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Usbek & Rica Usbek & Rica

The media that explores the future Usbek & amp; Rica is the magazine that explores the future. It is a quarterly, sold in newsstands and bookstores, which wants to understand the coming world. We live in the era of the fastest upheavals in human history, and we refuse to undergo them. Is the question that guides our choices of subjects and the way of processing them is simple: are technological progress in progress synonymous with human progress? To help us respond, we call on the most free scholars and the most curious journalists. By relying on the characters of Usbek …

Type: Media

205 85
SNCF Réseau SNCF Réseau

Open the way for sustainable mobility SNCF Network: Manager of the National Ferré network Public industrial and commercial establishment (EPIC), SNCF Réseau has brings together since January 1, 2015 all the services in charge of railway infrastructure. The sole owner and network manager, it brings together the previously dispersed skills between Ferré de France Network (RFF), SNCF Infra and the Rail Traffic Department (DCF). SNCF Réseau now benefits from clear and effective governance within an industrial group placed under the authority of the State, a major objective of rail reform. The public establishment works in synergy with the railway operator: …

Type: Large company

143 20,112
Rue de l'échiquier Rue de l'échiquier

Publish books today for tomorrow. #Ess #ecology #Development Du. Société #zerowaste Founded in 2008, rue de l'Échiquier is an independent publishing house which offers a singular editorial line in the field of human and social sciences. Its catalog mainly brings together reference or popularization tests on the themes of ecology, sustainable development, new economies and contemporary society: interviews with field personalities, major surveys, topical documents, experiences of experiences, etc. The house creed: "Publish books today for tomorrow" intended for curious readers, eager to understand their time and in search of solutions. Since 2016, rue de l'Échiquier has been diversifying by …

Type: Media

36 16
Castalie Castalie

Make water better for us and for the planet.💧 Castalie was born in 2011, created by a committed man: Thibault Lamarque. Revolted by the omnipresence of plastic water bottles (billions per year in France - of which barely 10% are recycled) and their impact on our health and the planet, he imagines a lasting and meaningful alternative. Quality micro-filtered water fountains, made in France, with very low environmental impact. Since then, bistronomic or starred restaurants, committed hotels and prestigious companies have been seduced by the quality of the water distributed, the reliability of our service, the design and the magic …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

76 115
LinkUp LinkUp

Responsible business is better business! Sustainable consultancy helping companies and brands develop strategies that deliver positive business, social and environmental impact at scale Alimentation et Nutrition, Prévention Santé, Corporate et RSE, Environnement, RSM, Changement de comportement, Développement Durable, and Marques engagées

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech martech Technologies: Decarbonization

80 36
Earth Day Canada Earth Day Canada

Celebration Through Action, on Earth Day – April 22 – and Every Day Earth Day Canada is an environmental services non-profit organization that believes firmly in transforming ideas for a more sustainable world into concrete solutions. Whether at the municipal, organizational, or individual level, we harness the power of our multidisciplinary expertise to help people and organizations reduce their impact on the environment. Earth Day Canada uses Earth Day, an international event dedicated to mobilizing support and inspiring change across the globe, as a catalyst for sparking environmental action. We spearhead Earth Day in Canada action with an annual campaign …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

14 45

DEKRA has been active in the field of safety for almost 100 years. Founded in 1925 in Berlin as Deutscher Kraftfahrzeug-Überwachungs-Verein e.V., it is today one of the world’s leading expert organizations. DEKRA SE is a subsidiary of DEKRA e.V. and manages the Group’s operating business. In 2022, DEKRA generated sales totaling nearly EUR 3.8 billion. The company currently employs almost 49,000 people in approximately 60 countries on five continents. With qualified and independent expert services, they provide safety on the road, at work and at home. These services range from vehicle inspection and expert appraisals to claims services, industrial …

Type: Large company

15 13,421
EC2027 - Un Quinquennat pour l'Economie Circulaire ! EC2027 - Un Quinquennat pour l'Economie Circulaire !

So that the circular economy is at the heart of political decisions! EC2027 is a non -partisan collective launched in March 2021 whose aim is to place the circular economy at the center of the concerns of political and institutional decision -makers. LL brings together +250 experts in civil society, the academic world, businesses, public and associative sector. Circular Economy, Public Affairs, Lobbying, and Politics

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

20 12
Le Grand Rebond Le Grand Rebond

Federating catalyst for associations associations associations & amp; third places to promote the development of impact projects In response to environmental, social and societal challenges, the great rebound acts as a catalyst federating actors committed to contribute, through action, to the emergence of a sustainable and humanist economy. Convinced of the need to develop alliances and interconnect ecosystems to promote transition to a regenerative economy, while protecting biodiversity and developing an inclusive and resilient society, the big rebound: - Includes links of trust with its partners, grouped in 3 colleges (Business Networks; Associations and Actors of the ESS; third-Lieux) - …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

10 2
Rencontres du Développement Durable Rencontres du Développement Durable

The largest democratic conference in France devoted to sustainable development The sustainable development meetings were founded in 2020 by the Open Diplomacy Institute and launched under the high patronage of the President of the Republic on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations. The DRDs have become the largest democratic meeting to debate the main challenges of the transition. These high -level conferences are free and open to everyone. Sustainable development, environment, ecological transition, ODD, and agenda 2030

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech

21 1
Les Eco Maires Les Eco Maires

A National and International Association of Mayors and Local Authorities for Sustainable Development A network of more than 2,000 local authorities in metropolitan and overseas France, Les Eco Maires promotes actions related to sustainable development and provides methodological and institutional support, while encouraging reflection on the challenges of environmental protection.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

28 11
Pour un réveil écologique Pour un réveil écologique

Collective of students and young graduates mobilized in the face of ecological crises. Anti-Greenwashing account ⚠️ Group of young people committed for employers and training that meets ecological issues. Since 2018, we have been more than 30,000 students and young graduates to have signed the student manifesto for an ecological awakening thus expressing our desire to “take our future in hand” by integrating ecological issues into our daily lives and by calling society. We are committed to questioning our comfort zone so that society changes deeply and we incite all the actors in society to do the same. In particular, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

69 142
Cercle Promodul / INEF4 Cercle Promodul / INEF4

Successful energy, environmental and digital transitions for healthy and efficient buildings The Circle Promodul/Inef4 endowment fund, thanks to its patrons and through its operational structure, invests today's subjects and explores the challenges of tomorrow to contribute to the development of the building sector. We work in the general interest to promote the place of humans at the heart of the energy, environmental and digital transitions of the building. Innovation is at the center of our collaborative work to help the building face its transitions by highlighting needs, raising the locks and promoting the emergence of innovative solutions adapted to current …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

49 5
INfluencia INfluencia

Média B2B sur l’innovation et les tendances de la communication, du marketing et des médias. INfluencia • Insights + Innovations + Inspirations. Média B2B référent sur l’innovation et les tendances du marché de la communication, à destination des acteurs de la publicité, du marketing & des médias. Newsletter quotidienne | site | Revue trimestrielle (print et digitale). media specialised on trends, consumers, media, publicité, advertising, marketing, marques, brands, and communication

Type: Media

191 42
Cœur d'Essonne Agglomération Cœur d'Essonne Agglomération

It is with the heart that we build the future Agglo in figures: // 203,000 inhabitants // 21 cities // 18,000 activities // 60,000 jobs Created on January 1, 2016, the heart of Essonne Agglomeration brings together 21 municipalities. This territory on a human scale aims to offer a quality, local service and develop new projects together by giving common sense to the territory. Agglo is also 670 agents in the service of the inhabitants.

Type: Public

28 184
Sourcemap: the Supply Chain Mapping Company Sourcemap: the Supply Chain Mapping Company

The leading provider of technology for enterprise-grade supply chain mapping, traceability, monitoring, and compliance About us: Sourcemap’s enterprise-grade supply chain mapping and regulatory software helps companies automatically trace their entire upstream supply chain to the raw material. Our platform allows customers to comply with every global supply chain regulation with one audit-ready tool that creates reports directly to customs authorities worldwide. Our solutions also help companies visualize and monitor their supply chains so they can manage their operations and ensure that risks are identified and standards are met at every step. We support compliance with all global supplier environmental and …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech cleantech greentech it services Technologies: Data Analytics

10 65
Acteurs du Tourisme Durable Acteurs du Tourisme Durable

Tourism professionals, join our network and become an actor in sustainable tourism! ATD is the national network of tourism professionals engaged in sustainable development. It brings together the main French and French -speaking collectives in the sustainable tourism sector. Our objectives: Federate - Represent - Promote the practices of sustainable tourism, in order to allow the whole sector to best integrate the challenges of sustainable development. Sustainable tourism, training - completion, communication - events, and information - awareness

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: traveltech Technologies: Decarbonization

36 18
Kompetenznetzwerk Umweltwirtschaft.NRW Kompetenznetzwerk Umweltwirtschaft.NRW

The Knuw.NRW is a partner and network manager for the exchange between all actors in the environmental economy in North Rhine -Westphalia. The Environmental Economy. As a partner and intermediary, we bring together companies, research institutions, associations, universities, business development and politics. Our goal: strengthen the environmental economy and advance the Green Economy in NRW. Environmentally friendly mobility, environmentally friendly agriculture, environmentally friendly energy conversion, transport and storage, materials, material efficiency and resource management, water management, reduction and protection technologies, energy efficiency and energy saving, wood and forestry, environmental economy, and green economy

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech water management Technologies: Decarbonization

12 6

Providing trust since 1926 AFNOR is an international group organised around four areas of expertise: standardisation, certification, publishing and training. Our standardisation mission serves the general interest; our three other activities are carried out in the competitive field. Nearly 77,000 customers in 100 countries trust us. Quality, safety, environment, CSR, energy... Your topics are our standards ! Follow our news on this page! normalisation, certification, formation, and éditions

Type: Large company

259 637
Meal Canteen Meal Canteen

The best waste is the one that is not produced. Meal Canteen is an application intended for collective catering in order to reduce food waste. She is based on a virtual self to order her meal the next day before. With Meal Canteen we know who comes to eat and especially what he will eat! The 1st application for collective restorations to massively reduce food waste. Book your meal 🍽️ The day before and eat what you like by helping your collective catering reduce food waste ♻️. Collective catering, food waste, canteen, mobile application, green, ecology, CSR, startup, foodtech, and …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech foodtech cleantech greentech it services

34 9

Bring innovation & amp; Transformation in companies via regeneration to accelerate ecological transition. We have developed several workshops to support the ecological transition in companies and local communities in response to the surpassing of planetary limits and in particular the predation of the living. Our approach is the regeneration of the living including humans. Regeneration is the ability of the living Its full potential in an ecosystem. Find out more: Design, regeneration, innovation, transformation, ecology, human factor, emotions, imaginary, new accounts, business models, strategic planning, design, fresco, collaboration, new products, biodiversity, human resources, cognitive sciences, new accounts, brands, community, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech consulting greentech

24 16
Agence de développement et d'urbanisme de Lille Métropole Agence de développement et d'urbanisme de Lille Métropole

The aim of the agency aims to arouse, lead or follow any reflections and studies likely to promote the development and quality of the development and environment of the Lille cross -border metropolis. The Agency is intended to intervene more particularly in the fields of town planning, planning, housing and housing, economic and social development, urban and transport engineering, landscapes and the environment, leisure, tourism, training, culture and communication, as well as to record and manage, by the implementation of observatories, the evolution of data in these areas of competence.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

26 55

ADGCF, the circle of today's territorial leaders The ADGCF, the circle of territorial leaders today. The ADGCF is historically the National Association of Directors General and Communities of Communes, Agglomeration, Urban and Metropolises. It now opens up to all directors of project territories: Petr, Scot, Metropolitan poles, town planning agencies, new municipalities, PNR. The ADGCF is a center of expertise dedicated to the management of territorial policies. The ADGCF is a network of experts who organize reflection on the inter -municipal fact and a new territorial grammar. Communities, territories, public policies, and intercommunality

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

56 12
Fipec Fipec

Transform, protect, embellish. The FIECT represents the industries of paintings, plasters, varnishes, printing inks, colors for art, leisure and teaching, glues, adhesives, mastics and expansive foams, resins, through its 5 national unions: AFCALE: Association of color manufacturers for art, leisure and teaching AFEI: Association of printing inks manufacturers AFICAM: French Association of Industries of Colles, Adhesives, Mastics and Expansive Mosses SIPEV: National Syndicate of Paintings, Lakes and Varnish Industries SNFORES: National Union of Resiners Professional organization

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

32 42

Textile recycling solutions editor MAPEA, an expert in plastic formulation, specializes in complex projects requiring innovative and technical recycled materials. We go beyond classical recycling by transforming textiles into technical plastic materials, thanks to our exclusive "textium" process which strengthens their mechanical properties. Compounding, formulation, regofib, recycling, plastics, technical materials, development, textiles, and mixtures

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

12 9
Maximum® Maximum®

The industry produces waste. We transform them into furniture. Maximum is a French manufacture that designs and manufactures furniture from industrial falls. The industry produces its waste in a serial and recurrent way, making the fall an ideal raw material. Completely made in France, industrial but artisanal, high -end and however affordable, maximum furniture is 100% depolluting. Since 2015, Maximum has explored creation from waste by developing Upcycling on an industrial scale. Its activity is based on partnerships with production players such as Airbus, Knauf Industries or Servachem. In 2020, maximum opened an architectural department in reaction to the impossibility …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: New Materials

14 40

For 13 years, the biodiversity partner of companies: Site processing and integration into the activity. Are you one of the companies that have not yet integrated biodiversity into their strategy? Here are 6 good reasons to do it: - Anticipate European taxonomy and CSRD directives - Align with the national biodiversity strategy by reducing your impacts by 50% to 2030 - Gain markets by differentiating yourself from your competitors - Concretely illustrate your CSR commitments, 14001, ... - Create link with your stakeholders: customers, employees, partners, ... - Value your image of responsible and citizen actor - help you access …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

44 11
Zenride Zenride

Boost your employer brand with a new free social advantage: the Vélotaf by Zenride. Boost your employer brand with a new social advantage: the Vélotaf by Zenride. Vélotaf is a free social advantage for employers who allow employees to ride with the bicycle of their dreams saving at least 30%. Vélotaf is the advantage that has a lot of advantages: - Attract the best talents - Loyalage your employees - Reduce absenteeism - Reduce your carbon footprint - Save parking Saint-Gobain, Safran, Veolia, Caisse d'Epargne, Allianz and more than 500 other large groups, ETI and SMEs have already chosen to …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: Decarbonization

53 58
Gobi Gobi

We create Fill Good products. We strongly believe that ecology must be concrete and measurable. In 2010, we have created the first reusable bottle entirely thought for the office lives. To drink more easily and throw less away. The entire product is made in France, we measure and reduce our environmental impacts thanks to the eco-designed method. We also applied the precautionary principle when choosing the materials of our products. Gobi has been adopted by 700 000 people in 8 000 organisations. Environnement, Développement durable, Éco-conception, Design, and RSE

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

62 59
Expertise France Expertise France

Projects, solutions, impacts Expertise France is a public agency and a key actor in international technical cooperation. It designs and implements projects that sustainably strengthen public policies in developing and emerging countries. Governance, security, climate, health, education... It operates in key areas of sustainable development and contributes alongside its partners to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Gouvernance et Droits humains, Protection sociale et Emploi, Développement économique, Finances publiques, Santé, Développement durable, Coopération technique, gouvernance économique, Expertise technique internationale, Développement durable, and Développement humain

Type: Public

71 2,193
Réseau de Transport d'Électricité Réseau de Transport d'Électricité

RTE manages and pilots the largest electricity transport network in Europe! RTE is the manager of the French Electricity Transport Network, the largest in Europe, as well as the Ecowatt system, the electricity weather for responsible consumption. 24 hours a day, circulates on our high and very high voltage lines an electricity that makes the economy of the territories vibrate and guarantees everyone a reliable and environmentally friendly power supply. In France as in Europe. Today RTE invents solutions that combine electrical infrastructure and digital technologies to allow the energy transition and support new uses and new electricity players. For …

Type: Large company

191 7,366

For a circular and united creation: support the culture sector to appropriate the circular economy The arts reserve or how the art of re-use becomes a constitutive know-how of French cultural excellence.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech cleantech

33 31
I Care I Care

Because our impact matters - BearingPoint's center of expertise for sustainability. [MULTI-EXPERTISE FOR IMPACTFUL SOLUTIONS] I Care by BearingPoint is a leader in impact-driven transformation and BearingPoint's center of expertise for sustainable development. From strategy to implementation, the experts at I Care deliver concrete and innovative transition solutions for companies, financial institutions, and public organizations. The ambition of I Care is twofold: offer technical expertise on environmental, climate, biodiversity, social impact, circular economy, and sustainable finance issues; and combine that expertise with transformational know-how to engage clients in evolving their businesses and business models. Carbone et énergie, Biodiversité, Construction durable …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

67 145

The leading French sustainability, thinktank and consultancy agency since 1993 UTOPIES is the top French consulting firm dedicated exclusively, since its creation in 1993, to the promotion of sustainable development through consulting and think tank activities. We help various organizations to design and implement sustainable strategies - ranging from pioneering ones (Ben & Jerry’s, The Body Shop, Nature & Découvertes) to major corporate groups such as Danone, Sodexo or L’Oréal passing by smaller structures (SMB, start-ups and associations). Follow us on Twitter: @Utopies_Paris Stratégie & conseil en RSE, Reporting & communication extra-financière, Consultation & dialogue avec les parties prenantes, Construction …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech agritech greentech consulting civictech Technologies: Decarbonization

132 92
Bureau Veritas France Bureau Veritas France

Build a world of trust Local know-how and advanced technology expert solutions, helping to reduce your risks, optimize your costs, improve your performance and promote sustainable development. #Test #inspection #certification #hse #ReS #innovation Do you want to join us? Consult our dedicated site and apply online: Inspection, certification, and tests

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

112 4
Post2020 Biodiversity Framework - EU support Post2020 Biodiversity Framework - EU support

Together towards a Global Deal for Nature & People Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework - EU Support is a project financed by the European Union and implemented by Expertise France, the French public international cooperation agency. It aims at facilitating the adoption and implementation of an ambitious Post-2020 global biodiversity framework, fostering commitment from all stakeholders accross the globe. To support them, the project has set three sets of objectives: • Contribute to the global negotiations and an ambitious COP15 agreement on biodiversity. • Contribute to the development of strong general and specific measurable commitments • Facilitate the process to anchor commitments …

Type: Public

19 1
Interreg Europe Interreg Europe

We are an interregional cooperation programme, co-funded by the European Union. Interreg Europe is an interregional cooperation programme, co-funded by the European Union. We bring regional and local governments together to share innovative and sustainable solutions to regional development challenges. interregional cooperation, EU programme, European Territorial Cooperation, and Structural Funds

Type: Public

63 106
Vestack Vestack

Vestack is a pioneer in designing and manufacturing affordable, healthy and sustainable buildings - We’re hiring! Vestack seeks to disrupt the construction industry through efficient design and sustainable manufacturing processes, which are 3x less polluting, 2x faster, and at no additional cost compared to traditional construction. Incorporating our proprietary hardware and software, our holistic end-to-end solution allows us to assist developers from design to delivery. Our market-leading technologies give us the flexibility and agility to adjust to the requirements of your projects, adapting to architectural designs, regulatory standards and environmental considerations. We pre-assemble building components offsite, but ensure an expedient …

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

81 45
Ekodev Ekodev

(R) Awaken organizations to stimulate commitment and cause change! CSE⎪Climat⎪biodiversity⎪Mobility EKODEV, CSR consultancy agency, supports you in the definition and deployment of your CSR strategy and your climate strategy. Diagnosis and measurement of impacts, strategic advice, operational deployment, change management ... We build your commitments and your CSR approach together. In order to reduce your impacts and contribute positively to social and environmental issues, EKODEV works alongside you around four major complementary and interdependent themes: CSR, Climate, Mobility & AMP; Biodiversity. Advice and services, climate-energy, sustainable development, biodiversity, mobility, communication, and CSR

Type: Startup Activities: consulting greentech transporttech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

72 79
UN Biodiversity UN Biodiversity

The official account for the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was signed at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992 and entered into force on 29 December 1993. It is the first global agreement to cover all aspects of biological diversity: the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use of genetic resources. The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD), based in Montreal, Canada, was established to support the goals of the Convention. …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

62 62
Square Management Belgium Square Management Belgium

BUSINESS AS UNUSUAL Since 2009, Square Management Belgium is a partner of choice for financial institutions, especially banks and insurance companies, in their transformation projects. Able to help its clients across the entire range of their projects, our firm is distinct in its approach, which is both expert and pragmatic. Expert, because the teams at Square Management Belgium are made of consultants who are expert in the businesses of our clients or who have experienced major transformations in their careers ; and pragmatic, because our methodological approach is always in direct contact with the field and strives to be as …

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech consulting martech legaltech Technologies: Data Analytics

21 65
wpd France wpd France

100% renewable electricity producer Created in France in 2002, WPD France is developing, finance, built and operating terrestrial and sea wind farms, as well as photovoltaic parks. In order to guarantee harmonious wind projects, WPD works in close collaboration with local authorities, municipalities, state services, population, local associations, design offices and landowners. The WPD group was created in 1996 in Bremen in Germany where its headquarters are still. Present in 18 countries, WPD has 2000 employees and France is its second largest market after Germany. Since its creation, WPD has installed more than 2,200 wind turbines in many European countries, …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

27 155
Vigeo Eiris Vigeo Eiris

V.E, part of Moody’s ESG Solutions, is a global leader in ESG assessments, data, research, benchmarks and analytics. We equip market players with the ESG insight they need to manage risks and better understand and address their social and environmental impact. We hold a unique industry quality certification – ISO 9001: 2015 – that recognizes excellence across our data methodology, assessments, sales and delivery processes to all types of investors and issuers. We are also a Climate Bonds Initiative Verified Provider of Second Party Opinions. Since 2019, V.E has been part of Moody’s ESG Solutions – a business unit …

Type: Incubators & VCs

49 14,746
UNICEM - Union nationale des industries de carrières et matériaux de construction UNICEM - Union nationale des industries de carrières et matériaux de construction

Materials to meet the needs of construction and work public UNICEM brings together 8 branches of activity which are mostly upstream of the construction. More specifically, this federation covers three areas of activity: - The extraction of mineral resources and their treatment (aggregates and natural stones). Thus, UNICEM brings together almost all of the branches of this extractive sector - the cement thus the tiles and bricks being also partners of the Union for their extractive dimension. - an important part of the concrete sector (with ready -to -use concrete), - related industries and services (concrete and concrete pumping adjuvants). …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

79 10
NEWS RSE - Trophées Défis RSE© NEWS RSE - Trophées Défis RSE©

Communication and public affairs agency, focused on CSR and societal engagement News CSR claims to make communication at the service of societal progress by valuing actions, innovations and ethical behavior that contributes to sustainable development.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

30 4
Refashion Refashion

The eco-organisation for the textiles and footwear sector Created in 2008, Refashion is the eco-organisation for the clothing, household linen and footwear sector (CHF) approved by the French public authorities. We have a mission of general interest: to unite and support all those involved in production, consumption and regeneration, in order to reduce impact and create value. Our purpose? To accelerate the transition to a world that is more responsible with its resources and the environment. Through eco-design, repair, collecting, reusing and recycling, we want to give everyone the tools they need to implement 100% circular fashion. More specifically, what …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

62 87
Sparknews Sparknews

Bring out new stories to speed up the rocking towards a company based on compliance with planetary limits Our raison d'être: bring out new stories bring out new stories to speed up the rocking to a founded company On compliance with planetary limits and social justice. This requires a deep transformation - a cultural transformation - of all the actors of society. Sparknews therefore develops an activity at 2 scales: The cultural transformation of the general public by awareness of the great challenges of the ecological and social transition those who participate to shape our imaginations: the media, the artists …

Type: Media

174 19
Solutions&co Solutions&co

The Economic Development Agency of the Pays de la Loire region Solutions & amp; CO acts on behalf of the Region in order to strengthen the economic development of Pays de la Loire. To accomplish this mission, Solutions & Amp; CO is positioned as the privileged interlocutor of companies who wish to set up on the territory and those which are already established and who wish to accelerate their growth and their competitiveness. Solutions & amp; CO builds integrated solutions based on all players in the regional ecosystem. Solutions & amp; Co focuses its action on 4 areas of strategic …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

87 111
Cycle Up Cycle Up

Infinite resources! Created in 2017, Cycle UP develops and operates a global circular economy solution for the re -use of building materials. Its three main activities are: - Council and studies in re -use for all building players - The marketplace allowing the purchase and sale of re-use materials (used as it is, reconditioned, upcycled, surplus of site etc ...) - the reconditioning of certain materials through the establishment of sectors and the administration of workshops The Marketplace Cycle UP was designed to optimize the meeting of supply and demand for re -use materials and to connect the actors …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech proptech Technologies: New Materials

63 77
Neo-Eco Neo-Eco

A World Without Waste We make Waste Valuable. Circular economy engineering, full waste treatment lines, waste valuation, and elaboration of ecoproducts

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech constructiontech greentech

61 62
Qarnot Qarnot

Empower your R&D teams with effortless Cloud HPC, for their simulation needs. Qarnot is redefining the European HPC cloud computing landscape with an intuitive HPCaaS platform. Designed specifically for engineers, Qarnot delivers seamless, high-performance computational power to meet the always rising simulation needs of R&D teams, without the complexities of IT management or the high costs associated with traditional infrastructure. Our mission is to empower engineers in critical sectors such as aerospace, energy, automotive, and naval industries with the tools they need to innovate faster and more effectively. With access to hundreds of CPU and GPU cores and the ability …

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: it services constructiontech smart home Technologies: Decarbonization Sensors

104 83

Our programs and solutions reduce waste and waste by 20 to 60% according to the pro sectors. #Antigaspi #RSE Biodechets, packaging, banal industrial waste, food and non -food surplus of professional and public actors ... EQOSPER programs and solutions reduce waste and waste by 20 to 60% according to the professional activity sectors. The offer of services and the support of Eqosphere as well as your commitment has a positive and environmental impact: waste decreases, waste is reduced and transformed into resources.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

37 5
Leasétic Leasétic

Management says thank you, the planet too 🌿 Leasétic is a company that specialized in leasing and other forms of financing. We are committed to controlling the environmental impact of our activities and to offering responsible and tailor-made solutions to our customers. Our expertise and methods allow us to be a trusted partner for all companies looking to meet the challenges of the 21st century. We believe that companies have an important role to play in the transition to a more sustainable future, and we provide them with our skills to help them achieve this. At Leasétic, we believe that …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Decarbonization

24 10
Square Square

Invent Today. Shape Tomorrow. Since we opened our doors in 2009, the world of commerce has evolved immensely, and so has Square. After enabling anyone to take payments and never miss a sale, we saw sellers stymied by disparate, outmoded products and tools that wouldn’t work together. So we expanded into software and started building integrated, omnichannel solutions – to help sellers sell online, manage inventory, offer buy now, pay later functionality through Afterpay, book appointments, engage loyal buyers, and hire and pay staff. Across it all, we’ve embedded financial services tools at the point of sale, so merchants can …

Type: Large company

65 7,264
GreenFlex GreenFlex

Changing course towards a regenerative economy Since 2009, GreenFlex has been a key partner in the energy, environmental and societal transformation of organizations, enabling them to change their trajectory towards an economy that creates and preserves more than it destroys. Thanks to a multi-expertise model combining consulting, operational support, digital and financing tools, GreenFlex accelerates the transformation of its 800 clients and supports them from the design of their roadmaps to their operational implementation and monitoring over time. GreenFlex's teams combine their expertise to meet the challenges of sustainable development, decarbonization and energy efficiency and enable companies and regions to …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting civictech cleantech greentech transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization Solar Technologies

89 430
Paris 2024 - Comité d'organisation des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de 2024 Paris 2024 - Comité d'organisation des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de 2024

Sport can change everything In accordance with the host city contract, signed by the International Olympic Committee (CIO), the City of Paris and the French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF), Paris 2024 is notably responsible for: Plan, organize, finance and deliver the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games; Promote the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris 2024 in France and internationally; Participate in actions aimed at ensuring the sustainability of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris 2024; Contribute to maximizing the positive impact and the heritage of the Olympic and Paralympic Games of Paris 2024.

Type: Event

275 1,804

For a greener planet and a more fraternal society. Recycling is transforming waste into raw materials, giving a second life to what we would have tended yesterday to consider it definitively useless. With its 300 sites in 10 countries, Paprec is part of this process daily by collecting and treating waste from industrialists and communities to make new so -called secondary raw materials. Ecological and economically viable activity, recycling has become an industrial profession requiring major investments to meet the challenges of innovation imposed by more diverse waste treatment. Thus in almost 30 years, Paprec has invested more than 2 …

Type: Large company Activities: greentech

65 2,820
Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille

The museum is reinvented The exceptional collections (60,000 works) of the Palais des Beaux-Arts make it a very foreground museum. Its masterpieces retrace a complete panorama of art history, from antiquity to the 20th century. Flemish painting, the Italian Renaissance, French sculpture and the relief plans of fortified cities in the 18th century are among the strengths. Inaugurated in 1892, and completely renovated at the 21st century threshold (1997 silver square), the museum today leads a vast program of transformations which renews the experience of visit and offer comfort and technological innovations.

Type: Public

35 107
Ports de Strasbourg - PAS ⚓️ Ports de Strasbourg - PAS ⚓️

🥈 2 ° Fluvial port of France 🏭 500 companies - 10,000 jobs 📍 4 port sites Second river port in France after Paris, a real multimodal transport platform, the Port of Strasbourg (PAS) represents 8 million tonnes of river traffic each year and more than 420,000 handling for container traffic. It is a major asset for the economic development of the Strasbourg metropolis and the Rhine area. The PAS has two subsidiaries which participate in the economic dynamism of the territory: - Rhine Europe terminal which manages container terminals; - Batorama which offers tourist boat circuits in Strasbourg and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

16 127
Recygo Recygo

Recycling expertise, proximity in addition RECYGO is an office waste recycling company founded by two large French groups committed for ecological and united transition: La Poste and Suez. RECYGO undertakes to secure, draw and enhance 100% all office waste sorted by its customers. A unique solution and accessible to everyone, regardless of the size and sector of business activity. Recycling, office waste, cannets paper, collection, disordeage, solidarity and circular economy, environment, service, and made in France

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech consumer services greentech

14 49
Ty Waste Ty Waste

🌳 The circular economy and EIT for professionals, business networks and communities 🌲 Tools and methodologies tested and approved to allow communities and companies of companies to animate circular economy procedures.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: SaaS

12 7
Signify Signify

Signify (Euronext: LIGHT) is the world leader in lighting for professionals, consumers, and the Internet of Things. Our Philips products, Interact systems and data-enabled services deliver business value and transform life in homes, buildings and public spaces. In 2023, we had sales of EUR 6.7 billion, approximately 32,000 employees and a presence in over 70 countries. We unlock the extraordinary potential of light for brighter lives and a better world. We have been in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index since our IPO for seven consecutive years and have achieved the EcoVadis Platinum rating for four consecutive years, placing Signify …

Type: Large company

87 11,874
Ellen MacArthur Foundation Ellen MacArthur Foundation

We are committed to the creation of a circular economy to eliminate waste, circulate products, and regenerate nature. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation was launched in 2010 to accelerate the transition to a circular economy. Since its creation the charity has emerged as a global thought leader, establishing the circular economy on the agenda of decision makers across business, government and academia. With the support of its Strategic Partners, the Foundation’s work focuses on five interlinking areas: Learning Developing the vision, skills and mindsets needed to transition to a circular economy Business and Government Catalysing circular innovation and creating the conditions …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

135 221
Comité Régional du Tourisme Centre-Val de Loire Comité Régional du Tourisme Centre-Val de Loire

The Regional Tourism Committee is commissioned by the Region to design and implement the tourist policy of Center-Val de Loire. As such, it is at the service of territories and tourism professionals.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: traveltech

11 26
PETR Gâtinais montargois PETR Gâtinais montargois

At the service of sustainable development of territories. At the service of sustainable development of territories.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

7 11
Atemis Atemis

Intervention and research laboratory Intervention and research laboratory.

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech

7 23

Creative solutions & amp; Expertises for the wheat-farine-pastry sector Specialist in milling correctors, improving breading and ingredients for the Blé-farine-pain sector • Design, produce and market meune correctors, bread-out improving, technical ingredients and pastry/caterer beforehand • For more regularity, quality and to better value products from the wheat sector - Flour - Bread • A single goal: to help our customers through our product/ services offer to develop products sources of pleasure and satisfaction for the consumer Ingredients & amp; Solutions for the Wheat, FLOUR and BREAD Sector • Design, Produce and Market Flour Correctors, Breadmaking Improvers, Technical Ingredients …

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech

10 310
Comité Régional du Tourisme de Nouvelle-Aquitaine Comité Régional du Tourisme de Nouvelle-Aquitaine

The CRT Nouvelle-Aquitaine carries out tourism promotion actions in the region in France and abroad, in partnership with CDT/ADT. It implements regional tourism policy, particularly in the field of studies, planning, structuring and the development of the offer, technical assistance to marketing and vocational training. It contributes to the development of the regional tourism development and leisure scheme. Its mission is also to develop expertise and advice services in New Aquitaine, France and abroad. He is responsible for the organization of economic observation of tourism. Tourism, Tourism, Marketing, Promotion, Observation, Engineering, Ingneering, Downmarket, Structuring and Development of the offer, and …

Type: SMB Activities: traveltech martech

15 56
Noé Noé

Biodiversity: Our lives are linked! Noah is an association for the protection of nature, of general and non -profit interest, created in 2001 by Arnaud Greth, its president and founder. It deploys in France and internationally, actions to safeguard biodiversity for the good of all living species, including the human species. For this, Noé implements programs for the conservation of threatened species, management of protected natural spaces, restoration of ordinary biodiversity, human reconnection to nature, and support for economic activities and civil society organizations favorable to biodiversity. Noah's vision is to reinvent a living and sustainable world, where biodiversity and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

33 248
ReGeneration ReGeneration

Our mission: to accelerate the agro-ecological transition by reconnecting the agricultural world and the business world. Our mission at Regeneration: accelerate the agro-ecological transition by reconnecting the agricultural world and the business world. Since our creation in 2021, we have allowed companies to have a global and indisputable positive environmental impact, by investing in a robust and measurable climate contribution, based on regenerative, local, sustainable and sovereign agriculture. We offer companies a solution for climate contribution credits, from positive externalities (carbon, biodiversity, water) linked to the transition of farmers that we support in the field. Our target is made up …

Type: Startup Activities: agritech greentech fintech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

50 11
Takagreen Takagreen

Platform of Eco-Responsible Solutions Suppliers for Professionals Companies, communities: accelerate your ecological transition in a few clicks! Takagreen has conscientiously brought together, on its platform, sustainable, managers and innovative solutions classified by themes: energy performance - Waste management - Sustainable mobility - healthy food - quality of life at work - Responsible purchases - Communication - Environmental law. Our search engine makes it possible to find alternatives adapted to each working environment, by entering its sector of activity as well as its location. Daily sourcing allows us to ensure continuous monitoring of the latest innovations. Solutions based on the three …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

18 3

Collective of companies deploying sustainable and concrete solutions in favor of the agricultural transition. The objective is to promote the development of activities by bringing together the various stakeholders in the agricultural environment, through business meetings (online and in the field), practical workshops and training but also individual support for our members, alongside qualified partners. Agtech, collaborative economy, agriculture, collaborative agriculture, acculturation, sustainable agriculture, farmers, business network, field event, network accelerator, and community of entrepreneurs

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: agritech civictech

40 7
MAIF Social Club MAIF Social Club

Free cultural place opened by maif | Come see the exhibition "Chaosmos" until July 26, 2025 🪐🌍 Place located in the heart of the Marais district of Paris, free and open to everyone, the Maif Social Club questions social innovation through a multidisciplinary and joint artistic program. Exhibitions, shows, ideas debates, workshops for young and old, workspace, coffee with local and seasonal products, participate in the richness of the place. Maif Social Club is also a physical and online store of committed products. A hybrid space opened by Maif.

Type: SMB Activities: civictech

29 23
Ville & Aménagement Durable Ville & Aménagement Durable

Think of the territories of tomorrow City & amp; Sustainable Development is a network of building and sustainable development professionals in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. It brings together 430 adherent structures. All the trades are represented, to together, to learn, to train, debate and co -construct new standards. VAD's strength, professionals at the service of professionals, where members are the engines of the activity by putting their experience at the service of the network. The structure involves and mobilizes more than 2,000 professionals each year. The structure brings together more than 430 members: communities, social landlords, promoters, developers, programmers, urban planners, landscapers, architects, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Public Activities: greentech

48 11
L'Institut Paris Region L'Institut Paris Region

ex IAU île-de-France Digital transition, climate change, urban resilience, smart mobility, innovative ecosystems, sustainable development, collaborative economy, biodiversity, urban agriculture... In a fast-changing world, the 200 experts of the Institut Paris Region explore all dimensions of regional and metropolitan life to help local decision-makers improve the quality of life and plan for the future. Our agency works for the Paris Region’s authorities and other cities worldwide. urbanisme, transports, mobilités, environnement, biodiversité, énergie, climat, déchets, économie, démographie, habitat, sécurité, prévention, santé, sport, planification, gouvernance, patrimoine, and paysage

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city greentech

114 161
Les Portes du Tarn, un parc d'activités pensé pour l'économie, construit avec l'environnement Les Portes du Tarn, un parc d'activités pensé pour l'économie, construit avec l'environnement

An activity park designed for the economy, built with the environment & gt; & gt; & gt; A strategic location at the gates of Toulouse Located northeast of Toulouse, this activity park which extends over 198ha is designed as a mixed space completely integrated into its environment. - 10 minutes from the Toulouse ring road - 25 minutes from Matabiau station (between 72 to 110 ter/day) - 30 minutes from Toulouse-Blagnac airport. If the priority is given to industrial activity, the development of the site also makes it possible to make the link between industrial and commercial activities, natural spaces, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

19 3
La Fabrique Ecologique La Fabrique Ecologique

Our objective: to promote ecology and sustainable development on the basis of pragmatic and concrete proposals The Ecological Factory, a pluralist foundation of ecology created in spring 2013, is based on a transpartisan and rigorous approach, in order to develop concrete and applicable proposals. It brings together experts in ecology of all political sensitivities and various backgrounds: NGOs, unions, political parties, companies, researchers, public organizations. Environment, sustainable development, public policies, and think tank

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

35 15
Institut négaWatt Institut négaWatt

See far act now The Negawatt Institute is 100 % subsidiary of the Negawatt association. He supports the actors involved in the energy transition by offering them a complete offer of training and advice, combining technical expertise and strategic vision. With a solid experience, he excels in setting up projects with a strong social and environmental impact. Energy performance, energy transition, vocational training, efficient renovation, support for territories, positive energy territories, renewable energies, photovoltaics, energy issues, energy sobriety, facilitation, renovation of tertiary buildings, lower the material, support changes, and planning jobs and skills

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

19 19
Lefebvre Dalloz Lefebvre Dalloz

Activate knowledge Lefebvre Dalloz, leader in legal and fiscal knowledge. In law, taxation, accounting and conformity, we enrich knowledge of our customers, for more knowledge, competence and efficiency. Our know-how meet their content and agility needs, faced with the new challenges of their trades and our society. Lefebvre Dalloz is a new brand that has a global offer of edition, training and software & amp; Services of the Editions Editions Francis Lefebvre, Editions Legislative, Dalloz, Francis Lefebvre Formation, Elegia, Dalloz Formation, Bärchen and CSP DOCENDI. This regrouping gives Lefebvre Dalloz a position as a leader in legal and fiscal knowledge …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech Technologies: SaaS Generative A.I. A.I.

56 618
S3d Ingénierie S3d Ingénierie

Technical studies and innovations : independant engineering #méthanisation #gazéification #biodiesel #bioNGV S3d is an independent consulting firm specializing in energy recovery from waste. Created in 2007 and obtaining the status of Young Innovative Company the same year, S3d offers engineering, consulting and research services. S3d relies on 4 poles to support public and private project leaders in the development of sustainable initiatives: • Methanization • Pyrogasification • Alternative fuels (NGV / bioNGV, Hydrogen, biodiesel ...) • Strategy and Performance (R&D and Innovation, Industrial Symbiosis ...) For more information, you can consult our brochure below. Méthanisation, Gazéification, Biocarburant, and Traitement des …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech deeptech energytech greentech Technologies: Hydrogen

29 29
Tech4Gaia Tech4Gaia

An impact startup at the service of biodiversity Tech4GAIA develops IoT solutions at the service of biodiversity and the preservation of pollinators.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: IoT

47 4
Fédération de la Mode Circulaire Fédération de la Mode Circulaire

The circular fashion federation represents circular fashion professionals and textile recycling The circular fashion federation represents professional merchants of circular fashion and companies in the textile recycling industry. In order to amplify in the long term the positive socio-environmental impact of the merchants and industrial manufacturers of the circular fashion, the Federation carries the values ​​of a transparent, responsible and fair fashion. By being the voice of all the players in circular fashion, the Federation undertakes to strengthen the competitiveness of the French fashion and textile recycling industry. With the growing circularity of our international economy, the Federation thus contributes …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech fashtech

23 40
Comité ECO Comité ECO

To reconcile economy and ecology and amplify local engagement The ECO Committee Association carries a support approach to the ecological transition, which is based on the link and the valuation of all local actors who are engaged in initiatives improving the local living environment: inhabitants, associations, shops and businesses. Our observation: the territory of Plaine Commune presents all the assets to succeed in the bet of a transition which benefits everyone. Only the positive initiatives that embody it are often isolated, not very visible and insufficiently impactful, for lack of a collective dynamic that allows them to make a system. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech civictech

12 6
ClientEarth ClientEarth

Using the power of the law to protect life on Earth. We are a non-profit using the power of the law to bring about end-to-end systemic change: informing, implementing and enforcing the law, drafting and advising decision-makers on policy, building legal expertise, and ensuring citizens’ access to the laws that defend them. We take governments to court – and win. We force polluting industries to shut down. We protect irreplaceable forests and vulnerable species. We empower people and NGOs with the legal rights to bring forward environmental battles of their own. Using the law means that we create real, long-lasting …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech legaltech

38 349
Institut Choiseul Institut Choiseul

multiply opportunities of meetings and exchanges! The Institut Choiseul is an independent think-tank dedicated to the analysis of contemporary strategic issues and international economic questions.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

197 61
Ilec – La voix des marques Ilec – La voix des marques

Institute of Liaisons for Consumer Companies ILEC brings together one hundred and ten companies manufacturing consumer products, national and international notoriety, food and non -food.

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech

33 10
La Cravate Solidaire Lyon La Cravate Solidaire Lyon

The habit does not make the monk but he contributes to it ... The solidarity tie Lyon is a recognized 1901 law association of general interest created in Paris in 2012 and in Lyon in 2015. Its objective is to facilitate access to the employment of people in integration or professional reintegration by fighting against discrimination related to appearance. To do this, she donates an adapted outfit and advice from human resources specialists in order to properly prepare the candidate and put all the odds on his side of his interview. Employment, professional integration, fight against discrimination, and social

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

103 204
Fnac Darty Fnac Darty

Fnac Darty is a European leader in the distribution of cultural, leisure, technical, household appliances and services. The group, which has more than 25,000 employees, has at the end of 2022 a network of 987 stores and is positioned as a major player in e-commerce in France. A omnichannel of reference, Fnac Darty achieved in 2022 a turnover of almost 8 billion euros, including 22% on the Internet channel. For more information:

Type: Incubators & VCs

83 19,334
setec setec

SETEC, a French multidisciplinary engineering group, carries out complex construction projects around the world, thanks to the recognized technical excellence of its 2,400 Talents, divided on the 5 continents. It is an independent group, owned by its engineers since its creation in 1957. In 2014, he achieved a turnover of € 258 million, including more than 20% internationally. With the World Engineering Prize for the Channel Tunnel and the National Engineering Grand Prix for the Louis Vuitton Foundation in Paris, Setec has acquired an international reputation in the design and supervision of extraordinary projects. A player in the digital transition, …

Type: Incubators & VCs

77 150
Groupe RG Groupe RG

FOR MORE THAN 30 YEARS, WE HAVE BEEN ANTICIPATING YOUR NEEDS IN PPE Our Group has more than 1,000 employees who are passionate about their job as PPE distributors. Our corporate culture, based on our history and teams united around a common project, makes us unique. What are we all looking for? Ensure the protection and total satisfaction of our customers. Founded in 1987, the Group has achieved major milestones in the BtoB distribution of personal protective equipment. It is now a leader in France and a major player in Europe. Specialist in the sale of PPE, the Group has …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech

7 371
Groupe Archimbaud Groupe Archimbaud

Family enterprise created in 1932, the Archimbaud group is a leading player in the wood sector: sawing palette plates, manufacturing of pallets and valuation of its related products through its pellet and cogeneration factories. From the forest to the valuation of waste, the circular economy takes on any meaning within the Archimbaud group. The company has, in addition to its headquarters in Secondigné-sur-Belle (79), seven production and storage sites in France, secondly-sur-Belle (79), Secondigny (79), Labouheyre (40), Saverdun (09), Mauzé-sur-le-Mignon (17), Tournon (73) and Bussac-Forêt (17), and two production sites abroad (Italy and two production sites abroad (Italy and two …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech

9 76
AquaTech Innovation AquaTech Innovation

Collect, clean up, recycle, regenerate to save our water resource. Aquatech Innovation is a Greentech company, based in Montpellier and labeled Greentech Innovation by the Ministry of Ecological Transition. We design innovative solutions to limit the impact of economic and tourist activities on water resources. Our solutions save water and protect the environment from domestic wastewater pollution, and adapt to any type of location (cities, sensitive, isolated environments, campsites, ports ...). A full range for: - Make a study of consumption for understanding needs, - Monitor, control and analyze consumption thanks to our digital solutions, - Collect and treat black …

Type: Startup Activities: water management cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

96 20
Pacte mondial de l’ONU - Réseau France Pacte mondial de l’ONU - Réseau France

French network of the United Nations World Pact, the world's largest voluntary initiative in the world. French network of the UN GLOBAL COMPACT - The largest voluntary initiative in #RS and sustainable development in the world. The Global Pact offers a voluntary framework of commitment which revolves around ten principles relating to respect for human rights, international labor standards, the environment and the fight against corruption. Human Rights, Standards of Labor, Environment, Fight against Corruption, Sustainable Development Goals, ODD, Climate, Science Based Targets, CSR, Sustainable Development, SDG, and TPE-PME

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

149 46
France Active France Active

Le mouvement des #EntrepreneursEngagés. Conseil, financement et connexion. France Active is a non-profit organisation with the goal of facilitating access to enterprise setup through access to bank credit. It also helps existing structures consolidate jobs through various financial tools.

Type: Incubators & VCs

186 181
Fondation GoodPlanet Fondation GoodPlanet

Ecology and solidarity at the heart of consciences. Foundation chaired by Yann Arthus-Bertrand. Extension of artistic work and the environmental commitment to Yann Arthus-Bertrand, the GoodPlanet Foundation, recognized as a public utility aims to educate all actors about current environmental and social issues. The Foundation offers companies and institutions for internal awareness projects, support on a carbon or responsible food policy, and the financing of field projects. It implements projects in the field in order to act for the planet and its inhabitants, and thus offers everyone to become an actor of the change by committing to their side against …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

75 78
Soltena Soltena

Cluster of "Solutions for the ecological transition in New Aquitaine" Soltena is an association that supports and networks the economic actors of New Aquitaine engaged in the ecological transition. For this, it is based on an operational team and a network of companies offering environmental solutions in the various sectors (biodiversity, water, circular economy, energy, air quality, sites and soils, etc.). With our partners, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region and ADEME, we are carrying out actions to raise awareness and support companies and territories in their circular economy approaches (eco-design, industrial and territorial ecology, etc.), energy transition (invoicing, energy efficiency, renewable energies), …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

69 23
PARME Avocats PARME Avocats

Support each territory in the success of its transitions Parme Avocats is an expert in public and private business law, with identity asserted by 25 years of experience and by a lasting relationship with his customers, which he supports both in advice and in litigation 🤝 With more than 3,000 reference files, the firm offers its customers full expertise associated with a concrete and operational approach to their projects. Parma Avocats approaches each file with the same philosophy: to bring to its customers the best operational solution, whatever their situation. Based on an in -depth legal analysis, the lawyers of …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

52 39
Moulinot Compost & Biogaz Moulinot Compost & Biogaz

Tout comprendre sur la collecte et la valorisation déchets alimentaires 🌱 Moulinot is a Solidarity Company of Social Utility (ESUS) which creates high-quality compost and energy from food waste. Its founder, Stephan Martinez, was born and raised in the kitchens of Parisian restaurants. Himself a chef, like the previous generations, he found out that: - in the absence of any sorting and a specific collection, food waste is systematically buried or incinerated - our soil is so depleted that crops simply cannot grow without prior fertilizing From his observations, he extracted a simple principle that laid the basis for Moulinot: …

Type: SMB Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization Bio sourced materials

44 81

All the news of the FNSEA: employment, training, legal, role of farmers in the food chain ... The National Federation of Farmers' Unions (FNSEA), founded in 1946, is the majority professional union in the agricultural profession in France.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: agritech

96 198
LPO France LPO France

Act for biodiversity The purpose of the LPO is to act or promote actions in favor of nature and biodiversity in the fields of knowledge, expertise and research; protection, conservation and defense; Management and reconquest; Education and valuation. The association contributes to the observation, understanding and monitoring of the evolution of nature and biodiversity by offering all actions that would be favorable to them. Biodiversity and environment

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

73 349