Search 1
LogoName Σ Employees

[Automatic translation follows] The professional organization representing event communication agencies serving businesses. Since January 1, 2016, the member agencies of ANAé (Association of Event Communication Agencies), Raffut and the event delegation of AACC (Association of Communication Consulting Agencies) have been united within a single association called LÉVÉNEMENT. It brings together 96 event communication agencies, accounts for approximately 80% of the market and has 2,500 permanent employees. The full diversity of event communication professions is represented within the agencies, whose areas of expertise are aimed at three types of audience: the internal audience (employees, managers), the professional audience (clients, partners, institutions, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

46 3 43 22

[Automatic translation follows] Professional information from the political, economic and territorial world Le Trombinoscope is a French pillar of political and economic information and communication, created in 1981. Through its activities (publications, databases, events, audiovisual, training), the group offers a global communication solution to institutions and companies. Remember to subscribe to our page for the latest information! Thank you event, editorial, Video, TV set, Podcast, Trophy ceremony, Interview, Video report, Digital, Webinar, Special reports, and Sovereignty

Type: Media

67 3 59 7
Les Victoires du Paysage Les Victoires du Paysage

[Automatic translation follows] National competition organized since 2008 by VALHOR, the French Interprofessional Organization of Horticulture, Floristry Organized since 2008 by VAL’HOR, the French Interprofessional Organization of Horticulture, Floristry and Landscaping, Les Victoires du Paysage are back for a 9th edition. Registrations until May 20, 2024. By highlighting exemplary project owners, this biennial national competition aims to promote sponsors – elected officials, social organizations, business leaders and individuals – who have used the landscaping approach in their development projects. Beyond that, it helps raise awareness among as many people as possible about integrating plants into living spaces, the place of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech smart city

35 6 29 1
L'Essor Isère L'Essor Isère

[Automatic translation follows] The weekly eco of Isère: economic, legal, local news... Online daily 📲 L'Essor Isère is a French regional weekly newspaper of general, economic, legal and local information. It is characterized by its authorization to publish legal notices, like its Loire counterpart, L'Essor Loire. A member of the S.P.H.R. (Regional Weekly Press Union), it has been part of the Affiches parisiennes group since the end of 2016, which includes 10 economic press titles (in Île-de-France, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Paca). L'Essor Isère is published on Fridays and publishes articles daily on its website and social networks.

Type: Media

36 5 34 10
L'Essor Affiches Loire L'Essor Affiches Loire

[Automatic translation follows] The newspaper of legal and economic information of the Loire #pressehebdo #news #information L'Essor Affiches is the newspaper of information of the economic, legal and local political news of the Loire. Departmental weekly published on Fridays. To follow the news in real time

Type: Media

127 21 103 8
Petits Frères des Pauvres Petits Frères des Pauvres

[Automatic translation follows] No to the isolation of our elders Recognized as being of public utility, the Association Petits Frères des Pauvres has been fighting since 1946 against the isolation and loneliness of the elderly, primarily the most deprived. Through our actions, we recreate links allowing them to regain a taste for life and be part of the world around them. It is the largest association, with its Foundation and its establishments, specializing in the problems of the isolation of the elderly. The Petits Frères des Pauvres are also present internationally. Joining the Petits Frères des Pauvres means ✔️helping to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: silvertech civictech

112 46 69 650
ETRE - Les Écoles de la Transition Écologique ETRE - Les Écoles de la Transition Écologique

[Automatic translation follows] ETRE schools train young people in ecological transition careers! The network of Ecological Transition Schools – ETRE is an association that brings together ETRE schools at the national level and supports them in their development. ETRE schools are training organizations that raise awareness and train young people who are far from employment (school dropouts, reorientation, new arrivals, etc.) aged 16 to 25 in ecological transition careers: eco-construction, urban agriculture, bicycle repair, renewable energy, circular economy, etc. The fundamental educational principles of the school are learning by doing (workshops and collective construction sites), meeting professionals, and personalized support …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

37 7 33 28
Les Cmr Les Cmr

[Automatic translation follows] Music accessible to all. The Cmr are leading a project aimed at making music accessible to as many people as possible, regardless of the social, geographical and cultural situations of the beneficiaries. #Music #Culture Based on the values ​​of popular education, the concept of global musical intervention makes it possible to cover all stages of life. It is reflected in activities ranging from early childhood to the elderly, including school time, extracurricular activities, specialist environments and amateur musical practices for adolescents and adults. Its actions are implemented in close partnership with local authorities, national education and all …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

3 0 3 33
Les Canaux Les Canaux

[Automatic translation follows] Contribute to changing the economy in favor of models that respect people and the environment. Our mission is to support the development of a committed economy (local, social, solidarity and circular) by training and raising awareness among citizens, businesses and communities about social and environmental innovation. Our jobs: raise awareness, train, support, create opportunities. We support 5,000 businesses and 7,000 professionals in France and more than 300,000 citizens have participated in one of our events. ... Les Canaux also runs the "Maison des Économies Solidaires et Innovantes" located at 6, quai de la Seine in the 19th …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

159 48 135 42
Les Buralistes Les Buralistes

[Automatic translation follows] France's leading local business network. The Confédération des buralistes is the only representative organization of the 24,000 tobacconists in France. It comes from 114 departmental federations and 16 regional federations, all chaired by active tobacconists. It promotes the tobacconists' network and defends the interests of the profession, by adopting a dynamic of modernity. Promoting the profession, defending and supporting the profession: this is the role of the Confédération, the only professional organization representing the 24,500 tobacconists. It is the contact for the government, institutions and economic partners; but also the profession's spokesperson in the media. The Confédération …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

60 5 51 130
Le Mouvement associatif Le Mouvement associatif

[Automatic translation follows] Choosing the general interest As a voice for associative life, the Associative Movement brings together more than 700,000 associations, or 1 in 2 associations in France. The ambition of the Associative Movement is to promote the development of a useful and creative associative force, by intervening on four major axes of reflection and action: volunteering and volunteering, the economy, civil dialogue and employment.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

67 24 28 43
Le Moniteur Le Moniteur

[Automatic translation follows] Leading media in the construction sector, Le Moniteur has more than 1.5 million visits per month (APCM July 2024). Its editorial team deciphers all the economic, social, technical, architectural and regulatory news of the construction and public works sector on a daily basis. From financing to the operation of structures and major land development projects, including their design and implementation, it examines each phase of the construction process. Its objective: to offer public and private project owners, project managers, design offices, architects, construction companies and manufacturers the keys to understanding and tools, in particular through value-added services, …

Type: Media

160 83 91 112
Le Media Social Le Media Social

[Automatic translation follows] Le Media Social, The information site aimed at all social and medico-social actors. Le Media Social, an information site dedicated to actors in the social & medico-social sector, deciphers the news of the sector in real time, covers all fields of activity (disability, childhood, old age, etc.), offers surveys, reports, interviews and provides dynamic and educational content such as podcasts, infographics, videos. With Le Media Social, stay up to date with the news of the social & medico-social sector and exchange with your peers on developments in the sector! A Lefebvre Dalloz media.

Type: Media

51 1 49 19
Le Labo de l'ESS Le Labo de l'ESS

[Automatic translation follows] Think tank whose objective is to make the social and solidarity economy known and recognized The ESS Lab is a think tank that builds, through collaborative work, structuring axes of the social and solidarity economy, based on concrete, innovative and inspiring initiatives from the territories. The structure was born from a collective reflection - The States General of the ESS - which made it possible to collect more than 400 "notebooks of hopes", 60 proposals and to identify several major themes: • Territorial poles of economic cooperation (PTCE), • Short economic and solidarity circuits (CCES), • Solidarity …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech fintech

94 35 59 22
Le Département des Côtes d'Armor Le Département des Côtes d'Armor

[Automatic translation follows] #IrreductibleTalents #cotesdarmor #irresistiblescotesdarmor The Departmental Council is the community of solidarity: construction and maintenance of colleges, road developments, support for people in difficulty or disabled of all ages, social action, childhood and family, elderly people, people with disabilities, infrastructure, culture, European citizenship and public reading. With 54 elected officials and 3,200 agents, the Department invests more than 650 million euros per year in the service of nearly 600,000 Costarmoricans. A community close to its territories, the services are divided between the Departmental Hotel in Saint-Brieuc and five Departmental Houses. The President of the Department is Christian COAIL. …

Type: Public

56 28 32 573
APELS - Agence pour l’Éducation par le Sport APELS - Agence pour l’Éducation par le Sport

[Automatic translation follows] #SportAsA Diploma Created in 1997, the Agency for Education through Sport is a national association for inclusion through sport aimed at young people with few or no qualifications. It allows young people from priority areas to be recognized for their skills and values, to take charge of their future and to access employment. Drawing on 25 years of field experience and a strong conviction, the Agency for Education through Sport created the School of Inclusion through Sport with the promise of successfully integrating thousands of young people into the company thanks to the values ​​and soft skills …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

35 9 30 79
Leader France Leader France

[Automatic translation follows] Leader France is the federation of rural territories involved in the Leader rural development program 🇪🇺. Leader France is the national federation of rural territories involved in the European Leader rural development program. 🇪🇺

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

32 6 28 10
La Voix de l'Ain La Voix de l'Ain

[Automatic translation follows] A 100% local brand to talk about 100% local players. The press title was founded in 1957 by the merger of several other Catholic press titles in the department, some of which were created at the end of the 19th century. On August 31, 2016, the HCR group (Regional Catholic Weeklies) was taken over by a holding company composed equally of Sogemedia and La Manche Libre.

Type: Media

14 1 12 38
Lannion-Trégor Communauté Lannion-Trégor Communauté

[Automatic translation follows] Since January 1, 2017, Lannion-Trégor Community has brought together 57 municipalities for a catchment area of ​​118,000 inhabitants. Faced with the multiple challenges to be met, the federated municipalities, within this urban community, share the same perspective, that of driving together a territorial dynamic, around an ambitious, balanced and coherent territorial project, responding to the challenges of Trégor, a living and united territory. Lannion-Trégor Community manages many skills while recalling that its "core business" remains economic development. Settling and developing in the Lannion-Trégor Community area means combining economic dynamism and an environment conducive to innovation in a …

Type: Public

42 15 17 248
La Fonda - Association La Fonda - Association

[Automatic translation follows] The think tank of the associative world. Association created in 1981, recognized as being of public utility, the Fonda is the think tank of the associative world. Its mission is to enlighten associative actors to develop their strategic vision and their capacity for initiative. Encouraging collective reflection through multiple actions (working groups, debates, prospective workshops, surveys, etc.) and crossing perspectives and practices, the Fonda wishes to prepare the ground for experimentation and political decision. Associative world, participatory prospective, ideas and debate, and project engineering

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

89 14 42 88
La Compagnie Générale des Autres La Compagnie Générale des Autres

[Automatic translation follows] Solidarity for all and by all The Compagnie Générale des Autres leads participatory initiatives for more solidarity in the territories and in organizations. Subscribe to its podcast!

Type: Media

24 6 19 7
La Chambre de métiers et de l'artisanat de région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur La Chambre de métiers et de l'artisanat de région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

[Automatic translation follows] Supporting you throughout the life of your craft business. The Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Regional Chamber of Trades and Crafts ensures the representation and development of craft businesses at the regional level. It organizes apprenticeships through the Regional University of Trades and Crafts. Its values? Proximity, quality of service and added value for the region's craftsmen! Representation of crafts, Development of crafts, Continuing education, Apprenticeship, Professional training, Institutional communication, Foresight, Consultation, Support for craft businesses, Local services, Maintenance of the trades directory, and Management of Business Formality Centers

Type: Public

60 21 40 358
Label Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (EPV) - L'excellence des savoir-faire français Label Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (EPV) - L'excellence des savoir-faire français

[Automatic translation follows] The EPV labeled are the ambassadors of French artisanal and industrial excellence throughout the world. The Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (EPV) label, created in 2005, is a mark of public recognition aimed at distinguishing our French companies with exceptional artisanal and industrial know-how. The EPV label is a trusted source of exceptional French know-how. Awarded by the Regional Prefects and valid for a period of five years, the label brings together manufacturers who share a common vision of their activity: an entrepreneurial approach where the preservation of the historical and heritage character of the company, its skills …

Type: Public

80 29 51 17
La 27e Région La 27e Région

[Automatic translation follows] Public transformation laboratory The 27th Region develops desirable futures for public action. It is a public transformation laboratory, set up as an independent association, which offers a multidisciplinary, reflective and experimental space. Convinced of the importance of reintroducing experimentation and trial and error into public action, we test new services, tools, methods and modes of organization with administrations. We mobilize concepts inspired by design, social sciences and alternative movements (do-it-yourself, free culture, popular education). The 27th Region relies on a community of practitioners and agents throughout France, who share and extend its approaches. Through projects and events, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

49 18 28 10
IBPC - International Biodivercity Properties Council IBPC - International Biodivercity Properties Council

[Automatic translation follows] Nature and Cities The International Biodiversity & Real Estate Council (CIBI / IBPC) association, whose primary purpose is to develop urban biodiversity and nature experiences, promotes all the functions of living things, in the service of the challenges for resilient cities, including the mitigation of urban heat islands, flood risk and pollution, but also to develop short cycles and circuits and save resources, particularly water and soil. Acting in addition to centers of expertise or fundamental research (such as universities, laboratories, the National Museum of Natural History, etc.), the CIBI draws its legitimacy from its links with …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city constructiontech

49 11 34 12
Les Interconnectés Les Interconnectés

[Automatic translation follows] Our mission: supporting the digital transformation of communities The Interconnected network's mission is to support the digital transformation of communities through concrete actions based on sharing, collective intelligence, and user proximity. As the leading national association for the dissemination of digital uses and innovations for the benefit of territories, and a key contact for the State, we are both a platform for exchanges, a resource center, and a space for sharing. Created in 2009 by France urbaine and Intercommunalités de France, the Interconnected network has several missions that are as many commitments: • strategically and operationally support …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city it services

140 62 91 5

[Automatic translation follows] Together, let's act in favor of the employment of disabled people in Ile de France. Conseil Handicap & Emploi des Organismes de placement spécialisé represents the Cap Emploi Franciliens at the regional level with public authorities and partners. Cheops IDF is based on a foundation of associative and entrepreneurial values ​​of the network type. Cheops IDF also strives to work in favor of the employment of professional development and the retention in employment of people with disabilities by developing its action in this direction. Cheops IDF brings together the 8 associations managing the Cap Emploi Franciliens.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

13 1 11 1

[Automatic translation follows] Connect to better manage - An Orange Business Solution. OCEAN employs 65 geolocation professionals. A specialist in geolocation solutions, OCEAN allows companies running a nomadic activity to improve their profitability. OCEAN allows you to manage a traveling team from a web portal, a tablet or a smartphone for immediate benefits: - Increased productive time for teams - Reduced fleet operating costs (vehicles, fuel) - Compliance with commitments made to customers - Reduced road accidents and insurance costs With its 2,000 customers and 45,000 equipped vehicles, OCEAN stands out for: - Its sector-specific approach - Its range …

Type: SMB Activities: it services transporttech Technologies: IoT Geolocation

4 0 1 306
Institut national du cancer Institut national du cancer

[Automatic translation follows] Together, we will defeat cancers. Let's accelerate progress against cancers The National Cancer Institute (INCa) is the State's health and scientific expertise agency in cancerology, responsible for coordinating actions to fight cancer. Created by the Public Health Act of August 9, 2004, the Institute is placed under the joint supervision of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Women's Rights, and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. The National Cancer Institute is constituted in the form of a public interest group (GIP) which brings together the State, the major cancer-fighting associations, health insurance funds, research organizations …

Type: Public

79 34 43 189

[Automatic translation follows] Public mobility GART works daily alongside the Organizing Authorities to promote the development of public transport and alternative modes to solo driving. Led by elected officials representing the diversity of territories and political sensitivities and led by a dynamic and voluntary permanent team, our association shares the major challenges of sustainable mobility with its members, more than 210 Mobility Organizing Authorities. GART thus continues its tireless work of supporting communities and defends their interests at all levels where public policies are determined. Sustainable mobility, Public transport, Mobility payment, Parking, Ticketing, Accessibility, Intermodality, Multimodality, Soft mobility, Active mobility, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

76 18 65 68
Infolocale Infolocale

[Automatic translation follows] The local communication solution for associations and communities - Ouest-France Group Infolocale belongs to the Sipa Ouest-France group and offers local stakeholders (associations, communities, professionals) to share their initiatives in local media. This content is broadcast in local media, websites and newspapers and in particular on 3 platforms, and 20minutes.f and of course on With this local visibility tool, local organizations can announce their events, publicize their activities and share the story of their daily life. We thus allow residents or visitors to access the wealth of their territory and invite them to become …

Type: Media

13 1 10 8
Immoweek Immoweek

[Automatic translation follows] All the B2B information on Real Estate - News & Real Estate Connections Created by Pascal Bonnefille and Valérie Garnier, the Immoweek group (at the time PBO Initiatives Presse) started from a double observation: the need for real estate professionals (both tertiary and residential) to have the information tools essential to their development, but also to make themselves better known and to present a positive image of the sector, corresponding to the tremendous effort of professionalization made then, and since then. Immoweek is the press company dedicated to informing real estate professionals. From paper (magazine) to the …

Type: Media

143 37 129 8
IHEdM - Institut des Hautes Etudes des Métropoles IHEdM - Institut des Hautes Etudes des Métropoles

[Automatic translation follows] At the heart of the Metropolises! Institut des Hautes Etudes des Métropoles A program of excellence based on the sharing of experience between Metropolitan leaders from the public and private sectors. The IHEdM is a program of study, training and exchanges of excellence (Executive MBA level), based on 6 strong axes: > priority to the concrete, to the sharing of experiences "in real life", to strategic decision-making > decentralized training in the different Metropolises: 4 trips to the Metropolis per session, including one abroad > a perfectly balanced face-to-face/remote sharing (50% - 50%), a great freedom of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

49 7 44 7

[Automatic translation follows] The Institute of Advanced Studies for Action in Housing. Less ideology, more ideas at home! Of general interest, IDHEAL, the Institute of Advanced Studies for Action in Housing, aims to contribute to improving thinking on housing and habitat. Our think & do tank: - facilitates the exchange of information and analyses between all stakeholders involved in this field; - gives researchers the opportunity to study housing practices and policies; - organizes training seminars.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

37 13 21 5

[Automatic translation follows] The intelligence of public service WEKA Editions is the first subsidiary founded in France by the WEKA Group, almost 40 years ago. Our company has chosen to specialize in providing regulatory information and supporting decision-makers in their daily public action. The values ​​of professionalism, reliability and sense of service that are essential to us, combined with our concern for action and proximity, have earned us the trust of a large part of the actors of the territories for several decades. Today more than ever, we remain attentive to our customers and partners, in a constant concern to …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

34 7 27 65

[Automatic translation follows] Are you an entrepreneur? Team up with the IRD Group and accelerate your success! Coming from the world of entrepreneurs in Nord-Pas de Calais, the IRD Group has been supporting the development of companies for 30 years around 4 activities: private equity, real estate, transmission and the search for financing. Since 1990, the IRD Group has supported 2,545 companies in all its activities.

Type: Incubators & VCs

32 9 17 27
Mouvement Européen - France Mouvement Européen - France

[Automatic translation follows] Leading actor of European civil society / Mobilised since 1950 to bring the public debate on Europe to life. Don't wait to vote to count, join the Movement! 🇪🇺 Play a key role in the future of Europe, without waiting for the next European elections in 2029. Join us today and help shape a more ambitious European project! ✨ event, pedagogy, awareness raising, citizen participation, europe, and EU

Type: Media

13 1 12 48
Syndicat Départemental d'Énergie des Côtes d'Armor Syndicat Départemental d'Énergie des Côtes d'Armor

Acteur public de l'énergie en Côtes d'Armor - Saint-Brieuc Syndicat Départemental d'Énergie des Côtes d'Armor is a company based out of 53 BD CARNOT, Saint Brieuc, Bretagne, France.

Type: SMB Activities: arttech

10 5 7 34
DFCI Aquitaine DFCI Aquitaine

[Automatic translation follows] DFCI Aquitaine, a major player in forest fire prevention in the Landes de Gascogne massif DFCI is the regional association for the Defense of Forests Against Fire in Aquitaine. > 4 departments, 212 associations, 2,500 volunteers, 1,250,000 ha protected

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

10 1 9 18
Osinum Territoires Osinum Territoires

[Automatic translation follows] Our mission? Allowing small communities to choose the right digital tools! Osinum Territoires is aimed at small communities. Its use allows elected officials and territorial agents to choose the digital tools that suit them, and to appropriate them. Osinum Territoires offers three services accessible online for free to help you in your decisions: a digital self-diagnosis that summarizes and advises on practices, software, your equipment, a catalog of reliable and ethical applications to choose those that best correspond to their needs, resources to inform them about the tools recommended by the Osinum team, and advice on how …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

6 2 6 N/A
Atypie-Friendly Atypie-Friendly

Accomplishing the inclusive university Making a success of the inclusive university is the major ambition of Atypie-Friendly, which extends the work and ambitions of Aspie-Friendly. As Aspie-Friendly takes a new step forward, expanding to include other Neurodevelopmental Disorders (NDD), we have chosen to change our name, while keeping intact the motivations behind our commitment to achieving an inclusive university. Atypie-Friendly is a program designed to make higher education inclusive. It is aimed at autistic people, and will gradually be extended to other conditions such as attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity, and dyslexia. As part of the national strategy …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

16 1 12 8
Préfecture de Seine-et-Marne Préfecture de Seine-et-Marne

[Automatic translation follows] Official page of the State services in Seine-et-Marne The prefect is appointed by decree of the President of the Republic, taken in Council of Ministers, on the proposal of the Prime Minister and the Minister of the Interior. He embodies the permanence of the State in the department. Missions: > Representation of the State and communication > Security of people and property > Service to the public and issuing of titles > Respect for legality and the rule of law > Social and professional integration as well as the fight against exclusion > Territorial administration and economic …

Type: Public Activities: it services

19 5 12 67
Grand Est-Europe Grand Est-Europe

[Automatic translation follows] Representation of the Grand Est to the European Union. Join us on Twitter @GrandEstEurope Grand Est-Europe is the representation of the Grand Est (local authorities, consular chambers and universities) to the European institutions.

Type: Event

21 2 16 7
La Rosêe - Le Réseau des Tiers-Lieux d'Occitanie La Rosêe - Le Réseau des Tiers-Lieux d'Occitanie

[Automatic translation follows] Animate, support and promote the Third Places of Occitania! Animate, support and promote the network of third places of Occitania third places, network, fablab, coworking, cultural wasteland, territory factory, territory manufacture, and community

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

30 5 18 6
GIS & Chaire Optima GIS & Chaire Optima

[Automatic translation follows] The OPTIMA chair is evolving into the GIS OPTIMA. The ambition is still to constitute a link between local actors (elected officials, local civil servants) and teacher-researchers specializing in local public management but by broadening the spectrum of action to the national level. The GIS OPTIMA brings together 14 universities covering the French territory.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

15 2 11 1
Gestes Propres Gestes Propres

[Automatic translation follows] Stop abandoned waste! We are Gestes Propres, an environmental association that has been working for over 50 years for a world without abandoned waste. Around 1 million pieces of waste are abandoned in mainland France each year. And the consequences are enormous: threats to biodiversity and terrestrial and marine ecosystems, health risks, reduced attractiveness of territories and well-being together... The subject is major! At Gestes Propres, we act on different levers: • We deploy national campaigns to raise awareness about the impact of abandoned waste on our environment - terrestrial and marine - which we also make …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

22 2 16 7
Fraternité Générale Fraternité Générale

[Automatic translation follows] Promote Fraternity throughout the territory. Promote everyone's initiatives to encourage new ones. Fraternité Générale is a movement created in 2016 with 3 objectives: * Promote Fraternity throughout France to fight against rejection, community and identity withdrawal * Make culture accessible to all through national actions * Encourage and promote initiatives carried out by society. The association is chaired by the philosopher Abdennour Bidar. #FRATERNITEGENERALE

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

21 8 15 5
France Université Numérique France Université Numérique

[Automatic translation follows] Training in freedom France Université Numérique (FUN) is a public institution that brings together a network of universities, schools, research institutes, government agencies, edtech companies and contributors dedicated to building sovereign digital services for education. France Université Numérique develops free and open learning tools as well as tailor-made learning platforms and services, the best known of which is This aims to be a reference platform in France, in the French-speaking world and more broadly internationally. Development of free and open learning tools, Dissemination of online training, and Ethical approach, respectful of regulations and sovereignty issues

Type: Public

76 35 39 44
France Lutte - Fédération Française de Lutte France Lutte - Fédération Française de Lutte

[Automatic translation follows] At the origins of Olympism, at the origins of Combat. The French Federation of Wrestling and Associated Disciplines (FFLDA) is an association under the 1901 law recognized as being of public utility, founded in 1913. The FFLDA has 3 main missions: • Regulate and direct the practice of Olympic Wrestling in its 3 styles (Women's Wrestling, Freestyle Wrestling and Greco-Roman Wrestling) and associated disciplines (Gouren, Sambo, Grappling). • Ensure the development and promotion of the educational, social and cultural functions of wrestling and associated disciplines. • Contribute to the training of executives (training diploma, referee diploma, grades). …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

37 6 15 46

[Automatic translation follows] Serving innovative companies. France Innovation represents and promotes innovative French companies. France Innovation is a professional association that brings together private providers of research and technological development, companies offering innovative products, processes or services and players in consulting and innovation support. R&D, Innovation, Technological solution, Engineering, Industry, Technology, CIR, CII, Valorization, Technology transfer, Research tax credit, and Innovation tax credit

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

91 14 83 4
Forum Français pour la Sécurité Urbaine Forum Français pour la Sécurité Urbaine

[Automatic translation follows] The only French network of local authorities dedicated to crime prevention and urban security Created in 1992 at the initiative of Gilbert Bonnemaison, Deputy Mayor of Epinay-sur-Seine, the French Forum for Urban Security (FFSU) is an association bringing together around a hundred local authorities, representative of the geographical, urban and political diversity in France. Our network aims to strengthen local urban security policies that respect a balance between prevention, repression and solidarity, and to promote the role of local authorities in developing policies at national and European level. The FFSU is part of the European Forum for …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

36 3 34 16

[Automatic translation follows] #SEMAE, the interprofession of all #seeds and all their uses (ex #GNIS) #SEMAE, the interprofession of all #seeds and all their uses (ex #GNIS)

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: agritech

60 14 32 327
Forum emlyon Forum emlyon

[Automatic translation follows] Student forum of emlyon business school Forum is the student forum of emlyon business school that organizes conferences and debates. The growing association is led each year by around forty members who bring to life the dialogue, the debate of ideas and the exchanges between students and prominent personalities: economic, political, artistic or comedian actors... Interview a former President of the Republic, understand the managerial perspectives of a CEO of the CAC 40, grasp the sensitivity and original views of great directors... In addition to the conferences, FORUM animates the life of the school with anticipated events …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

12 2 5 23
Fondation MAIF Fondation MAIF

[Automatic translation follows] Supporting research to better prevent risks A foundation recognized as being of public utility, the primary vocation of the MAIF Foundation is to finance research to prevent risks that affect people and their property and thus enable everyone to better develop. We rely on the skills of researchers, from many fields of excellence, to support us on natural risks, risks related to mobility or daily life as well as digital risks. In a more transversal way, the MAIF Foundation places great interest in research on the sociology of risk: in what circumstances do we take risks? How …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech fintech

64 13 47 9
Fondation La Sauvegarde de l'Art Français Fondation La Sauvegarde de l'Art Français

[Automatic translation follows] La Sauvegarde de l'Art Français supports Art and Architecture throughout the country La Sauvegarde de l’Art Français is a foundation recognized as being of public utility. Created in 1921, it is one of the first organizations to have committed to the conservation of heritage in France. Commonly called "La Sauvegarde", the Foundation has dedicated itself since its creation to the restoration of buildings, mainly churches and rural chapels, throughout France. It distributes more than 1.5 million euros per year to finance restoration work. It benefits from a network of correspondents spread throughout the country to support the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

33 5 29 28
FACE, la Fondation pour l'inclusion FACE, la Fondation pour l'inclusion

[Automatic translation follows] FACE, the Foundation for Inclusion, has been a Recognized Foundation of Public Utility (FRUP) since 1993. It brings together public, private and associative actors in the fight against exclusion, discrimination and poverty. For 30 years, it has been a unique meeting place for companies and public actors acting in these fields, constituting the largest French network of socially engaged companies. FACE is an original ecosystem composed of the Foundation, its Network - around fifty local structures run by hundreds of employees and patrons, as well as around forty foundations under its aegis. Fight against exclusion, Fight against …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

124 38 86 153
Fondation AlphaOmega Fondation AlphaOmega

[Automatic translation follows] Scaling up leading associations in education and professional integration of disadvantaged young people. The AlphaOmega Foundation, recognized as being of public utility and sheltering, was created in 2010 by Maurice Tchenio, co-founder of Apax Partners, to accelerate the growth of the largest educational associations in France. Based on the private equity model, the AlphaOmega Foundation, a pioneer in Venture philanthropy, has made supporting social growth a profession. With the help of the most renowned investors and skilled patrons, it provides the financial, strategic and operational support essential to associations with a strong social impact to structure themselves …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

26 5 16 13
Forum InCyber Europe (FIC) Forum InCyber Europe (FIC)

[Automatic translation follows] #1 🇪🇺 Event on #Cybersecurity 🛡️ #InCyberForum | 🗓️ 26, 27, 28 March 2024 | The InCyber ​​Forum (FIC) is part of a process of reflection and discussion aimed at promoting a global vision of digital trust. Born in France, under the impetus of the Ministry of the Interior and the Hauts de France region, the FIC has established itself over the years as the reference element in Europe, bringing together representatives from the institutional, economic, academic and technical worlds. The European InCyber ​​Forum is today 3 days of discussions and technical demonstrations in Lille, bringing …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

150 73 99 26

[Automatic translation follows] Recycling companies at the heart of the circular economy ♻️ FEDEREC is the Professional Federation of Recycling Companies. Created in 1945, FEDEREC brings together 1,200 companies, from very small businesses to large groups, spread across the whole of France and whose activity consists of the collection, sorting, material recovery of industrial and household waste or the trading/brokerage of raw materials from recycling (MPiR) OUR MISSIONS Represent and defend the interests of our Members with stakeholders Promote and enhance the professions of recycling professionals and recycling raw materials Support our Members with expertise and personalized assistance in the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

63 17 48 43
Fédération nationale des Caisses d'Epargne Fédération nationale des Caisses d'Epargne

[Automatic translation follows] Leading financier of the social and solidarity economy As a genuine body of representation and expression of the Caisses d'Epargne, the Federation is the guarantor of the interests of the members, the identity and the mutualist values ​​of the Caisses d'Epargne. A place of exchange and expression, it brings an original role to the life and development of the Caisse d'Epargne Group.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

74 13 55 56
Fédération hospitalière de France (FHF) Fédération hospitalière de France (FHF)

[Automatic translation follows] The French Hospital Federation represents public hospitals and medico-social establishments Created in 1924, the French Hospital Federation (FHF) brings together more than 1,000 public health establishments (hospitals) and as many medico-social structures (retirement homes and independent specialized reception centers), i.e. almost all establishments in the public sector. This legitimacy and its national dimension make the FHF a leading player in the world of health, an actor all the more listened to because it is truly trans-political, as evidenced by the composition of its board of directors. The FHF fulfills a triple function of promotion, information and representation: …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

102 54 48 280
Fédération Française des Échecs Fédération Française des Échecs

[Automatic translation follows] Official page of the French Chess Federation. The French Chess Federation was founded on March 19, 1921, under the law of July 1, 1901. Its purpose is to promote, control and direct the practice of chess in France and throughout the French national territory. It has been recognized as a sports federation since January 19, 2000. It has the youth and popular education approval. The French Chess Federation is the only national federation affiliated to the International Chess Federation (FIDE), of which it was a founding member in Paris, on July 20, 1924. Chess and Sport

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

17 4 11 42
Fédération Française de Savate boxe française & D.A Fédération Française de Savate boxe française & D.A

[Automatic translation follows] Welcome to the official page of the French Federation of SAVATE French Boxing & D.A.! The French Federation of SAVATE French Boxing and Associated Disciplines aims, in France, to: - promote - develop - animate - organize - control and regulate the practice, study and teaching of SAVATE French Boxing, as well as the disciplines associated with it: Canne de combat, Savate Défense and Savate Forme. The FF SAVATE brings together 54,000 members in 758 clubs. The performances of high-level athletes during international championships allow France to be No. 1 in the ranking of nations.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

10 0 7 54
Fédération des entreprises de services à la personne (FESP) Fédération des entreprises de services à la personne (FESP)

[Automatic translation follows] Leading Federation of Personal Services Companies. FESP is the preferred contact for public authorities and stakeholders in the personal services sector representing all modes of intervention, service providers and agents, self-employed entrepreneurs and private employers. Who are we? The Fédération du Service aux Particuliers is an association under the 1901 law created in April 2006. It is a member of MEDEF, the Groupement des professions de services (GPS) and EFSI. History of the creation of FESP Since the law of 26 July 2005 on the development of personal services, the sector has grown significantly thanks to a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consumer services

56 10 47 72
Fédération du BTP du Haut-Rhin Fédération du BTP du Haut-Rhin

[Automatic translation follows] Spokesperson for the Construction and Public Works sector The French Construction Federation of Haut-Rhin represents construction companies and defends the interests of the profession.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

13 0 13 8
Fédération des Usagères et des usagers de la Bicyclette (FUB) Fédération des Usagères et des usagers de la Bicyclette (FUB)

[Automatic translation follows] National Federation of Local Associations working for the development of cycling as a means of daily transport. The Fédération des Usagers de la Bicyclette works daily to make the cycling solution accessible to all French people. With more than 450 member associations, the FUB is the main citizen player in sustainable mobility and the promotion of cycling as a mode of transport. A recognized interlocutor of the State, the FUB is a force for proposals to national institutions to create a 100% cycling France. It supports local stakeholders through advocacy campaigns, the animation of services useful to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

88 39 54 92
Préfecture de la région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, préfecture de la Côte d’Or Préfecture de la région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, préfecture de la Côte d’Or

[Automatic translation follows] Account of the prefecture of the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region, prefecture of Côte-d'Or. Find on the page of the prefecture of Côte-d'Or and the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region the job offers to be filled within our services, the action of the State on the territory or even the administrative news for the companies.

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

53 16 40 117

[Automatic translation follows] Acting together at every stage of life Created in 1969, the Fédération Familles Rurales de Moselle brings together 28 associations and 2 inter-associations. The network has more than 200 volunteers and 170 employees who work daily to develop activities and services for families living in rural areas. The Federation also offers a home help service in the department. Our Federation is a member of the Mouvement Familles Rurales. It is approved and authorized for its action in many areas: families, consumption, education and youth, leisure, tourism, community life, health, training. The Fédération Nationale Familles Rurales is an …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

30 9 14 22

[Automatic translation follows] European information close to home! Our Information Centre, hosted by A.D.R.E.T. (Agence de Développement Rural Europe et Territoires), is part of the Europe Direct network. The Europe Direct service includes: - a website: - a free telephone service: 0 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 - regional information centres (53 in France), intermediaries between the European Union and citizens at local level. Mission: - to enable local citizens to obtain information, advice, assistance and answers to their questions concerning the institutions, legislation, policies, programmes and funding opportunities of the European Union. - to actively encourage …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

46 1 43 3
Etalab - Direction interministérielle du numérique (DINUM) Etalab - Direction interministérielle du numérique (DINUM)

[Automatic translation follows] "Chief Data Officer" of the State, in charge of public policy on data, algorithms and source codes Service of the Prime Minister in charge of open data and open government. Within the General Secretariat for the Modernization of Public Action, Etalab coordinates government action on open data, develops and administers the portal and supports the reuse of public data. Open Data, Open Government, Datasciences, chief data officer, artificial intelligence, AI, Algorithms, open source, and digital commons

Type: Public

119 30 77 20
EHESP - École des hautes études en santé publique EHESP - École des hautes études en santé publique

[Automatic translation follows] The School of Advanced Studies in Public Health (EHESP) trains senior executives in the civil service (State and hospital) and offers national master's degree specializations, specialized master's degrees, doctoral courses, as well as a very rich offer of lifelong training. A true international platform for teaching and research in public health, EHESP is structured around 4 departments integrated into an interdisciplinary project: quantitative methods in public health / health, environment and work / management institute / human and social sciences. Thanks to its accredited research units, the School conducts work in partnership with numerous research centers around …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

35 2 10 1,209
Espérance banlieues Espérance banlieues

[Automatic translation follows] Schools in the heart of neighborhoods The Espérance banlieues association develops innovative schools in the heart of priority neighborhoods in France in order to reduce social inequalities and school dropout. Espérance banlieues is an association hosted by the Fondation de France, recognized as being of public utility. Espérance banlieues has 17 schools, 1000 students, 140 teachers and directors. With passionate teachers, dedicated volunteers, committed civil society actors, companies convinced of the merits and interested institutions, the entrepreneurial approach of Espérance banlieues has been nourishing the education system and rebuilding society beyond school for 10 years now. Teaching, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

42 6 37 76
France Mobilité Biogaz France Mobilité Biogaz

[Automatic translation follows] Decarbonization on the way France Mobilité Biogaz, at the time the AFGNV (French Association of Natural Gas Vehicles) was created in 1994, at the initiative of the State Secretariat for Industry and Gaz de France. The Association mobilizes public, economic and industrial stakeholders to support the development of the use of biogas fuel in France for the benefit of sustainable and competitive mobility. Today, we represent a leading industrial sector that brings together vehicle manufacturers, manufacturers from different sectors, research and development centers as well as companies and communities. The role of the Association is to represent …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech transporttech

21 4 15 4
En Marche En Marche

[Automatic translation follows] For a French and European Renaissance, join us on For those who refuse that the country remains blocked, have a taste for work, progress and risk, and as values ​​freedom, justice and Europe.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

123 47 56 532
Elus Locaux Contre le Sida (ELCS) Elus Locaux Contre le Sida (ELCS)

[Automatic translation follows] The ELCS (Local Representatives Against AIDS) association is a non-profit and non-partisan association, open to all. The association supports and implements information and prevention actions for elected officials but also for patients and the general public with the aim of prevention, information and action. "AIDS is neither right nor left": based on this simple idea, the ELCS association was created in 1995 by Jean-Luc Romero, the first elected official to have spoken publicly about his serology. Unique in the associative landscape, this association brings together French elected officials from all political sides. On such an important issue, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

8 0 8 5
Ville de Rumilly Ville de Rumilly

[Automatic translation follows] Welcome to the official page of the City of Rumilly! Located in the heart of the Albanais territory and its “cycle routes”, halfway between the lakes of Annecy and Bourget, close to the ski resorts and Geneva, Rumilly is a rural town of 16,000 inhabitants, rich in its quality of life and its dynamism. A dynamism where the city has long associated its development with internationally renowned industrial production companies such as Tefal – Groupe Seb (household appliances and home automation), Cereal Partners France Nestlé (food industry) or Vulli (toy industry, manufacturer of the famous Sophie la …

Type: Public

4 2 2 56
Association des Maires et Présidents d'Intercommunalités de la Drôme Association des Maires et Présidents d'Intercommunalités de la Drôme

[Automatic translation follows] The AMF 26 is an association that brings together all 364 municipalities and 10 inter-municipalities of the Drôme. It supports and advises the elected representatives of the communities of the department. It is a stakeholder in the network of the Association of Mayors of France.

Type: Public

3 2 1 4

[Automatic translation follows] All the information 100% dedicated to Professionals in Architecture, Construction and Living Environment 1st source of information for professionals in architecture, construction, living environment and real estate. The Batiactu editorial team informs all professionals every day through the site, newsletters, mobile application and magazine. Professional press, Online media, Quarterly magazine, and Mobile application

Type: Media

67 21 50 7

[Automatic translation follows] The Art of Gathering with Confidence! ↪️ DIAGORA has over 20 years of experience serving event organizers. The Congress Center hosts your corporate seminars, meetings, conferences, trade fairs, exhibitions and congresses at Enova Toulouse - Labège, in the heart of the Toulouse South-East economic zone. ↪️ Discover this 12,000 m2 modular, friendly and bright building. Around twenty rooms and divisible spaces are at your disposal and can accommodate events of different capacities (from 5 to 2,000 people seated). ↪️ Corporate events, congresses, small group meetings in numerous subcommittee rooms or in plenary sessions in the 500-seat amphitheater, …

Type: Event

32 12 20 12
Département du Gard Département du Gard

[Automatic translation follows] Welcome to the official page of the Gard Department The Gard is a department in southern France in the Occitanie region. Social Assistance, Child Protection, Integration of People in Difficulty, RSA, Assistance for Disabled and Elderly People, Health Prevention, Roads, Education, Colleges, Sports, Culture, Departmental Archives, Departmental Lending Library, Economic Development, Tourism, Assistance to Associations, and Assistance to Municipalities

Type: Public

49 21 21 889
Département d’Eure et Loir Département d’Eure et Loir

[Automatic translation follows] Give meaning to your skills! The Departmental Council supports nearly 433,300 residents on a daily basis thanks to its 30 advisors and 2,000 employees spread throughout the territory. A leader in social and solidarity action, the Department works to promote health, autonomy and the integration of people who are far from employment. It actively participates in regional planning through its 7,500 km of roads, and in education with its 39 colleges. Joining the Eure-et-Loir Department means being part of a collective bringing together more than 65 professions and who share: - Common values: commitment, agility, transversality and …

Type: Public

19 8 9 370

[Automatic translation follows] Welcome to the official page of the Indre Department. The Indre Departmental Council, a local institution serving nearly 230,000 residents spread across 243 municipalities, supports all Indre residents at different times in their lives. Present in the fields of education, culture, sport, digital planning and of course the planning of its territory, the Indre Department remains a key player guaranteeing all forms of solidarity. The Department works to improve the daily lives of Indre residents thanks to its Deliberative Assembly composed of 26 departmental councilors and its 1,115 agents spread throughout the territory. With a budget of …

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

21 10 12 135
Département de l'Aube Département de l'Aube

[Automatic translation follows] The Department at your side 👐 Welcome to the official page of the Department of Aube! 🗺️ Ideally located in the heart of Champagne and at the gates of Paris, Aube is a rural area offering great wealth in terms of cultural, sporting and gastronomic activities. 📍 Troyes, the historic capital of Champagne, is a city on a human scale, dynamic and with an exceptional heritage located 1h30 south of Paris by the A5 motorway or by train. 🙋 The department has experienced regular demographic growth for around ten years, particularly in connection with the rapidly developing …

Type: Public

38 19 17 342
Département de la Sarthe Département de la Sarthe

[Automatic translation follows] Join the Departmental Council, get started in Sarthe! > Role of the Departmental Assembly Define the main directions of departmental policy, regulate departmental affairs through its deliberations and vote on the budget. > Its renewal The general councillors are elected for 6 years by universal suffrage and are renewed by half every three years. They elect their president at each partial renewal, i.e. every three years. He holds executive power, assisted by vice-presidents. > How it works At the initiative of the President of the General Council, it meets at least 4 times a year (once a …

Type: Public

35 19 10 516
Département de la Mayenne Département de la Mayenne

[Automatic translation follows] Learn all about the department 👉 Would you like to serve the people of Mayenne alongside the 1,570 agents? Apply now for our job or internship offers. Mayenne 📍 On the map: 45 minutes from Rennes, 90 from Paris, Mayenne is at the heart of the Grand Ouest. On the Departmental Council side: A strong credo: solidarity. Very varied missions. 170 jobs in total, carried out by 1,570 agents. A human resources policy built around five strong ideas: Quality of life at work. Equality between women and men. Balance between personal and professional life. Developing skills …

Type: Public

55 28 27 435
Décider ensemble Décider ensemble

[Automatic translation follows] Shared decision-making think tank Décider ensemble is a think tank specializing in governance issues: participation, consultation and dialogue between stakeholders. For over 15 years, it has brought together stakeholders in French society who wish to disseminate a culture of shared decision-making: NGOs, businesses, associations of local elected officials, state administrations, experts and academics. Transpartisan, the think tank is chaired by a member of parliament. Its work is organized around four axes: - a think tank pole that provides an advocacy function in particular - a resource pole - a pole promoting/disseminating participation issues - a network pole …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

72 17 52 9
CRGE Occitanie CRGE Occitanie

[Automatic translation follows] 📌 GE Week 2024 - the week of the Employer Groups of Occitanie 📅 From Monday 2 to Friday 6 December. The Resource Center of the Employer Groups of Occitanie is a regional joint association that operates throughout the Occitanie Pyrénées-Méditerranée Region. 🎯 Its mission is to create sustainable jobs by pooling human resource needs. ✔ In this context, the CRGE Occitanie has developed specific actions around the Employer Group tool in order to promote the development of sustainable employment in the territories. 👉 131 Employer Groups are active in the Occitanie Region (Observatory 2023) 👉 4268 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

16 1 13 9
CRESS Nouvelle-Aquitaine CRESS Nouvelle-Aquitaine

[Automatic translation follows] Regional Chamber of the Social and Solidarity Economy Nouvelle-Aquitaine The Regional Chamber of the Social and Solidarity Economy is an association under the 1901 law whose missions consist of: - Uniting and representing the actors of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE): associations, cooperatives, mutual societies, foundations, commercial companies of the SSE; - Networking the SSE companies and encouraging cooperation; - Supporting the SSE companies and communities; - Promoting the Social and Solidarity Economy and Social Innovation; - Raising awareness among young people about the SSE and collective entrepreneurship. The CRESS has 200 members in Nouvelle-Aquitaine. It …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

55 16 46 20
CRESS Île-de-France CRESS Île-de-France

[Automatic translation follows] Another idea of ​​the economy The Regional Chamber of the Social and Solidarity Economy of Île-de-France is an association that brings together the actors of the ESS in the Paris region. It aims to promote and develop ESS initiatives throughout its territory. A place of exchange and mutualization, it brings together associations, cooperatives, social enterprises, foundations and mutual societies and encourages the emergence of reflections in its field. At the confluence of many public and private actors, the CRESS IdF represents the ESS organizations before the public authorities and works to maintain an environment favorable to the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

65 19 39 27
Credit Agricole Atlantique Vendee Credit Agricole Atlantique Vendee

[Automatic translation follows] Between you and us, #çamatche Crédit Agricole Atlantique Vendée is a bank with cooperative and mutualist foundations that places people and their future at the heart of its approach, with a long-term vision. It contributes to the economic development of Loire-Atlantique and Vendée by supporting and accompanying the initiatives of local players. Crédit Agricole Atlantique Vendée, with 2,100 employees and 230 points of sale, confirms its dynamic of success and is recruiting to strengthen its sales teams. We invite you to see our different offers on

Type: Media

22 14 9 1,829
Agence française anticorruption Agence française anticorruption

[Automatic translation follows] The French Anti-Corruption Agency (AFA) is a national authority created by Law No. 2016-1691 of 9 December 2016 or the Law on Transparency, the Fight against Corruption and the Modernization of Economic Life (known as the "Sapin 2 Law"), placed under the Minister of Justice and the Minister responsible for the Budget, with the mission of helping the competent authorities and the persons who are confronted with them to prevent and detect acts of corruption, influence peddling, bribery, illegal taking of interest, misappropriation of public funds and favoritism. The AFA fulfills this mission by activating two complementary …

Type: Public

27 8 16 44
Département de Loir-et-Cher Département de Loir-et-Cher

[Automatic translation follows] Official account of the #loiretcher Department Share your best emotions with #ResolumentLoirEtCher Loir-et-Cher is an attractive department. Its population is increasing regularly to reach 335,000 inhabitants. Each year, more than 5.5 million tourists visit the 41. Loir-et-Cher is a dynamic department. New companies are regularly created or come to settle to join Delphi, Saint-Michel, EDF, Bosch, Daher, Thales, MBDA, Harmonie Mutuelle, Louis-Vuitton or Caudalie to name only the best known of the 30,000 companies that make up its economic landscape. To recruit talent, they can count on more than 4,000 students. Whether you are a business leader, …

Type: Public

31 11 19 401
Conseil départemental de la Haute-Marne Conseil départemental de la Haute-Marne

[Automatic translation follows] With you, every day. Located in the Grand Est region, Haute-Marne is a human-sized department of 174,000 inhabitants with 3 main medium-sized towns with all the infrastructure: Saint-Dizier, capital of art casting; Chaumont, city of graphic design and Langres, the most beautiful fortified city in France. It is located at the crossroads of Europe, at the intersection of the A5 and the A31, 1 hour from Dijon and Troyes, 2 hours 10 minutes from Paris and Lyon. With its 1,200 agents, the Haute-Marne Department is deploying a global and ambitious strategy, with a Cap'2030 action plan, a …

Type: Public

27 8 13 260
CommStrat - Communication Stratégique CommStrat - Communication Stratégique

[Automatic translation follows] Strategists to master your communication in the new public debate CommStrat designs and deploys strategies for private and public economic actors and supports them in: - Managing crises and complex negotiations, - Steering and implementing communication plans, on and offline, - Representing and promoting the interests of companies vis-à-vis public authorities, in France, Europe and around the world, - Strengthening the personal branding and leadership of managers, - Recruiting internal or external resources capable of helping managers achieve their objectives more quickly and more effectively. Communication, Negotiation, Executive Consulting, Crisis Management, Public Relations, and Public Affairs

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting govtech martech

42 2 40 15
Commissariat général à l’égalité des territoires Commissariat général à l’égalité des territoires

[Automatic translation follows] Supporting and making the territories succeed The General Commission for Territorial Equality is placed under the Minister responsible for regional planning and cities, responsible for designing and implementing the national policy for territorial cohesion and ensuring its monitoring and interministerial coordination. It is the result of the merger of the Delegation for Regional Planning and Regional Attractiveness (Datar), the General Secretariat of the Interministerial Committee for Cities (SGCIV) and the National Agency for Social Cohesion and Equal Opportunities (Acsé). As close as possible to the field and in close contact with local authorities and regional and departmental …

Type: Public

136 64 83 56
CCAH - Comité national Coordination Action Handicap CCAH - Comité national Coordination Action Handicap

[Automatic translation follows] With its members, the CCAH is the leading private funder of disability in France. Place pour tous - CCAH and its members support project leaders in the disability sector with the aim of improving the daily lives of people with disabilities and promoting living together. Place pour tous - CCAH draws on its expertise in the sector, the support and financing of more than 3,000 projects to offer training and consulting services to companies involved in a disability approach

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech edtech

46 7 41 22
Comité français de l'UICN Comité français de l'UICN

[Automatic translation follows] For a fair world that values ​​and conserves Nature Created in 1992, the French Committee of the IUCN is the network of organizations and experts of the International Union for Conservation of Nature in France. It brings together in an original partnership 2 ministries, 7 public organizations, 6 local authorities, 61 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and more than 250 experts. Through this mixed composition, the French Committee of the IUCN is a unique platform for dialogue, expertise and action on biodiversity issues. The French Committee of the IUCN aims to contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

73 28 46 92
Comité 21 Comité 21

[Automatic translation follows] 1st multi-stakeholder network for sustainable development Comité 21 is the first network of stakeholders involved in the operational implementation of sustainable development in France. Its mission is to create the conditions for exchange and partnership between its members from all sectors so that they can take ownership of and implement, together, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the territorial level. Composed of four colleges, it brings together the stakeholders concerned in France: companies, communities, associations, institutions, higher education establishments and the media. This network of nearly 500 members bases its action on multi-stakeholder partnership and concrete action. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

123 30 89 34

[Automatic translation follows] The French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF) is a French association recognized as being of public utility that represents the sports movement on French territory and brings together in particular the sports federations. It is notably responsible for collaborating in the preparation, selection of athletes and ensuring their participation in the Olympic Games. Its statutes also give it the authority to carry out, on behalf of the federations, or in collaboration with them, any action in the general interest of the sports movement. The CNOSF promotes the fundamental principles and values ​​of Olympism, sport for all, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

101 49 39 240
CMA Grand Est #Aube CMA Grand Est #Aube

[Automatic translation follows] With the CMA network, crafts have a future. The CMA Grand Est #Aube provides daily support to craftsmen, their spouses, employees in the sector and apprentices or future apprentices. In the department, it represents more than 8,000 companies, more than 12,000 employees and 1,100 apprentices. The CMA Aube's missions are to: - manage the trades directory and the business formalities center (CFE); - advise craftsmen in the context of the creation, transfer or development of their business; - provide professional training for craftsmen; - help apprentices and future apprentices in their efforts; - encourage the development of …

Type: Public

36 4 34 10