citizens, companies and communities that engage with their savings to buy, renovate and rent premises to social and solidarity economy companies in rural areas. Villages Vivant also intervenes by training and support with communities and project leaders. You too join the adventure! local trade, support for business creation, real estate solutions, social ties, solidarity finances, social innovation, training, support, and ESS

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

38 29
Valence Romans Agglo Valence Romans Agglo

Valence Romans Agglo brings together 54 municipalities and 216,000 inhabitants.

Type: Public

44 504
ULISSE - Groupe Economique Solidaire ULISSE - Groupe Economique Solidaire

Entrepreneur Solidaire de Territoire in the service of employment and socio-professional integration. Since 1984, the Economic Solidarity Economic Group aims to promote access or return to the employment of people engaged in a journey of social and professional integration. Individualized and contractual support is carried out in the context of work situations within the various activities offered by the group. Its action is fully part of the field of the social and solidarity economy and is based on a set of 4 structures of insertion by economic activity (Ulisse Grenoble Solidarité, Ulisse Services, Ulisse Interim and Ulisse Energie) Waste management, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

17 41
Télémaque Télémaque

Developing the potential and chances of success of all young people! An association created in 2005, Télémaque is relaunching the social ladder from middle school onwards by supporting young people invested from priority areas through a dual "school-business" mentoring. Context: 50% of children of executives vs. 6% of children from modest backgrounds have a bac + 5 or more. Our levers for action: In order to combat this social determinism, we act in 4 areas: - Sociocultural openness - Discovery of the professional world - Self-affirmation - Academic perseverance Young Télémaque students benefit from: > individual support from a business …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

101 133
Fondation Emergences Fondation Emergences

Our mission: to support entrepreneurship with social and environmental impact Since 2010, the Emergences Foundation has been acting for a company + Solidaire, + responsible and + sustainable. A creator of entrepreneurial value, the Emergences Foundation now brings together a community of 50 Lyon companies and aims to develop, promote and support entrepreneurship with social and environmental impact in the Metropolis of Lyon. Thanks to its complete and unique support program on its territory, the Emergences Foundation acts as a real growth accelerator for the projects it supports, in order to develop their actions and multiply their impact. In 2023, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

18 8
Solstice - Coopérative d'Entrepreneur.e.s Solstice - Coopérative d'Entrepreneur.e.s

Entrepreneur in CAE, a cooperative of activities and entrepreneurs, is above all to join a shared company and integrate a collective of entrepreneurs which mutualize services intended to promote the development and management of their activities. Solstice CAE brings together and legally hosts multiple economic activities, carried out by associated salaried entrepreneurs who exercise their profession independently and assume its full economic responsibility. The status of associate employee entrepreneur, proposed only in CAE, associates the freedom of the status of independent with the security of the status of employee. Solstice CAE is a network, a place of learning, training and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

8 51

Digital Communication Agency Scopika is a custom website creation agency, based in Clermont-Ferrand, which has been offering consulting, web design, specific developments, vitrine site, e-commerce, e-commerce, for over 10 years, Natural SEO (SEO) and training. Scopika has a solid custom creation expertise or with WordPress. The agency has created many tailor -made plugins. Scopika which is made up of 7 people, partners and/or employees, is currently working with 300 customers of all sizes. She also manages internal projects such as projects that require the assembly of a team with additional skills (video, photo, very specific developments) thanks to a network …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: SaaS

9 6
Le Progrès Le Progrès

📰 Suivez l'actualité économique de la région News and timeliness on the official website of Progrès. Communication print, Communication web, Presse, and Informations locales

Type: Media

173 764
Pistyles Pistyles

The fertile city Pistyles is a cooperative production company (SCOP) which develops new modes of management of urban vegetated spaces and encourages their appropriation by citizens. This cooperative aims to optimize the ecological and social potential of urban gardens by offering two complementary services: ecological management and improvement of gardens (maintenance, improvements, size and care of trees) and support for citizens/employees in the development of collective eco-gardening and composting projects. Ecological maintenance of parks and gardens, composting, and accompaniment to collective gardening

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech smart city

6 14
Oxalis SCOP Oxalis SCOP

Entrepreneurial cooperative Our raison d'être: "We are free workers and connected by doing it together, we promote the development of professional activities in a reassuring framework, to experiment with a more ethical, ecological and united organization that allows Everyone to evolve and find their place. »» Oxalis is a shared and shared company that belongs to its cooperative. For more than 20 years, we have contributed to creating an economy at the service of people, by promoting reasoned development and respectful of the environment and individuals. More than 250 women and men make up Oxalis where the diversity of trades …

Type: Media

13 139
NovImpact NovImpact

Welcome to the Nov'Impact hub. Our goal? Accelerate the impact, inform, support to lever. The Nov'Impact Association aims for a sustainable transition from the economy, mainly helping innovative social or environmental enterprises: -& gt; Nov'Umpact is a portal dedicated to innovative social entrepreneurs: startups, news, calls for projects, analyzes, training and weekly newsletter -& gt; Nov'Umpact offers a 6 -month scale change program for innovative social entrepreneurs: #Booster. This program aims to go beyond the critical phase of deadline research, by offering methodological workshops, collective project reviews, mentoring, experts, ... As such, Nov'Umpact is a training organization. -& gt; The …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

18 1
NOISE emlyon NOISE emlyon

The new observatory of social and environmental innovation - to raise awareness, support and propel Noise Emlyon is the association of social and environmental innovation of Emlyon Business School. Its objectives? ► Awareness of future managers to the values ​​and practices of the Social and Solidarity Economy. ► Support social entrepreneurs in carrying out their projects. ► Enter social and environmental innovation in higher education. Since its creation in 2008, the association has experienced dazzling growth and has continued to develop new events around ESS! And it was in 2015, still with the aim of gaining resonance that the association …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

31 25
Mouvement Colibris Mouvement Colibris

Inspire, link and support those who work to bring out an ecological and united society Created in 2007 under the leadership of Pierre Rabhi and Cyril Dion, Colibris is a recognized 1901 law association of general interest whose mission is to support citizens who choose to engage in a mode of more ecological and united life. All over the world, men and women from all walks of life prove by acting on a daily basis than another way of life, more respectful of the living and more human, is possible: pooling and exchange of goods and services, positive education, sobriety …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

35 33
MEDEF Lyon-Rhône MEDEF Lyon-Rhône

MEDEF Lyon-Rhône: a network of active and dynamic members, united, creative, animated by the same spirit: the success of the company. You are traders, SME bosses, you think that Medef Lyon Rhône is not for you? Review your position by exchanging with a member of your sector of activity which like you is a boss of SMEs. By our site www.jere you can be linked to one of our members and discover our network and the advantages it will bring you. Join us is: commit to the company, break your solitude, support ambition, grow together, be able to exchange …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

73 17
Mag2Lyon Mag2Lyon

The independent magazine of the Lyon region Mag2 Lyon is a monthly general information published by Coop Mag, a cooperative and participative company 100 % owned by its journalists-associates (*). A guarantee of independence. Each month, Mag2 Lyon offers political, judicial, society, health, economy, culture, gastronomy, leisure sections ... with solid files, surveys and exclusive interviews. Regularly, supplements are inserted for free in Mag2 Lyon. They are devoted to different themes on the Lyon or regional scale: contemporary art, environment, energy, mountain ....

Type: Media

22 8

Lyve is an initiative of the Metropolis of Lyon to help you undertake and especially to succeed. Lyve is an initiative of the Metropolis of Lyon to help you undertake and above all to succeed, whatever the project, its scope or its sector of activity. Lyve is a whole world to undertake. Lyve is also: - 1 active community of more than 300 actors - events, meetings and exchanges - A festival of entrepreneurs - 1 digital platform - 3 poles of entrepreneurs spread over the territory of the metropolis -3 support offers (Earlyve / Lyve-Up / Lyve-in). Lyve …

Type: Public

37 1
Lyon Métropole Habitat Lyon Métropole Habitat

Solidarity committed Forget all the shots on the HLM and look at the social housing with another eye with Lyon Métropole Habitat. Creation of new districts, construction of residences for all audiences and all ages, support for residents on a daily basis: Lyon Métropole Habitat is a well-living builder together. By promoting the local economy, by developing a proactive policy of professional integration, Lyon Métropole Habitat meets the socio-economic needs of the territories.

Type: Public

50 438

Living place of artistic experiences in #Lyon ➖music, theater, dance, performance, digital arts Living place of artistic experiences in #Lyon ➖music, theater, dance, performance, digital arts Theater, dance, circus, performance, music, digital, heritage, show, workshops, artist residence, creation, and contemporary creation

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

21 41
Les Scop et Scic Ile-de-France, Centre-Val de Loire, Outre-Mer Les Scop et Scic Ile-de-France, Centre-Val de Loire, Outre-Mer

Cooperative expert, solidarity partner The Regional Union of SCOP and SCIC of Ile-de-France Center-Val de Loire, Overseas, provides for its cooperative companies that are members of support and advice missions and supports all the creations of new cooperative companies in its regions . The Regional Union of SCOP and SCIC benefits from the financial support of the European Union (@fonds Social European +), the @Center-Val de Loire region, the @region Île-de-France and the @ville de Paris Support, collective, communities, financing, cooperative management, training, association processing, and social innovation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

59 12
Les Scop et Scic Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Les Scop et Scic Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

The regional union of scop & amp; SCIC is an inter-professional association that brings together, represents, supports and advises. The 637 SCOP and SCIC of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes represent more than 10,471 jobs together in 2021. Startups, international companies ... Cooperative companies are present in innovative sectors (development of applications, renewable energies) as in traditional sectors, ensuring the sustainability of old activities such as wool or industrial know-how . They create jobs or safeguard it by taking up a business by its employees. ▬ A moving network ▬ SCOPs are a network of companies that share the same values: democracy in the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

48 35
Les scop et Les scop et

Since 1937, the General Confederation of SCOP has federated and has animated all cooperative and participatory companies in France. Thanks to our network, any member company benefits from reception and support at each stage of its project by creative professionals and transmission of business within each of the 9 regional SCOP unions. We also offer original and adapted funding solutions to structures and financial partners. You also have a specific support for federations in four trades: construction, CAE, communication and industry. Finally, we offer training modules with employees and managerial executives to support them in the creation and development of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

91 58
Les Halles du Faubourg Les Halles du Faubourg

Les Halles du Faubourg offer private spaces that adapt to your various professional events. Discover the Halles du Faubourg, former industrial halls in the 7th, a stone's throw from Jean Macé, is a temporary occupation project carried by the Taverne Gutenberg and accompanied by the Intermède collective, the La Mouche workshops and the Urban School of Lyon. The Halles project is a laboratory of cultural and citizen experiences, offering an artistic, cultural and scientific program also welcoming artists and craftsmen in residence. A true place of life, we are keen to welcome all types of audiences, including companies, to allow …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

6 1
Le Moulin Digital Le Moulin Digital

A place of exchange, innovation and coworking. Support for the digital transition of VSEs, SMEs The Moulin Digital supports companies to the digital transition thanks to various workshops and entertainment. It is a place of exchanges and innovations but also a coworking space. It is the Totem place of French Tech Alpes Valence-Romans. It also runs the Cédille brand, the 40-third-lieux network in Drôme, via events and various projects. The digital mill helps you to enjoy the digital for: - Develop your activity; - Launch your future entrepreneurial project; - Invent new projects; - Work differently; - be inspired • …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

56 11
Le Labo de l'ESS Le Labo de l'ESS

Think Tank which has set itself the objective of making known and recognizing the social and solidarity economy The ESS lab is a think tank which builds, through collaborative work, structuring axes of the social and solidarity economy, from concrete, innovative and inspiring initiatives from the territories. The structure was born from a collective reflection - the ESTAs of the ESS - which made it possible to collect more than 400 "hopes", 60 proposals and to identify several major themes: • the territorial poles of economic cooperation (PTCE), • short economic and united circuits (CCES), • Solidarity financial tools, • …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech fintech

95 22
Le Courrier des Entreprises Le Courrier des Entreprises

Regional economic news in Auvergne: Cantal, Allier, Haute-Loire & Amp; Puy-de-Dôme The Eco magazine of Auvergne Positive! By connecting to yourself daily, you find the economic news of each of our Auvergne territories ... We prefer to talk about the trains that arrive on time: innovative, solidarity companies, business creators, Auvergne talents. By subscribing to the newsletter for free, you will directly receive the news of the day on your mailbox. Take advantage of the CSP+ audience for your communication by clicking on "Put your business on the front page".

Type: Media

35 1

There are falls that allow you to get up Insertion-formation-revalued-mobilier & amp; responsible decoration Specialist in furniture and design arrangement in Rhône-Alpes, the Virtueose line was born from an eco-solidary, virtuoso and virtuous approach. Give young people a second chance. Give a second life to fall in materials by valuing them. Rewarded with several awards, the Virtueose line draws a circle Virtuous where Business rhymes with Happiness ... A militant idea: to act for the reintegration of people in difficulty. A vision of the future: reconcile premium quality and eco-design An economic commitment: producing local and competitive The Virtueose line …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

13 11
Innovales Innovales

Innovals energizes the territory with economic projects: 100 % social, environmental & amp; united Innovales, Territorial Pole for Economic Cooperation (PTCE), has been acting since 2015 in the Social and Solidarity Economy sector in French Genevans and Haute-Savoie. We contribute to boosting the local economy of today and influencing the society of tomorrow by offering services and advice in terms of sustainable development, energy renovation and responsible consumption. We work in close collaboration with communities, businesses, associations, teaching establishments and citizens. With a project incubator, a coworking space, meeting rooms and shared offices, innovative, based in Saint-Pierre-en-Faucigny, is also a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

33 20
Initiative France Initiative France

First associative network for financing and supporting creators and business buyers. Initiative France is the 1st associative network for financing and support for creation and business takeover. Consisting of 207 local associations, the Initiative France network is present in all territories and acts as close as possible to entrepreneurs. In 2021, more than 29,000 entrepreneurs accompanied, and 52,000 jobs saved or created thanks to its action. The Initiative France network is committed to diversity in entrepreneurship, and carry out dedicated actions to encourage women, people far from employment (long -term unemployed, city policy ...), young people and seniors to embark …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

162 90
Initiative Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Initiative Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

WHO ARE WE ? Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes initiative brings together in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region the 34 associations of the Initiative France network. Initiative France is an entrepreneurial support and financing network in France. Created 30 years ago, Initiative France is a network of experts in financing, of volunteers head of business and professional entrepreneurship (experts, lawyers, lawyers , banker.ère.s ...). What is our mission? Help entrepreneur for free to get a bank loan more easily and to develop a lasting activity thanks to: - support in the financial assembly of corporate projects; - an honorary loan at 0 % rate; - a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

29 10
INITIACTIVE 26 07 - France Active Drôme Ardèche INITIACTIVE 26 07 - France Active Drôme Ardèche

Resources to undertake Initiating 26.07 is at the service of people, employment and territories. Association law 1901, she supports people, so that they succeed in their project and create employment. It contributes to the sustainable and united development of the territories. Initiating 26.07 aims to support the local economy to promote employment and socio-economic balance of territories. The local economy brings together companies with a strong local anchor, whatever their status, in other words that they belong to "classic" entrepreneurship or to the social and solidarity economy. Initiating 26.07 offers these companies, with the support of national networks to which …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

17 31
mission la Duchère Lyon mission la Duchère Lyon

A space to build your life, see your children grow up, welcome your friends with pride and see your dreams come true. Mission La Duchère Lyon

Type: Public Activities: e-commerce

7 3
Graines de SOL Graines de SOL

Inspired entrepreneurs With soil seeds, we build a relationship with work, economics, cooperation that makes sense. Collaborative entrepreneurship is a powerful vector of personal and collective accomplishment, an anchoring to invent the world of tomorrow. The activity cooperative is an alternative to the mode of classic individual entrepreneurship. Launching your idea, living your dream, experimenting and perpetuating your project, Solines de Sol offers an evolutionary status that allows each entrepreneur to be supported while focusing on the development of their activity in complete freedom!

Type: Public

10 70
Go Entrepreneurs Go Entrepreneurs

Go entrepreneurs, the appointment to create and develop your business! 🚀 Go entrepreneurs, the appointment to create and develop your business! 🚀 Event, entrepreneur, startup, CEO, VSE, SME, and manager

Type: Event

83 30
France Active Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes France Active Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Entrepreneurs committed, discover our solutions to accelerate your project! WHO ARE WE ? France Active Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes brings together in the region the 7 associations of the France Active network. France Active is the support and financing network of entrepreneurial entrepreneurs engaged (creation/takeover of companies, associations and companies in the social and solidarity economy) with more than 7,000 companies supported in 2016 ! Created almost 30 years ago, France Active is a network of financing experts, of volunteers who are entrepreneurship and social economics. and solidarity (experts, lawyer, lawyer, banker ...). What is our mission? Help entrepreneur to obtain a more …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

38 12
Pôle Emploi Pôle Emploi

Professional evolution advisor - Referent support for executives BD Com Software is the exclusive distributor within the European Community The "Ikon" platform developed by Keross. Ikon in a few words: The Ikon solution helps companies improve both the performance of their IT service and all of their activities. Guaranteeing real -time unified monitoring of the different processes and systems that constitute the very heart of the performance of the company. A unified platform in Saasou mode in autonomous deployment: 8 modules that meet each of the sensitive functions of a company in terms of supervision, management and decision -making. A …

Type: Public

87 1
Village by CA des Savoie Village by CA des Savoie

Innovation accelerator & amp; transformation on 2 Savoy. 🚀 The village by Ca des Savoie welcomes start-ups in the development phase and supports them in their growth. It offers a complete acceleration program, but also an exceptional working environment and access to a national network of partners. 💛 He is also an actor in the development of innovation and support for businesses in their transitions. It promotes collaborations and creates the best conditions to give birth to innovative solutions! 📍 Connected between them, the 44 villages constitute the 1st network of accelerators in France and has more than 1,000 start-ups …

Type: Incubators & VCs

26 13
Département de la Drôme Département de la Drôme

Welcome to the official page of the Drôme department. Official page of the Drôme Department

Type: Public

47 465
CPME Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes CPME Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Aux côtés de tous les entrepreneurs La CPME - Confédération des PME - Organisation patronale interprofessionnelle représentant les TPE/PME et assurant la représentation et la défense des TPE/PME tous secteurs confondus. La CPME Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes : 12 structures départementales 12 000 PME adhérentes et de nombreuses branches professionnelles adhérentes. La CPME vous accompagne dans l'évolution de votre TPE/PME. Aide aux entreprises, Transmission, International, Finances, Handicap, Gestion, Environnement, and Relation Ecoles / Entreprises

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

70 33
Clus'Ter Jura Clus'Ter Jura

Cooperate to enhance the resources of the Lédonian country and give birth to sustainable projects and businesses! At the Clus'ter Jura, we believe that cooperation is the lever for human and economic development of the territory. We seek to locally create sustainable employment by bringing together the actors of the territory around an entrepreneurial approach to reveal new opportunities and accelerate their emergence.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

16 11
Cité de la Solidarité Internationale - CSI Cité de la Solidarité Internationale - CSI

All the news of the cross -border cluster of international solidarity The city of international solidarity is a Franco-Swiss cross-border platform for actors of international solidarity (NGO, companies, universities, communities). As such, it promotes a multi -partnership vision of international solidarity and develops in this sense 3 projects: ◼️ Coxist: NGO-Entreprises partnership incubator ◼️ COGIT: Resource center on courses and professions ◼️ Cohabit: Third Parties of reception and multi-actor support in Greater Geneva International solidarity, cluster, support for project leaders, NGO development, support for professionalization, innovation, and welcome, information and orientation

Type: Public

36 3
Cigales Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Cigales Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

The cicadas? Investor clubs for alternative and local management of Solidarity Savings The regional association of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes cicadas provides the coordination and visibility of cicadas clubs in its region. Its main missions are supporting the creation of clubs, consumer information and the training of Cigaliers. #Finance #Solidaire A cicadas is an investor club for alternative and local management of solidarity savings. It is an ordinary citizen club who decided to regain control of their savings and to participate concretely in the development of a local economy based on values ​​of solidarity! Solidarity finance and Social and Solidarity Economy

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech fintech

16 5
Chorum Chorum

Les experts 100% #ESS Pour rappel : Le 1er mars 2022, les équipes de Chorum Conseil sont venues renforcer celles d’Harmonie Mutuelle, au sein du pôle Harmonie Mutuelle ESS, afin d’apporter leur expertise en prévoyance collective et leur connaissance du secteur de l'Économie Sociale et Solidaire (ESS). Depuis le 1er janvier 2024, dans la continuité de la transformation de Chorum, et dans une démarche d’optimisation, les équipes de gestion Chorum, dédiées à la gestion courante des contrats de prévoyance, sont également devenues Harmonie Mutuelle ESS. Quelques mots sur l’expertise et l’accompagnement Harmonie Mutuelle ESS : Harmonie Mutuelle ESS est le …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

34 2
Cédille Cédille

The Drôme / Third Party Network / Shares and collective projects of Drôme collaborative actors. The Drôme third-Lieux network With Cédille, the Drôme actors share their experiences, help each other and develop common projects. Come work differently in the Drôme! #Coworking #Teletravail #collaborative #Community #usagers #participe #hentreprendre #Horizontality #Collectifs #Welcome Work differently, coworking, third-lieu, solidarity, sharing, collaborative, mutual aid, alternative, fablab, workshops, culture, creativity, employment, territory, drôme, attractiveness, commons, third-lieux, rurality, and proximity

Type: Media

59 15
CAP Services, la coopérative CAP Services, la coopérative

Undertake for oneself, transform society First activity and employment cooperative in France born in 1995, CAP Services supports entrepreneurials in the development of their activity. They benefit from a status, legal accommodation, shared management services, individual and collective support and coworking space. Project leaders can devote themselves to one thing: to advance their business. With CAP Services, Entreprendre becomes easy. Want to get started? Go to collective information meeting to find out more! Activity and employment cooperative (CAE), entrepreneurship, cooperative and participative company (SCOP), and business creation

Type: SMB Activities: it services

11 97
Caisse d'Epargne Rhone Alpes Caisse d'Epargne Rhone Alpes

You are useful The Caisse d'Epargne Rhône-Alpes was born in 2007 from the merger of the Caisse d'Epargne Rhône Alpes Lyon (Lyon seat) and the Caisse d'Epargne des Alpes (Grenoble headquarters) This is one of the major players in the bank in the Rhône Alpes region for customers of individuals and also for regional decision -makers (companies, social economics, social housing, local authorities, real estate professionals and protected adults). Bancarization, credit, monetic, finance, wealth management, merger acquisition, structured funding, judicial bank, cash management, social engineering, professional real estate, innovation agency, incubator, health agency, and agency

Type: Large company

94 2,327
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Spectacle Vivant Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Spectacle Vivant

Support, exchange and resource center for live performance professionals. Association law 1901. Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Spectacle Vivant is a support and resource center for live performance professionals in the region. Through its actions, the association also supports the cultural vitality of rural areas in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. - Free individual consultation meetings for live performance professionals, - Working groups by profession (technical, production, admin, patronage, etc.) to exchange best practices, - Resources on themes that cut across all artistic aesthetics: economic models, legal developments, employment, project development, eco-responsibility, territorial equity, gender equality, cultural rights, etc. - Constant monitoring via several thematic newsletters (admin, territories, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

26 15
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Orientation Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Orientation

Because finding your way is a major step towards finding employment, because employability, regardless of age, is today's challenge for everyone, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Orientation association provides you with all the solutions to help you find your way and make your professional project a reality. Orientation, apprenticeship, training, employment, business creation, summer job, support, work-study, internship, profession, entrepreneurship, and publications

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

61 55
Annonay Rhône Agglo Annonay Rhône Agglo

Annonay Rhône Agglo is a government administration company based out of Davézieux, France.

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

7 75
Alter'Incub Occitanie Méditerranée Alter'Incub Occitanie Méditerranée

What if it was the right time to create a company in line with your values? The first regional incubator dedicated to social innovation, Alter'Incub Occitanie Méditerranée supports the creation of companies that are fully anchored in the economic field, dedicated to the collective interest, as close as possible to the new needs linked to the evolution of our society. ALTER'INCUB promotes and strengthens the articulation between: - social entrepreneurs who benefit from individualized financial and technical support for the formalization and consolidation of their business project, - territories that identify needs of collective interest and listen to the concerns …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

36 7
CCI Lyon Métropole Saint-Etienne Roanne CCI Lyon Métropole Saint-Etienne Roanne

The CCI, my business partner! Growth accelerator for VSEs and SMEs. The CCI LYON METROPOLE Saint-Etienne Roanne provides its expertise for the competitiveness of companies, traders and business creators. It contributes to the management of major facilities for a better attractiveness of the territory. 100% useful support for business creators and companies! The CCI covers 537 municipalities in the departments of Lyon Métropole, Rhône and Loire. business support, training, apprenticeship, skills development, trade, industry, service, export, and innovation

Type: Public

139 272
1D Lab 1D Lab

Innovation, cultures and territory 1D Lab is a cooperative society of collective interest (Scic) which intends, through digital services and resources, to strengthen the dissemination and remuneration of independent creations. Built with the collective energy of a multitude of actors (federations, labels, artists, local authorities, associative radios, concert halls, etc.), the cooperative was designed as a territory of collaborative experiments claiming shared governance of the projects carried out. As a true "smart'up" of the social and solidarity economy, it identifies concrete avenues and imagines new ecosystems to make digital a real opportunity for creators. Four years after its creation, 1D …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

21 11
ESS France (La Chambre française de l'économie sociale et solidaire) ESS France (La Chambre française de l'économie sociale et solidaire)

The French Chamber of the Social and Solidarity Economy is constituted as an association enjoying the legal capacity of associations recognized as being of public utility. This association is constituted by national organizations representing the different statutory forms of the social and solidarity economy, including commercial companies mentioned in 2° of II of Article 1, and by representatives of the regional chambers of the social and solidarity economy. (ESS Law 2014) RELATIONS PUBLIC AUTHORITIES and PROMOTION OF THE ESS

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

108 11

empowering children and teenagers Imagineo aims at promoting creativity, innovation abilities and empowerment in youths. Following its pedagogical orientation, Imagineo commits to building an active and responsible society and helps children and teenagers to become authors of a sustainable future. Inspired by Design Thinking, Imagineo follows a bottom-up approach, which allows children and teenagers to learn and thrive through experience. Through playful activities, they enjoy discovering, observing, thinking and co-creating. Our lab conducts pedagogical research on our projects, in order to develop cutting-edge educational methods, to measure their impact and to share them. creativity, innovation, and empowerment

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

12 4
ESS Forum International ESS Forum International

SSE International Forum promotes Social Solidarity Economy within a pluralistic economy and on all continents. For over 10 years, this international network has proved to be a real think tank in three flieds of action : - GATHER SSE leaders and major players, because sharing and the willingness to build together are at the core of this model; - CO-CREATE sustainable and inclusive projects, because field initiatives provide clear evidence of SSE's social, civic, environmental and economic efficiency; - INFLUENCE policies and agendas for SSE, because stronger international acknowledgement will further develop this efficient and resilient model on all continents …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

26 8

Makers, Hackers make an impact. Learn, make, share, it’s our spirit. An exchange program is what we need in Europe. Vulca is an NGO supporting all kind of #MakersMobility & #MakersInResidency. We are now in charge of the platform development : @makertour Maker, Mobility, and Europe

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

21 2
Europe Tomorrow Europe Tomorrow

We believe in the power of social and sustainable innovation to inspire true purpose. We know that the future will only contain what we put into it now. We want to show the good in the world and help everyone​ to experience​ the world ahead. We believe that narrative determines the world in which we live. Social innovation, social entreprise, sustainable development, new narratives, impact investing, experiences, and social economy

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

14 1
Fondation Crédit Coopératif Fondation Crédit Coopératif

Pour une économie sociale et solidaire, en harmonie avec la planète As a benchmark foundation in the Social Solidarity Economy for close to 35 years, the Fondation Crédit Coopératif is both at the forefront of the action of the bank which established it and proud to be in its wake. It exists to serve the women and the men who make the SSE and are committed to bringing about a more just, human and ecological future for a world in transition. Its mission is built on 3 pillars: • EXPLORING: by supporting research in the social solidarity economy, so that …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech greentech

42 9
Rue89Lyon Rue89Lyon

Journal of investigations and committed to Lyon and its region. Rue89Lyon is an independent media that investigates in the Lyon region. Excluded, reports, analyses ... we publish in-depth articles on local issues. Local information and Social networks

Type: SMB Activities: media

8 10
Sentiers communs Sentiers communs

We act, you act, let's walk together! Cooperative approach supported by four associations of the northern Vercors. We come together with the desire to act together for the development of ecological, solidarity and cultural alternatives on the 4 mountains. Third places are our anchor points: places of convergence and meeting, places of learning and exchanges, places conducive to imagining tomorrow! cooperation, third place, social and solidarity economy, ESS, association, associative life, vercors, territory, collective intelligence, project leaders, and network

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

2 2

L’investissement durable dans les entreprises sociales & écologiques, dès 100 euros. 🇬🇧 (formerly 1001pact) was born out of the desire to address two major issues: the lack of transparency and meaning in traditionnal investment products and the strong need for financing companies with positive social and environmental impact and the lack of transparency and meaning in investments offered to retailers. Our mission is to participate in reducing social and environmental inequalities in the world by offering everyone the opportunity to invest in companies with a positive impact. That's why we offer people the ability to build a 100% responsible, …

Type: Incubators & VCs

127 97
#MauriennisezVous #MauriennisezVous

Making Maurienne a welcoming territory for project leaders, businesses and residents Mauriennisez-Vous is a non-profit association under the 1901 law whose aim is to improve the attractiveness and image of Maurienne by promoting its natural and cultural heritage. Created in 2020, it follows the creation of the brand of the same name in 2017, but its history goes back much further, to 2007 with the first association La Fibre Mauriennaise. Subsequently, the association expanded and created, in 2010, the local channel Maurienne TV, which still produces reports throughout the valley today. The objectives of Mauriennisez-Vous Participate in the culture and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

11 N/A
ixiade ixiade

User experience at the heart of innovation. Ixiade is a strategy, research and design agency that places user experience at the heart of the innovation process. By combining a cross-functional approach with creative methods, we promote the emergence of innovative projects adapted to the market. Together, we build tailor-made support to create the best with your ideas. We are experts and always on the move, at the service of your innovation projects. We also offer a range of training courses that meet the different stages of innovation projects, with a truly operational vocation. Indeed, thanks to a pedagogy based on …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting edtech uxtech

69 13

Acting for housing Real estate union, brand, professional group... for over 75 years, the Fédération Nationale de l'Immobilier has been THE reference in the sector, for professionals, public authorities and consumers. "Acting for housing" means acting for a fair and balanced vision of real estate between owners and tenants for the thousands of members throughout France. A recognized and listened to force of proposal on all subjects likely to have decisive implications in the practice of real estate professions and housing policy, the Fédération Nationale de l'Immobilier is regularly called upon to dialogue with national and European authorities. Spread across …

Type: Incubators & VCs SMB Activities: proptech

107 265
We Talk France We Talk France

Promoting the feminine plural through a participatory and inclusive approach // Boosting women's power to act through a participatory and inclusive approach! #enjoy #women #empowerment // W(e)Talk is a community designed to promote the development of the power to act among all women, by conducting a specific reflection on the necessary promotion of a plurality of female role models. The organization's mission is to imagine a set of innovative and positive activities in order to: • stimulate female action through the visibility of the identified role models and, through this, change society, • question preconceived ideas about female action and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

11 3
Ville de Montélimar Ville de Montélimar

Ville de Montélimar is a government administration company based out of France.

Type: Public

26 144
Unis-Cité Solidarité Entreprises Unis-Cité Solidarité Entreprises

Companies & employees, join our great movement of civic involvement! Companies & employees, join our great movement of civic involvement! Our expertise: building tailor-made projects to mobilize your employees on solidarity days with a strong social impact >> solidarity team-building, solidarity day, year-round volunteering... - More than 30,000 mobilized for nearly 20 years - a network of more than 1,000 partner associations Our vision: that one day it becomes natural for each company to give its employees the opportunity to concretely engage in solidarity actions and that this mobilization triggers vocations of solidarity commitment for each individual, becoming aware of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

22 32
Rhône-Alpes Création Rhône-Alpes Création

For more than 20 years, Rhône-Alpes Creation has boosted innovative projects and helped outstanding entrepreneurs take their start-up to the next level by financing the early stages of their companies’ development. Up to now, we have accompanied more than 250 companies, many of which, such as Ad Think Media, Nanobiotix, Erytech Pharma, Docea Power and Amoeba, have become successful companies. With 69 million Euros under management, thanks to the support of the Rhône-Alpes Region, Bpifrance and several banks, firms and family offices of Lyon, we are a major player of the French seed and venture capital landscape. We invest in …

Type: Incubators & VCs

39 1

Solidarity platform that connects 1 family with 1 student from their neighborhood to support them and build a bond. 1st solidarity platform that connects 1 family with 1 student in the same city, to support them in their difficulties and create a bond. Throughout France. solidarity, students, and association

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

29 14
Les Cités d'Or Les Cités d'Or

A popular education movement, Les Cités d’Or aims to identify and disseminate, particularly to people who are dropping out of school and socially, knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills that can be used in their personal and professional lives. The movement is developing an educational project that is inseparable from its civic project: enabling everyone to become more fully involved in their lives (autonomy) and in society (desire and power to act) by being simultaneously taught AND a teacher. This project is embodied through the Ecoles Buissonnières, an original concept aimed at young people aged 16 to 25. An Ecole Buissonnière …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

21 20
La Nef, pour la banque éthique La Nef, pour la banque éthique

An ethical cooperative bank that brings together individuals and professionals to build a fairer and more sustainable society. Unique in France, Nef is a financial cooperative that offers savings and credit solutions geared towards projects with social, ecological and/or cultural utility. Created in 1988, it is approved and controlled by the ACPR, Prudential Control and Resolution Authority, as a Specialized Credit Institution. As proof of its commitment to transparency, Nef is the only French banking institution that reports on all financing carried out each year using money entrusted by its members and savers. Its mission is to provide its members …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

64 123
Laboratoire Coactis Laboratoire Coactis

Coactis is the management research team of Lumière Lyon 2 and Jean Monnet Universities in Saint Etienne. Coactis is the management research team of Lumière Lyon 2 and Jean Monnet Universities in Saint Etienne ( It brings together 107 members (including members of Mines St-Etienne) and 31 doctoral students. The team is structured around three research axes, but also around transversal scientific programs that mobilize and cross the skills of different specialties and disciplines (Performrisk, Plan PME and Aura PMI are typical examples). This approach corresponds to the real practices of companies and organizations that do not compartmentalize functional fields …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

17 42

Go further with SURPHAM We are specialized in the Import and Sale of Medical and Hospital Equipment and Consumables, Chemical Products and Laboratory Reagents, Provision of Biomedical Maintenance Services. We have been in Madagascar for 8 years and we work with more than 300 professionals in the medical field (SALAMA, H LABO, OSTIE, AMADIA, MSI, ...). Offers based on quality and customer care are SURPHAM's main assets. Contact 034 15 376 00 for more information. E-mail: Laboratory Reagent, Medical Consumables, Hospital Consumables, Sale of Medical Equipment, Sale of Hospital Equipment, Import, and Biomedical Maintenance

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech healthtech

355 41
Ashoka Ashoka

Ashoka is the world's largest network of social entrepreneurs and a global leader in social innovation. We champion social entrepreneurs who are shifting systems and creating new frameworks for society. social entrepreneurship, social change, venture philanthropy, fellowship, changemaking, system change, framework change, and empathy

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

164 1,615
Oikos Company Inc Oikos Company Inc

Dannon Oikos authentic Greek yogurt, possibly the best Greek yogurt in the world from Dannon.

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech

7 2
BeWeb Ecole Régionale du Numérique BeWeb Ecole Régionale du Numérique

beWeb, cooperative manufacturer of skills in digital professions, of SCOP Fondespierre, training organization. The main principles of our training: ACTIVE TEACHING & COOPERATIVE - Learning by doing - Pair programming - Development of learning skills (learning to learn) - Transmission situations (learning by teaching) and in-situation communication as a booster for skills acquisition. COOPERATION WITH DIGITAL PROFESSIONALS AND COMPANIES IN THE TERRITORY - A Master Class program - Group project implementation, team spirit is an essential skill - Hackhaton to develop the taste for challenge THE MAIN SKILLS PROVIDED - Master programming languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, etc. - Master …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

9 12