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LogoName Σ Ingoing engagements Outgoing engagements Employees
La 27e Région La 27e Région

Public transformation laboratory The 27th region develops future desirable public action. It is a public transformation laboratory, constituted In an independent association, which offers a multidisciplinary, reflexive and experimental space. Convinced of the importance of reintroducing experimentation and essay-error in public action, we test with administrations new services, tools, methods and methods of organization. We mobilize concepts inspired by design, social sciences and alternative movements (do-it-yourself, free culture, popular education). The 27th region is based on a community of practitioners and agents across France, who share and extend its approaches. Through projects and events, she worked for the animation and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

49 18 28 10
Les Interconnectés Les Interconnectés

Our mission: to support the digital transformation of communities The interconnected network is responsible for supporting the digital transformation of communities through concrete actions based on sharing, collective intelligence, proximity to the user. The first national association for disseminating digital uses and innovations at the service of the territories, a reference contact of the State, we are both a platform for exchanges, resource center and sharing space. Created in 2009 by Urban France and Intercommunalities in France, the interconnected network has several missions which are all commitments: • Supporting the territories in innovation and communities on the strategic and operational …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city it services

140 62 91 5
Institut Sapiens Institut Sapiens

So that the future needs us. So that the future needs us, we are creating the first French think tech: the Sapiens Institute. She wants to put humans back at the heart of digital technology. Driven by Olivier Babeau and Dominique Calmels, the Sapiens Institute aims to define the role of humans in a society disrupted by digital technology. Our main focus of work is the study and promotion of new forms of ecosystems favorable to economic development and social well-being. The Sapiens Institute wishes to innovate through its methods of reflection, its real territorial roots and the diversity of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

65 24 31 19
Office of Texas Governor Greg Abbott Office of Texas Governor Greg Abbott

Governor Greg Abbott's office is a uniquely entrepreneurial organization of leaders committed to supporting the Governor's vision for a better, more prosperous Texas. With responsibilities ranging from the research and creation of policy initiatives to the state’s job creation efforts, Governor Greg Abbott plays a key role in shaping the future of the Lone Star State. Executive Office, State Government, Economic Development, Budget, Planning and Policy, Border Security, Health Care, Energy, and Education

Type: Public Activities: edtech proptech

33 7 19 361
FER Genève FER Genève

The spirit of entrepreneurship The Fédération des Entreprises Romandes Genève, with its 26,000 member companies and 80 professional associations, has four missions: - defending the private economy, - providing services to its members, - conducting a reflection on the evolution of society, - connecting its members and partners. The FER Genève promotes a liberal economy, based on individual initiative and responsibility, as well as on respect for partners. It defends and advises employers in labor relations and social policy. It intervenes with the authorities and has its representatives in official commissions. The FER Genève provides services to its members in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

13 3 6 342
Initiative France Initiative France

First associative network for financing and supporting creators and business buyers. Initiative France is the 1st associative network for financing and support for creation and business takeover. Consisting of 207 local associations, the Initiative France network is present in all territories and acts as close as possible to entrepreneurs. In 2021, more than 29,000 entrepreneurs accompanied, and 52,000 jobs saved or created thanks to its action. The Initiative France network is committed to diversity in entrepreneurship, and carry out dedicated actions to encourage women, people far from employment (long -term unemployed, city policy ...), young people and seniors to embark …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

162 78 107 90
Fréquence écoles Fréquence écoles

Support the media and digital practices of all audiences. Organizer of the Super event tomorrow! 🚀 Because : & gt; Social fractures increase in digital fractures, & gt; Digital is (also) political, & gt; Moral panic prevents from educating digital media, & gt; Mastered digital is an opportunity, & gt; Digital is not always the solution, & gt; Digital natives do not exist, Frequency écoles has been supporting digital uses and the development of digital skills for everyone for 30 years for 30 years throughout life. Collective of digital experts, journalists, developers, designers, teachers (and also parents) We are convinced …

Type: Media

30 12 17 23
France Université Numérique France Université Numérique

Form free France Digital University (FUN) is a public establishment that federates a network of universities, schools, research institutes, government agencies, Edtech companies and contributors who are dedicated to the construction of sovereign digital services for education. France University Digital develops free and open learning tools but also tailor-made learning platforms and services, which is the best known is This aims to be a reference platform in France, in the French-speaking world and more broadly internationally. Development of free and open learning tools, dissemination of online training, and ethical approach, respectful of the regulations and the challenges of sovereignty

Type: Public

77 36 39 42
Tourisme Judiciaire Tourisme Judiciaire

Collaborative application between lawyers, incubated by the Hauts-de-Seine Bar Judicial Tourism is a project incubated by the Hauts de Seine bar, aimed at facilitating pro travel from lawyers. #Avocats #legal #legaltech #tourismejudicial #judicial Lawyers and Legaltech

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

29 8 20 N/A
Etalab - Direction interministérielle du numérique (DINUM) Etalab - Direction interministérielle du numérique (DINUM)

"Chief Data Officer" of the State, in charge of the public policy of data, algorithms and sources codes Service of the Prime Minister in charge of open data and open government. Within the General Secretariat for the Modernization of Public Action, Etalab coordinates government action in terms of open data, develops and administers the portal and supports reuse of public data. Open Data, Open Government, Datascience, Chief Data Officer, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Algorithms, Open Source, and Communs Digital

Type: Public

120 31 78 20
Emmaüs Connect Emmaüs Connect

Emmaüs Connect Fight against digital and social exclusion in a society in dematerialization. Emmaüs Connect is an association of the Emmaüs movement created in 2013 to combat the digital and social exclusion of the most precarious people. Emmaüs Connect, with the help of its 120+ employees and 1,500 volunteers, has already given the power to act to more than 135,000 people faced with isolation. The association has also trained more than 15,000 social guides to digital inclusion and supported more than 350 solidarity structures in the implementation of digital inclusion actions. Through its solidarity programs, Emmaüs Connect supports people on …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

125 69 65 281
Éditions La Découverte Éditions La Découverte

Books to understand, books to act Discovery is a medium -sized publishing house, mainly present in the field of human and social sciences, trials on social problems and accessible works on the economy and international issues. It has just over twenty employees and publishes around 120 new features per year.

Type: Media

16 7 6 34
American Program Bureau American Program Bureau

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Woodward & Bernstein. Google’s Jared Cohen. Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary. From a transformational business keynote to celebrities from the worlds of entertainment, journalism and sports, APB Speakers have one thing in common: they will make your next event unforgettable. APB connects you to the world’s foremost thought leaders and motivational speakers: former heads of state, champions of social justice, inspiring business leaders, futurists and one of the largest speaker rosters in the industry. Creativity is in our DNA. APB literally transformed the old “lecture circuit” into “infotainment” and the dynamic speaking experiences of today. We made our name …

Type: Event

28 6 20 92
Nesta Nesta

We are Nesta. The UK’s innovation agency for social good. We are Nesta. The UK’s innovation agency for social good. We design, test and scale new solutions to society’s biggest problems, changing millions of lives for the better We are a UK charity and our work is enabled by a financial endowment. We are registered in England and Wales with charity no. 1144091 and in Scotland with no. SC042833. innovation, economic growth, social enterprise, creative industries, hi-tech companies, public service innovation, impact investment, health, education, Arts, Data, Research, Analysis, Policy, Creative Economy, and Government Innovation

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

80 34 13 492
Freedom of the Press Foundation Freedom of the Press Foundation

Protecting journalists, whistleblowers, and the public’s right to know. Freedom of the Press Foundation (FPF) is a non-profit organization that that protects, defends, and empowers public-interest journalism in the 21st Century. The organization works to preserve and strengthen First and Fourth Amendment rights guaranteed to the press through a variety of avenues, including the development of encryption tools, documentation of attacks on the press, training in newsrooms on digital security practices, and advocacy for the the public’s right to know. We aim to protect and promote the basic human right of freedom of the press, both in the United States …

Type: Media

35 8 17 32
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz U.S. Senator Ted Cruz

Representing the State of Texas in the United States Senate. Sen. Cruz’s office exists to serve and promote the interests of 28 million Texans by championing policies that will spark jobs and economic growth, keep taxes and regulations low, and uphold the liberties guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution.

Type: Public

14 4 6 24

TMC - The Member Company. If it’s people who drive technology, it makes sense that we provide you with the best driver’s seat available. You’re the driver. So fasten your seatbelt and be prepared to have your tech-mind driven to its limit. Entrepreneurial technologists with a crush on high tech and business push innovation and creative thinking. This idea is the basis of our dedication to create the perfect environment for technologists. A setting where you’re driven to discover, to evolve and to be challenged. A place where knowledge and know-how are shared to create combined brain power. At TMC …

Type: Corporate subsidiary Technologies: Robotics

28 18 3 4,684
Communauté d'agglomération de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Communauté d'agglomération de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

SQY, land of innovations. Specific to new cities, the Agglomeration Community of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (CASQY) is an inter-municipal cooperation establishment, to the services of the municipalities and the inhabitants (147,000 inhabitants).

Type: Public

86 38 51 511
Curiosités Juridiques Curiosités Juridiques

Cabinet dedicated to unusual law: works of art, books and articles. At the origin of the review of unusual law. Legal curiosities is the first cabinet of curiosities dedicated to books, articles and publications of unusual law. You will find unusual legal works, works of art and articles allowing you to discover the law from an original angle. Bookstore specialized in law, art gallery, cabinet of curiosities, law, legal review, art, decoration, gift, lawyer, lawyer, and magistrate

Type: Media

4 3 0 2
Conseil national du numérique Conseil national du numérique

Independent public commission responsible for conducting an open reflection on the relationship of humans to digital The National Digital Council, an independent advisory committee, is responsible for conducting an open reflection on the relationship of humans to digital. Its mission is to give citizens and decision -makers, on a national and European scale, keys to reflect and to act. The work he produces and sharing are from collective thought emanating from the debates organized within it and the meeting with people from all the components of society. Members and General Secretariat: we Tech, Digital, Government, and Public Policy

Type: Public

151 82 69 24
Conseil départemental de la Seine-Saint-Denis Conseil départemental de la Seine-Saint-Denis

For employment, the Department mobilizes the actors and creates the conditions for implementing new initiatives and actions for the economic development of the territory to benefit the inhabitants.

Type: Public

91 62 20 2,902
Commissariat général à l’égalité des territoires Commissariat général à l’égalité des territoires

Support and make territories succeed The General Commission for Territories Equality is placed with the Minister responsible for regional planning and the city, responsible for designing and implementing the national territorial cohesion policy and ensuring its follow -up and the interdepartmental coordination. It comes from the regrouping of the delegation to regional planning and regional attractiveness (DATAR), the General Secretariat of the Interministerial Cities Committee (SGCIV) and the National Agency for Social Cohesion and Equality of the Equality chances (acsé). Closer to the field and in close relation with local authorities and regional and department prefects, it aims to reconnect …

Type: Public

136 64 83 57
Comité Grand Lille Comité Grand Lille

"The world is transformed ... and the big Lille?" »» The Grand Lille Committee was created in 1993. It brings together every two months at the Cité des Echanges more than 300 people in plenary assembly. He is at the origin of a certain number of major actions such as the candidacy of Lille at the Olympic Games or Lille European Capital of Culture in 2004. It is an informal assembly of actors involved in their activities whose ambition is to see this territory of the Lille urban area, being among the metropolises that will count tomorrow. It is a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

38 9 34 4
Cité des Échanges Cité des Échanges

The essential place of B-to-B events in the Hauts-de-France region Major place of events B-to-B in the Hauts-de-France region, the City of Echanges offers 3,000 m2 of modular spaces in the heart of a 7 hectare green park with a free 900 space parking . It welcomes a wide range of events all year round: seminars, congresses, conferences, forums, gala evenings, cocktails, dinners ... Located on the business campus & amp; Cited in the heart of the Lille metropolis, the city of Echanges turns out to be a unique place of connections for economic entrepreneurs and decision -makers. Organization of …

Type: Event

41 20 19 25
Open Atlas Open Atlas

Association à l'origine du réseau social citoyen : Une plateforme de communication entre citoyens qui appartient aux citoyens, avec une approche sérieuse, ouverte, collaborative avec les pouvoirs publics. Parce qu'on aimerait participer un peu plus dans notre ville, et que tous ensemble, nous ne faisons qu'un. Concrètement : Nous aimerions améliorer l'image de la ville, lui donner un visage humain En appliquant le système des réseaux sociaux du web à la collectivité Pour une ville aussi connectée que Facebook et aussi ouverte que Wikipedia Pour une réflexion publique et une intelligence collective Repenser la ville via la participation citoyenne …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

16 4 8 14
Boursorama Boursorama

The bank you want to recommend. Launched in 1998, Boursorama is a pioneering player and leader in Main activities: Bank and economic and financial information online. With a development centered around new customer expectations, simplicity and efficiency, but also safety and reduced costs, Boursorama comforts its major bank player in Europe each year. - Complementary and attractive trades in complete synergy - an ability to stay ahead of the consumer behavior, in a logic quality of service and customer satisfaction - an employer committed to the social and responsible level at the environmental scale, certified B Corp Bank, markets, and …

Type: Large company Activities: fintech

157 83 69 1,126
ASTS - Association Science Technologie Société ASTS - Association Science Technologie Société

Our pedagogy gives pride of place to games, discussion, and civic reflection! ASTS was created in 1981 to promote, from a cultural and humanist perspective, advances in science and technology to the general public by placing civic awareness and action at the center of its concerns. To this end, it has a youth and popular education accreditation, as well as civic service. Currently, within the framework of sustainable development and environmental justice, its mission is to question the issues that scientific developments, technological developments, and digital inclusion represent for society. Digital Mediation, Science and Society, Living Lab, Fab Lab, EPN, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

16 3 10 17
Nextcloud Nextcloud

The most popular self-hosted team collaboration solution. Regain control over your data. Nextcloud Enterprise offers the quickest and most seamless solutions to the combined need for security and ubiquitous access to data and collaboration technology. Our unique, on-premise solutions enable enterprises to regain control over their data and comply with GDPR and HIPAA regulations. The most popular self-hosted content collaboration platform combines the convenience and ease of use of consumer-grade solutions like Dropbox and Microsoft 365 with the security and control of business needs. With top-rated mobile, web, and desktop clients, users can access, sync, and share their data, use …

Type: Startup Activities: it services privacytech Technologies: Cybersecurity

16 7 5 106

Bring your ecological transition to life Do you want to engage your company in a CSR strategy? Adapt it to the impacts of climate change? Don't know where to start? Do you want to communicate without falling into greenwashing? I support you in 4 steps: - Raise awareness To understand environmental issues and their impact on your entity - Measure To know your starting point and your next steps in a concrete way - Act With concrete actions to reduce your environmental footprint, adapt, redirect your activity. - Promote Highlight your achievements internally and externally.

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

31 0 31 1
Agence du Service Civique Agence du Service Civique

#EnModeServiceCivique The Civic Service Agency ensures both the implementation of the Civic Service, a voluntary and compensated commitment of 6 to 12 months open to all young people aged 16 to 25, and up to 30 years for young people with disabilities, and, since 2016, the French version of the Youth & Sports components of the European Erasmus+ program and the European Solidarity Corps. commitment, solidarity, environment, culture, citizenship, education, health, sport, humanitarian, youth, volunteering, europe, international development, and civic service

Type: Public

110 44 65 828
ESS France (La Chambre française de l'économie sociale et solidaire) ESS France (La Chambre française de l'économie sociale et solidaire)

The French Chamber of the Social and Solidarity Economy is constituted as an association enjoying the legal capacity of associations recognized as being of public utility. This association is constituted by national organizations representing the different statutory forms of the social and solidarity economy, including commercial companies mentioned in 2° of II of Article 1, and by representatives of the regional chambers of the social and solidarity economy. (ESS Law 2014) RELATIONS PUBLIC AUTHORITIES and PROMOTION OF THE ESS

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

108 50 31 11
Social Good Accelerator (SOGA) Social Good Accelerator (SOGA)

European network for People, Planet and Social Tech The Social Good Accelerator (SOGA) is a Franco-European network head born in 2018. The objective of SOGA is to federate, promote and develop the digital ESS. Our network has more than 80 members and partners mainly in France but also in Belgium, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Romania.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

45 8 40 7

RASSEMBLEMENT NATIONAL is a civic & social organization company based out of 76 RUE DES SUISSES, Nanterre, Îledefrance, France.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

29 16 5 29

Launched on December 2006, France 24 is the new 24/7 international news channel. Its mission is to cover international current events from a French perspective and to convey French values throughout the world. France 24 is a true news hub that broadcasts its programs over the airwaves and over the internet - in French - in English - in Arabic France 24 gives a French perspective to international current events through diversity of opinions, debate and confrontation of viewpoints. The channel provides keys to understanding ever more complex events through in-depth analysis. France 24 puts also culture at the forefront …

Type: Media

127 74 45 1,511
WeTechCare WeTechCare

WeTechCare is an association that puts digital technology at the service of vulnerable people. At WeTechCare, we are convinced that digital technology can improve the situation of vulnerable people. Our actions aim to give everyone the means to benefit from digital opportunities and to create social action systems using the full potential of technology. To carry out this mission, we mobilize our expertise in project management, platform development, community animation, consulting, educational engineering and data management. In 5 years, more than 1 million people have been supported by our programs. Our goal is to reach five times more by 2025. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

61 5 60 4
CCI Grand Lille CCI Grand Lille

CCI Grand Lille is a management consulting company based out of PLACE DU THÉÂTRE - CS 60 359, Lille, France.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

81 23 53 1
Trousse à projets Trousse à projets

School in action The Trousse à Projets is a Public Interest Group created in 2017 at the initiative of the Ministry of National Education in partnership with the Central Office for Cooperation in Schools, the Canopé Network, Crédit Coopératif and the Endowment Fund for a Solidarity and Innovative School. Its purpose is to encourage and facilitate the implementation of educational and pedagogical projects, the opening of the school to its environment and the development of partnerships. Its activities are deployed for the benefit of students and school communities in public and private schools, middle schools and high schools under contract. …

Type: Public

52 15 47 13
La Quadrature du Net La Quadrature du Net

La Quadrature du Net is an advocacy group that promotes the rights and freedoms of citizens on the Internet. More specifically, it advocates for the adaptation of French and European legislations to respect the founding principles of the Internet, most notably the free circulation of knowledge. As such, La Quadrature du Net engages in public-policy debates concerning, for instance, freedom of speech, copyright, regulation of telecommunications and online privacy. In addition to its advocacy work, the group also aims to foster a better understanding of legislative processes among citizens. Through specific and pertinent information and tools, La Quadrature du Net …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

27 10 12 6
PS - Parti socialiste PS - Parti socialiste

🌹 For an ecological and social future! The French Socialist Party, at your service since May 4, 1969, for an ecological and social future.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

46 21 15 114
Universcience Universcience

National player in scientific, technical, industrial and innovation culture. Universcience, born from the merger of the Palais de la découverte and the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie, is the first French public institution dedicated to the dissemination and sharing of scientific, technical and industrial culture (CSTI) with the general public. The leading science center in Europe, it is also a major player in the influence of the CSTI outside our borders. Its interactive and fun approach offers to approach science and technology through discovery and questioning on the major issues of our world through diversified avenues: ▪ temporary or …

Type: Public

101 29 71 700

Collective Interest Cooperative - Solutions for Inclusion #APTIC is a cooperative society of collective interest (SCIC) approved by ESUS (social utility solidarity enterprise) and labeled Numérique Inclusif by the State. Our mission: to implement all social and digital innovations that can contribute directly and indirectly to: - Revealing the opportunities of digital technology - Facilitating the digital transition of citizens, organizations and territories, - And acting so that, as a priority, the most remote audiences can also benefit from it, or even be able to rely on digital technology as a lever for inclusion, integration and power to act. The …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

50 12 42 5
Radio France Internationale Radio France Internationale

The world and all its voices RFI (Radio France Internationale) is a French news and current affairs public radio station that broadcasts worldwide in French and in 13 other languages*. RFI is broadcast on 156 different FM frequencies, via medium and short wave relays, on 30 different satellite signals throughout the world and also on the internet and dedicated apps. RFI is also broadcast across the globe via more than 1000 partner radios. It draws on the expertise of its Paris-based editorial teams and unique global network of 400 correspondents to provide news bulletins and features offering listeners the means …

Type: Media

142 99 18 1,176
Ifri - Institut français des relations internationales Ifri - Institut français des relations internationales

Knowledge for action Ifri, the French Institute of International Relations, founded in 1979 on the model of Anglo-Saxon think thanks, is the principal institution for independent research and debate in France that is dedicated to the analysis of international affairs and global governance. Ifri’s policy-oriented research strives to illuminate international events and put them in perspective. It is primarily useful for political and economic decision-makers as well as academics, opinion leaders, and civil society representatives. According to the 2019 "GLOBAL GO TO THINK TANK REPORT"​ conducted by the University of Pennsylvania, Ifri ranks 2nd within the 100 most influential think …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: govtech

63 34 30 228
Département du Nord Département du Nord

For all Northerners, the Department is there! Doctor, engineer, guardian of sensitive natural areas, road operations agent, secretary, reception agent, architect, management controller, social worker, cultural mediator... More than 200 professions are practiced in the Nord Department, with one priority: proximity. The development of skills and support for the career paths of agents have led to a sharp increase in internal mobility with a better knowledge of professions and territories: 73% of agents carry out their activity in decentralized services.

Type: Public

70 35 39 2,768
Chut! Magazine Chut! Magazine

Chut! explores the impact of digital technology on our lives Chut! magazine is a quarterly paper magazine of 100 illustrated pages, which takes the time to observe the impact of digital technology on our lives. It is also a podcast channel Chut! Radio. In a context of infobesity and digital noise, we say "shush" to the effervescence of digital technology in order to better listen to the changes induced by technologies. Our society is changing profoundly. Connected objects, blockchain, transhumanism, artificial intelligence, uberization, behind the buzz words that cause a lot of ink to flow, there are changes in uses …

Type: Media

64 16 52 35
AÉSIO mutuelle AÉSIO mutuelle

This is today's mutual insurance With AÉSIO mutuelle, your career is in good hands. To always better protect the health of our members, we bring together talents and goodwill around our united and committed project, with the agility that makes our reputation and the strength of Aéma Groupe born from the merger of AÉSIO and MACIF. Today, 11 million members trust us, or one in six French people. So let's color the world with our own style and build together a future that suits us! Mutualist Union of Group, Insurance, Collaborative Economy, complementary health, provident insurance, and prevention

Type: Large company Activities: healthtech

87 27 41 2,260
GrandPalaisRmn GrandPalaisRmn

Official account of GrandPalaisRmn #GrandPalais In January 2024, the Réunion des musées nationaux – Grand Palais became GrandPalaisRmn. Under this new name, the cultural operator continues to carry out its mission: to promote access to culture throughout the national territory, and beyond. GrandPalaisRmn brings together excellent expertise in the artistic and cultural fields: production of exhibitions, reception of the public, mediation, art history courses, publishing, management of museum shops and publishing of cultural products, art workshops, photographic agency, acquisitions of works of art for national collections, cultural engineering, digital innovation... This expertise allows it to play a unique role in …

Type: Public

82 49 34 595
Mairie dElancourt Mairie dElancourt

Mairie dElancourt is a government administration company based out of France.

Type: Public

21 6 10 44
L'important L'important

#The essential info The info overflows everywhere, in a continuous flow that buzzes, pasteurizes, cuts and planes. From tweets from all over the world, L'Important only retains the important. L'important has a human and non-algorithmic approach to the info. L'important chooses. The important is the number of unemployed, the Arab revolutions, the new political and social representations, gender equality, the earth, secularism, Africa... everything that the zapping of the news erases and which are the keys to our future.

Type: Media

38 15 22 8

Let's build more inclusive and sustainable cities together! Les Co-citoyens is an association that works for the development and financing of citizen initiatives. Thanks to a digital platform and a local mutual aid community, our association helps people with citizen projects and/or social innovation to mobilize financial and human resources to carry out their actions. Our website: ! Our objectives: to democratize the practice of crowdfunding for citizen initiatives and to facilitate the ability of residents to act to build more sustainable and inclusive cities! pouvoir d'agir des habitants.e.s, financement participatif citoyen, and civic crowdfunding

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

14 1 12 1
La Nef, pour la banque éthique La Nef, pour la banque éthique

An ethical cooperative bank that brings together individuals and professionals to build a fairer and more sustainable society. Unique in France, Nef is a financial cooperative that offers savings and credit solutions geared towards projects with social, ecological and/or cultural utility. Created in 1988, it is approved and controlled by the ACPR, Prudential Control and Resolution Authority, as a Specialized Credit Institution. As proof of its commitment to transparency, Nef is the only French banking institution that reports on all financing carried out each year using money entrusted by its members and savers. Its mission is to provide its members …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

64 35 23 123
Centre de Recherche de la Gendarmerie Nationale (CRGN) Centre de Recherche de la Gendarmerie Nationale (CRGN)

The purpose of the research center of the National Gendarmerie Officers' School (CREOGN) is to guide and lead research in areas corresponding to the needs of the gendarmerie, in particular by ensuring the coherence of the work carried out within the institution with that of the various existing research centers in the areas of internal security and defense. Research, Events, Documentation, External Relations, and Gendarmerie

Type: Public

232 128 88 20
Usbek & Rica Usbek & Rica

The media that explores the future Usbek & Rica is the magazine that explores the future. It is a quarterly, sold in newsstands and bookstores, that aims to understand the world to come. We live in an era of the most rapid upheavals in human history, and we refuse to undergo them. The question that guides our choice of subjects and the way we treat them is simple: are current technological advances synonymous with human progress? To help us answer it, we call upon the freest scholars and the most curious journalists. Drawing on the characters of Usbek and Rica …

Type: Media

205 144 64 85
Cecile Cecile

Cecile is a company based out of 12 Marie-Curie-Str., Kerpen-Sindorf, Germany.

Type: SMB Activities: it services

16 5 13 14

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

24 18 4 1
Festival de Cannes Festival de Cannes

Toute l'actualité du 1er festival de cinéma au monde ! // Follow the news of the #1 film festival in the world! Le Festival de Cannes est aujourd’hui le rassemblement cinématographique le plus prestigieux et l’événement culturel le plus médiatisé au monde. The Festival de Cannes is now the world’s most prestigious film gathering, as well as its most widely publicised cultural event.

Type: Event

65 47 5 191
The White House The White House

The Golden Age of America Begins Right Now.

Type: Public

186 124 33 204

Working for peace, security and freedom for one billion people. #WeAreNATO Working for peace, security and freedom for one billion people. Official LinkedIn account of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. #NATO #WeAreNATO Comments posted by followers do not necessarily represent official opinion or policy of member governments, or of NATO. NATO is a military alliance established by the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty on 4 April 1949. NATO’s essential purpose is to safeguard the freedom and security of its members through political and military means. POLITICAL - NATO promotes democratic values and encourages consultation and cooperation on defence and …

Type: Public

50 31 10 8,537

Connecting research and researchers ORCID’s mission is to enable transparent and trustworthy connections between researchers, their contributions, and their affiliations by providing a unique, persistent identifier for individuals to use as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities. We do this by providing three important things: 1. The ORCID iD: a unique, persistent identifier free of charge to researchers 2. An ORCID record connected to the ORCID iD, and 3. A set of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), as well as the services and support of communities of practice that enable interoperability between an ORCID record and member organizations so …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

81 19 64 125
Hinaura Hinaura

Hinaura: Hub for #Digital Inclusion in Auvergne Rhone Alpes @BanqueDesTerritoires Hinaura is a response to the call for projects Hub France Connectée from Banque des Territoires. The consortium is made up of four associations from the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region: Agate, Fréquence écoles, La Ligue de l’Enseignement and Zoomacom. The publication of the 2018 digital barometer confirms it: the digital transformation of society requires an increase in the skills of the public and professionals. Not to mention that the fragmentation of digital mediation stakeholders and their compartmentalization is an obstacle to a massive increase in the skills of citizens and professionals. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

28 8 9 2
Valenciennes Métropole Valenciennes Métropole

Valenciennes Métropole is an urban community of 200,000 inhabitants in Hauts-de-France which includes 35 municipalities: Anzin, Artres, Aubry-du-Hainaut, Aulnoy-lez-Valenciennes, Beuvrages, Bruay-sur-l’Escaut, Condé-sur-l’Escaut, Crespin, Curgies, Estreux, Famars, Fresnes-sur-Escaut, Hergnies, Maing, Marly, Odomez, Onnaing, Petite-Forêt, Monchaux-sur-Ecaillon, Préseau, Prouvy, Quarouble, Quérénaing, Quiévrechain, Rombies-et-Marchipont, Rouvignies, Saint-Saulve, Saint-Aybert, Saultain, Sebourg, Thivencelle, Valenciennes, Verchain-Maugré, Vicq, Vieux-Condé. Valenciennes Métropole brings together 35 municipalities, 200,000 inhabitants, hosts nearly 80,000 jobs and more than 13,000 students. Since its creation, Valenciennes Métropole has been committed to innovating in the service of sectors of excellence (innovative and sustainable mobility, sustainable logistics and digital creation), to creating and promoting facilities and projects …

Type: Public Activities: transporttech

35 16 22 209
La Miel La Miel

Maison de l'Initiative Locale's mission is to provide the tools needed to create and develop very small businesses. An association created on the initiative of elected officials in 1998, La Miel, Maison de l'Initiative Economique Locale's mission is to provide, with the help of professionals, the tools needed to create and develop very small businesses (VSEs). It is aimed at project leaders and managers from the Plaine Commune area or wishing to set up there. Plaine Commune brings together nine towns in Seine-Saint-Denis: Aubervilliers, Épinay-sur-Seine, L'Île-Saint-Denis, La Courneuve, Pierrefitte-sur-Seine, Saint-Denis, Saint-Ouen, Stains and Villetaneuse. Thanks to the diversity of its …

Type: Public

18 2 12 18
La Porte du Hainaut La Porte du Hainaut

An innovative, dynamic area rich in industrial history, bringing together 47 municipalities in the heart of Hauts-de-France. LA PORTE DU HAINAUT, LAND OF CHARACTER ✨ La Porte du Hainaut is an urban community bringing together 47 municipalities in the heart of the Hauts-de-France region. One hour from Brussels and two hours from Paris and the coast, La Porte du Hainaut is a dynamic area, benefiting from real attractiveness and constantly growing economic development that also experiences a colorful festive activity, respecting traditions with a constant desire to invent. The municipalities of La Porte du Hainaut offer a real diversity of …

Type: Public

24 9 17 123
The French Digital Agency - Agence du Numérique (French Minister for the Economy and Finance) The French Digital Agency - Agence du Numérique (French Minister for the Economy and Finance)

Géré par les programmes France Très Haut Débit, France Mobile et Société Numérique de l'ANCTerritoires. Part of the Directorate General for Enterprise (DGE), which itselfreports to the Ministry for the Economy and Finance, The French Digital Agency is a “department with national scope”, an administrative category that, due to its specific tasks and unique organisation, differs from traditional, centralised departments. Created in 2015, the Agency’s initiatives are based on three main, complementary lines, including some that are already part of well-established public policies : • The French Very High-Speed Broadband Plan seeks to ensure that the entire country is covered …

Type: Public

55 16 37 24

MSNBC defines news for the next generation with world-class reporting and a full schedule of live news coverage, political analysis and award-winning documentary programming – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Visit us at

Type: Media

38 17 6 820

Facts matter AFP is a leading global news agency providing fast, comprehensive and verified coverage of the events shaping our world and of the issues affecting our daily lives. Drawing from an unparalleled news gathering network across 150 countries, AFP is also a world leader in digital verification. With 2,600 staff representing 100 different nationalities, AFP covers the world in six languages, with a unique quality of multimedia storytelling spanning video, text, photos and graphics. Journalism, Press, Media, Information, Video, International, News, Sports, Multimedia, Events, Photo, Graphics, Mobile solutions, Videographics, Online news, Live reports, Audio, Archive content, Ready-to-publish video, and …

Type: Media

203 89 98 5,658
Unis-Cite Unis-Cite

Pioneering and expert association in Civic Service - More than 12,000 young people mobilized per year throughout France The Unis-Cité association was born from this dream: that one day all young people in France would devote a stage of their life to the community, and that this civic experience would be a time of self-construction and openness to others in their differences. Since 1995, Unis-Cité has been both the pioneering and specialized association in Civic Service for young people. Unis-Cité inspired the law on Civic Service of March 2010 and has since shared its expertise to help generalize Civic Service …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

143 63 87 2,413
Ville de Trappes Ville de Trappes

Welcome to the official Linkedin account of the City of Trappes • 33,000 inhabitants Located in the heart of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, the 2nd economic hub in western Paris, and within the perimeter of the Paris-Saclay National Interest Operation, Trappes is a city undergoing major changes with major urban renovation programs, a diversified housing policy, increased economic attractiveness and quality public services. 30 minutes from Paris and with a strong public transport network, Trappes has a young population (63% of the population under 40), talented and determined to make its projects a reality. A former fortified medieval city, partly a royal domain …

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

29 14 15 146

All the news on TNT channel 16, but also on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn With its digital offer and its mobile applications, CNEWS is accessible all the time throughout the territory. This digital offer offers all the news in real time, an in-depth analysis of the information with a resolutely visual, graphic approach that makes its use simple and intuitive.

Type: Media Activities: it services

143 101 11 284
CyberTaskForce CyberTaskForce

High-level group on cyberspace security challenges. Private initiative funded by French cyber SMEs. The CyberTaskForce is a private sector initiative. This operational task force is projected in France and Europe to support the digital transformation of society. This task force is an agile tool for mobilizing high-level decision-makers and involving those who have not yet integrated the new threats. It strengthens the operational and productive dialogue between public and private stakeholders, all impacted by cyber. The work program is not designed as a discussion platform, an information cycle or a prospective think tank. It has a targeted objective, a defined …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

70 6 64 5
Google Ateliers Numériques Google Ateliers Numériques

Every day, free and accessible training, online and in person throughout France For more than 12 years, the Google Digital Workshops program has offered a range of free training courses accessible to all. The objective: to support SMEs, entrepreneurs, students and job seekers in the development of their business and their digital skills. In order to promote access to employment in the digital sector, we recently launched the Google Career Certificates: five professional training courses accessible to all, flexible and 100% online. Where and how to train? 🔴 On our Youtube channel through replays on different themes given by our …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech Technologies: SaaS

69 40 31 120
Level Up Cluster Level Up Cluster

Making Digital an Opportunity Launched on October 1, 2017. Level Up Cluster is the 1st Digital ACI of Hauts de France. Level Up Cluster is a creative agency whose activity, based on the production of digital services, has the particularity of being entrusted to audiences in professional integration courses. Level Up Cluster supports you on all your projects ➡️ Level Up Création: creation of communication media, applications and professional websites for companies and communities of all sizes, whatever the sector of activity. Level Up Conseil et stratégie: support for the implementation of an effective digital communication strategy. Level Up Cluster …

Type: SMB Activities: martech

9 2 3 14
World Forum for a Responsible Economy World Forum for a Responsible Economy

#WFRE24 | 26-27 NOV 2024 📍CITÉS DES ÉCHANGES | OFFBEAT ⏩ The World Forum for a Responsible Economy Initiated by Philippe Vasseur, former French Minister, and presided by Jean-Pierre Letartre, the World Forum is a cycle of international events in which the objective is to make known the "best practices"​ of companies of all sizes who do business in a responsible way. Spreading these examples and making them contagious is the objective of this forum organised each year near Lille, France by the Réseau Alliances network. More information : CSR, responsible economy, responsible company, best practices, sustainable development, and …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

51 22 34 3

Première radio Jazz de France // First national French Jazz radio station ! TSFJAZZ is a broadcast media company based out of 20, Boulevard Poissonnière, Paris, Île-de-France, France.

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

39 14 21 29
Framasoft Framasoft

Changing the world, one byte at a time. The road is long but the path is clear. Framasoft is an association for popular education on digital issues and cultural commons that leads, continues and participates in many actions aimed at facilitating emancipation through digital technology. The projects led by the association are driven by a desire to promote digital freedoms. Indeed, respecting the fundamental freedoms of users, guaranteed by legal contracts (free licenses), ensures that everyone remains in control of their digital tools. In this sense, the association leads many projects: - hosting free online services for all Internet users: …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

37 14 17 13
Les Plombiers du Numérique Les Plombiers du Numérique

Digital is recruiting, the digital plumbers' school trains you! We build short and applied training courses allowing the large-scale integration of young people who have dropped out of school into the world of digital infrastructures: deployment of optical fiber, hosting and networks... Training, Network, Fiber, Datacenter, and Insertion

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

28 4 22 70
Sparknews Sparknews

Bringing forth new narratives to accelerate the shift towards a society based on respect for planetary boundaries Our purpose: bringing forth new narratives to accelerate the shift towards a society based on respect for planetary boundaries and social justice. This requires a profound transformation - a cultural transformation - of all actors in society. Sparknews is therefore developing an activity on 2 scales: The cultural transformation of the general public by raising awareness of the major issues of the ecological and social transition among those who participate in shaping our imaginations: the media, artists and influencers. The cultural transformation of …

Type: Media

173 46 152 20
Reconnect Reconnect

Digital technology for inclusion and social action Reconnect is a non-profit association whose mission is to facilitate the progression of social integration pathways while simplifying support for professionals. We are convinced that social action and digital technology benefit from working more together to enable the social and digital inclusion of vulnerable populations. Since 2015, we have been committed to beneficiaries and professionals in social action, by developing digital tools and services to meet their needs: the Digital Safe, the Pro Solution, and digital mediation. An association of the SOS Group.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

83 19 75 88
GreenFlex GreenFlex

Changing course towards a regenerative economy Since 2009, GreenFlex has been a key partner in the energy, environmental and societal transformation of organizations, enabling them to change their trajectory towards an economy that creates and preserves more than it destroys. Thanks to a multi-expertise model combining consulting, operational support, digital and financing tools, GreenFlex accelerates the transformation of its 800 clients and supports them from the design of their roadmaps to their operational implementation and monitoring over time. GreenFlex's teams combine their expertise to meet the challenges of sustainable development, decarbonization and energy efficiency and enable companies and regions to …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting civictech cleantech greentech transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization Solar Technologies

88 38 53 430
Présidence de la République Présidence de la République

The President of the French Republic embodies the authority of the State. He is the Head of State in France, the head of the armed forces and the guarantor of the Constitution of the Fifth Republic. Since May 14, 2017, the President of the French Republic is Emmanuel Macron. The President has been elected by direct universal suffrage since 1965 for a 5-year term. His role is to ensure the normal functioning of public authorities and the continuity of the State. He is also the guarantor of national independence, territorial integrity and respect for treaties.

Type: Public

389 288 41 1,571
POP School POP School

POP School is a social impact organization that offers training in digital professions. Since our creation in 2015, we have been working at the heart of the economic and social development of territories, thanks to the creation of new activities capable of meeting the needs of training and integration in the digital field. At POP School we believe that agile and responsible training is essential to support the development of territories and its actors in the digital transition. social innovation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

51 11 42 127
Politis Politis

The independent, free and committed weekly because well-informed citizens make a healthy democracy Politics - Ecology - Society - Ideas - Culture The only 100% independent general weekly in France. Politis offers several ways to get informed: - In paper format: 52 issues per year, or 46 paper issues including 2 specials. And also 2 special issues. All issues are available on our store: - In digital format: On, daily articles with free access, more than 40,000 articles. PLEASE NOTE: The Politis Weekly is currently only distributed to newsagents 4 times a year. To get it, order your …

Type: Media

24 10 23 63
INRAE Occitanie-Toulouse INRAE Occitanie-Toulouse

Meeting the challenges: agroecological transition, climate change, bioeconomy, health & sustainable food With nearly 2,000 researchers, engineers and technicians, the INRAE ​​Occitanie-Toulouse center, open to innovation, is a place of multidisciplinary scientific activities, biology, biotechnologies, agronomy, plant and animal sciences, health management, economic, social and information sciences. The teams organize their research activities in response to three major challenges: • more sustainable agricultural and forestry systems adapted to climate change. • integrated health management (animal and human), for healthy food and respect for the environment. • new sectors for processing agro-resources for the emergence of a territorialized bioeconomy. Find us …

Type: Public Activities: agritech cleantech greentech healthtech

143 47 98 165

The #1 Magazine for Connected and Innovative Objects for Professionals | hightech | guide | business | IOT is the essential BtoB magazine for IOT, Smart City, Industry 4.0, e-health and technological innovations for professionals. 💻 It is the reference journal for high-tech business news. More than 400,000 readers / monthly More than 20,000 subscribers to our newsletter ✉️. To find out more, join us on⬅️ Media, Consulting, Events, Training, Internet Of Things, Connected Objects, e-health, Technology, analysis, market research, industry 4.0, smart-city, business, IOT platform, and ecosystem

Type: Media

21 11 6 4
Luka Luka

Luka is a private company building consumer AI technology, including Replika app available on Apple App Store (

Type: Startup Activities: it services

7 4 3 37
Tygodnik Solidarność Tygodnik Solidarność

The oldest weekly opinion magazine in Poland. Social, employee, and union issues. The Solidarność weekly is the first independent weekly opinion magazine in Poland. It presents, with particular attention, the situation on the Polish labor market, the status of employees in Poland, problems in enterprises, and violations of employee rights. Labor law, Labor market, Collective agreements, Trade unions, Human resources, Employee rights, HR, Politics, Economy, and Media

Type: Media

17 2 14 9
Thunderbird Project Thunderbird Project

Free & open-source email software and productivity solutions for managing your personal and professional communications. Thunderbird is the leading free and open-source email, calendaring, newsfeed, and chat client with more than 20 million active monthly users across Windows, macOS, and Linux. One of Thunderbird's core principles is the use and promotion of open and decentralized standards. Thunderbird is part of MZLA Technologies Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Mozilla Foundation. Email, Telecommunications, Calendaring, Encrypted Email, and Productivity

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

4 1 3 25
Publons Publons

Enabling researchers to show a more complete record of their impact as an author, journal editor, and peer reviewer Publons enables researchers to track and demonstrate a more complete record of their impact as a cited author, journal editor, and peer reviewer, in one place Join over 530,000 experts and create a free Publons profile to get: - All your publications, easily imported from Web of Science, ORCID, or your bibliographic reference managers (e.g. EndNote or Mendeley) - Trusted citation metrics, automatically imported from the Web of Science - Your verified peer review and journal editing history, powered by partnerships …

Type: Media

71 35 32 92
Hub Bretagne Pour un Numérique Inclusif Hub Bretagne Pour un Numérique Inclusif

The Brittany Hub for inclusive digital technology is a territorial network commissioned by the ANCT to lead, structure and support the digital inclusion ecosystem in Brittany. It is operationally supported by the Federation of Social Centres of Brittany. Its governance is shared between the operational leader and the consortium's member partners, namely the Brittany Region, the Regional Prefecture (SGAR), Rennes Métropole and the Departmental Councils of Côtes d'Armor and Ille et Vilaine.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

9 4 5 1
NetSuite NetSuite

Business Grows Here Founded in 1998, Oracle NetSuite is the world’s first cloud company. For more than 25 years, NetSuite has helped businesses gain the visibility, control and agility to build and grow a successful business. First focused on financials and ERP, we now provide an integrated system that also includes inventory management, HR, professional services automation and omnichannel commerce, used by more than 41,000 customers in 219 countries and dependent territories. Global Business Applications, SaaS, Cloud Computing, On-demand, Platform, ERP, CRM, Marketing Automation, PSA, Financial Software, SaaS Business Software, and Ecommerce

Type: Large company

33 9 19 19,715

VICE News is a multi-Emmy Award and Peabody-winning content unit within VICE Media. We exist to offer an alternative to the predictable. Our audience trusts our voice to report the unvarnished truth – no matter where it takes us. We produce long-form documentaries, television shows, and digital content.

Type: Media

49 18 12 1,921
Decidim Decidim

Free Open-Source participatory democracy for cities and organizations Decidim is a digital platform for citizen participation. Free and safe technology. With all democratic guarantees. Reprogramming democracy is now possible with Decidim. Participatory democracy, open source, and e-goverment

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

4 2 1 11
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

Defend Today, Secure Tomorrow We lead the National effort to understand, manage, and reduce risk to our cyber and physical infrastructure. Our multi-faceted mission is home to more than 15 career fields including business administration, cybersecurity, program management, communications, data science. We play a vital role in protecting the homeland. Please visit our official website ( to learn how you can contribute to our mission. Review our full Comment Policy: Review DHS LinkedIn Privacy Policy:

Type: Public

45 17 11 1,874
Embassy of France in the United States Embassy of France in the United States

Official page of the French Embassy in the U.S. Together with our 10 Consulates, we represent France in the USA. The French Embassy in Washington, D.C., together with the 10 Consulates General in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York, San Francisco and Washington, represent the government of France in the United States.

Type: Public

53 21 29 266
Audaxis Audaxis

Implementation of Cloud and Open Source ERP solutions, development of custom management applications. Experts in digital technologies for nearly 20 years, we select the best-suited products to support our customers in an effective digital transition. Audaxis wishes to be your strategic partner for your projects in: - Cloud Business Solutions, around NetSuite, the world leader in Cloud ERP - Data Intelligence, thanks to our skills in Big Data, data governance and predictive analysis with Talend and Jaspersoft BI solutions - Web & Mobile Solutions, on Drupal, and IOS and Android mobile applications - Open Source ERP Solutions, on Compiere We …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

5 2 3 101
Colab Projects Group, Inc. Colab Projects Group, Inc.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture

5 1 4 7
Visegrad24 Visegrad24

News, politics, current affairs, history and culture from the Visegrad countries. 🇨🇿🇭🇺🇵🇱🇸🇰 Aggregating and curating news, politics and current affairs. #BTC

Type: Media

4 3 1 1
Exploratorium Exploratorium

Museum of Art, Science & Human Perception The Exploratorium is a public learning laboratory where you can explore the world through science, art, and human perception. Our world-renowned science museum offers 700+ interactive exhibits designed to ignite curiosity and foster exploration. Founded in 1969 by Dr. Frank Oppenheimer, our mission is to create inquiry-based experiences that transform learning worldwide. We envision a world where people think for themselves and can confidently ask questions, question answers, and understand the world around them. Dedicated to education reform in and out of the classroom, the Exploratorium is a premier professional development center for …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech entertainment

5 1 3 595
Adobe Marketo Adobe Marketo

Adobe Marketo Engage orchestrates unforgettable experiences at every step of the B2B buying journey Adobe Marketo Engage offers the leading Engagement Platform that empowers marketers to build brand value, grow revenue, and prove impact. Consistently recognized as the industry’s innovation pioneer, Adobe Marketo Engage is the trusted platform for thousands of CMOs thanks to its scalability, reliability, and openness. To learn more about the Adobe Marketo Engage platform, LaunchPoint® partner ecosystem, and the vast community that is the Marketing Nation®, visit lead management, lead nurturing, marketing automation, demand generation, revenue performance management, social marketing, engagement marketing, and lead management

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: SaaS

13 2 12 738
Amnesty International USA Amnesty International USA

Amnesty International is a global movement of people fighting injustice and promoting human rights. We work to protect people wherever justice, freedom, truth and dignity are denied. Currently the world’s largest grassroots human rights organization, we investigate and expose abuses, educate and mobilize the public, and help transform societies to create a safer, more just world. We received the Nobel Peace Prize for our life-saving work. Amnesty International USA is the US National section of Amnesty International.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

19 5 9 319