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LogoName Σ Employees

[Automatic translation follows] Labor law at the service of the social and solidarity economy Law firm dedicated to labor law, specializing in supporting ESS actors. It works particularly with associations, foundations, federations and employer unions in the health, social, medico-social, home help, training, animation, social and family ties, homes and services for young workers and integration through economic activity sectors. The firm is also a partner of the National Group of General Directors of Associations in the educational, social and medico-social sector (GNDA), URIOPSS Ile-de-France, URIOPSS Normandie and Direction[s] Magazine. Labor law, Social Protection Law, Advice, Litigation, Association, Federation, Foundation, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

17 0 16 13
Marcelle - le média Marcelle - le média

[Automatic translation follows] Inspire, Marcelle takes over! #Mediadesolutions Online solutions media, powered by professional journalists, Marcelle targets actions and projects that are useful to society and the environment. Collective, individual, entrepreneurial, associative or institutional, all initiatives interest us!

Type: Media

49 4 45 7

[Automatic translation follows] Lawyers for Lawyers and Liberal Firms - Corporate Engineering and Litigation LIBRATO AVOCATS is the first firm in France to have set up an entire department dedicated to lawyers and liberal firms. Based in Paris and Rennes, LIBRATO AVOCATS is the main player in this expanding market. LIBRATO AVOCATS thus works with lawyers and their practice structures for creation and restructuring operations, innovative projects, strategic advice, development and also in litigation and partner disputes as well as for the establishment and status of foreign structures. LIBRATO AVOCATS also meets the needs of clients who are looking for …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

6 1 6 17
LexisNexis France LexisNexis France

L'intelligence juridique Legal provides legal, regulatory, and business information and analytics that help customers increase their productivity, improve decision-making, and achieve better outcomes. We help lawyers win cases, manage their work more efficiently, serve their clients better, and grow their practices. We assist corporations in better understanding their markets and monitoring relevant news. We partner with leading global associations and customers to help advance the Rule of Law across the world. LexisNexis Legal & Professional is headquartered in New York and has further principal operations in Dayton, Raleigh, and Toronto in North America, London and Paris in Europe, and cities …

Type: Media

29 17 19 385
Les Scop et Scic Ile-de-France, Centre-Val de Loire, Outre-Mer Les Scop et Scic Ile-de-France, Centre-Val de Loire, Outre-Mer

[Automatic translation follows] Cooperative expert, solidarity partner The Regional Union of Scop and Scic of Ile-de-France Centre-Val de Loire, Overseas provides support and advisory missions for its member cooperative companies and assists with all creations of new cooperative companies in its regions. The Regional Union of Scop and Scic benefits from the financial support of the European Union (@European Social Fund +), the @Centre-Val de Loire Region, the @Île-de-France Region and the @City of Paris support, collective, communities, financing, cooperative management, training, association transformation, and social innovation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

48 1 46 10
Le Cercle des économistes Le Cercle des économistes

[Automatic translation follows] Let's dare to have an informed debate. The Cercle des économistes is a think tank, founded in 1992, at the initiative of Jean-Hervé Lorenzi, which brings together around thirty economists and academics. Its mission is to organize and promote an economic debate that is open and accessible to all. Its members are distinguished by different approaches and skills, thus guaranteeing the richness and plurality of the debates. The Cercle des économistes organizes various annual events including the Rencontres Économiques d’Aix-en-Provence. economy, finance, markets, industry, energy, and innovation

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

53 31 25 40
Journal Spécial des Sociétés - JSS Journal Spécial des Sociétés - JSS

[Automatic translation follows] The JSS is a digital media of legal announcements, legal news, judicial news, and legal formalities ⚖️ The Special Journal of Companies (JSS) is a legal announcements newspaper (J.A.L). The texts are sent by email to, and are checked before publication. The announcements can be written by our services. Our website allows you to enter your announcements online. It offers a complete service of legal formalities for companies, in order to update the K bis quickly and efficiently. It organizes legal training. It publishes the Journal des Sociétés, a monthly publication for lawyers and companies. The …

Type: Media

19 3 18 46

[Automatic translation follows] An ISO 20121 certified agency HOPSCOTCH Congrès has been organizing and producing national and international professional congresses, conferences and trade fairs in the fields of health, scientific research, industry, cybersecurity and mobility for over 30 years. Our team of experts is organized around several activities: PCO: Professional Organizer of Congresses & professional events, Support for international applications. Production of events and trade fairs – Media Factory: Design, production and marketing of BtoB or general public events and trade fairs, in co-construction with leading institutions, creation and amplification of content. Hotel management: Hopscotch Housing, specialist in hotel reservations …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: Cybersecurity

8 0 7 33

[Automatic translation follows] Public service intelligence WEKA Editions is the first subsidiary founded in France by the WEKA Group, almost 40 years ago. Our company has chosen to specialize in providing regulatory information and supporting decision-makers in their daily public action. The values ​​of professionalism, reliability and sense of service that are essential to us, combined with our concern for action and proximity, have earned us the trust of a large part of the players in the territories for several decades. Today more than ever, we remain attentive to our customers and partners, in a constant concern to develop a …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

30 6 25 64
HopHopFood HopHopFood

[Automatic translation follows] HopHopFood, the anti-waste solidarity app! HopHopFood is a recognized non-profit association of general interest. Our mission? 🎯 Fight against food insecurity and waste. How? 📱 Thanks to a donation application, connecting solidarity businesses with students and families in food insecurity. 🍏 HopHopFood, it's more than 7 million meals offered to people in precarious situations! HopHopFood also offers workshops to raise awareness of food waste and solidarity issues, particularly around team building activities with committed teams. Do not hesitate to visit our website or contact us to find out more about our activities, especially if you want to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech cleantech greentech

34 6 26 36

[Automatic translation follows] Getting started with digital technology, from the age of 3, without a screen. In workshops, at school, at home and at work! A Social and Solidarity Economy Company (ESUS) founded in 2018, COLORI introduces all children, from the age of 3 and without a screen, to digital technology. Through storytelling and play, children in COLORI workshops manipulate the major computer concepts (algorithms, binary system, Boolean logic), question how computers work, discuss the place of screens and the ecological footprint of the digital revolution. The aim is to give them the keys to develop their critical thinking and …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech it services

23 8 14 50
European Lawyers Foundation European Lawyers Foundation

Training of Lawyers, Rule of Law, Human Rights, e-Justice and much more. At the service of European Lawyers The main aim of the Foundation is to implement added-value projects that create services for European lawyers and on issues related of Justice’s policies in Europe. Furthermore, the Foundation may also implement projects related to other objectives as Human rights and Rule of Law. The Foundation has a double objective: – To undertake activities that relate to the exercise of the profession of lawyers, the development of the law and practice pertaining to the rule of law and administration of justice and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

3 1 3 6
Ordre des avocats de Genève Ordre des avocats de Genève

[Automatic translation follows] Reference cantonal professional association composed of more than 2,000 members spread across approximately 500 firms The Geneva Bar Association, a reference cantonal professional association, brings together more than 2,000 members spread across nearly 500 firms, representing a very large majority of lawyers and trainee lawyers, Swiss and foreign, practicing in the canton. It represents lawyers before the authorities, cantonal orders, foreign bars and the Swiss Federation of Lawyers.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

3 0 3 25
Droits d'urgence Droits d'urgence

[Automatic translation follows] Access to the law for all Created in 1995, Droits d'urgence fights against exclusion by promoting access to the law for the most deprived. Because the breakdown of rights is the main cause of exclusion, Droits d'urgence mobilizes legal professionals, volunteers and employees, to go free of charge to people in precarious situations, inform them and support them in their administrative and legal journey. A non-profit association, Droits d'urgence is independent, detached from any political or religious affiliation.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

22 4 14 54
Délégation interministérielle à l'accueil et à l'intégration des réfugiés (Diair) Délégation interministérielle à l'accueil et à l'intégration des réfugiés (Diair)

[Automatic translation follows] We participate in the implementation of the policy of welcoming and integrating refugees in the territory Announced in the summer of 2017 in the action plan to guarantee the right to asylum and better control migratory flows, an interministerial delegate responsible for the reception and integration of refugees was appointed to the Minister of the Interior. His mission is to participate in the definition and coordination of the policy of welcoming and integrating refugees. To this end, in addition to the various State departments, he works with local authorities, the voluntary sector and representatives of civil society. …

Type: Public

47 7 41 32
CRESS Île-de-France CRESS Île-de-France

[Automatic translation follows] Another idea of ​​the economy The Regional Chamber of the Social and Solidarity Economy of Île-de-France is an association that brings together the actors of the ESS in the Paris region. It aims to promote and develop ESS initiatives throughout its territory. A place of exchange and mutualization, it brings together associations, cooperatives, social enterprises, foundations and mutual societies and encourages the emergence of reflections in its field. At the confluence of many public and private actors, the CRESS IdF represents the ESS organizations before the public authorities and works to maintain an environment favorable to the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

57 14 34 27
Conseil national du numérique Conseil national du numérique

[Automatic translation follows] Independent public commission responsible for conducting an open reflection on the relationship between humans and digital technology The National Digital Council, an independent consultative commission, has the mission of conducting an open reflection on the relationship between humans and digital technology. Its mission is to give citizens and decision-makers, at the national and European levels, the keys to thinking and acting. The work it produces and shares is the result of the collective thinking emanating from the debates organized within it and from meetings with people from all components of society. Members and general secretariat: Tech, …

Type: Public

113 57 54 23
CNB Conseil national des barreaux - les avocats CNB Conseil national des barreaux - les avocats

[Automatic translation follows] The National Bar Council (CNB), a public utility institution with legal personality, is the national organization that represents all 76,000 lawyers registered in France. The CNB has been given very specific missions by law: - representation of the profession, in France and abroad; - unification of the rules and practices of the profession; - professional training; - admission of foreign lawyers. • The CNB comprises 80 members elected for three years (48 lawyers for the national constituency, 32 for the Paris constituency) and two ex officio vice-presidents, the President of the Paris Bar and the President of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

19 1 16 340
Cercle InterL, réseau des réseaux de 15 entreprises scientifiques et technologiques Cercle InterL, réseau des réseaux de 15 entreprises scientifiques et technologiques

[Automatic translation follows] CEA, Dassault Systèmes, EDF, Engie, GE, IBM, Lenovo, Orange, Orano, Qualcomm, Renault Group, SAP and Thales A pioneer, the Cercle InterL is a network of networks of women and men from companies committed to diversity It represents more than 10,000 people active in the 15 partner companies: CEA, Dassault Systèmes, EDF, Engie, GE, IBM, Lenovo, Orange, Orano, Qualcomm, Renault Group, SAP and Thales The Cercle InterL has been working for almost 20 years in favor of professional equality in the scientific and technological sectors. Its ambition: to encourage diversity, promote women's careers and work with public authorities …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

34 8 26 7

[Automatic translation follows] Together, fighting the unacceptable CASP is 617 employees and 330 volunteers serving people on the streets or homeless, unemployed, in social breakdown; people in detention, released from prison or under the control of justice; asylum seekers or migrants. In 2022, more than 89,400 people were welcomed, guided, housed, in 81 structures or services in Paris and Île-de-France. CASP is a public utility association authorized to receive donations, gifts, life insurance and legacies.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

23 2 18 575
Forum des Carrières Juridiques Forum des Carrières Juridiques

[Automatic translation follows] The big jobfair for legal professionals The Legal Careers Forum, the meeting place for legal talents, Thursday, March 28, 2024 at the Carrousel du Louvre! Organized by Décideurs Juridiques and Le Monde du Droit in partnership with the Paris Bar, the AFJE and the Cercle Montesquieu. Recruitment, Training, Law, Lawyers, and Jurists

Type: Media

43 5 37 18
Association Diocésaine de Paris Association Diocésaine de Paris

[Automatic translation follows] The Catholic Church in Paris Diocese of Paris General Directorate of Economic Affairs Diocese of Paris General Directorate of Economic Affairs

Type: Media

16 2 9 307
Trakx Trakx

The leading platform for crypto-index trading Trakx is a global fintech company creating new standards for digital asset investments. Through our trading platform, we offer thematic Crypto Tradable Indices (CTIs) and customised solutions, providing sophisticated investors a high degree of compliance, security and liquidity. Trakx products are currently available in the European Union and Switzerland and the company is currently working to expand its offering in other jurisdictions. Trakx is registered with the French regulator (AMF). Digital assets provide alternative solutions to portfolio investing. Crypto Tradable Indices (CTIs) enhance portfolio diversification and significantly reduce the complexity and fees associated with …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

11 2 8 33

Predictice organise toute l'information juridique pour les professionnels du droit. Predictice met à la disposition des professionnels du droit une plateforme d'aide à la décision intégrant des outils d'analyse prédictive concrets et stratégiques. En s'appuyant sur une analyse de l'ensemble des décisions des juridictions françaises appliquée aux données concrètes de votre litige, Predictice calcule ses probabilités de succès et vous guide dans son optimisation. Predictice permet à l'avocat de consolider son expertise et de la mettre en valeur vis-à-vis de son client. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Prédictice is a business intelligence solution dedicated to law professionals (law firms, in-house counsel). Using open data, …

Type: Startup Activities: legaltech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning A.I. - Natural Language Processing

46 14 36 29
Justifit France Justifit France

[Automatic translation follows] 🔹 Lawyers: Build your online visibility & Expand your clientele 🔹 Litigants: Find the right lawyer Justifit is the expert site for connecting individuals, professionals and lawyers. A leader in the legal market, Justifit allows lawyers to build their digital presence and develop their clientele! Easy to access, our site allows lawyers to manage their digital presence and access a more diverse clientele. Personalized profile, highlighting and simplified networking: all the tools are there to get in touch with your future client. lawyers, legaltech, law, digital, and cabinet

Type: Startup Activities: legaltech

8 1 8 24
Constellation Avocats Constellation Avocats

[Automatic translation follows] Constellation Avocats brings together diverse talents with the ambition of making law accessible to innovative companies. Constellation was founded by experienced and multidisciplinary lawyers around the assumed choice of optimizing their performance and the added value brought to clients by the use of digital tools and innovative methods that they develop and apply in their legal practice. Constellation is structured around a matrix and self-learning organization to better evolve in an agile and collaborative way at the heart of its ecosystem in order to provide its clients with the legal added value they need to structure and …

Type: Startup Activities: legaltech

5 1 4 18
Simmons & Simmons Simmons & Simmons

An international law firm that acts like your business partner. We were founded in 1896 by twins Edward and Percy Simmons. Since then we’ve never stopped learning, growing and adapting. We focus on four highly regulated sectors – using our specialist skills to understand your business and the forces at play around it. All grounded in exceptional knowledge of the legal detail. This is how we consistently deliver smarter, more efficient ways to tackle our clients’ most complex challenges. We strive to provide certainty and comfort to our clients that they are in control of not only the budget and …

Type: Large company

14 6 11 2,713
Aremacs Aremacs

[Automatic translation follows] Association for the Respect of the Environment on Cultural and Sporting Events #tongestecompte AREMACS: Implementation of eco-responsible practices in the event environment: Association for the Respect of the Environment during Cultural and Sporting Events (AREMACS) Aremacs offers support in the implementation of eco-responsible practices during sporting and cultural events. For more than 10 years, Aremacs has been working in the field and providing concrete, local and effective solutions to better manage event waste and meet everyone's needs: > presence of an experienced team > provision of waste-specific equipment > eco-responsibility training > diagnostics, advice By raising …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

22 3 18 50
Paris-Pantheon-Assas University Paris-Pantheon-Assas University

Paris-Panthéon-Assas University cultivates a synergy between research, teaching and professionalisation. It offers a wide range of courses in law, political science, economics, management, information and communication, journalism, management, as well as in digital technology, entrepreneurship and business strategy. In total, it is more than 23,000 French students, 4,000 international students, 26 research centres, 1,500 teachers, 340 education programmes and 3 international campuses, 600 international exchanges. Since January 1, 2022, Paris-Panthéon-Assas University has become an experimental public institution. In addition to law, economics, the /Maison des sciences de gestion/ and the /Institut Français de Presse/, it brings together 4 major private …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

54 18 39 2,067
Wilhelm & Associés Wilhelm & Associés

Créé en 1995, WILHELM & ASSOCIES est un cabinet d’avocats d’affaires français proposant aux entreprises un haut niveau d’expertise et un accompagnement efficace permis par une équipe d’avocats réactifs et spécialisés dans plusieurs domaines du droit des affaires, en conseil comme en contentieux, au travers de 6 pôles : - Concurrence - distribution - consommation - Audiovisuel et communication - Aménagement commercial et urbanisme - Immobilier - Droit des affaires - Propriété intellectuelle WILHELM & ASSOCIES est régulièrement cité comme faisant partie des meilleurs spécialistes français et européens dans ses domaines d’activité. Derniers classements : - Leaders League : "Excellent"​ …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

4 1 3 34
Greater Paris Investment Agency Greater Paris Investment Agency

[Automatic translation follows] Making Greater Paris the pioneer and leader of transitions. “Making Greater Paris the pioneer and leader of transitions.” Paris-Île de France Capitale Économique is a think & do tank founded on the initiative of the CCI Paris Île-de-France and by around fifty Grand Paris Makers® (international companies, federations and public institutions committed to an ambitious and innovative Greater Paris) and supported by the Métropole du Grand Paris. Its ambition is to make Greater Paris the pioneer and leader of transitions by anticipating the future attractiveness factors of metropolises and by contributing to their development in the territory …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

125 14 118 15
Salon SME Salon SME

[Automatic translation follows] For the self-employed, creators and managers of SME You are the manager of a small business, freelance, independent, consultant, business creator... meet at the Palais des Congrès, on September 23 and 24, 2024. Meet the entrepreneurship experts, ask them your questions and take advantage of all the resources of the SME Show, including conferences and workshops.

Type: Event

21 2 18 26
Mirova Mirova

Investing in sustainability Finance should be a tool for steering the economy towards models which, on the one hand, preserve and restore ecosystems and the climate, and on the other hand, support social inclusion, health and well-being. Mirova is a B CorpTM certified investment manager 100% dedicated to sustainable investment. We seek to reconcile societal and financial performance by placing our expertise in sustainable development at the heart of our investment strategies. As of December 31, 2022, Mirova and its affiliates manages 27.2 billion euros. Mirova is an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers. Sustainable Finance, Sustainable Investing, Asset Management, Impact …

Type: Corporate subsidiary Incubators & VCs

72 32 39 287

[Automatic translation follows] #lawyer #consulting and #litigation #expert #mutual #insurance #social #criminal #associations #unions LECAT & ASSOCIES is a professional civil partnership of lawyers registered with the Paris Bar. The firm assists and represents its clients, individuals and legal entities, in litigation matters as well as in the context of their negotiations. Areas of activity Mutual law/Insurance law/Social/labor law/Banking litigation/Business law/Mediation/Arbitration For decades, LECAT & ASSOCIES has mainly advised players in the social economy, #mutuals, #insurance companies, #banks, #associations, #unions, #foundations, medico-social establishments, pension funds as well as institutions and companies. @LecatAssocies Mutualité & Insurance, Employment Law, Consumer & Recovery, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

1 0 1 8

Créée en 1984, AIDES est la première association de lutte contre le VIH/sida et les hépatites en France et en Europe. AIDES was set up 1984, by Daniel Defert and was state approved in 1990. It is the leading HIV/AIDS organisation in France and one of the most important in Europe. It has drop-in centres and premises in over 70 cities in France and has multiple partnerships with organisations abroad. AIDES is committed to respecting the cultural and sexual identity of each individual, their way of life, their ideological beliefs and their therapeutic choices. AIDES is independent of any religious, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

35 11 11 628
Plasseraud IP Plasseraud IP

We take care of your IP Founded in 1906, Plasseraud IP is one of the leading European firms in the IP sector, and among the largest in France. Our team of over 175 Attorneys (Patents, Trademarks & Designs) ensures that our clients’ needs are taken care of by specialists in all technical and legal areas. Our Attorneys are all highly technically and/or legally qualified and include: French Patent Attorneys European Patent Attorneys French Trademark & Designs Attorneys European Trademark & Designs Attorneys We are a full service IP firm, and our activities include: Filing and prosecution of patents, trademarks and …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

39 9 35 367
Jimini AI Jimini AI

Legal AI, for legal professionals. Jimini is a VC-backed start-up, developing cutting-edge AI technologies for law firms and large companies, enabling unprecedented access to the law. In other words, Legal AI that benefits everyone ! Artificial Intelligence, LLM, SaaS, and Legal

Type: Startup Activities: legaltech deeptech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Natural Language Processing Generative A.I.

17 4 9 17
BlueWall BlueWall

Winning matters BlueWall is serving high end national and international law firms, boutiques, individual partners, notaries and legal networks. Our mission is to grow our clients’ business and play an active role in the positive evolution of the legal industry. We achieve this through providing sharp advice, developing clear strategy and, most importantly – implementing with precision and efficiency. BlueWall, winning matters

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

4 0 4 18
IDFP - Institut du droit de la famille et du patrimoine IDFP - Institut du droit de la famille et du patrimoine

[Automatic translation follows] A force for reflection and proposals on all issues related to family and property law. The Institute of Family and Property Law is a research and training institute dedicated to the exchange, dissemination of knowledge and progress in legal techniques on all issues related to family and property law. To achieve this objective, the IDFP has set up working groups, provides numerous training courses, offers model acts and presents the results of its reflections through press releases or articles in specialist or general public journals. For more information, please visit our website... Family Law, Property Law, and …

Type: Public Activities: legaltech

2 1 2 19

International growth accelerator for women who are changing the world. #ChampioningWomen #lesMargaret We are an international accelerator of women in technology and innovation. We bring together a tribe of professionals in private, public, and media sectors to accelerate the digital transformation in Europe Africa and Canada. We believe in the benefits of having a greater share of women leadership. Its mission is to create an inclusive environment where women play a central role in defining the digital future. In over 10 years, JFD has gone from an annual event to a genuine growth accelerator for women who dare to take …

Type: Event SMB Activities: hrtech

110 33 79 25
Green Rights Coalition Green Rights Coalition

Our Planet, Our Rights The Green Rights Coalition is a global initiative dedicated to recognizing and protecting the rights and responsibilities of individuals, businesses, and governments towards the environment. The Global Pact for the Environment project was launched in 2017 by a network of experts known as the "International Group of Experts for the Pact" (IGEP). The group is made up of more than a hundred legal experts in environmental law and is chaired by former COP21 President Laurent Fabius. On 10 May 2018, the United Nations General Assembly adopted, by 142 votes in favor, 5 votes against (United States, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

10 1 9 38
Agence Française de l'Adoption / France Enfance Protégée Agence Française de l'Adoption / France Enfance Protégée

[Automatic translation follows] The child at the heart of our priorities The French Adoption Agency (AFA) is a legal entity under public law, a public interest group (GIP), created by law no. 2005-744 of July 4, 2005, reforming adoption, placed under the control of the French State and whose mission is to inform, advise and guide candidates for international adoption.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

4 0 2 29
Cour d'appel de Paris Cour d'appel de Paris

[Automatic translation follows] Official account of the Paris Court of Appeal The Paris Court of Appeal is one of the 36 French courts of appeal. The Court of Appeal is a court of the second instance judicial order that re-examines cases previously submitted to a court in civil, commercial, social or criminal matters, when the judgment does not satisfy one or more parties to the trial. Appeals filed against decisions of the courts of first instance of the jurisdiction are brought before the Court of Appeal and distributed among the chambers according to the nature of the dispute. Each of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

10 3 6 778
Ecole de Formation du Barreau Ecole de Formation du Barreau

[Automatic translation follows] The Training School for Tomorrow's Lawyers

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

17 9 13 301
Schmidt Brunet Litzler Schmidt Brunet Litzler

Paris Law firm, part of MSI Global Alliance "Strive, developp and succeed together"​ Schmidt Brunet Litzler is a Parisian business law firm, member of the international network MSI, which includes more 250 of lawyers firms and accounting firms in 100 countries on 5 continents. Realizing more than 30 % of international business, Schmidt Brunet Litzer is the perfect partner for French and foreign customers in all the domains of the business law : Corporate M&A / Tax / Labour & Employment / Intellectual Property / Commercial-Consumer Affairs-Distribution / Communication-Media-Advertising, in advice as in litigation. Recognized for their commitment and their …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

5 0 5 14
Association Possible Association Possible

[Automatic translation follows] Committing to giving meaning to punishment (formerly Chantiers-Passerelles) Since 2014, Possible has been supporting civil society in understanding the criminal and prison world and in acting for the sustainable reintegration of convicted persons through awareness-raising, networking and training actions: 1. Raise awareness through original events open to all that change perspectives and make you want to act. Since 2019, we have been creating and leading justice education actions for the youngest (from 10 years old). 2. Train through Act'ice (created in partnership with the Ronalpia association). The first program to support citizen projects in the criminal and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

16 5 13 10
Frame 55 Frame 55

Bright brands - Unique Creators At Frame 55, instead of "influencers", we'd rather talk about content creators. We are working with highly talented individuals with creative minds able to produce meaningful content and deliver powerful messages. - Creators with their own specialised brands and communities. Frame 55 is associated with creators known for their proximity to their communities and for their expertise in a certain domain. - Why Frame 55 ? Frame 55 is born from an observation : too often exclusively centred on entertainment and advertisement, no existing agency allows you to work in a meaningful way with specialised …

Type: Startup Activities: martech

1 0 1 12
Doctrine Doctrine

The 1st Legal Intelligence Platform Doctrine centralizes and organizes legal information to make it immediately accessible and actionable for legal professionals. More than 11 000 law professionals already trust Doctrine. Find out why at Legal Research, Big Data, Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning, LegalTech, Legal Technology, Lawyers, Droit, Avocats, Directions juridiques, and Legal Intelligence

Type: Startup Activities: legaltech Technologies: A.I. - Natural Language Processing Data Analytics A.I. - Deep Learning A.I.

45 13 33 182
Dialogues Dialogues

[Automatic translation follows] Carriers of social innovations Association to promote social dialogue in companies social dialogue

Type: SMB Activities: civictech

11 0 9 13
Actusite Actusite

[Automatic translation follows] The digital agency specializing in law, heritage and insurance! Our offer for CGPI, Brokers and General Agents: The Ebureau: 1st community space for independent insurance and wealth managers: - A unique source of information - Exchanges with market personalities in the form of chats - A discussion forum - An instant messaging service - A product information base - Access to partner services at preferential rates - Completely free access La Evitrine: website for CGPI, Brokers and General Agents: - A professional website in your name - Content updated daily - Various technical sheets - A newsletter …

Type: SMB Activities: martech proptech

5 2 3 20
SAMMAN Law & Corporate Affairs SAMMAN Law & Corporate Affairs

SAMMAN is one of the few French law firms active in regulatory and public affairs and able to engage with key decision makers in France and at the European Union level. Our assets: > A diversified team of specialists with 4 senior partners, lawyers, legal counsels, experts in public affairs, with a long practice in the public sector (Parliament, Government, Regulatory authorities...); > A significant experience and positive track-record in handling government and public affairs and providing tailored services in public policy and legal dossiers; > A recognized ability to anticipate, advise and advocate on business sector issues to optimize …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

52 0 53 22
INPI France INPI France

[Automatic translation follows] We are the home of innovators. The National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) is a major player in innovation and creation in France. It issues industrial property titles (patents, trademarks, designs and models), and works to promote economic development through its awareness-raising and training activities. The INPI is the operator of the one-stop shop for business formalities (creations, modifications, cessations) and the National Business Register. It ensures the dissemination of data on companies and industrial property. The INPI actively participates in the development of law in the fields of intellectual property, support for innovation and business competitiveness, …

Type: Public

169 106 60 644
FIDH - International Federation for Human Rights FIDH - International Federation for Human Rights

FIDH Human Rights, International Justice, Advocacy, Human Rights Defenders, Globalisation & Human Rights, Migrants'​ Rights, and Women's Rights

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

25 3 21 108
Gide Loyrette Nouel Gide Loyrette Nouel

International law firm Gide is a leading international law firm and the first to have originated in France. Founded in Paris in 1920, the firm now operates from 11 offices worldwide. It has 500 lawyers, including over one hundred partners, drawn from 35 different nationalities. Gide offers some of the most respected specialists in each of the various sectors of national and international business law. We offer legal advice and assistance across a broad spectrum of disciplines to businesses, public and private sector institutions, investment funds and governments. Wherever we work in the world, be it Western Europe, Central and …

Type: Large company Activities: fintech legaltech

83 22 59 1,110

[Automatic translation follows] Public transport and shared mobility portal for 20 years is dedicated to public transport vehicles (buses and coaches) and public transport networks in France. Discover the mobility offer and services proposed by urban and interurban transport networks for your daily or occasional trips. Browse technical sheets on public transport vehicles and their manufacturers. In addition, find a collection of thematic files, numerous photos and the latest mobility news.

Type: SMB Activities: smart city transporttech Technologies: Data Analytics

38 1 37 22
Seattle Avocats Seattle Avocats

[Automatic translation follows] Seattle Lawyers is a law firm specializing in personal criminal law, business criminal law, press and communications law, intellectual property, environmental law, labor law, and civil and commercial litigation.

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

5 0 6 24
Data Ring Data Ring

[Automatic translation follows] Liberties & Digital Cultures Protection and Valorization of our identity & information heritage Association for research and discussion on the Protection of Personal Data #DataProtection #PersonalData law, protection of personal data, GDPR, data protection, and DPO

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: privacytech

18 1 16 1
Respect Zone Respect Zone

Online with Respect. Cyberviolences Prevention NGO NGO • Initiative for positive, non-violent communication • Prevention of online hate, harassment, discrimination, and violence En ligne avec le #Respect Social Media, Respect, Internet, and Education

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

22 6 15 6
JBBA | Cabinet d'avocats JBBA | Cabinet d'avocats

[Automatic translation follows] Advice and litigation in business law and criminal law. JBBA aims to be a human-sized law firm that best supports its clients in both advice and litigation. Building on their experience as entrepreneurs, with the creation of Nebedaye, a startup dedicated to the production of 100% natural food supplements and Ethos, a public speaking training company, Théodore JEAN-BAPTISTE and Seydi BA have once again decided to join forces to create the JBBA firm. The firm advises and supports entrepreneurs, from ideation to creation, as well as companies, in all their acquisition, management or transfer operations. A true …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

6 1 1 6
Commission nationale consultative des droits de l'homme (CNCDH) Commission nationale consultative des droits de l'homme (CNCDH)

[Automatic translation follows] The CNCDH is the National Institution for the Promotion and Protection of #humanrights within the meaning of the United Nations The National Consultative Commission on Human Rights is the National Institution for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, accredited to the United Nations. Founded in 1947 on the initiative of René Cassin, Nobel Peace Prize winner, the CNCDH is a pluralist and independent institution. Its mission is to - Advise public authorities on respect for human rights in France; - Monitor France's compliance with its international commitments in terms of human rights and international humanitarian law; …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

15 5 10 73
Meeting Villages Clichy Meeting Villages Clichy

[Automatic translation follows] Meeting Villages welcomes your training courses, seminars, workshops, meetings. Great comfort, better concentration. The starting point of the Meeting Villages concept is to offer any company a cooperative setting, where exchanges and creativity are freely expressed. For your seminars, training courses, study days or team-buildings, we provide you with more than 400 m2, totally flexible and adaptable to your needs and desires. We welcome large groups as well as SMEs and Associations, and also trainers or coaches, leading training modules or team-building sessions. We organize and install tailor-made spaces for you, according to your needs; plenary or …

Type: Event

2 0 0 2
l'Opinion l'Opinion

[Automatic translation follows] Liberal daily // politics, economy, international Launched in May 2013 by Nicolas Beytout, l’Opinion is a liberal, pro-business and pro-European media. With a team of 40 people, including 30 recognized journalists, l’Opinion covers political, economic and international news with a committed editorial line. Today, l’Opinion represents more than 1 million unique visitors on its site and 42,000 copies distributed. Written press, Internet, Video, Economy, Politics, and International

Type: Media

88 51 43 112

[Automatic translation follows] Connecting the economy to humans. La Cabrik is a strategic and human governance factory that supports transformations to connect the economy to humans and is a specialist in governance crisis situations. The mission is clear: support transformations to connect the economy to humans. ☑︎ connecting the economy to humans by reinventing the future of yesterday's industries and professions ☑︎ connecting humans to the economy, by awakening human genius to free the genius of work La Cabrik is the courage to state the facts and start from reality to invent tomorrow. It is an art of questioning at …

Type: Startup Activities: consulting

17 2 15 1
Artur'​In Artur'​In

Your Digital Marketing Team 🚀 Facebook, LinkedIn, Google My Business, Twitter... In a real estate agent's life, there could be so much on your plate. With Artur'​In, our AI will do it for you while you focus on growing your business. In an increasingly complex business environment, faced with an increasingly well-informed and volatile consumer, companies must lead and engage with their communities through emails, social media, and more. Our vision is to provide our customers with an accessible and quality solution to adapt to this revolution in relationship marketing. With cutting-edge technology and proven marketing know-how, Artur'In manages all …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

6 3 1 104
Smartpreuve Smartpreuve

[Automatic translation follows] Smartpreuve allows you to store evidence and have it certified by a bailiff in just a few clicks. Smartpreuve is a web application that facilitates access to evidence to demonstrate any type of situation (inventory, site monitoring, neighborhood dispute, parcel receipt, etc.): - by instantly submitting geolocated, time-stamped and blockchain-anchored photos or videos; - by obtaining a means of pressure for less than €10 including tax by sending your evidence to a Judicial Commissioner (e.g. Bailiff) and obtaining a deposit receipt; - or by making an appointment for an assessment, indisputable proof. In any risky or potentially …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

18 4 16 5
L'Académie des Sciences et Techniques Comptables et Financières L'Académie des Sciences et Techniques Comptables et Financières

[Automatic translation follows] Professional network of skills and influence at the service of #Economy #accounting #finance #audit The Academy of Accounting and Financial Sciences and Techniques is an initiative of the Order of Chartered Accountants officially launched on September 15, 2004 at the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Its objective is to update and strengthen the skills of professionals in Finance, Accounting, Auditing and Management - whether they work in companies, in administration, at the university or in the liberal profession and consulting - through doctrinal and technical production resulting from the exchange of experiences on current cross-cutting themes. It …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

10 1 9 1
Lefebvre Dalloz Lefebvre Dalloz

[Automatic translation follows] Activate knowledge Lefebvre Dalloz, leader in legal and tax knowledge. In law, tax, accounting and compliance, we enrich our clients' knowledge, for more knowledge, skills and efficiency. Our know-how meets their needs for content and agility, in the face of the new challenges of their professions and our society. Lefebvre Dalloz is a new brand that carries a global offer of Publishing, Training and Software & Services of the brands Editions Francis Lefebvre, Editions Législatives, Dalloz, Francis Lefebvre Formation, ELEGIA, Dalloz Formation, Bärchen and CSP Docendi. This grouping gives Lefebvre Dalloz a leading position in legal and …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech Technologies: SaaS Generative A.I. A.I.

46 19 28 580
Intellig'IA Intellig'IA

[Automatic translation follows] Artificial intelligence at the service of the real estate ecosystem. 🟣 Intellig’IA is an IT platform dedicated to the real estate ecosystem, designed to free up time spent on analyzing information in mortgage statements. Indeed, some actions are time-consuming but essential to ensure the understanding of a mortgage statement: 🟪 Making links between orders and their modifications 🟪 Identifying current mortgages 🟪 Prohibitions on alienation 🟪 Tracing the origin of ownership 🟪 Redrawing the cadastral tree structure... 👀 Thanks to Intellig’IA and the automatic analysis of your mortgage statements, we offer notaries the opportunity to relieve themselves …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech legaltech Technologies: A.I. SaaS

24 2 24 12
Loi des Ours Loi des Ours

[Automatic translation follows] Legal information at the service of a strategy Outsourcing of documentary activities (monitoring, researching, purchasing, informing) Supporting the development of its activities (exploring, discovering, explaining) in the face of the digital transformation of law Making doc investments profitable (funds, uses and purchases of data) Tailor-made, personalized information and training

Type: Startup Activities: legaltech Technologies: Data Analytics

13 3 11 N/A
Orkester Orkester

[Automatic translation follows] 60 experts at the service of all your e-commerce, apps, web, UX/UI, architecture and DevOps projects! The Orkester group was born from the merger of two leading companies in their field: Appsolute and Technology Everywhere. Within a collective of experts of more than 60 people spread over 4 sites in France, we provide our clients with our 360° technical skills for ambitious digital projects. Mobile applications, iOS, Android, Symfony 2, UX Design, Websites, Wordpress, Strategy, Benchmarks, Steering, magento, Web, React, Vue, Node, Flutter, Architecture, and DevOps

Type: Startup Activities: it services martech uxtech

3 0 2 59
Embassy of France in Singapore Embassy of France in Singapore

The Embassy of France in Singapore was first established on 18th September 1965, to build diplomatic relations between France and Singapore. It is currently headed by Ms. Minh-di Tang, Ambassador of France to Singapore. The Embassy operates several services and offices, liaising with the relevant Singaporean bodies and responsible for different areas of policy such as Economics, Trade, Defence, Science, Education and Culture. Diplomacy, French living abroad, Public relations, Politics, Culture, Science, and Education

Type: Public

34 4 30 44
Fromont Briens Fromont Briens

To accompany. To anticipate. These are the words of action of Fromont Briens lawyers to shape the company of tomorrow. More than a partner since 1993, Fromont Briens is a player in the social transformation of companies by offering them innovative strategies in the face of technological, legal and societal innovations that are imposed on them at a sustained pace. As a leading French law firm, Fromont Briens stands out for its ability to go beyond the lawyer's position with a technical but also on-the-ground approach, which ensures the loyalty of its clients and its recognition by the main international …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

28 6 25 128

[Automatic translation follows] Lawyers at the Paris Bar The strategic approach to managing the legal dimension is one of the keys to competitiveness and value creation for activities and assets. To provide its clients with the benefits, SMITH D’ORIA offers you: • 30 years of experience in “International Affairs and European Law” with the proven support of our usual correspondents around the world. • Continuous action with the Real Estate Departments of large groups, asset and property managers and, more generally, with all professionals in real estate, construction and insurance. • Experts in human and social relations, labor law and …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech Technologies: Decarbonization

5 0 5 7

2GAP : GENDER & GOVERNANCE ACTION PLATFORM Global Collective of Women's and Mixed Professional Networks in the Public and Private Sectors to enable our societies to move more quickly towards this real equality

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

23 2 20 5
Music Tech France Music Tech France

[Automatic translation follows] The network of innovators in the music sector in France The Music Tech France association is the network of innovators in the music sector to federate initiatives and create synergy between members.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

20 1 19 10

[Automatic translation follows] Creating value from IP IPISIDE, SANTARELLI and BREVALEX are merging, this merger represents the most significant consolidation of the French market for industrial property consultancy. The new entity that brings together the three firms has a strong global offering that allows it to be at the forefront in the protection of innovation and more generally in that of Industrial Property. Our set of services allows us to offer holistic intellectual property strategies adapted to the needs of each of our clients. We also support them in developing their technical and legal strategies for pursuing their inventions. Based …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

9 3 6 264

[Automatic translation follows] The new generation of business support in France The new generation of business support in France Legal, Entrepreneurs, Communities, Listening, Tailor-made, Town halls, Regions, EPCI, Statistics, Media, and Lawyers

Type: Startup Activities: legaltech

7 1 6 9
Collège des Directeurs du Développement Durable (C3D) Collège des Directeurs du Développement Durable (C3D)

[Automatic translation follows] More than 370 Sustainable Development Directors are thinking about and creating the company of tomorrow! Created in 2007, the C3D is an association under the 1901 law, bringing together more than 370 sustainable development and CSR directors from private and public companies and organizations in France. The C3D has been chaired by Fabrice Bonnifet, Sustainable Development & QSE Director of the Bouygues Group, since the C3D General Meeting of January 28, 2016.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

87 19 59 78
Élèves DH Promotion Axel Kahn 2023-2024 Élèves DH Promotion Axel Kahn 2023-2024

[Automatic translation follows] Follow the projects, events, and internships of the student hospital directors of the 62nd class! Welcome to the LinkedIn page of the student hospital directors of the 2023-2024 class. Here you can follow all our projects, events, and internships over the next two years! Don't hesitate to subscribe to follow our adventures! 🏥

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: IoT Sensors Wireless

153 61 119 8
Cellenza Cellenza

Microsoft Cloud Experts Cellenza est un cabinet de Conseil IT et de réalisation, expert du Cloud Microsoft. 👉 Nous accompagnons nos clients dans leurs projets stratégiques de transformation numérique et d'innovation à travers nos compétences : * Advisory * Security * Cloud Platform * Data & Analytics * AI Solutions * Apps 🏆 Cellenza a été reconnue Partenaire Microsoft France de l'Année 2024 🥇 En 2023, Cellenza a été reconnue Microsoft Partner of the Year App Inno & Azure Data IA. 🥇 En 2022, Cellenza a été reconnue Microsoft Partner of the Year Intelligent Cloud ! Cellenza intervient sur l’ensemble …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics

9 2 8 202
Gaillard Banifatemi Shelbaya Disputes Gaillard Banifatemi Shelbaya Disputes

The art of arbitration

Type: Startup Activities: legaltech

3 0 3 67
LightOn LightOn

Gen AI for Enterprise: Secure, Scalable, and Customizable We are determined to help businesses seize the opportunities of Gen AI, by putting confidentiality and value creation at the heart of our solutions. We are committed to putting users at the center of our approach. Transformative AI, foundation models, API, NLP, VLM-4, Generative AI, AI, on-prem, self-hosting, Enterprise, privacy, LLM, and Gen AI

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: deeptech it services Technologies: A.I. - Machine Learning A.I. A.I. - Natural Language Processing Generative A.I.

78 25 64 48

[Automatic translation follows] Supporting business growth through an efficient contractual process. Created in 2017, is a SaaS contract management solution. Our software extends over the entire contractual lifecycle, from drafting to monitoring contracts to simplify, streamline and secure contract management in companies. Our mission? Supporting business growth through an efficient contractual process. legal tech, Contract management, Logiciels, Contract Management Software, Legal IA, Legal UX, Legal algorithm, Legalbot, clm, contract management, and digital contracts

Type: Startup Activities: legaltech it services privacytech regtech Technologies: SaaS

30 9 20 22
Initiative Marianne Initiative Marianne

[Automatic translation follows] Official account of the Marianne association for human rights defenders Launched in December 2021 by the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron, the Marianne initiative aims to welcome in France and for six months around fifteen human rights defenders, who have distinguished themselves by the exemplary nature of their fights in favor of fundamental rights in their country of origin. The objective of the initiative is to provide them with a personalized training and meeting program so that they can consolidate their human rights defense project.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

5 3 3 2
Nouvelle Vie Professionnelle Nouvelle Vie Professionnelle

[Automatic translation follows], the #1 portal for career change. Change your life, change your job! NouvelleViePro (AEF info group) gives you tips for changing your professional life: evolving, retraining, starting your own business, moving abroad. To keep you informed: > With information on the sectors that are recruiting, professional training programs, new statuses and formalities for creating a business, coaching and testimonials from people who have chosen a new career path. Daily news section on employment and professional life in general: > Career change, Support, Coaching, Business creation, Personal development, Leadership, Expatriation, Geographic mobility, Management, Stress & …

Type: Startup Activities: entrepreneurship

67 13 56 5
Navacelle Navacelle

Navacelle is a Paris based law firm which helps the world's leading organizations solve their legal and compliance challenges. We’re committed to creating change that matters. Professional excellence stems out personal integrity. As lawyers we believe it is our duty to contribute to sustainable goals for a better world – both at home and abroad. We do that by facing hard truths and addressing both immediate needs and long-term objectives. Investigations, Compliance, Risk mitigation, Crisis management, Governance, White collar defence, and Dispute resolution

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech Technologies: Decarbonization

34 0 34 20

[Automatic translation follows] Your European advantage Founded in 2009 in Paris, ADVANT Altana is an independent business law firm with 85 business lawyers. They offer top-level expertise in both advisory and litigation matters to their clients, often leaders in highly regulated sectors. ADVANT Altana is the French member firm of ADVANT, a European association of independent law firms focused on helping you navigate the complexity and nuance of the European legal and commercial landscape. Founded in 2009, ADVANT Altana is an independent law firm with 85 lawyers, and is one of the leading business law firms in France. It offers …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech fintech proptech

18 2 13 121
Start It Up  |  Agence social media Start It Up | Agence social media

Digital And Social Thinking Start It Up is a social media agency : -- SOCIAL MEDIAS — SOCIAL ADS — E-INFLUENCE — SOCIAL SELLING -- Our job is organizing, managing and animating the presence of companies in social networks. We propose to become YOUR Community Manager. We communicate daily on your business, and the economic environment. We support companies who wishing to vigorously promote, develop or perform on these communication channels by providing expertise on both the strategy, operation (community management), advertising or sponsorship campaign management, contests, social selling and training. marketing, communication, digital, transformation digitale, e-influence, stratégie de contenu, …

Type: SMB Activities: martech consulting uxtech

1 0 1 14

[Automatic translation follows] Calculate in a few clicks the severance pay of the employment contract. What cannot be avoided, it must be anticipated. Obtain, in a few clicks, according to the method proven by the firm SAGAN Avocats, labor law attorneys, the final settlement, the rights to Pôle Emploi and the severance pay from the industrial tribunal, it is finally possible for employees, employers and lawyers! labor law

Type: Startup Activities: legaltech

1 0 1 2
Jarvis Legal Jarvis Legal

Take it to the next level with AI designed for lawyers Jarvis is the all-in-one legal practice management software that simplifies your daily tasks with an intuitive interface, and TONI, the AI for lawyers. Stop doing it yourself, ask TONI! Create a contact, schedule an appointment, analyze document files, plan tasks and deadlines... TONI does it all for you. As a GDPR-compliant cloud management solution, it is available anywhere at anytime. Whether on a PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, or any other mobile device, you can access your files whenever you need. Update your time entries from a taxi, review a …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech legaltech Technologies: SaaS

6 1 6 18
Beaboss Beaboss

[Automatic translation follows] National event dedicated to female entrepreneurship Be a boss is the leading national event dedicated to female entrepreneurship. Goals : 1 IDENTIFY future regional and national nuggets 2 REWARDING innovative and promising women entrepreneurs and businesses 3 PROVIDE these entrepreneurs with optimal support in their first steps and CONNECT them with the right experts 4 PROMOTE entrepreneurial vocations in women and help them remove any obstacles and connect our sponsors with more than 160 players in the French entrepreneurial ecosystem, all potential prescribers (schools, incubators, accelerators, investors, women's networks, entrepreneur networks, CCI, FrenchTech, Bpifrance, Réseau Entreprendre, Initiative …

Type: Event

62 32 44 2
Groupe Technologia Groupe Technologia

[Automatic translation follows] Expert in prevention, analysis of work-related risks and chartered accountant for companies. #HealthAtWork For over 30 years, the Technologia group has established itself as a leader in supporting staff representatives in their missions with employees and agents. Among its biggest missions: France Telecom affairs, the Renault Technocentre, Kerviel, the Council of State, the CESE, etc. In a rapidly changing work economy, the Technologia group supports CSEs in 5 missions: • Accounting expertise: strategic orientations, economic and financial situation, social policies, PSE, etc. • Expertise in health, safety and working conditions, linked to major transformation projects but also …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

21 1 19 58
Délégation générale du Québec à Paris (DGQP) Délégation générale du Québec à Paris (DGQP)

[Automatic translation follows] The General Delegation of Quebec in Paris is the diplomatic representation of Quebec in France and the Principality of Monaco. It ensures the promotion and defense of Quebec's interests and the strengthening of its relations in the institutional, political, cultural, economic and scientific fields. Netiquette: diplomacy

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

87 16 78 20
De Gaulle Fleurance De Gaulle Fleurance

Legal step to change De Gaulle Fleurance is an integrated group of lawyers and notaries. It supports its clients in France and abroad with : • 200 people at the service of customers, with a relationship built on high standards, responsiveness, and creativity. • A full-service practice in all areas of business and notarial law; • An expertise recognised by the market (Chambers, The Legal 500, Best Lawyers and Leaders League); • A presence in Paris, Brussels and Abu Dhabi; • 20 languages practised, and as many cultures represented; • A network of correspondents, chosen for the quality of their …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

94 15 82 221
Institut Français de la Médiation (IFM) Institut Français de la Médiation (IFM)

Train in mediation techniques within organizations. Established in 2007, the French Institute of Mediation is a consultancy firm specializing in mediation advice, conflict management, and training. It relies on 6 expert consultants, all mediators and training specialists, with experience in corporate interventions. A fresh and operational approach: • Alleviate tensions by defusing them through dialogue: establishing a lasting climate of social harmony within organizations is the main challenge of mediation. For the past 6 years, we have been directly involved in all organizational conflicts, including interpersonal conflicts, interdepartmental disputes, hierarchical disagreements, collective malaise, and challenges to company policies. We believe …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

3 0 3 12
Les Rebondisseurs Français Les Rebondisseurs Français

[Automatic translation follows] First French community of entrepreneurs who bounce back. Association loi 1901 The rebounders movement (association Loi 1901) is the result of a collective adventure, led by women and men convinced that the valorization of the rebound is essential to the success and the development of entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs, self-employed, individual entrepreneurs, future and former entrepreneurs, we all know that the rebound is the key to success and contributes to the growth of companies and that without failure, there is no success! So, together, let's take responsibility to definitively change mentalities! How? By highlighting your stories, by offering you …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

37 2 37 17
Fondation RAJA-Danièle Marcovici Fondation RAJA-Danièle Marcovici

[Automatic translation follows] Together, let's continue our commitment to women's emancipation! The RAJA-Danièle Marcovici Foundation is placed under the aegis of the Fondation de France and created in 2006 on the initiative of Danièle Kapel-Marcovici, President and CEO of the RAJA Group. The Foundation's mission is to financially support projects in areas as varied and essential as education and social integration, the defense of women's rights and the fight against violence, professional integration and financial independence and finally, the promotion of the role of women in protecting the environment and the fight against climate change. The Foundation also carries out …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

28 4 22 8

[Automatic translation follows] Our values: competence, trust, responsiveness, innovation FIDERE AVOCATS is a firm dedicated to employment law and civil service law. It focuses on a clientele of employers and supports companies of all sizes and sectors in all their social issues. The firm was built around the following values: - COMPETENCE - TRUST - RESPONSIVENESS - INNOVATION FIDERE AVOCATS operates throughout France while having an international dimension. Labor law, Civil service law, Social protection law, Training in labor law and social protection, Professional training, and Occupational health and safety law

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

8 1 3 21
Faculté de droit et de science politique Aix-Marseille Université Faculté de droit et de science politique Aix-Marseille Université

[Automatic translation follows] The Faculty of Law and Political Science of Aix-Marseille University has a centuries-old history since 1409 and welcomes around 10,000 students each year on its three sites (Aix-en-Provence, Marseille and Arles). However, it demonstrates a certain modernity by bringing together all the members of the faculty around a bold project in training, research, promotion, innovation and influence. The emphasis is on a clear and promising training offer for its graduates. The professional success of students is the priority objective of the faculty. In particular, it is necessary to develop educational innovations, the use of digital technology, as …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

14 1 12 148
Cercle des Journalistes Juridiques Cercle des Journalistes Juridiques

[Automatic translation follows] The Cercle des Journalistes Juridiques has several objectives: - to promote the progress and quality of the treatment of legal issues in the media; - to stimulate fraternal relations between journalists responsible for deciphering current events in the legal world; - to develop relations between its members and personalities whose activity affects French or international legal life. To this end, the Cercle des Journalistes Juridiques intends to establish privileged relations with the main actors involved in the legal scene (offices and technical departments of ministries, independent administrative authorities, representatives of the legal and judicial professions, universities, etc.), …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

9 2 6 1